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Mathematics and Science Education International Seminar (MASEIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.05 for 1 days in Bengkulu |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 136) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Improvement of student mathematics learning outcome on polyhedra topic by applying generative learning model in the class
A Dianti, N A Yensy, R Rusdi

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Aisyah Dianti

Universitas Bengkulu

Aiming of this research was to improve student learning outcome in mathematics Grade VIII SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bengkulu by applying Generative learning model in the class management. The design of this research was classroom action research with the steps were: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The subject of this research was 32 students of Grade VIII B SMP Negeri 11 Kota Bengkulu on even semester academic year 2018/2019. Data collection was done by using step 4 application in student worksheet and cycle test sheet. The generative model steps in this research were step 1 preparation, step 2 focusing, step 3 challenge and step 4 application. Class management with applying generative learning model improved student learning outcome by: (1) step 1 preparation trained student to remember the topic; (2) step 2 focusing trained student to construct the concept by them self; (3) step 3 challenge trained student to solve the real problem using concept that they got; and (4) step 4 application trained student with the exercises. The average of student learning outcome improved from first cycle to third cycle were: 66,48; 74,70; 83,75 with classical learning outcomes were: 43,75%; 62,50%; 87,50%.

class management, generative learning model, learning outcome

Mathematics Education


Widya Paramita Sari *, Saleh Haji, and Zamzaili

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widya paramita sari

Prodi Pascasarjana(s2) Matematika Universitas Bengkulu

IMPROVING CONCEPT UNDERSTANDING ABILITY THROUGH INQUIRY LEARNING WITH JIGSAW METHOD IN ALGABAR LECTURE ABSTRACT Widya Paramita Sari1 *, Saleh Haji12, and Zamzaili2 1 Program Studi Pendidikan Pascasarjana (S2), Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia *widyaparamitasari86@gmail.com1, * 2 and * 3 Abstract. This study aims to determine Improving the ability of understanding concepts through inquiry learning with student jigsaw methods in the Mathematics Education Study Program FKIP Bengkulu University. This type of research is a classroom action research (CAR) that will be conducted in several cycles, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the leveling stage and the reflection stage. The subjects in this study were the sixth semester students of mathematics education FKIP Bengkulu University, amounting to 37 students. The results showed that inquiry learning with the jigsaw method can improve students understanding of concept skills. The increase in the average value of students from cycle I to cycle II is 61.89 and 78.37. Keyword: Oncept Understanding Ability, Inquiry learning Model and Jigsaw Method.

Oncept Understanding Ability, Inquiry learning Model and Jigsaw Method.

Mathematics Education


Improving monoid concept understanding ability through problem posing learning model at Abstract Algebra course
Yumiati dan Saleh Haji

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Yumiati Yumiati

1. Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
2. Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

This study aims to improve the ability to understand monoid concepts through Problem Posing learning. The method used is a quasi-experiment. The research design used was pre-test post-test group design. The research sample was 32 undergraduate students of the Mathematics Education Study Program FKIP Universitas Bengkulu at the Algebra Abstract course of even semester 2018-2019 academic year. The instrument used were a 4 item test about the concept of monoid. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study are as follows: 1) an increase in the ability to understand the monoid concept of students by 0.67, including the medium category; 2) the achievement of the ability to understand the monoid concept is 74.75 in the high category. The results of this study have implications for the importance of the role of questions in learning mathematics.

Monoid, Problem Posing

Mathematics Education


Improving Students Understanding of Mathematics through Thematic Approaches
Desi Okta Marika, Saleh Haji

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Desi Okta Marika

Math Education Universotas Bengkulu

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of thematic approaches and cognitive styles on the ability to understand mathematics. This research is a quasi-experiment with a sample of Class X Students of SMA N 4 Rejang Lebong. This research instrument is a test of the ability to understand mathematics. The results of this study are that there is a linear influence of students cognitive style covariates on mathematical representation abilities; Student cognitive style, learning models and orientation of mathematics material together affect the ability of understanding mathematics; The ability to understand mathematics students who are taught with a scientific approach is higher than students who are taught with conventional after controlling the cognitive style of students. The ability of understanding mathematics in students who are learning thematically oriented is higher than students who learn not in thematic orientation after controlling.

thematic, mathematical understanding.

