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Science and Technology Research Symposium (SIRES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.22 for 2 days in Bandung |

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Acid Mine Drainage Interpretation with Statistical Correlation Methods in Gold Mineralization Deposits
Dudi Nasrudin Usman*) Sri Widayati*), Sriyanti*) and Era Setiawan**)

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Dudi Nasrudin Usman

*) Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Bandung Islamic University
**) Cibaliung Sumberdaya Corporation, Gold Mining Site

One of the impacts of the mineralization zone is the potential for the formation of acid mine drainage, especially in the Cibaliung gold mineralization area and its surroundings, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. This study aims to identify the potential for acid mine drainage formation in overburden in the gold mineralized zone. The methodology used is mapping the distribution of cover rock both surface and subsurface using drill data, surface geological mapping, and mapping of the distribution of gold mineralized zones. Acid water formation tends to be intense in mining areas. This is due to the presence of sulfide-containing materials in free air. Acid-forming sulphide minerals include pyrite (FeS2), marcasite (FeS2), picolite (FexSx), chalocytes (CuS), covellite (CuS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), molybdenite (MoS), mulenite (NiS), chalocytes (CuS), covellite (CuS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), molybdenite (MoS), mulenite (NiS), chalocytes (CuS), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), molybdenite (MoS), mulenite (NiS), galena (PbS) ) and sphalerite (ZnS). The results of the study showed that there were significant differences between mineral content (Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As) in the Breccia to Andesitic (BRAN), Quartz Vein (VEIN) and Breccia Vein (VNBR) mineralized zones. The content of a precipitate indicates the presence of elements of Cu, Pb, Zn and As in the mineralization into the potential formation of acid mine drainage in a zone of sulphide mineralization. There are 3 lithology zones, namely BRAN, VEIN and VNBR. The results of the study showed the As element became the distinguishing mineral element between VEIN and VNBR, but not for BRAN and VEIN and BRAN and VNBR, were for the pair there was no difference, meaning that the formation and mineralization process could be considered the same. This shows that the As element is one of the dominant elements present in the gold mineralization zone which has great potential for acid mine drainage.

Mine Acid Drainage; Cibaliung; Gold Mineralization; and Bed Rocks.

Mining Engineering


Analysis of Instruments and Mathematical Disposition Using Rasch Model
Didi Suhaedi, M Yusuf Fajar, Icih Sukarsih, and Yurika Permanasari

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Didi Suhaedi

Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Bandung

The reliability of students abilities is measured in aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. One of the important affective abilities possessed by students is a mathematical disposition. The results of the study show that students who have high cognitive abilities generally have a high mathematical disposition too. This article discusses the description of the mathematical disposition abilities of eighth-grade vocational students in Bandung District. Analysis of students mathematical disposition data is performed using the Rasch Model. The results of the data analysis provide a description and interpretation of each students mathematical disposition statement item.

Instruments, Mathematical Disposition, Rasch Model



Analysis of the superior potential of sub-districts in Bandung Regency using Analytical Hierarchy Process
Asep Nana Rukmana; Aviasti; Reni Amaranti

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Asep Nana Rukmana

Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology
Universitas Islam Bandung

The main problem faced by local governments in establishing regional development policies lies in determining the focus of development based on the uniqueness or potential of the region. Different potentials in terms of local human, institutional or physical resources cause different regional characteristics. Development policies in the regions must consider all the potential they have. Therefore, local governments must have the ability to identify which sectors are the strengths or weaknesses for their regions. Sectors that are considered regional superiority have prospects to be developed and encourage the development of other sectors. Meanwhile, a weak sector is not expected to be an obstacle to the development process. This research was conducted to create a model that can be used to determine the leading sectors of sub-districts in Bandung Regency. The identification of leading sectors is done using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Three criteria with a total of 12 sub-criteria and six alternative sectors become the basis for determining the leading sector. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires with competent district or district government staff respondents in each sector. The results of the study in four sub-districts, found that each sub-district studied had a different leading sector.

Superior potential, Bandung Regency, Sub-Districts, AHP

Industrial Engineering


Analysis of Variables That Influence Formation of Waste Management in Kiangroke Village
Lely Syiddatul Akliyah*, Nia Kurniasari, Odah, Hani Burhanudin, Irfan Fachrudin , Ahmad Alhamd, Akhmad Fachmi, Cheptian Wibowo

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Lely Syiddatul Akliyah

Urban and Regional Planning Departmen, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung Jalan Tamansari No. 1 Bandung 40116, Indonesia

One of the Sustainable Development Goals main objective is clean water and sanitation. It can be implementated by applying the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) in waste management. Kiangroke Village expected to be able to apply the 3R concept in waste management. The application of this concept has began 3 months ago by forming a garbage collector. The formation of waste management institutions was expected to be realized to provide economic value. Based on that, it is necessary to analyze the variables that affect formation of waste management institution in Kiangroke Village. The objectives of this study are identification of variables that affect formation of waste management institution and mapping the relationships between variables. The data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire. There were 10 variables concidered in the research based on the Focus Group Discussion. The analysis method is the Micmac analysis. Based on the the analysis, it was found that the most influential and most dependent variables included the role of the village government, environmental awareness group, facilities and infrastructure, and the budget availability. Based on this, it is necessary to have an institutional waste manager accompanied by the facilities and infrastructure, and budget availability.

