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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

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Usability Evaluation of Online Credit Form: Rules of Fuzzy Logic
Endah Ratna Arumi (a)*, Agus Setiawan (a), Pristi Sukmasetya (a)

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Endah Ratna Arumi

a. Department of Informatics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Students in each semester must complete the Online Credit Hour Form (KRS). Usability is closely related to user experience, but there is still not much consideration in developing interfaces. User Experience is used to show the ease and efficiency felt by users in using the system. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of using fuzzy logic values based on several criteria. Criteria become basic needs or conditions that must be met in content to be used by the average user. The Usability Assessment Criteria consist of learnability, memorability, efficiency, error, and satisfaction. Based on the Usability Assessment Criteria will be done to assess the quality with the values of linguistic variables (i.e .: very good, good, enough, bad, and very bad). However, the existing description of this attribute has subjective value, so the assessment is not clear. Therefore this study produces fuzzy rules that can be used as fundamental usability assessment rules. The use of fuzzy rules in evaluating usability can be used to identify and evaluate software problems to propose an efficient solution.

usability, user experience, fuzzy logic, hci, ui/ux

Information Engineering


Usability Testing of a University Website : A Case Study
Pristi Sukmasetya, Agus Setiawan, Endah Ratna Arumi

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Pristi Sukmasetya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Web-based public services become an important part in supporting the success of a university, but there are still many difficulties to use it. This study was conducted to evaluate whether Muhammadiyah Magelang University website has had the acceptability criteria of usability testing. The study was conducted using a questionnaire as a research instrument that consisted of 23 questions and filled by 95 respondents. Those questions grouped into five variables usability, there are learnability, efficiency, memorability, error, and satisfaction. Based on data processing, the result said that the mean score of overall usability testing to measure website usage Muhammadiyah Magelang University website was 2.77, for each variable the Learnability aspects have the overall score of 2.83, the efficiency was 2.73, memorability was 2.83, an error was 2.65 and 2.79 for satisfaction by respondents. From these results indicate that the website of Muhammadiyah Magelang University already Quite Easy to use. However, there are still many things that need to be fixed, especially in case of errors, focused on the availability of the feature and efficiency aspect in the speed of accessing the feature for getting information.

Evaluation, Usability Testing, Muhammadiyah Magelang University Website,

Information Engineering


Using Learning Media based on Ethnophysics for Momentum Concepts to enhance students- observation and measurement ability
Ashari, Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, and Fajrul Falah

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ashari ashari

Depertement of Physics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo, Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan 3 Purworejo 54211, INDONESIA

Momentum is one of the concepts in physics which is close with daily life. The observation and measurement are basic abilities in physics learning. This study aims to develop learning media based on ethnophysics for the concept of momentum and to enhance students observation and measurement abilities. The research subjects were class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Salaman. The analysis of the research focuses on the feasibility of the media and improving the ability of students to observe and measure. The results of data analysis found that: (1) media feasibility amounted to 3.38 with good categories and reliability of 91.5% with very reliable categories, (2) improvement in the ability of observation and measurement of students seen from the acquisition of pre-test scores and the post-test at the application stage obtained N-gain 0.54 and was included in the medium improvement category. These findings indicate that ethnophysics can be applied in physics learning with concepts that are harmonized with everyday life

ethnophysics, observation, measurement



Utilization of Betoambari Sub District Coastal as A Learning Source for Ecosystem and Environmental Pollution Topics
Syamsul Bahari Bahar (a*), Fahmil Ikhsan Taharu (b), Ahmad Efendi (c), Agusman (d), Idwan (e)

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a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia
c), d), e) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia

This study aims to identify the potential of the coast in Betoambari District to be a source of learning on the topic of ecosystems and environmental pollution in high schools and colleges. This research is a descriptive study that attempts to describe the coastal potential of Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning. This study consists of two stages, namely the exploration phase which aims to explore the coast and identify each potential source of learning from the beach then followed by the stages of learning development using the coast of Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning. The results showed that the coast of Betoambari sub-district had various ecosystems to be used as learning resources such as coastal, coral, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems. Besides, a large number of community activities on the coast and the presence of fuel oil ports around the coast makes this coast a potential source of learning in monitoring the level of pollution. The results of the research at the learning development stage show that the tools developed by utilizing the coast of the Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning are classified as feasible and students respond positively to learning.

