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Disaster Management System on Mobile Environment
Rickard Elsen, Ridwan Setiawan

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Rickard Elsen

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Disaster Management System (DIMAS) is used to reduce risk caused by disaster by manage information about affected area by disaster. It also manage aids, volunteers, and refugees data to measure effect of disaster accurately. Most of DIMAS controlled by government and operated by verified volunteers to keep data integrity so it can be accounted for future purpose. In this paper, we propose to apply DIMAS to mobile environment because of advantages that can be utilized to simplify the usage of DIMAS like GPS integration, mobility aspect, real time data capturing, etc. At the result, we hope it can improve accuracy and speed of collecting data in affected area.

disaster management system, mobile environment

Computer Science


Distributed Architecture for Autograding System
Rickard Elsen, Dede Kurniadi

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Rickard Elsen

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Autograder is used to measure source code quality based on blackbox testing. It will compare source code execution result with existing test cases and generate grade based on comparation result. Autograder can be used in college to help lecturer to test students skill in programming. It can be applied in laboratory or online course so students can use it to test their skill. Most of autograder use centralized architecture which it just execute and grade only one request at a time so if students submit their code to test, it will create a long queue and can risk highly to cause timeout because of long queue and unexecuted request. In this paper, we propose to apply distributed architecture for autograder to reduce queue and lower the risk for unexecuted request that can cause error in grading.

autograder, source code, distributed architecture

Computer Science


E-Commerce Based on Marketplace In Efforts to Sell Agricultural Products Using Xtreme Programming Approach
Sri Rahayu, Rina Kurniawati, Dewi Tresnawati

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Sri Rahayu

Department of Informatic Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Along with the development of technology that enters all walks of life including agriculture provides an opportunity for farmers to be able to trade agriculture directly because of the problems that occur in the distribution of agricultural products for quite a long time so that they are directly in hand. Consumers sometimes make farmers quite disadvantaged because they get income that is not comparable if sold directly to consumers (end users). But the limited space and lack of information make it a problem for farmers to sell it directly. E-commerce is one solution to this problem. E-Commerce is a forum that brings together sellers and buyers in buying and selling transactions directly using online electronic devices. The software development methodology used is the XP (Extreme Programming) method. The results of this study are in the form of e-commerce applications that can be used as a medium for promotion, communication, information and provide direct benefits to farmers and consumers. The application testing technique using the Black-Box Testing method is Equivalence Partitioning. The results of the study used a user questionnaire that the application had a percentage value of 88.84% included in the excellent category.


Computer Science


Cahya Rahmad,Izzil Muhiqqin,Tundung Subali Patma,Rudy Ariyanto,Nailul Muna

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izzil muhiqqin

State Polytechnic Of Malang

Sending secret message need an algorithm that can protect message to receiver without knowing by other and keep the originality of message. Previous research, encoding secret message in video inserted in frame while audio secret message inserted in bit audio. In this paper, try to encode the secret message at video file to encode in audio. Audio separated from video in order to encode secret message in audio. Echo Hiding method used in encode secret message to audio process. Testing use Bit Error Rate (BER) method to analysis modification in audio and Normalized Correlation (NC) analysis authentic the secret message. Based on experiment, message inserted in audio more authentic on mono audio channels than stereo audio channels.

echo hiding,secret message,sending message

Computer Science


Ramen Antonov Purba (a*), Jakaria Sembiring (b), Ester Hervina Sihombing (c), Sondang (d)

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Ramen Antonov Purba

a)Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Unggul LP3M
Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 3 CDEF, Medan - North Sumatera Indonesia
b)Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Unggul LP3M
Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 3 CDEF, Medan - North Sumatera Indonesia
c)Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Unggul LP3M
Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 3 CDEF, Medan - North Sumatera Indonesia
d)Manajemen Informatika, Politeknik Unggul LP3M
Jl. Iskandar Muda No. 3 CDEF, Medan - North Sumatera Indonesia

Image is an interesting object. Because image can be processed even manipulated. Image can not be separated from computer. With computer images can be processed so the value increases. Many computer applications can used to process images. Image development is so rapid. But it does not touch children. There are lot of books that can be used as references for children but not yet very interesting ones. By using computer technology image will more quality and beneficial for children. There must be innovation to change the dynamics. Edge detection concept combined with computerized based methods can be a solution. Edge detection can be used to recognize patterns from image. Edge detection can identify the image edge. In this study will be designed edge detection system using laplace operators and convolution techniques. The initial image will be constructed so that a pattern in the form of dots will be formed.

