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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

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Ghanima Yasmaniar (a*), Suryo Prakoso (a), Ratnayu Sitaresmi (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ghanima Yasmaniar

a) Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Trisakti
Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1, Jakarta Barat 11440, Indonesia

Permeability is an important reservoir property but is difficult to predict. Accurate measurement of permeability values can be obtained from core data analysis. However, this analysis is not possible to do at all interval wells in the field, so that permeability information becomes incomplete. Then, the use of artificial neural network methods can be an alternative to predict the incomplete permeability value. This study used 191 of sandstone core samples from Upper Cibulakan Formation in the North West Java Basin. These core data were used to determine hydraulic flow unit (HFU) from the reservoir, and to obtain a relationship between porosity and permeability for each HFU. The application of artificial neural network method is done by building a database of flow zone indicator (FZI) based on its relationship with log data. From this FZI value, the HFU class can be known. Afterward, the permeability value can be obtained according to the equation of the relationship between porosity and permeability at each HFU that had been generated. Based on this study, the result of permeability value is not much different from core data at the same depth, so that this method can be applied to obtain the permeability in uncored intervals.

Permeability; Artificial Neural Network; Hydraulic Flow Unit, Flow Zone Indicator

Industry Engineering


Application Of Augmented Reality Technology In Biological Learning
Dedi Sulistyo 1, Rendi Erwinsah2*, Muhammad Yusup3

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Dedi Sulistyo


The writing of this paper aims to introduce Augmented Reality technology to the world of education in schools in Indonesia precisely in Biology learning. Previously there have been several studies discussing the application of Augmented Reality technology to the world of learning but the object of research that was studied was too broad, while the research that the author did was more focused on learning biology. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive research method by giving questions in the form of questionnaires to 50 respondents. Augment Reality technology in its application to Biology learning is expected to contribute innovation and add variations in existing learning media before, from the results of research conducted, it was found that Augmented Reality technology received many positive responses in its application to the world of education. Augmented Reality can be made using some software that is used such as 3D Blender, Unity and other supporting software. With the application of Augmented Reality technology in the world of education is expected to be able to add learning methods to be more interactive and interesting.

Augmented Reality, Biological Learning, Technology

Computer Science


Application of biochar and compost to changes in physical and chemical properties of soil and corn yield on dry land
I Gusti Lanang Agung Alit Adi Putra, Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang *, Made Sri Yuliartini, and I Gusti Bagus Udayana

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Corresponding Author
Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang

Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University, Jl. Terompong 24 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar-Bali, 80235, Indonesia
* Email: ypsitumeang63[at]

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of biochar and compost fertilizer and their interactions on changes in the physical and chemical properties of soil and corn yields on dry land. This experiment used a randomized block design with factorial patterns. The treatment consists of two factors, namely: the dose of biochar and compost. The first factor, the dose of biochar consists of 4 levels, namely: 0 tons ha-1, 5 tons ha-1, 10 tons ha-1, 15 tons ha-1. The second factor, the compost dosage consisted of 2 levels: 0 tons ha-1 and 20 tons ha-1. The highest dry shelled seed per ha was obtained from the treatment of 10 tons ha-1 biochar which was 9.21 tons which increased by 35.56% compared to the lowest dry shelled seed per ha obtained from the treatment without biochar which was 6.79 tons . The treatment of compost doses of 20 tons ha-1 gave the highest value of dry shelled beans per ha, which was 8.73 tons, increasing by 16.58% compared to the lowest yield of dry shelled seeds per ha, which was 7.49 tons in the treatment without compost.

bamboo biochar, compost, soil physical and chemical properties, corn plants




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Corresponding Author
Prayekti Prayekti

Lecturer of Universitas terbuka

Purpose of this study is to increase student knowledge of x-rays in order to make it easier for students to work on the questions at the end of the semester exam and this knowledge is used in carrying out physics learning in high school. The study sample was 40 Physics Education students at Center-Surabaya who were taking PEFI4421 Atomic Physics courses. The treatment is given to students in the form of conducting face-to-face tutorials that discuss x-rays by applying blended mode and online. Students are given questions to pretend and each student brings a laptop to be able to see the learning video provided by the lecturer from the University of Jember. At the end of the tutorail activity students are given a posttest. The final semester exam results for students are better than before in the 2018.1 semester, averaging 5.72 and in the 2018.2 semester it increases to 7.21. So the advice given even though the learning system applied by Open University is distance learning, then as one of the learning assistance given to students in the form of face-to-face tutorials with blended mode and online in face-to-face tutorial activities. As one of the innovations in learning physics.

