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International Conference on Economics, Business and Economic Education Science (ICEBEES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Semarang |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 209) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Mukhammad Yogiantoro (a), Diah Komariah (b), Irawan (c)

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Mukhammad Yogiantoro

Post Graduate Program, Economics Master Study, Palangka Raya University
a. myogiantoro[at],
b. diah_35[at],
c. irawan60[at]

Every citizen has the right to get education with the aim of educating the nations life as mandated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution. This study aims to determine the efficiency of education funding both from the APBN and the APBD purely in relation to increasing HDI and educational performance. The study uses influence analysis with multiple regression and descriptive quantitative research, with 3 variables, namely the large variable education funding from APBD and APBN, Education Performance and Human Development Index. The sample selection method used was purposive sampling, namely in Districts / Cities in Central Kalimantan in the Period of 2015 - 2017. Research resulted in a relationship between education funding and HDI, Education and Performance Funds for Education and HDI and Educational Performance. Educational performance in this case is measured by teacher qualifications, teacher certification, educational ratios (Teachers: Students and Classes: Students), facilities and infrastructures physical condition, Gross Participation Rate (APK), Pure Participation Rate (APM), and Dropout Numbers.

Education Fund; Human Development Index; Educational Performance; Central Kalimantan



Effect of Light Assets and Capital Structure on Firm Value
Oman Sukirman (a*)

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Oman Sukirman

a) Catering Industry Management, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
* oman[at]

Good corporate value is the main goal of the companys financial management. Financial managers need to consider many factors that influence company value. An important factor that needs to be regulated properly is the capital structure because this is the foundation of the company. The condition of the capital structure greatly influences the sustainability of a company. The financial manager is obliged to maintain the stability and condition of a good capital structure with a choice of capital from internal or external sources. Another important factor affecting company value is the structure of the companys assets. Within the companys assets there are assets that greatly determine the value of the company, namely asset light. The purpose of this study is to obtain evidence of whether asset light and capital structure have an influence on firm value. The researcher used secondary data in the form of company financial reports on Tourism, Hotels and Restaurants sub-sectors obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The researcher used a sample of 17 companies selected by purposive sampling. Descriptive and verification analysis is carried out using eVIEWS 9 software, using panel data, which is a combination of time series data and cross section data. The findings obtained from the results of this study are the presence of the effect of asset light and capital structure on firm value.

Light Asset; Capital Structure; Corporate Value; Tourism; Hotels; Restaurants; Indonesia Stock Exchange



Faisal Amrulloh (a) Grace Tianna Solovida (b)

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grace tianna solovida

(a) (b) STIE Bank BPD Jateng

Transformational leadership style and management control systems can influence the companys management strategy to ensure the sustainability of the company. The management control system used in this study is the use of a comprehensive performance measurement system and the use of broad scope accounting information. Information generated from these two management control systems is used to evaluate performance and motivate subordinates and is used to improve managerial decision making. The purpose of this study was to find out and provide empirical evidence of the effect of transformational leadership style and management control systems on managerial performance through two management control system designs, namely the use of a comprehensive performance measurement system and the use of broad scope accounting information. The object of this research is the division manager or head of the branch of the bus and travel transportation company in the city of Semarang. The number of samples from this study amounted to 35 companies with details of 17 bus transportation companies and 18 travel transportation companies. Data collection in this study was conducted using a questionnaire and SmartPLS was used as a data analysis tool. The results of this study indicate that transformational leadership style has a positive effect on managerial performance through intermediary variables, namely the use of a comprehensive performance measurement system and the use of broad scope accounting information.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership Style, Use of ComprehensivePerformance Measurement Systems, Use of Broad Scope Accounting Information, Managerial Performance



Cyrillus Hugo Kristantyo and Ignatius Aryono Putranto

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Ignatius Aryono Putranto

Accounting Department, Economic Faculty, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta

In this fourth industry revolution era, there are so many technologies that enable people to do their activities easily. The aim of this research was to investigate factors that influenced people to use one of technology around us, electronic ticketing system. This research uses as the indicators from Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model which developed by Venkatesh et al (2003). The indicators used in this research were use behavior, behavioral intention, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. This research used 5-Likert scale questionnaire and there are 218 respondents who are responds to this questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). he result of this research shows that performance expectancy influence behavioral intention on using electronic ticketing system. Effort expectancy also influences behavioral intention on using electronic ticketing system. Meanwhile, social influence indicator does not influence behavioral intention on using electronic ticketing system. Facilitating condition indicator influence use behavior on using electronic ticketing system, and behavioral intention itself does not influence use behavior on using electronic ticketing system.

behavioral intention; effort expectancy; facilitating condition; online ticketing; perofrmance expectancy; social influence; use behavior; UTAUT



Empowering of Small, Micro and Cooperatives Business Enterprise (SMCEs) on Base Agribusiness to Face ASEAN Market: Survey at SMCEs Malang, Indonesia
Benny Hutahayan

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Benny Hutahayan

Brawijaya University

This study aim to analyze the Empowering of Small, Micro and Cooperatives Business Enterprise(SMCEs) on the base Agribusiness in Facing Asean Economic Community (AEC). Population in research is all SMCEs under develop on Board of Cooperative, Industry and Commerceof three areas, North-East, Central, and South-West Malangbeing based on Agribusiness. Sample was done of the trained and developed about management of is effort; administration, accountancy, marketing and exploiting of various facility of is inclusive of information technology that is as much 60 SMCEs.Analyze conducted by regression of variable supporting power of SMCEs. The study result show that variables identified in model to progress of effort SMCEs equal to 0,66%. While if seen from level of influence relative minimize, that is only equal to 0,44%. Its Small cause is the influence possibility of progress variables of effort, with the indicator only mount the advantage and satisfaction in trying to represent the small shares from progress variables of is effort very macro. But that way result of this study represent the step of early good in comprehending by real is condition faced by SMCEs in Malang. In addressing this condition SMECs anywhere including in Malang require attention was more serious in order to organize further about their performance in the face of this global issue. Otherwise SMECs would lose in global competition, which grew rapidly in the future.

SMCEs Agrobusiness, AEC



Environmental Quality and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia
Amin Pujiati, Shanty Oktavilia*, Nadia Damayanti

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Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
L1 Building 1st Floor, Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang City Central Java Province, Indonesia

This study aims to explore economic conditions towards environmental quality, before and after the policy of regional autonomy in Indonesia. This paper analyzed by using regression, the influence of per capita income, gross domestic product (GDP) in the agricultural, industrial and manufacturing sectors on the quality of the environment in Indonesia for the period 1960-2016. The study uses time series data derived from the publication of world bank key indicators and dummy policy variables before and after regional autonomy, namely the value of 0 before 2001 and the value of 1 after 2001. The results of the study state that per capita income, GDP in the industrial sector and GDP of the manufacturing sector negatively affect the quality of the environment, while the GDP of the agricultural sector has a positive effect on the quality of the environment in Indonesia. The regression of the result of policy variable shows the difference in environmental quality in Indonesia, pre and post-regional implementation of autonomy in Indonesia.

environmental quality, regional autonomy, GDP, regression

Sustainable development


Rediawan Miharja (a*), Umi Kaltum (b), Ina Primiana (c) Vita Sarasi (d)

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Corresponding Author
Rediawan Miharja

a) Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.8, Bandung 40115, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung 40115, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung 40115, Indonesia
d) Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, Bandung 40115, Indonesia

The important role of SMEs in the national economy, the development of the current era, namely industry 4.0, requires businesses to continue to be able to innovate, especially in technology and operations including the supply chain SMEs, so it needs encouragement from various groups including academics how to make conceptual material into policy or decisions for actors and stakeholders. The perpetrator of the SME Borondong Industry is one that must be supported because it is a traditional cultural heritage which is also a superior product in West Java so that it is expected to improve the economy. Along with the growing awareness of SMEs on technology, because it is facing the millennial era, it is an opportunity for researchers to provide conceptual treats so that they can be useful for the actors of Borondong Industry SMEs. There are a number of problems that have been borne by this bourgeois SMEs, one of which is the absence of a concept that describes the condition of the supply chain of the SME industry. The aim of this study focuses on issues regarding the Borondong SME supply chain, exploring the areas that need to be improved and assessing how the supply chain performs. The research method used is descriptive with the approach of the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR). The findings are a general description of the supply chain in the Borondong Industry SMEs.

