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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Online Room Monitoring System based on NodeMCU ESP8266 Board
Prisma Megantoro (a*), Iswanto (b)

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Prisma Megantoro

a) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

One of the benefits in using the trendy Internet of Things is an online monitoring and control system. This system is able to integrate all needs between electrical equipment and its users remotely and wirelessly. One of the uses of this system is for the residential sector. Where in this sector, the optimum environmental conditions are very needed for the human convenient when they are doing activities. This article discusses the design of an environmental condition monitoring system in a room of a house or office building. This system measures several parameters of environmental condition such as temperature, humidity, lighting level and noise level. The measurements use many sensors for each parameter and Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) ADS1115. The measurement data then being processed by The NodeMCU ESP8266. In this system, The NodeMCU Board is used as a server, and the processed data will be sent to server on a real-time web page. The client can be a computer, smartphone, or mini-computer (such as Raspberyy Pi) device that display the monitoring interface in the browser. The connection between these devices is a wireless network. The monitoring system showed successfully operated with a web-based and attractive interface. The results of reading the room parameters had accuracy of more than 94%. In addition, the measured parameters will be stored by the client device in the form of a file. Saved files can be used for further analysis of the condition of the room.

internet of things; monitoring system; esp8266

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Open Auction Mechanism for Echelon II Officials (Comparative Study of Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta and Pekalongan Regency, Central Java)
Muhammad Eko Atmojo, Helen Dian Fridayani

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Muhammad Eko Atmojo

Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The administration of government is certainly very influenced by bureaucracy which is an instrument or an organization that helps in realizing or implementing a policy that has been previously set. The open auction is the process of filling in a position by opening a selection to all those who have the competency or ability determined to fill a certain position. This study is aims to analyze the mechanism of open auction for echelon II Officials both in Yogyakarta Province which is Sleman Regency, and Central Java, Pekalongan Regency. The method that used in this study is a qualitative approach which did the depth interview with several stakeholders that involved. The result of this study are the auction mechanism or better known as open selection conducted in Sleman Regency in 2017 lasts 2 times and all of them have referred to the applicable regulations and most importantly have implemented a merit system. In the auction implementation the position was carried out by a selection committee formed based on recommendations from KASN (Commission Of The State Civil Apparatus). The involvement of political officials in this case the Bupati in the open selection process only exists after the selection committee has issued 3 names that have passed. However, the involvement of political officials is positive because it considers the results of the selection. This is also because the Regent will cooperate with one of the 3 names to realize the vision and mission that has been set. Moreover, The selection mechanism carried out by the Regency Governmentin Pekalongan is in accordance with the existing rules which consist of managerial selection and field selection. However, in 2017 the Regency Government kept the instruments confidential in interviews because the instruments were confidential and only the selection committee could know, unlike the selection in 2018 where the instruments could be known by officials because the promotion process carried out in 2018 required uploading to the system Sijapti KASN. In the selection mechanism also explains the initial stages of the process in the open auction itself consists of: planning, announcements and selection.

Open auction, Echelon II, Promotion.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Open Government in Grassroot Level: An Analysis of E-Government Implementation in Pejambon Village, Bojonegoro
Kusnan (a*), Sulikah Asmorowati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Kusnan S.AP

(a) Magister Public Policy, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
(b) Department of Administration, Airlangga University
Jl. Airlangga No. 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia

The Government of Bojonegoro Regency was an Indonesia representative in Open Government Partnership (OGP) of Subnational Government Pilot Program. This achievement raised new energy to implement openness in rural government. This policy was also in line with Rural Law. Meanwhile, to implement government openness, the use of e-government was highly prioritized. By e-government, the governance would be effective and efficient. However, only one of 419 villages in Bojonegoro succesded in implementing government openness, that was Pejambon Village. This village won the best website in East Java in 2016 and 2017. Thereafter, it took the first place as the most informative and transparant village in national level in 2018. This study was aimed at acknowledging e-government stages using maturity model of evolutionary e-government and understanding e-government implementation strategy using the theory of Indrajit (2006). A qualitative method by the approach of interview and document analysis was used in this study. The result showed that e-government implementation in Pejambon Village reached the transactional stage. This stage was attained by the political will of the village authorities, financial availability, competent human resources, infrastructure, and e-government application. The achievement of Pejambon Village could be the finest practice in e-government implementation for other villages.