Face-to-face tutorials, Atomic Physics, blended, online



Dindin Syahyudin, Deni Darmawan, Aceng Cucu Bunyamin, Doni Heryana

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Dindin Syahyudin

Magister of Educational Technologi, Insitut Pendidikan Indonesia (IPI)-Garut

The research was backed by the lack of student-s ability in mastering grammar in English, it is characterized by students who got 67 is low ability students in mastering the concept of due to the learning process that lasted still centered on the teacher where learning emphasizes students for memorization, so it does not give occasion on the kids to construct knowledge itself through experience of learning. This research tried to apply Digital Instructional Technology to grammar in simple past tense. The purpose of this research was to improve student- grammar by applying it in the eleven grade in SMAN 3 GARUT. The method used was a Pure Experimental. The subject of research is 36 people. This was indicated from the passing percentage on each cycle for which 72 % of passing percentage at first cycle and 88% at second cycle. Based on it there are some suggestions , that is the teacher should examine the stages of the method, try to implement a model for other materials, and be resourceful in regulating the time in applying the methode.

Digital Instructional Technology Model, Mastery of the material, simple past ten

Information Engineering


Application of Green Chemical Concepts in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) Surfactant from Bagasse
Rini Setiati1*, Septoratno Siregar2, Deana Wahyuningrum3, Ayu Listyani4

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Corresponding Author

1Petroleum Engineering, FTKE, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
2 Petroleum Engineering, FTTM, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
3,4 Chemistry, FMIPA, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

Green chemical is the designing of products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances. Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate (SLS) Surfactant can be processed from bagasse, waste of sugar cane. The aim of this study is to show that sodium lignosulfonate surfactant (SLS) can be made from bagasse using the Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis (MAOS) with the concept of green chemistry. Bagasse processing becomes SLS with hydrolysis and sulfonation process using microwave radiation. The process is closed system, for 1 hour, with a microwave power of 300 watts at 80oC. The process is using Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis (MAOS) which is equipped with chemical flask and condenser. Reagents are used fairly in small concentrations, 2% NaOH and 0.1 M sodium bisulfite. The result of synthesized SLS from bagasse is brown powder. The synthesized SLS product using Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis has been tested with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), consisting of Alkene, Sulfonate, Carboxylic Acids and Ester. This composition is similar to the composition of the commercial SLS standard which petroleum based, so it qualifies for surfactant injection in the EOR process. Green Chemical concepts can be applied in the Synthesis of Sodium Lignosulfonate Surfactant using Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis.

bagasse, green chemical, microwave, synthesized surfactant



Application of K-Medoids Clustering Method for Grouping Corn Plants Based on Productivity, Production, and Area of Land in East Java
Dimas Wahyu Wibowo (1), Yoppy Yunhasnawa (1), Awan Setiawan(2), Erfan Rohadi (1), Mokhamad Khamdan Khabibi (1)

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Corresponding Author
Mokhamad Khamdan Khabibi

(1) Informatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang 65141, Indonesia
(2) Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 9, Malang 65141, Indonesia

Corn plants has an important role in compliance national and international food needs after rice and wheat. According to Ir. Pending Dadih Permana, Director General of Food Infrastructure and Facilities (PSP) of the Ministry of Agriculture, East Java is one of province that the biggest corn producers in Indonesia. But it still can not supply the increasing market needs in Indonesia. Therefor, it requeres a grouping corn plants based on produktivity, production, and area of land in East Java in order to increase level of procurement of corn plants in East Java. In process of grouping, it use K-Medoids algorithm. K-Medoids algorithm as known as Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), which is varians of K-Means method. This is based on the use of medoids, not from observation of mean that owned by each cluster, with purpose reduce the sensitivity of partitions due to the extreme values in the dataset. This algorithm is an algorithm that can produce data that is not sensitive to outliers because one of object with some big value. These deviations can occur from data distribution. Based on the result of grouping corn plants based on productivity, production, and area of land which has been done, there are 3 clusters with at most 21 members, and at least 8 members. From this research, it can concluded that K-Medoids algorithm can help determine potential of the location of corn producing plants in East Java.