Supply Chain, SMEs, SCOR



Examining Competitive Advantage and Business Performance in the Creative Industry
Amie Kusumawardhani (a*), Diah Vera Bakti Suryajana (b)

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Amie Kusumawardhani

(a) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro
(b) Master of Management Program Study, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro

Creative industry relies heavily on expertise, talent and creativity. This study aims to examine competitive advantage and performance of the creative industry in Semarang, Indonesia, through market orientation, learning orientation, and intellectual capital. Data were collected from 114 firms in the creative industry in Semarang. The framework model proposed was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings of the study reveals that firm performance is positively influenced by market orientation and learning orientation, while the same effect for intellectual capital on firm performance is not found in this study. Interestingly, the study shows that intellectual capital might influence firm performance through competitive advantage. Managerial implications based on previous analysis are provided to owners and/or managers of the creative industry in order to enhance their firm performance.

creative industry, market orientation, learning orientation, intellectual capital, competitive advantage, firm performance



Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory on Mileniall Consumer Behavior in Retail Store
Sispa Nuradiana, Nurdin Sobari

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Sispa Nuradiana

Master of Management, University of Indonesia
Prof. Wahjudi Prakarsa Building, Salemba Raya 4 Street, Central Jakarta 10430

Millennial generation is a potential generation for industry, yet they are quite challenging because of their critical attitude and low brand loyalty. Recently, retail stores have noticed the consumers- shopping journey, especially the millennial generation who pay attention to the process of their shopping journey. As a low-involvement product, this type of product is more often sought by consumers in retail stores, hence consumers more often experience the low-involvement product shopping journey compared to the high-involvement products. However, there is little literature that describes millennial consumer behavior in low-involvement products. This study aims to analyze how millennial behavior in the searching process and confirmation of search behavior can affect consumer output and satisfaction during the shopping trips. This research is a cross sectional study by conducting multiple regression in hypothesis analysis. The regression results show that performance mediates the relationship between search expectations and search disconfirmations, and disconfirmation mediates the relationship of performance with output of consumer search behavior (satisfaction, regret, and spread of WOM). However, the regression results do not show search disconfirmation as a mediator between the performance and hedonic value, utility value, and respondents- choice confidence.

Retail Search, Search Disconfirmation, Consumer Searching Behavior



Bayu Wiratama, Ida Maftukhah, Nia Oktaviani

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Bayu Wiratama

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Customer loyalty in tourism sector is related to the willingness of tourists to be loyal and to revisit in the future. There are many factors affecting customer loyalty such as experiential marketing, facility, accessibility dan perceived value. However there are several research claiming otherwise. The aim of this research is to examine the direct and indirect effect of experiential marketing, facility, and accessibility on customer loyalty with perceived value as intervening variable. The population of this research is the tourists of Umbul Ponggok tourist object in Klaten Regency.The sample used is 116 respondents by purposive sampling. The data collecting method is using questionnaires analyzed by path analysis which uses variables of experiential marketing, facility, accessibility, perceived value, and customer loyalty.

experiential marketing, facility, accessibility, perceived value, customer loyalty



Factors Affecting Repurchase Intention on Mobile Shopping Application
Nadia Afira (a*), Elevita Yuliati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nadia Afira

a) Magister Management, University of Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya No. 4, Jakarta, Indonesia

Mobile apps have become a game changer in retail business. Consumers can shop anything through their smartphones anytime and anywhere. In Indonesia, various of online marketplaces such Tokopedia, Lazada, and Shopee have emerged giving customers many options to shop and they tend to switch channel easily to another shopping apps. This study tested a conceptual model describing the relationships among Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), flow, mobile irritation, attitude towards mobile shopping apps and intention to repurchase through mobile apps. The sample of this research is consumers who have experienced online shopping using mobile shopping apps. The data were collected from 181 respondents via online questionnaire survey. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for data analysis using AMOS version 22. The results show that perceived usefulness is significantly has a positive impact to flow while perceived ease of use is not significantly related to flow. Flow is positively related to attitude. In the contrary, mobile irritation has a negative impact to attitude. In addition, the results indicated that attitude is one of the main predictors of consumers repurchase intention and has a greater impact than the direct relation of perceived usefulness to repurchase intention. This study extends the research scope of mobile shopping behavior and provided implications for mobile app retailing.

