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Management for Sustainability Learning Techno-Entrepreneurship Performance in Higher Education
Herry Sumual(a), Verry Ronny Palilingan(b), Johan Reimon Batmetan(c*)

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Corresponding Author
Johan Reimon Batmetan

a) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
b) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
c) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia

Techno-entrepreneurship learning becomes an important field taught in universities. The sustainability of this learning was agreed upon on the management applied and the approved content. This research is designed to examine management applied in the continuous learning of techno-entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions. This research method uses qualitative methods to formulate management strategies to ensure the sustainability of learning techno-entrepreneurship in higher education. The results of this study indicate that appropriate management strategies significantly influence the sustainability of learning techno-entrepreneurship in higher education. The results of this study conclude that with the right management strategy and ensure techno-entrepreneurial learning is an attractive choice to be studied in higher education.

techno-entrepreneurship, management, sustainability, performance, higher education

Computer and Communication Engineering


Mapping Software Tester Competency in the Indonesian Software Industry with the Survey Research Method
Joe Lian Min (a*), Asri Maspupah (a**)

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Corresponding Author
Asri Maspupah

Department of Computer and Information Engineering, Bandung State Polytechnic, Bandung 40012 Indonesia
*joelianmin[at], **asri.maspupah[at]

Software testing is one of the activities of the software development life cycle to ensure that the software has been implemented properly in accordance with the specification function (requirements). One of the factors that determine to success of software testing is that the software tester has the ability in accordance with the testing approach chosen. The problem is not all software testers have sufficient competence in the implementation of the test that causing the software to be inconsistent and not quality. One of the reasons is the prerequisite of the ability of the software tester in job vacancies not to mention in detail as a result the ignorance of job makers. This raises the hypothesis that the software industry does not seriously pay attention to the implementation of software testing. Therefore, research is proposed on mapping the competency of software tester to the role of testing during the software development phase conducted by the software industry in Indonesia. Software tester competency covers the area of skill test, IT skill and domain knowledge. The study was conducted using survey research, namely research studies to obtain software testing competency maps; making competency tester models, and surveying software testing conditions in the software industry in the cities of Bandung and Jakarta. The output of this research is the software testing competency matrix and the phenomenon of the current state of software testing competency that occurs in the software industry. This phenomenon covers software testing strategies undertaken and software tester competence in software development.

Software testing; software tester competency; survey an industry software

Computer and Communication Engineering


Lina Siti Nurwahidah, Cecep Dudung Julianto, Didin Sahidin

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Corresponding Author
Lina Siti Nurwahidah

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

Mobile learning is a technological innovation that makes teaching material accessible at any time with more interesting visualization. The use of interactive learning media has progressively contributed to the information delivery process development. This study aims to describe the contribution of mobile learning in improving the understanding of news item text generic structure. The increased understanding of the text was identified through analyzing and classifying respondents understanding of the main events, the context of the event, and the sources of information enclosed in a news item text. The results of the study showed that the use of mobile learning is so effective in conveying information that it can increase respondents understanding in identifying the generic structure of the news item texts. In the digital era, mobile learning can be used as a medium to deliver information both formally and non-formally.

Mobile Learning, Generic Structure, News Item Text

Computer and Communication Engineering


Modelling User Interface Design for Panic Button Application for The Deaf People using User-Centered Design Method
Muhammad Rezky Alpin Gumay (a), Veronikha Effendy (a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Corresponding Author
veronikha effendy

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

Emergencies can occur anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. The local government offers an application called "Panic Button" as a solution to these problems. This application aims to help people who experience or see emergency conditions so that they can be followed up by the authorities. However, this application has not been targeted at disability users. The procedure for using this application still has weaknesses that make it difficult for users with hearing loss, especially when an emergency event is confirmed. Normally, emergency event confirmation uses telephone calls to the incident reporter (user). This confirmation method is a big problem for those users with disabilities to be able to confirm the details of emergency events. In this research, a user interface re-design was carried out at the application interface to be able to accommodate the needs of users. The interaction re-design is built using the User-Centered Design (UCD) method to produce a design that matches the users characteristics and limitations. The resulting prototype was evaluated using the USE Questionnaire method and results in a usability value of 87% with a very good category after the 3rd iteration. These results indicate that the results of the re-design that have been done are quite easy to learn and use by users.

