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The 3rd Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.13 for 3 days in Bali |

Page 4 (data 91 to 110 of 110) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Impact Project Complexity of Project Management to Strategic Innovation Management and Firm Performance
Ahmad Said, Harjanto Prabowo, Wibowo Kosasih

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Ahmad Said

Bina Nusantara University

Rapid change is an accelerating problem for projects in most industries. There are phenomena for project complecity impact to firm performance. The aim of this paper to explore how project complexity influence PPM capabilities, PMO Practioner, and Innovation Culture to firm performance. This quantitative study was conduct the test relationship from project complexity to PPM Capabilities, PMO Practicioner, Innovation culture, and test simultant to firm performance. An online questionnaire was used as a survey tool to obtain data from strategic position projects in financial service indursty. This paper proposes a conceptual integrated research model of strategic innovation management will impact to project management environment, as the realization of dynamic capability influences business performance.

Project Management, Complexity, Innovation Culture, Firm Performance

Strategic Management


The Influence of Financial Inclusion in Mediating the Social Responsibility to Increase SMEs Competitiveness
Hedwigis Esti Riwayati, Nyi Mas Rizki Noviyah

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Hedwigis Esti Riwayati

Perbanas Institute
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to develop a basic theoretical model of increasing the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises through financial inclusion mediated by the implementation of social responsibility of large companies. While the general objective of this study is to develop an empirical model of testing and analyzing the improvement of the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises through the financial inclusion of business actors mediated by the implementation of social responsibility of large companies. The object of this study is batik Small and Medium Enterprises in Bantul and Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data used are primary data obtained through distributing questionnaires to batik entrepreneurs in Bantul and Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The sampling method uses saturated samples in which the entire population is sampled in this study. Data analysis methods used in this study are descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis aims to describe the data obtained from each variable measured. Descriptive analysis is used to determine the characteristics of each indicator in each of the measured variables. While inferential analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling analysis tools with the Partial Least Square program. The results showed that the implementation of corporate social responsibility has not been fully enjoyed by batik entrepreneurs in Bantul Regency and Kulon Progo Regency Yogyakarta Indonesia. This happened allegedly still low financial inclusion of some people in Bantul Regency and Kulon Progo Regency, especially batik entrepreneurs. This condition causes obstacles for batik businesses to experience problems in developing their businesses.

financial inclusion, social responsibility, SME competitiveness, batik entrepreneurs

Suistainable Business Development


Naomi Kusumawardani, Anggun Pesona Intan Puspita

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Anggun Pesona Intan Puspita

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

Introductions : This study aims to determine the influence of Korean boyband as brand ambassador, brand personality, and Korean wave on purchase intention in XYZ sheet mask, one of the Korean beauty brands in Indonesia. Market growth of the cosmetics industry had increased which was directly proportional to the increase in the number of cosmetic products registered in Indonesia. According to Cekindo (2017) the cosmetics product in Indonesia were growing rapidly with existence of 125,220 products that had been registered under BPOM within five years until 2017. The number made cosmetic products were the most registered at BPOM until 2017, which was 56%. Cosmetic products registered in Indonesia were not only local products, the competition in this industry also includes foreign products. One of the countries that import cosmetic products to Indonesia is South Korea. BPS recorded imports of South Korean cosmetic products to Indonesia reached 5.9 million USD in 2016 (Putri, 2017). The scope of this study was limited to know whether there is a positive influence or no influence of the three variables on purchase intention in XYZ sheet mask. Methods : This research used descriptive research with influence relationship between the variables. The research method used in this study was quantitative research method with survey approach. The population determined in the study was all Jakarta, and its buffer cities (Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) female residents. Sampling method used is a non-probability sampling methods, with the type of judgement sampling technique by setting criteria for the respondents. The questionnaire as a research instrument used a Likert scale with 4 points to reduce neutral answers. The data analysis tool used in this study is multiple linier regression. Results : Adjusted R2 value of 0.518 in this study might imply that the the variation of brand ambassador (X1), brand personality (X2), and Korean wave (X3) on purchase intention (Y) of 51.8% while remaining 48.2% was affected by other variables which not explain in this research. Based on the output of regression test results, the significant value is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05, it can be concluded that Ho1 rejected H1 accepted. Thus, the formulation of hypothesis that the influence X1, X2, and X3 on Y simultaneously, accepted. Brand ambassador (X1) partially influenced on purchase intention (Y) significantly but not positively with t-count of the X1 is -2.207, it can be concluded that H2 rejected Ho2 accepted. Brand personality (X2) partially influenced on purchase intention (Y) significantly and positively with t-count of the X2 is 10.004, it can be concluded that Ho3 rejected H3 accepted. Korean wave (X3) partially influenced on purchase intention (Y) significantly and positively with t-count of the X3 is 2.049, it can be concluded that Ho4 rejected H4 accepted. Conclusions : Korean boyband as brand ambassador, brand personality, and Korean wave had signific