convolution; digital image; edge detection; laplace

Computer Science


Electronic Catalog for Mapping Mosque Potencies
Eri Satria, Rinda Cahyana, Nurunnisa Aulia

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Eri Satria

Department of Informatics
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jalan Mayor Syamsu no 1 Garut, Indonesia

The existence and purpose of mosque is important in Islam. In mosque, there is some activities related to religius and social life. Although mosque identically used as center of religion activity, but there is some potencies can be utilized from mosque such as, economy, education, sosial, etc. The main idea of this research is to design an electronic catalog so people can map the information about mosque potencies. In this paper, we use rational Unified Process (RUP) for research staging and Unified Modelling Language (UML) as modeling tool. Result of this research is an electronic catalog application which can provide the mapping of information about mosque potencies and activities related to mosque accurately. We hope with this electronic calatog, people can be more aware to potencies, function, and impact of mosque to social life around it.

Catalog, mosque, moslem, Islam

Computer Science


Enhancement Three-Pass Protocol Security with Combination Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher
Robbi Rahim(a)*, Mochammad Alfan Rosid(b), Arif Senja Fitrani(b), Achmad Daengs GS(c), Ni Luh Wiwik Sri Rahayu Ginantra(d)

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Corresponding Author
Robbi Rahim

a. School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Arau, Malaysia
b. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, Indonesia
c. Universitas 45 Surabaya, Indonesia
d. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia, Bali, Indonesia

Key-based security is still the most widely used form of security today with a key distribution process between senders and receivers that is commonly perform and also it is a classic problem in cryptography where key must be share to other parties (sender or receiver) and its maybe known when third parties do sniffing process or man in the middle attack. Three-Pass Protocol is one solution that can be used to overcome the problem of key distribution, because the sender and receiver can encrypt and decrypt without need to exchange keys. Security in Three-Pass Protocol uses XOR logic so that the resulting ciphertext will be very easy to decrypt by those who are not responsible, to improve data security in the Three-Pass Protocol process which is use Caesar Cipher and Vigenere Cipher algorithms in the encryption and decryption process in the Pass Protocol scheme, and ciphertext encryption results are quite difficult to read and require a long time to decrypt them.

Distribution Key, Security, Three-Pass Protocol, XOR Encryption

Computer Science


Expected Likelihood based Inquery for Active Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models Classifiers
Bambang Heru Iswanto

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Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

In the supervised machine learning framework sufficient labeled data are needed to achieve satisfying performance. In many domains, however, the labeled data are often expensive to obtain and requires laborious human effort. In this paper, we propose a query technique by introduce the expected log-likelihood as a criterion to minimize the training data in active machine learning framework. In this scenario, the expected log-likelihood is calculated for all unlabeled data points then an instant with highest value is chosen to be labeled. Some experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of the method using the Gaussian mixture model classifiers with different number of kernels for each class. The method was applied on a training and test data set generated from the two normal distributions with the same proportion for each class. The result of the experiments using the proposed method show a significant reducing of the labeled data compared with the passive learning method. On the data set, the passive learning reached an error rate of 4.50% after 81 queries, meanwhile the same error was reached after 36 queries by the active learning technique or 1,25 times faster than passive learning.

supervised learning, active learning, Gaussian mixture models, log-likelihood, classification

Computer Science


Expert System Application Students Career Guidance
gatot supriyanto, isma widiaty, ade gaffar,yusi riksa

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Gatot Supriyanto

UPI Bandung

The utilization of information technology and communications (ICT) in services are widely applied in the students career guidance activities, in addition to improving accessibility for students in getting ICT usage information can also be used as a reference system that acts like an expert skilled in the art that supports decision-making and is known as the expert system. Utilization of expert systems in career guidance counseling students to cover all aspects of education, evaluation of education, academic career guidance and vocational guidance.The focus of the review and assessment adopted in this article is intended to uncover and analyze the results of research related to the impact of the application of expert system in advising students on aspects of educational guidance, educational evaluation and aspects of career guidance academic and vocational guidance as well as to determine the trend of research opportunities the future in respect of the application of expert systems in career guidance of students. Overall, the findings of the review on the topics and sub-topics that were analyzed showed that the implementation of an expert system in educational guidance greatly assist students in achieving: keberhasilan learning, specialization training, student performance, achievement and self-evaluation. While the findings of the analysis of the topic and sub-topic on the implementation of career guidance expert system showed that the implementation of an expert system greatly assist students in determining and aligning academic majors selection with his career choice. Remember they still lack the development of expert systems in the implementation of career guidance range wider, so it will need a sustainable development in the implementation of students career guidance expert system, especially in considering the factor of uncertainty a rising from both the application and its factors.

