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Piety and Form Identity Muslim Middle Class in Yogyakarta
Zuly Qodir and Haedar Nashir

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Zuly Qodir

Islamic Politics Graduate Graduate UMY

Groups identity as many form. The Muslim middle class making formation with piety activities to deference in the society and the others entity. Muslim middle class are religious and identity motivation for activities, like reading Quran, sacrifice, and giving for poor in society. In the Alam Citra Land, deference whit out complex many activities to identity social and religious. This article to description and analysis middle class Muslim activity correlation with social bounding and piety in society. Middle class Muslim symbolic piety activities with future hope as well as positive activity like education, business and work. This article base on literature review, observation and interview with people in the Alam Citra Land (Complex). Analysis the data with qualitative and sociological-anthropological perspectives.

piety, Muslim middle class, deference, identity

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Political Culture Aspects in Ramadhan Iftar Activity: Comparative Study on Three Masjids Models in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Mochammad Ade Pamungkas & Robbin Dayyan Yahuda

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Mochammad Ade Pamungkas

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Ramadhan iftar activity being society mobilization object by certain agents. The difference of Ramadhan iftar concepts which offered by Jogokariyan Masjid, Gadjah Mada University Masjid, and Pesantren al-Munawwir Krapyak Masjid indicate society mobilization rivalry among that masjids through three different offered concepts. Jogokariyan Masjid emphasizes to serve palatable dishes. Gadjah Mada University masjid gives priority to present expert lecturers, and Krapyak masjid pledges eschatologic rewards which soothe people hearts. This study compare iftar activity concepts on three masjid models in Yogyakarta. Using Jodi Dean political culture, this study contains four research steps: First, problematization on consisted phenomenons. Second, contextualization on religion understanding which applied in different activities variation. Third, specification to political goals behind religion theorems implementation in different activities variation. Fourth, pluralization on contextual and specific analysis results on previously processes. The research uniqueness located on employing difference masjid models activity as study object. Research novelty existed on plural analysis to religion and culture motives in iftar activity. This research results refer existence on theologic and economic tendencies through iftar activity mobilization on that masjids.

Political Culture, Ramadhan Iftar Activity, Jodi Dean, Yogyakarta.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


POLITICAL EDUCATION MODEL IN POLITICAL PARTIES IN INDONESIA (An Effort to Look for Alternative Model Based on Gender Sensitivity)
vina salviana darvina soedawro

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Vina Salviana Darvina Soedarwo

University of Muhammadiyah Malang

One of the classic reasons for being a scapegoat from womens political backwardness is a matter of patriarchal culture, that is, women are considered more suitable to take care of domestic (private) areas while men in the public sphere. This reason certainly tends to be cliched, because if we are honest, the low number of representation of women in the political space cannot be separated from the influence of the political party (political party) platform itself. The partisanship of political parties towards gender equality is still half-hearted. As an important pillar of democracy, it is time for political parties to take on the role of making the agenda of womens representation successful. This study aims to find out the political party platform? What is the model of political education carried out in political parties? Is it based on gender sensitivity? The location of this study is in Malang, this region has a phenomenon of dynamics of local politics that is interesting to study. The approach in this study is an interpretive approach with a qualitative descriptive type. The results of this study indicate that from the platforms of four political parties (PDIP, Golkar, Gerindra and PKS), the missions, objectives and gender sensitive program have not been explicitly stated yet. Only one political party, PKS stated that in its platform between men and women bound in a proportional relation of complementarity in order to realize the "mandate" of human creation. In the four political parties there has been no specific implementation of gender sensitivity-based political education, there are only a few programs related to the field of women. From the conditions of political education that mentioned above, a model of gender sensitivity-based political education can be developed

political education model, gender sensitivity, political parties

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Political Identity of Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Yasin Maimun Candidate Pair in the 2018 Central Java Regional Election Contest
M Nastain, M.IKom

