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LaOde Saafi, La Ode Kamalia, Risal

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LaOde Saafi

1) STIKES Mandala Waluya Kendari

Tuberculosis can cause pain and even death, as well as can cause psychosocial and economic problems. The purpose of the study was to determine the economic losses due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency. This study was an analytical survey, the sample was all tuberculosis patients in 2018. The indicators used to measure the economics loss due to tuberculosis were government costs, household health costs, economic value of productive time lost due to illness and death. Analysis of government and household costs were calculated based on the cost component used for the treatment of tuberculosis, analysis of economic values due to illness using the analysis of years life with disability (YLD) and economic value dies using years of life lost (YLL) analysis. amounting to Rp.452,482,857. Household health costs amounted to Rp.28,699,500. Economic value due to illness amounting to Rp.612,068,012. while economic value died by tuberculosis in the amount of Rp.4,717,807,453. The total economic loss due to tuberculosis in Kolaka Regency during 2018 were Rp. 5,811,057,822.

Tuberculosis, economic loss

Community Health


Effectivity of The Ankle Weight Exercise to Increasing football players Agility, Speed and Long Passing Power
Ali Multazam (*), Fajar Dwika Primadana Ajie, Sita Nur Annisa Merindayanti, Aqidatul Izza Aisyah, Nungki Marlian Y

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Ali Multazam

Department of Physiotherapy, Health Science Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl. Bandung No.1, Malang City, Indonesia

Background: Football is a very popular sport at this time where agility, speed, and long passing are the most important components in football. Agility is a persons ability to change direction quickly and precisely without losing balance. Running speed in soccer serves to support the performance of soccer players while dribbling into the opponents area and is used to chase the ball. Agility, speed, long passing is influenced by the strength of the muscles of the lower limbs. Ankle Weight Exercise is weight training on the feet that aims to improve the strength of leg muscle strength performance. Objective: To identify the effect of ankle weight exercise to increase football player-s agility, speed, and long passing power. Research Methods: Research design is one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study are soccer players. The total sample of 34 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. This research was conducted 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Measurements using the Illinois agility run test, 100 meters sprint test, and long pass test Results: The results of the study using the Wilcoxon test were set to 0.00 (p <0.05) for each variable. Conclusion: ankle weight exercises effective to increase football player-s agility, speed, and long passing power.

Ankle Weight Exercise, Agility, Speed, Long Passing, Football

Community Health


Gita Sekar Prihanti, Galih Hayyu S.P , Nurul Fadli, Dita Apriyani, Putri Sholih D.I, Frida Dylla Hidayati

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Gita Sekar Prihanti

Faculty of Medicine University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Early detection of anemia in young adolescent girls is important to optimize maternal health in the future. Prevention of anemia in junior and senior high school students is the target program of Community Health Center in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine what are the factors that affect the incidence of anemia in young adolescent girls in Junior High School 3 Kediri. An observational analytic study with cross sectional design was used to collect population data through questionnaires and blood sampling using HB Stick involved of 171 girls in Junior High School aged 10 years - 19 years. Based on the results, 78 respondents (45.6%) had anemia and 93 respondents (54.4%) did not experience anemia. From the analysis, there was a correlation of age (p 0.036; OR 0,574; CI 0.342-0,964), father education (p 0.027; OR 0.309; CI 0.109-0.877), parents income (p 0.026; OR 0.119; CI 0.018-0.776), Mentruation cycle (p 0.000; OR 0.098; CI 0.031-0.318) and Duration of Menstruation (p 0.031; OR 0.348; CI 0.129-0.904) with the incidence of anemia. There was no correlation between eating habits (p 0.999; OR 0.999; CI 0.000) with the incidence of anemia. There exist a need to giving blood tablet supplement to adolescent girls To prevent anemia in adolescent girls, it need support from family, school and community health center.

anemia, adolescent, age, parent education, parent income, eating habits

Community Health


Factors Associated with Ineffectiveness of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment in the Andowia Community Health Center Work Area of North Konawe Regency
Timbul Supodo (a*), Siti Aisah (b), Abdul Azis Harun (b)

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Timbul Supodo

a) Mandala Waluya Institute of Health Science Kendari
Jl. Jend. AH. Nasution, Kambu, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi
b) Mandala Waluya Institute of Health Science Kendari