Brand Ambassador, Brand Personality, Korean Wave, Purchase Intention

Marketing Management


Ilham Wahyu Alfajri a, Ossi Ferli b

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Ossi Ferli

STIE Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta Indonesia

The frequency of transactions through online banking increased 169% from 13.6 million customers in 2012 to 50.4 million customers in 2016. Providing an overview of the increase in revenue from the use of technological innovations. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of innovation technology on the financial performance. Population of this research is all Banks that conduct online banking listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017. Population of this research are 30 banks in IDX that provides online banking. Samples for each banks are average from 3 respondents.The independent variable uses primary data obtained from quesionnaires are Customer Independent, Customer Assisted, and Customer Transparent as a calculation of Innovation technology. The dependent variables uses secondary data from financial reports in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) are financial performance which uses 3 indicators consisting of Non Performing Loans (NPL), Return on Assets (ROA) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). The data processing method used is the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results show that Customer Independent have no significant effect on financial performance. Customer assisted and customer transparent have a positive significant on financial performance.

customer independent, customer assisted, customer transparent, financial performance, technology innovation and bank.

Finance and Risk Management


The influence of the Work Environment on the Loyalty of Millennial Employees
Denia Putri Ramadhanty a, Eva Hotnaidah Saragih b, Riza Aryanto c

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Eva Hotnaidah Saragih

a Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta and Indonesia
b Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta and Indonesia
c Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta and Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of work environment on the performance of millennial employees in one of the Republic of Indonesias state ministry offices. Methods of this research is quantitative with a hypothetical testings using SPSS. The population and study sample are all employees who working in companies with minimum one year work tenure that fall into the millennial age category according to Howe and Strauss (2000). Data was collected using a questionnaire that was built based on the concept of work environment according to Sedarmayanti (2011) and employee loyalty according to Saydam (2011). There are 23 statements in the questionnaire with responses using 5 Likert scales. From the results of descriptive analysis, the average score of respondents perception was 4.10 for work environment and 4.13 for loyalty of millennial employees. All average perception score is found higher than 80% of the highest value of the Likert scale used (4,00 from 5 level Likert scale). From the hypothesis test results obtained: work enviroment has a significantly positive effect on the loyalty of millennial employees with a t count of 7.903 and a significance of 0.000. Hypothesis was accepted. Theoretically, the findings from the results of this study have implications to support and complement the results of previous studies. In practical management, the findings from the results of this study have implications: companies need to ensure the availability of work environment factors that have proven to have significant effects on employee loyalty. The work environment factors referred to primarily are the physical work environment (lighting, temperature, layout, and supporting equipment) and non-physical (cooperative relationships, professional colleagues, and bosses that are easily found). From the research results, there are a number of proposals for further research: although the influence of work environment was found to be significant, the coefficient of determination was only 36.7%. It needs to be further investigated for other influential factors which are 63.3%.

work environment, loyalty, millennial employee

Organizational Behavior


Andriyastuti Suratman a & Satrio Bimo Syahputro b

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Andriyastuti Suratman

ab Management Departement, Economics Faculty,
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

cd Management Departement, Economics Faculty,
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia

Abstract— The aims of this research are to find out and obtain information related to the influence of reward, work environment, also investigated the motivation factor as mediator on employees performance from the reward and work environment. Purposive sampling was taken with 85 Nurses From Raja Ahmad Tabib Hospital, Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia as respondents from 108 respondents. The results of the research prove that reward has a positive effect on motivation, but negatively affects employees performance. While the work environment has a positive effect on employees motivation and performance. The reward and work environment also has a positive effect on employees performance through motivation. The results of the study show that reward has an influence on performance through work, and proven indirect effects are greater than the direct effects of imbalance in performance. This means that the higher the award the company gives to employees, the higher the work motivation of employees so that this will improve employee performance. Regarding the direct effect of reward on performance in this research, which contradicts with previous studies in general, it may be due to the lack of conformity of rewards received by employees, but on the other hand employees will continue to work according to orders because working alone is a form of self-respect. It is recommended that employers must compete with several types of imbalances because they recruit, maintain and support the performance of each individual in the organisation. With the provision of a balanced reward that is in accordance with the expectations of employees, it is expected to encourage the achievement of employee motivation and ultimately will improve employee performance. Keywords—rewards; work environment; motivation; employee hospital-s performance.

