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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 4 (data 91 to 120 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Safrizal1,Arman Syah Putra2

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Safrizal Abdurrrahman


Cellular payment systems using smartphones are applied to public transportation, when passengers use mass transit, their personal information, such as their identity and route, can be made available to several relevant organizations, such as public transport agents, financial institutions, cellular operators, and smart card providers, among others: when passengers may not disclose the information, to protect passenger privacy, the proposed system facilitates the wrong proactive blocking of passengers, free transfer services or discount transfers, and postpaid programs. For public transportation, the payment system is made an electronic payment system for angkot. The system design offered is to create a microcontroller-based electronic payment system that reads passenger IDs in the form of NFC when passengers go up and down angkot. For the calculation of tariffs using based on mileage measured by the accumulation of costs each time the angkot passes through the checkpoint area that is read by the infrared receiver.

Cellular Payment System, Smartphone, NFC

Informatic and Information System


Hendra setiawan M.Kom, Satria M.kom, Sabar Hanadwiputra M.kom, Kikim Mukiman M.Kom, Adi Suwarno M.kom

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Production planning is an activity to establish a product to be produced. Planning aims to maximize service to consumers. PT Cedefindo is a unit of Martha Tilaar Group which is a manufacturing company in the field of cosmetic and herbal products in national and international scale. This company to achieve its success, is required to be able to carry out production planning well in order to increase trust to consumers. In 2015, PT Cedefindo experienced overdue of approximately 32 days in production planning. Planning that has been planned always outside the production schedule (leadtime) so that delivery of products to consumers is always too late. Therefore it is necessary to do late analysis so that it can know the delay of production order. Through the results of the analysis, the classification method for determining the pattern of production order delay is using two models, the classification algorithm C4.5 model and the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) classification algorithm C4.5 model. After the test with the two models obtained the results of the algorithm classification C4.5 to produce an accuracy of 80.17% and AUC value of 0.822 with the level of diagnosis of Good Classification, but after optimization with the algorithm based classification C4.5 Particle Swarm Optimization accuracy value Equal to 82,52% and AUC value equal to 0,855 with diagnosis level of Good Classification. So both methods have a difference of accuracy level of 2.35%.

Leadtime, overdue, algorithm C4.5, Particle Swarm Optimization

Informatic and Information System


Classifier Algorithm with Attribute Selection and Optimization for Intrusion Detection System
Arief Rama Syarif (a), Windu Gata (a), Mochamad Wahyudi (b), Syifa Humaira (b)

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Arief Rama Syarif

a) STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta
b) Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta

Computer network security is needed in line with the increasing number of interconnected networks. At present the attacks on computer networks continue to increase, so an efficient network intrusion detection mechanism is needed. Data mining methods over the past few years have been very popular for use in detecting network intrusion. In this paper, we propose reduce the dimensions of the datasets in the preprocessing step by using different state-of-the-art dimension reduction techniques, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Information Gain (IG). Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA), both used to find more appropriate set of attributes for classifying intrusion, and k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm is used as a classifier. The results of the experiments we conducted used the KDD99Cup dataset standard, showing a comparative level of accuracy from the use of dimension reduction and classification optimization. The use of reducing the IG dimension in the KDD99Cup dataset with k-NN based PSO optimization can be better at detecting intrusion than other methods.

Intrusion Detection System, k-Nearest Neighbor, Principal Component Analysis, Information Gain, Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm

Electrical and Computer Engineering


CNEMAS Application Measurement
I. Pangaribuan ; A. Rahman ; S. Mauluddin

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Imelda Pangaribuan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

