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Abstract Topic: Bioconservation

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Analysis of Fe in the slude sediment of the Prigi Beach with Tessier-Microwave method
Wulan Cahyanti Suci, Anugrah Ricky Wijaya

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Anugrah Ricky Wijaya

Universitas Negeri malang (UM)

The high level of Fe in the waters of a material that is difficult to be degraded so that it can last a long time and are then deposited in the sediment. The Fe in sludge sediment are commonly contributed by the anthropogenic factors including waste industrial, port and agriculture. Heavy metals in the amount above the threshold can be dangerous to aquatic ecosystems and living beings around them. Tessier microwave method divides the sludge into five fractions, fraction of ion exchange, carbonate bound fraction, fraction reduction, oxidation fraction is the fraction of non-resistant and residue fraction is the fraction resistant. Each faction describes the attachment of metal in the sludge. This study was conducted to determine the concentration of Fe, fractionation and distribution of Fe attachment on each of the fractions and find out the similarities reactions that occur in sludge leaching at Prigi Beach area. The heavy metal content in Prigi Beach sludge is higher in the non-resistant fraction than the resistant and precision fraction obtained is ≤5%.

Fe, Tessier microwave, leaching, sludge, sediment



Analysis of Trace Metal Concentration in sediment sludge and Corals of Prigi Bay
Wahyu Adi Wijaya, Anugrah Ricky Wijaya*, Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum

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Corresponding Author
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya

Universitas Negeri malang

The accumulation of heavy metal in marine waters is a very serious and dangerous environmental problem. Heavy metals can accumulate in sludges and corals. Understanding trace metal displacement, concentration and distribution is needed as a first step to prevent the spread of heavy metals pollution. We determined the trace metals in sludges ( Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co,Cu and Fe) using the method Bureau Community of Reference (BCR) microwave as well as other chemical analyzes such as anion analysis and total organic carbon. The samples were used Acropora corals and sludges taken from Prigi bay waters. This research aims to (1) investigation of the level of metal pollution in prigi bay waters, (2) Look for the relationship of metal concentrations in sludges, corals and seawater in order to obtain more accurate pollution value data. The data for heavy metals concentration, zinc should not exceed than 50µg l-1 in marine waters. Cadmium is a relatively rare element with concentrations ranging from 2 x 10 4 to 2.9µg l-1. Lead is highly toxic and originates from anthropogenic activities. Nickel is one of the largest trace metal constituents of crude oil and cobalt is an essential metal for living organisms in low concentrations but may be toxic in high concentrations. Copper concentrations in marine waters should not increase than 5 µg l-1. For Higher concentrations of Fe in sludges and seawater may be revealed a pollution problem in a certain area. The precision value (% RSD) of using the BCR microwave method for trace metals in sludges has a range (3.99-9.6%) for all metals.

Sludge, Coral, Heavy Metals, Risk Assessment, Prigi Bay



Antibacteria activity of bacteria associated with healthy Acropora formosa against white plague found in Acropora formosa from Gili Labak Island-Madura-Indonesia
Insafitri, Nur Hidayatullah, Wahyu Andy Nugraha

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Corresponding Author
- Insafitri

Department of Marine Science, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia 69162
E-mail: insafitri[at]

Gili Labak has a good coral reef condition, but has a lot of problem including coral disease. This study aims to identify bacteria that are associated with Acropora formosa corals which have the potential as antibacterial white plague disease in Acropora sp. The method used in the antibacterial test is the overlay test and agar diffusion test, and laboratory analysis using bacterial isolation, DNA extraction, DNA amplification, squencing and phylogenetic analysis. Based on bacteria morphology, four bacterial isolates were found from healthy Acropora, namely AF1, AF2, AF3, and AF4. From the results of the antibacterial activity test using the pathogenic bacterium Bacillus firmus, isolates AF1 produced a inhibition zone in three days of 5.10 ± 0.10 mm, 2.7 ± 0.04 mm, and 3.80 ± 0.02 mm, respectively, while AF3 produced a inhibition zone of 2.90 ± 0.16 mm, 3.10 ± 0.06 mm, and 2.7 ± 0.11 mm, respectively. Meanwhile, the antibacterial activity test using pathogenic bacteria Bacillus dretensis, AF2 produced a inhibition zone of 3.80 ± 0.01 mm, 2.20 ± 0.15 mm, and 1.30 ± 0.09 mm, respectively, while AF4 produced a inhibition zone of 4.60 ± 0.060 mm, 2.90 ± 0.06 mm, and 1,00 ± 0.06 mm, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis showed that AF1, AF3 and AF4 had 99% similarity with Virgibacillus salarius, and AF2 had 98% similarity with Halomonas sp.

coral disease; white plague; acropora formosa; antibacterial



Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

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Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

1) School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia
2) Department Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia

Human activities had induced environmental changes, which in turn change the biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variability among living organisms at genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. In this paper will have a look in the different ways, how biodiversity able to use for environmental impact assessment (EIA). EIA is process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. Water quality assessment will discuss in relation to the biodiversity changes. Organism live in the range of natural variability. In the species level, tolerant species will adapt to the environmental changes, whereas sensitive species will move to or eliminated from the ecosystem. In the level of population, environmental changes will induce changes in the assemblage of organisms. The species richness and abundance of plankton, diatoms, and vascular plants in the riparian vegetation were evaluated in relation to the effect of land use and water quality. The surrounding land uses and human activities along the aquatic ecosystem were found to have significant impact on the overall water quality and biodiversity of the aquatic biota and riparian vegetation.