Learning resources, Ecosystem and Environmental Pollution

Learning Technology


Utilization of Fatty Acids from the Edible Oil Industry In Synthesis of 2-Hydroxy Propyl Palmitate As a Bioaditive Solar Fuel
R.Y. Perry Burhan, Yulfi Zetra, Pusparatu, Suprapto, A.Taufiq Hidayat.

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R.Y. Perry Burhan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

The sulfur content in diesel oil must be less than 0.5% by weight of diesel oil, because the high sulfur content will accelerate the occurrence of wear and tear on the engine cylinder walls. For this reason, desulfurization is carried out to reduce sulfur content in diesel oil. The process of desulphurisation of diesel oil causes a decrease in the lubricating power of diesel oil to the engine so that the addition of additives is needed. In this research, bioaditive substances in the form of 2-hydroxy propyl palmitate have been synthesized from the cooking oil industry fatty acids. The reaction begins with esterification of palmitic acid with BF3 / methanol to produce a methyl palmitate ester with a yield of 72.13%. Furthermore, methyl palmitate ester was esterified using propylene glycol and K2CO3 as a base to produce 2-hydroxy propyl palmitate which acts as a bioaditive with a yield of 52.90%. Structure identification is done by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (KG-SM) method.

palmitic acid, methyl palmitate ester, 2-hydroxy propyl palmitate, esterification, GC-MS



Utilizing a Web-Based Technology in Blended EFL Academic Writing Classes for University Students
Dedi Turmudi

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Dedi Turmudi

Postgraduate Student in ELT Universitas Negeri Malang
Jl. Semarang No 5,Malang 65145, Indonesia
Home-based University: English Department of FKIP
Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung

This paper discusses a web-based instruction mixed with off-line learning in a blended EFL academic writing classes for undergraduate students. The concepts are constructed by reviewing selected and related articles based on the current trends of blended instructions with the aid of technology in education. The main ideas taken into account is how to make EFL academic writing practicality, and convenience, yet respecting norms and responsibilities of education principles. It is practical since it is flexible and can be done anywhere and anytime, yet within the consensus. Thus, the concept covers the conceptual framework of blended EFL academic learning mixed with face-to-face and web-based model as a unit of Blended EFL Academic Writing Classes. It is a theoretical description and procedural flow of face to face and web-based. This is hoped to assist any higher education educators in treating the students and contribute to the body knowledge of online learning in the era of information and communication technology (ICT) or currently known as virtual technology era.

Academic Writing, Blended, EFL, Web-based, Virtual Technology

Learning Technology


Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Analysis Using Matlab
Fahmi Adam Augusta(a), Ahmad Al-Afif(a), Putri Wulandari(a), Ary Syahriar(a)

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Corresponding Author
Putri Wulandari

(a) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Azhar University of Indonesia
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Masjid Agung Al-Azhar, Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.2, telp: (021) 72792753

Wind Turbines have become one of the feasible power plants to replaced fossil fuels. Because this plant is affordable cost and did not produce pollutants as an output. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine can be placed at points with high wind intensity such as; toll roads, ships, railroads, airports. The energy produced can be distributed for the civilian house light, the street lights, the fishing boats light, others. The hope is that wind turbines can generate 100 watts of power, so that charging time can be at least 6 hours. But, the average velocity data in the field is worth under 2.85 m/s (minimum wind speed to get 100 watt). Resulting in a turbine charging time more than 6 hours. In this case, The Turbine needed more than one accu as a place to store the energy even the accu take more than 6 hours to be charged.

accu, energy, savonius, power, vertical axis wind turbine

Electrical Engineering



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Hastuti -

Department of Management, Faculty of Economic
University of Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36,
Kota Baubau, Indonesia

