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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Assessing the Profitability of Islamic Banks: The Role of Bank Age and Bank Performance
Nai Haryati, Dian Imanina Burhany, Dwi Suhartanto

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Polytechnic State of Bandung

This study examines the effect of bank age and bank performance on the profitability of Islamic banks. The dependent variable in this study is profitability, while the independent variables are bank age, and bank performance. In addition, profit distribution is treated as an intervening variable. The sampling method used was purposive sampling where samples were taken with the provisions of 12 Public Islamic banks that publish annual reports from 2015 to 2017. The results of the data analysis show that bank age does not have a significant effect on profitability, but NPF (Non-Performing Financing) significant effect on profit sharing. Further, although FDR (Financing to Deposit), and CI (Cost to Income) have no significant effect on profit sharing. Finally, this study also reveals that profit sharing has a significant effect on banks profitability. The implication of theoretical and managerial practices is discussed. Building a competitive advantage to face industry 4.0, one of them with adopting technology is very important for Islamic banking to improve the performance of Islamic banks, improve efficiency and productivity, which will certainly support the performance of profitability.

Islamic Bank, Bank Age, Bank Performance

Industrial Engineering


Attitudes Towards Walking for Adults Based on Gender: A Cross Sectional Analysis in Bandung City
Romeiza Syafriharti(1,4), B Kombaitan(2), I P Kusumantoro(3) and I Syabri(2)

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Corresponding Author
Romeiza Syafriharti

1 - PhD Student of Transportation, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
2 - Urban and Regional Planning, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
3 - Transportation, SAPPK, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
4 - Urban and Regional Planning, FTIK, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to examine gender differences in attitudes towards walking with consideration of health, environment, active transport, access mode to transit, sports, and friendship with neighbors. The survey was conducted on 300 respondents who lived in the city of Bandung, with the proportion of female respondents the same as men. Cross-sectional analysis and rasch models were used to understand differences in attitudes towards walking between men and women who gave their assessment with 5-Likert scales. For each variable of attitude found a different pattern between women and men.

Attitudes, Walking, Gender

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Attractiviness of Internet Marketing Online In Consumer Buying Interest
Amalia Rakhman (a*) and, Tono Hartono (b)

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Corresponding Author
Tri Wahyudi

a) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out how the attractiveness in online marketing is to become more and more effective and efficient and does not require very large costs because consumers are homogeneous. The research method in this study is a comparative descriptive method using a qualitative approach. Survey methods with in-depth interviews are also used as consideration media. The results of this study are to identify the extent to which consumers know the development of internet marketing in online-based. This research was conducted because the attractiveness of online internet media makes it easy for consumers to make shopping and online payment transactions using information technology.

marketing, online dan media internet

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Augmented Reality (AR) and Historical Heritage Learning in the Era of Uncurious Society
H Riezsky (a*), Dewi Kurniasih (b)

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Corresponding Author
Humanovfiqh Riezsky

a) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer indonesia

b) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This paper was created with the aim of utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) technology as a medium for the introduction of historical objects to the public. The background of this writing is the decreasing in the average number of visitors in several historical museums in recent years, this research was conducted to provide information from cultural heritage in a more interesting and interactive way because the interest of people to know and study history is already reduced. To support the research, the writer uses descriptive method, because the object under study is associated with prolonged social conditions, the descriptive method is used to find new facts about related problems. The results show that the use of AR technology as a trigger for public interest in history is very helpful in interactive way. From these results, it can be seen that there are significant differences in effectiveness and efficiency with the use of AR technology in this field.

Techonology, Augumented Reality



Augmented Reality and The Future Business of E-Sports Gaming
A Rizaldi1, M I Zalmi2*

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Corresponding Author
Mohammad Ikhsan Zalmi

1Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This study purpose to see the effect of Augmented Reality in the future business of E-Sport. To support this research, the author uses descriptive methods for some e-sports game center owner and players in the city of Bandung. Some of the e-sports game center owner and some players who were given questions, producing 100% were very exciting to play e-sports with Augmented Reality facilities and can increase their income in business, because the players wanted a new experience in satisfying their love of e-sport gaming. And the conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that e-sport players are waiting for something new like a game based on Augmented Reality to satisfy their love of e-sport gaming and Augmented Reality technology surely can be the future for business in the world of e-sports game center owner.




