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Implementation of Analytical Network Process Method To Get Recommendations for Submission and Acceptance of Badminton Athletes Scholarships at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung
Rian Andrian(1)(2), Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi(2), Rifa Fahrudin(2), Ali Rahman(2), Mohamad Wildanuddin(2)

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Corresponding Author
Rian Andrian

(1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

Pathways admissions line independent achievement sport especially badminton was held at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung aims to help athletes who want to proceed to a higher level and change the paradigm of athletes on the importance of continuing education to a higher level in accordance with the criteria specified. The process of determining the acceptance still uses the old system with penginputan in Microsoft Excel that sometimes cause confusion. To help determine a candidate independent of badminton accomplishment line it then required a decision support system. Methods that can be used for decision support system by using Analytical Network Process (ANP), with this method of calculation is done by doing a comparison between the criteria and alternatives will then produce supermatriks, then do the weighting process will determine the athletes who deserve to go to UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung. This research uses the 9 prospective registrants (alternate) as a sample after a comparison calculation manually and the application of the methods itself then acquired a relative error of 0%. So the system has been made is said to be worth used relative error sebeb less than 50%.

Badminton Athletes, Scholarships, Decision Support System, Analytical Network Process Method, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Computer Science


Implementation of CM-SPADE Algorithm In Building Denial of Service Detection System Model Using Snort
Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho,Rani Megasari,Enjun Junaeti,Samekto Rinekso Pribadi

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Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho

Computer Science Education Departement
Faculty of Science and Mathematic Education
Indonesia University of Education

Along with the increasing use of computers, business activities and data storage have also begun to be transferred, from the initial use of document files, now changed to computing activities and digital data stored on the computer. The increasing importance of the computer certainly raises its own challenges and risks. One of the risks and challenges is the security of the computer system and network. Various ways have been done to improve computer network security, one of which is using the Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS is one of the security management that is able to detect attacks on a computer network in real-time, for example Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. To maximize the IDS detection function that is able to detect unknown attacks, a data mining approach is used to create an IDS that uses anomaly based detection techniques. In this study, a sequential pattern mining technique, the CM-SPADE algorithm, is used to generate IDS rules that can detect DoS attacks. Modeling and rules are made by applying the CM-SPADE algorithm to the KDD Cup 1999 data set. The results of this study reveal that the implementation of the CM-SPADE algorithm is able to produce IDS rules that can detect DoS attacks with an accuracy rate of 97.976%.

Intrusion Detection System, data mining, CM-SPADE, KDD Dataset, Snort

Computer Science


Implementation of Haversine Formula for School Location Tracking
Popon Dauni, Muhammad Deden Firdaus, Riky Asfariani, Muhammad Indra Nurardy Saputra, Acep Ahman Hidayat, Wildan Budiawan Zulfikar

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Corresponding Author
Popon Dauni

Departement of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

The School Location Information Application is an application developed to produce various information and that can be seen and distributed so that it can be useful to support school searches and their locations. Making a School Location Information Application is done by collecting data, with stages of analysis, design, and implementation. This application is made based on Android for clients using the Java programming language and the server made web based for processing data using HTML and PHP accompanied by SQL as the database manager. The Haversine Formula method is used to determine the distance between the users location and the location of the school in the city of Bandung. The results of the development of the School Location Information Application are expected to be able to overcome all problems and as a support to facilitate the search for schools with available information and school locations that are closest to the users location in the City of Bandung.

Android, haversine formula, school

Computer Science


Maulana Hasan Mud-is, Busro

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Busro Busro

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

One of the Android Application usability is to improve the quality of Academic Information System. Users will be interested to see when the initial appearance of an Android Application is visually comforting. Various ways have been done to improve the quality of Android Applications display with the aim of generating users and Android Application visitors satisfaction during surfing in the Android Application. This research use Kansei Engineering method which involved user emotional strength to get design materials that had strong influence in the design concept of Android Application. Kansei Engineering Type I is using KEPack methodology. It contains stages from research process until producing the new product which is suitable with the concept of emotion Android Application users. The new product is a recommendation from Android Applicationis proposal matrix. This research process use 17 Kansei Word and 12 specimen as a sample of Android Applicationis . Kansei Word is selected from words which is related to Android Application display. While as sample of specimens or Android Application is selected based on the differences of characteristics between each Android Application. This study involved 35 participants. Questionnaire results from participants will be processed by using multivariate statistical analysis that is Coefficient Correlation Analysis (CCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. As a result, this procedure will produce a recommendation of E-Learning display design.