Career guidance, student, expert systems, education

Computer Science


Facial Action Point Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
Yaya Wihardi, Rahmandani, Erlangga, Dimas Saptahadi

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Yaya Wihardi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Facial action point detection is a very important task in computer vision due to various application such as in facial expression recognition, facial motion capture, and another human face analysis. This research aimed to propose a deep learning approach to identify and localize facial action points in sequences of images by using convolutional neural network. The result provide an evidence that the model can detect the points with 87% of accuracy.

Facial Action Point, CNN, Deep Learning

Computer Science


Facial Expression Recognition on The Classroom Environments
Wawan Setiawan, Yaya Wihardi, Enjun Junateti, Naufan Rusyda Faikar

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Yaya Wihardi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Facial expression recognition is the process of identifying the expression that is displayed by a person. It can be used to evaluate the mood of students during a class so that can help teachers improve the learning goal achievement. However, the recognition process in real environments such as in classrooms is still a challenging problem due to different expressions and illumination under arbitrary poses. In this paper we present a convolutional neural network based method that combining with gray level coocurence matrix. The result show that the proposed method can recognize three category of student facial expressions that represent good, bad, and neutral mood.

Facial Expression, CNN, GLCM, Mood Detection

Computer Science


Fourier Transform for Feature Extraction of ElectroEncephaloGraph (EEG) Signals
Hindarto hindarto, Arif Muntasa, Sumarno sumarno

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Electroensephalograph (EEG) is a device that can capture electrical activity in the brain and inform the minds condition such as emotional, fatigue, alertness, health and concentration level. Modeling the EEG signal before classification needs to be done, several studies have been carried out using Wavelet, Power Spectral, or Autoregressive transformations as feature extraction. This study explains the application of K-Nearest Neighbor as a classification and Fourier transform by taking the value of Power Spectralfor feature extraction from the wave signal Electro Encephalo Graph (EEG). This study aims to identify EEG signals used for cursor movements. The data used are EEG data originating from the 2003 BCI competition (BCI 2003 Competition). The data contains data class 0 (for movement of the cursor up) and class 1 (for movement of the cursor down). Decision making is done in two stages. In the first stage, the Power Spectral value for each EEG signal is used to extract the feature. The feature is input to K-Nearest Neighbor. In the second stage of the identification process into two classes (class 0 and class 1) EEG signal data files, there are 260 EEG signal file training data and 293 from EEG signal file testing data, so that the total becomes 553 EEG signal data files. The results obtained for the classification of EEG signals are 85.6% of the signal data tested

EEG, BCI, Power Spectral, K-Nearest Neighbor

Computer Science


Framework Indeks security information to support evaluation, adoption and improvement of methods in developing variables
Faiz M Kaffah(1*) Cepy Slamet(1) Aedah Bt. Abdul Rahman(2) Khaerul Manaf (3) Beki Subaeki (3)

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Corresponding Author
faiz muqorrir kaffah

(1) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(2) School of ICT Asian E-University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(3) Department of Information System Sangga Buana YPKP University Bandung, Indonesia

The governance of information security in the Indonesian Government has not been completely improved. Many related variables components are not measured. This study aims to observe an evaluation for application of information security index framework in Indonesian government institutions as the implementation of electronic government. The analysis is carried out by adopting an information security index framework produced in the rank of e-government. The study uses a triangulation approach within a mixed method. This study results in a novel adoption model of information security index framework equipped by two new variables. Therefore, a proper policy of the Indonesian government is required for its implementation.