Influence, Formation, Waste Management Institutions, Micmac Analysis

Urban and Regional Planning


Noor Fauzi Isniarno (1), Rian Amukti (1), Rully Nurhasan (1), Agriandi Rahmagustiar (1), Guntur Indra Prahasta (1)

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Noor Fauzi Isniarno

(1). Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Bandung

Groundwater has become one of the primary human needs. One of the human activities that utilize groundwater is industrial activities such as those in the Kalijati sub-district. The presence of several companies was allegedly disrupting groundwater balance because it stood in an area that was declared as a recharge area. However, there is a suspicion that the aquifer recharge area where they use groundwater is in the southern part of the Regency. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the aquifer recharge area to estimate the amount of groundwater potential. Determination of recharge zones is carried out by double ring infiltrometers test to determine infiltration velocity and hydraulic conductivity. The main potential recharge area for groundwater is an area that has a relatively fast infiltration speed to rather fast, high hydraulic conductivity to very high, and composed of rocks with good porosity. To determine the potential of groundwater, an analysis of local rainfall is carried out using Mononobe and Sherman equation. The results showed that the study area had infiltration velocities between 0.22 - 1.41 cm / minute and hydraulic conductivity between 0.02 - 0.69 cm / minute. The main potential groundwater recharge zones are in the West, North and Southeast part of the research area with a total area of 10,417.63 Ha with groundwater potential up to 82.923.623 m3/year.

Grounwater, Infiltration, Unconfined Zone Aquifer

Mining Engineering


Bearing Degradation Prediction Based on Support Vector Regression
(a)Sutawanir Darwis, (b)Nusar Hajarisman, (c)Suliadi, (d)Achmad Widodo

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Corresponding Author
Sutawanir Darwis

(a),b),(c)Department of Statistics, Bandung Islamic University
(d)Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Diponegoro Semarang
(a)std.darwis[at], (b)nusarhajarisman[at], (c)suliadi[at], (d)awidodo2010[at]

A life table gives probabilities based in failure per thousands in a given year and used to help determine premiums. The construction of life table is based on time to failure of the unit which is converted to a duration vector and used to calculate the estimate of life table using moment method. Bearings are one most present in turbine power generation. To assess turbine degradation, risk accident prognosis of bearings is needed. Predicting bearing degradation before reaching the state of risk of accident is one important issues in power generation insurance. This paper proposes a method based on support vector regression to achieve the goal. The results will be used to predict the remaining useful life of the bearings. The method is applied on PRONOSTIA dataset which is an experimental platform dedicated to test methods related to bearing health assessment. The results shows that the method can effectively model the evolution of the bearing degradation.

bearing degradation, remaining useful life, support vector regression, power generation insurance, PRONOSTIA



Cirebon Palaces in Cosmology Perspective
Ina Helena Agustina;Astri Mutia Ekasari; Irland Fardani; Hilwati Hindersah

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Ina Helena Agustina

Urban and regional Planning, Faculty Of Engineering , UNISBA

The palaces in Cirebon has been established since the 13th century, and still show its existence until now. Then ancient customs and traditions are still practiced until today. The palaces are located along the Java Sea cost and facing northward, which becomes the position maintained by the three palaces. The position of the tombs of the kings is located on Mount Sembung is the north part of the three palaces. There are sacred spaces scattered in various locations outside also within the palace. The sacrality of space and the findings of previous studies show that Palaces in Cirebon have the cosmology perspective within its spatial system. Thus, the aim of this paper is to describe cosmological exploration of the Cirebon palaces. The approach taken is a qualitative method from the findings of previous studies, especially those related to the space system that is formed. Then a dialogue on cosmological theory was conducted. The result of this study is the findings of cosmological results from the location and position of the palaces in Cirebon. The results are expected to give consideration to spatial policy especially for the development of the space in Cirebon.

Cirebon Palaces; Cosmology; Spaces

Urban and Regional Planning


Endang Prasetyaningsih(1), Puti Renosori(1), Mohamad Satori(1)

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Endang Prasetyaningsih

(1) Universitas Islam Bandung

A start-up business is generally developed in a limited financial so that they grow slowly. It is also happened on the cassava meatball start up business run by Madrasah Al Binaa, one of an Islamic non-formal boarding school. Therefore, it is required some alternative tactics to manage funds in order to provide the availability of cash and get profits that will encourage the start-up business to grow, develop and sustain. The growth and development of the start-up business contains some trade-offs, so that this study uses Dynamic System approach to simulate the interrelationships among the variables. This study aims to develop a conceptual model of start-up business run by the Madrasah. It is expected that the conceptual model can represent the real system of the Madrasah start-up business. The conceptual model development is begun by observing the phenomena of the existing start-up business process, and then a causal loop diagram and their equations are built. The structure of the developed conceptual model consists of the main elements of a start-up business, i.e. customers, products, liquidity, debt, reputation, assets and workers. The developed conceptual model is then analyzed by comparing it with the reference generic model of start-up business.

