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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

Page 6 (data 151 to 180 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Mona Sugianto, Zainal Abidin, Urip Purwono, Juke Siregar

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Mona Sugianto

Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University, Bandung

The realization that trust is a very important factor in interpersonal and social relations has attracted the interest of many researchers. However, to fully understand the process of trusting others, it is important to do a deeper exploration of the reasons underlying trust in others. This study aims to understand the supporting factors and inhibitors of trust in others. Using the phenomenological qualitative approach, data were obtained using an online form containing life experiences reflections obtained from 577 participants. Data were analyzed by thematic analysis using the NVivo 12 Pro Edition NVT12-LZ000-AAK20-HGCTZ-Y99W1. The results of the study reveal that the supporting factors of trust in others are personal experiences being treated well by others or doing good to others, beliefs about human nature that is basically good, and witnessing the other-s kindness. The inhibiting factors in trusting others are personal experiences being treated badly by others, witnessing the bad side of others, and having the belief that human beings are basically bad. To increase trust in fellows, participation is needed in the form of role models in family life, the habits formation that reflect life experiences and proportional information management in displaying the good and evil side of human beings.

: faith; humanity; faith in humanity; interpersonal relationships; good and evil.



Fiber Content of Analog Rice Production from Composite Flour: Cassava, Avocado Seeds, and Tofu Waste
Echa C.J. Putri (a) and Siswo Sumardiono(b*)

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Echa Cahya Julyta Putri

a) Master of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang-Semarang 50275, Central Java-Indonesia. Phone +62-24-7460058, Fax +62-24-76480675
b) Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang-Semarang 50275, Central Java-Indonesia. Phone +62-24-7460058, Fax +62-24-76480675

Rice is the main food for the people of Indonesia. Many nutrients are obtained from rice which is used as an energy requirement for the human body, such as fiber. fiber is a nutrient for the body that functions to shorten the transit time of food in the intestine, thereby increasing the stool mass in order to facilitate the disposal process for humans. Fiber can be found in rice on the market, but the fiber content in market rice is low. Therefore, the aim of this research is to create an analog rice formulation made from mocaf flour, avocado seed flour, and tofu waste flour using hot extrusion method which has a high fiber content in order to combine analog rice as a national staple food as a substitute for rice which is safe for consumption every day by the community . From the research that has been done, it was found analog rice formulation which has a fiber content of 26.98%.

Analog rice; Fiber; Hot Extrusion

Chemical Engineering


Focus on Anxiety: The Analysis of Students Speaking Anxiety
Tri Sulistiani (a), Risqi Ekanti Ayuningtyas Palupi (b), Ana Maghfiroh (c)

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

(a) SMP N 1 Babadan
(b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
(c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Language spent main common field for communication, for that reason it is important that communication skills take part of learning a language. Speaking is being a part of English lessons in schools today. However, to make students speak in English language is not always easy and there can be several different reasons why this is happened. One possible reason is namely speaking anxiety and its influence on second language acquisition. The study-s purpose is to analyze the students- speaking anxiety when they are in the speaking session. The study is mainly based on literature but also contains an interview with the teacher. It is found that speaking anxiety inhibits students from speaking which has a negative effect on their oral skills. The study also shows that speaking anxiety is not a prioritized problem in schools, a reason can be that speaking anxiety is not seen as a problem concerning language teaching since it can be considered as a social difficulty. In order to encourage speaking in a classroom it is important to strive for a pleasant atmosphere where every student can feel relaxed and motivated to communicate orally.

Anxiety; speaking skill



B. Susanto, Rahmawati, Djuminah, Muthmainah

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barkah susanto

Student of Doctoral Program of Economics Science, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia

Several previous studies have found that information presented in different ways (hereafter used as the term framing) will produce different decisions. This study proposes and tests two different theories to find out which theory is better at explaining a phenomenon, as well as two conditions that might influence whether a persons decision becomes more daring to take risks or avoid risks: (1) preparation of decision alternatives, (2) the level of responsibility for a decision related to previous investment. This study uses experimental studies, using experimental designs between-subject designs 2x2x2. The participants in this study were 180 people. The analysis tool used to test the hypothesis using crosstab and two ways ANOVA. The results show that information framed positively and negatively will result in different decision making and when a person is responsible for the initial investment or not responsible for the initial investment and different levels of preference when using different theories also results in different decision making as well.

Framing, Responsibility, Prospect theory, Fuzzy-trace theory.



Frequency of Chemotherapy, Energy Intake, Cachexia Condition and Nutritional Status of Breast Cancer Patients
Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma, Yunika Kasyaningrum, Sufiati Bintanah

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Hapsari Sulistya Kusuma

S1 Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells in the breast that continues to grow multiply. One treatment for cancer is chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have several side effects, which is cachexia, anorexia, weight loss which causes the patients nutritional status to drop dramatically. This research to describe the frequency of chemotherapy, energy intake and nutritional status of breast cancer patients. It was observasional research. The samples was 20 respondents using consecutive sampling technique. Energy intake is obtained through food recall method. The frequency of chemotherapy and cachexia were obtained from medical records and interviews, nutritional status obtained from actual body weight measurements using digital scales and height measurement using microtoa. The results, the average age of respondents 46.8 ± 9.63 years, mean frequency of chemotherapy 6.2 ± 5.74 times. The majority of respondents did not experience cachexia as many as 14 respondents (70%). The average of energy intake was 627.7 ± 236.5 calories. The average of nutritional status was 20.9 ± 3.11 kg / m2. The majority of respondents deficit energy intake but the majority of nutritional status is normal, the average frequency of chemotherapy> 5 times but the majority do not experience cachexia.