emergency, disability, panic button, UCD, USE Questionnaire

Computer and Communication Engineering


Monitoring Electrical Energy in Electronic Energy Audits through Internet of Things Technology
Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto1, Kurriawan Budi Pranata2, Arif Nur Afandi3, Siti Sendari3

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto

1 Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
2 Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang

Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy audit activities can analyze and find energy-saving opportunities from energy use. This study developed a prototype of a wireless electrical energy monitoring system on a laboratory scale to monitor the use of electrical energy from both electrical equipment using a microcontroller as a sensor node. These nodes have installed several sensors, namely the current sensor, humidity sensor, temperature sensor and light sensor. The protocol used in communication between nodes and servers is the HTTP protocol in the Internet of Things design that can communicate using internet network intermediaries. Data on the server can be monitored in realtime using the application on the client side.

electricity monitoring; electronic energy audit; internet of things

Computer and Communication Engineering


Mortar Fire Direction with Multiplatform Mobile Application
Suharjanto Utomo, Iswanto, Nopi Ramsari

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Corresponding Author
Suharjanto Utomo

Prodi Informatika Universitas Nurtanio Bandung

Mortar is one of the weapons that is still used for warfare. In determining the direction of mortar shoot there are still using conventional way with paper. Then it takes a portable calculator that is fast and accurate in determining the angle of elevation and angle of azimuth. So it is proposed that this mortar fire direction is a mobile application with multiplatform development method that can run on Windows, Android, and iOS operating systems. The result of this research is a prototype mobile application that provides a report of elevation angles and azimuth angles rather than mortar quickly and accurately to the intended goal.

mortar, elevation, azimuth, multiplatform

Computer and Communication Engineering


Narrowband-IoT Network for Asset Tracking System
I Wayan Krisnhadi Bima W, Vera Suryani, Aulia Arif Wardhana

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Corresponding Author
Krisnhadi Bima

Universitas Telkom

Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm for connecting any devices onto internet. The IoT applications can be implemented in IoT, for example, e-health, smart logistics, smart transportations, and smart homes. In smart logistics, objects and deliveries location need to be updated in real time, so they can be tracked easily. Asset tracking employs Global Positioning System (GPS) and commonly General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) connections to send telemetry data to database server. Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), a new cellular standard that is optimized for Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications, such as asset tracking. Compared to GPRS, it has smaller uplink transmit power and has decent uplink speed. In this paper, NB-IoT was utilized for asset tracking. The performance of NB-IoT was compared to GPRS, specially for these parameters: latency, throughput, packet loss, and power usage. The result obtained shows that, NB-IoT has average latency around 1.4 seconds, with packet loss (UDP) 44% compared to GPRS 68%. NB-IoT has better power consumption during data transmission against GPRS (0.405 W vs 0.737 W) even though both of them have similar uplink throughput (around 350 B/s). From this test result, this new cellular standard is appropriate in Asset Tracking application.

Internet of Things (IoT), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), smart logistic, asset tracking

Computer and Communication Engineering


Optimization Financial Technology (Fintech) With Lean Ux Development Methods In Helping Technical Vocational Education And Training (TVET) Financial Management
Ade Andri Hendriadi (a*), Aji Primajaya (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ade Andri Hendriadi

a) PTK Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b) Faculty Of Computer Science, Singaperbangsa University

The effectiveness and optimization of financial services is one of the things that happens when there is financial technology or fintech. Various fintech services have a strategy to attract customers. One of the strategies is to offer promos to potential customers or early customers. Promos given to customers will provide maximum benefits when they use accurate type of promo on a promo provided by fintech services. Knowledge of various fintech services and a lot of promo information will provide an effective alternative for customers to use promos. For this reason, applications or software have been developed to provide information on various e-money and e-wallet services and promos. The method used is Lean UX which consists of 4 stages namely declare assumpts, Develop MVP, run experiments , feedback and user research. The result obtained on this research is a mobile android application that can display fintech and promo information. Lean UX development is done with 2 iterations and produces features that are validly needed by the user but still need development in terms of User Experience. In the development of fintech management which is devoted to assisting in the management of TVET finances, it is necessary to manage rules in accordance with financial management policies in TVET education.

