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2nd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.18 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 5 (data 121 to 150 of 535) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Database Migration Strategies and Techniques to Minimize Unexpected Disfunctionality
Afdoli Fahmi (abc), Yeffry Handoko Putra (bd)

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Corresponding Author
Afdoli Fahmi

a) Master of Information Systems, Faculty Of Post Graduate
b) Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 112 -116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) afdoli_fahmi[at]
d) yeffryhp[at]

The process of database migration has become an ongoing problem because data has been collected. Inevitably, new systems are designed that are intended to be more efficient, user-friendly, inclusive, and currently than older systems. In some cases, a new system was developed just to replace the older system, and the justification might be new software trends, financial constraints. new management initiatives, user complaints, or other reasons. In some other instances, a new system was developed to replace the older ones that have become too complex or outdated and which hold back modifications and further evolution. This system is known as the "inheritance" system. The level of increase or at least change from one system to another will not slow down in the near future. In fact, the process of data migration from legacy systems will continue to accelerate in the coming years. The objectives of this study are to develop strategies and techniques of good and correct data migration that offer speed and timeliness without causing loss or damage to data, maintaining consistency and integrity of the schema table structure resulting from data migration, especially in mapping data types, to fit with structures in the original database, to minimize unexpected disfunctionality.

strategy; database migration; database; technique; Disfunctionality.

Informatic and Information System


Design a payroll information system; a case study in Cv. IdCard Bandung
Y Soegoto

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Corresponding Author
yudistira soegoto

a) Master of Information Systems, faculty of Post Graduate
b) Universitas komputer Indonesia
c) yudistira[at]

In 2012 Cv.Idcard has implemented a payroll information system but in its implementation it is considered still less effective and efficient, Because payroll employee attendance and employee payroll are not yet integrated, and attendance that is applied has not been computerized, so that the process of presenting attendance is still done by calculating the manual presence of each employee. This research is designed to build information systems the attendance of employees is computerized by using Radio-frequency identification (RFID), and integrate it with employee payroll. The method used in this research is the object oriented method and prototype development method. Object oriented approach is a new way of thinking about seeing problems through real world observation, Where each object is a combination of data structures and certain functions. The prototype is a method that is used to make a program quickly and can be gradually evaluated by the user. With the payroll information system that is designed this can make it easier to perform attendance data calculations for employee payroll.

information system payroll; object oriented; prototype.

Informatic and Information System


Design and implementation of the letter hijaiyah learning system independently for the visually impaired
Syahrul, M F Wicaksono, Rian Hilman

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Syahrul Syahrul

Program Studi Sistem Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl.Dipatiukur No 112-116, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract. This paper describes the design of an instrument that aims to help blind people in learning the letters hijaiyah. Reading hijaiyah letters should be an easy thing to learn, that is enough to learn to a teacher, then we see the letters to be studied and the teacher will give an example of how to read then we follow it. Unfortunately this is only limited to people who have normal vision. For people with visual impairments, of course there will be difficulties in learning hijaiyah letters. Therefore an independent system is needed that can teach hijaiyah letters to blind people. This instrument can be used independently by blind people because it provides special braille buttons to represent hijaiyah letters. There are two modes provided in this learning tool, namely tutorial mode and practice mode. For tutorial mode, if visually impaired presses the braille button on one of the hijaiyah letters, the letter will come out pronunciation. As for the practice mode, if the blind are reciting the hijaiyah letters the tool will give a sound response to the user whether the pronunciation of the letters is correct or incorrect in pronunciation. With this instrument, it is expected to help make it easier for blind people to learn the letters hijaiyah.

design, tutorial mode, practice mode, learning system, hijaiyah letters, blind people

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Design Business Continuity Management of Data Center Using ISO 22301:2012
Rahadian Arief