Mathematics Education


Incidence of virus mosaic disease in papaya in Bengkulu
Parwito, P (1), Mimi Sutrawati (2*), Agustin Zarkani (2), Nadrawati (2), Sempurna Ginting (2), Priyatiningsih (2), and Yenny Sariasih (2)

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Corresponding Author
Parwito P

(1) Departement of Agrotechnology, Universitas Ratu Samban, Jl.Jend. Sudirman No. 87 Arga Makmur, Bengkulu Utara, Indonesia
(1) Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
(2)Departement of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of yellow mosaic and spotting on California papaya plants in Bengkulu. The research was carried out in January to September 2019 in three districts namely Rejang Lebong, Central Bengkulu, and Seluma districts. The method used in this study is a survey and descriptive method to determine the distribution and incidence of yellow mosaic on papaya plants. Field observations show two types of disease symptoms in papaya tanama. Symptoms of systemic yellow mosaic on papaya leaves, striped mosaic on leaf stalks, ring spot on fruit found in Rejang Lebong Regency. Whereas in Central Bengkulu Regency and Seluma Regency, there were symptoms of brown spots surrounded by yellow halos on the surface of papaya leaves, and small pox spots on papaya fruit. Yellow mosaic disease in several observation locations in Rejang Lebong Regency showed a very high incidence of more than 90% in every land that was observed. While the incidence of brown spot disease in the observation area in Central Bengkulu Regency and Seluma Regency each reached 100%.

Incidence, virus mosaic disease, papaya



Indigenous Knowledge of Besemah- Semende People in Water Conservation Resources
Meilinda, Khoiron Nazip, Riyanto

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Meilinda Meilinda

Biology Education Departement of Sriwijaya University

The problem of water resources consists of three things the availability, using, and management.This problem is increasingly along with water pollution and climate change. To solve the problem not only needs high level of formal education but also indigenous knowledge that already exists in the community. One of the indigenous knowledge in Besemah-Semende is about water conservation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design with a semi-structured interview to explores the understanding of the Besemah people regarding indigenous knowledge about water resources conservation. The object of research is the Besemah Tribe people who live in three sub-districts in the Semendo region. The study was found that indigenous knowledge of Semende to keep the water resources in two form, that is tebat and tambat aiek. Tebat is natural or artificial temporary basin to collect water reservoir from a mountain spring in the village for irrigating rice fields, raising fish, bathing and even washing clothes. For the sake of maintaining the sustainability of the water in the basin, there are several unwritten regulations regarding the use of tebat, such as not being used to dispose of garbage and dirt, maintaining the source of spate water by keeping the forest around the spring source. Tambat aiek is an indigenous knowledge to keep utilizing the water as long as the water is still flowing(for example from a spring, to the public debate, to the debate to keep fish, to the rice field, to the fish pond to the rice field even to the mini power station and so on). If the water discharge can no longer be used then they will drain it into the river. In order to maintain tebat and tambak aiek, they created a water keeper called the datuk aiek and bubut tebat. Datuk aiek are the custode the flow of water in tambat aiek meanwhile bubut tebat is a way to fixing damaged basin as well as harvesting fish in the basin. To protect tebat from the bad people, they using pamali culture by loading pyrotechnics from elders or pioneers of the establishment of tebat. The findings of this research using for teaching material in enviromental changing at science teaching and learning

Indigeneous Knowledge, Water Conservation, Besemah-Semende

Science Education


Instilling the values ​​of character education in the mathematics learning process of class VII SMPN 10 Bengkulu City
Nur Ayu Anggraeni,Resti Komalasari

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Nur Ayu Anggraeni

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

This research is intended to answer the problem of how to inculcate the values ​​of character education in the VII grade Mathematics learning process at SMP Negeri 10 Bengkulu City, this is due to the prevalence of people who begin to commit dishonest deeds, such as drug use, adherence to moral degredation, therefore the need for the integration of the values ​​of character education in adolescents, especially in the process of learning mathematics. The problem was discussed in one field which was carried out at SMP 10 Bengkulu City. Research data obtained by free interview and observation. All data were analyzed with a phenomenological approach and descriptive analysis using induction logic, deduction, and reflection. The results showed that the values ​​of character education in grade VII mathematics material included religious character values, good personal character values, social care character values, honesty character values ​​and hard work character values ​​that could be embedded through the mathematics learning process. The way the teacher instills these character values ​​is by getting used to reading prayers before and after learning, giving direction so that students are enthusiastic about learning mathematics and giving examples of problems related to daily life.