Security information, e-goverment, framework

Computer Science


Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools for The Clean Life and Love the Environment Education
Budi Laksono Putro, Waslaluddin, Rizky Rachman Judhie Putra

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Waslaluddin Waslaluddin

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

A healthy and clean environment is essential for human survival. Garbage is one of the problems in creating a clean and healthy environment. This research develops a Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools for clean living and environment-friendly education. The Garbage Bank in elementary schools manages waste to be of economic value. The object of this study was elementary school students in the Rancabolang Village, Gedebage Bandung. Clean life education and environmental love for elementary school students by applying the 3-R principles, namely: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling Waste. The development of the Garbage Bank in Elementary Schools is made based on the Waterfall method, object-oriented modeling, web-based, and PHP programming language. The stages of this research include the study of literature, needs analysis, system design, implementation, testing, analysis, and conclusions. The application of the Garbage Bank software in elementary schools can improve clean living education and environmental love for elementary school children in Rancabolang.

Clean Life, Garbage Bank, Software, Object Oriented

Computer Science


Geographic Information System For Mapping of Tourist City Of Dili In Web Based
Natalia Magdalena R. Mamulak (a), Emiliana Meolbatak (b), Sinhorinha N. Da Costa (c)

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Natalia Magdalena R Mamulak

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira

Dili is the capital city of Republic Democratic of Timor Leste country with a promising tourism potential because Dili has beautiful beaches and interesting cultural diversity. But until now these tourist objects are not widely known. The problem related to there is no media such as website that can promote tourism in Dili more detail and easily accessed by local and international tourists. Therefore it is necessary to create a geographic information system that becomes a media campaign for tourism of Dili City, especially about these attractions to be known by the public. The method used in solving the above problems is Waterfall which has the following phases: preparation phase, analysis and design phases, implementation phase, testing phase, deploy and maintenance phase. The programming tools in developing this geographic information system are PHP language and MySQL as the database. This web-based geographic information system will contain the data related to location of tourism and public facilities such as hotels, restaurants, shopping center, distance between locations and road conditions to make it easier for tourists during their stay in Dili. The system also provides updated information that is easily accessible to the public.

geographic information system, Dili, tourism

Computer Science


Geographical Information System Of Fire Incidents Data Monitoring
Leni Fitriani (a*), Dewi Tresnawati (a)

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Corresponding Author
leni fitriani

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu no 1, Garut, 44151, INDONESIA

This geographic information system is built as a tool to monitor fire incidents data, taken from the reports of the fire department. In addition to monitoring role, this application can also be used to manage fire incidents data so that it can facilitate firefighters to monitor areas that have high occurance of fires. Therefore, they can prevent fires from occurring. The information system is expected to have benefit in decreasing the rate of fire incidents, mostly by socializing to the publics the prevention of fires in areas where it often occurs. This research was conducted by using the Unified Software Development Process methodology; starting from the analysis model stage, design model, deployment model, implementation model, and testing model. The design model used in this research is Unified Modeling Language which is tested by using the blackbox method. The result of this study is the implementation of geographic information system that can monitor fire incidents data through the location of the incident. Moreover, this system can improve the performance of firefighters in anticipating and preventing the incidents.

Fire Incidents; Information; Geographical; Monitoring; System

Computer Science


GOST Enhancement Key Processing with Triple Transposition Key
Robbi Rahim, Suprianto, Mochammad Tanzil Multazam,

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Mochammad Tanzil Multazam

Universiti Malaysia Perlis,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

The GOST algorithm is an algorithm that has good encryption and decryption speeds because the encryption and decryption process is simple with the use of keys that are not too good. Security in cryptographic ciphertext results is one of the factors that depends on the use of a good key too, one of the techniques that can be used is the Triple Transposition Key that processes keys as much as 3 x rounds with the transposition function. The Triple Transposition Key and GOST algorithms are combined during the key formation process so that the key obtained from the process of using the Triple Transposition Key algorithm is quite strong and minimizes the brute force attack. The use of the Triple Transposition Key algorithm on GOST can be used as an alternative to increase security on the key so that it does not have to have a combination of 2 or more algorithms that will only consume process resources and also do not significantly affect the speed of encryption and decryption.

