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1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Event starts on 2019.10.16 for 1 days in Magelang |

Page 14 (data 391 to 420 of 470) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Effects of Hybrid Learning and Flipped Classroom Methods in Increasing the Learning Independence of the Citizenship Course of the Students
Prihma Sinta Utami*, Muhibuddin Fadhli

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

This study aims to determine the significance of the difference between the use of hybrid learning and flipped classroom methods in increasing the learning independence of student citizenship at Muhammadiyah University, Ponorogo. This research uses quantitative methods with quasi-experimental type (quasi experiment). The independent variable in this study is a learning method that consists of two dimensions, namely the method of hybrid learning and flipped classroom, the moderator variable is the independence of student learning, and the dependent variable is the result of student citizenship learning. The population of this research is Mechanical Engineering study program students in the academic year 2018/2019. The sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, tests, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses independent sample t-test. The results showed that (1) t-test results of the standard gain value showed that the price of t for the same variant was 2.54 with a significance level of 0.01. The results show that the value of t arithmetic> t table that is t = 2, 54 is greater than the table 0.025 = 1.99 then H0 is rejected. The significance level of the calculation is 0, 01 whose value is smaller than 0.05 (p <0.05). This means that H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant difference between the hybrid learning method and the flipped classroom in increasing the learning independence of student citizenship. (2) The hybrid learning method contributes more significantly to the independence of student citizenship learning than flipped classrooms. This can be seen from the percentage increase in the results of the questionnaire independence for student citizenship learning, for classes taught with the hybrid learning method gained an increase of 21.03% while for classes taught with flipped classrooms an increase of 13.89%. In addition to being seen from the results of the questionnaire, based on the results of the student citizenship learning test showed the percentage of students who achieved the passing grade criteria for classes taught with the hybrid learning method was 82.85% while the class taught with flipped classroom was 74.28%

Hybrid learning; flipped classroom; learning independence; Citizenship.



Nani Mulyaningsih, Bima Bayu Tidarriano

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Nani Mulyaningsih

Universitas Tidar

Fuels are needed to run vehicles. The use of fuels by motorist seems to have an impact on corrosion rate of the fuel tank. Corrosion can result in perforated fuel tank and this can be dangerous for motorists. So that, further investigation related to the use of fuels on fuel tank corrosion resistant is essential. Previous research had already explored tank corrosion resistance (without surface treatment) using pertalite and pertamax and the finding showed that corrosion rate was quite high. Thus, in this current study, before testing the corrosion rate, the tanks were electroplated. It is expected that this could reduce the corrosion rate. This research was initiated with the preparation of material and tools, the cutting of fuel tank, and the electroplating of nickel. Then, it was followed by corrosion testing by using variety of pertalite and pertamax. The value of corrosion rates indicated corrosion resistance. The result of this study revealed that the corrosion rate of fuel tank using pertamax was smaller than that of pertalite. The value of corrosion rate of pertamax was 0.020 mmpy while the corrosion rate of pertalite was 0.023 mmpy.

pertamax, pertalite, fuel tank, electroplating, corrosion

Mechanical Engineering


The Identity Crisis of Daramjwi Character in Anatoli Kim-s Daramjwi
Mutiara Chaerani (a*), Eva Latifah (b)

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Mutiara Chaerani

a) Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanity, University of Indonesia
b) Department of Literature, Faculty of Humanity, University of Indonesia

This research discusses the identity crisis issue that occurs in Korean diaspora in Russia and Central Asia. Korean diaspora in Russia and Central Asia has been going on since the 1860s. The authors argue that the identity crisis that occurs in Korean diaspora in Central Asia and Russia happens because of lack of empathy. This argument is different from previous studies which show that the discrimination occurs because of racial minorities and ruler-s authority which did not allow migrants to come to Russia. This research is analyzed by using Genetic Structuralism theory and Identity Crisis theory. The authors use literature review method and Daramjwi novel by Anatoli Kim as the corpus. This novel is chosen because it is written by Korean representation author in Russia. The authors also collect some data of Korean diaspora history, Anatoli Kim biography, documenter, and some news related to the research to support the argument. This research shows that the identity crisis occurs because of continuous discrimination without empathy from native Russian.

diaspora; Goryeoin; identity crisis; identity negotiation; Korean diaspora



The Impact of Audits in Corporate Financial Distress: The Case of Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia
Siti Noor Khikmah (a,b*) , Abdul Rohman (c), Indira Januarti (c)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

