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Developing Local Content Game Prototyping Using Board Game/Table Top as it-s Mock Up Case Study: Taman Putroe Phang Game-s Mock Up
Dimas Krisna Aditya, Ade Keumala Febrina

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Dimas Krisna Aditya

Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Universitas Telkom

Many of the games with the Indonesian culture adaptations has been developed nowadays. Some of them are made for commercial markets and the other still developed as portfolio and also academic purposes. Some games, already had great game play and also had some beautifully digitized artwork. However, in academic level games projects such as communications designs student-s final projects games prototyping, they often show many errors in the process, especially at game play and asset-s development. This circumstances happened because they (the students) lack of the knowledge about how to make a good game play based on narrations and always concern about how to designing the visual contents than make it have a great game. With the qualitative research methods by analyzing a games- project called Taman Putroe Phang, a game project which adapting the Aceh-s Kingdom Romance History. Using game development theory and game design theories, this research wants to explain about how the game developed using board game/ tabletop prototyping before go to the digitized final game design. The research purpose is to give a perspective and helps the beginner game designer to make a success game prototype using the table top mock up at the process, that shown in game-s prototype.

Games, Games- mock up, table top game, board game, Aceh-s Kingdom History



Development of Paku Hata Craft Products in Citumang, West Java
Rachmah Firstriani (a*), Fajar Ciptandi (b)

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Rachmah Firstriani

(a) Department of Textile Craft and Fashion, Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung
(b) Department of Textile Craft and Fashion, Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung

Lygodium flexuosum (L.) Sw. (Schizaeaceae) or paku hata is grown in West Java, especially in Citumang, Pangandaran Regency. The local community of Citumang use paku hata as the main materials to produce crafts such as bracelet, hat, bag, wall hanging, and many more. Unfortunately, the crafter of paku hata in Citumang still can-t show the identity of their product. Because, they don-t have much information about design and less of technique development of paku hata craft product. So, they need to create a way to show the characteristic of Citumang-s paku hata product, which can be applied through the textile technique. Based on the observation, interview and exploration result, natural dye and embroidery technique are applied as patterns that is consists of the meaning of Citumang local value. An effective process is applied on making the natural dye and embroidery technique for paku hata crafter to follow. The application of the techniques is applied on the popular hata bag. The presence of characteristics in Citumang-s paku hata product can give more aesthetic value. Also, the crafter of paku hata in Citumang can have more creativity and insight about production process of paku hata product.

Paku hata; Characteristic; Effective



Digital Brand Building of PT Kereta Api Indonesia Through Instagram Account @ KAI121.
Muhammad Hidayattuloh. S.Sn., M.Sn. Achmad Riandy Fauzan

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muhammad hidayattuloh

Telkom University

As a state-owned enterprise, PT Kereta Api is a company that is responsible for providing land transportation services in Indonesia. Revamping PT Kereta Api in the past few years, made PT Kereta Api to promote through digital media, one of which was by creating Instagram social media accounts. Through the istagram account @ KAI121 which is the official account of PT Kereta Api Indonesia, various content regarding promotions, discounts, ticket booking information, train schedules, etc., are broadcast and receive responses from the folowers. According to David Aaker, digital media - one of which is social media - has the power as a brand building tool for organizations that want to build or enhance their brands. In this study, the author will examine digital brand building on the official account of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (@ KAI121), especially on programs that support offer, based on the theory of David Aaker. This research uses qualitative methods supported by the theory of branding, advertising, and visual communication design.

PT Kereta Api Indonesia, Instagram, Brand, Advertising, Visual Communication Design.



