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The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan |

Page 11 (data 301 to 330 of 357) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Dimyati(*), Ashadi, Hariyanto

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Dimyati Dimyati

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of journal writing training on the attitudes and self efficacy of Postgraduate Masters (PPs) students at Yogyakarta State University (UNY) in writing scientific publications in the form of journal articles as a graduation requirement. The method used to achieve the objectives of this research is restrospective causal-comparative design or ex-post facto research (Gay and Airasian, 2011). The population in this study were students of the UNY Postgraduate Masters program. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling, with 304 students from 14 Study Programs. Self-efficacy instruments with reliability (0.802) and validity (0.320 - 0.712), while the attitude instruments with reliability (0.895) and validity (0.248 - 0.843). The data analysis technique uses Regression followed by Anova. The results of the study showed that: (1) participation in journal writing training significantly affected the attitudes and facilitation of the students of the Postgraduate Program of the UNY Postgraduate Program that they were able to write scientific publications in the form of Journal articles as graduation requirements. Even being able to contribute effectively reaches 35%. However, the positive attitude of the students of the Postgraduate Program at UNY did not affect their ability to write journals as a graduation requirement.

Attitude, self efficacy, training in journal writing, students

Education and Research Global Issue


The Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in 1 State High School Secanggang
M. Irwan Syahputra

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M. Irwan Syahputra

State University of Medan

The implementation of the curriculum is expected to improve the quality of education. Meanwhile some difficulties could be happened in learning process. This research is conducted in order to know what are difficultier of implementation of curriculum 2013 in 1 state high school Secanggang. This research was used qualitative method research. Data was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation of activities. The objects of this research were teachers of 1 state high school Secanggang. Based on the results of the research gained that the difficulties in the implementation of curriculum 2013 are sourced in three aspects, namely the difficulties that are sourced from the government, from the institution (school) and from the teacher itself. Government-sourced difficulties are the lack of training and supervision of implementation of curriculum 2013. The difficulties that are sourced from institutions are the facilities of schools such as science laboratories, language laboratories, classrooms and others that are inadequate for learning practices. Other sources such as libraries are also inadequate. While the difficulties sourced from teachers are in terms of teacher readiness to study, teachers are still confused in the preparation of material that does not know the direction and difficulty of coordination between teachers in teaching materials. In addition, the assessment printing is considered too much so that the teacher should work more extra in filling the value.

Implementation, curriculum, and difficulty

Education and Research Global Issue


The Implementation of School Literacy Movement at Elementary Schools in Medan
Khalida Mustika Selian, Abdurahman Adisaputera, Edward Purba

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Khalida Mustika Selian

Basic Education of Postgraduate School State University of Medan

The purpose of this study was to describe (a) the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in basic literacy practices in the high class of Medan City elementary school and (b) the development of the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in the Medan high school. The population of this study were all implementers of the School Literacy Movement and the respondents were principals, teachers, and students who were in the high class (VI, V, and VI) scattered in 18 public elementary schools in the Medan City area with Cluster techniques. Random sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The data analysis technique is done by describing the collected data as it is and using descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in basic literacy practices in the high class elementary school in Medan City has not been carried out optimally as seen from: (1) the reading stage is 15 minutes before reading learning activities begin, (2) which includes the school library, the reading corners in each class, the reading area, the text-rich environment. The development of the implementation of the School Literacy in the high class elementary school in Medan City from six schools which became the sample, one school developed at the habituation stage with good criteria, namely SDN 064036 Medan. While the four schools developed at the stage of habituation with poor criteria, namely SDN 060809 Medan, SDN 064956 Medan, SDN 060807 Medan, SDN 060813 Medan. The last school was stopped in the implementation of school literacy movement because it did not meet all the criteria, namely SDN 060810. It was stated that school literacy movement at SDN 060810 did not develop. Thus, the implementation of school literacy movement in the high class elementary school in the city of Medan is still at the stage of habituation and develops not yet maximal and stated in the category is not good.

school literacy movement

Education and Research Global Issue


The Increasing of Students Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability and Self Efficacy through Problem Based Learning in Junior High School of Dwitunggal Tanjung Morawa
Yunita Sari1, Edy Surya2, Asmin3

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Yunita Sari

Postgraduate Mathematics Education Study Program
State University of Medan
Medan, Indonesia
e-mail: yunitas48[at]