Village financial management is one of the breakthroughs in village financial management towards community empowerment and it is to improve village development. This research applied qualitative descriptive research which undertaken in Galanti village, Wolowa sub-district, Buton Regency, by interviewing and observing to obtain the data and information about village financial management interpreted into the village development program. The result indicated that financial management of Galanti village was the process of village financial management by implementing the planning, organization, coordination, and control of sources to achieve the goal effectively and efficiently, however, the imbalance still occurred in the process of community empowerment because the allocation of funds was concerned on physical development while the government was more dominant in planning activities and the distribution of village funds was not evenly distributed. The activities Community empowerment were prioritized for physical empowerment such as construction of roads and clean water, while non-physical empowerment related to counseling, official training of the village government and PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) were still less attention. The discussion revealed that the implementation of financial management to empower community of Galanti Village was the need for village priorities and support for policies / regulations, outreaches, facilities and infrastructure. In this research, the implementation of village financial management towards community empowerment in Galanti village is an embodiment of the implementation of village allocation fund management to improve development programs effectively and efficiently.

Financial management, Community Empowerment, Village fund allocation, Village Development



Village Fund Management Model through the Participation Policy
Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi*, Heniyatun, Habib Muhsin Syafingi, Suharso

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Dyah Adriantini Sintha Dewi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Non-autonomous Utilization policy has an impact on the use of villages funds not following community needs. One contributing factor is the emergence of regulations governing the technical use of village funds, from planning, implementation to reporting. This research aims to formulate an effective model of village fund management to improve community welfare. The method used in this research is empirical legal research, which allows researchers to be able to interact directly with the community in gathering research material. The research object was determined purposively in Borobudur District. The data obtained were then analyzed and presented qualitatively by the inductive method. The results showed that the Borobudur Village Government had developed innovations in the use of village funds through the mechanism of equity participation in the Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). This innovation was carried out by referring to the laws and regulations concerning the use of village funds, including Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Village Funds. BUMDes is a collective economic activity between the village government and the village community. This condition can be seen in the construction of the Village Control Center (Balkondes) as a means to support rural tourism, which has implications for the Village Budget and Revenue.

Village funds; Non-autonomous Policy; Village Funds Management Model; Participation Policy



Waqf Financing Model Through Crowdfunding Platform: An Indonesian Perspective
Adelia Desrin Nasution, Fahmi Medias

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Fahmi Medias

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Financial issues in the development of waqf projects are currently the main factors faced by waqf institutions in Indonesia. On the other hand, crowdfunding platform offers a solution to the cost problem using the concept of raising funds through social media and internet users. This article aims to describe the model of waqf financing through the crowdfunding platform and its role for the development of waqf in Indonesia. The method used in this study is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative approach. This study finds that until the end of 2018, there have been 20 waqif and 45 waqf projects (education, development, human resources, money waqf, environment or fort hasanah) which have been funded by wakafhasanah crowdfunding platform with a total fund of 3,627,088,985 rupiahs. This study is expected to provide an alternative solution for waqf institutions and the government in presenting additional funding sources for waqf development in Indonesia.

Waqf, Crowdfunding Platform, Indonesia, BNI Wakaf Hasanah

Religious Studies


West Java Tourism Geographic Information System Design Using Adobe AIR
Suhendi (a*), Amalia Rahmah (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Suhendi MMSI

(a) Information System, STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri
Kampus B, Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640
(b) Information System, STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri
Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640
Kampus B, Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640

Google maps can be maximized with applications that can facilitate the immediate location of tourist destinations. The background of the problem is the lack of West Java tourism applications using Adobe Flash so the researchers took the theme Designing West Java Tourism Geographic Information Systems Using Adobe AIR. The purpose of this study is to assist the government and the people of Indonesia with a mobile application that is useful for reducing time efficiency in finding tourist location maps in West Java and spatial data about tourist attractions in West Java. The research method used in this study uses the RAD method. The process starts with planning, user design, construction, and testing. The most important stage is making a navigation menu consisting of maps of West Java that can be connected directly with GPS and google maps. Followed by the development of a combination of script 3 action programs, images and export processes to the apk file. The testing process is done by using a cellphone connected to GPS, Google Maps and Adobe AIR installation. The conclusion that the application was successfully designed with 100% test results successfully run on an Android-based mobile device.