GOST algorithms, Triple Transposition Key, cryptographic ciphertext

Computer Science


Hijaiyah interactive learning for pre-school students
Hendra Pradibta1, Usman Nurhasan2, Tamara Dhea Pramesti3, Satrio Binusa Suryadi4

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Information Technology Department
State Polytechnic of Malang

Limited time allocation for Islamic education in primary schools is a halt for the students to understand the lesson. The core of Islamic education is to understand reading and to write letters Hijaiyah. The concept of conventional learning patterns and lack of time made the level of understanding of students is low. To minimize this, learning media are needed that can attract students attention. Especially in children of the present era who are challenged with various types of technology, including mobile phones, televisions, and computers. The role of IT-based media can be a solution in current learning. In the learning process especially for children is learning that gives birth to a pleasant atmosphere. Images and sounds that appear will make children not get bored quickly so that they can stimulate learning in children. In learning that involves the media in the process of learning certainly must consider aspects of early childhood development. Augmented Reality can be utilized in various fields including education. In learning, there are Quantum Learning theories which explain visual, audio, and kinesthetic (VAK) methods. From here Augmented Reality and Quantum Learning theories are interconnected. In this application, there will be Hijaiyah letters that are simulated in the form of Augmented Reality with a sound for instructions on how to pronounce it. This application is expected to help the learning process of Hijaiyah letters both from among students and the general public outside of school, only by scanning the Hijaiyah letters from the Android camera.

Interactive Learning, Hijaiyah, Augmented Reality, Android

Computer Science


History Visualization Using Augmented Reality
Tetep (*), Jamilah, Ali Ismail, Eldi Mulyana, Triani Widyanti

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Corresponding Author
Tetep Tetep

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Terusan Pahlawan No 32 Garut 44151 West Java

Augmented reality is an interactive digital media where objects in real-world environment is visualized through a computer-generated image. This study aims at developing an application to visualize abstract historical objects into more concrete objects so that it can be used as an instructional media. The development was done using Web Aurasma Based Studio and Reveal Mobile in six stages including concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing and distribution. The results showed that the developed augmented reality application was highly effective in visualizing historical facts so as to motivate students in studying historical facts in a more real and concrete way.

Augmented Reality, Historical Facts, Web Aurasma Studio

Computer Science


How Can Games Improve Intelligence For Children
Dewi Tresnawati, Leni Fitriani, Eri Satria

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Dewi Tresnawati

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

This study aims to see the extent to which the use of games can affect the level of intelligence in children. The concept of education for children is important. Aspects that must be considered are methods and learning media. As we all know playing games is very liked by children. The use of games in the world of education has been carried out mostly at the elementary level such as in elementary schools and kindergartens. So far there has been no research about the effect of using the game on childrens learning outcomes. The game material used is basic knowledge such as the introduction of colors, letters, numbers, and the introduction names of animals and also fruits. A sample of 40 respondents was selected purposively, were elementary and kindergarten students. The method used in this research is descriptive statistical method. The results obtained showed that both elementary and kindergarten students were very fond of the lessons presented in the form of games / games, but this did not have much effect on the results of the learning evaluation compared to the delivery of material directly. Better stimulants are needed by combining games and subject matter synergistically to improve childrens intelligence.

children, game, learning, media

Computer Science


How Information Technology Affects Small and Medium Businesses
E S Soegoto1*, I Rukmana2 M Yusup3

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto


The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of information technology on small and medium business groups, and the benefits derived from the application of information technology. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to present how the picture of the influence of information technology in business processes. The results of this study are to identify the extent to which the impact generated by the application of information technology in small and medium business businesses is real. This research was conducted by discussing some examples of the application of information technology in small and medium enterprises.

Business, information technology, small and medium enterprises

Computer Science


How is STEM learning for children with special needs in Indonesia?
Muhammad Nur Hudha 1), Dyah Triwahyuningtyas 1), Sudi Dul Aji 1), Ana Rafikayati 2), Syarief Fajaruddin 3), Ika Maryani 4), Alim Sumarno 5), Isma Widiaty 6), Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto 6)

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Muhammad Nur Hudha

1) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia
2) Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Jl. Dukuh Menanggal XII, Surabaya 60234, Indonesia
3) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia
4) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl. Ki Ageng Pemahanan 19 Sorosutan, Yogyakarta, 55162, Indonesia
5) Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Rektorat Unesa, Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, 60213, Indonesia
6) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research is a preliminary study to explore information on advanced physics learning in children who are waiting in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with questionnaire data and interviews with lecturers, teachers, deaf students and parents of deaf people. The conclusion obtained from this study is that deaf students need a more effective application for advanced physics learning to support the industrial revolution 4.0.

advanced physics; android; deaf students;

Computer Science


How mobile application can increase moslem worship activities
Eri Satria, Dewi Tresnawati

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Eri Satria

Department of Informatics
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu no 1 Garut, Indonesia