Dynamic System; Start-up Business; Madrasah Funding

Industrial Engineering


Determining of the Recharge Area of the Kalijati Industrial Park (KIP) Groundwater Aquifer, a Part of Subang Groundwater Basin, West-Java
Ashari, Y. (1), Pulungan, L.(1), Wijaksana, I.K(1)

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Corresponding Author
Yunus Ashari

1) Mining Engineering – Unisba

This research was conducted in Subang Groundwater Basin, West-Java, related to the prohibition of groundwater extraction in the Kalijati Industrial Park (KIP) area. This is because the area is considered as the reacharge zone of the groundwater basin. The purpose of this study is to determine whether KIP stands above the recharge zone or not, moreover, find out which part of the Basin that supplies groundwater aquifers of KIP. The method used in this study is applied of DRASTIC method using ArcGIS and conducting field research measuring the infiltration rate of soil formations at selected points in the Basin. The results of this study indicate that the KIP is indeed built on a recharge area, the soil where the KIP is established, has the ability to infiltrate rainwater. However, the results of more detailed observations of wellbore logs in this area, it is known that between the groundwater aquifer used in KIP and the infiltration zone of the ground surface is separated by impermeable clay layers. This ensures that there is no relationship between surface water infiltration and groundwater used by factories in the areas. Therefore, it is certain that the recharge area originates from other areas in the Basin.

Aquifer, Recharge Area, Subang Groundwater Basin

Mining Engineering


Entrepreneurial Competence, Use of Information and Technology Competitive Advantages in the Era of Globalization
Zen Munawar (a*), Mohammad Ishak Desa (b), Zurina binti Sa-aya (b), Nanna Suryana Herman (b)

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Corresponding Author
Zen Munawar

a) Politeknik LP3I Bandung
Jalan Pahlawan 59, Bandung 40123, Indonesia
b) FTMK Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Jalan Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial competence, the use of technology and information on the success of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Globalization era. Also proposed is a framework for entrepreneurial competence. The results showed that entrepreneurial competence, the use of technology and information had a positive effect on the success of SMEs. In the case study there were a number of successful SMEs and most were able to survive and others could not survive due to lack of competence in the field of entrepreneurship. This study seeks to combine several variables, namely entrepreneurial competence, the use of technology and information. The success of SMEs is highly dependent on internal and external factors, including the improvement of financial management supported by theoretical knowledge and the impact of good managerial management.

entrepreneurship competence; technology and information

Other Related Topics


Linda Pulungan, Yunus Ashari, Zainal.

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Linda Pulungan

Departement of Mining Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Bandung University

email : linda.lindahas[at]

Gold processing activities along the Ciherang river use mercury. Monitoring and managing the impact of gold processing activities on the environment in accordance with the standard quality of wastewater quality of the Ministry of Environment No.202 Th.2004 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards for Gold and or Copper Ore Processing Activities. Monitoring the quality of waste water flowing into the river by observing water pH, TDS and mercury content. Environmental management is carried out by reducing the mercury metal content in wastewater, with the phytoremediation method using Eichhornia Crassipes. Monitoring is carried out at 5 different locations, wastewater out of gold processing, 2 locations at the settling pond and 2 locations at the river water. The results showed an increase in mercury content in settling pond 2, 0.525 mg / L and settling pond 3, 0.00903 mg / L. Environmental management with the Fitoremediation method day 0 Hg levels of 0.06284 mg / L, day 4 Hg levels produced to 0.01203 mg / L, day 8 the value of Hg levels 0.114 mg / L, the 12th day the value of the The resulting Hg 0.01267 mg / L

Gold, Mercury, Phytoremediation Method, Eichhornia Crassipes

Mining Engineering


Identification of Characteristics of the Kutawaringin Gold Ore Vein, Bandung Regency, West Java Based on its Alteration Level in the Bond Work Index Test
Solihin, Dr. Pramusanto, Dono Guntoro

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Prodi Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Teknik Unisba

The infiltration of hydrothermal solutions through structures that form veinlets with different alteration levels and variations in physical strength, will influence the consumption of grinding energy during processing operations. This research uses a gold ore vein sample from the Kutawaringin area, Bandung Regency. The sample, analyzed in the field by microscopic analysis, was tested in petrography and mineragraphy in the laboratory, so that it was found to be moderate and low alterated. By taking into account the mineral composition, especially the percent of quartz minerals which when tested for Bond Work Index samples of PO and FR codes require greater energy consumption than those of the GL and KA code samples. This condition has an impact on the selection of the type of grinding equipment, if the alteration of gold ore vein is far more than the low alteration, more feasible choices based on the most vein, so it is more energy efficient. Although it results in decreased grinded production per unit time for low alteration types.

