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Abstract Topic: Environmental Engineering

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Environmental Engineering for Safe Snorkeling Paths on Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta
Samadi Samadi(a*), Ucu Cahyana(a), Vrita Tri Ayuni(b), Risky Nuri Amelia(b), Fauzi Ramadhoan Arachman(a)

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Corresponding Author
Samadi Samadi

a) Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) Universitas Khairun, Ternate Maluku Utara

This study aims to map safe snorkeling routes on Tidung Island based on a combination of transect techniques and social reviews. The study was conducted in April-October 2018 in Tidung Island Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta. This study applies a participatory method with regional sampling. The results showed that an observations of the safe area for snorkeling of coral reefs at points: (1) 5,7999,200,0003 ° LS and 106,4965,900,000,000 ° East; (2) 5,79825999999 ° LS and 106,50914000000 ° East; and Small Tidung Island at point (3) 5,80177854296 ° LS and 106,53036947600 ° East.

Environmental Engineering, Safe Snorkeling Paths, Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta.

Environmental Engineering


Environmental Engineering for Social Adaptation of Tourism Development on Tidung Island, Thousand Islands DKI Jakarta
R Sihadi Darmo Dihardjo, Samadi Samadi*, Eko Tri Rahardjo, Komarudin Komarudin

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Samadi Samadi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The research objective was to develop environmental aspects for social adaptation to tourism development on Tidung Island, Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta. The study was conducted in May-October 2018 in Tidung Island Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta. This study applies a participatory method with purpossive sampling. The results showed that : (1) Potential in the Tidung Island area that can be developed as a tourist attraction can be diverse, and (2) There are obstacles to development efforts such as the lack of intensive development of tourism conscious groups, low tourist visits, limited development budgets, low awareness of local government, and still low quality of human resources.

Environmental Engineering, Social Adaptation, Tourism Development, Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta.

Environmental Engineering


Environmental Engineering for Social Resilience and Tourism in Plajan Village, Jepara, Central Java Province
Samadi Samadi*, Komarudin Komarudin, Ucu Cahyana, R Sihadi Darmo Dihardjo, Suhardjo Suhardjo

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Corresponding Author
Samadi Samadi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The study aims to get a suitable model to carry out environmental engineering primarily in the aspects of social security and tourism. The study was conducted in May-December 2018 in Plajan Village, Jepara, Central Java. This research applies the Research and Development method. The results showed that a suitable model for carrying out environmental engineering in the village of Plajan, Jepara, Central Java Province mainly in the aspects of social security and tourism is by involving stakeholders in the village, with a membership consisting of elements of society, academics, community caring for tourism doing main activities; this power is given a jargon Community forums that work together are synergistically coordinative.

Environmental Engineering, Social Resilience, Tourism Resilience, Plajan Village, Central Java.

Environmental Engineering


Environmental Problem Based Learning Model Assisted by Media in Learning to Write Exposition Text
Ratmiati (a*), Isah Cahyani (b), Yunus Abidin (c)

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Ratmiati Ratmiati

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi no. 229, Bandung, Indonesia.
b) Fakultas penddidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Universitas Pedidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to explore the application of a model of learning based on environmental problems and use media handphone in learning exposition text. The type of study is quantitative research. The method used in this study is the experimental method. The research design in this study was pretty-postest group design. The sample in this study was 8th-grade junior high school students amounting to 33 people. The result showed that the students- writing skill improved much better with the application of learning model based on environmental problems aided by the presence of handphone technology in supporting the process of observing students in gathering material in writing exposition text. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest, it was done showing an increase in the value of students in writing exposition text about environmental problems observed around them. With this study, learning, it can be concluded that students ability two write exposition text with the existence of environment-based on the learning model is at a level very good.

Environmental Problem Based Learning; expostion text

Environmental Engineering


Evaluation of Cibinong Water Treatment Plant, in Bogor Districk
Rama Widhianti, Tazkiaturrizki , R Ratnaningsih

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Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih

Environmental Engineering Departement, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. Cibinong WTP using raw water sources from the Ciliwung River. Processed water from the Cibinong WTP serves 5 sub-districts, namely, Tajur Halang District, Bojong Gede, Cibinong, Babakan Madang and Citereup. The research covered raw water quality, evaluation of the existing installaition condition and optimization of work of operation unit and installation process. Cibinong IPA uses unit intake, hydraulic coagulation, hydraulic flocculation, sedimentation plate settler, rapid sand filtration, and ground reservoir. The coagulant used is 1% alum with a dose of 25 mg / L and disinfectants that use liquid gas and chlorine at a dose of 2 mg / L. Specifications for installation of drinking water installations use standards that are in accordance with SNI 6774 in 2008 concerning procedures for processing plant package units. water and water quality in accordance with the Minister of Health Regulation 492 of 2010 concerning drinking water quality requirements. CibinongWTP has several units that have not met the 2008 SNI 6774 standard but, the quality of the water already in accordance with the regulation of Minister of health no 492/2010.

