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Natural Disaster Topic Selection using Decision Tree Classification
Ade Sutedi

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Ade Sutedi

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Social media like Twitter used as a reference for popular and trusted news today. This condition caused users shared out the information to another about anything around them. This opportunity could be useful information about natural disasters that occur in certain condition related to their locations. This study aims to select the topic that related to the natural disasters that occur in Indonesia based on Twitter user timeline. The topic will use as a reference to ascertain events, conditions of victims and location, and positions of disaster locations. For the validity of disaster information, the data takes from the official Twitter account of @BNPB_Indonesia and @infoBMKG. The data extracted and divided into two main classes, then grouped into types of disasters and locations, and determine the position of location that can be used as a safe point after disasters. In this, study a decision tree classification was used to assist the topic selection process related to natural disaster events.

Social Media, Natural Disaster, Decision Tree, Classification

Computer Science


Neural Network Classification for Breast Cancer Analysis
Paquita Putri Ramadhani , Intan Nurma Yulita

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Paquita Putri Ramadhani

Department of Computer Science, Padjadjaran
University, Sumedang 45363,Indonesia

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that has a high mortality rate. Cancer is caused by a lump from a collection of cells that grows and attacks the surrounding tissue. Most breast lumps are benign, but the benign breast lumps can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. It is important for everyone to check for a lump in the breast. It is done to find out whether the lump is potentially cancer or not. Early detection can provide better handling. The diagnosis of breast cancer by a doctor is done by analyzing several factors. To help the doctor in diagnosing the data efficiently, this study implemented machine learning. The diagnosis was based on the features of digital image computation in the process of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of a breast mass. The data came from 569 patients. The study used the neural networks classification method with multilayer perceptron algorithms. The results were obtained that the use of neural networks gave higher accuracy if it compared it in the ZeroR method. Their accuracies were 95.96%, and 62.74%, respectively.

Breast cancer, Neural Network Classification, ZeroR dan Multilayer Perceptron

Computer Science


News Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering Method
A Wahana1, D S Maylawati1,2,*, B A Wiwaha1, M A Ramdhani1, A S Amin3

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Agung Wahana

1Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
2Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
3Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), various facts, news, and up-to-date information are presented online that can be accessed quickly, anytime, and anywhere. However, sometimes the news which dislayed is not up-to-date or not in accordance with the interests of the reader. This study aims to build a system that can recommend the latest news, which is most often accessed, and that is in accordance with the interests of the reader. The method that used in this study is Collaborative Filtering (CF) to rank news as the best recommendation for readers. Based on the results of experiments conducted on 19 examples of news, the percentage of accuracy results of the recommendations was around 84.2% compared to the manual calculation. This shows that CF capable to provide news recommendations good enough

Internet of Things (IoT), recommend the latest news, Collaborative Filtering

Computer Science


Novelty Luther-Sutopo Method for Game Development
IP Satwika (a*), Wahyu Untoro (a), AAA Putri Ardyanti (a), Wawan Sujarwo (b)

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Corresponding Author
Anak Agung Ayu Putri Ardyanti

STMIK Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No.135, Renon-Denpasar, 80226
a)*satwika[at], wahyuuntoro54[at], putri.ardyanti[at],
b) Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali - LIPI
Jl. Kebun Raya, Candikuning, Baturiti-Tabanan, 82191

Luther-Sutopo is a method used to create multimedia products. The stages in the Luther-Sutopo method are divided into 6 stages, namely the concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, testing and distribution. The Luther-Sutopo method was successfully used to create multimedia products such as movies, videos or interactive multimedia applications such as games. But in a book written by Hidayat and Astari, they argue that the maintenance stage is a stage that can make the game said to be successful in its distribution. From the case study of making the Bedugul Forest game it was found that there were some changes to the Luther-Sutopo method. These changes are the occurrence of repetitive assembly and testing processes until no errors are found in the game. The next change is at the maintenance stage, a new maintenance stage can be done if a system error is found in the game that has been distributed and the emergence of new Android devices that are not supported by the game.

