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The 3rd Asia Pacific Management Research Conference (APMRC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.13 for 3 days in Bali |

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Prasun Kumar Das and Susanta Kumar Gauri

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Indian Statistical Institute
Kolkata, India

Indian Statistical Institute
Kolkata, India

Introduction: The scope of this study is limited to the supply chain of a FMCG retail business spreading through retail outlets and connected with the central warehouse. Manual intervention of requisitioning quantity of footwear on daily basis, from the retail outlets to the warehouse, was creating frequent problems of both stock-out resulting loss of sale and higher inventory resulting higher holding cost. Instead, both can be within an acceptable level if the requisitioning quantity truly considers the sale/demand distribution. The objective of this study was, therefore, to develop a scientific inventory policy for determination of requisitioning quantity for footwear, based on actual sales of all outlets. Methods: Considering the size wise break-up, daily sales data of sampled items of sampled outlets, spread over various states, was captured for two consecutive years along with records of re-order levels (ROL). It was observed from the time plots that both mean and variability of demand change over time. The extreme values of observed sales distribution of items accommodate both the effects of mean and variability, and, change in time points reflects the seasonal/festive effects on mean and variability. With this understanding, a simple exponential smoothing model, using pth percentile point of distribution of daily sales data for past recent N days, is proposed for determination of requisitioning quantity. Keeping in mind that the overall stock-out% should remain at a low level, the optimal values of N, α and p were determined empirically as 30 days, 0.3 and 0.99 respectively based on daily sales of randomly selected items from first year data. Results: The usefulness of the model was validated against the daily sales data of randomly selected footwear items of second year prior to its implementation across outlets. First, the stock-out% and average inventory, that actually occurred based on the earlier subjective method, were estimated. Then, they were estimated using the fitted model for determination of the requisitioning quantity. It was further noted that the average inventory would have reduced by 31% without increase in average stock-out%, and the sales to inventory ratio would have increased by 75%. Conclusions: Determination of requisitioning quantities for footwear items, using the fitted model at fixed interval of one month, would reduce average inventory and thus holding cost without increasing average stock-out%. However during festive/seasonal period, the interval for ROL modification should not exceed seven days to absorb the sudden change of demand pattern. The overall requisitioning quantity for items in outstation outlets is the sum of the requisitioning quantities determined by the fitted model and lead-time demand. Software has been developed for calculating the requisitioning quantity of any item at any day in an outlet, using the fitted model. Subsequently, the cost-benefit analysis was done on new sale data to sho

FMCG Retail, Supply Chain, Exponential Smoothing, Requisitioning Quantity, Stock-out, holding cost

Operation and Supply Chain


Abnormal returns in corporate action: The case of Indonesia and Taiwan
Aries Heru Prasetyo

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Aries Heru Prasetyo

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

The rapid numbers of corporate action which is known as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Asian market for the past three decades is growing tremendously. The two actions are widely used as a means to pursue strategic targets – for example to maintain stable growth and to gain strong power to control the market. This study investigates abnormal return to shareholders of bidder firms around the announcement day for Indonesia and Taiwan. Using a sample of 160 corporate action M&A, the study found that the stock market responses positively to the two corporate actions. The evidence shows that there are expected cumulative abnormal returns in two different event windows: a two-day window and a three-day window. Investor is found in favour of M&A information. However, non-financial sector is experiencing higher abnormal return compares to the financial sector. The study suggests that the market is trying to reap the maximum benefits from M&A announcement and justify the strategy as an optimistic way to deal with any dynamic changes in the industry. The market has been identified as having its semi-strong form in which every information is well-reflected at the equilibrium price. Henceforth, non-organic growth strategy may be highly recommended to Indonesia and Taiwan managers especially to those who are coming from non-financial sectors.

Mergers and acquisitions, Stock market, Abnormal returns, Efficient market

Finance and Risk Management


Analysis of Consumer Behavior towards staff and Management Team in the Education Industry
Elfindah Princes

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Elfindah Princes

Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Education has become one of the top promising industries, with the high rapid growth of new educational institutions everywhere, consumers have various choices of schools to suit their needs. The least competitive schools will soon vanish from the competitions. To be competitive, the schools are changing strategies to adapt to what consumers (parents and children) need. The trend has changed for schools turning into firms and treating consumers as kings. This trend has gone worse lately, with the increasing number of charges and assaults addressed to school teachers, staff and management lately, especially in Indonesia. The teachers, school staff and management are feeling unsafe and dissatisfied by this fact. This paper addresses this issue by analysing this consumer behaviour based on their income level and educational background mediated by product knowledge using a mixed method methodology, surveys and interviews are conducted to be able to obtain reliable results. The result shows that the consumer behaviour is positively related to the income level and educational background. This research is very useful for the schools to analyse the consumer behavior and prevent any future problems and increase school performance. Future research must be done to address this in other type of industry.

consumer behaviours, satisfaction, school performance, product knowledge

Strategic Management


Md. Mahbub Alam

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Md. Mahbub Alam

Independent University, Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh[at]

Abstract - The study assesses the tomato supply chain, and identifies opportunities and constraints in the value chain of tomato from farm to market. The Estimated Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) for tomato framing and the value addition of stakeholders along the value chain are also analysed here. The value chain model was endorsed by more than two hundred value chain actors, including consumers, retailers, traders, farmers and officials of the relevant agricultural agency. The data was analysed by using a simple statistical technique. The study results indicate that tomato farming is profitable for smallholders. However, the farmers grasp the lowest stake of the added value, while the retailers enjoy the utmost.

Keywords – supply, value, chain, tomato, BCR

Operation and Supply Chain


Analyzing The Importance of User Competency to The Effectiveness of Accounting Information System in Banking Sector
Ita Salsalina Lingga

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Ita Salsalina Lingga

Maranatha Christian University

Information technology is developing very fast now. In this fourth Industrial Revolution, technological development plays an important role in organization. In order to be able to survive, especially in the midst of today-s world that increasingly rely on information technology, every organization need Accounting Information System. As a business strategy, Accounting Information System must be supported by competent employees. In other words, without an adequate user competency it is impossible to have an effective Accounting Information System. This research aims to analyze the effect of user competency on the effectiveness of Accounting Information System. Data collection in this descriptive survey research uses questionnaires which were distributed to regional banks located in 24 provinces in Indonesia. Total 176 questionnaires were collected from manager and staff related to accounting. Analysis of data uses Smart Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that user competency affects the effectiveness of Accounting Information System. The results show that inadequate knowledge and skills possessed by the employees will give an impact to the effectiveness of the Accounting Information System. Thus, it is necessary for all banks to increase knowledge and skills of their employees as user of Accounting Information System so they are able to compete. This findings are in line with previous research and support the theory.

