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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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The Conflict of Dual Position of Sultan in Yogyakarta Sultanate: Consitutional and Paugerans Views
Nanik Prasetyoningsih, Iwan Satriawan, Cut Imara Salbia, Fatkhania Hamdah F.

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Nanik Prasetyoningsih

Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta Sultanate is recognized by the 1945 Constitution as a special regional government unit. The leader of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, has dual position, namely as the Governor as well as the King. The dual position of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X has raised several classical problems, e.g. the term of office of the Governor, the establishment of the mechanism of the Sultan to be the Governor, accountability of the Governor, and the standard of carrying out daily tasks. This normative research examines the position of the Governor based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the Paugeran of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. The research shows that firstly, the dual position of Sultan had prompted conflict after the Constitutional Court decided that a woman can also be the Sultan of Yogyakarta, while the Paugeran of the Sultanate asserted that the Sultan must be a man. In addition, the Sultan tries to settle the issue of succession by declaring "Sabda Raja" (the Royal Proclamation) which given an opportunity to his daughter becomes the Sultan. However, the other family of Sultan rejects the idea of having a woman as the Sultan of Yogyakarta. Thirdly, the vacuum of internal disputes settlement mechanism in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta has made the issue of succession become unresolved until today since both conflicting parties do not yet meet the consensus on how to resolve the problems. The research recommends that the Sultanate Family of Yogyakarta needs to have a royal meeting which involves all families of the Sultanate to decide the problem

conflict, Dual Position, Constitution, Paugeran of the Sultanate

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Consistency of Political Parties in Gender-based Politics (A comparative approach in PDIP and PKS Malang City)
Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi(a*). Laeli Nur Khanifah (b). Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan (b)

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Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi

Departement of Govermental Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.246 Malang - Jawa Timur Kode Pos 65144

Indonesian electoral democracy does provide an affirmative space for womens involvement in practical political life. Law number 17 of 2017 which requires every political party of at least 30 percents to have female legislative candidates can be interpreted as a constitutional order to strengthen womens representation in parliament. This space shows there is collective action to create political equality for women. This political logic certainly needs to be read further by looking at how strong the commitment of political parties to interprete and implement this gender-based political practice in a sustainable manner. This paper looks at how the consistency of political parties in carrying out common acts of womens representation in political life. In order to make a comparison, the focus will be directed at seeing how much womens involvement (for the last 5 years) in the organizational structure and strategic activities of the political parties. It is important to know whether the orientation of political parties in seeking to strengthen womens representation is based on willingness or merely fulfilling the obligations of the Law. This research was conducted in the city of Malang by taking PDIP (nationalist ideology) and PKS (Religion-Islamic conservatism). This paper uses a qualitative descriptive method. The primary data collection technique is done through observation, structured interviews with the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) PDIP and PKS and also other related parties. For secondary data collection carried out by the technique of documentation and literature. While the research subjects were determined using purposive sampling technique.

Women; politics; Political Parties

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Muchammad Ichsan, Nanik Prasetyoningsih

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Muchammad Ichsan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This study aims to examine the Constitutional Court Decision Number 97/PUUXIV/2016. The Decision states that the provisions of Law No. 23 of 2006 Article 61 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) and Article 64 paragraph (1) and paragraph (5) that are related to emptying the religious column in the Family Card (KK) and Electronic Identity Card (eKTP) is against the Constitution. For this purpose, this study was designed to be qualitative and uses normative legal research methods. This study found that the Constitutional Court Decision was not in line with the Islamic Sharia and 1945 Constitution because it had an impact on the recognition of aliran kepercayaan (indigenous faith) and penghayat kepercayaan (followers of indigenous faith) so that they had the same position as religion and followers of religions in Indonesia. This condition harms the society. According to the principle of sadd adzdzarai, something which is allowed must be closed or stopped if it is led to something that is prohibited. Therefore, writing a column: agama (religion) / aliran kepercayaan (indigenous faith) in the Family Card, and Electronic Identity Card is something that is permissible or may be abandoned because there is no order or prohibition on this matter according to religious views. However, if the writing leads or encourages people to develop aliran kepercayaan, because it has been recognized as the same as religion, then it must be prevented, prohibited and stopped. In addition, in terms of the 1945 Constitution, in the matter concerning restrictions on human rights relating to religion and aliran kepercayaan, more appropriate constitutional norms to refer to are the provisions of Article 28E paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, where religion and aliran kepercayaan are arranged as two separate and distinct things.

Religion, Aliran Kepercayaan, Decision of the Constitutional Court, Islamic Sharia, 1945 Constitution.