alteration, gold ore vein, petrography, mineragraphy, degree of liberation

Mining Engineering


Implementation of neural network backpropagation algorithm to predict idr against usd exchange rate in indonesia stock exchange
Mukhlis (1), Tri Dharma Putra (2), Adi Muhajirin (3), Karlisa Priandina (4)

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Corresponding Author
Mukhlis Mukhlis

1nd Informatics Technology University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
Jakarta, Indonesia,/ Computer Science, Department IPB University mukhlis[at]

2nd Informatics Technology
University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia tridharmaputra[at]
3rd Informatics Technology University of Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Jakarta, Indonesia
4nd Computer Science Departement, IPB University

This research aims to predict the value of the Rupiah against the US Dollar using the Backpropagation Neural Network algorithm. In order to find out the potential exchange rate of the Rupiah against the US Dollar in the future. The stages carried out in this study are by comparing the test results of 5 Backpropagation Neural network architectures in the hidden layer. The data used are secondary data which are factors that influence the exchange rate. Testing is done using Rapidminer by conducting training process training data and testing data. From the results of the training process and data testing training on the five backpropagation artificial network architectures. Produce a number of outputs in the form of charts that illustrate the level of indication of the best similarity from the results of predictions and RMSE error values as a test result on the first architecture with an average number of error values of 4.8665, in the second Architecture with an average of 5.0645, then on the third architecture evenly - average of 5,0095, the fourth architecture with an average of 258,723 and on the fifth architecture with an average of 262.26.

Prediction, Exchange Rate, Backpropagation, Neural Network, Artificial Neural Networks.

Other Related Topics


Implementation Suply Chain Management Concept in Industrial Symbiosis of the Fragrant Lemongrass Distillation
Aviasti Anwar(a*), Nugraha(b), Reni Amaranti(c)

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Aviasti Anwar

(a,b,c) Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Islam Bandung
Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

The fragrant lemongrass oil processing industry contributes greatly to improving the economy of the community, especially the business actors involved, farmers and industrial players processing fragrant citronella oil. The main problem in the fragrant lemongrass oil distillation industry is the unclear supply chain, which has caused farmers to be disinterest in planting fragrant lemongrass. Supply Chain management is a set of approaches to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores. Mapping of fragrant lemongrass supply chains is made to determine the supply flow or supply of fragrant lemongrass so that it can analyze the possibility of continuity of lemongrass supply and the possibility of market potential which will be entered. On the other side, integration between industries is needed to prevent the impact of environmental damage while increasing profits for the industry. The symbiosis model of the fragrant lemongrass distillation industry is expected to optimize existing potential and resources through an efficient, integrated, environmentally sound and relatively easy to manage industrial system. This article will discuss how the implementation of the supply chain management concept in the industrial symbiosis of the fragrant lemongrass distillation , so that the goals of environmentally sound industrial cooperation can be realized.

fragrant lemongrass distillation , Industrial Symbiosis, Supply Chain management

Industrial Engineering


Increasing of Performance Silica Modified Quaternary Triamine For Sorption of Gold(III) Ion
Ngatijo (1*), Gusti, D. R. (1), Bemis, R. (1), and Fadhilah, A. H (1)

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Ngatijo Rinto Wiyono

1) Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Jambi, Jl. Jambi-Muara Bulian km 15, Mendalo, Jambi 36361, Indonesia

Synthesis Silica Modified Quaternary Ammines (SMQA) and its application has been carried out on the adsorption of gold(III) ions in a batch system. SMQA material is synthesized through the SMA methylation reaction. SMA material is synthesized from Na2SiO3 and 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (3-APTMS). Furthermore, the replacement of the methyl group in [-N(CH3)3]+ will change to [-N+CH3{(CH2)3N+(CH3)3}2] called Silica Modified Quaternary Triammines (SMQT). SMQT is synthesized by watching SMA with 3-APTMS become SMT which is then refluxed for methylation process to form SMQT. Material characterization is carried out through identification of functional groups, surface morphological analysis, elemental composition and metal ion concentration. Adsorption process of metal anion [AuCl4]- obtained optimum results at pH 5 with a contact time of 100 minutes with an adsorption capacity of 77.58 mg/g and an efficiency value of 96.975%.

SMQA, SMQT, Adsorption, Gold(III)

Mining Engineering


Local Wisdom in The Space System of Keraton Kanoman, Indonesia
Ina Helena Agustina;Astri Mutia Ekasari; Irland Fardani; Hilwati Hindersah

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Ina Helena Agustina


Keraton Kanoman which located in Cirebon City, West Java, Indonesia, has its own local values that no other palace has. The local value is a new knowledge that must be preserved also constitutes indigenous knowledge of the Keraton Kanoman. Findings of local value is not only for new knowledge, but also to reconstruct the heritage of Keraton Kanoman. This research uses the Husserls- Phenomenology method, data collected through observation and survey then codified and grouped in themes, spaces, physical activity, social-cultural-economic, and finally drawn a concept of the local value. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the local wisdom value of Keraton Kanoman in the space system. The findings can be input for the government of Cirebon City, particularly the Office of Education, Tourism, and Spatial Planning to incorporate the value of local wisdom as an intangible heritage area of Keraton Kanoman.