Android Application, Kansei Engineering, KEPack.

Computer Science


Jumadi, Agung Wahana, Demas Putri Utami, Cepy Slamet

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Corresponding Author
Jumadi Jumadi

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Every factory based on production, always try to find the best way to get high profit from their capital that spent on production processes. The Konveksi Zom T-Shirt is a factory that produces jacket, shirt and t-shirt. This factory, use simplex method to predict composition and number of items to get maximum profits from available capital. Based on simplex method with parameters; Rp. 2.000.000 as capital, 3.000 minutes as time production, and 6 pcs as minimum productions. This method get result with composition and number of items; 15 pcs of jacket, 6 pcs of shirts, and 22 pcs of t-shirts. The profit of production uses this method can increase 3,5% of profits from conventional method. Finally, this method can be used to support on deciding composition and number of item in productions to get a maximum profit.

Linear Programming, Optimation, Simplex method

Computer Science


Implementation of Mobile Art Application (MATA) as a Media for Handling Cases of Aggression in Children
Usman Nurhasan, Hendra Pradibta, Satrio Binusa Suryadi, Kadek Suarjuna Batubulan, Rawansyah

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Information Technology Department
State Polytechnic of Malang

Children who are physically hurting others intentionally is a behavior that showed a lack of ability to manage conflict, less control in managing emotions, or lack of ability to convey the desired appropriately. Teaching children to resolve conflicts is a strategy that can be used to create more adaptive behaviors. Children are taught how to resolve conflicts with some of the approaches that suit the environment will grow into adults who are better to cope with emotional problems, especially with other people in the neighborhood. The problem-solving strategy in this research used technological approaches, MATA which is the development of Android-based media where children with aggressive behavior problems can be used MATA as a tool to express emotions through art. Children can freely express their thoughts and feelings visually through color scratches; they can also see the results of their work in three dimensions. The method used in this research is the experimental method. Determination of the research subjects with a purposive sample previously granted WPS Aggression Questionnaire and choose a subject with aggression medium-high categories, the number of subjects in this study were five children each in the control and experimental groups. Results showed that the experimental group experienced a decrease in the level of aggressive behavior than the control group.

Aggression, Behaviour, Android

Computer Science


Implementation of Rivest Chiper Cryptography with One Time Password and Two Central Facilities Protocol in Complaint Service System
Muhamad Nursalman, Eddy Prasetyo Nugroho, Ferryan Reynaldi AN

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Corresponding Author
Muhamad Nursalman

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In the field of communication there are services that function as a means of community service. This service is useful for facilitating or accelerating community action in reporting and providing first aid to the authorities. The form of assistance services is oriented towards public complaints on emergency services. However, in this study it will only be more emphasized for complaints services related to the Polsek agency. In addition to the positive aspects of this service, there are also negative impacts such as sending fake data or misuse of someones data, therefore a Complaint Service security system is created using the Two Central Facilities Protocol, assisted by cryptographic security methods using the RC6 algorithm, which when when the login reporter will enter the validation number generated with One Time Password sent via email which aims to find out that the reporter is actually logged in and for the reporter report data security using the RC6 algorithm which is used when encryption and decryption of reporting data is sent to the police station or police station. From the system, obtaining the assessment of the user or user, the following are aspects of the assessment: Usability, Information Quality, and Interaction Quality from all aspects get an average value of 81%, 82.8%, and 83.1%.

Complaint Service, RC6 Algorithm, One Time Password, Protocol Two Central Facilities, Cryptography

Computer Science


Implementation of String Matching Fuzzy in Anatomy Quiz and Quiz Based on Android
Maulana Firdaus, Maulana Hasan Mudis, B. Busro

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Corresponding Author
Busro Busro

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Encyclopedia anatomy is an android application to introduce anatomy, equipped with a search feature, multiple choice quizzes and guess image quizzes. Due to some anatomical term is uptake from foreign languages and frequently typing errors by smart phone user, then search feature in this application implement fuzzy string matching method which use levenshtein distance algorithm. However, the results obtained are still not accurate, then added method of splitting and indexing so the results are more accurate and search process fast enough. Due to more simple than book and supported by a good appearance, this application is able to get a positive response from the users.