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Constitutional Monarchy System in Malaysia: Generating the Stability of A Nation
Mohd Hisyamuddin Bin Haji Basabah

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Ali Maksum

Ethnic Studies Institute, National University of Malaysia

The monarchy institution is a manifestation of the sovereignty of the Islamic religion and the nations heritage that must be maintained in Malaysia. This is because the monarchy represented by nine Malay rulers in Malaysia is responsible for protecting the rights of the Malays and the Islamic religion as outlined in the federal constitution. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong is the head of the country in which he was elected in the queue system of nine sultans for the states in Malaysia and this distinguishes the monarchy system in Malaysia with any monarchy system in the world. The constitutional monarchy is an administrative form in which the power of the king is bound by the constitution as the highest in Malaysia. The constitutional monarchy system is different from the absolute king system because the constitutional monarchy has no political power that is not bound by the constitutional limits. The easy interpretation of the constitutional monarchy is the governing king but does not rule and the constitutional monarchy also exercises its power generally is a formality and not because of the monarchs political power. The Constitutional King system acts as a symbol of national unity even though he has formal powers such as dissolving parliament and granting royal pardons. Hence, the constitutional monarchy in Malaysia is an institution that is protected under the constitution and it is relevant as the last fortress of the sovereignty of the Islamic religion and the Malays in Malaysia

constitutional monarchy, Malaysia federal constitution, queue system, national unity, Islam, Malay

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Correlation Between Mineral Levels and Bone Loss Risk in Post Menopause Women
Suryanto(a*), Safira Novia Brilianti(b), Wahyu Adi Anggoro(c)

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Suryanto Sp.PK

(a)Departemen of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b)Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(c)Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Introduction: Bone is continually experiencing rejuvenation, which requires calcium and vitamin D. Mineral storage in bones will peak (Peak Bone Mass or PBM) around the age of 20-30 years. As time goes on, the absorption of calcium decreases and it will smooth the bone tissue. In postmenopausal women bone fragility is better with bone formation, and this causes osteoporosis to occur in women. WHO reports that broken bones caused by osteoporosis will increase from 84,000 in 1986 to 6.26 million in 2050. Methode: This research is a case control study between the state of a person with certain risk factors. Samples were 4 postmenopausal women with low mineral levels and 30 postmenopausal women with normal mineral levels. Among bone mineral indicators were analyzed by ANOVA and the alternative (if data is not normal) is Kruskal Wallis test to see the correlation to bone loss. Result: p value from bivariat test is 0.003, it mean there is correlation between mineral levels in bone with the risk of Bone Loss in postmenopouse woman. Conclusion: There is correlation between mineral levels in bone with the risk of Bone Loss in postmenopouse woman.

blood calcium; high risk of osteoporosis; menopause

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Elfa Rahmawati Fitri (a); Dr. Mufdlilah, M.Sc (b); Dhesi Ari Astuti, S.SiT., M.Kes (b); Dr. dr. Zainal Muttaqien M. Sofro, AIFM., Circulatory Med (c)

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Elfa Rahmawati Fitri

a) Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta; b) Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta; c) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Attachment is a bond needed by mothers and children in parenting methods. This parenting method is an important aspect to determine the quality of cognitive and social intelligence of the children. The ratio of attachment types was the balance between secured (50%) and insecure (50%). Though, insecure attachment gives a negative impact on children. An objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between spiritual well-being and prenatal attachment in third-trimester pregnant women seen from heart rate variability side. The study applied a quantitative method with a cross-sectional time approach. Cluster sampling technique determined the places and samples of the study. Spiritual well-being data was collected by Spiritual Well-Being Questionaire and prenatal attachment data was collected by Indonesia version Prenatal Attachment Inventory. The conditions of spiritual well-being were also compared by heart rate variability conditions. The results of this study found spiritual well-being having a significant correlation with prenatal attachment in third-trimester pregnant women. Midwives as the pregnant women partner need to know the levels of client spiritual well-being and emphasize the importance of providing care with a spiritual approach. Midwives also need to explain the functions of daily religious activities and their relation to prenatal attachment.

Spiritual, Heart Rate Variability, Attachment

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Criminal Liability of Artificial Intelligence: Is It Plausible to Hitherto Indonesian Criminal System?
Rofi Aulia Rahman, Rizki Habibullah

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Amanda Amanda

Asia University, Taiwan

The pace of technology evolution is very fast. The technology has brought us to the limitless world and becoming our ally in every daily life. The technology has created a visionary autonomous agent that could surpass human capability with little or without human intervention, called by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the implementation of AI in every area that could be in industrial, health, agriculture, artist, etc. Consequently, AI can damage individual or congregation life that are protected by criminal law. In the current Indonesian criminal system, it just acknowledge person and legal person (recht persoon) as the subject of law that can be imposed by criminal sanction. Hitherto and near forseeable future AI has notable role in every aspect, which affect also criminal aspect due to the damage resulted. AI has no sufficient legal status to be explained in Indonesian criminal system. In this paper, the author will assess whether the current criminal system of Indonesia can sue the criminal liability of artificial intelligence, and also will make it clear to whom the possibility of criminal liability of artificial intelligence shall be charged.