PT. TELKOM is one of the state-owned enterprises. PT. TELKOM giving some equipment to employees to rent. CNEMAS use to control all equipment that rent by employee. There are some problems face by PT. Telkom in using CNEMAS, such as accuracy and it roles in PT. Telkom business process. To solve the problem need to do an audit to measure maturity of CNEMAS. Descriptive method use as research method, structured approach method use analysis method and ITAF used as measurement method. Tools such as Flowcharts, Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram used to describe the process in CNEMAS. The result of this research are gap found at AC2 (awareness and Communication Component) where the gap is 0.71. It means CNEMAS need improvement such as accuracy, equipment location, on time report production, and consistency.

measurement, maturity level, CNEMAS

Informatic and Information System


R F Syafariani (a*), N Raihanah (b)

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Kevin Chandra M

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to see what the community needs by utilizing the interests of consumers who are environmentally friendly, also attractive in business opportunities. Because of that we take samples of products that have been used in Japan namely, Coin Lockers. To support the research, we used a method of exploring reviews of several articles related to our research products. The results of the Coin Lockers show are needed by people, especially those who have difficulty storing luggage when traveling, when they only want to bring some items they only need to carry, Coin Locker is very helpful in increasing tourism resources. From these results, we know that this product is important as a support for facilities that can be obtained by the community. Thats because its easy to use, Coin Locker is also to save users money. Of course, Coin Lockers is very beneficial for business people who want to try this new business line that is environmentally friendly and quite sophisticated in our country.

Coin Lockers, Technology, Public facility

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Collaboration of Web Design and E-commerce as a Local Product Marketing Weapon
Ivan Kurniawan, Oktama Briantoro

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Oktama Briantono

Departemen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Departemen Desain Komunikasi Visual, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of the research is to discover how to market products with e-commerce systems and how to design attractive webs and have easy access. This study used an analysis case study method on one of the famous local clothing brands in Bandung. The results of this study prove that by using an e-commerce system and having an attractive web design, local products can interfere with the superiority of foreign brands in Indonesia, especially in the city of Bandung. If local products want to stand out, the key is local product owners must be observant in seeing business opportunities. It can also implement a good e-commerce strategy and can design a unique web design and have convenience for consumers. The conclusion of this study is that if local brand owners know the right marketing techniques, including consumer behavior, and friendly web user interface, reducing the superiority of foreign brands in their area is easy.

e-commerce, web design, local brand

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Communication Strategy For User Online Buying Application To Consumers
M. Rohmatulloh (a) Trustorini Handayani (b)

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Muhammad Rohmatulloh

a) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The writing of this thesis aimed to explain about communication pattern online trading apps which one of the user is Shopee user app. The background of the study about this thesis based on the fact that not all of trade acts happen on the market, but also can happen and be done on some online trading apps like Shopee, BukaLapak, Lazada, and so on. This is possible because of the fast technology development that eases human into communicate with each other. This research is a comparative descriptive study so that the data obtained will be based on a comparison of communication patterns between users of the application to buy and sell online. Data retrieval will be based on the results in terms of how many consumers are satisfied with the services of producers who sell using the Shopee application. Communication strategy that they take is by using interesting and good grammar that will attract consumer into buying their products. The research results obtained are communication patterns that must be done by users of the application to buy and sell online to get the maximum profit.


Informatic and Information System


Communication Strategy of Pitching in the Startup Business
Eddy Soeryanto Soegotto (a*), Dio Reynaldi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dio Reynaldi

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This study aims to explain how the communication strategy of pitching in starting a Startup business. Here will explain the communication strategy of pitching techniques which are based on three elements, namely, Audience, Intent, and Message (AIM), and discuss the purpose of communication strategies in pitching techniques. The method used is descriptive method, which will explain the form of communication of three elements of the pitching communication strategy. The results of this study are to find out the purpose and how the pitching communication strategy in the Startup business is based on these three elements, namely Audience, Intent, and Message (AIM).

