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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

Page 12 (data 331 to 360 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Self Defeating Work Behavior in Wood Industry: An Empirical Investigation
M. Elfan Kaukab*, M. Trihudiyatmanto, Heri Purwanto, Bahtiar Efendi

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M. Elfan Kaukab

Faculty of Economics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo Indonesia


Self-defeating work behavior will become more common if human resources exploitation continues. A good organization practice needs to be performed to avoid employees- self-defeating work behavior. Our research is among the first to examine the organizational antecedents of self-defeating work behavior. This research uses the perceived CSR initiatives, implementation of a high-performance working practice, and authentic leadership as the antecedents. Questionnaires are distributed to 200 employees of 20 wood companies in Central Java. Regression analysis is used to test the connection between the variables. The result shows that perceived CSR initiative, implementation of high-performance working practice, and authentic leadership negatively affect self-defeating work behavior. A self-defeating work behavior mitigation model is proposed for further research. It is recommended that practitioners implement good CSR in a social environment, high-performance working practice, and authentic leadership to maintain employees- positive behavior.

Perceived CSR initiatives, high performance work practice, authentic leadership, self-defeating work behavior, human resource management



SHARECROPPING AGREEMENT IN ACCORDANCE OF MAQASID AL-SYARI-AH (A Case Study Of Sambirejo Village Sub-District Mantingan, Ngawi District, East Java)
Fajar Pramono, Mulyono Jamal, Ruchhima, Nur Azizah Latifah

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Nur Azizah Latifah

Faculty of Islamic Economic Law, University of Darussalam Gontor

Abstract. This research conducted in Sambirejo village Ngawi where the majority of the population worked as farmers and one of the systems for cultivating land used by the community was the sharecropping system. The sharecropping agreement is carried out based on the traditions or customs in the village. The ratio determined based on the planting season, not in the capital proportion. The agreement carried out verbally and there is no period determination. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the sharecropping system in the Sambirejo village and analyze its application according to maqasid syariah. This research is qualitative descriptive with primary and secondary data obtained through observation, unstructured interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of the sharecropping agreement, in general, is carried out according to the customs in the village, namely verbally and without determining the agreement period. The profit sharing ratios namely, mertelu, merpapat, and moro limo determined based on the planting season except for maro. Determination of profit sharing proportion is determined based on the provision of capital included in the agreement. If viewed based on the seeds provision, the sharecropping includes mukhabarah because most of farmer provide the seeds. However, the sharecropping agreement is not entirely accordance with mukhabarah, especially in the capital contributions of seeds, the profit sharing proportion that is not in accordance with the capital provided, and the time of the agreement that is not determined at the beginning of the agreement. Overall, the sharecropping agreement implemented by the community in Sambirejo village has been in line with the concept of muamalah in Islamic economic law namely there is a value of cooperation, honesty, and justice between the two parties.

Sharecropping, mukhabarah, Custom, Maqasid Syariah



Sharia Compliance Measurement in Islamic Financial Institutions Based on Product, Personal, and Environment: Ethnography Study at BTM Amman Magelang
Andi Triyanto*, Nurodin Usman

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, *andi_rabbani[at]

Sharia compliance principles is a differentiator of Islamic cooperatives with conventional one to attract the consumers. At present, the cooperative is the legal entity of a "typical" Islamic microfinance institution and known as Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT). However, unlike banking, there has not yet been found a standard model for evaluating sharia compliance. This study examines the sharia compliance measurement based on product, personal, and environmental model which are developed from the literature of the compliance basics, the faith concept. The study was conducted by ethnographic methods at BTM AMMAN Magelang. The result shows that the institutions orientation for sharia compliance is still dominated by product aspects followed by personal and environmental aspects. Therefore, these three aspects should be practised effectively to meet the effort for sharia compliance.

faith concept; sharia compliance; sharia governance



Sharia Retail Competitiveness and Consumers- Behavior: Should Sharia Retail Capitalize “Islam”?
M. Elfan Kaukab (a)*, Aksamawanti (b), Machfudz (b)