Character Education, Mathematics Learning

Mathematics Education


Isolation and characterization news xylanase produced by Bacillus subtilis strain O42 from mangrove sediment in Kahyapu, Enggano island
S Sipriyadi, W Darwis, R H Wibowo, and W A Tuti

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Sipriyadi Sipriyadi

Universitas Bengkulu

The purpose of this study was to isolated and characterize of news xylanase produced by Bacillus subtilis strain O42 from mangrove sediment in Kahyapu, Enggano island, Bengkulu. This research was conducted from september 2018 to april 2019 at the microbiology laboratory faculty of mathematic and natural science university of Bengkulu. The sediment from mangrove forest were collected from Kahyapu, Enggano island. Isolation of sample were plated on 0.5% beechwood xylan agar medium. The isolates were characterized and identified based on the morphological and biochemical assay. Isolate which produced largest clear zone than the other isolates were selected for further assay by Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method. The selected potential xylanolitic isolate was identify based on 16S rRNA. The results of this study showed that the potentially isolate were EM26 isolate from 36 total bacteria isolated. The crude enzyme production of EM26 showed the highest activity at 40 hours incubation with the enzyme activity of 0.484 U/mL. This crude enzyme optimally worked at pH 6, temperature 35oC with the enzyme activity of 0.289 U/mL . Based on 16S rRNA identification, isolate EM26 has close relationship with Bacillus subtilis strain O42 isolate.




Learning work and energy through aminuddin and aminullah comic
Alrizal(a*), Haerul Pathoni(a), Su-i Rinasari(a)

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Alrizal Alrizal

(a)Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Jambi, Jl. Lintas Jambi - Muara Bulian Km. 15, Jambi Luar Kota 36122, Indonesia

The interesting learning media will help students to understand physics. Comic is one of the alternative learning media that can be used in the learning process. The using of comic has been used widely in the field of education. This research aims to develop a work and energy comic based on Jambi folklore, Aminuddin and Aminullah, for senior high school students. The scenes of comic will be connected to the concepts of physics especially on the work and energy concepts. This study used research and development method referring to the ADDIE model which consisted 5 stages : Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluate. The results of the students response and expert validation of comic show that the comic is feasible to use in learning.

Comic; Work and Energy; Aminuddin Aminullah

Physics Education


Lesson study at Bengkulu Iqro IT High School to improve learning outcomes and the role of teachers in supporting Biology learning
Alif Yanuar Zukmadini, Syaiful Rochman

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Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

Universitas Bengkulu

Iqro IT High School is one of the high school level schools based on Islam in the city of Bengkulu. This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of class XI students and enhance the role of teachers in enhancing collaborative biology learning. This type of research is action research conducted using the lesson study method. Lesson studies are carried out collaboratively by involving the roles of teachers, peers, and lecturers. Lesson study activities carried out in two open lessons, where each open lesson consists of 3 sessions namely plan, do, and see. The instrument used in this study was the observation sheet of the implementation of lesson study and the test sheet of learning outcomes. The results showed an additional increase in the study of lessons from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. In addition there was also an increase in learning outcomes from open lesson 1 to open lesson 2. The conclusion of this study is that lesson study can help teachers to enhance their role in teaching and learning and be able to improve student learning outcomes in biology subjects.

Lesson Study, Biology Learning, Role of Teacher

Biology Education


Lesson study to stimulate students critical thinking in cell biology courses
T Hidayat, S Santoso

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

The purpose of this study is a lesson study joint learning forum for mutual learning from experience in order to stimulate critical thinking of students in the Cell Biology course in the Biology Education Study Program FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. This research is an action research with a qualitative-descriptive approach carried out for 4 cycles. The stages of the lesson study are learning planning (plan), Implementation of learning (Do) and Reflection (See). The results showed that students critical thinking skills in learning Biology Cells through the implementation of lesson studies gained an average score of 85% in either category. The development of the ability to manage classes that have been done through the implementation of lesson studies to stimulate students critical thinking has increased.

Lesson Study, Critical Thinking, Cell Biology

Biology Education


Level of Student Understanding in Solving Geometry Problems Based on Taxonomy of SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes)
Ringki Agustinsa*, Effie Efrida Muchlis, Syafdi Maizora

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Ringki Agustinsa

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Kandang Limun, Kota Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia

This research aimed to determine and classify the level of student understanding in solving geometry problems with taxonomy of SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes). The material been examined was the geometry of planes and spaces. This research was a type of qualitative research conducted by the method of think loud. The research results were: 55% of students had an understanding that was at a multi-structural level with indicators that have been able to use some concepts that was correct but not yet right in terms of linking concepts and 39% of students have been able to use a correct concept (uni-structural level). Then about 5% of students have an understanding at the relational level that have been able to use some correct concepts and connect them, whereas 1% of students have a level of pre-structural understanding. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that levels of student understanding in solving geometry problems are various from pre-structural level until relational level

