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Redesign of Goods Transportation Tools Through Stairs in Multilevel Buildings Based on a System Perspective (Case Study at Telkom University Dormitory)
Mohammad Ulwan Masruri (a*), Diena Yudiarti (b), Muchlis (c)

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Mohammad Ulwan Masruri

(a) School of Creative Industries, Telkom University
Terusan Buah Batu Street No.01, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung City, West Java 40257, Indonesia

Telkom University is one of the private universities that has a dormitory program for students as a residential facility in Bandung. The large number of students coming from outside Bandung makes a dormitory program on the campus area of Telkom University as the appropriate residential solution for non-indigeneous students. The dormitory is in the form of a 4- storey building that can be reached using stairs. However, there was actually found another problem that the residents of dormitory who lived in the third and fourth floors found the difficulty when transporting goods that were quite heavy and large in term of going up and down using stairs. In a previous study with the title “The Design of goods-transporting tools through stairs in multi-storey buildings based on system perspective”, it was still found a lack in the part of the system where the chain wheels have not been able to run well yet and also inavailability of the safety system for goods which prevents items from falling off the conveyance. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the goods transport equipment through stairs by focusing on developing wheel system and also goods safety system. The method used in this redesign is the qualitative method by observing Telkom University dormitories and conducting interviews with a number of dormitory residents. In addition, an analysis of the design of wheel system and safety of the previous conveyance of goods is carried out. The result of this analysis produce, products transporting goods that can be used through stairs so as to reduce the risk of accidents when transporting goods in multi-storey dormitories.

Goods Transport Equipment, Stairs, Rubbertrack wheel System.



Redesigning A Trolley for The Stairs Building Based on Material Aspect (Case Study of Telkom University Dormitory)
Ninda Fajriati (a*), Diena Yudiarti (b), Muchlis (b)

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Ninda Fajriati

a) Industrial Design Study Program, Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University,
Jl. Telkomunikasi no.1, Bandung 40257 Jawa Barat, Indonesia
b) Industrial Design Study Program, Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University,
Jl. Telkomunikasi no.1, Bandung 40257 Jawa Barat, Indonesia

In Bandung, there are buildings that have three levels or more with no escalator and elevator for their daily needs in moving goods. One of example is Telkom University dormitory. As a resident of a building, problems are often found unconsciously and that has not been found a clear solution, for example when moving goods from the ground to the top level. The goods are referred to as suitcases, gallons, dispensers, large bags, etc. Some people will call the services of a porter or friend to help them transport goods. Because of that, a clear solution must be made for goods mobilization activities to be more effective and efficient, therefore, transportation equipment such as trolleys with good material and it can accommodate the load of goods that are usually moved in multi-storey buildings without elevators is a solution for this problem.

Stairs trolley, Material, Dormitory, Bandung



Ahmad Fahryan Abdillah, Fajar Sadika, Hardy Adilluhung

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Fajar Sadika

Telkom University

There are 212 cases of fire from 2015-2018 that have occurred by electricity failure in Bandung City, those failures happen because of power strip misused by users. The power strip has a certain maximum electric current input from electric devices, misused happen when the electric devices that connect have exceeded the electrical current of the power strip. This situation can cause a fire because of the power strip overheat. From 50 user 68% of users do not know the maximum electric current that can be delivered by a certain power strip and 32% of users knowing the maximum electric current but do not know how to use it for everyday use. These research aims are to redesign security of use certain power strip, focus on user habit and user interface information. Product Development, Power Strip, Security of Use

Product Development, Power Strip, Security of Use



Laras Mahardhika Eltama (a*), Rima Febriani (b)

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Laras Mahardhika Eltama

Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Jl. Terusan Buah Batu No.01, Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257, Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago state that has a diverse natural wealth, one of which is coral reef. Indonesia is included in The Coral Triangle; the center of the worlds coral reef biodiversity, together with Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Solomon Island. However, 35.15% of coral reefs in Indonesia are in poor condition due to natural phenomena, as well as human activities. One of the main causes of damage to coral reefs is coral bleaching. The purpose of this research is to raise awareness of the damage to coral reefs that occur, especially coral bleaching, through fashion products. The visualization of coral bleaching can be achieved by ruffles, pleats, and tie dye techniques. The research method used is a qualitative form of observations on brand competitor, literature studies by reviewing various sources of information regarding coral bleaching, resort wear, and business opportunities in the Indonesian fashion industry, conducting survey to target market, then continued with direct experiments techniques used to achieve the texture, shape and character of the coral reefs affected by coral bleaching. The exploration results are implemented into resort wear fashion products with reference to the lifestyle of the target market of the product in order to have potential as one of the new business opportunities in the Indonesia-s creative industry.