Corn; Clustering; K-Medoids; Productivity; Production; Area

Computer and Communication Engineering


Application of Killer Yeast Derived from Phylloplane Bintaro Leaf as a Biocontrol Agent for Destructive Molds in Postharvest Fruits on Malang Apple
Dalia Sukmawati1,2, Andisa Shabrina1, Iman Hidayat3, * Hesham El Enshasy4,5

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Corresponding Author
Dalia Sukmawati

1) Biology Department, 9th Floor Hasyim Ashari Building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
2) Universitas Negeri Culture Collection, 9th Floor Hasyim Ashari Building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
3) Microbiology Division, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Indonesia.
4) Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81130 UTM, Skudai, Malaysia
5) Department of Bioprocess and Polymer Engineering, School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

Mold is one of causal agents of postharvest diseases in apples. These include Aspergillus sp., Penicilium expansum, Botrytis cinerea, and Venturia sp. Fungicide application in controlling postharvest diseases causing several problems such as fungal resistance, environmental pollution and health. Therefore, it is important to seek alternative solution which is safe to human and environment, such as biocontrol. The aims of this study were to examine biocontrol activity of yeast isolated from bintaro leaves in inhibiting the growth of fungal postharvest diseases in apples and to determine the identity of these yeasts by using molecular phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequencing from the ITS rDNA region. Samples of apples were collected from Perumnas Traditional Market, Klender, East Jakarta. Isolation was done by using direct isolation techniques. A total of 18 fungal isolates have been isolated from symptomatic apples. Pathogenicity assay showed that A. brasiliensis sensu lato strain A1 (KP value 100%; KeP 50%) and A. flavus sensu lato strain A17 (KP value 100%; KeP 31.25%) exhibit highest activity in deleterious apple fruits. Rhodotorula mucilaginosa strain T1 and two isolates of Aureobasidium c.f. pullulans (strain T3 and T4) showed highest antagonism activity against the fungal pathogens. Biocontrol assay showed that yeast isolates were capable to reduce the growth of A. brasiliensis and isolates T1 and T3 were capable to reduce the growth of A. flavus.

Apple, Aureobasidium pullulans, biocontrol, fungi, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa



Application of Lake Sludge and Natural Phosphate on Spinach Plant Cultivation (Amaranthus tricolor L.)
Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika (a*), I Gusti Made Arjana (a), Evaristus Odi Nango (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika

a Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Indonesia
* Email: gusmahardika62[at]

Lake sludge and natural phosphate can be applied to the cultivation of various plants, but have not been applied to spinach cultivation. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of Lake Sludge dosage and Natural Phosphate dosage on growth and yield of unripe spinach. The experimental method with factorial RCBD used on this research. The results showed that the interaction between treatment of Lake Sludge (D) and Natural Phosphate (P) dosages had no significant effect on all observed variables. The Lake sludge dose of 150 g per polybag gives total oven dry weight per plant of 8.07 g or 61.1% higher compared to a dose of 0 g per polybag (D0). Natural Phosphate treatment has a very significant effect on the total oven dry weight variables per plant. Natural Phosphate doses of 40 g per polybag provide total oven dry weight per plant of 7.31 g or 39.5% higher than a dose of without Natural Phosphate (P0). Both of the regression analysis between the dosages of Lake Sludge and Natural Phosphate with total oven dry weight per plant there is a linear relationship.

Lake Sludge; Natural Phosphate; spinach



Application of Long-term Renewable Energy Technology for Nature Balance
Dedi Sulistyo1*, Pahrul Maulana2, Muhammad Yusup3

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Corresponding Author
Dedi Sulistyo


The purpose of this study is to identify the development of renewable energy technologies in the world, especially Indonesia for the future. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, namely by presenting a complete picture of the situation associated with seeing the developments that have been applied. The result of this study is to find out the extent of developments in the clean energy and renewable energy sectors, as well as the importance of the environment and natural balance in aspects. This research was conducted by discussing the development of technology that is applied as a producer of clean energy that does not have a bad impact on the surrounding environment.