Financial Technology, Fintech, TVET

Computer and Communication Engineering


Optimization of RSA Encryption and Decryption Process with Distributed Computing Method
Sofyan Noor Arief(a*), Vipkas Al Hadid Firdaus(a), Arief Prasetyo(a)

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Corresponding Author
Sofyan Noor Arief

a) Information Technology, State Polytechnic Of Malang
Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.9, Kota Malang 65141, Indonesia


Mathematics equation of the RSA is the complicated one between the other asymmetric encryption method. It makes the RSA method needs more resources than the others. Most existing studies are trying to make another encryption method that need less computational resources, but it is less secure than using the RSA algorithm. In this paper, we proposed the Distributed Computing method to accommodate the limited computing resources in a single worker. We will distribute the computational process of RSA encryption and decryption to numerous workers. The test results showed that the implementation of Distributed Computing method made the encryption and decryption process finished faster. In conclusion, it increased completion time, made the encrypted data serve faster, and maximized the computational resources.

Encryption, RSA, Distributed Computing, Distributed Encryption

Computer and Communication Engineering


Parking Slot Detection System Based On Structural Similarity Index
Ginanjar Suwasono Adi*, Muhammad Yusuf Fadhlan, Slameta, Griffani Megiyanto Rahmatullah, Andino Faturahman

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Corresponding Author
Ginanjar Suwasono Adi

Program of Telecommunication Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Ds. Ciwaruga Mailbox 1234, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

A quest of vacant parking space in the public area can indirectly lead to traffic congestion which can be troublesome for drivers in terms of time efficiency. This study is expected to assist drivers to get the available parking slots information in a real-time manner and support the parking control systems by constantly updating the information of vacant parking slots positions in public areas. A vision-based parking slots recognition method is proposed to identify occupied areas by vehicles which is divided into two main parts: setup configuration and object detection. Canny Edge and Hough Line Transform are used to achieve line detection for parallel parking slot marking; contour extraction and bounding rectangular are then applied for an initial parameter to form a reference area as a region of interest (ROI). Moreover, Structural Similarity Index Measurement (SSIM) exploits the reference image and target image to identify whether the area is empty or occupied by vehicle depending on structure comparison. Experimental result shows, from 50 sample images of parking slots attained by surveillance camera, the detection accuracy of 92% and precision of 89% are obtained using selected features with tuning SSIM threshold level of 0.4.

Image processing, parking slot detection, canny edge detection, hough line transform, structural similarity index

Computer and Communication Engineering


Pattern of Symptom Relationship on Type of Heart Disease Using Pearson Correlation Coefficient
Tb Ai Munandar (a*), Sumiati (a), Vidila Rosalina (b)

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Corresponding Author
Tb Ai Munandar

a) Informatics Dept., Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Serang Raya
b) Computer Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Serang Raya

The relationship of a symptom on a type of disease provides information on how strong the disease is affected by the symptom. The strength of the relationship of symptom has not been much researched, yet it is very interesting and important to do in order to strengthen the formation of final hypothesis, especially in the development of expert system. This research was conducted to map the relationship of a symptom on the type of heart disease, based on the echocardiography value and the result of electrocardiogram measurement. About 150 data of patients with heart disease were analyzed using the approach of pearson correlation coefficient. The research result showed that the type of disease such as atrial septal defect was much affected by the aorta symptom, the value of left atrium, the ESD, the PR [PQ], and the QRS. The type of coronary artery disease was much affected by the symptom of the values of EDD and ESD. Most of the symptoms did not have a strong relationship for the type of diastolic disfunction disease. For the type of rheumatic heart disease, about 62.86% symptoms had relationships, spread from the weak relationship, the moderate, the strong, the very strong, and even to the perfect relationship. The type of normal resting echocardiography disease had the relationship level of “no relationship” between the higher symptoms, compared to the rheumatic heart disease; and as well as the types of left ventricular hypertrophy disease and the hypertensive heart disease.

heart disease, relationship of a symptom, expert systems, echocardiography, electrocardiogram, pearson correlation coefficient