Open government, Implementation, E-government, Grass-root level

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Iwan Satriawan & Tanto Lailam

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Iwan Satriawan

Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The Constitutional Courts Decision No. 46/PUU/XIV/2016 which rejected the petition of petitioners to broaden the meaning of zina (fornication) in the Criminal Code of Indonesia has been becoming an interesting issue to be discussed. Some argue that the Constitutional Court must use its authority to conduct a break-through in responding the crucial legal issue. On the other hand, the Court asserted that widening the meaning of zina in the Criminal Code of Indonesia is not its authority. The research aims at discussing further the ratio decidendi of the Decision of the Constitutional Court which contains the element of open legal policy and its implication to national legislation system. The research is a normative legal research which uses statute approach and case law approach. The result of research shows that firstly, the concept of open legal policy in the Constitutional Courts decisions does not have a clear limitation which implies uncertainty of its implementation in the Courts decisions and the national legislation system. Secondly, the Decision of the Constitutional Court with open legal policy also shows that on one hand, there is a trend of using judicial activism among the constitutional judges and on the other hand, some constitutional judges also use judicial restraint approach as their reasons which results uncertainty of law in Courts decision. The research recommends that there should be a further study on design model of open legal policy in the Constitutional Court decisions and its implication to national legislation system.

open legal policy, the Constitutional Court decisions, national legislation making

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Opportunistic Behavior in the Management of Zakat Case study of BAZNAS in Sragen Regency
Agus Wahyu Triatmo (a)*, Ravik Karsidi (b)**, Drajat Trikartono (c)**, Suwarto(d)**

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The potential of zakat to enforce a fair socio-economic order is very high. In 2018, the potential for zakat in Indonesia amounted to Rp 240 trillion, up from Rp 217 trillion in 2011. However, in 2011, the realization of zakat just reached Rp 1.7 trillion . There is a very long gap between potential and realization. Among the causes of the gap is the institutional management of zakat which is still problematic. This paper will discuss one of the problems in the governance of zakat institutions in Indonesia with the case study of BAZNAS in Sragen Regency. This research uses qualitative methods, with the viewpoint of institutional theory. As a result it was found that Sragen BAZNAS experienced a double structure, on one side BAZNAS was a muzakki agent, but at the same time it was under the local government structure. This position makes BAZNAS ambiguous in taking responsibility for its performance. BAZNAS Sragen is more directing its accountability to the government than the community (muzakki). As a result, the general public lacked a sense of bilonging with BAZNAS, and was reluctant to pay their zakat through BAZNAS

Zakat; Opportunistic behavior; Accountability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Optimization of Mastoid CT Image Using Windows and Kernel Reconstructions
Darmini (a*), Pamungkas Ari Setiyono (b), Dwi Rochmayanti (a), Andrey Nino Kurniawan (a), Agung Nugroho Setiawan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Agung Nugroho Setiawan

a) Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
Jalan Tirto Agung Pedalangan Banyumanik Semarang
* da12mini[at]
b) dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Hospital Wonogiri, Indonesia

CT scan can be used to show the anatomical and pathological evaluation of Mastoid bones using X-ray to create a cross-sectional images with an advanced computer. This imaging modality allows the radiologist to look at different levels of the bone ridge behind the ear. In our hospital, this procedure needs to be improved. Radiographer could make optimization by adjusting windows and developing kernel to maintain the image quality. This study aimed to obtain the optimum image of Mastoid bones, using variations of window and kernel reconstruction. The study was descriptive quantitative with an experimental approach. It resulted in eight images of two windowing levels (sinus and inner ear) and four kernel variations (smooth, medium, sharp, and ultra-sharp). Three radiologists evaluated the injury, bleeding and soft tissue abnormalities images. The result showed that all window settings are acceptable. Kernel reconstructions have no different anatomical image information in soft tissue, Internal Auditory Canal and External Auditory Canal. There is a difference for overall anatomical information of Mastoid bones (p value<0.05). Highest values of mean rank are obtained from sharp and ultra-sharp. Our recommendations are using the H.20s smooth kernel for soft tissue abnormalities and H.70s sharp kernel for fracture and bleeding cases.

window, kernel reconstruction, Mastoid CT, anatomical information

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Anna Rosdiana R. Samsudin (a), Elsye Maria Rosa (b)

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Anna Rosdiana R Samsuddin

(a) Student Master of Nursing in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Nursing and Health Sciences Lecturers in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world. Mhealth has the potential to increase disease recurrence by being given post-hospital protection. MHealth is designed to monitor activities carried out by patients and nurses who can carry out the patients health status remotely during the recovery process. Therefore, there is a need for awareness of the health team in relapsing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this paper is to analyze articles that discuss the application of MHealth in an effort to test patients with cardiovascular disease. Method: The preparation of this literature review using various databases used is EBSCO, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and Sage Journal that have been conducted form December 2018 until January 2019. In total, this paper consists of seven journals reviewed with keywords. approved: Four journals, with quantitative methods (experimental research designs), one journal with qualitative methods (qualitative exploration), one journal on mixed methods feasibility studies, and one journal with a systematic review method. Then screening is done based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria Results: Nine articles reviewed found an important component affecting mhealth in an effort to resist the recurrence of orders was content on Mhealth features (health education, diet, physical activity, alcohol, and smoking) and health effects for costs and distance. from patients. Conclusion: The effect of mhealth can change healthy life after hospital treatment and prevention of recurrence in patients with cardiovascular disease, with long-distance health services health workers can easily contact the patients health status

MHealth, behavior changes, lifestyle changes, quality of live cardiovascular disease, cardiac rehabilitation