reward, work environment, motivation, employees- performance and hospital

Human Resource or Capital


The Role of Intensity of The Use of Social Media Toward Destination Brand Equity in Forming Word-of-Mouth and e-Word-of-Mouth (Study of Eastern Indonesia Tourism Destination)
Meta Andriani

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Meta Andriani

STIE Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia

The research aims to see the effect of the intensity of the use of social media communication on the dimensions of brand equity, namely brand awareness, brand image, customer perceived value, brand quality and brand loyalty. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 160 respondents who visited tourism destinations in Eastern Indonesia and the results showed that there was an influence between the use of social media and destination brand awareness and there was an influence between visitor perceived value and the formation of e-WOM. This research is quantitative data which compiles primary data as primary data, plus secondary data. Criteria for respondents who were sampled in this study were domestic tourists over the age of 18 years, who had travelled to areas in Eastern Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed within a period of 3 months during the period July-September 2018 with the number of questionnaires collected was 160. This research builded by 12 hypothesis. Hypothesis testing results are: 1. There is a strong influence between the Intensity of Use of Social Media variable on the Tourism Destination Awareness variable. 2. There is an influence of Tourism Destination Awareness on Tourism Destination Image. 3. There is an influence of Tourism Destination Awareness on Tourism Destination Quality. 4. There is an influence of Tourism Destination Awareness on Visitors Perceived Value. 5. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Awareness (AWA) on Intention to Recommend Using Traditional WOM. 6. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Image on Intention to Recommend Using Traditional Word of Mouth Communication 7. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Quality on Intention to Recommend Using Traditional WOM. 8. There is no effect of Visitors Perceived Value on Intention to Recommend Using Traditional WOM. 9. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Awareness on Intention to Recommend Using e-WOM. 10. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Image on Intention to Recommend Using e-WOM. 11. There is no influence of Tourism Destination Quality on Intention to Recommend Using e-WOM 12. There is an effect of Visitors Perceived Value on Intention to Recommend Using e-WOM. Based on the results of the study there is a strong relationship between Tourist Destination Brand Awareness to the establishment of Destination Brand Equity (Brand Image, Brand Quality and Perceived Value), so it can be concluded that: 1. The intensity of social media use significantly influences destination brand awareness. This proves that exposure to a tourism destination on social media can increase awareness of the tourism destination. 2. Destination brand awareness has a positive influence on destination brand image, destination brand quality and customer value. However, this brand image and brand quality does not influence tourists to do WOM or e-WOM. 3. The results of the research show that what affects e-WOM is the

WOM, eWOM, brand awareness, social media, destination brand equity

Marketing Management


First Author Eliot Simangunsong, Second Author Rudy Handoko

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Eliot Simangunsong

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Jakarta and Indonesia
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Jakarta and Indonesia

Introduction: The rise of social media in the digital era is considered important for anybody because it helps people to communicate and share information with each other online. Because it has become a necessity, it is not surprising that the number of social media users has increased. This also has an impact on increasing various online activities, including business activities. The ease of sharing information and communicating through social media can help entrepreneurs and consumers to conduct business activities or buy and sell online. Methods: This phenomenon is an inspiration for researchers to uncover the role of social media in Indonesia in business activities, knowing the factors that can influence a social media follower who initially "likes" to "buy", so that it can be developed into a social commerce model. This model is then validated using a quantitative research method, according to the type of business or industry that is suitable to be marketed through social media. By surveying users of social media, 547 data is collected that consists of social media entrepreneurs and social media buyers. Results: Adapting Wu He (2017) model, the results of data analysis showed that many buyers on social media also make sales on social media. Further analysis using regression also confirms that the frequency of using social media has a strong influence on buying behavior on social media. There is a pattern in which companies also use social media as part of their supply chain. Conclusions: The results of this study are useful in the management of business operations or start-up companies that use social media. Social media helps businesses to reach consumers easily and quickly without needing to spend a lot of money and energy.