Computer and Communication Engineering


Cica Yulia1 *, Isma Widiaty1, Hasbullah2, Sugeng Rifky M, Delita Septia R

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Corresponding Author

) Home Economic Education Department, Technology and Vocational Education Faculty, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2) Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The typical food of an area is increasingly forgotten, this applies to the current generation. The reason is that information related to a regions food is suspected to be forgotten with the rise of media information related to modern foods such as junk food and fast food. This change is supported by the latest advances in digital technology that are growing rapidly. Information can be accessed easily through various digital media and applications. In addition, other factors causing the unknown food of a region due to traditional food knowledge are also low especially in adolescents. One area that has quite a variety of traditional food is West Java or known as Sundanese food. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions and levels of adolescent acceptance of web-based applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz which contains traditional Sundanese food and drinks as a nutritional education media for adolescents. The research subjects were adolescents range in age 15-18 years, having smartphones and access to the internet. The method of this study was a cross sectional study with a purposive sampling design, ie teenagers in the city of Bandung were subjected to 215 adolescents who participated in this study. The research data consisted of subject characteristics (age, sex, parent ethnic origin, education, parents work), traditional food and beverage of West Java province knowledge, perception and use of web applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz. This web-based application has been published with the domain Data analysis used Ms.Excel to analyzed average and standard deviations, and assess knowledge of traditional West Java food and drinks and the perception and acceptance of web applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz. The results of the study that knowledge of traditional West Javanese food and beverages in adolescents, perceptions and acceptance of web-based applications, Digipedia Edumakugiz, are good but only need improvement in content presentation and application attributes so that applications are more fun and could increased the knowledge of traditional West Java food and beverages information.

adolescents, nutrition education, traditional food, web based applications

Computer and Communication Engineering


Performance Analysis of Video Streaming Service Migration Using Container Orchestration
Fauzan Rambang Poetra, Sidik Prabowo, Siti Amatullah Karimah, Rizal Dwi Prayogo

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Siti Amatullah Karimah

School of Computing, Telkom University. Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

The use of cloud computing as the infrastructure of a system is in high demand. Cloud computing has adapted to the use of a variety of applications that are very useful for organizations in reducing effort, cost, and time in making a system. And with container-based virtualization, the process of making and using the system will be easier. But in the cloud computing architecture, all services are located in the same system, when the system is down, all the services will be affected by the same. Therefore we need a solution to move services from one cloud system to another. And to speed up the process is to use the Container Orchrstration or architecture that has a structure that allows to move video streaming service to several containers with one controller. In this research, two types of architecture are compared, namely the architecture of container orchestration using kubernetes and simple container architecture using docker. The results show that container creating time in the container orchestration architecture is 30 times faster and 300% less in using resources on CPU Utilization when compared to simple container architecture.

Virtualization, Container Orchestration, Kubernetes, Docker, Performance

Computer and Communication Engineering


Performance Test of a Single Pole Detection Algorithm using the Confusion Matrix Model
Muhammad Yusro 1), Eka Suryana 2), Kalamullah Ramli 3), Dodi Sudiana 4) and Kun Mean Hou 5)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Yusro

1,2 Universitas Negeri Jakarta
3,4 Universitas Indonesia
5 University Clermont Auvergne, France

This study aims to examine the single pole detection algorithm using a confusion matrix model which is a specific table that makes it easy to visualize the performance of an algorithm. The algorithm tested is the YuRHoS pole detection algorithm, a new algorithm developed by researchers to detect pole objects or not. Methods used is by calculating three aspects of algorithm performance in machine learning, namely sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. The value of the three aspects of performance depends on four variables, namely true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative. The calculation process is done by matching the pixel detection region with the ground-truth region. The test results for ten different single pole images found that the YuRHoS pole detection algorithm is better than other algorithms on two measurement aspects, namely specificity, and accuracy. Excellence aspects of specificity obtained because of its ability in detecting the object instead of a pole. Excellence aspects of accuracy indicated because more accurate in detecting a pole. As for sensitivity aspects, both the detection algorithms are having the same reliability in correctly predicting a pole.

pole detection algorithm, single pole, confusion matrix, machine learning, pixel matching

Computer and Communication Engineering


PicsArt Application to Disseminate Standard Dictionary of Indonesian in Social Networks
Agus Hamdani 1) Z. Sulaiman 2) U. Kulsum 3) Z. Asmaniah 4) D.D. Damayanti 5)

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Corresponding Author
Agus Hamdani

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

PicsArt is an image and collage editing application that allows its users to edit or create pictures and then share them in a social networking community. PicsArt users can create or edit interesting pictures based on their preferred theme. This study was aimed to utilize the PicsArt application to disseminate the Standard Dictionary of Indonesian (KBBI) and to introduce appropriate terminologies to the community in social networks. To date, many people do not know the appropriate terminologies or name of objects, for example the word kapak with kampak. Using PicsArt application, an image was displayed and underneath, the word kapak and kampak were written accompanied by green and red checklists. The green checklist indicated the correct terminology and the red checklist symbolized the incorrect one. After that, an explanation of the definition of the term was given. The method used in this study was qualitative descriptive. The results of this study indicated that the PicsArt application facilitated community members to capture the message conveyed through the images. The modified images made community members understand the meaning relevant to KBBI and increasingly recognize the correct terminologies.

