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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 34 (data 991 to 1020 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Water Availability Effectiveness in Weirs
Sulwan Permana

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Sulwan Permana

Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

The Availability of water for irrigation is very important in the sustainability of crops. One of the main water sources to maintain and even increase yields is the river. Mount Galunggung has many sources of water. Cibanjaran River is one of the rivers that originates on Galunggung mountain used to irrigate an area of 595 ha of rice fields. At present, the river has undergone silting due to sand mining activities next to the weir. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the available discharges in the river in meeting the needs of the rice fields that are due to river sedimentation. Available data processing methods are used to analyze the availability and needs of water. Planting plan in November, water requirements in the rice fields are 1.5 lt /sec/ ha. The available discharge is not able to meet the needs of 595 ha of rice fields. River sedimentation due to sand mining upstream affect the availability of water because a lot of water overflows above the spillway so that it cannot be utilized. The use of a group system and scheduling water supply provides the right solution in the distribution of water.

River; Discharge; Sedimentation

Civil Engineering


Theremin as Teaching Aid to Improve Student Understanding of Waves
Desyani Ambarwanti(1*), I Made Astra(1), Achmad Ainul Yaqin(2), Iwan Sugihartono(3*)

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Desyani Ambarwanti

(1)Program Magister Pendidikan Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun muka no. 01, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
(2)Laboratorium kontrol, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun muka no. 01, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
(3)Program Studi Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun muka no. 01, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia

Physics learning is taught to equip students with knowledge and understanding of various natural phenomena. In order to improve comprehensive understanding of waves principle for student class of XI, we implement science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in physics learning by using theremin based light dependent resistor (LDR). In this paper, theremin as music instrumental non-contact will be used as teaching aid. Physics understanding of the students will be observe and investigated during a class. Analyses will be focus on adjustment of frequency will provide pitch of tones. As results, by theremin, student will have better understanding of waves principles.

Theremin, STEM, LDR, Frequency, waves



Thermal Characteristic of the X Geothermal System - Indonesia, And A Recommendation on Utilization Possibility
Kris Pudyastuti1), Syarif Fadhlurrahman M1), Maman Djumantara1) Harmen 2)

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1)Universitas Trisakti , Jakarta- Indonesia
2) Lampung University, a student of the ITB doctoral program

This study on thermal characteristics was conducted at a geothermal resources- in the X field in Indonesia, located at altitudes ranging from 980masl to 1800masl,where 26 wells have been drilled in the prospective area of 65 km2, where development is planned for 2 x 55 MW electric power. The research included determining the temperature of the formation at each well using well heating-up temperature profiles data, also to determine the thermodynamics condition or characteristic of the geothermal system. The research included a literature review on heat energy conversion to electricity. Based on a comprehensive literature review, the problems found in the present-literature will be analyzed, and the result will be used to recommend the possibility technology of conversion that can extract the heat energy optimally in the X geothermal-field.

heating up temperature profile, thermodynamics, upflow zone, outflow zone, conversion technology

Industry Engineering


Thermal Properties of Beef Tallow/Coconut Oil Bio PCM Using T-History Method for Wall Building Applications
Muhammad Amin (a*), Hamdani (b), Fazri(a), Razali Thaib (b)

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Muhammad Amin

a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Kota Langsa, 24416, Indonesia
b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia

Thermal energy storage using Phase Change Materials (PCM) is now widely applied to wall builds. Generally, PCM used for applications on walls building has a melting point of 0-65 oC. Beef tallow and coconut oil is a type of organic PCM known as Bio PCM needs to characterize by using the T-History Method. The T-History method is more accurate than DSC. This study aimed to determine the thermal properties of beef tallow/coconut oil PCM using the T-History method. The beef tallow and coconut oil as bio PCM material used in this study with the variation is respectively: 100%, 70+30%, 60+40%, and 50+50%. Tests are carried out using the T-History method. From the results of testing and analysis obtained supercooling temperature, melting temperature, specific heat, and latent heat for bio PCM beef tallow/coconut oil. The effect of adding coconut oil mixture to beef tallow caused a decrease in melting temperature and supercooling temperature, while the specific heat and latent heat of bio PCM of beef tallow/coconut oil ranged from 2.96-2.19 kJ/kg.oC and 101.05-72.32 kJ/kg. The result obtained that this bio PCM material of cow beef tallow/coconut oil can apply, as additional material in wall building applications.