Water treatment plant, Performance Evaluation, Ciliwung river

Environmental Engineering


Evaluation of Environment Carrying Capacity As A Coastal Tourism Area Using GIS-Based Approach: A Case Study of Sepanjang Beach, Tanjungsari District, Gunungkidul Regency
Aditya Pandu Wicaksono (a*), Mohammad Abdul Khafid (a), Farid Zulfa Fakhruddin (a)

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Mohammad Abdul Khafid

a) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. SWK No.104, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia

The rapid pace of population growth in coastal areas and increasing the need for natural tourism have a negative impact on the quality and quantity of natural resources and the environment in Sepanjang Beach. The phenomenon of seawater tidal waves led to a number of buildings along the beach experiencing heavy damage. The purpose of this research is to know the environment carrying capacity seen from the aspect of land capability and land suitability aspects as a tourist area, as well as providing recommendations that are right on Sepanjang Beach. The methods used are spatial analysis methods using geographic information systems (GIS) and scoring methods to determine the environment carrying capacity. The results of the calculation of the environment carrying capacity based on the aspect of land capability were obtained by 2 classes of land capability namely moderate and good. The results of the suitability of the beach recreation category shows if Tourism Suitability Index (TSI) has a value of 94% which means it is suitability for tourism. However, it is necessary to arrange the gazebo building to use upland land in the form of alluvial karst plain.

Evaluation; Environment carrying capacity; Scoring; GIS; Tourism

Environmental Engineering


Exploitation of Natural Materials Energy in Eastern Indonesia and Efforts to Fight for the Sovereignty of Local Communities
Frederikus Fios

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Frederikus Fios

Character Building Development Center, Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

One form of development activities carried out by humans is the exploitation of natural materials energy. Often the activity of exploiting natural material energy is only oriented to human interests, but ignores aspects of sovereignty (autonomy) of nature and the future of members of the local community of exploitation place. This paper shows field observations and literature reviews on the practice of energy exploitation of natural materials in Eastern Indonesia, which lacks attention to the dimensions of the balance of nature and the interests of local communities. Eastern Indonesia has not prospered because it is still struggling to obtain their sovereignty in the exploitation of natural materials in their own land. Often social conflicts arise due to the exploitation of material energy carried out. The research method uses interpretative analysis and philosophical reflection to get meaning. Research found a theoretical model that is useful for overcoming the problem of exploitation that occurs. Those humans must transform themselves into ecological human beings so that they can bring practical benefits to the good of nature and East Indonesia local people towards the vision of sustainable development.

exploitation, energy materials, natural, sovereignty, local communities

Environmental Engineering


Geomorphological Impact of Palu Earthquake
Anugrahadi, A., Sumotarto, U., & Purwiyono, T.P.

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Geology Engineering Department, FTKE Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta

Sulawesi and Maluku islands are tectonically under a collision area of four earth crust plates, those are Eurasia, Philiphine Islands, Pacific Ocean and Australian-India Ocean. Palu city in Central Sulawesi island in particular is geologically an area of complex structure. A fault zone of north-west to south-east direction has formed Palu area as a block being squized by Palu-Koro strike-slip fault zone. The earthquake happened on October 28, 2018 has caused the fault to activate of being dynamic movement of the area. Rock and soil slide and movement was also strengthened by liquifaction of hydrological fluid content within the Palu block. Morphology of Palu-Koro fault plane was also affected siginificantly causing land slides and slumps on the fault plane exposed in the earth surface. Using hand camera photos, a morphological survey and analysis show the landslides and slumps could be clearly identified.

Palu earthquake, Palu-Koro strike slip fault, geomorphological impact

Environmental Engineering


Geospatial Modeling Analysis of Potential Inundation Impact of Sea Level Rise: A Case Study of South Coast Yogyakarta
Mohammad Abdul Khafid (a*), Aditya Pandu Wicaksono (a), Deni Rahman Saputra (a), Firstyananda Wahyu Andita (b), Dimas Satrio Wibowo (c)

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Corresponding Author
Mohammad Abdul Khafid

a) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. SWK No.104, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering,
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jl. SWK No.104, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55283, Indonesia
c) Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Unsoed University, Jl. Dr Soeparno, Grendeng, Kec. Purwokerto Utara, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53122, Indonesia

Increasing human activity leads to increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that impact climate change and global warming. This condition encourages the occurrence of weather anomaly phenomena in the atmosphere such as rainfall fluctuations, dryness, increase in air temperature and sea-level rise. Sea-level rise was a potency of seawater inundation that gave an impact on land degradation. The study aimed to determine sea-level rise used three variables of disaster with two cumulative scenarios. The toward step used the simulation using a raster calculator in ArcGIS 10.2 to analyze the impact of sea-level rise to inundation disaster. The results showed that the sea-level rise on the South Coast of Yogyakarta based on (1) Scenario 1A (existing) were 1.4457 m (the prediction year 2030) and 2.0827 m (the prediction year 2050). According to the scenario (2) 1B (extreme) is 1.6297 m (the prediction year 2030) and 2.2667 m (the prediction year 2050). The increase in the sea-level rise on the south coast of Yogyakarta provides a disaster effect of inundation in the area directly dealing the beach and near the river mouth for example in Bantul Regency and Kulon Progo Regency.

Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, South Coast of Yogyakarta, Inundation potency

Environmental Engineering


Green infrastructure concept in supporting economic development of rural area community of Ciemas
Hilwati Hindersah(a*), Yulia Asyiawati(b), Afiati(b)

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Hilwati Hindersah

a) Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Bandung – 40116, Indonesia
b) Undergraduate Program in Urban and Regional Planning, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No.1, Bandung – 40116, Indonesia

Infrastructure is not only needed to push the economies but also able to protect rural natural environment in which its ecosystem functions as life support. The challenge is that economic activities in Ciemas should not change its natural landscape. Green infrastructure which have multifunctional capacity offer the concept of environmental conservation while promote economic activities based on natural resources. This paper aims at analysing whether the concept of green infrastructure could support economic development as well as conserve the environment of Ciemas rural area. This study is a qualitative descriptive method, based on literature survey, on-site visual observation and survey of relevant official institutions. Based on demography statistic, geomorphology, vegetation cover and land use map data, this study identify socio-ecological network across Ciemas area and the prospect of economic activities and their development needs, and propose green infrastructure types at rural landscape scale as a result. This paper conclude that green infrastructure concept could be implemented and protect Ciemas natural environment effectively as well as provide economic welfare to Ciemas community.

green infrastructure, environmental conservation, rural landscape planning

Environmental Engineering


Identifications of Increase, Distribution Pattern, and Density Level of Sedimentation Using Landsat 7 Satellite Images in the Coastal Area of Cirebon City
Thobibie(a), Yackob Astor(b*), Hendra Julianto(c)

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Corresponding Author
Yackob Astor

a) Department of Geodetic & Geomatica, National Institute of Technology No. 23 PH.H.Mustofa Street, 40124 Bandung, Indonesia.

b*) Marine Cadastre Researcher, Bandung State Polytechnic. Gegerkalong Hilir Street, 40012 Bandung, Indonesia. yackobastor[at]

c) Department of Civil Engineering, Kaltara University. Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia

Sedimentation at coastal city of Cirebon is caused by considerable abration process in Indramayu regency and the impact of sand mining on Gosong Island, Indramayu Regency, beside that, the habit of residents in coastal city of Cirebon who heap up garbage at the coastal for years to utilize the area for residential purpose also contributed significantly the problem of sedimentation in the coastal area of Cirebon City. This research applying remote sensing technology of Landsat 7 2005, 2007, 2010, and 2015 using Lemigas Algorithm to gain information of special and temporal increase of sedimentation, distribution pattern, and density level of sedimentation. The result shows that accretion of sedimentation process between 2005 and 2015 at Lemahwungkuk Subdistrict is 56,989 Ha with a sedimentation rate of 5,699 Ha/year. Kejaksan Subdistrict has increase sedimentation by 16,491 Ha with a sedimentation rate of 1,649 Ha/year. The most significant increase happened at 2010 to 2015, with 46,072 Ha. However, from 2005 to 2010 the sedimentation increased by 5,675 Ha. There are 2 types of distribution pattern at Cirebon City, the first one is the sedimentation that ends in the estuary of river, particularly at Sukalila and Kesunean River deltas. The other type is the sedimentation caused by the presence of longshore currents which carry sediment and stuck on the coast along coastal city of Cirebon. Identification of natural and artificial sedimentation is carried out based on surveys in the field. The Lemigas Algorithm used only for classification of sedimentation (natural and artificial) based on density level of sedimentation content (mg/L).

Sedimentation, Lemigas Algorithm

Environmental Engineering


Identifying City Park Accessibility Using Geographic Information System
Irland Fardani, Sabine Fatimah

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Irland Fardani

Bandung Islamic University

Bandung have about 2 million people that stayed in that 8.572 hectare urban area that have population density a 149 people / hectare in year 2017. The city of Bandung only has an area of about 502 hectare of urban parks, which is not enough to serves all the citizen to get access to that park. The study is analysing level of accessibility of the citizen to reach the park services, in term of how far and wide the city park can serve the surrounding community. This Research using one of the Network Analysis in Geographic Information System (GIS) method, which is Service Area, with assumption that one park can be reached by walking by citizen in radius of 1 km around their house. The result show that the existing of the park in Bandung City can only serve about 5.516 Ha of urban area, that means it only serve 2/3 urban area in Bandung City. In the diverse of urban park in Bandung City, its distribution has not been distributed well, in east and south of Bandung City there is a blank spot that the citizen cannot reach the city park. With this research, it can be one of input to the local government when they want to build the new city park they can build in the east and south area of Bandung City

City Park, Urban, Geographic Information System

Environmental Engineering


Innovation Potencies to Conserve the Environment Quality in the Young Generation
Yonik Meilawati Yustiani(*)

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Yonik Meilawati Yustiani

Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Pasundan
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 193 Bandung 40153, Indonesia
(*) e-mail: yonik[at]