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M. Elfan Kaukab

(a) Faculty of Economics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia


(b) Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

Financial profit is important for both conventional and sharia retails. Both kinds of retails are encouraged by limited resources and a competitive environment to relentlessly create effective marketing strategies. They want to win the consumers- hearts. Conventional retail, especially the one with a wide network, rely upon studies on consumers- behavior to produce various marketing strategies utilizing consumers- psychological vulnerability. On the other hand, sharia retails capitalize on religion as the major theme of marketing expecting a market share. This research aims to formulate the sharia retail marketing framework, focusing on minimarkets and supermarkets capitalizing Islam to sustainably compete with conventional retail. To reach the goal, literary reviews on neuromarketing and the Islamic perspective of consumerism were carried out. The result shows a framework consisting of two types of determinants. The first is neuromarketing determinants (color, light, sound, spatial arrangement, and aroma) and the second is social identity determinants (social justice, morality, ummah solidarity, faith, and Islamic products). Therefore, we propose strategical implications taken by sharia retail in reaching competitiveness by means of developing a sharia marketing that fulfills the neuromarketing as well as social identity requirements. This article should help sharia-based retail practitioners to better understand good marketing strategies and their relevance to Islamic teachings. They should be able to adopt the strategies and build successful and sustainable sharia retails.

sharia retail, conventional retail, marketing strategy, Islam capitalization, consumers- behavior



Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna

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Iqbal Prabawa Wiguna

Telkom University

On its progress Indonesian contemporary art increasingly leads to the hybridization between art and science (whose derivatives are engineering and technology) and cultural criticism. Bandung, in Indonesian art world is known as the "western laboratory" which means that the most work of the artist in this one place explore ideas and mediums that are interdisciplinary and have some scientific approach. One of the factors behind the increasingly diverse forms of interdisciplinary works of art, is the variety of academic backgrounds of young artists today, which previously were dominated by young artists with an art academy background. One of the art groups whose works are interdisciplinary and originating from Bandung is Annuitterra. Annuitterra is one group of collective artists domiciled in Bandung. This group focusing on exploration in the field of art, science and design for the past 4 years. The works vary from works that are strong in scientific elements such as taxidermy, skeletonizing, wet specimen, mummification, diaphonized, plasticization to interactive works with art presentations such as bio art, sound art, scent art, ecological art. This research will focus on using samples from Annuitterras skeleton works to see the development of new media art in Bandung. The results of the analysis show that there is an interdisciplinary tendency and inter-media hybridization in the new media art that enriches Indonesian art discourse.

Contemporary art, Science, Skeletonizing, Annuittera



Smart Education in Mathematics Learning for Elementary School
Rida Fironika Kusumadewi (a*), Sari Yustiana (b), Sita Ayu Wijayaningrum (c)

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Sari Yustiana

a) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang
b) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang
c) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang

Understanding on concept is required for learners in Elementary schools. It takes a role as a support system needed in learning process for students and is called as smart education. It is hoped that students would more easily absorb the material received so that it would be easier to work on the problems arised in smart education. Noting these needs, the development of smart education in learning mathematics was required for students especially in the ability of understanding mathematical concepts. The research method in this research used the stage of developing teaching material consisting of three definitions, design and development. At the stage of define, there were first two plans; designing the product design format required consisted of a preliminary studio, student analysis, task analysis and concept analysis. While designing the design format in stage of design was a product format that was developed including cover, basic competencies, assessment indicators, question indicators, questions to be done, as well as scoring instructions; the second was designing the initial draft of the product. The next stage of development was at the stage of development including expert validation, stage I revision, limited trials conducted to understand the product readability before conducting large scale trials.

education, question instrumet, understanding on mathematics concept



Social Advance of Rural People and The Role of Islamic Economy
M. Elfan Kaukab (a)*, Nurul Mubin (b), Imam Ariono (c)

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M. Elfan Kaukab

(a) Faculty of Economics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia


(b) Faculty of Education and Teaching
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

(c) Faculty of Sharia and Law
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

The current economic system is counterproductive for human development because it encourages the lower-class society to be consumptive by buying more than what they can afford. This impacts on the long-term social-economic problems, especially for people in the rural areas that have been contaminated to urban life. This article highlights the role of the Islamic economy in the social advance of rural people from contemporary social theories perspectives, especially the theory of societal human capabilities. To achieve the goal, the researchers conducted literary and conceptual studies to relate the Islamic economic elements with the elements of the societal human capabilities theory. This results in the formulization of a rural-society developmental framework that is based on three Islamic economy elements namely entrepreneurship, no-usury fund management, and wealth redistribution. The framework reiterates the importance ofthe government to encourage entrepreneurship, sharia finance, and wealth redistribution in rural society to make them better personally and structurally based on the Islamic economy.