Rewenable Energy, Technology, nature

Computer Science


Application of Physical Tests Development Model for All Sports at PPLPD Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatera
Hartati, Ahmad Richard Victorian, Silvi Aryanti, Destriana, Destriani

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Hartati Hartati

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sriwijaya


Physical activity carried out by exercising can be beneficial to improve the quality of life, health and fitness, all the sport activity can be controlled with a physical test application. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid, physical, practical and effective sports test application product that was carried out in the PPLPD Musi Banyuasin. This method is research and development in the framework of analyzing, designing, validating by media experts and physical trainers, improving design, conducting trials on small groups of athletes, revising physical test application products, revising large group test results, and finally analyzing products end. The results of the analysis of the influence between the level of physical activity and fitness showed that categorized as the right test and measurement tool. This can be seen from the results of the physical examiners assessment, namely 81.6%, 91% computer experts and based on the results of field trials, namely 91.5%, with the help of a physical test application , its easier to assess and control sports. The implications of the product are physical test applications that can be used for all sports and can be used to find the results of the training program.

physical test, development model, application

Sport Science and Technology


Arantia Hillary Sunardi, Rini Setiati , Samsol

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Petroleum Engineering Departement , FTKE, Universitas Trisakti , Jakarta

The wells analyzed in this Final Project are the A-1 well, T field. Reservoir in this field is gas reservoir with sandstone rock formation, so one of the problems in Field T is the sand problem. Due to the sand problem on well A-1, well test analysis must be done first, to see if there is any damage to the formation if the flow rate is increased.Identification of formation damage in a well can be done by doing Pressure Buildup test. The method used is pressure build up test by Horner method which is done manually and Pressure Derivative with Saphire software v.3.20. The determination of deliverability test was conducted by conventional methods C and n. Given the results of the analysis, the permeability value remains, the value of the skin decreased, and Initial Pressure also decreased. From the results of the tests, there were no significant changes, indicating no formationdamage. The results of the deliverability tests in 2017 decreased, due to initial pressure decrease. Based on the results of well testing, there is no formation damage, so the flow rate can still be increased according to the IPR curve.

Deliverability, Horner, IPR curve, Pressure Build up, Well testing

Material Engineering


Gede Yohanes Arygunartha, S.Pd., M.Pd FIS, Dr. Ir. Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang, M.Si

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Gede Yohanes Arygunartha, S.Pd., M.Pd FIS Anes

Warmadewa University
Jalan Terompong 24 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar,

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes and scientific performance of physics. This research is a classroom action research. Subject from this study were students of class XI odd school year 2018/2019 as many as 19 male students. This research implemented in two cycles with each cycle stage consisting of planning, action, observation / evaluation, and reflection. The results of this study indicate that 1) there is an increase in students scientific performance. In the first cycle the average value of performance the scientific achievement of students is 77.37 with a fairly high category, while at the second cycle increased to 87.90 with a very high category, 2) an increase student physics learning outcomes. In the first cycle the average value of physics learning outcomes is achieved students are 73.00 while in cycle II it increases to 77.50. Research This class action is categorized as successful because it has reached the level of completeness amounting to 94.7%

Learning model of Contextual Teaching and Learning, Learning Outcomes, Scientific Performance.



Application of the principle of hydraulic cranes on the conductivity tester
Ida Farida, Rosita kheiriah, Sari, Ferli Septi Irwansyah

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Ida Farida

Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Crane equipment with hydraulic power is widely used to lift heavy loads at construction sites. The working principle of hydraulic cranes that utilizes the nature of the pressure of the liquid in the hydraulic pump according to Pascals Law. The working principle of the hydraulic pump has been applied to design a solution of electrical conductivity test equipment. The hydraulic system of a large device has been modified using tools and materials that are easily available in everyday life. The design of the electrical conductivity test equipment is composed of: a hydraulic pump made from used injection hydraulic hose and hydraulic fluid. When the hydraulic pump is given pressure, the fluid (colored liquid) will continue the pressure through the hydraulic hose to the hydraulic working cylinder, so that the crane connected to the two electrodes can move. As a current source, Powerbank circuits are used with a USB (Universal Seral Bus) cable and 5 Watt LED lights for conductivity indicators. Miniature props with hydraulic working principles are expected to provide new experiences in the electrical conductivity tests of solutions so that the chemical learning process is more fun for students.

hydraulic cranes, conductivity tester, Chemistry learning.