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Muhamad Nastain

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

The development political in the period of history wrote that kontestasi a political fight the always involving participation public as the best victory . Public participation in space political after reform is increasingly better evidenced by growing new political party. The increasing growth of political parties is certainly linear with the involvement of the public. The level of public participation is ideally balanced with good political education by stakeholders. It needs to be discussed and become a systematic and measurable program by the government and political parties to provide political education. So that the community are not just to voters but also understand the consequence of his Political attitude Political identity to be implemented by the candidate couple central java governor Ganjar Pranowo and Taj Maimun Yasin. Consideration of segmentation and positioning in the political marketing of 2018 Central Java regional election incumbents is inseparable from the characteristics of community groups. Consideration segmentation and positioning in marketing election of incumbent political central java province 2018 has not escaped the characteristics of community groups. So as to bring up a question of how do social phenomena political identity candidate couple ganjar pranowo and taj maimun in local politics because the election central java 2018? This research in a qualitative study the phenomenology berger and luckmann. The theory and a social construction of reality happen simultaneously through three social processes, (1) externalization (self-adjustment) with the sociocultural world as human products, (2) objectivation, namely social interaction that occurs in the intersubjective world which is institutionalized or undergoes an institutionalization process and (3) internalization, namely the process by which individuals identify with institutions social institutions or social organizations where individuals are members

Politics, identity, local election, Central Java, political contestation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Political Marketing Strategy via Instagram Towards 2019 Presidential Election
Wahyu Eka Putri S.KPm; Dr. Eriyanto M.Si

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Wahyu Eka Putri

Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia,

Towards the 2019 presidential election, the presidents main candidates are facilitated in carrying out their marketing campaigns by using social media. Social media such as Instagram that depicts content based on images and videos is an alternative choice for candidates in conducting campaigns. The purpose of this study is to analyze the framing politics displayed and identify images that have high engagement in instagram. To carry out this analysis, content analysis are performed on 2019 presidential candidate accounts. The results of this study indicate that among the many instagram posts, candidates mostly use ideal candidate frames in their images. In addition, the framing especially nationalism produces the highest number of likes and comments.

framing, instgram, content analysis

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Political News in the National Online Media (Qualitative Content Analysis of the Presidential Elections in Indonesia 2018-2019)
Didik Haryadi Santoso (a), Pawito (b)Prahastiwi Utari (b) Drajat Tri Kartono

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a) Doctoral Student in Department of Communication Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret
b) Department of Communication Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Online media inevitably involved in 2019 Indonesian Presidency-s Election. However, online media-s ethical issue also emerge onto the surface. Particularly, the issues of online journalism ethics. This research explore the ethical issue in political news in national online media during the 2019 Presidential Election. Qualitative method is employed to analyze news in national online media by 2018-2019. A sort of national online media are chosen based on their rank in accordance to Weber Shandwick and; namely,, and This research has revealed that those online outlets have several ethical issues of political news: (1) The news source, some of websites have mentioned no news source or any credible reference. (2)The news content, had bias distinction between fact and opinion. (3)The news accuracy, such the problem of proportionality and objectivity. And (4) Affilliation, in related to its inclination to a particular presidential candidate. Keywords: Disruption, Online Media, Politics, News.

Disruption, Online Media, Politics, News, Journalistic Ethics.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


prawira yudha pratama

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prawira yudha pratama

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper discusses the political and state analysis proposed by Andrew Heywood in his book on politics. Politics and the State are things that cannot be freed because they deal with almost all aspects of life that are on the boundaries of their land. Political science is actually understood as a State study, an analysis of organizational institutions, evaluating its impact on society and so on. Therefore the State has often been interpreted as a political entity that forms a region within the boundaries of the sovereignty of certain regions, and organizes authority through a series of permanent institutions. The state has the power and authority that regulates all activities to ensure public security, social and economic prosperity, and its development. But lately the role of the State in power and sovereignty-threat-threat will lose its authority partly in controlling the direction of the destination country. The entry of globalization or the global market makes the role of the state become weaker or stronger, so that the state can lose its existence in authority. The country can be a failure or maybe advance with the global market. The analysis used in this paper is to use the theory of Good Governance. Discussion of the results shows that the policies issued by the president of labor regulations regarding the use of negative and positive impacts. On one side of this policy is the possibility of attending ASEAN countries because of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) agreement. The agreement with the State must also have to give up some of its authority.