versity, environmental assessment, species, ecosystem, water quality



Biodiversity of Birds with their Plants Preferences at Sumber Kendedes, Sumber Waras, and Sumber Taman, Malang, East Java
Fatchur Rohman(a*), Bima Diwanata(b) , Farid Akhsani(a) , Bagus Priambodo(a), Sri Rahayu Lestari(a)

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(a) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang Indonesia
(b) Graduate students of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Malang Indonesia

The research on birds biodiversity with their plant preferences has been done in the water sources area of Sumber Kendedes, Sumber Waras, and Sumber Taman, Malang, East Java Province. The aim of this research was to explore the composition of birds based on their conservation status and the analysis of birds community with their plant-s preferences around the water sources. The silent observation was used to scrutinize the birds around those areas. The observation was done by binocular and camera, to observe and to photograph the examined birds respectively. Subsequently, the recognized plant was noted to analyze as the birds preferences. The results of this research showed that in Sumber Kendedes are composing of 15 species of birds. In this area, the plant preference is Ficus racemosa L.. While at the Sumber Waras are consists of 13 bird species, with their plants preferences are Ficus sp., and Bamboo. Furthermore, at the Sumber Taman are consists of 25 species, with their plants preferences are Ficus sp., Albizia chinensis, and Bamboo. The level of biodiversity is at a moderate level, as well as the level of species richness. Meanwhile, the level of equality of individual was tending to low.

Biodiversity, Birds, Plants preferences, Water sources



Community Structure of Amphibians as a Bioindicator on The Aquatic Habitat at Sumber Taman Water Springs, Malang, Java East
Fatchur Rohman(a)* , Hamri Permana (b) , Farid Akhsani (a) , Bagus Priambodo (a)

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a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Math and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
b) Graduate students of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Bioindicator existence of Amphibians in a habitat influenced by the type of habitat. Fejervarya limnocharis which generally could found in the rice fields , then Rana erythraea was found in aquatic habitat inundated as Lake or swamps . Aquatic habitat is a place that isnt separated from Amphibians . Sumber Taman as a water springs that has been change condition its ecosystem , these water springs change into as the tourist attraction. Lack of research about structure community Amphibians at Sumber Taman, Malang, should be done. The aims of the research there are to reveal diversity and structure the community before population amphibians found in spring water sources are threatened that consequence habitat change into tourist place. This research performed at the spring source located at Gondanglegi district, Malang, East java. Taking data at field use Visual Encounter Survey method. The results of this research, there are 7 species amphibians are found, species of the most dominant is Chalcorana chalconata . Value Diversity index (H ) is medium (1.1), evenness (E) is medium (0.6) and richness index (R) classified low (1.12).

structure community, amphibians. bioindicator, aquatic habitat, water springs



Comparative Study of Collembola Community on Post Fire Land, Transitional Land and Control Land in Teak Forest Baluran National Park Situbondo
Suhadi, Agus Dharmawan, Kharirrotun Nafiah, Alifia Yulianita

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Kharirrotun Nafiah

Universitas Negeri Malang

Surface fires cause loss of vegetation that covers the soil, litter layer and top layer, which is the main part of the resources and habitat soil organisms, one of which is collembola. The aim of the study was to determine the comparability of the diversity and abundance of Collembola community in post fire land, transitional land and control land in Baluran National Park Situbondo. Sampling method with randomized group design was done by line transect sampling, total 120 plots in three different locations that are post fire land, transitional land and control land and the transect based on altitude. Collembola extraction was done by Eco 12 modification barless-tullgren extraction tool. The Results of this study show that a total of 547 individuals were included 9 species Collembola. Important value index species Paralobella cassagnau dominated on both post fire land and control land. Lepidocyrtus bourlet is a species that dominated in transitional land. The conclusion of this study is differences land and elevation take affect of the important value index, biodiversity index (H), eveness index (E), and richness index (R), this can occur because differences altitude allowed differences collembola composition and fires take affect the presence of collembola

Collembola, fire, Baluran teak forest



Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Through of Local Wisdom
Mimien Irawati Al Muhdhar (1a), Hadi Suwono(1), Ni Luh Putu Emayanti (1), Muhammad Shalahuddin Rahmansyah(2)

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Corresponding Author
Ni Luh Putu Emayanti

1) Biology Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Sekolah Tinggi Insdustri Turen
a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at] b) emayanti0954[at]

Subak is a traditional organization of farmers in Bali that regulates irrigation systems in a particular area. Subak as a socio-religious pattern that is based on the cultural principle Tri Hita Karana (THK). The purpose is to conserve natural resources through of THK. The component of THK can continue to be used as a powerful tool for mitigating negative impacts of current on the nature and its resources. The research method used was an exploratory survey method by conducting a survey on application of local wisdom. Data was analyzed descriptively. The research locations were in Subak Guama. Each component of THK is elaborated so as to obtain components that have a significant effect on the conservation of natural resources. The results showed these components produced 69.33% of air resources (Bedugul Temple), pawongan component 74.56% of resources for the functioning of agricultural resources such as roads and irrigation channels and palemahan component 79.98% of agroecological components and biota such as: fauna, flora and microbes. Conservation through local wisdom can maintain natural resources in agroecological indicators and biota in subak. Local wisdom is appropriate to be used as a basis for the conservation of natural resources in Subak.