Thermal properties, Beef tallow/coconut oil, T-History method, Phase change material (PCM)

Mechanical Engineering


Thermodynamic performance investigation of a diesel engine running on biodiesel (pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera)
T. Azuar Rizal (a*), Hamdani (b), Razali Thaib (b)

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Corresponding Author
Razali Thaib

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Kota Langsa, 24416, Indonesia
(b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
(*) azuarrizal[at]

This study investigates the use of biodiesel (pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera) in diesel engines as alternative fuels. A direct injection diesel engine was simulated via a thermodynamic cycle model for investigation. Thermodynamic and performance parameters and compared for diesel, biodiesel (pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera) fuels at two different states. The results showed that pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera presented a lower cylinder temperature and pressure, and thus a lower engine performance than diesel fuel for the equal injection conditions. The brake power declines about 29.3% and 28.2% at 3200 rpm while brake specific fuel consumption increases about 34.3% and 19.8% at 2200 rpm for pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera, respectively. Engine performance for pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera, respectively. extensively improves for the same equivalence ratio condition, but a more amount of fuel is needed about 44% for cocos nucifera and 36% for pangium edule reinw. The gains in the brake power by cocos nucifera and pangium edule reinw are about 13.6% and 6% at 3200 rpm compared to diesel fuel. The brake specific fuel consumption is also higher about 42.2% for cocos nucifera and 24.3% for pangium edule reinw than diesel fuel. The brake thermal efficiency for pangium edule reinw and cocos nucifera is generally better than diesel fuel.

Thermodynamic, Performance, Diesel Engine, Pangium edule reinw, Cocos nucifera

Mechanical Engineering


Thermodynamics and Structural Properties of Copper Thin Film from Laser Ablation
Riser Fahdiran

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Riser Fahdiran

Department of Physics, State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220.

We investigated the thermodynamics and structural change of Copper thin film irradiated by ultrafast high intensities laser. The film has dimension of 10 nm x 10 nm in lateral periodic condition and thickness 20 nm with free condition. The system is given such amount of laser energy above ablation threshold. The dynamics of the trajectories of atoms are followed using molecular dynamics simulation. At the beginning of the simulation, the system is compressive but followed by tensile pressure that break the system. Temperature and pressure properties indicated that the system are brought to non-equilibrium state. Structural analysis on the system as a function of time shows the phase change of the material, where at the end of simulation its already evaporated.

Copper, laser ablation, structure, thermodynamics

Material Science


Thermogravimetric Study of the very High-Volume Fly Ash cement paste with chemical activators
Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi*

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Wiwik Dwi Pratiwi

, Hamzah Fansuri**, Triwulan


, Januarti Jaya Ekaputri



Thesis Topic Recommendation using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique
Cepy Slamet (a); Fahmi Mahmud Maliki (a); Undang Syaripudin (a); Abdusy Syakur Amin (b); Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (*, a)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Ali Ramdhani

(*) m_ali_ramdhani[at]
(a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(b) Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to design information systems that can recommend the selection of final project (thesis) topics based on the competencies possessed by students. The analytical model integrated into this system is the Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART), with student competency data taken based on the grade score of the subjects relevant to the selection of the final project theme clusters. The design of the information system in this study uses a prototype model, with the main stages consisting of needs analysis, design, testing, and evaluation. The system designed successfully runs well and can provide recommendations on the selection of thesis topics. This recommendation is expected to provide an overview of the strength of competencies that are superior to students what have relevance to the cluster of the thesis main topics.

competence, final project, SMART, thesis

Computer Science


Three blade horizontal axis wind turbine design simulation naca with airfoil 4412 using software Q-blade solidworks 2014
Jaelani Sidik (a*), 2Riyan Arthur(b*)

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Corresponding Author
Jaelani Sidik

a)Departement of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wahidiyah, Faculty of Engineering, Kediri, Indonesia
b)Educational Construction Building, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRAK Wind energy utilization for area with low wind speed potential such as Indonesia remains low due to its low efficiency value. Therefore This research aim to designing and simulation of small wind turbine that can be use in indonesia. We considered for this wind turbin blade are 3. NACA airfoil 4412 was selected and 1.13 of coefficient lift maximum .We designing the blade of wind turbin using software solidworks. The simulation using software Q-blade for the blade radius 1.3 m with various angle of attack 0°, 10°,15°.