The Purpose of this research is to analyze: (1) the increase in students mathematics critical thinking ability using problem based learning higher than students mathematics critical thinking ability using regular learning, (2) the increase in students self efficacy using problem based learning higher than students self efficacy using regular learning, (3) interaction between students mathematics ability (high, medium, low) and learning to increase students mathematics critical thinking ability, (4) interaction between students mathematics ability (high, medium, low) and learning to increase students self efficacy. This type of research is a quasi experimental research. The population of this research is all students in Junior High School of Dwitunggal Tanjung Morawa. Then students in VII-1 is choosen as the experimental class and students in class VII-2 is choosen as a control class by using purposive sampling technique. The data in this study were analyzed using Two Ways ANOVA and Scheffe Method. The result of this research are: (1) The increasing of students mathematics critical thinking ability using problem based learning is higher than regular learning; (2) The increasing of students self efficacy using problem based learning is higher than regular learning; (3) There is no interaction between mathematical prerequisite ability and learning on students mathematics critical thinking ability; (4) There is no interaction between mathematical prerequisite ability and learning on students self efficacy.

Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability, Self Efficacy, Problem Based Learning

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


The Increasing of Students Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability through Problem Based Learning
Yunita Sari(a*), Edy Surya(b), Asmin(b)

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Yunita Sari

a) Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
b) Lecturer in Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Critical thinking is a part of higher order thinking ability that require students to develop the process of analyzing or evaluating information on a problem based on logical thinking to determine decissions. But the fact in learning mathemathics, this ability is still not developed well, so that the aplication of problem based learning is expected to be a solution to increase students mathematics critical thinking ability. The purpose of this study is to identity the increasing of students mathematics critical thinking ability as an impact of problem based learning approach. This study was an quasi experimental research. The population of this research is all students in Junior High School of Dwitunggal Tanjung Morawa. The students in VII-1 is choosen as the experimental class and students in VII-2 is choosen as the control class by purposive sampling technique. The data in this study were analyzed using Two Ways ANOVA. The result of this research are the increasing of students mathematics critical thinking ability using problem based learning is higher than regular learning and there is no interaction between mathematics prerequsite ability and learning on students mathematics critical thinking ability.

Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability, Problem Based Learning

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


The Influence of Contextual-Inquiry Based Worksheet in Water Microbiology Material for Students Scientific Process Skills in FMIPA UNIMED.
Diah Kesumawati, Hasruddin, Mufti Sudibyo

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Diah Kesumawati

Biology Department
Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of contextual-inquiry based worksheets on students scientific process skills in the sixth semester of biology education undergraduate students in FMIPA UNIMED. This study used a quasi-experimental method with one dependent variable with 3 (three) classes as sample which are determined by random class. Regular class A got the treatment of applying contextual inquiry worksheets, Extension class A got the treatment of applying PBMP worksheets (empowering thinking through questions), Extension class B (control) got treatment for applying conventional worksheets. The research instrument was a list of description questions to test scientific process skills. Data analysis techniques used covariate analysis (ANACOVA) at a significant level a = 0.05 with SPSS 23 for Windows. The results showed that there was a significant effect of among the scientific process skill results, namely inquiry-based worksheets, contextual PBMP, conventional on with F = 4.364, P = 0.016. The results of this study stated that contextual inquiry worksheets can improve students scientific process skills.

Scientific Process Skills, Microbiology, Student Worksheet, Contextual Inquiry

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of Cooperative Learning Learning Models Type of Group Investigations (GI) and Science Process Skills (KPS) on Learning Outcomes of Style Material in Class V of SD Nasrani 2 Medan TP. 2018/2019
Simamora, Monang Tua, Prof.,Dr.,Mara Bangun Harahap, Dr. Sondang R. Manurung.,M.Pd

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Basic Educations Study: Program Postgraduate School. State University Of Medan Program

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Cooperative Learning learning models in Group Investigations (GI) and process science (KPS) skills on learning outcomes. The study was conducted in the even semester of the academic year 2018/2019, at the elementary school of the 2nd Christian Private Elementary School in Medan. The samples in this study were Class Va and Vb which amounted to 50 students, who were given learning using the Cooperative Learning method in the Type of Group Investigations (GI) and Science Process Skills (KPS). This type of research is quasi experiment because the class used has been formed before. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis of Ancova with the help of the Mc program. Ecxel and SPSS 20. Based on the analysis and findings of researchers from the field some of the conclusions are the answers to the questions on the formulation of the problem, including the results of the average value obtained in the class that implements the model of high-GI l ore at 19.7% from the control class , F count > obtained from F table namely 5.9> 4.1 so that there is a significant difference between the results of learning style classroom use you learning models Cooperative Learning Group Type Investigations (GI) by using conventional models, obtained F count > from F table that is 6.02> 4.1 so that there is a significant difference in Style learning outcomes between students who have high Science Process Skills (KPS) and students who have low Science Process Skills (KPS), and it is found that the calculated value is 0.057> than 0.05 with a calculated F value of 3.029 so that there is no interaction between Science Process Skills (KPS) and Cooperative Learning Type Type Investigations (GI) Models