Strategy; Pitching Communication; Business

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Communication Strategy of the Role of English Language in Entrepreneurship through the Effectiveness of Brochure
D S Soegoto1,*, A O Istiqomah2

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Assyfa Octaviyani Istiqomah

1 Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Email : assyfaoctav[at]

The objective of this study was to discover and explore the role of a brochure as a non-verbal English language communication in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship has now been significant for the development of a country because of its ability to drive an economic growth. Entrepreneur has also adapted to varying times to resource the essentials of their communities through the application of information. One of the uses of giving information is through the brochure that includes to a non-verbal communication. The following idea takes an earlier look at what is meant by communication, it defines the stages intricate in the communication process that entrepreneurs utilize in their efforts to achieve entrepreneurial success. English language has also taken its part to support this kind of non-verbal English language communication to reach economic growth at its best. The method used in this study was descriptive-analytic, and content analysis research for further method. The results indicated that the use of brochure in communicating is very effective for strategic persuasive.

Enterpreneurship, English Language

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Ferry Stephanus Suwita

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Ferry Stephanus Suwita

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The development of public transportation, especially for large urban areas, is mandatory where the need for time efficiency and integrated mass transportation to provide optimal services to customers. Trains in Indonesia generally use traditional signaling systems while currently several countries have developed the use of communication-based train control (CBTC). This system is an automatic rail control system using two-way communication between the train and the control station to ensure safe railroad operation, improve comfort and utilize the railroad network infrastructure. Communication-based train control (CBTC) is a modern technology using moving blocks replacing traditional signaling systems that use interlocking, track circuits and signals. CBTC generally uses WLAN communication based on IEEE 802.11 local area network. The use of WLAN is more effective for large scale systems compared to the use of CBTC ground track signaling. The use of WLAN has problems with interference from other devices that work on the same frequency that is 2.4 GHz such as Bluetooth, Mobile devices and others. This interference will affect the communication between the train and the control station. These constraints can be overcome by using Message Queue Telemetry Transprort where in the MQTT there is a rebility feature of Quality of Service messages that ensures messages are received by subscribers. This study analyzes the use of the MQTT protocol for communication between trains and control stations with a low message loss rate.

simulator, train, moving block, mqtt, cbtc

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Comparasion Performace K-Means and Jaccard for Document Similarity
Reinhart Simanjuntak

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Reinhart Natanael Simanjuntak

Master of Information System, Faculty of Post Graduate
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 112-116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat,

Document clustering is a technique to classify documents into certain number of groups based on some notion of closeness between documents. For now days internet moving so fast, and it causes a large number of high dimensional data which needs to be classified on some grounds to enable efficient processing and organization of data. For the example for this cases are blogs, E-commerce, Social networking, etc, use various clustering techniques for this purpose. some algorithm that use this paper are clustering using K-Means, and Jaccard algorithm.

Document Similarity, Plagiarism, Clustering, K-Means, Jaccard

Informatic and Information System


Windu Gata, Dewi Ayu Puspitawati, Syamsu Hidayat, Afri Yudha, Iskandar, Hasan Basri, Walim, Satria Wira Yudha, Saeful Bahri

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windu gata

Graduation School Master Degree Computer Science Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Nusa Mandiri (STMIK Nusa Mandiri), Jl. Kramat 18 Jakarta Pusat. Indonesia

In the run-up to the General Election in Indonesia, most political parties and prominent figures in the elections have started to prepare. Many of them deal with elections is one of them with their frequent public appearances to improve the electability party or leaders who supported. Activities they always decorate the news on online news media. Its real-time make news articles published online news online quickly get comments from readers. The comment is an opinion or expression of a people point of view of an object being preached, that used to see how the sentiments raised by the readers. The result shows that SVM method have the accuracy of 76.09% and AUC 0.848 value with Good Classification diagnosis, while for NB method it produces 68.21% accuracy and AUC value 0.672 with Poor Classification diagnosis. However, after optimizing the PSO method the accuracy of the SVM method became 78.40% and the value of AUC 0.850 with Good Classification diagnosis, while for NB method became 74.98% and AUC 0.708 with Fair Classification diagnosis.