(a) Doctoral Program of Economic, Accounting, Faculty of Economic and Business
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
(b) Departement of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University, Magelang, Indonesia 
*Email: noorkhikmah[at]
(c) Departement of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

This paper aims to examine and analyze the impact of audits on financial difficulties in Indonesia manufacturing companies. The sample was manufacturing companies in period 2014-2017, using a purposive sampling methods. A total of 128 companies and the data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results show that the audit opinion, auditor switching and auditors reputation affect financial distress. However, audit delay does not affect financial distress. The implication of this research is to investigate companies financial distress in capital market, especially related to the role of the audit external.

financial distress; audit opinion; auditor switching; audit reputation; audit delay



The Impact of Institutional Strategies in The Innovation Process on The Behavior of The Community and Local Government in The City of Magelang
Arif Barata Sakti1, Andjar Prasetyo1

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Andjar Prasetyo

Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang,
Magelang City, Central Java, Indonesia

Magelang City is one area that is part of the Central Java Province, Indonesia. The development process in Magelang City has the same model as other regions in Central Java Province. One important aspect in the development process is the existence of institutions that carry out development. The issue of the development process is innovation that has an impact on society and regional apparatus. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the institutional strengthening process strategy on the innovation process that affects the community and local government in the City of Magelang. This study uses secondary data from the Magelang City Research and Development Agency from 2000 to 2019. Analysis of the qualitative description into the research method in this study is linked to regulations in Indonesia. The result is the institutional strategy implemented by the City Government of Magelang has a significant impact on the innovations implemented and influences the behavior of the community and local government in the City of Magelang. In line with the results, the City of Magelang in institutional development has a model in accordance with central government regulations and gained recognition as an independent performing institution.

Strengthening Institutions, Innovation, Society, Local Government

Government Studies


The Impact of Mind-Mapping Method to Student-s Career Decision Making
Sovi Septania (a*), Tansri Adzlan Shah (b)

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Corresponding Author
Sovi Septania

a) Psychology Faculty, Muhammadiyah Lampung University Jl. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Bandar Lampung *sovi.septania[at]
b) Psychology Faculty, Muhammadiyah Lampung University

Technology is constantly changing the way we work which will emphasize variance of work itself. It created a host of new position of job which never before existed. The career options available today are nothing like they were 20 years ago. Career decision making present an important role to endorse productive and precise career in the future. In other side, mind- mapping as a powerful tools is design to maximize career ideas, create concepts which can turn to career prototype to have a more concrete directions to test their prototype. The focus of this research was to determine the effect of mind-mapping methods on career decision making on Psychology faculty-s student in Muhammadiyah Lampung University. Research design using quasi-experimental one group pre-test & post-test design with 26 students as experiment group based on the pre-screening results. Research instrument used is career decision making scale. The results showed that mind-mapping method had significant effect on career decision making with paired samples t-test results with t score 6,405 (p <0.05). The average gain score before treatment was 91.61 increased to 103 after treatment. The goal selection aspect had a higher final total score with 546 score compared to other aspects. Therefore, mind-mapping method significantly influences the final goal selection process which is closely related to student career decision making.

Mind-Mapping; Career Decision Making; Students



Hermahayu(1*), Supra Wimbarti(2), Ira Paramastri(2), Ria Lumintuarso(3)

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

(1)Faculty of Psychology and Humanities, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
(2)Faculty of Psychology,Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3)Faculty of Sport Science, Yogyakarta State University
e-mail: hermahayu[at]

Executive Functions (EF) are the ability of individuals to initiate, adapt, organize, monitor, and control information and behavior processes. EF consists of three basic components, namely inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility. Those three components play a crucial role in childrens cognitive, behavioral and social emotional development as the aspects of childrens school readiness. This study examines the effect of physical exercise to improve executive functions among pre-school children. The subjects of this study were 132 children aged 5-7 years from three preschool institutions in Magelang City. They were divided into three groups, namely the experiment group 1 who were given simple physical training (without cognitive involvement), the experimental group 2 with complex physical training (cognitive involvement), and the control groups without any treatment. The two experimental groups were given two sessions of training per week during four weeks. The results of the study showed that complex physical activity had an effect on EF, specifically the inhibition component. While simple physical activity affects WM. Physical activity, both complex and simple, did not affect to CF.

executive functions, physical training, pre-school



The Impact of Service Quality and Institutional Image on the Satisfaction and Loyalty of Master of Management Students at Muhammadiyah University, Jember
Nursaid, Sapta Hadi Purnomo, Nurul Qomariah

