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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 17 (data 481 to 510 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Factors Affecting Breeders Behavior in the Ongole Breed Cattle Development Program in Gunungkidul Regency, Special Province of Yogyakarta
Diah Rina Kamardiani, Beti Nur Utami, Widodo

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Diah Rina Kamardiani

Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Abstract The development of Ongole cattle has been developed in Indonesia. The study aimed to determine the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle, and the factors that influence it. Research locations in Wonosari District and Playen District. There were 40 farmer samples from 4 farmer groups who had implemented all Ongole cattle development programs in Gunungkidul Regency. Data is processed using multiple linear regression analysis. Research shows good behavior from farmers in technical guidance, development of forage fodder, implementation of integrated animal services, and the rescue of productive female cattle from farmers who receive or not receive assistance from Ongole breeds. However, its behavior is not good in making and using alternative animal feed. Partially, the age of the farmer and the frequency of joining the program have a positive effect on the behavior of farmers in the development program on Ongole cattle. In addition, the experience of Ongole cattle breeding and the cost of maintaining Ongole cattle breed have a negative influence on the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle. Farmers income and education, the number of Ongole breeds that are maintained, and the frequency of attending group meetings do not affect the behavior of farmers in the development program of Ongole cattle. In order for the Ongole cattle breeding development program to develop better in Gunungkidul Regency, the related department motivates farmers to carry out alternative animal feed making and check the reproductive conditions of cattle.

breeders behavior, development program, factors, Ongole cattle.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting GPA of Accounting Students
Hamfri Djajadikerta; Samuel Wirawan; Amelia Setiawan

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Amelia Setiawan

Parahyangan Catholic University

At present, the accounting profession is being questioned, whether it will survive or be replaced by technology. Thus, accountants must demonstrate adequate competence in order to survive the 4.0th industrial revolution. Therefore, accounting students must show the best quality in order to become the best graduates who can compete and succeed. Many factors influence the success of accounting students including GPA. Many factors that affect GPA of Accounting Students. This study discussed the influence of majors at high school, interest in entry, preferences about lecturers, principle accounting scores on GPA of Accounting Students. This study uses the Hypothetic-Deductive Method in conducting research, and uses the questionnaire method in data collection and then performs regression tests in data analysis. The sample of this study was accounting students at several universities in Bandung. The result of the study was found that only principle accounting scores which has a significant effect on the GPA of Accounting Students. The limitations of this study are the number of samples so that the results cannot be generalized. Further research can be done with a larger number of samples and a wider coverage area to confirm the results of this study.

GPA of Accounting Students, majors at high school, preferences about lecturers, principle accounting scores

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting Loyalty in Sharia Financing for SMEs
Sahat Aditua Fandhitya Silalahi (a*), Achmad Muchaddam Fahham (b)

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Sahat Aditua Fandhitya Silalahi

a)Research Center, The House of the Representatives of Indonesia, House of Representatives Complex, Nusantara I building 2nd fl, Gatot Subroto st, Senayan, Jakarta.

b)Research Center, The House of the Representatives of Indonesia, House of Representatives Complex, Nusantara I building 2nd fl, Gatot Subroto st, Senayan, Jakarta.

Sharia financing services for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have experienced positive developments. Some factors that make SMEs increasingly interested in sharia financing schemes are fair profit-sharing schemes and conformity with Islamic law. However, other factors that affect customer satisfaction and loyalty such as service quality should not be ignored. This study aims to examine the influence of conformity with Islamic Sharia, service quality, and perceptions of a more equitable financing scheme on customer satisfaction and loyalty both directly and indirectly. This study involved 114 SMEs in Bogor regency who were using sharia financing services. This research uses path analysis to study the influence of each variable on satisfaction and loyalty. The results showed that service quality and a more equitable perception of the scheme had a significant influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. While the perception of conformity to Sharia does not have a significant influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results imply that even though conformity with Islamic sharia may deliver advantages in winning the Muslim entrepreneur segment; the financial services providers should not ignore the service quality and fair financing factors.

Sharia; Financing; SMEs; Satisfaction; Loyalty.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Factors Affecting the Motivation of Nursing Students in Joining the Student Exchange Program
Farida Juanita, Diaz Innova, and Arifal Aris

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Farida Juanita

Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Nursing student exchange is one of the programs held to improve the quality of students, especially in developing nursing cultural competence. However in its implementation, not all students are motivated to take part in the program. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence student motivation in participating in the international student exchange program. This study uses a descriptive & analytic cross section method. 265 students were taken using quota sampling via online survey from total population of 481 undergraduate level students in second, third and last year. The results showed student motivation towards the exchange program was high (74.3%) with the most important reason is for career development (86.8%), world enlightenment (5.7%), entertainment (1.5%) and personal growth (6%). However, there were obstacles faced by some students, there are financial barrier (37.7%), lack of confidence in English (35.5%) and lack of family support (8.7%). Other factors that were significantly proven to be related to student motivation were tested using the Wilcoxon sign rank test with α = 0.05, there are English ability (p = 0,000) and information obtained about student exchange (p = 0,000).