Islamic economy, social advance, rural people, societal human capabilities



Social identity of Santri: a Case Study in Politics
Min Hajul Abidin (a*), Mustadin (b)

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a) Southwest University, Chongqing, China
b) UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*) minhajulisme[at]

As the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, the Nahdlotul Ulama (NU) has members (santri) which have contributed to the development of Indonesia. Some of Santri either became politically active as a party member or involved a strategic nonpolitical position. The purpose of the study is to find out how the santri build their social identity in their political activities. A case study was conducted to find the process and the central dynamics of santri in political activities. The several semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the construction of identity of two members of Nahdlotul Ulama (NU) who have grown up in the santri tradition. The results of this research show that a unique identity of santri was built by their pride in their status as santri, since they believe that the santri status has more values than others. They also believe that their political activity is a kind of religious activity.

Santri, identity, strategic, unique, values.



Socioemotional Wealth and SME Performance in Magelang
Lilik Andriyani (a*), Yulinda Devi Pramita (b), Veni Soraya Dewi (c)

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lilik andriyani

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Economic and Business Faculty, Accounting Department
Jl. Tidar no. 21, Magelang 56126
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Economic and Business Faculty, Accounting Department
c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Economic and Business Faculty, Accounting Department

Families mostly manage small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Family involvement aims to maintain a family business so that it can live sustainably. Family businesses, especially in Indonesia, still have limitations, especially in terms of managerial skills, partnership relations, information technology capabilities, and the limitations of other internal SME factors. This limitation results in low performance and competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to examine the social impact of families by using five dimensions of socioemotional wealth (SeW) construction on SME performance. Improved performance affects improving the reputation and transgenerational family business. This study used 100 SME samples in Magelang. Through multiple regression analysis, the results of this study indicate that the dimensions of family control and family influence, social binding ties, emotional attachment of family members, and renewal of family ties through dynastic succession in SMEs influence performance improvement. But the dimensions of identification of family members with the company does not indicate that it can improve company performance.

socioemotional wealth; UKM performance; SeW dimension



Spectrum Properties of Self-Adjoint Operator
Arta Ekayanti (a*), Ch. Rini Indrati (b)

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Corresponding Author
Arta Ekayanti

a) Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, Indonesia
b) Department of Mathematics, Universitas Gadjah Mada

In this paper, we discuss about spectrum properties of self-adjoint operator. Relation between self-adjoint operator and normal operator is used to show that the spectrum of self-adjoint operator is subset of real numbers set. Furthermore, by using norm properties of bounded-linear operator and real polynomial we derived the relation between spectrum and norm of operator polynomial.

spectrum, self-adjoint operator, normal operator



Stimulus-Response Analysis of Spatial Behavior Pattern in Hospital Public Waiting Room
Vippy Dharmawan (a), Rofii (a), Nanik Rachmaniyah (b)

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Vippy Dharmawan

(a) Architecture Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
(b) Interior Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya

Waiting room is a part of a building in which people sit or stand until their turn come. The way people behave in that area need to be predicted, thus architects can make good designs. This study aims to reveal the spatial behavior patterns of visitors in public waiting rooms that located at Surabaya Hajj Hospital in Surabaya. By using behavior mapping and stimulus response analysis, the patterns of people-s behavior can be identified. The comparation analysis of three waiting areas revealed that reception desks, waiting chairs, and queueing machine acted as main stimulus, which significantly influences visitor circulation patterns. Moreover registration table was the most powerful stimulus among the three, and queueing machine was the weakest one.

behavior pattern, waiting room



Strength of Religious Freedom in Indonesia as a Human Rights Violation in Indonesia
Amri Panahatan Sihotang, Subaidah Ratna Juita,B.Rini Heryanti

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Semarang University

FREEDOM OF RELIGION AS A HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION IN INDONESIA By Amri Panahatan Sihotang, Subaidah Ratna Juita, B.Rini Heryanti Faculty of Law, University of Semarang ABSTRACT Religion is a form of human rights. The state must be present in protecting its people in practicing worship according to their respective religions. In society there is a rejection of freedom of religion and belief in Indonesia. This is a proof that there are some parts of Indonesian society who have not been able to accept diversity / plurality. The purpose of this research is to identify, describe and study about religious freedom as a form of protection of human rights in Indonesia and to find out religious freedom in Indonesia as a form of protection of human rights in Indonesia. Normative juridical approach method. Data obtained through legislation, books, and scientific journals. Data analysis methods using descriptive analysis. Recognition of Human Rights (HAM) in Indonesia has been listed in the 1945 Constitution and Legislation: Opening of the 1945 Constitution the first and fourth paragraphs, the Body of the 1945 Constitution, the Stipulation of the MPR and Law No. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights article 71 and article 72. Countries that protect human rights for their citizens in religion must be recognized, respected and upheld. Constraints faced in realizing religious freedom are: natural conditions, communication and information, government policies , legislative tool. Efforts are made in realizing religious freedom to form a Human Rights Commission, establish a Human Rights Instrument, form a National Commission on Violence against women and form the Indonesian Child Protection Commission. Human Rights arise from beliefs that all human beings have the same degree. Keywords: Strength, Religious, Human Rights

