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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 31 (data 901 to 930 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Effect Of Temperature On Energy Transfer Capacity By Laser
Imam Arif Rahardjo and Faried Wadjdi

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Faried Wadjdi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This study aims to obtain an overview of the effect of temperature on energy transfer capacity by laser which can later be used as one of the basic considerations for transferring electrical energy through air that is converted into the form of light until it is received by the receiver (receiver) by comparing the transmitted power and power received. The research method used an experimental method with the design of a laser and a photovoltaic cell as a receiver. Schematic experiment starts with setting up equipment. Then treated with temperature changes as an effect on the laser. The results of the treatment were analyzed so that conclusions were obtained. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the significance level of the calculation of the probability price or the significance coefficient was 8.26E-30 which means smaller than the specified error rate / alpha (α) of 0.05. And if using the coefficient F, the price of the calculated coefficient F is 459.3736 which means it is greater than F table 4.001191. In accordance with the provisions that apply in testing the hypothesis, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (H_o) which states "No effect of temperature on output power" is rejected. This means that the results of the evidence accept the alternative hypothesis (H_1) which states "There is an influence of temperature on the output power". The correlation of the effect of changes in temperature to output power gives the equation y=3E-10x^3-3E-08x^2+6E-07x+5E-05. So it can be concluded that temperature changes have an effect on output power

Transfer Capacity, Energy, Temperature, Laser

Electrical Engineering


the effect of the STAD type cooperative learning model on student self-esteem.
Iyan Nurdiyan haris (a*), Achmad Sofyan Hanif (b), Samsudin (c)

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Corresponding Author
iyan haris

a) Sport Education, School Of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia *iyanharisss[at]
b) Lecture Sport Education, School Of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220
c) Lecture Sport Education, School Of Postgraduate Studies Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220

This study aimed to reveal the effect of the STAD type cooperative learning model on the student selfesteem. The study used an experimental method with a nonequivalent pretest and posttest controlled group design. There were experimental group and controlled group in this study. The experimental group was treated with the STAD type cooperative learning model, while the controlled group received the traditional learning model namely direct learning model. The populations of this study were all seventh grade students of State Middle School 5 Subang, Subang District, West Java Province. The samples in this study were classes VII A and VII B chosen by using cluster random sampling technique. The study lasted twelve meetings in twelve weeks. The treatment lasted for ten meetings. Before the treatment, the two groups were given a pretest and after the treatment, the posttest was given in the form of a scale of self-esteem. The scale of selfesteem used is the adoption of the SelfEsteem Rating Scale (SERS) developed by R. Nugent & Thomas. The data analysis technique used was paired sample t-test and independent sample t test using SPSS 18 software. The results showed that: (1) There was the influence of the STAD type cooperative learning model on the students self-esteem. (2) STAD type cooperative learning model was better than conventional learning model (direct) towards the development of the students self-esteem. This study recommends that learning in physical education should use the STAD type cooperative learning model.

Self Esteem, Cooperative, Physical Education

Sport Science and Technology


The Effect of Using Weights Observation to Estimate the Monitoring Control Point Coordinate at Sermo Dam
A R Affriani (a*), N Widjajanti (b), Yulaikhah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Asri Ria Affriani

a) Departemen Pendidikan Geografi, Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
* asriria_affriani[at]
b) Departemen Teknik Geodesi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

The use of weights observation was effected on the estimation of coordinates and its precision. This research aims to identify 3D coordinates and its precision using weights observation from the result of GAMIT processing and the law of error propagation in sequential adjustment method. This research uses GNSS observation data from 10 deformation monitoring control points around Sermo Dam that was measured on doy 250 in 2014 and doy 129 in 2015. Data processing was performed by GAMIT software to get a baseline length and its precision. Baseline length and its precision were used as input in the sequential adjustment method. The values of weight observation were calculated using the result of GAMIT processing and the law of error propagation. The result of this research are 3D coordinates control point and its precision. The coordinate results using weight observation from GAMIT result does not significantly different from the law of error propagation result, whereas the precision result is different significantly. The differences of precision reached 2 centimeters.

sequential adjustment; weight observation; error propagation; the addition of precision



The Effect of Vermicompost Application on The Growth of Lettuce Plant (Lactuca sativa L.)
Budy Frasetya (a*), Kundang Harisman (a), Soheh Maulid (a), Salamet Ginandjar (a)

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Corresponding Author
Budy Frasetya

a) Agrotechnology Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Jalan A. H. Nasution No. 105 Bandung 40614, West Java, Indonesia

The application of salt fertilizer to increase the productivity of lettuce in long term application will decline soil fertility. Implementation of totally organic farming in some region cannot increase productivity rapidly. Combine application of vermicompost with salt fertilizer is a solution to answer decline lettuce production on the first time implementation of totally organic farming. This research aims to study the dose application of vermicompost on the growth of lettuce plant. The research conducted at Cisurupan-Garut West Java Province with altitude 1183 m above sea level from January to March 2018. The method used in this research is randomize block design with seven treatments (A= without vermicompost, B= 5, C= 10, D= 15, E= 20, F=25, G= 30 t ha-1), and four replication. The growth parameter observes in this research is plant height, number of leaves, fresh plant weight, plant dry weight, and shoot-root ratio. The data were collected from the observed parameter than analyzed with variance analyze at five percent signification level. The result of this research shows that the application of 5 t ha-1 vermicompost improves plant growth significantly.

