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Istar Yuliadi*, Prof. Dr. H. Aris Sudiyanto,dr,Sp.KJ(K), Ari Natalia Probandari,dr., MPH., PhD, Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari,dr,. M.Pd

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Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Doktor Pascasarjana
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Marriage has a significant meaning for human life. It is one of the forms of developmental task fulfillment in early adulthood closely related to partner selection and also as an individual medium to meet individuals spiritual, social and sexual dimensions. Marriage broadly covers relationship which involves husband and wife as to establish a family and as a means of sharing emotional and physical closeness as well as various roles in the family. A married couple usually encounters problems in living married life. Dynamics in a married life are affected by various things which come either from the couple or from the couples family. The dynamics sometimes induce some problems in the marriage, which cause such various impacts on married life as anxiety and individual-s quality of life that may lead to a divorce. The objective of this research us to investigate how individuals go through divorce cases that they experience and their impact on their health. This research used the qualitative research method. Snowball ball sampling was used to determine its samples. They included five divorced persons. The result of the research shows that a process to go through an adversity due to a divorce is a prolonged process and bears an uncertain of success. The divorce impacts on individual-s life after divorce, both of his or her physical health and mental health. Mental and physical health disorders are commonly experienced by some individuals shortly after divorce. Yet, some cannot rise from adversity so that they still experience mental and physical disorders.

Divorce; marriage; impact of divorce; health; adversity; through divorce

Environment, Health, and Safety


Potential Tropical Fruits to Aid Sports Performance and its Prospect to be Developed into Nanosupplement
Lutfi Chabib (a,b*), A.M.Bagas Trianloka (a), Adnan Muhammad Uno J H (b), Rizki Awaluddin (c), Ferdy Firmansyah (d)

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Lutfi Chabib

(a) Department of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5, Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia
(b) Professional Pharmacy Education Program, Islamic University of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5, Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia
(c) Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
(d) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Farmasi (STIFAR) Riau, Jalan Kamboja, Pekanbaru, 28293, Indonesia

The competition in sports is getting tougher, and the drives to achieve better result has led the athletes to indiscriminately use dietary supplements, including herbal ones. Fruits relatively can acts as a support in health and exercise thanks to its rich content of macro- and micronutrients, fiber, minerals, vitamin and a number of bioactive phytochemical components. The aim of this study is to review and gather information on tropical fruits which is capable to improve athletes performance and its prospect to be developed into nanosupplement. This review examined online literatures via PubMed, Sciendirect, and Google Scholar. Based on the literatures, the exercise performance can be improved by various compounds found in tropical fruits such as banana, cherry, grape, pomegranate, and watermelon. Overall, tropical fruits can aid sports performance by improving physical strength, increasing the recovery in injury, attenuate muscle soreness, and reducing fatigue. It is suggested that there is possibility to apply nanotechnology to formulate fruits based sport supplement in the form of nanoparticles.

Fruits, Sports, Performance, Nanotechnology.

Environment, Health, and Safety


Relationship of Environmental ability and economic ability company : Evidence from Indonesia
Abdillah Arif Nasution, Risanty, Keulana Erwin, and Fahmi Natigor Nasution

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Abdillah Arif Nasution

University of Sumatera Utara

Environmental performance is strongly influenced by the extent of impetus towards environmental management carried out by various agencies, especially agencies government. Environmental performance will also be achieved at a high level if the company proactively undertakes various environmental management actions in a controlled manner. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of performance environment on economic performance. Data were analyzed using regression multiple. The data used in this study comes from annual reports registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and PROPER in 2016-2018. Results this research shows that environmental performance has a significant effect on economic performance. The company is expected to pay attention to the completeness of the disclosure items environmental performance that needs to be disclosed in a sustainable report. This will certainly make it easier for investors to assess the companys performance.

Environmental ability, economic ability,

Environment, Health, and Safety


Thomas Triadi Putranto (a*),Najib (a), and Yoga Aribowo (a)

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Thomas Triadi Putranto

Geological Engineering Department, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto SH, Tembalang Semarang 50275, Indoensia

The increasing population up to 1.67% per year in the urban coastal city such as Semarang affects enormous stress on the natural resources – groundwater, in particular. To assess groundwater vulnerability to contamination the DRASTIC method was applied. DRASTIC was one method in compiling a zone of groundwater vulnerability to contamination. This method required seven parameters, namely D (water table depth), R (recharge zone), A (media aquifer), S (soil media), T (topography), I (vadose zone), and C (hydraulic conductivity). Processing of each parameter was developed by using spatial analysis in ArcGIS. The results conduct there are three level of groundwater vulnerability to contamination namely low, medium and high.

