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The 2nd International Conference on Earth Science, Mineral, and Energy (ICEMINE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.03 for 1 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 2 (data 31 to 60 of 150) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Designing Pressure Draw down Test on Heavy Oil Well
Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin(a*), Nabilah Hisanah(b), Widia Yanti (a), R. Hari Karyadi Oetomo(a), Ilman Muhammad Azmi(c)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin

(a)Univeritas Trisakti, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Indonesia
(b) Pertamina Hulu Energi Tuban East Java, Jakarta, Indonesia
(c) Universitas Jember, Faculty of Engineering, Indonesia

High viscosity which is an inherent property of heavy oil would give an inconclusive result on a Pressure Draw-down Test. Some kind of thermal injection should be performed prior to implementing the operation of Pressure Draw-down Test, where the heat will reduce the viscosity of the reservoir fluid. The study was aimed to design a proper Pressure Draw-down Test for N-7 Well using a simulator. Since the well test was intended to reach radial flow regime then the viscosity should be reduced from 1069 cp to 66.5 cp for production time of 500 hours or to 24.8 cp for production time of 100 hours. Sensitivity test of several parameters namely viscosity, permeability, porosity, and shut-in time was conducted to analysis the effect of the parameters on the radius of investigation and radial flow time. This sensitivity would give various radius of investigation. Furthermore, the study was continued to correlate radius of investigation as a function of the parameters mentioned above. Permeability and shut-in time are directly proportional to radius of investigation. While porosity and viscosity are inversely proportional to the radius of investigation.

Pressure Draw Down Test, Pressure Derivative, Heavy Oil, Radius of Investigation

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Developing Risk Assessment of Push-Back Designs for An Indonesian Coal Mine under Price Uncertainty
Fanteri Suparno (a*), Amol Paithankar (b), Snehamoy Chatterjee (b), Januar Irawan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Fanteri Aji Dharma Suparno

(a) Department of Mining Engineering, University of Jember, Indonesia
Jalan Kalimantan No 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, 68121
(b) Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, Michigan Technological University, United States of America

One of the critical jobs in the mine planning and design is to optimize an open pit mine under many uncertain factors. This paper explains the incorporation process of the volatility of commodity price or market uncertainty into production phase design and ultimate pit limit using a maximum flow minimum cut algorithm. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) mean-reversion process was used to generate 50-coal price simulations for 10-years ahead. For implementation, data from an Indonesian coal mining site was integrated into the method and resulted in 42% differences compared to a conventional way.

Mine planning, Commodity price, Maximum flow minimum cut algorithm, Mean-reversion, NPV

Mining and Metallurgy Engineering


Developing Socio-Cultural Approach in the Evacuation Strategy of the 2010 Erupsion in Mount Merapi: Lessons Learned
Ludiro Madu

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Ludiro Madu

Department of International Relations, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari No. 2, Tambakbayan, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Evacuation strategy is one of important stages in disaster management, particularly in the case of the 2010 erupsion of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Rather than just evacuating people, the case shows that Indonesias government had to manage peoples livestock wisely without taking risks of increasing victims of human. Several incidents of natural disaster have improved Indonesias experiences in dealing with disaster management. Various approaches ---behavioural and structural ones--- have been applied in various natural disasters. However, those approaches cannot easily be imposed in the evacuation strategy at the Mount Merapi. This paper analyses the use of socio-cultural approach in handling evacuation problems at the 2010 erupsion of the Mount Merapi. This third approach is of importance for dealing with unique local condition of people lived arround Mount Merapi. Socio-cultural approach aims at helping disasters stakeholders successfully managed problems of evacuation. Although people were managed to be evacuated to secured areas, they frequently returned to their home in disaster areas. Learning from their daily life and local culture helps successful evacuation in the Mount Merapi by bringing people and their livestock out of disaster areas. This approach helps disaster stakeholders to learn about local wisdom of people who lived in sorrounding areas of Mount Merapi. Another lesson is that this evacuation strategy enabled disaster-affected people kept looking after and securing their livestock, while they lived in secured areas. Therefore, developing socio-cultural approach in the evacuation strategy of the Mount Merapi also helps complement ---rather than substitute--- other useful approaches which were formerly applied in other disaster areas for disaster management.

livestock, people, socio-cultural approach, evacuation strategy, Mount Merapi.

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Development of Womens Capabilities in Post-disaster Adaptation forUrban Resilience
Donna Asteria, Dyah Utari, and Andiny Widya Utari

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Donna Asteria

1Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan, Depok, 16424 Indonesia
2 Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran, Limo, Kota Depok, 16515, Indonesia
3School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Central Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

This paper aims to describe the strategic role of women through empowerment to improve post-disaster adaptability in the city. City resilience is an important condition to be achieved after a disaster occurs to support the realization of a friendly city for women and children. Empowerment efforts will increase the participation of women in the community because women have a strategic role in post-disaster environmental management. This study uses a quantitative approach with analytical techniques use AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) and descriptive statistics. This method with by utilized expert judgment from various stakeholders to predict approach for the development of more sustainable empowerment . The results of the study show that the development of empowerment with a gender equality approach through efforts to improve the ability of economic productivity can improve the adaptive capacity of women facing post-disaster. The important suporting for women are access and opportunities in the recovery and preservation of post-disaster environments in their communities. The contribution of this study as the development of disaster management and post-disaster policy planning in urban areas uses the approach of gender equality and community-based participation.

urban resilience, womens capabilities, community participation, post-disaster adaptation, empowerment