Vermicompost, totally organic farming, soil fertility



The effectiveness of Evaluation Application Implementation Based on Alkin(CSE-UCLA)-Weighted Product Model to Evaluate the Digital Library Services as Education Supporting Facilities
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana (a*), P. Wayan Arta Suyasa (a), Ida Bagus Gede Surya Abadi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

a) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Evaluation in Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia

Digital library can be said to be quality if it has been able to give services optimally to support the learning process. Efforts to get optimization of digital library service can be executed through evaluation process. One application that can be used to evaluate the optimization level of digital library is evaluation application that combines the Alkin (CSE-UCLA) model with Weighted Product. Related to that statement, this study purpose was to obtain an overview of evaluation application effectiveness used to evaluate the digital library services optimization on computer colleges, especially in Bali. The method used in this study was R&D with Borg&Gall design, especially in implementation stage. The subjects involved in assessment of evaluation application implementation were 32 peoples, such as two education experts, 15 evaluators, and 15 users. This study location was carried out on six computer colleges in Bali. The data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires that consist of 15 items to all research subjects. The analysis technique for data collection results uses quantitative descriptive based on effectiveness percentage level of digital library services. These study results indicate the effectiveness level of evaluation application based on Alkin(CSE-UCLA)-Weighted Product model was 86.38% so that it includes good category.

Effectiveness; Evaluation Application; Alkin(CSE-UCLA), Weighted Product; Digital Library

Information Engineering


The Effectiveness Of The Basic Movement On Improving Fundamental Movement Skill for Children
Tri Bayu Norito(a), Firmansyah Dlis(b), Achmad Sofyan Hanif(b)

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Corresponding Author
Tri Bayu Norito

a)State University Of Jakarta, Department of Physical Education, St. Rawamangun Muka, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, 13220, Indonesia
b)State University Of Jakarta, Department of Physical Education, St. Rawamangun Muka, Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta City, 13220, Indonesia

Fundamental movement skill amoung children is very important for childrens growth and development. the achievement fundamental movement skills is a goal to improve basic movement for children. Therefore a good basic motion is needed for students. Efforts to improve fundamental movement skills by developing basic locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative movements are very effective. The combines the basic locomotor, no locomotor and manipulative movements to support fundamental movement skill for echildren. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the basic movement. The research approach used is quantitative. This type of research is experiment with randomized control group pre-test post-test design. The instrument used to collect data is a test of basic movement skill. Data analysis technique using t-test. The result of this research showed that product of basic movement is appropriate for children. It was confirmed by fundamental movement skill test that elucidate that the basic movement can be carried well. Other than that the basic movement is effectively used children in increasing their fundamental movement skill.

Fundamental Movement Skill. Basic Movement

Sport Science and Technology


Eka Purnama Indah (a*), Moch. Asmawi (b), Johansyah Lubis (b)

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Corresponding Author
Eka Purnama Indah

a Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lambung
Mangkurat, Jalan Brigjen Haji Hasan Basri Kayutangi, Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan
b Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Pendidikan Olahraga Pasca Sarjana, Gedung M, Komplek Universitas Negeri
Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka RT.11, RW 14 Rawamangun, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur.

Muscle strenght of core in diving is one of important roles to completing the dive. Various types of excercise model such as Total Body Resistance Exercise (TRX) and Swiss ball be able to increase the muscle strenght of core. This study aims to determine the effectivity of TRX and swiss ball exercise model on improving core muscle strenght in diving athletes. The population are West Java diving athletes with sample as many as 30 peoples which used the true eksperimental method with two group pre-test and post-test design. The result of this study indicate that TRX and swiss ball excercise model was effective to increase the core muscle strenght in diving athletes, and TRX was more effective than swiss ball excercise modeL on improving core muscle strenght in diving athletes.

Keywords: Excercise model; TRX; Swiss ball; Core muscle strenght; Diving.