data mining, AHY, indonesian text mining, naive bayes, svm

Informatic and Information System


Comparison of Code Coverage Tool on Unit Testing
Asri Maspupah (a*), Ani Rahmani (b), Fajri Rakhmat Umbara (a)

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Asri Maspupah

(a)Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani
(b)Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Code coverage is a measure of software quality based on the number of statement codes that have been executed at least once during testing. Code coverage is useful to ensure the development team that the software has been tested as entirety line code so that the quality of the software is guaranteed. Code coverage on unit testing is to observe the entire statement codes at the smallest unit whether it has been executed during testing. It is important to indicate that entire software components have been tested. Using code coverage tool helps the development team in the effectiveness of code coverage measurements based on the test case on unit testing. There are currently many tools available to measure code coverage in unit testing. But in reality, the software development team has not been optimal enough to utilize the capabilities of the many available code coverage tools, so that the hard away to implementing these tools in accordance with the scope of the domain software being built. This happens because some practitioners dont know the ability of the tool. The researcher proposes observing the code coverage tool capabilities of several comparison instruments, there are supported languange, data input, reporting and code coverage measurement. The method used in the research is done by experiment. The experimental process are involves the source program under test; test case at the unit testing; code coverage tools and comparison instruments. The research contributions are the result of comparison instrument the code coverage tool capability in unit testing as a judgment for the software development team in using the code coverage tool.

software testing; code coverage measurement; code coverage tools; unit testing

Informatic and Information System


Comparison of Dijkstra and Floyd Algorithm for Finding The Optimal Route of Tourism Public Transportation in Banyumas
Utti Marina Rifanti

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Utti Marina Rifanti

Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Tourism is a significant contributor to Indonesian economy as well as a significant source of its foreign exchange earnings. Banyumas that located in Central Java is one of the regions in Indonesia with great tourism potential. There are lot of tourism destinations in there, such as Baturraden, Small World, Andang Pangrenan, The Village, Caping Park, and many more. Unfortunately, there are no public transportation facilities to go there. Public transportation for the tourism is the main facilities for visitors. It can also reduce congestion during holidays. It plays an essential role in city tourism development. The important thing to do before building a public transportation is to determine the optimal route. Scientific contributions are needed to develop it. One of the fields of study about it is graph theory. It is a branch of discrete mathematics. It is usually use in modeling of phenomena in real life. In transportation it is most commonly used to study problems. The aim of this paper is to provide the optimal public transportation route for the tourism in Banyumas. We have used Dijkstra and Floyd algorithm in order to compare the performance of optimal public transportation route.

Graph theory; Dijkstras algorithm; Floyds algorithm; Route; Tourism



Comparison of Document Similarity Measurements in Scientific Writing using Jaro-Wrinkler Distance Method and Doc2Vec Method
S. C. Cahyono (a*)

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Stefanus Christian Cahyono

a) Master of Information Systems, Faculty of Post Graduates, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur No.112-116, Lebakgede, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

In the academic world, research will continue to grow over time. Hence, this will affect the number of Scientific Writing documents which keeps increasing. To avoid plagiarism, the application of various methods in the document comparison process has been applied to determine the similarity of a document with other documents. Jaro-Wrinkler Distance is a method to measure the similarity between two strings by calculating the distance between the strings. Doc2Vec is a method that aims to represent documents in vector form to be compared with machine learning processes. This study compares the results of plagiarism detection between the Jaro-Wrinkler Distance method and the Doc2Vec method. The best measurement comparison method used is the accuracy of the document comparison and its speed.