Science Process Skills (KPS), Cooperative Learning Learning Models Type Group Investigations (GI)

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of Cooperative Learning Models and Talent of Space Relations To Learning Drawing Techniques for Class X Students in Vocational High School
Dian Ariana, Abdul Hamid K , Mukhtar,Maria Ulfa

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Dian Ariana

State University of Medan and Samudra University

This study aims to find out: (1) Results of learning to draw techniques students taught by the Jigsaw learning model higher than the STAD learning model. (2) Results learning outcomes of Drawing Technique students who have a talent for high space relationships are higher than the results of Drawing learning Techniques that have low spatial relationship talent (3) Are there interactions between learning models and talents of space relations to students learning outcomes in Drawing Engineering. This study was conducted on students State Vocatioan High School 2 Langsa and students of Karang Baru State Vocational School, Aceh Tamiang Regency, class X Even Semester Academic Year 2019/2020. The technique sampling was used with Cluster Random Sampling based on each students that consisting of 25 people for the first experimental class and 25 people for the second experimental group. The research method used was quasi-experimental with factorial 2x2. The analysis technique used was the analysis of two-way variance with a significant level of &

Learning Model, Talent Space Relations and Learning Drawing Techniques.

Vocational Education and Educational Technology


The Influence of Cooperative Learning Type of Group Investigation Based on Science Process Skills Model and Motivation Againts Science Learning Outcomes of Students in Class IV Public Elementary Schools 060827 Medan Amplas District 2018/2019
Methasya Utami (1), Retno Dwi Suyanti (2), Syarifuddin (3)

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Methasya Utami

Postgraduate Student Universitas Negeri Medan

The aim of this study was to find out : (1) Student learning outcomes of cooperative learning type of group investigation based on the science process skills model were higher than direct instruction learning model. (2) Science learning outcomes of students who had high motivation were better than students who had low motivation. (3) There were interaction between learning models and learning motivation influenced learning outcomes. This study used a quasi experimental method. The sample consists of two classes, class IVA amounts 34 students treated cooperative learning type of group investigation based on science process skills model (experimental group) and class IVB amounts 33 students treated direct instruction model (control group). The instruments were multiple choice tests and learning motivation questionnaire. This study used factorial 2 x 2 design with 2 lane ANAVA technique. The results showed that : (1) Science student learning outcomes treated cooperative learning type of group investigation based on science process skills model were higher than students treated direct instruction model.Sig. 0,000 < 0,005. (2) Science learning outcomes of students who had high motivation were better than students who had low motivation. Sig. 0,000 < 0,005. (3) There was interactions between learning models with learning motivation in influencing learning outcomes shown. Sig. 0,000 < 0,05.

Cooperative Learning GI based on Science Process Skills, Direct Instruction, Learning Motivation, Learning Outcomes

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of Intelligence on Lecturers Performance in Private Universities , Medan City, Indonesia
Nur Aisyah; Biner Ambarita; Abdul Muin Sibuea

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Nur Aisyah

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study discusses about how lecturer intelligence can influence their perfomance. This research is a study that uses numerical numbers and changes feed approach to quantitative methods, with descriptive research. This research is conducted in Medan city. This study examines the performance of lecturers in private universities represented by universities that have lecturers of foundations with a long category of founding universities over 10 years namely: (1) Islamic University of North Sumatra (UISU); (2) Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra (UMSU); (3) Muslim Nusantara University (UMN); (4) Nomensen University; (5) Indonesian Methodist University (UMI); (6) Catholic University of Santo Thomas. The result shows that Cognitive abilities tend to be high 53.33%. The average value of the overall cognitive abilities of lecturers in private universities in Medan is 81.92. Cognitive ability directly influences the performance of permanent lecturers in private universities in Medan.

influence; intelligence; lecturer perfomance; private university, Medan; Indonesia

Economics, Business and Management Education


1*Hanafiah, 2* Biner Ambarita & 3*Paningkat Siburian

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hanafiah hanafiah

State University of Medan (Unimed), Indonesia

This study deals with the Leadership Behavior, Work Motivation, Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction on Lecturers Performance. The research aims: 1) to find out the influence of leadership behavior (X1) on the work stress of lecturers (X3); 2) to know the effect of work motivation (X2) on the work stress of the lecturer (X3); 3) to know the effect of work motivation (X2) on lecturer job satisfaction (X4); 4) to reveal the influence of leadership behavior (X1) on lecturer performance (X5); 5) the effect of work motivation (X2) on lecturer performance (X5); 6) to reveal the effect of job satisfaction (X4) on lecturer performance (X5);. There are 186 lectures at Langsa became subjects of this research. The research instrument that used is closed questionnaire. The data analysis done through descriptive analysis and inferential Path Analysis. The result found: Work motivation has a positive effect on lecturer performance through job satisfaction with a path coefficient value of 0.0726. Job stress has a negative effect on lecturer performance through job satisfaction with the path coefficient value of -0.0016. It can be concluded that to improve the performance of lecturers can be done through efforts; (1) improvement of leadership behavior; (2) increase work motivation; (3) management of work stress; and (4) increasing job satisfaction.

