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Abstract Topic: Financial Management and Accounting

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The Effect of Short Term and Long Term Macroeconomic Variable and Foreign Stock Market on Comppsite Stock Market by Using Error Correction Model within Period 2006-2016
Tiar Lina Situngkir, Isroiyatul Mubarokah

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Reminta Lumban Batu

Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Stock Market can be considered as the financial institution to get fund so stability of stock market become important to be researched including intern macro variable such as interest rate, exchange rate, consumen price index, and extern macro variable susch as DJI, STI and HSE . The objective of this research is to analys whether interest rate, exhange rate, consumen price index, Dow Jones Index, Strait Times Index and Hang Seng Index, each has a significant effect on Composite Stock Index.The methodology of analysis of this research is Error Correction Model. The result of research found that in short term interest rate has positive and significant on Composite Stock Market while in long term it has negative and no significant. Exchange rate has negative and significant in short term and long term on Composite Stock Index. In short term consumen price index has negative and no significant while in long term it has positive and significant on Composite Stock Index. In short term Dow Jones positive and no significant while in long term it has positive and significant on Composite Stock Index. In short and long term Strait Time Index has positive and significant on Composite Stock Index. In short and long term Hang Seng Index negative and no significant on Composite Stock Index. This research only covers period 2006-2016.

interest rate, exchange rate, consumen price index, DJI ,STI, HSE.

Financial Management and Accounting


Azizah Fauziyah, Syti Sarah Maesaroh

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Azizah Fauziyah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims to improve students financial literacy through role playing learning methods in early childhood education. Aside from the learning method, this study also takes students external factors, namely the level of parents education. The research method that will be used is quasi-experimental study using factorial Between-Subject design using Two Ways ANOVA. The results of the study show that 1) there are differences in financial literacy in the class that uses the method of role playing learning with classes that use conventional learning methods; 2) there are differences in the increase in financial literacy with the level of parents- education of high, medium and low; and 3) there are interactions between the role playing distribution method, the level of parents education, and financial literacy.

Role Playing Method, Parents- Education, Financial Literacy

Financial Management and Accounting


The Effects of Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control on Indonesians- Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking
Sherly Rosalina Tanoto (a*), Chinthya Olivia Samara (b)

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Sherly Rosalina Tanoto

a) Business Management Program, Universitas Kristen Petra
Jl. Siwalankerto No.121-131, Siwalankerto, Kec. Wonocolo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60236
* sherlytanoto[at]

b) Business Management Program, Universitas Kristen Petra
Jl. Siwalankerto No.121-131, Siwalankerto, Kec. Wonocolo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60236

Despite the increased growth of e-commerce in Indonesia, the adoption rate of mobile banking is quite modest. Past studies on intention to adopt mobile banking tend to focus on only one bank provider. To fill this research gap, the purpose of this study is to examine Indonesians- intention to adopt mobile banking by using theories of planned behavior (TPB) across four major bank providers. The methodology of the research was quantitative and data was collected through an online questionnaire of 403 Indonesians. Multiple regression method was implemented to analyze data. Findings of this study showed that attitude and perceived behavioral control significantly influence Indonesians- intention to adopt mobile banking whilst subjective norm did not significantly influence their intention to adopt mobile banking. The outcomes of this study would be beneficial for bank management to conceive strategies and policies regarding mobile banking in Indonesia.

Theory of planned behavior, mobile banking

Financial Management and Accounting


The Effects of Behavioral Biases on Investment Performances of Individual Investors in the Indonesian Stock Market.

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Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

This paper explores the existences of behavioral biases in the Indonesian stock market and identifies the effect of the behavioral biases on individual investment performance. We use quantitative analysis approach to verify our research purpose. To be specific, individual investors in Indonesia have behavioral biases of overconfidence bias, loss-aversion bias, anchoring and adjustment bias, mental accounting bias and confirmation bias. In addition, we find that confirmation bias and mental accounting bias are positive relationship with investment performance, whereas loss-aversion bias and anchoring and adjustment bias are negative significant relationship with investment performance.

Behavioral Bias, Behavioral Finance, Investment Performace, Indonesia Stock Market

Financial Management and Accounting


The Impact of Financial Derivatives Markets on Economic Growth
Putri Fariska (a*) Nugraha (b) Ikin Solikin (c) Mochamad Malik Akbar Rohandi (d)

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Putri Fariska

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl Dr Setiabudi No 229 Bandung40154 Indonesia
b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl Dr Setiabudi No 229 Bandung40154 Indonesia
c) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl Dr Setiabudi No 229 Bandung40154 Indonesia
d) Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl Taman Sari 1 Bandung