Students exchange, motivation factors, nursing

International Conference on Nursing


Factors Affecting the Optimization of Sustainable Food House Programs in Accelerating Food Consumption Diversification in Bantul
Lestari Rahayu, Afina Nadida, Siti Yusi Rusimah

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Lestari Rahayu


Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Sustainable Food House (Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL)) is one of the programs to accelerate food consumption diversification (Percepatan Penganekaragaman Konsumsi Pangan (P2KP)) to fulfill food needs in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the implementation, analyze optimization, and determine the factors that influence the optimization of KRPL program in KWT Migunani. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The determination of respondents was done through census to 27 members of the Farmer Women Group (Kelompok Wanita Tani/KWT Migunani). The analysis was done using descriptive analytics to know the factors that influence the optimization. The results showed that the implementation of the program is quite accomplished, observed from KWT members activeness in group activities, farming training, and counseling which are quite high. The optimization of the program is also classified as quite accomplished, seen from the indicators of many commodity types and technology, more uses of the yard, and more additional food supplies for the family. The internal factors that affect the optimization are formal education, family income, cosmopolitan rate, and motivation; while the external factors are the intensity of extension, availability of production facilities, and member involvement in KWT.

KRPL, KWT, optimization of KRPL program

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors Affecting Voting Behaviour in Local Election of Tulungagung Regency in 2018
Tri Sulistyani (a), Dr.phil. Aditya Perdana, S.IP, M.Si (b)

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Tri Sulistyani

a) Magister Program of Political Science,
b) Lecture Department of Political Science, FISIP UI
Depok 16424, Indonesia

This article will explain factors that influence voting behavior in local election of Tulungagung Regency in 2018. One of the objectives of the election conducted is to look for a leader or regional head (regent) who is accountable, competitive, and understands the public interests. However, Local election of Tulungagung in 2018, a great phenomenon occurred where one of regent candidates became corruption suspect (Syahri Mulyo) was able to win the elections. The Syahri Mulyo-Maryoto Birowo was an incumbent supported by two political parties (PDIP and Nasdem), while the opponents called Margiono-Eko Prisdianto were supported by nine political parties. Although Syahri Mulyo has been declared a corruption suspect 19 days to the voting day, Syahri Mulyo-Maryoto Birowo (Sahto) became the winner in 17 sub-districts from 19 sub-districts with a vote of 59.97%. On the other hand, his opponent (Margiono-Eko Prisdianto) only got 40.03% of the vote. This research will use quantitative method with approximately 400 respondents with 95% of confident level and 5% of margin of error. The theory that will be used is voting behavior with psychological approach and rational choice. The temporary hypothesis is the candidates who affected by corruption cases do not affect the voting behavior of people in Tulungagung regency in the 2018 local elections.

Local Election, Corruption, Voting Behavior, Tulungagung

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Factors and Influences on Language Use of Mëranaw Teenagers
Sittie Noffaisah B. Pasandalan and Anna Ryana Tampogao

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Sittie Noffaisah Pasandalan

Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

Language is an indicator of identity; in a borderless world, people are easily exposed to other languages. Code-switching/mixing is common among young language speakers and among Mëranaw teenagers in Marawi City, Philippines, their use of Mëranaw language is mixed with Tagalog, English, Korean, Japanese, and Arabic languages. The teenagers are greatly exposed to Tagalog and English as these are major languages in the Philippines. But only teenagers with great access to the internet are able to use Korean and Japanese lexicons due to watching movies and series and listening to songs. Teenagers who are studying in schools with Arabic education are able to use Arabic lexicons. Mëranaw teenagers consider expressing solidarity, establishing common ground, mutual intelligibility, and choice of topic in their lexical choices. The teenagers would choose non-Mëranaw lexicons when they cannot express themselves in Mëranaw language and when they think that a Mëranaw lexicon is archaic. They would use affixes of borrowed languages with Mëranaw lexicons and in the same manner use Mëranaw affixes with lexicons of borrowed languages. In addition, code-switching/mixing occurs when they would negotiate meaning. Despite the phenomenon of code-switching/mixing, there is still language maintenance as teenagers continue to use the Mëranaw language.

