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The 1st International Conference on Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.04 for 2 days in Serang |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 119) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Political Expression on YouTube During the 2019 Presidential Election Campaign With Uses and Dependency Perspective
Drina Intyaswati, Eni Maryani, Antar Venus, Dadang Sugiana

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Drina Intyaswati

Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjajaran Bandung

This study wants to see political expressions on Youtube during the election campaign. Through the perspective of the Uses and Dependency that sees active users in using the media and the interaction with social and media systems, qualitative content analysis of comments from selected Youtube political content was carried out. Results show that Youtube facilitates political expression through comments with various forms of emotions (happy, curious, denial, sympathy, disappointment, excitement, anger, others). Comments were obtained as an effect of using YouTube, in the form of attitudes and statements about political choices. Content production also raises comments that trigger prosumer to be more creative and consumer to continue using youtube even though there are other media alternatives.

campaign, emotion, political expression, Uses and Dependency, Youtube

Political Party and Election


Political Participation of Generation Z
Haryadi(a), Moh.Arief Rakhman (b*)

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Arief Rakhman

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jambi

Generation Z in Indonesia is the first Digital Native to be present in Indonesia and will immediately shift the millennial generation in various ways. The large number of population and characteristics that are different from previous generations make this group become a concern of many parties. Various surveys and studies show that there is a great enthusiasm for participation from this group in politics, this group needs different media media so that participatory forms can be well-accommodated, this is because the possibility of existing political participatory means is not very acceptable by them in this group. Things that are innovative and contain elements of novelty are considered to be suitable and considered to be able to accommodate the political aspirations of this native digital generation. it is probable that the desired form of political participation is not yet popular in Indonesia or is only known by this group. this will be a challenge in the future for all political stakeholders of this country, given the great potential for the good of this nation that comes from this generation Z group.

Generation Z, Political Participation, Beginner Voter, Digital Native

Political Party and Election


Political Voluntarism Model in Legislative Election in Malang City
Iradhad Taqwa (a*), Ach Apriyanto (b), Laeli Nur Khanifah (b)

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Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi

University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Kampus III
Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.246 Malang, Jawa Timur
Phone: +62 341 464 318 (Hunting)
Fax: +62 341 460 435

Political volunterism is often interpreted as part of the politics of citizenship in this 2019 simultaneous general election. This passion for political expression is rooted in the publics expectation of the presence of political figures who are pro on the public interest at large. Movable communities voluntarily mobilize their political resources to try to get the candidates who are elected. With strong energy and militancy, political volunteerism has proven to be able to help elect the candidates for the legislature in DPRD Malang. One of the candidates in question is Harvard Kurniawan, elected PDIP Candidates for DPRD Malang 2014-2019. This paper will then look in depth at how the pattern of political volunteerism works amid the logic of strong political pragmatism and the high cost of winning. This study uses a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data sources were obtained through interviews and observations and documentation. Data is processed through data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The concept of volunteerism is used as a theoretical reference.The results of the study show that volunteerism works by utilizing friendship relations, social capital and political networks owned by Harvard Kurniawan and his father. The association makes volunteers work sincerely in the winning process so that they are optimal in seeking support. Their movements also proved to be very solid, systematic and able to reduce political costs. This research has implications for the views of some of the public who accuse volunteerism of being difficult in the capital-intensive Indonesian electoral politics. In a skeptical view, volunteerism is merely a camouflage of evil political practices in order to get positive sympathy in society. The findings in this study at least answer these doubts.

Volunterism, General Election, Political Strategy.

Political Party and Election


Preserving Dayaknese Local Wisdom to Promote Indonesia Resilience 2045
Juliansyah R. Maulana (*a), Yuve K. Sesar (a), Nada Afra (a)

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Yuve Kukuh Sesar

a) Faculty of Political and Social Science, Brawijaya University
Jalan Veteran No. 1 , Malang 65145, Indonesia
* juliansyah.rahmat[at]

Development has long been hailed as the primary source of human progress, but unfortunately, most of the times development is carried out without demonstrating sensitiveness to cultural setting in which it operates. Dayak culture is one of many cultures impacted by such practice, while in fact many of its cultural facets may significantly contribute to the development and render it more sustainable. This article argues that Dayak culture has been impacted by development agenda and the logic of development has to be reversed by including local wisdoms to ensure the sustainability thereof through the lense of cultural impact assessment.

development; sustainable living; Dayak culture

Sustainable Development Goals


Pseudo-Governance: A Lesson Learn From Banten
Gandung Ismanto (a*), Listyaningsih (b)

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Gandung Ismanto

a) Department of Public Administration, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten, Indonesia
b) Department of Public Administration, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten, Indonesia

