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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Integrated Versus Subordinated: Public Relations Application in Faith-Based Women Organization
Kholifatul Fauziah

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Kholifatul Fauziah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper offers a critical interpretation of public relations (PR) generic principles application in faith-based women organization. In particular, this paper examines whether this organization should manage PR in the separated management function. This study takes up the PR application in Central Board of Aisyiyah (CBA) since it subordinated the PR function to a secretary in the administrative period on 2010 down to date, whereas it engaged with PR as a single department on 2005-2010. This subordination turns into vice versa application of the generic principle because if the significant contribution of PR considered, its application pattern should be run from subordinative, as a part of another department, into an integrative management function. Therefore, this paper elaborates the PR application in both periods and the factors working on it. The research method was a case study using the four models as an analysis framework. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between the period of subordination and before. The factors influenced its applications are knowledge and skill, shared expectations, participative culture, and organizational character. Thus, the results have theoretical and practical implications for PR application in women faith-based organization.

Public Relations Application, The Four Models, Aisyiyah, Faith-Based Women Organization

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Integrated Versus Subordinated: Public Relations Application in Faith-Based Women Organization
Kholifatul Fauziah

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Kholifatul Fauziah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper offers a critical interpretation of public relations (PR) generic principles application in faith-based women organization. In particular, this paper examines whether this organization should manage PR in the separated management function. This study takes up the PR application in Central Board of Aisyiyah (CBA) since it subordinated the PR function to a secretary in the administrative period on 2010 down to date, whereas it engaged with PR as a single department on 2005-2010. This subordination turns into vice versa application of the generic principle because if the significant contribution of PR considered, its application pattern should be run from subordinative, as a part of another department, into an integrative management function. Therefore, this paper elaborates the PR application in both periods and the factors working on it. The research method was a case study using the four models as an analysis framework. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between the period of subordination and before. The factors influenced its applications are knowledge and skill, shared expectations, participative culture, and organizational character. Thus, the results have theoretical and practical implications for PR application in women faith-based organization.

Public Relations Application, The Four Models, Aisyiyah, Faith-Based Women Organization.

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Integrating ICT in Teaching English as Second Language in East Surabaya
Gayuh Adi Prayoga, S.S. and Laura Makaria Sudargo, S.S., M.Si.

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Gayuh Adi Prayoga

Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

People called those who were born in 2000s as Generation Z. Generation Z is a generation that is most technologically saturated. Teachers who are teaching this generation need to apply ICT or Information and Communication Technology in the teaching and learning process. ICT is an infrastructure that includes tools, facilities, processes, and equipment to generate to transmit to process to store and to disseminate information in form of voice text data graphics and video. The teachers decision in using ICT is important for it affects on the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. The participants of this research will be two English teachers from different private schools in East Surabaya where both schools emphasize English as the second language in their teaching and learning process. The researchers collect the data by having interviews toward the participants. From the interviews the teacher from school A had applied ICT in the teaching and learning process but he applied only for collecting teaching materials such as video pictures and worksheets while the teacher from school B had applied ICT comprehensively in the teaching and learning process by having the internet as the main media between the teacher and the students such as using Google Forms instead of printed worksheet submitting vlogs instead of writing reports using Edmodo instead of limited in class activities. The different application of ICT resulted a different learning motivation for the students where students from school B is highly motivated to learn and explore English while students from school A learn English only because they have to.

generation Z, ICT, ESL

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Integrating Islamic Education and Environmental Ethics: A Literature Review and Implications for Future Research
Annida Unnatiq Ulya (a*); Ardhi Ristiawan (b); Farah Nilawati (c)

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Annida Unnatiq Ulya

a) Center for Science and Technology, IAIN Surakarta
Jl. Pandawa Pucangan, Kartasura - Sukoharjo
* annida_ulya[at]
b) Faculty of Islamic Economy and Business, IAIN Surakarta
c) Faculty of Ushuluddin and Dakwah, IAIN Surakarta

Environmental problems have caused by the continuous human behavior which become habit and affect the environment. Based on the idea that human behavior is part of the causes of environmental damage, environmental ethical teaching is needed to be applied to change human behavior. Meanwhile, human behavior and perspective on life are influenced by religion beliefs. In Indonesia where Moslem community becomes the largest population, studies in how Islamic beliefs contribute to the enactment of environmental ethics in society through education are interesting and beneficial. Islam as religion has clear views and teachings about the relationship between human and the environment, especially human as careers and preservers of the nature. However, only few studies are found in this topic and the opportunity to do research in this area is still widely open for exploration. As researches need strong thereotical foundation, this article aims to provide information based on literature review about the potential of integrating Islamic education and environmental ethics to solve environmental problems. This information is meant to help future researchers who intend to improve the quality of Moslems life and well-being based on human understanding of the relationship between religion and environment (ecology), spesifically in the disruptive era.

