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Abstract Topic: Visual Communication Design and Interior Design

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Building Brand Awareness Through Film Narrative
Irwan Tarmawan

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Irwan Tarmawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The film becomes one of the commodities to build brand awareness through product placement in the film that combines product messages with storytelling in narrative films that provide the message value naturally from scenes in the film. The relationship between product placement and storytelling in narrative films is an interesting part to study. Qualitative research through a naturalistic-interpretative paradigm approach with pragmatic content analysis methods to construct reality, uncover meaning through processes, events, and the authenticity of product entities in relation to storytelling and brand sharpening through film. The purpose of this research is to understand the concept of building brand awareness by placing products in the narration of film. The results showed that the product placement in the film was very important and had a strong impact on brand awareness by utilizing functional storytelling, links, and references in film narratives. The product used as the main property of each scene in a functional event will often appear and be visually apparent. Building brand awareness through product placement in films must pay attention to genre, storytelling and target audience films

Brand Awareness, product placement, narrative film

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Cinematic Elements of the Marlina Film Killer in Four Acts
Merlina Fatimah Nasruddin

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Merlina Fatimah Nasruddin

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Film that portray strong woman character (Heroine) who has a spirit of resistance in the midst of a weak position makes a film has its own distinctive features. One of them is an Indonesian film titled Marlina the Four-Acting Killer, featuring the beautiful, calm Marlina who dare to fighting seven men who raped and robbed her. The method uses mise en scene as cinematic elements and how Marlinas personality impact them emotionally in the significant scene.

Film, Marlina, Heroine

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Color Perception: a Smoking Cessation Experiment
Kurniawan, Ivan

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Ivan Kurniawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study aims to propose smoking cessation methods through experiments on color perception in cigarettes. Using qualitative methods by measuring the desire to smoke using 5 Likert scale levels. After giving different stimulants in the form of 8 cigarette colors, respondents will fill in the desires based on levels ranging from those who are very unwilling to those who really want to smoke, then interviews and descriptive analysis will be conducted. The highest tendency to desire smoking is in white cigarettes, followed by black cigarettes. The tendency to be very unwilling to smoke appears in purple and orange cigarettes. Further research needs to be done considering this study only involved one group of adolescents in the age range of 18 to 24 years old. Through interviews, it appears that the desire to smoke that arises when seeing the color white in cigarettes is caused by a general condition, feels normal with the color of cigarettes on the market. But purple visuals on cigarettes make smokers feel weird, and feel they are sucking on something that is toxic, or not tasty. This condition certainly also illustrates how color perception can be used as a proposal to help cigarette addicts begin efforts to stop smoking, or at least reduce the desire to smoke.

Smoking, cessation, color, perception

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Concept Metaphor of Creativity Process with Narrative Approach in Stool Design
Cherry Dharmawan

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Cherry Dharmawan

Faculty of Design
Interior Study Programm
Universities Komputer Indonesia

This research describes how the application of the metaphoric concept in stool design with narrative approach method. The study is based on the results of the work of UNIKOM students in the furniture class in 2016. The research took place for 4 months. Starting from the pre-elementary design stage to the prototype design. The problem of this research is how the work stages of the students using the narrative approach method to create a stool through the concept of metaphor and what factors can create the form according to the narration. This research using literature study and obsevation methods. The stool design process are narrative creation stages that serves as the basic idea of design, elaboration of narration, translation of narrative elements in stool design with metaphoric forms, working drawings and prototype designs, followed by feedback from users. The research results show that with the concept of metaphor, students can create unexpected forms and the design process become more focused on form problems. Narrative element factors can be the determinants of the creation of forms such as character figures, timing, story content, and supporting properties. The concept of metaphor is a tool in the process of creation that translates narratives into the idea of stool design forms.

narrative; metaphor; stool design

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Coworking Space : A New Requirement at Fast Food Restaurant in Millenials Era
Ryanty Derwentyana Nazhar