Artificial Intelligence, Criminal Liability, Indonesian Criminal System

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Imamudin Yuliadi

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The research explains the regional economy in Indonesia that is the analysis of regional economy in Indonesia by including total population, infrastructure, PDRB, regional investment, and level of inflation variables. The estimation method in the research was by conducting panel data estimation. The data were collected from credible sources namely Bank Indonesia (BI) and Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS – Central Bureau of Statistics) year 2010 through 2016. The data were analyzed using STATA package program in order to obtain the estimation result of economy analysis model parameter of regional economy in Indonesia that matches the statistical and economic theory criteria. The variables included in the research were Pendapatan Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB – Gross Regional Domestic Income), Panjang Jalan (PJLN – Road Length), Rupiah Rate toward US Dollar, Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM – Human Development Index), Belanja Daerah (BD – Regional Expenditure), Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN – Domestic Investment), Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA – Foreign Investment), Jumlah Penduduk (JP – Total Population) dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM). After a series of econometric tests namely heterocedasticity, multi colinearity, Chow and Hausman, the estimation of empirical findings of PMA, PMDN, BD, Currency Rate, IPM and PJLN have significant and positive effects toward PDRB. Meanwhile, JP variable does not have any effects toward PDRB.

Regional Economy, Fixed Effect, Economic Wealth, Multiplier effect

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Decline of Political Ideology in Indonesia: Political Cleavage among Political Parties dealing with the 2019 Electoral Threshold
Ridho Al-Hamdi

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Ridho Al-Hamdi

Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper examines the response of Indonesian political parties in dealing with the 2019 electoral threshold, whether parliamentary threshold or presidential threshold. Therefore, this paper is written for twofold main objective, to discern the development of political ideology in Indonesia in post New Order regime and to identify the current political cleavage among political parties particularly between Islam and secular or major parties vs small parties. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research and the in depth interview and online news collection are applied as the data gathering techniques. The research finding demonstrates that the political ideology in recent Indonesia is waning and towards to the end of ideology. If it is so, it can harm the party system in Indonesia and will be what so called depoliticization of party because of the lack of people trust. It can be shown by some evidence. First, the party response to the electoral threshold issues is no longer considering ideological and organizational motives, but because of pragmatic goals. Second, in term of responding the 2019 electoral threshold, a number of Islamist parties are in one coalition with secular parties. Likewise, small parties have a same position with major parties in coping with these issues. Consequently, the political cleavage is hazy and meaningless.

political ideology, political parties, electoral threshold, political cleavage

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Decreasing of Agricultural Land Area and Industrial Growing in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Zuhud Rozaki

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Zuhud Rozaki

Department of Agribusiness, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Economic development can affect many factors, such as agriculture and industry. These two sectors can significantly affect the economic health. Population growth drives the employment opportunity to be increased. Industry become the area that can provide many employments, extend the industry is not easy because the side effect often take agricultural land area for operation. Industry in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta also growing like the other places. The land changing from agricultural land area to other functional land is gradually increasing year by year. This study aim to analyze the correlation between the industrial growth and the decreasing of agricultural land. The data from 2001 to 2016 was analyzed to know the correlation. The results show that there are signicantly correlate between industrial growth and the decreasing of agricultural land in Kulonprogo District, Bantul District, Sleman District and Gunung Kidul District which known as food production center in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. For Yogyakarta City which does not have many agricultural land show no correlation between industry growth and the decreasing of agricultural land area. Therefore growing the industry must consider the land area that be used for expansion.

agricultural land area, industrial growth, Yogyakarta, change

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Design of Solar Home System in Office Building, Study Case: Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Prisma Megantoro (a*), Iswanto (b), Irawan Eko Prabowo (b)

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Prisma Megantoro

a) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

The using of renewable energy in Indonesia is significantly increasing as fast as the development of its technology and electricity needs, especially in residential area. The office area is one of the biggest electricity consumer. This article discusses the development planning of the Solar Home System (SHS) in office sector, in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The development planning has 3 steps such as solar energy calculation, design and system quantity calculation, and the implementation at one site. System design is calculated by the energy potential and electricity loads would be covered. This calculation aims to get the best operation performance of the SHS. The SHS design is used to provide electricity of more than 20 lighting points both inside or outside the building and also is used as back up plan when the public grid is off. The design has power capacity of 1 kW with 24 VDC on its operation voltage at on-grid topograph. The system used 1 kWp of solar panel array, 1 kW of Solar Charge Controller and 1 kW pure sine inverter. The whole components of the system is an appropriate technology by then.

solar home system; photovoltaic system; electricity

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Development of Application Game Find the Object to Improve English Vocabulary Mastery
Titis Wisnu Wijaya (a*) and Bhaskara Satrya Priwandhana (b)