Keywords: Chemotherapy, Energy, Cachexia, Nutritional Status, Breast Cancer

Health Science


Fuel Control System Modeling For LPG Fueled Engine Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
Suroto Munahar, Muji Setiyo, Bagiyo Condro Purnomo

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Suroto Munahar

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

LPG is an alternative fuel for gasoline engines that have almost all basic properties, such as energy content, octane number, automatic ignition temperature, flame speed, and flammability limits. The CO, CO2, HC, and NOx emissions produced by LPG engines are lower than current gasoline engines. However, LPG vehicles with first generation LPG kits (vaporizer and mixer) generally waste fuel during deceleration. Therefore, this study develops fuel control during deacceleration with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). Simulation results show that the controller is able to provide a more realistic picture of the dynamics of AFR during deceleration. In conclusion, ANFIS is very promising to be implemented as an AFR controller in LPG-fueled vehicles.

ANFIS, Controller, LPG, Fuel

Mechanical Engineering


Fuzzy-PI Algorithm Aplication to Controlling Servo Motor Position Using Microcontroller AVR
Rahmat (1); Wiyono (2)

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Rahmat -

(1), (2) Departement of Electronic Engineering Academy Technology Warga Surakarta

Understanding implementation of control process in real aplication is not easy for common stundent that their study of controll aplication. This reaseach purpose to discribe how algoritma Fuzzy-PI implementation in controll position servo motor. Realisation of this research using circuit of microcontroller with before programmed with algoritma fuzzy-pi and then implemented to controll rotation position servo motor. Method and step of process the research start with make modul circuit microcontroler as circuit controlling servo motor position, and then make script program for to upload to circuit microcontroller. After that do experiment for get data with entry several parameter Fuzzy and PI and analysied result experiment. From result of experiment using microcontroller as controlling servo motor with fuzzy algoritm result controlling to arise very fast to state of stability.With using fuzzy algoritm parameter of Kp and Ki with autotune at optimum value. Result this research a prototype device for experiment fasility student for understand algoritma Fuzzy PI in real device.

Controlling, Servo position, Fuzzy-PI

Electrical Engineering


Gender Bias in Village Consultative Body (BPD) (Case Study: BPD in West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province)
Purnami Safitri (a*) Selva (b)

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Purnami Safitri

Departemen Hubungan Internasional
Universitas Mataram, Jalan Majapahit No. 62 Mataram
Departemen Administrasi Bisnis
Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan No. 1 Mataram

Women- participation in Village Consultative Body (BPD) is considered very low. As a matter of fact, women involvement in decision making process would enforce democratization and strengthen an inclusive development in village. Women- low participation and representativeness are caused by several factors, and one of them is institutional sexism, which then made the institution (BPD) gender bias in many ways. The research aims to describe and to analyze the form of gender bias practices in BPD. This is a descriptive-qualitative research, and utilizes Miles and Huberman-s technique analysis. The result show that institutionalized gender bias can be seen in adopted preference values in the body, which are mostly male-perspective. The divisions of job in BPD are based on traditional gender role which dismisses women from strategic position associated with decision making process. Second, the gender biased structure can be found in policy priority of the body which tends to focus on male-stream projects. As the consequence, women are getting excluded in decision making process and contribute less or peripheral, and at last, women in BPD are still experiencing harsh sexism such as negligence or being undervalued.

BPD, Women- participation, gender bias, gender role.

Political Studies


Agus Miswanto

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Agus Miswanto

Sharia Economic Law (HES)
Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Renewal in the Muslim world, still leaves problems in gender relations. Not a few, some reforms have actually reduced the role of women only in the domestic sphere. This research looks at the model of reading gender discourse developing in Muhammadiyah, which is known as a reformed organization in Indonesia. This study uses discourse analysis to reconstruct the gender discourse that developed in Muhammadiyah in the form of decisions, policies and ijtihad methode used by this organization. From this study it was found that Muhammadiyah was very appreciative of gender equality rights. This is because Muhammadiyah has a progressive-critical reading, emphasizing ijtihad as a way to parse the problem, not leaving the problem to the results of past ulama ijtihad; not accepting the dalil daeef (weak proposition) to be practiced, which in general is considered to be very misogeneous; not stop at the textual domain, but the interconnection between text and context