local wisdom, air resources, irrigation channels, agroecological, biota



Coral recruitment at Gili Pandan Island, Gili Genting District, Sumenep Regency
Yulia Andriyani, Wahyu Andy Nugraha

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Wahyu Andy Nugraha

Department of Marine Science, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia 69162
E-mail: wahyuandy[at]

Coral recruitment is a very important component in the management of coral reefs. Coral recruitment is the main factor in the recovery of the coral community. The high recruitment of corals is an indication of natural recovery in the reef community. This study aims to determine the density of coral recruitment in Gili Pandan Island at a depth of 3 meters and 8 meters. Two sites were used as sampling station. Juvenile corals with diameters less than 5 cm were observed in quadratic transects with 1x1 meter sizes randomly and performed with 10 repetitions at each point. Coral density was calculated for the determination of recruitment rates. T-test was used to determine whether there is a difference in coral recruitment between 3 and 8 meters depth. The results showed that the average density of coral recruitment of site 1 and site 2 at depth of 3 meters were 5,9-7,6 ind/m2, categorized as high recruitment, while at a depth of 8 meters were 3.3-4.3 ind/m2, categorized as low recruitment. T-test result showed that there is significant difference of coral recruitment density between 3 and 8 meter depth both at site 1 and 2.

Recruitment; Coral; Density; Gili Pandan Island



Detection and Analysis of Controlling Twin Gene Expression in Cows (Bos taurus) Using Birth Weight Gene Marker
Ulya Ruwaida (a), Umie Lestari (b), and Mohamad Amin (c)

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Mohamad Amin

a) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang, Indonesia.
c) Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang, Indonesia.

Twin marker genes are the controlling genes of twinning which can increase the frequency of twin ovulations in one estrus cycle. The role and function of genes in determining twin births is very important to understand in order to consider the potential of females that can produce twin. Detection and identification of twin controlling genes taken from twin cows, where sires give birth to twins or twin tillers. The aim of this study was to identify sequences of twin marker genes in cattle and analyze the function of twin cow controlling genes (Bos taurus) from the results of sequence variations. This research is included in exploration research which has procedures including DNA isolation, PCR, electrophoresis analysis, and bioinformatic analysis. The results of this study were detected by the twin controlling gene with a birth weight gene marker in the six cow blood samples (Bos taurus) at 56oC attachment temperature. The results of the analysis of the diversity of nucleotide sequences from the six blood samples showed various variations and the analysis of the results of protein expression that could be identified from the birth weight gene marker was alpha V beta 3 integrin (αvβ3).

gene expression analysis, birth weight gene, cattle (Bos taurus)



Imron Rosyidi , Eko Susilo

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Sugeng Maryanto

Nursing Study Program, The University of Ngudi Waluyo,
Diponegoro street No. 186, East Ungaran, Semarang Regency Central Java 50512, Indonesia
Email: tentaralangit46[at]

One of the things that has the potential to disrupt human health is the environment. Waste is the cause of decreased environmental quality. How to reduce the impact of organic waste are Bioconversion. The experiment design is quasi experiment pre posttest two-group design for chicken. The chicken divided into 2 group, group 1 treated with organic waste supplement and group 2 without treated with organic waste supplement. The results of the study showed that the increase in bodyweight of group 1 was better for obtaining nutrients from organic waste supplement than group 2 without organic waste supplement, with an average difference of 0, 175 kg. Organic waste have a nutrition to animal, when the human does not used it. The nutrition will increase the body weight of the chicken because the nutrient from the waste of vegetable, from the waste of food processing will aid to fulfill the nutrient need. Converting organic waste to additional chicken nutrition are solution to reduce the impact of organic waste to the nature.

ioconversion, Waste management system



Effect of sediment particle size in the Geochemical Fractions Explorations of Leached Fe in Three-Coloured Beach, Indonesia
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya*, Arik Muhammad Fajar, Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum, Mohammad Shodiq Ibnu, Muntholib Muntholib

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Anugrah Ricky Wijaya

Universitas Negeri malang (UM)

In order to explore Fe minerals in Three-Coloured Beach, we investigated the effect of sediment particle size to leach of Fe in the each of geochemical fractions.The bulk and fine grained sediment samples were leached of Fe using the optimized BCR microwave method. The both of bulk and fine grained filtrate samples were measured of Fe in each of fraction in sediment by AAS. The optimized of BCR microwave method revealed the accuracy (⁓ 90%) and precision (RSD <30%) of leached Fe in both sediments measurements. The total concentrations of leached Fe in bulk sediment were lower two times compared with those in fine grained sediment due to the affect of reaction rate of a chemical reaction. The same patterns of explored Fe in the geochemical fractions from the sediment fraction 1 (mobile fraction) to fraction 3 (oxidisable fraction) as stated non resistance sediment fractions showed lower portion of Fe compared with the Fe levels in sediment fraction 4 (residual fraction) or resistance sediment fraction. It indicated the bulk and fine grained sediments in Three-Coloured Beach were categorized the enrichment of Fe in natural sediment.