Islamic education; Environmental ethics

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Integration of Islamic Teachings and Health Belief Models in Sexual education for Teenagers
Falasifah Ani Yuniarti(a*) Yayi Suryo Prabandari (b)

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Falasifah Ani Yuniarti

(a) School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia. falasifah.ani[at]
(b) Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Sexual behavior has been a big issue since decades ago. It becomes problem worldwide. The negative sexual behavior followed by many other problems such as sexually transmitted infection (STI), unwanted pregnancies, teenage pregnancies, cervical cancer, LGBT, etc. The probem is not decrease, but the trend is increase time to time. Health Belief Model predicts a persons reasons for making prevention efforts, screening, or controlling his health. In this concept there are concepts of vulnerability, seriousness of the disease, advantages and obstacles of a behavior, cues to act and abilities of self. Islam teaches to always maintain health. The various kinds of worship ordered in Islam, ultimately related to health not only physically, but also spiritually. The combination of the concepts will form a more robust building for optimal public health. The purpose of this paper is to provide another view of the Health Belief Model, namely by incorporating Islamic teachings into the components of the Health Belief Model especially on sexual education for teenagers. So that it is expected that health workers can have reinforcement from the side of Islam in carrying out their duties in increasing the degree of public health.

Health Belief Model; Islamic Health Belief Model; Islamic Sexual Education

International Conference on Nursing


International Cooperation Between Indonesia-Australia and The Role of Health Diplomation in International Relations For HIV/AIDS Issues
Yeyen Subandi

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Yeyen Subandi

Student of Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics - Political Science
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Health issues in International Relations (IR) are substantially developing, the problem of HIV/AIDS is a world problem, not only the problem of one country, including Indonesia. The dynamics that occur by actors undergo changes that include: actors as actors, goals of actors, power, interaction hierarchy, and international systems. Health diplomacy is carried out by state and non-state actors in overcoming health security, one of which is infectious disease (HIV/AIDS) which is included in one component of human security. Cooperation between Indonesia and Australia to overcome this problem has been going on for a long time with the existence of political content or national interests of both, not just humanitarian motives. Health diplomacy is part of global diplomacy, and is a new issue in understanding widely by decision makers and policy makers in the fields of health and foreign relations. Global health issues only gained widespread attention in 2006 through the launch of the Foreign Policy and Global Health (FPGH) initiative and the Oslo Declaration which was proclaimed in 2007. In this paper, the role of theory and concept will be used, international cooperation and health diplomacy. will also use qualitative methodology and based on the authors experience in advocating health issues about HIV/AIDS.

International Cooperation, Health Diplomacy, HIV/AIDS, Human Security, International Relations.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) for Green Logistics Implementation in Potato Agro-Industry in Central Java
Rindra Yusianto, Marimin, Suprihatin, Hartrisari Harjomidjojo

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rindra yusianto

Department of Agro-Industrial Technology IPB University, Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest potato producer in Southeast Asia with an average growth rate of 8.4% per year and an average annual production of 1.09 million tons. Potatoes are one of the most important plants that contribute to national economic development and improve the welfare of horticultural farmers. However, there was no increase in potato production, which ranged between 955,488-1,094,232 tons / year. Likewise, productivity is still relatively low, ranging from 16.4 - 18.22 tons / ha. In addition, price fluctuations occur so that farmers only receive and cannot determine prices, lack of coordination between institutions involved in the supply chain and management of institutional groups that are still weak. This paper uses the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) method for Green Logistics Implementation in Potato Agro-Industry in Central Java. The results of the study are to provide scientific advice on how to choose the main factors for modeling the location of a green logistics distribution center by considering price fluctuations, mapping the relationship between location factors in the hierarchy graph, building ISM Green Logistics and explaining ISM to contribute to the development of Green Logistics in Potato Agro -Industry in Central Java.

ISM, green logistics, potato agro-industry, central java

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Introducing lesson study to secondary school teachers to improve students participation in the classroom
Eko Purwanti

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The 2013 National Education Curriculum requires students to be the centre of teaching and learning process in the classroom. Having Student Centred Learning (SCL) as the teaching approach, the implementation of the curriculum implies that students should be involved actively during the transfer of the knowledge in the classroom. In addition, the students engagement during the learning process is paramount, and the teachers are supposed to be the students facilitators of learning. However, the phenomena in which students are less interested in attending the lesson and therefore affecting their class participation are commonly found in many Indonesian classrooms. Many students do not participate actively in the classroom activities, and consequently they cannot get the most benefit of their study. This study is an attempt to improve the participation of the students in the classroom using collaborative teacher professional development called lesson study. Underpinned by qualitative research design, the study employed ten secondary teachers who collaboratively conducted research lessons in which a model teacher delivered the lesson in the classroom and other colleagues observed the students learning. The data obtained from the observation and group interviews revealed the improvement in students class participation during the teaching and learning process. Thus, despite lesson study is regarded as an initial professional learning activity for the teachers, it is worth to maintain its sustainability in the school.