Gender Discourse, Women rights, Muhammadiyah, leadership

Religious Studies


Nikmatur Rohmah, Muhammad Hazmi, Siti Kholifah, Taufiq Timur Warisaji

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Objectives: The risky behaviors in a teenager were proven to be able to affect health. However, there was not much evidence when it was correlated with the gender. This study aimed to identify the correlation of gender and attitudes towards the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Methods: The research design used was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The dependent variables were the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, and the independent variables were gender and attitudes. The population was 7470 students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. The sampling was done by using simple random sampling and 365 samples were obtained. Data collection used was questionnaires and data analysis used was path analysis. Results: There was a significant correlation between attitude and behavior of smoking (b= -2.76; CI 95% -3.51 ke -2.01; p= <0.000). There was a significant correlation between the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking (b=2.27; CI 95% 1.28 ke 3.25; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between gender and the behavior of smoking (b= 1.80; CI 95% 0.89 ke 2.69; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking (b=2.98; CI 95% 2.37 ke 2.60; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between the gender and behavior of smoking (b=-1.45; CI 95% -1.95 ke -0.95; p= <0.001). There was a significant correlation between attitude and behavior in drinking alcoholic beverages (b=-2.31; CI 95% -3.15 ke -1.46; p=<0.001). Conclusion: There was a correlation in gender and attitude towards the behaviors of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking Discussion: The good attitudes to drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking has a potential to reduce smoking behavior, especially in teenagers.

Attitude, behavior, alcoholic beverages, smoking

Health Science


Green Sukuk: Sustainable Financing Instruments for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
Dr. Lastuti Abubakar, Dr. Tri Handayani

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Lastuti Abubakar

Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)

Sustainable development goals open opportunities for the issuance of Sukuk as an alternative sustainable financing instrument for infrastructure development in Indonesia. In line with the increased awareness to implemented the concept of sustainable development, a new investor market has emerged. The investor will only invest in investment instruments that are categorized as "green". Indonesia develops Green Sukuk to support the green infrastructure development that is based on the World Bank-s green bond model. Based on regulation, there are two main principles regarding the issuance of Green Sukuk: Sharia principles and policies as stated in the roadmap for sustainable finance in Indonesia also POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 regarding the Implementation of Sustainable Finance. Some potential projects that can be categorized as ‘green infrastructure- in Indonesia include power plants with renewable energy such as wind power, solar and geothermal energy, as well as mass transportations in big cities. Nowadays, Indonesia is a pioneer of the Green Bond issuance in the Southeast Asia region through the issuance of Green Sukuk. That amount to aproximately USD1.25 billion on March 2018. To optimize the Green Sukuk and create a global market, Indonesia is facing the challenges such as the stakeholders of the Ministry of Finance–as a Green Sukuk issuer–have not yet widely known Green Sukuk; steps to ensure that the project meets the criteria for green infrastructure, and regulations that support the issuance of Green Sukuk as well as the implementation of green infrastructure projects. Therefore, future initiatives are needed to make a Green Sukuk as an alternative financing and investment for green infrastructure development. By a means of green infrastructure development as a driver of a sustainable economy, Indonesia has become part of the countries striving to achieve sustainable development goals.

Green Sukuk - green infrastructure - sustainable economic development.



HABITUS IN THE SALT PRODUCTIONS BASED PEOPLE (Study About Mantongan: The Salt Production Workers In Surabaya)
Moch. Imron Rosyidi (a*), Ani Dwi Wimatsari(b)

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Moch. Imron Rosyidi

(A) (Departemen Study Communication Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)
(B) (Staff in Direktorat Pembangunan Ekonomi Kawasan Perdesaan; Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi)

The production of salt based people still supports most of the national salt needs today, but one of the salt production centers whose existence is threatened is the salt production in Surabaya. The salt production in Surabaya relies on mantongan salt production workers from Madura as the spearhead production. It is because the natives of Surabaya do not want to work in agro complex sectors (agriculture, maritime affairs and fisheries, and livestock). It causes the natural conversion, because it is considered as the thing without economy impact. Therefore its existence is threatened. This research aims to describes the formation of habitus so it creates the social practice of the the relationship between boss and mantongan. The method which will be used is qualitative method by critical explanative approach. Whereas the theory used is Pierre Bourdieu-s social practice about habitus and the arena of cultural production. The result of this research is the arena of salt production still shows the tendency of symbolic power. Habitus in salt based people production is still formed by Doksa and mantongans have no power. They need the boss- help. Bordieus-s concept about the Heterodoksa relationship usually happens in the low structure condition, contrary to the social condition of the mantongan community. The relationship between the boss and mantongan has not worked fairly and it shows the tendency of symbolic power from stereotype formed.