Over the past years, derivatives markets play vital role in financial system and greatly contribute to various aspects of an economic growth. A positive contribution of derivatives markets on economic growth in market economy in developing country is less evident with more recent data. This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between financial derivatives market and economic growth in Indonesia. We use a Granger-Causality test in framework of Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Impulse Response Function (IRF) through Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to examine this casual and dynamic relation for the period of 2015Q1 to 2018Q4. Derivatives market has a significant negative effect in the long run on economic growth in Indonesia but has a positive effect in the short term. We also found that response received by economic growth due to derivatives market shock is convergence, it tends to be negatively affected and then changes to positive. The response due to shocks given will eventually disappear so that the shock does not leave a permanent effect.

derivatives market; economic growth; granger-causality test; Vector Autoregression (VAR); Impulse Response Function (IRF); Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

Financial Management and Accounting


The Passive and Active Optimal Portfolios
Dwi Fitrizal Salim; Disman; Ikaputera Waspada

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Dwi Fitrizal Salim

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The portfolio was introduced for the first time by Markowitz in 1952, where the journals that are used as a reference for almost all researchers who research about portfolio, portofolio slection. Then the mixing from various types of stocks can be done to eliminate the similar homogeneity. If the mixing practice is done then the risk that will arise from the investment will be accumulated Sharpe (1964). This study uses EVA and MVA ratios to form active and passive portfolios in order to obtain an optimal portfolio. The samples used were 24 stocks which entered consistently in the LQ 45 for 2014-2018 period. The conclusions of this study is to support the previous research by Hendrawan and Salim (2017) which states that the active strategy gives a higher return than the passive strategy. High EVA portfolio gets the highest return of 43.75 in the passive portfolio strategy, then Low EVA gets the highest return on the active portfolio of 45.95%.

Active Portfolio,EVA, MVA, Passive Portfolio

Financial Management and Accounting


The Size of Asset of Private Company-s and it-s IPO-s Underpricing, A Study in Indonesia for Period 2010-2016.
Dwi Armaya (a*), Dr Buddi Wibowo (b*)

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Dwi Armaya

a) Graduate Student of Magister Management University of Indonesia
b) Economic Lecturer of University of Indonesia

This research empirically examines the influence of size of company (Assets) on IPO-s stock underpricing in Indonesia. The study was conducted on 111 data samples of private company which conduct initial public offering in 2010 - 2016. The used data is combine of time series and cross section data, so the analysis must be carried out by conducting data panel regression. The results of the research is there is no influence of size of company on underpricing.

size of company, assets and underpricing

Financial Management and Accounting


Theory of Planned Behavior and Financial Literacy to Analyze Intention in Mutual Fund Product Investment
Safira Amalia Hapsari

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Safira Amalia Hapsari

School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Mutual funds in Indonesia face rapid growth in terms of total asset under management (AUM), the number of products and the number of investors. The growth is supported by digital innovation which made people got easy access to information and also did mutual fund transaction by using internet. Besides that appearance of market place which offer mutual fund products make people get convenience in term of time and cost. This study aims to determine what factor that influence intention on investing in mutual fund product, by using approach from theory of planned behavior. Theory of planned behavior can be used to predict and understand factors that determine certain behavior. The theory identified that attitude, subjective norms and perceived control behavior will collectively lead to forming behavioral intention. In this study, variable that used consist of attitude, subjective norm, perceived control behavior and another variable that added to measure investment intention is level of financial literacy. The analysis technique in this study is multiple linear regression. The sampling method is using non probability sampling which involves Indonesian mutual fund investors. The result of this study indicate that in general, variable attitude had positive effect and strongest predictor on intention on invest in mutual funds product.

mutual funds, theory of planned behavior, financial literacy

Financial Management and Accounting


Eliana Wulandari, Ernah, Hepi Hapsari

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Eliana Wulandari

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran

Finance plays important role in managing agriculture. Farmers in Indonesia can access finance from different sources of finance including finance from government distributed through farmers- associations. The objective of this research was to explore the support of government in agricultural production in Indonesia, particularly in potato farms in Garut District as one of the centers of potato production in West Java. The data were collected from the agricultural office of Garut District and publication related to potato. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results show that, to support agricultural production in Garut District, the Indonesian government has provided the program of Rural Agribusiness Development and in-kind finance such as seeds, fertilizer and agricultural equipment.