leadership behavior, work motivation, job stress, job satisfaction, lecturers performance

Educational Policy and Administration Education


The Influence of Leadership Style Principal, Incentives, Motivation Teacher Working to Work Commitment of Langsa City High School Teachers
Firza Syafriesti (a*), Sri Milfayetty (b), Rosmala Dewi (b)

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Firza Syafriesti

Educational Administration Study Program, Postgraduate UNIMED

This study aims to find out:: (1) the influence of the principal leadership style on the work motivation of teacher, (2) the influence of incentives on work motivation of teacher, (3) the influence of the principal leadership style on teacher work commitment, (4) the influence of incentives on teacher work commitment, and (5) the influence of teacher work motivation on teacher work commitment. This study used quantitative research methods. The research model used is the path analysis. The population in this study were all the Teachers of High School in Langsa City are 285 teachers. The research sampling technique was carried out by proportional random sampling, using Harry King Nomogram, obtained a sample of 163 teachers. Data collection techniques were carried out using a closed answer questionnaire instrument with a four options. The results of the data analysis show that the data obtained Normal distribution, and Linear between the study variables. The results of the study show that: (1) the principal leadership style directly positive influence on teacher work motivation, (2) the incentives directly positive influence on teacher work motivation, (3) the principal leadership style directly positive influence on teacher work commitment, (4) the incentives directly positive influence on teacher work commitment, and (5) teacher work motivation directly positive influence on teacher work commitment. To improve teacher work commitment of Langsa City High School can be done by increasing the Principal Leadership Style, Incentives, and Teacher Work Motivation

Influence, Principal Leadership Style, Incentives, Teacher Work Motivation, and Teacher Work Commitment

Educational Policy and Administration Education


The Influence of Locus of Control, Work Environment, and Innovative Behavior on Teachers Work Commitments in SMP Negeri in Pakpak Bharat District
Leo Sartika Pasaribu (a*), Sukarman Purba (b), Wanapri Pangaribuan (c)

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This study aims to determine the effect of locus of control on innovative behavior, the influence of the work environment on innovative behavior, the influence of locus of control on work commitment, the influence of the work environment on work commitment and the influence of innovative behavior on teachers work commitment of SMP Negeri In Pakpak Bharat District. This study used path analysis with 161 teachers as research respondents. The sampling technique using Proportional Random Sampling. Before testing the hypothesis, the analysis requirements are tested first, namely research data with a normal distribution and the relationship between variables indicates linear. Data collection is obtained through questionnaires. The results of the research show that locus of control has a positive direct effect on innovative behavior. The work environment has a positive direct effect on innovative behavior. Locus of control has a positive direct effect on work commitment, the work environment has a positive direct effect on work commitment, and innovative behavior has a direct positive effect on work commitment. Based on the research findings, the greatest influence on work commitment is locus of control, work environment and innovative behavior. To increase the work commitment of teachers SMP Negeri in Pakpak Bharat District, it can be done by increasing locus of control, work environment, and innovative behavior.

Locus of Control, Work Environment, Innovative Behavior, Work Commitment

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of Organizational Culture, Conflict Management, Prosedural Justice and Satisfaction in Jobs on Lecturer s Normative Commitment at Christian Theological Colleges in North Sumatra
Betty Arli Sonti Pakpahan, Belferik Manullang, Siman Nurhadi

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Betty Arli Sonti Pakpahan

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to determine the influence of organizational culture, conflict management, procedural justice, and job satisfaction on the lecturer s normative commitment. The population of the study was 172 lecturers at Christian Theological Colleges in North Sumatra. In order to determine the number of samples, 119 tables of Kreijcie techniques were used at &

Organizational Culture, Conflict Management, Procedural Justice, Satisfaction at Work, Normative Commitment

Economics, Business and Management Education


The Influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, and Work Motivation On Employees Performance
Rosmidar Sinaga, Paningkat Siburian, Sukarman Purba

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Universitas Negeri Medan

This study was aimed at finding: The influence of organizational culture on work motivation; the influence of leadership on work motivation; the effect of cognitive ability on work motivation;) the influence of organizational culture on employee performance; the influence of leadership on employee performance; the effect of cognitive abilities on employee performance; and the effect of work motivation on employee performance. The research findings revealed the performance of employees in the Office of Communication and Information (Diskominfo) of North Sumatra Province directly affected by Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability and Work Motivation. Based on the hypothesis testing it concluded: there is a direct influence of organizational culture on work motivation, there is a direct influence of leadership on work motivation, there is a direct influence on cognitive abilities on work motivation, there is a direct influence on organizational culture employee performance, there is a direct influence of leadership on employee performance, there is a direct influence of cognitive abilities on employee performance, and there is a direct influence of work motivation on employee performance. The results of the study provide an overview of organizational culture, leadership, cognitive abilities, and work motivation affecting employee performance both directly and indirectly which reached 78.95%.