Habitus; Critical Studies; Symbolic Powers



Agus Miswanto

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Agus Miswanto

Sharia Economic Law (HES)
Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This research was conducted because of the quite disturbing phenomenon in Indonesia, where many people often easily forbid everything without a strong legal argument, especially based on the scientific basis of fiqh and its ushul. Though the provisions of the Sharia must be read in the lens of fiqh and its ushul so that it produces the right and correct legal conclusions. This research is a literary study of the thoughts of a prolific Indonesian cleric, who wrote about the works of ushul fiqh in the early 20th century, Abdul Hamid Hakim. To parse his thoughts, the study uses Islamic legal philosophy approach; and for analysis using content analysis. From this research it was found that, the provisions of illicit must be based on the Quran and the Sunnah. According to him, that there are several rules (maxim) for the determination of illicit, namely: 1) the basis of the illicit is the prohibition in texts; 2) the illicit can be deduced by using the reverse logic of the nash command; 3) prohibitions are continuous, without time lag; 4) illicit is obtained because of the damage factor attached to an act; 5) Unlawful acts can give birth to other unlawful acts

haram, fiqh scholars, fiqh, ushul fiqh, prohibition rules, makruh



Puguh Widiyanto(a)*, Zuhri Almisbah(b), Siti Sangadatul Wahidah Alqudsiyah(c)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

a,b,c Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Caring as part of soft skills is the basic essence of the nursing profession. Patient-s ratings of nurses who care for soft skills in hospitals are an indicator of the quality of nursing services. Caring Islamic is the behavior of nurses when providing nursing services by maintaining a belief in sincerity to be compassionate and competent based on the Quran and Assunah. This research was conducted to identify head nurses and coworkers support for nurses Islamic caring behavior. Method: This research was conducted with a cross-sectional study approach conducted in August-September 2019 at Aisyiyah Muntilan Hospital, Magelang Regency. Data is collected by respondents filling out an electronic ranking scale questionnaire sent via mobilephone. Bivariate analysis using the Spearman Rank test (α = 0.05 CI 95%). Results: There is a significant relationship with the pattern of positive relationships between heads and coworkers support with caring behaviors of Islamic nurses. (p= 0.001; r = 0.471 head support and p= 0.001; r= 0.619 from coworkers support). This means that the better the support of heads and coworkers will improve the behavior of caring islamic for nurses. It was concluded that the better the support of heads and coworkers would increase nurses Islamic caring behavior. Suggestion: Need to increase support from heads and coworkers to motivate nurses so that the Islamic behavior of nurses can increase in the provision of nursing care.

Heads Support; Coworkers Support; Caring Islamic

Public Health


Retno Rusdjijati1, Agus Widodo2, Jack Roebijoso3, Harsuko Riniwati4

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DPPJ UMMagelang

1 Mahasiswa Program Doktoral Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Brawijaya Malang
2,3,4 Dosen Universitas Brawijaya Malang

The noise level in the stone carving industry center of Sedayu Village, Muntilan District, Magelang Regency is very high. Some workers complained that the ear was disrupted after work and had a disruption in the ear, causing the quality of workers health to decline which had an impact on work comfort and work productivity. Therefore a study was conducted aimed at identifying and describing the health quality of stone carving workers. This research uses descriptive method, with a population of all stone carving workers in Muntilan District. The sample was determined by a purposive sampling method, namely the workers in the stone carving industry center of Sewan, Sedayu Village were 30 people. Health quality is measured by physiological factors which include blood pressure and hearing quality, and psychological aspects are measured from respondents statements on work comfort. The results showed that the profile of respondents consisted of 29 men and 1 woman, with an average age of 42.2 years. The respondent worked every day for 8 hours and on average had worked for 14.4 years. As many as 56.7% never wear Personal Protective Equipment during work and 66.7% have the habit of smoking while working. The results showed that the sources of noise were production machines which included sawing machines, grinding machines, and lathes. The average noise level in the morning was 117.93 db (saws), 110 db (grinding machines), and 111.3 db (lathes). This value is far above the Threshold Value that has been determined in the Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Nomor 51/Men/1999, which is 85 db for a maximum work time of 8 hours/day. Health quality as measured by blood pressure states that the mean systolic blood pressure is 126.2 and 85.8 for diastolic pressure, while the most hearing quality (43.3%) is in the moderate position of both the left ear and right ear. Furthermore, 86.7% of respondents stated that the work environment was not comfortable. So it can be concluded that the health quality of respondents is still in a safe position, even though the noise level in the work environment exceeds the Threshold Value and the respondent feels uncomfortable at work.

blood pressure, hearing quality, work comfort, quality of life, stone carving workers

Industrial Engineering


Maimunah(1*), Sunarni(1), Seta Samsiana(2)

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

(1)Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
(2) Universitas Islam 45
Email: maimunah[at]

The quality of herbal ingredients can be well recognized by the public by inhaling the aroma of herbal plants directly. By knowing the aroma, it can be known the types of herbal ingredients. Based on this, it can be detected according to the aroma of herbs. The herbal ingredients used in this study were temulawak, temumangga and temuireng. Data retrieval of herbal ingredients is done by using an electronic nose. Samples in the form of scents that are captured by the electronic nose system will be processed to form a pattern of changes in the voltage of each sensor used. The electronic nose system used consists of raspberries and sensors TGS2600 and MQ5 which produce data output in the form of voltage data. The output is then classified using support vector machine. The results showed that the support vector machine can classify types of herbal ingredients based on their aroma with an accuracy of 90%.