Perceived Ease of Use;Perceived Usefulness; Flow; Mobile Irritation; Repurchase Intention



Factors Analysis That Affecting The Intention to Use Digital Payment (Case Study on OVO Users in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi)
Wahyu Indar Rachmawati (a*), Budi Rustandi Kartawinata (b), Candra Wijayangka (c), Imanuddin Hasbi (d)

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Wahyu Indar Rachmawati

a) Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Jl. Telekomunikasi, Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No.01, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Bandung 40257, Indonesia

Transaction activities have evolved from cash payments to non-cash payments. The digital payment is a method of payment made using electronic media. Payments can be made through short message service, mobile banking, internet banking, e-money, or e-wallet. This study shows how response of OVO users in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) to the intention of use digital payments which have become a trend in carrying out transactions of anything practically. This research uses quantitative methods. The research data was obtained through the distribution of google docs online questionnaires which were shared through social media. The sample of this study is OVO users in Jabodetabek with a total of 200 respondents with a percentage of 76% having experience of using e-wallet services. The results showed that the Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Perceived Security factors were significantly affecting the intention to use digital payment (OVO) in Jabodetabek. While the Social Influence and Culture factors do not affect significantly the intention to use digital payment (OVO) in Jabodetabek.

Digital Payment; Performance Expectancy; Effort Expectancy; Perceived Security



Factors Influencing Customers Acceptance of Using the QR Code Feature in Offline Merchants for Generation Z in Bandung (Extended UTAUT2)
Aulia Tiara Imani; Achmad Herlanto Anggono

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Aulia Tiara Imani

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Mobile payment services is happening in Indonesia are shifting to support the cashless society future supported by the many tech-savvy consumers in Indonesia. The leading mobile payment players, namely Go-Pay, OVO, DANA, LinkAja, etc. began to expand their target market network by adding the QR Code feature to perform transactions in offline merchants. With the offering transactions of cashbacks, the consumer will more likely to adopt the QR Code because the promotion can only be obtained by making offline transactions at several affiliated merchants. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that can influence the behavioral intention and the actual usage for using the QR Code feature in mobile payment to perform transactions in offline merchants. This study will also identify the extent to which the actual usage of the QR Code feature can contribute to the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT), starting from the scope of generation Z in Bandung. This study will be conducted by using Extended UTAUT2 with nine independent variables of Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC), Hedonic Motivation (HM), Price Value (PV), Habit (HT), Trust (T), and Perceived Risk (PR). These variables will be tested to the Behavioral Intention (BI) and also Actual Use (AU). The result indicates that the Habit is the most significant factors to influence Behavioral Intention. While the others, namely Behavioral Intention, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, and Performance Expectancy influence to Actual Usage and Behavioral Intention.

Mobile payment; QR Code in Offline Merchants; Generation Z; Extended UTAUT2



Financial analysis of airlines as air cargo terminal operator (The Case of Airline in Indonesia)
Raniyah, Dony Abdul Chalid

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Raniyah M

Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

This study aims to assess and evaluate the business model of airlines as an air cargo terminal operator. Correspondingly, to analyze the business model, the airline is run as an air cargo terminal operator on its own compared to if the cargo services outsourced to other parties at the terminal. This research uses a case study approach. The airline that will be the object of the study is the only one of the airlines in Indonesia that operates as non-integrated cargo services and manages air cargo terminal service. The analysis will conduct by performing financial analysis and comparative study analysis. After that, scenario analysis will lead and decided the priority of air cargo business. The result is when the company decides to outsource the business to the other party is better than if they run by themselves. From scenario analysis results, it shows that all the scenarios of the outsourced still better compared to if they run their business by themselves. The implications obtained from the research are the airlines will get cost efficiency, share the risk in irregularities, and widen the business opportunities through the other parties.