Local-Wisdom, Keraton-Kanoman, Values

Urban and Regional Planning


Machine Learning Approach to Predict and Evaluate Banking-s Business Performance and Bankkruptcy
1st Bambang Siswoyo Information System (of Affiliation) Maksoem University (of Affiliation) Jl. Raya Cipacing No. 22, Indonesia; 2nd Nanna Suryana FTMK (of Affiliation) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (of Affiliation) Melaca, Malaysia;3nd Zuraida FTMK (of Affiliation) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (of Affiliation) Melaca, Malaysia

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Bambang Siswoyo


Abstract—The prediction of a companys bankruptcy, especially the prediction of bankruptcy of the banking industry in Indonesia, is very important. With this bankruptcy information, Bank Indonesia (BI) as the central bank, is able to make policies and develop a sound banking system. This research has been developed to build a model that is able to predict and evaluate the bankruptcy of the banking industry. The dataset used is the published financial ratio, for the algorithm used is the twoclass boosted decision tree. Machine learning learning with a dataset of input-output models can be implemented between financial ratio variables against bankruptcy. Overall, the model used is able to train input- output relationship data and system behavior properly. Overall, it is able to train and model input-output relationship behavior well, with AUC result of 95% and 95% accuracy, Precision 95% and 100% recall.

Keywords—Machine learning, bankruptcy, twoclass decision tree

Other Related Topics


Measurement of Quality Services in The Laboratory
nugraha (a*), Dewi Shofi (a), Iyan Bachtiar (a), Chicha Nursagita(a)

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Nugraha Nugraha

a) Department of Industrial Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Bandung Islamic University.

Abstract. The problem in this study is complaints about the quality of laboratory services in the Faculty of Engineering which were delivered by students through a pre-research questioner . This problem needs to be corrected by measuring the quality of laboratory services so that it can increase satisfaction from students. The purpose of this research is to find out student satisfaction with the quality of services in the Faculty of Engineering laboratory. The method used in this study is the Service Quality (SERVQUAL). The results of the research obtained using the SERVQUAL model, the lowest values for each dimension were obtained. Tangible ; laboratory room are clean, comfortable and spacious in accordance the standard national laboratory. Empathy ; Assistants the Laboratory gives attention and prioritizes. Responsiveness ; Assistants provide services quickly and precisely. Reliability ; The assessment process is an objective and transparant. The Assurance ; Assistant has the ability to answer all practical questions. The conclusion of the research that The priority to improve service quality the dimensions of tangible ; laboratory room are clean, comfortable and spacious in accordance the standard national laboratory.

Services Quality, laboratory, SERVQUAL

Industrial Engineering


Iwan Sugiarto (a*), Ferry Jaya Permana (a**), Andry Yosep (a)

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Iwan Sugiarto

a) Department of Mathematics, Parahyangan Catholic University
*iwans[at]; iwan301[at]

Problems in the network (graph theory) which are mainly related to synchronization problems can be modeled and solved using max-plus algebra. The problem above is that using ordinary mathematics in the form of non-linear mathematical models, using max-plus algebra can be a linear model in its operation. Problems that can be modeled and solved using Max-Plus Algebra, including the problem of scheduling public transportation. Congestion is now a common thing in big cities . One of the main factors causing traffic congestion is the lack of use of public transportation, one of which is the DAMRI bus. Referring to developed countries, such as Japan, the timely departure of public transportation is quite crucial in an effort to foster public interest in using public transportation rather than private vehicles. In this research, a DAMRI bus scheduling model will be developed in Bandung using Max-Plus Algebra. In the assessment, selected two DAMRI bus route in the city of Bandung, namely Dipatiukur - Leuwi Panjang and Ledeng - Leuwi Panjang. Both routes are transformed into a directed graph and then modeled for scheduling with Max-Plus Algebra. After being modeled, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the system will be determined. The eigenvalue represents the period (in minutes) of departure at each stop point or stop and the eigenvector represents the initial time of departure of the DAMRI bus in the city of Bandung. Determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the application Scilab 5.3.3 and Max-Plus Toolbox Algebra. The results show the performance of the bus departure scheduling system, which means that every 3,7492308 minutes departs at each stop / stop. As for the bus departure schedule, if the DAMRI bus operation starts at 05.00, the result that departs first is the departure from the Pasir Kaliki stop point to Hasan Sadikin Hospital stop, followed by bus departures at other stops. With the bus departure scheduling system at each bus stop or terminal, it is expected that the Bandung City Transportation Department will pay attention to the DAMRI bus departure scheduling system so that there is no late departure at each stop.