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Nurul Qomariah

Universitas Muhamamdiyah Jember

This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, image of the institution on the satisfaction and loyalty of Postgraduate Masters in Management at Muhammadiyah University, Jember. The study population was all graduate students in the Management of the University of Muhammadiyah Jember who were still registered until 2019. The number of samples in this study were 50 students. Validity and reliability tests are used to test research measuring instruments in the form of questionnaires. This study was analyzed by using linear regression analysis that influenced student satisfaction. The results of the study show that the quality of service and the image of the institution affects student satisfaction. Quality of service and image of the institution affects student loyalty. Student satisfaction does not affect student loyalty.

service quality, image of institution, student satisfaction and loyalty



The Impact of Stress Reduction Strategy on Hemodialysis Patients as an Effort to Improve Quality of Service
Anita Shinta Kusuma(a), Berlian Nurtyashesti Kusumadewi(b)

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Anita Shinta Kusuma

Ngesti Waluyo Nursing Academy

Most hemodialysis patients experience moderate to high level of anxiety& stress. This requires coping skills&techniques that can be used to effectively reduce stress level,&increase the participation of hospitals to improve service quality. This study aims to determine the impact of Meridian Tapping Point combined with Breathing Exercise Technique to the stress level, BP&pulse rate of hemodialysis patients at Christian Hospital Ngesti Waluyo. A quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design was conducted. The study was conducted on June 26 to July 15, 2019, with total respondent 46 hemodyalisis patients. With variables stress level, BP, pulse rate. Data were analzed using paired sample t-test. The results showed that a decrease in PSS score, blood pressure and pulse in the post test. The difference of score between pre-test and post-test was 0.000. Meanwhile, the difference of systolic blood pressure between pre and post-test was 0.001, for diastolic, the difference of score was 0.03, and for pulse the difference score was 0.043 (p<0.05). Thus, there is a significant difference in the stress level, blood pressure and pulse rate before&after the intervention. Meridian Tapping Point combined with breathing exercise technique & verbal persuasion can reduce the stress levels, BP&pulse rate

Hemodialysis; tapping-point; Stress-reduction; Quality of service

Health Science


The Implementation of Bobanehena Tourism Village Development in West Halmahera Regency
Saiful Deni(a), Thamrin Husain(a), Anggriyani Salaka(a)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a) Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, Ternate, Indonesia
E-mail: saifuldeni[at]

The study idea due to a cooperative agreement on tourism villages development implemented in Bobanehena tourist village. The study purpose was to analyze how the Indonesian village and tourism ministry cooperative agreement implemented. The analysis method uses qualitative descriptive. Data obtained from interview and documentation. Implementation criteria using Edward III theory that is; communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The results found that there was excellent communication between central, regional, and village governments. Besides, the Bobanehena society support who warmly welcomed the tourism development program in their village and the most crucial thing is sufficient funding sources in tourism developing process supporting facilities. Meanwhile, there is a positive attitude that supports implementation success. Following, the fulfillment of standard operation procedure (SOP) by Bobanehena tourist village from central government. The tourist villages development through community empowerment, increasing tourist visits number, destinations development using attractions, amenities and visible accessibility, and increasing people income

Tourism Village Development; Bobanehena

Civil Engineering


The Implementation of Local Content Curriculum of Elementary English in Surakarta, Indonesia
(a)Honest Ummi Kaltsum, (b)Wahdan Najib Habiby

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a,b Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

English for elementary education unit in Indonesia is regarded as local content curriculum area which mandates that it should include value and local knowledge associated with region in which English curriculum is delivered (Ministerial Decree No.060/U/1993). However observation shows that this policy has not seen yet applied in several elementary schools English textbooks which sold in the market and used by several elementary English teachers in Surakarta. Considering this phenomena, this research aims to investigate 1. The learning tools used by the elementary English teachers regarding to this policy, 2. Teachers- effort in implementing the government policy of English as local content curriculum area. This qualitative study employs case study design to observe and conduct toward elementary English teachers from different education unit background and apply thematic analysis to analyse the data. The findings show that 1. Elementary English teachers have not yet acom modated the local content in the learning tools such as in the syllabus, lesson plan, media and learning source, 2. Teachers only pay a bit attention in implementing this policy

local content, elementary English curriculum policy



The Implication of Elaboration Likelihood Model on Social Media Usage for Travel Planning
Harryanto Suhardjo(*); Hapsari Setyowardhani; Ira Iriyanty