Politics, State and Global Markets

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Populism and the politics of capitalist expansion in Southeast Asia
Faris Al-Fadhat

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Faris Al-Fadhat

Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, D.I. Yogyakarta 55183 Indonesia

Populism has become more prominent in many parts of the world. In Southeast Asia, populist politics have a long standing history that is inseparable from the context of power contestation. The politics of Thaksin Shinawatras family in Thailand, the recent rise of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, the return of the once retired Mahathir Mohamad to power in Malaysia, and the rivalry between Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto in the Indonesias presidential election in Indonesia, have illustrated a strong competition between different populist forces. Populism is portrayed as a response that rise from the discontent of neoliberal policies through popular and nationalist campaigns and jargons. Nevertheless, this analysis has limitation in explaining the struggle and interests of different classes supporting the rise of populism in Southeast Asia. This paper argues that populist politics are not entirely built on frustration over neoliberal economic policies. Instead, it has been shaped through new political alliances structured by different social forces and enhanced by the transformation of capitalist class which has a strong agenda for market oriented policies. Hence, populism does not necessarily become a threat to neoliberal policies. It reflects the broader context of class transformation in reformulating the capital expansion into different and wider scale.

Populism, Capitalist transformation, capitalism, Southeast Asia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Taofik Hidajat

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Taofik Hidajat

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank BPD Jawa Tengah

This paper proposes to present a new perspective on the tricky investment practices through the classification of investors Ponzi and pyramids scheme. This study used qualitative methods through interviews with victims of the scheme from 11 cities in Indonesia. The sample in this study were individuals who were victims of investment fraud with both systems. The method applied was snowball sampling. The small number of samples was a limitation of the study. Based on the interviews, there were three classifications of investors of both schemes: Predator, Strong Prey and Weak Prey. The current study might be expected to be the first research on investor classification on Ponzi and pyramid scheme.

Ponzi, Pyramid, HYIP, Indonesia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Primordialism in the Hoaks and the Role of Millennials in 2017 DKI Jakarta Election
Fawaz Syaefullah (a) , Dr. phil. Aditya Perdana, S.IP., M.Si

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Fawaz Syaefullah

a) Political Departement, Faculty of Political and Social Science, University of Indonesia.
b) Political Departemet, Faculty of Political and Social Science, University of Indonesia

This article wants to describe the presence of primordialism in the hoax in the DKI regional election. This is because the DKI Pilkada is a research reference with its characteristics. DKI Jakarta is Indonesias digital capital because of the highest internet penetration and the largest social media users, which is 3.5 million people. The abundant flow of information, massive campaigns, and high digital interaction turned out to be dealing with incorrect information, or better known as hoaxes. In the DKI Pilkada, there were around 1900 outstanding Hoaks. Primacy-themed Hoaks also threaten contestations based on rationality or compete with ideas, ideas, visions, missions, and programs. Millennials as the most intense generation of accessing information on the internet play roles to fight primordial themed hoaxes. The roles of the Millennial generation are carried out based on millennial activity in the voluntary movement. Especially millennials will play a very active role when the candidate they are carrying is the target of the primordial themed hoax

Primordialism, hoax, and millennial

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pro-poor tourism: a new tourism policy in China for precision poverty alleviation
Wei YANG(a), Dr. Chuanchen BI(a*)

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a) Tourism Management program, Khon Kaen University International College, Khon Kaen, Thailand
*) chuabi[at]

Poverty reduction is now the major issue for developing countries to focus on and whose success, or otherwise, will directly affect the achievement of the development of the nation. China has achieved significant achievements in poverty reduction since the launch of its reform and opening policy in 1978, however, the poverty issue still seriously maintained. The central government of China lunch a new strategic plan for poverty alleviation called precision poverty alleviation in 2015, trying to taking targeted measures for poverty alleviation. Moreover, most of the poverty regions are overlapped with the famous tourism resources, which offer the best opportunity for the tourism industry be involved in this new poverty alleviation strategy. This paper mainly focusses on pro-poor tourism as the new tourism policy for precision poverty alleviation. Specifically, this paper is divided into three themes based on the focused topic. The first theme overviews the poverty alleviation in China, the processing period and the gap between previous strategy and poverty alleviation situation. The second theme describes the importance of pro-poor tourism for precision poverty alleviation and explores the development model. The last theme for this paper offers the academic discussion and future prediction related to this new tourism policy for precision poverty alleviation in China.