sediment, geochemical fractios, BCR, Fe, Three-Coloured Beach



Feed Preference Based on Faecal Compotion Analysis Green Peafowl (Pavo muticus Linnaeus, 1766) In Bekol Savanna Baluran National Park
Suhadi1) Agus Dharmawan2) Anisa Meilia Ashoffi3) Riri Wiyanti Retnaningtyas 4)

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Anisa Meilia Ashoffi

Departement of Biology , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang

Roaming over 323.99 ha of savanna at Baluran National Park is the green peafowl (Pavo muticus Linnaeus, 1766), which becomes one of the major focus in conservation endeavor due to their decreasing global population. The previous studies on this species mainly focused on their feeding behavior. In this research, we try to get a deeper insight about their feed preference in order to develop a better habitat preservation for this species at Baluran National Park. This descriptive explorative research aims to discern the feed preference of green peafowl based on their faecal composition and to determine their ecological role based on the respective preferences. This research was carried out through cluster sampling of any feces found in the savanna of Bekol and identifying the remnants of food found in the species. The results indicate that green peafowl mainly feed on Salvia riparia Kunth and some other plants. From the observation and the faecal composition analysis, it can be inferred that green peafowl serves an important role in seed dispersal of various plants in the savanna thus this species holds the key role in shaping the ecosystem in the savanna.

Green Peafowl, Feed Preference, Baluran National Park, Ecological Role



Fitoremediation Liquid Waste Krebet Sugar Factory Using Water Spinach (Ipomea aquatica) to Decrease BOD and COD Levels
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar (1,a), Murni Sapta Sari (1), Dwi Pipit Indriyanti (1,b), Sueb (1), Muhammad Shalahuddin Rahmansyah (2)

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Pipit Indriyanti

(1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
(2) Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Industri Turen

a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at]
b) dwipipitindriyanti13[at]

Research with the title phytoremediation of Krebet Sugar Factory wastewater using water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) to reduce levels of BOD and COD has been carried out in March-June of 2019. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) on BOD levels and COD in Krebet Sugar Mill wastewater with phytoremediation technique. The research method used is the posttest-only control group design, which is conducting experiments on liquid waste taken at three points on the waste stream using water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) with three replications. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Krebet Sugar Mill wastewater treatment with phytoremediation technique using water spinach plants was able to reduce BOD parameters by 5.49 mg / L at the first point, 2.532 mg / L at the second point, and 5.2 mg / L at the third point, while COD was 7.79 mg / L at the first point, 12.56 mg / L at the second point, and 12.15 mg / L at the third point. The conclusion is the phytoremediation technique using water spinach plants influential to reduce the levels of BOD and COD in liquid waste

fitoremediation, water spinach plants, BOD, COD



Identification of Edible Macrofungi at Kerandangan Protected Forest & Natural Park, West Lombok Regency, Indonesia
Wira Eka Putra1, Ahmad Hapiz2,3*, , Sukiman3, Faturrahman3**, Bagus Priambodo1, Fatchur Rohman1, Hendra Susanto1***

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Ahmad Hapiz

1Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
3Department of Biotechnology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

*Corresponding Email: ahmad.hapiz01[at]
**Corresponding Email: fatur[at]
*** Corresponding Email: hendrabio[at]

This research aims to characterize the edible macrofungi at Kerandangan Protected Forest & Natural Park, West Lombok Regency, Indonesia. This research was a descriptive and explorative study. This research conducted from January to June 2016. The sample of edible Mushrooms was token by Cruise method. The sample collected by folowing the tarack that have been made, the cruise was done by seeing the right and left side a long the track untill the mushroom found and after that the mushroom were documented and collected into steril and ziplock. Identification has done throughout profile matching of macroscopic characteristic with mushrooms identification book and than we also did Phylogeny Analysis Based on Similarity morphological characters and Dendogram tree was reconstructed using PAST 3.0. The result showed that there are eight species of edible mashrooms found in the study area such as Termitomyces clypeatus, Termitomyces umkowaan ,Termitomyces sp. 1, Pleorotus flabelatus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus desimenatus, Tremella fuciformis, and Polyporus sp. All of them involved of Basidiomycota. Based on characterization and identification, the species are grouped into three ordos and five families. Most of the edible macrofungi growth at soil and deadwood. Base on Phylogeny Analysis using Similarity of morphological characters showed that species in the same genus has high index of similerity and base on all species it has index similerity about 0,40.

Edible mushrooms, Identification, Kerandangan Protected Forest & Natural Park



Identification of Key Species and Damage to Coral Reefs on Gili-Noko Bawean Island
Agus Dharmawan 1 a), Abiyyu Rahmawan 2 , Anisa Meilia Ashoffi 3

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Abiyyu Rahmawan

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and natural science, State University of Malang
Semarang street no. 5, Malang 65145, East Java Indonesia

Bawean is an island with 11,872 ha of area, located about 140 km from Gresik Districts, East Java. Bawean become one of the marine tourism destinations, especially in Noko island which one of the small island areas lived by ± 700 peoples. Noko island located 4 km east from Bawean surrounded by coral reefs. Ship traffic and fishing activities by local communities potentially damage the coral reefs ecosystem. The study aims to determine the key species and identify the extent of coral reefs damage. The study was descriptive explorative using Belt Transects as far as 150 meters from the farthest coral reefs boundary in two different locations. Data analyzed by Important Value Index and standard criteria damage for the coral reefs. The results was found 87 coral reef species and covering at location 1 was 10.41% /m2 with category 5. Location 2 was 92% /m2 with category 5 and according to the standard criteria damage to coral reefs was on very good category. Acropora palifera is the key species with the highest density and frequency, location 1 with density of 10.41% and frequency 98%, location 2 by 18.5% density with frequency 93%.