Social media, social commerce, digital era, business transformation, business operations

Operation and Supply Chain


The Value Relevance and Subjectivity of Other Comprehensive Income
Meichyel a, Novy Silvia Dewi, S.E., M.M. b

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Meichyel Meichyel

ab Meichyel, Indonesia
cd Novy Silvia Dewi, S.E., M.M, Indonesia

PURPOSE/AIM & BACKGROUND The financial statements issued by the company contain information about the condition and performance of the company during the related period. Information in financial statements is useful for users of financial statements for decision making as investors for investment decision making. In 2013, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (DSAK) in Indonesia revised the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 1 regarding the presentation of financial statements which added the components of other comprehensive income (OCI) to the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income. In measuring and evaluating component of OCI, subjectivity is contained due to estimations, assumptions, and judgments (Rissi, 2016). The component of OCI consists of unrealized gains or losses that provide more comprehensive information to users such as investors for investment decisions. Company managers provide information through accounts that signal investors to help make investment decisions (Godfrey et al, 2010). Value relevance is measured by the ability of information in financial statements to convey information that affects stock prices (Francis and Schipper, 1999). This research will discuss the effect of the income statement and other comprehensive income, namely net income, comprehensive income, other comprehensive income, other comprehensive income with low subjectivity, and other comprehensive income with high subjectivity to stock returns. This research was conducted on infrastructure, utilities, and transportation companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2014-2018 period. METHODOLOGY In this research, panel data regression analysis using Eviews software consists of 3 models to be selected, namely the common effect model, fixed effect model, random effect model. To estimate the regression model that will be chosen, 3 tests were performed to select the most appropriate model to use. The first is the chow (likelihood ratio) test to determine the chosen common effect model or fixed effect model. Second, the thirst test to determine the fixed effect model or random effect model chosen. And third, lagrange multiplier (LM) test to determine the common effect model or random effect model chosen. Then, the researchers conducted hypothesis testing. First, a partial test (t test) to see the effect of the independent variable partially on the dependent variable (Kurniawan, 2016) and secondly, the coefficient of determination (R2) to find out how much the variation of the independent variables can explain the dependent variable (Nachrowi and Usman, 2006). FINDINGS/RESULTS In this study, the selected regression model is the common effect model and the test results are as follows: Variable Coefficient Std. Error t statistic Prob. NIPS 0,216299 0,069499 3,112242 0,0033 CIPS -0,164921 0,057706 -2,857933 0,0065 OCI -0,131916 0,045250 -2,915241 0,005

value relevance, subjectivity of other comprehensive income, stock returns

Finance and Risk Management


They are Busy so We Need to Move: A Descriptive Study on Female Organizational Citizenship Behaviour on Taking the Leadership Role in Festival Kampung Labirin
Anggun Pesona Intan Puspita, Siti Nur Aisyah Suwanda

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Anggun Pesona Intan Puspita

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta Indonesia

Nowadays, the development of Kampung Wisata is seen as an economic empowerment strategy from Indonesia-s government. Several rural areas and suburban areas are transformed from a slump area to tourist attraction. Therefore, this initiative is taken also as an intervention strategy in community development and economic empowerment. The scope of this study only limit to the organizational citizenship behaviour of female group of Festival Kampung Labirin preparation and during the event. Though many nature of the job is mainly very masculine, such as being a field coordinator, the women group had successfully taken over the job in the leadership position. A participatory observation during 10 months and in-depth interview were conducted to collect the data. The observation was taken place since the development of Festival Kampung Labirin, in Bogor, West Java Province from August to December 2018, until its 4th operation from January 2019 to August 2019. This observation includes the dynamics of team work within local stakeholders, local people, and the committee. Whilst the interview was taken during the launching of the festival and its four monthly operations to 4 female leaders who was performing and was taking the leadership roles. Based on the observation and interviews, there are several findings that though during the development of the festivals, the male played a biggest role as they built and decorated the area, while female group prepared for performances. When it came to the preparation of the festival, such as trained the performer, did the promotion, and acted as a field manager, the male tended to work slowly and more inactive due to some reasons (busy for working and felt tired). On the other hand, the female took it all and prepared the team, the properties before they did their roles as part of performers itself. These behaviours indicating the organizational citizenship behaviour, in courtesy and sportsmanship dimensions as their main reason is to bring the neighbourhood alive and well-known, aiming for greater purpose for their family and neighbours. This research conclude that female plays a role in a work with the nature of nurturing and maintaining, as they are good with coordinating and collaboration, as well as serving people. Meanwhile, male group are good for building and constructing the area. This OCB traits that seen in a female arose as they realized no one will take the roles and the intention to see the good progress of their neighbourhood. This finding indicate that building a tourism spot by developing a local rural and slump area is seen as an effective strategy to develop its local people. This research is very important as an insight to prepare local people for the next move of tourism development.