Bamboo Materials in Modular Systems as Efficient Earthquake Resistant Architecture
Deni Albar, Fikri Hermawan

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Corresponding Author
Zikra Nurhafiza

Departemen Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research was to identify the development of earthquake resistant architectural technology. Modular systems can be one of the technology choices that can be used in modern times. The use of bamboo material in this modular construction system is expected to be one solution to the problem of disasters, especially earthquakes. In Indonesia the development of the use of modular systems is well known but not yet known by the wider community, even though Indonesia is an earthquake-prone country. The method used in this research is descriptive method, to show an overview of the use of modular systems with efficient and earthquake-resistant bamboo materials. The results of this study are to examine the extent to which the use of modular systems with bamboo material is efficient and earthquake resistant. This research was conducted to discuss what a modular system, how to work with bamboo material and earthquake resistance.

earthquake, bamboo materials

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Become a Multilingual by Means of Artwork
T Tawami (a*), A N Yulianti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Arni Nur Yulianti

a) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to know how much influence the artworks as a media to learning a foreign language and to explain an easy way to learn a foreign language with artwork as media. The method used in this research was the descriptive method to describe the correlation between artwork and language. The result of this research was to know how far people use artwork as a media for learning a foreign language. The research was done by discussing foreign language and artwork as learning media. The conclusion of the research was that the artwork is one of the most capable media for learning foreign languages. Aside from being a medium for learning, we can also find fun entertainment from works of art. The artwork is also very easy to find on the internet and books that discuss it.

Artwork; Foreign language; Media

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Become a Successful Entrepreneur with the Application of Simple Accounting applications.
Herlianti(a*) , T Tawami(b)

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Corresponding Author
Herlianti Herlianti

c) Departemen Akutansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

b) Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This paper aims to find out the importance of accounting with accurate applications, namely as a tool to determine the business actors policies. The method used in writing scientific papers is also a descriptive qualitative method using data related to the topic. The findings of this study found all kinds of professions and fields that certainly have a close connection with the world of accounting. With this application, we can carry out control or supervision related to company activities, including by making appropriate decisions from the application of this accounting. Because Accounting has contributed greatly to advancing the company. There are business people who do not realize the importance of applying to account for the continuation of their business. other than that accounting course helps in separating personal and business money. Have a Clear Payment System. From the results of the above explanation, it can be concluded that this accounting system will be able to help businesses in determining the continuity of their business and suggest applying accounting to help business success that is on the way because accounting has contributed greatly to advancing the company and easier by using accurate applications

entrepreneur, Application, Accounting

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Become A Successful Young Entrepreneur Through Online Shop
Eddy Soeryanto Soegotto (a*), Fahira Dwi Safitri (b)

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Corresponding Author
Abdul Mutholib

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out how to become a successful entrepreneur at a young age through an online shop, because to be an entrepreneur at young age requires perseverance. This research method is descriptive by developing theories obtained from various references and from experts. The results of the study show that many entrepreneurs are successful at a young age through online shops, in Indonesia and in the world. By seeing the results, there are many successful young entrepreneurs through online shop, and become the dream of many people. In this paper there is what must we do to become entrepreneur at a young age to be successful. As if, Being a young entrepreneur requires perseverance, focus, daring to take risks, and never stop learning. And there are also examples of successful enterpreneurs in Indonesia and in the world so they are can inspire. So to be a successful young entrepreneur we must not be afraid to try and do all kinds of ways, for example through an online shop that is in great demand by many people, because it is quite promising.

Entrepreneurship; e-Commerce; Technopreneurs

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Behavior of Concrete Burned with High Temperature
Y D Setiyarto, H Y Fira

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Corresponding Author
Y. Djoko Setiyarto

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jalan Dipatiukur No.112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

Fire events in buildings cause changes in the behavior of concrete and the components in it. In general, concrete materials are relatively more fire resistant than wood and plastic, as well as steel. However, to provide significant durability performance against fire, several requirements are still needed for adequate post burn concrete durability. The composition of concrete constituents is very important to note in terms of post burn concrete durability because cement and aggregate pastes contain components that can decompose after heating. This study aims to determine the compressive strength of concrete after fire and to determine the properties and characteristics of concrete after fire. This study used an experimental method using cube concrete specimens and concrete quality K 175. where each of the 5 samples was treated burned and not burned. Concrete is treated by curing for 28 days. The fuel test uses an electric furnace with the combustion temperature used is 1000 Celcius with a duration of 6 hours at the age of 35 days. Furthermore the test sample is cooled at room temperature for 24 hours. Changes that occur in post burn concrete include changes in the color of the concrete to gray white, crazing, spalling, release of aggregate grains, occur shrinkage and increased porosity. The results of post burn concrete press test also showed a decrease in compressive strength by 70%. The average percentage of post burn shrinkage is 13.79%. The average value of post burn porosity of concrete is 31.91%. So it can be concluded that concrete which experiences a fire at high temperatures will cause a very significant decrease in quality both in terms of strength and aesthetics.