Luther-Sutopo Multimedia Method, Game Development, Education Game

Computer Science


Objective Quality Assessment of Multi-Resolution Video based on H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC Encoding
Adhi Rizal (a*), Aries Suharso (a), Panji Abujabbar (a), Munir (b)

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Adhi Rizal

(a) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang 41361, Indonesia
(b)Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

It is predicted that every year, online video traffic will continue increase significantly. This causes before digital video transmitted over the internet, a compression mechanism is required by using specific encoding technique so that it does not overload the senders and receivers traffic. Furthermore, this process is also needed to produce high quality video with low bitrate. At present, the latest video encoding techniques is H.264/AVC and the currently developing video encoding is H.265/HEVC. Therefore, this paper aims to carry out objective assessment by evaluating the encoding performance of the new standard compared to its predecessor H.264/AVC. In addition to produce a comprehensive investigation, we compared several resolutions (1080p, 720p, and 480p) with a combination of CRF (Constant Rate Factor) values and different encoder presets. Then to find out the performance of both techniques we used several test parameters such as encoding duration, compression ratio, bitrate, MSE, and PSNR. The results showed that H.264 was faster in terms of time needed to carried out the encoding process. Furthermore, the quality of the video output produced by H.264 also better, but not significant, only a slight difference with H.265 and it is cannot be seen directly. In addition, the compression ratio and bitrate of H.265 was better than its predecessor with a difference of 38.5% and 52.7%, respectively. Finally, if the user wants to prioritize better quality video output without having to sacrifice a lot of compression time and small file size, then our recommendation is to use H.265 encoding and by selecting an HD resolution configuration (720p) with medium presets and 18 CRF value.

objective quality assessment, video encoding, H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, CRF, encoder preset

Computer Science


Obtaining pareto front with NSGA-II in multi-attribute automated negotiation
Aodah Diamah

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Aodah Diamah


In multi-attribute automated negotiation, maximizing negotiation outcome can be regarded as a multi-objective optimization problem. The objectives are to maximize each negotiator gain expressed as their preferences. A negotiation outcome is evaluated based on the outcome distance to the Pareto front of all the possible negotiation solutions. Pareto front is the collection of solutions that can no longer be improved in one objective without compromising another objective. Therefore Pareto front plays an important role in examining negotiation outcomes. In cases where possible negotiation solutions are too large, it is computationally inefficient to find this front exhaustively by comparing all solutions. To this end, evolutionary algorithm has been used to approximate Pareto front. In this paper we aimed to obtain Pareto front using an evolutionary algorithm called non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA II). Results using two different negotiation settings show that Pareto front obtained with NSGA II are very close to the true Pareto front.

Pareto front, genetic algorithm, multi-attribute negotiation

Computer Science


Online Information System for Archiving Documents and Letters Requests at the sub-District Level
Nanang Hunaifi (*a), Agung Baitul Hikmah (b), Maxsi Ary (c)

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Nanang Hunaifi

Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia
b) AMIK BSI Tasikmalaya
Jl. Tanuwijaya No.4, Tasikmalaya 46113, Indonesia
Jl. Sekolah Internasional 1-2, Bandung 40282, Indonesia

Population registration management is the government responsibility, so that each resident is registered administratively in accordance with the Act. However, to make a certificate, the people may not be directly served. The issue of extortion and complicated processes makes the people feel the data management is a complicated and make people often ignore it, this is a loss for all parties. One of the negative impacts of not recording population data is that there is a dual identity of the population that can be misused; unknown newcomers are often used for terrorism activities, obstruction of other arrangements that require a certificate of population. Currently the data processing and archiving process is still done manually. This research aims to develop a document archiving information system and online mail application at the sub-district level. This system was designed with the waterfall method and Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling, and then implemented using the PHP MySQL web programming. Black box is used as a functional testing of information systems. The results of this study is the document archiving information systems and online mail requests have been developed with positive responses from users by 84.50% based on the user acceptance test level questionnaire.