International Conference on Nursing


Optimization of NaCl Concentration and Electrocoagulation Time to Reducing the Level of Chromium Heavy Metal Solutions
Mardiyono, Sajidan, Mohammad Masykuri, Prabang Setiyono

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Mardiyono Mardiyono

Mahasiswa S3 Ilmu Lingkungan Pascasarjana Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

Heavy metal chromium (Cr) in the metal plating industry liquid wastes are highly toxic. Heavy metal Cr on this need to be eliminated or at least demoted so simply applied a quality raw quality. The process of reduction or disappearance of Cr from metal plating industry liquid wastes can be done with the electrocoagulation process. The purpose of this research is to lower the levels of heavy metal Cr in artificial solution containing Cr as a preliminary study for determination of NaCl are added as the electrolyte and determination of processing time the optimal electrocoagulation. Research methods using experiments in the laboratory with a continuous system of electrocoagulation process using iron electrodes, with variations in processing time and addition of NaCl. Before and after electrocoagulation done the determination of the levels of heavy metal Cr solution using artificial atomic absorption spectrophotometer (SSA). The analysis in this research uses ANAVA test two way. Test of ANAVA two way shows that the value of the significance of the variation of the concentrations of NaCl and variations in processing time electrocoagulation against concentration of heavy metal Cr on artificial solution value 0.0001 (p < 0.05). The results show that there is a difference of reduction in the concentration of heavy metal Cr significant variation in terms of processing time and electrocoagulation variation of concentration NaCl. Based on those results, the conclusion to be drawn that the process of continuous system electrocoagulation with a time of 60 minutes and the addition of NaCl 1.201% w/v gave the most optimum reduction of heavy metal Cr compared to 15 minutes processing time , 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 75 minutes and the addition of NaCl 0.402% w/v; 0803% w/v and 1.601% w/v.

electrocoagulation, heavy metal Cr, the processing time, NaCl.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Optimization of Police Mobile Brigade Corps Sentiment Analysis Based on Post on Twitter Using Algorithm Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes with Particle Swarm Optimization
Endah Putri Purnamasari (a), Bryan Pratama (b), Windu Gata (c), Dedi Dwi Saputra (d), Deny Novianti (e), Ahmad Yusuf Malik (f)

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Jakarta, Indonesia

Depok, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia

Brimob is a special operating unit that is a paramilitary property of the indonesian national police. The Brimob Corps is also known as one of the oldest unit in the polri organization. Currntly, the national police corps brigade is busy being discussed in the ral world and cyberspace, especially on social media twitter. Many opinions about the national police corps brigade so that there are positive and negative opinions. Social media twitter is now one of the places to disseminate information about the national police coprs brigade. In the previous study, the maximum accuracy was still lacking. The case of this study uses text mining techniques with the support vector machine (SVM) and naive bayes (NB) methods with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with the addition of 150 data sheets, NB having an accuracy value of 85.67% with AUC 0.8188 while NB PSO obtaining 89,69 % accuracy with AUC 0.875. SVM has an accuracy value of 93.40% with AUC 0.981, while SVM PSO has accuracy value of 94,85% and AUC 0,978. the best optimization application in this model is the SVM PSO can provide solutions to classification problems in this case sentiment analysis. SVM PSO algotirthm provides a solution for analyzing sentiments from the content of various online media news optimally.

brimob; mako brimob; sentiment analys

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Optimization of Sentiment Analysis for Indonesia Presidential Election using Naïve Bayes and Particle Swam Optimization
Nur Hayatin, Gita Indah Marthasari, Lia Nuraini

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Nur Hayatin

Jl. Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Indonesia
Department of Informatic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Knowing peoples sentiments on social media, especially from Twitter, is very interesting to analyze. especially the analysis of sentiments related to presidential candidates in the 2019 election in Indonesia. This study aims to extract opinions from twitter feeds to find out the results of public sentiment in Indonesia Elections. This research using naïve Bayes method with PSO to classification twitter feeds. PSO is used in the feature selection process to find optimization values to improve the accuracy of Naïve Bayes. There are 3 main stages of the process, i.e. preprocessing, feature extracting, and classifying. From this study, the group of tweets was obtained based on the positive and negative sentiments from community towards two presidential candidates of Indonesia in 2019. The testing result shown the accuracy 90.74% with optimization using Naive Bayes with PSO.

sentiment analysis; opinion extraction; naive bayes; social media; classification

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Optimization of Zakat Collection Through Fintech: Study on Millennials Intention to Pay Zakat Through Fintech
Farokhah Muzayinatun Niswah*, Faizatu Almas Hadyantari, Syifa Habibah

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Farokhah Muzayinatun Niswah

School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya IV, RW.5, Kenari, Senen, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Many studies have shown that zakat is one of the effective media for poverty alleviation and media of community empowerment. But there are still many obstacles in zakat collection, even though Indonesia has a large potential of zakah, in 2010 it reached IDR 106.6 trillion (1.7% of GDP in 2010). The use of fintech (financial technology) can be the way to optimize zakat collection in Indonesia. The benefits and conveniences offered by fintech can attract the millennials who tend to not be separated from their mobile phones. The purpose of this research is to determine millennial intention to pay zakat through fintech. Technology of Acceptance Model (TAM) is used as the theoretical basis in this study. Data collection was done through questionnaires and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results show that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust become the factors influence millennials to pay zakat through fintech. This research is beneficial for zakat institutions in Indonesia to be able to improve their fintech platforms so that zakat collection can be optimized.