Governance has become a mainstream since the 1990s, which is widely accepted as rapid as the unstoppable democratization and globalization all around the world, including Indonesia. Although it has been formally adopted since the 1998-s national reforms, new values in the governance paradigm are still not effectively internalized in the practice of governance in Indonesia, especially in Banten Province. A number of pathological symptoms in the praxis of local governance indicates not only the ineffective government but also the poor governance. Based on the background above, this study aims to explore qualitatively about the praxis of local governance in Banten Province, which is analyzed within the framework of Rondinelli and Cheema (2007) which focused on the interaction among local governance actors namely: regional government elites, private sector, and civil society. This research has exploratively succeeded in uncovering the pseudo-governance praxis, which is characterized by the lack of transparency, accountability, participation, public trust, and respect for democratic processes; the local leadership malfuction, the dominant role of the private sector in politics and government; and interactions among governance actors which appear to work normally, but are actually corrupted by various forms of structured and systematic penetration. Recruitment of democratic and accountable politics, the presence of an effective control system, and effective and non-discriminatory law enforcement are essential preconditions to realize authentic democratic governance, not a pseudo-governance which is so manipulative that distort the effectiveness of local government and development as well as peoples welfare.

pseudo-governance, governments effectiveness

Local Politics and Decentralization


Public Opinion in the Era of Big Data: A Content Analysis of Online Petition on Public Affairs
Tutik Rachmawati

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Tutik Rachmawati

Parahyangan Catholic University

Public opinions and changes in public opinion is listed as part of external subsystem event that shapes the public policy process (Weible, 2011). However, as an external event, public opinions alone will not be sufficient to lead to a policy change. Elite theory suggest that people are apathetic and ill-informed about public policy and that elites are those who shape mass opinion on policy questions rather than masses shape elite opinion (Dye, 2013). However, the onset of big data offers an immense opportunities for any citizen to voice their opinion. This can only mean that voicing opinion is no longer difficult task thanks to information & communication technology (ICT). This is resulted in the amount of public opinion that might have impact on policy changes. This paper aims at analyzing how public opinions through online petition informs or change public policies. Using data on online petition (mainly through, this paper seek to understand how public opinion particularly on public affairs inform or change policy. From this analysis, conclusion can be drawn on whether the policy making process in Indonesia is significantly shaped by the masses (public) opinion or the elites opinions. The conclusion will reflect how strong big data in Indonesia is able to shaping policy making process (Dye, 2013). Considering the depth and the width of online petition through, this paper will focus on online petition that falls under category of public affairs. Hence, it is most likely that the public opinions will interface with public complaints on public services. As argued by Mudacumura & Morcol (2014), public complaints are normally serve to monitor governments- service delivery, performance and to engage with public officials effectively. To provide stronger evidence on the role of public opinion, the result of the analysis of online petition will be compared to public complaints on public services found in other platforms such as LAPOR!, an online platform created for public complaints and aspirations channel in Indonesia. By comparing these two platforms, the paper will be able to identify whether public opinions or public complaint is better at informing policies.

public opinion, public complaints, public policy

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Reading Symbolic Identity Smear Campaign on Presidential Candidates Billboards in Indonesia-s Post-Truth Era: The 2019 Election
Eva Leiliyanti, Ph.D. ( Lely Rahmawati (

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Eva Leiliyanti

Applied Linguistic Study Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The 2019 election Indonesia can arguably be seen as an intriguing election. Not only is it due to the virulent claim contestation between the presidential candidates- camps – Jokowi-s and Prabowo-s – especially towards the contested versions of the election results based on the real count (the process has not met its end result) and the quick count (Jokowi-s votes outnumbered Prabowo), but that the contestation itself represents the long-drawn-out contention that stemmed from the synthesis as well as cleavage of discursive ideological political strands of Nationalist/Islamic(/-st?). The smear campaign regarding politics of identity (questioning their Islamic credentials, leadership capability and political platforms) propagated by both camps has perennially circulated and proliferated not only since the 2014 Presidential election, but that it also accumulated since the 2012 Gubernatorial election of DKI province. The latter contested the obscure synthesis and/versus polarization of Nationalist/Islamic(-st?) strands represented by the incumbent, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Sino-Indonesian Christian DKIs former Governor, Jokowis Vice Governor) versus Anies baswedan (Indonesian Yemen Descent, Jokowis former Minister of Education and Culture). The aforementioned phenomenon foregrounds the presidential candidates- billboard advertisements. This paper investigates the scopes the presidential candidates- billboards represent the symbolic identity smear campaign in Indonesias post-truth era, deploying social semiotic and language evaluation theories. The preliminary finding demonstrates that from the six billboards investigated (three billboards represent each camp – deploying stratified purposeful sampling), both written and visual texts of the presidential candidates- billboards not only represent the discursive contestation of Nationalist/Islamic(/-st?) strands, but that they also reflects the relativization of each camp-s beliefs through the supremacy of softening messages aiming at short-circuiting the voters- critical, analytical senses (in this case in the form of textual contradiction) in Indonesia-s post-truth era.

the 2019 election Indonesia, the presidential candidates- billboards, social semiotics, language evaluation theory, smear campaign in post truth era.

Political Party and Election


Reconstruction and Transformation of Regional Culture Through Tourism: The case of Bangka Belitung Province
Kazuyo Futaesaku

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Kazuyo Futaesaku

Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University.