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Disaster Risk Reduction by Measuring Social Vulnerability around the Merapi Volcano
Yohana Noradika Maharani (a*), Arif Rianto Budi Nugroho (b), Dzikrina Farah Adiba (a), Iin Sulistiyowati (a)

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Yohana Noradika Maharani

a) Disaster Management, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. Babarsari 2 Yogyakarta 55281 (Campus Unit II), Indonesia
b) Department of Geoscience, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. SWK 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur, Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia

Disasters can cause enormous calamity in many ways which impacted people at all levels.The socially vulnerable individuals or communities often do not have enough data resources for disaster events, which makes it difficult for researchers and stakeholders to address cause-and-effect relationships between variables. In this study, Self Organizing Map (SOM) is used as an effective platform for analysis of a data set in a volcanic disaster in terms of the number of parameters and samples (or sites); while Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) is used for vulnerability index creation to measure the level of vulnerability (high to low). Using SOM, this study, specifically, aims to classify the vulnerable areas and to determine the most important variables in characterizing social vulnerability levels for homogenous groups (or clusters) which are classified by the similarity of all variables. The data set used for this analysis consisted of 12 variables associated with socioeconomic features. We demonstrated that the SOM approach provided reliable estimates of clustering and the most significant variables, while SoVI works well in ensuring that positive value indicates high vulnerability, and vice versa. Therefore, it could be useful for the social vulnerability assessment by stakeholders and decision makers.

Social vulnerability, Self Organizing Map, Social Vulnerability Index, Cluster analysis, Merapi eruption

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Disaster Risk Reduction through Managing Risk Perception and Adaptation of Community Livelihood Assets in Batur Permanent Settlement, Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman
Eko Teguh Paripurno, Purbudi Wahyuni, Wana Kristanto

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wana kristanto

University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

After the 2010 eruption, the government declared that building settlement inside an area that directly affected by hot cloud should be avoided. Activities within Disaster Prone Area should be limited as the government declared. To accommodate the community, government through rehabilitation and reconstruction program provided house aid. It was a real settlement concept with a public facility. In a new place, a new strategy and way to keep living were needed. With their assets after the eruption, the community adapted to manage and utilize resources. This research aimed to assess perception change within the community on the character change of Mt. Merapi eruption and adaptation strategy to build community resiliency and their economic assets. This research utilized Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in a participative way. Interview, focus group discussions were utilized as instruments, and supported by tendency and change, daily routine, mobility map, and plantation sketch. The result of this research used qualitative-descriptive analysis. Research showed that the character change of Mt. Merapi eruption enriched Batur residents- experience and knowledge. Therefore, they became more resilient in facing future eruption. Their resilience can be seen from their ability to manage their living assets. Adaptation within a new environment can be made through utilizing existed assets and managing it. Compared to the residents of Batur assets before the 2010 eruption, their assets tend to increase. Keyword: Mt. Merapi eruption 2010, permanent settlement, adaptation, resilience

Mt. Merapi eruption 2010, Permanent settlement, Adaptation, Resilience

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Disaster Risk Reduction through Managing Risk Perception and Adaptation of Community Livelihood Assets In Turgo Hamlet, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman.
Eko Teguh Paripurno, Puji Lestari, Indra Baskoro Adi

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Indra Baskoro Adi

Masters in Disaster Management at National Veteran Development University Yogyakarta

Abstract: Within the decade of 1994 until 2010, Mt. Merapi erupted, which occurred in 1994, 2006, and 2010. In 1994, the hot cloud of Mt. Merapi went to northern west area, precisely to Boyong River. Then, in 2006, the threat changed the direction, to the southern part, precisely to Gendol River. Then, it escalated quickly in 2010, in which the hot cloud went 15 kilometers along with Gendol River. By examining the directional change of threat, the risk perception and adaptation strategy within the community can be influenced. This research aimed to (a). Review the Turgo Hamlet risk model (b). Assessing perceptions of changes in the eruption character of G. Merapi(c). Assessing the Adaptation of Livelihood Assets of Turgo Hamlet residents. Participative data collection was utilized in this research, with a qualitative method also used, by involving residents of Turgo hamlet within disaster-prone area III of Mt. Merapi a data resource. Primary data collection was assessed through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) or participative rural condition assessment. The instruments were: interview, tendency and change, diversion, village history, mobility map, and Focused-Group Discussion. The results were descriptive-qualitatively analyzed. The research was located in Turgo hamlet, Purwobinangun village, Sub-district of Pakem. The research found that the resident of turgo understood the model of risk perception. The model of risk perception was in form change of directional of threat and the eruption character of Mt. Merapi. The residents- resiliency can be seen through their ability in implementing the strategy of adaptation while also analyzing and assessing to build community resilience.

Mt. Merapi, perception, adaptation strategy, disaster-prone area, residents of Turgo hamlet

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Distribution of acidic pH of river water from the Ijen volcano crater in Banyupait River Asembagus Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia
DF. Yudiantoroa), B. Agus Irawanb), I. Paramita Hatya), DS. Sayudic), A. Suproborinid), B. Sekarwatie), P. Ismayaf), M. Abdurrahmang)

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Dwi Fitri Yudiantoro

a) Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
b) Environmental Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
c) Geology Agency
d) Pharmacy Study Program of PGRI Madiun University
e) Postgraduate student of Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
f) Undergraduate student of Geology Engineering Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
g) Institute Technology Bandung