max-plus algebra, scheduling, eigenvalue and vector



Optimization of Cross-Regional Water Resources Utilization in Indonesia
1 Hani Burhanudin, 2 Lelly Syiddatul Akliyah, 3 Nia Kurniasari

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Hani Burhanudin

1,2,3 Department of Urban and Regional Planning, UNISBA, Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung 40116
e-mail: hani_burhan66[at]

Water resources can be a catalyst for cross-regional cooperation that is mutually beneficial, especially in economic development. The water resource provider must be able to optimize its utilization both for internal and external areas so that it does not cause conflict. Besides that, the use of water must also be efficient so that it can be consumed every time. The efficient use of water resources requires the concept of applying water prices to users so that they are not wasteful. Through the application of water prices, compensation for environmental services will be needed for the preservation of water sources. For this reason, the use of water needs to be managed as optimal as possible so that it gets the greatest benefits, but non-conflict. Kuningan Regency and Cirebon City in Indonesia collaborate in the water resources sector. Kuningan Regency, a service provider, faces two challenges between the obligation to serve its territory for irrigation needs and the City of Cirebon for domestic water supply. This study aims to see the extent of the carrying capacity of supply serving water users and optimal allocation so that cooperation in the water resources sector is sustainable. Linear programming is used by the simplex method. The optimization technique used in maximizing the profits from the allocation of springs to the two main user sectors, namely agriculture and domestic in accordance with the needs and interests of each. Based on the results of the calculation of the optimum profit by utilizing water resources for irrigation covering an area of 19.22 hectares and serving drinking water needs for 1,445,014 people, with a profit of Rp1.903.535.035/year. To implement this finding, the support of all stakeholders involved is needed so that water management works sustainably.

optimization, utilization of water resources, cross-regional, sustainable.

Urban and Regional Planning


Yunus Arifien, Ismail Badri, Anna Fitriani

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Yunus Arifien

Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Setting the cropping pattern in the use of paddy fields is one of the important steps that determine the income, use and distribution of farm labor. The study was conducted by utilizing secondary data production, cost analysis, etc. in the series 2009-2018 in Bogor Regency. The analysis uses linear programming by setting the raw area of paddy fields and paddy farmer labor as constraints and maximizing income as a goal. The use of agricultural land in Bogor Regency continues to shrink every year. The optimal solution to the cropping pattern that is produced turns out to still leave land and labor resources, so an alternative cropping pattern is needed to utilize these resources. The recommended cropping pattern needs to be implemented through empowering farmer groups proportionally according to the area of land and labor they have.

cropping patterns, and economic growth

Urban and Regional Planning


Pineapple Peel As An Alternative To Fuel Solutions In Indonesia
A.Harits Nu-man (a), L. Nurwandi (a), I. Bahtiar (a), S. Omar (b)

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Luthfi Nurwandi

(a) Universitas Islam Bandung
(b) University Utara Malaysia

Fuel is a main staple consumption of the industry, especially in Indonesia which is an industrial zone. The worlds fuel availability comes from fossils only remaining about seventy years, Indonesia is expected to stay for another fifty years the fuel reserve will be depleted. Fuel utilization in Industrial ERA 4.0 focused more in the supply chain distribution of goods and services, ranging from supply actors to the consumer. Distribution utilizing gasoline-fueled vehicles to transport goods and services, where the role will be increasing in the future. With regard to the phenomenon, It is important to find a New solutions for generating fuel, to support the development activities of goods and services distribution. Gasoline is one of the most common fuel types used, to support the distribution of goods and services. One component of gasoline subtitution is ethanol or methanol that can be produced from pineapple peel, through the fermentation process into a fuel called bio-fuel. In this study will be discussed about the usefulness of pineapple peel, as an alternative to the future shortage of gasoline fuel solutions. The condition is supported with pineapple availability, which placed In the thirteen provinces in Indonesia, With plantation land reaching two million hectares. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to see the skin value of pineapple, that converted into petrol fuel by the public, by observing the culinary dimension of the service, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empahaty, and tangible. The results of research that took the area in West Java especially Subang regency, show that the community in plantation areas, have not had the awareness of utilizing pineapple as fuel, both for household and industrial activities. The phenomenon is demonstrated by low responsiveness, assurance and emphaty weights, so it is important that people are given a value awareness that can be obtained, of pineapple peels as a value added garbage as an alternative to fuel solutions, to fulfill the needs of household or industrial-making of pineapple dodol, in addition to reducing organic waste derived from the industry dodol pineapple, that available so much in the environment in which they live.