Zakat collection; Fintech; Technology of Acceptance Model

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Optimization Sentiments of Analysis from Tweets in myXLCare using Naive Bayes Algorithm and Synthetic Minority Over Sampling Technique Method
Dedi Dwi Saputra (a*), Windu Gata (b*), Nia Kusuma Wardhani (c*), Kethut Sakho Parthama (d*), Hendra Setiawan (e*), Sularso Budilaksono (f*), Dimas Yogatama (g*), Agus Hadiyatna (h*), Endah Putri Purnamasari (i*), Bryan Pratama (j*), Deny Novianti (k*)

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Dedi Dwi Saputra

a) Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia
b) Graduate School Master Degree Computer Science, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia
c) Graduate School Master Degree Faculty of economy and business, Mercubuana University, Jakarta Indonesia
d) Information Technics, University Paramita Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia
e) Information System, STMIK Bani Saleh, Jakarta Indonesia
f) Informatics Department, University of Persada Indonesia YAI, Jakarta Indonesia
g) Graduate School Master of Businees Administration, University Gadjah Mada, Jakarta Indonesia
h) Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program,
STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia
i) Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia
j) Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia
k) Master of Computer Science Postgraduate Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta Indonesia

Update Abstraction Paper

Text Mining; Naive Bayes Algorithm; SMOTE Method; Sentiments of Analysis; Twitter

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


optimizing waqf for the development of UMKM as an effort to face industry 4.0
Lily Marliyah (a*),Imam Noor Said(b), Della Arny Novera (b)

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Imam Noor Said

a*) Faculty of Social Science Education, Ivet University, Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur I, Semarang 50235, Indonesia

b) Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, Jalan Hayam Wuruk 5, Semarang 50241, Indonesia

The industrial revolution 4.0 estimated to be able to grow a countrys economy 1-2% more than the average of countrys economic growth per year. Indonesia has economic growth 5% per year, estimated to increase 6-7% per year. The government of Indonesia has designed Making Indonesia 4.0 by placing 5 sectors as leading sectors, including: food, chemical, automotive, textile and electronic sectors. The most of food sector involve workers 80% in UMKM. In this case should be the governments focus fundamentally in the effort to join industry 4.0. The difficulties of UMKM such as funding must have a solution that does not have a negative impact on the national economy (debt to other countries). Therefore, waqf is one of the potential solutions in the country with management arranged neatly nationally, so that on a national scale endowments can be a source of funds that used to help grow the countrys economy. In addition, waqf can also reduce inequality that occurs in the community, this is because the results of waqf will partly help the poor. Waqf can be integrated in the Making Indonesia 4.0 program with a positive impact on the economy, there is reducing investment in the form of foreign debt, increasing economic growth, and preventing inequality by distributing endowments to the poor. Therefore, Making Indonesia 4.0 requires support and participation from all elements of society so that it can be immediately realized to improve the countrys economy in order to improve peoples welfare.

Waqf, UMKM, development, industry 4.0

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Organizational Development and Transformational Change: Organizational Innovation in Muhammadiyah Owned Enterprises
Ika Nurul Qamari, Gita Danupranata, Alni Rahmawati

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Knowledge and study of the effect of team work on organizational innovation is still developing and becoming a current issue. This paper aims to explain how Muhammadiyah is a movement of Islamic organizations in todays turbulent business environment, with the work teams efforts having undergone organizational development and transformation as a continuous and progressive organizational innovation. The existence of the organization from the beginning stood up to responding to the challenges of the current era, was explained by the implementation of its business unit to become a Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises (MOE). This research used a qualitative approach by investigating 6 Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises. The companies studied are presented and discussed with changes experienced by each organization.

Organizational development, Transformational change, Organizational Innovation, Service business, Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Organizational Justice, Nurses Engagement and Turnover Intention
Ninda Frymonalitza, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The turnover rate of nurses in Prima Hospital reaches 10% in 2018. Career procedural justice and career distributive justice applied in hospitals affect nurses perceptions of hospital management. Good justice is expected to be able to strengthen nurses work engagement and reduce turnover intention. This is a quantitative research with analytical cross-sectional research method. Questionnaire contain 33 item with the Likert-s Scale (Scale 1-5) was completed by 143 nurses with response rate of 84.6%. The effect of career procedural justice and career distributive justice that is directly and indirectly mediated by work engagement could reduce turnover intention of nurses significantly. Overall SEM model is a good-fit. Career procedural justice and career distributive justice in hospital affect nurses perception towards intention to leave hospital. Work engagement could also strengthen the effect to reduce turnover intention.