Thinking Process, Taxonomy of SOLO, Proof Problems, Plane and Space Geometry

Mathematics Education


Management Education Perspective in the Ability to Process

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Nirwana Nirwana

Universitas Bengkulu

Thinking process is a complex process and cannot be seen directly how the brain works and information is processed. Information received through the senses will be perceived by the parts that function specifically. In another hands, information processing refers to how to collect/ receive stimuli from the environment, organize data, solve problems, find concepts, and use verbal and visual symbols. To Improve this process, management education in class should be implemented to improve the result of learning process. Education management can be defined a series of processes of activities managing how to teach students in term of process with planning, organizing, directing or controlling, and assessing activities. While learning management in the narrow sense is defined as activities that need to be managed by educators during interactions with students in the implementation of learning and processing information. In this research, we show how the ability to process information in term of education management in student of Magister Mathematics Education. Specifically, the study saw the result of instruments implementation in subject of Cognitive Psychology in class. The instrument shows there was 97.5% improvement in term of the ability to process information and the 89.35% of student shows the tendency to use the instrument to improve the learning process in classs.

Management, Perspective, Process Information

Other Relevant Topic


Metal incorporated Philippine Abaca fiber (Manila hemp) as a potential novel filter for water disinfection
Kimberly A. Garcia, Khennyie-Ar G. Peroja, Nicole Ann L. Tuberon, Christian Jay B. Cambiador, Abigail P. Cid-Andres

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Abigail Parcasio Cid-Andres

Department of Physical Sciences, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Anonas St., Sta. Mesa, Manila 1016

The contamination of water sources by pathogenic bacteria poses a threat both in the environment and in human health. The incorporation of metal nanoparticles in polymer matrix which is abundantly available in a country can be improved to enhance its antimicrobial property. This study was focused on the development of a novel antibacterial water filter from synthesized silver-copper nanoparticles (Ag-CuNPs) incorporated into Philippine abaca fiber (Manila Hemp). Pre-treatment method and determination of adsorption capacity of abaca fiber towards metal ions, Ag+ and Cu2+ were done prior to synthesis of Ag, Cu and Ag-Cu nanocomposites. Alkali treatment of the fiber confirms OH, C-O and C=O of a cellulose, pectin and lignin in the FTIR analysis. These groups effectively altered the nature of the abaca fiber to hydrophobic, thus, increasing its adsorption capacity up to 80%. Morphological and structural properties of the formed nanoparticles were confirmed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealing polymeric matrices of the fiber in the particle size of 80 nm – 100nm. UV-Vis spectra revealed a broadening of the absorption spectra of a bimetallic Ag-Cu nanoparticles at 410 nm. The antimicrobial assay results revealed promising synergism of the combined silver and copper nanoparticles against both Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacterial strains in synthetically prepared water. Also, a relatively proximate bactericidal efficiency was attained between the CuNPs and Ag-CuNPs abaca fiber composites. The developed Ag-CuNPs abaca fiber composite can act as novel antibacterial water filter for water disinfection.

Water disinfectant, Metal Nanoparticle, Antimicrobial Property, Polymer Matrix



Didi Jaya Santri, Khoiron Nazip, Kodri Madang, Hilda Zulkifli, Aldes Lesbani, Hermansyah

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Didi Jaya Santri

Universitas Sriwijaya

Research has been conducted to determine the rate of growth of freshwater microalgae from South Sumatra swamp waters in BG11 medium with the addition of CO2 in a simple bioreactor. Two types of microalgae used are Nanochloris sp. and Chlorella sp. This study used a Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments (control, addition of aerators and addition of aerators and CO2). Growth medium is BG11 Medium with 1500 ml volume. CO2 gas is added as much as 36 BPM, for 60 minutes per day. Bioreactors are exposed outdoors in 12-hour solar lighting. Growth rate is measured by Optical Density (OD) method. The results showed that the addition of CO2 had a significant effect and was able to increase the growth rate of Nanochloris sp and Chlorella sp by 336% and 226% respectively over 12 days of culture compared to controls.

Bioreactor, Chlorella, CO2, Microalgae, Nanochloris, South Sumatra.



Model for developing audio visual media efforts to increase religion and moral values of early age children kota Bengkulu
Lydia Margaretha(a*), Dwi Nomi Pura(b)

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Lydia Margaretha

a) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Jalan Meranti Raya No. 32 Sawah Lebar Bengkulu, Indonesia.
* argarethalydia[at]
b) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu, Jalan Meranti Raya No. 32 Sawah Lebar Bengkulu, Indonesia.