Air Cargo, Terminal Operator, Financial Analysis, Warehouse Revenue, Comparative Study

Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)


Financial Literacy of The Banking Sector in Micro and Small Business in Semarang City
Karsinah, Nurjannah Rahayu Kistanti, Phany Ineke Putri

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Karsinah Karsinah

Economy Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang

The purposes of this research are to analyze the characteristics and financial literacy of MSMEs in Semarang. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study were small micro businesses and small businesses in the city of Semarang. The level of financial literacy in Semarang by giving questions as many as 28 questions taken and modified from Chen and Volpe. The results showed that 79% of MSMEs literacy in Semarang was in the medium category, 18% low and 3% high. If viewed further on the financial literacy of MSMEs, it is divided into 4 aspects, they are personal finance knowledge, savings and debts, Invesments and insurance aspects. The average MSMEs for general knowledge of personal finance in the medium category was 76.60%, the savings and debts dimension medium category 81.91%, the investment aspect was the medium category 45.74% and the low category 59.57% of MSMEs financial literacy for insurance. This shows that the financial literacy level of SMEs in Semarang still needs to be improved in order to be able to compete and improve business.

literacy, financial, banking, micro and small business



Financial Mmanagement and Analysis of Strawberry Cultivation
Oman Sukirman (a*)

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Oman Sukirman

a) Catering Industry Management, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
* oman[at]

Strawberry cultivation in Bandung Regency has long been carried out by people from small to large scale. In general, planting strawberries by the community is done in open land, hilly and rocky using media polybags. Although not all can survive in strawberry cultivation, but this cultivation is very beneficial if done well and correctly. The biggest cost in this business is labor costs. Then the other costs are the cost of the means of production and investment / land rent. This business is a capital intensive business, so good financial management is needed in its business activities. Management also needs partnerships ranging from the level of supply of tools, materials, production, to marketing problems. This study aims to apply the field of financial management in helping strawberry farmers in their financial management. The method used in this activity is a financial management experiment in the cultivation of strawberries. Financial planning, implementation and evaluation are based on activities carried out by strawberry farmers in their business activities. This activity is able to provide good learning about financial management in strawberry cultivation and produce an analysis of strawberry cultivation in the form of financial ratios.

Cultivation; strawberry; business analysis; trial; financial management



Financial Performance of Regional Government Revenue Growth in Central Java Province Indonesia
Asrori, Juliatun Nur Hasanah and Muhammad Ihlasul Amal

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Asrori Asrori

Universitas Negeri Semarang

The most important financial performance of the regional government can be measured by the ratio of annual revenue growth. This study aims to examine the effect of autonomy and operating performance on the financial performance of regional government revenue growth with budget effectiveness as an intervening variable. The unit of analysis of this study includes the financial statements of 29 regency governments and 6 cities in Central Java Province, Indonesia for three periods from 2015 to 2017. The results of this study indicate that autonomy and operating performance have a positive effect on financial performance of district government revenue growth /city. This study provides empirical support for the implementation of the new public management theory to improve the financial performance of district / city governments, especially in growing regional income. However, the results show that the effectiveness of the budget is not able to mediate an increase in the influence of autonomy and operating performance on the financial performance of the growth of district / city government revenues. It is recommended that the effectiveness of the district / city government budget be improved.

autonomy, operating performance, budget effectiveness and regional revenue growth.



Fiscal Policy Behaviour in ASEAN: Countercyclical or Procyclical?
Raisa Fitriaini

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Raisa Fitriaini

Center for Economic Studies, Parahyangan Catholic University

Fiscal policy is a policy imposed by the government to influence economic activity in the real sector through expenditure and revenue. Fiscal policy help in smoothing business cycle fluctuations (boom or recession) makes it a potential tool for economic stabilization. Referring to the theory, fiscal policy should have a countercyclical behaviour. Vice versa, many evidence shows if the behaviour of fiscal policy diverse among countries. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find the fiscal policy behaviour in ASEAN (2001-2018) using the Panel Least Square analysis tool. The estimation results show that the behaviour of fiscal policy in ASEAN are countercyclical for government revenue and fiscal balance approach, whereas government expenditure approach is procyclical.

Fiscal policy; fiscal policy behaviour; countercyclical; and procyclical



Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Southeast Asia Countries: A Panel Data Regression Analysis
Al Muizzuddin Fazaalloh

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Al Muizzuddin Fazaalloh

Brawijaya University

This paper examines the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) to economic growth and domestic investment in 6 Southeast Asia countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, and Laos) over the period 2000-2017. Using panel data regression analysis with panels corrected standard errors (PCSEs) approach, we find that FDI has a significant positive effect on economic growth. In addition, the interaction effect of FDI and education shows a significant negative effect. Meanwhile, the interaction effect of FDI and financial development indicates an insignificant effect. These results imply that education and financial development may not be a good channel for FDI in boosting economic growth.