Sport Science and Technology


The Effects of Boat Engine Noise on The Hearing of Fishermen in Kedonganan Village, Bali
Nyoman Sitra Tresna Pagerartha(a), I Gusti Ayu Diah Febriyani Sidiartha(b), Anak Agung Ayu Sri Vemi Hendrayani(c), Agus Santosa(d), Katika Sari(e)

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Corresponding Author
Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari

a,b,c,d,e) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the common occupational disease especially for fishermen who using boat for fishing. NIHL is a permanent hearing abnormality caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise and the first symptom is normally the inability to hear high-pitched sounds. The Regulation of Indonesian Ministry of Health 2016, mentioned the safe range of noise maximum is 88 dB with the maximum time of exposure is 4 hours. Meanwhile, the noise caused by boat engine is 77,64-97,8 dB. The objective of this study was to assess the risk factor of boat engine noise towards NIHL in fishermen. Audiometric examination was done to evaluate the samples with normal baseline, 25 dB. The study sample comprised 70 volunteers which devided within 2 groups (fisherman and 35 local resident-non fisherman). This study was conducted in Kedonganan Village, Bali. The study results showed that 77% (27 of 35) of fisherman is diagnosed as NIHL with working hour average ±4,86 hours and ±16 years period of exposure. Group with non fishermen showed 2 NIHL condition eithout any exposure from boat-engine (p<0.05). It is concluded that the the noise from boat engine can cause hearing loss. The fisherman have to wear earplug or earmuff or headset to reduce the risk of noise induced hearing loss.

NIHL, noise, fishermen



The Effects of Composition Cocopeat and Rice Husk Charcoal as Grow Media on The Growth of Kailan Plant (Brassica oleraceae Var. Achepala) with Drip Hydroponic System
Ahmad Taofik (a), Budy Frasetya (a*), Ruby Nugraha (a), Adjat Sudrajat (a)

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Corresponding Author
Budy Frasetya

a) Agrotechnology Department, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A.H. Nasution No. 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia

The drip Hydroponics system has a weakness which at a high evapotranspiration condition cant fulfill plant water requirement properly. Improve the composition of plant growth media with cocopeat and rice husk charcoal as a solution to increase Kailan Plant Growth. This research aims to study the effect of a ratio between cocopeat and rice husk charcoal as plant media on the growth of Kailan Plant with drip hydroponic system. The research was conducted at Jatinangor-Sumedang-West Jawa from November to December 2017. The method of this research was use completely randomized design with five treatment (A=Cocopeat 100%; B=Cocopeat 75%+ Rice Husk Charcoal 25%; C= Cocopeat 50% + Rice Husk Charcoal 50%; D= Cocopeat 25% + Rice Husk Charcoal 75%; E= Rice Husk Charcoal 100%), and five replication. The growth indicator in this research is plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh plant weight, and shoot-root ratio. The ratio of cocopeat and rice husk charcoal as plant growth media affect the plant growth of kailan. The result showed that composition grows media Cocopeat 75% + Rice husk charcoal 25% affect plant height, fresh plant weight, and shoot-root ratio.

Drip hydroponic system, Composition plant grow media, Cocopeat, Rice husk charcoal



The effects of compost and biochar on the growth and yield of red chili plants
Hortencio Domingos Dos Reis Amaral (a), Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang (a*), Made Suarta (a)

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Corresponding Author
Yohanes Parlindungan Situmeang

a) Agriculture Faculty, Warmadewa University.
Jl. Terompong 24 Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar-Bali, 80235, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the effect of compost and biochar and their interactions on the growth and yield of red chili plants. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with a factorial pattern, which consisted of two factors: compost (0, 10, 20, and 30 tons ha-1) and the type of biochar (bamboo and coconut shell). The results showed that the interaction between compost and biochar did not have a significant effect on all observed variables. The dosage of compost has significant effect on fruit length, fresh fruit weight, and fresh weight of roots. The biochar treatment has no significant effect on all observed variables except for the number of fruits that have a significant effect. The treatment at different dosage levels was not significant, but the compost dose of 30 tons ha-1 tended to produce the highest fresh fruit weight 185.35 g which increased by 20.94% compared to the lowest yield without compost 153.26 g. The treatment of this type of biochar only had a significant effect on the number of chili fruit, namely coconut shell biochar which gave the highest value of 17.17 chilies and was significantly different from bamboo-based biochar which produced 15.00 chilies.

compost, biochar, red chili



The Effects of Polaron on the Transport Properties of Anatase TiO2
Annamaria Bupu and Muhammad Aziz Majidi

