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International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISAMME 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.31 for 1 days in Cimahi |

Page 7 (data 181 to 210 of 235) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Students mathematics literacy skills in solving of PISA type math problems financial context
Gold Dayona1*, Zulkardi2

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Gold Dayona

1Magister Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30128, Indonesia
2Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl Srijaya Negara, Bukit Besar, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30128, Indonesia

From outstanding issues, about UN questions in Indonesia adopted from the standard PISA/TIMSS. Skills in PISA questions can be used as a reference to knowing students mathematics literacy skills. The challenge as a researcher now is to present questions that can be used for students practicing questions similar to PISA questions. The purpose of this article is to knowing students mathematical literacy skills in solving PISA type math problems that researchers have developed. The research method in this article is a design research type of development study (Tessmer: 1993) which consists of two stages namely preliminary and formative evaluation. The preliminary stage consists of analysis and design. And the formative evaluation stage consists of self evaluation, expert reviews, one-to-one, small groups, and field test. Students mathematical literacy skills can be seen from the results of the field test. The mathematical literacy skills seen is communication skill, mathematizing skill, representation, reasoning and arguments skill, and skill to use mathematical tools.

Student-s mathematics literacy skills; PISA; Financial context

Mathematics Education


Students- Academic Self-concept in The Constructivism Learning Model
Rafiq Zulkarnaen

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Rafiq Zulkarnaen

Department of Mathematics Education, Singaperbangsa University of Karawang

Students beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics are influenced in learning. Therefore, students who have a positive disposition towards mathematics tend more study seriously and confidence readiness in mathematics learning. Students have abilities to assess and perceived themselves, assess themselves regarding abilities in solving the mathematical problem, comparing learning process with other students, communicating with teachers or other students, advantages and disadvantages in learning, academic achievement. Self-perception related to academic aspects is called academic self-concept (ASC). The study aims at investigating factor students- ASC in the constructivism learning model. This study is experimental in nature and it was conducted in a public senior high school in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The sample of this research consists of the 10th-grade students. The instrument used in this research covers ASC questionnaire, and the data were analyzed by using two-way ANOVA. The results show that learning models that emphasize students construct mathematics knowledge independently through activities in real-world observation, contextualization, and collaborative influencing the self-assessment in grade and effort dimension, peer-evaluation of academic ability, self-evaluation with the external standard

self-believe, peer-evaluation, contextualization, grade and effort dimention

Mathematics Education


Simon M Panjaitan (a*), A JB Hutauruk (b),

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HKBP Nommensen University

This article is about research on the study of improving students problem solving abilities in the learning process using the Problem Based Learning learning model with the Metacognitive approach. This article also contains a study of the interaction between the learning model and the students mathematical prior knowledge towards problem solving abilities, and the study of student behavior in improving mathematical problem solving skills. Research uses quantitative research methods with research subjects students in the experimental class and the control class. The research instrument consisted of tests of mathematical problem solving abilities, observation sheets and interview guidelines. Research findings include (1) the learning model used does not have a significant effect on improving mathematical problem-solving abilities, both overall and based on mathematical prior knowledge, (2) there is no interaction between learning models and mathematical prior knowledge to improve mathematical problem solving abilities , and (3) there are different behaviors between the experimental class students and control class students in improving mathematical problem solving abilities

Mathematical Problem Solving, Problem Based Learning, Metacognitive

Mathematics Education


Study the Student Worksheet on the project-based E-Learning model Geometry material in fostering a culture of literacy
Rani Sugiarni, Sarah Inayah

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Rani Sugiarni

suryakancana university

The role of technology has become an important challenge in this century that has spread to the world of education. Therefore teaching materials are needed that help students in growing a culture of literacy in utilizing e-learning. This research aims to examine the validity of the project project-based e-learnig student worksheets in the material of the Class XI Vocational Geometry developed by utilizing waste. This type of research refers to the Four-D (4-D) driving model. The validity of student worksheets in terms of 4 experts consisting of material experts, education experts, linguists and school mathematics teachers is vocational. The results of the study are seen from the aspects of material, language and media showing that the student worksheet is good and feasible to use and valid. This is indicated by the results of evaluating the use of student worksheets in the class with generally positive student attitudes and student worksheets showing the category of leadership and one of which can foster a culture of literacy.