Environmental damage that has occurred in Indonesia has severely disrupted public health. Many efforts have been made to improve the environment, both technically and non-technically. But these efforts did not show significant positive results. This condition shows that there needs to be a breakthrough in the form of innovations, especially in terms of technology to prevent and control of environmental damage. This study aims to investigate the potential for innovation in the field of environment that was generated by Indonesias young generation. In addition, this research also portrays the innovation ideas that want to be realized as well as obstacles in realizing them. The method used in this study was the distribution of questionnaires to 78 respondents randomly and a review of secondary data. The results of the study show that innovations to improve environmental conditions are not solely by making pollution control devices, but also innovations related to the use of environmentally friendly energy, organic food, waste recycling, saving natural resources, and innovations that can change the behavior of people as polluter. The results of the questionnaire dissemination also showed that only 50% of respondents felt the support of the Indonesian Government towards innovation development programs. The biggest obstacle for respondents in realizing innovation is limitation in funding and ability to start invention management. Therefore, the most needed activity is training on how to develop ideas into innovations and potential funding that can realize these innovations. The young generation of Indonesia represented by the respondents in this study stated that copyright to an innovation outcome is valuable. As many as 76% of respondents interested in applying license for their innovations in the form of patents or copyrights.

Environmental Concervation; Innovation; Young Generation

Environmental Engineering


Invasive Plants on Coal Overburden Spoil Heaps in Satui, South Kalimantan
Vivi Novianti

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Vivi Novianti

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang

The inhibitory potential of plants during early succession is crucial but little appreciated. Negative effects of these species can slow, arrest, or deflect succession. Aggressive invaders suppress plantings or nurse plants suppress desired target species. Such an inhibitory effect often causes problems during restoration. Study aggressive invaders would assist in informing ecological restoration. Here, line transects was used to investigate species composition and its characteristic on seven coal mine overburden dumping site in tropical climate. There are 124 plant species invaded coal mine overburden on early succession, and 70 of them are classified as invasive species, such as Acacia mangium, Chromolaena odorata, Centrosoma pubescens, Micania micrantha, Imperata cylindrica, and Lantana camara. Acacia mangium and Centrosoma pubescens which are widely planted for reclamation purposes on ex-coal mine area categorized invasive species. The negative impact of these species on inhibition of succession has been seen in certain location. Therefore, understanding the nature of species can facilitate the development of target species for accelerating succession.

Invasive plants, overburden spoil, coal mine, succession, ecological restoration

Environmental Engineering


Local Wisdom Preservation through eco-tourism village concept (Case Study : Jatiluwih Village -Tabanan–Bali)
Uton Rustan Harun, Tarlani, Sherly Defannya Serdani

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Tarlani Tarlani

Bandung Islamic University

Modernity and economic-rational thinking become part of urban society progress where it is gradually transmitted to rural life. This is a great challenge to maintain the local heritage of rural cultural values. Especially, encouraging young people to understand and maintain local wisdom will be more important for sustainable development planning in rural settlements. Jatitiluwih Village is one of the models of eco-tourism in Bali which is facing a challenge between maintaining the values of local wisdom (cultural heritage) or fulfilling the demand for tourist facilities. In this case, Tri Hita Karana as the philosophy of Balinese life does not only support for daily activities but also needs to be supported by other organizations both national government and even international institution. Research method using the inductive approach with qualitative analysis from literature and secondary data. Jatiluwih Village has received an award as cultural heritage from UNESCO, where the support will increasingly disappear if the preserving ideas for village development are not good. Sustainable Village Planning is harmony prosses between modernity in tourism activities by maintaining the values of local wisdom in the arrangement of rural settlements in Bali.

eco-tourism, cultural heritage, local wisdom, sustainable village

Environmental Engineering


Mapping and Analysis of Illegal Solid Waste Heap Point at Segment 6 Ciliwung Riverbanks
L A Saska, P PP Riatno, D Indrawati

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Dwi Indrawati

Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

The research about illegal heap point of solid waste was conducted to identify the quantity of illegal solid waste heap point, to measure the volume and composition of solid waste along Segment 6 Ciliwung Riverbanks. That was done as a response to river pollution caused by solid waste. Calculations of the volume and compositions of solid waste was carried out for three days in five locations, namely riverbank in area of Manggarai (Location 1), Kebon Manggis (Location 2), Menteng (Location 3), Kwitang (Location 4), and Kebon Sirih (Location 5). The research shows that there is 22 illegal heap points of solid waste consisting of 93.38 m3 solid waste volume. The highest volume of the illegal heap point of solid waste was located in Kebon Manggis Area with 34.64 m3 and the lowest volume was located in Kebon Sirih Area with 1,53 m3. The average compositions of solid waste consisting of 45.56% organic waste and 54.44% non-organic waste with the highest percentage are the plastic waste 18.6% and the lowest percentage is rubber/leather waste 2.01%. The existence of the illegal heap point of solid waste in riverbank has the potential to decreasing water quality of Ciliwung River especially in Segment 6.