Deni Mudian (a*), Moch. Asmawi (b), Taufik Rihatno (c)

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Corresponding Author

a) Sport Education, School of Posttgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Jln. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220

b)Lecture Sport Education, School of Posttgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Jln. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220

c) Lecture Sport Education, School of Posttgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Jln. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220

The purpose of this study is to know the whether the application of psychological skills training methods such as relaxation exercises, imagery, and relaxation-imagery can enhance a significant effect on improvement referee performance in leading a football match. This Research conducted on the referee PSSI Subang, and method in research is an experimental method and the design of two control one experimental group pretest-posttest design. Instruments to collect in this study is the referee assessment form. This assessment form is an official form issued by FIFA and is used by the PSSI to measure the performance of the referee in a football game lead. The result of the test shows that method of psychological skills training such as relaxation exercises has significant influence on performance of the referee in a football game lead, psychological skills training methods such as imagery exercises significant influence on the performance of the referee in a football game lead, psychological skills training methods such as relaxation exercises -imagery significant influence on the performance of the referee in a football game lead, and psychological skills training methods of relaxation-imagery has more significant influence on the performance of the referee in a football game lead. Suggestions for PSSI and the referee commission, in order to provide psychological skills training in every session, because the psychological skills training is crucial to improve the performance of the referee in a football game lead.

Psychological Skill Training Method, referee, performance

Sport Science and Technology


Arcade Game Development using Multimedia Life Cycle Development
Eri Satria, Mochamad Syarif Hidayat, Sherine Valentine Margaretha, Risya Aprisya Lestari, Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

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Corresponding Author
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Indonesia

Information technology has a lot of influence on world society. The use of Android-based mobile makes it easier for people to play games in anywhere. There are many types of games genre. One of the genre is arcade games. Arcade games are a type of game that is quite attractive to users and game developers. So that the development of this arcade game is considered suitable with the needs of the wider community. The development of this genre is for entertain users and have simple obstacles or rules that are quite difficult to complete, and practice people more concentration and creativity. In this study, Multimedia Development Life Cycle which developed by Luther are used to solve the development process of arcade game method. It consists of Concept stages, Design, Collecting Content Material, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution. The implementation are done with Construct 2 platform which is a powerful and intuitive games editor. The development of this game is expected to be a prototype arcade games that can be used to entertain users and build their creativity from playing games.

Android, Arcade Games, Multimedia Development Life Cycle, Prototype

Computer Science


Archimedes Law Simulation For Physics Learning Media
D.D. Bhakti(1.1*), A. Ismail(1.2) , I. Nasrulloh(1.3), P. Sidiq(2) , Y. Nugraha(3)

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Corresponding Author
Demmy Dharma Bhakti

(1.1*) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(1.2) Department of physics education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(1.3) Department of information technology education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia

(2) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(3) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Students find physics difficult, because they have to contend with different representations such as experiments, formulas and calculations, graphs, and conceptual explanation at the same time (angell, Guttersrud, Henriksen, and Isnes : 2004). As far as we know that physics experiments wich conducted in well-equipped laboratories, improve students science process skills (Hirca:2012). It is hard to imagine learning to do science, or learning about science, without doing laboratory or fieldwork (Trumper:2003). But many schools in various part of the world have very poor or no laboratories, so the teachers have to use their own equipment and replace the students experimental work with simple demonstration experiments (Ozvoldova, Spilakova, Tkac). The purpose of this study was to create physics learning media for archimedes law using simulation to cover the lack of the availability of laboratories and physics paracticum tools. CSUQ is used to test usability of the simulation.

simulation, physics learning media, CSUQ.