User Competency, Knowledge, Skills, Accounting Information System

Human Resource or Capital


Retno Effendi, Tenny Hariska, Widyarso Roswinanto

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Widyarso Roswinanto

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia.

ABSTRACT Internet has brought fast-growing news media business. By utilizing digital technology, access to information is fast, easy and convenient while often freely obtained through online sites and social media. Despite the widespread access to free news information, a number of players in the news media industry remain optimistic about running a digital news application business with subscription-based paid content. By combining the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this research conducted approaches to identify the antecedents that influence individual intentions in subscribing to digital news applications. Seven hypotheses were built to determine the variable correlation in TAM and TPB towards the intention to subscribe to digital news applications. An online survey is conducted with 310 respondents who are users of digital news applications. Structural Equation Model (SEM) method assisted by AMOS 23 was used for the data analyses. We aim this research to add references that can implement the use of TAM and TPB and the development of marketing strategies for application-based digital media businesses. Keywords: INTRODUCTION Several researches have designated the behavioral intentions of technology acceptance. Only a few researches built the derivatives, the author has not found research that discusses antecedents of individual intentions using digital news, especially in Indonesia. Thus not yet described what factors cause consumers to have the intention to improve digital news applications. This research uses several previous research references that use Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and their derivatives, and bears a resemblance to the object of research based on the adoption of information technology and the factors that influence (antecedents) individuals intention towards receiving (using, buying, subscribing) application products based on digital technology. HYPOTHESES Seven hypotheses are built from six variables with two exogenous variables; (1) control of perceived behavior (PBC) and (2) subjective norms (SN), and four endogenous variables; (1) perceived ease of use (PEOU), (2) perceived benefits (PU), (3) attitude of use (A), (4) intention to subscribe (ITS). METHODOLOGY This study uses descriptive and explorative methods, with 310 respondents using digital news applications in multiple areas including the major cities in Java and the majority of DKI Jakarta. Two steps approach of Structural Equation Modeling are employed to test the measurement model, structural model as well as the competing model of the conceptual framework. The path analyses are then reported and discussed. CONCLUSIONS The survey response defines that majority of respondents read digital news applications every day, but most never subscribe. One out of seven hypotheses tested in this research was not proven, namely the effect of the direct relationship of perceived behavioral control

TAM, TPB, Intention to Subscribe, Digital News Application

Marketing Management


Antecendent and Consequence of Destination Innovativeness
Windi NR Wardhani a, Widodo b

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windi wardhani

ab Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang and Indonesia

This article proposes the concept of developing the competitive advantage of Tourism Competitive Advantage which emphasizes the development of tourism in knowledge quality and destination innovativeness by increasing entrepreneurship learning. We define knowledge quality as used knowledge whose quality in adaptability, quality of development and of which is easy to apply. Destination Innovativeness is defined as the willingness of tourist destinations to engage in and support new ideas, novelty, experiments, and creative processes which can create new products, services, or new technological processes in existing playing fields. Tourism Competitive advantage covers the ability of objects and the attractiveness of tourist destinations in maintaining the sustainability of local resources, creating and integrating value-added products, raising high living standards for surrounding communities and attracting and satisfying potential tourists. The proposed framework of tourism competitive advantage in this research coverse environmental sustainability, social wealth, satisfaction, and attractiveness. The analysis shows that entrepreneurial learning may affect tourism competitive advantage by the way of knowledge quality and destination innovativeness on non-government tourism objects. This paper initiates a new research agenda of tourism competitive advantage with implication for future research, practice and public policy.

Destination innovation, tourism competitive advantage, knowledge quality, entrepreneur learning

Hospitality and Tourism


Biological Assets as Mudharabah Based Loan Collateral Alternative for Smallholder Farmers in Indonesia
Gita Fitria a), Sugiharto Soeleman b), Tengku Rita Hariania), Etty Susilowatic

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Sugiharto Soeleman

a )PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) PT Lintang Jati Kencana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) PT Jasa Tirta Energi, Jakarta, Indonesia

1. Introduction Lack source of fund is one of critical issues being faced by smallholder farmers. Despite of having teak trees in their yards, such trees as biological assets are not accepted as loan collateral for bank-s loan. In general, smallholder farmers fulfill their daily needs by cutting down their teak trees of five years old for sale. This research explored the feasibility of postponing teak harvesting time and analyzed the financial impact. By postponing the harvesting time, it is expected the tree grows in diameter and height, thus increase the volume. Combine with the price increases, it is expected that the value of the asset is increased. 2. Methods This research was carried out in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia between 2008 to 2018 in an area of 30 hectares. The method being employed was enterprise budget in which the costs of maintenance, the growth of the trees, and the sales of the harvested trees over time were considered. For the purpose of the valuation, a profit sharing as a result of value increases due to harvesting delay is shared between the owner of the asset and the investor through mudharabah financing arrangement. 3. Result The result suggests that the annual return for the investor (such as a bank) is well above the current interest depending on the investor-s profit sharing and the duration of harvesting delay. Specifically, for a five years delay of harvesting time and an investor-s share of 40%, the investor-s annual return is well above 30%. 4. Conclusions, implications and significance It is concluded that teak trees as biological assets should be justified as a bank collateral. References (Selected) Bazza, M.I., Bashir, Y.M., Bashir A.D. (2014). Islamic Financing: A Panacea To Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Financing Problems in Nigeria. European Scientific Journal, 10(10), 432-444. Sugiharto, S., Lestari, S.D. (2014). The Role of Sukuk Financing for Sustainable Development of Smallholder Farmers. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 8(5), 79-92. Svoboda, P. Bohusova, H. (2016). Biological Assets: In what way should be measured by SMEs?. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences. 220. 62-69.