concrete, fire, temperature, compressive strength

Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning, and Civil Engineering


Benefit of E-Commerce for Travel and Tourism Industry
S Wiganepdo1 and M S Dwintanissa2*

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Corresponding Author
Medina Syafira Dwintanissa

1Departemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to facilitate tourists who want to visit tourist attractions with affordable facilities and costs. The preparation of this scientific work uses a method of deduction research, namely ways to make conclusions based on logical writing and obtained from the progress of application media technology that presents information about the facilities and infrastructure of tourist attractions that are currently in demand by tourists. The expected results of the many tourist destinations in Japan can provide business opportunities for travel entrepreneurs to further develop their businesses and simultaneously introduce tourist attractions in Japan to the international world. We know that the tourism sector has a vital role in economic growth in a country. The facilities offered in this tourism business are expected to attract more foreign tourists. Tourists can enjoy comfortable travel facilities, such as lodging facilities, travel fees, and tickets and treated to natural and cultural beauty typical of Japan. This opens up more promising business opportunities in the field of travel.

Tourist; E-Commerce; Travel

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Benefits of E-Commerce Marketing For Handicraft Wayang Golek
K C Mariano (a*), I Gustiana (b)

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Corresponding Author
Kevin Chandra M

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to find out the marketing using internet technology or e-commerce web for the business of handicraft puppet show. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data with the library research method and field research using observation techniques. With content analysis and deductive analysis, this study examines the marketing strategy of the Tokopedia E-Commerce website to market handicraft puppets. The results show that Tokopedia provides easy online business features for the sale of local handicraft products, especially puppet show. Besides that, Tokopedia also provides convenience in transactions, safe and convenient shopping, and easy in product search.

e-commerce, website technologies, Puppet show

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Benefits of Social Media to Improve The Sales of Product
R Silva (a) , Y Sutisnawati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Respi Silva

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The writing of this paper aims to explain the benefits of social media to improve the sales of product, expand market targets, and share information faster. This research uses a descriptive method, to present a complete picture of some situations of the variables under study. The results of this study are to find out how much social media is used to increase products sales, and to attract consumers to be interested in the products sold. Getting more consumers from social media can increase product sales, so it can be said that social media has helped turn passive buyers into loyal and active customers.


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Benefits of Technology for Business
A Susan1*, W Novianti2

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Corresponding Author
Alverina Susan

1Departemen Akuntansi Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to describe the benefits of technology in business aspect nowadays. This type of research used descriptive method so that we could analyze the importance of technology in the sector of business. The results show that this research can use technology these days to help young businessmen or businesswomen who want to develop their ability according to the times. The benefit of technology is that now it can support business expansion. Besides doing business by utilizing technology is useful because the users can also learn technology at the same time. This can provide convenience for the users. The impact from utilization of technology for business can also make the users take a note to their accuracy that it is easier for them to make decisions. So we can take out the benefit from technology for business because it does not close the possibility of successful business for businessmen and businesswomen.


Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Big Data Impact In Development E-Commerce
Y Sutisnawati (a), W K Maulani (*b)

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Corresponding Author
Wafaa Kamilah Maulani

a) Departemen Keuangan dan Perbankan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to enable a business to have access to amount larger data, and some of that infromations are comes from an e-commerce business. Authors using literature review method to describe how big bata Analytics can affect to an e-commerce business. Big Data is a good asset for sales and marketing, because there is a valuable information from tons of data. The result from this research are Big Data improved shoping experiences, customer satisfaction, and increase sales. The conclusion of this study Big Data Analysis in E-commerce can help improve customer experience and help make the right decisions in business.

Big Data, E-commerce, Sales, marketing, customer satisfaction

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Bitcoin influence on E-commerce
Adam Mukharil1*, Rani Nur Hanifah2

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Corresponding Author
Rani Nur Hanifah

1Departement of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departement of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to identify the development of e-commerce technology in the business world, and the benefits of the application of e-commerce in the online business. The method used in this research was the descriptive method, to present a complete overview of the situation related to some variable situations examined. The result of this research is a study to give clear identification of how far the development of e-commerce technology in the world of online business, as well as the benefits provided by the application of e-commerce in the world of online business. In the end, bitcoin gives mutual connection to expand business of E-commerce.