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Ryanty Derwentyana Nazhar

Departement of Interior Design
Universitas Komputer indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review of the phenomena that occur at this time, regarding the emergence of new needs in fast food restaurants in order to adapt to the needs of the millennial generation as the latest target market. Holding coworking space is one of the answers to anticipate these needs. Providing work space in fast food restaurants is not uncommon because the initial concept of fast food is to serve and serve quickly and consumers are just eating and spending a long time there. This research uses descriptive analysis method with Richesse Factory and Mc Donalds case studies, as a representative of a fast food restaurant that changed the concept of the visitor area lately. The study found that currently the coworking space area in the fast food visitor area is a new requirement in this era. The activities and needs of millennials now are factors that are considered by fast food entrepreneurs to create a coworking space area to add new functions to improve their product marketing. So now the functions of consumer space are not only for eating activities but also added work activities. The addition of this activity caused changes in the function of space and also the addition of service functions. The results of this study can be used for further study, as a reference to find the best layout that can be applied in a fast food restaurant, in the form of space optimization that considers the combination of coworking space and dining area facilities without disturbing the comfort of users, especially consumers.

Interior Space, Coworking Space, Restaurant

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Cultural Hybridity in Sundanese Comic Strip “Jurig Komersil”
Kankan Kasmana

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Kankan Kasmana

Program Studi Magister Desain
Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This article discusses cultural hybridity that appears in the Sundanese comic "Jurig Komersil", a comic strip published in West Java in 1982. With the horror genre, it tells the engineering technology on human corpses and then becomes ririwa (a Sundanese zombie version). In its appearance and content, comics are the work of two cultural, traditional and modern intertexts, west and east. Through compositional interpretations of comics, hybridity was interwoven through visualization of characters in the form of character stereotypes at the choice of western popular fashion at that time, as well as visualization of the use of the equipment and high technology. But on the other hand, the representation of Sundanese traditional culture also appears in the stereotypes of some figures, fashion, stories, and the absorption of texts on the culture of belief in spirits in Sundanese society. Hybridity emerged as a pleasant humorous discourse showing the ability of comic artists to represent the vision of the future of the Sundanese based on the reality that occurred at that time.

comic, hybrid, ghost, intertextual, Sunda

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Effects of Interior Design on Hotel User Behavior Sharia Concept
Dina Fatimah

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Dina Fatimah

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This research aims to find the effect of user behavior on the interior design concept of Sharia Hotels. Sharia hotels are hotels that are designed using Islamic principles. The method used in this research is to describe the layout (interior design of the room) in a case study and an in-depth analysis. The result was found to be a positive user interaction with the spatial concept that refers to the Sharia concept. The success of an interior designer is to produce a design that comes from the data of user needs and make it happen through facilities that affect users.

interior design, behavior, sharia hotel

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Tiara Isfiaty

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Tiara Isfiaty


This paper reports my in-depth literature study and observation on digitarian generation as a dominance culture actors in the present time. This millenial generation has a great dependence on digital technology. In fact, digital technology innovation have a tremendous role to the formation on the pattern of life and mindset in present society. The fact leads us to another fact on the emergence of vocaloid phenomenon as the implication of the rapid growth of digital technology which is now becoming a major breakthrough in the creative industry area at almost all countries in the world. By utilizing the innovation of 3D Hologram technology, Japanese creative industry succeeds in creating a digital woman figure named Hatsune Miku as the second most popular vocaloid generation in the world. In this article, Hatsune Miku ,the vocaloid, is an interesting cultural phenomenon to be observed from the tendency of the increasingly solid status of digitarian society as a spectacle society, with the activity of seeing and being seen as its superior character. This condition is interesting to review based on the theory of cultural transformation, especially the problem of body image.

digitarian, cultural transformation, body image, spectacle society

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Ideology in Sampoerna Cigarette Television Advertising A Mild Version "Wow"
Kankan Kasmana, Fikran Lukman