enterprise budget, loan collateral, mudharabah, teak plantation

Finance and Risk Management



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Budi Yuwono

Sekolah Tinggi PPM Manajemen, Jakarta, Indonesia

Introduction Sakana Pharma is an Indonesian pharmaceutical manufacturer that have main revenue from contract manufacturer to fulfill drug needs in Indonesian Universal Health Coverage (UHC) market. UHC market is the biggest pharmaceuticals market in Indonesia. From BCG matrix mapping, the main revenue of Sakana Pharma is in the market which growth is slowing down due to 20 % price erosion per year since Indonesian UHC was started. This become the main reason for Sakana Pharma to transform the core business to secure it-s position in the future. According to Burke (2002), 70 percent of organizational transformation are fails. One effort to ensure the success of transformation is measure the readiness of individuals and organizations to change (Cinite et al., 2007, Noer 1997; Zamor, 1998). Therefore it is necessary to analyze the Sakana Pharma-s transformation readiness then arrange transformation design. Methodology This research was started with determining transformation direction which appropriate with Sakana Pharma-s needs, then continued with transformation readiness audit and arrange transformation design. The transformation direction is set based on BCG matrix strategic direction then continued with transformation readiness assessment using “Transformasi Organisasi Indonesia” model to identify the readiness of 9 transformation elements in a company (PPM, 2017). After identifying the readiness of each element, we can make a transformation design to cover the elements that are not ready. Transformation design are consist of type of transformation, new vision, transformation strategy and transformation road map. FINDINGS/RESULTS From BCG matrix mapping, the main revenue of Sakana Pharma is in cash cow zone. Sakana Pharma need to transform it-s business into market that has high growth. Based on external and internal analysis, Sakana Pharma must focus more on exports. To make sure Sakana Pharma ready for globalization, we assess some elements to check Sakana Pharma transformation readiness. Based on audit result, some elements still have a readiness value below the minimum value. The root cause are lack of sense of urgency and business direction has not been firmly established CONCLUSIONS Based on this result, It is important for Sakana Pharma to define new vision, share new vision to increase sense of urgency. After that Sakana Pharma must create blue print transformation that consist of type of transformation, transformation strategy and transformation road map.

Transformation, Transformation direction, Transformation readiness, Transformation audit, Transformation design

Strategic Management


Dr. Novi Indah Earlyanti, Inggal Widya Perdana, S.I.K

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Novi Indah Earlyanti

Police College of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia
East Java Regional Police, Surabaya, Indonesia

Morale can be influenced from within individuals and the environment surrounding. Morale is a psychological state that can cause pleasure and encourage someone to work actively in achieving the goals set (Siswanto, 2000: 35). Things that can affect morale are burnout and work satisfaction. Burnout is a psychological condition experienced by a person due to stress accompanied by failure to achieve expectations in a relatively long period of time. Burnout is mostly found in the human service profession, namely people who work and provide services to the general public, such as teachers, nurses, polices, counselors, doctors and social workers. Someone who experiences burnout, will usually be less interested in work, making their morale low to carry out and complete tasks. While work satisfaction is more about whether someone is satisfied or not regarding: duties, authority, and responsibilities in his work. If someone feels satisfied with his work, then morale tends to be high, and vice versa. The purpose of the research conducted is to determine the effect of burnout on work morale, the effect of job satisfaction on morale, and the effect of burnout and job satisfaction on morale. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population in this study are members of the Surabaya one-stop administration unit (Samsat), amounting to 282 people and a sample of 165 people with 59 bachelor degree, 21 diplomas and 85 high schools graduates. With the age range of 31 people at the age of more than 40, 32 people of 36-40 years, 49 people of 31-35 years, 34 people of 25-30 years, and 19 people under 25 years. The number of samples using the Slovin formula and is carried out by random sampling technique. Data collection technique using questionnaire consists of 58 statement items. Data analysis technique uses the Test Validity and Reliability of Instruments, Classical Assumptions Test, Multiple Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Test using t test and F test and the coefficient of determination. From the research findings and discussion, it can be concluded that burnout gives a significant influence of 13.4% on the morale variable. This can be seen from the high morale of members with the function of interaction between individuals and the environment. Job Satisfaction gives a significant influence of 60.3% on the morale variable. Members are satisfied with the results obtained from the organization, and strive to improve the work system. Burnout and job satisfaction simultaneously have a significant effect of 33.3% on the morale variable. Work morale can increase when the level of fatigue of the members can be avoided by including matters related to job satisfaction. So it is suggested to be able to do further research on the variables of organizational commitment, individual characteristics, cohesiveness, transformational leadership, organizational climate, and work stress, so that it can be explained more fully about other variables

Burnout, Job Satisfaction and Morale

Strategic Management


Business Model Development Of PT. XYZ Using Business Model Canvas
Jasnovaria, Ningky Sasanti Munir

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Jasnovaria Jasnovaria

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta - Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta - Indonesia

Changes in external and internal environment often cause changes in a companys business model. For this reason, companies must have a flexible business model that is in line with the companys vision, mission and goals. The business model currently used by PT. XYZ is not able to overcome the main problems such as falling income and increasing costs significantly which resulting a very high negative profits. Thus requires a business model that can map and provide solutions to improve revenue performance and cost control. The right business model design is needed to encourage PT. XYZ to get out of the problem and able to improve its performance so that it needed several research objectives to address the problems that occurred such as identification of the companys vision, mission and goals, identification of elements in the current company-s Business Model Canvas, identification of external and internal factors of the company that could affect the elements in the Business Model Canvas as well as the development of the companys Business Model Canvas to improve business performance. The methodology or type of research used is qualitative business research with a business model canvas approach that is equipped with a SWOT analysis and blue ocean strategy and data collection methods through document studies and interviews. From this study, the results of the mapping of 9 (nine) elements of the business model canvas include customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structures are obtained. The companys external and internal environment is very influential to the elements in the canvas of PT. XYZ, this is reflected in the decrease of revenue stream and the increase of cost structure which has an impact on the magnitude of the loss of PT. XYZ in 2018 and the occurrance of liquidity problem has caused payment delays of customer claims. Development of a business model canvas for PT. XYZ has been composed by taking into account the vision, mission, corporate objectives and business strategy which is implemented in 2019 to solve liquidity, profitability and solvency problems and add value innovation to strengthen the canvas elements of the business model especially in the revenue stream and cost structure so as to increase value propositions and value creation in carrying out company operations. This thesis research is also a strategic design that is directed to arrive at a managerial decision in the company that is supported by analysis and logical argumentation in exploring data and information.