Tourism; Adobe; AIR; GIS; Maps

Information Engineering


White tea (Camellia sinensis) supplementation in Sperm Extender on Ongole Bull Crossbreed Sperm Quality
Y. Laura1, W.T. Nugraha1, A. Adyatama1, Y. Indra1, L. Prawesti1, U. Fadlilah1, A. Istiarto2, D. Susanto2, Y.S. Sutanto2, Sudarto2

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Yosephine Laura Raynardia Esti Nugrahini

1 Animal Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tidar, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
2 Technical Implementation Unit, Frozen Semen Hall, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to understand how the antioxidant White tea extract can support sperm live in extender under 12 h at 5˚C storage. Sperm from productive three Ongole Bull Crossbreeds was collected at the morning twice a week. Fresh sperm were evaluated before dilution. Sperm extender used skim milk egg yolk as based extender and devided in to 3 groups, P0 (control), P1 (10% white tea extract), and P2 (20% white tea extract). The results for sperm motility and viability as compare with control (P<0,01). Motility of sperm P0, P1, and P2 were 85,00±5,00; 85,00±5,00; and 83,33±5,74 in 0h storage respectively then sperm motility of P0, P1, and P2 were 78,33±7,63; 76,67±5,77; and 0,00±0,00 respectively in 12h storage. Interaction between supplementation of white tea extract and time of storage were affected motility and viability of sperm (P<0,01). pH and abnormality did not affected by white tea extract addition but time of storage affect them (P<0,01). Adding antioxidant agents to sperm extender abundantly lead to oxidative stress through imbalance of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). It can be conclude that supplementation of white tea extract for 10% in to skim milk egg yolk sperm extender gave good results as compare as control.

Antioxidant, Camelia sinensis, Sperm



Why the Happiest Country in the World is Not a Muslim Country?
M. Elfan Kaukab (a)*, Z. Sukawi (b), Sri Haryanto (c)

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M. Elfan Kaukab

(a) Faculty of Economics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia


(b) Faculty of Communication and Politics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

(c) Faculty of Education and Teaching
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

Religions, especially the Abrahamic that include Islam, claim that faith can bring happiness to mankind. However, a small remote country like Bhutan is stated to have the happiest citizens in the world, while Islamic countries are among the unhappiest. By challenging the assumption that religious happiness is merely the eudemonic happiness, this article aims to examine the economic determinant of Islamic welfare and to assess why the Islamic countries have not reached high-level happiness. We focus on the economic aspect of happiness.We argue that there are three keys to sustainable social and individual happiness. They are usury-free finance, Islamic entrepreneurship, and ZISWAF (Zakat, Infak, Sedekah, and Wakaf) empowerment. Those three items are the constructing elements of the Islamic economic framework. We reviewed the World Happiness Report 2019 to see the Islamic countries- positions inside the three comprehensive happiness elements. The result shows that Islamic entrepreneurship is relatively large. However, ZISWAF is still low, while interest-based finance is still large. This imperfect condition of the Islamic economy contributes to the low happiness of the Muslims in these countries. The findings implicate the importance of Islamic countries to participate in sharia banking and to motivate their citizens to pay zakat, sedekah (alms), infak, and wakaf. The fund will then be managed to effectively, efficiently, and transparently promote society-s welfare.

happiness per capita, Islamic economy, zakat, Bhutan, social welfare



Wolio Oral Literature On The Design Of Characters The Millennial Generation in The Buton Islands
Nadir La Djamudi (a*), Asrul Nazar (b), Kosilah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nadir La Djamudi

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93723, Indonesia
nadirladjamudi[at]; asrulnazar[at]; kosilah81[at]