Organizational Culture, Leadership, Cognitive Ability, Work Motivation and Employee Performance

Economics, Business and Management Education


The Influence of Practical Guide Based on Inquiry Approach toward Students Achievement on pH Scale and Use of Indicator Subjects
Predi S Perangin Angin 1, Wesly Hutabarat 2 , Saronom Silaban 2

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Predi Setiadi Peranginangin

1, Chemical Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Medan State University, Medan
2 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medan State University, Medan

* Correspondence : predi.setiadi[at]

The purpose of this research was to observe the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry approach toward student achievement on the subject of pH scale and the use of indicators. The research was carried out in the chemistry education study program, Medan State University. Before the hypothesis measure test, the normality and homogeneity test was performed first, signed both of distributed samples has normal and homogeneous. The results of the research shown that there was the influence of practical guide based on the inquiry approach toward student achievement on the subject of the pH scale and the use of indicators, the average of the learning result and percentage gain which taught by practical guide based on inquiry approach are 78.74 and 66.9 respectively while the results of learning chemistry and percentage gain taught with conventional practical guide are 73.03 and 59.4, with difference of percentage gain equal to 7.4. The hypothesis in this study was tested by using the right-t-test and hypothesis testing results obtained t count higher than t table with the value, 3.167 is higher than 1.669 with alpha is 0.05.

Inquiry Approach, Practical Guide, Student Achievement

Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education


The Influence of Principal Managerial Competencies and Interpersonal Communication on Teachers Performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School
Chandra (a*), Mananda Situmorang (b), Mahyudin Situmeang (b)

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Sekolah Maitreyawira

ABSTRACT Keywords : Principal managerial competency, interpersonal communication, teacher performance. A principal must have five basic competencies: personality competence, managerial competence, entrepreneurial competence, supervisory competence and social competence. In managerial competence, a principal is expected to be able to plan, organize, mobilize and evaluate the school properly and responsibly so that he can improve teacher performance. Good interpersonal communication skill is expected to create a conducive work climate so that it can play a role in improving teacher performance. This study aims to explain (1) the influence of principals managerial competencies on teacher performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School, (2) the influence of interpersonal communication on teacher performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School, and (3) explain the influence of principal managerial competencies and interpersonal communication with teacher performance at Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data collection uses a questionnaire consisting of variable principal managerial competence, interpersonal communication and techer performance. The number of respondents is 30 people. While to test the hypothesis with path analysis techniques (path analysis) by using multiple linear regression analysis techniques (multiple regression). The results showed that (1) principal managerial competence in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School was in the moderate category, (2) interpersonal communication in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School was also in the moderate category, (3) teacher performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School is moderate, (4) by comparing the tcount > ttable (2.976 > 2.052) then there is an influence between the principal managerial competencies on teachers performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School, (5)seeing the comparison of tcount < ttable (1.969 < 2.052) means there is no influence between interpersonal communication on teachers performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School, and (6) collectively the tcount < ttable shows that there is no joint effect between principal managerial competence and interpersonal communication on teachers performance in Samanhudi Tanjung Pura Private Senior High School. Thus, managerial competence has a significant influence on improving teacher performance so that a principal must always improve his managerial competencies in order to improve teacher performance without forgetting other factors that also affect teacher performance.

Principal managerial competency, interpersonal communication, teacher performance.

Transformative Learning and EducationalLeadership


Ahmad zaki (a*). Budi valianto (b). Albadi sinulingga (b)

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ahmad zaki

Postgraduate Students in Physical Education Medan State University

The aim of the study to find out the influence between symbolic modeling technique service and group guidance services in increasing achievement motivation based on anxiety levels on the physically impaired athletes of North Sumatera PPI NPC. This study used expost facto method. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaire and observation. Data analysis techniques using path analysis. The hypotheses on the discussion of this study are:(1)There is no influence of symbolic modeling guidance services (X1) on anxiety (Y), (2) There is an influence of the influence of symbolic modeling guidance services (X1) on Anxiety (Y), (3) There is no influence of group guidance services (X2) on anxiety (Y), (4) There is an influence of group guidance services (X2) on Anxiety (Y), (5) There is no influence of anxiety (Y) on achievement motivation (Z), (6) There is an influence of anxiety (Y) on achievement motivation (Z).