Computer Science


Architecture Information System for Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah Management Institutions
Ridwan Setiawan(*), Muhammad Rikza N., Asri Mulyani

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Corresponding Author
Ridwan Setiawan

Department of Informatics Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu No 1. Jayaraga - Garut 44151 Indonesia

Indonesia has a potential of 217 Trillion Rupiah zakat income in 2017, but it can only be collected 6 trillion or 0.2%, one of the factors is that Muzaki directly distribute their zakat without going through zakat management institutions so that the government can not record them, to encourage increased management of zakat management institutions requires planning, designing, and building systems that can assist in managing zakat. This research aims to design enterprise architecture systems for zakat management institutions in achieving the collection, management, utilization, and distribution of zakat and sadaqah infaq. The methodology used in this design uses TOGAF ADM by collecting data using observation and interviews with one of the private zakat management institutions. The results of this study are in the form of a system architecture design that can be used as a reference for zakat management institutions along with a prototype of the zakat reporting system.

Architecture System; Information System, Zakat Management

Information Engineering


Are the physics learning devices of digitalization significant in the era of industrial revolution 4.0?
MA Dhina (a*), SR Mubaroq (b), G Hadisoebroto (a), RVM Puspa (c)

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Corresponding Author
Meiry Akmara Dhina

a) Universitas Al-Ghifari, Bandung Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung Indonesia
c) Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Yapari-ABA, Bandung Indonesia

This research has been done to find out how the significance of digitalization on learning module in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, specifically in physics learning. In education field, industrial revolution 4.0 can give effects on how to learn, how to think, and how to act to the students. So as the increasing of human resources- competence through link and match program between the education and industry be required. On physics learning, is found that many digital learning devices, either online or offline, for instance, lab virtual digital book, and digital learning module. The method used in this research, is content analysis that analyses the compatibility of the content on digital learning device to the learning objectives. The devices of digital learning which are going to be analysed, are learning module and physics practical module. Being expected that using this analysis can be able to make researches advanced or stronger in developing of digital learning module as the effort to achieve of education-s goals in preparing the competence of human resources in the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

digitalization; physics learning devices; industrial revolution 4.0

Computer and Communication Engineering


Are They There Yet? Revisiting the Accuracy Level of Computer-Generated Translation
A Suparman (1*), M T Hidayat (1), C U Abdullah (2), Eri Subekti (3), H Apriliani (1)

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Corresponding Author
Asep Suparman

1) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Terusan Pahlawan No. 32, Garut, Jawa Barat 44151, Indonesia
2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
3) Universitas Langlangbuana, Jl. Karapitan No. 116, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40261, Indonesia

Speed, cost, and quality have been the central issues in the translation industry. While computers can offer fast and economical translation, their ability to produce accurate translation at a publishable level like human translators may do is still questionable. In the present study, we evaluate the accuracy of English to Indonesian translation generated by Google Translate. Freely accessible English texts of various types were chosen to heuristically exemplify the units of analysis. Our findings lead to a conclusion that while Google Neural Machine Translation system is quite an improvement to the conventional phrase-based translation system, highly accurate translation does not seem to be achieved by Google Translate in the near future.

translation accuracy, machine translation, Google Translate, English to Indonesian

Computer Science


Asset Management Information System for Higher Education
a)Ridwan Setiawan(*), b)Andri Ikhwana, a)Dede Kurniadi

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Ridwan Setiawan

a) Department of Informatics Engineering, b) Department of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Asset management is the process of recording, data collection, reporting and documentation of assets at a particular time based on existing provisions, good asset management can support operational activities primarily in the maintenance, repair, and procurement of assets for the organization. This research aims to design asset management and accounting information systems for the process of managing asset data and the process of calculating integrated asset depreciation for universities. The methodology used in this research is Scrum which can accommodate changes during the system design process with data collection techniques based on the business process of asset collection at one of the private universities. This research produces a web-based asset accounting management information system prototype that can help asset managers and calculate asset value depreciation.