Detection; herbal; e-nose; svm

Information Engineering


Hormonal contraception, nutritional status and thyroid function-s women in an iodine replete area
Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani (a*), Suryati Kumorowulan (a), Leny Latifah (a), Asih Setyani (a)

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Yusi Dwi Nurcahyani

a) Balai Litbangkes Magelang
Jl Kapling Jayan Borobudur Magelang 56553
* youseedn[at]

Hormonal contraception is one of the most popular method to prevent the pregnancy. Several studies have reported a significant increase in body weight during hormonal contraception. It can also affect thyroid hormone which plays a role in basal metabolism, energy expenditure and weight. This study aims to analyze the relationship between hormonal contraception and nutritional status with thyroid function in child bearing ages women in an iodine replete area. 171 CBAW (47 taking hormonal contraception (HC), 124 non HC) in Bener Purworejo were examined serum TSH and fT4 levels. Interviews conducted for the characteristics of the subjects and measurement of nutritional status. The body weight (49,2 ± 8,88 vs 51,7 ± 8,86, p=0,096) and BMI (22,9 ± 3,42 vs 23,6 ± 3,73, p=0,220) were lower in women taking hormonal contraception, but statistically not significant. There were no difference in TSH (2,99 ± 3,73 vs 3,03 ± 3,73 mIU/ml, p=0,752) and free T4 (1,36 ± 0,32 vs 1,30 ± 0,34 ng/L, p=0,068). Women who taking hormonal contraception has significantly increased BMI (1,266) compared the non hormonal contraception group after controlling years of age, level ot TSH and level of fT4. In this study, hormonal contraception is not related to thyroid functions.

hormonal contraceptive, nutritional status, thyroid functions

Public Health


Sutaryono1)*, Anita Agustina Styawan 2), Muchson Arosyid3), Istianna Nurhidayati4)

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Sutaryono Sutaryono

1)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia
2)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia
3)Department of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten , Indonesia
4)Departmen of Nursing, Muhammadiyah Health College Klaten, Indonesia

Household air pollution is strongly influenced by physical environmental characteristics of the house and its inhabitants- behavior. Long-term exposure to air pollution has an effect on public health, especially the risk of asthma exacerbations. The aims this study was to analyze the influence of household environment and exposure tobacco smoke on asthma exacerbation risk in child. This study used an observational cohort in 12 weeks. The sample of this study was 114 children in Surakarta with asthma aged 12-18 years. Examination of the household environment includes lighting, temperature, humidity and ventilation. The researchers used selft-reported observation with questionnaire to find demografy, activity or behaviors room cleanliness, enable ventilation and smoking behavior. In addition, researchers used Asthma Control Test (ACT) to assess the risk of asthma attack. Survival analysis was conducted by using Cox Proportional Hazard Model with 95% of confidence interval. The results showed that the respondents physical environment based on ventilation, room temperature, humidity, lighting mostly had an unhealthy house category 71 (62.3%), the habit of doing house cleaning 82 (71.9%) and functioning of ventilation by opening the door and home windows as many as 89 (78.1%) and family habits of smoking indoors (61.4%). Children who live in unhealthy homes experience 48 children (73.85%) of exacerbation asthma attacks and are statistically significant (log rank test p: 0.009) and increase the risk of exacerbation of asthma (HR = 2.00, 95% CI= 1.148–3.483, p = 0.014). Household physical environments increased risk of asthma exacerbation attacks in children. Therefore, its necessary to be done is to maintain ventilation, temperature, humidity, room lighting according to quality standards and healthy occupant behavior.

Household physical environment, behavior, asthma, exacerbations

Health Science


How Effective Digital Marketing and Brand Ambassador Stimulate Purchase Intention today?
Choirun Nisa, Diesyana Ajeng Pramesti

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This study aims to examine and analyze how effective digital marketing and brand ambassadors are in influencing purchase intentions in this digital era today. A quantitative method with a purposive sampling technique applied in this study to 100 respondents. Data testing was performed using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study are indirectly, (through mediating by brand identity) proven that digital marketing and brand ambassadors greatly influence purchase intention, but directly, digital marketing and brand ambassadors have no effect on purchase intentions. What is interesting in this study is the results obtained, in this digital era, brand identity has a more important role in stimulating purchase intentions, compared to digital marketing and brand ambassadors.

purchase intention, brand identity, brand ambassador, digital marketing



Human Resource Policy: Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Outcomes in Karimunjawa Tourism Village
Budi Setiawan; Sugeng Eko Putro Widoyoko; Agus Budi Santoso; Didik Widiyantono

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Budi Setiawan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

At the operational level, a mix of appropriate government policies, laws and regulations can contribute to the long-term sustainability of tourism destinations. While the development of human resources (HRD) has been recognized as an important component for the sustainable development of tourism destinations. Drawing research conducted in Karimunjawa tourism village, this paper discusses the role of government policy in HRD as a contributor to tourism development. Using mixed methodologies, data were collected from tourism educators, local community representatives, and questionnaire survey questionnaires for tourism industry managers. These findings suggest that governments have ignored HRD policies in their overall tourism development plan. Furthermore, this study suggests that ad hoc government policies in tourism-related HRD have a detrimental impact on the long-term sustainability of Karimunjawas tourism destination and sustainability.