This study aims to: (1) Design audio-visual media development that can enhance religious and moral values in learning; (2) Describe the effectiveness of using audio-visual media to improve religious and moral values. The subjects of this study were class B teachers and children in the B grade of Bengkulu City. While the object of this research is audio-visual media as a learning medium in aspects of religious and moral values. This research was carried out using a "Research and Development" approach. Conclusions are taken: (1) Audio-visual media as learning media that can explain abstract religious and moral values to be concrete and attract childrens attention so that they can increase religious and moral values child. (2) The audio-visual media developed is an effective alternative media as a learning media for aspects of religious and moral values to enhance the religious and moral values of Class B PAUD children. Increased religious values are significantly based on the results of t-test level significance 0.00 which is smaller than 5%. The use of audio-visual media can improve childrens morale after using audio-visual media is higher than before using audio-visual media

Audio Visual Media, Religious Values, Morals

Science Education


Modeling and Forecasting of Rainfall in Bengkulu City using Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive (GSTAR)
Herlin Fransiska (a*), Etis Sunandi (a), Dian Agustina (a)

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Herlin Fransiska

a) Dept. of Statistics, University of Bengkulu.


Rainfall is an essential problem in Bengkulu City. Heavy rainfall can have bad impacts such as floods and landslides. This study aims to model monthly rainfall data in Bengkulu City by considering location factors. These locations are the coast, lowlands, and highlands so that they have different rainfall. Modeling using space-time data using the Generalized Space-Time Autoregressive (GSTAR) method. Rainfall data used monthly rainfall data from 2008 to 2017. The data source is BMKG. Stages of analysis are model identification, estimation of model parameters, and model validation. The best model can be used as a reference and input for climate and weather research in Bengkulu for the formulation of policies in disaster management by local governments through the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) for Bengkulu City.

Bengkulu City, GSTAR, Rainfall, Space-Time Data



New Candidate for Traditional Anti-malarial Medicine from Kebiul Seed (Caesalpinia bonduc) as A Substitute for Chloroquine in Preclinical Testing of Mice
Agus Sundaryono 1,2*, Arsela Ekolistiono11, Annisa Puji Astuti1, Tyas Sri Muryani1, Linda Febrianti1, Nurleli1, and Nurhamidah2

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Agus Sundaryono

1Graduate School of Science Education, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu Indonesia
2 Undergraduate School of Chemistry Educations, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu

Kebiul seeds (Caesalpinia bonduc) are seeds from the Kebiul plant that are widely used by the serawai tribe in Bengkulu Indonesian as malaria medicine. The purpose of this study was to scientifically prove the efficacy of Kebiul seeds as an anti-malaria medicine preclinically in mice by measuring percent (%) chemosuppresion of crude extract of Kebiul seeds. Twenty-five mice were divided into 5 groups, K-, K +, P1, P2 and P3 each group were infected with Palsmodium berghei, three days after infection, the number of parasitemia that infected eritrocytes of mice was calculated, if the number of parasites had reached 20-30%, then mice were treated orally for 3 days according to their group. Group (K-) treated with olive oil, group (K +) with chloroquine, and groups P1, P2 and P3 were treated with crude extract of Kebiul seeds at a dose of 0.028 g / kgbw; 0.056 g / kgbw and 0.084g / kgbw. The average number of parasitemia developments is calculated from the first day of treatment to up to 7 days. The average percent (%) chemosuppresion in the administration of crude extract Kebiul seeds at a dose of 0.028 g / kgbw was 51.21% higher than the administration of chloroquine (50.77%). Based on this result, Kebiul seed extract at a dose of 0.028 g / kgbw can be developed as a new traditional medicine as a substitute for anti-malaria medicine chloroquine, because it has been reported in several areas including Bengkulu that malaria is resistant to chloroquine.

Biji Kebiul (Caesalpinia bonduc); Anti malaria; Klorokuin; Traditional medicine; Palsmodium berghei



Odd graceful labeling on the Ilalang graph (Sn,3) it-s variation
Z Amri (a*), Irvan (a), I Maryanti (b), and H Sumardi (c)

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zulfi Amri

a) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Matematika PPs UMSU
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika UMSU
c) Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Bengkulu

A graf called odd graceful graph if there is an injectivemapping f:V(G)→{0,1,2,…,2q-1} such that for each edge xy∈E(G) labeled by |f(u)-f(v)|, and the results willform a label on the edge {1,3,5,…,2q-1} which is bijective. Variabel q is the number of edges. This paper purpose is to construct the formula of odd graceful labelling on the ilalang graph (S_n,3) and it-s variation.