Pro-Poor Tourism, Precision Poverty Alleviation, China

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Yohana Febriana Tabun, Widha Sunarno, Sukarmin

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Yohana Febriana Tabun

Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

This study aimed to describe profile of the ability of the students cooperation in learning science at class VIII Academic Year 2018/2019. The research design was the simple descriptive research. The research sample was 50 students of class VIII chosen using purposive sampling. The data analysis was done using the descriptive technique. The data consisted of the qualitative data of observation sheet, students and teachers questionnaire, and teachers interview. The research result showed that overall, the ability of the students cooperation at class VIII was in the high criteria with the percentage of 75%. The method used was the discussion method in learning science. There were two highest aspects of the ability of the students cooperation, namely accepting responsibility and reducing tension.

Learning Science, Discussion, Cooperation Ability.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Public Open Space Policy in Kaohsiung Taiwan
Restu Karlina Rahayu

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Restu Karlina Rahayu

PhD Student, Institute of Political Science. National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
Lecture at University of Brawijaya Malang

Environmental protection is a major issue in Taiwan, the island susceptive by natural disasters such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, landslide and land subsidence. Therefore, it is a necessity to incorporate nature into city development planning. Since the 1980s Taiwan government proposed incentives for the local government trying to prevent an environmental disaster by providing public open space and enacting other policies and law. Kaohsiung is the second largest city in Taiwan after Taipei with rapid growth industrialized port causing more problems like transportation, pollution, poverty, birth growth, and more. Attempt to encompass the problem while improving people-s quality of living the Kaohsiung government developed a smart city as integrated solutions and build a lot of public open space. The public open space policy in Kaohsiung is in accordance with Articles 42 and 43 of “Urban Planning Act”, which is regulated to enhance the convenience of the citizen-s activities and to ensure a good urban living environment. Article 45 also stipulates the parks, green spaces, squares, childrens playgrounds, and stadiums. The public facility in this research is focused on parks. There are 37 parks in Kaohsiung. Parks is important for Kaohsiung people because parks are considered as part of the lifestyle and environmental protection specially to provide better air quality.

public open space, environmental regulation, environmental protection

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reconstruction The Legend of Prigen in Media Digitization to Improve The Reflective Thinking of Students SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen
Wiedy Putri Fauziah (a*), Asrowi (b), Intan Hafrida (c)

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Wiedy Putri Fauziah

Faculty of Teaching and Learning, Postgraduate of Technology Education Department in Sebelas Maret University

This study aims to increase the love of local culture by getting to know local wisdom education from an early age so that it can foster character education and prevent the moral crisis of primary school students. Qualitative research methods were descriptive of phenomenological research designs. Data sources are legends in Prigen sub-district. This research data in the form of speech descriptions from several informants who tell the legend of Prigen. The subject of this study is SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen with objects, namely 150 students and 6 classroom teachers from 3 primary schools. The results of the study show that: 1) The continuity of the legend by increasing reflective thinking of primary school students, 2) Continuity of the legend with learning media. Creating a new paradigm of preserving the culture or tradition that has existed for a long time and is still preserved by society. Factors that are the background include; 1) regional sense factors and 2) social factors. The function of the legend is applied in customs to anticipate and be aware of the moral crisis in female students at SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen.

the legend, reflective thinking, primary school

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Redefining The meaning of Diversity in Human Right Issues: ASEAN respon on LGBT issues in Southeast Asia
Dian Azmawati

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Dian Azmawati

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)