Keywords: lesson study, students participation, teacher professional development

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Introducing Local Wisdom through Narrative: Teaching English in Higher Education
Titis Sulistyowati S.S. M.Pd; Dr. Sri Surachmi W. M.Pd

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Titis Sulistyowati

Muria Kudus University

One of the functions of Indonesian national education is developing human resources. It is a great responsibility for our government to build up education curriculum which support good human skill and knowledge and also contribute to form attitude and behavior. Students- good attitude and behavior have been the focus of our education system since the issue of character building is becoming very crucial in the global education. We realize that it is very important to instill good characters which relevant to Indonesian culture and wisdom. Indonesia is a multicultural country in which there are so many local wisdom lies within the people folks and legends. In fact those folks and legends represent the people norms, believes and way of thinking. However some of those norms and believes have nearly forgotten by young generation. Therefore it is a necessity to transfer those to them in such a way that attracts them. Narratives have been used to attract young students to strengthen moral value and building good characters. Young learners are always interested in story because they can learn and at the same time they get entertained. Those which reveal local folks and legends will be useful for introducing the history and the wisdom of their former. Kudus is well-known as moslem city and has many folks and legends related to the dissemination of Islamic religion. Two of The Islamic former in java or known as ‘Wali Songo-, Sunan Muria and Sunan Kudus are the figures that are believed as the role model of the local wisdom and has established the people attitude in every aspects of social-economic life. Therefore in this paper, the writer will try to figure out how local narrative can be used as the source of learning English and also introducing the tradition and norms to English Education Department students.

Key words: Local Wisdom, Narrative, Teaching English, and Higher Education

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Investigate Disaster Mitigation-based Information in Yogyakartas Football Matches
Fajar Junaedi, Filosa Gita Sukmono

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Filosa Gita Sukmono

Department of Communication Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A football match is an activity involved a high number of individuals. In Indonesia, the number of audiences might reach more than 20.000. The presence of thousands of people, thereby, should be well-managed, notably regarding the mitigation-based management of information. There are two potential disasters in the Indonesian football match which should be taken into account. Firstly, those which originate from the nature, such as earthquake, which Sultan Agung Stadium located in Opak earthquake rupture may be a prominent example, and, secondly, those which are impinged by human beings, such as riot, which, in 2018, in Bandung Lautan Api and Sultan Agung Stadium, has coasted two lives. In light of that, the research aims to investigate the capacity of Indonesian stadiums in addressing the issue. The research applies the study-case method and focuses upon stadiums in Yogyakarta. The informants are the organizers which hold football matches in Yogyakarta. The result shows that the match organizers have never transmitted information regarding disaster mitigation toward audiences before the event. It may enable a chaotic situation since the audiences are ignorant of the way they secure themselves. Furthermore, signs of directions and evacuative meeting points for showing the guidance for the audiences are empty. The research recommends that the stadium organizers should complete the disaster-related signs and the event organizer should deliver the information to audiences regarding the evacuation route before the match is started.

Information, football, disaster, disaster mitigation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Investigating Factors Influencing Teachers Implementing ICT for Instruction: Islamic University Context
Nuskhan Abid

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Nuskhan Abid

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors influencing teachers use information and communication technology (ICT) in their instruction. The data collected with an online questionnaire and interview. The result shows that teachers were influenced by the internal and external factor. Their internal factor is the flexibility of ICT, the ease of use, and rapid data transfer. While the external factor is the institution policy. The most dominant factor which influencing teachers implementing ICT in their teaching and learning process are the external policies. Therefore, this paper wants to give some suggestion for every Islamic university to produce some policies which can develop the teacher acceptance of ICT.

Teachers, Information technology, Islamic Univesity, Instruction

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Investigating The Needs of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students in Reading Comprehension
Joko Rubets Swasono (a), Basikin (b)

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a) Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Colombo Street No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, INDONESIA. E-mail: robert09004567[at]
b) Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Colombo Street No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, INDONESIA. E-mail: basikin[at]

The need of reading improved significantly as the demand of education 4.0. However, the needs of reading materials need to be adjusted in order to meet the goals. This study aimed to describe the needs of learning materials for seventh grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Al-Muhajirin Patuk. This study included in Research and Development in the phase of preliminary study. Mixed method was used in this study. Quantitative data was collected from 32 students as the respondents by using close-ended questionnaire with Likert Scale. The questionnaire assessed aspects namely: reading strategy, reading topic, reading activity, and reading evaluation. Qualitative data was obtained from interviews with 2 English teachers which emphasized on teaching and learning activities, the problems, and the existing English text book used in classroom. The results showed that students assessed 6 items with very high needed category, 21 items with high needed category, and 17 items with moderate category. The mean score for the reading strategy aspect was 3,58 as high required category, 4,00 for reading topic as high required category, 3,67 for reading activity as high required category and 3,55 for evaluation process as required category.