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Kankan Kasmana

Program Studi Magister Desain
Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual
Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study dissected the visual narrative aspect contained in the Sampoerna A Mild version of Wow advertisement, a low nicotine cigarette with late adolescents and adult segments. These advertisements carry the turmoil of the spirit of self-change, in contrast to the products they sell which are actually considered as destroyers of the younger generation. The purpose of the research is to express ideas about positioning cigarettes, as well as messages contained in these advertisements. The research uses critical discourse analysis, namely discursive, non-discursive, and materialization studies of objects so that it can be found the priority study related to the ideology in it. From the results of the study, it was found that in the A Mild version of Wow there were elements of political ideology that were built and shaped by the narrative-visual aspects thus forming the perception of the ideology of mental revolution. The concept of mental revolution arises through a visual narrative symbol that reflects the idea of ​​breaking habits, rigidity, stability, in the routine of urban life of young people. Color representation, character stereotypes, and visual effects present meaning so that young people get out of the standardization of normal life, this is the myth of cigarette products themselves.

Sampoerna A Mild, Ideology, Perception, Mental Revolution, Critical Discourse

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Impact of One Minute Video
Fauzan Maulana Harahap

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Fauzan Maulana Harahap


One minute video is popular in 2017 from a social media became a social media platform Instagram which app limit users to upload video until one minute. This thing became a good method for making people watch a full of information just in one minute and it is so effective. In this research, the writer will review and look deeper why one minute is became a trend and why that limit time be chosen through some oberseve to users and makers of videos, literatures will be source too. This research is good for anyone who wants give impact of influence for just short time of audio visual.

Limited effective video

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Implementation of Tradition and Religion by Artifact Project on Javanese Keris of Surakarta Gayaman Warangka Sunggingan
Adityo B. Hardoyo

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Adityo Baskoro Hardoyo

Visual Comunication Design, UNIKOM
Jl. Dipatiukur No. 102-116, Bandung 40132

Abstract— In 2005, UNESCO give to Indonesia recognition for Indonesia keris as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intagible Heritage of Humanity. Keris is traditional dagger who can found in apart of some islands in Indonesia, specialty in area who establish kingdom, kasultanan, and kasunanan. By classification, keris classified as dagger weapon, by function, keris usually not used for dagger weapon. Keris usually use for ceremony event. Keris artifact lot of meaning of tradition and religion. Generally, keris is divided into three part, hulu or handle, bilah or blade, and warangka to protect keris bilah. In this research of keris from Surakarta, researcher making artifact project to implementation meaning of tradition and religion by making sunggingan on warangka gayaman Surakarta style. Sunggingan usually adapted on puppet shadow from Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Conclusion in this research are create an implementation of graphic visual sunggingan on warangka keris Surakarta by enamel paint.

keris, warangka, sungging, gayaman Surakarta

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Innovation and creativity as capital in the creative economy sector
Rini Maulina

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Rini Maulina

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The era of information and communication technology (ICT) today makes the creativity and innovation become important. Communication and information networks that are used to benefit in creative and productive ways. The resources needed are to have the skills, abilities and expertise in the field of creative industries, because that is the key to the new economy. Workers are seen from ideas, knowledge, abilities, skills, innovation and creativity. The success in the creative field are designers, illustrators, musicians, artist, and others. Visual Communication Design of Universitas Komputer Indonesia Alumni, are part of the information community who have the resources of innovation and creativity as capital to engage in the creative world. With the skills and creativity possessed by alumni students succeeded in becoming professionals in the creative field and could even establish a company in the creative industry field and open new job openings. This study aims to find out the personal experiences of alumni who have successfully run entrepreneurship in the creative industries field, and can encourage students to be motivated to become professionals or entrepreneurs who are trying in the creative industries. The method used is to do library research and ethnography through interviews. The results of the study are found elements of creativity in the scope of Visual Communication Design of Universitas Komputer Indonesia Alumni in building creativity and innovative in the creative industries. Keywords—Creative industry, Visual Communication Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Creative Economy, Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Maisyura, Ana Hadiana

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maisyura zam

Pascasarjana UNIKOM - Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Designing data entry application interfaces for Community Figures in Multi Channel systems and Public Participation for population registration and population data in Indonesia, using UI / UX designs based on operator age classification. A design that is planned from the beginning correctly, with data based, involving user experience (UX design) is expected to produce a design that is acceptable to all parties, and costs less (sparingly). The purpose of this study is to design the Community Figures data entry application interface based on user experience, as well as the rules that apply in UX design. In addition, this study aims to design applications that are suitable and can be carried out by operators aged 18 to 60 years. Designing applications that are user friendly and can be used by operators whose vision is still normal or has vision / shortsightedness (minus, positive or cylindrical). Designing applications that are simple and can be operated by operators with different levels of education, ranging from junior high school, senior high school, S1, S2 to S3.