Document Comparison, Document Similarity, Plagiarism, Academic Text, Jaro-Wrinkler Distance, Doc2Vec

Informatic and Information System


Comparison of Forecasting the Number of Outpatients Visitors Based on Naïve Method & Exponential Smoothing
Ilham Basri K.,Dr. Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra

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Ilham Basri K

a)Master Of Information System, Faculty Of Post Graduate
b)Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipatiukur No. 122-166,40132,Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) ilhambasrik[at],irfan_dwiguna[at]

This paper aims to predict outpatient visits from both the general category and BPJS based on the Naïve and the Exponential Smoothing method, which these two methods are compared to obtain the best method in predicting outpatient visits at XYZ hospitals.The data that is processed in this paper is based solely on the annual data collection over a period of 5 years from 2014-2018 which consists of 2 categories, namely general visit data and BPJS visit data, for the annual general category data has the following data amounts: 2014 = 11028, 2015 = 12950, 2016 = 17587, 2017 = 21951 and 2018 = 19049. As for the BPJS visit data, the data as follows 2014 = 16869, 2015 = 14059, 2016 = 14217, 2017 = 13019 and 2018 = 9641. Results of predictions number of outpatient visits from naïve method on the visit data which is categorized as general has MSE 5191788 and MAPE values of 16.335%, then the categorized BPJS has a value of MSE 13165490 and MAPE 19.081%. While the Exponential Smoothing method on the visit data that is categorized as general has MSE 7790587 and MAPE values of 21.808%, which categorizes BPJS as having MSE 13165490 and MAPE values of 20.718%. Of the two methods, the method considered better is the naïve method which has a percentage of MAPE values <20%

Outpatient Visit, Forecasting, Naive & Exponential Method

Informatic and Information System


Comparison of GOST and RSA Algorithms
Rizal Bagus Nur Achmad

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Rizal Bagus Nur Achmad

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The GOST and RSA algorithms are one of the cryptographic algorithms. This journal has several objectives to compare the GOST and RSA algorithms, and determine which algorithms are good to use. With security and speed variables, which algorithm can be better known than both. The method applied to this journal is the result of internationally indexed journal reviews. Journal published helps this journal in determining which algorithm is correct in the second variable. This research explains and concludes journals that have been published internationally. With conclusions that provide choices for readers, by giving their own conclusions because each algorithm must have advantages and disadvantages of each. This research has the effect of making the reader choose which algorithm is suitable as the best recommendation from the available journals.

Algorithms GOST, RSA

Informatic and Information System


Computer Science and Philosophy: In Search of a Nexus
Usep Mohamad Ishaq

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Usep Mohamad Ishaq

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This research aims to map and analyze the nexus between philosophy and computer science: ontological and epistemological, as well as axiological aspects. It is arguably known traditionally that philosophy is regarded as the mother of all rational sciences; However, there has been little hitherto discussion about the connections between the two. Computer science is always interested in how human mind works and behaves and try to mimic its ability to solve many problems, but unfortunately lack of meaning. On the other side, philosophy is systematic inquiry into human mind and behavior as well in order to give the meaning in every object of study. For computer scientists, understanding the nexus between philosophy and computer science will advance the ability to think through the consequences of novel ideas and widen the perspective. The results reveal that there are strong connection between these two disciplines, mainly in epistemological and axiological aspects. On axiological and ethical aspect, the link is very important, and philosophy has potential role in ethical problem solving that arise from within the academic discipline of computer science

philosophy of computer science



Consumer Interest to Online Shopping in the e-Marketing era
E S Soegoto (a*) , I A suhendi (b*)

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Isnaeni Ainun Suhendi

a. Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departmen Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this paper is to find out the extent of consumer interest in online shopping for the current e-marketing era. The research method used in making this paper is a descriptive method by comparing existing research with research in this paper. From the results of research that consumers teach a marketing activity in a company or business must begin with an effort to recognize the desires and needs of consumers themselves. Therefore basically, consumer interest in online shopping in the e-marketing era is very influential because currently marketing through the internet is an interesting thing in business, one of which is e-marketing to attract consumers attention to online shopping. So the need for marketing via the internet or e-marketing of consumer interest in online shopping is needed.