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Hapsari Setyowardhani

Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia

Millennials tends to use social media as the source of information for their travelling decision making. The study aims to identify the factors that influence travel planning on millennials using the elaboration likelihood approach. The samples that the author uses are Indonesian Millennials that actively using social media and have been using social media to plan a travel experience. This research is using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to process the data. The result showing that during the initial process of planning, the peripheral route which consists of source credibility and social media reputation plays a huge role. Meanwhile during the later process of planning the central route is the main route that influences the users when they start to dig in more information and getting more interested in the information they searched for. This concludes that during the buying decision process, the later route plays a huge role, but the initial route plays a significant role to pull the attention of a potential customer before they decide which products or services that they like to focus on.

Elaboration Likelihood Model; Social Media; Informational Fit-to-task; Focus Immersion; Travel Planning Process



The Influence of Consumer Review: Website Relation on eWOM Effectiveness: Case Study on Traveloka
Savira Gabriel Evani(*); Hapsari Setyowardhani; Ira Iriyanty

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Corresponding Author
Hapsari Setyowardhani

Department Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, University Indonesia
* savirage26[at]

As an Online Travel Agency, Traveloka provides travel and accommodation-related online reviews to help consumers buying decision. This study exerts Online Social Network (OSN) model from Brown, Boderick, & Lee (20007) to study the role of eWOM on customer review website by investigating the effect on consumers decision making process. Purposive sampling was used for this research with 235 respondents and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling approach. Findings of this study reveal that tie strength has a positive impact on attitude towards the website and source credibility, as well as homophily has a positive impact on attitude towards eWOM Information and source credibility. Furthermore, source credibility has an important role in attitude towards eWOM Information and attitude toward the website, and also the attitude toward eWOM Information has a positive impact on attitude toward the website and eWOM effectiveness. Managerial implications and recommendations related to these findings are discussed for further research.

Consumer Behavior, Online Social Network, Tie Strength, Homophily, Source Credibility, eWOM Effectiveness, Online Review, Online Travel Agency, Travel

Financial Technology


Nuhyal Ulia(a), Yunita Sari(a), Sari Yustiana(a), Mohamad Hariyono(b)

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Nuhyal Ulia

a)Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
Jalan Kaligawen No.4 Semarang Indonesia

b)Universitas Terbuka

This study aims 1) to find out the characteristics of basic mathematics concept teaching materials based on internalization of Islamic values, and 2) to improve students religious attitudes through lectures using basic mathematics concept teaching materials based on internalizing Islamic values. The research method used is research development. Data collection techniques used were nontest techniques in the form of questionnaires. Analysis of the data used includes the validity of teaching materials analysis, practicality analysis of teaching materials, effectiveness analysis of teaching materials, descriptive statistics, and Gain normalization test. Learning using basic mathematics concept teaching materials based on internalizing Islamic values can improve students religious attitudes shown from the results of the initial questionnaire given an average score of 70.22% while the final questionnaire provided an average score of 87, 32%. An increase of 0.58 in the medium category based on the normalized gain test. From the results of the study, it is expected that the existing religious attitudes are more explored through learning and habituation. Because the lecturer is only a facilitator, certainly in improving religious attitudes the teacher is not centered, but it must be student centered.

Teaching materials for elementary mathematics concepts, Mathematics learning, Internalization of Islamic values



The Influence of Personality, Conflict and Trust on Commitment of Duties of Principal Public Elementary Schools in DKI Jakarta Province
Dwi tyas Utami, Sutjipto,Mukhneri Mukhtar

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Dwi Tyas Utami

Universty state of Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of personality, communication, conflict and trust in the task commitment of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province. The study was conducted on work commitments involving 317 Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province who had been selected from the target population of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province using a quantitative approach with path analysis methods. The direct effect of personality on the commitment of the task is 0.144 while indirectly through the conflict is 0.023, through a large trust of 0.019 so that the effect of total personality on task commitment is 0.186. The direct effect of conflict on task commitment is -0.177 while indirectly through personality magnitude -0.018, through the magnitude of confidence -0.021 so that the effect of total conflict on task commitment is -0.217. Therefore to improve the commitment of the Head of Elementary School in DKI Jakarta Province that needs to be improved is personality, communication, trust, Conflic, task commitment.