Abstract. The Ijen volcano was Pleistocene volcano and is one of the strato volcanoes which was active in the middle row of Java Island. This volcano erupts by magmatic and phreatic eruptions. This volcano has the largest natural lake in the world measuring around 960 x 600 m. The morphology of the crater was limited by embankments with heights between 2.145-2386 m. The lowest height of the western embankment was upstream from Banyupait River. The water volume of the crater lake of Ijen volcano is quite large and very acidic. The acidic water from the crater lake flows from upstream Banyupait River to the north to the lower direction of the Asembagus Situbondo area. In this study the methodology of field survey and measurement was used. The field survey was carried out along the flow of Banyupait Asembagus River, which began from the Bantal village to the mouth of the river in the Java Sea.In conducting a field survey pH measurements were also carried out from the river water of the Kali Banyupait. The observations showed that the river water upstream of Banyupait River had a pH of around 2-3, while the more towards the downstream the pH of the river water changed to an increase of around 3-4, because the acidic water of this river experienced dilution from several rivers in its area. Whereas in river estuaries, the river water mixes with the sea, so water has a pH of 4.2. Because river water is acidic (low pH), no biota along the Banyupait river was found. Besides that, the other characteristics of river water are brown. Rocks exposed to the river flow will be reddish in color, experiencing iron oxide. This was due to the interaction process of river acid with rocks. However, the river water was used by residents around the river for agriculture and daily necessities, consequently the health of the population around Bantal village was low.

crater, volcano, acid, banyupait, health

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


DRASTIC and SINTACS Method: A Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Method Comparison Study in The Karangkobar Groundwater Basin, Central Java.
Muhammad Iman Luthfi (a*), Izza Hayyu Hanani (a**), Thomas Triadi Putranto (a***)

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Muhammad Iman Luthfi

a) Geological Engineering Department, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Jalan Profesor H. Soedarto Sarjana Hukum, Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275

Increasing and expanding the function of land use due to human activities can lead to potential pollution of groundwater. As a method that has been tested and has a precise scoring system, this study tries to use and compare the SINTACS and DRASTIC Methods to conduct groundwater vulnerability assessments (GVA). This study aims to create and compare the models of intrinsic and specific GVA from the SINTACS and DRASTIC methods and find out the most reliable model to be applied to the Karangkobar Groundwater Basin. Intrinsic GVA is carried out with the SINTACS and DRASTIC methods using seven parameters that are almost the same but differ in detail of classification, weight, and rating. The specific GVA is carried out with the Nitrate Vulnerability Index (Modified-DRASTIC) and SINTACS Specific Vulnerability Index (Modified-SINTACS) which uses additional parameters in the form of Anthropogenic Impact (AI) and Potential Risk Associated with Land Use (LU). These additional parameters are representations of land conditions that are affected by nitrate pollutants (NO3-). All models were validated using the nitrate concentration within 34 observation points to determine the level of models suitability with nitrate groundwater pollution conditions in the study area. The four GVA models show almost the same results. In general, areas with a High-Very High vulnerability are found in agricultural areas composed of pyroclastic sediment aquifers, while Low-Intermediate vulnerability levels are found in protected forest areas composed of alluvium deposits and pyroclastic deposits aquifer. Statistical analysis shows that the GVA models which have the strongest correlation (r = 0,8) with nitrate is the Nitrate Vulnerability Index model, so this model is considered the most appropriate to be applied in the study area.

Karangkobar Groundwater Basin, groundwater vulnerability assessment, DRASTIC, SINTACS, nitrate

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


East to Southeast Compressional Stress of Eastern Kulon Progo Mountains Area, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
Asmoro Widagdo1, Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Agung Harijoko

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asmoro widagdo

Universitas Gadjah Mada

The Kulon Progo Mountains, which are on the southern side of Java Island, have the dominant influence of N-S compressional stress, the result of the subduction of the Indian Ocean plate at southern of. To the east of the Kulon Progo Mountains, there is Yogyakarta area, which has tectonic interaction with the Southern Mountain of Java. This tectonic interaction has an influence on the geological structure of Kulon Progo Mountains. This research was conducted by mapping and analyzing the geological structure found in the Kulon Progo Mountains. Analysis of the geological structure using stereographic method was carried out on the structure of faults which were found in the field so that the stress direction forming them was obtained. Kulon Progo Mountains have compressional stress from the East (E) to Southeast (SE) direction or from Yogyakarta and the Southern Mountain of Java. The East to Southeast compressional directions gives effect to the Kulon Progo Mountains in addition to the main compressions of the N-S direction.

compressional, stress, structure, stereographic, fault



Effect of Differences in Runoff Coefficient Value on Channel Dimensions at Open Pit Mines
Suyono(a), Surya Arief Maulana Dewa(a*), Tedy Agung Cahyadi (a), Indah Setyowati (a), Nurkhamim (a), Alan Maris Ridho (b), Angelina Metta Arilia (c)

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Surya Dewa

a)Mining Engineering of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b)Mining Engineering of PT. Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama, Indonesia
c)Fresh Graduate from Mining Engineering of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Indonesia

One of the main problems in open pit mining is the presence of water. Water in the mining area can disrupt mining operations and, in consequences, the production target will not be achieved. The mine drainage system is one part of the system used to overcome the presence of water. The rational method is the method most widely used by hydraulic engineers to estimate the discharge. The open channel dimension is designed based on the discharge estimation. Runoff coefficients are critical parameters for rational methods. There are several sources of literature determining the value of runoff coefficients, such as the approach of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Schwab, Perry, and Gautama. In this paper, we examine the method selection effect of open channel dimension for determining the runoff coefficient value in the same conditions both of the rain catchment area and the rainfall intensity

Runoff Coefficients; Open Channels; Rational Methods; Mine Water Distribution; Open Mine; Mine Drainage