Background: Pulmonary TB prevalence is increasing every year, Andowia Health Center has the most pulmonary TB prevalence in 2015 at 57.1% who did not recover, in 2016 as many as 58.3% were not cured, in 2017 as many as 66.7% were not cured. This study aims to determine the relationship between Culture, Treatment Compliance and the Role of Health Workers with Unsuccessful Lung Tuberculosis Treatment. Method: This research is a quantitative study with a cross sectional study design. The population was 68 pulmonary TB patients and a sample of 57 people obtained by simple random sampling. Data were processed using chi-square test, closeness test and logistic regression test. Result: The results showed that out of 57 respondents, most of them were 71.9% less culture and 28.1% were good. Then 71.9% of education was low and 28.1% of education was high, 54.4% had no supervisors taking medicine and 45.6% had supervisors taking medication. Then 59.6% of family support was lacking and 40.4% were good. Furthermore, 54.4% were not compliant in treatment and 45.6% obeyed in treatment. Then 59.6% stated that the role of health workers was in the poor category and 40.4% was good. The results of chi-square test for culture p value (0.021), for education p value (0.021), for supervisors taking medicine p value (0.001), for family support p value (0.001), the role of health workers p value (0.007), treatment compliance is p value (0.004). Conclusion: There is a weak relationship between culture, education, supervisors taking medicine, family support, medication adherence and the role of health workers with the unsuccessful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is recommended for patients with pulmonary TB, so they can take medicines according to the recommended dosage. For health workers to conduct socialization and counseling about pulmonary TB disease.

Compliance, Culture, Lack of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Role of Health Workers

Community Health



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Hypertension is a common non communicable disease which can lead to decrease the quality of life. The number of people with hypertension is on the increase worldwide, particularly in developing country. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified medication adherence as the primary indication of treatments effectiveness. The number of medication adherence on people with hypertension is decreasing in the world, including Indonesia. Health Belief Model is one of the factors that influencing to medication adherence. Therefore, identifying health belief model factors relating to medication adherence among hypertensive patients is required. A cross-sectional survey design was used in this study with accidental sampling technique. Health Belief Model Factors and medication adherence questionnaires were used to collect the data. A total of 75 people with hypertension who were on medication were recruited. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square were used for data analyses. The results revealed that there were significant statistically relationships between perceived susceptibility to develop the complications of hypertension, perceived severity of hypertension complications, perceived benefits of medication adherence, perceived barriers to medication adherence and medication adherence. The patients, who have high perceptions about susceptibility to develop the hypertension complication, severity of the complications of hypertension, the benefit of medication adherence, reduce barriers to medication adherence more likely adhering to their medications.

Health Belief Model Factors; Hypertensive Patients; Medication Adherence

Community Health


Zulfikar Muhammad, Muhasim

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Zulfikar Muhammad

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kepanjen

Background. Indonesia is a country located at the confluence of three active plates of the earth which cause earthquake pathways and active volcanoes. Sumberrejo Village is located on one of the legs of an active volcano, namely Semeru Mountain which has the potential to be affected by the volcanic eruption. The effort that can be done to reduce the impact of the disaster threat is to form the Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana). Disaster resilient village is an activity that aims to increase the capacity of the community, namely increasing knowledge and skills in the face of the threat of disaster. The aim of the study was to find out whether disaster resilient village socialization using the SGD (Small Group Discussions) method could affect the resilience of the community in dealing with disaster risk. Method. This study uses a quantitative method with a pre-experimental design, and with a one group pretest-posttest approach. The group was pretested before the treatment, then after being treated, the group was posttest. The instrument in this study used a community resilience questionnaire with 51 question items. The number of samples in this study were 35 respondents, using cluster sampling techniques. The data obtained were analyzed using the t test with significance ρ <0.05. Results. The results of this study indicate that the average value of community resilience prior to socialization was 103.20, while the average value of community resilience after socialization was 163.23. The significance value for paired samples correlations is 0.09, which means there is no significant relationship between community resilience before and after socialization, while the paired sample test significance value is 0.00, which means that there is a significant effect between community resilience before and after socialization. Conclusion. This study can be concluded that there was an increase in the resilience of the people of Sumberrejo Poncokusumo Village after the dissemination of resilient villages using the SGD (Small Group Discussions) method.