Communication, Conflict, Trust, Personality, Task Commitment



The influence of soft skill competence, altruism, team work, and innovative work behavior on the quality of human resources in BPS-Statistic Indonesia
Eni Lestariningsih,, Moch Asmawi, R. Madhakomala

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Eni Lestariningsih


The advancement of communication and information technology forces each organization to continue to develop including improving the quality of human resources, the BPS-Statistic Indonesia as an important information provider institution in Indonesia must be able to keep up with all these developments, including paying attention to soft skill competencies, altruism, team work and innovative work behavior the employees. In this study involving 390 employees from a population of 15,980 employees BPS-Statistic Indonesia. This study seeks to develop a number of factors using SEM that can be used by policy makers in order to improve the quality of human resources in the BPS-Statistic Indonesia.

competency soft skill, altruism, team work, innovative work behaviour, quality human resources



The Influence of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Models on Students Learning Achievement
Minzani Aufa, Akhmad Liana Amrul haq

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DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

This research is an Action Research with the aim to determine the effect Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) model on the learning achievement through five stages, such as planning, implementation, observation, measurement, and reflection. The results show that the level of learning achievement of 25 students at MI Muhammadiyah 1 Bumirejo is increased by 8% wherein cycle I was 76% and cycle II was 84%. the average mastery of concepts also increased by 6.4% during the learning process wherein cycle I was 77.20% and cycle II was 83.60%. Based on the results, there is an influence of STAD models on student learning achievement and the understanding of learning materials.

STAD Model; learning achievement, elementary schools.



The Influence of Substrate Bias and Sputtering Pressure on The Deposited Aluminum Nitride for Magnetoelectric Sensors
Hafid Suharyadi

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Mechanical Engineering Department, Polytechnic of Energy and Mineral (PEM) Akamigas Jalan Gajah Mada No. 38 Cepu, Blora, Jawa Tengah 58315, Indonesia

A residual stress of Aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films has been a problem in the magnetoelectric (ME) composites that are used in the AC magnetic field sensors. The present work aims to optimize the deposition process of AlN in order to fabricate a nearly-zero stress of AlN thin films as well as ME composites without losing the microstructural and piezoelectric properties. The influences of RF bias power and sputtering pressure on the residual stress, microstructure, and piezoelectric response have been investigated, which are measured by the stylus profilometer, X-ray diffractometry, and 4-point bending method, respectively. Two different stacks are deposited on Si/SiO$_2$ substrates: Ta/Pt/AlN and Ta/FeCoSiB/Ta/Pt/AlN. Pulsed DC reactive sputter depositions have been performed to deposit AlN films. With increasing the substrate bias, stress of the AlN films and the stacks with the magnetostrictive layer are augmented. This might be attributed to the void formation and and ion entrapment under the applied bias. A variation of the sputtering pressure is a promising way to fabricate nearly zero stress of the AlN films and the stacks without the magnetostrictive layer. Here, a higher energetic incident atoms and an enhanced surface diffusion are the dominating factors. A transition from tensile to compressive stress has been observed at the low sputtering pressure. Sputtering pressure also affects the stress of AlN films and the stacks with the magnetostrictive layer. Though, tensile stress is preserved within the sputtering pressure range. FWHM of AlN (0002) peaks are nearly constant within the ranges of the substrate bias. By reducing the sputtering pressure, FWHM is broadened due to lower ionization degree associated with AlN formation and greater number of micro-arcs. However, the magnitude of $e_{31,f}$ is increased due to a lower residual stress at the low sputtering pressure.

Aluminum nitride; Substrate bias power; Sputtering pressure; Residual stress; Microstructure; Effective piezoelectric transverse coefficient

Mechanical Engineering


Drs. Rido Kurnianto, M.Ag, Dr. Nurul Iman, Lc, M.HI, Sigit Dwi Laksana, M.Pd.

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

This article examines the integration between Islam and culture in Reyog Ponorogo Art. The noble values ​​contained in Reyog Ponorogo art, which has been latent, it is very possible to be studied more deeply through the symbols contained in the equipment and the variety of the dance, to be actualized in the form of explicit meanings as the basis for the transformation of meaning in the community. In certain contexts, the meaning and truth of a teaching often do not appear explicitly, so that it requires cultural action to uncover it, one of which is through cultural symbols. In Bergers theory, it is explained that a symbol always has cultural significance and resonance. It has the ability to influence and also has a deep meaning.