Digital Motif Design Inspired By Paksi Naga Liman
Erika Kurniasari Dewi, Morinta Rosandini

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Erika Kurniasari Dewi

Telkom University

Nowadays the use of motifs has been widely used in all aspects of life, especially in fabrics. Looking at current technological developments, pattern design techniques can easily be done digitally. In Indonesia, there have been innovations in motif processing sofware, namely JBatik. According to Hariardi and Lukman (2013) JBatik Is a software that is builds using Java Programming with GUI and user friendliness for designers/ artists. By using JBatik, batik or motif design with fractal concept can be made easily. The methods used to collect data this study are in the form of literature studies about motifs and development of patterns, interviews with Batik Fractal Chief Designer Officers (CDO) and observations of vector and JBatik sofware to create motifs and compositions. This study also carried out experimental methods in a quantitative way in the form of formula variables used in making compositions with JBatik-s Lsystem and qualitative compositions in designing visual motifs and compositions. This study aims to combine the potential of vector-based and fractal-based software to process variations of motifs and fractal formulas to make pattern compositions that have efficiency and diverse visualization from the inspiration of Paksi Naga Liman which is a chariot from Keraton Kesepuhan Cirebon.

Digital motif, JBatik, Paksi Naga Liman



Drawing Mama, a Practical Drawing Tutorial Book for Parents
Yanuar Rahman (a*), Devi Arifiani Azhar (b)

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Yanuar Rahman

a) Visual Communication Design Program, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
b) Familia Kreativa Community, Bandung, Indonesia

Parents need to be closer to their children, especially when they are in early years. The process of the approach can be done in some creative way, one example is drawing together with children. But apparently many parents claim that they cannot draw. Indeed, parents do not need to be able to draw perfectly, but it will be more valuable if parents can draw properly, because it can make the interaction process between parents and children become more meaningful and memo-rable for both. For this reason, efforts have been made to provide basic insights and practical drawing techniques for par-ents. Actually, there are already many materials how to draw for children and adolescents, therefore this practical drawing techniques are packaged in the form of a book are intended specifically for parents, especially in Indonesia. The drawing method used in this book is observation and imitation of images. The results of this study are three books learning practi-cal drawing for parents that can be used to support interaction with children at home.

Drawing technique; Book; Parenting



Educating Smartphone Use in Early Childhood, Through Designing Parenting Books Illustrations
I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra, Fitri Rahmawati

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I Dewa Alit Dwija Putra

Communication Visual Design, Creative Industri School, Telkom University

Abstract: Smartphones are now experiencing rapid development; the primary function of mobile phones was created to facilitate communication. Then develop complete with various facilities like computers, making it easier and faster for humans to carry out all their activities. Everyone can easily use, including children, adults and parents, wherever and whenever they are. Information technology such as smartphones does have a positive impact; the other side has a negative effect, if not addressed wisely. Mobile phones that are misused can cause various problems such as addiction, physical and mental health disorders. If this is experienced by early childhood, it can disrupt the growth of children, both physically, emotionally and socially. Overcoming the negative impact of smartphones on early childhood, parenting books are needed for their parents. The book contains a guide to teach, limit the use of a good smartphone, to avoid the danger posed. This study uses a qualitative methodology with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, literature study. The results of this study are a parenting book for parents to educate their children to use smartphones wisely and well.

early childhood, smartphone, book design



Rahmanu Widayat, Anung B. Studyanto, Setyawan

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Anung Studyanto

1 Department of Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
2 Department of Interior Design, Faculty of Arts and Design, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
3 Department of Crafts/Textile, Faculty of Arts and Design, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

In Tumang village as a center for copper handicrafts, the problem that arises is the abundant metal waste but has not been used optimally. The aim is to develop a roster design made from metal waste with consideration of aesthetic appearance and commercial value. The method used is related to qualitative research and visual creation. Results and discussion, namely the exploration stage of design development include 1) Collecting waste, 2) Tidying the waste, 3) Arranging waste and finding the desired form as a roster, 3) Welding waste, 4) Finishing waste. The method of creation found was 1) Relying on the aesthetic sensitivity of the maker in composing pieces of metal waste into abstract shapes. 2) Relying on the association of forms based on the experience of the creator so as to bring up analogous forms of flora, fauna, and others.

exploration, development, design, roster, metal waste



Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani, Retno Ayu

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Asep Sufyan Muhakik Atamtajani

Product Design, Telkom University

Excessive consumption due to population density causes the amount of waste to increase, for example, the city of Bandung. Bandung is a tourist city that provides a lot of typical ole and typical food too. Like beat noodles. Mie kocok is a food made from noodles and uses beef broth. Beef broth is obtained using decoction of beef bone as the main ingredient. Mi shake results in cow bone waste. The beef bone that becomes this waste is quite disturbing. In this report the use of cow bone waste is the main material for making accessories products. To get a good result of processed beef bone material, several studies were carried out, such as conducting observations, case studies, and interviews with business owners of cow bone craftsmanship. The method used for processing was obtained from several experiments. Processed cow bone material that is clean and odorless which can be made as the main ingredient in making accessories.