Strength, Religious, Human Rights



Strengthening Human Security through International Cooperation of Local Government (Case Study: International Cooperation of Local Government of Yogyakarta Province)
Fadhlan Nur Hakiem (a*), Ida Susilowati (b)

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Fadhlan Nur Hakiem

a) Department of International Relations, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia
b) Department of International Relations, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia

Decentralization provides significant authority for Local Government, either District / City or Provincial governments. This regulation gives Local Government-s authority to conduct international cooperation. This research aims at analyzing how the international cooperation of Local Government can strengthen human security in Indonesia. International cooperation and the role of local government can contribute to reinforcing human security. This contribution is expected to be able to describe the in-depth investigation of international cooperation carried out by the Local Government of Yogyakarta Province. Yogyakarta Province is one of the local governments performing a variety of international cooperations with various parties including government, private institutions, and non-governmental organizations. The research can be categorized as qualitative research done through a case study. The data will be collected through interviews and literature study. The results of this research show that international cooperation undertaken by local governments indicates a significant role to strengthen human security, especially the protection for economic security.

Human Security; International Cooperation; Local Government

International Relations


Students Perception on Learning English by Using Rap Music Media
Sri Lestari

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Sri Lestari

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Music has a positive role in teaching to shape ones mood. (Sousa, 2011). As a music, rap can be a learning medium to help students feel happy and relaxed (Segal, 2014). Various obstacles were found in implementing it such as cultural constraints and the fast tempo of the lyrics pronunciation. This study aimed to analyse the perceptions of students who perceived English learning by using rap music media. The population were 36 elementary school students at extracurricular classroom, while the samples taken were 18 students. They had been taught English by using rap music media from September 2017 to December 2017. The research data used questionnaires and interviews. The results showed that the students- music taste, their listening music habits, and their fatigue influenced their learning enjoyment. Nevertheless, the students who were often exposed to English songs considered it necessary to apply English teaching using rap music media. They had motivation to learn the fast pronunciation of rap music. The positive thing obtained from teaching using rap music was that most of the students would be relax without felt tense when they were learning if it was compared to conventional method.

Student-s perception, English learning, Rap Music media



Students- Representation based on High Order Thinking Skills for The Concept of Light
Siska Desy Fatmaryanti, Ashari, Veny Sarifaul Wahidah

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siska fatmaryanti

Depertement of Physics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Light is one of the concepts in physics which is close with daily life. This descriptive study aims to explore student representations in terms of high order thinking skills (HOTS) on the concept of light. The research subjects were 30 students of junior high school in Purworejo. Data collection techniques using a test with three items in the form of descriptions based on indicators of HOTS. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and the presentation of data analysis results through tables. The results showed that there are three forms of students- representation in understanding the concept of light. The use of diverse representations in solving problems can facilitate the improvement of HOTS

representation; HOTS; Light



Study of Mechanical Properties of Composite Strengthened Mango Seed Powder (Mangifera Indica Cultivar Manalagi), Brass, and Magnesium Oxide for Brake Pads Material
Catur Pramono(a*), Xander Salahudin(a), Ikhwan Taufik(a), Ari Bagaskara(a), Didi Muno Irawan(a)

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Catur Pramono

a) Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Tidar

Brake pads are a component that functions to slow down, control, and stop the shaft rotation. Brake pads which are too hard cause a short-lived drum or discs. Whereas, if they are too soft, the brake pads life will be short. This study aims to analyze the specific wear and hardness properties of the composite with mango seed powder, brass powder, and magnesium oxide reinforced with epoxy resin matrix. The variable of this study used the mass fraction of mango seed powder: brass powder: magnesium oxide. The wear test used the ogoshi method, while the hardness test used the vickers hardness test tool concerning the ASTM E384-17 standard. The results showed that the specific wear and composite hardness values were close to the mechanical properties of KEV-2700 brake pads, namely composites with a composition of 35% mango seed powder, 35% brass powder, 20% magnesium oxide, and 10% epoxy resin at 3.29 x 10-7 mm2/kg, and 214.38 N/mm2.