Anatomi, Typing Errors, Fuzzy String Matching, Levenshtein Distance, Splitting, Indexing

Computer Science


Implication of the use of android-based APPYPIE application on children counselling subject
Shinta Doriza, Med Irzal, Aeng Muhidin, Dwi Kemala Sari

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Shinta DORIZA, M.Pd., M.S.E.

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The aim of this study is to develop media learning for Children Counselling Subject using application Appypie (android application based) at Family Welfare Education Department. In addition, this study also aims to measure the improvement of student-s learning when using this application. When developing the application, the ten stages of research and development method by Borg & Gall was employed in the study. To test the effect of the application, 30 students were involved in this research. We conducted a pre-test to find out their initial score level on Children Counselling Subject. Afterwards, students learned with Appypie application. By the end of the learning, we administer a post test. This research found that student learning result increased from 75% in the pre-test score to 88% (post-test) through quiz method which is provided in that application.

Appypie application, android-based, children counselling subject

Computer Science


Improving Second Grade Elementary Students- Writing and Storytelling Skills Through Digital Literacy
Azizah Zahra Jenar Suwarni, Rahman, Prana Dwija Iswara

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Azizah Zahra Jenar Suwarni

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The aims of this study was to improve writing and storytelling skills of second grade elementary school students. Through digital literacy, students can have a meaningful experience when they learn to make and tell a story they have made. Students will be able to explore their competences while using a lot of audiovisual media for finishing writing and storytelling assignment. This research conducted with a qualitative research design by using observation and students- assessment as research instruments. Based on the findings, a conclusion can be drawn that digital literacy is able to improving second grade students- writing and storytelling skills

digital literacy, elementary student, writing skills, storytelling skills

Computer Science


Yani Suryani, Opik Taupiqurrohman, Ida Kinasih, Epa Paujiah

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Yani Suryani

Department of Biology
Faculty of Science and Technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

In-silico study of kaempferol has been performed to determine its potential as a natural estrogen competitor in an effort to suppress the growth of endometrial cancer. This study used a method of molecular decelerating of kaempferol against estrogen receptor alpha, which is compared with natural estrogen in the body. The research process was conducted at the Laboratory of Biology Department of Science and Technology Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, from December 2017 until February 2018. The software used in this study is PyRx-Virtual Screening Tools (for molecular docking process) and Discovery Studio (for pose visualization and data analysis). The results showed that kaempferol is a potential natural estrogen competitor. It is indicated by the lower binding affinity value of kaemperol (-7.0 kcal / mol) than the binding affinity of natural estrogen (-6.7 kcal / mol). The low affinity binding value shows a stable interaction.

Binding Affinity, Molecular Deceleration, Kaempferol, Estrogen Receptor Alpha, RMSD

Computer Science


Index Group Documents Optimization Based on Automatic Clustering using Kmeans Genetic Algorithm: Case Study UMSIDA E-Prints Repository
Rohman dijaya, Nindia Maftul Shintia Devi, Mohammad Alfan Rosyid

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rohman dijaya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

UMSIDA Eprints is a repository of student and lecturer publication documents at the Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University (UMSIDA). The collection of documents is still random and the search can only detect from the title keywords. The increasing culture of writing and research makes it possible for more and more documents as literature. Documents in Eprints are grouped by subject provided by the repository manager and grouped by the admin who uploaded the document. Automatic document grouping can be done by grouping documents based on the contents of the document using the Information Retrieval (IR) approach. The retrieval process is carried out by document processing with tokenization to obtain data tokens, the data tokens are processed through a stemming process to obtain the stem value of each word. The stem value is processed using the indexing process and word stem to get sentence indexes through the weighting process. The index results stored in the database become document variables that are the features or characteristics of each document. The index of all documents is grouped through the Kmeans Genetic Algorithm (GA-Kmeans) by determining the similarity of the document or the proximity of the centroid with the index of each data. The cluster data will be in accordance with the groups grouped from the closest distance to the cluster.