PicsArt Application, terminologies, social networks.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Samsir (a*), Suparno (b), M. Giatman (c)

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Corresponding Author
Ramen Antonov Purba

a,b,c) Department of Engineering, Technology and Vocational Education
Padang State University
Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Email : samsirst111[at]

Unstable economic conditions require Bank must be careful in deciding towards lending customers. Banks should not take the risk of giving loans to customers who cannot afford to pay. This study aims to assist bank in predicting lending. The study was conducted at the Bank Perkreditan Rakyat in medan. The study was conducted applying data mining using the nearest neighbor algorithm. This algorithm was chosen because the nearest neighbor can calculate the closeness between new cases and old cases based on matching weights from a number of existing features. This algorithm will calculate the closeness with predetermined criteria. Hoped bank will be helped in making predictions.

data mining, nearest neighbor, loan risk

Computer and Communication Engineering


Proactive Socio-technical System as an Unemployment Solution in West Java
S R Mubaroq (a*), I Gustiana (b), F Alamsari (c), M Artarina (d) and H Nurohmah (e)

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Corresponding Author
Sugeng Rifqi Mubaroq

a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung Indonesia
b) Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung Indonesia
c) Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Yapari-ABA, Bandung Indonesia
d) Universitas Nasional Pasim, Bandung Indonesia
e) Universitas Widyatama, Bandung Indonesia

The objective of this study is to make digital platform design as the innovative solution to overcome an unemployment problem in West Java. West java has been in the highest position of unemployment in Indonesia. It has been caused not only by social but also by cultural matter. Moreover, West Java has become the favorite destination for migrants from other provinces to seek for jobs and to go to study. This study used the method of a socio-technical system analysis by combining social and technical aspects as the basic analysis to solve this problem. The steps of this analysis done in this study were by documental observation and data statistical process. The result of this study will be the digital platform designs that are web and mobile named as UDUNAN. This platform will be a community from various groups in which concern about solving the problem of unemployment through online forums, workshops, and free entrepreneur trainings.

socio-technical system; platform; unemployment

Computer and Communication Engineering


Review TVET Learning Innovation : Virtual Augment Reality technology for 3D Laboratory
(1,2) Dede (2)Ade Gafar Abdullah (2) Budi Mulyanti (2) Dedi Rohendi

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Corresponding Author

1. Study Program of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi no 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
2. Study Program of Information Engineering STMIK Pasim Sukabumi Jl.Otista No.07 Kota Sukabumi

At present the trend of using Virtual Augmented Reality (VAR) technology in the field of vocational studies has become a very sexy and desirable research topic among industry. With its visual capabilities that can display objects in 3D, Virtual Augmented Reality can help many things, especially in training innovations in various industries. The development of VAR technology is quite fast and beforehand to feel this technology needed high-priced PC devices. Now, thanks to the progress of smartphones, VR and AR can be seen through these mobile devices. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of VAR are clearly described in terms of developing a three-dimensional virtual laboratory for innovation in vocational engineering learning. Unfortunately, some of the technical problems of VAR technology cannot be fully implemented into vocational engineering learning. The purpose of this paper is to show a study of the application of VAR technology with the literature review system method in the appropriate three-dimensional virtual laboratory framework. This analysis is carried out by screening a number of publications up to 30 major studies published from 2009 to 2018. The results show the low application of VAR technology in education and the increasing application of VAR in the industrial environment which leads to high complexity to select and develop vocational engineering learning with the VAR system. Subsequent research was also proposed to develop VAR in the interaction of user AR into a specific three-dimensional virtual laboratory of vocational techniques.