OCB, female, Festival Kampung Labirin

Human Resource or Capital


Tourism Potential Identification In Optimizing the Pasir Padi Beach Development Strategy
Nanang Wahyudin, Sandy Pratama, Muhammad Faisal Akbar

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Nanang Wahyudin

Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
Universitas Bangka Belitung,Indonesia
Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia

The objective of this research is to identify the tourism potential development of Pasir Padi Beach and offer a program of development focusing on improving the tourism attraction based on the tourists- judgment. The method used for this research is mix method, qualitative analysis using IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) to identify the conditions of the research variables as well as every indicator supported by gap analysis and descriptive quantitative analysis in order to elucidate the strength and weakness by means of SPSS analysis tool version 22. In regards to the number of respondents, 60 tourists are selected through non-probability sampling and Convenience Sampling. The result shows that there are one variable included in the main priority to be improved, and seven indicators included in the main priority to be improved and developed. Thus, the research proves that the attraction variable and sea water quality indicator, transportation availability, shower and clean water facility, quantity and quality of the toilet, rubbish bin availability, cleanliness quality, and environment awareness are the main prioritized indicators and variables to be improved and developed

Development Strategy, Importance Performance Analysis, Tourism, beach

Hospitality and Tourism


Towards The Qualified Human Resource: Internship Program at Leading Ex-LPTK Universities in Indonesia
Sheila Febriani Putri a, Dwi Narullia b, Dhika Maha Putri c, Fitri Purnamasari d, Miranti Puspaningtyas e

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Fitri Purnamasari

a Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

b Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

c Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

d Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

e Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Internship becomes a way to grow human resource capabilities in terms of competencies on knowledge or practical skills and soft skills. Higher education institutions like universities as the organizers of an internship program certainly have some roles to produce capable, intelligent and professional workforce. Therefore, it is undeniable that a good internship program in university is an important stage in the development of quality human resources. Our research aims to uncover the description of the system of organizing internships at university level, in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the programs objectives in preparation for students to enter the workforce life. In this research, we also specifically portrayed the management of internships at the best ex-LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan) universities in Indonesia, as the institutions whose mission is to produce graduates as teaching staff/academics along with practitioners. Using qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were held with the lecturers as well as superintendents and staff at three ex-LPTK universities, and processed by content analysis. Overall, the internship programs at these universities have been managed with the orientation on the interests of students, have adopted the use of technology, and are evaluated routinely based on feedback from internal and external parties of the university. The lack of internship and the organization of the mentoring system conducted by the lecturers become the major deficiencies in organizing internships at the universities. These can be used as a basis to put on efforts to improve the internship system at the university level, especially in Indonesia.

Internship, Human Resource, Education, Ex-LPTK

Human Resource or Capital


Travel Chatbot For Customer Satisfaction
Johan Setiawan, Elfindah Princess

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Johan Setiawan

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tangerang, Indonesia
Binus Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia

Industry 4.0 has touched all sectors of industry, including tourism. The digital world has brought the competitions to a much higher level, and the future is absolutely much tougher than right now. Previous and recent researches have tried to seek solutions by making innovations and trying to upgrade their levels by analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data in many ways. One sure thing about upgrading levels is to ensure two-way communication. The biggest mistake for any tourism services is to let the customers wait for responds, which will disappoint the customers and the customers will find other alternatives. A report in 2017 by Nielsen has shown that today-s generation has traveled more than any generations, and the tourism world reacted by creating travel chatbots which are now parts of any tourism activities. With the increasing number of travel chatbots, customers will have abundant but also overlapping information. Data from each travel chatbots might end up giving different outcomes, different features for every apps or misleading information, and this in return will decrease customer satisfaction. This paper addresses this issue by analyzing the literature data from previous and recent researches and find where the travel chatbots must be patterned by integrating Artificial Intelligence, then the writer does a quantitative analysis to do significancy tests on the travel chatbot users relating to customer satisfaction. Overall, the result shows that travel chatbots are related positively and significantly to customer satisfaction, but the data also show that with overlapping information from many travel chatbots will leave the customers in confusion and decrease customer satisfaction. The travel companies will benefit from this paper to undertand customer needs in creating the best serving travel chatbots for better services.

travel chatbots; artificial intelligence; customer satisfaction; tourism industry