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Annamaria Bupu

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

Anatase TiO2 is one of the most attractive transition metal oxides due to its properties and its potential applications. However, transport properties of this material is still need to be explored. Recent experimental study on this materials shows that carrier concentrations and temperature affects the transport properties of anatase TiO2, but the mechanism that govern the properties have not been explained yet. Thus, in this work we present a theoretical study which investigates the transport properties of anatase TiO2 in order to model the previous experimental results. We hypothesize that electron-phonon coupling with intermediate coupling constant (large polaron) play a role on the transport properties of this material. We use Holstein model of electron-phonon interactions which then solve within Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT). In this model, we tune the electron-phonon coupling constant into a value that represent the large polaron then calculate the transport properties, that is, the temperature dependent resistivity of anatase TiO2.

anatase TiO2; large polaron; Holstein Model; DMFT



The Effects of Substrate on Enhancement of UV Emission of ZnO nanorods
Iwan Sugihartono(1), Amalia Dini Silmina(1), Riser Fahdiran(1), Isnaeni (2)

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Corresponding Author
Iwan Sugihartono

(1)Program Studi Fisika, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka No. 01, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
(2)Research Center for Physics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Banten 15314, Indonesia

We have synthesized ZnO nanorods by hydrothermal at 95 oC for two hours on different substrates ie glass, ZnO and ITO. Morphologically, the average diameter of ZnO nanorods on glass, ZnO, ITO are 117.6 um, 133 um, 98.4 um, respectively. According to international centre for diffraction data (ICDD) number 01 079 0207, the ZnO nanorods on all substrates possess a polycrystalline wurtzite structure. Optically, ZnO nanorods on a glass substrate have strongest excitonic related ultraviolet (UV) emission. Its predicted, the ZnO seed layer deposited on glass substrate has optimum crystal structure and suppress defects related visible emission.

ZnO nanorods, different substrate, polycrystalline wurtzite, UV emission

Material Science


The electrical characteristics, structure, and morphology of local mineral-based nanocomposites ceramic as an alcohol sensor
Hasniah Aliah (a*), Ryan Nur Iman (a), Asti Sawitri (a), Dani Gustaman Syarif (b), Andhy Setiawan (c), Wahyudin Darmalaksana (d), Adam Malik (e)

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Corresponding Author
Hasniah Aliah

a) Department of Physics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A H Nasution 105, Bandung 40614, Indonesia
b) Center for Applied Nuclear Science and Technology, BATAN, Jl. Taman Sari 71 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
c) Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
d)Center of Research, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution 105 Bandung 40164, Indonesia
e) Department of Physics Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A.H. Nasution 105 Bandung 40164, Indonesia

This report has been written based on research aimed to know electrical characterize, structure, and morphology of ceramic nanocomposites. Materials are used to consist of Indonesia local minerals are jarosite and manganite minerals as sources oxide iron, mangan, and oxide zinc is from commercial. The third materials were mixed by using precipitation method whereas the ceramic nanocomposite was fabricated by using a screen printing method and fired at 600 °C temperature with a furnace. Sample structure and morphology had been examined by using XRD and SEM respectively. The result of the characterization indicated that a sample was fabricated measured nanometer scale with three phases on diffraction peaks and had hexagonal-spinel structures. The sample also had high porosity. The electrical charracteristic of the sample was examined with an electrical tester had to function R-T in ambient and alcohol environments. Resistance value had been known in ambient and alcohol environments were different. The difference in resistance value indicated that a sample had a very different response in both of the environments. Nanometre size and high porosity of the sample were very supported to be processed gas adsorption. So, a sample had a high level of response. Therefore, nanocomposite ceramic had been fabricated potentially for application in the sensor field, especially as an alcohol gas sensor.

Nanocomposite, Jarosite, Manganite, Spinel, Alcohol gas sensor

Material Science


The Evaluation of EGovernment in Local Government of Indonesia
Gugun Geusan Akbar (a*), Dede Kurniadi (b), Ikeu Kania (a), Pupung Pundenswari (a)

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Corresponding Author
Gugun Geusan Akbar

a)Department of Public Administration, Universitas Garut, Jalan Raya Samarang 52A, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan. Mayor Samsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia

Currently, the industrial revolution 4.0 enforce everything to change, including the way government gives service to public. This research aims to evaluate the quality of local government website in order to give public service in Indonesia. The research method used is empirical studies with formulation model design using eGovqual attributes. It is used in order to analysed the quality of public service website of 27 Local Government in West Java Province as the highest population in Indonesia. The result of this research showed that most of the local government website is still weak in its functional, trust and ease of use. The assessment results showed detailed structural descriptions of what needs to be improved on the website to improve its usefulness. The suggestion is the expectation of this research that can help effective website development in order to improve public service quality.