Need analysis, materials, reading comprehension

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Marthinus Alexander Bastian(a*), Priyo Suprobo (a), Djoko Irawan (a), Asdam Tambusay(a), Wahyuniarsih Sutrisno(a)

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Marthinus Alexander Bastian

Structural Engineering,Departmen of Civil Engineering Sepuluh Nopember Instiute of Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Corrosion is one of the resistance problems of a concrete structure that can cause permanent damage to the structure. Replacement of overall structural elements, which have been damaged by corrosion, is considered expensive. Therefore, this study will be focused on the application of ECC concrete as a repair material for structural damage. ECC is one type of concrete that uses PVA fiber as its constituent. It has properties such as reinforcing steel which are characterized by strain hardening with several fine cracks. This study used galvanostatic method to accelerate the corrosion process. The corrosion was initiated by applying constant electricity current of 1 Ampere until the spalling occurred at the concrete. The damaged part of concrete cover than repaired with ECC concrete. Finally, the beam was tested with four point bending scheme to evaluate its remaining flexural capacity. The test results showed that the corroded beam that repaired with ECC layer on concrete cover had 26 mm deflection points when reached 200 kN load in ultimate state. This result is close to that conventional beam had before corrosion, which is 28 mm 210 kN when it reached its ultimate state.

Corrosion, ECC, repairing, flexural capacity.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Investigation of Guides Perception and Understanding of Nonverbal Behavior Employed by Foreign Guesses during Transactional Negotiation at Lembar Harbour

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Irwan Nursidi

Post graduate program, Faculty of English Education, Mataram University

The importance of using nonverbal communication (NVC) is as a complement to spoken expressions when especially communicating with people of different background. On one hand, NVC is used to convey meaning in which verbal words cant convey meaning, and is used to express attitudes and emotions in interpersonal relations. On the other hand, NVC is used to convey intended meaning when the addressor cant fully understand against the addresse with different socioculture. Since NVC is very important in conversation particularly when communicating with foreigners. Therefore, this study concerns with guides understanding and perception on NVC in transactional negotiation. The paper used quailitative and quantitative research trying to see the common forms of NVC expressed by two sides. The sample is all guides and is taken from the field in which conversation takes place. This research used observation to see actual data of on going discourse and used camera recorder to see the common NVC employed by guides and foreign guesses and asking guides understanding through questionnaires and perception through interview. The result showed that most of guides about 90% understand the basic forms of NVC such as head nodding and shaking, hand shaking, finger sign and eye contact while other forms, 73% of guides doesnt understand nonverbal sign used by guesses during conversation, and about 89 % of them said that the involvement of Nonverbal Communication is very important to bridge words and lack of vocabulary. However, because majority of them lack of knowledge on nonverbal signs leads them to ignore such things.

Keywords: Nonverbal Communication, Guide and foreigne guesses, understanding and perception, transactional negotiation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete by Using Artificial Coarse Aggregate and Cement Paste Grouting
Ratni Nurwidayati

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Ratni Nurwidayati

Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat,
Banjarmasin, Indonesia

In this paper, the effect of surface texture and composition of uniform coarse aggregate on preplaced-aggregate concrete is presented. The preplaced-aggregate concrete (PAC) or two-stage concrete is concrete produced by grouting the cement paste into formwork which is filled with coarse aggregate first. The grouting material fills the voids between aggregate. Preplaced aggregate concrete differs from conventional concrete that it is contains a higher percentage of coarse aggregate. Marbles are used as coarse artificial aggregate. Three kinds of the roughness of the surface of marbles are evaluated. The diameters of marbles are 10mm and 15mm. The data obtained has indicated that the rougher the surface of marbles, the higher the compressive strength of PAC, the optimum composition of coarse aggregate is 70% and 30% of diameter marbles of 10mm and 15mm respectively, the roughness of the surface of marbles does not influence the elastic modulus of PAC significantly and the concrete shrinkage is less the conventional concrete.

Preplaced-aggregate concrete; grouting; cement paste; marble; shrinkage

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Irrigation Services for Balancing Water, Food and Energy Production
Hanugerah Purwadi1,*, Lily Montarcih Limantara2, Ery Suhartanto2, and Rispiningtati2

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Hanugerah Purwadi

1Doctoral Program on the Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
2Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia

Abstract. A special attention for Wadaslintang Irrigation System is taken into account, due to its expansive reach services. This irrigation area consists of a vast 31,853 ha, includes two regencies that are Kebumen and Purworejo. Beside the irrigation interests, the Wadaslintang Reservoir (122 million m3) is also using to supply the need of drinking water in the upstream area until the downstream approximately 0,4 m3/s and electricity services. In the downstream area, the system is connected with the Sempor System Irrigation (6.100 ha) especially in the Kejawang sub-irrigation system (480 ha). The connected irrigation system is used to ensure the availability of water during the dry season because the water discharge from the Sempor irrigation system is not enough to irrigate the paddy fields in this area. The study intends to determine the adequacy of water used for various purposes. The methodology consists of the balancing in water, food, and energy. In practice, water utilization in the irrigation system has adapted to the needs of drinking water without reducing crop productivity.