E-commerce, Business World, Apllication

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Blindscanner Server and Batch Programming Implementation in the Process of Automatically Scan Documents
Angga Setiyadi (a*), Eko Budi Setiawan (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Angga Setiyadi

Indonesian Computer University

The rapid development of science and technology is very influential on the progress of business in the public and private sectors. They compete to increase professionalism in offices, banks, industries, factories, hotels, insurance, the world of education, and others. One of the information that is very important for business progress is the recording of the business activity itself. The records of these business activities are contained or stored in the archive. archives are needed to help service, the subscription or internal information needs. Government offices that store various types of files such as letters of good conduct, fingerprints, birth certificates, land certificates, etc., which can be lost at any time and are difficult to find. Documents that cause a lot of archiving process takes a long time, Filing systems that use scanner applications originating from this factory can hinder the performance of the work unit in question because of the document archiving process using a scanner those from the factory still use manual methods. the scanner application from the factory has a working method that is by pressing the scan process button in the scanner application and the number of government offices and private offices that only have 1 scanner, this causes the document archiving process to be delayed because users who need scanners will look for employees who have used scanners. This study aims to streamline time in the process of filing and scanning documents at government offices and to implement batch programming and blind scanner server applications in the scan process automatically

Batch Programming, Automatically Scan Documents

Informatic and Information System


Branding of E-Learning in Online Education Game for Kids
Y Aysa (a) Tatan Tawami (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yusi Aysa

a) Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Sastra Inggris, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to recognize the branding of e-learning in online education game for kids. The method used in this research was the descriptive method, to present a complete overview of the situation related to some variable situations examined. The result of this research was to recognize the extent of the development of branding e-learning in education games for kids, and the benefits provided by e-learning applications in education games for kids. This research was conducted by discussing the product branding that exists in e-learning in learning games for kids.


Informatic and Information System


Building a Business Using E-commerce Technology
W Fibriyanti (a*), Dewi Kurniasih (b)

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Corresponding Author
Humanovfiqh Riezsky

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer indonesia

b) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to identify business systems using e-commerce technology and make the attraction of a company in selling its products that are packaged into online marketing. The method used in this research is descriptive method using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are that the use of e commerce-based systems will increase the attractiveness of buyers to view the contents of business products so that at the end of this study it was concluded that e-commerce systems make it easier for business people to conduct business in terms of shipping information, payment products and systems, e commerce make significant attraction to consumers to buy online.

e commerce, Business, Techonolgy

Informatic and Information System


Building an Online Store for Students
Rukma Permana9(a)*, Deni Albar(b)

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Corresponding Author
Rika Rienita Wahyuli

a. Department of Accounting, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Department of Visual Communication Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to find out the benefits of an online store and how a student can build an online store. In this study the method is semi-structured interview method with informants who are online shop owners. Based on the research results shows that a student is actually able to build an online store business and students will gain experience in trading. If students want to try and be observant of opportunities plus diligently in running their online store, surely the online store they manage will develop. The conclusion of this study is that if students can foster an entrepreneurial spirit, then building an online store will be very easy.

online store, entrepreneurial spirit

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


H E Samudra*, A Setiyadi

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Corresponding Author
Agris Priladha

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur 102-116 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, 40132

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of English in universities by using web-based and mobile applications. Method used is descriptive method and case study at one private university in Bandung with data collection techniques carried out by random sampling and questionnaire, carried out by taking observation data, interviewing students, literature studies that support problem solving theory. Results showed that, web and mobile-based English learning is expected to help students to be able to receive studies outside the hours set by the campus, as well as related to academics such as searching for literature and writing scientific papers. This is due to the application application can cut time in learning and the use of learning applications is very helpful for students.

Web-based, Mobile Application, English

Informatic and Information System


Building Sports Equipment Businesses Among Students Through Media As A Trend
Yunia Oktaviani Prihatini (a*), Taufan Hidayatullah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Adam Januar Rizkiawan

a) Study Programme Communication Studies, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b)Study Programme Visual Communication Design Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia.