Asset, Information System, Scrum

Information Engineering


Association between physical fitness with dysmenorrhea among junior high school student
Ni Putu Ana Novita, I Made Sarmadi

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Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

Dysmenorrhea or stomach pain every menstruation is common symptom of adult women. Primary dysmenorrhea usually occurs about 2 years after menarche and which age about ±20 years. There are many incidence of dysmenorrhea. Physical fitness is one of the factor that affect the occurrence of dysmenorrhea. This aims of the study to determine the percentage of dysmenorrhea and correllation to physical fitness. The method of this study was csross-sectional. The study was conducted 71 female people of SMP Negeri 3 Gianyar. The physical fitness was measured using Tes Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) and dysmenorrhea data using questionnaire. The data was analysed using Somersd tes. The result was follow the physical fitness with very low category 6 (8,5%), low category 36 (50,7%), average category 25 (35,2%) and good category 4 (5,6%). The percentage of dysmenorrhea was 56 (78,9%) and not dysmenorrhea was 15 (21,1%). The result of this study indicated there was significan correllation between physical fitness with dysmenorrhea (p<0,005).

Dysmenorrhea, Physical Fitness



Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Neural Network for Economic Dispatch
Khansa Ratri Haniya, Ade Gaffar Abdullah, Dadang Lukman Hakim

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Corresponding Author
Khansa Ratri Haniya

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Each thermal generator has a fuel cost and heat rate that determines the economic aspects of a generator. To minimize the cost of operating the generator unit, optimization can be done using Economic Dispatch, so that the most optimal operating costs are achieved. In this study, the Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Network (ALHN) method was used, where conventional Lagrange methods were combined with the Hopfield Neural Network method to accelerate the convergence process and obtain more optimal results. The results obtained indicate that the ALHN method can reduce generator unit operating costs with faster computational process than conventional Lagrange methods. Thus, the operating costs of the generation unit can be cut down.

Optimization; Economic Dispatch; Augmented Lagrange-Hopfield Network; Hybrid

Electrical Engineering


Augmented reality (AR) based physics learning media for electricity concepts
A Ismail1*, S Gumilar1, I F Amalia1 , D D Bhakti2 and I Nugraha3

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Ali Ismail

1Department of physics education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
2Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
3Department of english education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Physics concepts are unique because some of them are the abstract concepts so they need to be visualized so as easier to be understood. However, it is rarely the learning media that can combine the real and virtual visualization of abstract physics concepts in the same time. This present study aims to create the application that is used as the physics learning media to aid the virtual visualization of the abstract concept of physics combined with real visualization using augmented reality. The abstract concepts of physics that are visualized are electricity concepts. The waterfall method is the method utilized to test the application on the android system. There are four standards to analyze data, namely functional suitability, performance efficiency, portability, and usability&

augmented reality, physics, electricity

Computer Science


Automatic Water Refining System Based On Internet Of Things Using Tsukamoto Fuzzy Method
A.A.Ayu Putri Ardyanti, S.T.,M.T., I Gede Juliana Eka Putra, S.T.,M.T., I Gede Tommy Wijaya

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I Gede Tommy Wijaya

Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No. 135, Renon-Denpasar, Bali, telp. 0361 8956 085

The development of science and technology is growing very rapidly and requires us to work faster and more efficiently. The development of science and technology that has increasingly developed, one of which is the internet can also carry a concept that can aim to expand the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected continuously with such data, remote control or can be called Internet of Things (IoT). Internet or Internet of Things (IoT) can also be used to facilitate water distillation. One of the uses of water use is in fish cultivation, especially in koi fish ponds. By analyzing wastewater then distillation is carried out to make ready-to-use water that can be controlled over long distances, using the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method planted on a microcontroller that regulates decision making in distillation based on the value of water level input and water turbidity.

Microcontroller; Turbidity Sensor; Tsukamoto Fuzzy logic; Ultrasonic Sensor

Computer and Communication Engineering


Automatic Watering System For Plants Using Mamdani Fuzzy Method
A.A. Ayu Putri Ardyanti, S.T., M.T., I Gede Juliana Eka Putra, S.T., M.T., A.M. Adi Putra Jaya

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A.M. Adi Putra Jaya

Program Studi Teknik Informatika Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (STMIK) Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No. 135, Renon - Denpasar, Bali, telp. 0361 8956 085

Current technological developments are so rapid, the use of technology is needed for humans, one of which is in the field of agriculture / plantation. Caring for plants in addition to good fertilization, it is also necessary to water the right plants. The amount of water can be too much if the watering time is too long and vice versa. Therefore we need an automatic plant sprinkler based on the Arduino microcontroller that is able to process the entire circuit and control all watering. The use of Mamdani fuzzy logic is implanted in the microcontroller as a reference in making decisions when plants are watered or not based on the value of the soil moisture sensor and air temperature sensor, so that the water requirements in the plant can be fulfilled.