social media, Online Business

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Content Marketing Through Online Media For The Development Of A Business
I Yanuarti (a*), N Karniawati (b)

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Alvin A

a) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer indonesia

b) Departemen Ilmu Pemerintah, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out how important content marketing is done through online media for the development of a business. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to present a complete overview of the situation related to several variable situations that are examined. The result of this research is an attractive content marketing has the important role for the development of a business. Because attractive content marketing can help increase can help increase customers trust in the products or services offered. Through content marketing a business can convey the values applied to its brand as well as various information related to the product or service offered, from there the community will be aware of the existence of a brand, recognize its character and value so that eventually it will put trust in the product or service offered and will build linkages between brands of a business and customers. In the discussion will be discussed about a content marketing that is made will add the value of a product and the purpose of the product so that it can be understood and consumers are more interested From the result of this research it can be conclude that attractive content marketing is very important to increase consumers trust.

content marketing, Sosial Media

Informatic and Information System


Control of Electronic Devices Using Smartphone-Based Voice Identification
Sriwati;Eruinsyah;Saktiani Karim;Fadli Rahman

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Sriwati -

Universitas Islam Makassar

This study aims to (1) learn how to design the control system of an electronic device using voice identification-based smartphones (2) generating electronic device control system and (3) optimize the smartphone functions as a mobile phone than as a means of communication. The method used using the technique of direct observation by observing the success of the software AMR voice in identifying sound. In this design process smartphone as a sound receiver module, arduino as a controller, bluetooth module as the sender and recipient of the data, and the relay as a contact breaker and connecting the electric current, as the output of LCD used to display information on whether the results of voice identification is correct or incorrect. of research tools electronic control device can control electronic devices such as fans, lamps and others depending on what is to be controlled. From the test results it can be concluded that the system control electronic devices by using voice identification-based smartphone that has been designed is divided into several parts, namely the bluetooth module HC-05, arduino uno, relays and software AMR voice as a controller that has been tested to work and function properly.

Smartphone, AMR Voice, LCD, Arduino, Bluetooth, Relay

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Controlling production activities using information systems to improve cost efficiency
R Sidik(a*), V F Lestari(a), M B Winanti(a)

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Rangga Sidik

(a)Department of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur 112-114 Bandung 40132, Indonesia

The aim of this study is to control the production and reduce the companys production costs at Rail and Query (RAQUER) by using information system implementation. This study found the problems that arise in production activities, causing leakage of high production costs in RAQUER. RAQUER is a medium-scale cottage industry engaged in the business of bag-making convection. This study was conducted by applying a qualitative descriptive approach and system development using a prototype model. System development includes identification of needs, data modeling, interface design, and application models. System testing is done to meet user needs that have been obtained from identification of needs. The results achieved from this study are systems that able to control the production of bags at RAQUER so they can create production costs that are used more efficiently. If RAQUER is able to control its production process through this information system, cost efficiency can be achieved because there is no more random and useless production

Controlling; Cost Efficiency; Information System; Production

Informatic and Information System


Nelly Indriani Widiastuti

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Nelly Indriani Widiastuti

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Text mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are domains for sequence problems. This problem has been solved by Deep learning in many studies in recent years. Convolution Neural Network(CNN) is a method in deep learning, that is able to prove the ability to solve problems. In this article, we had review studies that use CNN to solve cases in text mining or NLP. The objective of this study is to get an overview of the improvements applied in a number of studies and problems that have not been resolved. We have surveyed more than 30 scientific articles obtained from scientific article portals such as Science Direct, IEEE explore, Arxiv, and Google Scholar. Furthermore, the abstracts of each article were collected to get an overview of the research. Based on this abstract, we obtain similarities and differences based on the problem solved, the preprocessing method for data input, and the approach taken to achieve the goal. The results show that some problems have not been resolved by CNN in the text mining domain and NLP. This happens because CNN is used to solve problems in each case such as sentiment analysis, classification of documents or NLP cases such as entities and their relationships, or semantic representation. CNN that is proficient in image classification has proven its ability to process text. Appropriate data representations and methods have brought that success. However, a number of studies only convey the results they are working on. No one has specifically discussed high computing problems on CNN with consistent and measurable parameters. Thus there are still many studies that use CNN for mining text and NLP are still open to completion