Guidance service, Anxiety, Achievement motivatian

Curriculum, Research and Development


The Influence of Teachers Creativity in Developing Teaching Method
Dr. Heryanto, D.Th

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Dr Heryanto DTh

Saint Paul Theological School of Medan
Jl. Kapiten Purba I Simalingkar, Kota Medan
North Sumatera - Indonesia 20141

The objective of this research is to find out the indicator from creativity of teacher which is useful in developing teaching method supported by innovation desire. To realize this objective, then the research is done by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) method, in which the result of the research procces is found that the creativity of teacher relating on ability to predicts of teacher and analizes the advance of time. It was proven that innovation desire influence strongly to the ability of developing teaching method. On the contrary, openly to new experiences of teacher is weak to the ability of teacher in developing the teaching method. The conclusion of this research can be guessed that ability of teacher in developing of it is weak due to not connecting to new experiences and the advance of time. Therefore, this condition needs an encouragement for teacher to innovate actively. If this hope can be done well so teacher will have new experiences which creates new useful ideas in developing teaching method contextually and qualified.

Creativity Of Teacher, Teaching Method

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of the Problem Based Learning Model With Crossword Puzzles And Motivation Against Science Learning Outcomes of Students in Class V of Public Elementary School 114364 Sabungan
Rodiah Nasution (1) Ramlan Silaban (2) Fauziyah Harahap

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Rodiah Nasution

Posgraduate Student of basic education Medan State

Abstract. The aim of study was to find out: (1) Student learning outcomes of problem based learning model with crossword puzzles were higher than direct instruction learning model. (2) Science learning outcomes of students who had high motivation were better than students who had low motivation. (3) There were interaction between learning models and learning motivation in influenced learning outcomes. This study usesd a quasi experimental method. The sample of consists of two classes, class Va amounts 28 students treated problem based learning model with crossword puzzles (experimental group) and class Vb amounts 27 students treated direct instruction learning model (control group). The instruments were multiple choice tests and learning motivation questionnaire. This study used factorial 2 x 2 design with 2 lane ANAVA technique. The results of this study indicate: (1) Science student learning outcomes treated problem based learning model with crossword puzzles were higher than students direct instruction learning model. Sig. 0.000 <0,05, (2) Science learning outcomes of students who had high motivation were better than students who had low motivation. Sg. 0,000 <0,05, (3) There were interaction between learning models and learning motivation in influenced learning outcomes shown. Sg. 0,000 <0,05

Keywords: Problem Based Learning,Direct Intruction, Motivation, Learning Outcomes

Teachers Education Model in Future


The Influence of Total Factor Productivity Towards The Economic Growth of Indonesia.
Sarah Dina

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Sarah Dina

State University Of Medan,
Faculty Of Economy
Graduate program

Indonesia which classified to developing country has a particular characteristic in low productivity level of input labor. The gap of economic growth between developing and developed countries become higher. Since then, all of the developing countries want to reach convergence with developed countries. The productivity level is a major key to accelerate the rate of economic growth in every country. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) towards economic growth in Indonesia both short-term and long-term periods of 1994-2017. The analytical method which used in this research is Error Correction Model (ECM). Error Correction Model (ECM) is used to analyze economic growth both in the short term and in the long term. Estimation results show that in the short-term both the variable capital accumulation, the regional minimum wage and total factor productivity growth affect Indonesias economic growth but in the long-term, there are two variables that influence positive that are insignificant investment, the Regional Minimum wage affects economic growth in Indonesia. And Total Factor Productivity growth in the long-term have a positive and significant influence on economic growth in Indonesia. Thus, it can be concluded that Total Factor Productivity is the main determining factor affecting economic growth in Indonesia.

Economic Growth, Investment, Wages, Total Factor Productivity (TFP), Error Correction Model (ECM).

Economics, Business and Management Education


The Integration of Character Value in English Lesson Planning With Workshop Strategy on Tourism High School
Kammer Tuahman Sipayung

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Kammer Tuahman Sipayung

English Language Education
Faculty of Teacher Trainning, Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Medan, Indonesia

The objective of this study to improve the teachers competence on integrating character based on lesson plan. Workshop is one method that the researcher did to achive the aim. This research is school action research with quantitative and qualitative design. The data of this reseach are teachers competence in form of score (quantitative) and the teacher atitude (qualitative). The population of this research were English Teachers from vocational school, however the sample are tourism English Teacher (Purposive sampling). This research was conducted with two cycles. This research shown that, workshop can improve teachers competence to integrate value of character in lesson plan. In addition to that, there was an improvement of teachers atitude. This improvement can be seen from cycle one (4 teachers: good, 6 teachers: average, 12 teachers: poor) and two (20 teachers: good, 2 teachers: average) and also their entusiasm.