EGovernment, Local Government, EGovqual

Computer Science


The Evaluation of Physical Qualities of Pellet ContainingIndigofera zollingeriana and Banana Hump that Fermented by Trichoderma harzianum
T. Rohayati,I. Hadist, M. Royani, M. Puspitasari Animal

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Corresponding Author
Tati Rohayati

Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang 52 A Garut, Indonesia, tatirohayati[at]

This study aims to determine the amount of Indigofera zollingerianaand banana hump that fermented byTrichoderma harzianumas a substitute for soybean meal and rice bran in ration on the physical qualities of pellets. The research method was experimental using a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern consisting of two factors and each five treatment andtwo replications. Experimental data were analyzed by analysis variance, then to find out the differences between treatments were analyzed by Duncans Multiple Range Test. The results showed that there was an interaction between the use of Indigofera zolingeriana and banana hump durability and density of pellet. The highest pellet durability was obtained by using 26% Indigofera zollingeriana and 1.25% banana hump, while the highest pellet density was obtained using 0% Indigofera zollingeriana and 1.25% banana hump.

Pellet, physic, durability, density



Neliyati Neliyati, Lizawati Lizawati, Zukarnain Zulkarnain*

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Corresponding Author
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

Faculty of Agriculture University of Jambi
Jl. Raya Jambi Muara Bulian KM 15, Mendalo Indah, Jambi, Indonesia
*Email: dr.zulkarnain[at]

The objective of this study was to develop an efficient protocol for sterilization of sprout explants in tissue culture of oil palm. Plant materials used were plumulae and radicle from sprouts of the D x P Sriwijaya variety obtained from Seed Processing Unit PT Binasawit Makmur, Palembang. The medium used was MS composition was supplemented with vitamins, myo-inositol and sucrose, and the pH was set at 5.8 pmfrac{-bpmsqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} 0.02 before being solidified with agar. Cultures were maintained under a light intensity of 1,500 lux and 16-hour photoperiod and temperature of 24 hingga 26 oC. Five protocols for the eradication of explant contamination were tested. i.e. There were 5 (five) different methods of explant sterilization employed, ie: A) explants were washed with sterile aquadest followed by soaking in 70% alcohol for 1 minute; B) explants were washed with sterile aquadest followed by soaking in 1% Benlox 50WP solution for 30 minutes, 1% Agrept 20WP for 30 minutes, and soaking in 70% alcohol for 5 minutes; C) explants were washed with sterile water plus detergent, followed by soaking in 1% Benlox 50WP plus few drops of Tween-80 for 30 minutes, soaking in 1% Agrept 20WP plus few drops of Tween-80 for 30 minutes, soaking in 70% alcohol for 5 minutes; D) explants were washed with sterile water plus detergent, followed by soaking in 0.1% HgCl2 solution for 30 minutes; and E) explants were washed with sterile water plus detergent, followed by soaking in 0.2% Dithane M-45 plus few drops of Tween-80 for 30 minutes, soaking in 1% NaOCl for 5 minutes, soaking in 0.1% HgCl2 plus few drops of Tween-80 for 30 minutes. The results showed that treating the explants with 0.1% HgCl2 for 30 minutes following 0.2% Dithane M-45 and 1% NaOCl applications was proven to be effective for the eradication of contamination.

oleaginous plant, in vitro culture, micropropagation, plant propagation



The Evaluation of Various Nutrient Formulation on The Growth of Lettuce in Hydroponic Raft System at Tropic Region
Budy Frasetya(a*), Ahmad Taofik(a), Maratun Sholehah(a)

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Corresponding Author
Budy Frasetya

a) Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jalan A. H. Nasution 105, Bandung 40614, Indonesia

Lettuce is leaf vegetable which consumes as a fresh vegetable. The quality is a crucial role in increasing the market price of lettuce. A large number of nutrient solution is sometimes confusing the farmer or grower which will they choose. The research objectives evaluate five nutrient formulation from local formulator and global formulator.. This reseach conduted in June to July 2018 at Greenhouse of Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor. The experimental design used in this research was completely randomized design with five treatments of nutrient formulation e.g., Sutiyoso (local formulator), Hoagland & Snyder, Hoagland, Shive & Robbins, and Resh Lettuce Anguila. The parameters of lettuce growth (plant height, leaves a number, leaf area, fresh weight of the plant, dry weight of the plant) observe and measure. The data of lettuce plant growth than analyzed with variance analysis &

tropic hydroponics, electrical conductivity, lettuce raft system, local formulation



The Experiment of Text And Number Combination Forecasting
Faisal Rahutomo, Muhamat Maariful Huda, Rosa Andrie Asmara, Awan Setiawan, Amalia Agung Septarina

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Muhamat Maariful Huda

State Polytechnic of Malang

In foreign exchange money trading, historical data are publicly available continuously. This historical data such as opening, highest, lowest, and closing rate are important variable to predict the future of rates movement. The available data is not only historical trading itself, but also from news release and expert analysis from expert trader. This kind of data contains text and number. This paper proposes in forecasting the rates by combining text and number data. The combination of text mining technique with several time series method i.e: simple moving average, weighted moving average and exponential moving average. Research period for this experiment is between 1st December 2018 and 31st January 2019. The currency pair are EURUSD, USDJPY and EURJPY. Forecasting results with some time series method were compared with combined time series forecasting method and naive bayes classifier. The experiment results show that combined time series method with naive bayes classifier delivered better accuracy level.