riverbank, solid waste, heap point, volume, composition

Environmental Engineering


Suryatri Darmiatun, Harsuko Riniwati, Luchman Hakim, Suyadi

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Suryatri Darmiatun

Postgraduate Brawijaya University, Malang

HIPPAM (Association of Drinking Water User Populations) must be able to supply 60 liters water/ person / day, meets water quality standards, flow water 24 hours, and set water tariffs afford. The research objectives are: (1) finding the main factors contributing to the sustainability of drinking water supply by rural community and (2) analyzing the structural model of drinking water supply by rural community . Research methods are surveys, observations and interviews. The variables studied were social, economic, technology, ecology of water sources, water supply performance, HIPPAM institutions, and HIPPAM sustainability. Respondents were HIPPAM members in the villages of Gubugklakah, Poncokusumo and Wonomulya, Poncokusumo sub-district, Malang Regency, East Java. Data analysis using SEM-PLS with WarpPLS program. Data analysis shows that: (1) social, technological, and ecological of water sources factors have a direct effect on water supply performance factor; (2) social, technological, ecological of water resources, and water supply performance factors directly influence HIPPAM institutional factor; (3) economic, ecological water source, and institutional factors directly influence the HIPPAM sustainability factor; (4) water supply performance and HIPPAM institutions factor mediate the indirect effect of social and technological factors on HIPPAM sustainability factor; (5) HIPPAM institutional factor mediate the indirect effect of water supply performance on HIPPAM sustainability factor; (6) social factors contribute the greatest total effect to water supply performance factor and HIPPAM institution; and (7) ecological of water sources factor provide the greatest total effect on SPAM sustainability factor. The conclusions of the study, namely: (1) the main factor that contributed the greatest total effect on the sustainability of drinking water supply by rural community, was the ecology of water sources, and (2) economic factors, ecology of water sources, and institutional HIPPAM had a significant direct effect on HIPPAM sustainability factors. Social, technological, and water supply performance factors have a significant indirect effect on HIPPAM sustainability factor.

Model, drinking water, rural community, sustainable

Environmental Engineering


Arif Parabi(a) , Ranty Christiana(a), Dina Octaviani(b), M.Zalviwan(b), Endang Noerhartati(c*)

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Corresponding Author
Arif Parabi

a) Department Civil Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
b) Department Management, Faculty Of Economy at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
c*) Departement of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of , Engineering, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV/ 54 Surabaya, Indonesia
* endang.18006[at][at]
c) Postgraduate Student, Department of Education Management, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Jl Kampus Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

The research purpose is to find out about neutralization, coagulation and filtration processes in peat water. Water is an environmental component that has a considerable role and the requirements in terms of quality and quantity. The presence of water in peatland areas is less profitable, because peat water is surface water from peat soil with striking features because it is brownish red in color, contains high organic matter, tastes sour, pH 2-5 and has a low hardness level. This research method uses experimental design and the variables are the processes of neutralization, coagulation, and filtration of peat water. Descriptive statistical analysis is an analysis carried out to assess the characteristics of a data. The results of the research were from the initial test obtained pH = 4.32. There are some changes from all parameters starting from dark black water color (1088 PtCo) to 179 PtCo, high turbidity (13.2 NTU to 6.55 NTU, high iron content (1.68 mg / l) to 0.26 mg / l, high chromium (0.093) mg / l to 0.023 mg / l), low acidity (pH) (4.32) to pH 5.57 and high sulphate (744 mg / l) to 24 mg / l.

Neutralization; Coagulation; Filtration; Peat Water

Environmental Engineering


Optimum dosage and application of NPK fertilizer for corn in drylands of Dompu Indonesia
Zaenal Arifin, Lolita Endang Susilowati, Bambang Hari Kusumo, Sukartono, Ismail Yasin

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Zaenal Arifin

University of Mataram

Corn farmers on dry land tend to use inorganic fertilizers in excessive amounts to increase corn production without considering the right dosage and the application method. To obtain the right dosage and the better application method, a study has been conducted to investigate two packages of fertilizer doses and placement methods which were tested on dry land of Dompu, Indonesia. Research to test the three types of fertilizers (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) in corn was tested in five sub-district locations in Dompu (1 ha in each location), namely Huu, Pajo, Woja, Kempo, and Manggalewa sub-districts. There were two fertilization packages tested in this study; (1) Urea 300 kg/ha and PONSKA 300 kg/ha given 2 times by row placement, and (2) Urea 300 kg/ha and PONSKA 400 kg/ha given 1 time by broadcasting. The results showed that the first package of treatment produced significantly higher dry weight of corn seeds (12.26 tons/ha) compared to the second package (7.98 tons/ha). In addition, the leaves of the corn plant in the first package treatment were still green at the time of harvest which can be a source of animal feed, compared to plants in the second fertilizing package that have dried and are brown in color.