Convolution Neural Network, Text Mining, Natural Language Processing,

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Correction Spelling Error On File Conversion Results In Information Extraction
Abdul Rohim, Ken Kinanti Purnamasari

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Abdul Rohim

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Files generated from the file conversion process can cause spelling mistakes including non-word and word-boundary misspellings. Non-word spelling mistakes because spellings are not available in dictionaries so spellings do not match Indonesian standard of grammar (KBBI). Non-word errors are dealt with using two spelling correction methods that are soundex methods to provide remedial remedies and methods of damerau-levenshtein distance used to select improvements from words recommended. The soundex method is a spelling correction technique (phonetic string matching) and damerau-levenshtein distance method based on the similarity of writing (approximate string matching). Soundex will look for words that have similarities based on the same phonetic code as the recommended word and damerau-levenshtein distance look for the smallest edit distance value of the word that is considered misspelled with the recommended word. While the word-boundary spelling mistake is because the spacing does not fit between the words so the two words become one word. Word-boundary errors are handled by looking for two words in KBBI, when the two words are combined will be the same as the word that is considered a word-bound misspelling. Based on test results, average for recall and precision for misspelled word detection of 100%, 80.6%. for improvement of the average word recall and precision that is 100%, 65,1%

correction spelling error, soundex, damerau-levensthein distance, information extraction, non-word, word-boundary

Informatic and Information System


Creation an Online Store Website and Utilizing Social Media as a Promotional Media
I Prangestu (a) , Desayu Eka Surya (b)

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Corresponding Author
Asti Adinda Nova

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer indonesia, Indonesia

The utilization of the internet in this moment very necessary especially to help businesses in a company, because with the internet business can be facilitated in the process of buying and selling, promoting and publicizing their business. And inevitably the company has yet to integrate the internet or technology in the business process should also begin to switch from conventional business processes to the internet business, because todays consumer wants to be spoiled with the ease and speed in the process of purchasing, the consumer only a pick, click, and then do the payment process then ordered products will come into place. And in this case the author would like to build a website that can eventually reduce the constraints of the business of the company. Summer Breeze is a home-based business industry engaged in the frozen food or fast-food restaurant and would like to apply to internet and technology business processes, in order to compete with other competitors are already using the internet as a medium their business. With the creation of this web site, the author hopes to help the sales process at the company and make it easier for consumers in the purchase and marketing of the product scope became widespread. And by using social media as a media promotion is expected to lift up the name of Summer Breeze and invites the attention of consumers so interested to check out the latest exodus product and are interested in purchasing the product.

Business ,Social Media, SMEs

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Critical Success Factors for Evaluation Enterprise Architecture Implementation
Diana Effendi(a*), Beri Noviansyah(b), Lena Lestary(c)

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Corresponding Author
Diana Effendi

a) Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jalan Dipatiukur 112-116, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Informatika,
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40559, Indonesia
c) Fakultas Bisnis dan Manajemen
Universitas Widyatama
Jalan Cikutra No. 204 A, Bandung 40124, Indonesia

Implementation of enterprise architecture is the stage after the design of an enterprise architecture. To consider the relevance and feasibility of an enterprise architecture a good evaluation method is needed. This paper provides a review of Critical Success Factors (CSF) to support the evaluation of the implementation of enterprise architecture. To produce appropriate critical success factors, a literature study was conducted from several previous research. The results obtained from this discussion can be used by researchers or practitioners as a consideration in evaluating enterprise architecture implementation.

critical success factors, enterprise architecture; evaluation; enterprise architecture implementation

