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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Issues in Translation of Balinese Cultural Terms into English
Kadek Putri Yamayanti

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Magister Program, Translation Studies, Udayana University
Jalan Pulau Nias 13 Denpasar Barat, Indonesia

This descriptive qualitative study investigates translation equivalent of Balinese cultural terms into English. It is based on the understanding that cultural terms belong to salient part in dealing with translation due to the cultural gap between source and target languages. Therefore, this study is conducted in order to find out the degree of equivalence between Balinese cultural terms and their translations into English in the book entitled "Memahami Roh Bali ‘Desa Adat sebagai Ikon Tri Hita Karana-" and its translation in Discovering the Spirit of Bali ‘Customary Village as Icon of Tri Hita Karana-. In finding the degree of equivalence, componential analysis especially the binary features is applied in terms of confirming the semantic features. The result shows that all translated cultural terms have no exact synonymy into source language. Some semantic features do not occur in target language as a result of lack terms in target language. The translator tends to replace cultural terms in source language into appropriate terms in target language based on his knowledge and experiences even in some cases, it shows the loss and gain information. However, overall, those translated cultural terms still can share some basic semantic features of the source language.

cultural term; semantic features; equivalence

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Surwandono, Ratih Herningtyas, Tri Astuti Retnoningsih

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Surwandono Surwandono

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The article will explain the norms of humanitarian assistance from Japan to a number of disaster events that occurred in Yogyakarta. In politics and economics context, foreign aid including humanitarian assistance has the opportunity to produce a dilemma in the form of reduced independence, infiltration and distortion to beneficiaries on the one hand, and on the other hand able to accelerate the resolution of disaster problems with the flow of social and economic capital. The analysis uses a qualitative approach by exploring a number of basic Japanese policy documents in terms of humanitarian assistance, interviews with a number of disaster relief experts, and the views and experiences of recipients of humanitarian assistance from Japan in Yogyakarta. This article found that the norms of Japanese disaster diplomacy for humanitarian assistance in Yogyakarta were dominated by humanitarian motives compared to political and economic motives, thus giving rise to social and economic capital of those who received assistance.

Disaster diplomasi, Humanitarian Aid Dilemma, Diplomacy Norm

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Javanese Women Perception of Husbands Support in Decision Making of Women Reproductive Health
Yusi Riwayatul Afsah (1*), Yuni Astuti (2), Siti Nur Azizah (3), Bayu Aji Firman Muflihin (4)

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Yusi Riwayatul Afsah

1,2) Maternity Department, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl.Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Pusat Studi Wanita, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl.Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

3,4) Student, School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl.Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The involvement of husband in reproductive health is a complex process of social and behavioral change that requires them to be more supported and responsible for women reproductive health. The role of men in women health is felt to be very little, for various reasons that have taken root in Indonesian society which tends to be patriarchal. This descriptive study aimed to describe the perceptions of women towards husbands support in making decisions related to women reproductive health in 105 childbearing married women aged 15-49 years in Public Health Center 1, Kasihan, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. Womens Perception of Males Involvement in Maternal Healthcare Questionnaire (WPMIMHQ) was modified and validated used to collect the women perception data based on health condition, health services, and financial status. The results show that majority of the women agree if the decision making should be done by both husband and wife, not only one side. Most women believe that selection of health care facilities should be consider with the completeness of the medical services needed, as well as the comfortable place for them, not based on the distance of the health center. In addition, some women who do not have a job also feel that they have to earn their own income, so they can contribute to choose the type of service they need and will be more independent. The recommendation from this study is equality of position and status between men and women in decision making. Therefore, women are encouraged to be more courageous in expressing their opinions as a form of their involvement in decision making in terms of their health especially.

Women perception, husbands support, reproductive health

International Conference on Nursing


Zahir Elfares Wasim(a), Pradipta Nandi Wardhana(a)

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Pradipta Nandi Wardhana

(a) Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jalan Kaliurang Km 14.5 55584, Indonesia

. Juana River is a river in Indonesia having high vulnerability degree toward flood occurence. The major factors causing flood in Juana River are river slope having value 0,00001, and narrowing river channel. Therefore the river experiences discharge capacity reduction. Juana River flood mapping is necessary to analyze extent of inundated area, especially regarding types of land utilization. This study used GIS software to process Alos Palsar image as Juana Valley topography, HEC-RAS 4.1 application for modeling the unsteady river flow or river analisys system (RAS), and HEC-GeoRAS 10.2 application to convert HEC-RAS 4.1 results into GIS software. As hydraulic modelling boundary condition, this research used 52 Juana sub basin discharge having return period 50 years and tides level at Juana Estuary. Research results showed that the extent of flood due to Juana River discharge was 37406 ha in both Kudus and Pati. Inundated area in Kudus consisted of 449,1 ha of fields, 8772,6 ha of rice fields, and 628,8 ha of settlements. While affected area in Pati were 1339,8 ha of fields, 17187,6 ha of rice fields, 6713,7 ha of ponds, and 2314,4 ha of settlements.