Automatic Optimation,Eprints,Genetic Algorithm, Index, Information Retreival

Computer Science


Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Industry
Eddt Soeryanto Soegoto, Rizky Dyah Utami , Yonathan Aandri Hermawan

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to explain the influence and advantages of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry. This research uses descriptive research method where data is obtained from existing facts. The results of this research is explain how important driverless cars technology is in the application of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry, and how the advantages and disadvantages of driverless cars technology are applied nowadays. The results of the research were obtained because the increase of human needs in the era of technology industry 4.0, so some companies developed driverless cars technology. This research was conducted to discuss the influence of artificial intelligence in the automotive industry by applying driverless cars technology.

Artificial , Automotive Industry,

Computer Science


Iris Feature Extraction Using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix and Gabor Kernel Filter
Rosa Andrie Asmara, Rizqi Darma Rusdiyan Yusron, Faisal Rahutomo, Rudy Ariyanto, Deddy Kusbianto Purwoko Aji, Priska Choirina

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Rizqi Darma Rusdiyan Yusron

State Polytechnic of Malang

Algorithms developed to identify people with iris image data have been tested in many field and laboratory experiment. This paper makes a parameter analysis of iris image used to recognize human. Iris recognition system, which is applied based on segmentation, normalization, encoding, and matching is also describe in this paper. Circle Hough Transform the segmentation module used to find the inner and outer boundaries of the iris. The experiment was carried out using CASIA v1 iris database with grayscale images. Shape, intensity, and location information for localizing the pupil or iris and normalizing the iris area a used iris segmentation the by unwrapping the circular area into a rectangular area. Normalized area will be used to extract the features using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Gabor filter, the feature compared the recognition accuracy using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naive Bayes classifiers. GLCM feature test results achieved 95.24% SVM classification accuracy, where as using achieved 85.71% Naive Bayes. Gabor feature test results achieved 95.24% SVM classification accuracy, where as using achieved 95.23% Naive Bayes. The classification process based on GLCM and Gabor features show that the SVM method have to highest recognition accuracy compare to Naive Bayes classifier.

Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix; Gabor Kernel Filter; Iris Feature; Feature Extraction

Computer Science


Kinect Based Motion Capture for 3D Character Animation
Yaya Wihardi, Eka Fitrajaya Rahman, Fadhil Farras H.N.

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Corresponding Author
Yaya Wihardi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In this research, we present a low cost motion capture system for 3D character animation by utilizing RGB-D sensor such as Kinect. The system capture the human motion and apply it on a 3D character. Animated 3D character recorded by a 3D animator environment and rendered as a part of animation production. In order to evaluate time execution of the system, we compare two rotation methods: Euler and Quaternion. The result show that Quaternion more efficient than Euler.

motion capture, animation, Kinect

Computer Science


KNN (K-NEARB NEIGHBOR) for identification land agricultural
1.Syahminan 2.Jauharul Maknunah

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syahminan syahminan

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Abstract land Agricultural, especially in South Malang Regency, where the majority of the population is the majority of the population working as farmers. The agricultural area known as Malang Regency, around 15.74% (49,593 hectares) is wetland, 31.31% (98,641 hectares) are fields. Not all types of vegetable plants can flourish on every farm, because each region has different characteristics. Therefore, to help determine the type of crop that is suitable, a waterful method is needed by specifying user requirements with planning planning stages, modeling, construction, and systems, to help determine land identification decisions as crop farming food. KN (Nearest neighbor). With a decision support method for identifying land for food crop cultivation, it will be easier to determine the type of plant that is suitable for soil conditions to increase agricultural productivity in South Malang district.

Keywords: KNN identification of land agricultural

Computer Science


Land Suitabiliy Evaluation for Housing and Residential Based on GIS, Satellite Imagery and DTM
Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya

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Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract. The aim of research were: (1) making conceptual, functional model and implementing land suitability evaluation for housing and residential based on GIS, satellite imgery and DTM, (2) creating data base management system of land suitability evaluation for housing and residential based on GIS, satellite imagery and DTM, (3) producing thematic map of land suitability evaluation for housing and residential based on GIS, satellite imagery and DTM. Research location was in Bogor district. The research was conducted on January 2019 to July 2019. The research is using descriptive method. The research population is physical, chemical, biological and environmental conditions. The sampling technique is purposive. Research instruments are measurement and mapping tools, questionnaires, observations, computer hardware and software. Primary data taken by physical, chemical and biological environment. Secondary data taken are maps of soil texture, soil drainage, soil type, erosion, slope, effective depth of soil and flooding. Spatial analysis is used to superimpose layers, using GIS software. Themathic map which was producing land suitability evaluation for housing and residential based on GIS, satellite imagery, DTM from GIS software and satellite imagery from internet could be more accurate and effective than conventional and analog method.