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Titis Wisnu Wijaya

The Department of Information Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia

English is an International communication, which is why most countries in the world learn English. Therefore, we need to understand and capable to communicate with English. During this time, English learning method is mostly delivered by lecture method and there is no English vocabulary learning media in the form of application. The purpose of this research is to develop a game called Find the Object to help elementary students learn English vocabulary in order to make the process of learning English is fun and more interesting. Based on the results of pre-test, post-test, and poll conducted by the author, it can be concluded that this game significantly succeeded in increasing the knowledge of elementary students about the vocabulary of English. This is proven in pre-test in Elementary School Class II is 48.625, and in post-test is 87.75. There is a significant enhancement 39.125 points. The average of pre-test in Elementary School Class III is 51.625 and the average of post-test is 87.125. There is a significant enhancement 35.5 points. Thus, the hypothesis which reads The Development of Application Game Find the Object Improved English Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary Student is accepted.

Find the Object; Educational Game; Vocabulary Mastery

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Development of Edu-Trekking Tourism Attraction in Catur Kintamani based on Single Origin Coffee and Nature-Culture Blend
I Made Andityawan, Ni Luh Putu Yuni Krisnayanthi, I Kadek Edo Wisnu Susila, Anak Agung Kompiang Adiada, Desrion Zakarias Anugerah, Putu Chris Susanto*

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Corresponding Author
I Made Andityawan

Universitas Dhyana Pura
*chris.susanto[at] (corresponding author)

Catur is a village located in Bangli in the central mountains of Bali, which recently initiated Community-Based Tourism (CBT) project. The main attractions for Catur tourism village include a unique blend of nature and culture, along with the production of single-origin Arabica coffee as a part of the Kintamani geographic indicator branding. Since the CBT project is only in its early years, Catur village is currently still lacking in the amenities and ancillary services to support tourism. However, the local tourism council expressed the desire to start offering tourism packages that are suitable for the village given its current situation. Based on extensive qualitative research, this study was able to recommend the development of educational tourism that revolves around nature trekking, single origin coffee, and unique cultural blend available in Catur. This topic is of particular interest due to the rise of the third-wave coffee movement, in which an increasing number of Millennials and Generation Zs are becoming increasingly more interested in where their coffee comes from and how the coffee is produced. The authors then assisted the committee in charge of developing tourism packages in designing half-day and full-day excursion packages for tourists interested in learning while exploring nature, in improving the presentations of the single origin Arabica coffee from Catur, as well as in training the would-be local tour guides on the techniques of tour-guiding.

community-based tourism, single origin, tourism village, Catur, Bali

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Development of English Reading Skill Through Peer Teaching At Public Administration Institute of Home Affairs (IPDN)
Layla Kurniawati

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layla kurniawati

Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri

Peer teaching is a learning approach which is developed for developing students English reading skill at IPDN. This research is designed to solve some problems in teaching English at three curriculum system at IPDN, especially English teaching problems at parenting curriculum system. This research explores the concept of peer teaching approach which utilizes peers in the form of interaction among the same level students and also in the form of junior and senior students who are more knowledge of English. This research focus on the collaboration among students, lecturers, trainers and other staffs for solving English teaching problems at IPDN. The method is descriptive qualitative with need analysis (the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and also the threat belong to IPDN). The data are collected in the forms of documents, observations and interviews. The research results are the development of the students reading and speaking skills, the increase of students interest of learning English, the embryo of learning community among the students, teachers, trainers, staffs of IPDN. The last side impact of the research are the growth of students leadership spirit, critical thinking and the development of collaborative learning activities among the students.

Need Analysis, Peer teaching, Reading skill

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Development of Fiqh al-Muamalat in Indonesia; An Intellectual History Perspective
Mukhlis Rahmanto

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Mukhlis Rahmanto

Dept. of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research aims to address the history of development of Islamic business law (fiqh al muamalat) in Indonesia during sultanate era, colonialism, post-independence, and post-Suharto. Critical qualitative research with the intellectual history approach is used to explore the data in documents (i.e. books) were published. All long, the development of sharia economy in Indonesia after 1990 can not separate from the intellectual history facts where fiqh, especially fiqh al muamalat has been playing as main social-historical role in Indonesian society. To give an instance, the Aceh Sultanate used kitab Mirat al Tullab by Abd Al-Rauf Al Sinkili for the economy and business act. The key findings of research are: first, selected bibliography on fiqh al muamalat which represents three periods of Indonesia namely pre independence with a total of 12 books, post independence with a total 13 books and post Suharto until 2017 with a total 105 books. Second, there is a publishing surge on fiqh al muamalat books in post Suharto stimulated by freedom of expression during reformation era. The freedom of expression created a channel for some intellectual and muslim authors to write books, especially in this context to boost the development of sharia economy where is in need many references.