literacy, project project-based, e-learnig, student worksheets, Geometry

Mathematics Education


Teachers- Belief in Mathematics Teaching: A Case Study of Early Childhood Education Teachers
Mery Noviyanti

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Mery Noviyanti

Universitas Terbuka

The background of this research is the pros and cons of whether early childhood may learn to read, write and count, which has been a talk in the community. This certainly creates confusion, especially for teachers of Early Childhood Education (ECE), to explore mathematics in the classroom. This article aims to conduct an analysis of teachers- belief in mathematics teaching. Furthermore, this article will be used as a reference for professional development program that the researcher is going to develop. This research is a case study with five respondents in a city in West Java, Indonesia. Semi-structured interviews towards five respondents were conducted using an interview guideline that refers to the instrument The Mathematical Development Beliefs Survey (MDBS). The thematic analysis was used for data processing in this research. The result of the research revealed all respondents agreed that mathematics is a substantial part of ECE curriculum and contributes to the confidence of the students. All respondents agreed that mathematics development activities could be carried out, and early childhood is ready for mathematics. However, they are unsure and less confident in teaching mathematics and basic math knowledge. For this reason, this research suggests that professional programs or interventions given should aim to boost teachers- belief in teaching mathematics and improve their knowledge of mathematics.

Teachers- belief, mathematics, early childhood education

Mathematics Education


Teachers- use of classroom assessment in primary school mathematics education in Jambi Indonesia
Silvia Fitriani(a), Ratu Ilma Indra Putri(b), and Zulkardi(b)

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Silvia Fitriani

1. Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Batanghari Jambi, Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Jambi 36122, Indonesia
2. Universitas Sriwijaya, Jl. Srijaya Negara, Bukit Lama, Palembang 30139, Indonesia

This paper reports on a survey of the classroom assessment practices of Jambi city primary school teachers in mathematics education. We investigated, using questionnaire, how teachers- assessment methods, purpose, and beliefs about the usefulness of assessment are related. In total 100 teachers at 80 from 3 primary schools responded to the questionnaire. Observation-based assessment methods of questioning, observing, and correcting written work, were the most frequently – that is weekly – applied methods, whereas instrument-based methods, particularly using textbook test and student monitoring tests were employed several times a year. Teachers used assessment mainly for formative purpose and they considered the assessment methods they used themselves as most relevant.

Classroom assessment; primary school; mathematics education; survey study

Mathematics Education


Teaching Material Design Based on Project Learning to Improve the Students- Mathematical Understanding
Hamidah Suryani Lukman (a*), Ana Setiani (b)

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Hamidah Suryani Lukman

(a) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Jl. R.Syamsudin, S.H No.50 Sukabumi, Indonesia
(b) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi, Jl. R.Syamsudin, S.H No.50 Sukabumi, Indonesia

Project-based learning requires students to explore and combine their knowledge and skills to solve problems in groups for a certain time. Through the development of project-based teaching materials, students learn to apply theory in an activity that produces experience, so that learning is expected to be more meaningful and improve the students mathematical understanding. This study aimed to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of teaching materials based on project learning to improve the students mathematical understanding, especially on the applied statistics course. The stages of this study consisted of design and development, product validation by 3 experts, limited testing of 10 students, and field testing of 97 students. The results show that the teaching material has fulfilled the valid, practical, and effective aspects used in learning because it increases the ability of students mathematical understanding by 15.8%

Project based learning; Teaching materials; Mathematical understanding

Mathematics Education


The Ability of Mathematical Problem Posing in Terms of Student Learning Styles
N Puspitasari1, D Suryadi2, U Sumarmo2 and ,A Margana3

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Nitta Puspitasari

1Postgraduate of Mathematics Education Study Program, Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
1Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32 Tarogong Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
2Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
3Progran Studi Teknologi Pembelajaran Pascasarjana, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32 Tarogong Garut, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Asking questions is an expression of the thought process. Questions arise when someone gets new knowledge that is not in accordance with previous knowledge, through the thought process arises the question to get complete information so that the new knowledge he has becomes more meaningful. This study aims to analyze the ability of students in problem posing based on their learning style. The method carried out in this study was a quasi-experiment on 78 high school students. The results showed that there were no significant differences between students who had Auditory, Kinesthetic, and visual learning styles.

mathematical problem posing, learning style

Mathematics Education


The ability of problem solving based on the Montague Strategy
I Muhafidin, E Nurlaelah, A Hasanah