Juana River, HEC-RAS 4.1, HEC-GeoRAS 10.2, Flood Inundation

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Laksono Nugroho (a), Qurratul Aini (a)

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Laksono Nugroho

(a) Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Pascasarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Occupational health and safety in the hospital environment are still low and have not become a priority for hospitals. Health workers are workers who are at risk of occupational illness and occupational accidents in hospitals, one of them in the field of radiology. Awareness and adherence to occupational health and safety SOPs are needed. The SOP in the radiology department is a preventive measure against the side effects of radiation use. Radiology officers must have a positive knowledge and attitude towards the radiology SOP to be able to adapt to the environment so that they can apply the SOP well and last long. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of knowledge and attitudes of radiology officers on compliance with radiological occupational health and safety SOPs. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive. The populations in this study were 13 people. Non-probability sampling is done through saturated sampling. Data analysis of this study was carried out through the Pearson Product Moment correlation test and multiple correlations. The significance value of knowledge on compliance with the application of SOP is 0.030 (sig <0.05), the correlation is 0.616, the significance of attitudes toward compliance with the application of SOP is 0.011 (sig <0.05), and the correlation is 0.746. The significance value of knowledge and attitudes towards compliance with the application of SOP is 0.046. This shows that there is an influence between the knowledge and attitudes of radiology officers on SOP compliance.

Knowledge; Attitude; Obedience; SOPRadiology;

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Knowledge and Attitudes Towards People with Dementia among General Population in Yogyakarta
Sri Mulyani, Azam David Saifullah

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Sri Mulyani

Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Background Dementia has become the leading cause of disability in elderly worldwide. It contributes to the care burden in many countries with an ageing population, including Indonesia. Since most of the elderly population with AD live in their homes and cared for by their family members, family and community play a key role in caring and supporting dementia patients. Their knowledge about dementia and attitudes towards dementia patients will impact on the quality of care, but studies on this are scarce in Indonesia. Objectives This study aims to investigate the knowledge and attitudes towards people with dementia among general population in Yogyakarta. Design Cross sectional study using survey questionnaire. Setting General population attending free seminars about dementia held by Alzheimer Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Participants 210 people from accros Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Method The data was collected using two instruments The Alzheimers Disease Knowledge Scale (ADKS) and the Bryans Dementia Attitudes Scale (DAS). The questionnaire included three sections demographic information, knowledge of AD, and attitudes toward AD patients. The data was analysed using quantitative method. Results Participants overall AD knowledge score was low compared with scores in a similar study (M17,17 out of 30 SD 2,9, n 210). Their attitudes towards dementia patient were identified as optimism and pessimism attitudes. However, general population attitudes towards AD patients were mostly pessimistic ( M21, 88 out of 50 SD 3,49, n203). Knowledge about demensia did not correlate with attitude, gender, education, having family suffered from dementia as well as previous seminar in dementia topic. Conclusions: Specific education towards dementia is needed to improve the knowledge and attitudes of general population in Yogyakarta. Keywords: dementia, knowledge, attitudes, general populaton

attitude, knowledge, dementia, general population

International Conference on Nursing


Knowledge and Behavior Among Muslim Millennials towards Halal Product Labeling in the Philippines
Sahraman D. Hadji Latif

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Sahraman Hadji Latif

- Graduate Student, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar
-Lecturer, Mindanao State University Main Campus, Marawi City, Philippines

As the potentials of halal industry rising globally, development and promotion of halal industry in the Philippines is vitally exigent. The country has lagged behind in developing halal industry compared to other ASEAN countries. The Philippines is overwhelmingly dominated by Christians, with increasing number of Muslims of around 10 percent of its population. As more Filipinos have become conscious about selection of foods and drinks for health and religious reasons, halal products become good alternative. However, due to less emphasis on the importance of the development of halal industry and low public awareness and dire perceptions towards the authenticity of halal products labeling and services in the country, Muslims in the country particularly the millennials are not considerable in differentiating between halal and non-halal products. Moreover, due to the absence of strict compliance for halal certification and labeling in the country, halal products and services are become inappreciable and negligible for consumers. Hence, this study aims to determine and analyze the level of knowledge of the consumer Muslim millennials towards Halal as well as the factors that influence their behavior in selecting halal products and services. Self-administered questionnaire will be distributed to 200 millennials in Marawi City and the data will be analyzed using SPSS. The findings of this study are indispensable in strengthening and promotion of halal industry in the country.