government policy; sustainable tourism, human resources development, Karimunjawa



Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Andjar Prasetyo1, Henny Asmoro1, Hotnier Sipahutar2, Asrori2, Catur Wibowo Budi S2, Deden Nuryadin2, Gunawan2

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Andjar Prasetyo

1Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang
Magelang City, Indonesia
2Research And Development Agency, Ministry Of Internal Affairs, Kramat Raya St 132, Jakarta, Indonesia

Innovation is an effort to accelerate the development of various sectors, the development of human resource productivity is part of the sector. Magelang City has implemented an innovation screening process since 2004 and 2019 replicated in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency which have an impact on developing human resource productivity. This study aims to describe, compare and evaluate the practice of innovation replication carried out in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency in the context of developing human resource productivity. This research needs to be done because the practice of applying innovation has not been evenly distributed in the territory of Indonesia. The data used in this study is divided into two, namely, secondary data which tend to have little composition and dominance of primary data that complements this study. Primary data include the number of organizers, the number of participants, the number of evaluators, and the total budget. The analysis was carried out with a comparative qualitative description of the study area in a macro manner and a focus on research. As a result, the replication process with limited available human resources can be implemented but still requires capacity building and strengthening human resource capacity, another result is that policies to encourage innovation as a strategy to develop human resource productivity need to be prioritized because of the impact of the regional innovation process.

Regional Innovation, human resources, replication process, strategy to develop

Government Studies


Hybrid Contracts In Sharia Banking Products Study of the Application of Musharakah Mutanaqisah MMQ Agreement on Home Ownership Financing Products KPR at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk Surabaya Branch Darmo
Abdul Wahab

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Moch Charis Hidayat

Sharia Banking Department, Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah Surabaya University, Indonesia

The development of the shariah banking industry in Indonesia is so rapid. At the end of 2018, Indonesian sharia banking has become the biggest retail Islamic banking in the world which has 23.3 million customers, 3134 bank offices, 1356 sharia services, and 51 thousand employees. With total assets reaching Rp. 380 trillion. This development is supported by a variety of product innovations. One of the sharia bank product innovation models that can be developed is a hybrid contract product model (multi-contract), because the form of a single contract is not able to respond to contemporary financial transactions that develop in such a way. hybrid contract is an agreement between two parties for a contract containing two or more contracts, such as buying and selling with leasing, grants, wakalah, qardh, muzaraah, sharf, syirkah, mudaraba, so that all due to the legal agreements that are collected, and all rights and obligations that arise thereof are seen as a single entity that cannot be separated as a result of the legal consequences of a contract. The problem is that there are many sharia economic literature circulating in Indonesia that informs about the muamalah ban of two contracts in one transaction. These include the Musharakah Mutanaqishah contract in the financing of the Muamalat KPR iB Bank Muamalat Indonesia KCU Mas Mansur Surabaya. These problems are elaborated in the formulation of the problem, namely: How is the hybrid contract model in the Musharakah mutanaqisah contract on the iB Muamalat mortgage product, the application of the musharakah mutanaqisah contract on the KPR iB Muamalat financing product, the solutive policy of applying the musharakah mutanaqisah contract to the iB Muamalat mortgage product at Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. Surabaya Branch Mas Mansur. The problem is to find answers in the form of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, through primary and secondary data sources, by means of observation, interviews and documentation studies. By analyzing the Huberman and Miles model data analysis with three steps, namely data reduction, display data, and data verification. The results showed that the hybrid contract model in the Mutanaqishah Musharaka contract on KPR iB Muamalat financing in the form of Musharakah, Ijarah, and Bay contracts, while the application of the Musharakah mutanaqishah contract in the Muamalat KPR iB in terms of harmony and conditions were appropriate, but in terms of charging all costs A problem arises, because it is charged to all customers, even though it should not. The solutive policy offered is the distribution of the burden to both parties, this is in accordance with the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 72 of 2008 concerning the Musharakh Mutanaqishah contract.

Hybrid Contracts, Musharakah Mutanaqishah, Syariah banking



Saptya Prawitasari

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

The factual problem in the Ijen coffee groindustry are that of the appropriate raw materials, varying quality and quality that is not in accordance with the processor. The purpose of this study was to study the factors that influence risk and determine the risk mitigation of Ijen Arabica coffee in Bondowoso Regency. Measurement of Arabica Ijen coffee supply chain risk uses the Fuzzy FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) method, to identify the causes of problems or failures that occur, to identify the cause of the problem that occurred, with consideration of the occurrence criteria (O), severity (severity / S), and detection (Detection / D). Data was obtained from interviews with expert respondents including farmers, cooperatives, agro-industries, researchers, academics, who have been involved for at least five years in the coffee agro-industry. Results of the analysis indicate that risks at the farmer level are quality factors and cultivation techniques, mitigation efforts that can be taken are improvements to cultivation that focus on the management of pests and diseases of coffee plants. Risks at the of collector level are quality and price, while the mitigation efforts that can be taken are the improvement of drying technology both mechanically and technically. Risks at the agro-industry level are quality and price level with the risk mitigation effort is the procurement of contracts with a fair revenue distribution mechanism. Analysis of the relative importance using Fuzzy FMEA shows the risks faced by Arabica Ijen coffee supply chain actors are in the medium category with an oiccurance value 0.25; severity 0.5; dettection 0.75. The order of severity risk factors are farmers, colektor and agro-industry.