Disaster Disaster Village, Small Group Discussions, Community Resilience, Disasters

Community Health


Improvement of Knowledge about Iron Deficiency Anemia and Its Prevention in Bustanul Athfal Teachers Malang
Diah Hermayanti, Meddy Setiawan, Hawin Nurdiana

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Diah Hermayanti

Medical Faculty, Malang Muhammadiyah University

Background : Iron deficiency anemia is still of the national nutritional problems in Indonesia. This anemia mainly affects women and children. In women, increased of iron need is due to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. In infants and children this due to thier needs for growth. Iron deficiency anemia is also influenced by socioeconomic factors, malabsortion, and infection. In this study, a deficiency anemia prevention training was conducted in Busthanul Athfal teacher in Malang. Goals : comparing the average knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention before and after training. Methods : the research was conducted with training activities and pre-post test. Data was analized by comparative analytic paired Ttest. Results and discussion : The questionnaire wa filled by 46 paticipants. The avarage value of pre test wa 47.8 and the post test was 75.2. T different test 0.000 9p<0.05). There is an increase in knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention Conclusion : There was an increase in knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention after training in Busthanul Athfal teachers.

iron deficiency anemia, knowledge, prevention

Community Health


Optimalisasi latihan feldenkrais sebagai pencegahan resiko jatuh pada lansia
Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati

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Nungki Marlian Yuliadarwati

S1 Fisioterapi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan

Latar Belakang : pada lansia akan mengalami penurunan pada fungsi fisiologi dan sistem tubuh. Salah satu yang menjadi permasalahan lansia adalah resiko jauh sebab dapat menganggu aktivitas sehari-hari, dari bertambahnya usia harapan hidup lansia akan meningkatkan resiko jatuh dan dapat dilihat dari prevalensi cidera pada lansia akibat jatuh tahun 2018 sangat tinggi. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh latihan metode feldenkrais terhadap tingkat keseimbangan pada lansia di Dusunun Rejoso Kota Batu Metode Penelitian : Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian pra-experimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest-posttest design. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yakni sebanyak 40 responden. Uji analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dengan menggunakan program aplikasi SPSS. Hasil : Hasil analisa data menunjukkan P = 0,000 <α = 0,05 yang menandakan bahwa H1 diterima dari penelitian ini dan H0 ditolak Kesimpulan: Terdapat pengaruh latihan metode feldenkrais terhadap tingkat resiko jatuh pada lansia di Dusun Rejoso Kota Batu

latihan metode feldenkrais, resiko jatuh,

Community Health


Anita Faradilla Rahim1*, Gadis Meinar Sari2, Purwo Sri Rejeki3

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Anita Faradilla Rahim


Overweight adalah akumulasi lemak abnormal atau berlebihan yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan, yang terjadi akibat ketidakseimbangan energi dimana energi yang masuk lebih besar dibandingkan dengan energi yang dikeluarkan (WHO, 2017) sehingga terjadi penumpukan cadangan energi yang disimpan dalam jaringan adiposa (Sherwood, 2016). Akumulasi jaringan adiposa dan peningkatan massa tubuh yang berlebih dapat menyebabkan penurunan massa otot, sehingga menghasilkan gangguan respon otot dan hilangnya mekanisme stabilitas tubuh (Greve et al., 2008). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan core stability exercise dan ankle proprioceptive exercise dalam meningkatkan keseimbangan dinamis perempuan dewasa muda overweight. Hasil yang didapat sebelum latihan pada kelompok satu (K1) 58,9±9,46 dan kelompok dua (K2) 58,2±4,18,. Rata-rata setelah latihan kelompok satu (K1) 92,1±4,15 dan kelompok dua (K2) 91,0±3,47. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada perbedaan antara latihan Core stability exercise dan Ankle proprioceptive exercise dalam meningkatkan keseimbangan dinamis perempuan dewasa muda overweight.

Core stability exercise, ankle proprioceptive exercise, keseimbangan dinamis, perempuan dewasa muda, overweight

Community Health


Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Events in Women Aged 15-65 Years in Kendari City in 2018
La Banudi, Nur Hamsar Sarmin, Djasmurni, Sitti Aisa

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La Banudi

Health Polytechnic Kendari, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesi and High School of Health Sciences Mandala Waluya Kendari

Basic Health Research of Indonesia "Riskesdas" in 2013 noted the prevalence of cancer in Indonesia was 1.4 per 1000 population or around 347,792 people and is the number 7 cause of death (5.7%) of all causes of death. The incidence of cancer in Southeast Sulawesi was 0.5 ‰ with an estimated absolute number of 590 cases. This research was analytic survey research with a case-control study approach. The population in this study were women aged 15-65 years who were diagnosed with breast cancer. The sample amounted to 100 respondents divided into 50 case samples and 50 control samples. The test analysis used was the odds ratio. The odds ratio test results indicated that a history of menarche was a risk factor for breast cancer, a history of breastfeeding was a risk factor for breast cancer incidence. Family history was a risk factor for breast cancer incidence. A history of hormonal contraception was a risk factor for breast cancer. The age of giving birth to a first child was not a risk factor for breast cancer, smoking history was a risk factor for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer, Menarche, Breastfeeding History, Family History, Hormonal Contraception, Smoking History.