Millennials, the Philippines, Halal product labeling, knowledge, Behavior

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Uci Ciptiasrini

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Uci Ciptiasrini

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indoensia Maju

Indonesia HIV positive cases reported in 2017 was 10,376. The HIV and AIDS cases at the age of under 4 years indicates that there is still transmission of HIV from mother to child which is expected to continue to decline in the following year as an effort to achieve national and global goals in the framework of triple elimination (elimination of HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis) in baby. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, information sources, family support for the behavior of PITC for pregnant women. Research method Analytical Descriptive with cross sectional approach in August 2018. The population in this study were all pregnant women who visited the Sukmajaya Depok Health Center . This study using the chi square test SPSS. The results of univariate studies of 85 respondents of pregnant women as many as 58 respondents (68.2%) had good knowledge. Pregnant women who received information related to PITC examination were 44 respondents (51.8%). Pregnant women whose families supported the PITC were 49 respondents (47.6%). There is a relationship between Knowledge, information sources and family support for PITC behavior of pregnant women. It is expected that the Puskesmas will promote counseling about screening PITC

PITC, AIDS, Pregnant, Counseling, Test

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Korean Gastro Diplomacy To Enhance State Promotion Toward Moslem Countries
Ratih Herningtyas

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Ratih Herningtyas

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper discusses culinary as a medium of cultural exchange and strategic instrument to enhance other countries awareness, engage on cultural and personal level, and encourage economic development such as trade and investment, as well as country promotion with everyday diners. It is no longer just a problem in the kitchen area, nor a product that is processed and then eaten. South Korea is a good example to describe how the uses of culinary or popularly known as Korean Food, as well as other successful instruments such as Korean Drama or Korean Pop Music started in the early 1990s, have been boosted Korean cultural popularity, which direct and indirectly enhance Korean economic and political influences throughout the world. Interestingly, in contrast to K-Drama or K-Pop, K-Food has found a challenge to convince certain countries, especially Moslem countries that their food had met Halal standard, which mean the food has been prepare in a manner prescribed by Islamic law. Using political approaches especially on the perspective of soft diplomacy and commodification of Halal label, this paper found that Korean Government, represented by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair conducted Gastro Diplomacy -with its premise that the easiest way to win hearts and minds is through the stomach- by first, organizing K-Food Fair in three Moslem countries, such as Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and Indonesia in 2015, and second by making Lunch Box Mini Drama Series and uploaded it into YouTube to communicate, promulgate and convince other countries that Korean has noticed and fulfilled on requirement Halal standard for Moslems. These K-Food Fair and Lunch Box Mini Drama have succeeded in increasing Moslem public trust toward Korean Food.

Korean Food, Gastro Diplomacy, country promotions

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Kratip Kao: Drug Adherence Promotion Innovation among Thai Schizophrenic patients
Nawaphon Phonphoka Ban Kae sub-district health promotion hospital, Thailand, Penprapa Malawai Yangtarad Hospital, Thailand, Chanokporn Sriprasarn Faculty of Nursing, Mahasarakham University, Thailand,* * Corresponding Email

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Chanokporn Sriprasarn

1.Ban Kae sub-district health promotion hospital, Thailand,

2.Yangtarad Hospital, Thailand,

3.Faculty of Nursing, Mahasarakham University, Thailand

Purpose and Background: Drug adherence is a significant problem that induces schizophrenic patients to psychotic relapse. This study aimed to develop an innovation for drug adherence promotion by Kratip Kao. It is a traditional wicker ware made of bamboo for containing sticky rice. But in this study, containing drug instead of sticky rice. Method: The participants consisted of 30 Thai schizophrenic patients, 30 primary caregivers, 30 village heath volunteers. They lived in Yantalad community in Kalasin Province, Northeastern, Thailand. The 15 buddy village health volunteers arranged drugs and took Kratip Kao to schizophrenic patients every day. They also help primary caregivers took drugs to schizophrenic patients. Research tools were questionnaires including continuing home visit report form, satisfaction evaluation form. Data analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics. Results: The participants were reported satisfication excellent level(100%). In addition, the schizophrenic patients did not re-admit in hospital (100%). Conclusions: Kratip Kao Medication could work for drug adherence promotion among schizophrenic patients. Therefore, psychiatric nurses and health care providers should use this innovation for drug adherence promotion for decreasing psychotic relapse among schizophrenic patients and re-admit rate in hospital.