The Integration, Religion And Culture , Meaning, Reyog Ponorogo

Religious Studies


Asrul Nazar (a*), L.M. Azhar Saban (b)

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Corresponding Author
Asrul Nazar

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93723, Indonesia, asrulnazar[at]

b) faculty of social and political sciences, Jalan Betoambari No. 36, Baubau 93723, Indonesia, izharrazi[at]

As the language is endangered, language Busoa should the effort of documenting the language as a form of keeping the intellectual property of the ancestors. The purpose of this study was to determine the phonemes of proto language Busoa. Method in this research is descriptive qualitative method with the techniques of reconstruction of the internal. The results showed that the phoneme vocal proto-Language Busoa there are 5 phonemes of vowels, namely vowels front high /i/, high back /*u/, the front of the middle of the /*e/, the middle of the back /*o/, and the vowel menen middle low /*a/. While on the phonemes of consonants proto there are 15 pieces, namely: *p, *b, *t, *ɖ, *j, *k, *ɡ, *β, *s, *R, *h, *l, *m, *n, and b̑. The conclusion of this research is on the phonemes of Vowels proto there are 5 pieces and consonants proto contained 15 pieces.

reconstruction; language; Busoa.



The Knowledge and Attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang Pharmacy Students on National Health Programs of GERMAS – A Descriptive Study
Prasojo Pribadi, Rayi Citra Ayu Pangestuti, Heni Lutfiyati, Elmiawati Latifah, Setyo Budi Santoso

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Corresponding Author
Prasojo Pribadi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The important role of pharmacists in the community in disseminating the National Health Programs of GERMAS is as an effort to educate healthy lifestyles to the community. This paper aims to explore the knowledge and attitude of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang pharmacy students on National Health Programs of GERMAS. This study was a cross-sectional survey. A total of 124 respondents were used in this study. This study carried out from August 2019 were used convenience sampling technique. Results: Of all student pharmacy programs group (associate degree and bachelor degree), 76.6% of pharmacy students feel that their current knowledge is not sufficient to be an active part of GERMAS. 64.5% of pharmacy students feel they have an important role to play in GERMAS and 97.6% are willing to take professional roles and want to learn more about GERMAS. There is no relationship of pharmacy programs on knowledge and attitudes towards the national health program of GERMAS. Health education institutions as the pioneer of health workers must equip their students with sufficient knowledge about national health programs so as to increase their role and desire to participate in the GERMAS.

GERMAS, Knowledge, Attitude, Pharmacy Students.

Public Health


Athia Fidian(a*), Fitriana Yuliastuti(b)

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

(a)Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
(b)Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
*Corresponding author Email: athiafidian[at]

Hand-washing is a process of removing the dirt and debris from skin of both hands mechanically by using soap and running water. The purpose of hand-washing is removing the dirt and organisms from the skin and reducing the microbes. The study was conducted to describe the knowledge level of health students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang on hand-washing tool according WHO. The method used was descriptive analytic research by distributing a questionnaire to respondents revealing the knowledge level of health students about hand-washing. The samples were 124 health students taken by total sampling technique. The data were presented as percentage of frequency distribution. The Analysis using chi-square test, the result between the knowledge level and age (p=0,000), the knowledge level and gender (p=0,359) , the knowledge level and study program (p=0,965) , the knowledge level and year (p= 0,148). This study showed that there was a positive relationship between the knowledge level and age, but there was no relationship between the knowledge level and gender, year or study program. The students in aged 17-20 have a good level of hand-washing knowledge with a percentage of 51.6%.

knowledge level; hand washing; hand washing tool

Health Science


The Local Culture Games for Post-Disaster Trauma Healing in Early Childhood
Lilis Madyawati, Reza Edwin Sulistyaningtyas

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Reza Edwin Sulistyaningtyas

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The natural disasters that occur will have a negative impact namely trauma, especially on children mental. It is necessary to take action to solve that negative impact on purpose children do not draw on trauma state. One of the possible solutions which can be used to deal with trauma is through playing therapy based on local culture games. However, until now the research on local cultural games for healing post-disaster trauma has been still little. Therefore, this study aims to describe the local cultural game for post-disaster trauma healing in early childhood. Furthermore, the research method used was qualitative with an action research approach. Data collection methods used interviews and questionnaires. Then, the results obtained were three games that could be used for healing post-disaster trauma in early childhood. The game was a egrang tempurung, ular naga and bentengan that are adapted to aspects of early childhood development.