land suitability evaluation, housing and residential, GIS, satellite imagery, DTM

Computer Science


Language Mapping Using ArcGIS Software
A. Fadlilah (a); J. Julian (b); A. Hakim (c)

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Corresponding Author
Afi Fadlilah

(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; (c) Universitas Islam Bandung

The world of technology is increasingly sophisticated so that science is required to keep up with its developments, including the problem of language mapping. ArchGis software is a technology tool that can be used to map languages in certain regions. This study aims to utilize ArcGIS software in dialectology practice. The method in this study is divided into several stages: first, the stages of installing ArchGis software onto a student laptop; Second, the stages of providing language alignment data to students; third, the stage of introducing ArchGis software and how to use it to students; and fourth, the stages of practicing ArchGis software in mapping languages. The subjects in this study were undergraduate students (S1) in the sixth semester of the Indonesian language and literature study program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia. The results of this study students feel helped and very enthusiastic about learning dialectology courses by utilizing ArchGis software as a learning media because it is very effectively used to map languages. The conclusion of this study is that ArchGis software is an effective tool for retrieving practical data on dialectology research.

Language mapping, ArcGIS Software, and Dialectology.

Computer Science


Lecturing Simulation Game using Decision Tree Algorithm
W B Zulfikar, D R Ramdania, A Afif, W Uriawan

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Wildan Budiawan Zulfikar

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jl. A.H. Nasution No.105 Bandung, Indonesia

Nowadays, students is one big assets of a university. A Student must be assign to several lecturing process for example study plan, lecturing, mid test, final test, etc. Therefore, some student especially new entry student did not understand whom the primary and secondary flow of lecturing and it terms. There is many ways to explain about lecturing plot into student, like put it on academic guide book, inform in official website, social media, and so on. Unfortunatelly, most of studends are not awared it. The purpose of this work is to create a lecturing simulation game to interest student in order to understanding lecturing process. In this work we implement decision tree algorithm on storyline to make a conclusion in the game. In limited test we ask several student to play this simulation game. The result, 80% of student get more knowledge about lecturing process.

Simulation Game, Lecturing, Decision Tree

Computer Science


Local Wisdom - Based E-Encyclopedia As A Science Learning Medium In Elementary Schools
Farida Nur Kumala, Dwi Agus Setiawan

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Farida Nur Kumala

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

Most of the encyclopedias that are available are in the form of printed encyclopedia. However, the number of online encyclopedias is still limited and generally, they are not too interesting to be read by students since they tend to load information about unfamiliar animals for students. This paper seeks to describe the use of local wisdom based electronic encyclopedia as a learning media in the Science subject in Elementary school. The finding showed that the use of online encyclopedia triggers students to be more motivated and enthusiastic to learn during the learning process. The familiar contents and concepts given made a more meaningful learning process for students.

Local Wisdom, E-Encyclopedia, Science Learning

Computer Science


Location Determination of Vehicle Tax Payment Center Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Herbert Siregar, Fiko

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Herbert Siregar


Determination of the right location of vehicle tax payment center is very important due to an increase in the number of vehicle, and the limitation of its facilties and officers. Moreover, the distribution of taxpayer residential is uneven. This research proposed an alternative method to determine the right location by using K-Means clustering algorithm. In order to get the fixed cluster and the optimun one, we cluster 1,031 geolocation (latitude and longitude) of respondence and evaluate it by using silhouette coefficient. The result show that our cluster have a good consistency.

clustering, K-Means, vehicle tax payment, fixed cluster, optimum cluster

Computer Science


Machine Translation of Indonesian: A Review
Faisal Rahutomo, Amalia Agung Septarina, Moechammad Sarosa, Awan Setiawan, Muhamat Maariful Huda

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Amalia Agung Septarina

State Polytechnic of Malang

Today, Machine Translation has an important role in communication. The need for Machine Translation System is getting higher in this information era. Some Machine Translation already exist, but many researchers interested to improve the quality of translation more natural. Find an optimal translation is not an easy thing to do in language processing. In this paper, we discuss the Machine Translation survey that contains Indonesia language to another language. There are different approaches to machine translation. The various method used in evaluating were also discussed like BLEU and NIST. Moreover, its future works to improve translation quality. From the review results obtained that the translation has better performance depending on the number of the corpus, well-behaved aligned corpus, and the technique used.