Waste, Ox Bone, Material, Accessories



Exploration of Interior Elements in the Harmony of the Music Studio
Tita Cardiah, Santi Salayanti Ari Alghani

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Tita Cardiah

Telkom University

Exploration of Interior Elements in the Harmony of the Music Studio Tita Cardiah, S.T., M.T.¹ Santi Salayanti S.Sn., M.Sn.2 Ari Alghani, S.Ds.3 ¹ Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia 2 Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia 3 Desain Interior, Fakultas Industri Kreatif, Telkom University, Indonesia Abstract Music is sound that is arranged in such a way that it contains rhythms, songs, and harmony, especially from the sounds produced from tools that can produce rhythms. To produce a rhythm of music that is perfectly influenced by musical instruments and elements of interior space. Music studio as a space for expressing music requires supporting elements of space to fulfill harmony and can facilitate user activities while stimulating users in music quality and psychologically to make music so that quality musicians are produced. Exploring the interior elements of the music studio space to produce good music sounds, influenced by several facts, namely; shape of space, composition of space, material, decoration of space, and space capacity. The form of interior elements used are organic forms so as not to arise boredom when on the move followed by the use of curved lines to reinforce the dynamic impression. The exploration of the interior elements of the music studio space includes floor elements, wall elements and ceiling elements through dynamic and non-rigid forms so that harmony and harmonization of music are achieved.

music studio, interior elements, exploration, harmony



Diana Uswah, Morinta Rosandini

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Diana Uswah

Telkom University

Gedung Sate is being used as the main office for West Java-s Governor and central of West Java-s government. Gedung Sate has a very important historical value, and it also had unique shapes and characteristics. In order to continue West Java-s development plan, a figure from the young generation is needed to develop the potential of West Java. Mojang Jajaka as an icon from the young generation help to maintain about West Java-s tourism, arts and also culture. As an Icon, Mojang Jajaka has to show the character that represents West Java-s identity in every aspect. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the identity of iconic landmarks in West Java, which is Gedung Sate for West Java-s Mojang Jajaka fashion in order to optimize their identity as the ideal icon of the young generation West Java. This study is carried out by qualitative method, Data collection was conducted through observation by visiting Gedung Sate, interview, literature studies from various books and journals, and also motif exploration. The exploration produced a composition of new motifs through digital printing techniques that were applied to ready to wear. A geometric style is being used in this composition. And also using the silhouettes technique that is adapted from the pangsi Jawa Barat composed of three-element of culture (kesundaan, kebetawian, kejawaan).

Gedung Sate, Mojang Jajaka, Motif



Fear Arrousing Persuasion Strategy as a Visual Recommendation Solution in Social Campaign Visual Strategy "Prohibition of Installing Illegal Braces"
Jiwa Utama (1) Annisha Hardiyanti (2)

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Jiwa Utama

Universitas Telkom

The phenomenon of illegal braces is still prevalent in Indonesia, especially in several major cities in Indonesia where many teenagers are victims. One solution to reduce the number of victims is through designing a social campaign strategy. This study aims to examine how the visual strategy approach is applied through a theoretical approach and analysis of the target audience on the social campaign creative strategy "Prohibition of Installing Illegal Braces" designed so that teens can change behavior and can understand the dangers of illegal braces. This study uses a qualitative research method by observing and analyzing the problem of illegal braces and interviewing the target audience to produce insights that can be used as a guide in designing visual strategy recommendations through a literature study of the visual approach to advertising persuasion theory. The results of the study show that the visual recommendations generated through the visual strategy design with the persuasive approach "Fear Arousing" produce a series of "still image" visual strategies which are packed with layout guidelines from photography execution, color mixing, and typographic selection related to the problem and insight targets sufficient audience according to the desired visual impact target based on the theory of persuasion and the execution of ad visual communication.