Mëranaw; language

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Factors associated with self-management that prevent aspiration trouble related to laryngectomy stoma
Kanako Yoshikawa1), Hiromi Fukuda1), Akifumi Notsu2)

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Amanda Amanda

1) Department of Community Health Sciences, Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences
2) Shizuoka Cancer Center

Background: It is well known that all patients undergoing laryngectomy need self-management of their own laryngectomy stoma. The aim of this study is to investigate factors associated with this self-management that can prevent aspiration trouble in stoma after a total laryngectomy and improve the quality of life for these patients and their families. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted concerning: “self-management of laryngectomy stoma”, “characteristics”, “self-care agency”, and “social networks and social support”. The questionnaires were distributed to 825 patients who belonged to peer support groups all over Japan. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to find factors associated with self-management that prevent aspiration trouble related to laryngectomy stoma. Results: Valid responses from participants were 429 (52.0%), and of these 381(88.0%) were male. Multiple regression analysis suggested that the ability to manage one-s own self-care, the ability to adjust one is own physical condition based on personal weaknesses, appraisal support and gender were associated with self-management related to laryngectomy stoma (Adj R2=.364, p<.001). Conclusion: In terms of self-management related to laryngectomy stoma, this study suggested that supporting the ability to manage one-s own self-care and continuing to provide appraisal support were necessary to improve and maintain the patients- self-management.

Laryngectomy, Self-management, Self-care, Social support

International Conference on Nursing


Sri Karyati, Sukarmin

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Sri Karyati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus

Diabetus Mellitus (DM) is a non-communicable disease belonging to the worlds fourth priority because of its increasing number and it causes disability. Blood glucose level is high as a result of the disease may cause severe pain which affects the heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. DM patients have higher frequency of infection. One of the complications of DM is diabetic foot which manifest as a boil, gangrene, and Charcot arthropathy. About 15% of people with DM will generally suffer from complications of diabetic foot ulcers. This study aims to find out some factors that contribute to diabetic ulcer prevention behavior in pati. This study was conservational study with samples of 10 DM patients in Pati taken randomly. Bivariate analysis was done using Chi square test and multivariate analysis used multinomial logistic regression test. The results of study showed that there were no correlation among age, occupation, type of melamine, with diabetic ulcer prevention behavior in Pati (p = 0.080, 0.223, 0.446). meanwhile, there were relationship among education, income, duration of suffering, knowledge, with diabetic ulcer prevention behavior in Pati(p = 0,000, 0,000, 0,000, 0,000). The factors contributing to diabetic ulcer prevention behavior in Pati are long suffering from DM (38,160), level of education (18,035), knowledge (0,499) and income (0,156).

DM, foot ulcer, prevention

International Conference on Nursing


Moh. Shoimus Sholeh, Kelik Perdana Windra Sukma

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Kelik Sukma

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Madura

Farmers in Pamekasan Regency, especially in Pakong Subdistrict, use a lot of sloping land as agricultural land. The farmers generally have implemented conservation rules at different levels. This study aims to examine the factors that influence the level of application of rice farming conservation on sloping land. The method used in this study is a questionnaire that concern with the level of conservation application and the factors that influence the level of adoption of conservation farming. Conservation farming variables include making terraces, making infiltration channels, planting terrace reinforcement plants, making water drainage channels and utilizing or using natural mulch. Factors that influence include land area (X1), farmers age (X2), formal education (X3), non-formal education (X4), land slope (X5), conservation farming knowledge (X6), knowledge of conservation methods (X7) , and knowledge of the importance of conservation (X8). The result was that 65.38% of the sampled farmers had applied conservation with a high level category. Multiple linear analysis of the factors showed that X4, X5, X7 and X8 had a significant effect on the level of implementation of conservation farming on rice plants on sloping land.

conservation farming, sloping land, rice

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Ana Toni Roby Candra Yudha; Imam Wahyudi Indrawan

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Imam Wahyudi Indrawan

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel of Surabaya; International Islamic University of Malaysia

The existance of so called dilemma between non performing financing (NPF) and needs of financing, particularly in microfinance has become a great homework for banking industry and cooperatives along with its related instruments. It is plausible to look for the causes of NPF as well as its implications to micro and small enterprises. Research purposes are twofolds, to figure out and analyze factors influencing Non Performing Financing of Islamic banking as well as to generate suggestions on its implications toward Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (LPDB KUKM). This research is conducted in quantitative approach. It covers two variables, macroeconomy and Islamic banking financial performance (BUS, UUS, and BPRS) in Indonesia towards Non Performing Finance (NPF). The research findings include several factors, such as current depreciation, increase in quantity of Islamic micro financing, and inefficiency of Islamic banking operation, that contributes to the rising NPF in Islamic banking in Indonesia. However, the increase in Islamic banking office networks can tackling potensial growth of NPF. The research implicates in policy associated to Lembaga Pengelola Dana Bergulir Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (LPDB-KUKM), as General Service Agency (Badan Layanan Umum or BLU) at the Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Enterprises. LPDB KUKM, in allocating revolving funds for Islamic micro enterprises with Islamic scheme, can cooperate with Islamic banking, either BUS, UUS, and BPRS considering that Islamic banking has developed number of networks which could expand the reach of Islamic micro financing programs.