TVET, Learning Innovation, Virtual Augmented Reality, 3D Laboratory, Computer Vision

Computer and Communication Engineering


Seeking The Factors in improving Accounting Information System to Find Out The Effectiveness Internal Control System.
Novie Susanti Suseno (a*); Yosi Vera Susana (a); Wufron (a); Nizar A Hamdani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Novie Susanti Suseno

Economy Faculty of Universitas Garut
Samarang no. 52A Garut 44151, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the performance of accounting information systems on the effectiveness of the internal control system at geothermal energy company. The research method used is causalitas method. Respondents in this study consisting of employees in the system development department, finance and managers. The data were analyzed by using double linear regression. The results showed that the factors of personal technical ability, user involvement in the system development process, training and education programs, formalization of information system development, top management support and community affiliation had an effect on the performance of accounting information systems. The factors of personal technical ability have the biggest influence on the performance of accounting information systems. Besides that information system performance had an effect on the effectiveness of the internal control system. The contribution of this research produces a generic model that can be adopted by the same organization in increasing the effectiveness of the internal control system.

Accounting Information Systems, Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems, Formalization of Information System Development, Top Management Support.

Computer and Communication Engineering


Self-directed learning: A Response of Students Using E-learning In Integrated Online Learning Systems (SPOT)
Sri Subekti, Rita Patriasih,Ana Ana, Asep Maosul

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Asep Maosul

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Analysis of the use of SPOT in the process of learning in the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is very important, so that it can be known to what extent the use of SPOT can be used as self-directed learning for Students at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, especially in Culinary of Educaion Education Study Program. In this study, data was collected from 61 student respondents in the Culinary of Education Study Program 2016 at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia using SPOT . The variables studied were the documentation process on SPOT, SPOT operation, and SPOT accessibility. The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The results of data analysis can be explained that the use of SPOT as an application in the learning process is said to be very feasible seen from the results of processing observational data as much as 91.3%. The results of the observation data processing as much as 88.3% have been very feasible to operate the SPOT application used in the learning process. The feasibility of the results of the accessibility test on the use of SPOT by analyzing the results of observations on students 80% is very feasible for the accessibility of the SPOT application used in the learning process.

Self-directed learning; online learning system; SPOT UPI

Computer and Communication Engineering


Service Operation in IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Framework Approach to Academic Information System
Johan Reimon Batmetan(a*), Verry Ronny Palilingan(b),Trudi Komansilan(c), Sondy Kumajas(d)

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Corresponding Author
Johan Reimon Batmetan

a) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
b) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
c) Information Technology and Communication Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
d) Information Engineering, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia

Academic information systems are very important in the management of academic services in a modern university. Academic information systems help academic system services quickly, efficiently and accurately. The purpose of this study is to implement the ITIL framework domain service operation in the academic information system so that its services become efficient, accurate and standardized. This study uses the ITIL framework method which is implemented in academic information systems. The implementation is used specifically in the domain service operation, which was built using the best practices available in the ITIL framework. The results of this study solve the processes of change and testing of IT services that are more effective and efficient in operating academic information systems. The results of this study also show that academic information systems have strong knowledge that can be used to deal with change and present strong services and appropriate procedures for dealing with change. This ITIL Framework produces quality and standardized academic information system services according to ITIL standards. The results of the study concluded that the academic information system operating services that implement the ITIL framework domain service operation have standardized services and clear guidelines for running website-based academic applications. The results of this study are important to strengthen the academic information system so that it becomes effective and optimal in carrying out the functions of academic services.

ITIL framework, academic information system, operating services, best practice

Computer and Communication Engineering


Smartphone and Freedom of Speech on Facebook
J Jamilah, M Maskur, E Dimyati, A Maulana, P Melati

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Corresponding Author
jamilah jamilah

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

This study is inspired by the increasing number of smartphone users. There are three objectives of this study, such as: to reveal the smartphone utilization, to describe students freedom of speech on social media such as facebook, to discover the impact of smartphone utilization towards students freedom of speech on facebook. The study employed descriptive method with quantitative approach. As many as 100 students out of 10 study programs were selected randomly as the sample of this study. The results of the study revealed that: Smartphone utilization among university students was not only intended for learning activity but also for non-learning activity, students freedom of speech on facebook was considered as positive aspiration, and smartphone was significantly influential on how students freedom of speech was expressed on facebook. To conclude, smartphone is a media which can be utilized by the students to express their point of view on facebook. The implication towards the findings of the study is that the government as the policy maker is expected to control and enforce Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law), in order that the freedom of speech does not violate the applicable law.