Local cultural games, playing therapy, trauma healing, post-disaster, early childhood



The Meaning Of Home In Perception Of Elderly
Zuraida Zuraida (a*), Muhamadd Koderi (b), Rachmawati Murni (c)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a) Department of Architecture
Universitas Muhammaduyah Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia
(b)Department of Architecture
Universitas Islam Darul Ulum
Lamongan, Indoensia
(c)Department of Architecture
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
surabaya, Indonesia

Inclusive cities protecting minorities are an important issue in this study. The elderly are one of the minority groups that need attention because of decreased physical abilities. Until now, attention and protection of the elderly minority group has not been an important concern in urban planning in general. In addition, the number of elderly people is increasing every year. Meeting the needs of homes that can provide convenience in activities with comfort and calm. Therefore this research needs to be done because of the importance of understanding the meaning of an old home so that it can meet the needs of homes in accordance with the perception of old age. This research is a literature review that discusses the meaning of home in the perception of old age. Things that will be examined in this study are: 1) meaning in the context of old age, 2) meaning in relation to the perception of the home. This study is based on previous studies and several theoretical studies. The purpose of this study is to review the meaning of home through the perception of old age through a literature review. The conclusion of this study is the meaning of home for old age is a place of rest, a place to maintain health conditions, a place to indulge freely, comfortably and in accordance with physical conditions, a place to give peace, and a place to interact with family and the community in the environment. Perceptions of homes will produce different meanings for the elderly because they have a long range of perception processes.

inclusive, meaning, perception, elderly



The Meaning of Truant Behavior for Junior and Senior Highschool Students in Indonesia
Siti Atiyyatul Fahiroh

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Siti Atiyyatul Fahiroh

Faculty of Psychology
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract—Truant behavior has become a national concern that requires attention. In general, truant behavior is often explored mainly from the perspective of parents, teachers, and society who views students as being at fault. Very few have observed this phenomenon from the students- perspective. This study aimed to understand what truant behavior means to junior and senior high school students. This research is a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach. The data were analyzed following Miles and Huberman-s model. The data were collected through an interview. The inclusion criteria for participant selection include: (1) active junior and senior high school student, (2) performed a form of truant behavior for more than six months. In total, there are three participants involved in this study. The findings reveal that junior and senior high school students interpret the meaning of truant behavior into at least one of three categories: troublesome value, a solution to helplessness, and a form of peer conformity.

Keywords—truant behavior, school psychology, truancy



Saifudin (a*), Viktor Malau (b), Bagiyo Condro Purnomo (a), Budi Waluyo (a)

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DPPJ UMMagelang

(a) Automotive Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Magelang, Indonesia
(b) Jurusan Teknik Mesin dan Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Grafika No. 2, Yogyakarta 55281
*Corresponding author: saifudin[at]

HSS tool steel usually used on engineering aplication especially as cutters. This material has some weaknesses such as wear easily and corrosion, and that weaknesses can be reduce by giving certain coating on the surface. The purpose of this research is to know the effects of Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coating and also quenching heating treatment and tempering to the characterization of physical and mechanism of the HSS steel surface. The physical characterization which will be elaborate is the micro structur, whether the mechanism characters which will be know are hardness and wear rate. HSS steel has chemical compotition variation (% mass) : 0,75-1,5 C; Co >12; V > 5; 4-4,5 Cr; 10-20 W and Mo. DLC coating uses Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (PACVD) techniques with coating duration variation (1,2,3,4,5 and 6 hours) on 300 temperature with pressure variation 1,0; 1,2; 1,4; 1,6; 1,8 and 2,0 mbar. DLC coating material get from methane gas or ethane which is streamed into fire with Argon (Ar). The surface hardness can be know using Vickers micro hardness tool, wear rate can be know using wear tool while the micro structure using optic microscop. The result of this research showed the variation of DLC coating hardness grade depends on coating time process and pressure variation. DLC coating with 4 hours coating process and 1,8 mbar pressure can reduce the surface hardness of HSS tool steel for 62% accompanied by ductile increasing.

Tool steel; hardness; wear rate

Mechanical Engineering


The Mineral content and Vitamin D On Bone Flour Fish yellowfin tuna
Ahmad Talib

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Faujia Umasugi

Lecturer on a Course of study Fisheries Product Technology, Muhammadiyah University North Maluku Indonesia

Vitamin D is in charge of regulating the amount of calcium in the blood, bones and intestines, besides this vitamin is also useful for increasing the number of cells of phosphate in the bones. Vitamin D is the only vitamin that is produced naturally by the human body, while under the light of the Sun. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the mineral content and vitamin D on bone flour fish yellowfin tuna. The results of mineral content of flour of the highest fish bones found on calcium and phosphorus (222,54; 107,08 mg/kg), while vitamin D with the best value found in the NaOH treatment (0.119 g/ml), whereas citric acid treatment is (0,173 g/ml) and treatment the control value (0,069 g/ml).