Tourism, Competence, Character value

Education of History and International Exchange


The Learning Model and Gender influence Against the skills of vocational high school Piano playing 11 Medan of North Sumatra
Gufran Nurman, Hamonangan Tambunan, Erward Purba

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Gufran Nurman

State University of Medan
North Sumatera

This research aims to know the (1) How the influence of the application of the model of learning piano playing ability against SAVI (2) how the influence of the application of the model of Explicit learning Instruction against the ability of playing the piano (3) how the influence of learning model based on gender differences against the ability to play the piano. This research was conducted at the vocational secondary school 11 While the population for students as much as 123 students. Sample school for research is the 63 students 33 students taught using instructional models SAVI and 30 students taught with the use of Explicit learning Instruction model.

SAVI Models,EI Models, and piano playing skills

Education and Research Global Issue


The Maitenance of Mandailing Language in Kecamatan Torgamba
Putri Nurul Rahmadani Siregar

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Putri Nurul Rahmadani Siregar

English Applied Linguistics, Postgraduate program, State University of Medan.

This study observed Mandailing language maintenance in Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba. The main objectives of the study were to answer the research problem under study, that is (1) to explain the ways how Mandailing people maintain mandailing language in Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba. The method of this study was descriptive qualitative research. The participants were sixteen Mandailing people who live in Desa Pangarungan Kecamatan Torgamba. The data were taken from the interview and questionnaire. Specifically, the ways in maintaining Mandailing language in 93% by seeing the result of interview, language use in family is mostly dominated in this study, neighborhood in 62%, religion in 37%, workplace in 62%, homeland visits in 50%, and following the culture in 87%, see each other frequently in 50% and education in 12%. In detail, language use in family is dominated and it has the big role in maintaining Mandailing language in this study.

Language Maintenance, the Ways in Maintaining Mandailing Language.

Social,Language and Cultural Education


Faisal Anwar (a*), Musriadi (b), Khairil Ansari (c), Darwis (d), Jamaluddin Idris (e)

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Faisal Anwar

(a&b) Universitas Serambi Mekkah
(c&d) Universitas Negeri Medan
(e) UIN Ar-Raniry

The purpose of this study with the title: The Management and Development Quality of Teacher Performance Through Teacher Competence in The First Middle School in Banda Aceh was to offer a development model of teacher performance in the first middle schools in Banda Aceh and then to be implemented in the frame of development quality of teacher development in the future. The quality of teacher performance was a crucial contribution in deciding the success of education process in schools. (Briosy, Meerwarth Pester and Trotter, 2012). This study was the field research that the study was qualitative-phenomenology. The data collection technique was conducted with interview and documentation with subjects of study were head of division of coaching and stuffing from Banda Aceh Education Office, section chief of curriculum from Banda Aceh Education Office, member of Regional Education Council (MPD). The first middle schools in Banda Aceh with the subject were principle, vice of principle of curriculum in every examined school. The result of the study described that in the planning process of development quality of teacher performance first to arrange teacher performance evaluation team that consisted of senior teachers which appropriated with the field of expertise and to cooperate with the related agency among them were MPD, Education Office and supervision team. Education Office arranged short and long term programs to overcome problems that occurred in the field. In the implementation stage, school principals commanded teachers who were in need of training to join in education quality development program that was performed by central through Institution of Quality Assurance in Education (LPMP) and province Education Office through Central of Quality Development in Education (UPTD). All indicators of teacher performance were included in four teacher competencies (personal, social, professional and pedagogy).

Management, performance, Competence.

Economics, Business and Management Education


The Manners of Cognitive Process in Translating English Phrasal Verbs Into Indonesian
Fitri Ervina Tarigan (a*) , Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan (b), Dr. Rahmad Husein (b)

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Fitri Ervina Tarigan

a. English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Post Graduate School , Universitas Negeri Medan
b. English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Post Graduate School , Universitas Negeri Medan

This study dealt with the cognitive process of students in translating English Phrasal Verbs into Indonesian by using the think aloud protocol (TAP) technique and introspective interview. The objectives of the study was to elaborate the manner of cognitive processes occurring in translating English Phrasal Verbs into Indonesian. This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative design. The source of data was the bilingual students, they were sixth semester students of English Education Program at State University of Medan. The source of data were taken by using Snowballing Technique. The data consisted of the transcription of audio recorded observation of think-aloud protocols (TAP), and the transcription of interview. The findings showed that there are six behaviors available during the process of translation done by the students, namely 1) reading the text, 2) alternating between the SL and the TL 3) monitoring the proposed translation, 4) consulting the dictionary 5) paraphrasing, and 6) translation.