Non Performing Financing (NPF); Islamic banking; implication; LPDB-KUKM

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Factors Related to the Incidence of Menopause
Meidriana Savitri Madyananda, Dewi Puspita

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Dewi Puspita

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

FACTORS RELATED TO THE INCIDENCE OF MENOPAUSE Meidriana Savitri Madyananda, Dewi Puspita*) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Email: *)coresponding author Abstract Background: A woman who gets older then will normally experience menopause. Menopause is affected by several factors and it is related to the global phenomenon which shows that the average age of menopausal women in various parts of the world lately becomes faster. Research Purposes: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between age of menarche, the last delivery age, and parity number with the occurrence of menopause. Research Methods: This study used a quantitative method with cross sectional. The sample in this study amounted to 40 women aged 45-55 years old who had stopped menstruating for 1 year. Results: The result of this study shows that the correlation between menopause with the age of menarche is obtained p value = 0,288 (p> 0,05), menopause with the last delivery age is obtained p value = 0,246 (p> 0,05), and menopause with parity number is obtained p value = 0,025 (p <0.05). Conclusion: There are no correlation between the age of menarche, the last delivery age to the incidence of menopause. There is a positive correlation between the number of parity and the occurrence of menopause.

menopause, menarche, last delivery age, parity

International Conference on Nursing


Factors that positively influence to improve exclusive breastfeeding
Mina Yumei Santi (1*)

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Mina Yumei Santi

Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health of Yogyakarta, Mangkuyudan Street MJ III/304 Yogyakarta, Indonesia Postcode 55143.

Based on World Health Statistics infant mortality rate in the world in 2016 is 41 per 1,000 live births. This value is still quite high if comparing with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at 25 per 1,000 live births. The optimal breastfeeding under two years of age has the greatest potential for survival of all precaution. An effort to prevent infant mortality is by exclusive breastfeeding. Coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Special Region of Jogjakarta Province in 2017 amounted to 74.9% is still below the national target of 80%. The aim of this research was to find the factors that positively influence to improve coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. The research method used analytic with cross sectional design. The result of the study shows that four factors that positively influence to improve exclusive breastfeeding are mother knowledge, age of maternal, counseling and education, and social support of midwifes. Mother knowledge about breastfeeding related with the provision of exclusive breastfeeding. Knowledge factors have an important role in taking action to give exclusive breastfeeding. Education about breastfeeding is done during pregnancy and during pregnancy visits. Social support of midwifes affect the mother choice to breastfeeding exclusively.

Exclusive breastfeeding; midwife counselor; early initiation of breastfeeding; infant mortality

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Failed in 10 out of 24 Block is Enough to Make Students Failed in Licensing Test
Winny Setyonugroho, Wiwik Kusumawati, Alfun Dhiya AN, Fitriana YP Sari, Sanggit F Priyanto, Virgiawan A Wicaksana

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Winny Setyonugroho

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background For the students in Medical School, the end goal after the long battle of studying is to be able to pass the Licensing Test. The undergraduate program of bachelor of medicine requires its students to complete 24 blocks within 4 years. It should be able to foresee the number of failures of that occur during the National Board of Examination test. Aim The aim of this research is to explore the correlation between the results of a students block examination during their four years of study with failure on the licensing test. Method This is a retrospective study. Three cohorts of students (from the classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011) were used in this study. The total students were 335. Failure on the block exam that is referred to in this study is failure during the first attempt of the exam. We analyzed the multiple choice exams (MCQ) of the block and the MCQ of the licensure test. The data was analyzed using MANOVA and Pearson Correlation. Result Students who failed in the licensing test had average 10.1 (sd=3.8) of failed in MCQ block exam. There was a strong, positive correlation between the MCQ score in block exam and MCQ in licensing exam. There was statistically significant difference in block exam score test prior the failure in the licensing test. Conclusion Failure in almost half of the block exams is a bad sign for the future of the students. Medical educationalist should be able to create a predictive learning process item and design an early warning system. Therefore, schools will able to conduct the appropriate procedures regarding the future of the students education during their early stages of study.