FDI, economic growth, Southeast Asia, panel data regression



Fund-Flow and Performance of Islamic And Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia
Tanellia Soraya Nursyafitrie (a), Irwan Adi Ekaputra (b)

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Tanellia Nursyafitrie

Jalan Salemba Raya 4
Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

Islamic mutual funds emerged in Indonesia in 1997 and became a favourite investment instrument for investors. Islamic mutual funds have a rapid growth in TNA of 285.40% from 2013 to 2018 which is superior to conventional mutual funds with a growth of only 157.17% in the same period. Islamic mutual funds are also growing rapidly in countries with Muslim populations and countries that have advanced Islamic financial systems, also able to outperform conventional mutual funds and its benchmarks. In the Indonesian market, despite the majority of populations are Muslim, Islamic mutual funds do not have a better performance than conventional mutual funds. This study also discusses the associations between the fund-flow and the performance of conventional and Islamic stocks and mixed funds. Evidence suggests that in the Indonesian market, the fund-flow and performance are negative and convex positive.

Islamic mutual funds, fund performance, fund flow



Good Village Governance: Internal Control Model of Village Funds Management
Nurdian Susilowati, Amir Mahmud, Ratieh Widhiastuti, Wisudani Rahmaningtyas

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Nurdian Susilowati

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang

This study aims to identify the activities and construct an internal control model of village funds management based on the Regulation of Ministry of Home Affairs No. 20 of 2018. The internal control model can be used to actualize good village governance. This study attempts to conduct in-depth interview to village officials and observation in Jambu District, Semarang. Based on the results of this study, the village funds management defines the activities as follows (a) preparing the budget plan based on the programs set in Village Government Budget (APBDes) proposed as development, government, empowerment, and social activities, (b) carrying out the activities, (c) accountability, and (d) evaluation. Further, the fundamental components of internal control are control environment as the integrity and the ethics of village officials, the leadership of village head, and the accountability. When village officials possess a strong integrity and ethics, frauds can be minimized. In the other hand, the financial statement is accountable. Besides, the democratic leadership of village head can increase the accountability and communication so that the policy can be implemented properly as the objectives proposed. Furthermore, it is important to explore the role of society in internal control system of village funds management.

internal control, village funds management, good village governance



Government Spending, Gross Domestic Product, Human Development Index (Evidence from East Java Province)
Farida Rahmawati (*), Meirna Nur Intan

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Farida Rahmawati

Universitas Negeri Malang

Government spending is expected to improve the Human Development Index (HDI) in order to increase public welfare. Theoretically, if the number of government expenditure is increasing then the Human Development Index (HDI) will be higher as well. Based on earlier research, it was found few differences about the result of influence Government spending to Human Index. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of government spending and Gross Domestic Product to the Human Development Index of East Java Province (during 2014-2017). The research method using descriptive quantitative approach. Local government expenditures were analyzed by direct local government spending by looking at three aspects namely employees expenditure, spending on goods and services, and capital expenditures. Whereas, for the GDP per capita income is analyzed based on three aspects: production, income, and expenditure. Then the human development index to see the effects of these two variables based on three dimensions that exist in the human development index healthiness dimensions, dimensions of knowledge, and economic dimensions. The results showed that the local government spending income and the GDP per capita income has a significant effect on the human development index. Government spending has a significant influence on the educational dimension, while GDP per capita has a significant effect on the purchasing power of people thus affecting the economic dimension.