ASEAN is one established regional organisation in Southeast Asia. Founded in 1967, ASEAN has been sucessfull in managing socio-political, economic and security issues in the region. This is an outstanding achievement knowing that Southeast Asia is a region with very diverse ethnic groups possesing diverse cultural values, religions and beliefs, diverse states and hundreds of years of diverse historical development, coloring the nowadays political life in each state. LGBT is one of many issues faced by ASEAN, and ASEAN has been critisized for its role in handling this issues. International organizations like United Nations has been questioning ASEAN in protecting LGBT rights and endorsing mainstream international thoghts on LGBT rights which heavily influenced by secular-liberal Western values to ASEAN. Meanwhile, Southeast Asian people has developed their own values and beliefs passed to many generations and has been successfull to create harmony among its people. This short article explores diverse approaches toward LGBT rights issues in ASEAN states that shape ASEAN values and roles in the region toward LGBT issues.

Keywords: ASEAN; LGBT; diversity.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reference to Islamic Study Materials of UNJ Students
R. Siti Nurlela, Devi Kurniati, Aminah, Sari Narulita

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Sari Narulita

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Increasing students Islamic insights not only formally through SKS lectures. Increasing Islamic insight is also carried out through non-formal activities, such as taking part in Islamic mentoring or studies organized by the campus dawah institution (LDK). Religious R & D The Ministry of Religion has conducted a study of books read by students active in LDK. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Islamic Material Reference which is used as a reference by LDK in improving the students spiritual insight. The research approach is made qualitatively, with the data collection technique is documentation, observation, and interviews.

LDK, Islamic Reference Material, Mentoring

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reflection on the Village Natural Resource Management Policy
Ratnaningsih Damayanti and Rachmad Gustomy

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Ratnaningsih Damayanti

Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Brawijaya

Although villages still receives allocation of funds from the government, they has been given the authority to manage the natural resources in their area. The BUMDes that are currently emerging can be categorized into two types, namely BUMDes that were created before the village law and BUMDes that were created after the village law. BUMDes that were created before the village law are currently growing rapidly because the law provides an opportunity to get more funding and cooperate with other parties. This paper will present how the characteristics of ownership of natural resources have impacts on the successful management of village natural resources. This paper argues that BUMDes that were created after the implementation of the village autonomy law showed several tendencies. First, villages with natural resources owned by the village government, the management carried out by BUMDes and managed to have a positive impact on the welfare of the community. Second, villages with natural resources that are controlled by the civil society show tendency of a tense relationship between the village government and owners. Third, villages that do not have natural resources allocate funds for the management of village resources but do not bring any benefits at all.

village natural resource, village assets, BUMDes

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Regulations And Ethical Implementation of CSR Program in Indonesia and Malaysia (Case Study: CSR Program of PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika Indonesia and CSR of Int3Tree Malaysia)
Adhianty Nurjanah1, Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya2

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Adhianty Nurjanah

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Public Relations plays essential role to maintain mutual understanding between cooperation and its dynamic enviroment. Many activities can be done by PR officer, especially Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a breakthrough rule of the game and business ethic in which companies are accounted for. There are at least three overlapping waves: good corporate governance; corporate citizenship and triple bottom line; and business and human rights as the latest wave relased by United Nations. Based on these waves, this research will analyze CSR program carried out by PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika Indonesia and Int3Tree Malaysia. This research method uses case study methods and belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research. Indepth interview will be done as the primary data and would highlight the laws and ethic issues that implemented between those company.The results show that there are any difference regulation between Indonesian and Malaysian government to conduct CSR program. These differences makes each company made different ethical implementation. Thus, Indonesian company still on secondary waves, corporate triple bottom line. On the other hand, Malaysian company move on to business and human rights.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Regulations, Ethic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONALITY AND ENVIRONMENT WITH INDONESIAN LANGUAGE ABILITY (Correlational Research of Grade 2 Primary School Students South Tangerang)