My most recent research has focused on the province of Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. This province has been an important global tin mining center since the 18th century, but tin has been depleted in recent years and there is a big demand for new industries to replace tin mining. In recent years, the province has begun to focus on tourism development to replace tin mining, and tourism in the province, especially in Belitung Island, is attracting attention in Indonesia. Although ethnically, the Melayu people are in the majority, other ethnic groups such as Chinese have flowed into the region as tin miners since the Dutch colonial era, which is why this province is a multi-ethnic/multi-cultural area . In this time I will talk about how local government try to develop tourism in this region by using local power. Using Informal interviews and collecting data in Bangka-Belitung islands and Jakarta, I found that the role of central/local government and local residents in tourism there. We can see how local government try to make the region more attractive by seeing some movements such as holding cultural event and supporting local residents with commodities, and so forth. Interestingly there are some differences between Bangka and Belitung regarding to the conditions of tourism development. However, both islands are now trying to use multi-cultural characteristic, like Melayu culture and Chinese Indonesian culture, in each touristic event or spot to show how their province is "unique" and attractive.Also, the mine site itself has the potential to be a regional cultural resource. Recently there are some local residents who struggle to construct a new leisure spot near the tin mine. I believe that these results provide new insight into our understanding into the development of tourism in mining area which have various ethnics in Southeast Asia.

Indonesia, Tourism, Tin mining, Culture

Local Politics and Decentralization


Arenawati, Nikki Prafitri

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Arenawati Arenawati

Public Administration Programm Study
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

ABSTRACT Transformation is a process that can not be avoided when the condition of the organization gets worse in all aspects. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia prior to 2009 experienced worsening conditions in almost every aspect. Impaired employee performance, service performance associated with delayed arrivals and arriving trains, dirty station conditions, adventurous condition of coaches and loco, brokering systems and corporate assets. Therefore, restructuring steps are done by PT. KAI by doing organizational transformation. The most important process in transformation is to change the employees mind set or Reframing. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the reframing process is run by PT. KAI. This research is qualitative research with descriptive method. The primary data source of this research is the leadership of PT. KAI and train passengers. The theory used as a knife analysis in this study is the theory of Goulliart and Kelly (1994) where Reframing is one of the important parts in the transformation, consisting of 3 chromosomes, which get mobilization, create vision, and make measurement instruments. Reframing is done by changing the orientation of the company from orientation to production to service orientation. To mobilize subordinates to change their orientation, socialization, reward and punishment, more leadership style changes in leading by example. Creating a new vision is done by changing the vision and mission, organizational culture, work values and organizational logos. Meanwhile, to measure that the transformation has indicated a condition improvement, a measurement instrument was developed. Measurement instruments are designed to measure overall organizational performance and service performance. The results show that the reframing is well executed, although at the beginning there are many oppositions, but with a firm leadership and willing to go down the field little by little employees who oppose the transformation began to follow the path of transformation.

mind set, transformation, behavior, service performance

Education and Social Change


Mochamad Faizal Rizki

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Mochamad Faizal Rizki

Government Studies Department, Singaperbangsa University

The acceleration of development, population growth and land conversion causes pressure on ecosystems in the northern coastal area of West Java. The ecosystem damage is quite severe experienced by Sedari Village, Cibuaya Subdistrict, which is on the northern coast of Karawang Regency, mangrove forest which is a coastal biodiversity ecosystem and natural fortress from the onslaught of ocean waves (abrasion) is increasingly pressed for its existence. This article aims to analyze and illustrate how the Sedari Village government together with all stakeholders make efforts to implement rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems to prevent the threat of abrasion through governance innovation that includes new types of leadership, technical and management capabilities, the strength of civil society, space for participation

abrasion, mangrove, governance innovation

Sustainable Development Goals



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Bandiyah -

Departmen of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Udayana University

The regional head elections for governors and deputy governors of Bali in 2018 have succeeded in bringing I Wayan Koster and Cokorda Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) as governors and deputy governors of Bali for the period 2018 - 2022. Behind the victories and democratic events the election money politics to get voice support from certain candidate pairs. The political practice is wrapped in customary legality named danapunia. This paper aims to describe how politics and world practices are carried out and legalized using Pierre Bourdieus Habitus Theory perspective (M × H) + T = Practice. Description: M is capital, H is habitus and T is the domain or place. The method used descriptive qualitative by collecting data through in-depth interviews with selected informants. Informants were taken from representatives of the adat village and the auxiliary state of Bawaslu as institutions authorized to oversee election administration. This study produces several analyzes, namely: first, the practice of doxa explains and the world has sacred values, both in the teachings of Hinduism. This value shapes the mental cognition of agents and social structures in legalizing and danapunia in the political arena. Second, the practice of heterodoksa in habitus is presented by Bawaslu as an auxiliary state institution that does not have the power of formal law and the authority to carry out the oversight function of elections. Third, the practice of orthodoxa presented by the intervention of the PDIP political elite in perpetuating and promoting the world. Practices and worlds are supported by economic, cultural and symbolic capital resources carried out by political actors and Bali as the realm of the partial power of PDIP which is also a shaper of political and world practices.