brake pads; composites; brass; mango seed powder; magnesium oxide

Mechanical Engineering


Study of Rare Earth Elements in Tin Tailings from Mining Activities on Bangka Island
Delita Ega Andini (a*), Fajar Indah Puspita Sari (b)

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Delita Ega Andini

a) Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Merawang, Bangka 33172, Indonesia
b) Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Merawang, Bangka 33172, Indonesia

Rare earth element (REE) is a material that is quite attractive to the defense sector and the modern high biotechnology production material industry. In Indonesia, one of the rare earths comes from the association of rare earth elements with acidic rocks (granitic) and phosphatic deposits. In the acid rock environment, REE deposits are found as associated minerals in placer tin mining such as monazite and xenotime in Bangka Island. This research was conducted at an active tin mine on land and at sea in Bangka Island. There are several sampling locations including primary tin mines and alluvial tin mines on land and at sea. Samples taken came from tailings in the process of washing tin ore using jigs in tin mining. Samples taken were then analyzed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to find out how much REE content was in each sample. In tin mining in the sea, the element of cerium (Ce) is dominant, which is 10718.11 ppm or 1.07% found in the tailings sample in the sluice box at the sea mining site Air Kantung Sungailiat using production suction vessel. Whereas in tin mining on land the element cerium (Ce) also became the dominant element, which is 481.23 ppm or 0.04% in Pemali area which is the primary tin deposit.

Rare earth elements; Tin tailing; Bangka Island



Superior Local Content Curriculum Development Management of Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School of Mertoyudan District of Magelang Regency
Hozaimi, Imam Mawardi, Imron

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Hozaimi Hozaimi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This study aims to describe the management of the development of superior local content curriculum and the strategy to run a superior local content curriculum at Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School, Mertoyudan District, Magelang Regency. The study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are done by observation, interviews, document review. Management of superior local content curriculum development at Al Firdaus Islamic Elementary School is carried out through planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Planning discusses curriculum work programs and division of curriculum tasks. In the curriculum implementation phase, the principal motivates and directs the work team. The control phase is evaluated and supervised by the school principal for improvement. The preeminent local content curriculum is the religious curriculum, namely Quran Hadith, Faith Character, Fiqh of worship, SKI, and Arabic. The flagship program of the religious curriculum is Tahfidzul Quran supported by Iqra. School strategies include teacher development, intensive Iqra teaching, playing the Quran letters, Quran study. Tahfidz, Iqra, and the study was conducted in the morning when the students were still fresh. Students are accustomed to worship and morality. The research implications show that management functions are needed in the curriculum development process. Islamic schools need to prioritize the content and values of the Quran and implement them as excellent.

Curriculum Development Management and Superrior Local Content Curriculum



Superoxide Dismutase and Malondialdehyde Levels in Adolescents with Primary Dysmenorrhea
Mukhoirotin Mukhoirotin, Kurniawati, Diah Ayu Fatmawati

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Mukhoirotin Mukhoirotin

Nursing Science Program, Faculty of Health Science, Unipdu Jombang, Indonesia

Primary dysmenorrhoea is painful menstruation without pelvic abnormalities and usually occurs among adolescents and female adults. In primary dysmenorrhea occurred the increasing of lipid peroxide (oxidative stress) and decreasing of antioxidant level. The aim of this study was to identified the differences of Superokside Dismutase and Malondialdehyde levels in adolescents with primary dysmenorrhoea. The research design used Case Control. The population of this study was all female students at Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu Jombang who got menstruation, the sample of this study were 24 respondents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sampling method in this study used Purposive Sampling technique. To measuring SOD levels used the NBT method, MDA levels used the Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) test, and the measurement were used Spektrofotometer. The data were analyzed by using Independent Sample T-Test with α ≤ 0.05. Independent Sample T-Test results showed that there were significant differences between SOD and MDA levels in both of case group and control group (p <0.05). In primary dysmenorrea there is an increasing of Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and a decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels, so the requiring efforts to balance the condition and reduce symptoms of primary dysmenorrhoea are needed.

Malondialdehid, Superoxide dismutase, Dismenorrea primer

Health Science


Supply Chain Management Improvement through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nida Hanin Dary (a*), Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni (a), Didik Gunawan Suharto (a)

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Nida Hanin Dary

a) Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

Human resources in Indonesia are required to be improved to be internationally competitive, actively synchronized, and innovative with rapidly developing information technology to support the quality of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and also support sustainable development. Nevertheless, in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Supply Chain in Indonesia was increasingly confronted with the challenges of international competition in terms of innovation and technology. In addition to increasing the quality of technology to improve SCM, it is necessary to do strategic planning of human resources to equip the suppliers with international capacity in using technology that has been provided by the government to innovate or cooperate with other countries. This study aims to examine the strategic role of human resource management to produce human resources with international capacity, innovative, and able to support the improvement of SCM in Indonesia in facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a systematic literature review approach. Efforts to increase human resource capacity are carried out by creating human resource strategic planning based on analysis of the situation and potential of human resources, then training and development are carried out based on international standardization.