Computer Science


The explosive power limbs and targeting accuracy of his skills playing futsal at each university student Stkip Kusumanegara Jakarta, Indonesia.
Muhammad Iqbal1*, Moch Asmawi1, James Tangkudung1, Andarias Ginting1, Tri Bayu Norito1

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Muhammad Iqbal

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Abstract. Futsal at a glance similar to football. Likewise with variations when planning, when leading, shooting, and passing the ball. The choice is different between football and futsal which is located on a wide field between them. Broad futsal fields are much smaller than a soccer field. This research was carried out in the area of Kusuma Cijantung, East Jakarta, Jakarta. The research was conducted in March-April. The research in this study discusses the challenges with the explosive power of the members of the body and the target of the accuracy of the target to the ability to guide students in the fourth semester of futsal Kusuma Negara to get the data needed. The population in this study were STKIP Kusuma State Jakarta semester students with one hundred and twenty people. The part of this study is semester students of four thirty people in random. The results showed that in the first variable there was a relationship/significance of explosive limb muscle strength for futsal shooting skills. Translating both variables there is a relationship / strong determines the accuracy of the target. Variable shooting ability.

power limbs, targeting accuracy, skills playing futsal

Sport Science and Technology


The Fuzzy Mamdani Implementation to Predict Blood Stock Needs in Blood Transfusion Unit of Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) in Bandung District
Elis Ratna Wulan, Gitarja Sandi, Shahira, Muhammad Deden Firdaus, Yogi Saputra

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Corresponding Author
Elis Ratna Wulan

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Blood stock needs in blood transfusion unit of Palang Merah Indonesia in Bandung district are decreasing due to several things. To resolve this problem, a method to predict future blood stock needs is needed. With Fuzzy Mamdani method, the prediction results can be grouped into categories, those are stock in stock and fixed stock. Based on system testing and manual testing carried out in this study, it was found that Mamdani fuzy had a high enough level of accuracy of 88.88% to predict blood stock needs in Blood Transfusion Unit of Palang Merah Indonesia in Bandung district.

Fuzzy, mamdani, transfusion, blood, predictions, stock

Computer Science


The generator operating system automatically uses a Motorized Change Over Switch devices
Dewi Muliyati, Ibnu Umami, Dadan Sumardani

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Diah Ambarwulan

Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Mercu Buana

This system is carried out using 2 (two) power between the power of the PLN as the main power and the generator as a backup power. This system uses a power capacity for PLN of 30KVA and Genset power of 45KVA. This observation was carried out in the Clinical Laboratory of Prodia Sunter Barat. This system relies heavily on the important role of the Motorized Change Over Switch device, because with this device, the automatic transfer system can run properly without collisions when the backup power supply is being used and when the main power supplies returns. The results of observations on two power experiments between the power of the PLN and the power of the generator when there is a blackout at the PLN. Automatically the performance of Motorized Change Over Switch works has a range of pauses of 18 seconds to be able to power the Genset capable of taking on the role of PLN to back up the Prodia Sunter Laboratory Building, and when the PLN power returns the power is held for 30 seconds by a Motorized Change The Over Switch ensures that the main power of the PLN is reconnected.

generator operating system, Motorized Change Over Switch

Electrical Engineering


The Hybrid Binary Dragonfly: An Effective Algorithm to Minimize Carbon Emission on Flow Shop Scheduling With Dependent Set Up and Removal
Dana Marsetiya Utama (a*), Dian Setiya Widodo (b), Shanty Kusuma Dewi (a)

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Corresponding Author
Dana Marsetiya Utama

a) Departement Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Tlogomas No. 246, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
b) Vocation Faculty, University of 17 Agustus SurabayaJl. Semolowaru, Menur Pumpungan, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60118 East Java, Indonesia

Recently, the manufacturing sector produces the primary source of carbon emissions. Therefore, it must consider the environmental aspect and economic impacts. Carbon emissions have become one of some an essential indicator of the company-s. One of some way to minimize carbon emission is scheduling appropriately. This study aims to reduce carbon emission in the permutation flow shop scheduling problem (PFSP). This problem considers the sequence of dependent set up and removal. We developed the Hybrid Binary Dragonfly Algorithm (HBDA) to solve that issue. In the HBDA, we offered 10% search agent use NEH algorithm. NEH is one of the useful heuristic algorithms. In this study, we did some numerical experiments. It did explore the best algorithm parameter and algorithm effectiveness. Some popular algorithm compares algorithm HBDA. The results show, there is some scenario to decrease carbon emissions in several various problems. Moreover, The HBDA proved useful to reduce carbon emission compared to other algorithms.