Reefs, Important Value, Damage, Gili - Noko Bawean Island



Identification of Ovulation Rate Gene Sequence Variations in Twin Limousin Cattle in Pacitan, East Java.
Athiyah Layla (a*), Umie Lestari (b), and Mohamad Amin1, (c)

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Corresponding Author
Mohamad Amin

a)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Malang, JL. Semarang No.5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
* athiyah.layla[at]
b)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Malang, JL. Semarang No.5 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
c) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of Malang, JL. Semarang No.5 Malang, East Java, IndonesiaCorresponding author: mohamad.amin.fmipa[at]

The consumption of beef in Indonesia continues to increase every year, but national beef production is only able to meet 65% of domestic demand. Therefore, a new innovation is needed to increase the productivity of cattle, one of them by twinning births in cattle. The identification begins with taking blood samples of cattle. Then isolation of bovine blood DNA, amplification of sequence ovulation rate gene, horizontal electrophoresis, and then sequencing. The sequencing results were then analyzed using bioinformatics software to see the sequence variation and thus found predictions of established polypeptides which might play a role in the rate of ovulation of Limousin cattle. Based on the results of the analysis, there was a sequence variation and the prediction of the polypeptide formed was Cytokine (TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor). This shows that the variations that occur cannot change the polypeptide formed, because the polypeptide formed from the three samples is a class of cytokines that have a function for ovulation in mammals. Thus it can be concluded that the variation of gene sequences does not change gene function can be said to be gene conserve and conservation and breeding to increase cow productivity.

Sequence Variations, Ovulation Rate Gene, Twin Cattle.



Identification of Sequence Variations and Functions of the Sex Determining Region Y (SRY) Genes in Madura Local Bulls in the Efforts to Develop Peoples Farms
Mohamad Amin (a*), Achmad Makin Amin (b), Yasinta Swastika Ayua (c), Ardiyas Robi Saputra (d), Muhammad Nur Akbar (e), Umie Lestari (f),

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Corresponding Author
Mohamad Amin

a)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,
b)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
c)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
d)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
e)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
f)Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
* umie.lestari.fmipa[at]

The Madura cattle is one of Indonesian that have the advantages. One of the genes regulating genital formation in males of Madura cattle is the Sex-determining Region Y gene (SRY), this gene is dominant in regulating sex determination and fertile markers in male cattle. This study aims to determine the genetic variation of the SRY gene DNA sequences in local male Madurese cattle and analyze the function of these genes. The research method used for total blood DNA isolation was the phenol chloroform method. The SRY gene amplification samples were DNA sequenced and analyzed bioinformatics. The results of the SRY PCR gene electrophoregram show bands with a length of + 600pb. Five different regions on Madura Island were used as sampling locations, namely Lombang, Pajudan, Pasean, Kanang and Kanwa. The occurrence of transversion mutations in the 4th base sequence with the monomorphic pattern and prediction of the polypeptide showed the same polypeptide results from the two samples, namely AP-1 Complex. This protein has an important role as a transcription factor in the normal development of the testis. The sequence variation obtained is able to bring about the nature of heterozygosity and increase the value of genetic diversity.

AP-1 complex, gene function, inbreeding, genetic variation, Madura local cattle



Insect Communities In Open And Closed Canopy In Monsoon Forest, Baluran National Park, Situbondo, Jawa Timur
Danial Mursyd(1) , Suhadi (2), Fatchur Rohman (2,a), Agus Dharmawan (2), Purwanto (3)

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Corresponding Author
Danial Mursyd

1) Student Postgraduate Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Math and Science, University of Malang, Indonesia
2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Math and Science, University of Malang, Indonesia
3) Department of Geography, Faculty of Sosial Science,University of Malang, Indonesia

a) fatchur.rohman.fmipa[at]
b) mursyddanial94[at]

Research on insect communities was carried out in different zones in the monsoon forest in Baluran National Park, Situbondo, East Java. This study aims to identify and describe the composition of taxa, the level of diversity, evenness and wealth of taxa in sheltered areas and exposed to the monsoon forest of Baluran National Park. The study was conducted from July to October 2018. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique with the direct sweeping method, light trap method, and pitfall trap method. The results showed that the composition of insect taxa in both areas had moderate diversity criteria with index values in the protected area 1.72 and exposed area 1.79. The taxation evenness index values in the two areas are classified as evenly with the area evenness index being 0.51 and the exposed area 0.59. The tax wealth index value in the sheltered area is 3.52 and the exposed area is 2.9 with the category obtained being medium.