Machine Translation, Indonesian Review

Computer Science


Mapping Landslide Prone Areas Using Geographic Information Systems with Polygon Thiessen Method
Kristoko Hartomo, Bambang Ismanto, Agus Nugraha, Sri Yulianto, Dhimas Affan

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kristoko hartomo

Information Technology Faculty, Satya Wacana Christian University, Jalan Diponegoro 52-60, Salatiga, Indonesia

Landslides are an activity of the process of disturbance of balance which causes the movement of the soil and rocks from higher ground to lower ground. Boyolali District is one of 35 cities / regencies that have a high level of vulnerability to the occurrence of landslides. In this research, the mapping of landslide-prone areas using landslide-causing parameters such as thiessen rainfall, soil type, drainage, slope, and land cover. From these parameters will be processed and analyzed by using the scoring method, where scoring is a calculation system that can be used as a control system and problem solving that can be used to detect landslide areas in Boyolali District. In the process of analysis is done by using the features of spatial analysis tools in the form of Overlay software Qgis and R Studio. Then we will get the result of the map of landslide vulnerability level that has 3 classes of vulnerability, including low vulnerability class, medium vulnerability class, and high vulnerability class.

Landslides; mapping, thiessen, spatial

Computer Science


Mapping-Project with Local Potential iMindmap
Della Rulita Nurfaizana (1), Endah Andayani (2)

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Della Rulita Nurfaizana

1) Economic Education, Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Malang
2) Master of Social Science Education Study Program
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

The results of previous studies indicate that there are several learning models that have the potential to improve students competencies in reviewing Produk Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan (PKK). Through iMindmap media presented by teachers, vocational students have the opportunity to develop project scenarios based on local potential using a map business. This experimental study aims to determine the effectiveness of the mapping-project learning model by using iMindmap media based on local potential to improve the competency of student entrepreneurship. The mapping-project instrument was developed by researchers and validated by experts. The results showed that the project-mapping learning model using iMindmap media based on local potential could improve student competence in analyzing business opportunities using SWOT analysis, and designing prototypes of superior products based on local potential using a business map. This study recommends that with the mapping-project model, students ability to explore PKK material becomes more profound, meaningful, and student-centered. Future research is needed to analyze the contribution of mapping projects by using iMindmap media on exact learning.

Mapping-project, iMindmap, Local Potential

Computer Science


Firmanul Catur Wibowo (a*), Agus Setyo Budi (a), Suherman (b) Dina Rahmi Darman (b)

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Agus Setyo Budi

aDepartment of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Pemuda 10, Rawamangaun, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
bDepartment of Physics Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Jl. CIwaru Raya No 25, Serang, Banten, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to develop a new web-based Mobile Digital Education design to measure character education using as an effort to face the era of disruption. E- Character Mental Revolution (E-CMR) Based on Mobile Digital Education (MDE) for Student Competency Improvement in Facing the Disruption. The research method used was a mixed method with the research subject being 80 students in Islamic boarding schools and 80 students in one of the state colleges in Banten, Indonesia of aged 19-22. The scores were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results obtained that MDE-based E-CMR can improve the cognitive competence of students in Islamic boarding schools with an N-gain score of 7.4 high categories and improve cognitive competence of students of colleges with an N-gain score of 7.6 high categories. It can be concluded that the MDE-based E-KRM is significant in increasing the competence of students and students in facing of the disruption.

Mobile Digital Education (MDE); Competence of Students; E-Characters Mental Revolution (E-CMR); Disruption.

Computer Science


Mobile Learning in Promoting Students Engagement
Y Purwanti, K A N Imania, D Rahadian, S H Bariah, S Muljanto

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Yuniar Purwanti

a) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut, Jalan Pahlawan No 32 Garut

Student engagement is an important element in learning. Mobile learning is a learning media that can facilitate student engagement. The purpose of this study is to measure student engagement in problem solving behavior abilities; explanation; and analysis using mobile learning. Qualitative analysis is divided into three stages, namely preliminary studies, literature studies and observations involving thirty students. The engagement of students shows a sufficient tendency to solve problems, explain learning material and analyze.