Fiqh al-muamalat, Islamic Economics, Intellectual history

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Development of Intercultural Capability in Overseas Study Programme: A Narrative Study of Indonesian Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Nudia Imarotul Husna

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Nudia Imarotul Husna

Monash University

This paper presents a study on the development of Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers intercultural capability in an overseas study programme and its impacts on classroom English Language teaching practices by utilising the conceptual framework of the development dimension of intercultural capability by Bennet (1993), Taylor (1994), and Chen and Starosta (1997). By using narrative inquiry as research methodology, this study draws on the stories of two Indonesian EFL teachers experiences of intercultural learning during a master degree programme overseas. Data was gathered through semi-structured individual interviews with Indonesian EFL teachers who have completed Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) studies in Australia. The finding shows that communication and cultural disequilibrium in an overseas study programme play a key role in the development of EFL teachers intercultural capability in a way that enables them to develop their personal attributes from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism. The finding also reveals that although the teachers become interculturally capable, the overseas study programme does not necessarily contribute to their oral English skill development. A deeper reinforcement in teachers cultural environment and the quality of experiences encountered overseas is needed. In a further result, this study reveals that the development of the teachers intercultural capability affects their subsequent classroom English teaching practices in a way that they begin to employ a dialogical communication and interaction by reflecting to their past experiences, especially when the teachers recognized the importance of employing a communicative interaction when they encountered challenges abroad.

communicative interaction, dialogical communication, English as a Foreign Language teachers, English teaching practice, intercultural capability, overseas study programme

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Development Strategy of Village Owned Business in Merbau Village Bunut District Pelalawan Regency Riau Province
Ahmad Thoyib Romadhon*, Suprapti Supardi, Isti Khomah

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Ahmad Thoyib Romadhon

a) Programmes of Study Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Jalan Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

This study aims to identify and formulate internal and external factors, and formulate altenative development strategies of Village Owned Business in Merbau Village. The basic method used is analytical descriptive method. The location of study was conducted by purposive method, namely in Merbau Village Bunut District Pelalawan Regency Riau Province and the informan conducted by key informan. Data analysis method used is IFE Matrix, EFE Matrix, IE Matrix, and SWOT Matrix. Results of the study based on IFE matrix scores are known to be the greatest strength is the existence of good relations between the management and the village government and the biggest weakness is the limited management resources in management. EFE matrix score shows that the biggest opportunity is the potential and creativity of the community can still be developed and the biggest threat is low community participation. Based on the IE Matrix analysis, the development of Village Owned Business Merbau Village in cell II which is growing and developing with strategies that can be developed is intensive and integrative. The alternative strategy for developing Village Owned Business was formulated in the SWOT Matrix which produced several alternative strategies with combination of SO, WO, ST, and WT.

Development Strategy; IE Matrix; Peatland; SWOT Matrix; Village Owned Business

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Siti Muyana, Dian Ari Widyastuti, Agungbudiprabowo

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Siti Muyana

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

The present study is aimed at finding out the academic procrastination on male and female students. This is classified as quantitative study with descriptive approach. The study was conducted in Ahmad Dahlan University with 229 students who were selected through simple random sampling. They consisted of seventy-nine male students and 150 female students. The instrument employed in the study was academic procrastination scale. Independent sample t-test was employed for analysis. The result of the study found that there is no difference in academic procrastination between male and female students. It was proven by the value of Asymp. Sig.(2tailed) 0,318 (p > 0,05). The result of the study provides positive contribution to the educational field, particularly higher education institution. This study provides a picture and reference for a higher education institution and all of its associated parties such as academic advisors, university counselors, and lecturers to take proper action and service for both female or male students who undergo academic procrastination.

academic procrastination, gender, students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Difference of Creatinin Level between Bodybuilding and Aerobic Gymnastic Enthusiasts
Adang Muhammad Gugun(a*) Muhamad Fakhri Wildana (b)

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Adang Muhammad Gugun

(a) Departement of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Good quality of life is a goals of every person. There are much factors that can influence life quality, one of them is body fitness. Sport is one of activities that can be done to reach body fitness. Creatinine is one that influenced by activities because creatinine is a result of meat diet metabolism and creatine metabolism in skeletal muscle tissue. Level of creatinine of each individu will be different depends on it lifestyle. Purpose: To know the difference of creatinine level between bodybuilding and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts, so the influence of sport type toward creatinine metabolism inside the body will be known. Methods: This is a quantitative research with non-experimental design and used analytic-observational with cross sectional survey approach. Quota sampling is used with total ammount for each independent variables is 20 and analyzed with Mann Whitney Test. Results: Creatinin levels of bodybuilding enthusiast are 0.71–1.49 mg/dL (Mean:1.0730 mg/dL) and aerobic gymnastic enthusiast are 0.80-1.86 mg/dL (Mean: 0.9745 mg/dL). There is a difference of creatinine level between bodybuilding and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts with the result of Mann Whitney Test (p = 0.038). Conclusion: There is difference of creatinine level between body building and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts.