Groundwater, Vulnerability, DRASTIC, Semarang

Environment, Health, and Safety


Spatial Pattern Comparison of Paddy field Productivity on Karst and Non – Karst Area (Studi Case at Ponjong, Semanu and Karangmojo District)
Yoanna Ristya, Astrid Damayanti, Taqyuddin, Nur Laily R H

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Yoanna Ristya

Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Science, Universitas Indonesia

Land Productivity can be affected by physical and human factors. Physical factors that can affect the land productivity are temperature, number of wet months, drainage, texture, pH, soil depth, slope and others. Landform defferences can cause a differences of physical factors betwen one and another land. The differences of physical factors caused a differences in paddy varieties, type of fertilizer and community paddy planting method. Paddy varieties, type of fertilizer and community paddy planting method are human factors that can affect land production. Ponjong, Semanu and Karangmojo district are districts in Gunungkidul Regency that have the largest paddy field area. Most area in that districts is included of Gunung Sewu karst area and the others area is non – karst area. This research want to know the spatial pattern comparison of Paddy field Productivity on Karst and Non – Karst Area. Temperature, number of wet months, drainage, texture, pH, soil depth, cation capacity, base saturation and slope, paddy field productivity was used as the variables in this research. In this reasearch matching method was used to get the paddy field suitability class, afterwards nearest neighbor analysis and spatial analysis was used to get the spatial pattern of paddy field productivity. The result show that average productivity on non – karst area is higher than karst area. In the karst area, most of high class is located in Karst Plateau landform. In conical karst landform, slope is the main inhibiting factor for land productivity. In Karst Plateau is pH and drainage, whilst in non – karst area inhibited by rooting.

Gunung Sewu Karst area, land suitability, non – karst area, productivity, spatial pattern

Environment, Health, and Safety


Studies of Carrying Capacity and Zonation at Telaga Menjer, Central Java Using A Multidisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Utilization
Luki Subehi*, Muh. Fakhrudin*, Apip*, Iwan Ridwansyah*, Gunawan Pratama Yoga*, Hadiid Agita Rustini*, Octavianto Samir*, Ari Wahyono**, Slamet Suwardi***

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Luki Subehi

*Research Center for Limnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
**Research Center for Society and Culture, Indonesian Institute of Sciences
***Indonesia Power, Generating Unit for Mrica

Abstract. Tropical lake is one of the unique ecosystems which are functioning in both ecological and economic services. Telaga Menjer as a volcanic lake, has strategic values as a hydropower plant, tourism, agriculture, capture fisheries and floating net cages farming. It influenced a degradation of water quality and quantity, nutrient enrichment and exceed the carrying capacity. Telaga Menjer has a catchment area of around 2.27 km2 with a lake surface area of 0.61 km2.The purpose of this research is to investigate the characteristic of lake to know the carryng capacity and utilization zone with a multidisciplinary approach. For measuring its depth, the Hondex PS-7 portable depth sensor is used with a maximum depth of 80 m. The water quality parameters stratification were measured by logger version CTD profiler with a depth interval of 1 m on July 2019. The results showed that DO values were observed until the bottom of lake (45 m). Moreover, Total Nitrogen (TN) was very high concentration, indicating more fertilizer from agriculture. Meanwhile, lower concentration of pesticides were obtained. Next, the land use management and economic values of these lakes and ecosystem should be elucidated in order to maintain the sustainability of the lake

Telaga Menjer, Water quality, Carrying capacity, Zonation, Hydropower plant, Tourism

Environment, Health, and Safety


Muhammad Shazril Idris Ibrahim, Ismail Abustan, Mohd Remy Rozainy Mohd Arif Zainol, Jazaul Ikhsan

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Jazaul Ikhsan

Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The mining of sand resources from rivers areas especially in Perak (Malaysia) and Yogyakarta (Indonesia) state is a common practice and may lead to destruction of public assets as well as impacts or increase stress on commercial and noncommercial living resources that utilize these areas. This study was carried out to determine possible river sand removal capacity and their consequences towards Perak River (Malaysia) and Progo River (Indonesia). Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler is utilized to make river profiler in term of velocity meshes and river bed depth. It also could measure the total discharge of a particular cross-section. Resistivity Survey is used in determining the availability of potential suitable soil the study area and the equipment could measure subsurface profile up to 80 meters depth. Van Veen Grabber and Helley Smith sediment sampler are used to collect bed soil samples and determine sediment transport at the time of sampling. These two methods could estimate the suitability of available sand material and the flux of sediment transport locally.