Potato, finance, government, Garut

Financial Management and Accounting


Top Management Diversity and Risk-Taking Behavior
Yosua Samuel Ramli and Ancella Anitawati Hermawan

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Yosua Samuel Ramli

Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia

Risk-taking behavior is one of important thing in running the company. Risk-taking behavior is needed especially when the company faces difficult situation. However, excessive risk-taking behavior may negatively affect the company. Risk-taking behavior is based on risk preference which differs among companies as well as individuals. At management level, diversity may be one of important factor affects risk-taking behavior. Previous literature review studied about diversity in management such as diversity in gender, age, education, experience, etc shows inconsistent results towards risk-taking behavior. Based on inconsistency of previous researches, author is interested to analyze the association between top management diversity as decision maker in the company to risk taking behavior. This research is conducted to obtain empirical evidence whether top management diversity is associated with risk-taking behavior. This research uses regression on panel data from 333 Indonesian listed non-financial companies for 3 years period from 2015 to 2017. Dependent variable of this research is risk-taking behavior. Independent variables of this research are top management diversity in gender, age, nationality, education background, and experience. Control variables of this research are company size, profitability, and growth. The result of this research shows that top management diversity in gender, age, nationality, education background, and experience are not significantly associated with risk-taking behavior. However, company characteristic such as size, profitability, and growth are significantly associated with risk-taking behavior.

Risk-taking behavior, management diversity, management characteristic, company characteristic.

Financial Management and Accounting


Trickle Down Effect Analysis on the Disclosure of Corruption Model Through Forensic Auditing and Its Impact on Potential Domestic Regional Bruto and Government Financial Efficiency
Deni Hamdani (1), Iqbal Alamsyah (2)

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Deni Hamdani, S.E., M. Ak

a) STIE Indonesia Membangun (STIE INABA)
b) Faculty of Economics, Soekarno Hatta No. 448, 40253 Bandung, Indonesia

Ministries and institutions still hold the first rank in the number of corruption in Indonesia, namely 154 cases with a trend that continues to increase over the last 10 years followed by district / city governments, this is reasoned because the ministrys control range is very large with the budget authority from the very large APBN, making it very possible Overlapping provides an opportunity to commit fraud from officials or technical implementers. Corruption is not only carried out by government officials, but is carried out by employers and related parties both at the central and regional levels. One positive response to prevent the rampant acts of fraud or fraud in the public sector and / or the business world, is early detection in the form of accounting and legal inspection procedures which have recently become more popular with the name of forensic accounting and investigative audits. In simple terms, forensic accounting and investigative auditing are a combination of three or more disciplines, namely accounting, audit science, legal science and IT-based information systems science, This research is quantitative research which is often referred to as traditional methods, positivistic, scientific, and non-experimental discovery. The method used in the study is descriptive and verification, namely research that aims to provide an overview and find verification or examine the existence of empirical theories of the relationship of variables formulated in the hypothesis. Therefore, the nature of this research is "hypothesis testing", which analyzes the influence or relationship between variables based on empirical data through hypothesis testing.

Trickle Down Effect, Forensic Auditing, Panel Data Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis

Financial Management and Accounting


What Factors are Considered Influence the Accounting Information Systems
Annisa Fitri Anggraeni (a), Maria Lusiana Yulianti (b*)

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Maria Lusiana Yulianti

a) Politeknik LP3I Bandung. Indonesia
b*) Universitas Winaya Mukti Bandung. Indonesia

A good decision-making process is supported by accounting information quality that produced by a Accounting Information Systems quality. Information technology and Organizational Structure are considered as factors that whether Quality Accounting Information Systems or not. This study sought to examine empirically the quality of Accounting Information Systems. Furthermore, this study examined the relationship of Information Technology in the quality of Accounting Information Systems and Organizational Structure in Accounting Information Systems quality. We used PLS-structural equation modelling analysis to examine 78 responses from accounting and finance unit on 28 u in Bandung City, West Java Province, Indonesia. Result indicated significant relationship between the overall influence of Accounting Information Systems quality. Accounting Information Systems quality had positive and significant influence with Information Technology and Organizational Structure. Therefore, many universities in Bandung City, West Java Province, Indonesia must repaired Information Technology and Organizational Structure to improve Accounting Information Systems Quality.

Information Technology, Organizational Structure, Accounting Information Systems Quality

Financial Management and Accounting


Working Capital Management Effect in Indonesia and Thailand Manufacturing Sector
Amalina Syaharani (a*), Dony Abdul Chalid (b)

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Amalina Syaharani

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia.
b) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Kota Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia.

The main objective of this research is to provide an analysis of working capital management in selected manufacturing firms in Indonesia and Thailand. Database of 216 companies is selected for the ten-year period from 2008-2017. Cash conversion cycle is the measuring tools to calculate the efficiency of working capital management. Tobin-s Q used for examined market valuation, meanwhile, Return On Asset used to represent profitability. Leverage, firm size, firm age, growth opportunities, and economic conditions are taken as control variables. The study used panel data and regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The results of the study show similar things for both countries that there is a significant negative effect between cash conversion cycle and manufacturing firm-s profitability in Indonesia and Thailand. Meanwhile, the cash conversion cycle proved to have no significant effect on firms- value both in Indonesia and in Thailand.

Working Capital Management, Profitability, Tobin-s Q, Cash Conversion Cycle

Financial Management and Accounting


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