Creatinine, bodybuilding, aerobic gymnastic

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Differences of Educational Level Background: The Communication Barriers in Muslim Families
Maisyanah, Azizah Maulina Erzad, Abdul Karim

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maisyanah maisyanah

IAIN Kudus

Education can change the human mindset. When the level of education is different, the mindset and communication models can also be different. Communication becomes one of the human primary needs. It has a role to strengthen the relationship within the family and society. Besides that, communication is also a trigger for conflict. This study aims to know the model of communication in Muslim families with different levels of education. This study is a qualitative research. In collecting the data, the researchers use deep interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The result reveals that assertive communication model dominates Muslim families even though there are different levels of education. The characteristic of this communication model is the ability to express feelings and self-esteem based on ethical thinking. Both husbands and wives with a higher level of education, they have awareness to foster harmonious household relations as the main goal. Therefore, the communication model which they apply in the family is assertive communication model.

Educational Level Background, Communication Barriers, Muslim Families

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


(1)Mukti Fajar ND(2)Reni Budi Setianingrum

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Reni Budi Setianingrum

Faculty of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The rapid development of digital technology encourages businesses to innovate their products and services. But these business innovations often create an unexpected leap leading to Disruptive Innovation, for example, the growth of online transportation business. As a result, the existing regulation cannot reach this leap. This study aims to study: (1) the legal position of Disruptive Innovation in competition law; and (2) analyzing the status of application-based transportation in competition law. The method of this research is normative legal research, which examines various legal principles, legal theories, and legislation. Findings from this study are, first: Disruptive Innovation indeed creates chaos in business competition, but as long as it does not violate regulation about (1) activities that are prohibited; (2) agreements that are prohibited; and (3) abuse of dominant position and run fairly, obey the law and doesn-t inhibit the entry of competitors, it does not violate the competition law. Second, application-based transportation business raises new problems concerning with the regulation that must be applied. Though the business platform is completely different from conventional transport companies, this new business platform does not violate business competition law.

Disruptive Innovation; Competition Law; Online transportation

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Evawaty S. Ulina (a*), Akhmad Rizali (b), Sjafrida Manuwoto (c), Pudjianto (c), Damayanti Buchori (c)

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Evawaty Sri Ulina

a) North Sumatra Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development Indonesia, Ministry of Agriculture
b) Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
c) Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

In agricultural landscapes, natural habitat play may enhance species diversity or the abundance of natural enemies in arable lands, and thereby suppress pest populations effectively. However, there is a lack of studies in Tropical regions about these interactions. The aim of this study was to investigate the community structure of Hymenoptera parasites at two distances (< 200m and > 400 m) from edges of natural habitat to cucumber fields. This research was carried out in twelve cucumber fields in West Java, Indonesia. Hymenopteran parasites were collected by yellow pan trap and hand picking of parasitized lepidopteran larvae. In total, 19 family and 132 parasitoid species, comprising 19,167 individuals, were collected in our experiments. A number of 56 (43.1%) hymenopteran parasites species found only in cropping with a certain distance away from the natural habitat. Of these, as many as 39 species (69.6%) hymenopteran parasites found in cucumber fields within close natural habitats, while the crop is being of natural habitats found 17 species (13.1%). Moreover, the functional diversity of hymenopteran parasites tends to increase on cropland closed to natural habitat. We conclude that distance of agricultural land to natural habitat affect hymenopteran parasites.

non-crop habitat, parasitoid, species richness, tropical region

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Maulida Nurwi Rahmawati, Taufiq Lilo Adisucipto, Anis Rahmawati, Ag. Tamrin, M. Kunta Biddinika

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Anis Rahmawati

Universitas Sebelas Maret;
School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick is an innovation wall material which is barely using cement as an adhesive between bricks. The presence of lip elements on the lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick allows bricks to be paired permanently and automatically interlocked and symmetrical, making the brick has interlock ability. The H-brick is more resistance to the earthquake, produce a better facade, also rapid installation process. This research used the lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick prepared with food packaging styrofoam waste and fly ash as material addition. The aim of this article was to compare the economic value of material needs of the lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick wall with two others wall material that was currently widely used, namely red brick and square lightweight concrete. The calculation of economic value was applied to a 98 type of housing. The calculation of material requirements and economic value in accordance with the Basic Unit Price and Unit Price of Principal Activity Building Construction Work and Residential of Surakarta City for the year 2018. The analysis results obtained the economic value of red brick, square lightweight concrete, and lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick was Rp. 36.649.718,82, Rp. 36.174.326,95, and Rp. 34.705.783,93, respectively. The results showed that lightweight concrete interlocking H-brick prepared with waste materials used in this research gain the cheapest material among the other two materials.