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rahadian arief


The purpose of this study is to design a BCM framework that adapts to the needs of the company. Research design using qualitative methods and how to collect data using observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Stages in evaluating are planning research, determining the scope of evaluation, data collection and processing, evaluation reports and evaluation analysis. In this study to evaluate Business Impact Analysis, Recovery Strategy, Recovery Plan, and Maintenance Recovery Plan. This design uses ISO 23301 guidelines. From the results of research using the BCM framework shows that the Disaster Recovery Plan has not been formed as part of BCM.

business continuity management

Informatic and Information System


Design Model Good Governance Based IFRS For SMEs At Islamic Boarding Schools To Building Competitive Advantage in Revolution Industry 4.0
Supriyati, Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri, Edi Komarudin

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S Supriyati

Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati

Design Model Good Governance Based IFRS For SMEs At Islamic Boarding Schools To Building Competitive Advantage in Revolution Industry 4.0 Supriyati1, Ramadhan S. B. 2, Edi K.3 1Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Indonesia 2Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Komputerisasi Akuntansi, Indonesia 3Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati, Indonesia Email:,, Abstract. The research objective is to design a model of Islamic boarding school management in accordance with the IFRS For SMEs approach and Improve Islamic Boarding School Management in order to competense and have a competitive advantage in the face industry 4.0. The research method of the researcher is descriptive analysis method and explorative method. The type of data used is primary, secondary and observation data in Islamic boarding schools with the form of samples in data collection. The results of this study are to design a financial report model with the IFRS For SMEs approach and Improve Islamic Boarding School Governance with a good corporate governance approach in order to complete and have a competitive advantage in the face industry 4.0. The dynamic change with good governance of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia in calling for modernity does not always eliminate the values of pesantren in facing the era of industry 4.0. In addition, financial statements based on IFRS for SMEs to be able to winner challenge by the main ideological struggle and the sophistication of information and communication technology as well as the flow of globalization that has caused various patterns of change in all aspects of Islamic boarding schools in prioritize Islamic values such as the Rosulluloh SAW character.

Good Governance, Islamic Boarding School, IFRS For SMEs, Revolution Industry 4.0



Design Model Of Forum Islamic Boarding School Application Based On Enterprise System
Edi Komarudin, Supriyati, Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri

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Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to show the design model of the application of a system-based forum islamic boarding schools to integrate all related functions. The research method used descriptive and explanatory research methods, while the type of data taken primary data by conducting interviews and observations with the Forum Islamic Boarding School as an institution that is engaged in the supervision and development of Islamic boarding schools and samples will be used in making this application. Secondary data is taken from the theories available in journals, e-books, proceedings, and slide presentations on the results of seminars and government policies. The results of the study were to make the islamic boarding schools application as a tool for the Forum Islamic Boarding School to develop themselves, open themselves to technology and become an institution that made pesantren towards modern Islamic boarding schools. Forum islamic boarding schools in the present era must have a share in the implementation of Indonesias Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which according to Diah Riski have universal development goals starting in 2016 until 2030, must lead to spears in the form of the character of the nations children through Islamic boarding schools so that currently the globalization of Asia or the so-called MEA (Asian Economic Community) or the Indonesian economy is growing through middle-class consumption obtained from bonus demographics according to Wasisto Raharjo Jati. Therefore France Stewart considers the SDGs approval to be a remarkable achievement.

SDGs, Forum islamic boarding schools, enterprise system, application

Informatic and Information System


Design of cargo vehicle monitoring with renewable energy and geofencing for lane restrictions
Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono (a*), Syahrul (a), Sutono (a) , Myrna Dwi Rahmatya (b)

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Corresponding Author
Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono

a) Program Studi Teknik Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

The main objective of this research is to design a cargo vehicle monitoring system. The method used to limit the path is geofencing. The web application will limit the path to be traversed, so the warning alarm on the server will light up when the vehicle exits the specified paths. The advantage of this design is that the required power is taken from the battery, so there is no need to take power from the car battery. The battery will be charged by using a solar cell. On the hardware side, Arduino UNO is used as the main processor. Arduino will receive data from the GPS module then sent it to the server via the GSM GPRS module. On the software side, the data that has been received will be saved to the database, parsed, compared to the specified line limit and will be displayed on the web application. The results of this study are a model tool for monitoring cargo vehicles with the limitation of lanes and renewable resources. With this model, it is expected that it can help the entrepreneurs of goods delivery services to monitor their vehicle