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Irfan Muhafidin -

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The research aims to understand the ability of problem solving in Mathematical problem based on Montague Strategy. The methods of the research is descriptive qualitative methods. The data collection is examination and interview. The subject of the research is the students of senior high school in Bandung. The results of the research is one student has good ability, three students are average ability, and the last one has low ability

Problem Solving, Qualitative, Montague Strategy

Mathematics Education


The Ability of Student Mathematical Argumentation in Determining Arguments or Not Arguments
Nonik Indrawatiningsih1,2*, Purwanto1, Abdur Rahman As-ari1 , Cholis Sa-dijah1, and Dwiyana1

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Nonik Indrawatiningsih

1Mathematics Education, FMIPA State University of Malang, Jl. Semarang No. 5, Malang 65145, Indonesia
2Mathematics Education, STKIP PGRI Pasuruan, Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No.27-29, Tembokrejo, Pasuruan 67118, Indonesia

Someone who has critical thinking ability can use the exact criteria to evaluate an argument. This engages critical thinking to determine whether a claim or an argument which has been given is correct or not and whether the sentence which has been given is included an argument or not. To determine it, there must be clear evidence and logic explanation. The aim of this study is to investigate the argument in critical thinking ability. The students are asked to determine whether the information which has been given by the researcher is included an argument or not and give the reason. The information that is given by the researcher is in the form of triangle congruent evidence. The subject is the students in mathematics education who consist two people with criteria moderate (girl student) and high academic ability (boy student). This study is descriptive qualitative research. This result study was the student who had high academic ability was still not able to analyze more detail about an argument so he was called he did not have critical thinking ability. While the student who had moderate academic ability had been able to analyze that the information which was given was included an argument or not and was able to justify it so it could be concluded that she had critical thinking ability. It could decipherable that the student who had high academic ability was not sure understood about an argument.

Argument, Critical thinking ability, evidence, triangle congruent

Mathematics Education


The Analysis of the Three Dimensional Material Observed from the Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability of High School Students by Applying Brain Based Learning (BBL) Model
Repanda Sayoga

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Repanda Sayoga

Faculty of Postgraduated studies IKIP Siliwangi, Cimahi, Indonesia

The background of this research was that the mathematical critical thinking ability of the students is still low. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the misconceptions or difficulties of students in each indicator of mathematical critical thinking ability of high school students that learned Brain Based Learning (BBL) with material in the Three Dimensions. This reseacrh used a qualitative approach with the descriptive method. The subjects in this study were the students of X-5 class or first grade of senior high school in Karawang Regency which was on a total of 32 students. The instrument of this study consisted of a test instrument of mathematical critical thinking ability and a non-test instrument in the form of an observation sheet. The results of this study shows that students almost have difficulty in carrying out tests of mathematical critical thinking skills based on the indicators tested. The indicators of critical thinking ability tested include providing simple clarification (elementary clarification), making conclusion (inference), determining strategies and tactics (strategies and tactics) to solve problems, and making further clarification (advances clarification).

Critical Thinking; Brain Based Learning Model

Mathematics Education


The Cognitive Load of Learners in the Learning Process of the Rotating Object Volume
Wawan (1), Eka Fitria Ningsih (1), Sri Adi Widodo (2)

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Sri Adi Widodo

(1) IAIM NU Metro Lampung
(2) Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

This research is aimed to explore the cognitive load of learners in the learning process of rotating object volume as well as to provide alternative solutions in managing the intrinsic cognitive load, reducing the extraneous cognitive load as well as improving the germane cognitive load. This research was conducted in Muhammadiyah Purworejo Senior High School with the 3 (three) learners from XII grade as the subjects. The purposive sampling technique was used to determine the research subject. The data collecting method used were test and interview. The data were analyzed by using a qualitative descriptive analysis. This research has provided the results which show that the occurrence of intrinsic cognitive load in the learning process of a rotating object volume is caused by the amount of interactivity elements that have to be studied and the complexity of material learned. The interacting elements are Arithmetic, Algebra, the intersection between two curves, the concept and rule of integration, while the elements of material complexity are the difficulties in imagining the rotating object, and conducting the algebra operation. The occurrence of extraneous cognitive load in the learning process of rotating object volume is caused by the way of teacher delivering the meaningless materials as well as the absence of geometric illustration from the teaching performed by teacher. The next discussion is regarding the germane cognitive load in the learning process of rotating object volume, it is known that this cognitive load is very low. This condition is caused by the learning process in class that tends to be more conventional as well as the minimum activities of learners in studying the materials.