sand mining, natural resources, sediment transport, removal capacity

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Analysis of Willingness To Pay of Batik Craftsmen in Kampung Batik Semarang
Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti (a), Fauzul Adzim (b*)

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Fauzul Adzim

a) Economics of Development Department, Economics Faculty, Universitas Negeri Semarang

b) Master of Economics and Development Studies, Economics Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

This study aimed at determining and analyzing the amount of willingness to pay and factors influencing the amount of willingness to pay to repair environmental damage in Kampung Batik Semarang. This study was a quantitative research, and used primary and secondary data. Meanwhile, the method of analysis used by the researchers to calculate the willingness to pay was CVM (Contingent Valuarion Method) approach. It aimed at obtaining the cost paid by respondents in this study. Then, multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was employed to determine factors influencing WTP values of the Batik craftsmen in Kampung Batik Semarang. The results showed that the average of Willingness To Pay (WTP) of batik craftsmen in Kampung Batik Semarang was Rp. 5,413. Meanwhile the total / aggregate value of WTP in this study amounted to Rp 135,570 per month. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the variables of income and number of family dependents had a significant influence on the value of WTP. On the other hand, the variables of age and education did not have a significant influence on the value of WTP.

Willingness To Pay, Batik, Semarang

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Earthquake Hazard Level of Makassar City
Bondan Rizky Ramadhan (a), Muhammad Dimyati (a) and Astrid Damayanti (a*)

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Bondan Rizky Ramadhan

a) Departement of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Indoneisa

An earthquake is a natural disaster that is often found in Indonesia because its geological area is a meeting between three large tectonic plates. Earthquakes have a high level of danger due to unpredictable events. In the Sulawesi region, especially Makassar, in 2017 there was an earthquake measuring 3 SR-6 SR, with a shallow epicenter. Epicenter distance calculation is used to determine the value of peak ground acceleration (PGA) which can then affect the intensity value in the hypocenter. This study aims to analyze the level of earthquake hazard using the PGA value as the basis for the initial reference of earthquake disaster mitigation. Variables used include rock type (geology), slope and the value of peak ground acceleration (PGA). Data on rock types were obtained from the Makassar City BPBD and slope variables were processed from the SRTM DEM. Next, an overlay analysis was conducted to determine the level of earthquake hazard using a GIS application. The results showed that Makassar City had a majority of 94% of its area has a low level of earthquake hazard while 6% of the area that had an earthquake hazard level was quite high in the east of Makassar. The frequency of earthquakes that were felt to be influential by the community (scale III MMI) was only 2 times in the last 3 decades (1996 and 2018).

earthquake hazard level, geological structure, Makassar City, PGA, slope

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Effect of Asiatic Acid and Metformin on The Viability Percentage of Mouse Macrophage Cell Lines RAW264.7 and Mouse Fibroblast Cell Lines NIH3T3
Rizki awaluddin (a), Dwi Aris Agung Nugrahaningsih (a), Eti Nurwening Sholikhah (a), Lutfi Chabib (b,c*)

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Lutfi Chabib

a) Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
b) Department of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5, Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia
c) Professional Pharmacy Education Program, Islamic University of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5, Yogyakarta, 55584, Indonesia

Introduction: Diabetes is caused one them by inflammatory regulation disorders. Metformin has been reported that inhibits the physiological function of normal cells. Asiatic acid, a bioactive compound from centella asiatica has the potential to be developed as a therapeutic agent for diabetes, but little is known about its toxic effects on macrophage cells and fibroblast cells. Objective:The aims of study is evaluate the toxic effects of asiatic acid and metformin on the viability of RAW264.7 macrophage cells and NIH3T3 fibroblast cells. Method: Asiatic acid and metformin with seven concentrations were given to RAW264.7 macropage cell lines and NIH3T3 fibroblast cell lines. Viability percentage is calculated using the 3- (4,5-dimethyltiazol-2-il) -2,5-diphenyltrazolium bromide method and the absorbance is measured at 595nm. Results: Results have shown that asiatic acid with concentrations> 12.5 μg / mL decreases the viability of RAW264.7 and NIH3T3 cells drastically. RAW264.7 and NIH3T3 cells that had been given metformin concentrations of 11.6 μg / mL to 370 μg / mL still showed a large percentage of cell viability. Conclusion: Asiatic acid has shown that the cytotoxic effect is greater than metformin, so it is necessary to pay attention to the concentration of the treatment.