Hospitality and Tourism


Trends in Millennial Generation Behavior in DKI Jakarta using the Financial Tecnology: Peer To Peer Lending (P2PL)
Sebastian Vieri Matasak Tandi, Yanuar Andrianto

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Sebastian Vieri Matasak Tandi

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

1. Introduction and research problem Research conducted by Deloitte (2015) shows that digital financial services can provide an easier access to financial services, so that they can benefit the national economy. In Indonesia, the development of financial technology (FinTech) shows that in 2018 the number of FinTech in Indonesia was 190 companies divided into three parts, namely 157 Startup Companies, 24 Financial Institutions, and 9 Associate Partners (Indonesian FinTech Association, 2018). On the knowledge side, data published by Dailysocial (2018) shows that many Indonesian people are familiar with FinTech reaching 70.63%. Although experiencing growth, the numbers have not been able to match the level of public literacy about Fintech, which is equal to 58.14%, even that number has dropped of the number of users in 2017 amounted to 60.96%. Data according to Dailysocial (2018), shows that in Indonesia 32.48% have not used P2P lending services. Looking at the number of people who have not used fintech services, especially P2P lending. This research approach uses a theory created by Ajzen (1989) which is "Theory Planned Behavior" in which it functions to describe several factors that can influence a behavioral intention or a persons behavior. This theory has the perspective that trust is the main factor that can influence behavior. These factors are the attitude towards behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control. This research was conducted in Jakarta because the highest per capita Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) is still held by Jakarta at 194 million per year. But on the other hand, data published by OJK (2016) shows that there are still 22% or at least 2.2 million people of DKI Jakarta who have not used financial services, both digital and non-digital, even the number could be more for people who have not or not use FinTech services especially Peer to Peer Lending. Millennial was chosen because the generation is close to the use of technology (CHCD-PPM Manajemen, 2018) 2. Methods This study aims to determine the effect of Atitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control on Behavioral Intention of millennials using Peer to Peer Lending services. Determination of the sample using the basis of Hair, et al (2005) which states that for the purpose of research that is causal analysis, the required respondents are at least 15-20 respondent times the number of independent variables. In this study using three independent variables with a number of indicators or questions as many as 19 indicators, so that a minimum of 95 respondents as a sample. Researchers distributed questionnaires and got 157 respondents. This survey uses a Likert scale which aims to measure peoples attitudes, opinions and perceptions about the use of P2P (Sekaran, 2013). The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression to explain how much influence the independent variable has on a dependent variable. The SP

Financial Technology, Peer to Peer Lending, Theory Planned Behavior (TPB), Atitude Toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, Behavioral Intention.

Finance and Risk Management


Bunga Sukma Mefatisani a, Lely Dahlia b

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Bunga Sukma Mefatisani

ab Trilogi University, Jakarta and Indonesia
cd Trilogi University, Jakarta and Indonesia

The study aims to explain the behavior of electronic money usage through the implementation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT 2) model that is collaborated with two other variables, including the factors examined Includes performance expectations, effort expectations, social influences, facilitation conditions, hedonist motivation, price value, habits, technological perception of security and the perception of Muslim society on electronic money transactions. UTAUT 2 is a model of acceptance and use of technology that combines the best features of several other technological acceptance theory models. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. Research is located in South Jakarta. Data is obtained using an online questionnaire with 176 respondents. Hypothesis testing was conducted using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) application. The results of this study indicate that the application of the UTAUT 2 theory is positively influential in the behavior of electronic money usage, the security perception of technology doesn-t have a positively affects on the behavior of electronic money usage and the perception of Muslim society using electronic money has doesn-t have positive effect. Therefore, governments and electronic money-issuing parties need to consider the use of the UTAUT 2 theory model to be able to supervise and assess the product in the community, increased secutiry on electronic money servers is needed to increase community confidence, and the government is building partnership with electronic money publishers Syari-ah in order to minimize the concern of Muslim in using electronic money.