Supply Chain Management; strategic planning; human resources; Industrial Revolution 4.0; Indonesia

Government Studies


Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Sheila Andita Putri

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Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani

Product design
Telkom university
Jl. Telekomunikasi no. 1 terusan Buahbatu
Bandung40257 Indonesia

Vocational education is part of the education system that prepares a person to be more able to work in one occupational group or one occupation than other fields of work. Vocational High School (SMK) is one of the educational unit level institutions that has the role of creating quality and competent Human Resources (HR) in their fields. Quality Human Resources (HR) are ready-to-use workers, ie workers who demonstrate high mastery of science, technology, and skills followed by good morals, ethics, and self-character. The Creative thinking component consists of; Identify and challenge assumptions, recognize the importance of context, imagine and explore alternatives, develop reflective skepticism. Creative thinking always considers rejecting standard patterns in problem solving.

Education, Vocational School, Creative thinking



Nuryanto 1 , Andi Widiyanto *2 , Oesman Raliby 3 , Rochim Widaryanto 4, Mochammad Ariyanto 5

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Nuryanto Nuryanto

1,2,4 Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
3 Industrial Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Indonesia
5 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Commonly, wheeled mobile robot is used to pass flat roads and a legged robot is utilized for areas that are bumpy are erratic. KAROT is a mobile robot that has wheels and legs (quadruped) that are designed in automatic transform to wheels mode or legs mode. the problem is how to detect the surface to be passed to determine the robot mode. To solve the problem, this research applies the trigonometry concept to the installation of Infrared (IR) Obstacle sensors. The IR sensor detection path forms the hypotenuse of triangle with fixed length. if the sensor detects an obstacle means the surface in front is not flat then KAROT uses quadruped mode. IR sensor mounted on the left & right side of the robot to detect surfaces and one IR sensor mounted in the middle to detect the area in front can be passed or not. IR Obstacle sensor by applying the trigonometry concept can be used for surface detection with accurate angle installation.

Keyword: Mobile robot, wheeled, quadruped, trigonometry, surface detection

Electrical Engineering


SYMBOLIC EFFORTS FOR MAINTAINING ANTI-COMMUNIST DISCOURSE A Critical Discourse Analysis of Matan Magazine published by Muhammadiyah East Java
Radius Setiyawan (a*), Sri Lestari (b)

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Dede Nasrullah

(a,b)Lecture Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

The meaning of communism discourse in Indonesia is closely related to events involving the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). The meaning of communism ideology has become a symbolic arena of struggle. Whether PKI as a victim or perpetrator of the massacre became a debate that continues to this day. This assumption has implications for the meaning of "communism as an ideology" in Indonesia. Thus, this day communism is still a scourge for some people become an existing reality. Even though Suharto era had ended, any efforts to preserve anti-communist discourse became a phenomenon in Indonesia. This research focused on how Matan Muhammadiyah East Java Magazine maintained anti-communist discourse. This was done to get the power to produce and showed the world view that had been the most recognized, the most considered true, and had legitimacy. The symbolic preservation efforts on anti-communist discourse carried out with a meconaisance strategy, i.e. euphemization, sensing, and implicature. In addition, Matan presented an old well narration as an effort to preserve the discourse. Through the critical discourse analysis method, this study showed that Muhammadiyah was still an active Islamic organization in reproducing anti-communist discourse in Indonesia.

Symbolic Efforts, Anti-Communist Discourse, Muhammadiyah Magazine



Andrianto(a*), Muhammad Anang Firmansyah(b),Mochamad Mochklas (c)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c) Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

This study aimed to obtain evidence about tax planning (tax planning) in an effort to minimize the tax payable on the income tax section 21 PT. Telkom Kandatel East Surabaya. The data used in this study are primary data and Primary secunder.Data obtained directly from interviews with management directly related to this study, while secondary data obtained from both sources other than primary data. Analysis data technique using decision theory, which is associated with the policy management in decision making. The results of the analysis in this study were obtained in the calculation of income tax article 21 methods covered employee / employer, income tax article 21 is not given in the form of benefits for employees, so that section 21 income tax paid can not be treated as expenses in calculating the lab / fiscal loss. Methods of tax allowances, income tax article 21 permanent employees paid by the company,but granted in the form of income tax benefit of article 21, so it can be financed by the company in the calculation of the profit / loss fiscal.If this method raises margin Article 21 Income tax article 21 Income tax allowances that can reduce the take home pay of employees. So that income tax may be applied as a deduction in the calculation of the profit / loss tax gross-up method is used, whereby if the terms of the tax saving and take home pay is a better method. From the results of this study concluded that efforts to tax planning that can be applied by PT. Telkom Kandatel Surabaya East of gross-up methods are appropriate and can minimize taxes payable Income tax article 21.