Social Campaign, Visual Strategy



Gawe Jajan Board Game Design of Traditional Snacks from Central Java
Syarip Hidayat, Yumna Alya Abidah

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Syarip Hidayat

School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Traditional snacks are an attraction for Indonesia-s diversity. Besides the delicious taste, unique shape, and making process that is still traditional in maintaining flavor without using instant ingredients or dangerous preservatives. Traditional snacks are diverse, especially in Central Java. Each region has its specialty snacks. However, there are also similar snacks in other areas with different names. The similarity is in the use of ingredients, making process, and serving. Children need to know one of the cultural heritages in the culinary field in Indonesia. This diversity causes lack of knowing the identity of traditional snacks and there is no appropriate educational media for children. The purpose of the introduction of traditional snacks to children is to introduce and efforts to preserve traditional culinary. The method used are qualitative, literature and journal studies, observation and interviews. Board game is a medium that children can learning in a fun way. The introduction of traditional snacks of Central Java with this boardgame are useful for children to socialize with others, to train focus, be careful, patient, and better know their cultural heritage.

Traditional Snacks, Board Game, Ethno identity, Central Java



Implementing Zero Waste Fashion in Apparel Design
Faradillah Nursari, Fathia Husna Djamal

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faradillah nurasari

Telkom University

The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to the economy in Indonesia. However, this industry is the producers of both pre-production and post-production waste in large quantities causing environmental pollution. To meet the needs of consumers for fashion products, this industry actively design or renewing the design of apparel, resulting fabric waste from production in significant quantities during the process. Currently, there are varying viewpoints from practitioners and academics who argue that in order to reduce waste, the effort will be optimized when done during the pattern making and cutting process. Since the year 2008, the concept of zero waste fashion design or better known by the acronym ZWFD has been widely studied and practiced by students, academics, and practitioners in the field of fashion that has interest in the issues of waste pre-production and its influence on the environment. ZWFD itself refers to the steps to produce apparel with the minimum waste from fabrics during the pattern making and cutting process. This research aims to examine how the concept of ZWFD can be implemented in the course of design and apparel production.

Apparel, Draping, Zero Waste



Information of Personality Disorder as a Negative Impact of Social Media Through Infographic for Teenagers
Taufiq Wahab, Siti Desintha, Mutiara Wannahari Firdausa, Kevyn Kurnia Adha

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Taufiq Wahab

Telkom University, Jl. Telekomunikasi terusan buahbatu Bandung 40257

The development of current technology makes the flow of information is speeding up. Nowadays, people have a dependency on using social media leaning to increase. Most people utilize social media for communication, socialization, or just lifestyle. From the internet, we can get everything, start from information about the recipes to personal information about someone. This is possible because a lot of people want to share personal information on social media. The all easiness which obtained from social media surely help activity in our life. It has benefited and also has a disadvantage, if we exploit it excessively one of the negative effects, we can receive is a personality disorder. Most people do not recognize this negative effect from social media utilize if we ignore this personality disorder, it can directly impact teen mental development. Therefore, it needs media that can inform recognize the initial stage of personality disorder that causes by social media exploitation. The qualitative methods were used in this study, whereas the collection of data is done through observation, interview, and literature study. The outcome data processing made into a reference for displaying information content on personality disorders. Infographic theory, illustrations, colors, typography, and layouts are the basis for infographic media design. Infographic visualization as visual communication media can deliver the information that is able to be accessed by the teen. The research result expected to be the aid that can help teens be wiser in social media utilization and exploitation.

personality disorder, Infographic, social media



Innovation through design strategies: Case study of SMEs in Bandung
Bijaksana Prabawa, Ahmad Zuhairi Abdul Majid, Ermira Trinovia