Pineaple Peel, AHP, Solution, Fuel, Service Quality

Industrial Engineering


Iswandaru(a), Eka Adhitya(a), Andrieanto N. (a)

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Iswandaru Iswandaru

(a)_Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung

Regional development is a strategy of utilizing and combining internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and challenges) that exist as potentials and opportunities that can be utilized to increase the regions production of goods and services that are a function of the needs both internally and externally. These internal factors are in the form of natural resources, human resources and technological resources, while external factors can be opportunities and threats that arise along with their interactions with other regions. The comprehensive spatial planning and development of the region certainly needs the support of information on the potential and constraints of the region with its own genetic background as a whole, meaning that all complete information about all aspects relevant to the spatial needs are met. Information for spatial planning includes potential including physical-mechanical properties of various types of rock masses. Leles is one of the sub-districts in Garut regency which has an area of 6.5 million hectares with a large potential of mining excavation. Regional Spatial Planning Arrangement based on the potential of mineral excavation ensures mining plans in the area do not kill other potentials and shows conformity to the plan long-term. Mountain sand eruption excavated as an industrial commodity is the biggest potential in the Leles region. The existing constraints are related to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Regional Development, Comprehensive, Potential and Constraints.

Urban and Regional Planning


Pure Premium Calculation of Rice Farm Insurance Scheme in Indonesia Based on The 4-Parameter Beta Mixture Distribution
Aceng Komarudin Mutaqin, Yayat Karyana, Siti Sunendiari

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Aceng Komarudin Mutaqin

Department of Statistics, Bandung Islamic University

The Indonesian Government introduced rice farm insurance scheme (Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi – AUTP program) to protect rice farm from loss caused by flood, drought and pest and disease infestations. It has been discussed the method to calculate pure premium of the rice farm insurance scheme in Indonesia with assume that the distribution of rice yield data is normal distribution, gamma distribution, or normal mixture distribution. The normal distribution can be used for the case of distribution of rice yield data in the form of symmetry. The gamma distribution can be used for the case of distribution of rice yield data in the form of skewed to the right or positively skewed. In addition, the normal and gamma distributions are categorized as unimodal distributions. It has also been discussed the method of calculating pure premium of the rice farm insurance scheme in Indonesia with the assumption that the rice yield data is normal mixture distribution. The normal mixture distribution can be categorized as multimodal distribution. Characteristic of the normal mixture distribution is suitable for rice yield data in Indonesia that contain rice yield data from several provinces. On the other hand it is also known that the 4-parameter beta mixture distribution can be applied to rice yield data in Indonesia. This distribution is more flexible than the normal mixture distribution in terms of the tail shape of the distribution. In this paper, pure premium calculation method of the rice farm insurance scheme in Indonesia is formulated through a parametric statistical approach with assume that the distribution of rice yield data is 4-parameter beta mixture distribution. The proposed method is applied to the rice yield data in The Yogyakarta Special Region province. The result show that the pure premiums is IDR 214.183/hectare/planting season.

rice farm insurance scheme; pure premium; multimodal distribution; normal mixture distribution; 4-parameter beta mixture distribution



Spatial Patterns of Hotel-s Occupation Rate in Balikpapan City
Achmad Ghozali (a*); Elin Diyah Syafitri (b)

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Achmad Ghozali

a) Urban and Regional Planning, Intitut Teknologi Kalimantan
Kampus ITK Karang Joang, Balikpapan 76127, Indonesia

b) Urban and Regional Planning, Intitut Teknologi Kalimantan
Kampus ITK Karang Joang, Balikpapan 76127, Indonesia

Balikpapan City is a gateway to East Kalimantan as well as a destination for tourist visiting and business activity. The development of accommodation sectors triggered the growth of the lodging industry in Balikpapan City. However, currently, it is found that hotel development growth becomes imbalance due to overcapacity and only exist in several regions. This study aims to identify hotel distribution patterns and hotel location clustering analysis based on the occupancy rate conducted in two stages using the Average Nearest Neighbor (ANN) and hot-spot analysis method which available in GIS Software. In Overview, hotels in Balikpapan, both star hotel and non-star hotel, significantly clustered spatially around the centers of urban activities. This grouping is not linear with the occupancy rate distribution pattern. The occupancy rate pattern of star hotels shows a spatially clustered structure with z-score to 2.69 (most significant). Conversely, the occupancy rate of non-star hotels has a random pattern with a z-score is closest to 0 (not significant). However, in general, based on hotel occupancy rates, we can identify hot-spot points which shows the difference in density

Hotel, Hot-spot, Occupation Rate, Spatial Pattern.

Urban and Regional Planning


The Design Of Manual Packaging Work Station Based On Workers- Dimension In Beverage Industry
Yanti Sri Rejeki, Eri Achiraeniwati, Nur Rahman As-ad, Nur Hadid Setiadi

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Yanti Sri Rejeki

Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Bandung

Manual packaging with awkward work postures has a high level of work risk with recommendations for improvement that should be done as soon as possible. Work risks that can be caused by awkward work posture are Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs). Therefore this study aims to improve the manual packaging work station by designing work tables and chairs based on an ergonomic approach so that it can improve work posture and reduce or even eliminate work risks. The research method used is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of this study are the design of tables and chairs with sizes obtained from the results of anthropometric measurements of workers. The results of this study imply that workers can do their jobs with good work postures so that work risks can be minimized.