Community Health


Self Management Dietary Behavior among Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Malang, Indonesia
Anggraini Dwi Kurnia1*, Nur Lailatul Masruroh1, Nur Melizza1, Cici Indah Setiowati

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Anggraini Dwi Kurnia

1Community Nursing Departement, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
2 Nurse Practicioner, Public Health Center of Ciptomulyo, Malang, Indonesia

Background: To reduce complications in people with diabetes mellitus is self management dietary behavior. It was included in one of the Ministry of Healths programs, CERDIK. CERDIK has meaning, periodic health check, get rid of cigarette smoke, diligent physical activity, healthy and balanced diet, adequate rest, and manage stress. Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify self management dietary behavior among diabetes mellitus type 2 in indonesia. Methods: This study used a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used is nonprobability sampling type of purposive sampling. The number of samples were 69 people with diabetes mellitus in the working area of Ciptomulyo Health Public Center. Results: Self management dietary behavior of patients with diabetes mellitus ranges from 54-101 with an score of 72.17±8.50. Self management dietary behavior scores classified as good (> 73) and bad (<72). Approximately, 50.7% of respondents have good dietary behavior, and as many as 49.3% have poor dietary behavior. Conclution: Dietary behavior among tuberculosis patient still need to be improved to avoid complication.

Self management, dietary behavior, diabetes mellitus

Community Health


Self-efficacy and Avoidance Behavior from Cigarette Smoke Exposure : a Cross Sectional Study among Mothers of Under-Five Year-Old Children
Nur Lailatul Masruroh1*, St Annisa Al Kamilah2, Indah Dwi Pratiwi3

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Nur Lailatul Masruroh

Nursing Science Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University Muhammadiyah Malang

Background: A mother play important role to protect her children from any dangerous substances. This includes protecting her child from cigarette smoke exposure that contribute to the series of health problem. Self-efficacy of a mother allows her to take a particular action needed in the difficult situation, one of which is avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure around her and her children. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between self-efficacy with avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure among mothers with toddlers. This was a cross sectional study of 73 mothers with toddlers who live in a house together with active smoker, it selected using purposive sampling. Spearman rank analysis were perform to explore the relationship between variables. Results: Of the 73 mothers, 90.4% had a high self-efficacy and 82.2% had high levels of avoidance behavior. Spearman rank test showed sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.005. Correlation Coefficient obtained was 0.324, it means that there were a positive relationship between self-efficacy and avoidance behavior, with the strength of the relationship is in the moderate level. Conclusion: The more higher the level of self-efficacy is accordance with the level of avoidance behavior of cigarette smoke exposure. The experiences of mothers with toddlers in applying avoidance behavior from cigarette smoke exposure are very meaningfull to maintain the health of their children.

Self-Efficacy, Avoidance Behavior, Cigarette Smoke Exposure, Mother, Toddler.

Community Health


Nur Melizza, Anggraini Dwi Kurnia, Nur lailatul Masruroh, Indrasari Dwi Yulianti

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Nur Melizza

Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Abstract Background: Many students have been accustomed to smoking, including those majoring at health sciences. Theoretically, they are supposed to be the ones who are actively aware of some possible health damages caused by smoking habit. Thus, people around them play an essential role in taking control of someone-s pattern through social support, especially over those who are highly motivated to quit smoking. Method: This research is categorized as observational-descriptive one, with the use of accidental sampling technique to recruit as many as 63 students of faculty of health sciences who were defined as active smokers. The data, furthermore, were collected by means of a questionnaire. At last, a statistical-descriptive analysis was used to evaluate the data. Results: Most of the involved respondents were shown to have a moderate trend of smoking (65%). On the other hand, the majority of the respondents had been supported through some types of social support with relatively high percentage, to name appraisal support (indicating 71%), tangible support (indicating 87%), self-esteem support (indicating 97%), and belonging support (indicating 92%). Moreover, most of the respondents were equipped by the high level of quittance motivation from smoking, signifying 71%. Conclusion: This research had indicated that the level of smoking habit perceived by the respondents was moderate. In short, appraisal support was defined as high, tangible support low, self-esteem support high, and belonging support high. In addition, some of the respondents had demonstrated a high level of quittance motivation from smoking.