Tax Planning, Income Tax Article 21, Methods of tax allowances, Gross-up method



Techno-Economic Analysis of Satellite Implementation as a Broadband Internet Provider in Indonesia
Rio Mubarak (a), Setiyo Budiyanto (a), Putri Wulandari (b)

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Putri Wulandari

(a) University of Mercu Buana
(b) University of Al Azhar Indonesia
* putri.wulandari[at]

Indonesia is an archipelago that consisting of a group of islands from Sabang to Marauke. To be able to communicate each other, it needs a telecommunications network that can load all regions of Indonesia, without exception. The use of satellites as a means of telecommunications is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia. Because by using satellites, operators can provide internet services to rural areas that cannot access intrenet services by terrestrial networks. This is what causes businesses in this field is very promising. However, this business is not an expensive business because it requires very large costs in planning until operating. Therefore, it takes a research that shows the feasibility of this business for people to investment. In this paper shows that, NPV value during the active period of the satellite was USD 555,804,583 with an IRR value of 7% with PBP 5 years 8 months. Based on these parameters it can be seen that the investment is still classified as feasible to continue.

Techno-ecomonic, Satellite, NPV, IRR, Internet

Electrical Engineering


The Analysis of Antihypertensive and Toxicity Potential of Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) Methanol Extract
Dian Laila Purwaningrooma*(a), Toshinari Ishii(b), Tutut Setiowati(a), Siti Munawaroh(a), Cholik Harun Rosjidi(a)

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

(a)Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
(b)Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan

Cantaloupe is often used in hypertension therapy. But it is not yet known the mechanism of action of cantaloupe in lowering blood pressure also has no known potential toxicity if consumed in the long term. This study analysed the antihypertensive mechanism of cantaloupe and its toxic potential through the bioinformatics approach. A total of 200 grams of dried cantaloupe powder was maserated using 3 liters of absolute methanol and stored at 4oC. The phytochemical test was done by the LC-MS method, the bioactive compounds from LC-MS were traced to their SMILES in the PubChem. SMILES was used for the analysis of the antihypertensive potential in the PASSonline and the toxicity class and hepatotoxicity in the ProTox-II. The mechanism of compounds toxicity was analysed using STITCH and STRINGdb. The binding affinity between the bioactive compound and the target protein was analysed by molecular docking using PyRx and Discovery Studio. The results showed that at least 434 types of compounds were shown in cantaloupe methanol extract. Based of the STITCH and STRINGdb analysis, the cantaloupe may reduce blood pressure through the performance of amlodipine in the calcium channel pathway that controls contraction and relaxation. Among the compounds in cantaloupe extract, there were 4 compounds with the highest toxicity class, namely nitrofurazone, diphenadione, neosaxitoxin, and furazolidone. Nitrofurazone and furazolidone work on the hormone production system, nervous system, and gene expression. Some compounds were also thought to have hepatotoxic potential, including efavirenz and itraconazole which act on the cytochrome P450 pathway.

Antihypertensive, Toxicity Potential, Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis), Methanol Extract



The Annexation of Repeated Listening and Role Play Technique to improve students ability in Listening Comprehension
Wa Ode Riniati

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Wa Ode Riniati

Muhammadiyah Buton University

This article was aimed (1) To know what extent can The Annexation of Repeated Listening and Role-Play technique improve the listening ability of the students at Muhammadiyah Buton University, and (2) whether the using of this technique can motivate the students in listening comprehension. The respondents consist of 30 students; they were Second Semester students at Muhammadiyah Buton University. The data of this research were collected using three kinds of instruments: listening test, questionnaire. In analyzing the data on students listening ability and students- motivation, the researcher used quantitative analysis. The result of data analysis showed that (1) the annexation of repeated listening and Role-play technique could improve the students- ability in listening comprehension. The students- ability on pre-test gained category “poor” the mean score was 54.28. In this pre-test, the students- successful was only 57.14 percent. After the treatment by using this technique, the students got mean score 70.14 with the students- passing grade increase becomes 80 percent. (2) Based on the questionnaire of motivation showed mean score 72.94 or 80 percent of the total respondents was categorized “motivated”. It could be concluded that (1) The annexation of repeated listening and Role-play technique could improve the students ability in listening comprehension. (2) The using this technique could motivate students in improving their listening ability.