Wind turbine blade, Airfoil, Q-blade, SolidWorks

Mechanical Engineering


Total nitrogen in rice paddy field independently predicted from soil carbon using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
Bambang Hari Kusumo, Sukartono, Bustan

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Bambang Hari Kusumo

University of Mataram

Nitrogen (N) is a vital macro nutrient for plant growth. The adequate amount of this nutrient in rice paddy field is one of the key factors for generating optimum plant production. However, measuring soil N using conventional analysis takes time and expensive. Most of previous researches reported that near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which is rapid and inexpensive method, is able to successfully predict soil N due to its high correlation with soil carbon (C). The aim of this research is to test the ability of NIR technology to predict soil N content which is independently predicted from soil C of rice paddy field. Soil samples in 147 locations, including the coordinates, were collected from rice paddy field of Lombok Island, Indonesia. Parts of the samples were analysed in a laboratory using conventional analysis for total N and organic C, and other parts were scanned using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for spectral data collection. A Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) calibration model was developed using laboratory-analysed soil N (and C) data and soil spectral data. As the soil N and soil C have a poor correlation, but both can be predicted well using NIR technology, this means that the soil N was independently predicted from soil C using NIR technology. This shows that the NIR technology can be rapidly used to measure both soil total N and organic C, although both of them have low correlation.

soil, total nitrogen, organic carbon, near infrared, spectroscopy

Environmental Engineering


Tourists- attitudes towards wind turbines in the coastal tourism destination of Indonesia-s South-Java
Ahmad Fauzi Nasrulloh (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), and Budi Harjanto (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ahmad Fauzi Nasrulloh

(a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

In response to the diminishing availability of fossil energy sources, many countries have increased the use of renewable energy, especially wind energy. The application of wind turbines is often in conflict with landowners/users, especially the tourism sector, which is one of the emerging industries throughout the world including Indonesia. Whereas, most tourists who travel in Indonesia aim to enjoy natural beauty. This study analyzes the attitudes of tourists on the application of wind turbines in coastal tourism objects, by comparing how the visual impact in the installation of wind turbines whose different levels of beauty will affect their attitude. Quantitative methods through questionnaires and. Sampling with simple random sampling technique is used in this study. The results show that tourists will tend not to visit coastal attractions if there are wind turbine installations. They argue that wind turbines threaten the nature of the tourism industry.

renewable energy, wind turbines, attitude, visual impact, coastal tourism

Environmental Engineering


Traffic Management of Intersection With More Than Four Road Segments
Rezqi Malia, Noer Fadhly, dan Sugiarto.

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Rezqi Malia

Student Magister Civil Engineering of Syiah Kuala University

Simpang Tujuh Ulee Kareng is one of intersection with high vehicle volume. The increase in V/C ratio every year starts from 2016, 2017, and 2018, each was 0.301, 0.316 and 0.322, but each was 21,909 vehicles, 20,950 vehicles, and 21,896 vehicles. The intersection will be calculated by using SIDRA Intersection, and then it will merger of intersection. In this case, it will change the route for flow rate. The calculate is in unsignalized and signalized. Furthermore, we will compare after estimate all of its. After estimating with this method, it has level of service for existing conditions which has seven road segments and the level of service after merger of intersections will be four road segments unsignalized or signalized. The results that will hope are the level of service and sensitivity.

SIDRA Intersection, unsignalized, signalized, seven road segments, four road segments.

Civil Engineering


Transparency and Accountability Study for the Selection of Construction Service Providers
Dewi Yustiarini(1*), Biemo W. Soemardi(2), Nanang D. Herman(3), Rochany N.(4), Siti Nurasiyah(5)

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Corresponding Author
Dewi Yustiarini

(1) UPI and Student at Graduate School of ITB
(3), (4) UPI

Good governance is generally characterized by the application of the principles of transparency, participation and accountability as the starting point. This principle is known as the principle of Good Governance which regulates the relationship between government, society and the business sector (private). The initiative to select providers of electronic construction services (the Construction Services Act) is expected to be an answer to transparency and accountability. PP No.16 / 2018 specifically discusses the procurement of goods / services electronically which is managed by LKPP by developing SPSE. LPSE provides accessible information containing package code, package name, HPS package value, etc. The project stage and the contract stage that must be disclosed according to CoST are not all presented by LPSE. This study aims to identify transparency and accountability in the selection of construction service providers based on the legal perspective of construction services. Secondary data collection through legislation, regulations related to the selection of construction service providers. The results of the study are presented in the form of a model of transparency and accountability in the selection of construction service providers.

transparancy, accountability, selection, construction

Civil Engineering


Tube plate catalis Tkplus to crack Gasoline Fuel vapor in motor vechille
Erdawati, Darsef, and Sugeng Priyatno