Career Procedural Justice; Career Distributive Justice; Work Engagement; Turnover Intention

International Conference on Nursing


Jitzac Andrew Rafel Mandowen, Erna Setijaningrum, Lutfia Nurul Hidayati

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This research aimed to find out the innovation of the services of Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda organized by the Government of Surabaya City. This innovation successfully listed in the Top 99 Public Service Innovations in Indonesia in 2018 and received Best Innovation from the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform. This innovation has had an impact on poverty reduction to 5.39 according to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This shows the success of the innovation so that it can be accepted by the community. This study used a qualitative approach. The research location was in Surabaya. The number of informants was 7 people. The results of this research study show that the innovation of the services of Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda organized by the Government of Surabaya City has succeeded. This success is supported by the number of economic heroes and young fighters that have increased to grow to 9,148 members in 2018. The establishment degree of members continues to expand.

Pahlawan Ekonomi dan Pejuang Muda, Surabaya

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pancasila Moral Values Inspired By Quran Moral Codes
Djumadi M.Anwar

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Djumadi anwar

University Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta
email djumadimanwar[at] tilp 0274 387646
Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Bantul,Yogyakarta

There is misperception that implementing Quran moral codes in social life does not guarantee that implementator are Pancasila supporters.The opposed perception is that whoever implementing islamic values in social life they could be considered as they have already been Pancasila supporters. The purpose of this manuscript is to find evidence that every single moral value name derived from Pancasila has philosophical meaning correlationship with several verses in the Quran. The focus of manuscript will be seeking evidences wether every single moral name derived from every sila Pancasila has philosophical meaning relationship with Quran moral codes.The method to finding answer is by comparing list of 45 Pancasila moral names against 150 moral code of do it and dont do it from the Quran. Conclution saying that implementing moral value Pancasila identical implementing parts of Quran moral codes. The consequency is implementing parts of islamic values of do it or dont do it means that the implementator can be regarded as Pancasila supporter. The possible impact is for the Indonesian muslims to have no need idea to change the Pancasila as state idiology because by nature implementing moral value of Pancasila identical implementing Quranic moral codes. In another words Pancasila it-self already islam. This is important finding to deradicalization program.

pancasila, moral, verse of quran,

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Patient Safety Culture Assessment in Spanish Hospitals: Strengths and Weaknesses
Nina Granel (a*), Maria Dolors Bernabeu-Tamayo (a), Xenia Sist (a,b), David Gimenez (a,c), Mariela Aguayo (a)

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Nina Granel

a) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Avda Can Domenech, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
b) Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Sant Quinti 89, 08026 Belletarra, Spain
c) CPB Seiveis Salut Mental, Mare de Deu del Coll 20, 08023 Barcelona, Spain

Background: The establishment of a positive patient safety culture in healthcare has a crucial impact on the quality service provided to patients. Aim: This study describes the attitudes and perceptions of patient safety culture as perceived by the nursing staff from two public hospitals in Spain. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted using a self-reported anonymous questionnaire administered to the nursing staff of the Surgical, the Internal Medicine and the Emergency departments in 2017. The Spanish validated version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) was used for data collection. A total of 109 valid responses were received. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 21.0 software. Results: Patient safety was rated as (Acceptable) for the 62 percentage of the participants. The dimension (Teamwork within units) had the highest percentage of positive responses (67.4) and the dimension (Staffing) had the lowest percentage (14.2). The Emergency units showed more negative results than the other two units. Conclusion: Incidents are not always reported for fear of punishment pointing out a lack of positive safety culture. The quantitative results come close to other studies carried out in Spain, and differ from other studies in Europe.

Patient Safety Culture, nursing, HSOPSC, Spain

International Conference on Nursing


Patient Satisfaction toward Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacists
Wiwik Kusumawati, Romdzati, Indriastuti Cahyaningsih, Ika Setyawati

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Wiwik Kusumawati

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Email: wiwik_fk_umy[at]

In the patient center care era, patient satisfaction is the main focus in delivering health service. Every health care provider should give the best services to patient based on their role and responsibility. The aim of this study is to know patient satisfaction among health care provider such asdoctors, nurses and pharmacists. This study is a descriptive analytic study with cross sectional approach. Sampling method is purposive with criterion reference. Validated questionnaires contain 11 items of patient satisfaction toward doctors, nurses and pharmacists distributed to 66 patients. Response rate is 97 % doctors, 92 % nurses and 89 % pharmacists. Data analysis using descriptive analysis method. This result study revealed patient satisfaction toward doctors, nurses, and pharmacists is 98.4 %, 99.1 %, and 96.6 % respectively. Patient dissatisfaction toward doctor related to the doctor ability in informing patient disease and complication. Patient dissatisfaction to nurse related to the nurse ability in giving guidance for exploration and prevention to patient disease, also team work with other health care profession. Patient dissatisfaction to pharmacist related to the pharmacist ability in informing clearly information about drugs, effect and side effect. In conclusion, patients are satisfied toward doctors, nurses and pharmacists services but there are few important notes need to be improved by doctors, nurses and pharmacists in delivering care services.