Business Model Development, Business Model Canvas

Strategic Management


Business Sustainability Improvement for MSMEs: Development of Comprehensive Budgeting Model
Sulastri, Dhika Maha Putri, Miranti Puspaningtyas

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Dhika Maha Putri

Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia

MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) is a vital sector for the economy. MSMEs being the biggest contributor to Indonesias Gross Domestic Products (GDP) value. UMKM has wide benefits through employment and economic drive. Therefore, MSMEs need to improve business continuity through proper financial management. Comprehensive financial budgeting is one of the management tools that can be used by MSMEs. Budgeting is a planning and control instrument for organizations. This study aims to develop a financial budgeting model that is suitable for the conditions of MSMEs. The budgeting model was prepared with a comprehensive approach to facilitate MSMEs in making budgets. Using the development method, a needs analysis was carried out using interview techniques and documentation studies at 25 MSMEs spread throughout East Java. The data obtained is used as a basis for implementing the budgeting models development. Overall, the comprehensive budgeting model produced in this study can help MSMEs in making financial budgets. The budgeting model can produce more systematic financial documents for MSMEs. The financial document can be used as a reference in decision-making by the organization to improve business sustainability

MSMEs, Finance, Budgeting, Comprehensive, Business Sustainability

Finance and Risk Management


Shafira Putri Medina, Widyarso Roswinanto

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Shafira Putri Medina

Shafira Putri Medina
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Widyarso Roswinanto;
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia.

INTRODUCTION Celebrity endorsement is the practice of using artists or popular persons to become a spokesperson or an icon of brands that are advertised through various available media. The use of celebrity in advertisement has been a common marketing practice worldwide when celebrities support the advertised brands (Shimp, 2003; 2008). Various studies have been done to investigate the effects of such endorsement, including the effects on brand awareness, brand attitude and purchase intention. However, there is still limited research accomplished to reveal the fundamental and factual depiction of the effect such phenomena of celebrity endorsement in advertisements. Further, there has not been rich research investigating how the celebrity endorsers suit the advertised brands (celebrity match-up). The objective of the current research is threefold. First, exploring the most recalled endorsed-advertisements. Second, investigating the evaluative measures of endorsed advertisement such as ad recall, brand attitude, attitude toward celebrity endorser, and celebrity match-up. Third, exploring the interplay relationships among important concepts within the topic of celebrity endorsement that include the effects of attitude toward celebrity, celebrity match-up, attitude toward the advertisement, brand attitude and purchase intention (Menon, Boone and Rogers, 2001; Holmes and Strutton, 2008; Till and Busler 2013). METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative procedures is conducted in three consecutive studies. Study 1 involves interviewing 80 subjects to explore and collect the most recalled recent advertisements that involve celebrities as the endorsers in Indonesian advertisement practices. The result is the list of 22 most recalled advertisements that in turn will be used as the basis for the next study. Study 2 entails an online survey to gain responses from 329 respondents. The result of this study is to acquire descriptive effect evaluations of the use of celebrity endorsers in the advertisements. In this study, table showing sorted frequencies is presented and accordingly we have the results of which advertisements, celebrities and brands with highest recall, highest attitude and highest celebrity match-up level. Means of the audience evaluation of the measured concepts (such as the level of celebrity attitude, advertising attitude, celebrity match-up and brand attitude) are then presented. Using the same data set, Study 3 investigates the interplay relationships among the explored concepts. All scales to measure the related concepts are adopted from the extant literature after assuring the reliabilities and validities of each measurement. Non-parametric procedures using Kruskall Wallis are performed to test most of the relationships since the classical assumptions are violated. Results show that all explored relationships are significant. More findings and implications are then discussed.

Celebrity Endorser, Brand Image, Brand Personality, Celebrity Image, Celebrity Attitude, Advertising Attitude, Brand Attitude, Celebrity Match-up, Purchase Intention

Marketing Management


Combine Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Analythical Hierarchy Process to Develop Business Model of Malkita Mall Jakarta
Combine Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Analythical Hierarchy Process to Develop Business Model of Malkita Mall Jakarta

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Andi Ilham Said

PPM School of Management

Background Malkita Mall (disguised name) is a place for shopping, recreation, entertainment and sports located in North Jakarta. It occupies on area of 7 hectares, consisting of an 8-story building with a gross area of 270 m². Starting operations in October 2004, Malkita Mall has 827 units to lease for entrepreneurs. The establishment of Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, and e-commerce business (virtual marketplace) slowly but surely erodes mall visitors who come with the aim of shopping. Because of that, in recent years there has been a shift in function of the mall from shopping places to people gathering place looking for entertainment, culinary, and exercising. This shift occurred due to changes in lifestyle and visitor needs. If the mall does not follow this change, visitors will switch to other malls. The decline in the number of visitors will reduce tenant sales revenue which will cause a decrease in tenant satisfaction. The level of tenant satisfaction is also triggered by the speed of the manager in responding to tenants complaints and the existence of events organized by mall administrator. Tenant dissatisfaction will impact on the tenants business sustainability. Turn over of tenants is a factor affecting the mall occupancy rate. In May 2019 Mal Malkita, occupancy was 94% leaving 6,265 m² of vacant space. This is not a favour rate in mall-s market since it less than the average rate of industry. The level of occupancy will ultimately affect companys margins. In 2018 the margin of Mal Malkita has decreased for the first time in 5 years. This was due to a significant decrease in revenue that was not accompanied by a decrease in operating expenses. This situation forces Mal Malkita to review its business model and then come up with the new model. Methodology The main purpose of this paper is to design a right business model of Malkita mall 2020-2023. To achieve this main objective, several objectives will be set, namely identification of the current business model through internal analysis, opportunities and threats to the company through external analysis, ideal business models, company strengths and weaknesses through gap analysis between the current business model and the ideal business model, three prototypes of new business models through the development of new business models with the blue ocean strategy. After the main objective is found then the roadmap of implementation plan will be prepared. The research method was carried out in a qualitative approach. To conduct an internal analysis, we interviewed Director of the Headquarter office and GM Mal Malkita and conducted a study of documents regarding the financial statements and the results of the visitor survey. The results of internal analysis were used to determined Current Canvas Business Model. To do external analysis, we study documents from research journals on public purchasing power, e-commerce business, mall business shifts, and online news. Whereas to conduct an in

mall, business model, Business Model Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, Analytic Hierarchy Process

Strategic Management


Dendy Syaiful Akbar, Dede Abdul Rozak, Benny Prawiranegara, Eva Faridah

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dendy syaiful akbar

Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia
Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia
Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia
Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia

This study analyzes the impact of corruption on economic growth by including the role of accounting practices. Corruption has a negative influence on economic growth in countries with poor quality accounting practices than in countries with high-quality accounting practices. The new contribution of this study concerns the relationship between corruption literature and separate accounting practices regarding economic growth. To our knowledge, this is a study of the first ASEAN countries to document the impact of corruption on economic growth that depends on the quality of accounting practices in a country. We use cross-section data for 2018 for 11 ASEAN countries. Data on economic growth is taken from the World Bank, while corruption is represented by the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Meanwhile accounting practices are represented by the strength of auditing standards and financial reporting from the World Economic Forum (WEF), as well as the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in a country from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). We apply the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) approach for estimating results. The results of studies show that corruption inhibits economic growth. In addition, the strength of auditing standards and financial reporting strengthens the relationship between corruption and economic growth. Other results show that the adoption of IPSAS does not strengthen the relationship of corruption with economic growth in ASEAN countries. The findings of this study prove that high-quality accounting practices in a country can weaken corruption which can hamper economic growth. Conversely, corruption will easily grow in countries with weak quality accounting practices whose impact will hamper economic growth.

corruption, accounting practice, economic growth

Cost Management and Accounting Management


Creating Impactful Model for Organizational Transformation
Andi Ilham Said, Kartika Yuniarti

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Andi Ilham Said

PPM School of Management, Jakarta

PPM Management, Jakarta

Introduction A big change can be occurred anytime and cannot be predicted. Every year, there will always be some markets that going through change, and organization must be ready to overcome this change for it to survive. The right processes is needed to help organizations face the market change. Therefore transformation model is built aiming to accommodate the needs. Methodology Methods used in this research is quantitative methods with double regression hierarchy and SEM. As much as 229 respondents gathered, with majority of the respondents hold supervision or higher level position (76.4%), and 88.1% of the respondents have been worked for more than 3 (three) years. This profile of the respondents generate beliefs that individuals participating in this research are competent enough to and appropriate to represent companies they worked for. Findings Research findings suggest that there are 3 main factors in organizational transformation model, which consists of 9 elements. These factors are: Strategy Factors with Visionary Business Direction, Readiness to Change, Market Orientation, and Dealing with External Environment elements; Execution Factors with Operational Excellence, Strong Leadership, and Competent People elements; as well as Acceleration Factors with Risk Management, and Organization Culture elements. For business strategies to run efficiently, these factors give both direct support and impact to the business strategies. Several factors, however, do not have a direct impact to and act as a booster and fasten the execution of business strategies. Conclusion PPM Management-s Transformation Model started from the consultation formulations and organizational experience PPM had, and then validated through deepening the theory and scientific research to make this model one solid model and can be implementing in many organizations to synchronize their business model with company-s new strategies in order to become a competitive organization.

Transformation, Organization, Change, Strategic Management

Strategic Management


CROWDWORKING, IS IT BENEFICIAL IN DESTINATION MARKETING? An empirical model in tourism destinations in central java

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ratih pratiwi


Introduction: this proposition provides a model for crowdworking implications in marketing tourist destinations. This research focuses on the importance of network factors, knowledge destination and innovativeness in achieving marketing performance goals, and on achieving improving the goal of sustainable competitive advantage. The suggested model contributes to social exchange theory and entrepreneurial theory in marketing strategies and sustainable tourism development. This proposition model contribute to the theory by expanding support for social exchange theory and knowledge management in the context of tourism marketing and development strategies. * Methods: This research was conducted at non-government tourism destinations in Central Java and DIY, using SEM analysis as a data analysis tool. * Results: this preposition providing better insight about the influence of crowdworking and knowledge destination beneficial impact to increase the Destination sustainable marketing on non-government tourism objects in Central Java and DIY. * Conclusions: this article does not include the stakeholder engagement factors that hopefully can improve the achievement of sustainable competitive advantage goals. Stakeholder involvement can be added for further research.


Hospitality and Tourism


Design and Implementation of Risk Management System at PT XYZ
M.P. Kusuma a, M. Novyanti b, A.H. Prasetyo c

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Mirra Novyanti

Financial Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Financial Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia
Financial Management, PPM School of Management, Jakarta, Indonesia

Introduction and Research Problem PT XYZ needs to design and implement risk management. One of the urgency for designing and implementing risk management system is because the soul of the parent companys business is in the construction field and wants to diversify its business into new business fields as energy investments that entrusted to PT XYZ. New business fields in the energy sector will certainly be faced with the high risks. Coupled with minimal experience makes the risk faced will be even higher. The need for the design and implementation of risk management at PT XYZ is also indicated by the occurrence of cost overrun in current projects. In carrying out each project, PT XYZ must pay a pre-development cost whose value is quite high. However, after PT XYZ spent the costs, the planned project may not be able to be proceed to the next stages. Therefore, PT XYZ has potential to pay sunk costs. Design and implementation of the risk management system is expected to make the usage of project pre-development costs will be more efficient. Methods The design of risk management systems in this study uses the ISO 31000: 2018 approach. To find out the current implementation of risk management at PT XYZ, an assessment of the risk maturity level that refers to the Chapman model (2011) was conducted. Furthermore, the risk management system then implemented by PT XYZ which includes several stages. The external context determination stage uses the PESTEL analysis and stakeholder analysis while the internal context determination stage uses the 7s McKinsey analysis. The Risk Breakdown Structure method through Work Breakdown Structure is used to identify the risks. In addition, root cause analysis be used to compose risk treatment plans. Results and findings This study-s result are risk management system design such as: risk management policy, proposed organizational structure, SOP and risk management processes templates that include communication and consultancy; determination of the scope, context and criteria; risk assessment; risk evaluation; risk treatment; monitoring and review; recording and reporting. The risk maturity level assessment shows that currently PT XYZ is at the basic level. In implementation of risk management design, the scope of risk management process is limited to PT XYZ and has not been integrated with its subsidiaries. From the process, 128 risks in PT XYZ have been identified, consisting of 59.4% strategic risks; 32.0% financial risk; 4.7% HR risk; 1.6% reputation risk; 1.6% legal risk; and 0.8% operational risk. In addition, the result of the risk evaluation shows that PT XYZ has 8% extreme risk. Conclusions, implications and significance The risk management system has been designed at PT XYZ. The risk maturity level of PT XYZ shows that the risk management system is designed as an effort to improve the business. Beside, risk treatment plans are composed to reduce the level of likelihood and / or level of impact of ex

Energy Investment, Risk Management, ISO 31000:2018

Finance and Risk Management


Design Strategy Employee Engagement in PT. XYZ
Tegar Punang, Dr. Dra. Dwi Idawati, M.M.