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Erdawati Bayazid

1Depart of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
2Depart of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta
3Depart of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This study aims to test ability the catalyst tubes to reduce exhaust emissions, save fuel and increase power and torque engine on vehicle. The catalyst cube named TK plus. TKplus catalyst tube filled with NiFe2O4.. NiFe2O4. created with sol gel method and calcined on temperature 6000C, characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM EDX, BET test. Exhaust emission test results show motor vehicles equipped with TKplus can reduce CO2 emissions; between 36%-48%, and CO2 emissions fall between 7% -42%, decrease fuel consumption by 23% - 33% . Dyno test shows that in the presence of TKplus engine performance increased compared with engine without TKplus. At the revolving round of the engine at 5781 rpm or at a speed of 120 km / h, the power value increased by 5.8% and the torque value increased by 7.8% compared to the vehicles not equipped with the TKplus value.

Nickel ferrite, catalyst tube (TKplus), exhaust emissions and dyno test



TUMPULS Teaching Aids as an Alternative Media for Physics Learning
Diah Mulhayatiah, Herni Yuniarti Suhendi, Dindin Nasrudin and Resa Farida Ningsih

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Diah Mulhayatiah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Development of learning media needs to be done to increase students interest in learning and stimulate teacher creativity in creating an interactive learning atmosphere. This study aims to develop teaching aids as an alternative to physics learning media in momentum material. The method used in this study is research and development with the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The stage described in this study is the development stage in the laboratory test section. The laboratory test results for momentum props found that the relative error of the data obtained for the initial momentum was 0.1% and the final momentum ranged from 9%. The momentum props developed were able to present data and show momentum calculations through equations

momentum, impuls, props



Two Levels Rectangular Microstrip Yagi Antenna For Wifi Applications
Nanang Ismail, Folin Oktafiani, Deni Permana

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Nanang Ismail

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

An antenna is the most important part of wireless communication systems. Wifi has an omnidirectional radiation pattern that produces a limited beam range. Therefore, an external antenna with a higher gain is needed than an internal antenna. In this research, a rectangular Yagi microstrip antenna is designed with two levels of directors that can work on the 2.4 GHz frequency (Wifi Application). The selection of the relative permittivity of the dielectric material and setting the antenna dimensions is done carefully to obtain a gain> 5 dB. During the simulation, optimization is done by changing the dimensions of driven, director, reflector, and distance between levels. The simulation results show that the antenna has worked at a frequency of 2.4 GHz with a bandwidth of 209 MHz, a gain of 8,148 dB and a bidirectional radiation pattern. The antenna is realized using a dielectric material with a relative permittivity of 4.3. The antenna measurement results show a bandwidth of 210 MHz and a gain of 7.98 dB. By choosing the relative permittivity of material and carefulness in setting the dimensions of the antenna, it is proven to produce an antenna with gain as targeted, although the antenna only uses 1 branch and 2 levels of directors.

Director; Gain; Rectangular Microstrip Yagi; Relative permittivity; Wifi

Electrical Engineering


Understanding the Application of Sustainable Development Goals in Oil and Gas Business Activities
Udi Syahnoedi Hamzah

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Udi Syahnoedi Hamzah

Universitas Trisakti

The oil and gas industry is the center of the global economy and many national economies, including in developing and developing countries. This is also important for sustainable development, because oil and gas are the main pillars of the global energy system and, as such, are drivers of economic and social development. By mapping the linkages between the oil and gas industry and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the aim of this study is to encourage oil and gas companies to further incorporate relevant SDGs into their businesses and operations, validate their current efforts and trigger ideas. Oil and gas business activities that are in line with the sustainable development agenda can lead to greater efficiency, cost savings and competitiveness, and increase social permits to operate. The methodology carried out is the study of literature and practical experience in managing health, safety and environmental aspects in oil and gas business activities. Results of this study is to increase understanding of the relationship between SDGs and oil and gas business activities. Conclusion of this study is to emphasize that the oil and gas industry has the potential to contribute to the 17 SDGs.

sustainable development goal; oil and gas; economic and social development.