Arduino, monitoring, geofencing, renewable energy, lane restrictions

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Design of Communication Planning Infrastructure in IT Projects Communication Management
G T Mardiani 1,*

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Corresponding Author
Gentisya Tri Mardiani

1 Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia


In project communication management processes requires the right infrastructure that could be used on the projects planning process, so could be matched with the organizations business processes and organizational culture in projects execution. The purpose of this research is to help the project manager in project communication planning and helping the project team in knowing the meeting schedule and progress report submission schedule. This research was conducted by analyzing the communication needs and stages of project communication planning, then designing the appropriate infrastructure for communication when the project was in progress. Based on the results of analysis and design in the research, it can be conclude that the recommendation of the communication infrastructure is a web-based application that can be used by project managers in communication planning, such as creating project schedules, meetings with stakeholders, and delivery of project progress reports schedule. The projects communication management process will lead to problems such as delay in message delivery, or lack of communication to some of the required stakeholders, resulting in the project being delayed. Then the design of infrastructure in communication planning can help project managers in project planning and controls the project execution.

Communication planning, IT Projects, Project Communication Management

Informatic and Information System


Design Of Information System Sales Based Web
D S Soegotto (a*), Rismaya (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rakha Haidar

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to make it easier for consumers to make buying and selling transactions and also make it easier for sellers to promote various products that can be reached by consumers without having to visit the store. In this study writing uses descriptive analysis method by conducting direct interviews with PD. XYZ store as a case study in this study. The results of this study indicate that the design of website sales can increase buying and selling transactions in stores. To increase the attractiveness of buyers, media campaigns are needed in addition to conventional promotions. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the design of sales information systems can help sellers in promoting products in an effort to increase revenue from the store and make it easier for customers to make online sales transactions. besides that it can also provide information about the product as a promotional event in detail and can bring prospective customers either directly to the store or chat directly through the chat feature with customers to be able to communicate easily, making this website can create a professional impression because in terms of branding has characteristics own and makes it easy for customers to make online sales transactions.

Information System; Web-Based; Business

Informatic and Information System


Design of Information Systems Web-Based Car Parking Place Mall
Muhamad Hafiyan Ali(a*), Dedi Kurniawan(b*)

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Corresponding Author
M Hafiyan Ali

a. Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departemen Design Komuikasi Visual, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


The purpose of this research is to design a system that can help car owners to order parking spaces in malls online with web-based systems. The research method used is descriptive research method, to present a complete picture related to some of the variable situations examined. Data collection techniques use primary and secondary data and object-oriented system approaches, which support the design of web-based information systems. The results of this study can build software tailored to user needs, ease of use, and on time. This parking lot ticket booking website can simplify and simplify the selection of parking lots within the designated mall, allowing mall visitors to order online, and can reduce the number of people in getting a parking space at the mall.

design system

Informatic and Information System


Alvian Fajar Setiawan

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Corresponding Author
Alvian Fajar Setiawan

Faculty Master Of Design, UNIKOM

The purpose of this study was to help solve the problem in Citaraje Village about lighting when studying at night. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The data source depends on the theory and field data in Citaraje Village and the resource persons of the villagers. Learning activities are very important activities. Usually done in the afternoon or evening. The obstacle that arises is the absence of state electricity to the village. Then the activities and activities of the villagers at night become disrupted, one of which is learning. During this time the villagers relied on lighting from candles and torches. Most of the villagers profession is as farmers. One of the things that can improve the welfare of villagers is to improve the quality of learning in children. So lighting is a very necessary thing. The economic level of citizens is very low so that the lighting equipment made must be as cheap as possible and can be easily obtained. One of them is using LPG gas. LPG gas has been available to remote villages and the price is relatively cheap when compared to kerosene to make torches. The patromak lamp is used again and changed using LPG gas fuel.