Cognitive load; integral; rotating object

Mathematics Education


The Comparison of Mathematical Communication Capabilities Students Who Get The Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning Model and Group Investigation (GI) Learning Model
Rita Susanti

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Rita Susanti


ABSTRACT This study is a quasi-experimental study that aims to compare the mathematical communication skills between students who get the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model and the Group Investigation (GI) Learning Model, examine their quality improvement and examine students attitudes towards Think Talk Write (TTW) learning models. ) and Group Investigation (GI) Learning Models. The population in this study were all students of class VIII 1 of Leuwigoong Junior High School, with a sample of two classes, namely: class VIII-E as the experimental first class who received the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model and class VIII-H as the experimental second class that obtained the Model Group Investigation (GI) Learning. The instrument used was a description of mathematical communication skills and attitude scale. The results of data analysis showed that the mathematical communication skills of students who got the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model were no better than those who received the Group Investigation (GI) Learning Model. Quality Improvement of mathematical ability of experimentalfirst class students who get the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model with the moderate category and for the improvement of mathematical communication skills of the experimental second class students who receive the Group Invertigation (GI) learning model with the moderate category, and for student attitudes towards mathematics learning using Think Talk Write (TTW) and Invertigation learning models (GI) both interpret well.

Mathematical communication skills, Think Talk Write (TTW) models, Group Invertigation (GI) models.

Mathematics Education


The Correlation between Self Regulated Learning Toward Math With Mathematical- logical Thinking Skills
Azalina Nurul Fazariah (a*), Sri Rahayu Setiyorini (b)

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Azalina Nurul Fajariah

IKIP Siliwangi (a*); (b)

The present research aims to analyze the correlation between mathematics Self regulated learning and mathematical-logical thinking skills. The design of the research is survey correlation analysis as it is suitable to validate the relation of the two quantitative variables. To retrieve the data, 60 seventh grade students of two classrooms were sampled through cluster random sampling in SMP PGRI Pameungpeuk. The instruments employed to gather the intended data were logical-mathematical intelligence test consisting of 4 questions and self regulated learning scale consisting of 25 questions. Further, the data were analyzed in a quantitative manner modeled to logical-mathematical thinking skills data and self regulated learning scale using SPSS 20. The analysis revealed that students- mathematical Self regulated learning significantly affects students- logical-mathematical thinking skills.

Mathematical-logical thinking skill; self regulated learning

Mathematics Education


Edi Syahputra, and Dian Rizky Utami

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Edi Syahputra

Universitas Negeri Medan

ABSTRACT This article is a summary of some second year research reports of the three years research plan financed by Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRCS). This research aims to develop a learning model based on Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction (ARCS) theory oriented towards Indonesian Qualification Framework (IQF) that was applied to mathematical statistics course. The stages of development of this learning model were following Plomp-s learning model development process.Plomp-s model has three stages namely: (1) preliminary stage; (2) prototype stage; (3) assessment stage. After went through experts validation process, appeal validation, and several revisions, in this second year,the implementation of this research had stepped on the beginning of assessment stage, limited trial. At this stage, technical assessment was carried out using practicality and effectiveness tests. Main focus of this stage is on field trials to find out whether the prototype model and all learning tools that have been produced are practical and effective. The field trials were conducted at three universities in North Sumatera, namely Undergraduate and Graduate School of State University of Medan, Undergraduate and Graduate Schoolof Muslim Nusantara Medan University and Graduate Schoolof Asahan University. This paper is only reporting the field trial-s result done in Undergraduate School of Mathematics Education Program in State University of Medan. In State University of Medan, the trial was held twice. First was in class A followed by 21 students and second was in class B followed by 40 students. From the results of the first and second trials obtained that all of the learning toolsconsist of student textbook, lecturer handbook, student worksheetss, and other supporting tools indicated high validity. Moreover, there is an enhancement of students-ability to understand about mathematical statistics. Highest score in the first trial significantly increased from 80.5 to 94.5 in the second trial. While lowest score also significantly increased from 40,5 to 58,0 and average score increased from 63.5 to 74.4 in the second trial. Keyword: learning model, ARCS theory, IQF

learning model, ARCS theory, IQF

Mathematics Education


Zulfah (a*), Astuti (b), Sri Ulfa Insani (c), Zulhendri (d), Padillah Akbar (e)