Corn, fertilizer, NPK, application, dryland, Indonesia

Environmental Engineering


Performance Evaluation of Cisauk Water Treatment Plant, Cisauk Sub-Districk, Tangerang
Mega Sari Ayu, Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, R Ratnaningsih*

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Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih

Environmental Engineering Departement, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Abstract. Cisauk Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is one of the water treatment plants operated by PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja, Tangerang District, which supply drinking water for Cisauk and Suradita Subdistricts with a capacity of 50 L/sec. This research was conducted to evaluate the performance of each units on Cisauk WTP and compare the quality of water produced with the drinking water standard of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010. Evaluation of WTP process is conducted by analyzing the quantity and quality of produced water, and then calculate of criteria design for each unit. The processing unit consists of intake, hydraulic coagulation, hydraulic flocculation, sedimentation I and II, filtration and ground reservoir. The coagulant used was NUSACHEM with dose of 35 mg/L and the disinfectant used was gas and liquid chlorine at dose of 3-5 mg/L. Based on the WTP evaluation, not all units fullfill the design criteria based on SNI 6774 of 2008. However, the quality of the water produced fulfill the drinking water quality requirements of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010.

Water Treatment Plant, Performance Evaluation, Design Criteria, Drinking Water

Environmental Engineering


Personal Hygiene Behavior of Students in Cooking Practices at Culinary Vocational Schools in Bandung Raya
Rita Patriasih

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Rita Patriasih

Cullynary Education Study Program. FPTK. UPI

Food processing needs to pay attention to health principles so that the food produced is not only nutritious but also healthy and safe to eat. Healthy food should not harm the body. For that the application of sanitation and hygiene is an absolute thing in the implementation of food by a food handler. One form of the application of the principle of hygiene sanitation is personal hygiene behavior. The importance of this is related as an effort to prevent contamination of food. The researcher wanted to know the personal hygiene behavior of Vocational School students during cooking practices. The study used a cross sectional design with desktiptif analysis. Data collection is done by observation. Respondents were 161 students of the School of Culinary Vocational School in Bandung Raya, namely SMKN 9 Bandung, SMK 3 Cimahi, Baleendah 2 Vocational High School and SMK IT Nurul Imam. The results of the study revealed that there are 13 indicators of personal hygiene behavior practices that must be applied by students when cooking. The practice that should receive more attention is to get used to always washing hands properly before and after touching food. In addition, an attempt to refrain from talking too much when processing food. The use of double bress, headgear and apron has been carried out mostly well. While the habit of using nect tie needs to be increased so that it becomes an important concern for students.

cooking personal hygiene practice.

Environmental Engineering


Pollutant Load Capacity of Situ Parigi, Banten Province
Athiya Zharifa, Melati Ferianita Fachrul, Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan*

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Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: dianahendrawan[at]

Situ Parigi is located in Parigi Lama Village, Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang City. Based on the water quality measurements of Situ Parigi, BOD parameter has the highest concentration. This indicates that the type of waste that enters this water body is dominated by organic waste produced from domestic activities around it. The purpose of this study is to determine the pollutant load capacity of BOD in Situ Parigi. Pollutant load capacity is calculated using formulas in Minister of Environment Regulation No. 28 of 2009 concerning Capacity of Lake Water Pollution and/or Reservoir Load. Situ Parigi has an area of 4 Ha, an average depth of 0.98 m, a debit of 0.023 m3/sec and a hydraulic residence time of 18.25 days. Based on the calculations results, the pollutant load capacity of Situ Parigi is 3,169.81 kg/year but must accommodate a load of 20,553.15 kg/year. These results show that the pollution that occurs in Situ Parigi has exceeded its capacity. Control strategies such as dredging work and the construction of communal wastewater treatment plants could be carried out in an effort to reduce the occurring pollution levels.

Organic wastewater; water pollution; pollution load capacity; control strategies

Environmental Engineering


Sri Fitria Retnawaty*, Shabri Putra Wirman, Ficky Dara Nababan, Aifat Zahiroh, Yeeri Badrun

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Siti Samsiah

Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau
*corresponding email: fitriretno[at]

Research has been carried out on measuring metal content and predicting the volume of leachate produced from Muara Fajar Landfill in Pekanbaru from 2019 to 2024. Measurement of metal content was carried out to determine the amount of metal concentrations contained in the leachate at this time, whereas the prediction of leachate was carried out to determine the growth of leachate volume every year until 2024. Metal content was measured using the Atomic Adsorption Spectrometer (AAS) and leachate volume prediction was done by using a dynamic system model using powersim. Based on the measurement of metal content, it is known that there is a leachate pond that has a metal content value exceeding the threshold of 6.4517 mg/l. While based on the results of the predicted growth in the volume of leachate, it shows that each year the volume of leachate increases by 35.44% or an average increase of 5,467.5 mg/l until 2024. A scenario was made as an effort to control metal content in the leachate collection pond, namely by photoremediation using Cyperus papyrus and Echinodorus palaefolius plants. Scenarios were performed to calculate the number of plants needed so that the metal content is reduced and does not exceed the quality standard threshold. The calculation results reveal that 12,173 Cyperus papyrus plants or 10,348 stems of Echinodorus palaefolius plants are needed to reduce metal content by 30%.