Bali governor general election, Danapunia, Pierre Bourdieu

Political Party and Election



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Wakhyudi Wakhyudi

Pusdiklatwas Pengawasan

The results of the general election (presidential choice and choice of legislative members) in Indonesia on April 17, 2019 are known in a short time through a quick count process. On the one hand, there are differences in attitudes from the two presidential candidates in dealing with quick count results. The average quick count results by several survey institutions place number 01 and 02 presidential candidate pairs with 56% of votes compared to 44%. Pair number 1 presidential and vice presidential candidates responded to the results of the quick count carefully. While the number 02 presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs denied that results and submitted the paired version of the quick count with a range of votes on his party of 62%. On the other hand, political parties contesting the general election have almost no difference in the results of the quick count of votes in the House of Representatives. The quick count results placed PDIP, Gerindra, and Golkar as the majority votes collectors in Senayan. This study aims to examine the differences in attitudes between presidential and vice-presidential candidates number 1 and number 2 on the results of the quick count of presidential and vice-presidential elections. This study also looks at the attitudes of political parties to the results of quick counts of legislative elections. This research is qualitative in nature based on news data in various mass media. The results of the study indicate that the results of the quick count in the presidential election process are more difficult to accept by the losing counts of the quick count version for various reasons, including questioning the credibility of the survey institution. The solution, the process of appointing and financing a quick counting survey institute is carried out by an independent institution. It also a great need to educate pairs of presidential candidates and their supporters about the scientific statistical method of quick count.

reaction, quick count, survey institution.

Political Party and Election


Ahmad Helmy Fuady and Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi

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Research Center for Regional Resources and Center for Political Studies, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

The development of information and communication technology (ICT) not only raises optimism for economic progress, but also concerns for the increasing level of economic inequality due to the technological nature of capital and skill-biased. There is also fear that the digital revolution will harm women workers. This paper aims to analyze (1) What is the relationship between the ICT development and the income received by skilled and unskilled workers? (2) How did women can get benefits from the ICT development? Using data obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics, we conducted a correlation analysis between ICT development index and the average monthly wage of formal workers for eight types of jobs in 34 provinces in Indonesia in the period of 2015-2016. We also did correlation analysis between ICT development index and monthly average net wage for nine employment sectors. Further, we analyzed distribution of women in labor forces to show whether they are benefited or not from the ICT development. This paper shows that ICT development has significant positive correlation with wage rates in four type of jobs (namely (1) Professionals, Technicians and similar workers, (2) Leadership and Management Personnel, (3) Administrative and similar workers, and (4) Sales Workers) and three sectors of employment (namely (1) Finance, Insurance, Building or Land Rental Business, and Company Services, (2) Large Trade, Retail, Restaurants and Hotels, and (3) Buildings), that required high education and skill. It means that the industrial revolution is benefiting skilled workers more than unskilled labor. Interestingly, distribution of women workers in the four type of benefited jobs and the three sector of employment is higher than men. So, although the level of use of technology (internet and mobile phones) among women is still low, Indonesian women in workforces are more benefited from the ICT development, than men.

digital technology, inequality, women in workforces, ICT development index

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Rice Management Mechanism Through Leuit Baduy Local WisdomIn Order Actualizing Food SecurityIn Banten Province
Rena Yulia, Aan Asphianto, Aliyth Prakarsa

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Rena Yulia

Faculty of Law University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The society-s food storage program was allegedly unsuccessful in making food reserves in accordance with the mandate of the food security law. Therefore, a food management mechanism that is suitable for the society in Banten Province is needed. This research was carried out to realize food security in the society of Banten Province through self-sufficiency in agriculture, especially rice. The specific target to be achieved is the establishment of a mechanism for managing rice in Banten Province which can create food security. This study proposes a leuit model in Baduy customary law to be developed in the management of food for residents in Banten Province, the model of the leuit has been proven to make food security for the Baduy-s people themselves. The model is expected to be a policy of the Banten government in actualizing food security in Banten Province. The approach method used in this study is the method of sociological normative law or empirical juridical law. The researcher will examine the Leuit Baduy model to be developed in modern society by also conducting a study of existing community rice barns.

Food Security, Leuit, Food Management

Sustainable Development Goals


Role and Relationship of "Urang Pandai" in Regional Head Elections in West Sumatra, 2005-2015
Hary Efendi, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Kunto Sofianto, and Gusti Asnan

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Hary Efendi

Faculty of Humanities, Andalas University

Changes in the mechanism of regional head elections from a representative system to direct elections gave rise to the dynamics of high political leadership succession in various regions in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra compared to the previous period. If in the old order and the new order, the regional head starting from the governor, regent and mayor are determined by the central government, so since 2005 the head of the region has been determined directly by the people. Along with the change in mechanism, the emergence of the phenomenon of urang pandai in each agenda of regional head elections in West Sumatra. This article describes the involvement and role of "lack of intelligence" in direct regional head elections (Pilkadal) simultaneously governors, regents and mayors in parts of West Sumatra. Starting from Pilkadal 2005, 2010 and 2015. This paper will also analyze the relationship "urang pandai" in Pilkadal. This issue will be explained by a multidimensional approach, especially the branch of political-anthropology. In constructing this writing, it is built through historical methods. The role of "urang pandai" in the elections in West Sumatra was confirmed through various activities. His contribution to Pilkadal can be a spiritual advisor, political advisor and successful team. This is evidenced by the practice he did. Starting from giving guidance, spiritual advice, prayer, tahlilan, even ajimat and mass. Their relationship in Pilkada is more to accumulate social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic, compared to economic capital.