Microcontroller; Arduino; Soil moisture sensor; temperature sensor; Mamdani fuzzy logic

Computer and Communication Engineering


Sri Rahayu, Farid Pujiono, Maharani Dewi, Arief Prasetiyo

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Farid Pujiono

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Coresponding author: srirahayu[at]

Sugar cane is a raw material for making sugar which can only be grown in tropical regions. Sugarcane bagasse generally consist of cellulose sugar groups such as hemicellulose, lignocellulose, and lignin. other than that it contains hydroxyl groups to absorb colors and free fatty acids. The purpose of this study was to measure baggase charcoal optimation based on different concentration and immersing time to stabilize cooking oil quality. CRD (Complete Randomized Design) was applied with 3x3 factors. Baggase charcoal was activated using KMnO4 1N for 2 days. Variation of baggase charcoal concentration are (5%, 10%, 15%) and variation time to optimation for 4, 5, and 6 days. The result showed that baggase charcoal affected to decrease FFA (Free Fatty Acid). Furthermore it also affected with the turbidity of used cooking oil.

sugar cane, cellulose, hydroxyl, free fatty acid



Balance of C (Carbon) and N (Nitrogen) of Bioslurry Fertilizer and Fertilization Dose on Leek Growth (Allium fistulosum)
Pri Riznaya, Ana Rochana, Mansyur

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Pri Riznaya

Universitas Padjadjaran

The purpose of the research was to know the effect of C / N balance of bioslurry fertilizer (biogas sludge) and fertilizer dose on the growth of leek (Allium fistulosum). The design used was a complete randomized design of factorial pattern. The first factor of the C and N balances are 18, 20, 30 and 40. The second factor is the composting dose of 10 tons / hectare, 20 tons / hectare and 30 tons / hectare. Each treatment was repeated three times. The observed variables were the increase in length, width and number of strands. The data obtained were analyzed variance (ANOVA). The result of ststistic analysis shows that there is C / N influence on the number of strands; there was a dose effect on the length and width of leek but no interaction between C / N and the dose of fertilization. The best onion growth occurs at a dose of 10 tons / hectare as it leads to an increase in length, the highest width which is an important indicator of onion measurements.

C and N Balance, dose, leek, length increase, width and height.



Band gap control of bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon by direction of magnetic moment
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Riser Fahdiran

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Teguh Budi Prayitno

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

We have demonstrated the first-principles calculation to tune the band gap of bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon by arranging the direction of magnetic moments of carbon atom at the edges. This direction was specified by the polar angle as defined in the spherical coordinates. From the ferromagnetic configuration to the antiferromagnetic configuration, as the polar angle increases the band gap increases. We also showed that the ferromagnetic configuration leads to the metallic system while the others leads to the insulator, in a good agreement with previous calculations. This results indicated that the bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon is potential for the spintronics devices.

Graphene nanoribbon, band gap, first-principles calculations



Barriers to the adoption of electric vehicles (EV), acceptance surveys and public perceptions in Indonesia: case studies in the city of Surakarta
Febrio Hani Syamnur (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), and Nyenyep Sri Wardani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Febrio Hani Syamnur

a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
b)School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

Electric Vehicle (EV) is one of the technologies in the transportation sector that can reduce the amount of emissions. However, EV still faces some difficulties in terms of implementation. its application in several countries is still far from competing with Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles. Public acceptance of EV is considered as one of the obstacles. Therefore, this study will examine public perceptions of price, performance, and infrastructure and acceptance of this technology. Furthermore, an incentive policy that can be applied is also offered to respondents. The survey method with a quantitative approach is carried out in Indonesia with a population of Surakarta City residents. The results of this study can contribute as a reference for policy makers in drafting energy and transportation policies and as a discussion material for EV companies in their development.

Electric Vehicles, public acceptance, public perception, transportation, energy policy

Mechanical Engineering


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