Leachate; Dynamic System Model; Powersim; Muara Fajar Landfill

Environmental Engineering


Preliminary Study of The Determination Glucose Levels on Cassava Peels Waste (Manihot utilisima) The Results of The Activity Enzymatic Fungi Aspergillus fumigatus
Putra Adyasa Jatnika, Ratnaningsih, *)Astri Rinanti

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Corresponding Author
Astri Rinanti

Universitas Trisakti

This research aims to know the waste cassava peels is cleaned for glucose levels that will be used as raw material for fermentation process through bioethanol. Cassava peels contain lignosellulosic which consist of 43% cellulose, 38% hemicellulose, and 19% lignin. This research process is done in two stages, namely the process of pretreatment/delignification and hydrolysis. Delignification is done by making use of Aspergillus fumigatusi in Potato Dextrose Broth medium and performed a cassava peels is cleaned up to size 40 mesh. Pretreatment uses the variation comparison of fungi against raw material of 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 and the contact time of 1, 3, and 5 days. The analysis stage pretreatment using Chesson method. Phase hydrolysis sulfuric acid (H2SO4) 1% and heated at a temperature of 100oC for 2 hours. The analysis phase hydrolysis using DNS method to get sugar levels. In this study, obtained the best levels of lignin after pretreatment is by 8% and the research proves that cassava peels delignification retrieved from enzymatics activity of Aspergillus fumigatus and produces 10% of the total sugar samples is used. Further research needs to be done to increase sugar levels from raw cassava peels.

Cassava peels, enzimatyc, lignosellulosic, Aspergillus fumigatus, waste.

Environmental Engineering


Nadiroh (a), Mukhlisah Arif Hanubun (b), Budiaman (c) Komarudin (d), Siti Dewi Maharani (e)

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Corresponding Author
Mukhlisah Hanubun

a) Professor at State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Magister Student, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia,
c) State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
d) State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
e) State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Penelitian dilakukan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara Kepemimpinan Instruksional dan Locus Of Control terhadap Pro Ecology Behavior Siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey. Adapun pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara multistage random sampling hingga terpilih 100 siswa MAN 6 Jakarta Timur orang sebagai sampel. Uji regresi dan analisis korelasional digunakan untuk memverivikasi hubungan antara variabel. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pengukuran yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara Kepemimpinan Instruksional dan Locus Of Control terhadap Pro Ecology Behavior Siswa, baik sendiri maupun bersama, baik dikontrol maupun tidak. Kepemimpinan guru atau yang diistilahkan kepemimpinan instruksional adalah salah satu faktor situasional dalam teori perilaku, sehingga penelitian ini mengkorelasikan faktor internal yaitu Locus Of Control dengan faktor situasional yaitu Kepemimpinan Instruksional dan pengaruhnya terhadap Pro Ecology Behavior Siswa. Semakin tinggi Kepemimpinan Instruksional dan Locus Of Control, maka semakin tinggi pula Pro Ecology Behavior Siswa.

locus of control, kepemimpinan instruksional, ecology behavior

Environmental Engineering


Promotion Strategies for Tourism Development Based on Environment, Case Study District Bekasi
Astri Mutia Ekasari (a*), Ina Helena Agustina (b), Ida Hindansyah (c), Luzma (d)

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Corresponding Author
Astri Mutia Ekasari

(a,b,d) Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung, Jalan Tamansari No.1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia
* astri.mutia[at]

(c) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Pasundan, Jalan Tamansari No.6-8 Bandung 40116, Indonesia

The tourism sector is currently a mainstay activity to increase state revenue. Competition between tourist destinations is increasingly stringent, both at regional and even international levels. Bekasi Regency is one area that continues to increase its regional income from the tourism sector, reinforced by the vision of tourism development that emphasizes the realization of regional tourism that can maintain environmental sustainability. In this condition, tourism promotion and marketing strategies are highly needed to advance environment-based tourism destinations that can compete globally by utilizing local identity, authenticity, and uniqueness. Data was obtained through a questionnaire that included 20 questions about respondents perceptions and demographics. The results of the study led to a proposed strategy that highlights the need to improve the provision of amenities and expand promotion by strengthening ancillary. This promotion and marketing strategy can be an instrument for stakeholders involved in tourism and help achieve sustainable development that is environmentally friendly throughout the value chain of the tourism sector.

Promotion, Environment-based Tourism, Sustainability

Environmental Engineering


Removal of Ammonia and Phosphate Parameters from Greywater Using Vetiveria Zizanioides in Subsurface-Constructed Wetland
Novita Rosiana Dewi, Rositayanti Hadisoebroto*, Melati Ferianita Fachrul

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Corresponding Author
Rositayanti Hadisoebroto

Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

In Indonesia, especially in urban area such as Jakarta, it is very common that greywater generated from households run off into drainage system. The greywater that mixed together with rain water will flow onto river. Increasing population means increasing in households as well as greywater generated, that become serious problem when greywater becomes dominant in drainage system. To minimize the pollution from greywater in river stream, it was used the constructed wetland with subsurface system in riverbanks of Ciliwung river. The research was conducted using the vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) planted in the subsurface-constructed wetland to decrease the parameter of ammonia and phosphate from greywater. The aim of the research is to determine the removal efficiency of the parameters from greywater using the wetland located in Srengseng Sawah subdistrict, South Jakarta City. With the residence time of 2 days, the parameter of ammonia could removed 70% while for phosphate parameter is 65%. To reach the quality standards, it is suggested to add the pre-treatment of aeration for the wetland.