egoverment; information system; internet; population; website

Computer Science


Personalized Stress Detection using Multimodal Dataset from Wearable Sensor
Fitri Indra Indikawati

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Fitri Indra Indikawati

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Stress detection is an interesting topic because of its huge impact on human health, both mentally and physically. Physiological changes on the human body can be observed and used to recognize stress. Various approaches utilize a different kind of data to detect physiological changes, i.e. visual data, audio data, interview result, textual data, or sensor data. Wearable sensors for collecting physiological data are becoming more prominent in recent years due to their functionality and non-intrusive nature. By utilizing data from wearable sensors, we have developed a personalized stress detection system. Our system performs classification on stress level based on multimodal data from Empatica E4 wearable sensor. By evaluating the performance of the system, we demonstrate that our system can perform personalized stress detection using a real multimodal dataset from wearable sensor.

stress detection, wearable sensor, classification

Computer Science


Physics Education (PhyEdu): Media for Physics Learning
Sudi Dul Aji, Rahmad Dwi Aprianto, Muhammad Nur Hudha

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Sudi Dul AJi

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia

This study aims to develop and test the feasibility of learning media in the form of Android-based Physics Education to improve students critical thinking skills in mechanical wave material. This research belongs to the Research and Development (R & D) research category with a research design using a 4D model consisting of define (design), design (develop), develop (development) and disseminate (dissemination). Validation is carried out at the develop stage by involving media experts and material experts. The study produced an Android-based physics learning media in the form of Physics Education (PhyEdu) with the results of validation obtained feasible to be tested but needed improvement in the appearance of the media.

Android; Learning Media; Physics Education (PhyEdu)

Computer Science


Predicting Fetal Condition from Cardiotocography Results Using the Random Forest Method
Syifa Fauziyah Nurul Islam (a*), Intan Nurma Yulita (b)

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Syifa Fauziyah Nurul Islam

a,b) Department of Computer Science, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia

Cardiotocography is an important process in pregnancy as fetal monitoring. It monitors the babys heart rate in a healthy condition or not. Apart from that, this can also measure whether the movements carried out by the baby in the womb are normal or not. This study extracted the recording data by cardiotocographs. The attributes of fetal data that have been recorded amount to 22. They were used as the indicators in determining the conditions of the fetus whether under normal circumstances, suspect or pathologic. The prediction of the fetus condition was based on the Random Forest method. Also, the method was compared with the Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree methods. The accuracy of the Random Forest method reached 95.12%. It was higher compared to using other methods.

Cardiotocography; Radom Forest; Naive bayes; Decision Tree

Computer Science


Prediction of National Examination Question using C4.5 Algorithm
Nur Lukman (a*), Beki Subaeki (b), Hilman Nur Abdullah (c), Aldy Rialdy Atmadja (d), Mohamad Wildanuddin (e)

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Corresponding Author
Nur Lukman

a,c,d,e. Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung,
b. Department of Information, System Sangga Buana YPKP University Bandung

The National Examination in 2018 is no longer the only determinant of student graduation from their school, however the score of the national examination in 2018 has decreased from average value of 55.51 to 52.96. One of the reasons is that students found difficulties to predict the questions that probably appeared on the exam sheet. This research aimed to help students predict the questions that probably appeared, so that the average value hopefully will be increased. The prediction of the questions that probably appeared on the exam had been done by processing data of the questions used for national examinations several years ago using C 4.5 Algorithm. C 4.5 Algorithm is a Data Mining technique that can classify predictive questions and it is able to form a prediction of questions on the exam. The result showed that the prediction of questions that probably appeared on exams by using Algorithm C 4.5 had good performance and its accuracy is 70 %

National Examination; Data Mining; C 4.5 Algorithm

Computer Science


Prototype of Decision Support System for Wind Detection based on Optocoupler and Magnetic Sensor
Yosep Septiana (a*), Dede Kurniadi (a), Asri Mulyani (a), Andika Raja Sonang Munthe (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yosep Septiana

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Measurement of wind speed and direction can be done by observation using a measuring instrument in the form of an anemometer, but the results are not accurate. The research aims to design prototype decision support system based on an optocoupler and magnetic sensor for wind detection that works automatically detects speed and direction of the wind. The software development model used is the Prototype Model. The result of this research is a prototype wind detector that can be used to determine the speed and direction of the wind in an area. The information produced can be used for decision support systems as a reference for mapping the potential of wind energy in an area and determining the timing for fishing.