Lighting, LPG Gas, Study

Industrial Engineering


Design of Motor Vahicle Security System
Rini Maulina, Ikhsan Nurhuda

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Glenda M Windyastari

Departemen Desain, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

This study aims to make the design of motor vehicle security systems using an application with GPS and MODEM methods as well as the help of google maps to prevent and facilitate the retrieval of stolen Motor vehicle. In conducting this research, the type of research used is quantitative research with experimental methods. In addition, the creation of a system that will be built using design methods. The results of this research are the application of a motor vehicle security system using SMS with GPS and MODEM methods. This research was conducted so that this application has a significant impact in reducing motor vehicle theft.

security systems, application

Informatic and Information System


Kiki Rizki Amelia (a*) , Wahyuni (b)

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Andi melinia Putri

a) Departemen Teknik Informatika , Universitas Komputer Indonesia
b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to identify problem of database system paid website application of PT. XYZ and also build a good database system. By using descriptive analysis method for this research commit observation to find out the problems and get the desired data that need to can be used as a reference to build a good database system. The result from this research hope can solve the problem of aplication data storage for website. Conclusion from this research is by made a database system company can keep data with well and safe.

database system, design, website application

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Design of project data management information systems
Annisa Paramitha Fadillah(*), Dian Fitriana

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Corresponding Author
Annisa Paramitha Fadillah

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

PT. XYZ is a company located in Kiarapayung, the company which is engaged in the procurement of building construction or construction of roads, every technological developments and always strive to keep abreast of any changes occurring in the field of technology. One is the management information system project data on a contracting company that became one of the main activities of the company. Because the data management information system project in the contracting company is manual, namely the use of Microsoft Excel software as a data processor still has shortcomings due to error it will be an application program that will facilitate the performance of applications and services on the part of the data collection, data management for procurement of goods more effectively. System data management information includes data management contracts, clients, implementers, project progress and results of data processing contract, the activities carried out and obtain research reports and data. The methods used as system development method used is prototype. From the results of the development of system implementation, the results obtained are more structured data storage and is expected to overcome the weaknesses During the frequent occurrence of errors in the data collection contract.

Information Systems; data management; procurement; contracting company

Informatic and Information System


Design of Student Attendance Information System with Fingerprints
Myrna Dwi Rahmatya (a*), Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono (b)

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Myrna Dwi Rahmatya

a) Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia
a) Program Studi Teknik Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipati Ukur 112-116 Bandung, Indonesia

Student attendance is one of the administrative activities each semester. The lecturer records the attendance of students. Student attendance determines whether students can take midterm or final semester examinations. The aim of this study is to design a model of student attendance information system with fingerprints. The structured approach used to develop this model. Context diagram and data flow diagram used to describe the system. The result of the study is a design of student attendance information system with fingerprints. The attendance records of students that have not been automated are prone to errors in calculating the number of student attendance. Therefore, designing this information system can help the lecturer by storing student attendance data using fingerprints. Attendance data will be automatically saved to the server.

fingerprints, student attendance

Informatic and Information System


Design of the Information System for Kindergarten Learning Evaluation used Kanban Methodology
M Fitriawati1 and R H Lestari2

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Mia Fitriawati

1Department on Information System, UNIKOM
2 Department of Early Childhood Education, IKIP SILIWANGI