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Bijaksana Prabawa

Telkom University

The rise of business in the city of Bandung has caused the intensity of competition to be very high. Small-scale businesses are very difficult to survive especially facing companies that have larger economies of scale. Innovation can be one way for SMEs to compete. Previous research stated that implementing a design strategy can trigger opportunities to create innovation in the company. This study examines how design is used by Soca companies to produce innovation as a strategy to survive in competition. Soca is an SME in Bandung that produces glasses with wood materials. As a startup, Soca is considered successful in penetrating the market amid intense competition. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive case study approach. Primary data is obtained through document review, in-depth interviews and observations. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for how design strategies are used by SMEs to generate innovation

Design strategy, innovation, SMEs



Interior Finishing Study of Play Room for Early Childhood
Rizka Rachmawati, Djoko Murdowo, Titian Sarihati, Imtihan Hanom

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Rizka Rachmawati

Telkom University

The development of early childhood education facilities in the form of a playroom at the school of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in order to provide the best facilities for the children-s growth is now increasing. The need for playroom facilities is considered important considering the necessary to improve the quality of child development at an early age. This requires an optimal child comfort in the playroom, which can be supported by good environmental management. One of the most important factors is through the management of interior materials finishing, where there will be interactions between children, caregivers, and the surrounding environment. Good interior finishing can create a safe, comfortable, and appropriate playing and learning situations to support early childhood growth. Nowadays there are a lot of playrooms, especially those in the Early Childhood Education school that have not adjusted to good standards in term of interior design, so there need to be a research regarding interior materials finishing, which can affect and influence physical development and thinking patterns of the early childhood. The approach of this research carried out with qualitative meth-ods, began by observing the reality in the field about the playground conditions in several PAUD schools, then explaining things that are going on and thinking in ways that move towards concepts and theoretical propositions (hypotheses).

interior finishing, playroom, children spaces



Literature Review of The Store Windows Display Influences on Consumers Attractiveness Through the Layout Design
M. Togar Mulya Raja

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Togar Mulya Raja

Department of Interior Design,
Faculty of Creative Industry
Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi No 1
Bandung 40257

Windows display is one of the important aspect in retail design in order to increase consumer product awareness. The store windows design had been varied especially with the creative visual merchandiser in managing a visual approach of store windows display. Flat type store windows display often used in Bandung Retail, and has characteristic of its own retail brand image to improve attractiveness. Layout design of a store windows display has an important role for the influence of consumer behavior especially in shopping attitudes. This research identify the effects of WAKAI and MANGO store windows display at Trans Studio Mall on consumer attractiveness through the implementation of layout design principles

Store Windows, Retail, Attractiveness, Layout design.



Yanuar Herlambang, Terbit Setya Pambudi

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Yanuar Herlambang

Product Design Department, School of Creative Industries,
Telkom University, Bandung

Motorcycle ride-hailing service (Ojek Online also known as Ojol) that using phone / mobile application as the public transport of two-wheeled taxi, currently a popular public transport used by the general public, Ojol Services in addition to having some advantages such as the speed of road access in urban areas, high cruising range, and economical, but on the other hand there are things that are basically out of the ordinary situation, that will affect to the comfort of passengers, both from the psychological and physical side. The phenomenon of distance and sitting position between the driver and passengers that are very close was the attention of the author, that condition becomes one of the research questions to know what factors which makes passengers feel the condition is still reasonable although the distance privacy and the position has entered into an intimate distance and how to make that situation more comfortable by develop some product design. In this study data collection is planned using literature study method, observation, interview and questionnaire so as to get data such as complaints from users psychologically or the perception of passengers by using proxemics approach related to passenger seating position and other findings that can be considered in improving the comfortable of Ojol service users. The result, distance and sitting position will create a condition that is uncomfortable for the passengers, and tend to try to create space or physical distance apart, psychology suggestions in various ways, or positions in order to get a little comfort, there is a consensus about the prevalence where that “out of the ordinary” is still considered reasonable, temporary, always in a supervised state by the public, professionalism expectation, and various other psychology suggestions.

comfort, motorcycle, ojek online, passenger, perception, product design, proxemics



Marugame Udon An Analysis of Tenant and Stand-alone Restaurant
Andreas D. Handoyo(a*), Adji Febrizky Tiara (b), Fadilla Mariasjarif (c)