Insect Communities, Monsoon Forest, Baluran National Park



Andin Irsadi1, 2), Sutrisno Angggoro3), Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati4,5)

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Corresponding Author
Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

1) Ph.D Program of Environmental Studies, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Semarang, Indonesia
3) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
4) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
5) School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Abrasion that had occurred since 20 years ago in Bedono Village, Demak, Central Java due to land conversion from mangrove ecosystem to shrimp ponds. Mangrove ecosystem have an important role in coastal area. This study proposed to analyze mangrove conservation executed by the society and its significance on community life of Bedono Village, Demak, Central Java. Data involves some activities, planting area, and the number of mangrove species planted revealed from secondary data, society response by in-depth interviews and supporting data by observation. Based on the analysis, it is known that mangrove planting area during 2004-2015 reached 382.4 Ha with 922,570 mangrove trees planted. Need more than 10 years to achieve the program, by empowering and the active role of the community. Furthermore, mangrove conservation provides both direct and indirect favor for society.

abrasion, mangrove conservation, community life, Bedono, Demak



Phylogenetic Analysis of Masheer Fish from Indonesia based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu (1,2), Endik Deni Nugroho (2,3), Miftahul Mushlih (2,4), Rodiyati Azrianingsih (5), Nia Kurniawan (5)

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu

1) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
2) Indonesian Genetic and Biodiversity Community, Jl. Ikan Mujair No 15, Tunjung Sekar, Lowok Waru, Malang
3) Department of Biology, Borneo Tarakan University, North Kalimantan, Indonesia
4) Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Healthy Science, Universitas Muhhamadiyah Sidoarjo
5) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University

Masheer is Indonesias endangered local fish. This study conducted to characterize and mapping the phylogenetic relationship of Masheer fish from East Java, West Kalimantan, Padang and North Sumatra using a partial sequence of mtDNA 16S rRNA. PCR amplicons at 542 bp in length. The construction of phylogenetic topology was made based on ML and NJ method using Kimura-2 parameter model. Based on the phylogenetic topology showed that Tor fish from Pasuruan are closely related to Tor duoronensis from Padang with a bootstrap value of 66%, while Tor duoronensis fish from North Sumatra and Tor tambra from West Kalimantan are in separated clusters. Sequence was compared and multiple sequence alignment revealed some polymorphic sites which can be used to differentiate Genus Tor from Indonesia. This 16S rRNA gene finding has a significant contribution to indicate phylogenetic of Masheers fish in Indoensia

mitochondrial DNA, 16S rRNA, phylogenetic, genus Tor, polymorphic site



Phytoremediation of Phosphate Levels in the Wastewater of the Krebet Sugar Factory
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar(1a), Murni Saptasari (1), Granitha Chandika Komsi (1), Sueb (1), Muhammad Shalahuddin Rahmansyah(2)

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Corresponding Author
granitha chandika komsi

1) Biologi Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Sekolah Tinggi Industri Turen

a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at]
b) Ikachandika[at]

Based on the 2017 water quality monitoring, the Brantas and Bengawan Solo water quality conditions in East Java have decreased. According to water quality standards, indications of the discharge of liquid waste into rivers which causes polluted water. Based on water quality standards there are indications of the discharge of liquid waste into rivers which causes polluted water. One of the industrial wastes is sugar factory waste. The purpose of the research is to test the quality of wastewater to the content of PO4 levels in wastewater based on the quality limits of ministerial regulations and WHO. The research method used by conducting experiments on liquid waste with three sampling points that will be treated as much as 6 days and 3 replications are using Ipomoea aquatic (water spinach). By using post-only control group design. The results of the study revealed that phosphate levels at the beginning of the plant waste disposal showed high concentrations before being treated at 0.86 mg / L. It was known that on the fifth day it decreased to 0.61 mg / L, based on the phosphate level threshold, the phosphate level in wastewater still exceeded the threshold of ≥ 0.07 according to WHO provisions.

phytoremediation, Phosphate, Wastewater



Pitta Photography Tourism and Local Wisdom as Initial Strategy in Birds Conservation at Remote Places
Heru Cahyono, Robiatul Hadawiyah

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Corresponding Author
Heru Cahyono

1Malang Birding Tour, Jln. Skam No. 578 Prigen, Pasuruan , 67157
2Indonesian Genetic and Biodiversity Community, Jl Ikan Mujair No. 15. Tunjung Sekar, Lowokwaru, Malang

Birds photography is one of the most popular hobbies in recent decade. Indonesia has the largest number of endemic Pitta species, favorite birds for photographers especially for Pitta Chaser. Involving local wisdom in bird conservation is the best way to conserve birds in their habitat due to forest degradation and illegal trading. The aim of this research is to involve local people in the conservation of Javan Banded Pitta, Elegant Pitta, Sumba Pitta, 2 sub-species of North Moluccan Pitta, Ivory-breasted Pitta, and Sula Pitta trough Pitta Photography Tourism. This research was conducted in six islands which consist of supporting habitat of 7 kind of Pittas, i.e R. Soeryo Forest Park, Kerandangan Forest, Gamalama Mountain, Aketajawe Lolobata NP, Matalawa NP, and Peleng Island. This research took place from August 2016 to July 2019. The method used was field observation and descriptive analysis. The study showed that Pitta Photography Tourism is the best way to involves local wisdom in Pitta conservation. Feeding places are made by local people in every spot to protect the birds existence. This way, local people will preserve their habitat to get extra income from this tourism, and their awareness has increased concerning other endemic birds in their area.

Pittas, birds photography tourism, local wisdom, feeding places.