Mining and Metallurgy Engineering


Effect of Weight and Contact Time Adsorption of Activated Carbon from Coal as Adsorbent of Cu(II) and Fe(II) in Liquid Solutions
Suliestyah(a*), Pancanita N Hartami(a), Edy J Tuheteru(a)

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Suliestyah Suliestyah

a) Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, Trisakti University, Jalan Kyai Tapa 01. Grogol Jakarta 11440, Indonesia

Experiments have been made for preparation activated carbon with low rank coal as raw materials taken from PT. Bukit AsamTanjung Enim, Mining unit in South Sumatra, Bangko mining site. Chemical activated uses 40% ZnCl2 with 60% coal at 28 mesh, and carbonization was carried out at a temperature of 500oC for 2 hour. Preparation activated carbon from coal aims to see its potential as a metal adsorbent in a liquid solution. The iodine number was 1393 mg /g and the surface area of this activated carbon is 512 m2/g with a pore volume of 0.297 mL/g and pore diameter of 11,5 Å. The low rank coal activated carbon was used for the adsorption of Cu(II) and Fe(II) ions by using variations in the weight of activated carbon 600, 900, 1,800, 2,400 and 3,000 grams and variations in contact time 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 hours. The results showed that a maximum removal percentage for Cu(II) 99.88 % was obtained for 3,000 grams of activated carbon with a contact time of 15 hours, and maximum removal percentage for Fe(II) 96.24% was obtained for 3,000 grams of activated carbon and 12 hours of contact time. The study produced micropore activated carbon with a large surface area and effectiveness for metals removal. Based on Freundlich isotherm, obtained that adsorption capacity of Cu(II) and Fe(II) were 1,967 and 1,829 mg/g. Based on Langmuir isotherm, obtained that adsorption capacity of Cu(II) and Fe(II) were 0,6277 and 0.955 mg/g.

Keywords: activated carbon, chemical activation, carbonization, iodine number, metal adsorption

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Effectiveness of TSS, Cu, and Hg Removal with Electrocoagulation Method for Gold Mine Wastewater
Rr Dina Asrifah

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Dina Asrifah

Environmental Engineering Departement, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Gold mine wastewater have several sources, among them from gaold washing activity. Wastewater from gold washing activity has high turbidity, TSS and heavy metal content. These conditions are not safe for the environment if it-s disposed directly. Wastewater treatment is carried out using Electrocoagulation (EC) with a batch method. This study aims to determine the optimal efficiency and conditions for TSS, Cu and Hg removal from wastewater. This research is a laboratory study with variations in DC current voltage (6 volts, 9 volts and 12 volts) in the variation of detention time (15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes). Data analysis was performed by calculating removal efficiency of TSS, Cu and Hg parameters. The experimental results obtained EC removal efficiency on TSS, Cu and Hg parameters are high, ranging from 68.6 to 99.97%. The quality of treated wastewater complies with established quality standards for reuse or disposal into the environment. The optimum conditions for processing EC at a voltage of 9 volts during detention time 30 minutes.

wastewater, gold minning, electrocoagulation

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Engineering Design and Cost Estimation of Geothermal Brine Utilization for Meeting Room Heating
Allen Haryanto Lukmana1, a), Ristiyan Ragil Putradianto, Bambang Bintarto, Dewi Asmorowati

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allen haryanto

UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

Geothermal energy utilizes steam from earth subsurface to drive turbines, which then produce electrical energy. The remaining brine from the process will return to the reservoir through injection wells. The brine basically can be utilized before injection, since it has high temperature, for other direct use. This paper aims to analyze the brine as a heat exchanger fluid, and calculate the energy requirements for meeting room heaters, and then determine the design of Heat Exchanger (HE). The meeting room has a 20-cm thick wooden wall, with dimensions of 20103 m3. The room temperature will be set to be 21-27 C. The geothermal source is at 300 m from meeting room and its elevation is 20 m below. The brine temperature that will be utilized is 100 C, and it has 20 gpm and outdoor temperature is 14 C. The result of the design is the fluid flow from the heat source to the output that warms the room. The flow is divided into 4 stages: at the pump, heat exchanger, air transmission and the room. The estimated cost of the heat exchanger is then calculated based on the design.

Geothermal energy, Heat Exchanger, estimated cost,

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Engineering Optimization Nozzle Diameter Cement Dust Catching On The Tools Fogging Method
Jaka Purwanta

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Jaka Purwanta

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, Pajajaran Street (SWK 104), Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55283, Indonesia
Corresponding author: jaka.purwanta[at]

The purpose of this study was to perform the engineering optimization tool nozzle diameter cement dust in size have a negative impact on public health. It is necessary to control the spread of the cement dust from chimney cement plant with the flow of exhaust gases. This research was conducted in the laboratory and simulation using cement dust extraction equipment fogging method. Variables that are optimized sprayer nozzle diameter, while the other parameters at the cement dust catcher fogging method. His background is the amount of cement dust was still flying around the location of a cement plant in Tuban. The distribution of very fine were made permanent. Optimal operating conditions dust extraction equipment fogging method on a variable nozzle diameter is 1.40 mm in diameter with an average efficiency of 70.79%.In such operating conditions, a tool for cement dust fogging method can capture the fine cement dust optimally. This can reduce the spread of cement dust into the environment so as to improve air quality.

nozzle diameter, cement dust, air quality

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Engineering-geological Investigation and Risk Assessment for Disaster Management in the Purworejo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Nandra Eko Nugroho, Sari Bahagiarti Kusumayudha, Heru Sigit Purwanto, Wisnu Aji Kristanto, Ayu Narwastu Ciptahening

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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