International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Effect of Adding Aloe Vera Gel Extract to The Burn Cream Formulation
Novianti Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta,, Tri Yuni Hendrawati Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta,, Ratri Ariatmi Nurgahani Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta,

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Novianti, ST Novianti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, fakultas teknik, jurusan Teknik Kimia

Aloe vera gel contains various anti inflammatory substances salicylic acid, indomethacin, manosa 6 phosphate, B sitosterol, lignin, saponins and anthaquinone. The purpose of this study was to obtain the effect of adding Aloe vera gel extract to burn cream and obtain the best formulation in healing burns on the skin of the outer epidermis by testing in white mice. Aloe vera gel was extracted using an vacuum rotary evaporator for 90 minutes, at 40 degree C at a pressure of 110 mBar. Burns cream made with 7 different formulas, namely Aloe vera extract, stearate acid, propylene glycol, liquid paraffin and Tween 80 and nipagin, nipasol, EDTA, Dimethyl sulfur oxide, NaH2PO4, Trietanolamine with the addition of Aloe vera extract 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12.5%. In testing pH meets skin physiological pH requirement 4 to 8. Viscosity with a consistency of cream that is easily applied to the skin without dripping. Fineness 9 to 11, refractive index 1.1 In the Aloe vera gel extract and on the cream base ranged from 51.5 to 78.3. In the results of testing with white mice, the best formula was obtained by adding 5percent Aloe vera gel extract with healing of burns for 7 days.

Aloe Chinensis Baker, cream extract, burns, skin epidermis

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect Of Ageratum conyzoides L on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rats Induced By DMBA Based on In Vivo-In Silico Study
Heni Ratnasari*, Aulia Rahma, Rifki Febriansah

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Heni Ratnasari

Department of Pharmacy, Medical Faculty and Health Science,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183

Abstract Liver cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Treatment that has been carried out to date was chemotherapy with cytostatic drugs, radiotherapy and surgery which still have many disadvantages. Bandotan Herbs (Ageratum conyzoides L.) containing flavonoid compounds that can be used as chemopreventive agents. Objective: This study was conducted to explore the chemopreventive activity of BHCF in DMBA-induced mouse rat. Methods: The simplisia macerated using ethanol 70% followed by fractionations using chloroform. The phytochemicals identification of BHCF is done by the TLC method. Molecular docking test of nobiletin compounds against VEGF proteins, COX-2 and C-Myc compared to 5Fluorouracil. The carcinogenesis test required 20 mice tails to be divided into 5 feeding groups. Induction is conducted on a per-oral using CMC-Na 0.5% 1 ml/200 gram, DMBA 20 mg/kgBW and BHCF at a dose of 750 mg/kgBW and 1500 mg/kgBW. DMBA is injected 2 times a week for 5 weeks. Histological observation is done by the Immunohistochemistry and Haematoxylin-Eosin methods. Results: The TLC results state that BHCF contains flavonoid as a secondary metabolites. Molecular docking proves that nobiletin is better in inhibiting the expression of VEGF with an affinity value -7.6 kcal/mol. Induction of DMBA causes moderate over-expression of VEGF against liver tissue. Histologically, the introduction of BHCF at a dose of 1500 mg/kgBW provides better improvement degrees of histology than 750 mg/kgBW. Conclusion: The presence of flavonoid can be used as chemopreventive agents for liver cancer based on in silico and in vivo assay.

Ageratum conyzoides L., hepatocellular carcinoma, DMBA, in silico, in vivo

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Applying Several Crop Rotation Pattern on Fertility of Irrigated Paddy Fields
1. Agus Suprihati, 2. Benito Heru Purwanto, Eko Hanudin, dan Makruf Nurudin

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Agus Suprihatin

1. South Sumatera Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, IAARD
2. Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM

The long effect of crop rotation practice in irrigated soil will obtain N inputs from legume plant residues as well as non-legume crop residues, organic fertilizers (manure) and or inorganic fertilizers (ammonium nitrate fertilizer). Crop rotation plays an important role in improving soil fertility (chemical, phisic and biology), production, and sustainability of land use. Crop rotation carried out by farmers is determined by the availability of water. The aim of this study was to investigate the soil fertility attributes in field plots after more than 20 years of applying crop rotation in irrigated paddy field. After the harvests of rice crops at 2017, surface soil samples were collected from the plots of each field. Four field of crops rotation were rice-rice-maize (RRM), rice-rice-soybean (RRS), conventional continuous rice (CRC), and organic continuous rice (CRO). Crop rotation resulted in a significant soil texture, bulk density, fresh soil moisture, P&

crop rotation, fertility, irrigated, paddy field

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Muhamad Malik, Lutfy Ditya Cahyanti, Niken Trisnaningrum*