Patient satisfaction, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, caring

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Wahyu widodo, Emil Adly, Anita Rahmawati, Siska Dewi

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Emil Adly

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Road damage occurred in Bantul Regency today is a very complex problem and it has led to the very significant losses particularly for the road users such as the long travel time, discomfort and even accident. Some factors of road damage might be related to the traffic load, puddle due to the poor drainage system, material, dynamic climate, implementation, and poor sub grade condition. This research aims to assess the road surface using the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method by conducting a visual survey in field. PCI refers to the numerical index, whose values are in the range of 0 to 100. Value 0 shows the pavement in a much damaged condition and value 100 shows the perfect pavement. The location surveyed was the road section of Triwidadi along 4000 meters at Sta. 14 + 000 - Sta. 18 + 000. As found in the analysis conducted, the result of Pavement Conditional Index (PCI), it could be identified 13 types of damage and percentage values, including Aligator Cracking by 6.08%, Bumb and Sags by 6.98%, Corrugation by 0.90%, Depression by 5,86%, Edge cracking by 11.04%, Longitudinal Cracking by 22.07%, Patching and Utility Cut Patching by 13.06%, Polised Agregat by 18.02%, Potholes by 8.33%, Shoving by 0.23%, Slippage Cracking by 0.23%, Expand Upheaval by 0.23%, and Raveling by 6.98%. The total index was 34.75% which was included in the poor category with the handling time as revealed by PCI Decision Matrix is immediately reconstructed.

Pavement condition index, Road damage, Triwidadi road,

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Idham Badruzaman

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Idham Badruzaman

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Indonesia is a country with 633 differences in tribes and cultures (not to mention its sub-tribes), thus it has 633 reasons to be disintegrated both people and territory. However, there is a local wisdom in each region which ideally is functioned to be the fortress whenever conflict emerge in the surface. Unfortunately the local wisdom did not seem to work when the violent conflicts occurred in several regions in Indonesia during the transition of democracy which began in 1998, such as Christian-Muslim religion conflict in Ambon, Dayak-Madurese ethnical conflict in Sampit, and Aceh Free Movement-Indonesian military secessionist conflict in Aceh. The questions raised would be: 1) why the local wisdom could not be functioned well? 2) whether or not local wisdom had a role in resolving conflicts that occur during the transition period of democracy in Indonesia. This paper argues that the problem was because some local wisdoms were distorted during the dictator era of President Suharto, it did not work in the beginning of the transition of democracy, and it went back up again within the transition of democracy which enable them in peacebuilding and reconciliation.

peacebuilding, transition of democracy, Indonesia, local wisdom

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pedestrian Crossing Safety System at Traffic Lights Based on Arduino
Denny Hardiyanto (a*), Iswanto (b), Dyah Anggun Sartika (c), Muamar Rojali (d)

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Denny Hardiyanto

a) Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta
* denny.hardiyanto[at]
b) Universitas Muhammadyah Yogyakarta
c) Politeknik Negeri Madiun
d) Institut Sains & Teknologi AKPRIND Yogyakarta

Pedestrians are one of the road users who have the right to receive priority on security and comfort on the highway. Highway users such as vehicle users often violate traffic lights so that pedestrian crossing facilities are taken right. That makes pedestrians feel insecure when crossing the road. With these problems, a tool is designed to provide a warning and prevention of traffic accidents on highways, especially in pedestrian crossing areas by spraying water as a warning medium for traffic light offenders. The system is able to detect traffic violations based on changes in the value of the position of the vehicle against the stop line obtained from the Ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor. When a violation is detected, the system turns on the pump to spray water to traffic violators as a deterrent effect. From the results of the experiment, results in lane A state that the vehicle located closest to the sensor is precision 94%, recall 88%, accuracy 85%, lane B vehicle position in the center, precision 73%, recall 100%, accuracy 75%, and in lane C the vehicle is the furthest value 75% precision, 100% recall, 85% accuracy

pedestrian safety, traffic lights, zebra crossing, Arduino Uno, water sprayers

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Pengembangan Modul Biologi Berbasis Inquiry Terintegrasi Sains-Islam pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Kartasura
Nila Masnuri Yunita, Maridi, Baskoro Adi Prayitno