Centella asiatica, asiatic acid, diabetes, viability, metformin

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Effect of Giving Avocados (Persea americana mill) and Guava (Psidium guajava linn) on Hemoglobin Levels in Traditional Rice Farmers
Rira Utari (a*), Yuliani Setyaningsih (b), Ari Suwondo (b)

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Rira Utari

a) Master Student of Health Promotion Program,
b) Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Data of Puskesmas (Public Health Center) profile was obtained from Hiang Lestari village midwife, showed that 38% of rice farmers develop anemia. The objective of research was to find out the effect of Giving Avocado (Persea americana mill) and Guava (Psidium guajava linn) on Hemoglobin level in Traditional Rice Farmers in Hiang Lestari village. This study was a quasi-experiment research with Pretest-Posttest with control group design. The population of research was all traditional female farmers fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The sample consisted of 30 persons, taken using purposive sampling, divided into 3 treatment groups: avocado, guava, and combined avocado and guava consumption. Analysis was conducted using T Paired Sample Test. The result of research showed that there was a difference of hemoglobin level with sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05 having treated with avocado fruit consumption, with average hemoglobin level increase of 1.3 g/dl, with sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.002 < 0.05 having treated with guava fruit consumption, with average hemoglobin level increase of 1.1 g/dl, and with sig. value (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05 having treated with combined avocado and guava fruit consumption, with average hemoglobin level increase of 2.8 g/dl.

Avocado, guava, hemoglobin level, traditional female rice farmers

Environment, Health, and Safety


Vicky Dwi Arista(a), Ari Suwondo(b), Yuliani Setyaningsih(c)

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Vicky Dwi Arista

(a)Alumni Magister Promosi Kesehatan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Jawa Tengah-Indonesia, 50275
(b)Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Jawa Tengah-Indonesia, 50275
(c)Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Jawa Tengah-Indonesia, 50275

Fish smoking is one of fish preservation methods. Fish smoking process use corn cobs as fuel. Continuous smoke exposure and inhalation can cause a decrease in lung function in workers. One of the activities that can be done to improve respiratory efficiency is practicing modified low impact aerobic exercise. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of the implementation of modified low impact aerobic exercise. The research was a quantitative research with quasi-experimental method using two-factor completely randomized design. The experiment was conducted by categorizing the sample into four groups: group I was treated by 1-week modified low impact aerobic exercises, group II acted as the control for group I, group III was treated by 2-week modified low impact aerobic exercises, and group IV acted as the control for group III. Each group consisted of 24 samples. The levels of respiratory efficiency were measured before and after 1-week treatment for Group I and II and 2-week treatment for Group III and IV. The result shows that the measurement of Vital Capacity FEV 1 for group 1 that conducted 1-week low impact aerobic exercises showed an increase of 9.63% and group 2 that conducted 2-week low impact aerobic exercises showed an increase of 9.25%. While the measurement of Vital Capacity FEV1/FVC for group 1 that conducted 1-week low impact aerobic exercises showed an increase of 5.75% and group 2 that conducted 2-week low impact aerobic exercises showed an increase of 17.5%. The result of General Linear Model shows that there is a correlation between the exercise using modified low impact aerobics to the levels of respiratory efficiency with p-value 0,003 (α<0,05).

modified low impact aerobic exercises, respiratory efficiency, smokehouse workers

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Efficiency Of Xylitol Production From Corn Cob Waste By Using Stirred Tank Bioreactor-Tubular Loop Liquid Emulsion Membrane (LEM)
Fahmi Arifan (a*), Sri Risdhiyanti Nuswantari (b)

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Fahmi Arifan

(a, b) Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology, Vocational School, Diponegoro University

The alternative sweetener used to beverage and food with a calorie controlled, to control weight loss program or to prevent tooth decay. The alternative processes that are currently being developed are producing of xylitol from xylan of the cellulose biomass. The goal of this study is to determine the most influential process variable and optimum operating condition of xylitol production through enzymatic hydrolysis reaction of corn cob waste. The parameters are the time (30-120 minutes substrate ratio:starter (1:5-1:15 w/w). The result showed a high number of cell on a substrate concentration of 10% led to increase in xylose consumption while the xylitol production is not too large because the substrate is used for yeast cell growth so that production of xylitol to be reduced and the efficiency is low. The high efficiency (25%) occurred in 20% of substrate concentration because the xylose consumption is used for growth and xylitol production. While the concentration of 30% decline in the consumption of xylose by yeast compared with others and the efficiency is not too high. This is because the high concentration of xylose which led to substances inhibitor in the media and the production of xylitol become low.