Electronic money, UTAUT 2, technology security, Muslim perception, electronic money usage behaviour

Finance and Risk Management


Use Of Customer Relationship Management Application To Credit Union
Samuel Manurung, Mufria J. Purba

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Corresponding Author
Samuel Manurung

Faculty Of Computer Science, Universitas Methodist Indonesia, samuelvanbastenmanurung070189[at]

Faculty Of Economics, Universitas Methodist Indonesia,jonatan.purba[at]

Cooperatives are legal entities based on the principle of kinship, which consists of all members of natural or legal persons for the welfare of their members. Where most people want to open a business, it has to have a lot of capital to keep the business from running or growing. Kabanjahe The majority of the population opens a shop to meet their daily needs. The existence of a savings and loan unit can help people in the Kabanjahe region to open a business to improve the economy of people in Kabanjahe. Therefore, we need a system that is very helpful in the cooperatives transaction process. The Customer Relationship Management application can support the notification process and simplify the cooperative payment process. This research can help cooperatives and cooperative members to conduct transactions and help members with notification of the funds spent and the date of the last payment.

Aplication, Cooperative , CRM, Notifications, transactions

Marketing Management


Using PPM Transformation Model® to Design Transformation Process of PT. Otsuka Indonesia
Andi Ilham Said, Ade Rachmawati

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Andi Ilham Said

PPM School of Management
andiilhamsaid[at], aderachma[at]

Purpose and background: PT Otsuka Indonesia is a pharmaceutical company that produces clinical nutrition solution with the largest market share in Indonesia. For more than 40 years working in the pharmaceutical business in Indonesia, Otsuka has been working on the regular sector as its main target market. Meanwhile, placing product quality as a guarantee of product strength that is delivered consistently to its customers. Since 2018 Otsuka has changed its market segmentation to JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, National Health Insurance) market in accordance with market trends that were fully supported by the Government. This change caused a forcing to do business transformation in order to keep its market position as a market leader. Proper efforts need to be made accordingly so the transformation will be running as well. Otsuka has a superior business unit Clinical Nutrition and Infusion Set Business Unit that supports 85% of the companys sales. The products produced were known to be of the highest quality among competitors with a broad range of products and were marketed by reliable marketers nationwide. In the context of market adjustments, Otsuka has made changes to the segments cultivation by targeting 80% of its sales target in the JKN segment, which was not seriously worked and took a very small portion previously. The JKN program has enormous potential as well as a big challenge in the form of demands for very low product prices. Methodology: The transformation design used is the Indonesian Transformation Model® of PPM which links nine elements of the company to create an innovative, valuable and sustainable results (Tim Manajemen PPM, 2017). The study begins with mapping the companys position using PESTEL Model (Politic, Economic, Social, Technology, Environment, Law) and Porters Five Forces methods for external analysis and Key Success Factor for internal analysis. With the Boston Consulting Group matrix and the Grand Strategy matrix, we obtained companys position and alternative strategic directions. The choice of strategy was then sharpened by using the Decision Analysis method. Readiness of transformation internally was measured by using Quick Assessment® method, to obtain elements with which needed to get top priority for improvement. Followed by the transformation process, we designed an action plan to overcome the gap of transformation readiness and execution of selected grand strategy. Finally, we produced a roadmap strategy for the next three years. Results: The results of external mapping show the potential of the pharmaceutical market for clinical nutritional fluids still has potential to grow, and Otsuka as a market leader still has opportunities to maintain its position. Mapping on the BCG matrix, Otsuka was positioned at the boundary of the cash cow and the star quadrants. It was projected to lead to the star quadrant if Otsuka immediately transforms to adjust market conditions. This statement was corroborated b

Transformation, Organization, Strategic Management

Strategic Management


Using QFD Approach To Improve Logistics Service Quality In Trucking Operations
Teguh Bagus Surya, Erlinda Nusron Yunus