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Nila Masnuri Yunita


Abstrac : This research aimed to: (1) Development of integrated Science-Islamic Inquiry Biology module to improve the religiosity behavior of high school class XI students. (2) Knowing the feasibility of Islamic Science-based Biology Inquiry modules in Islamic Schools. (3) Improving students critical thinking after using an integrated Science-Islamic Inquiry Biology module in class XI SMA. This of research is research and development using a modification of the Four-D Model (4-D Model) which consists of 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, and spread ( disseminate). Qualitative data were obtained from observations and questionnaires, while quantitative data were obtained from the results of assessment of module validation, questionnaire assessment on product trials (limited trials and extensive trials), operational trials, and learning outcomes. Data analysis with quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the validation of religious material experts is in very good criteria (88%); (2) the validation of material experts Biology is in very good criteria (85%); (3) validation of design experts in good criteria (80%); (4) Assessment studies of biology teachers are in very helpful criteria (3.5); (5) individual testing in good criteria (80%); (6) Small test groups are in very good criteria (86%); (7) limited field trials in the group are very good criteria (89%), so it can be concluded that the Integrated Science-Islamic Digestive System-Based Module Class XI SMA is suitable to be used as a support for digestive system learning in an Islamic school environment.

module, Inquiry, Sains-Islam

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pengembangan Pembangunan Kawasan Transmigrasi Dilihat Dari Partisipasi Masyarakat Transmigrasi
Novita Wahyu Setyawati

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novita wahyu setyawati

Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Bekasi

Pengembangan pembangunan KTM dapat dilihat dari salah satunya partisipasi dari masyarakatnya, akan tetapi masyarakat di KTM sering menghadapi banyak kendala dalam berpartisipasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bahwa pengembangan pembangunan kawasan transmigrasi sangat diperlukan dan merupakan bagian penting didalamnya. Analisis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif dan memanfaatkan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hubungan antar kelompok variable, yaitu: tingkat pendidikan, tempat usaha, keterlibatan masyarakat, dan persepsi pengaruh KTM bagi social ekonomi masyarakat baik dengan tingkat partisipasi, masyarakat dalam pembangunan KTM, maupun dengan bidang partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan KTM, maupun dengan bidang partisipasi dalam pembangunan KTM menunjukkan adanya kaitan dalam kemajuan pembangunan KTM.

Pembangunan KTM dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Transmigrasi

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Candra Yudha Satriya, SE.M.I.Kom Prihatin Dwi Hantoro, M.I.Kom. Zahrotul Umami, M.I.Kom

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candra yudha satriya

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

Warisan Budaya adalah salah satu penanda penting bagi eksistensi sebuah masyarakat. Oleh karena itu pengelolaan dan pelestariannya menjadi hal yang tak terelakkan. Baru-baru ini, industri kreatif berkembang pesat pada skala industri rintisan di Bali. Hal tersebut meningkatkan peluang untuk melestarikan warisan budaya melalui industri kreatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana industri kreatif digunakan sebagai media untuk melestarikan warisan budaya. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi (exploratory study) tentang dinamika klasterisasi industri kreatif di Bali terkait dengan anggapan secara umum bahwa warisan budaya lokal yang kuat di Bali sebagai penyebab, sedangkan aglomerasi adalah sebagai dampaknya. Metodologi dari penelitian ini adalah studi kasus di Rumah Sanur Bali, salah satu creative industry hubs yang memiliki catatan sukses dalam mendorong industri berbasis konten kreatif lokal yang dinamis dan berdaya saing internasional. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan informasi, dan selanjutnya akan digabungkan dengan beberapa data untuk membangun diskusi yang komprehensif. Selanjutnya, untuk lebih memperdalam hasil penelitian, peneliti juga mengeksplorasi bagaimana mekanisme preservasi warisan budaya melalui industri kreatif bisa secara nyata mengubah bentuk ruang urban dan citra kota melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sosial, dan budaya di Bali yang mempunyai positioning kuat sebagai tempat destinasi wisata paling populer di Indonesia.

Industri kreatif, Cultural Heritage, klaster kreatif, Rumah sanur

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Haryadi Arief Nuur Rasyid

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Haryadi Arief Nuur Rasyid


Use of instagram curently to communicate the promotional messages has an increasingly. At the end of the decade 2010 was lots of business that use instagram to communicate their product to the consumers in the market. This tendency is driven by the nature of social media instagram that can reach audience with a lowcost. By their very nature, currently more marketers are utilizing instagram to communicate with individual consumers from generation Y (1981-1994) and Z (1995-2010). Despite that not least also marketers who utilize instagram to reach individual consumers from generation X (1961-1980) which assessed could still compromise with presence of new media. Social background differences between generations X, Y and Z can be expected to affect the way the individual consumer in responding to social media instagram presence as sources of information to obtain marketing information they need. With reference to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis and coauthors (2007, Jogiyanto) then this article will compare how individual consumer perceptions of generation X, Y and Z regarding the usefulness and ease of use of social media instagram as a source of information to get marketing information they need.

consumer, perceptions, generations, Instagram

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Perception of Traders Toward the Use of Smartphones as a Marketing Communication Tool of Fruits in Yogyakarta
Heri Akhmadi

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Heri Akhmadi

Department of Agribusiness Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Smartphones are one of the information technology devices that are currently widely used by traders on their marketing activities. Aside from being a communication tools among traders, smartphones are also used by traders to get market information and communicate products and services to consumers. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of fruit traders in using smartphones as marketing communication tools. This study uses descriptive analytical methods and uses frequency distribution data analysis. The results showed that of the 43 fruit traders who were the samples of this study, the perception of traders in using smartphones for fruit marketing activities varied. Regarding the perception of ease of trading, majority of traders (97.7%) agree that smartphones provide convenience in marketing. This is in line with the perception of ease of use, which 88.4% of traders consider that smartphones are not complicated to use. In addition, regarding the security perceptions, as many as 83.7% of traders consider that smartphones are safe to use in trade transactions. This study concluded that smartphone is perceived as a marketing tool that provides convenience in fruit marketing activities. Moreover, traders also consider that the use of smartphones is safe and not complicated to use.