The purpose of this research is to see how the life of students who use the media as a trend and produce a promising business. This research method uses descriptive methods to support buyers who need the purchase price of products obtained from social media that can facilitate success in business, especially social media that facilitates communication with various information and can be felt by students and the community. The reason why these results can be achieved certainly sees a lot of sports lovers who are looking for shoes, clothes or other equipment with good quality. All results are obtained by reason of high fighting spirit, observing opportunities. The results of this study are due to the influence of current student lifestyles who always need extra money to meet their needs. Students will feel lucky to have another income. The success of a business achieved by making the business and the beginning of the business as a life partner and as a hobby that can motivate us so that the creation of good results. Because the process certainly wont betray the results. In conclusion, students can be the beginning of a professional businessman by utilizing the media as a trend and making. With the opportunity for students who make a business like this, can be used as a professional entrepreneurs spirit.

entrepreneurs, business online, social media

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Business E-Commerce Strategy to Increasing Profits
M Aria1*, S P Fajriansyah2

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Corresponding Author
Syafaat Putra Fajriansyah

1Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Department of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

Email : syafaatputraf[at]

This study aims to identify the strategies used by e-commerce companies in marketing their products. So that in marketing the product can have appeal by using methods such as advertising, packaging a product and others. In the end e-commerce can do product marketing in accordance with market desires and have more appeal in the eyes of consumers, so this study wants to explain the impact of corporate strategy in marketing products, namely increasing market interest in a product. Writing this journal is by using study methods the literature in which the author looks for reference theory that is relevant and in accordance with the problem raised. The reason the author adopts this title is because as we all know that there are many e-commerce companies that exist today and lately many people talk about it. With the appointment of this title, the results obtained in this writing are knowing how a company makes a selection of strategies in determining market promotion, packaging, or targeting. But here the author found several business strategies that are often used by several e-commerce, namely content marketing, sales chat, target marketing, discounts, free shipping, and competitive prices. This is done because the purpose is to attract the attention of consumers to buy products offered

E-Commerce; Marketing; Strategist

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Business in the Game Industry
E S Soegoto (a*) , F A Fardyaz (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Fajar Achmad Fardyaz

a Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departmen Sastra Jepang, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this paper is to explain the growth of the video game industry from year to year, and also to explain the business opportunities that exist in the industry. The method used in this research is Descriptive and Literature method by describing the development of the video game industry from years to years, and also looking for sources of information or references available on internet sites. From the results of this study the Video game industry is growing very rapidly, Video games seem to be a necessity for young and old, Video games are also not only played by men but women are now starting to play it. Even in Japan this industry is one of the main industries of the countrys economy. Many successful big companies (game studios), such as Rock Star, Ubisoft, Nintendo, etc. In conclusion, in making or developing a video game, a software system called Game engine is needed, for example, like Frostbite Engine, Unreal Engine, Cry Engine, etc. The more developed technology the better the engine is created, the automatic video games that are produced are getting better. And because of the development of technology also now video games are present on various platforms such as Consol, Personal Computer (PC), even Smartphone. That is why the video game industry is an industry that is difficult to dim.

Games, Bussiness

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Business Model Analysis of E-Commerce in Online Business
R Yunanto(a*), G A Paizal(b*)

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Corresponding Author
M Azmi JR

Departmen Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia.
Departmen Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia.

The aim of this study is to see the benefits and convenience of selling goods in e-commerce and analyze business models to provide a description of the characteristics of e-commerce and to analysis business models using the Business Model Canvas (BMC). The method used in this study is descriptive research methods that describe situations related to several existing variables and use BMC as a tool to explore business processes into more detailed parts such as relationships, needs, costs, activities, income, etc. This research was conducted by discussing the system of ease of interface, sales system, ordering system and payment system by the owner using e-commerce technology. The results this study shows that Brodos income comes from product sales, profit share from credit card, and profit share from the online marketplace. This income is derived from the consumer segment as well as the results of profit sharing by offering a value proposition that Brodo has, namely Product quality, Customer satisfaction, and offline store. This value proposition differentiates Brodo from other similar brands.

E-commerce, online business, sales system, ease of interface

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Business Model Platform for Smart Home for Technology Planning Task Force
Melyani Melyani(a*,b*),Raymond Kosala (b), Benny Ranti (b), Suhono Supangkat (c*), Ford Lumban Gaol(b)

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Corresponding Author
Melyani Melyani

a)Information System Program, STMIK Nusa Mandiri, BSI University
b)Computer Science Department Binus Graduated Program- Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University
c) STIE, Bandung Institute of Technology

Smart homes are currently facing challenges that are increasing with the diversity of their residents needs. Explosive growth in mobile Internet use, mobile apps, and smartphones, increased connectivity of devices and IoT, and cost reduction of sensors and radio frequency identification (RFID) are the trends needed in smart homes and today still cannot meets the needs of elderly residents. Analysis of the smart home business platform for technology governance planning tasks that includes the recommended decision flow process and as a recommendation from an established business model and expanded to include a series of additional parameters needed to successfully analyze new service business models that offered by the developer and detailed analysis of proposed governance in the service sector. This framework presents a technology governance model for updating strategic plans and governance models for technology and frameworks designed to meet the needs of the elderly population and as a recommendation for smart home management that aims to measurably improve the welfare of the people in Indonesia. The proposed model and strategy recognize the diversity of the community with existing household appliance provider and developers to optimize resources to achieve the goals and objectives of elderly smart home residents.