Government spending, Gross Domestic Product, Human Development Index



Lita Citra Dewi and Ida Maftukhah

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Lita Citra Dewi

Economics Faculty Universitas Negeri Semarang

Indonesia is super power country in the field of culture (The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural-UNESCO). Culture can be way for the governments to improve the economy and reduce the gab in the industrial revolution 4.0. Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 2017 about promoting culture provides a platform for cultural development. In 2017 there were 141,732 people or equivalent with 11.38% belonging to the poor population, its means that there is 393,817 per capita per month in the poverty line in Pati. One of things that can help the economy is from the cultural sector, one of which is through the Ketoprak Cilik in Kudur village became the most influential Ketoprak Cilik in Pati, even this Ketoprak of Dalang Bowo Asmoro-s care had scented Pati district in an international art performance in Borobudur ( This Kotoprak Cilik show still requires innovation related to industrial management, such as training and schedule management (Bowo Asmoro, 2019). Ketoprak Cilik consist of elementary and junior high school students. The training is held every Saturday and Monday at Kudur Village Hall. The Kudur Village office is equipped with a broad set of gamelan and stage areas that are useful for practicing Ketoprak Cilik performances. Ketopra Cilik as a Cultural is used to instill the spirit of love of local culture to the younger generation, this is a concrete step that encourages local people to jointly build the character of the young generation through culture. The results of the small ketoprak staging will be put into the village treasury to later help the communitys economy. With this can encourage the emergence of cultural economic collaboration in the village of Kudur-Pati. This study uses qualitative methods with interviews and references from various trusted sources. This paper examines more deeply how culture plays a role in improving the economy of the community and forming the character of Indonesias young generation.

Technology, Ketoprak Cilik, Economics

Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)


How Do School Facilities Affect School Quality? Case Study in Vocational High School at Pati, Indonesia
Eka Tiara Octavia, Ismiyati, and Mar-atus Sholikah

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Ismiyati Ismiyati

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Student of Postgraduate Program, PPS Yogyakarta State University

The study aims to determine about how does school facilities affect school quality at vocational high school in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia. The approach and methods used in the study was evaluation research using a discrepancy model. The data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Meanwhile, the analysis used interactive model by Milles and Huberman. The results showed that the school facility at vocational high school in Pati is up to standard of Regulation of National Education Minister Number 40 Year 2008. The value of school infrastructure is 72.5% or adequate category, while school facility is 84.3% or adequate category. School facilities become one of the factors in supporting student learning achievement and teacher performance. Therefore, learning achievements can be improved through improved the school facilities. Thus, it is able to improve the school quality.

school facilities, discrepancy model, school quality, learning achievement

Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)


Puji Novita Sari, Susmy Lianingsih, Yulia Sandra Sari

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Puji Novita Sari

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Kampung Marketer is an organization that empowers people in the field of digital marketing such as customer service, advertiser, content writer, and social media admin. The people who have been empowered will be connected to business people to market their product online. This paper attempts to bring forward the idea of exploring the socio-economic impact from the Kampung Marketer in Karangmoncol sub-district, Purbalingga Regency. Research method in this study used descriptive research design with quantitative approach. The population of this study were 437 people empowered by Kampung Marketer. Samples were determined using Slovin formula with a significance value of 0.05, so that a sample of 209 was obtained. Data for the study were collected through questionnaire. The results show that, there are positive impact of Kampung Marketer on the socio-economic conditions of the community such as, (1) Kampung Marketer was successful to empower young people aged 20-25 years by 52%. (2) Kampung Marketer also able to reduce the flow of urbanization, with 40.5% of the background working in the factory, and now many young people choose to work in Kampung Marketer. (3) Kampung Marketer has also provided employment opportunities for people who do not continue to high education and disadvantaged communities, it is noted that only about 10% of the empowered community has a background in college. The remaining 77% only go to high school and equivalent. (4) The existence of Kampung Marketer make people have a decent income. About 56% of the community has an income of Rp1,000,000 to Rp.2,000,000. (5) Kampung Marketer also has an impact on awareness of education, that around 48% of people have a high education awareness.

Kampung Marketer, Social Entrepreneurship, Socio-Economy Condition



How to Improve The Effectiveness of School Archives Management In The Industrial Revolution Era 4.0?
Nina Oktarina, Joko Widodo, Murwatiningsih, Edy Suryanto

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Nina Oktarina

Universitas Negeri Semarang

The industrial revolution era 4.0 has an impact on all aspects of life including aspects of school administration management. Fast and accurate information needs in education require schools to integrate ICT in archives management. This study aims to describe and analyze the effectiveness of school records management. This research is a qualitative. The object of this research is senior high school in Semarang city. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study showed that school archives management has not been effective. It is caused by the lack of ability of archives management officers, inadequate archival infrastructure and the school does not have standards operational procedure for school archives management.