This study aims to produce an information system design that helps educators to evaluate learning in each semester systematically and easily accessible. Learning evaluation aims to determine the growth and development of students and see the success of the learning plan. 2013 curriculum is a curriculum that is currently being used by early childhood education. Based on the 2013 curriculum, there are 3 kinds of kindergaten assessments, namely anecdotes, checklists, and works. Educators find it difficult to process these assessments because educators make an assessment by recording daily activities, but there is no specific record of the events and developments of each individual so that the teacher is difficult to evaluate the final grade. Therefore, it is necessary to design a kindergaten learning evaluation system to then create an information system for learning evaluation for kindergartens that helps teachers know the abilities of their students. The design of this system uses descriptive research methods and information system design development methods that use the Kanban methodology, where the Kanban method helps design of the information systems for kindergarten learning evaluation for with the aim of harmonizing development in accordance with the wishes of users, educators who are early childhood education teachers directly in system development. The results of this information system design will be used later by the programmer to then be made by the programmer and used by kindergarten teachers later.

information system, learning evaluation, kindergarten, kanban method

Informatic and Information System


FarhanPratamaAzhuri (a*), Rani Susanto (b)

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Farhan Pratama Azhuri

a) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to describe the design of information systems for ordering goods in manufacturing companies and can facilitate the company operations, especially in marketing products to customers. The method used in this paper uses a descriptive method, a method that presents a complete picture of the situation related to several variable situations that are examined. The results of the design and research show that a web-based goods ordering system is useful to help customers order items without having to come directly to a manufacturing workshop. This research was conducted by discussing the system of procurement of goods, processing of goods and shipping of goods carried out by the company using it website service.

Manufacturing, Company, Paper, Web, Goods

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


Designing a Geographical Information System for Houses Not Feasible As Supporters of Policy Decisions
Bella Hardiyana, Julian Chandra Wibawa

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Bella Hardiyana

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The implementation of social welfare development programs in developing countries is generally focused on the empowerment program of the poor, which is more nuanced in a participatory approach involving the community, business and government. empowerment is considered appropriate to be one of the policy choices in the development of social welfare today. The development of social welfare based on the principle of empowerment is intended that in the handling of the poor it must be done through increasing the capacity of human resources to increase independence (Law Number 13 of 2011). Regional development has an impact on national development. Poverty reduction policies realized through community empowerment programs have become the main agenda and priori development in Baleendah Subdistrict, especially Rancamanyar Village. One of the poverty alleviation programs through community empowerment carried out in Rancamanyar Village is the Housing Assistance Program for uninhabitable houses. Various local government efforts to reduce the number of uninhabitable houses are still considered uneven. With the limited management and processing of survey data in the regions, it is one of the factors that do not help the existing policies. With the construction of a geographic information system for uninhabitable homes, one of the efforts that must be taken by the local government in order to support and assist in making decisions for uninhabitable houses is to conduct geographical analysis and mapping of uninhabitable houses in Rancamanyar Village, so that help is not wrong target.

GIS, information system, maps, regional potential, web-based mapping

Informatic and Information System


Designing E-learning Virtual Reality on education
Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto (a*), Adi Darmawan

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Corresponding Author
Siti Maryamah

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer indonesia

b) Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this study aims to look at utilizing Virtual Reality in the field of education, especially for students in school in learning as a new learning media and fun with Virtual Reality. This research method was carried out using descriptive method. From the results that are done that by utilizing Virtual Reality in the learning of school students can very much provide attraction to students who need a new learning method because it can help students visualize abstract learning materials to be easier to understand. This is will be a media of learning that is more interesting and fun increasing students interest in the learning process, helping students in practicing. The results of the study were obtained because human needs for industrial technology 4.0 were growing. In the future Virtual Reality can have an effect on new and fun learning methods.