One of the cultural diversity of the Indonesian people is oral literature. Noble values in Oral Literature should contribute to shape the millennial generation to reinternalize Pancasila character. The condition of the current millennial generation has been fragile due to the threat of globalization. One practical method of forming millennial generation is to embody the noble values contained in Wolio Oral Literature in all lines of life. Wolio Oral Literature is a cultural product of the intellectual property of the Butonese ancestors which grew up and developed from generation to generation, delivered orally by the Butonese. The purpose of this study is to describe the noble values in Wolio Oral Literature as an effort to form the character of millennial generation in Buton Island. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative, which focuses on the depth of appreciation of the interaction between the concepts being studied empirically. The results showed that the noble values forming the characters contained in Wolio Oral Literature are the values of heroism, history, obedience/dedication, perseverance, fortitude, friendship, friendliness (kindness), religious (belief), courtesy, compassion (love dear-love), persistent (hard work), honesty, willing to sacrifice, togetherness, helpfulness, kinship, advice/nurture, and patience. The conclusion of this research is the noble values in Wolio Oral Literature can be a solution to the decadence of the current generation millennial generation character, especially the people in the Buton Island.

Character education; millennial; oral literature



Work Fatigue in the Informal Sector Women Workers in Magelang
H S E Rahayu(1)*; R Rusdjijati(2); K Wijayanti(1)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

1) Faculty of Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
2) Faculty of Techology Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

email: henisetyowati[at]

Work fatigue is a phenomenon that is often experienced by workers. If left untreated, ongoing work fatigue can reduce worker productivity. Informal workers are the type of workers whose numbers dominate in Indonesia, one of which is workers in micro and small industries which involve many women. Women who work have a dual role, as workers, wives, and mothers of their children. If women workers experience continuous work fatigue, they are not able to play a role in other tasks. This study aims to identify the work fatigue of women workers in the informal sector as a basis for developing interventions to overcome work fatigue. This research is a descriptive study with a sample of 38 people who were taken purposively, a measuring tool to determine fatigue with the Fatigue Measurement Feeling Questionnaire (KAUPK2) and Nordic Body Map. Results: 11 respondents (28.9%) experienced fatigue. With the Nordic Body map, 39% revealed pain in the right shoulder, 36.8% pain in the right hand, and 34.2% pain in the left hand. Suggestion: interventions need to be developed to overcome fatigue so that work productivity is more optimal.

fatigue, informal sector workers

Health Science


Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position on reducing high blood pressure in the elderly
Nurmai Lindasari, Enik Suhariyanti, Sri Margowati

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Enik Suhariyanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The deterioration of the function of organs especially in the elderly causes the elderly to be prone to attacks by various chronic diseases, including Hypertension. Non-pharmacological therapies that are used include yoga . The study aimed to determine the effect of Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position on hypertension in the elderly. The research design used was Quasy Experiment, with a non-randomized design control group pretest posttest design that was a design consisting of a control group and an experimental group. The results of the Wilcoxon test in the intervention group got the results of p = 0.014 (α <0.05) and in the control group the results of p = 0.317 (α> 0.05), so it was concluded that there were significant influences between before and after doing the Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam action with Sukhasana Position. The difference to the 2 groups indicated by the results of the average decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure, the mean value is 10.68 and 6.9 with a significant value p = (α<0.05). It was concluded that Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with Sukhasana position has an effect on reducing high blood pressure in the elderly. It was suggested with the results of this study, it is expected that the elderly can do Yoga Pranayama Dhiirga Swasam with the Sukhasana position in reducing high blood pressure.

Yoga, Pranayama Dhiirgaswasam, Sukhasana, Elderly, Hypertension

Health Science


Youth Moral In The Kedu Recidency Area
Purwati Purwati, Arie Supriyatno, Nofi Nur Yuhenita

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Purwati Purwati

FKIP- Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This study aims to reveal the profile and perceptions of adolescents about morals in the Kedu residency. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive method with a total of 100 student subjects in the Kedu Karisidenan area. Adolescent morale is a research variable that includes three aspects: honesty, responsibility, and social care. The retrieval method is a questionnaire, observation and interview method. The results of the study using descriptive statistical techniques were obtained: (1) 40% responsibility, (2) Honesty 35%, (3) social care 25%. In addition to these findings obtained: (1) adolescents who are considered honest are adolescents who say what they are according to facts; not exaggerating and reducing his words; the answer to the question as it is, (2) the teenager who is responsible will think about his actions before acting and do his work on time, if there are problems can solve it; if given the task of always doing it right, willing to bear the cause or something that has resulted from his actions, (3) adolescents with social care characteristics show that they have attention with friends and are sensitive to the environment, help the difficulties of others