Odd Labeling; Ilalang Graph



Hanifah, Yunia Jumita Ningrum

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Hanifah M. Kom

Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UNIB

ABSTRACT The APOS Model is a Mathematical Learning Model Based on Theory: Action, Process, Object, and Schema (APOS). The APOS Model is a refinement of the Calculus Learning Model Based on APOS Theory. The APOS Model has syntax with phases: Orientation, Practicum, Small Group Discussion, Class Discussion, Exercise or Evaluation. Development of SWSbased on APOS Model assisted on Geogebra in the subject of Riemann Sum developed using Plomp (2013) design which consists of three stages: 1) preliminary research, 2) prototyping phase, and 3) assessment phase. The purpose of this research was to find out how practicality of SWS was being developed, and how the criteria of practicing SWS based on the APOS Model assisted by Geogebra in the Riemann Sum discussion topic. The instrument used to collect data was the SWS practicality instrument in the form of a Likert scale. Research subjects were: one-to-one test conducted by a lecturer, a teacher, 3 senior students. Small group test by 3 groups of senior students with 3 students in each group. Large group test by 35 students in class B on the 3rd semester of Mathematics Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Bengkulu. After processing the data, the average score of practicality test of SWS was: one to one trial = 82,5%; according to the small group test = 77.63%; according to the large group test = 67,5%. The average value of practicality of SWS by users was 75,862% and belongs to the practical category.

APOS Model, APOS Model Syntax, Practicality of SWS

Mathematics Education


Hanifah, Yunia Jumita Ningrum

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Hanifah M. Kom

Pendidikan Matematika FKIP UNIB

ABSTRACT The APOS Model is a Mathematical Learning Model Based on Theory: Action, Process, Object, and Schema (APOS). The APOS Model is a refinement of the Calculus Learning Model Based on APOS Theory. The APOS Model has syntax with phases: Orientation, Practicum, Small Group Discussion, Class Discussion, Exercise or Evaluation. Development of SWSbased on APOS Model assisted on Geogebra in the subject of Riemann Sum developed using Plomp (2013) design which consists of three stages: 1) preliminary research, 2) prototyping phase, and 3) assessment phase. The purpose of this research was to find out how practicality of SWS was being developed, and how the criteria of practicing SWS based on the APOS Model assisted by Geogebra in the Riemann Sum discussion topic. The instrument used to collect data was the SWS practicality instrument in the form of a Likert scale. Research subjects were: one-to-one test conducted by a lecturer, a teacher, 3 senior students. Small group test by 3 groups of senior students with 3 students in each group. Large group test by 30 students in class B on the 3rd semester of Mathematics Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Bengkulu. After processing the data, the average score of practicality test of SWS was: one to one trial = 82,5%; according to the small group test = 77.63%; according to the large group test = 79.0%. The average value of practicality of SWS by users was 79,71 and belongs to the practical category.

Keywords: APOS Model, APOS Model Syntax, Practicality of SWS.

Mathematics Education


Problem-Based Learning (PBM) and Blended Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skills and Student Learning Activities in Biochemistry Courses
Yennita, Alif Yanuar Zukmadini

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Yennita Yennita

S-1 Pendidikan Biologi
FKIP Universitas Bengkulu

This study aims at improving students critical thinking skills and student learning activities in biochemical courses. The efforts in improving critical thinking skills are carried out by applying the problem-based learning model using “blended learning” method. Blended learning method is implemented by integrating the face-to-face learning with online learning into the syntax of problem base learning. Face-to-face learning is done in the classroom, while the form of online learning is done by utilizing internet facilities and online discussion forums. This type of research is categorized as a classroom action research with quantitative descriptive research methods. The instrument used to collect data was a critical thinking test sheet and an observation sheet. The data of test results is done by calculating the percentage of critical thinking and determining the criteria. Data from observations of learning activities are also calculated using a range of values that appear and determine the criteria. The results showed that the percentage of students critical thinking skills in the first cycle was 52.29% (quite critical), while in the second cycle it increased to 64.43% (critical). The teaching activities of lecturers in the first cycle and the second cycle were 36 (good category). Student learning activities in the first cycle is 35 (good category) and in the second cycle is 34 (good category). The conclusion of this study is the application of problem-based learning (PBM) using the blended learning method can improve critical thinking skills and student learning activities in biochemical courses.