smoking habit, adolescent, support, motivation, quittance from smoking

Community Health


The Influence of Counseling Methods on Changes in the Behavior of Childbearing Aged Couple in a Vasectomy Program in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency
Sunarsih (a*), Dasri (b), Abd. Azis Harun (b)

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Sunarsih Sunarsih

a) Mandala Waluya Institute of Health Science Kendari
Jl. Jend. AH. Nasution, Kambu, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi
b) Mandala Waluya Institute of Health Science Kendari
Jl. Jend. AH. Nasution, Kambu, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi

Background: The results of interview to 60 childbearing aged couples about the reason of men join the family planning program (Vasectomy), each selected 5 respondents in 12 Districts showed that 16 respondents (26,67%) said fear of disruption of household harmony,13 respondents (21,67%) said that family planning is the women-s affairs, 12 respondents (20%) said Vasectomy is the same as castrated, 10 respondents (16,67%) not supported by the wife, 5 respondents (8,33%) expressed fear about the surgery (medical devices), and 3 respondents (5%) stated that there was an embarrassment of family planning and 1 respondent (1,64%) stated the high cost of operations. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of counseling methods in the changes of behavior of childbearing aged couple in a Vasectomy program in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency. Method: The typeof researchused is quantitative research, which is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post test group design. The population in this study amounted to 540 with a sample of 66 respondents with simple random sampling technique. Result: The results in this study indicate that the value of the statistical test results show the value of P Value is 0.031 <0.05 with the highest difference value is by using the Focuss Group Discussion (FGD) + Motivator methodwhich is 9.23 so that it can be concluded counseling with the Focuss Group Discussion method (FGD) +Motivators are the most effective method of attitudes of men of fertile age couples (PUS) in the vasectomy program in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency, so that H0 is rejected and Hais accepted. It can be concluded that there is an influence of counseling methods on changes in the behavior of Childbearing Aged Couple in the Vasectomy Program in Samaturu District, Kolaka Regency. Conclusion: Related institutions are recommended to be scientific references so that the policy approach in the study program is the development of operational models for the implementation of Focuss Group Discussion (FGD) + Motivator continuity and integrated methods through the support of competent stakeholders, in addition to the development of Information and Education Communication (IEC) through theleaflet methodand slide shows/audio visuals so that they can be designed more innovatively to make it more attractive to the public to participate in the Vasectomy program.

Behavior, Childbearing Aged Couple, Counseling, Vasectomy

Community Health


Who can the Community Participate in Fast Food Control? A Case Study in Kendari City

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Tasnim Tasnim

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mandala Waluya Kendari

Objectives: Currently, there are huge fast food traders in Indonesia, including in Kendari City. However, there are a few of fast food traders who are supervised by environmental staff in Health Center in Kendari city, including in Poasia Health Center. This is because there are only some environmental staff in Poasia Health Center compared to numbers of fast food traders. Hence, community participation in fast food control is necessary. Therefore, this study aimed to identify communities who can participate in fast food control in Poasia Health Center in Kendari City. Methods: This study was conducted in Poasia Health Center in Kendari City from April to October 2018. There were 17 cadres who were recruited in this study and they controlled 39 fast food traders. This study applied Quasi experiment with The One-Group Pretest-Post test Design. Cadres- age is independent variable and fast food traders- hygiene and sanitation behavior become dependent variable. Data analysis used linear regression. Main findings: This study found that cadre-s age significant associated with fast food traders- hygiene and sanitation behavior (p-value=0.000< 0.05). The younger cadres (<45 years) tended to change fast food traders- hygiene and sanitation behavior towards better behavior to manage their fast food, compared to the older cadres (>45 years). Cadres who aged under 45 years have high mobilization and intensity to control fast food trader. Conclusion: Volunteer community such as cadres can participate to control the fast food traders in Poasia Health Center in Kendari City. The younger cadres are effective to help environmental staff in Health Center to increase food hygiene and sanitation.

Community; Fast Food; Participate; Control; Hygiene and Sanitation

Community Health


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