Environmental Engineering


Lestari1, Abda Anwaratutthifal1, and Reno Pratiwi1

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Petroleum Engineering Departement, Trisakti University, Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1 Jakarta Barat

Ruhoul is an offshore gas field that located in Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It covers an area of 350 km2 and has a gross thickness of the payzone over 2000 m. Structural architecture of Ruhoul field is multilayered un-faulted anticline. Stratighraphycally, Ruhoul reservoirs are divided into two intervals which are Ruhoul Main Zone and Ruhoul Shallow. This study is only focused in Shallow zone area, they are Sh-8a, Sh-8c, and Sh-8d, as it is considered as remaining prospective area for Ruhoul field. For more specific, Sh-8a was produced by wells RJ-16A-M and RJ-2G-M.T3, Sh-8c was produced by well RJ-2G-M.T3, and Sh-8d was produced by well RJ-2G-M-T3. Over time, the gas production in Ruhoul Field keep decreasing, therefore hidden gas production potential needs to be re-evaluated. The evaluation can be done by doing the dynamic synthesis analysis based on completion type used, production history, and well correlation. The main objective of this study is to evaluate hydrocarbon potential in Ruhoul Shallow specific area. Several approaches will be used to assess Ruhoul Shallow zone prospect such an updated database, zone change inventory, and well correlation based on netpay map by layer with software Geolog 7.2. Perform Dynamic Synthesis Analysis and P/Z Straight Line Material Balance Calculation are chosen as the methodology to assess the prospect zone of this field. The results of this process are candidates to be the re-opening zone, the value of GIIP, EUR, RR, RF, the drive mechanism, and plateau rate stage that applied to each layer. The candidate layer to open is Sh-8a at RJ-2G-MT3 and GIIP is 1.1517 Bscf.

Dynamic Synthesis Analysis, P/Z Straight Line, Plateau Rate Stage

Material Engineering


I.S.Iriany ( *), R. Pasciana

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Ieke Sartika Iriany

Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Garut, ; Jl. Cimanuk No.285A Garut Indonesia

The use of technology in household management is very important, because it can help accelerate domestic work, besides that, on average housewives have sophisticated mobile phones, but it is questionable whether all the features have been used, can it operate all household appliances according to instructions in manual, whether they can access actual information from the internet and can they use social media productively. The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of behavior of technology users in household management, especially women who do not work. This research method uses a qualitative approach, with survey methods - descriptive. Data collection through interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. 19 Research informants are purposively determined. Analyze data through stages of reduction, display, analysis and conclusion. The results of the study show that the use of technology in household management can create efficiency for housewives, so that the roles of family members can run smoothly and it turns out they can mostly use technology to form a happy, safe and prosperous family. The implication of this study is that the use of technology has a positive impact on the implementation of the role of housewives in household management in Indonesia.

technology, household management

Management Science


I Wayan Parwata1, Mirsa Umiyati Widjana2

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Mirsa Umiyati

1Architecture Study Program, Department of Engineering, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar
2Faculty of Letters, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar

Traditional architecture is an architecture built based upon the rules of tradition adopted. Balinese traditional architecture is conctructed following the layout, spatial and building layout in line with on the concept of Asta Kosala Kosali and Asta Bumi. The Balinese traditional architecture of dwelling houses is one of the Indonesias architectural works that needs to be preserved and developed without eliminating the rules of local wisdom prevailing in Bali. The order of Balinese traditional residences, in general, involves several building periods including: Holy place, Bale meten (Bale Daje), Bale Dangin, Bale Dauh, Kitchen (Paon), and Jineng / klumpu (place to store unhulled rice). The concept of Balinese traditional architecture is one of the concepts used in the structuring techniques for dwelling houses based on the anatomy of the human body (anthropometry) of its owner. This study makes use of the design of quasi-experiment. At this stage the modeling of the "Sakenem" buildings in the village of Singapadu Tengah is created. In this year, the measurements made for modeling the building of the bale sakenem have been adjusted to the users antopometry to obtain the size of the saka, bale-bale, and bataran that meet the cosiness of the user-s antopometry. After the modeling and the assessment of cosiness applied, the results of a positive and significant comfort assessment on all aspects are obtained, namely those involving the height of the saka, the height of the bale-bale, and the height of the bataran in the Bale Sakenem building in the village of Singapadu Tengah.

anthropometry, architecture, building cosiness



Using Android-Based Learning Game on The Concept of Buffer Solution
Sri Hermawati (a), Cucu Zenab Subarkah (a), Imelda Helsy (a*)

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Sri Hermawati

Department of Chemical Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A. H. Nasution No. 105 Cibiru Bandung 0614 Indonesia
*e-mail: imeldahelsy[at]