Magnetic Sensor; Optocoupler; Prototype; Wind Detection

Computer Science


Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software Development to Understand Personality Types in Writing and Developing Writing Skill Competencies
Anas Ahmadi

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Anas Ahmadi

Indonesian Language & Literature, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

The current trend in the issue of writing research is interdisciplinary. Therefore, in this study linking interdisciplinary studies between the study of science, psychology, and writing. In this regard, this study aims to develop and explore the development of the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software in creative writing. This research was initiated in 2015 by developing the book Psychowriting (2015). Furthermore, this year, software developed Psychowriting Types Indicators (PTI). This research is urgent to develop and recognize personality types in writing which have not been "touched" in research writing. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data analysis technique uses three stages, (1) the stage of developing the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software, (2) the stage of the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) practice, (3) the analysis phase, (4) the data presentation stage, and (5 ) inference stage. The research respondents were 42 students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Department who programed the Writing Skills course. The results and discussion of the study indicate that the personality type in writing is divided into (1) the type of personality of the abstractive writer is 26 percent; (2) the type of melancholis writer personality amounts to 10 percent; (3) intuitive personality types as much as 31 percent; (4) thinker personality types totaling 5 percent; (5) explanatory personality types totaling 9 percent; (6) masculine personality types totaling 7 percent; (7) feminist personality types totaling 6 percent; (8) expressive personality types totaling 6 percent. Conclusion shows that the highest personality type in writing is the intuitive category, while the lowest type is the type of thinker category

software, psychowriting type indicators, writing

Computer Science


Puzzle Game Solving with Breadth First Search Algorithm
Robbi Rahim(a), Rohman Dijaya(b), Mochammad Tanzil Multazam(b), Achmad Daengs GS(c), Dadang Sudrajat(d)

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Corresponding Author
Robbi Rahim

a. School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Arau, Malaysia
b. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, indonesia
c. Universitas 45 Surabaya, Indonesia
d. STMIK IKMI Cirebon, Cirebon, Indonesia

Todays games have been played by many people from young to old age. There are many types of games, one of which is a puzzle game. Puzzles, which are brain teasers that challenge the skills of their players, never seem to lose their popularity and are never consumed by age. Puzzle is one type of game that is enough to squeeze the brain to solve it. The solution that can be used to simplify problem solving is to apply a search algorithm that is used to check the initial state to the final state and provide the most optimal solution for completing the puzzle, the algorithm used to solve these problems using the Breadth First Search algorithm. The use of the Breadth First Search algorithm in solving puzzle games can make it easier for users to get the best solution in the form of completion steps and also the possibility of solving various conditions based on the puzzle conditions that you want to solve.

Game Puzzle, Puzzle, Solving, Breadth First Search

Computer Science


Reality Construction on Framing the Online Islamic Media of Eid Ghadir Culture
Agus Masrukhin (a*), Reiza D Dienaputra (b), Dadang Suganda (b), Titin Nurhayati mamun (b)

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Agus Masrukhin

a) Character Building Development Center, Information
Systems Department, School of Information Systems,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
b) Faculty of Culture, Cultural Studies, Padjadjaran
University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

When the Eid-ul-Ghadir celebration will come, often the media of Islamic organizations respond to each other according to their beliefs. not infrequently this is not separated from the ideological setting and vision of the mission of the Islamic organizations standing. so that the construction of the built reality also tends to follow the perspective of each of the online media organizations. The purpose of the article is to get a mapping of the construction of online media Islamic organizations related to the culture of Eid Ghaidr. The framing analysis that will be used is from Gamson and Modigliani, the research will reveal several media online Islamic organizations, including,, and the results of the study indicate that online media is used as a tool to influence the wider community on what they consider to be true in a vulgar and contradictory way.