Informatic and Information System


Cryptocurrency as payment method
Z B H Simanjuntak (a*), Hetty Hasanah (b) ,

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Corresponding Author
Gendhuk Anjani Widoseno

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to identify cryptocurrencies as a method of payment in how life goes everyday. The method used in this research is descriptive research, to provide an overview of transactions and payments. The purpose of this research is to find out how far people use cryptocurrency technology as payment for everyday business or even large transactions in business activities, and more benefits such as those provided by cryptocurrency in terms of easy transactions in methods payment. The research will be discussed about what types of technology have been developed to the possibility of becoming a payment instrument in the future.

business,cryptocurrency, payment,technology

Informatic and Information System


Data Mining utilization in Determining Strategic Business Area Restaurants by Using C4.5 Algorithm
Tryadi Christianto (a*), D A Wahab (b)

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Corresponding Author
tryadi christianto

a) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to help in analyzing quickly. The research method used is qualitative research to describe the decision tree with C4.5 algorithm to easily solve the problem by analyzing data mining usage. The results of this study are in the form of knowledge as a basis for decision making. In this research data mining will be carried out related to strategic business locations so that it can produce decisions in determining strategic business locations. It can be concluded that the use of Data Mining in Determining the Strategic Restaurant Business Area by Using C4.5 Algorithm can help in analyzing quickly.

Algorithm, Data Minning, Business, Location

Informatic and Information System


Data Mining: The Classification Method to Predict the Types of Motorcycle Spare Parts to be Restocked
Selvia Lorena Br Ginting (a*), Yogie Rinaldy Ginting (b), Sutono (a), Arif Rahman (a)

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Corresponding Author
Selvia Lorena Br Ginting

a) Department of Computer System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jalan Dipatiukur 112-116, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Riau
Kampus Bina Widya KM 12.5, Simpang Baru, Pekanbaru, 28293, Indonesia

The research intends to create an application which is able to analyze sales data in a motorcycle company to predict the types of spare parts which should be stocked. This prediction is crucial since problems are often encountered while restocking. For instance, when there have been some imprecisions occurring in deciding regarding the types of spare parts to restock, the spare parts accumulate. It can cause inefficiency in terms of storage, the quality of the products deteriorates due to having been stored for too long, and sometimes the best-selling products are not available in the warehouse. This application is developed with Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) method which has high accuracy in predicting future occurrences. This method works by calculating the probability value in each attribute class and determining the optimal probability value. From the test results, 4500 training data with 200 sample test data has 90% similarity with the results of the restock decision without application. For 500 test data, the similarity was 96%. It is proven that this method has a high accuracy so that it can help the decision makers solved the company problem in predicting the types of motorcycle parts to be restocked.

Data Mining; Classification Method; Naive Bayes Classifier; Restock; Spare Part Types

Informatic and Information System


D Dharmayanti, A M Bachtiar, M A D Santoso

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Dian Dharmayanti

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The agricultural sector has a major influence in the National Economic Development through the acquisition of foreign exchange, the provision of raw materials and poverty alleviation. But every year the agricultural sector continues to decline, due to a decrease in production, distribution and affordability problems. One of the causes of the decline in production in the agricultural sector is the attack of Plant Disturbing Organisms (OPT). One company engaged in agribusiness in West Java is PT East West Seed Indonesia. Based on the results of interviews with one of the plant pathology researchers at PT East-West Seed Indonesia, they have a problem that is lack of understanding the information on the results of research on plant resistance. This is because the information they need cannot be directly received by them and cause the plant pathology researchers cannot understand the results of their research easily and quickly. The effective way to present data is to change it in the form of visual information. The results of the visualization design are implemented in the form of software prototypes. Thus, plant pathology researcher can understand the information they need with the results of this visualization

visualization of data, information,Plant Disturbing Organisms, Plant pathology researcher, plant resistance,

Informatic and Information System


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