Independent learning about moslem worship activities can be done using technology assistance. The purpose of this research is to design android based application about procedures about circumcision prayer for worship activities doing by moslem. Application development use multimedia development life cycle method proposed by Imam Syafii. The result of this research is design and application about circumcision prayer, it show information about circumcision prayer activity with multimedia features which help user to master the material learned. We hope this application can be an alternative learning tools for moslem to learn procedures of praying.

moslem, multimedia, syafii,

Computer Science


Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision and Fuzzy C-Means for Procurement
Edi Mulyana, Jumadi, Anggit Bayu Pratama, Agung Wahana

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Edi Mulyana

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Determining the needs of each item of a product that has many types is something that is difficult to do if done manually. If this happens it will be a problem in decision making by management. As experienced by Cileunyi Collection Store where as of October 2018 the number of goods reached 2,469 types / Stock Keeping Units. (SKU). Production staff find it difficult to analyze how much production needs of each item so that it influences the decision-making by management in determining capital decisions and storage space that must be allocated. In this study will explaine the proposed decision support system in the form software application to assist the process of clustering goods and provide recommendations for the procurement of goods based on predetermined criteria in the Cileunyi Collection Store. Two algorithmic approaches, Multiple Decision Making Criteria (MCDM) and Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) are used. The MCDM algorithm is used to determine the order or priority in multi-criteria analysis and the FCM algorithm is used to cluster with the same membership. The results of study indicate that the MCDM algorithm and the FCM algorithm can provide recommendations for the procurement of goods with various specified criteria. Based on the calculation of the accuration of both algorithm, the MCDM algorithm reaches 90% and the FCM algorithm reaches 90%.

production needs, decision support system, procurement, MCDM algorithm, Fuzzy C-Means algorithm.

Computer Science


Hybrid Principal Component Analysis and K-Nearest Neighbor to Detect the Catfish Disease
D S Maylawati (1),(2),(*), R Andrian (1), S Sunarto (1), M Wildanuddin (1), A Wahana (1)

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Corresponding Author
Dian Saadillah Maylawati

(1) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Cathfish cultivation in Indonesia is a very promising business opportunity with a big profits. Every year, market demand continues to increase. However, this is contrary with the lack of catfish farmers knowledge, so that catfish yields are not optimal. This is because, for certain types of catfish such as Sangkuriang catfish, it is easy to contract certain diseases. This study aims to create an automated system that capable of detecting catfish disease based on its symptoms with image recognition techniques. Early detection of catfish disease can help to find out the causes and prevention, so that the yield remains optimally. The method that used in this study is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature extraction in images combined with K-Nearest Neigbor (KNN) with Euclidean Distance to classify catfish diseases among others: white spots, edema (abdominal swelling), jaundice, and bent spinal disease (scoliosis and lordosis). Based on the results of the experiment using 30 images data for training and 20 images data for testing, 18 image data is classified correctly. This result proves that PCA and KNN able to detect catfish disease well with percentage of accuracy around 90%.

Catfish, Data Mining, Euclidean Distance, Image Recognition, KNN, PCA

Computer Science


Hybrid Trust-based Defense Mechanisms Against Sybil Attack in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Agria Rhamdhan, Fadhil Hidayat

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agria rhamdhan

Institut Teknologi Bandung

The application of IoT in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) allows the realization of intelligent transportation systems to ensure the comfort and safety of road users. But as an implication, attacks that can interfere with this aim certainly need to be a significant concern. It is because the stakes are not only network security but also the safety of the driver and its passengers. One of the attacks which had a substantial impact on VANET was the Sybil attack. Sybil attackers illegally change into several different identities to carry out malicious activities such as disrupting routing, causing traffic jams, bottlenecks, and even accidents. Various security methods are introduced to VANET to detect Sybil attacks, but there are still several issues that have not been resolved. In this paper, we proposed the design of a defense mechanism against Sybil attacks. This mechanism aims to be suitable for application on IoT networks that have limited resources an also considering accuracy, privacy, safety, and real-world implementations. The proposed design uses a hybrid scheme with a trust-based method. Each node has an obfuscated identity to guarantee privacy. The trust center in the form of a Road Side Unit (RSU) will give a reputation value to each identity that will be evaluated periodically when in the range. Nodes form a fully distributed network when there is no RSU. It will use a data-centric neighbor trust scheme where its neighbors will assess each node based on the exchanging data. Each node reports on suspicious nodes to the RSU for evaluation. This mechanism allows RSU to evaluate suspicious node, which decides to isolate that Sybil node out of network.