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Zulfah Zulfah

a) Mathematics Education, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Jalan Tuanku Tambusai No 23, Bangkinang, Riau, 28412, Indonesia
* zulfahasni670[at]

b), c), d) Mathematics Education, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Jalan Tuanku Tambusai No 23, Bangkinang, Riau, 28412, Indonesia

e) Mathematics Education, IKIP Siliwangi, Jl. Jendral Sudirman, Cimahi 40526

The study aims to produce Open-Ended based mathematics problems that can be used to measure the high-level thinking abilities of seventh-grade junior high schools- students. The study is developmental research using the Plomp model, consisting of the preliminary, the prototyping, and the assessment phase. The subject was seventh-grade SMP in Bangkinang. The teaching material used was about numbers learned at seventh-grade junior high school. Based on the results of the development, it was obtained 15 open-ended based problems in which 12 of them possibly have various answers, and 3 have various possibilities ways of answering. The problems developed are valid with the criteria of the developed problem based on content, the problems have diverse answers or various ways to answer, problems can measure high-level thinking skills; analyzing, evaluating, and creating, and the content of the material is fit to the material about numbers. The problems use clear construct images, clear instructions for working on, adapted EYD language, and appropriate sentences to seventh-grade knowledge level, disuse of misinterpreted expressions as well. Related to practicality, it is obtained that students and teachers can use the problem and do it well. The teacher can use it to evaluate students high-order thinking skills

Open-Ended Questions for Mathematics, Higher Order Thinking Skills

Mathematics Education



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Corresponding Author
Zulfah Zulfah

Mathematics Education, Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Jalan Tuanku Tambusai No 23, Bangkinang, 28412, Riau, Indonesia, zulfahasni670[at]

The purpose of this study is to produce the valid, practical, and effective problem-based questions to measure the mathematical problem-solving abilities of eighth-grade students of junior high school. The materials used as the basis of development are system of linear equation in two variables and the Pythagorean theorem. The development model used is the Plomp model consisting of three stages; preliminary research, prototyping phase, and Assessment phase. Based on the results of these stages, 16 problem-based questions were obtained which are valid to the criteria of content, constructs and determined language, practically used by the teacher, and effective for measuring students mathematical problem solving abilities because they can direct students to identify problems, plan solutions, implement solutions, and need to carry out evaluations as indicators of problem-solving abilities.

Math Questions, Evaluation, Mathematical Problem Solving Skills

Mathematics Education


The Development of Teaching Materials for Secondary Teachers Based on 21st Century Skills
Sihabudin, Nurul Anriani, Maman Fathurrohman

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Nurul Anriani

Magister Pendidikan Matematika Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The purpose of this study was to produce Teaching Materials for secondary teachers based on 21st century skills aspecially for circle topic and to know the quality of teaching materials based on validity and practicability. This research is a development research that includes seven main steps, namely: needs analysis, the ability of researchers as developers, product design, product concepts, development, expert testing, and field trials. The feasibility of developing a teaching materials was obtained based on data from the questionnaire which was then analyzed descriptively quantitatively. The conclusion of this research is the teaching material for secondary teacher aspesially for circle topic based on 21st century skill fulfilling the minimum criteria and expressed very well from the validity aspects and in terms of practical aspects stated practical. Thus, the teaching materials for mathematics teachers based on 21st century skill can be used as a teachers guide on the learning process.

Teaching Materials, 21st Century Skills

Mathematics Education


The Didactical Design of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Teaching Materials to Overcome Students Learning Obstacles on Calculus
Aflich Yusnita Fitrianna (a*) , Anik Yuliani (b), Devi Nurul Yuspriyati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aflich Yusnita Fitrianna

a) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, IKIP Siliwangi
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi Indonesia
b) Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, IKIP Siliwangi

The purpose of this study to develop the didactical design of Calculus subject teaching materials with Problem Based Learning. The research method used in this study was didactical design research. The research steps taken are didactic situation analysis, to see the student learning obstacle that appears in calculus courses. The subjects taken were students who had received Calculus I courses, namely 5 people in class 2015, 5 people in 2016, and 5 people in 2017. The results of the didactic situation analysis were difficulties in understanding students in the initial calculus material, so the special emphasis was placed on - Initial calculus material with problem-based learning.Based on the results of the learning obstacle, a problem-based calculus teaching material was developed and validated. Metapedidaktik analysis, at this stage a limited trial was conducted on students who were taking calculus courses in class 2018. Retrospective analysis revised teaching materials and linked the learning obstacle with student responses and observations during learning. The results of this study are learning tools used in calculus learning with problem-based learning. The didactic design developed received positive responses from students.