In the Purworejo regency, Central Java, there is a mountainous area, called Menoreh Hills. It is known as a disaster prone area, tectonically representing volcanic arcs of the central part of Java Island of the tertiary era. The stratigraphy of the area varieties from the oldest to the youngest rocks, respectively consists of volcanic rocks of the Kaligesing and Dukuh formations, limestones of the Jonggrangan Formation, marl-calkarenite intermittent of Sentolo Formation, and alluvial deposits. The Kaligesing Formation consists of andesite pyroclastic breccia, tuffaceous breccia, and lava breccia, the Dukuh Formation consists of laharic breccia, Jonggrangan Formation comprises reef limestones, Sentolo Formation comprises layered calcarenite limestone, alternating with marl, while alluvial deposits includes loose materials with various grain size. The geological structure found in the Menoreh Hills is in the form of joints and lateral slip faults with a general pattern of North West - Southeast and Northeast - Southwest. Especially the volcanic rocks in the Menoreh Hills have experienced extensive weathering, forming soil with a thickness reaches up to 5 meters. Because of the topography with quite steep slope (>20o or >36% ), the soil of quite thick (>2m), the presence of fracture structures that quite tight, triggered by high rainfall (.2000 mm/year), Menoreh Hills can be classified as landslide prone areas. In connection with this, a risk assessment needs to be carried out in the context of developing disaster management in the Purworejo Regency area.

engineering-geology investigation, landslide prone area, risk assessment, disaster management

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Synthesized Sodium Lignosulfonate Surfactant from Bagasse as Development Petroleum Science
Rini Setiati, Septoratno Siregar, Taufan Marhaendrajana, Deana Wahyuningrum

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Universitas Trisakti
Institut Teknologi Bandung

This study was aims to demonstrate that bagasse as a waste can be used for enhanced oil recovery process. Bagasse has sufficient lignin content to be processed into sodium lignosulfonate surfactant. The use of bagasse as raw material of surfactant for the chemical flooding is the development in the science of petroleum. Synthesized bagasse to lignosulfonate was done by isolation process using sodium hydroxide reagent and sulfonation process using sodium bisulfite reagent. From FTIR test and NMR test, sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactant from bagasse consist of sulfonate groups (hydrphilic groups) and benzene (lipophilic groups). The synthesized SLS surfactant of bagasse has a HLB value of 11.62. The presence of hydrophilic and lipophilic components resulted in the stability of middle phase emulsion in the range of 5% - 10% and the core flood obtained recovery factor reaches 1.05% - 9.50%. With HLB value of SLS surfactant from bagasse indicated that it can be used as an injection fluid in the oil/water emulsion system, which is indicated by the presence of a middle-phase emulsion. Conclusion of this study indicate that the synthesized lignosulfonate of bagasse can use an injectin fluid in O/W emulsion and bind oil and water to form microemulsions. The bagasse is a local raw material for sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactants which can be useful for enhanced oil recovery.

bagasse, middle phase emulsion, sodium lignosulfonate(SLS), surfactant flooding,, recovery factor

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Enhanced Shallow Water Demultiple Technique in 2D Seismic Data of Nias Waters, North Sumatra
Adelia Irna Santika (a*), Tumpal Bernhard Nainggolan (b)

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Adelia Irna Santika

a) Department of Geophysical Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
*corresponding author: adeliairnasantika[at]
b) Marine Geological Institute, Bandung

Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) technique is known to have ineffectiveness to attenuate shallow water multiples, primarily because the water-bottom reflection required by SRME for predicting the multiples is not recorded due to lack of near offset data. The conventional technique using predictive deconvolution in either x-t or tau-p domain is often used to suppress these multiples, however, it also attenuates primary events that have a periodicity close to that of water layer. These limitations cause unrealistic seismic images in final output. In this paper, we propose an enhanced technique by modelling the water-bottom reflection and then adding it to the recorded seismic data. The modified data can then be used to predict first order multiple. We present multi stages processing workflow for removing water-bottom multiples in shallow water situations. Firstly, we use a multi-channel prediction filter estimated from the multiples for attenuating short-period water-layer related multiples. Secondly, we apply F-K filter for isolating signals from noise in frequency-wavenumber (f-k) domain. Lastly, SRME technique for suppressing other long-period surface multiples generated by sub-surfaces underneath the water-bottom. Through real-data examples from Nias Waters, North Sumatra, we demonstrate that our workflow provides an optimal multiple attenuation solution in shallow water environment in comparison with conventional methods such as predictive deconvolution or SRME alone. Tests result show that the multi stages technique can produce better result than using predictive deconvolution or SRME alone. Furthermore, we also show SRME approach can give optimum seismic migration images after we combined these stages. We successfully applied these techniques in 2D seismic data of Nias Waters.

shallow water; multiple; predictive deconvolution; F-K filter; SRME

Geophysics,Geomatics and Geochemistry


Enhancing Engineering The Groundwater Reserves An Environmental
Jaka Purwanta 1, a) , Suharwanto 1), and Trismi Ristyowati 2)

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Jaka Purwanta

1) Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta,
Jl. Pajajaran (SWK 104), Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55283, Indonesia
2) Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta,
Jl. Babarsari 2, Tambakbayan, Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia

a)Corresponding Authors Details: jaka.purwanta[at]