Innovation, Drug adherence, Psychotic relapse, Schizophrenic

International Conference on Nursing


Ladies gym : A Mecanism for Disciplining Womens Bodies and Violation of Social Media Privacy
Anlia Yisca Kristiadi

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Anlia Yisca Kristiadi

Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Diponegoro
Jalan Erlangga Barat 7 / 33, Semarang

Abstrac A fitness center called Elise Ladies Gym is specifically aimed for female consumers. The owner acknowledges there is a special need for women especially those who wear hijab to have exclusivity, so they can do their exercise comfortably without being seen by men. But in reality this fitness center then uploads various photos and videos of the activities of its customers while they are exercising at some social media for advertisment purposed. So that ultimately the privacy they have been promised before actually not fulfilled. The purpose of this paper is to see how women interpret their body shape and how the discipline of a woman body mecanism happend in the case of ladies gym. This research also looks about how social media plays its role in this mechanism process. This research use a qualitative research method of obtaining data through observation, and interviews. In this study it was concluded that women have the desire to have an ideal body shape. This self disciplinary process is carried out like a closed trainning camp. Institution is one of the perpetrators of this thinking, but on the other hand it is actually only used as a marketing trick. The economic benefits are then obtained by inculcating this engagement through conventional mass media and social media.

Diciplining body; Social media; Ladies gym; woman

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Lamongan free pasung based on community mental health nursing (CMHN)
Abdul Rokhman, Nur Hidayati, and Moh. Saifudin

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Abdul Rokhman

Muhammadiyah University Lamongan

Background . Pasung (physical restraint) in people with mental disorders are found a lot in Lamongan community. In 2014, Lamongan District Government launched the 2017 Lamongan free pasung program based on community mental health nursing (CMHN). The aim of this program was to free all pasung patients throughout lamongan district. The purpose of this study was to describe the evaluation result of free pasung program in Lamongan. Method. This study used a descriptive design carried out on all patients who were placed in area Lamongan Health Center in 2014-2017. Results. The number of mental illness patients in 2014-2017 was 3010 patients, 194 (6.44 %) were pasung patients at home consisting of 130 men (67 %) and 64 women (32.9 %). At the end of 2017 all pasung patients have been released . Discuss. The community-based 2017 Lamongan free pasung program is very important program and has been proven to be successful in releasing all pasung patients. Conclusions. This program should be carried out continuously to evaluate the possibility of repasung cases and early detection of new pasung cases so that interventions can be carried out as early as possible.

Free of Pasung, Mental disorder, and Community

International Conference on Nursing


Lis Noer Aini, Mahmud Fadil Mappiasse, Mulyono

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Lis Noer Aini

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Gantarang Subdistrict is one of the largest cocoa land areas in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. However, the production of cocoa plants in Gantarang District is not optimal. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of cocoa land to establish the basis for determining the suitability of land for cocoa plants in the District Gantarang. The study was conducted using purposive sampling survey method through the collection of primary data and secondary data. Data obtained were analyzed using the matching method between land quality and land characteristics as parameters with the criteria of land suitability class. The results showed that the characteristics of land in Gantarang sub-district varied greatly. The current suitability for cocoa plants in Gantarang Subdistrict at the subclasses level based on FAO criteria varies greatly. Based on the sub-class level there are 5 actual land suitability classes namely S3rc, S3nr, S3na, S3eh, and Nrc. Improvements that can be made are add organic matter, fertilizers, creating terrace and conservation. After improvement, the potential suitability class that can be achieved are S2, S3, dan N, which means that it is Moderately Suitable, Marginally Suitable, and Not Suitable with the most limiting factor is rooting condition, others by erosion hazard and land preparation.

Cocoa Plants, Gantarang District, Land suitability

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Land suitability for soybean (glycine max (l.) Merill) in Sandy Coastal Land of Parangtritis Bantul Regency
Gunawan Budiyanto, Lis Noer Aini, Sandri Agustri Sari

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This research was conducted using observation method by collecting the primary and secondary data. Primary data were soil characteristics which determined using the laboratory analysis procedures, while secondary data were supporting information obtained from local government agencies. The results showed that the sandy beaches of Parangtritis beach had a sandy texture, very fast soil drainage, effective depth of low to moderate soils, low salinity, low cation exchange capacity, percentage saturation of medium to high bases. Based on the results of the analysis of primary and secondary data, actually the sandy land of Parangtritis beach is categorized into land suitability class S3r-1; r-2 for soybean plants, with soil drainage and texture as a limiting factor. Potentially, to reduce the negative effects of existing limiting factors, the addition of large amounts of organic matter, in-organic amendments, and NPK fertilizer is highly recommended.