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Tegar Punang Mahardi

PPM School of Management, Jakarta. Indonesia
PPM School of Management, Jakarta. Indonesia

1. Introduction Employee engagement is a matter of concern for the company to be able to achieve maximum results. Same is the case with PT.XYZ, seeing employee engagement is one of the important things to get maximum results. The current condition with the success rate of employee turnover, makes the company want to see the importance of employee attachment to the company. 2. Methods This research was carried out in PT. XYZ Jakarta, Indonesia. First method in this research is to see the level of employee engagement in PT. XYZ use Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). And the second method is to see how organization performance to engage the employee from employee perception use Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) 3. Results Employee Engagement in PT. XYZ, is at the level not engaged. And the organization performance to see factor employee engagement is must to repair in three factor, there are infrastructure, work environment, and leader support. 4. Conclusions Design strategy employee engagement based on three factor must be repair. References (Selected) Bakker, A.B. 2007. Building Engagement in The Workplace. Rotterdam: Erasmus University. Martilla, John A. and James, John C.. 1977. Importance-Performance Analysis. Journal of Marketing Schaufeli, E & Bakker, A. 2003. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale Preliminary Manual. Occupatinal Health Psychology Unit Utrecht University.

Employee engagement, employee engagement strategy, internal communication, competency-based training, leadership skills

Human Resource or Capital


Luu Tien Thuana, Nguyen Thi Ba Thuanb, Nguyen Thu Nha Trangc

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Luu Tien Thuan

a Can Tho University, Can Tho city, Vietnam ltthuan[at]
b Can Tho Bureau of Customs, Can Tho city, Vietnam thuanntb[at]
c Can Tho University, Can Tho city, Vietnam ntntrang[at]

The study is conducted to determine the factors that affect the level of information sharing between supply chain partners. 157 SMEs in the Mekong Delta were interviewed by using convenience sampling method. The Cronbach-s Alpha, exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression and discriminant analysis methods were used in this research. The result showed that information sharing was positively influenced by 7 factors: firm size, IT enablers, top management, trust in supply chain partners, commitment of supply chain partners, shared vision between supply chain partners and technology uncertainty; but negatively affected by customer uncertainty. Information sharing between supply chain partners is not impacted by supplier uncertainty. The result also indicated that IT enablers, technology uncertainty and commitment of supply chain partners were the three most important factors in discriminating between the organizations with high levels of information sharing and those with low levels of information sharing. Moreover, the levels of information sharing are depended on the organizational characteristics (types, operation years, total assets and number of employees). Finally, the paper has contributed on literature review and practical application in the case of SMEs in Vietnam.

information sharing, supply chain, supply chain management

Operation and Supply Chain


Maria Angelita, Andi Ilham Said

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Maria Angelita

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

PURPOSE / AIM & BACKGROUND Banking industry in Indonesia are facing a problem in the decline of their payment services customer because new financial technology companies (fintech) give continuous discount in their “burn money” strategy to seize banking market. A bank in Indonesia who has seen their payment customer growth decreased, a fact which forces the bank to start a digital transformation. One of the many benefits of the transformation is reduced operational costs (King, 2018). Based on the Digital Transformation Playbook by Rogers (2016) they needed to review their strategic thinking in 5 domains, namely CC-DIV (Customer, Competition, Data, Innovation, Value) and increase their organizational agility. The research is limited to the first part, i.e. Strategic Thinking. Recommendations for the bank in dealing with the fintech-s “burn money” strategy are also provided. METHODOLOGY To measure the readiness of employees in facing digital transformation surveys are carried out and distributed to all employees. The gap analysis at the company-s current condition vs ideally transformed was carried out by mixed research method, which consists of surveys, observations, and interviews (Sekaran & Bougie (2016)). The Disruptive Business Model Map by Rogers (2016) is used as a strategy map. The elements contained in the strategy decision tool written by Rogers (2016), namely The Disruptive Response Planner are used to choose the decision. FINDING / RESULTS Digital transformation readiness questionnaire results showed that 2/3 of employees stated that the company was ready for digital transformation, while 1/3 still doubted readiness in all strategic thinking domains of CC-DIV. This result was further confirmed by interviews. From the observations it was found that the company had previously collaborated with fintech so that they remained relevant to the conditions needed by customers. The Application Programming Interface became the new business model of that bank to on which new channel and revenue stream were generated. Meanwhile, that bank has already put in place sharing programs for employess of the changing conditions from the analog to digital era. To maintain long sustainable profit they have been socializing the importance of a lifelong learning culture to be kept up to date with customer needs. They have also collaborated with all fintechs in topping up of their digital money application and collaborated with customers to fulfill what they actually need. CONCLUSION In addition to collaborating with consumers, including fintechs, there are 2 things that they can choose in facing digital giants, i.e. becoming disruptors themselves or by making their mobile application as a platform business model for all fintechs and existing old-fashion business models REFERENCES 1. King, Brett (2018), “Bank 4.0 : Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank.” Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Business. 2. Rogers, David L. (2016), Th

The Digital Transformation Playbook, Collaboration

Strategic Management


Development of One Click To Your Travel Application (O-Click Travel App) As An Integrated Travel Application ( A Solution For Travel Development in 3T Regions Based On Technology)
Kristianus Jimy Pratama

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Kristianus Jimy Pratama

Law Faculty of Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia

Globalization era has changed many human life sectors. One of it-s techonology development. Nowadays, technology development has impact to tourism sector too. In Indonesia, tourism sector has growth in green zone. But, the tourism sector in the lagging, foremost and outermost regions or known as 3T (Tertinggal, Terdepan dan Terluar) Regions, travel development is not maximum. A reason in globalization era like the regions hasn-t a quality human resources to develop their tourism sector must be solved. Therefore, the paper will present one click system-s concept in “One Click To Your Travel” application (O-Click Travel apps) as solution to develop the tourism sector in 3T Regions. In brief, O-Click Travel apps provide a service that allows the tourist to access a tourist travel in 3T Regions which include the lodging, a tour guide until the transportation for tourist. Therefore, this paper will present a few of samples from 3T Regions which it-s projected from the goal of this application. This paper will explain the management and the legal procedure of legal entity about the application in the future.