The purpose of this study was to engineer an increase groundwater reserves. The background of this study is the rapid physical development in the region Bedreg Hamlet, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta make the conversion of land use significantly, from their yards and fields, into houses and businesses. This resulted in the reduction of green open areas and rain water catchment area. Fewer groundwater reserves are continuing impact of fewer rain water catchment area. It is necessary for the engineering study of the increase in reserves of groundwater in the region. This research was conducted by observation and using the map to determine the allocation of land and in the region, then performed calculations to determine the volume needs seepage of rain. It can be recommended to the local area stakeholders that to restore a number of groundwater reserves in the region will require a number of infiltration wells of rain water that must be made is distributed in the region. Based on this study, volume seepage of rain needed to equalize with a land area that has been hardened and existing buildings that 1,855.1193 m3. While the amount of rain water infiltration wells Recommended Bedreg made in the region that is at least a number of 1,231 units. If these recommendations are made by the community and supported by stakeholders in the region, the groundwater reserves Bedreg region will increase.

groundwater reserves, infiltration wells, increase, stakeholders

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Suherman (a), Firmanul Catur Wibowo* (b), Rizaldi Firdaus Wijaya (a), Cecep Fathurohman (a), Dina Rahmi Darman (a), Wasis Wuyung Wisnu Brata (c)

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Firmanul Catur Wibowo

aDepartment of Physics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Jl. Raya Jakarta Km 04, Serang, Banten 14212, Indonesia
bDepartment of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Pemuda 10, Rawamangaun, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
aDepartment of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. Pasar V Timur , Banten Timur, Medan Kota, 20224 Medan , Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

The aim of this research is to develop a design of MOOCS with Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS) for students model of understanding. The research method used was Experimental Design with the subjects of the study were 80 students in one of the Senior High Schools in Banten Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the highest understanding is Optimal Model (OM) is 75.56%, Non-Creative Model (NCM) is 7.78%, Theoretical Model (TM) is 4.44 Practical Model (PM) is 4.44% , Memorizing Model is (MM) 10%, and Has No Model (TKM) is 0 %. It was concluded that the average understanding model experienced a significant increase with learning through MOOCS with VMA on the concept of Heat Transfer in the environment.

Environmental Issues; Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS); MOOCS; Student-s Model of Understanding.

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


ESP Power Cable Screening Strategy Through Physical Band Test and Failure Records Evaluation To Reduce ESP Wells Failures In ASD Block PSC Area
Nugroho Marsiyanto [1] Abdullah Rizky A[2]

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Nugroho Marsiyanto

PHE, Jl T.B. Simatupang Kav 99, PHE Tower, Jakarta Selatan 12520 [1]
Petroleum Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Bhayangkara Jaya University
Kampus II, Jl. Raya Perjuangan Kel. Marga Mulya, Bekasi Utara, Kota bekasi Jawa 17121[2]

ASD Block PSC Area is located in South Sumatera, about 40 km south of Prabumulih, South Sumatera. The ASD-1 well is first exploration well and discovered oil at the end of 1988. Until May 2011, there were 24 exploration wells and 147 development wells drilled and produced. ASD block has been producing since November 1989. In 2011, the oil production was about 5800 BOPD, and 15 MMSCFD of producing gas and mostly the lifting equipment was dominated by Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) and the rest was Sucker Rod Pump (SRP). Total ESP was 67 oil producer wells meanwhile SRP was 4 oil producer wells. Since there were a lot of number and need of consumable parts of ESP units, the study is focusing on the impact of ESP power cable which is giving the significant impact on oil production if the wells down due to ESP power cable failure, such as shortage and also cost in purchasing the ESP power cable. This paper evaluated the well failures caused by the bad quality of ESP power cable. There were 3 ESP power cable brands used in 2011, namely X, Y Z where each of the brands had different quality. Through physical band test to the power cable and well failures caused by it, it would come up with the recommendation which ESP power cables had to be used in AS block. The ESP well failures data are taken from the year 2011-2015. Based on data shows improvement on reducing ESP well failures after followed the recommendation not to install X ESP power cable brand. From this study, it can avoid potentially lost about USD 1,786,562 due to well failures caused by X power cable and save actual cost about US$ 538,292 from procurement process to provide ESP power cable need for the year 2011-2015.

lifting, electric submersible pump, sucker rod pump, power cable, well failure

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Evaluation carrying capacity of the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia using the artificial neural network method
Widhilaga Gia Perdana (a*), Isti Surdjandari (b), Setyo Sarwanto (b), Asri Nugrahanti (c)

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Widhilaga Gia Perdana

a) Environmental science, University of Indonesia, Jl. Margonda Raya, Pondok Cina, Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424
b) Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Jl. Margonda Raya, Pondok Cina, Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424
c) Faculty of earth and energy technology, Trisakti university, Univ. Trisakti Kampus A, Gedung D Lantai 5, Jalan Kyai Tapa, Grogol, RT.6/RW.16, Tomang, Grogol petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11440

The population growth rate and economic growth that increase every year results in increased energy needs that are used to support human activities in daily life. Energy consumption in Indonesia comes from petroleum, coal, natural gas, renewable energy (EBT), and hydropower. Petroleum has the largest portion of energy consumption in Indonesia where upstream oil and gas activities, namely exploration and exploitation carried out to meet energy needs, have not been able to meet domestic energy needs. On the other hand, the decline in the economic level of the upstream oil and gas industry due to changes in world crude oil prices has resulted in reduced investment in this industry. By looking at the condition of non-renewable petroleum natural resources, the tendency for oil and gas needs to continue to increase, while the availability and oil and gas reserves are always decreasing, this has an impact on the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia. Looking at it from the standpoint of Sustainability Theory, where meeting current needs without sacrificing the needs of future generations can be applied to the upstream oil and gas industry. Using the Artificial Neural Network method to create a model that can see the behavior of the carrying capacity of oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities in Indonesia which consists of petroleum reserves, the rate of petroleum production, and investments that can be used as a policy-making instrument to support sustainable development goals in the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia.