Problem Based Learning, Blended Learning, Biochemistry Courses, Critical Thinking Skills

Biology Education


novianti mandasari

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novianti mandasari

STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

The ability of reasoning is very important to note for being able to train students to think activity able to complete math problems.This ability also became a benchmark in determining the student achievement in mathematics, one of them is in the international TIMSS and PISA. However, the ability of competing of Indonesian students is still very low compared to other countries. This can be due to the lack of giving questions that train reasoning abilities by the teacher. Therefore, there is need for improvement in the process of learning mathematics. On the process of learning, students are given the opportunity to explore and to dig up all the potential. The teacher can give problems that are able to train and develop the ability of mathematical reasoning. Problem-based learning is is a learning-centeredissues. Problems can be relate to the real-life of students and can train the ability of skills and complete mathematical problems

Problem Based Learning, Reasoning Ability, Mathematics

Mathematics Education


Profile of pre-service physics teachers critical thinking skills related to heat transfer
Y Yusal1*, A Suhandi2, W Setiawan3, and I Kaniawati2

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Yulianti Yusal

1Program Studi Doktoral Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Critical thinking skills are one of the skills needed to meet the challenges of 21sf century. This study aims at describing the profile of pre-service physics teachers critical thinking skills related to heat transfer. This research is a descriptive research conducted in the physics education program at one of the private universities in Jakarta. Data collection is done through the test of critical thinking skills related to heat transfer. The collected data is analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that 0% of students were in the category of high critical thinking skills, 25% on moderate critical thinking skills, and 75% on low critical thinking skills. Thus, the critical thinking skills of pre-service physics teachers still belong to low category.

critical thinking, heat transfer

Physics Education


Profile of scientific literacy teacher students on the study of Basic Natural Science
Yamin1,2, A Permanasari2, S Redjeki2, and W Sopandi2

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Yamin Yamin

1 Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pakuan, Jl. Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
2 Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Sekolah Pascasarjana,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The function of this research was to describe the scientific literacy teacher students on the study of Basic Natural Science. The method of this study was descriptive. The subjects were the teacher students at a university in Bogor. The instrument that used for this research is the test of science literacy, attitude scales and the questionnaire responses of student about implementation of Basic Natural Sciences. Average scientific literacy for all student was 71% (high category). The attainment of scientific literacy in domain process science was 74% in identifying scientific issues, 72% in explaining phenomena scientifically, and 67% in utilizing scientific evidence. The attainment of scientific literacy in domain of science content for natural development content by 75%, universe content is 66%, biodiversity content is 71%, ecosystem content by 77%, natural resource content by 70%, and biotechnology content by 68%. The attainment of student-s attitudes toward science in supporting scientific inquiry was high category, responsibility toward resources and environment was high category, and interest in science was high category. Students responded positively to the study on Basic Natural Sciences.

scientific literacy, teacher students, Basic Natural Science

Science Education


Rhetorical Technique of Mathmatics and Science Lecturers in Enhancing Students Critical Thinking Ability
Dian Eka Chandra Wardhana, Noermanzah, Ferandita Gusweni Jayanti , Dwi Aji Budiman

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dian eka chandra wardhana

Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia

Lecturers as facilitators play an important role in generating students- understanding about the learning materials. Good rethorical technique of the lecturers is believed to enhance students- understanding about the course materials. For this reason, the utilization of good rhetorical techniques is essential in delivering lectures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the rhetorical technique of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturers at Bengkulu University on the critical thinking skills of students in the Geophysics Class. This research employs one sample free test or the One Sample t-test Method. The data of this research was collected by using a test which is a performance test and then analysed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The validity of the data is proven through data normality test. The results showed that the rhetorical technique used by the Mathematics and Natural Sciences lecturer had a significant positive effect on students critical thinking skills with p-value> 0.05. Key word : rethorical technique, critical thinking skills, the learning science materials

rethorical technique, critical thinking skills, the learning science materials

Science Education


Stages of Embryo Development Microhyla heymonsi Based on Xenopus laevis (Daudin) Standards from Nieuwkoop and Faber (1994)
Deni Parlindungan (a*), Aceng Ruyani (a), Bhakti Karyadi (a).

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a) Science Education Program, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu Indonesia. *dparlindungan[at]

Amphibians in Sumatra have recorded 110 species but there is still observation of the development embryos frog species, especially M. heymonsi. It is necessary to know the comparison of the M. Stages of Embryo Development compared to the X.laevis (Daudin) standard from Nieuwkoop and Faber (1994). This study uses M.heymonsi egg and tedpole samples taken directly from its natural habitat in the University of Bengkulu area. Sampels were collected using the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method, which is directly on the terrestrial and aquatic pathways (Heyer et al. 1994). Observation of the stage of embryo development carried out for 17 days was observed every 2 hours starting at 08.00-16.00. The data shows the stages of the development of M. heymonsi embryos compared to the X.laevis (Daudin) standard in stages 1 to 47 have similarities. Changes include size and morphological conditions.