Carbon Emission; Flow shop; Scheduling; Hybrid Binary Dragonfly; Metaheuristic

Industry Engineering


The I-V characteristcs of hydrothermal growth zno nanorods
Agus Setyo Budi, Ishak Yulia Sari, Ratno Nuryadi, Fauzi Bakri, Dewi Muliyati

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Agus Setyo Budi

Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

In this research, we analyze the conductivity properties of ZnO nanorods was grown by using a hydrothermal method. We use the I-V characteristics test to determine the conductivity properties. We apply voltage in the range of 1–30 volt. The result from the I-V characteristics shows that the greater value of the applied voltage produces a decrease of the resistance value. The resistance value obtained at a given voltage of 1 volt is 7.8 kOhm, while at a voltages of 30 volts is 0.5 kOhm. The I-V curve profile indicates that interface between ZnO nanorods and Au-electrode shows a Schottky barrier characteristics.

zno nanorods, i-v characteristics, hydrothermal nanorods

Material Science


The Impact of Brand Awareness and Perceived Quality on Smartphone Customer Loyalty
Hilmi Aulawi (a*), Novie Susanti Suseno (b)

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Hilmi Aulawi

a) Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Accounting, Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang 52A, Garut, Indonesia

Efforts to create customer loyalty are one of the critical factors for maintaining the sustainability of a company. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of brand awareness and perceived quality on smartphone customer loyalty. This study uses a mixed method of sequential explanatory. The stages of analysis begin with a quantitative approach then verified through a qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. Participants in this study were smartphone users in Garut district with a total of 200 people. The results showed that brand awareness and perceived quality did not have a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. The high level of competition in smartphone products encourages companies in the sector to carry out intensive promotion activities. This condition resulted in consumers getting a lot of information about the uniqueness and superiority of the various smartphone products offered, thus increasing their desire to try the performance of these products. The results of the study found that the ability of companies to innovate is the critical factors for maintaining customer loyalty in conditions of very tight competition.

brand awareness; perceived quality; customer loyalty; mix methods; innovation

Industry Engineering


The Impact of Classroom Condition to Learning Comfort in Student Design Model and Information Building Department Vocational High School 6 Bandung
Rositha Mujica, S.Pd(a), Adi Ardiansyah, S.Pd, M.T (b), Dra. RR. Tjahyani Busono, M.T(c)

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Rositha Mujica

Department of Architecture Education
Faculty of Vocational and Engineering Education,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research based by Engineering Drawing subjects which carried out in two different rooms so that have different learning comfort. Manual drawing studio was once a room for chemical laboratorium, judging from the physical condition of this drawing studio has less natural lighting so it requires additional or artificial lighting that comes from the lamps in the room. General classroom that should not be a place for practical learning such as engineering drawing subject is an option because the number of drawing studio is less. The study uses a quantitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Respondents from this study were class X Design Model and Information Building (DPIB) 3 and X DPIB 5 SMK 6 Bandung, amounting to 60 people. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation instruments. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that condition of the classroom can explain learning convenience by 63.9% in DPIB 3. The details of the class condition variables are 73.3%, mostly students feel good. Variable convenience of learning is 46.67%, mostly students feel comfortable. In DPIB 5, 34.6% of class conditions can affect learning comfort. The details of 43.3% of the mostly students in class condition variables feel bad. 46.67% of mostly students on comfort variable in learning feel uncomfortable.

architecture; education; thermal comfort; high school; learning



The Impact of Implementation of the e-Posyandu on the Performance of Posyandu Cadres
Erna Rustiana (a), Abdullah Ramdhani (a), Hedi Cupiadi (b*), Rira Nuradhawati (c)

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Hedi Cupiadi

a) Faculty of Social and Political Sciencies, Garut University, Jl. Samarang 52, Garut, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economy, Garut University, Jl. Samarang 52, Garut, Indonesia
(c) Faculty of Social and Political Sciencies, University of General Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman,
Cimahi, Indonesia
* hedi.cupiadi[at]

Posyandu activities have a role necessarily to support the public health services. In addition, Posyandu expected to further smoothly with the application of information systems posyandu (e-Posyandu) adaptability by a factor as one of the technological rapidly. The research purpose is to identify the effect of the implementation of the e-Posyandu on improving the performance of Posyandu cadres. This research uses a descriptive and associative method, with the sample of 96 cadres by the data collecting technique uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. The processing data uses validity and reliability test have the results of the correlation value above 0.50 so that all indicators are valid. The data analysis technique uses simple linear regression. The results showed that e-Posyandu had a significant effect on the performance of cadres. So, the application of e-Posyandu very helpful the performance of Posyandu cadres in the process of public health services.