Work posture, MSDs, Anthropometry, design

Industrial Engineering


The Determinants of Cultural Tourism Attractions Based on Tourist Satisfaction in the Sundapolis Area Bandung City
Verry Damayanti (a), Astri Mutia Ekasari (b), Ernady Syaodih (c)

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bandung Islamic University, Jalan Tamansari no. 1 Bandung

In Local Regulation of Detailed Spatial Plans and Zoning Regulation for Bandung City, Ujungberung and Cibiru Sub-District are planned as The Sundapolis Area. The Sundapolis area focuses on the development of Sundanese Community-based Cultural Arts. Several cultural attractions have operated. However, these attractions have not yet developed, marked by a small number of visitors and cannot compete with other attractions in the city of Bandung. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that were the main attraction of cultural tourism in the Sundapolis area and its influence on tourist satisfaction. This type of research is quantitative research using regression analysis. The results of the study were the identification of cultural tourism attraction factors and their correlation to tourist satisfaction, so they can be a input in efforts to develop and organize cultural tourism attractions that accommodate tourist satisfaction.

attractiveness; cultural tourism; tourist satisfaction

Urban and Regional Planning


The Impact of Tourism Development due to Home Base Enterprised in Kartini Beach Area Jepara
Mila Karmilah (a*), Eppy Yuliani (b), Septiana Ade W (c)

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Mila Karmilah

(a) Lecture in Urban and Regional Planning UNISSULA Semarang
Jl Raya Kaligawe Km 4 Semarang
* karmilahmila[at]
(b) Lecture in Urban and Regional Planning UNISSULA Semarang
(c) Undergraduate Student in Urban and Regional Planning UNISSULA

Kartini beach is one of the most attractive place in Jepara (Jepara Tourism Development Planning). During the developement of tourism in Kartini beach bring many impact. The development of tourism activities in Kartini beach has been increased in the last few decades. One of the impact is shifting the houses function become home based entreprised to accomodated the tourism. The purpose of this study was to know the forms of shifting housing to home based entreprised due to tourism. This study use the qualitative rationalistic analysis techniques with a comparative approach. 12 houses were selected as samples to represent 50 HBE. The results show that a house in kartini beach provides a place to live for the inhabitant and a space for various types of business related to tourism. The most dominant proportion of HBE in Kartini beach is mixed type.

Impact, Tourism Development, Home Base Enterprised

Urban and Regional Planning


The Role of Wi-Fi Network in Producing Social Space in Mentri Supeno Park Semarang
B Rahman, A R Putri

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Boby Rahman

Urban Regional and Planning, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract. Mentri Supeno Park is an open public space in the form of a park located in the middle of the city in which its position is a strategic location as a social space. This park has various facilities, one of them is the Wi-Fi Network. A combination of open space and Wi-Fi has become a necessity in almost all levels of society to form community activity points that spread to both individual and groups on each side of the park. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of Wi-Fi in generating social space in open spaces in the park, so it could be known the types of created social spaces and management of spaces that were obtained. This study used a qualitative method with a behavioral mapping approach as its analysis technique. The results of this study showed five types of social space activities, with types of individual and collective activities. With the results obtained, it is expected to provide recommendations for the management of social space, so it does not lead to uncontrolled things. Moreover, it can help build the character of the community and align with the regional development agenda.

Key words: WiFi, Park, Social Space

Urban and Regional Planning


Thermal Effects on Sedimentary Rocks of Underground Coal Gasification Site on Musi Banyuasin (South Sumatera), Indonesia
Bagaraja Sirait

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Bagaraja Sirait

Research and Development Centre For Mineral and Coal Technology (tekMIRA). Bandung

UCG provides thermal effect on sedimentary rocks. Experiments on rocks, consisting of sandstone, siltstone and claystone are needed to study about their behaviour related to the effect of high temperature. The study aimed to investigate the behavior of the sedimentary rocks after heating and its influence on their strength. The experiments were carried out on laboratory scale. Rock specimens were heated at 50 – 6000C for 24 hours and tested with Uniaxial Compressive to determine the changes in rock strength. Measurements of geometric, density of the specimens and rock mass displacement analysis were performed. The specimens showed fractures because of the loss of water content. The most significant changes occured in sandstone specimens, the strength before heating was 15,64 MPa and increased to 41,70 MPa after heating. Claystone specimens was increased on the strength, from 6.76 MPa to 20.40 MPa. It revealed rock mass displacement 18.40 cm at the highest and 1.60 cm at the lowest (before heating). After heating, the rock mass obtained 9.45 cm (the highest) and 0.45 cm (the lowest). Results showed physical properties of specimens possed deflationary trends on their densities after heating treatment.

thermal, sedimentary, rock,coal gasification, UCG

Mining Engineering


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