In the digital era it is now necessary to develop android-based learning media. Important buffer concept developed through android games because it includes abstract concepts, memorization and calculations. An Android-based game learning media has been developed on the buffer solution concept that contains questions about evaluating buffer material. The research method used is the stages of developing the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). This research only reaches the development stage which produces an Android-based learning game product. The results of the validation carried out on 3 expert lecturers, namely material experts, media experts, and learning experts showed that the Android-based buffer solution learning game is valid with a calculated value of 0.78. The results of a limited trial analysis of 10 students as respondents showed a percentage of 94.2%. Based on the results of the validation and trial, the Android-based learning game was declared feasible to be used as a learning medium on the concept of buffer solution.

android-based game, buffer solution



Utilization of Beeswax/Bentonite as Energy Storage Material on Building Wall Composite
Razali Thaib (a), Hamdani (a*), T. Azuar Rizal (b)

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Corresponding Author
Razali Thaib

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia

* hamdani[at]

(b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Kota Langsa, 24416, Indonesia

Indonesias energy consumption pattern for housing sector for heating or cooling reached 43%, water heater 27%, lighting 3.4%, appliances 26.6%. As for the use of electrical energy, reaching 50% of the total energy needs is absorbed in the building sector. Therefore, the residential sector has a very dominant role in electricity consumption, whether for lighting purposes, the use of household appliances as well as for conditioning the room. Indonesia, as a developing country, will undoubtedly move to improve the lives of its population. It will affect and induced a shift in energy pattern used by the community, whereby most of it will be used to increase the comfort of the space, whether by improving the air conditioning system, the lighting system, or water heater. On the other side, the current energy consumption pattern for the commercial building sector reaches 50-60% for air conditioning systems, 30% for lighting and the rest to drive other machines. The combination of building materials and Phase Change Materials (PCM) is an efficient way to increase the thermal energy storage capacity of building components. The technique of combining with encapsulation-PCM composite form is the most straightforward method, practical and economical method, and has attracted the interest of many researchers in the last decade. This paper will discuss the results of developing numerical modeling for simulation of thermal energy storage on composites equipped with macro-encapsulation PCM. The simulation is conducted using the EnergyPlus software. Furthermore, the validation of modeling result will later be conducted through comparison of simulation result with field test result. In this study used beeswax as a phase change material. Beeswax has a moderate melting temperature, which is placed within the indoor thermal comfort range and the bentonite clay will be used as a binder. From the results of numerical analysis of the use of PCM on the walls of the building can be concluded that PCM is able to store heat energy from solar radiation, thus reducing energy consumption for cooling the room. Increasing the thermal conductivity of PCM will increase the value of the overall heat transfer coefficient of the wall resulting in increased energy consumption for room cooling

Phase change material, Beeswax, Bentonite, Heat storage

Mechanical Engineering


Y. Sugiarti1 D. N. Azizah1, dan D. L. Rahayu

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Yatti Sugiarti

Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri,
Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

One of Indonesian tropical plant collection diversity is eggfruit (Poeteriacampechiana) that known as sawo mentega in Indonesia. Eggfruit has high nutritional value and good function for health but their consumption still low and the fruit is unfamiliar for the most of Indonesian citizen. This research to develop food diversity by toast bread making to increase the utilization of eggfruit and promote the fruit to boarder citizen. This research aims to produce eggfruit toast bread products as a food diversification and find out the panelists acceptance of the eggfruit toast bread produced. Eggfruit toast bread compotition formulation will be the first step in this research. The best eggfruit toast bread formulation will be resulted based on the best phisical test, chemical test, and organoleptical test. The toast bread produced in this research is based on a formulation from the modified Bogasari Baking Center (2004). Eggfruit toast bread can be made from eggfruit puree and flour with different formulations. Formulation of wheat flour and eggfruit puree that can be made at 90 : 10; 80 : 20; 70 : 30; and 60 : 40, while for wheat flour and eggfruit flour formulations of 95 : 5; 90 : 10; 85 : 15; and 80 : 20. In general, panelists acceptance of eggfruit toast bread produced has the criteria of dislike-like for overall appearance, crust color, crumb color, uniformity of pores, tenderness, weakness, and aroma, while for taste is ordinary-like. The eggfruit toast bread produced has the characteristics of yellow, uniform pores, soft texture, aroma of bread, and a little of eggfruit taste.

food diversification, puree, toast bread, eggfruit, flour

Industry Engineering


Bunga Faradhani, R. Ratnaningsih, *)Astri Rinanti

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Astri Rinanti

Universitas Trisakti

Banana peels waste contains lignocellulose which can be converted into starch and then broken down into glucose which will produce bioethanol. This study aims to reduce organic waste and determine the enzymatic activity of Aspergillus fumigatus fungi on banana skin enzymatic hydrolysis in the manufacture of bioethanol. The process starts from delignification followed by the hydrolysis process using a chemical catalyst, H₂SO₄ as a comparison and biological catalyst namely Aspergillus fumigatus. The study showed that the hydrolysis process was successfully carried out using a biological catalyst at a temperature of 30°C and a contact time of 3 days. During the hydrolysis process, the starch content was 3% - 4% using the DNS method. This shows that the use of banana peels waste containing lignocellulose can be used as a source of bioethanol which aims to reduce organic waste.