Digital, O-Click Travel, Tourism

Innovation and entrepreneurship


Ade Lestari, Ativa Hesti Agustina, Yudi Sutrasna

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Ade Lestari

Indonesia Defense University, West Java, Indonesia
Indonesia Defense University, West Java, Indonesia
Indonesia Defense University, West Java, Indonesia

The creative industry is the expertise, creativity, and talent needed by individuals in raising funds and employment. The core focus of this industry are creativity empowerment and individual creativity power. Moreover, the globalisation cycle has changed the world to be automation system of technological advancement in 4.0 Industrial Revolution. In order to respond this phenomenon, the government-s support is clearly needed to support the development of the Indonesian creative industry for improving the capability of creative industry to compete and participate in the development of globalization by making 8 million UMKM Go Online. The Ends, Ways, Means method was used for analysing this study to explaining about digital marketing concept to advance creative industry. The results of the study show that creating a digital marketing concept can be used by industries so that they are able to compete in the global market and achieve 8 million UMKM Go Online.

Digital Marketing, Creative Industries, UMKM go Online

Marketing Management


Distance Learners Acceptance toward E-learning
Rike Penta Sitio a, Rahadi Catur Yuwono b

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Rike Penta Sitio

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia
PPM Manajemen, Jakarta, Indonesia

Introduction: In the past decade, the world of business and industry has been characterized by great attention and interest in e-learning. Regardless of the meaning of this terminology, it seems that every company planning or even implementing e-learning expects significant benefits and benefits from the choice. The most frequently mentioned benefits and advantages include savings in training costs, increased access to employee learning (especially from geographical aspects), and the development of a culture of self-learning. Service quality system in e-learning plays an essential role in the benefits of e-learning itself. This research will replicate the concepts studied by Wong and Huang (2011) and their application in Indonesia. Not a few companies do succeed in getting benefits and benefits through the implementation of e-learning. Large companies such as IBM, Petronas, Cingular Wireless, Giant B&Q, Century 21, Cuna, Shell EP, and many other well-known companies, are proof that companies have benefited from the implementation of e-learning that they do. This research finding was aimed to analyze the effect of e-learning service quality system on user acceptance and openness. Researchers apply the most widely used acceptance model technology - the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) - to investigate user "attitudes, intentions, and satisfaction." Besides, service quality is also a determinant of user perception, so this study uses SERVQUAL to measure the quality of information system services and analyze the difference between service expectations and actual services received by users. Method: based on the literature review, we used UTAUT and SERVQUAL to collect survey data. A 5-point Likert-type scale-1 for "strongly disagree" to 5 for "strongly agree" – was used for all the items. We received 99 valid questionnaires from 150 respondents (66% response rate). Partial least square was used to analyze and test the relationships among acceptance of e-learning technology and e-learning system quality service. Results: The construct validity test is measured by the loading score parameter in the research model by using the Average Variance Extracted (AVE), where the value of acceptance of e-learning (0.614) and e-learning system quality service (0.688), both more than 0.5. Reliability of the acceptance of e-learning construct above 0.7, so all the variables are reliable. The significance of the predicted model in testing the structural model, seen from the value of t-statistics between the independent variable and the dependent variable in the path coefficient table. From the path coefficient results obtained that the quality of learning affects the acceptance of e-learning technology. Conclusion: The results indicate that high "e-learning system service quality" enhances employee e-learning satisfaction. Based on these results, organizations, after successfully introducing

e-learning; service quality; user acceptance

Marketing Management


Do Foreign Firms Bring Value To Emerging Financila Market? An Empirical Evidence Indonesia Banking
Suwinto Johan

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Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jalan Menteng Raya No. 9-19, Jakarta 10340

The aim of the research is to study the value created by the foreign shareholders in Indonesia banking industry from 2016-2018. The research analyzed the performance of the foreign owned banks versus domestic owned banks. The banking industry is one of the main drivers of economic growth. The study focused on the 19 banks that are categorized as bank books 3 and 4 as per the central bank regulation. The shareholders status will be the independent variable and the main financial ratios will be dependent variables. The financial ratios are capital structure, credit risk, firm size and profitability ratio. We use non- parametric (Mann Whitney) and parametric (Dummy Variable Regression). The empirical results show that there are differences in profitability and firm size. The profitability was shown in return on assets, return on equity, economic value added. The firm size was shown in total asset and equity. The local banks performed better than foreign banks in return on assets, return on equity, economic value added and net interest margin. However, the foreign banks only performed better than local banks in equity size. There was no significant difference in capital structure and credit risk. The results is significant at  = 1% for return on asset, economic value added and equity size.

Banking, Financial ratio, Foreign Ownership, Profitability

Finance and Risk Management


Does Corporate Social Responsibility matter?
Janette, Nora Sri Hendriyeni

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Janette Janette

PPM School of Management

Introduction: what is CSR? & why it matters? Since 2017, public companies in Indonesia are required to pay attention to the social and environmental interests that play a role in helping a companys business in a sustainable context. The program is reported in the form of a sustainable financial report or commonly called a sustainability report. In the international world, sustainability report can be used as a company transparency regarding the impact of the business to environment and social, such as climate change and human rights. In addition to corporate transparency, sustainability reports also help companies make better decisions related to the companys social, environmental and economic aspects. One part that include in sustainability report is the disclosure of corporate social responsibility or usually called CSR. The definition of CSR based on the EU Commission is the concept in which companies integrate social and environmental care in their business operations activities and company interactions with stakeholders (Aras and Crowther, 2008). The application of CSR in the company began in 1970, many experts began to realize the influence and important reasons why companies need to implement CSR. The importance of companies implementing CSR is also explained through the statement by Burke & Logsdon (1996) that in the short term CSR tends to incur costs but this will have an impact on corporate profits in the long run. From the external side according to Howard R.Bowen in Melé (2008), CSR is a reflection of the responsibility of employers on the environment and social. The experts also suggest that one of the roles of accounting should be to report on the impact of the activities of the organization or company. In accordance with the information of Ballou & Heitger (2005), CSR is one of the methods used by companies to present transparent reports, accurate and reliable data, as well as present performance company as a whole. The conclusion of the importance of companies implementing CSR is as a real disclosure of corporate responsibility due to the impact of business activities. In addition, CSR also supports the long-term sustainability of business activities and forms of transparency to stakeholders. In Indonesia we used GRI sustainability reporting guidelines- G4 issued in last May 2013. The guidelines which contain 91 point of disclosure, helps to provide an international reference for all parties interested in the disclosure of corporate governance and environmental, social and economic performance approaches and organizational impacts. This research will limit the discussion about the effect of CSR disclosure on firm value, with profitability (ROE) as a moderating variable that happened in bank industry. Methods This research used a secondary data, which are provided in Bursa Efek Indonesia ( and the company website. The period used in this research start from 2014 until 2018. For analyzing da