Mineral content, yellowfin tuna fish flour, vitamin D

Environmental Engineering


The Potential Mapping of the Needs of Appropriate Technology of Cattle Farm
Rochmat Aldy Purnomo*, Ardi Gunardi, J.J Sarungu, Bhimo Rizky Samodro, Tri Mulyaningsih, Sri Hartono

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Universitas Pasundan,
Universitas Sebelas Maret

The purpose of Research "The Potential Mapping of the Needs of Appropriate Technology of Cattle Farm” is to describe the profile of dairy farmers, evaluate and measure the level of technological readiness ability of cattle ranchers which doing in Pudak sub-district, Ponorogo. The analytical tool used is a technometer that serves to measure the level of technological readiness capability used for the production of milk, meat, skin and feces of the cows that are divided into three stages, basic (level 1 to level 3), medium (level 4 to level 6) and ready (Level 7 to Level 9). By using teknometer is expected to provide basic information about the mapping of potential needs and the use of appropriate technology both tools, process and cow production in Puda, Ponorogo. The results of the evaluation and measurement of TK2T Cattle Farm in Pudak, Ponorogo showed that all samples had not passed the measurement at level 1 to level 3. In addition, no one has passed the middle level 4 to level 6, while the top level measurement, Namely level 7 to level 9 only get a maximum score of 60 percent. This explains that milk and meat production in Pudak still needs government intervention both in the use of appropriate technology, as well as supporting indicators such as management, hygiene in production, and human resources.

Mapping of Appropriate Technology; Level of Technology Readiness Capabilities; Teknometer; Cattle Farm.

Information Engineering


The Principals Policy in Developing Relegious Culture at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Muntilan Subdistrict
Sri Badriyati, Suliswiyadi, Nurodin Usman

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Sri Badriyati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The purpose of this study is to describe: 1. The form of religious culture in Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools in the district of Muntilan, 2. the principals policy in developing religious culture, 3. The impact of success after developing religious culture. This study uses qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data uses triangulation techniques. Data analysis uses data reduction techniques, data presentation and conclusion making. The forms of religious culture in Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools in Muntilan Subdistrict are divided into 3 categories, namely: 1. The form of activities: 5S (salam, senyum, sapa, sopan, santun) or (greetings, smiles and politeness), wearing muslim clothing, greeting in the morning while shakehand. 2. The practice of worship manifests its activities such as duha prayer, dhuhur prayer and asr in congregation, memorization of choice letters and asmaul husna. 3. Social, a manifestation of its activities: distributing qurban meat and fitrah tax to communities who are entitled to receive. The principal makes decisions and policies in developing religious culture by describing starting from the vision, mission, plans and then developed into a program that is realized in the form of activities. Activities carried out have a positive impact on success both for students, teachers, employees and schools. The implication of this research: the planned habituation in elementary schools to be implemented will form a positive religious culture and expected to be a provision of life in everyday life in the future.

Principal policy and religious culture



The principals policy in establishing partnerships for improving private vocational schools quality in Magelang regency
Khasanah, Imam Mawardi, Imron

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Khasanah Khasanah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

The study is aimed to determine the principals policy in establishing partnerships for improving quality in private vacational schools in Magelang Regency.The research of the data was taken through interviews, observation, and documentation. Informants were chosen purposively, and the data sufficiency used snowball sampling technique. The research informants included the principal, vice principal, head of the expertise program, and business world and the industrial world. The result of the data analysis shows that the principal places internship and curriculum synchronization as a system to improve the schools positive image and competitive competence of the graduates through the recruitment, teaching factory, competency test and certification. The results of the research showed that generally all vocational schools in Magelang Regency collaborated with industrial partners, especially in the implementation of the industrial work Practice program and curriculum synchronization in the same way, processes and stages. While the differences in the programs namely in the competency test, manpower recruitment, teaching factary and teacher internships and industry visits not all schools programmed in writing but in practice all schools implement them. The implications of this research that the principals in establishing partnerships aims to improve the quality of the school. In other words, the principal should be able to make a policy by establishing partnerships with the business world and the industrial world as its partners.

Principal policy and Partnership



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