risk, quality, Arabica Ijen



Identification of Bamboo Image as an Environmentally Friendly Material
Khoiriya Latifah, Abdul Rochim, Joko Siswanto, Bambang Supriyadi

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Khoiriya Latifah

Universitas PGRI Semarang

Bamboo is an environmentally friendly material. Many types of bamboo that thrive in Indonesia. To differentiate good types of bamboo, this study uses the area shape measurement. Bamboo has fiber content and fiber adhesive. Then the research uses measurement parameters of area and perimeter. Analysis was carried out on 45 bamboo images each of 15 Wulung bamboo images, 15 Petung bamboo images and 15 Ori bamboo images. Based on the test results obtained that as many as 0.6 accurate images. Testing uses 15 types of bamboo imagery. The bamboo which has the largest fiber size is bamboo Wulung and then followed by bamboo Petung and the smallest among the 3 types of bamboo the object of research is bamboo Ori.

Shape Ekatraktion, Bamboo, Identification

Information Engineering


Identification of the Taxonomic Structure of 4th Grade Elementary Student-s Electronic Text Book Published in 2014 and 2017
Arif Wiyat Purnanto (a*), Putri Meinita Triana (b)

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Arif Wiyat Purnanto

(a) Education for Elementary School Teachers, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
(b) Education for Elementary School Teachers, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia

This research was aimed to identify, to compare, and to analyze the correllation of the taxonomic structure of 4th grade elementary student-s electronic textbooks which refered to the 2013 curriculum. The object of this research was the text books published in 2014 and 2017, focusing on the test section. Taxonomic identification was carried out based on Bloom taxonomy, including six levels of operational words, such as remembering (C1), understanding (C2), application (C3), analysis (C4), evaluation (C5), and creation (C6). Identification was carried out for all taxonomic groups. Data analysis was carried out desciptively. Comparison between text books was analyzed statistically using chi-square test, while correlation analysis was carried out by Pearson-s correlation. The result showed that the 2014 text book had more question items than the 2017 text book with 1061 items and 688 items respectively. There were total of 3260 and 1756 taxonomic content respectively, resulting in average number of 3.1 and 2.6 taxonomic items in each question. Both text books showed similar trend in numbers of taxonomic items as the increase of taxonomic levels. Statistical data analysis showed that there was significant difference of taxonomic structure between the 2014 and 2017 text books. Significant differences were obtained from the C1 and C3 levels, whereas the proportion of C1 in the 2017 text book was significantly lower while the proportion of C3 was significantly higher. However, correlation analysis showed that the taxonomic structure of both text books were strongly correlated.

bloom taxonomic, correlation, structure, text books, 2013 curriculum



Ansar Suherman (a*), Muhammad Rizal Ardiansah Putra (b) Mansur (c)

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Ansar Suherman

a) Study Program of Communication Science, Muhammadiyah University of Buton
Jl. Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93725, Indonesia
b) Study Program of Communication Science, Muhammadiyah University of Buton
Jl. Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93725, Indonesia

This article aims to analyze and describe efforts to exploit public sphere by political elites in Indonesia through the use of mass media by spreading identity political propaganda, and efforts to find the agenda-setting of the mass media, especially behind the rampant loading of news about identity politics. The results show, first, that identity politics is considered as a powerful weapon by political elites to bring down the popularity and electability of their political rivals or efforts to gain political support from the public. The issue of ethnicity and religion are two things that are always included in the political agenda of the identity of the elite in Indonesia, especially the condition of Indonesian society where the atmosphere of primordialism and sectarianism is still strong enough so that it is very easy to win public sympathy, ignite anger and sentiment of the masses by propagating ethnic issues and religion. However, the results of the DKI Jakarta governor election in 2018 and the presidential election in 2019 which were enlivened by the use of identity politics did not influence the increase in voter support. Identity politics only strengthens a small number of swing voters who have not yet determined their political choices, whereas most voters have political preferences about their respective candidates. Second, the political elite has succeeded in making the issue of identity politics into the public sphere which is supposed to be free of ethnic, religious and racial nuances. The media which should be a gatekeeper does not perform this function properly because there is no process of filtering information including the use of social media in spreading the propaganda of identity politics which further exacerbates the conflict.

Contestation, Identity Politics, Public Sphere, Democracy



Aditya Putra Pradinawan(*), Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Mukhlisin, MT, Dr. Eni Dwi Wardihani, ST, MT

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Aditya Putra Pradinawan

Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, S.H., Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

In the modern era, the use of the latest technological tools is increasingly widespread. One of them is UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or unmanned aircraft. Quadcopter is one of the UAV which is often used for various needs such as land mapping, taking pictures of the Bird View building. But not many people use it as disaster warning monitoring. In this research will be conducted on land movements that have a disastrous impact such as landslides or breakdown embankments. Such disasters do occur suddenly, but if they can be identified periodically and reported quickly, they can be avoided. It is hoped that this research can overcome the problem of early identification of land movements that have a disastrous impact. The output produced in this study is a picture of periodic soil movements in the form of a GUI (Graphical Unit Interface).