CBT, MCQ, lincensure exam

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Failure risk prediction model for Malaysian SMEs using automated machine learning pipelines
Fatin Zulaikha Basharin, Rahayu Abdul Rahman

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Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM), Malaysia

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of religiosity on failure risk of Small Medium size Enterprise (SME). This study uses 150 of SME-s companies from 2010 to 2016. The data are obtained from the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) website. The result indicates that religiosity has a negative and significant relationship with failure risk.

SME, SSM, religiosity, failure risk

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Fair Railroad Business Entity in Indonesia
Reni Anggriani

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Reni Anggriani

Faculty of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Railway, one of the modes in the national transportation system, is a mass transportation with its characteristics and advantages. Air the research is the potential of this transportation needs to be developed and enhanced as a regional liaison both nationally and internationally also to support and improve national development for social welfare in order to access justice for using mass transportation especially land transportation namely railways. One spirit of the Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways is the end of the monopoly implementation of railways in Indonesia. The problem is what kind of Railroad Business Entity can carry out the fair railway implementation for the community using these services in Indonesia? The research method is normative and will be carried out with literature. The conclusion in this research is Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways in the provisions of article 1 point 10 concerning private sector needs some explanation for regulations that many private sectors are involved in railroad transportation modes in Indonesia, so that not only Indonesian Railways Company (PT KAI) becomes a sole state-owned railway corporation. The recommendation in this research is need explanation inside Law Number 23 of 2007, so that Indonesian people can access justice for transportation services specifically railways.

Railroad, Private Sector, Justice

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi Pariwisata Indonesia
Layli Amatullah

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Layli Amatullah

University Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel Emisi CO2 dari transportasi (% dari total pembakaran bahan bakar), Jumlah kedatangan pariwisata internasional, Pendaftaran Sekolah Menengah terhadap Penerimaan pendapatan pariwisata internasional (% dari total ekspor) di Indonesia. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah ECM dengan periode penelitian dari tahun 1988 sampai dengan tahun 2017. Berdasarkan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian, diketahui dalam jangka panjang semua berpengaruh terhadap Penerimaan pariwisata internasional dalam jangka pendek varibel Emisi CO2 dari transportasiberpengaruh negative dan Jumlah kedatangan pariwisata internasional berpengaruh negatif, sedangkan Pendaftar Sekolah Menengah tidak berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan pendapatan pariwisata internasional di negara Indonesia.

Emisi CO2, Jumlah Pariwisata, Pendapatan.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Farmers Perception on Rice Importing Policy (A Study on Rice Farmers in Grobogan Regency, Central Java)
Agustono (a), Eksa Rusdiyana (a), Ernoiz Antriyandarti (a), Susi Wuri Ani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Eksa Rusdiyana

a) Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Jl.Ir.Sutami 36 A Kentingan, Jebres, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

This research aimed to find out the farmers perception on rice importing policy and the measure they take to deal with the policy. This study was a descriptive qualitative research with structured interview, documentation, and focus group discussion being the techniques of collecting data. Informant consisted of farmers and head of farmer group with rice farming business. Data validation was carried out using source triangulation. The result of research showed that the farmers perception on rice import was divided into two. Few farmers understood that rice importing policy was developed by government due to uneven rice production in order to make the rices price lower and affordable to the people. Meanwhile, most farmers did not know the governments rationale in importing the rice amid the abundant rice production of local farmers. Both groups had no option other than being submitted and keeping continuing their farming business recalling rice is the basic need the sale of which can be postponed and can be consumed themselves.

farmer, import, paddy, rice

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Feasibility Planning of Tuban Outer Ring Road Construction
Cahya Buana (a), Alifia Az-Zahra (b)

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Alifia Az Zahra

(a) Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering , Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology , Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering , Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology , Surabaya, Indonesia

In the document of East Java RTRW 2011-2031 show a planning of strategic areas called Golden Triangle Development, Tuban is one of the triangle in. Over this time, vehicles those across city always use urban road causing heavy vehicle mixed with local traffic. One of the solutions is the Construction of Tuban ring road (outer ring road). This final project will determine the alternative of Tuban ring road route to be more effective, and analyze the feasibility of the chosen alternative. Using an Analytical Hierarchy Process method to choose the route, from interview with stakeholders. The result was found that alternative 3 be the chosen route. Saving of vehicle operational cost of this ring road construction reach Rp and saving of time value reach Rp 101.560.399.789 . All cost of the construction and land acquisition is Rp 799.629.618.714 . Then value of benefit cost ratio is 4,38 > 1 and amount of Net Present Value is Rp 2.705.937.413.332 > 0 . This study definitevely answer that construction of Tuban outer ring road with the chosen route is worthy for economic aspect.