E-learning, Education



Designing Enterprise Architecture for Marketing Advertising Media System Based On TOGAF Architecture Development Method at PT. X
N A Pratama (a), I D Sumitra (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nugraha Adhi Pratama

(a) Postgradute of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung
(b) Postgradute of Information System, Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung

The purpose of writing this paper is to design an enterprise architecture that is able to meet the needs of business functions. PT. X is a company engaged in outdoor advertising media services in many locations in Bandung. The example of media that PT. X provides, billboards, neon boxes and LED displays in various types. In marketing activities to prospective customers, the marketing department does not have a system that can support the companys business functions yet. The method used in this study is through collaboration between researchers and sources in the company which is the object of research and based on the application of various theory from the literature. The initial stage is through direct observation, collecting materials, and through interviews. In marketing to prospective customers, the marketing department does not have a system that can support the companys business functions yet. The absences of the integrated system between the marketing department and the availability of media, sometimes almost can obstruct the marketing departments work. Enterprise architecture is an understanding of the different elements that make up a company and how these elements are related. The result of integrating two or more systems to be able to exchange data or information for being used later by the system that needs it, it will be the reason why the standardization of communication facilities used to communicate and data redundancies is needed. This paper will discuss the design of an integrated enterprise architecture marketing system based on the relevance of each function in an enterprise. The Conclusion of this study uses enterprise architecture planning methods based on the TOGAF framework approach. This designed model is expected to be a guideline when developing advertising services marketing systems in the future. The enterprise architecture design is more specialized in TOGAF ADM, which produces a blueprint.

TOGAF ADM, Designing Enterprise Architecture, Advertising, Marketing System

Informatic and Information System


Designing Enterprise Architecture for Sports Information System Platform Using The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) Architecture Development Method
I Saepurrahman & I D Sumitra, M.Kom, Ph.D

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Indonesia Computer University

Along with the development of information technology PSSI ASPROV JABAR, wants to develop information systems but does not have a corporate blueprint in designing information systems. The design of an enterprise architecture information system for sports platforms will be designed using TOGAF ADM, in developing the information system phase, the Architecture Phase Architecture, the Business Architecture Phase, the Information System Architecture, and the Architectural Technology Phase. This research produces a blueprint that will be used to create information systems that can support ongoing business processes. TOGAF ADM is designed as a general framework and has good alignment between business and technology. The conclusion of this research is that the companys architectural design using TOGAF ADM can be used in PSSI ASPROV JABAR according to the documents and processes that are running and can produce a blueprint for creating information systems so that they can support ongoing business processes

Designing Enterprise Architecture, Sports, Football, Futsal, Togaf ADM, West Java Province

Informatic and Information System


Designing Enterprise Architecture Planning in Mobile News Applications Using TOGAF ADM
Anggun Fergina (a), Dr. Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra (b)

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Anggun Fergina

(a) Master of Information System, Indonesia Computer University, Master of Information System, Postgraduate Faculty, Dipati Ukur No.112-116, Lebakgede, Coblong,
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

(b)Master of Information System, Indonesia Computer University, Master of Information System, Postgraduate Faculty, Dipati Ukur No.112-116, Lebakgede, Coblong,
Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132

The purpose of this research is overcome the current situation of an area in Indonesia, often people still find it difficult to find news around the area, one of which is in Pekalongan City, Central Java, where the majority of the population migrates to the urban area. The majority of information around Pekalongan still uses conventional media and other media, one of which is using newspaper media. Therefore, the lack of mobile application technology on the news media always makes it difficult for people to find information about local news, especially for people outside the area who want to know the development of their urban of ​​origin. In order to connect with the dissemination of information about these areas, we propose the design of enterprise architecture planning in mobile news applications. TOGAF ADM architecture framework using the Architecture Development Method (ADM) model to design and implement it and can provide a blueprint guide for future development. In this model, it covers the scope of data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture as a corporate architectural design and development of more business processes good from previous development.

Mobile Device, TOGAF, News, Mobile Application.

Informatic and Information System


Designing Food Ordering Application Based on Android
B Kurniawan (a*), M F Abdul (b)

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Corresponding Author
Rio Ricardo

a) Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b) Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this measure the effectiveness research on ordering food and drink using android-based applications and manually. The methods used by the descriptive approach, through observation and design android-based applications to order food and drinks. On the measurement of the results of the effectiveness, consumers will be given the option to use the system manually and use the application. The results of this study indicate many consumers prefer using an application compared to the order manually. Use the application provides convenience, for customer viewing and ordering food and drinks only from the desk, without the need to come in person. In addition to providing convenience to consumers, also provides convenience to restaurant owners to manage each menu are presented.