Youth Moral , Kedu Recidency< Area



Mohammad Ghozali, Abdul Hafidz Zaid, A-yun Nadhira, Rahmah Fauziah

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Ayun Nadhira

Islamic Economic Law, Syariah Faculty, University of Darussalam Gontor

Abstract. The Freelancer workers in Indonesia provide contributions which quite good to the economy of Indonesia. It is affecting the another succeed Freelancer in Indonesia. This Freelancer profession raises several cases, one of which is the zakat that must be spent on this profession, with the development in the age Industry 4.0. The research is aimed to review the zakat profession Freelancers more in and specific, so that people know clearly about zakat profession, especially the profession of freelancer. This Research is a library research (library research) by using the method of qualitative descriptive. Results of this research is there are a lot of deviation in the case of zakat profession, but the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, do not exist which oppose in particular about zakat profession, the scholars there who require and there are not obliging. Thus, researchers analyzed that zakat profession is required so that the muzakki be able to carry out obligations as a Muslim faithful and devoted to improving the welfare economics of mustahiq by volume zakat increasingly rising.

Zakat Profesi, Industri 4.0, Freelancer



Zakat collection strategy on Lazis Muhammadiyah Pekalongan
(a) Miftahur Rahman HakimSEI., ME* (b) Leni Susanti, BIBM., Hons (c) Nur Kholidah SE.,Sy., ME

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Corresponding Author
Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah

(a) Sharia Economic (Faculty of Economica and Business)
(b) Economic Management (Faculty of Economica and Business)
(c) Sharia Economic (Faculty of Economica and Business)

University Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan (UMPP), miftahurrh[at]

Assets that have been entrusted by Allah to humans will provide blessings if appropriately used by the guidance of the Islamic religion. One way that we can do with the property we have is by giving alms. Furthermore, Islam prescribes zakat as the vital answer and problem solving of economic problems. This is because zakat has the principle of mutual-help (taawun), justice and mercy for all nature. The concept of zakat is recommended to create a balance of individual and social life. The collection of zakat on Lazismu Pekalongan is still a little contradictory to the enormous potential of Muhammadiyah Pekalongan residents. This study aims 1) To determine the collection of zakat funds on Lazismu Pekalongan 2) To determine the application of business strategies in the form of Business Model Canvas in collecting zakat on Lazismu Pekalongan. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the research object Lazismu Pekalongan. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data by collecting data through observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that1) collection of zakat conducted on Lazismu is still simple. 2) Implementing the Business Model Canvas strategy by implementing nine elements consisting: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Revenue Flow, Customer Relations, Main Activities, Key Resources, Key Partnerships, and Cost Structures

wealth, zakat, Lazismu, business model canvas.



Zakat Corporation : The Way to Improve the Management of Zakat Institutions in Indonesia
Lungid Wicaksana, Kristina Setyowati, Didik Gunawan Suharto

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Lungid Wicaksana

Master of Public Administration, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Abstract — The emergence of a new law on the management of Zakat raises pros and cons, both among the citizen and private sector zakat institutions. Whats more, recently, there were rules about cutting 2.5% of zakat for Civil Servants. This seems to make the private sector zakat institution more subordinated. In several studies revealed that with the latest zakat management rules, private sector zakat institutions feel they dont get enough space and are subordinated to several existing policies. And it is feared that it will be very detrimental to the private sector zakat institution which is considered to have a small amount of people, because there must be a requirement that must be approved to obtain legality. Nonetheless, several attempts have been made by the government to embrace the interests of zakat management through good cooperation between public and private zakat institutions. Through a literature review study with Boolean Logic, several online journals were selected according to the needs of this study. With the aim of research to find out how the efforts of zakat institutions in Indonesia in order to develop and improve the mechanism of zakat management systems optimally and to embrace various interests that develop in society.

Corporation, Zakat, Management

Government Studies


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