Framing the Online Islamic Media, Eid ghadir cultture, respond

Computer Science


Relationship between Development and Quality of Video Games
N M Ritzki, A Mukharil, Y A Hermawan

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Adam Mukharil

Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

In this paper the author will try to review whether the development process of a video game relates to its quality. The worldwide video game industry had its ups and downs from their beginning in the 1950s until the present, with many video games released to success, but there are many which fails. To find the relationship between the development process of a video game and its quality, the author tries to study the development of 20 video games from a multitude of genres by AAA developers and publishers in the last 10 years and comparing their respective critical reception and sales. This paper tries to answer the question on whether a video game will be successful or failed in the commercial market based on its development process, marketing and life cycle. From the recent trends, the result is most likely inconclusive or varied depending on the video game in question. The author expects that this paper will give an insight about the development of video games to the readers and act as a basis to decide whether a video game can be considered a success or a failure in the market.

development, video games

Computer Science


Relationship between Enterprise Architectures Planning and Information System
E S Soegoto, S I Fauzi, and T Valentina

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Enterprise architecture planning is a process that defines architectural planning to use information in supporting a business and plans to implement the architecture. The main purpose of this research are to define the benefits of business architectural planning and its relationship with the development of information systems. The method used in this research is descriptive method, descriptive mode is chosen to present accurate subjective or objective views from the situation related. The results of this study explain to us that there is a positive relationship between enterprise architectures planning and information system. This research was completed by discussing it and also by observing that journals that relate enterprise architecture planning with information systems. The conclusion of this study is that enterprise architecture planning is very useful for information systems, especially in terms of developing information systems in the future.

Enterprise architecture, Business and Information System

Computer Science


Revealing Student Satisfaction related to Academic Information Services using the Kano Model
Rinda Cahyana

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Rinda Cahyana

Informatic Departement, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, 44151, Indonesia

Information technology is one of the campus facilities. The information system department periodically evaluates its utilization by measuring user satisfaction. This study uses the Kano model to describe student satisfaction related to the utilization and improvement of academic information, as well as its services and information technology platforms. Representation of Kano quality categories generated by this study shows that the availability of conventional academic information and services affects the increase in student satisfaction. The existence of a platform that provides self-service practices without space and time constraints can further enhance student satisfaction.

Academic Information; Campus Information System; Information Technology Services; User Satisfaction

Computer Science


Searching the shortest route for the distribution of logistics for natural disasters using the Dijkstra Algorithm
Kristoko Hartomo, Bambang Ismanto, Agus Nugraha, Sri Yulianto, Bayu Laksono

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kristoko hartomo

Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University, Jalan Diponegoro 52-60 Salatiga, Indonesia

Natural disasters which often happens in several cities in central java demanding the government institutions to help the victims. The distribution itself has problems in determining the shortest route which should be chosen properly. Dijkstra algorithm is applied in choosing the shortest route. Dijkstra algorithm is a algorithm that can determine the shortest line from the boarding point to the arrival point by the smallest weight, to display into a map that used google maps api technology. Google maps api is free services provided by google that can be accessed by a browser. This research application logistics produce the distribution of natural disasters with applying dijkstra algorithm on finding shortest route.

disaster; distribution; shortest route; algorithm; dijkstra

Computer Science


Securing an Event-Based Smart Meter System to Prevent Pricing Cyberattack: A Preliminary Research
Desti Nirwana Mozef (a), Fadhil Hidayat (b)

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Desti Nirwana Mozef

a) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Being a part of smart grid, smart meter is a device that is widely used nowadays because it is expected to improve the efficiency of the current electricity network by using advanced digital information and communication technology. One of the advantages of using smart meter is it can simplify the billing process. However, because the smart meter system must be connected to intranet and extranet networks, it becomes vulnerable to several security and privacy threats. One of the major concerns is pricing cyber-attack, which happens when energy consumption data becomes the target of an attack because this can affect the amount of billing that must be paid by costumers. There are already several studies that discussed about securing smart grid system using various methods but those are still computationally complex and only implemented on time-based type smart meters. The aim of this paper is to present a preliminary research of securing an event-based smart meter system from pricing cyber-attack.