Tuban Outer Ringroad; Alternative Route; Analytical Hierarchy Procces; Time Value; Vehicle Operational Cost

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Feasibility Study Of Hybrid Corn And Sweet Corn Farming
Pujastuti Sulistyaning Dyah, Eni Istiyanti, Nur Kahfi

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Pujastuti Sulistyaning Dyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the cost, revenue, income, profitability, and feasibility of sweet corn and hybrid corn farming in the Plemahan district. The technique of determining the research area is done by purposive sampling with the consideration that the Plemahan district has the highest corn production. Determination of respondent samples was done by the census of 20 sweet corn farmers and 30 hybrid corn farmers. The method of analysis is carried out by describing the results of tabulations including income, R/C, capital productivity, land productivity, and labor productivity. The results showed that total farming costs were Rp8,438,496 for sweet corn and Rp9,473,266, - for hybrid corn with a land area of 4000 m. Income of sweet corn farmer is Rp7,915,054 during planting season (3 months). Then, income of hybrid corn is Rp7,611.5 during one planting season (4 months). The profit obtained from sweet corn is Rp4,473,588 while the profits of hybrid corn farmers amounted to Rp3,639,734. The feasibility of sweet corn is higher than hybrid corn.

Hybrid corn, Sweet corn, Feasibility farming

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Feasibility Study on Community-Based Zakat Distribution in Garut Regency (Study on Mekarsari Village and Sagara Village)
Elis Nurhasanah

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Elis Nurhasanah

Siliwangi University

Abstract: This paper aims to measure the feasibility of distributing community-based zakat funds in Garut Regency. This research is to measure the condition of village-based community, whether it is feasible or not to receive zakat funds, and to recommend a zakat program that is relevant, if it is worthy of receiving the zakat community development program. This study uses an instrument adopted from the Center of Strategic Studies of The National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) that is the Zakat Village Index (ZVI). By using mixed method approach and purposive sampling. The results show that both Mekarsari and Sagara villages can be considered to be assisted by the Zakat Community Development program with the same ZVI value of 0.55 points. Each dimension values in the Mekarsari village are 0.39 points of economic dimensions, 0.54 points of health dimensions, 0.64 points education dimensions, and the da-wah and social and humanity dimensions each score 0.68 and 0.55 points. Whereas the scores of each dimension of Sagara Village are 0.26 points of economic dimension values, 0.60 points of health dimensions, and the values of the dimensions of dawah and social humanity are 0.69, 0.69 points. Thus, based on the values of the five dimensions above, the priority of the zakat community development program focuses on improving the economy of the mustahiq community through empowering the potential based on community.

Feasibility study, Zakat Community Development, Zakat Village Index

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Features Selection and Classification of Motor Imagery using Particel Swarm Optimization and SVM Algorithm
Yabes Dwi Nugroho(a*), Prisma Megantoro (a), Iswanto (b*)

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Yabes Dwi Nugroho H

Universitas Gadjah Mada
Departement of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Electrical Engineering

The nervous system in the body has information to move body parts. This information will be classified to find out what signal information is in the human brain. One developing application is Electroenchephalography (EEG), which is an instrument for capturing these brain signals. Signal patterns can be known from the stimulation a person receives from movements that result from brain activity. In this study, the authors built a system that would classify imagery motor patterns of brain activity through the EEG produced. CSP is used as a feature selection to retrieve patterns from imagery motor signals. Meanwhile, at the classification stage use PSO and SVM. PSO is used because it is more efficient because it requires less computing. Based on the results of calculations carried out it produces a significant accuracy of 93%.

Feature Selection, Classification, EEG, Motor Imagery, CSP, PSO, SVM

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Feedback on the Presentation Performance
Dedy Setiawan

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Dedy Setiawan

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Presentation skill is a type of public speaking which can be in a form of speech, debates and meetings. In public speaking, a speaker can face more than two people or even hundreds or thousands of people. While in ordinary conversation, the speaker or the listener is limited to only a few people. Feedback is usually given after an activity is done. In this case, the students who were trained were given feedback by the teacher. Feedback is given thoroughly, both on the language, content and method of presentation. Research on feedback or assessment on oral presentation is underexplored. The present research is a proof supported with empirical data which suggests that the role of feedback is important and statistically assessed as significant in making performance better. The main factor that determines the quality of a presentation is the language skill. However, there are other aspects that are quite decisive such as the material or topic or theme presentation and method.

presentation skill, feedback, language skill.

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Financial Development and Economic Growth in Indonesia : A Comparative Study Between Conventional and Islamic Bank
Indri Supriani (a*), Ryan Rahmah Maulayati (b)

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Indri Supriani

a) Faculty of Economics and Busniess, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No.4, Airlangga, Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur Indonesia 60286.
b) Faculty of Economics and Busniess, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No.4, Airlangga, Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur Indonesia 60286.