Shamans, local politic, direct election,

Local Politics and Decentralization


Role and Relationship of "Urang Pandai" in Regional Head Elections in West Sumatra, 2005-2015
Hary Efendi, Reiza D. Dienaputra, Kunto Sofianto, and Gusti Asnan

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Hary Efendi

Andalas University, Padang

Changes in the mechanism of regional head elections from a representative system to direct elections gave rise to the dynamics of high political leadership succession in various regions in Indonesia, especially in West Sumatra compared to the previous period. If in the old order and the new order, the regional head starting from the governor, regent and mayor are determined by the central government, so since 2005 the head of the region has been determined directly by the people. Along with the change in mechanism, the emergence of the phenomenon of "urang pandai" in each agenda of regional head elections in West Sumatra. This article describes the involvement and role of "lack of intelligence" in direct regional head elections (Pilkadal) simultaneously governors, regents and mayors in parts of West Sumatra. Starting from Pilkadal 2005, 2010 and 2015. This paper will also analyze the relationship "urang pandai" in Pilkadal. This issue will be explained by a multidimensional approach, especially the branch of political-anthropology. In constructing this writing, it is built through historical methods. The role of "urang pandai" in the elections in West Sumatra was confirmed through various activities. His contribution to Pilkadal can be a spiritual advisor, political advisor and successful team. This is evidenced by the practice he did. Starting from giving guidance, spiritual advice, prayer, tahlilan, even ajimat and mass. Their relationship in Pilkada is more to accumulate social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic, compared to economic capital.

urang pandai, local politic, direct election,

Local Politics and Decentralization


Rural-urban linkage and the development of regional government capacity building in coping with water crisis: a comparative analysis of disaster-prone areas in Indonesia, South Africa and South Australia
Ida Widianingsih, Riswanda, Caroline Paskarina

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Riswanda Ph.D

Pascasarjana Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Padjadjaran
Pascasarjana Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran

Environmental change seems to have resulted in water insecurity related issue in many areas globally (Bostrom, 2011). Flood disaster in India, United States, Turk and Indonesia cost people their life along with economic burden (McIntyre-Mills, 2018). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (2014) notes global environmental change might lead people living in rural areas to move in to cities, whilst urban water insecurity issues affect the life chances of women, children and vulnerable groups (Figueres 2015). A similar interdisciplinary research by Darian-Smith and McCarty (2017) argues that development perspectives ought to place rural and urban areas in a bonded entity as an integrated development approach. The integrated approach is in line with the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development, which underlines community resilience of those living in disaster-prone areas and refugee centres. This study keys in policy making and governance addressing Paris Climate Change Agreement (2015), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2014) and United Nations Seandai Framework (2015-2030). The research is in harmony with the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 5 and 17, namely eradicating poverty in terms of water crisis, mainstreaming gender and building network with respect to protecting the vulnerable. Likewise, the research argues for inclusive decision making as to The United Nations Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). This study is making the case to: 1) analise the complexity of needs of the vulnerable community groups concerning water insecurity; 2) Emphasise local government and community networks in the matter of understanding, monitoring and evaluating sustainable rural-urban development based on local wisdom (Nussbaum, 2011, Sen, 2005, Yap and Yu, 2016; 3) create community resilence by ways of analysing the dynamics of policy so as to address why and how all stakeholders could provide trust in government. The Participatory Action Research is collaborating Australian, Indonesian and South African scholars funded by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

Water, Security, Participatory, Sustainable

Sustainable Development Goals


Sandiaga Unos Personal Branding in the Middle of Indonesian Millennial Generation
Fitria Santi(a*), Abdul Basit (a), Muljadi (b)

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Abdul Basit

(a) Communication Science Study Program
UniversitasMuhammadiyah Tangerang
Tangerang, Banten- Indonesia
(a) Communication Science Study Program
UniversitasMuhammadiyah Tangerang
Tangerang, Banten- Indonesia
(b) Management Study Program
UniversitasMuhammadiyah Tangerang
Tangerang, Banten- Indonesia

This study aims to find out how the personal branding of Sandiaga Uno in approaching Indonesian millenial generation in the 2019 Presidential Election. In this research, the personal branding aspects studied were focused on three aspects of personal branding: self-identification, political products, and positioning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study and uses content analysis as a data analysis technique. The results of the study show that the values that become attributes of self-identification Sandiaga Uno are risk taking and the ability to build teamwork. To support the spirit of the millennial generation, most of whom enjoy the world of entrepreneurship, the OK OCE Program is one of Sandiagas political products for millennial generation. These values and ideas are further supported by appearance of Sandiaga who tends to be stylish both in formal and informal settings. Sandiagas stylish appearance was also supported by his habit of never leaving sports activities so that his sporty appearance was not easily forgotten by the public.