CSR, Firm Value, Profitability (ROE)

Cost Management and Accounting Management


Dimas Aditya Bhakti, Annisa Dwiyana

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Dimas Aditya Bhakti

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM, Jakarta, Indonesia

According to Ministry of Research, Technology and University, there are 750 million fresh graduate in every year. Survey from in 2018 found29% fresh graduate new employee quit their first job in less than a year of joining, most of them because of under-prepared in their first job so it is difficult to adapt. This study aim to find out effect of work environment, orientation and experience of internship on successful adaptation of work for fresh graduate generation Y new employees. This study used a sample of 75 people, the questionnaire data was then processed using multiple linear regression tests which included t-tests and F-tests. The test results decided that the orientation period and internship experience had a positive effect on the adaptation of fresh graduate generation Y employees. While the work environment has no effect on the adaptation of Generation Y fresh graduate employees. Together (simultaneously) the three factors (work environment, orientation period, and internship experience) have a positive influence on the adaptation of Generation Y fresh graduate employees. From the results of 75 questionnaires also found 61 people (81.3%) need less than six months, eight people (10.7%) need six months, two people (2.7%) need 7-12 months, and four people ( 5.3%) requires more than 12 months from the first day of work to adapt.

Work Environment, Orientation, Internship, Employee Adaptation, Generation Y

Human Resource or Capital



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Suhartoko Suhartoko

Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

The era of digitalization which is very rapid raises, challenges for players in the telecommunications industry to meet customer needs by providing services with high speed and broad reach. The telecommunications industry in the countries of East and Southeast Asia still shows a positive growth trend in terms of average income of 2.3% and growth in the number of customers an average of 4.1% per year. But this was not matched by EBITDA margins which actually declined at a rate of -1.12% during 2013-2017. This research was conducted to determine, analyze and compare the efficiency values of 25 telecommunications companies in East and Southeast Asia which were included in the list of the most 300 valuable brands in 2018 in the 2013-2017 observation period. The method used to calculate the value of company efficiency in this study is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). By determining the input output variables based on previous studies, then the value of the variables obtained from the foreign financial statements of each company is processed and then processed in the MaxDEA-7 software to get the value of company efficiency. To find out the influence and relationship between input output variables and efficiency values, a correlation analysis is carried out to produce the correlation coefficient between them. The results of the efficiency value and the value of the correlation coefficient are then compared between each company and per each group of countries, to find out which companies and countries are the most efficient and the variables that most strongly influence the value of efficiency. From the analysis of the results of the study it can be concluded that the telecommunications company PT. NTT (Japan) is a company that has the highest efficiency value and is most influenced by capex, revenue and subscriber variables, while PT. FarEasTone (Taiwan) has the lowest efficiency value and is most contributed by capex and subscriber variables. And of the 10 countries in East and Southeast Asia studied in the past 5 years in a row, on average telecommunications companies in Japan have the highest efficiency values with the most influential variables being capex, revenue and subscriber, and on average Singapore has the lowest efficiency value with the most influential variables being opex, personal expense and total assets.

Telecommunication Industry, East and Southeast Asia, Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Finance and Risk Management


Employee Risk Scoring as a Tool for Preventing Internal Fraud in Bank
a. Heri Supriyadi b. D.S. Priyarsono c. Kumo Ratih

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Heri Supriyadi

School of Business, IPB University, Doctorate Program of Business Management

One of factors causing operational risk event in Indonesian banks is human factor, one of those is internal fraud. This paper is aimed to determine which factors significantly affecting employee to commit internal fraud, and to set simple model for scoring risk of employee to measure likelihood of committing internal fraud. Data was collected from human capital management system in a bank comprising personal identity, static data, liabilities, and other related data recorded at the system. The collected data was discussed through Focus Group Discussion (discussion members from several different departments in the bank) to be taken as important variables to affect employee to commit internal fraud. The variables were statistically tested to be determined as important and significant variables of model to score employee risk scoring. The output of scoring employee risk was categorized as Low, Low to Moderate, Moderate, Moderate to High and High. The result of correlation test shows that there are 9 variables significantly influencing employee to conduct fraud. Those comprise credit card outstanding, time length of employment, take home pay, time length of duty rotation, percentage of day leave taken, overtime job taken, internally soft loan outstanding, age and organization position. Based on the statistically testing, alternative solution by using expert judgment is proposed, i.e. using weighted scoring. The alternative solution applied to several employees in branch offices result then was confirmed to their managers. The selected managers confirmed that the alternative solution result is rationally accepted and could be used as a tool to measure likelihood level of employee committing fraud described as likelihood levels stated above, from Low to High. The next study with more detailed variables is recommended to more precisely estimate likelihood level of employees committing fraud. The Big Data also can be potentially used as more detailed and accurate data.

Employee Risk Scoring, Fraud, Bank

Finance and Risk Management


Engagement Of Young Professionals In Capital Market: Perception Toward Securities And Factors Influencing Them
Dishari Das Mou , Mahmud Ullah Khan , Hridita Islam

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Dishari Das Mou

BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

* Introduction: The rate of unemployment is ever increasing even though Bangladesh is among the fastest growing economics in the world. The purpose of this study is to determine whether young adults are more incline to invest in security market than to seek employment and also to figure out which factors cause reluctance among them to invest on the stock market. Based on the Limited information we have a gathered, we have developed a hypothesis, which is "Factors such as income, parental influence, financial knowledge, and peer pressure are effecting the investment pattern of young professional. * Methods: We are collecting both primary data and secondary information for this study. Most of the secondary data are being collected from previously published journals. For primary data, a questionnaire have been created which will be distributed among young professionals between the ages of 25 to 35. The samples will be collected from Dhaka, Bangladesh. * Results: Based on the few responses we have collected, young generation have a negative perception on stock market due to market volatility, parental influence, peer pressure, and lack of knowledge about stock market. * Conclusions: As this study is still on-going, we are unable to provide any findings and have not reached any concrete conclusion.

Young generation, influence, financial market

Finance and Risk Management


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