Sybil Attack, Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks, IoT

Computer Science


ICT-based Al-Quran Phonology Learning
T Supriyadi, J Julia, P D Iswara, A Abdussalam

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Tedi Supriyadi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research seeks to analyze the process of ICT-based Al-Quran phonology learning by using MTT Tahsin application. To Indonesian people, whose mother language is not Arabic, they need to learn the Al-Quran phonology to avoid letter sound interference in Al-Quran reading. The research method conducted the following stages: (1) search and download MTT Tahsin application; (2) explain the application features; (3) learn Al-Quran using the application; and (4) evaluate the learning process. The subjects of this research were students with Java culture background, consisting of 14 male students and nine female students of a university in Sumedang Regency. The findings are: (1) MTT Tahsin application was equipped with trans-literacy feature and explanation of hijaiyyah letters characteristics, hence, it assisted the students to comprehend the pronunciation; (2) The application is equipped with makhroj (place from which the sound of a letter originates) pronunciation with all marks, hence, it assisted the students to comprehend makhroj pronunciation; (3) The learning process could be done wherever and wherever; and (4) the evaluation of learning process showed that MTT Tahsin application could minimize the phonology interference in Al-Quran reading practices. To conclude, Al-Quran learning using MTT Tahsin application could improve phonology mastery for Java people.

ICT, Al-Quran, Phonology, Learning

Computer Science


Acep Ahman Hidayat, Ali Rahman, Resi Mustifa Wangi, Rahmat Zaenal, Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi

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Acep Ahman Hidayat

Department of informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia

The creativity of an online store owner who develops a business in a retail business in determining a marketing strategy will affect his competitive ability with other online stores. However, services that are in accordance with costumers attitude is a stuff that should be awared by shop owners in order to improve not only customer satisfaction but also store income.The method used in this study is Market Basket Analysis to know customers attitude by analyzing data from sales transactions to show customers attitude toward one sold item and the others. Research aimed that it is necessary to have a system that can help to form a combination among products using the association rule method, the algorithm used to analyze this method is apriori and fp-growth algorithm. Result from data analysis test using monthly sales transaction data of cosmetics in Breiliant Store during November 2018 . It could be concluded that a combination of products which have strong support and confidence were Original Liquid Bleaching Seeds, Harva Peeling Gel and Castor oil. It had support value of 8.8% and 30% confidence value, with a filtering time of 0.036 seconds.

data mining, Association Rule, Apriori algorithm, FP-Growth algorithm.

Computer Science


Implementation K-Nearest Neighbour for Student Expertise Recommendation System
Ichsan Taufik (a*), Yana Aditia Gerhana (a), Ade Irpan Ramdani (a), Mohamad Irfan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ichsan Taufik

a) Informatic Engineering, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A.H. Nasution No. 105, 40614, Indonesia

The ability of students to determine their chosen field of expertise is still subjective, many students choose the field of expertise because their classmates choose the field of expertise not by considering their abilities and interests. This research uses the KNN classification method to determine areas of expertise that are in accordance with student expertise. The KNN method was chosen because it is a method that uses supervised algorithms where the results of new query instances are classified based on the majority of the categories in the KNN whose purpose is to classify test data based on training data. This system was tested using the confusion matrix method and the results were 98.30% of the total student data sample of 30 people.

expertise, KNN, confusion matrix, recommendation

Computer Science


Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard for File Security in Stego-Object
Sy. Yuliani(1,2), Aldy Rialdy Atmadja(1,*), Y S Nurjanah(1), Deny Fauzy(1), Rio Guntur Utomo(1)

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Corresponding Author
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

1Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
2Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Security issues and data confidentiality are very important in the digital and internet era today. Important files circulating on the internet, both in the form of documents, images, and videos need to be supported with good security. This article aims to secure files by utilizing steganography technology, both in encryption and decryption of the file. The method used is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is applied to Stego-Object. Experiments are done on document files with extensions .doc, .xlsx, .pdf, and .txt, also on image files with extensions .jpeg, .png, and .bitmap. The experimental results show that AES can encrypt and decrypt quite effectively without changing the quality of files both images and documents. This research can develop for video files.

Security, Encryption, Advanced Encryption Standard, document

Computer Science


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