Cognitive Process, Translation, English Phrasal Verbs, TAP

Social,Language and Cultural Education


The pattern of extracurricular training in the athletic branch at the high school level in the same level as the city of Padangsidimpuan
Syamsul Lubis, Tarsyad Nugraha, Amir Supriadi

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syamsul Lubis

Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Athletic extracurricular is a place to get athletes at the level of learning for PASI Padangsidimpuan City, the achievements achieved so far have been influenced by extracurricular activities in high school equivalent to the City of Padangsidimpuan, but in recent years there has been a decline. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of extracurricular training in athletics at the senior high school level in the City of Padangsidimpuan. This study is a qualitative descriptive study through observation and interviews with principals, physical education teachers and students to find out the pattern of extracurricular training in athletics at the senior high school level in the city of Padangsidimpuan consisting of 4 (four) schools namely Padangsidimpuan High School, Padangsidimpuan High School 5 , Padangsidimpuan High School 8 PRIVATE HIGH SCHOOL HOPE. The results showed that the pattern of extracurricular athletic training carried out multilateral stages consisting of observation, scouting and tiered coaching. Stages of specialization consist of sports priorities and mapping of quality standards. The top stages of achievement consist of training and competition models. Constraints on the pattern of coaching that are still in the old standard have not followed new developments, external factors have also become obstacles in the process of coaching. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that the school that conducts extracurricular coaching follow developments regarding the latest coaching patterns to achieve peak performance.

patterns of coaching, extracurricular achievements in school athletics

Educational Policy and Administration Education


Julianto Situmorang. NIM 8136132028

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Julianto Situmorang

State University of Medan

The study aims to determine the relationship of: (1) Teacher recruitment toward the teacher performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency., (2) Compensation toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency, (3) Teacher coaching toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency (4) simultaneously effect between recruitment, compensation and coaching teachers toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency. Samples were taken using the tables of ISAAC and Michael. Based on the linear interpolation obtained 107 samples of 142 populations. The instruments used in this research are the recruitment, compensation, coaching and performance of teachers, each consisting of 30 questions that are considered valid and reliable. The results showed that: (1) There was a relationship between the teacher recruitment toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency; (2) There was a relationship between compensation toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency, (3) There was a relationship between teacher coaching toward the teachers performance in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency; (4) See the Simultaneously effect the recruitment variables, compensation and coaching have a positive and significant relationship to the performance of the teachers in Junior High School Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency.

recruitment, compensation, coaching, performance

Educational Policy and Administration Education


The Role of the Philosophical Bases of Education in Educational Activities
Achmad Dardiri and L.Andriani Purwastuti

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Achmad Dardiri

Faculty of Educational Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta), Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281

Educational activities are activities between educator and students. In other words, educational activities are activities between humans. Therefore, an understanding of the nature of human beings is absolutely necessary, in this case the understanding of student as human beings is very important so that the direction and goals can be achieved. Understanding of education/learning processes and methods is also important because the choice of education/learning methods is not solely in accordance with a taste of the teacher. However, it is very much related to educational/learning goals, and more importantly is the reason why choosing a particular method and not others. In addition, the value that underlie the activities and at the same time become the target of educational activities should also not be ignored by an educator/teacher, because the essence of educational activities is how those values internalize in students. This is the philosophical foundation of education.

philosophical bases of education, teachers

Education and Research Global Issue


The Role of the Single Mother of Parenting in Informal Education in Javanese Ethnic Families in Kualuh Hulu District, Labuhanbatu Utara Regency
Suriyanti Siagian (a*), Hidayat (b), Ratih Baiduri (b)

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Suriyanti Siagian

Social Anthropology, Medan State University

Single mother in carrying out the function of education in family or Informal education can be seen how a woman is able to play a role in dividing her duties as a housewife and family head who plays a role in Informal education. The purpose of this study is to find out and get a picture of single mother as the head of the family in carrying out the functions of education in the family or in informal education in Kualuh Hulu Subdistrict, Labuhanbatu Utara District. In this study is descriptive qualitative by using the Ethnographic approach, Data Collection is done by means of in-depth interviews to participants of observation. Furthermore, the data analysis technique is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study can be seen that single mother as the head of the family in carrying out the function of informal education in the family did not fail to educate their children to carry out the life process by prioritizing informal education in the family. As seen in the family single mother can divide time and carry out two functions as well as socialize it in the community because single mother is the head of the family in carrying out the function of informal education in the family. The conclusion in this study is that the role of single mothers as family heads in carrying out family functions is successful in educating children to be successful due to informal education in the family.

single mother; parenting; informal education

Social,Language and Cultural Education


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