Teaching, repeated listening, role-play, motivation and listening ability



The Antecedents of Culture-Based Tourism Destination Sustainability in Indonesia
M. Elfan Kaukab (a)*, Atinia Hidayah (b), Christina (b)

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M. Elfan Kaukab

(a) Faculty of Economics
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia


(b) Faculty of Language and Literature
Universitas Sains Al-Quran Jawa Tengah
Wonosobo, Indonesia

Awareness of tourism destination sustainability is important to protect the destination from damage and over exploitation. Studies on tourism destination sustainability are still in the early stages. Scholars have just developed the indicators and instruments that will be used to measure the destination sustainability. Factors affecting tourism destination sustainability, especially the culture-based destination, have not been explored systematically using valid and comprehensive instruments. We present regression analysis of potential antecedents of culture-based tourism destination of 5 cultural destinations in Central Java involving 200 local people. The results suggest that resources and innovations have the strongest effect to the sustainability of culture-based tourism destinations. They are complemented with tour guides- performance. This indicates the importance of tour guides- training and orientation in building tourists- awareness. Resources provision and innovation are also crucial strategies in maintaining culture-based tourist destination sustainability.

tourist destination sustainability, tourism resources, destination innovation, tour guides- performance, cultural destination



Bagya Agung Prabowo, SH., MHum., Ph.D

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Bagya Agung Prabowo

Faculty of Law of Universitas Islam Indonesia

There is a strong relationship between product innovation and the development of the Islamic bank market. This means that the more innovative the Islamic banks products are, the faster the market will develop. So the weak innovation of Islamic bank products, however, will significantly impact the slow market development (market expansion). Weak product innovation and market development (market expansion) of Islamic banks must be addressed immediately, so that the accelerated development of Islamic banks is faster. In order to respond to the acceleration of the development of Islamic banking, product innovation is needed in the form of the implementation of al-uqud al-murakkabah in the al Murabahah wa ar Rahn contract, because the form of a single contract is considered to be unable to respond to contemporary financial transactions. The main problem is that the implementation of al-‘uqud al-murakkabah in the Murabahah wa ar Rahn contract is not in accordance with the principles of sharia compliance. To overcome various problems, this study adopted an analytical method based on doctrinal content, by applying four types of legal approaches, namely: (i) historical / historical; (ii) Jurisprudence / philosophy; (iii) comparison; and (iv) analytical and critical. In addition, a harmonized approach is also needed to align sharia banking product innovation with sharia compliance principles.

Al-uqud al-murakkabah, al Murabahah wa ar Rahn, Shariah Compliance



Sri Margowati(1); Eny Zuhriyah(2)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

1)Keperawatan/Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,
2)ekonomi Manajemen/Faluktas Ekonomi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang,
Jl. Mayjen Bambang Soegeng Km 5 Mertoyudan, Magelang 56172
Email: smargowati[at]

Smoking a detrimental activity for health, warning of the dangers of smoking is done in various ways. Changing health warning images (Pictorial Health Warning) on ​​each pack of cigarettes does not affect the number of smokers. Smokers in Indonesia in 2018 reached 60 million and 70 percent of them the were poor and children. How do family conditions and environment affect smoking behavior? Using a survey method in 7 working areas of the Puskesmas in Magelang District a proportional random sampling was obtained by 315 respondents. The results showed there were 68 percent of people smoking with an early age of smoking 12 years (78%). Costs incurred for cigarette shopping reached Rp. 6,000 to Rp. 50,000 per day. The Family and environmental conditions are described by smokers in the home environment. Analysis of the Kruskal Wallis difference test on the behavior of smokers in the puskesmas area showed p> ​​00 meaning that there was no difference in the smoking behavior of the Puskesmas working area. nalysis of the regression test between variables showed that family and environmental conditions significantly affected respondents smoking behavior p> 0.05. Mother or womans rejection of her husbands smoking behavior is very weak but is more dominant towards children before working age. The control over determining the location of smoking inside the house is strong, but it is loose on guests by reason of respect for others. The power theory of men determines family conditions and smoking behavior towards him and other family members. Realization of the existence of smoking cessation clinics is needed in the health center and other places that are easily accessible.

family, environment, behavior, smoking

Public Health


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