Plastic Waste in Ternate Island Ocean
Mimien Irawati Al Muhdhar (1,a), I Wayan Sumberartha (1), Zainudin Bin Hassan (2), M. Nasir Tamalene (3,b), Bahtiar (3), Muhammad Shalahuddin (4), Rahayu Faradila (3)

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Corresponding Author
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar

1) Biology Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Department of Educational Foundation and Social Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
3) Biology Education Study Program, Universitas Khairun
4) Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Industri Turen

a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at]
b) acil[at]

Plastic accumulation in the ocean creates environmental issue. It is a habit of people of Ternate Island to throw garbage away to the ocean because they consider the ocean as a dump place. The research aims to classify types of plastic waste in Ternate Island ocean. The research location includes Bastiong, Kota Baru, Gamalama, Mangga Dua, Kalumata, Kastela, Kampung Makassar, Koloncucu, Sulamadaha and Takome. The research method used is an explorative survey method and direct collection of types of macroplastic waste dispersed in the coastal area and Ternate Island ocean. Data is analyzed descriptively by performing a classification based on the types to describes the types of the plastic waste. Microsoft Excel 2010 is used to calculate the percentage of the plastic waste types. The research result indicates that pastic waste in the Ternate Island ocean is categorized into 7 (seven) categories, namely: plastic bottles, plastic bags, plastic glasses, plastic food packaging, plastic bottle packaging, kitchen ware, toys, plastic straws and plastic straps. The plastic waste is found at sea level and seabed. Marine biota uses the plastic waste such as bottle as a shelter and to lay eggs.

plastic waste, ocean, Ternate Island



Preservation of Ecological Natural Resources in Subak Guama
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar (1,a), Hadi Suwono (1), Ella Rahmawati Hamiatin (1), Muhammad Shalahuddin Rahmansyah (2)

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Corresponding Author
Ella Rahmawati Hamiatin

1) Biology Education Study Program Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Industri Turen

a) mimien.henie.fmipa[at]
b) ellaaramawati[at]

Preservation of natural resources in Subak Guama, must pay attention to ecological balance. Subak plays an important role in the development of agriculture in Bali. One of them is the management of water resources and soil fertility not only the responsibility of the government but also the responsibility of the local community The purpose of this study is to conserve natural resources through ecological balance based on the fertility of land and water resources. The research location was in Subak Guama, Tabanan, Bali Province. The research method used is an exploratory survey method by conducting an ecological survey based on the level of land hunting and water quality that has been carried out by Guama Subak members. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire for implementing the Ecology component. Data were analyzed descriptively. Each ecological component is described to obtain components that have a significant effect on the preservation of natural resources. The results showed that the preservation of soil resources had a significant effect on cropping patterns, pesticides, and fertilizer composition. Preservation of water resources has a significant effect on the management of irrigation networks and water harvesting.

Ecology, Subak, Natural Resources



Spatial Distribution and Morphology Character of Mango Podang Local (Mangifera indica L.) from five sub-district in Kediri Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Aisyah Hadi Ramadani (a*), Muhammad Riza Firdausi (b), Rasyadan Taufiq Probojati (c)

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Corresponding Author
Rasyadan Taufiq Probojati

a) Division of Ecology, Generasi Biologi Indonesia (Genbinesia) Foundation, Jl. Swadaya Barat No. 4, Gresik Regency, 61171, East Java, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Jl. Gajayana No. 50, Lowokwaru, Malang, 65144, East Java, Indonesia
c) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang No.5, Lowokwaru, Malang, 65145, East Java, Indonesia
c) Division of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Generasi Biologi Indonesia (Genbinesia) Foundation, Jl. Swadaya Barat No. 4, Gresik Regency, 61171, East Java, Indonesia

Mangga Podang is an important local mango cultivar for economical aspect, especially at Kediri Regency. Mangga Podang found at Kediri Regency which spread in five sub-districts namely Semen, Mojo, Banyakan, Grogol, and Tarokan. However, the distribution and special traits in morphological character of the local Mangga Podang on the Kediri Regency have not been widely informed. This study objectives to determine the distribution maps and identify the morphological character of local Mangga Podang in five sub-districts on the Kediri Regency. This research used purposive sampling method for collecting data. Coordinate of local mango was taken by GPS, then the data was analyzed using QGIS software version 2.18. Morphological characters are examined by observing the morphology of leaves, stems, fruits, and seeds. Microclimate factors that were measured are altitude, intensity, temperature and soil moisture, soil pH, and soil nutrient. Morphological characters from five sub-districts in Kediri Regency were analyzed for homogeneity by statistical test. The results showed that Mangga Podang distribution has spread in residential areas and has different altitude factors between 85-459 meters above sea level. The total population found in this study were Mojo with 10 (11.9%), Banyakan 17 (20.23%), Grogol with 8 (9.52%), and Tarokan with 51 (60.71%). Mangga Podang from five sub-districts of Kediri Regency generally have homogenous morphological characters, but there were the special character which differs each other, they are the number of flowers in 1 panicle, the weight of ripe fruit and exocarp color of ripe fruits. This morphological variation dependent to light intensity, altitudinal, the velocity of wind and soil nutrient factors.