Subsurface-Constructed Wetlands, Greywater, The Vetiver

Environmental Engineering


Removal of Copper Heavy Metal (Cu2+) by Biosorbent Microalgae Immobilized With the Optimazation of Contact Time and Temperature
Nanda Astuti Lieswito (a), Astri Rinanti (a), Melati Ferianita Fachrul (a*)

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Corresponding Author
Melati Ferianita FACHRUL

a) Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

* melati[at]

This research purpose to remove copper heavy metal (Cu2+) with a biotechnological approach using mixed microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana, Monoraphidium sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus which is bound in Na-Alginate polymer. The effect of contact time and temperature on the biosorption rate was examined to achieve the greatest efficiency in the Cu2+ metal removal process. Bonded biosorbents are made by drying in an oven, grinding, and trapping into polymer alginate to form immobilized microalgae or called beads. The decrease in Cu concentration was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The absorption properties of biosorbents were characterized using Fourrier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Scaning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Optimization of absorption parameters was carried out in a batch system using a concentration of 20 mg/L Cu wastewater, biosorbent concentration 0.5 g/g, pH 4 with contact time setting (60, 120, 180) minutes and temperature regulation (25, 30, 35)oC. The results showed that maximum biosorption occurred at pH 4, temperature 30oC and contact time 120 minutes with removal efficiency 82%. This research prove that immobilized microalgae is very effective for reducing Cu2+ in wastewater, and immobilized microalgae could act as biosorbents which are effective in further optimization.

Biosorption, Copper (Cu2+), Immobilized Microalgae

Environmental Engineering


Anna Kristina Rosa Vernans, Bambang Iswanto, Astri Rinanti

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Corresponding Author
Astri Rinanti

Universitas Trisakti

Bioremediation is an effective alternative for removing heavy Cu2+ metals because it is environmentally friendly, a cost-effective technology and permanently detoxifies pollutants. This research was conducted to remove heavy Cu2 + metals using the bioremediation method by utilizing a mixed culture of Thiobacillus sp. and Clostridium sp. as bioremedian. This research was conducted on liquid media which was started in artificial growth media is Stone Mineral Salt solution (SMSs) with the parameters tested in the form of temperature (oC) and Cu2+ heavy metal pollutant concentration. The variabels used consisted of temperature (oC) is 20, 25, 30 and 35, pollutant concentration (ppm) is 25, 50, 75 and 100. Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was carried out to determine the heavy metal content of Cu2+. In addition, the calculation of Cu2 + heavy metal removal efficiency was carried out. In this research, the exponential phase of the growth of mixed culture of bacteria was at a temperature of 30 oC, pH of 7 with a pollutant concentration of 100 ppm. So that, the percent allowance for heavy metals Cu2 + in liquid media until 90%. The efficiency of the use of mixed cultures of the bacteria Thiobacillus sp. and Clostridium sp. as bioremedian in reducing the heavy metal content of Cu2+ in liquid media it can reach the range until 90% with the variation used is a temperature of 30 oC, pH of 7, the pollutant concentration of 100 ppm with the contact time used is 48 hours.

Bioremediation, Heavy metal Cu2+, Thiobacillus sp., Clostridium sp., Removal, Growth Media

Environmental Engineering


Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-A Condition of Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) Catching Area in Ternate Island Marine Waters
Umar Tangke(a), Frentje Dusyan Silooy(b), Rochmady(c), Zubair Saing(a*)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, Ternate, Indonesia
(b) University of Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(c) Wuna Agricultural Science University, Raha, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
E-mail: zubairsaing[at]

Skipjack tuna is one pelagic fish that always migrates for a condition with relevant oceanographic factors for their survival, particularly for optimum sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a. This study conducted with the experimental fishing method from June - November 2018 in the waters of Ternate Island in observation of the optimal condition of oceanographic factors, mainly SST and Chlorophyll-a in the distribution of skipjack tuna. Employing a polynomial regression analysis, the research results show that the sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a parameters are strictly related to the distribution of the amount of skipjack tuna caught with correlation coefficient value (r) respectively of 0.646 for sea surface temperature and 0.565 for chlorophyll-a. The optimum temperature for the skipjack tuna in the waters of Ternate Island according to the research results ranges from 27.0oC - 30.9oC, while the optimum condition of chlorophyll-a is higher than 0.2 mg/m3-0.35mg/m3, and it seems that every increment of chlorophyll-a content in water indicates an increase of the amount of skipjack tuna catch.

Sea Surface Temperature; Chlorophyll-A Condition ; Skipjack Tuna

Environmental Engineering


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