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Imam Mujtaba

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between students personality and environment with their Indonesian Language ability. This research was conducted in South Tangerang City involving 392 2nd grade students. This research method used correlational method with quantitative approach by using descriptive statistics. Data was collected using an assessment scale instrument and analyzed by using correlation technique (regression). The results of this study showed that: (1) There was a positive relationship between personality and students Indonesian Language ability with a significant level of &

personality and environment with Indonesian language ability

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Religious Identity and Social Media (the Case Study of Muslim Youth habits using social media to construct their religious identity in Yogyakarta 2019)
Sovia Sitta Sari

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Sovia Sitta Sari

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The rapid development of communication technology contributes to the information search pattern. One of the effects of the change in information seeking has affected the socio-cultural process of society, including the formation of self-identity and social identity. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia cannot be separated from being influenced by strong religious life. One of the new developments in social change in the religious sector is the emergence of pop culture in Muslim youth lives which is characterized by the popularity of hijabers, namely the teenage girls community with a form of hijab that is no longer traditional but colorful. In addition, social media such as Instagram with visual power, as well as the emergence of clerics and religious teachers who diligently raise the dialogue on religious discussions through Facebook and / or YouTube also enrich the search for information about Islam. This study aims to describe how the innovation of dakwah (Islamic Preaching) through the media contributes to the process of building religious identities of the teenagers. The theoretical framework used in this research is the identity and technological determinism. Methodologically, the single case study used in this research is to describe the consumption of social media and the process of building the religious identity (Muslim) of the adolescents in Yogyakarta. Data is collected through in-depth interviews.

Social Media Consumption, Identity, Religious.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Enrico Putra Pamungkas

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Enrico Putra Pamungkas

Universitas of Indonesia

The implementation of Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) has left a dark side with various cases that have occurred. The Ministry of Home Affairs has defected 77 regional heads affected by hand-held operations (OTT) and more than 300 regional heads were in trouble. Local politics that developed after democratization and decentralization turned out to give birth to various phenomena such as the practice of family, dynasty, kinship, oligarchy, local strongmen, localism, and so on. These phenomena place the public interest under the interests of a handful of groups. Thus, this phenomenon actually contradicts democracy which has values of equality, freedom and public control. This study links the politics of kinship to the abuse of power. Kinship relations in government or politics can affect policies and decisions made by holders of power and certainly will benefit only individuals or groups. Various solutions are increasingly being offered to improve systems and cultures that have the potential to hinder or disrupt good local governance. Moreover, the existence of political facts of kinship that occur will cause internal problems for political parties such as networks of power groups formed in the government which prioritize the base of kinship.

Local Election, Local Politics, Family Politics, Political Machines, Power

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Sidik Jatmika

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Sidik Jatmika

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been well known as one of most conservative regime in the world, especialy on women rights policy. Among the factors that define rights for women in Saudi Arabia are government laws, the Hanbali and Wahhabi interpretation of Sunni Islam, and traditional customs of the Arabian Peninsula. Women campaigned for their rights with the women to drive movement and the anti male-guardianship campaign, with the result that some improvements to their status occurred during the second decade of the twenty-first century. For example, in 2018 King Salman issued a decree allowing women to drive, lifting the worlds only ban on women drivers. This research finds that opening policy practise of Saudis policy is understandably highly influenced by three factors : domestic politics; economics capabilities and international contexts. All conderations of opening policy for women rights refers to assumption that Saudis regime as political system, to preserve its existency, should has characteristics such as wholistic; flexible and mixing to old and new value systems.

: opening policy, women rights, considerations, prospect

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Science Teacher Competence in Utilize Learning Resources
Deby Gemysa Faradiba, C. Asri Budiningsih

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Deby Gemysa Faradiba

Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University, Study Program of Instructional Technology, Indonesia

Abstract. This study aimed to determine: (1) learning resources used by science teachers, (2) the ability of science teachers to utilize learning resources, and (3) the implications of using learning resources on the quality of science teachers in the learning process. This study was a field study with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study was science teachers at SMP N 3 Purworejo. Techniques used in data analysis was an interactive model by Miles & Huberman including data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result showed that learning resources used by science teachers include in the environment around the school, the environment around the residence of learners, and learning outside of school. The ability of science teachers to utilize learning resources, overall all science teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo was able to use it. Implications use of learning resources on the quality of science teachers in learning process was teacher able to give more motivation, maximize learning time, and maximize creativity.

competence, science teachers, utilize learning resources

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Service Management of Customer Complaints in the Tourism Industry in Yogyakarta (Case Study at Sindu Kusuma Edupark Yogyakarta Tourism Forum 2018 - 2019)
Kristina Andryani, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.