Perception, Smartphone, Marketing Communication, Fruit Marketing

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Perceptions- of Hospital Administrators or management toward Factors contributing to the Continuing Professional Development of Nurses in Indonesia
Fitri Arofiati (a*), Khanitta Nuntaboot (a)

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Fitri Arofiati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Background: Nurses are required to work in a professional manner, including to maintain and improve their competency periodically through continuing professional development (CPD). However, it is not easy for Indonesia nurses because Indonesia does not have a Nursing Council which impacts to the different regulation implemented in the hospital. These differences involve the updating competency of nurses in the hospital who give nursing services in different areas of practice. Aims: This study aims to explore a deep understanding of the factors contributing to continuing professional development from the perception of hospital administrators in Indonesia. Methods: This study was a qualitative design, the data for which were gathered from 10 hospital administration of one hospital in east Java, Indonesia. The measurements included 10 in-depth interviews and focused group discussion (FGD). Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Result: Three themes emerged as follows: 1) Nursing professional careers with two subthemes: Speciality and Scientist; 2) In-depth recognition by society, comprised two subthemes: as requirement and improving confidence and 3) selecting prospective program, derived into two subthemes: department needed and selective person. Conclusion: The findings provided factors contributing to CPD of nurses in the hospital to provide better nursing services to patients offering a basis for developing a greater principle of continuing professional development

Continuing professional development, perception, qualitative study

International Conference on Nursing


Shelvy Taurusiana Aziz(a), Refi Rifaldi Windy Giri(b)

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Shelvy Taurusiana Aziz S.M

Telkom University
Faculty of Economic and Business
Management Business Major

The increasing number of internet users is quite significant from year to year affecting the changing lifestyles of society. the increase in the number of internet users turned out to include an increase in online buying and selling transactions in Indonesia. Especially in the 6 popular e-commerce in Indonesia, namely Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, Lazada, Blibli and JD.ID. Who compete to provide the best offer to consumers. This study aims to determine the perception of mapping from six e-commerce brands in Indonesia, namely Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, Lazada, Blibli and JD.ID based on consumer perceptions in Indonesia. This consumer perception is measured by six attributes, namely usability, trust, merchandise assortments, service, promotion and security. The research method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive type. The method of data collection was done through the distribution of online questionnaires to respondents in Indonesia, as many as 400 respondents. The sampling used is non probability with purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used is Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) or perceptual mapping. The results of the study show that Tokopedia occupies the first position that is superior to trust attributes, service, and security. Shopee ranks second and excels at attributes usability, merchandise assortment, and promotions. then the third position was followed by Bukalapak, fourth place was filled by Lazada, Blibli was in the fifth position, and JD.ID was in the last position. Suggestions given by Tokopedia and Shopee must continue to maintain excellence in each attribute and improve the attributes those are in the second or third position, so that it still has a good perception in the minds of consumers. As for Bukalapak, Lazada, Blibli and JD.ID it is recommended to try harder and improve deficiencies in each attribute in order to get a good perception in the minds of consumers.

Perception, Perceptual Mapping, Multidimensional Scaling, E-commerce.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Performance Analysis of BAZNAS Kotabaru Regency, South Borneo, Indonesia
Khalifah Muhamad Ali (a*), Nur Aditiya Lestari (a), Didin Hafidhuddin Maturidi (a), Miftahul Jannah (b), Salina Kassim (c)

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(a*) Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Indonesia
(b) Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia
(c) Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University, Malaysia

In 2015, zakat potential in Indonesia was estimated IDR 286 trillion, while the actual zakat collected was only IDR 3.75 trilion. This fact shows that zakat institutions have to enhance its performance continuously to raise its potential funds. Although zakat is becoming a trending research topic currently, studies conducted to assess the performance of zakat institutions based on Zakat National Index (NZI) as a new tool developed by National Zakat Board of Indonesia (BAZNAS) for assessing zakat management performance are still scarce, particularly in South Borneo. The objective of this study was to assess and evaluate the performance of zakat management including the contribution of government, contribution of society, zakat institution performance, and the impact of zakat on the societys prosperity in Kotabaru Regency, South Borneo. Purposive sampling method, structured questionnaire, and ZNI as an assessment tool with the Multi-Stage Weighted Index were used in present study. The result of the study showed that zakat management performance in Kotabaru Regency, South Borneo was considered to be good with the index value 0.66.

National Zakat Index (ZNI), zakat management performance

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


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