Application; Based-Android; System

Informatic and Information System


Designing Indonesia Geographic Application
W Wahyuni and I Gustiana

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Corresponding Author
W Wahyuni

Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Information about Indonesias geography is needed by children. In general, maps are used to find out countries, cities, islands and others. But so far map is very poorly understood by children, so they do not know the geographical layout. This is because there is no design that can attract children and can be understood by them. To solve the problem this reserch create an application called Indonesia geographic application. Indonesian geographic application provide information about cities in Indonesia. This application is made based on Android and display interesting animations that are expected to attract attention and can facilitate children in understanding about geographical layout.

geography, geographic application, geographical layout

Informatic and Information System


Designing Information System Recruitment Professional Gamers Web-Based
A Priladha1*, A Setiyadi 2

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Corresponding Author
Agris Priladha

1Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
2Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find developing professional gamers in the world of eSport. The background of this writing is because e-sport in the world is growing rapidly in all corners of the world but there is not yet a place to accommodate these professional gamers to be seen by eSport management in the world. This application has good potential to be implemented because it can produce a new high-quality player. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, to present a complete picture of the situation related to several variables of the situation being examined. The results of this study are to to design information systems web-based recruitment of professional gamers that can be used to assist and facilitate the process of professional gamers recruitment.

Esport, Information System, Application

Informatic and Information System


M B Winanti, A A S Nurjanah and I Pangaribuan

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Marliana Budhiningtias Winanti

Prodi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 112-116 Bandung Indonesia

Education in general is the life process in developing the abilities of each individual. Along with the development of technology should be able to facilitate students in learning and can stimulate students motivation, so students can reach better understanding what is being teach, including Sundanese language lessons. Lately students do not know well about Sundanese language and sunda script.Even many Sundanese people does not know about Sunda language. To solve this problem this research help to design an application to learn Sundanese language. The research method used is using a structured approach method and prototype development. The research design uses descriptive methods and actions. The method of data collection uses observation techniques, documentation and interviews. System design tools used to describe the system model include use case diagrams and use case scenarios while for designing data dictionaries use Use case diagrams, Activity diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and data dictionaries. The Information System develop usingadobe flash CS6. The expectation is that this application can stimulate students to learn Sundanese regional languages and can facilitate teachers in providing interactive lessons that can stimulate students creativity. Expected that this learning application can be a learning media in introducing Sundanese language and Sundanese culture for students.

learning apllication, sundanese language, Adobe flash CS6

Informatic and Information System


Designing of Eid al-Adha Qurban Meat Stock Information System to Optimize Its Distribution
Hidayat (a*); Fityan Ali Munshi (a)

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Hidayat Hidayat

Department of Computer Engineering of University of Komputer Indonesia
Dipatiukur street No. 102-116, Bandung zipcode 40132, West Java, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to design information systems to optimize the distribution of qurban meat in Eid Qurban. Because, one of the social goals of the implementation of Eid al-Qurban is to distribute qurban meat to poor families so that they can also be happy on the feast day. The presence or absence of qurban meats in each region or many or few of the qurban meats in each region causes uneven distribution of qurban meat in each region. During this time each Qurban organizer carries out their respective Qurban activities. They did not know the number of qurban meats in other areas and their distribution. Therefore, as a solution to optimize the distribution of qurban meat, the author designed an information system for searching and requesting qurban meat based on website. This system is designed so that each Qurban organizer can inform about qurban meat stocks that can be requested by the another organizer. This research is conducted by using experimental method. System designed using the A-star algorithm to find the closest location. The programming language used is the PHP and Javascript programming languages. While database management uses MySQL. The system is integrated with Google Maps to display maps visually. In this system it is applied to search for excess qurban meat stock at the nearest location. The existence of this designed system is expected to help the process of distribution of qurban meat become more optimal so that the social objectives of the celebration of the Qurban feast are achieved.