irrigation system services, balance food-water-energy, water utilization

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Is Random Regret Minimization More Suitable in Predicting Mode Choice Decision for Indonesian Context than Random Utility Maximization?
Muhammad Zudhy Irawan (a,*), Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan (b), Dewanti (a), Masria Mustafa (c)

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Muhammad Zudhy Irawan

a) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika No. 2 Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
* zudhyirawan[at]
b) School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia

Since often encountered the missing prediction of travel mode choice by using the concept of random utility maximization (RUM) for Indonesian context, this study proposed a theory of random regret minimization (RRM) aiming to more precisely predict the chosen travel mode and to increase the model fit. Three variances of RRM were implemented in this study: Classical RRM, µRRM, and PRRM. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta and Palembang were chosen as a case of the study by involving 708 respondents in both cities. A stated preference survey was carried out by offering six scenarios to the respondents. We implement the value of final log-likelihood, rho-square, Akaike and Bayesian Information Criterion, and hit rate to compare the model fit. We also calculate the value of travel time saving, and the elasticity of travel time and travel cost. The result shows that by excluding the rho square, RRM outperforms RUM in both cities. The µRRM produces the best model fit in a case of travel mode choice in Yogyakarta, while there is a tendency that PRRM produces a better model fit than µRRM in Palembang. We also found that RRM tends to generate a higher VTSS, travel time and cost elasticity than RUM. Travellers in both cities also tend to be more sensitive to change in travel time than travel cost.

travel mode choice; multinomial logit model; stated preference survey; elasticity; the value of travel time saving

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Is SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) Related with the Death of Head Injury Patients?
Novi Mustahdiati Nasri, Agianto

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Novi Mustahdiati Nasri

School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Jalan A. Yani Km 36, Banjarbaru 70712

Every injury causes a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) in a short time, including head injury. SIRS reflects the existence of systemic inflammation that is considered and allows the increasing problems and poor outcomes if the criteria are realized for a long time. The aim of study was to determine an association between SIRS and mortality of head injury patients that calculate using the GAP score. This study was an observational analytic with 85 head injury patients were observed for the SIRS and GAP scores when they got emergency treatment at the emergency department, Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin. The data were analyzed using the Spearman trial. The data showed a strong negative relationship between SIRS and GAP scores in head injury patients. It meant that patients with positive SIRS have a high likelihood of death. Therefore, it was important to measure the SIRS among head injury patients.

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, head injury, GAP score

International Conference on Nursing


Is the financial inclusion in ten countries highest productivity of OIC quite enough?
Naviah Khusniati

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Naviah Khusniati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Financial inclusion is a strategic issue in the economy. Each country is trying to provide access to financial services to encourage productivity. It is also countries that members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. This paper aims to determine access to financial inclusion in big ten highest national income OIC member countries, problems they have faced in the way to pursue the financial inclusion, and how to solve it. The analysis technique uses the Logit Model with secondary data from the World Data Bank. This paper is a mixed methodology with data processing using Stata software and empirical studies of the problems studied. Based on secondary data collection techniques through library research that has been analyzed, interpreted, and clarified so that it can be a scientific paper that can be justified.

Financial Inclusion, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, National Income, Logit Model

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Islam and Humanitarianism: The Trajectory of Muhammadiyah on Prophetic Humanitarianism
Muhammad Zahrul Anam

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Muhammad Zahrul Anam

Universitas MuhammadiyahYogyakarta, Indonesia

More Islamic movements rising in the former Western-colonialized Muslim countries are mostly political, from which the number of Muslim revivalists such as Abul Ala al-Maududi, Sayyid Qutb, and Hasan al-Banna called for the establishment of an Islamic-based political institution against Western political system, than cultural means. By contrast, other revivalists like Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Rasyid Ridla had culturally preferred to enhance quality of Muslims to be able to compete with their Western counterparts through knowledge acquisition. In addition to this, Muhammadiyah, to which the founder was inspired by cultural strategy to revive Muslims, believes that knowledge acquisition would be inadequate without addressing freedom from want, which is knownas one of four freedoms insisted by the US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941.Therefore, Muhammadiyah has focused on not only education by developing schools and universities, but also human rights by providing health services, orphanage houses, and lately humanitarian assistance. This article attempts to explore the reasoning of Muhammadiyah related to humanitarianism and how Muhammadiyah practise it into particular activities.The paper looks at the interpretation of Islamic teaching framed by Muhammadiyah on humanitarianism and the experiences of how the organisation has decided to evolve prophetic humanitarianism.