The purpose of this paper is to compare the effects of conventional banking development and islamic banking development on the economic growth in the case of Indonesia. The resistance of Islamic banking and finance in Indonesia to economic crises had been proved in 1998, when Bank Muamalat Indonesia was able to withstand the global crisis while conventional banks suffered losses. The increasing presence of Islamic banking and finance in Indonesia based on fair profit-loss sharing (PLS) and risk sharing is supposed to have a stronger contribution to encourage real economic growth compared conventional banking and finance which applies fixed interest rate with the main goal being maximizing profit without regard to clients bussines condition. In order to empirically compare and investigate the impact of financial development on performances of macroeconomic indicators, this study applies Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach on monthly data set for Indonesia covering the period from 2011 to 2013. The results signify a rejection to the hypothesis that Islamic finance significantly contribute to the acceleration economic growth compared to conventional banks. In the long run, Bound F-test cointegration demonstrates that there is statistical eviedence of a relationship between conventional banking and economic growth. However no significant relationship was observed between islamic banking development and growth. To increase the role of Indonesian Islamic banks as financial intermediaries that faciliate the capital accumulation and the economic growth, the paper suggests both the government and especially society to be more aware of commence in using islamic banking products that represent our values as muslim ummah. Moreover, islamic banks itself, should be required to improve the percentage of mudharabah and musyarakah in allocation of their financial deposito. The limitation of this study is the lack of commercial and syariah banks performance data before the economic crisis in indonesia.

Islamic banking, Conventional banking, Real Economy, Indonesia, ARDL.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Financial Inclusion through Zakat Empowerment Program: in Indonesia (BAZNAS) and Brunei Darussalam (BAKAZ).
Ida Wijayanti, Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, Ana Toni Roby Candra

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Ida Wijayanti

Universitas Airlangga,
Universitas Airlangga,
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel

This research aims to reveal the financial inclusion occurs in zakat institutions within zakat empowerment program in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. This study will show a comparison of financial inclusion processes practiced by zakat institutions in two countries and then analyze how they can improve zakat management in both institutions. The object of this research are the government zakat institution in two countries, namely Indonesia (BAZNAS) and Brunei Darussalam (BAKAZ). This study uses a qualitative explanatory method within multiple case strategy. Data collection in this study was carried out through in-depth interviews with several expert informants of BAZNAS and BAKAZ and also mustahiq of each institution. This study shows how the financial inclusion process is carried out through the synergy of zakat institution with financial institutions in each country, so as to produce a sustainable impact to the mustahiq life through the implementation of zakat financial inclusion.

Financial Inclusion, Zakat Empowerment Program, Mustahiq, BAZNAS, BAKAZ

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Financial Performance Measurement for Waqf Institution : A Proposed Model Based on Indonesia Accounting Standard
Aufar Fadlul Hady, Sulistya Rusgianto

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Aufar Fadlul Hady

Universitas Airlangga

This study aims to develop a financial measurement model to assess the performance of waqf managers (nazhir). Performance measurement is important to evaluate whether a nazhir has managed the waqf assets in accordance with the laws and regulations, the objectives of the institution, the wishes of the donors (wakif) as well as the benefits of the beneficiaries (mauquf alaih). This study uses a financial ratios approach which is compiled into a comprehensive financial statement analysis model. These financial ratios are developed based on Indonesian Accounting Standard No 112 concerning Accounting of Waqf that have just been ratified. The results of this study provide an objective and informative financial performance measurement model that can be used by stakeholders to make decision in managing waqf assets. Furthermore, the Badan Wakaf Indonesia (BWI), as waqf authority, can adopt this model as a part of reporting standard for waqf institution.

Performance Measurement, Financial Ratios, Waqf, Waqf Institution, Nazhir

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Financial reporting fraud detection using machine learning pipeline
Nurfarizan Mazhani Mahmud, Rahayu Abdul Rahman

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Nurfarizan mazhani Mahmud

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Kampus Tapah

This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of machine learning in predicting financial reporting fraud among listed companies in Malaysia. Ten financial ratios are used as fraud risk indicator to predict financial reporting fraud. The samples of 20 fraudulent firms and 20 non fraudulent firms which financial data are available from 2010-2018 are used using match pair in this study. The findings reveal that machine learning is effective in predicting both fraudulent and non fraudulent firms compared to traditional approach of financial reporting fraud detection.