Sandy coastal land, Land suitability, Limiting factors, Combination of organic matter, In-organic amendment and in-organic fertilizer

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Language Anxiety from Teachers- Perspective: Interview with Five Indonesian EFL Teachers
Diah Ratnawati

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Diah Ratnawati

Graduate School of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya

This research studied the perspective of teachers on the occurrence of language anxiety, particularly on how they allocated the anxiety of students in their concrete teaching performances. This study can be classified as an endeavor to offer some different perceptions of language anxiety from a distinct perspective. This research used a qualitative interview format to investigate the perspectives of five Indonesian EFL teachers on language anxiety. From the interview, the researcher can conclude that anxiety in general does play an essential role in foreign or second language acquisition and learning; the researcher accomplished that anxiety can bring good instead of harm in language learning; teachers realized that learners do not experience an equal amount of anxiety in listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills; the researcher determined that teachers can notice the anxiety of students through their physical and psychological symptoms; and the last teachers noticed that various creative techniques can be applied in the classroom to reduce the anxiety level of students.

language anxiety

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Language Choice, Ideology and Translation: An Analysis of Indonesian Gossip Account In Social Media
Risa Mufliharsi, Emzir, Ratna Dewanti

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Risa Mufliharsi

1) State University Of Jakarta (UNJ)
2) Indraprata PGRI, Jakarta

While there are studies that linked with ideology in social media caption and studies on language choice in English context by social media translation machine, there is a paucity of study which link language choice and language choice in Indonesia. To address the gap, the current study examined the result of machine translation result compared with meaning of source taken in Indonesian gossip account in Instagram as medium in social media. In analyzing, the data taken from two Indonesian gossip account that had same reports, then translated by itranslation machine of instagram. After that, they are examined using an approach based on a critical discourse analysis of Fairclough. The data revealed showed that the language choice that showed in gossip accounts implied their ideology. Most of them could not be translated into English because the essence of news would be different.

language choice, instagram, social media, translation studies

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Lead Adsorption using Zeolite in Lubricant Waste
‘Aini Rahmadhaniar, Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani, Nurul Hidayati Fithriyah

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University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Used lubricants are one of the hazardous waste which regulated in Government Regulations on the limits of lead contained, so it is necessary to do research in reducing the lead contained. The purpose of this study is to obtain the effect of adding adsorbents to reduce lead content on used lubricants, taken from ship waste. Then regenerated by adsorption using zeolite. 200 mL of used lubricant samples that have been physically and chemically identified in the adsorption process using an adsorbent concentration variable 7.5%; 13.25% ; 14.25%; 15.75%; 17.5% (b/b) with stirring speed of 150 rpm, and contact time for 60 minutes. In the research data, a regression test was performed and a regression equation was produced with y being the lead content and x number of zeoilt, y = 0.0077x2 - 0.371x + 6.3818, which the best results were obtained at the adsorbent number 26.5 grams (concentration 13.25 %), lead decline reached 83%. The ANOVA test results obtained F count value of 13.42, this value is greater than F Table for level of 0.05 is 4.92, it was concluded that there was a correlation between the concentration of the adsorbent and the decrease in lead content.

Adsorption, Lead, Used Lubricants, Waste, Zeolite.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Learning and Memorizing of Quran in the Digital Era: Understanding Muslim Attitude toward Globalization and Modernization
Firdaus Wajdi

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Firdaus Wajdi

State University of Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, East Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia

The Holy Quran has been studied among Muslims in special situations with high respect from charismatic religious teachers. Indonesia is home to a large number of Islamic education institutions providing Quranic teaching and assisting in memorizing it, ranging from Islamic boarding school (pesantren) to Institute of Quranic sciences where the Quran has been studied traditionally. What is widely unknown, however, some Muslims also use the Internet to facilitate Quranic teaching and memorization of it. It is evident that globalization and modernization have shifted the way how Muslims interact with their sacred texts. The Quran is studied technically everywhere and anytime. Does the digital tool diminish the sacred of the Quran? This study takes a case study of online Quranic house of Qaaf in providing online learning and helping to memorize of the Quran. This study highlights the changing attitude of Muslims toward the Quran. It explores the influence of globalization and modernization to the heart of Islamic teaching. This qualitative research also shows cutting edge evidence about the Muslim attitude towards globalization as well as modernization.

Online Quranic study, Muslim and Globalization, Sacred text, Muslim in the Digital Era

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era



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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas


The twenty first century is known as disruptive era while it shows internet utilisation has grown up rapidly. This situation impacted to many sectors and it is included education field. In Education filed, there is a relationship between lecturer and student with the GAP includes among them. This research purpose to know about the lecturer credibility in the perspective of Generation Z as a socio science students at Telkom University as a credible communicator in disruptive era. This Research uses qualitative with indepth interview methods, Focus Group Discussion and Observation. The research located in Telkom University Bandung as one of the ICT campus. The result of the student shows that there are still the same of the source of credibility as mentioned in the previous research but there are new item for disruptive era to be a consideration as the measurement of the source of credibility for the lecturer. The digital native students has their own perspective about the lecturer as their demanding thing. They are talking about the lecturer the way of lecturing. In this research will show the new scheme of buiding personal branding through the communication competence for social science digital native student in disruption era.

lecturer credibility, communication competence , personal branding , digital native student, Social Science students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas


Disruptive era born new generation that called digital native. They are the generation that easily adapt with technology include their education life. There is a gap from the expectation between digital native students and the lecturers with some of them come from digital immigrant and previous generation. This Condition born a perspective from the student to their lecturers the born about personal branding from the students. This research purposes to know about the lecturer personal branding as a lectuer credibility through communication competence among the exact students. This research took place at Telkom University Bandung and uses interview, Focus Group Discussion and observation among the exact students and it uses qualitative research. The research shows that the technology has changed the human life system and the way how human work including in education field. The needs of new methods of communication competence in delivery the material and it is connected to the lecturer as the credible communicator.The digital native student with left brain dominance as the exact students have their own expectation about their lecturer and at the ends they create their own perspective about what they think about their lecturers at the end as the personal branding.

lecturer credibility, communication competence , personal branding , digital native student, Exact students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Legal Capacity on Contract Law: A Comparative Study Between the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law and the Civil Code
Yeni Salma Barlinti

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Yeni Salma Barlinti

Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia

Legal relations carry out in transaction activities in Indonesia are based on the Civil Code. However, with sharia transaction activities since 1992, the Supreme Court issued a Compilation of Sharia Economic Law (Kompilasi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah) to regulate sharia business activities in Indonesia in 2008. One of the basic provisions in contract law is the legal capacity of contract executors. This paper will examine the comparative law regarding the legal capacity of the two rules and the legal consequences for the parties with these two rules. This research used normative-juridical research method by analyzing articles concerning legal capacity on the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law and the Civil Code qualitatively. It is founded that the two rules have a number of differences, namely the minimum age limit for legal capacity, the category of legal capacity, and custody for people who are incapacity. The existence of these differences can provide legal consequences for transactions being invalid when using different laws. Therefore, the use of both laws must be properly placed by actors in doing transactions and judges in resolving disputes, namely using Compilation of Sharia Economic Law in Islamic transactions and using the Civil Code in non-Islamic transactions.

legal capacity, contract law, custody, islamic transaction

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Legal Characters of Partnership Agreement 212 Mart

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Mulhadi Mulhadi

Civil Law Department, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Based on partnership principles, partnership agreements can take place when one or more people have the same interests and awareness to work together to achieve common interests. This study uses a normative juridical approach, which is nature descriptive because it seeks to explain clearly the pattern of the agreement for the results of establishing 212 Mart supermarkets, where the population is 575 agreement documents. The sample selection was determined purposively because of the form and content of the same agreement from each investor from several 212 Mart Supermarkets that had been established in Medan City. Based on research shown that partnership agreement 212 Mart has several legal character namely that partnership agreement 212 mart was identified as an unnamed (anonymous) agreement, reciprocal agreement, as an agreement which gave birth to new partnerships, and jamaat-based agreements.

legal characters; partnership agreement;212 mart

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Reni Budi Setianingrum

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Reni Budi Setianingrum

(1)Lecturer of Faculty of Law Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(2)Student of Doctorate Program, Faculty of Law Universitas Gadjah Mada

Nowadays we have entered an era where countries have no boundaries and almost borderless, this era often called globalization era. Globalization is characterized by a process where economy becomes more closely integrated which is manifested in the form of free trade. One of the negative effects of free trade is the rise of international cartels. Cartel is an infringement of competition law which very difficult to prove, this is because the cartel perpetrators carry out the agreement secretly. This study uses a normative juridical method and aims to examine the application of leniency programs in the enforcement of Competition Law in Singapore and how Indonesia can learn from Singapore. Results of research indicates that there is one method commonly used in several countries in the context of law enforcement against cartels is the leniency program, also known as the whistleblower program. One of the neighboring countries that implementing the leniency program is Singapore. Singapore has succeeded reveal many international cartel cases. This program gives benefits for providing evidence regarding the cases. Indonesia can learn from Singapores experience in implementing the leniency program.

cartel; competition law; leniency program

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws



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Islamiyati islamiyati


The implementation of waqf cash that is not in accordance with the laws and regulations, raises legal problems in the community. The study will analyze the problem of chash waqf law and its juridical solution-s. This research in Central Java, by taking research samples from Boyolali, Salatiga, Regency and City of Semarang. The aim is to analyze the implementation of cash waqf in Central Java and its benefits can be used as material for government policies in implementing cash waqf law. The research type is field research using the empirical juridical approach method. The research data is in the form of primary and secondary data, which includes primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Analysis of analytical descriptive data. The research results of the problem of cash waqf law in Central Java is; low public interest in representing cash waqf, lack of coordination between cash waqf institutions (BWI and LKS-PWU), lack of human resources in understanding cash waqf, and misunderstandings about the meaning of cash waqf. Juridical solutions include; increasing BWI management resources, optimizing BWIs performance, socialization of waqf legal rules, forming a positive image of LKS-PWU, and increasing the professionalism of integrated management in managing waqf assets.

Legal Problems, Cash Waqf Practice, Central Java.