Muhammadiyah, Prophetic Humanitarianism, Islamic-Based Organization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Islam Kalang: Spirituality And Religiosity Of Entrepreneurship In The Kotagede Community
Miftakhul Khasanah

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Miftakhul Khasanah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Religion and its relationship with social life have long been the center of attention of sociologists and economists. A persons economic behavior is believed to be based on religious and social beliefs that are inherent in the practice of individuals who then form a behavior and ethics in a person. The influence of religion on consumer behavior is somewhat neglected in secular societies, and they argue that although religion has a substantial impact on life, in general in purchasing behavior, the role of religion is still not very clear. However, over time and the existence of social change and shifting values in society, now many researchers are interested in paying attention to personal factors, including spirituality and religiosity. The researcher was interested in researching spirituality and entrepreneurial religiosity of the people in Kotagede Yogyakarta. Besides, social, political, cultural and economic history have colored the development of Kotagede, which is now a cultural heritage tourism area in Yogyakarta. Including the existence of the original inhabitants of Kotagede and migrants at the time called Wong Kalang. How is the interaction of religious, social, cultural life, especially the economy run by Wong Kalang so that it can succeed?

Spirituality, Religiosity, Entrepreneurship, Kotagede Community

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Islamic Banking Recovery Process and Its Parameters: A Practitioners Viewpoints in the Light of Humanising Financial Services
Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar (a), Nur Adibah Binti Zainuddin(b)

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Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar

Shariah Management of Maybank Islamic Berhad Kuala Lumpur

Islamic banking as one of the financial institutions are highly required to maintain the prudent approach to ensure that any financing given is able to generate income to their respective shareholders. As the default payment of customers is probably occurred in the financing, having a prudent approach in recovery process is a must to ensure that financing losses are within acceptable limits. The objective of this research is to provide the best practice of recovery which is anticipated to benefit both bank and customers. This study will address arising issue on the current practice of recovery process and followed by providing humanising recovery solutions in the light of the Maqasid Shariah. The study identified main issues pertaining to Islamic recovery process which can be categorized into knowledge crisis, process issues, specific treatment cases and system issues. Knowledge crisis is related to direct parties including judges, solicitors and sales person, while the recovery process issues include the process of issuance of reminder, foreclosure and repossession of asset. Furthermore special treatment for particular cases also should be observed since different contracts in Islamic banking products will need different treatment. Finally, issues in system used in recovery process is still unresolved since the existing technology is still young in this area to embraced Islamic finance requirements and nature of calculation. In order to humanize the financial services in Islamic banking recovery process, we have highlighted four main recommendation to be implemented by Islamic Financial Institutions namely; 1) early deterrent by improving the awareness, 2) improvement of the internal process, 3) reward mechanism, and 4) creative penalty to provides awareness to all stakeholders.

recovery process, humanizing financial services, Maqasid Syariah, Islamic finance

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Islamic Faith Challenges in the Digital Era
Syaifulloh Yusuf (a), Kurniawan Dwi Saputra (b)

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Syaifulloh Yusuf

(a,b) Islamic University of Indonesia,
Jl. Kaliurang km 14,5, Yogyakarta

That high-technology and its derivative devices has disrupted the old established mode of life is widely understood. Many studies investigated how the late development of technology interrupts human enterprise in economy, politics, culture, ets. However, few researchs are conducted to see wether this advancement also infiltrates the most determinant base of human life: domain of faith. This paper argues that although it is unnoticed by many, the effects of technological disruption in the field of believe are massive and substantial. The way people interract in social media, as one of high-technology devices, erodes people-s bond to moral and spiritual consciences. For example, the use of social media enabling netizen to act as in anonym account. This anonymity are increasing the dissemination of fake news and superficial religious interpretation. The algorithm of some spesific media platform that promotes appealing but corny popularity also works to decrease people commitment to classical ethic norms. This is a literature study using previous research related to media studies. It aims to analyse how the development in social media in the cyberworld affect the field of religious faith and moral conscience.

High-technology, social media, disruption, faith, challenges

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Pramudia Yuli Eka Permana, Wisnu Bayu Aji, Ervicaninda Herry, Ridan Muhtadi

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Pramudia Yuli Eka Permana

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.

STAI Miftahul Ulum, Pamekasan, Indonesia.

Geographically, the territory of Indonesia is located in a ring of fire where 1,200 km of track from Sabang to Papua are the boundaries of three large plates of the world: the Indo-Australian, Eurasian and Pacific slabs will potentially trigger various natural disasters the big one. Indonesia is also in three mountain systems (Alpine Sunda, Pacific Circum and Australian Circum). Indonesia has more than 500 volcanoes, of which 128 are still active, and are an archipelagic country because 2/3 of Indonesias area is sea, has nearly 5,000 large and small rivers and 30% of them cross densely populated areas. On the other hand, Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world with 207.45 million people, has a great potential for Islamic philanthropy such as zakat, infaq, shadaqah, waqf and grants. Optimizing the implementation of philanthropy to help disaster victims need cooperation from related parties, for example Government Institutions, Zakat Institutions, Waqf Institutions, Waqf Managers (Nazhir Wakaf), Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) and Wakifs. There are four realistic schemes to be applied in supporting disaster victims, namely land waqf mechanism, cash waqf mechanism, direct financing financing system, and indirect financing system. The type of writing of this work is descriptive qualitative writing using secondary data. The method of data collection uses the literature study method. Meanwhile, the data analysis process occurs in several stages, namely data collection, data processing, and data presentation.