Smartphone, Freedom of Speech, Facebook

Computer and Communication Engineering


Social Media Marketing in Online Culinary Information Search
Lina Setiawati, Lusianus Kusdibyo, Arie Indra Gunawan, Fatya Alty Amalia, Widi Senalasari

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Lina Setiawati

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Consumers lifestyle has been greatly shifted due to the massive development of social media and brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges for marketing activities. There are few steps leading to consumer in deciding the product that they want to buy. This study helps to explain determinants and consequences of social media marketing in Instagram context and its relationship with purchase intention. To this end, an empirical study applying partial least square (PLS) were conducted. Utilising 254 of sample size, the results reveal that community building is crucial determinants of social media marketing in online culinary information search which later affects purchase intention. Further, this study clarifies creating brand identity in Instagram is a way to build a brand image. This research has a potential impact to provide renewed insights for researchers into determinants and consequences of individual purchase intention.

Social media marketing, Instagram, Purchase intention, Culinary, SME

Computer and Communication Engineering


Society 5.0: Feasibilities and Challenges of the Implementation of Fintech in Small and Medium Industries
Nizar Alam Hamdani; Anggun Octavia Heriani; Abdusy Syakur

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Corresponding Author
Nizar Alam Hamdani

Universitas Garut, Universitas Garut; Universitas Pasundan

In Society 5.0, financial capital is no longer the key, but data that are interconnected with each other. The Internet of things will be a new normal, dedicated to unlock human potentials. The purpose of this study is to analyze the feasibilities and challenges of the implementation of fintech in small and medium industries. To this end, a survey was conducted on a sample of 60 small and medium industries. It was revealed that the implementation of fintech in small and medium industries did not seem ready to be achieved due to the limitations in technology infrastructure, data and information, human resources and policy. Therefore, improvement to these factors should be made to realize the human-centered and technology-based society.

Society 5.0; Financial Technology; SMEs

Computer and Communication Engineering


Sound Matching on The Translation of Al-Quran Ayates as Childrens Learning Media Using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm and Mobile Conquer Divide
Moch Abdurrodjak, Maulana Hasan, Izzah Faizah SR. Khaerani, Husnul Qodim, Busro Busro

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Busro Busro

1,2,3,4 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
5 STMIK Primakara

Speech recognition is a process of recognizing letters, words or sentences that are spoken. Voice recognition is better known as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has been widely applied in everyday life, for example is the operation of a smartphone that is run through automatic commands (voice recognition). The letter of origin is the place where the letter is released when the letter is pronounced. The letter of origin is the basis for reading the verses of the Koran. Errors in the pronunciation of letters or in makhraj letters, can cause differences in meaning or meaning errors in the verse being read. Generally the method of learning to read the Koran is used accompanied by accompanying teachers who are proficient in their fields. In this final project, a sound matching application was built on the pronunciation of Ayat Al-Quran as a learning medium for children using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm and Divide Conquer (DC) that support learning independently. The system built in the final project is to utilize the Google API feature on android as voice matching. Furthermore, the incoming sound will convert into text form using the Google API. The conversion method used is Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The valuation method, Divide Conquer is used by calculating the sound proximity value of the Google API conversion results by matching Arabic text in the database. Based on the testing that has been done on the system testing. The results of the test found 61.1% accuracy for the appropriate reading and 38.9% for inappropriate reading.

Sound Matching, Google API, Divide Conquer

Computer and Communication Engineering


Stress Meter: Android-Based Assessment Application for Academic Stress Level of Students
Imam Ariffudin (a*), Ajeng Intan Nur Rahmawati (a), Mulawarman (b)

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Imam Ariffudin

a) Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Jl. S. Supriadi No 48, Bandungrejosari, Sukun, Kota Malang
b) Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang
Jl. Sekarang, Gunungpati, Kota Semarang

Academic stress is one of the negative emotional levels that can affect students physical, psychological, and academic performance. Thus, there needs to be an assessment media that utilizes technological developments but can still evaluate academic stress levels effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this study was to develop an android-based assessment media (Stress Meter) that is able to measure students academic stress levels. This study used research and development methods. Data obtained were analyzed descriptively using Delphi technique for media acceptance test, and also Confirmatory Factor Analysis test and Cronbach Alpha to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. The results of this study indicate that prototype of Stress Meter application has met the acceptability criteria and the instrument in it has passed the validity and reliability test. In conclusion, the prototype of Stress Meter application can be used by students as a media self-assessment and facilitate the performance of counselors in identifying the level of academic stress that students have.