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Level of Awareness on Management of Galactosemia by Selected Staff Nurses and Nursing Students in Iligan City

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Carmela Demetrio Ortega

College of Nursing Mindanao Institute of Technology - Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Ave., Tibanaga Iligan City, Philippines

The global frequency of galactosemia is estimated at approximately one in every 62,000 live births; in the USA a recent prevalence of one in 30,000 to one in 60,000 live births have been reported (Pyhtila, 2015). Across Europe, incidence varies greatly (Morel-Garcia, 2014), with a much lower frequency reported in Asian populations (Choi, 2014). However, now in the Philippines occurring to one in 310,694 live births (Padilla et al., 2014). The seriousness of galactosemia cannot be underscored that nurses primarily must come to grips with this life-threatening disease. Recognizing the clear possibility and actual incidences of galactosemia in the Philippines, this study aimed to assess the level of knowledge of management of this disorder among selected staff nurses of GTLMH and nursing students of MSU-IIT in consideration of their demographic profile, an assessment of their level of knowledge of management, and the relationship between these two variables. Using the descriptive-correlational-comparative research design, random sampling, and standardized questionnaire which was subjected to a pilot study, yielded a Cronbach alpha of 85.12% indicating a high level of internal consistency. Then, the results revealed (1) majority of the respondents have good level of knowledge on general galactosemia knowledge and diet & lifestyle, and an average level of knowledge on signs & symptoms and medication & management, (2) Pearson Correlation Coefficient showed a low direct relationship of the respondents when grouped according to their demographic profile: age (R: -0.00739) which indicated the higher the age of the respondents, the lower the level of knowledge of management concerning galactosemia, and educational attainment (R: 0.03687) which indicated the higher the educational attainment, the higher the level of knowledge of management of galactosemia. Hence, despite the staff nurses having no leverage/advantage over the nursing students, it is imperative to increase the knowledge, more focused seminars and workshops among nurses concerning galactosemia and newborn screening.

Galactosemia, newborn screening, staff nurse, nursing student, Philippines

International Conference on Nursing


Evan Purnama Ramdan (a*), Efi Toding Tondok (b), Suryo Wiyono (b), Sri Hendrastuti Hidayat (b), Widodo (b)

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Evan Purnama Ramdan

a) Agrotechnology Departement, Gunadarma University, Jalan Margonda Raya 100 Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok 16421
*) evan_ramdan[at]
b) Plant Protection Departement, IPB University, Kampus Dramaga, Jalan Kamper, Bogor 16680

The interaction between endophytic fungi and their hosts is specific, both as biological agents controlling plant diseases and plant growth promoting agents. Eight endophytics fungi was isolated from chili plants (Capsicum annum), selected based on pathogenicity tests, and were known to stimulate the growth of chili seedlings would be tested for ability to colonize the roots and stems of chili seedlings. The endophytic fungi suspension was tested with concentration of 2.8 x 106 cfu mL-1 by soaking 100 seeds in 100 mL of each endophytic fungi suspension. The application then repeated by watering 10 mL suspension of endophytic fungi on the roots seedlings area. Isolation of endophytic fungi was carried out for 4 weeks after sowing from the seedlings root and stem. The colonization rate of endophytic fungi was calculated based on the infected part of the plant and the distribution pattern of endophytic fungi on the stem was observed. The results showed that the endophytic fungus that was applied had the ability to colonize chili seeds, not only in the roots (20 - 60%), but also in the stem (20 - 40%) with the distribution pattern of colonization detected up to 3 cm from the soil surface.

Biocontrol agent, Capsicum annum, plant growth promoting agent

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture



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Corresponding Author
Carmela Demetrio Ortega

College of Nursing Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Ave. Tibanga, Iligan City, Philippines

This study aims to identify and assess the level of knowledge of faculty and staff of public elementary schools on the concept of Dengue and Insecticide Treated Screen (ITS) as a program. To determine perception of ITS information dissemination, level of knowledge, benefits, and barriers on practices towards dengue management. Data were analyzed utilizing frequencies, percentage and frequency distribution. Respondents believe that they acquire the average level of knowledge on the concept of the Insecticide Treated Screen; they also believe that information dissemination is average in this area. Regarding the usefulness of the product, respondents still rate it as average. Respondents believed on the benefit of ITS in reducing the number of dengue carrying mosquitoes. Probability of children damaging the screen is identified as one of the barriers. Majority of the respondents practice Fogging and Search and Destroy Dengue Breeding places techniques towards Dengue Management. In relation, it is recommended that to perform widespread information drive about Dengue and the Insecticide Treated Screen to address the community concerns on the possible harmful effects of ITS. Results showed majority of respondents displayed low level of knowledge on the concept of dengue and ITS. Moreover, respondents accept on the benefits of ITS in reducing the number of dengue carrying mosquitoes. Probability of pupil damaging the screen is identified as barriers. In relation with the findings of the study, it is recommended that to perform widespread information drive about Dengue and the Insecticide.