Oil and gas, Upstream industry, Carrying capacity, Artificial neural network

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Evaluation of Land Carrying Capacity of Sundak Beach, Special Region of Yogyakarta, as a Coastal Recreational Site
Johan Danu Prasetya, Nabila Farhaini, Andi Sungkowo

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Nabila Farhaini

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
SWK Street No.104, Ngropoh, Condongcatur, Depok Sub-District, Sleman District, Special Region of Yogyakarta

The Special Region of Yogyakarta is one of the most visited regions for recreational purposes in Indonesia. One of the most visited recreational areas is Baron – Pok Tunggal Beach District, where Sundak Beach located. Based on Yogyakarta-s Department of Tourism, the amounts of visitors of Baron – Pok Tunggal Beach District has increased from 518.899 in 2013 to 2.224.656 in 2017. At July 2018, Sundak Beach was damaged by the high waves as the result of heavy rains, causing the seagrass and corals ecosystem disturbed and damaged. The high waves also damaged the settlement and recreational area around the beach. The purpose of this study is to determine and evaluate the land carrying capacity of Sundak Beach as a coastal recreational destination. Evaluation of Sundak Beach land carrying capacity will be determined by calculating the land suitability and capability as a coastal recreational site. Based on the measurements and observations, Sundak Beach-s suitability as a coastal recreational area is 64,28% (quite sufficient as a coastal recreational area) with a rather good land capability with few limiting factors. The result of this study may provide a suggestion for the development of coastal management by the government and the local community.

coastal management; land suitability; land capability

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Experimental research on temperature field during sandstone crack development—A case study of mode-I crack of flatten brazilian disk specimen
Ma Liqiang, Gao Mingshi, Zhou Wei, Wang Xiaoling, Qin Si, Wang Fei

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Liqiang Ma

School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology

During mode-I crack development of sandstone flattened Brazilian disk (FBD) specimen, the thermocouple multi-channel temperature measuring instrument is used to measure the temperature variation. The thermal infrared imager is also used to measure the infrared radiation temperature variation. In the thermocouple multi-channel temperature test, about 95% of the specimens have experienced stress change at crack initiation. Meanwhile, there is a sudden increase in physical temperature. The maximum temperature increases by 0.74°C and the average temperature increases by 0.16°C. In the test by thermal infrared imager, about 20% of the infrared radiation temperature rises at crack initiation (the average temperature increases by 0.03°C). The experimental results show that the physical temperature measurement technology and infrared temperature measurement technology can capture the temperature variation in crack development before coal and rocks fail. The results can be applied in mining engineering, such as crack development in water-preserved mining, rock strata control and so on.

Flattened Brazilian disk; Mode-I specimen; Temperature field; Infrared radiation; Crack development; Water-preserved mining

Mining and Metallurgy Engineering


Feasibility Analysis of the 55 MWe Gedongsongo Geothermal Power Plant Project
Arizona Yoris W(1*), Eko Widi (2) , Ady Setya (3), Padlil Iswahyu (4), Fefria T. (5)

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Arizona Yoris Wirawan

1,3,4,5) Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Jln SWK Ring Road Utara Condong Catur 55283;
PT PLN (Persero), Jl. Truno Joyo Blok M1 no 135 Jakarta Selatan

2) Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Jln SWK Ring Road Utara Condong Catur 55283

Geothermal is a potential renewable energy source to be developed in Indonesia. Indonesias geothermal energy potential is recorded at 28,579 MW, but has only been utilized for electricity generation of around 1,948.5 MW. Investment in geothermal power plants is an investment that is capital intensive with high investment risk factors. This study aims to determine the financial feasibility of investing in geothermal power plants in the Gedongsongo geothermal field with 55 MWe of potential electrical energy. In addition, research is conducted to find out from the beginning of the project implementation to the end of the projects economic life and to determine the feasibility level of financial feasibility of investment in the project. The results of investment analysis use sensitivity analysis, indicating that price movements in project calculations have a large influence on changes in NPV. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on several parameters that affect the project value (in the form of NPV) with a Low Case of 70% parameter value and High Case of 130%. The inflation rate for operating costs such as O & M, Make Up Well Drilling and Overhaul is assumed to be 2% per year. Project financing is assumed to originate from personal capital of 30% and loans of 70% with interest rates (interest) of 4% per year. To get the value of the internal rate of return on personal capital or the Equity Internal Rate of Return in accordance with PLN standards of 14%, the electricity tariff for the Gedongsongo Geothermal power plant is USD 11.45 cent / kWh.

Keywords : Geothermal power plant, feasibility, sensitivity analysis, electricity tariff

Petroleum and Geothermal Engineering


Filtration as a Water Treatment Method: Use to Remove TSS and COD in Household Wastewater
Andiny Widya Utari, Herdis Herdiansyah

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Andiny Widya Utari

School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Central Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Indonesia, as one of the largest population country, faces a problem with the availability of clean water. The increasing of the population every year results in the increasing of clean water needed. It also causes the increase of wastewater, especially domestic wastewater. As one of domestic wastewater, household wastewater in Indonesia, especially DKI Jakarta, is one of the main cause of river pollution. Household wastewater disposed directly into the river. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) are some substances contained in it. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the wastewater before the disposal. Filtration processing is one of the wastewater treatment method used to reduce the pollutant level in the water. The materials are able to reduce the concentration of COD and TSS. This study aims to verify if filtration can be used as a method to reduce household wastewater by the study of literature. Besides, the researcher also used other materials to process sample from household wastewater. Filtration can be used as a simple method, so that it can be applied by the community, especially those not covered by wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