user experience, paper prototype, flat design, myopia

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Lake Toba Tourism Promotion Through Video Advertising Media
Deni Albar (a*), Boy Zulkarnaen Hutajulu (a)

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Deni Albar

a) Department of Visual Communication Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipatiukur No.102-118 Bandung

Traveling is something that is important for the community to enjoy leisure time and unwind from their daily routines. One of the tourism potentials in Indonesia is Lake Toba which has a beautiful charm. Lake Toba is the largest tourism lake in Indonesia. Toba Samosir Regency is one of seven districts that surround Lake Toba and is located on the outskirts of Lake Toba. In terms of promotion, the potential of Lake Toba in particular the Toba Samosir Regency has not been maximally promoted for tourists from outside the island of Sumatera. This causes tourists from outside the island of Sumatera not to know the potential of Lake Toba tourism. People from outside the island of Sumatera also consider heading to Lake Toba tourism far enough to reduce the interest of tourists to visit. The message material that needs to be conveyed in this design is introducing Lake Toba tours in Toba Samosir Regency by visualizing the atmosphere of tourist attractions and culture around Lake Toba. The results of this study are expected to be able to influence the public to be interested and visit Lake Toba tourist attractions and enjoy the panoramic beauty and culture that is on Lake Toba. It needs a media that shows a glimpse of the beauty of Lake Toba and is able to persuade potential tourists to come. The conclusion of this participatory research shows that the comments of prospective tourists on the video on social media appear to show enthusiasm in visiting the Lake Toba tourist area.

Promotions, Videos, Ads, Lake, Toba

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Pengaruh Penggunan Mural pada Interior Cafe di Bandung Terhadap Pengunjung Cafe

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Ryan Bacsa


The lives of people in cities that have complexity with all kinds of dynamics form a pattern of urban culture. The culture created arises because of saturation. New things can be born due to the diversity of cultures that meet each other. Including through art, the community fills the public space with a beautiful accent of viusalisation. Not continually taking to the streets, the growing world of creative industries, also created places that can gather many people. Where only eating, drinking coffee arrived at the event. Urban spirit in urban communities arises in creative industries. By creating these places, there are cafes that offer a touch of mural by several street visual communities The problem that arises is that with the proliferation of murals in the cafes in Bandung, there are also various types of works with different types of enrichment and different philosophical values. But in fact the public or the visitors of most cafes only see the work as an aesthetic element that is only enjoyed for entertainment or their selfie objects, without thinking about the meaning and purpose of the picture. In the end whether the murals still have a function as murals that have messages and meanings in them or only as an aesthetic element for the entertainment industrys interests only

Mural Interior Cafe

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


study of semiotics on the poster of the gundala movie 2019
satria indra praja persada

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satria indra praja persada

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Indonesia has a superhero, one of which is the gundala son of the gundala lightning which is a superhero character by Harya Suraminata (Hasmi) in 1969, and in 2019 gundala was re-appointed to become a big screen film in 2019 and directed by Joko Anwar in Gundala 2019 itself. changes to the appearance of Gunadala itself can be seen from the poster of the 2019 Gundala Film

Indonesia , Superhero , Poster

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Alvian Fajar Setiawan

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Alvian Fajar Setiawan

master of design. UNIKOM Bandung

The research is qualitative research into the public choice tendencies between the seat and squatting toilets at the kiaracondong city of bandung railway station. The kiaracondong station is the second big train station in bandung city. At this station you serve train economy, business, and executive class. The station is one of the public rooms then equipped with the toilet facilities. This study focused on how the station users preference for existing toilets was propensity. The purpose of this study is to give an explanation of the exact type of toilet for users at kiaracondong railway station in Bandung city, and to consider the design and development of the toilets at kiaracondong railway station. It uses an exhaustive and sensitive qualitative research method. The data analysed is an interview with user kiaracondong station, a direct observation of the toilet facility, and a study of the documents related to the toilet at bandung city kiaracondong station. The research shows that the restroom facility at bandung city kiaracondong station is generally available for use. But the degree of availability of squatting toilets and sitting toilets has not been balanced, and some aspects of it have not fully met the needs of users, as some support facilities in the toilet area are not available. Especially in nursing facilities and toilets for children are not available. On the other hand, the specially plummeted toilet facility is still inattentive, since it is still united with the rest of the restroom area.