Insecticide Treated Screen, Knowledge, Dengue.

International Conference on Nursing


Level of Knowledge on Maple Syrup Urine Disease and Its Management among Nursing Students of MSU-IIT and Pregnant Women in Selected Barangays in Iligan City
Madjus, Leah May P., Galinato, Jan Igor T., Orias, Jessica B., Estalilla, Xela Micah P., Pau-tin, Sittie Asia P.

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Maple syrup urine disease or MSUD is the most common inborn error of metabolism in the Philippines (Lee et al., 2008). Testing for MSUD was not included in the newborn screening package of the Philippines, until the approval of the Advisory Committee on Newborn Screening by 2012 (Tayag, 2012). This study assesses the level of knowledge of MSUD and its management among the 60 nursing students of Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU IIT) and 60 pregnant women of selected barangays in Iligan City, a total of 120 respondents. The researchers used a descriptive correlational comparative research design and a modified standardized questionnaire. Chi squared test and Pearson correlational coefficient were used as a statistical tool to analyze the data. The results showed that half of the majority of the respondents has an average level of knowledge and the other half has a high level of knowledge. Furthermore, the respondents gender and civil status has a significant relationship with the level of knowledge, a moderate direct relationship between the respondents age and the level of knowledge, and a low inverse relationship between the respondents highest educational attainment and level of knowledge. In other words, the higher the age and the educational attainment of the respondents, the level of knowledge is higher. This may be because MSUD is more of a technical concept and not such a common one. This indicates the need for increased health education, regardless of age, gender, civil status, and educational attainment, on MSUD and its management.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease, MSUD, newborn screening, qualitative

International Conference on Nursing


Linear Analysis Displacement on Mid Rise Buildings due to Earthquake Loads based on New Seismic Hazard Map 2017
Taufiq Ilham Maulana1*, Muhammad Ikhsan Gunaidi1, Setyo Esto Permono1, Muhammad Ibnu Syamsi1

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Taufiq Ilham Maulana

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Brawijaya Street, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55183, Indonesia

Earthquake has been one of many disaster issues in Indonesia since many victims were affected. A lot of buildings, especially mid rise buildings type collapsed at the earthquake events because many of its designs were not considering big force that happened. In Indonesia, National Center for Earthquake Studies has published new seismic hazard map in 2017, however few studies have checked the building with the new hazard map. This research performed linear analysis of structural buildings. Reinforced concrete building with the same floor plan and typical structural dimensions was modeled as object of the research, assuming that the mid rise building type in Indonesia is similar with the model. The earthquake loads given to the model were three different time histories which were matched by response spectrum retrieved from hazard map for 99 big cities in Indonesia. Displacements for each floor were compared to the limit stated in Building Earthquake Code 2012, which is 2 percent of its height. The study shows that displacement of same buildings located in some cities are exceed the limit. For further research, the improvement of buildings with additional affordable structural members can be developed.

linear displacement analysis, structural analysis, earthquake loads, time history, new earthquake hazard map 2017

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Linguistics Features Comparison of Southeast Asian Languages
Norma Pawestri

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Norma Pawestri

Bina Nusantara University

There are many languages from many different language families interacting in the Southeast Asia area. Hence, the features of languages in this area can also vary. Here, 7 linguistic features, namely 1) word order, 2) order of ad-position, 3) order of genitive, 4) order of adjective & noun, 5) order of demonstrative and noun, 6) order of numeral & 7) noun and order of relative clause among 5 languages in Southeast Asia area were compared. The 5 languages presented here are Hmong Mien, Thai, Vietnamese, Mandarin (Chinese), and Indonesian. First, each linguistics features will be presented in the focused languages in their own characteristics. Second, they will then be translated into their own script and third, they will be translated into the Latin alphabet but still in the focused languages. Fourth they will be translated roughly in English to make a gloss, and fifth the rough translation/gloss then to be translated into the English free translation, adjusted with English characteristics. From a genetic point of view, the languages in Southeast Asia are varied but they exhibit similarities in phonology, morphology, vocabulary, semantics and language usage. It is showed that these languages share both similarities and differences, but by seeing the characteristic of the features in these languages, we can see that overall, languages in the mainland to the insular area are identical. It can be seen from the word order, where all languages presented here show a similar pattern of Verb-Object. In several features such as order of ad-position, order of adjective & noun, order of demonstrative & noun and order of relative clause, almost all languages share the same pattern, except for Mandarin which shows different patterns in terms of these features, which potentially is due it-s geographical distance from the Southeast Asia area compares to other languages. The absence of major differences between these languages might confirm and lead us to the notion of these areas as a linguistic area

Linguistic features, South-east Asia

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


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