Islamic Philanthropy, Disaster Risk Management

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Novita Kurnia Sari, Baiq Riski Amalia Putri, Habib Mustofa, Rahmah Yanita Kusuma, Dany Ludy Ardian

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Novita Kurnia Sari

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Patients, particularly those who are Muslim have the right to obtain nursing care according to their values and beliefs. Nevertheless, in its implementation, those patients are commonly have not yet received the care that they supposedly receive. Nurses who works in hospitals that embraced Islamic values as their fundamental pillars of the health care deliveries, have not been able to implement the Islamic nursing care optimally. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the Islamic nursing care delivery in hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional design was chosen to investigate the research question. A proportional sampling technique was used to approach the participants, resulting a total of 51 nurses who works in in-patient units participated in the study. A checklist which had been validated was used to collect data on the Islamic nursing care. This instrument consisted of 23 statements measuring nurse practice in Islamic nursing care. Results: More than half of the nurses (64.7%) demonstrated insufficient level of the Islamic nursing care implementation whereas the rest (35.3%) were identified to have good level of implementation. Conclusion: The study indicate that not all nurses have implemented the Islamic nursing care optimally. In order to improve the nurse performance, it is suggested to supervise the implementation of the Islamic nursing care in the hospital.

Islamic nursing care, implementation, Islamic care, nurse

International Conference on Nursing


Islamic Organizations in Political Contestation: The Role of Islamic Defender Fronts (FPI) in Winning the Pair of Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno in the Election of the Governor of DKI Jakarta 2017
Sadam Anwar

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Sadam Anwar Anwar

University of Indonesia

After the end of Soehartos New Order regime, Indonesian politics experienced changes and socio-political dynamics that were more dynamic than before, the biggest change was the opening of a number of peoples access to participation in social political areas after previously having limited political participation, such as the establishment of Political Parties and Organizations Society. One of the movements that experienced post-reform development was the Islamic movement. The rising Islamic movement after the fall of the new order was marked by two typical, structural and cultural ones. The first typical was marked by the rise of the establishment of Islamic parties in part, fighting for ethical values, basic principles and the spirit of nationalism. While the second type is characterized by the proliferation of a number of Islamic mass organizations, they have carried out a movement to eradicate various disobedience under the pretext of enforcing amar maruf nahi munkar. One of the Islamic organizations that stood after the reformation and has influence in the political dynamics to date is the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). FPI is known as an Islamic mass organization that enforces Amar Maruf Nahi Munkar. This enforcement inspires all methods of preaching both on the streets and in recitation. Maruf and Munkars category of deeds which FPI defines not only covers religious issues, but also includes social, political, economic and cultural affairs. In the Political context, the FPI is often involved in the practical political arena by supporting one candidate pair, both in the Presidential Election and also in the Governors Election. In the Presidential Election, for example, FPI participated in winning the Wiranto - Jusuf Kalla pair in the 2009 Presidential Election and the Prabowo - Hatta Pair in the 2014 elections. While the involvement of FPI organizations in regional leadership succession was also reflected in the 2012 and 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor elections. If in 2012 DKI PIlgub FPI suffered a defeat by supporting the pair Fauzi Bowo - Nachrowi Ramli, in the 2017 DKI Pilgub the FPI mass organization managed to win the pair Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno by beating the other two candidates namely; Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono - Sylviana Murti and Basuki Tjahja Purnama - Djarot Sayifulloh. In the 2017 DKI Pilgub the Islamic Defenders Front performs a number of roles starting from the candidacy process, becoming an opinion leader, to playing a role in mobilizing the masses. The involvement of FPI in the 2017 Pilgub was also based on their unwillingness to be led by a non-Muslim Governor, because at that time Basuki Tjahja Purnama had a non-Muslim who had a big chance to win the election of the governor. A number of roles performed by FPI in the 2017 DKI Pilgub can be said to be a phenomenon of the mass organizations novelty in the process of its involvement in practical political contestation. As one of the roles carried out by the FPI is to initiate the "Convention of the Muslim Governor", generally the Convention is carried out by Political Parties with the aim of obtaining potential leaders who can suit their interests. In the dynamics of Indonesian politics, it can be said that FPI organizations are the first mass organizations to carry out the Convention process without involving Political Parties. The series of roles performed by the Islamic Defenders Front in presenting the Muslim Governor represented by the couple Anies - Sandi in Jakarta is an interesting thing to study. Political agendas run by the FPI generally become the task of Political Parties in winning their candidates in general elections. The Islamic Defenders Front provides a new color in the dynamics of local and national politics, that in fact people outside of Political Parties can also have a share in the leadership succession agenda.