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Kristina Andryani

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

The world of tourism is currently growing rapidly, this is believed by the many regions that have begun to develop their tourism potential in order to present interesting treats for migrants who want to release fatigue in the midst of busy work, especially for millennials now. the need for lifestyle and the need for social media, making travelers hunt interesting and unique photo spots. One of the attractions used in providing services to travelers is Sindu Kusuma Edupark Yogyakarta by formulating a problem how management handles customer complaints in order to continue to provide the best service so that this tourism vehicle still exists in the tourism industry and can compete with vehicles that similar in the Yogyakarta region. The research method used in this case is observation and in-depth interviews with the tour manager to deepen the data collection process and can produce the right analysis. The results of this study are expected to be able to implement a systematic procedure and plan for handling customer complaints, so that anyone who becomes a manager can still refer to established and tested procedures.

management, services, customer complaints, tourist rides

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Bambang Jatmiko (a), Faiz Burhanuddin P (a), Tri Indah Mulyani (a)

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(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55183 Indonesia

The purposes of this study are: (1). To test and prove empirically the influence of service quality provided by the government on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (2). To test and prove empirically the effect of tax sanctions imposed by the government can encourage restaurant taxpayer compliance; (3). To test and prove empirically the effect of tax knowledge on restaurant taxpayers on restaurant taxpayer compliance. The problem in this study: a decrease in income differences from 2012 to 2014 and began to rise again in 2015. If seen from the target determined by the local government restaurant tax revenues have revenues above the target set by the government. While the research method uses surveys, with sampling techniques namely accidental sampling, namely taxpayers are found in every restaurant and restaurant in the Bantul Regency area. The population in the study amounted to 531 restaurant taxpayers, the number of samples are 121 restaurant tax payers. The results of the study are as follows: (1). Service quality has a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (2). Tax penalties have a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (3). Knowledge of taxation has a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance.

Service Quality, Tax Sanctions, Tax Knowledge, Taxpayer Compliance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Shifting Journalistic Ethics in the Internet Age, Case Study: Violation of Journalistic Ethics in Journalistic Products and Journalist Behavior in Online Media
Rani Dwi Lestari

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Rani Dwi Lestari

Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta

The internet era has contributed greatly to the dynamic development of journalism. The consequences of the presence of the internet in journalism change at least two basic things, namely the presentation of journalistic products and the behavior of journalists. The internet has given rise to new media platforms, namely online media and changing information dissemination to be faster and more massive. The internet also affects journalist behavior in the field in the process of searching, processing and disseminating information. On the one hand, journalistic ethics as signs that regulate journalistic products and journalist behavior has shifted in the era of internet journalism. The Journalistic Code of Ethics is considered to only regulate the ethical side of conventional journalism practices and does not cover online journalism. This is what makes many violations of journalistic ethics in online media. This study aims to find out how the shift in journalistic ethics in online journalism. This research will also describe how forms of journalistic ethics violate in online media both in terms of journalistic products and journalist behavior. The results of this study are expected to provide input to the articles in the Journalistic Code of Ethics to be applied not only in the practice of conventional journalism but also online journalism.