Business Model, Smart Home, Elderly, Platform

Informatic and Information System


Business Opportunity From Becoming A Youtuber
John Adler (a*), Sesilia Candra (b)

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Corresponding Author
Sesilia Candra

a) Departemen Teknik Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Ilmu Politik dan Sosial, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

This research aims to see how the benefits will be generated by becoming a youtuber. This research uses qualitative approaches and descriptive methods with analytical techniques and also literature studies to explain how there are advantages from becoming a youtuber. The results of this study are so many advantages gained from becoming a youtuber, for example is adsense payments, sponsorship, brand ambassadors and also corporate collaboration. Because with a thousands of suscribers and viewers will make lots of company interested in collaborating and adsense come. That is why this research expected to motivate millenials to see business opportunies that can be generated from being a youtuber.

Youtuber; Business Opportunity; Subscriber

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Can we save near-dying games? An approach using advantage of initiative and game refinement measures
Htun Pa Pa Aung(a), Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid(a), Hiroyuki Iida(a)

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Corresponding Author
Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid

a)School of Information Science
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
1-1 Asahidai, Nomi, 923-1211 Ishikawa, Japan
*{htun.pp.aung, akmal, iida}[at]

Games are attractive and engaging due to the complexity they pose to the player. Some games are complex enough which made them attractive to play. However, popular games would lose their attractiveness due to the large advantage of initiative. High-performance AI like AlphaZero suggests from their actual games played that advantage of the first player would become larger as the performance level increases. This implies that games with a large advantage of the initiative would lose their attractiveness due to the unfairness. This paper explores an innovative way to make a game stay attractive. A link between the advantage of initiative and performance level is investigated while using Scrabble AI. Using two measures: the advantage of initiative and game refinement, possible treatments are considered. The experimental results with Scrabble AI suggest that reduction of search space from 15x15 to 13x13 board size is a possible enhancement.

Game complexity, Game refinement theory, Advantage of Initiative, Scrabble

Informatic and Information System


Cashless in Online Transportation Applications for Services Business
A Novitasyari 1 * , N I Widiastuti2

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Ayu Novitasyari

1 Economic and Business Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2 Engineering and Computer Science Departement, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

1 ayunovitasyari[at],
2 nelly.indriani[at]

The relationship between online transportation applications and cashless payment methods is mutualism. But that doesnt mean everything is fine. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the ease of business people in conducting services when transacting with customers using the Cashless payment method in the Online Transportation application. In addition, this study also reviews the problems that arise from other studies discussing the usefulness of online transportation applications that are increasingly advanced so that it can be used for Cashless payment methods. The research method used is qualitative, namely direct interviews with business people to obtain objective results and supplemented by review literature. The results of this study indicate that, with this online transportation application, it is easier for sellers to make transactions with customers.

Cashless, Transportation, Application

Informatic and Information System


CDMA Channel Resources Allocation with Applied Token Sub-Queuing for Wireless Multi-Service Packet Switch Traffics
Susmini Indriani Lestariningati, Aldo Agusdian

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Susmini Indriani Lestariningati

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung

This paper proposes the method of Channel Resources Allocation of wireless Multi-Service Packet Switch CDMA based. As have been known CDMA cell has a fluctuated capacity mainly due to its varying co-channel interference. The simulation is performed to shows the characteristic for Multi-Service Packet Switch traffic such combine CBR, VBR, and ABR users is applied on CDMA system. The idea is to deliver the traffics when capacity increase from assigned minimum value, by implementing Proposed Token Sub-Queue and Multi-Service Traffic Channel Resources Algorithm. In the first time, this method is aim for non-real time traffic such ABR traffic, but the simulation shows that it can be applied further to the real-time connection by prioritizing delaying the drop calls of certain agreed QoS values to re-seize into services. The simulation of proposed method shows better CDMA channel or bandwidth utilization, and suppresses drop call probability for real-time traffic.

CDMA, Multi-Service Traffic, Channel Resource Allocation

Electrical and Computer Engineering


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