Biocatalys, Lignocellulose, Hydrolysis process, Enzymatic activity, Aspergillus fumigatus

Environmental Engineering


I Kadek Irwan Setiawan, Anak Agug Ngurah Agung Pradnya Iswara Wirawan, Kartika Sari

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Ni Luh Putu Eka Kartika Sari

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Warmadewa University

The purpose of this study was to find out the results of the effectiveness of detergent detergency against stains on white cloth based on organoleptic tests and to determine the results of measurement tests for pollution levels with parameters of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), DO (Dissolve Oxygen) and pH levels in each each treatment. This research is an experimental study with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) or Randomized Complete Block Design method, which takes 5 treatments, namely two types of control groups including negative control (K-) by adding distilled water and positive control (K +) by adding detergent contained on the market, and there are 3 treatment groups, namely P1, P2 and P3, respectively, Sanur Biodetergen with concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10% respectively. The instrument used for the extraction process is the Rotary Vacuum Evaporator and the instrument used for testing pollution levels is a set of titration tools with iodometric titration methods. The results obtained showed that the second treatment (P2) was the best treatment with an average detergency power of 3.10 or with faded parameters evenly with the edges of the stain that faded and had a minimum pollution level ie COD value 7.9 mg / L, DO value was 9.2 mg / L and pH level of 5.02, so that it qualifies as a low-contaminant liquid detergent that does not damage the environment.

Surfactant, Sanur Detergent, Saponin, Janur Waste (Cocos nucifera L.)



Sri Mulyati (a*), Syawaliah Muchtar (b), Mukramah Y. Wahab (b), Muhammad A. Armando (a), Habli Mawardi (a), and Nasrul Arahman (a)

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Sri Mulyati

(a) Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
(b) Doctoral School of Engineering Science, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia

This paper reports about the application of biosilica sourced from low-cost and natural biomasses such as rice husk and sugarcane bagasse as membrane modifying agents. The modification was conducted on poly(ether sulfone) membrane by blending technique. The modification was aimed to improve the performance of the PES membrane in terms of water permeability as well as separation performance. The effects of silica addition to the membrane system were evaluated through the analysis of change in chemical structure using attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, surface morphological change using the atomic force microscope, and surface hydrophilicity using water contact angle measurement. The results showed that addition of biosilica of both natural sources successfully enhanced the pore property and hydrophilicity (from 80 to 50 contact angle degree) of the membranes which subsequently improved the water permeability as well as filtration performance of the blended membranes.

Biosilica; Ultrafiltration; Flux promoting agent; Rice husk; Sugarcane baggase

Chemical Engineering


Utilization of rice wastewater as an alternative medium for pure brood Shiitake Mushrooms
Yati Setiati, Liberty Chaidir, Ariza Saputri

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yati setiati

Agrotechnology Dept, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Pure breeding multiplication Shitake mushrooms generally use Potato Dekstrose Agar (PDA) media. However, the cost of basic media is relatively higher, so it needs alternative media to multiply pure broodstock for shitake mushrooms to reduce the cost of producing pure broodstock such as rice wastewater. Goal of the research was to find out ability of rice wastewater medium and determine the concentration of the best rice wastewater medium on the growth rate of shitake mushroom mycelium. The study used an experimental method consisting of 11 treatments of rice wastewater concentration 50%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 100% and Potato Dekstrose Agar (PDA) as the repeated control three replication. The results showed that influence of various concentrations of rice wastewater on the growth rate of shitake mushroom mycelium. The concentration of 100% rice wastewater produces the best growth and quality of mycelium compared to other treatments. Therefore Rice wastewater can be used as an alternative medium to multiply pure broodstock of shitake mushrooms.