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Andreas Handoyo

a) School of Creative Industries, Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi, Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung
*) ashandoyo[at]

b) School of Creative Industries, Telkom University
c) School of Creative Industries, Telkom University

Nowadays, food is being used to spread and exchange the culture of a nation. In Indonesia, particularly in big cities such as Jakarta and Bandung, there are many specialty restaurants which offer an international menu representing the image of a country. Lot of people know Japan from their signature food such as sushi and ramen. Marugame Udon is one of franchise which introduce Japanese culture through food. This brand has two types of restaurant. First, the tenants which located inside a mall or shopping center and there is also a stand-alone restaurant. This research aims to identify the difference between their interior design in both places and its impact on customer, if the dimension and physical environment of these restaurant has an impact on the food quality, service, or brand image of the restaurant itself. The physical environment have an important role in giving stimulus to the guests experiences. However, this is still influenced by the functional and social factors where the place is located.

perception, interior design, physical environment, restaurant



Morphological Forced Connection Method Application in the Development of Plered Ceramic Design
Sheila Andita Putri, Muchlis, Yoga Pujiraharjo, Rizki Nurfita

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sheila andita putri

Telkom university

In Plered, the activity of making clay crafts has been carried out for generations. Located in the southern region of Purwakarta Regency, the pottery industry is located in Anjun Village, Citeko Village and Pamoyanan Village. That said, the activity of making pottery in this region began in 1904. At present, the industrial pattern that applies in Plered is work based on orders from clients in large numbers. Unfortunately, these offline sales have not yet reaped maximum results because of the quiet visitors who come to Plered. Data estimation from various sources indicate that 2020 will be a milestone for significant changes in Indonesia. That means there is a large enough market potential for Plered ceramic craftsmen to market their products in addition to relying on clients orders. For this reason, the development of Plered ceramic product design is needed to develop the Plered ceramic industry. This study aims to analyze the potential of the Plered ceramics industry to produce alternative ceramic designs through methods that can be applied among craftsmen to develop products that are in line with the target market.

industrial ceramics, ceramic tiles, product recommendations



Multi-facilities in a shared space as a spatial design strategy of Kollektiv Hotel Bandung
Setiamurti Rahardjo, Inez Puttyati Handhayani

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Setiamurti Rahardjo

Telkom University

The classification of hotel as a part of travel and accommodation facilities nowadays has become flexible since the emerging of thematic hotels and hotels with specific design concepts. One of the distinguished hotels in Bandung that has quickly gained its popularity is Kollektiv Hotel. With the score of 9.0 (out of 10) on Traveloka since offered into the market, Kollektiv Hotel does not seem to provide much space in order to make their guests impressed, as well as to meet the formal requirements as regulated by the government. With only as much area as the site for a house in the upper class neighborhood, this hotel could meet the government-s requirements for a three-star hotel. It indicates that this hotel has applied a very effective spatial design that is worth reviewing for a further study. Thus this paper explores the spatial arrangement and layout in Kollektiv Hotel to discover the design strategy performed by this hotel. It is conclued that Kollektive Hotel provides many shared spaces that serve multi-faclilities and are open for both public and hotel guests.

Hotel design, spatial design, design strategy, architecture layout.



Narrative Structure of Mobile Apps Interactive Story Kisah Lutung Kasarung: Morphological Analysis of Vladimir Propp
Dicky Hidayat, Moh. Asyiek Bin Mat Desa

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Visual Communication Design, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Art, Universiti Sain Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

This study analyzes the narrative structure of the mobile apps interactive story Kisah Lutung Kasarung, based on Vladimir Propps morphological theory. The purpose of the study is to explore how the structure and moral values are based on the functions of the characters contained in the story. The study used the descriptive qualitative methods using the method of narrative analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out by a literature study and documentation. The result shows 27 main narrative functions, 5 plots, and 4 spheres of action contained in the mobile apps of the interactive story Kisah Lutung Kasarung. The positive moral values obtained from the story are stoicism, helpfulness, happiness, religious, dedication, forgiveness and fairness.

narrative analysis, morphology, vladimir propp, mobile apps, interactive stories, lutung kasarung