Financial reporting fraud, fraud detection, machine learning,

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Finite Element Analysis of Flexural Failure of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Columns
Harun Alrasyid, Muhammad Ali Rofiq, Data Iranata

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Harun Alrasyid

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

At high-rise buildings, column has an important role to resist gravity and earthquake load. The utilization of high-strength concrete and high-strength steel rebar at high-rise buildings can reduce columns dimension at lower story. In this study, nonlinear finite-element analysis was carried out to model flexure behavior of high-strength reinforced concrete columns subjected to displacement-controlled monotonic loading and constant axial loading. There are two high-strength reinforced concrete column specimens with a 600x600x1800 mm column dimension that will be modeled using 3D finite-element analysis. The variables in this study are the axial loads. The axial load of 0.1Agfc and 0.33Agfc represents the low and high axial load on columns at high-rise buildings, respectively. The columns are designed with high-strength longitudinal reinforcement (fy=685 MPa), high-strength transverse reinforcement (fy=785MPa) and compressive strength of concrete of 70 MPa. Finite-element analysis is carried out with appropriate constitutive modeling of concrete and steel, material behavior parameters, geometric modeling, and mesh. The plasticity model was developed based on concrete damage plasticity models that can predict typical concrete behavior. The finite-element result showed that the prediction of the force-drift relationship curves are relative similar with the experimental results.

concrete column, high-strength, non linear, finite-element analysis

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Finite Element Analysis of SiCC Column on Expansive Soil
Willis Diana,Desi Rahmawati, Agus setyo Muntohar

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Willis Diana

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Expansive soil is generally defined as any soil or rock material that exhibit volumetric deformation when their water content changes. They have a potential to swell and shrink under increasing and decreasing water content. This phenomenon can cause in damage to the infrastructure on it. The technique of lime columns, cement columns or lime-cement columns are an alternative method to improve and reduce the problems on this soil. The SiCC columns are columns made of a mixture of micro calcium and micro cylica used not only to stabilize the expansive soil but also to reinforce the soil. The SiCC was function as stabilize agent to soil surrounding the column that made the soil parameter changes. Hence, the soil parameters changes around the column should be determined. This study aims to determine the changes of soil parameter after the installation of SiCC Column. The analysis was done by finite element method using Abaqus 6.11. The soil was modeled with Drucker-Prager model. The soil parameter was predicted and analyzed until the deformation that occurred on finite element model was same with the physical laboratory model. The SiCC column model used in this study was T-shape column with diameter 15,24 cm in head diameter and column length were varied 70 cm and 50 cm, and loaded with 8 tons point load. The modeling results show that plate system with rigid pavement on expansive soils reinforced with SiCC column T-shape with length 50 cm have deformation value 10,76 mm. While the plate system with rigid pavement on expansive soil reinforced with SiCC column T-shape with a length of 70 cm have deformation value 7,04 mm. The results show that the longer pile produced the small deformation and the stiffer soil parameter.

Finite element analysis, plate system, T-shape SiCC column

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


FinTech and Financial Inclusion in Indonesia
Tiara Nirmala, Tri Widodo, M.Edhie Purnawan

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Tiara Nirmala

Universitas Lampung
Universitas Gadjah Mada

The startup business in Indonesia continues to grow, one of which is now rapidly advancing is a new industry of financial technology or commonly called Fintech. Reporting from Wikipedia, Fintech is a new technology and innovation with the aim of competing with traditional financial services and facilitating public access to these services. Fintech aims to make it easier for people to access financial products, facilitate transactions and also improve financial literacy. In Indonesia, Fintech companies are dominated by startup companies with great potential that develop in various sectors, starting from payment startups, lending, financial planning (personal finance), retail investment, crowdfunding, remittances, financial research , and others. In September 2015 the Association of Fintech Indonesia (AFI) was established which aims to provide a reliable and reliable business partner to build the Fintech ecosystem in Indonesia. Globally, the Fintech industry also continues to grow rapidly, as evidenced by the emergence of startup companies in this field and Fintech users also continue to grow significantly, from around 7% in 2007 to 78% in 2017. Based on statistical data, the total value of Fintech transactions reaches US $ 18.65 billion (Rp. 252 trillion) or grew 24.6% from the previous year. The number of users recorded per 2017 is 135-140 companies. As a result of the predicted development of Fintech, Bank Indonesia as the payment system authority holder is shown by the formation of the Fintech Office in 2016 which made regulations to regulate the running of this new sector safely and comfortably. Jagtiani and Lemieux (2016) found that technology has enabled lending, increased the ability of large banks to provide small dollar loans to consumers and business. The other result found an increase in bank lending in areas where larger banks do not have a physical presence. Research motivation in this paper, we will investigate the advantages and disadvantages of consumer loans made by a large fintech lender and similar loans that were originated through traditional banking channels in Indonesia.

FinTech, Financial Inclusion, Banking

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


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