Growth rate, pure culture ,rice wastewater, Shitake mushrooms



Fadliah (a*), Hafidz Manan (a), Abdul Hamid (a)

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Fadliah Fadliah

a) Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy, Universitas Trisakti
Jalan Kyai Tapa No.1 Grogol, Jakarta Barat 11440, Indonesia

Styrofoam waste was used as a lost circulation material to prevent sudden and simultaneous drilling fluid losses. In this study variations of styrofoam amount and temperature were carried out to see the effect of mass and temperature on physical and rheological properties of drilling mud. Measurement of mud properties using Viscosimeter (Fann VG Meter) with rotor rotation speed of 300 RPM and 600 RPM. The results of the study were then compared with the drilling mud standard. The values of viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point, gel strength and mud cake increased when the amount of styrofoam added to the mud increased, after the mud was heated to 243°F there was a decrease in the physical and rheological properties. Water loss value will increase along with the addition of LCM substances into the composition and temperature raised in the range of 0.6 mm -1.7 mm. pH level decrease but with a mixture of pH control substances, the pH of drilling mud maintained in alkaline conditions which ranges from 9.5-11.5. The combination of mud that best fits with the standard was addition with 1 grams of Styrofoam and heated in 243oF.

Styrofoam; Lost Circulation Materials; Drilling Mud; Physical; Rheological

Environmental Engineering


Utilization of water hyacinth-based biomass as a potential heterogenous catalyst for biodiesel production
Firda Tirta Yani (a), Komala Pontas (b), Ridha Ulhaqi (b), Winda Putri Pratiwi (b), Husni Husin (b*)

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Firda Tirta Yani

(a) Graduate School of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 23111
(b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 23111

With the aim to reduce the negative impacts caused by the widespread of water hyacinth to the environment, this paper reports the utilization of water hyacinth as a source of biomass to fabricate a heterogeneous catalyst. The catalyst was prepared by calcinating the grounded hyacinth biomass at 600 celcius, and K2CO3 was then introduced as a co-catalyst through impregnation method. The properties of biodiesel were also evaluated in terms of viscosity, density, and acidic number. To better understand the impregnation effects, surface topography, particle size, and atom composition of water hyacinth catalyst without and with K2CO3 impregnation were analyzed. The performance of the synthesized catalyst was studied for transesterification reaction of palm oil into biodiesel. The reaction was carried out in a batch mode for 3 hours with stirring at 65 celcius. The molar ratio of methanol to oil of 12:1, and the catalyst loading was varied from 5 to 15 wt.%. The highest yield (94,47%) was obtained from the process using 15% of hyacinth-based catalyst which impregnated with 20% of K2CO3. The biodiesel produced was in the range of the SNI standard. The water hyacinth can be a promising heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production at industrial scale.

Heterogenous catalyst, Water hyacinth, Impregnation, Biodiesel

Chemical Engineering


Variations of Binding, Washing, and Concentration of Imidazole on Purification of Recombinant Fim-C Protein Salmonella typhi with Ni-NTA Resin
Muktiningsih Nurjayadi (1), Rafi Afrizal (1), Dudi Hardianto (2), Kurnia Agustini (2),

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Muktiningsih Nurjayadi

1 Department of Chemistry, Mathematics and Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2Laboratory of Agro and Biomedical Industry Technology Development, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Typhoid fever is an endemic disease in Indonesia. Prevention of typhoid fever can be done by administering vaccines. It is known that one of the raw materials for vaccines is a recombinant protein. This study aims to obtain information on the optimum conditions for purification of Salmonella typhi Fim-C recombinant protein with Ni-NTA resin as vaccine raw material. The three main stages of the purification process in this study were binding, washing, and elution of S. typhi Fim-C recombinant proteins. The binding and washing variations of recombinant proteins were carried out twice, four times and six times, while the elution process was carried out at imidazole concentrations of 200 mM, 250 mM, and 300 mM. Purification with a binding process four and six times gave almost the same intensity of S. typhi Fim-C protein bands. Whereas protein was elution at an imidazole concentration of 300 mM showed higher band instability. The results of characterization using SDS-PAGE and analysis using software ImageJ gel analysis showed that the longer the incubation time and the repetition of the binding process, the more protein bound to the resin. Furthermore, the more washing processes are obtained the purer proteins. Based on the data obtained it can be concluded that the purification of the S. typhi Fim-C recombinant protein was optimum at a four-time binding process, six times washing and a 300 mM imidazole concentration. These results are expected to be the basis for recombinant protein refining on a pilot scale and industry scale in better vaccine preparation.

Salmonella typhi, Protein purification, Recombinant Protein, Ni-NTA Resin



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