Spatial distribution, morphology character, Kediri Regency, Mangga Podang local, altitude factors



Studies on the Characteristics of Ecosystem Using Soil Seed Banks
Hyohyemi Lee1 and Rob Marrs2

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Corresponding Author
Vivi Novianti

1 National Institute of Ecology, 1210, Geumgang-ro, Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do,
33657, Republic of Korea

2 Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Street, Liverpool,
L69 3GP, UK

We used the seedling emergent method using the soil sample itself to study of the vegetation change and regeneration strategy after flooding in river ecosystem, the effect of prescribed burning and grazing on wetland vegetation in Blanket Bog moorlands, UK, and the spread of alien invasive plants during road constructions. In the river ecosystem, it has a low similarity between above-ground vegetation and soil seed banks. However, there are species have been found only in soil seed banks without above-ground vegetation, therefore the soil seed banks are regarded to support biodiversity. In addition, the formation of soil seed banks and ground-level vegetation in the stream has been simplified after the flood, but it has been studied that the flood functions to maintain the native vegetation of the stream as the number of aquatic plants has increased. The Blanket Bog moorlands in the UK are well-developed peat layers that play an important role in controlling the global carbon concentration. In the second study, we proposed the appropriate intervals of prescribed burning to maintain Sphagnum species, the main species forming peat layers, and the Calluna vulgaris community, which provides important ecosystem services. Finally, the dispersal trend of alien invasive plants along the road was studied using the hand sorting seed count method. The alien invasive plants introduced during the road construction and they tend to spread according to the movement of the vehicle and the road conditions. We found that the unique ‘tubular- structure of the road enables the long-distance dispersal in a relatively short time. As such, the study of seed banks in the soil can be applied in various ways, providing a clue to the solution of phenomena occurring in the ecosystem. There are considerations, such as the inability to identify all seeds in the soil samples and the fact that the dominant above-vegetation species may differ from the soil seed bank in an ecosystem. However, there are advantages such as providing information for predicting potential vegetation, and it takes relatively short time with less than 4 months, in common, to evaluate.

seed bank, ecosystem, characteristics,



The Dynamics of Annonaceae Plant Collections and Its Conservation Efforts in Purwodadi Botanic Garden
Dewi Ayu Lestari

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Dewi Ayu Lestari

Purwodadi Botanic Garden – Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Efforts of ex-situ conservation need to be carried out to prevent threat of extinction in plant species of Annonaceae family, and one of them is collected at Purwodadi Botanic Garden (PBG). The collections of Annonaceae in PBG have experienced dynamics over the past of 12 years. These dynamics affect diversity and conservation efforts. This study aims to determine the dynamics or development of Annonaceae plant collections in PBG for the past of 12 years and how their conservation efforts. The methods used primary and secondary data collections, measurement of stem diameter, plant height and branch-free stem height (BFS) to determine the condition of Annonaceae plant collections related to their adaptation in PBG and measurement of microclimatic data. Data were analyzed descriptively and analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the statistical program PAST 4.0. The Annonaceae plant collections in PBG have fluctuated in the number, genera, species, specimens and genera that have not been identified. Dominant originated from East Kalimantan, East Java and South Kalimantan with plant addition of 28 numbers, 10 genera, 6 species, 58 specimens, 7 genera that have not been identified to the species level and 81 times of species identity changes. Annonaceae plant collections in PBG was able to well adapt and develop based on the average of stem diameter, where collections was planted in 1980s have larger stem diameter than the 1990s and 2000s. Humidity and light intensity are the most influential environmental factors for plant growth, especially for branch development (stem diameter and BFS). The management of Annonaceae plant collections in PBG was the maintenance activities such as pruning, watering, fertilizing, pulping, data collecting, monitoring of flowering and fruiting for selected collection plants and adding of plant collections through exploration activities) and several studies to explore aspects of species usefulness to support of conservation.

Annonaceae, adaptation, dynamics, conservation, PBG



Tropical Biodiversity with Special Emphasis on Characteristic Species
Djoko T. Iskandar

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Vivi Novianti

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Biodiversity studies, aside of revealing hidden species from basic, conventional methods to sophisticated technologies, also have a number of obstacles. Our study showed that almost all variable widespread species comprised of multiple species. In the other hand, some endemic species might be found to be a synonym of a widespread species and a reasonable explanation is in place. Tectonic plates of Indonesia is found to be a very effective way to explain speciation, but in the other hand also raised some issues concerning species definition. Despite of the fast scientific progress in all aspects of science and technology, many other biodiversity aspects, such as ecology, niche, behavior, reproductive strategy, physiology, species introduction in the past, etc., received little attentions and progressed slowly, especially technology which needs the handing of living organism.

biodiversity richness, species concept, continental plate, biogeography, unique phenomenon



Maria Chrisna Setya Sefiasanti 1), Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati 2,3), Jumari 2)

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Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

1) Master Program of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
2) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
3) School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

A high increase of population growth along side of Gajah Wong River Yogyakarta had induce water quality degradation. Domestic, agriculture and home industries of leather waste reduce the water quality. The aim of the study is to analyze water quality and pollution index of Gajah Wong river. Secondary data of its water quality had collected to compare with the recent data. Water samples were collected from 8 sites of Gajah Wong River. The parameters that analyzed were COD, BOD, DO, TSS, Cd, and Pb. Water pollution index of STORET was calculated. Based on the data since 2006 indicated that the water quality in Gajah Wong River were exceeded the water quality standard as state in Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control, particularly for class I (source for drinking water), and class II (for agriculture and fisheries). Appropriate management have to developed to improve the water quality.

water quality, Gajah Wong River, STORET, pollution index



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