Didicatical Design, Learning Obstacle, Calculus

Mathematics Education


The Effect of 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques and Mathematical Prior Ability on Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills

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Corresponding Author
Runisah -

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Wiralodra, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda Km 3 Indramayu 45213, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques (LCM) and Mathematical Prior Ability (MPA) on Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills (MCTS). The subject of the study was 173 eighth grade students from high level school and medium level school in Indramayu, Indonesia. This study used the quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. At each school level, three classes were used in this study, one class used the 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques (LCM), and the other class used the 5E Learning Cycle (LC) and Conventional Learning (CL). The students were classified into three levels based on Mathematical Prior Ability (high, medium, and low). The instruments used are MPA test and MCTS test. The study reveals that in terms of overall and in every MPA level, LCM gives better influence on students- MCTS than LC and CL, LC gives better influence on students-MCTS than CL. 2) There is an interaction effect between the learning model and MPA level toward the enhancement of students MCTS.

Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills, The 5E Learning Cycle, Metacognitive Techniques.

Mathematics Education


The effect of 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques and Mathematical Prior Ability on Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills

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Corresponding Author
Runisah -

Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Wiralodra, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda Km 3 Indramayu 45213, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques (LCM) and Mathematical Prior Ability (MPA) on Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills (MCTS). The subject of the study was 173 eighth grade students from high level school and medium level school in Indramayu, Indonesia. This study used the quasi-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. At each school level, three classes were used in this study, one class used the 5E Learning Cycle with Metacognitive Techniques (LCM), and the other class used the 5E Learning Cycle (LC) and Conventional Learning (CL). The students were classified into three levels based on Mathematical Prior Ability (high, medium, and low). The instruments used are MPA test and MCTS test. The study reveals that in terms of overall and in every MPA level, LCM gives better influence on students- MCTS than LC and CL, LC gives better influence on students-MCTS than CL. 2) There is an interaction effect between the learning model and MPA level toward the enhancement of students MCTS.

Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills, The 5E Learning Cycle, Metacognitive Techniques.

Mathematics Education



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Yayan Mulyana


The cooperative learning model is a teaching strategy that emphasizes attitudes or behaviors in working or helping among others in the structure of regular cooperation in groups, consisting of two or more people. The problem in this study is whether the application of the STAD cooperative learning model influences students mathematics learning achievement. This study uses the experimental method, using the experimental group of the STAD type cooperative learning model while the control group uses conventional/ordinary learning models. The population in this study was all students of SMA 1 Cibatu class 1, while the samples were two randomly selected classes from 6 existing classes. The instrument is used in this study is a set of description type test questions. To test the hypothesis, the Mann-Whitney test is used and from the test results it is obtained that Zhitung is -3.47 and Ztabel is 2.575 with α = 1%. It turns out that with the -Ztabel < Zhitung < Ztabel H0 is in the rejection area, it means that there is a significant difference in final ability between the experimental group and the control group. So it can be concluded that there is the influence of the STAD cooperative learning model on students mathematics learning achievement.


Mathematics Education


Heris Hendriana(a*), Usman Aripin(a), Wahyu Setiawan(a)

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Corresponding Author
Wahyu Setiawan

a) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan sains
Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526 Indonesia

This study aims to explain the effect of geogebra-assisted metacognitive approaches in mathematics learning on students mathematical critical thinking abilities. The method in this study was quasi-experimental supported by quantitative data. The population in this study were all students of SMAN 4 Cimahi, then taken as many as two classes, namely class XI IPA 4 and XI IPA 5. The instruments used were tests of mathematical critical thinking skills as many as 5 items. Then the data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using the normality test, homogeneity and two-mean difference test. The results obtained were (1) mathematics learning with a geogebra-assisted metacognitive approach to aspects of mathematical critical thinking skills, (2) improvement in mathematical critical thinking skills of students learning using the metacognitive approach better than conventional approaches