Stages, Development, Microhyla heymonsi , Xenopus laevis



Stoichiometry Using Guided Inquiry Model for Enhancing creative thinking skills
Nadia Amida (a*), Nurhamidah (b)

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Nadia Amida

(a*) Chemistry Education, Universitas Bengkulu
Jalan WR. Supratman, Kandang Limun, Muara Bangkahulu, Bengkulu, 38122, Indonesia
(b) Chemistry Education, Universitas Bengkulu

This study aims to enhance creative thinking skills of students using guided inquiry model trough of Stoichiometry. This study used quasi-experimental methods, with pretest-postest non equivalent control group design. Subjects of this study were biology students enrolled in basic chemistry, consist of 35 students in experimental class and 35 students in control class. Instrument in this study were essay test that involves 3 indicators of creative thinking skills (i.e. fluency, flexibility, and elaboration) and also student worksheets. The results showe that Stoichiometry using guided inquiry model have been enhance for creative thinking skills in high category for all indicators.

creative thinking skills, guided inquiry, stoichiometry

Chemistry Education


Student discussion skill activities through lesson study
N Murniati (a*), Irwandi (2)

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Neni Murniati

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Bengkulu, Jl. WR Supratman, Bengkulu 38122, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Jl. Bali, PO Box 118, Bengkulu 38119, Indonesia

Lesson study is an educator professional development program through collaborative and continuous learning based on the principles of collegiality and mutual learning. This lesson study activity aims to increase student discussion activities in the Microblogy course at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty Biology Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. This research was a classroom action research using 4 cycles. It used a qualitative design with a problem-based approach. The lesson study implementation phase were planning (Plan), implementing learning (Do) and Reflection (See). The topics chosen in the lesson study activities were (1) Bacteria (2) Fungi, (3) Protozoa, and (4) Viruses. The data collection used observation sheet observation of student discussion activities through lesson study activities. The data collected were then analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of lesson study activities showed the increasing in skills activity to student discussions in microbiology courses at the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu. Continuous implementation of lesson study in the lecture process improved the professionalism of lecturers. Along with the increase in lecturer professionalism, it had an impact on the effectiveness of learning activities and improving the quality of education as a whole.

lesson study, discussion skill

Biology Education


Students- Achievement and Teachers- Perception on The Implementation of Lesson Study-based Cooperative Learning
Rusdi Hasan(a*), Marheny Lukitasari(b), Yani Ernawati(a)

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Rusdi Hasan

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
b) Universitas PGRI Madiun

Enhancing Students- Activeness and Concept Comprehension and Teachers- Perception on Teacher Quality Improvement through Lesson Study Rusdi Hasan, Nasral Tanjung and Yani Ernawati Dept. Biology Education, University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Indonesia Corresponding author: Abstract Lesson study (LS) originally developed in Japan with over a century is a form of teacher inquiry in which teachers in small groups undertake collectively a cycle of “plan-do-review/see” activities to improve pedagogy and so pupil learning and progress. LS has been practiced in many countries worldwide as well as developing countries in South East Asia region. This paper reported the implementation of LS on enhancement students- activeness in classroom and concept comprehension in biological class as well as teacher-s perception on improving their quality as LS applied. The study was employed in Senior High School Muhammadiyah 4 in Bengkulu located in Southern Sumatra of Indonesia. We used cooperative learning model in three cycles of LS practice of this study. Each cycle consisted of three steps i.e. Plan, Do and See. The results showed that students- activeness during LS in cycle I were 1.9% of excellent, 46.3% of good, 50.6% of fair and 1.2% of poor. The students- activeness were better in cycle II become 7.4% of excellent, 56.2% of good, 36,4% of fair and 0% of poor. In cycle III students- activeness rise to 11.7% of excellent, 71.6% of good, 16.7% of fair and 0% of poor. Students who had excellent and good categories collectively increases from 48% to 64% and 83 % in cycle I, II and III, respectively. In contrast, students who had poor activity decrease from 1% to nil in cycle I to the next cycle. LS made lesson process better and better and enjoyable by students. It was mirrored by student-s comprehension on biological concept in term of Reproduction in human in this study was increased from 64.2 to 75.8 and 82.7 in cycle I, II and III of LS, respectively. Those results reflected that LS implementation improved students- activeness on biology lesson and concept comprehension in biology. On the other hand, all teachers evolved in this study perceived that LS implementation can improve teachers- professional quality and promote teachers professional development. They strongly agreed that LS to be beneficial for them to become a better quality biological teacher.

biology, concept comprehension, lesson study, perception

Biology Education


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