Smart grid; Smart meter; Pricing cyberattack

Computer Science


Security Camera Design Using Smart Phones
Y Ramadhan, R Hartono, Y A Hermawan

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Rodi Hartono

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to identify the importance of using information technology for security, especially for supervision. The method used in this research is descriptive method, describing the function of using smart phones as a security tool. The results of this study that smart phones can be used as a security tool by using a cellphone camera as a surveillance camera and wireless computer network. This research was carried out with the results of analysis and experiments using previous references and supporting equipment. From the results of this study it can be found that smart phones can be utilized as security systems. Therefore the results of this study can be utilized by various parties or can be used as a reference in the use of technology and information.

design , smart Phone , camera

Computer Science


Sentiment Analysis of The Body Shaming Beauty Vlog Comments
Jajam Haerul Jaman (a*), Hannie (b), Martina Sari Simatupang (c)

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Jajam Haerul Jaman

Computer Science Faculty of Singaperbangsa Karawang University

Body shaming is a form of mocking/insulting action by commenting on the shape or size of the body and the appearance of someone so that someone feels embarrassed. Problems with comments that contain body shaming elements are important things to study as text processing. Sentiment analysis can be used as a solution to identify body shaming comments with the classification method using the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm. Naïve Bayes Classifier uses the concept of probability of each class in its classification learning, so that the distance between classes is not large. The purpose of this study is to predict or classify comment data based on shaming and non shaming sentiment classes. The test in this study was carried out with ten different scenarios using the R programming language with RStudio tools which were then evaluated using confusion matrix to determine the best classifier model.. The evaluation results with confusion matrix found that the best model classifier is a scenario with a comparison of training data and testing data 90:10 and applying stemming at the preprocessing. This scenario achieves an accuracy of 98.48% with an error rate of 1.52%. Recall is 99.53%, specificity is 66.67%, precision is 98.90%, and F-measure is 99.21%.

Body Shaming; Naïve Bayes Classifier; Sentiment Analysis

Computer Science


Aries Dwi Indriyanti, Dedy Rahman Prehanto, I Gusti Lanang Eka Putra Prismana, Soeryanto, Bambang Sujatmiko, Johan Fikandda

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Aries Dwi Indriyanti

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Underprivileged scholarships are assistance provided by the government or institutions to students from poor families. Scholarships can be given to all students at the education level from elementary school to higher education with certain conditions and criteria. However, in reality many scholarships are given that are not on target. This is because of the number of students who register as scholarship recipients. Therefore, it is necessary to have a decision support system in order to aid the selection process. This study aims to find appropriate system to aid the underprivilaged scholarship selection. This study proposed a system which was built using PHP for programming languages and using MySQL as its database using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. Data is taken from SMK Sultan Agung 1 Jombang. Data is then analyzed and tested using the Blackbox testing method. The results of the study prove that Simple Additive Weighting can be used as a support system to help implement students in prospective scholarship recipients.

Decision Support System, Simple Additive Weighting, Scholarship

Computer Science


Simple Computer Technology for Nationality Character Song Teaching in Elementary School
Prana Dwija Iswara (a*), J. Julia (a), Sandie Gunara (b), Tedi Supriyadi (c)

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Corresponding Author
Prana Dwija Iswara

a) PGSD, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Mayor Abdurahman No. 211, Sumedang, Indonesia
b) Music Edication, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
c) PGSD Penjas, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Mayor Abdurahman No. 211, Sumedang, Indonesia