Personal branding, Indonesian millennial generation, 2019 presidential election, Sandiaga Uno

Education and Social Change


Securing Daily Flows in Contemporary Jakarta: Micro-Politics of Portals in Residential Areas
Genta Kuno

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Genta Kuno

Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Portal, the semi-permanent gate that usually closes at night is an object can be found in the corner of almost any kind of residential streets in Jakarta. One of the characteristics of these gates is that they proliferate in wealthy as well as poor neighborhoods. Although only a few have paid attention to the existence of the practice of gating itself in the city (Kim, 2002; Simone, 2014), indiscriminate spread of security zone in an urban setting is said to be caused by an increase in sense of insecurity that does not recognize class (Blakely and Snyder, 1995; Hishiyama, 2010), and particularly in Jakarta, riot in May 1998 is assumed as the trigger of the emergence of this fortress spatial patterns in all over the city (Colombijn, 2016 p. 15; Kim, 2002; Taddie, 2009). However, the emergence and the initiative behind this practice is still unclear in many aspects especially since such observation failed to recognize that the practice of gating is also closely related to neighborhood associations (RT/RW) that spread universally as a lowest administrative unit and may exercise informal authority over the matter of local security in their territories. This paper tries to shed a light on the hitherto unclarified trajectory of the proliferation of the Portals, which also predicated upon two distinctive yet parallel socio-political transformation in grassroots level, namely 1). the decentralization of local security that enable the dynamic formation of alley-level authority, and 2). the intensification of daily transportation in the city that bring the disruptive material and immaterial flows into residential realm.

Transportation, Urban Gating, Community, Portals, Local Security

Local Politics and Decentralization


Smart City E-Leadership Model: Comparative in Tangerang City and Cilegon City
Anis Fuad, Shanty Kartika Dewi

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Anis Fuad

Government Studies Department, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

This research is motivated by the high level of government innovation by introducing the application of Smart City in almost All Regency and Municipalities in Banten. In some cities in Banten Province, Tangerang City and Cilegon City are two regions that are ready to run smart cities and are preparing smart cities. One aspect that influences the successful implementation of Smart City is e-leadership. This study compares the ability and quality of the e-leadership of the two cities in adopting Smart City. This study uses a mixed method to explore data to construct an e-leadership model in implementing Smart City policies in Tangerang City and Cilegon City

Smart City, e-leadership, Comparative

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Social Content Developed as Campaigning Strategies: A view on 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election
Rendy A. Prasetya

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Rendy Ananta Prasetya

(a) Center for Social Network Analysis / Pusat Analisis Jaringan Sosial (PAJS)

Today, technological developments have made information from any part of the world acceptable in seconds, across geographical boundaries, allowing interaction and strengthening of social relations to occur without having to be face to face, as if folding the dimensions of space and time. Stories can penetrate regional / geographical dimensions, countries, social groups, various social backgrounds, institutions, attributes and categories of individuals. Access to information that was so rapidly through television, radio, newspapers, the internet and social media brought the distance that had felt far becoming closer, especially with the development of mobile / smartphone technology. It also enhances the political campaign which use multiple digital platforms as instruments. This paper examines campaign strategies used by politicians on the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Elections. How social content developed by campaign stakeholders from both contenders to gain social masses of support. The content maintained by each dyadic relationship through social network and manifested in online platforms. The study uses Social Network Analysis as a frame of reference, specifically qualitative studies (Anthropology of Social Network) on both dimension (online and Offline / fieldwork study). Data gathered by an in-depth interview, focus group discussion, snowball technique and ego centric network model. The study emphasizes on the social content developed by multi network which captured in multiple existing network within the society.

technological development, Indonesias Election, social network, qualitative

Digital Governance and Citizenship


Social Engineering Model for Empowering the Poor in the Border Areas of Pandeglang Regency and Serang Regency
Agus Sjafari. Kandung Sapto Nugroho

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Agus Sjafari

Public Administration Department, Social and Political Faculty, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

This research basically aims to formulate a social engineering model for empowering the poor in the border areas of Pandeglang Regency which borders on Serang Regency. The research area, 2 Subdistricts are planned to be located in the border region namely Cadasari Subdistrict, Ciinjuk Village because it has the characteristics of a border area with the highest poverty rate of 26.70 and the highest Gini ratio of 0.32 and Carita District Sukanagara Village was chosen because it has the characteristics of border areas and coastal areas with an average poverty rate of 8.27 and a Gini ratio of 6.18. Based on the concept of poverty (causes, measures of poverty and dimensions of poverty), the concept of community empowerment, the concept of education, the concept of public health, infrastructure development, the concept of purchasing power and the concept of village potential, researchers sought to analyze these concepts and formulate engineering models the right social empowerment in eradicating poverty in the border region is seen from the point of view of education, health, purchasing power and infrastructure. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The technique of collecting data uses in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. While the data analysis uses qualitative methods supported by quantitative data. The informants interviewed were divided into two large groups, namely government representatives consisting of local government organizations (OPD) related to poverty eradication and community representatives. This research focuses on areas that have links as causes of poverty and potentially generate the appropriate empowerment models for the community, namely, education, health, purchasing power, and infrastructure. Through this research, it is expected to be used as a model for other regions where the poverty level of the people is still high so that it is expected to reduce the poverty rate in Banten Province, especially in Pandeglang Regency. The results of this research explained that the social engineering model of empowering the poor began with the policies and implementation of the central and regional governments through the relevant agencies to develop various infrastructure facilities which included: 1) educational facilities; 2) health facilities; 3) means of transportation; 4) economic facilities and 5) settlement facilities, which begin with the process of identifying problems, community needs, supporting local natural conditions, assessing feasibility, and finally the development actions, then monitoring and maintenance of infrastructure facilities together with the community and village officials. has been built in a sustainable manner.