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Niken Trisnaningrum

University of Darrusalam Gontor

The increasing of food consumption was correlated with the increasing of the population from year to year, and being worst because of the decrease of land in urban areas for crop cultivation. Aquaponik system is one of the solution to meet the productivity of food in urban areas. The purposes of this research were to analyze the nutrient differences in aquaponic and hidroponic media, to compare the nutrient content of water lily which were cultivated with aquaponic and hydroponics media toward its growth and yield as well as to understand the crop of water lily cultivated in aquaponic media to maintain hifdzun nafs. The research used the GRD (Group Random Design) with 4 treatments that were replicated 9 times. The results of the study showed that the second month nutrition of aquaponic was the best media toward the water lily growth which have 32,35 cm in heigh, 54,16 cm in length. Mean while, the best treatment of leaf parameter was the third month of aquaponic media. The third month of aquaponic media also the best media due to water lily yield on wet weight of leaf parameter (8,76 gr), the wet weight of steam (15,94 gr), the wet weight of root (3,57 gr), the wet weight total (30,06 gr), the dry weight of leaf (1,94 gr), the dry weight steam (2,19 gr), the dry weight total (4,82 gr), and the leaf area (15,35 cm). The N content of plant growth in the third month of aquaponic media was 4,52 %, while the N content of the third month aquaponic media was 221,86 mg/liter, the P content was 39,80 mg/liter, and the K content was 50,49 mg/liter.

aquaponic, hydroponic, nutrition, water lily

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Effect of Asphalt Content and Scrap Rubber Size on the Ballast Layer Properties
Dian M Setiawan, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Cahyo Budiyantoro

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Dian M Setiawan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Ballasted track is a technology that commonly used in Indonesia due to the practical in build and maintenance. However, the application of this technology causes much ballast degradation that effect the rail track geometric condition. The rail track stabilization using bitumen and scrap tire was recommended to make a solution the problem of the ballasted track. In this research, scrap rubber and bitumen used as much as 10% and 2% of total weight, respectively. The samples then built with 4 different configurations to analyses the value of some parameters such as void volume, deformation, abrasion, and elasticity modulus. Results show that the ballast with scrap rubber and bitumen has a smallest value of void volume which is 35.21%. Also, the sample of ballast with bitumen has the smallest deformation value, which is 5 mm at the load of 483.4 kPa, and the highest elastic modulus, which is 27.13 MPa. Furthermore, the smallest value of abrasion, 19.6 grams, was occurred on ballast with bitumen and scrap rubber.

Abrasion, deformation, elastic modulus, stabilization, volume void

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Effect of Audit Quality, Tax Planning and Leverage on Earning Magement
Agustine Dwianika

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Syadan Ismail

Universitas Pembangungan Jaya, Tangerang
Email: Agustine.dwianika[at]; Agustine.dwianika2017[at]

Abstract This study is to address a current issues about how important of audit quality for supporting firm-s performance, due still there a research gap from previous literatures about the effects of audit quality on earnings management. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and examine the effect of audit quality on the relationship of tax planning rates and leverage on earnings management, based on evidence in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study using secondary data obtained from the companys annual report. The research population is LQ-45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017 as many as 45 companies. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Samples that met the criteria in this study were used by 12 companies. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 22 for Windows. The results of this study indicate that tax planning and leverage affect earnings management. While audit quality as a moderating variable strengthens the relationship between tax planning and leverage on earnings management. This research provides futher evidence of earnings management related about audit quality, tax planning and leverage separately for academically side. For practitioners, it can be used as a consideration in making investment decisions, that there is a connection between the things that become variables in this study. Keywords: Audit Quality, Tax Planning, Leverage and Earnings Management JEL Classification: A12-Relation of Economic to Other Diciplines

Keywords: Audit Quality, Tax Planning, Leverage and Earnings Management

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The effect of Behavior Changes in Control Diet for Hypertension
Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo(1,2*), Panji (3), Titik Hidayati (1,2)

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Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo

(1) Master of Hospital Management, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2)Department of Public Health and Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Health, Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3)Primary Care Clinic in Sleman, Yogyakarta

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to identify behavior changes in control diet that associated with effective hypertension control. Methods: This study was conducted at primary care clinic in Yogyakarta Indonesia. This study used a Quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control and intervention group in primary care clinic. The intervention and control group were selected through the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected using a simple random sampling. The intervention group received a control diet package for 6 weeks. Result: There were 84 subjects of hypertension patients, grouped into two groups: 42 patients (intervention group) and 42 patients (control group). There were differences of increasing behavior change control diet scores between the control and intervention groups. There was a significant difference with (p <0.05) of (1.41) in the intervention group, while there was a decrease in score (&

Hypertension, control diet, behavior, intervention

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


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