Information system; Eid al Adha Qurban meat; optimize distribution

Informatic and Information System


Designing of Enterprise Architecture for Interior Furniture Production Based on TOGAF 9.1
L Azizi 1, I D Sumitra 2

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Luthfi azizi

1 Postgraduate of Information System Departement, Universitas Komputer Indonesia.
2Information Management Departement, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to plan and design an Enterprise Architecture according to the needs and capabilities of CV. Xyz. development of corporate architecture is very useful, including in terms of assets, costs, and capabilities. The method for designing Enterprise Architecture is used the TOGAF Architecture Development Method as a framework that will help to design the CV. Xyz. This research only uses four phases of the nine phases of the existing Architectural Development Method. The preliminary phase, architectur vision phase, business architecture phase, information system architecture phase and technology architecture phase. Output from the preliminary phase is input to the initial phase of the Architectural Development Method phase, in the architecture of the input vision resulting in the business process structure that will be proposed. In the next phase, the relationship between business processes and company divisions is illustrated. which will later be the beginning of the development of information systems architecture and technology architecture. The conclusion of this research is the blueprint for corporate architecture design that will be recommended from the results of research that has been done correctly and is expected to help improve business processes to be more organized so that the companys vision and mission becomes clear in the interior production division of furniture at CV. Xyz

Keyword: Business architecture planning, Togaf ADM 9.1, Production, Furniture Interior, Blueprint.

Informatic and Information System


Designing of Recommendation Engine for Recyclable Waste Mobile App
Rio Yunanto

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Rio Yunanto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The objective of this research is to design a recommendation engine for Pilah Matur App. The recommendation engine can provide recommendations to a user about the list of recyclable waste that may be needed to a user according to interaction data with Pilah Matur App. Pilah Matur App is an Android-based recyclable waste mobile app that accepts the recyclable material data from recyclable waste donors or volunteers. The recyclable material may be needed by other users who act as the waste taker. Wastes taken by the waste taker can reduce the amount of waste disposed to the landfill. The recommendation engine in this research uses a combination of CF (Collaborative Filtering) and LBS (Location Based Service). Collaborative filtering performs data filtering based on the similarity of user characteristics so that it is able to provide new information to other users because CF provides information based on a pattern of one user group that has a similarity. The preference for recycled material uses the nearest neighbor similarity method based on GPS coordinates where the recycled material is uploaded by the recyclable waste donor or volunteer then compared to the location of the recyclable waste taker. The output recommendation engine is a list of recycled wastes that have the highest similarity to user preferences. The recommendations proposed by collaborative filtering methods can be measured for accuracy using Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The results of the MAE calculation in the user-based CF method, the App Maturity dataset has an MAE value of 0.33. While the item-based CF method gets an MAE value of 0.17 using the same dataset. The results of testing the CF method show that in user-based collaborative filtering the prediction errors are more than in item-based collaborative filtering. The results of the CF method recommendations are then sorted based on the closest distance by the LBS method.

recyclable waste, recommendation engine, mobile app, collaborative filtering, location based

Informatic and Information System


Designing Website For Online Business In Agricultural Sector
E S Soegoto (a*) , F F Siddiq (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Fajar Farhansyah Siddiq

a. Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
b. Departemen sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, indonesia

The purpose of this research is to discuss about designing websites for agriculture. The method used in this study is a descriptive method to help describe the whole through pictures to be easier to understand. The results of this study are a website to improve and win business competition as a field of promotion and sales of production. In the process of using e-commerce the activities of buying and selling or marketing are more efficient where the use of e-commerce will show the ease of promotion, transaction, reduction of costs and speed up the transaction process.

design website

Entrepreneurship & Technopreneurs


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