Packaging Visualization of Kue Sari Jahe ANIMO as the Product of Sukabumi
Jullianne Theodora, Syarip Hidayat, Taufiq Wahab

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Syarip Hidayat

School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Kue sari jahe Animo is one of the culiner products from the city of Sukabumi since 1959. This cake is made from ginger which is processed and has a taste that has not changed from the past until now. However, this cake is still lacking in showing the characteristic that can be known by the people of Sukabumi city, tourists or visitors. So, the design of packaging visualization is needed through qualitative metode with data collection such as observation, interviews, literature studies, and questionnaires. Data Collection has been analyzed for obtain concept design and the appropriate packaging in structure and surface design results. The design is important because the attractiveness of a product is inseparable from the packaging. Therefore, visualization of the packaging design must be able to create a positive emotional response for kue sari jahe animo products.

Kue Sari Jahe Animo, Packaging Design, Visual Identity.



Anggun Ed-driana Puri , Ully Irma Maulina Hanafiah, S.T., M.T.

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Ully Hanafiah

Telkom University

The interior areas of science have been many developed and used the society to provide value and deliver solutions on the problems of interior space. One of these is the concept of form processing that is often applied in the interior. Form on the apply usually like form typical of a region (batik, carved or typical objects). In the form of the deployment in the interior does not always have to be the original form exactly. There is the concept transformation form which can be applied. Many ways that can be used to change a shape into another shape, among other things by doing the penyederhanakan shape elements or accentuate one part of the form and change it gradually through the transformation of forms. In this study the method used is descriptive analysis that is, with how to describe and analyze the concept of transformation of the form that has been applied by some students of interior design in the process of drafting the final tasks into the interior layout. The benefits of this research is to provide alternative processing of interior space on the concept of the transformation of the form so that the creation of the design variations. The purpose of this research is to provide a new perspective or a new inspiration in the processing of the typical form of the concept of an area by means of the application of the transformation of the form so that the form can apply in the more up to date with an interest in design at this time without changing the essence of the original form.

Interior spaces, shapes, transformation of forms.



Perancangan Souvenir Khas Aceh
Muchlis, Sheila Andita Putri

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Muchlis Muchlis

Telkom University

Abstract : Daerah Istimewa Aceh sebagai salah satu daerah paling ujung barat di wilayah Indonesia mempunyai kekayaan budaya yang sangat unik dan kaya. Sebagai daerah yang merupakan pintu masuk perdagangan dari barat, budaya Aceh berakulturasi dengan budaya-budaya dari negara lain seperti Arab, India dan Melayu. Hasil budaya tersebut kemudian terpecah-pecah dan membentuk keunikan tersendiri yang dikembangkan menurut adat istiadat, kepercayaan dari daerah-daerah di Aceh. Contoh seperti daerah Gayo, Leung Bata, Aceh Tamiang dan lain-lain. Hasil akulturasi itu membentuk kekhasan masing-masing daerah di Aceh dari pakaian adat yang berbeda dari bentuk, warna maupun aksesorisnya. Pada akhir tahun 2014, dimana Aceh mengalami bencana tsunami yang memporak porandakan Aceh. Bencana itu mengakibatkan banyak infrastruktur di Aceh hancur dan hilang. Hasil-hasil budaya, peninggalan-peninggalannyapun hancur dikarenakan tsunami. Seiring waktu Aceh kembali menata diri, Aceh mencoba bangkit, terutama dari sisi perekonomian. Merancang aksesoris khas Aceh tentunya mempunyai tantangan tersendiri dikarenakan Aceh terbagi menjadi daerah-daerah yang dalam sejarahnya membentuk kekhasan masing-masing. Dalam hal ini tentunya harus dicari sebuah benang merah yang akan menghubungkan antar daerah di Aceh sehingga aksesoris yang nanti dirancang setidaknya dapat cukup menjadi salah satu Aksesoris khas Aceh. Hal ini selain dapat mengidentifikasi kembali salah satu budaya khas Aceh dapat juga membantu Aceh untuk bangkit kembali menata perekonomiannya lagi. Key words : Souvenir, Aceh, Identitas, Ekonomi

Key words : Souvenir, Aceh, Identitas, Ekonomi



Photobook Design of Ancient Temples in Magelang Regency
Maghfirudin Adi Arsa, Moh. Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata

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Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata

Visual Communication Design Study Program, School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Indonesia is a country with a vast cultural diversity as well as a high historical value, many historical sites found in various regions in Indonesia including Magelang Regency, Central Java. There is the largest temple called Borobudur, this temple is located in Borobudur, Magelang Regency, Central Java. Besides Borobudur, there are several temples in various locations in Magelang Regency, these temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be pre-served because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and docu-mentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the infor-mation about these temples and to use photos to document these temples.

Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regency



Siti Desintha, Taufiq Wahab, Ayuningtias Ramadhani

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Siti Desintha

Universitas Telkom
Fakultas Industri Kreatif
Desain Komunikasi Visual

Goddes of Pantura is a photography book created by Arum Tresnaningtyas which discuss about dangdut music in the North-coast of Java. Cover works as an exciting main image representative to represent what it is inside—the book. Goddes of Pantura uses certain materials and colors to deliver its communication message. Using thinking principal, pragmatic graphic design is focused to risen up the sensitivity of a process through technique, materials, and media to be poured to the artpiece. This technique will answer how design process is, deliver a communication message and its perception, is not only about the final result of creating design, as what it presents on Goddes of Pantura book cover. This research is using qualitative method with Morris- semiotic approach. The result of this research will be served further in this writing.

Cover, Goddes of Pantura, Pragmatic



Nabilah Huwaida, Ira Wirasari

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Ira Wirasari

Telkom University

Cotton Button, is a childrens clothing brand in South Tangerang has been established since 2014, which was born from the idea of a mother of two children who have experience in choosing fabrics on childrens clothing. Cotton Button fo-cuses on childrens comfort and naturalness offered from organic cotton fabrics. Organic cotton fabric is a cloth derived from natural cotton seeds that are not modified, also planted without using pesticides both in plants and in their plant-ing fields. Cotton Buttons has been promoting, but based on the data obtained, the promotions carried out have not been able to increase audience awareness of Cotton Button products. This caused a decline in sales in the city of Bandung. In connection with this phenomenon, the design of the Cotton Button clothing brand was designed.

strategy, promotion, brand



Lucky Sasya Natawijana, Mohamad Tohir

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Tohir Mohamad

School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Indonesia has many choices of natural attractions that are very interesting to visit, one of which is beach tourism. In Pujiharjo Village, Tirtoyudo District, Malang East Java Regency, there is a unique Sipelot Beach Tourism Village, this beach has white sand, river estuaries and waterfalls that can be enjoyed by tourists. But this tourism potential has not been matched by adequate promotion so that its existence is not known yet by the wider community, even though the local villagers have cooperatively provided various facilities, including their homes as part of accommodation for tourists. Through observation in the field, literature studies and interviews obtained data needed as a basis for designing logo models and their application to promotional media. It is expected that the design of this promotion can provide a solution for increasing more of tourist visits to the Sipelot beach.

Malang, Promotion, Sipelot Beach



Re-designing Batik Mbako Motif Pattern
Morinta Rosandini, Rosmawati, Keni Larasati, Qarina Masudya Falabiba

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Morinta Rosandini

Universitas Telkom

Batik Mbako as one of Indonesian local textile from Temanggung, has been developed since 2009. Mbako means tembakau (tobacco) became inspiration for batik motif by local society. More than 30 pattern motif of Batik Mbako exist, some of them have been legally recognized by government. Nowadays, the development of motif design is less varied regarding to the lack of innovation design and has a potential to be redesign with new composition. The purpose of this paper is to create the innovation of motif pattern design composition for Batik Mbako. The methodology used by this paper was by reviewing and analysing the original Mbako motif pattern, creating new concept and redesign the shape of Mbako motif pattern. The main result of this paper was the innovation of motif pattern design for the form of original Batik Mbako motif, with three different concept and target market. This paper hopeful encourages people outside Temanggung to getting know more about Batik Mbako and gain the popularity for it. In the future those new motif design could be use by local artisan.

motif, pattern, re-design, innovation, batik, mbako



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