Information Systems, e-Posyandu, Performance.

Management Science


The implementation of the Depth-First Search algorithm on learning computer assembly 3D simulations in vocational education.
Yana Aditia Gerhana (a), Undang Syaripudin (a), Agit Trinadi (a)

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Yana Aditia Gerhana

a) Departement of Informatics Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Games and simulations have become one of the most effective learning models. This study aims to implement the Depth-first Search Algorithm on computer assembly 3D simulation learning models. The development framework uses Luthers multimedia development model. The object of this study were 40 vocational education teachers in West Java. Technology acceptance model (TAM) is used as a framework for measuring teacher acceptance of the learning model developed. The measurement results, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has a significant effect on Perceived Usefulness (PU) of 70.2%, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) have a significant effect on Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) of 82.5% , Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) significantly influence Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) of 81.6%. Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) of 80.2%.

Learning Media, simulation, Depth-First Search, TAM

Computer Science


The Implementations of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in Research Topics Classification in Information Engineering Departement of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Deny Fauzy (a*), Muhammad Indra Nurardy Saputra (a), Ridwan Abdul Hakim (a), Popon Dauni (a), Muhammad Deden Firdaus (a)

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Deny Fauzy Rakhman

a) Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung

The fast growth and a large number of electronic documents stored in the university library or Department repositories such as thesis, research report, etc., now available in digital version. With automatic process in grouping the thesis title, it can help the policy holder like the head of department. In this case we are using fuzzy c-means algorithm that can classify the data in clusters, so the data in that cluster has a high-level accuracy each other. In the application there is the text mining method which is the developed data mining method that can be applied to solve the thesis or research report classification problem. The result is the web application that can classify the thesis or research report data with 98% accuracy. The result is the given accuracy based on the fuzzy c-means algorithm on the system.

Fuzzy C-Means; Cluster; Web Services; Text Mining

Information Engineering


The Influence of Acid and Base Solutions on the QUENCHING Process Against the Hardness of ST37 Steel
Ali Akbar(1*), Rachmat Firdaus(2), Mulyadi(3)

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(1,2,3) Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Previous research stated that salt water cooling media has higher hardness value after going through the heat treatment process compared to freshwater cooling media. From this explanation, a study was conducted on the effect of using acid and alkaline solutions in the quenching process against the hardness of ST37 steel. This study uses vinegar water cooling media and soapy water. In this study several steps were carried out, namely: hardening on ST37 steel with a heating temperature of 700ºC with a holding time of 15 minutes, direct quenching with acidic cooling media (vinegar: 2.4 pH) and alkaline solution (soap water: 9.3 pH ) with a 15 minute holding time. After the heat treatment process and direct quenching on ST37 steel, Rockwell hardness was tested. From the test results, the use of acid and base solution cooling media in the quenching process has an effect on the hardness of ST37 steel, the best hardness value is an alkaline solution compared to an acid solution, alkaline solution has a hard value of 66.73 HRC, while acid solution has a hardness value of 64.31 HRC .

ST37 steel, acid solution, alkaline solution, quenching, hardness.

Mechanical Engineering


The Influence of Creative Industry Development on Family Economic Resource Management in the Land Area of Cosmetic Plant Nursery
Sitti Nursetiawati* (a), Dian Pertiwi Josua (b)

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Sitti Nursetiawati

a) State the University of Jakarta, Faculty of Engineering, Cosmetology Education, East Jakarta, Rawamangun 13220
b) Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Human Ecology, Family and Child Development Studies, West Java, Bogor, Dramaga, 16680

The agricultural potential in Indonesia with its vast area and abundant natural resources is quite strategic for the development of cosmetics plants. In addition to the region, creativity in economic activities can reduce poverty and minimize the desire of farmers to switch professions in other fields. This research was conducted to see the influence of the development of the creative economy in rural areas in two different regions, with a total of 68 farmer families; 34 people of vetiver grass farmers in the Pamagarsari village of Bogor and 34 for farmers in the Cisarua Bogor tea plantation. The research was conducted through quantitative and qualitative techniques. Qualitative research was conducted by interview using UNESCOs indicators of Culture and Creative Industries in agriculture. While quantitative techniques are measured through the Family Inventory of Resources for Management (FIRM) questionnaire. The results of different tests stated that there were no significant differences regarding the management of family economic resources carried out in two agricultural and plantation areas. While the influence test analysis states, the development of creative industries influence the management of economic resources of farmer families in the field of nursery for cosmetic plants.

Management of family economic resources, agricultural creative industries, cosmetics

Management Science


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