Effectiveness; Management;Archives; Industrial revolution 4.0

Economics Education (Accounting, Cooperative and Office Administration Education)


HOW TO MEASURE PROSPECT THEORY IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE (An empirical study from Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery)
Andi Fauziah (a), Budi Purwanto (b), Wita Juwita Ermawati (c)

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Andi Fauziah

a) Graduate Student of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
b,c) Lecturer of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)

This paper investigates whether the prospect theory exists in the decision making of individual investor investment decision using the value function of cumulative prospect theory proposed by Tversky and Kahneman (1992). Firstly, ward method is used to separate the respondents. Investors type respondents are separated from the traders type, assuming that the investor is more unaffected to the daily closing price change. The next analysis is only focusing on the traders type respondents. Each traders decision is grouping on a binary scale with the decision to sell or hold the stock. After that, logistics regression is used to mapping the probabilities of each traders decision on each buying price base return. The probabilities from logistics regression then multiplied by the buying price base return resulting in a value function that is subsequently used in nonlinear regression. The results show a contrary curve from prospect theory hypothetical value function. Traders from Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery show a convex curve on a profit condition and a concave curve on the loss condition. This research contributed to the development of quantitative methods in testing the prospects theory on stock transactions.

Buying price base return; Logistics regression; Nonlinear regression; Prospects theory; Ward method



Human Resource Management Evaluation Program of the Indonesian Navy Supply Officer
Diki Atriana (a) Billy Tunas (b) Tuty Sariwulan (b)

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diki atriana

(a) Postgraduate student of UNJ (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220
(b) Faculty of Management of UNJ

The purpose of this research was to evaluate human resource management program of Indonesian Navy Supply officer corps. There are eight branches of corps of Indonesian Navy to fulfill the its tasks and goals. This is a qualitative research using Context Input Process Product (CIPP) model. Data are collected through observation, focus group discussion, dialogue and survey questions. There are 130 Supply officers who being subject to the survey using content analysis technique. The result of this research are as follow: Context, Supply officer should have a proper competence in terms of duty, rank, education and psychology; Input, the software to govern and regulate the program should be revised; Process, there is a lack of planning documents to run the program properly; and Product, the program is a must program not only for Supply corps but also for the Indonesian navy. It is clear that the program is vital and significant for the navy and need to be refined in the near future.

Program evaluation, CIPP model, Indonesian Navy, HRM



Hurdles and Challenges in Building a Small Business: A Case Study in Culinary Sector
Mirwan Surya Perdhana*, Jayhan Syaifullah**

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Mirwan Perdhana

*Faculty of Economics and Business and Center for Career and Capacity Development Studies, (CAREERS), Diponegoro University Jl. Prof. Soedarto, S. H., Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Central Java, Indonesia
** Master of Management, Diponegoro University Jl. Erlangga Tengah 17 Semarang 50241, Central Java, Indonesia

Establishing new business could be challenging, especially when the type of the business is prevalent. Nevertheless, this study managed to investigate the hurdles and challenges in building a small business in culinary sector. Utilizing a qualitative case study approach, this study explores the hurdles, challenges and key success factors in establishing a culinary business. A local culinary family business in the city of Semarang that has been established for 14 years became the case study, with both the owner and his wife as the main participants of the study. Quality management in the production process, marketing strategy and financial management strategy are among success factors determining the sustainable competitive advantage in the culinary business. Implication for management theory and practice were discussed.

Small Business, Family Business, Culinary Business, Qualitative Case Study, Restaurant



IFRS convergence on earnings management with corporate governance as a moderating variable
Indah Fajarini SW, Dessy Munfaati Rizqy

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Indah Fajarini

Universitas Negeri Semarang

This study aims to analyze the effect of IFRS convergence on earnings management with corporate governance as a moderating variable. The population in this study are manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2015-2017. This study used a purposive sampling method and selected 38 companies with 114 units of analysis. The results showed that IFRS convergence did not affect earnings management. The test results also prove that managerial ownership and auditor quality cannot moderate the influence of IFRS on earnings management, but the number of audit committee meetings can moderate the effect of IFRS convergence on earnings management towards negative.

IFRS Convergence, Earnings management, corporate governance



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