COD, filtration, household, TSS, wastewater

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Achmad Rodhi and Muhammad Ocky B. Nugroho

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Achmad Rodhi

Geology Engineering Study Program , University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta

Abstract Gunung Pindul, Bejiharjo, Karangmojo is a nature tourism area that utilizes the presence of underground caves and rivers. In the last 5 years this area often occurs flooding and subsidence. Geological Structure Mapping shows that there are 3 groups of burly and fault structures, most of which have undergone a process of dissolution to form diaclas, sinkhole, dolena, cave, polje and flow valleys on the surface and subsurface. Calcimetric analysis shows that the carbonate content of the Oyo Formation ranges from 76% to 92%. The etching analysis shows that the carbonates present are formed by calcite minerals. Petrophysical analysis shows the average percentage of rock pores ranging from 27.6% to 39.1%, with the lowest value around Watu Plengkung Kluwo and the highest around the Tanding Cave. Analysis of rock mechanics Unconfined Compressive Strength dry conditions obtained limestone shear angle values ranged from 10.9 MPa to 22.1 MPa with the lowest values around Tanding Cave and Suruh Cave while the highest value around Watu Plengkung, Kluwo. Unconfined Compressive Strength wet conditions show the value of limestone shear angle ranges from 5.6 MPa to 16.6 MPa with the lowest value around the Tanding Cave and Suruh Cave while the highest value in Beji Dolena. Weighting of subsidence susceptibility value using geological structure parameters, form of dissolution results, porosity percentage value, density value, shear angle value, obtained with an average score ranging from 14 to 34. The subsidence susceptibility zoning shows that the area around Pindul Cave, Tanding Cave, until Suruh Cave is a watchful zone for subsidence, especially in the rainy season.

Structure, mapping, dissolution, subsidence, potential zoning



Geology of Arjosari Geothermal Area, Pacitan, East Java
Untung Sumotarto, Fajar Hendrasto, Mira Meirawati, Izzuddin Azzam

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Untung Sumotarto

Universitas Trisakti

A geological survey has been performed at Arjosari geothermal area, Pacitan, East Java. Hot springs, rock alteration, and other surface manifestations indicate possible geothermal energy potential of the area. Geologically four main rocks are found in the area. Those are sandstone and volcanic breccia of Mandalika Formation, volcanic rocks of Arjosari Formation, igenous rocks on the bottom of the area and alluvium deposit. Regionally many igneous rocks are exposed as intrusive genetic. The volcanic and igneous rocks found in that area are faulted and have fractures making conductive and convective heat transfer happened causing the formation of hot springs, rock alteration and other natural geothermal characteristics. With the existence of various volcanic and igneous rocks, the surface manifestation of hot springs and other rock signs, it can be concluded the geothermal system of the area.

volcanic and igneous rocks, rock alterations, hot springs



Geothermal Energy Solid Waste Management: Source, Type of Waste, and the Management
Ayu Utami1, Nugraha Aji, Almira Fadyah , Aldo Ghifari, Mufi Bustomi Anam, Syahriar Ramadhani, Faiz Helmi Rasyid

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Ayu Utami

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Indonesia is one of the countries which have geothermal potential as a renewable energy resource. Forty percent of world-s geothermal energy potential, at 28,000 megawatt (MW) is estimated found in Indonesia. Activities in geothermal also generates some waste, including solid waste. The source of solid waste in geothermal energy, i.e. drill cuttings, scale from cooling water, scale from maintenance, domestic waste, hazardous solid waste from the machine and heavy equipment maintenance, and others. The objectives of this study are to explain the source, type of solid waste, and solid waste management of geothermal energy utilization in Indonesia. The methods used in this study are field observation, literature review, and interview with the worker in the geothermal field. The sources of geothermal solid wastes are from the drilling process, maintenance, utilization of geothermal energy process, office, and domestic. The type of wastes are drill cutting, domestic wastes (paper, paper box, wood, construction material waste, grasses and leaves from trees, food waste, sludge (contain silica in Dieng), hazardous waste, and mixed waste. Geothermal energy field manage the solid waste based on the characteristics of the waste. This study could give an information about general waste and how to manage the solid waste in the geothermal energy industry.

geothermal industry, geothermal waste, solid waste management

Disaster Management and Environmental Issues


Heru Sigit Purwanto, Agus Harjanto, Yody Rizkianto, Dedi Fatchurohman

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Geological Engineering of University Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Mineralization of gold and other ore minerals in Arinem area and its surrounding was found in the quartz vein. The research area is in Arinem area and its surrounding, Garut Regency, West Java. Arinem and the vicinity was the location for early stage of research program of mineralization in Papandayan area. This area has good mineralization, and according to previous studies, is a low sulfidation area with the presence of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite (Antam, 2014). The presence of galena and sphalerite mineral has suggested that instead of low sulfidation, the area may be in intermediate sulfidation zone state supported by other data such as quartz breccia, banded quartz and shear as control structure. Lithology in the area consists of breccia Quaternary and lava unit of Jampang formation in Miocene and unit of andesite and basaltic in Quaternary and intrusion of dacite, andesite and diorite. The alteration and mineralization of research area was classified as propylitic alteration zone with the presence of chlorite, epidote and calcite mineral, argillic alteration zone with montmorillonite, kaolinite mineral, silicic alteration zone with the presence of quartz-sericite, a bit of calcite mineral. Observed ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite. The geological structure was controlled by horizontal fault in almost north-south direction of N 170O-180O E and northeast – southwest horizontal fault in N 40O – 50O E, while the mineralization zone was controlled or following fault pattern of N 170O - 175O E.

Mineralization, alteration, sulfidation, sheared



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