Empowering the Poor, Social Engineering Model

Sustainable Development Goals


Social Mapping of Conflict in the Governance of Production Forests in Dharmasraya District, West Sumatra
Abdul Mutolib (a*) and Yonariza (b)

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Abdul Mutolib

a) University of Lampung
*corresonding author: amutolib24[at]

b) University of Andalas

In the last two decades the rate of deforestation in the Kesatun Pengelolaan Hutan Produksi (Production Forest Management Unit of Dharmasraya/ PFMU Dhrmasraya) is very high. Forest cover has been reduced from 90 percent to 15 percent between 2000 and 2018 in the area of 33,000 ha. This study aims to identify the causes of deforestation and map those who play a role in deforestation in the PFMU Dharmasraya region. The research was conducted in the PFMU Dharmasraya, West Sumatra from January 2015 to August 2017. This research used a qualitative research approach with multiple cases method. Data collection techniques were used includes in-depth interview, field observation, documentation, and secondary data analysis. Informants were identified using snowball sampling. Data analyzed with qualitative methods. The study found that deforestation begun since the concession was given to PT. Ragusa with the area of 66,000 ha in 1972, industrial forest concession (HTI) PT. Inhutani of 40,000 ha in 2002, and forest conversion through large scale plantation which started in 1986 covering 19,966 ha. After the end of timber concession in 2002, there was a vacuum condition of forest management by HTI license holders. The vacuum of forest management leads to deforestation initiated by local communities. Deforestation is caused by forest clearing into plantations by local communities who claims the forests as customary community land. Deforestation is supported by the process of buying and selling of communal land by local people to other parties. Generally, there are four actors who have a role in deforestation, including local people, non-local, government and private actors. They are classified as ulayat land sellers, buyers, and supporters. The four actors have created a social network of deforestation and using the customary structures to gain the recognition of forests ownership.

concession, deforestation, customary land, local people

Conflict and Reconciliation


Social Media in the Public Sphere, Network Society, and Political Branding
1st Naufal Aufa Afaf, 2nd Abdul Basit, 3rd Adie Dwiyanto Nurlukman, 4th Eko Wahyono, 5th Yusuf Fadli

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Naufal Aufa Afaf

Communication Science Study Program
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Abstract— The digital era enlivened by the growth of various social media platforms has become a distinction in the course of democracy today. Social media has implications for the creation of new discourses on the public sphere, network society, and political branding, which in the previous era only touched the off-line world, now transforming towards online. The active involvement of a candidate in the dynamics that occur in the digital world is believed to provide electoral incentives at the end of the fight. The electability of a politician in electoral contestation is also determined by the success of carrying out political branding through a network society formed in the world of social media. One of the forms of political branding on social media is through the hashtag war between candidates who fight. This study aims to see the extent to which social media forms the formation of network society and political branding through

Social media, democracy, Network Society, Political Branding

Political Party and Election


Dasman Lanin, Hasbullah Malau

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Dasman Lanin

Univeristas Negeri Padang

The implementation of Decentralization practices in Indonesia allows the application of a system of government based on indigenous to be applied at the level of the Village government or Indigenous Village government. This study aims to analyze the model of strengthening traditional values that are still maintained and used in the administration of Indigenous Village government referring to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in the Nagari government based on local wisdom in West Sumatra. The design of this study were using descriptive qualitative with a case study method. Informants were determined by using a purposive technique on four research objects, namely Nagari Kapau, Nagari Minangkabau, Nagari Mahakarya and Nagari Anduring in West Sumatra Province. Data collection was carried out by using observations, in-depth interviews, documentation studies and continued with Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Checking the validity of the data in this study was carried out using data triangulation techniques. The results of the study prove that customary values that are still maintained and used in the administration of village / Nagari governance in West Sumatra include (1) Decision-making based on the principle of bottom-up and top down; (2) Matrilineal (maternal bloodline) is made as one of the heirs in the possession of inheritance and tribes in Minangkabau; (3) Sako pusako, Ninik Mamak as the owner of the Nagari has made customary rules that have been institutionalized; (4) Especially Nagari Kapau, Nagari residents have genealogy that has institutionalized blood ties in the administration of the nagari government. The implication of this research is the accommodation of the application of customary values (Local Wisdom) as the application of local wisdom to the Administration of Nagari Government

Strengthening Values, Local wisdom, Village and Government of Nagari

Local Politics and Decentralization


Juliannes Cadith, Farhan

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Juliannes Cadith

Public Administration Department, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University

State budget planning has undergone many developments and changes according to the dynamics of public sector management and the demands that arise in the community. Therefore, currently a performance-based budget system has been developed. Work performance-based budgeting is based on performance achievements, performance indicators, standard expenditure analysis, standard unit prices and minimum service standards. The Analysis of Expenditure Standards (ASB) is a standard used to analyze the workload or cost of each program or activity to be carried out by a work unit in one budget year. This study uses Secondary data used in the form of Budget Realization in 2012, 2013 and 2014 from 28 sub-districts in Lebak Regency and then verified / clarified with FGD (Focussed Group Disscussion). The ASB preparation for the sub-districts in Lebak Regency carried out in this research was done in the following stages: Inventory, Accounting, Classification, Clarification, Formulation and Due Deligent.