Mobile Learning, Students Engagement

Computer Science


Undang Syaripudin (a*), Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman (b) , Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (a)

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Undang Syaripudin

a) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Information Communication Technology AeU, Malaysia

This study presents a discussion of the tridharma-based university knowledge portal model (education, research, and community service). This study aims to ensure that lecturers activities are in accordance with the tridharma of higher education and national standards of higher education. The analytical method used is the literature review, with the object of research being hypothetical colleges in the form of universities. Based on the results of the identification of university needs, the knowledge portal model is required to have the ability to develop lecturer competencies in accordance with the tridharma of higher education. Knowledge portal is designed to have the ability to manage knowledge well, by providing facilities: information gathering, information categorization, information distribution, information collaboration, information retrieval, and knowledge sharing.

knowledge portal, knowledge sharing, information retrieval

Computer Science


Modeling on Predicting Learners Achievement
Ria Arafiyah, Zainal A. Hasibuan, Harry Budi Santoso

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Ria Arafiyah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Universitas Indonesia

Usually, learners achievement is known by the end of the course, this is very late because of improvements to enhance the quality of learning cannot be performed. Learners achievement prediction can be used to solve this problem. Various attempts were made to get a learners achievement models are closer to reality. This study aims to review research on the factors that affect learner-s achievement and design of modeling on predicting learners achievement. Those models are explored to agree on which one is the best. The reason of that among others to several components can improve success such as teacher pedagogic methods, learning media, learners tools etc that can be refined along learning process so that will improve the learners achievement. This study compares and explores several models to seeks the strength and weakness of the models. We expected to find which models perform better compare each other and inform what factors can improve learner achievement.

e-learning, modeling, predicting learners achievement

Computer Science


Modified Union Feature Selection Method on Hadist Translation Text Clustering
Arief Fatchul Huda, Nanda Priatna, Qonita Ummi Safitri

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Arief Fatchul Huda

Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

The high feature space (dimension) is one of the main issues to be considered in the text clustering process. Therefore, various dimensional reduction methods have been introduced in various researches for selecting informative sub feature. Each method of reduction uses a different strategy to select sub feature, and the results are different even if using the same data set. Typically, union methods and intersection methods are used to combine selected sub feature with different reduction methods. The union method selects all feature and intersection only selects the general feature (slices) of the feature under consideration. So, the union approach causes the an increase in feature dimensions and the intersection approach causes the loss of some important feature. Therefore, in order to take advantage of a method and reduce its weaknesses, in this research proposes new approach, i.e modified union. This approach applies the union methods to select top ranking feature and applies intersection methods to the rest of the feature. In this case, feature selection uses the term variance (TV) and document frequency (DF) methods to calculate the relevance value of each feature. The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested on the data set of Hadith Shahih Bukhary. The results clearly show that the proposed method improves clustering accuracy over other methods with DB index is 2.7.

clustering, feature extraction, hadith, Modified Union

Computer Science


Multi Criteria Evaluation for Vocational School Zone Based on Geographic Information System
Irma Widianingsih, Iskandar Muda Purwaamijaya, Rina Marina Masri

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Irma Widianingsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract. The aim of research were: (1) making conceptual, functional model and implementing multi criteria evaluation for vocational school zone based on geographic information system, (2) creating data base management system of vocational school zone based on geographic information system, (3) producing thematic map of vocational school zone based on geographic information system. Research location was in Bandung district. The research was conducted on January 2019 to July 2019. The research is using descriptive method. The research population is physical, chemical, biological and environmental conditions. The sampling technique is purposive. Research instruments are measurement and mapping tools, questionnaires, observations, computer hardware and software. Primary data taken by physical, chemical and biological environment. Secondary data taken are maps of soil texture, soil drainage, soil type, erosion, slope, effective depth of soil and flooding. Spatial analysis is used to superimpose layers, using GIS software. Themathic map which was producing multi criteria evaluation for vocational school zone based on geographic information system, from GIS software could be more accurate and effective than conventional and analog method.

Multi criteria evaluation, vocational school zone, geographic information system

Computer Science


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