Some of the Indonesian people who struck by the crisis of national character must get proper handling. Some of these national crises lead to acts of global terrorism. One effort to deal with the national character crisis, especially at the level of elementary school students, is to teach songs with national character. In the period of 2017 until the beginning of 2019 the learning of songs with national character was held as part of the national character campaign. The study found a number of simple computer technology instruments that can be used in learning songs in the classroom. Several technology package options can be used. In this study also found a number of procedures that must be prepared by teachers in learning songs with simple technology in class. However, if the teacher is not good enough in teaching learning material, those simple technology can become less effective.

computer technology; national character building; song; lyrics; elementary school

Computer Science


Simulation Model of freights transportation distribution system based on algorithms gravity single constraint
Juang Akbardin

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Juang Akbardin

Civil engineering of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Generating and atracting movements is a phenomenon of need for distribution in a zone in a region. Movement distribution model has an important role to increase economic and regional growth. The model design strategy is determined based on alternative supply and demand generation and the atractionl of movement. The need for strategies to limit supply and demand is determined by restrictions on generation or atraction of movement. The method of limiting the generation or atraction of movement as a distribution system model solution is single constraint. Distribution system modeling with one limitation is based on gravity modeling. Distribution system simulation modeling is built the gravity algorithm. Distribution system starts from constructing generation models with variables that determine the generation of movement. The socio-demographic, infrastructure and freights vehicle are used in this variable modeling. The model was tested with statistical parameters with a test of determination and correlation test. Distribution system modeling is then accumulated in computational models of basic matrices that are defined based on the specified zone. The matrix iteration process in the model calibration will determine results of distribution system model with results of matrix convergence defined.

Modeling, distribution systems, transportation of freights, gravity algorithms, single constraints

Computer Science


Simulation of Ocean Waves in Coastal Areas Using The Shallow-Water Equation
Dewi Muliyati, Diah Ambarwulan, Wahyu Sinarno, Dadan Sumardani, Fauzi Bakri, A. Handjoko Permana, Alfirsa S T Putri

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Corresponding Author
Diah Ambarwulan

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
b) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

The shallow-water equation has an important role in studying the characteristics of ocean waves. These characteristics were influenced by the depth of the sea. This study simulates ocean waves around the coastal areas with different slopes. The simulation system is a 2-dimensional limited boundary, built using Gmsh software. The calculation uses the Quickersim toolbox for the Matlab environment. The outputs generated from these simulations are the position and speed at any time in 2-dimensions. The simulations results show the 2-dimensional velocity pattern of each waves section. These result can be used in the future research to learn the implementation in tsunami waves.

Ocean waves simulation, shallow-water equation, Quickersim Toolbox

Computer Science


Rachmat Jaenal Abidin (a*), Faiz M Kaffah(a), Pramita Khaerunisa(a), Popon Dauni(a), Muhammad Indra Nurardy Saputra(a)

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Rachmat Jaenal Abidin

(a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

Sleep disorders is a disorder experienced by a person when the REM and NREM cycle don-t work normally. Prolonged sleep disorders can cause a variety of bad conditions such as depression, fatigue, reduce work, performance and endurance. It quickly offended till affect to our own safety. The latest study in 2018 conducted by Dr. Welly Sondakh, MPH in Jakarta revealed that there were 10% of people with insomnia from the Indonesian population or around 28 million people. The low public awareness of sleep disorders causes them to need alternative media, namely an expert system to diagnose sleep disorders. Expert system is a system that uses the knowledge of an expert to solve a problem in a particular field where the system is not limited by time and can be used by many people. The method used in this system is Certainty Factor as an inference engine to determine the results of the diagnosis based on the symptoms determined. The calculation of this method combines the MB (measure of increased belief) and MD (measure of increased disbelief) values obtained from experts. From 50 test data, 45 data were obtained so that the accuracy level reached 90%. This shows that the expert system of diagnosing sleep disorders is suitable for early diagnosis of sleep disorders

Expert System, Sleep Disorder, Certainty Factor

Computer Science


SmartTourist Guide Application for the Introduction of Malang City Tourism Potential Using Hybrid Technology
Usman Nurhasan1, Hendra Pradibta2, Satrio Binusa Suryadi3, Alfinda4