UAV; Disaster; Quadcopter; Mapping

Electrical Engineering


Impact of Baron Tourism Areas on Local Economic Development and Changes in Land Use in Gunungkidul Regency
Ratika Tulus Wahyuhana (a*), Annisa Muawanah Sukmawati (b), Lilla Fitri Annisa (b), Ihza Iskandar Yusuf (b)

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Ratika Tulus Wahyuhana

a) University of Technology Yogyakarta
Jalan Siliwangi, Jl. Ringroad Utara, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55285
b) University of Technology Yogyakarta
Jalan Siliwangi, Jl. Ringroad Utara, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55285

The tourism sector is one sector that contributes significantly to the process of development and regional development by contributing to the level of tourist visits that will have an impact on the government and local communities. Baron area is a superior area in Tanjungsari District. Based on the Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPDA) of Gunungkidul Regency, the Baron Region is an integrated area with functions in the education and tourism sector. This is supported by the existence of the Baron Coast area as marine tourism and Baron Techno Park as an educational tour. The study question here is: What is the impact of the existence of the Baron tourism area on social economic aspects of the community and land-use change? The problems that arise in the development of the Baron tourism area are the unintegrated development between tourism objects and the uneven economic impact, so the researchers want to examine the impact that the tourism area has on the economic aspects of the local community and land-use change. The research approach uses a quantitative approach with quantitative descriptive analysis and time series mapping analysis methods. The technique used is random and purposive sampling technique based on data sources obtained from primary data through field observations and interviews. Besides, it also includes secondary data collection from document review. The results of the research study show that the influence of tourism on economic aspects predominantly only occurs in Baron Beach. The influence is the change in employment opportunities and shifts in types of work from fishers to tourist attraction businesses. The change in land use is indicated by the development of attractions and businesses supporting the tourism sector, namely trade and services from 2014-2017. While the influence of economic aspects for the business community in Baron Technopark is still minimal, this condition is influenced by the trend of the number of visitors who are still small and selling areas that are still outside the tourist attraction. It can be concluded that there has not been integration between attractions in the Baron Region on the improvement of the peoples economy. Attraction integration is still limited to function. It is necessary to develop an integrated tourism area both in terms of spatial pattern and spatial structure. The spatial pattern is related to the integration of the intensity of spatial use, namely the planning of marketing and distribution locations.Spatial structure is related to connectivity between tourist objects so that it can encourage an increase in the peoples economy more evenly.

Impact, Baron Tourism, Economic, Land Use Change



Impact of The Level of Knowledge And Perception on The Adherence of People With HIV/AIDS in Undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy
Setiyo Budi Santoso1, Heni Lutfiyati2, Kharisma Ayu Azzahra1, Refira Intan Prasidha1, Shellyta Ratnafuri3

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Setiyo Budi Santoso

1. Pharmacy III Diploma Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
2. Pharmacy Study Program S1, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
3. Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital KRT Setjonegoro Wonosobo

Background; The level of knowledge and perception is thought to be a factor affecting the compliance of HIV / AIDS patients in undergoing antiretroviral therapy. This study aims to prove the correlation between these variables. Methods; This research is a cross sectional analytic observational study. A total of 62 HIV / AIDS patients in RSUD KRT Setjonegoro Wonosobo were involved in the study. The instruments used in the study were 21 questions that measured perception and knowledge. The compliance variable was measured using 8 MMAS questions. Testing the relationship between variables with logistic regression analysis. Result; Patients with good perception had 18.24 times greater compliance with therapy than those who had poor perception. The relationship was significant (p = 0.060; OR = 18.24; 95% CI 1.69 to 270.86). The level of good knowledge was 19.31 times more likely to be adherent to therapy than the group with less knowledge. The relationship was significant (p = 0.014; OR = 19.21; CI95% 1.13 to 248, 574).

perception, knowledge, compliance, HIV / AIDS, antiretrovirals.



Implementation of AES Cryptography and Twofish Hybrid Algorithms for Cloud
Kartika Imam Santoso (a*), Muhamad Abdul Muin (b), Moch Ali Mahmudi (c)

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Kartika Imam Santoso

STMIK Bina Patria

Data exchange is a inevitable issue in this digital age. Especially data in cloud system. The data must be secured so as not to be abused by people who are not entitled to. Algorithms to secure data is already widely known. It would be more secure if data security combines at least two algorithms for Cryptography. The goal is to strengthen the results of the data encryption in case will be hacked unauthorized people. This research will incorporate two Cryptographic Algorithms, namely AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and Twofish with 256 bit key generated by the HASH function SHA 256. This new algorithm will give more security to the data uploaded or downloaded in Cloud system.

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Cloud , Cryptography, SHA 256, Twofish

Information Engineering


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