corn cob waste; xylitol; bioreactor

Environment, Health, and Safety


The Impact of Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Concern, and Green Brand Image on Green Purchase Intention with Perceived Product Price and Quality as a Moderating Variable
Anis Qomariah, Bulan Prabawani

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Bulan Prabawani

Department of Business Administration, Social and Political Faculty, Diponegoro University

In recent years, public awareness and concern of green products has begun to increase. People are starting to pay attention to the ingredients in all the products they use. This condition triggers companies to create beauty products that are environmentally friendly and safe to use. This study aims to determine and explain the effect of environmental knowledge, environmental concern, green brand image on green purchase intention with perceived product price & quality as a moderating variable. The type of this research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample used was 100 visitors of The Face Shop Mall Ciputra Semarang. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Data collection methods used were physical questionnaire and online questionnaire. Data processing using SmartPLS 3.2.8. The results of this study indicate that green brand image and the perceived product price & quality significantly influence the green purchase intention. While environmental knowledge and environmental concern do not significantly influence green purchase intention. The moderation type of perceived product price & quality on environmental knowledge is quasi moderator. Whereas the moderating type of variable perceived product price & quality towards environmental concern variables and green brand image is antecedents.

beauty product; green purchase intention; environmental knowledge; environmental concern; green brand image; product price; product quality

Environment, Health, and Safety


Rezi Purnama, Syafrudin, Haryono Setiyo Huboyo

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Rezi Purnama

Diponegoro University
Master Degree of Environmental Engineering, Engineering Faculty

A refrigeration system that uses Ammonia Anhydrous in the liquid phase and the gas phase. The refrigeration system has the potential for gas leakage which poses a risk to worker safety as well as environmental pollution to water bodies and air pollution. This risk might have an impact on employees in the factory area and could extend to the surrounding community. This study is intended to be able to analyze the risk of pollution accurately before installing the refrigeration installation. In this study the analysis method that will be used is the statistical method and the use of mathematical models supported by Aloha software. The distribution of pollutants from ammonia gas leakage is influenced by several factors, including the capacity of the refrigeration system, meteorological conditions, and land use. The use of Aloha software in the prediction of zones affected by the spread of toxic substances in the atmosphere can calculate and predict the area affected by leakage events. With modeling done, will get map of concentration and impacted area. The direction and magnitude of the impact of pollution will be known immediately and the potential losses that may arise will be minimized.

ALOHA 5.4.3, CFD, Ammonia, Mathematical Models, Dispersion modeling.

Environment, Health, and Safety


Wave characteristics analysis as an effort to mitigate high-wave disaster in the coastal area of Buleleng
Bachtiar W. Mutaqin (a,b*), Benarifo Ahmada (a)

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Bachtiar W. Mutaqin

a) Department of Environmental Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada
b) Center for Marine Resources and Technology Studies (Pustek Kelautan), Universitas Gadjah Mada

The coastal area of Buleleng was chosen as a research location because it has a high diversity of coastal resources that very useful to local people to helps increase their income. However, there are various geomorphic processes that occur in Buleleng, which result in coastal dynamics in that area. This condition may trigger damage to the coastal environment, such as coastal erosion due to tidal waves. Wave activity and wave characteristics in the coastal area of Buleleng becomes an interesting phenomenon to be studied related to coastal dynamics in that area. Moreover, several high-wave events in Buleleng in recent years have caused damage and losses in the fisheries and tourism sector. This study aims to measure the dimensions of the waves in the coastal area of Buleleng and to identify wave characteristics in the coastal area of Buleleng. We used an integration between field observation, empirical approaches, and secondary data from Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency to achieve the aims. The acquisition of wave data through a field observation is made by observing the situation at sea level and also on land based on the Beaufort Scale. The observation results are then integrated with the results of empirical measurements, i.e., measurement of wind direction and speed, wave period, and the beach slope in the coastal area of Buleleng. The expected results are the information on wave characteristics that can be used to formulate disaster mitigation efforts based on high-wave events in the coastal area of Buleleng, North Bali.

wind; high-wave; coastal; disaster mitigation; Buleleng

Environment, Health, and Safety


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