toilets facilities; qualitative research method

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


The Application of Storytelling in Promotion Media design in Instagram Story Features
Deddy Kurniawan

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Deddy Kurniawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study aims to find out the storytelling method used by the chosen brand, Otten Coffee, which is engaged in the sale of coffee along with its manufacturing equipment and Carbella Id, which is engaged in catering diets in promoting its products on social media, especially in story Instagram features. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. This phenomenology approach is used to review selected brand promotional content uploaded in its story instagram. The results found in this study, namely the use of storytelling in promoting products through the story feature in Instagram today can persuade more audiences to try to use the products offered.

storytelling, promotion, instagram

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


The Designing Of User Acceptance Measurement Tool For Web-Based Application Interface Using Survey Of Usability And User Experience
Yusup Maruli, Yusrila Kerlooza

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Yusup Maruli

Department Of Information System, Post Graduate Program, Indonesia Computer University.
Jalan Dipatiukur No 112-114, Bandung.

The application that was built to use by the user with a wide age range and different educational background need interface designing cautiously. User acceptance value for the application interface must be measured using the right measurement tool. This research explained measurement tool which is a qualitative survey of usability and user experience that considers several aspects. Those aspects cover several combinations from methods and questionnaire technique, that is : Combination of methods, that covers Nielsen Attributes Of Usability and Nielsen Heuristic Evaluation also Combination of a questionnaire technique, that covers UIS Questionnaire, USE Questionnaire and Purdue Usability Testing Questionnaire. This paper shows combination from methods and questionnaire technique properly so that produce a complete user acceptance measurement tool for web-based application interface, however with a minimal question.

User acceptance Measurement Tool; Usability Survey; User Experience Survey; User Acceptance Survey; Web-Based Application Interface

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


The Dining Experience at The Pool-Themed Restaurant
Febry Maharlika

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Febry Maharlika

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Abstract – This article describes the experience of customers sensory on eat experience at swimming pool area. This restaurant uses water as an interior element, so consumers can feel the sensation of eating by soaking feet in the pool. Interaction of water with all the senses in the human body in eating activities is discussed in this study. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative data. Data was collected from field observations. the author observes the behavior of customers who do eat activities in the swimming pool area, besides, the author used questionnaires to get data about peoples memories of the atmosphere at the swimming pool which related to eat experience at pool themed restaurant. Literature studies are also used to support and strengthen existing data. The results of this study indicate that water as an interior element has interactions with sensors that exist in the human body, giving rise to customer space experience. Besides that, the atmosphere of the swimming pool brings out a beautiful memory of customers, specially children in the pool. This makes the goal of a rooms interior design achieved, which is a memorable restaurant.

restaurant, eating activities, pool, sensory experience, space experience

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


The Method of Making the Design Cover of a Series of Books

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Wantoro .

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The cover is the front of the book that is first seen. The cover has an important and strategic role in imaging the identity of the book. In marketing, several books come in single and serial formats. Book series usually consist of several books that are packaged in one package or sold separately. The presence of a series of books may be due to their contents or the similarity of the character of the content. Some types of books are usually present in series formats such as novels, children, education, and others. The cover design of a series book usually has a visual similarity with each other. This is done by publishers to maintain consistency while providing a book series identity. Related to the above, in designing the cover of the book series there are a number of things that must be considered by the cover designer. This is related to visuals presented such as constants and visual variables. Visual constants are things that appear constantly or consistently. Instead, variables are things that appear inconsistently or consistently on the cover. Therefore, this research will explain the design methods for the book series by paying attention to these things. This research will use artistic research methods, a method that relies on the practice of designing artistic works such as book covers. This research is expected to be a reference for design cover designs for designers, especially in the book cover series design.