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Information Technology Department
State Polytechnic of Malang

Tourism in Malang City is one sector that contributes significantly to efforts to increase regional income. Efforts such as Strategic City Branding (Beautiful Malang) were carried out to promote tourism in Malang City. Tourism potential in Malang City is very diverse, ranging from natural tourism to culinary tourism. However, the distribution of information about these attractions has not been maximized, because it is still done manually, by looking at the signpost boards which are sometimes unclear, asking questions to the tour guide or by coming directly to Malang Tourist Information Center. This method is not sufficient, because of limited access time and less flexibility for tourists. Lack of information regarding the distribution of tourist attractions can be minimized by using GIS (Geographic Information System) technology. This technology allows tourists to be able to find out where they are at the moment and the closest destinations around them. By utilizing this Geographic Information System, potential tourist attractions can be mapped to be more maximal, so that one can find a place more efficiently and does not take long. To be more attractive, guidance is needed in the form of digital applications and can utilize Augmented Reality (AR) technology. In this case, this technology can be used to display information content in public places. The use of this technology is expected to be something innovative to advance tourism in Malang City.

Tourism, Hybrid Technology, Augmented reality, GIS

Computer Science


Social Influence Data Analytic For Supply Chain Management in Fashion Industry
Puspita Nurul Sabrina, Fajri Rakhmat Umbara, Herdi Ashaury

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Puspita Nurul Sabrina

Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Supply Chain Management (SCM) can be seen from the upstream, midstream and downstream supply chains. Efficiency can be increased by business strategies in all three sections. The fashion industry such as garment and textile is a very dynamic industry where fashion trends change rapidly in a short time. How can produce products that can adjust to consumer trends or needs become a strategy in increasing the efficiency of SCM. SCM downstream side needs, namely customers must be analyzed by analyzing customer experience such as social influence and analysis to avoid running out of stock, the two things are analyzed with certain attributes. Consumer needs can be explored based on customer purchase history and the phenomenon of current fashion trends. Online marketing, e-commerce, social media as trading media can provide knowledge. Methods related to data analysis such as big data analysis and social trends continue to develop. In this study, the concept of analytic data will be proposed by applying various factors such as social factors, social influences, business, trade, purchase history, collaborated with various techniques with the aim of knowing the needs of people in the fashion world. What data is relevant will be analyzed and processed by relevant methods with the result tendency community on certain fashion. This research will produce an analytical data model of social influence that focuses on the domain of the fashion world which is the input and recommendation for the downstream part of the Supply Chain Management System in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of SCM.

data analytic; social informatic; SCM; fashion industry;

Computer Science


Social Media Analytics in A Knowledge Management System: A Systematic Literature Review
Yana Aditia Gerhana (a), Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman (b), Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (a)

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Yana Aditia Gerhana

a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
b) School of Graduate Studies, Asia e University Malaysia

In the digital era, social media has become an integral part of life. Social media is able to change the way people communicate, interact, collaborate and share knowledge. Today Social media is one of the main platforms for knowledge resources, both for individuals, groups and even organizations. Various techniques are used to utilize knowledge from social media, one of which is through social media data analytics. Current research trends are mostly discussing about the use of social media as a source of knowledge, including research in the field of knowledge management. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding and detailed review of social media research in knowledge management. We carry out a systematic review approach to collect, analyze, and synthesize data on the accuracy and value of previous articles focused on this field of research, addressing various topics, and published in digital databases between 2013 and 2019. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method is used to collect and review studies by following the prescribed review procedures. We identified 78 scientific publications that present research on social media and knowledge management systems. Systematic reviews show that social media data analytics has been widely used in various fields, and has become an important part of knowledge management, but not many discuss how knowledge conversion models in the context of the knowledge management system. This discussion offers how to develop a knowledge management system in the behavior of social media.

Social media analytics, Knowledge Management System, SLR.

Computer Science


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