Android-Based Application; Assessment; Development; Stress Academic

Computer and Communication Engineering


Techno-Entrepreneurship Learning Model in Higher Education
Verry Ronny Palilingan (a), Johan Reimon Batmetan (b*)

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Johan Reimon Batmetan

a) Information Technology and Communication education department, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
b) Information Technology and Communication education department, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano 95618, Indonesia
* john.reimon[at]

Techno-Entrepreneurship becomes an important part of higher education based on information technology. This is useful to enhance the spirit of entrepreneurship, the ability to read opportunities and build information technology-based businesses. this study aims to examine the appropriate techno-entrepreneurship learning model in higher education. The research method used is action research with practice using lean canvas models for business models and design sprint method to build product prototypes. The results of this study show how to use practice and tutorials, students can create the right business model and be able to make a prototype of a digital product that is good in implementing business ideas. The conclusion obtained in this study is that techno-entrepreneurship is very appropriate to use lean canvas to build business models and more efficiently use sprint designs to build prototypes of digital products. This model is highly recommended for entrepreneurship learning in higher education.

techno-entrepreneurship, lean canvas, design sprint, higher education, students

Computer and Communication Engineering


Syaeful Hilman Supratman (1), Rita Magdalena (2), Sofia Saidah (3)

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Syaeful Hilman Supratman

School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University (1)(2)(3)
Jalan Telekomunikasi 01, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
syaeful.hilman[at] (1), ritamagdalena[at] (2), sofiasaidahsfi[at] (3)

The land is a crucial part that cannot be separated from human life and other living things. Nowadays, the function of many areas of land has been changing. This bears the intention of writers to discussed the problem which occurs in the classification of land cover to assist the government in deciding the use of some land areas in Bogor. This research used the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Method as a feature extraction method and K-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) method for the process of classifying. The test result shows that this method can generate the best accuracy 85,8% when using 0 orientation parameter, quantization level = 8, the feature of statistical is contrast, correlation, energy, homogeneity, entropy, and when we used Euclidean type of k-NN with k = 3.

Land coverage; GLCM; K-NN; euclidean

Computer and Communication Engineering


The effect of Electronic Wom on Social Media Networking, case from Bandung Destination Tourism
Arie I Gunawan, Moh. Farid Najib, Lina Setiawati

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Arie Indra Gunawan

Bandung State Polytechnic

Social Media Networking is a platform that has recently become the main Media in information retrieval, its digital use is easy access for anyone, anywhere. Tourism is one of the industries that many use this media to increase tourists visit. Bandung is one of the favorite tourist destinations of many social media users who post information, comment, review and ask fellow Netizen, thus will appear a destination image of Bandung that Impacting visits. The data were collected from 195 respondents from seven different destination tourism objects. The hypotheses were examined using Partial Least Square 3.0. This research discloses revisit intention to object tourism absolutely can affect by Eletronic word of mouth on social media, Destination image and perception about quality of tourism. The research findings show that the construct of E-Wom on social media, and perception can have a better influence. Construction of tourist perception gives the biggest impact compared to other constructs. This research provides input and a better understanding for researchers and practitioners of the tourism industry in developing tourism revisiting.

electronic word of mouth, social media, Tourist Perception, Revisit Intention.

Computer and Communication Engineering


The Effect of Media Content, Brand Image, Brand Trust Toward Consumer Loyalty in New Media Instagram
Maulina Larasati Putri (a) , Vera Wijayanti Sutjipto (b) , KYS Putri (c)

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Maulina Larasati Putri

1) Department of Communication, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
2) Department of Communication, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
3) Department of Communication, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. New media that are decisive in peoples lives. Research to find out the influence of new media, brand image on consumer confidence in online products. The content of new media is the content of media messages in new media in various products. Brand image is a brand on the product or image that product and image has. Consumer loyalty is a research previously conducted by previous research by Robinson, Xian Xing and Fredick. This study uses the positivistic paradigm. Respondents of this study were Medan, Cimahi, Sidoarjo and Makassar, Instagrams new media users. Descriptive of each variable of this research is positive content media in the contents of this research. Brand images on Instagram are not very important to current trends. Brand trust in this descriptive study is positive for each indicator of this research. Consumer loyalty is the respondent of this study a positive average on each indicator of this study. The results of the study were the strong influence of media, brand image, brand trust on consumer loyalty on Instagram. The results of this descriptive study lead to positive results on each indicator. Related to the predictive regression was a positive impact on Instagram respondents consumer loyalty.

brand image, brand trust, content media, and consumer loyalty

Computer and Communication Engineering


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