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Teguh Bagus Surya

PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia

Introduction: Service quality is one of the most important factors to achieve customer satisfaction. Improving service quality in logistics operations has been considered by a number of studies as a strategic initiatives since the competition arises due to industry growth. Eklof et al. (2018) showed that customer satisfaction and loyalty significantly influence the company-s profitability, including Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Profit Margin, and Operating Income. Furthermore, the study concluded that increasing customer satisfaction leads to more profitability. Parasuraman et al. (1988) developed SERVQUAL model to evaluate service quality, which has been used in various industries including logistics. Several studies also integrated the model with other tool,such as Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Integration of SERVQUAL, IPA, and QFD was used in improving service quality in telecommunication (Darmawan dan Wurjaningrum, 2014), restaurant (Cheng, Tsai, dan Lin, 2015), perbankan (Kurniawati dan Singgih, 2015), dan manufaktur (Murali et al., 2016). This integration will not only produce robust service quality evaluation, but also develop strategy to generate competitive advantage, especially in logistics industry. This study aimed at analyzing the trucking service quality gap, determining the most critical service quality attributes, and developing strategies for service quality improvement through integration of Gap Analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Methods: This study used combination of quantitative and qualitative research design. Data was collected using purposive sampling in a trucking company headquartered in Semarang, Central Java. The sample was exported from company-s customer database from 2016 to 2018. A questionnaire was administered using online survey and generated 9,6% of response rate (48 of 500). Data was further analyzed with descriptive statistics using Excel and SPSS. Results: Gap Analysis followed by paired-sample t test showed that all 18 attributes of logistics service quality have negative gaps, indicated that in general, the company-s service quality was still under good performance. Among five quality dimensions, “Customer Focus” has the biggest average value of negative gap (-0,667), followed by “Information Quality” (-0,556), “Order Fulfillment” (0,542), “Corporate Image” (-0,533), and “Timeliness” (-0,478). All attributes were then mapped on the IPA matrix, resulted in well-distributed points in four quadrants, namely quadrant I (keep up the good works), quadrant II (possible overkill), quadrant III (low priority), and quadrant IV (concentrate here). The attributes located in quadrant I and IV will be furthered utilized in developing strategies using Quality Function Deployment approach. Conclusions: Strategy development using QFD resulted in five strategies

Service Quality, Gap Analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis, Quality Function Deployment, Trucking

Operation and Supply Chain



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The changing work employment is indicating dynamic nature of employees as well as competition. In the globalized era, the workplace is more diverse in terms of culture, language, age and nationality. The organization needs employees with more dedication and with good interpersonal skills. Workplace bullying is a barrier to form a good interpersonal skills and performance. It is considered as continuous mistreatment towards targeted individual or a group, which causes different emotional, personal and work related problems. Based on the existing literature review, researcher understood there is a growing evidence to carry out the research on understanding experience of workplace bullying among entry level employees in Indian IT sector. This research is aimed to understand the perspective of workplace bullying from the person who experienced bullying. The location of the study was Karnataka, Kerala, Delhi, and Tamil Nadu. The researcher followed purposive sampling technique to collect data from employees. The sample size of the study is 15 Nos. The data were collected from entry level employees who is having minimum of 6 month of experience in currently working organisation. Phenomenological approach is used for understanding the experience. Primary and secondary data were used for this research. Interview method was used for collecting the data from participants. Data was analysed using Atals Ti and manually. From the research analysis, it is found that there are three stages for workplace bullying such as Invasion stage, Tolerance stage and Surviving stage which is followed by eleven themes. The antecedents of workplace bullying identified as Job demands, Lack of leadership responsibilities, Interpersonal conflicts, Preconception, Behaviour experienced from perpetrator. The result shows that there are different types of bullying among entry level employees such as Belittling, System bullying, Behaviour of victims, Mechanism partiality based on seniority. The consequences of bullying identified in three categories such as emotional, personal and work related and finally the data shows different coping mechanism used by employee who experienced bullying.

Workplace bullying, Antecedents, consequences, coping mechanisms, Entry level IT employees)

Organizational Behavior


Peter Samuel Oloi

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Peter Samuel Oloi

PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia

Start-up is a firm which operates the business under five years through technology, internet, and so on as its product or process. In Indonesia, the amount growth of start-up significantly has been increasing year by year since 2012 from hundreds to thousands. It is also projected that the amount of Indonesian start-up will highly increase until 2020 which is up to ten thousands. This amount growth happens because the internet user is high among Indonesian citizen which is up to two hundred millions. Additionally, the use of internet was reported that will increase every year. Innovation is an important thing to be done in order to succeed since start-up is classified as a new comer to do the business. Besides, start-up commonly has a little resource in both financial and non-financial. Moreover, the risk of failure also can occur because of the business rivalry and other business environment changes. These circumstances force the employees to perform not only innovative working behavior, but also resilience since it can affect their mental, physic, and emotion in their work. The correlation between both variables is existed through literature study relating to them. Nevertheless, there is no research which correlates these variables so far. This research aim to determine whether there is a correlation between resilience and innovative working behavior. As a quantitative study, the methodology used is questionnaire which has collected data from 56 employees working in Indonesian start-up. The result of Pearson Product Moment shows that resilience has a positive and significant correlation with innovative working behavior (r = .572, p < 0.01). The more resilient employees to show, the more often employees perform innovative working behavior. Thus, start-up will get advantage if they can hire or develop their employees with innovative working behavior and resilience.

Indonesian Start-Up, Innovative Working Behavior, Resilience

Organizational Behavior


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