Budget Planning, cost standard analysis

Local Politics and Decentralization


Bambang Dwi Suseno

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Bambang Dwi Suseno

STIE Banten/Banten Business School

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to (1) analyze regional dynamic influence to AEC; (2) empirically test regional dynamic influence on citizenship engagement; (3) analyze regional dynamic influence on risk of conflict; (4) analyze the influence of risk conflict on AEC performance; (6) empirically analyze the influence of citizenship engagement on AEC performance. As a framework to discuss the research problems, this study proposes the novelty of Citizenship Engagement Quality. Respondents in this study are the students in 10 ASEAN countries. Respondents in this study are 881 samples that answer the questions. Based on sex, the highest frequency is male with 556 respondents (63.1%) and female with 325 respondents (36.9%). Based on their status, the majority of the respondents are studying in undergraduate program with 765 respondents (86.8%) and postgraduate program as 116 respondents (13.2%). Structural Equation Modeling is used in this study as data analyses tool by using IBM AMOS version 22.0. The result from empirical model testing hypothesis testing shows that correlative estimation value among latent variables (Regional dynamics, Citizen Engagement Quality, Risk of Conflict and ASEAN Economic Community Performance) has significant correlative value. Critical ratio (CR) value is >1.96 and p-value is <0.05.

regional dynamics, citizenship engagement quality, risk of conflict and Asean economic community performance

Education and Social Change


The Concept of Ethics in Leadership According to Imam Al-Ghazali Thought
Zahratul Idami and Andriansyah

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Zahratul Idami

Department of Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia;
*Corresponding author: zahratulidami_isa[at] and andrian22[at]

Ethics in Leadership are an evolving and important subject to research in the Islamic political studies. This is because ethics in leadership are one of the foundations that deciding the value of good or bad. Many Muslim scholars who have poured his idea to build the concept of ethics in leadership that gives the benefit and happiness in this world and hereafter. Imam al-Ghazali is one of the scholars who has written works on ethics in leadership. His idea of ethics in leadership is built on a solid foundation and has a typical Sufi moral. His Thoughts on ethics in leadership has become a reference and an important example for many leaders in the world until today. This research is library research with the research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the concept of ethics in leadership by Imam al-Ghazali oriented to the impact of the soul in the pursuit of happiness in this world and hereafter. Ethics in the thinking of Imam al-Ghazali described as rational and religious science that should be combined in the leadership. The idea of ethics in leadership was not similar to the dominant secular ethics. The requirement to be a leader according to Imam al-Ghazali is focused on aspects of the character and integrity of a leader. The essence is, ethics in leadership should be the path to apply Gods law in order to create balance in the world toward eternal happiness in the afterlife.

Keywords: Ethics, Leadership, Imam al-Ghazali, Political Sciences

Education and Social Change


The Construction Context of Indonesian Identity in Germany
Nia Kania Kurniawati

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Nia Kania Kurniawati

University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

This paper aims to reveal the motives, experiences, meanings of the diaspora in Germany. The focus of this paper focuses on (1) Motives for diaspora-s communication in Germany in the Construction Context of Identity (2) The Experience of Diaspora Communication in Germany in the Context of Social Values and Trust 3) Diasporas in Germany interpret cross-cultural communication (4) How the Diaspora Confidence in Communicating in Germany-s views. This paper uses a qualitative approach. Data collection and observation are conducted by in-depth interviews and following the activities of the subject of paper in daily life in Germany. Review documents, in the form of diaries and video documentation and photo documents. In this paper the researcher uses the foundation of phenomenology theory of Alfred Schutz, to explain the experience of the Diaspora in Germany in the context of social values and beliefs, social relational construction theory, to explain the Diaspora communicating motives in Germany, identity negotiation theory (Toomey, 1999) to explain meaning their association with Germans. The model produced in this paper is the Construction Model of the Diaspora Meanings in Germany concerning itself and about the diaspora. Which explains about the identity of the Diaspora to the establishment of cross-cultural communication in Germany. The results of this study are as follows (1) Diaspora communication motives in Germany, among them are a strong desire to learn German, as an effort to adjust in Germany (2) Communication Experience of Diasporas in Germany includes interactions with families, work colleagues and people Germany in a variety of social and community activities, as well as activities in organizations (3) The meaning of self as the German Diaspora, means that the Diaspora is limited to work, which will someday return to his native land.

Diaspora, Germany, Cultural Identity, Cross-Cultural Communication

Digital Governance and Citizenship


The current Identity of Indonesian Pesantren (Islamic boarding) School
Dr. Akhmad Nurul KAWAKIP, M.A, M.Pd

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UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang East Java

Abstract Keywords: Political change, Identity, legal framework The paper will focus on the current identity of Pesantren educational system. It has been the belief that the changing political circumstances have had a significant impact on the educational reform on Indonesian educational system, including legal framework for Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) educational system. In other words, within political change during president Jokowi regime opened a political opportunity for civil society group, to express their political, social and educational ideal more openly. This study indicates that in the president Jokowi era, the Indonesian government has made an effort to develop and pays more attention to pesantren educational system. By using to the cultural-intellectual history and the social constructionist perspective, it seems an educational system is not something taken for granted; it is constructed by certain political condition to develop the education system as an integral, reciprocal of the whole system which based on shared values. The implications of political condition are important because they contribute to construct legal framework and stability of educational performance of pesantren as an educational system.

Keywords: Political change, Identity, legal framework

Education and Social Change


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