Method, Design, Cover, Book, Series

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


The Visual Meaning of KangPisMan Mascot as a Mascot for the Movement to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Trash in the City of Bandung
Taufan Hidayatullah

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Taufan Hidayatullah

Doctoral Study Program in Visual Art and Design
Institute of Technology Bandung

This study aims to determine the visual meaning of KangPisMan mascot. KangPisMan mascot was raised to support the KangPisMan movement as a Bandung City Government program to reduce, reuse and recycle trash. The visual meaning of KangPisMan mascot can be known using Roland Barthess semiotic method. This method describes the denotation, connotation and myth aspects found in the visual elements of KangPisMan mascot. The results of the study show denotative meaning that appears in the form of visual objects, colors, clothing, expressions and gestures of KangPisMan mascot. The connotative meaning of the KangPisman mascot is to convey the value of delay that arises from the visual sign relation. This delay value is combined with the symbolic concept of the KangPisman movement in the form of KangPisMans finger gestures. The myth that comes from the mascot of KangPisMan is about the friendliness and concern of the Sundanese people for the environment.

mascot, meaning, denotation, connotation, myth

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


User Interface Design of OVO a Mobile Payment Application in Indonesia
Irma Rochmawati

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Irma Rochmawati

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

In todays digital economy, an innovative payment solution is needed. OVO is a smart application that provides convenience in transactions and payments for all needs. OVO is a digital payment tool that works with various merchants in Indonesia. The OVO application can not only be used to pay for purchases at merchants but can also be used to pay for several monthly billing products. The ease of payment of various needs in one application is the main attraction of OVO for its users. The goal of this research is to study user interface design on mobile payment application that affect the intention to use in online or offline transactions. The research method uses design analysis on the appearance of the application that has a function, ease of use, user trust, and design aspects in its presentation. There are three methods used in this study, data collection, analysis, and testing to see opportunities for the implementation of e-payment as a payments tool. The results shows that OVO is one of the mobile payment applications that has usefulness, ease of use, trustworthy and attractive designs.

User Interface, Design, Mobile, Payment, Application

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Gema Arifrahara

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Gema Arifrahara

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The tent stalls are one of the small merchant businesses in Indonesia to survive the current economic hipness. Migrating to the city by opening a large roadside field is a traders strategy to get customers. In this research aims to discover the uniqueness of street vendors through visual analysis of visual identity as a symbolism of resistance to modern visual development. This research pays more attention to the visual side, especially in the banner of the tent stall typical of Lamongan, East Java. The method used in a qualitative descriptive that took 50 samples of tent stalls of visual form or morphology materialized. The results of this research indicate the power of visual identity with morphological forms that are depicted realistically in the banner of Lamongans tent stalls. The distinctive visual identity of each banner of the typical tent stall of Lamongan has existed since the beginning of the regional traders came to town. To date, it remains preserved and maintained as a form of identity as well as a form of resistance to modern commercial visuals. The results of this research became one of the sources of a study highlighting the distinctive vernacular of Lamongan to know the visual development of a country.

Tend Stalls,Cultural,Visual Morphology

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Visual Modification of Animated Film Characters in Indonesia
Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani, Imam Santosa, Hafiz Azis Ahmad, Irfansyah

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Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani


This study aims to find the relationship between body shape and facial physiognomy in the visualization of the design of animated film characters. Characterization in animated films is inseparable from the position placed to fulfill the role in the film. In the creation of figures, body shape and physiognomy can be used as a design approach, especially figures who have passed visual modifications in the form of cartoons. Figures occupy roles, so character becomes an important element that is attached to lead to understanding the story. The method used is document analysis, in the form of character review based on facial physiognomy and body shape. The approach used was in the form of interdisciplinary, using a somatotype personal test, a combination of Ar-Razi and Ming Xiangs physiognomy, as well as a cartoon design. The result is a match between the character played with the two reference elements.

animation, body shape, characters, physiognomy, modification

Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


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