Critical Thinking, Metacognitive Approach, Geogebra

Mathematics Education


Wikanengsih, Diena San Fauziya

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Wikanengsih Wikanengsih

IKIP Siliwangi

This study aims to describe the influence of critical reading skills on mathematical critical thinking skills of students in the Mathematics Education Study Program IKIP Siliwangi. The ability to read critically is one of the fundamental abilities for students to understand and assess various information. The ability to read critically well will have a good impact on their studies. The research method used is descriptive survey and explanatory survey with causality design. The research subjects were 40 students of the Mathematics Education Study Program IKIP Siliwangi who had taken the General Indonesian Language Course. The results showed that there was a significant influence on critical reading skills on mathematical critical thinking skills. Therefore, critical reading needs to be applied to students of Mathematics Education study programs because it affects students mathematical critical thinking skills.

Reading Ability, Critical Thinking, Mathematics Ability

Mathematics Education


The Effect of GeoGebra Assisted STAD Cooperative Model on Increasing Students Geometry Reasoning Ability Based on Levels of Mathematics Learning Motivation
Rahmat (a*), Fahinu (a), Era Maryanti (a), Sayahdin Alfat (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rahmat Rahmat

a) Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Halu OLeo, Kendari, Indonesia *rahmat_lison[at]
b) Phisics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Halu OLeo, Kendari, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the improvement of geometric reasoning abilities of students of SMA Negeri 1 Sampara, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Here, we compare three models of learning; (1) GeoGebra assisted STAD cooperative model; (2) a model of the STAD cooperative without assistance from GeoGebra; and (3) direct learning models. This study was applied to three different classes, where each class consisted of high, medium and low motivation students. Data collection was done by giving a mathematics learning motivation questionnaire and giving a test of students geometric reasoning abilities. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses inferential statistics to test normal assumptions and homogeneity and hypothesis testing using the One-Way ANOVA Test. Based on the results of the study showed that the effect of using the STAD type cooperative learning model with the help of GeoGebra was higher when compared to the other two models. That difference occurs at all levels of motivation. On the other hand, the STAD model without GeoGebra only affects high and moderate motivation students. Meanwhile, low motivation students did not show significant differences with the direct learning model.

Geometry Reasoning, Mathematics Learning Motivation, STAD Learning assisted by GeoGebra, STAD Learning without GeoGebra and Direct Learning.

Mathematics Education


The Effect of Learning Approach and Classroom Assessment Techniques Toward Student-s Mathematics Achievement
Fitri Hilmiyati (a*), Prof. Dr. Suyono, M.Si (b*), Dr. Yuliatri Sastrawijaya, M.Pd (c*)

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Fitri Hilmiyati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The learning approach and classroom assessment techniques in the learning process are activities that must be carried out by the teacher to know students- achievement. The paradigm of the learning approach must have changed from student-centered to teacher-centered learning. One of the learning approaches that can be used by teachers in mathematics learning is realistic mathematics learning. In this approach, besides students are required to be active in their learning also learning activities emphasize the problems faced by students every day. In addition to the learning approach, the use of classroom assessment techniques can also determine student-s creativity in learning. Student-Generated Test Question (SGTQ) and Application Cards (AC) are examples of alternative classroom assessment techniques that teachers can use in addition to the classroom assessment techniques that have been used so far. The use of SGTQ and AC as a classroom assessment techniques allows students to think creatively and think higher in learning mathematics. The objective of the research is to find out the effect of learning approach and classroom assessment techniques toward student-s mathematics achievement. It was a quantitative research with an experimental study conducted in the State of Islamic Junior Secondary School (MTsN) of Cening and State of Islamic Junior Secondary School (MTsN) of Pandeglang 2 Labuan, Pandeglang. The students- mathematics achievement was seen at the end of the semester using the test. In this case, we will discuss the implication of learning approach and classroom assessment techniques for students- mathematics achievement. The result of this study indicates the influence of the use of the learning approach and classroom assessment techniques on students- mathematics achievement.