Islamic Defenders Front, Election of The Governor, Civil Society, Islamic Organization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Islamic Parenting on Sexual Dimension and Sexual Attitude Among Muslim Adolescents in Indonesia
Rahmah; Aprelia R.P

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rahmah rahmah

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The number of adolescents doing premarital sex has dramatically increased each year in Indonesia as the most significant Muslim population . To prevent those from happening, parenting pattern given to those teenagers will be observed, one of the patterns is Islamic parenting. Islamic parenting is parenting by reinforcing values of Islam, Al Quran, and As Sunnah. Islamic parenting teaches parent to make their children accustom in performing good deeds and to give them early sex education. This study aimed to determine the relationship between Islamic parenting on sexual dimension and sexual attitude among Muslim adolescents. The participant of this study consists of 383 first and second years Muslim students from public junior high school in Yogyakarta during January until Mei 2017. To collect data in This study using Islamic sexual parenting and sexual behavior questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Spearman test. Findings of this study show that there is a significant relationship between Islamic parenting on sexual dimension and sexual attitude among Muslim adolescents. The results of this study provide information about Islamic parenting on sexual dimension and sexual attitude among Muslim adolescents. The implication of this study given reflection to Muslim adolescents need to develop positive value toward sexual self- control through their parents should be equipped with sex education to prevent premarital sex.

Islamic parenting, Sexual attitude, Muslim Adolescence

International Conference on Nursing



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(a) Universitas Negeri Padang
Program Doktor Ilmu Pendidikan Pascasarjana UNP
(b) Universitas Negeri Padang

In a media saturated world, public wisdom is required in literating information. The requirement for literating information is also taught in Islam, so that Muslims are able to filter information received. This study includes library research and uses descriptive methods, namely discussing the verses of the Koran related to literacy by referring to the opinions of commentators. The results of the study showed that (1) social media is the biggest content of access; (2) Islam requires to literate information; (3) Islam forbids trusting faculties and (4) accountability for every act in Islam. In conclusion, Islamic teachings require every community to improve literacy skills because literacy is the practical way of improving the quality of someones life

Islamic Perspective, Literacy, Social Media

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Islamic Social Reporting and Factors that Influence its Disclosures Practices among Companies Listed in Indonesia Sharia Stock Index
Rizal Yaya (a*) and Syahda Annisa Nurrokhmah (b)

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Rizal Yaya

(a) Department of Accounting, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, *r.yaya[at]
(b) Department of Accounting, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Islamic Social Reporting has been promoted as instrument to encourage business entities to comply with Islamic teachings. The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about factors that influence of Islamic Social Reporting disclosure for companies listed in Indonesia Sharia Stock Index. Population of this study is all companies listed during 2015-2016. The 163 samples were selected based on purposive sampling and the analysis was conducted by multiple regression method. The result shows that the company size and the issuance of Islamic securities have positive effects on the disclosure of Islamic Social Reporting. On the other hand profitability, leverage and the size of commissioner board do not have effect on the disclosure of Islamic Social Reporting

Islamic Social Reporting (ISR); Company Size; Profitability; Size of Commissioner board; Islamic Securities; Leverage

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Issues in the Implementation of Computer-based National Exam (CBNE) in Indonesian Secondary Schools
Bramy Biantoro (a), Ajeng Dini Arfianti (b)

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Bramy Biantoro

a) Faculty of Education
Master of Education in Digital Learning Candidate
Monash University Australia

b) Graduate Program in English Language Teaching
Master of English Language Teaching Candidate
State University of Malang Indonesia

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, the implementation of Computer-based National Exam (CBNE) has been a success and able to improve the assessment quality, logistic efficiency, and student digital literacy in secondary schools. However, there are multiple issues reported during the CBNEs, and they seem to increase as the CBNE covers more areas and involves more students. Considering the role of Indonesian CBNE as the pioneer in the digitalised high-stakes assessment for secondary level education in the world, understanding the issues affecting CBNE is crucial for better implementation in Indonesia and future guidelines for other countries which aim to apply a similar method of assessment. This paper is aimed to give insights into potential issues in the implementation of CBNE based on a theoretical analysis of secondary sources conducted through library research, especially from an English education perspective. The paper suggests that academic and technological issues may put students at a disadvantage during CBNEs. The academic issue centres on the challenges in developing CBNEs question formats and aligning them with existing curriculum, while the technological issue deals with reliability and availability of the technologies involved in the CBNE. The paper will also offer theoretical solutions to improve the preparation process of the CBNE to accommodate an improved implementation in the sort and long-term periods. The issues elaborated in this paper are expected to attract more exploratory-type primary research to gain more insights in establishing a fundamental understanding of a large-scale CBNE for high-stakes purposes around the world in this digital age.

high-stakes assessment; computer-based test; language assessment issues; English education; secondary schools

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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