Internet, Journalism, Online Media, Journalistic Ethics, News

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Social Media and Political Engagement in Singkawang Chinese Ethnic Youth
Hasbullah Azis (a*), Prof. Drs. Pawito Ph.D (b), Drs. IGN. Agung Satyawan SE., S.Ikom., M.Si, (b)

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Hasbullah Azis

Communication Science, Faculity of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

The development of recent research on the use of social media and political engagement suggest a strong tendency for relations, that political engagement is optimistically influenced by the use of social media. This research tries to contribute to giving a view related to the extent of the role of social media in political engagement. Having the focus of Singkawang youth Chinese born in Western Kalimantan Indonesia, the study attempt to examine which social media e.g Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have contributed most on the growth of political engagement. In addition the forms of political engagement will also be explored in this research. Using multiple approach, this study began with a survey, to collect various types of data regarding the intensity and scope of their internet. Then, in the next stage, in-depth interview were conducted, to gather views on the forms of political engagement from the participant

Social Media; Political Engagement; Youth; Chinese Etnic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Social Media Practices in Diverse Society
Wulan Widyasari

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Wulan Widyasari

PhD Student at Medienpaedagogik
Christian Albrechts Universitaet zu Kiel

Lecturer at Communication Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research propose to analyze how social media practices take its role in diverse society using online ethnography. Using practice-based theory and the notion of affordances, I analyze how LGBTQ issues take turn between two different group of accounts, the pro LGBTQ and the anti LGBTQ. The data is collected using observation and in-depth interview. The first observation data is gathered in the period of March 2016 until July 2018 by looking at the pro LGBTQ and the anti LGBTQ Facebook accounts. Finally, the in-depth interview is being used to obtain focused and interactive information about the LGBTQ issues. The result shows, even though the issues discussed is the same but the discussions that occur can be very different between both groups. Furthermore, Facebook users can have different opinions, not only because they belong to different groups, but also because of their way of doing with their Facebook account.

social media practices, practice-based theory, affordances, Facebook, LGBTQ

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Spiritual Concept of Islamic Tourism
Mochamad Novi Rifai MA.ME, Mohammad Kamaludin MSi, Jamal SHI.MSy.

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mochamad novi rifai

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Islam is a perfect religion (QS.almaidah: 3). Religion is a guide for all aspects of human life, with a religious life a human will lead a life directed. The rapid development of the times does not dampen the enthusiasm of Muslims to refer to all activities based on the rules of the Koran and alhadits, including in terms of tourism and tourism activities. Based on law number 10 of 2009, tourism is a travel activity carried out by a person or group of people by visiting certain locations for recreation, personal development, or studying tourism attraction for a certain period of time. While tourism is tourism activities and facilities that have been provided by stakeholders. In the environment around us, there are many transcendental communications performed by the community, such as ceremonies of pregnancy, birth, circumcision, engagement, marriage, thanksgiving and death. Through this research researchers want to explore the spiritual values in tourism. Spiritual value itself can be approached through transcendental communication, which is to make people aware of religious needs and recognize religion as a problem solver and key of live for all forms of human activities including tourism. Transcendental communication is a form of intrapersonal communication that occurs within oneself with something outside the self whose existence is realized by the individual. Or in other words, transcendental communication is communication that takes place between the individual and something that is magical. Researchers want to invite readers to reflect on tourism activities, then want to reveal that all tourism activities should have elements of divine value, in the hope that tourism can realize peace and peace of travel and increase the wisdom of the perpetrators of halal tourism. Therefore, this qualitative research uses a philosophical approach that will discuss the concept of tourism seen from the perspective of divine values. Data comes from secondary data collected from research reports, as well as official institution websites. The data will be analyzed with a cultural theme analysis, which is an analysis that will collect many divine symbols that are considered in tourism.

Islamic Tourism, Spiritual Values, Tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


State Souvereignty and The Power of Social Movement Transnationalism
Ade M Wirasenjaya

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Ade Marup Wirasenjaya

Departement of International Relations
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This article will discuss critically the implications of the emergence of social movement traditionalism towards state sovereignty. The power of global civil society has become a new superpower in global order. Their existence complements the two prevoius transnationalism, namely state transnationalism and market transnationalism. State corporatism tends to produce power and coercion. While market transnationalism tends to make profit and exploitation. The social movement transnationalism advocate values. Will globalization be more democratic with the power of the third actor? Using the perspective of critical theory in international relations, this paper seeks to elaborate that transnational social movements will create state sovereignty deformation.

state souvereignty, post-wesphalian movements, global civil society, state formation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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