Learning Approach; Classroom Assessment Techniques; Student-s Mathematics Achievement

Mathematics Education


The Effect of Problem Posing Aproach to Student Mathematical Ability
S Setiyani (a*), S Maarif (b)

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S Setiyani

a)Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jl. Perjuangan No. 01, Cirebon 45131, Indonesia
b)Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jl. Limau II, Kramat Pela, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12130, Indonesia

The research aims to determine the effect of the problem posing approach to students mathematical abilities. The mathematical abilities of the students studied were the ability to think creatively and ask questions. This research is a quasi-experimental study, with pretest-posttest control group design. Data collection through interview, observation and test. The statistical test used is a simple regression test analysis and t-test. The population of this study is grade VII students from a junior high school in Cirebon in the 2018/2019 academic year. The research sample was two classes as the experimental class and the control class. The instruments used included interview sheets, observation sheets, tests of mathematical creative thinking skills and the ability to ask questions. Based on the results of the study, it is known that there is an effect of the problem posing approach to students mathematical abilities. The problem posing approach gives a greater influence on the ability to think creatively than the ability to ask questions. Mathematical abilities of students from those who applied the problem posing approach were better than the scientific approach. Through the problem posing approach students will increasingly be accustomed to asking questions and thinking creatively in solving problems

Problem Posing, Mathematical Ability, Creative Thinking Skill

Mathematics Education


The effect of self-efficacy on mathematical communication ability of junior high school students on the Pythagorean theorem
A S Purwandari and R Maya

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andriana siwi purwandari

Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi

This study aims to analyze and examine the mathematical communication skills that are influenced by junior high school students self-efficacy on the Pythagorean theorem.The method in this study uses acorrelational method with quantitative approach.The population in this study were sudents of junior high school in Cimahi City, with a sample of 36 students who were determined by purposive sampling technique at one of junior high school in Cimahi City. The instrument used in this study is a communication ability test that consisting of 5 essays and a students- self-efficacy scale that consisting of 25 statements scales. The results showed that students communication skills in the Pythagorean theorem was positively influenced by self-efficacy of 19.1%, while 80.9% was influenced by factors other than students self-efficacy. The correlation between self-efficacy and mathematical communication skills of students is included in the medium category

Self-Efficacy, Mathematical Communication Ability, Pythagorean Theorem

Mathematics Education


The Effect of Student Mathematical Reasoning by Results Learned Based On Mathematical Problem Solving in Elementary School
Nur Anisyah Rachmaningtyas(a*), Izza Eka Ningrum (b)

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Nur Anisyah Rachmaningtyas

a) Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia.
b) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Jl. Ringroad Selatan, Bantul 55191, Indonesia.

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence in elementary school mathematical reasoning in geometry problems solving. This research method uses quantitative research with a type of comparative descriptive research. The subjects used were 5th grade students at SD Negeri Tegalmulyo, Yogyakarta City. This study used the Univariate test on the General Linear Model, with the help of data processing program Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0 for Windows. The results of data analysis obtained the Sig. equal to 0.002 with a significance level of 95% or  (alpha) = 0.05 hypothesis testing. Thus it can be interpreted that there is an influence of mathematical reasoning of 5th grade elementary school students in solving geometry problems on mathematics subjects. This is explained by the existence of mathematical competencies in students different reasoning. Mathematics competency on the highest reasoning of students mastered by students is able to describe various characteristics of the problem by mentioning the solutions used, while for the lowest are students with the ability to incorrectly mention the solution to the problem and process in solving mathematical problems.

Mathematical Reasoning, Results Learned, Mathematical Problem Solving

Mathematics Education


The Effect of using the PMRI approach with Transparent Tape on the Problem Solving Abilities of Elementary School Students
Nurul Istiqomarie (a*), Nyiayu Fahriza Fuadiah (b)

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Nurul Istiqomarie

a,b) University of Raden Fatah Palembang

This study aimed to determine influence of using the PMRI approach to problem solving abilities of elementary school students in grade six. This research is an experimental research using technique used is saturated sampling. The media used in the PMRI approach in this study is transparent tape. Data collection technique in this study were tests and observations analyzed by looking for the average of the indicators of each student, normality test, homogenity test, and hypothesis testing using t-test see the effect of using the PMRI approach on students problem solving abilities. The result of the final analysis were using the t-test which obtained the results of t count > t table (12,354 > 2,261) with a significance level below 0,025 so it was concluded that the use of PMRi approach had a positive influence on students problem solving abilities.

PMRI, Tranparent tape, Problem Solving Ability

Mathematics Education


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