coral bleaching, tie dye, ruffles, pleats, resort-wear



Semiotics Analysis of Cibuntu Tourism Village Logo
Atria Nuraini Fadilla, Aditya

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Atria Nuraini Fadilla

Telkom University

Cibuntu Tourism Village is located in Pesawahan District, Kuningan Regency, West Java. Its ancient heritage and racial landscape have made the Cibuntu Tourism Village win national and international awards in the community-based tourism category. In this study, the visual identity of Cibuntu Tourism Village was dissected and analyzed using the semiotics perspective of Roland Barthes. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observation and literature reviews. Through semiotics analysis it was found that the Cibuntu Tourism Village logo did not represent the characteristics of the village. Further research is needed in the form of designing visual identity with the rules of the logo with the approach of natural characteristics and the warmth of the village has made it easier for consumers to reflect on the experience of visiting this village. Keywords: Logo, Semiotics, Cibuntu Village

Logo, Semiotics, Cibuntu Village



Semiotics Analysis on PT. Tiki Indonesia Advertising
fajarsani Retno Palupi

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fajarsani retno palupi

Telkom University

Each ads that released by a company contains an "information" that wants to be transferred to the public to clarify identity and obtain public recognition of the company. One company that has interesting advertisements to review is a Tiki company advertisement that is in the field of shipping and logistics. The method used to analyze this advertisement is semiotics, by looking at the markers in the visualization of Tiki Indonesian brand advertisements. The visual elements analyzed by 3 aspects: 1) Meaning of Representation; 2) Meaning of Interaction; 3) The Meaning of Composition. In the social semiotics of these markers used to analyze the message that the designer wants to convey to the community. The constituent elements though seem simple but have a message hidden in it.

advertisements, semiotics, visualisation



Student-s Perception and Preference of Food Package Design: A Pilot Study
Wirania Swasty(1*), Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata(2), Ahmad Nur Sheha Gunawan(3), Mediany Kriseka Putri(4)

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Wirania Swasty

(1*,2,3)School of Creative Industries, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
(4)School of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Food home industry in Bandung increased 7.19 percent in 2017. However, the lack of attractive packaging makes them are not competitive in the market. A deep understanding of packaging and labelling is important. This research-s objective is to contribute to the development of packaging design especially food home industry products and can be used as refer-ence for further research related to colour perception, packaging design, and creative industry. This study used qualitative and quantitative approach. Data collection is done through literature study, market observation and questionnaires. This study as a pilot study for further research on correlation between the perception of colour combination and consumer preferences. The results became the foundation for designing Primary Display Panel of banana chips home industry. From the study, it was suggested that the price that consumers perceived against the banana chips brands is the same as the ac-tual price on the market.

banana chips, home industry, primary display panel, packaging, perception



Study of Adaptation Carcassonne Boardgame into Mobile Game
Sakina Fathiani, Diani Apsari

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Sakina Fathiani

Telkom University

Board games are the most ancient kinds of games that have even existed in Egypt since 3500 BC. Over the years, many board games are developed with a variety of gameplay that has a range of attractions. In 2001, Klaus-Jürgen Wrede designed a game called Carcassonne. It tooks the theme of developing a medieval fortress city landscape, and became the best game in 2001 based on the Spiel des Jahres Award. In 2017, the board game was adapted by Asmoode Digital Publisher into digital form so it can be played on the Android Operating System, Steam PC and Nintendo Switch platforms. This study uses the comparative method based on Tracy Fullertons approach of game structure, comparing formal elements, and dramatic elements from Carcassonne physical board games to Carcassonne digital board games. The objective of this study is to find out what are the similarities and differences from both physical and digital board game form.

boardgame, game, digital, mobile, carcassonne



Study of Poster the 7th Jaga Kali Festival The socialization invites Cirebon people to care about the environment through cultural events
Bambang Melga

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bambangmelga suprayogi

Telkom University

Abstract The 2018 flash flood, in the Cirebon area which has a significant social impact, has opened the eyes of the people of Cirebon, to begin paying attention to the environment and the surrounding environment. This study examines the role of the community that calls itself, the Jaga Kali community, in Cirebon. In its role, it builds public awareness to love and protect the environment, through a festival that has been running consistently, entering its eighth year. The purpose of this study is to look at the role of the Guard Community, at the 7th watch festival, Kali Pacit. The process of data collection is done, by interviewing the committee, performers, and the community. The interview material obtained was copied and analyzed. The results of the analysis gave rise to 3 themes that will be discussed: The role of promotional posters Take care of Kali, The influence of social support in the poster Keep the Times Festival, The enthusiasm of the community received information through social media from the Jaga Kali festival held. The study of the three themes is very useful for understanding how to optimally increase peoples motivation in awareness of maintaining and maintaining their environment.

Keywords: Festival posters, support, influence



Tagline Style Analysis of Childrens Vitamin Products
Yelly Andriani Barlian, Sonson Nurusholih

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Sonson Nurusholih

Universitas Telkom

In the midst of competition for childrens vitamin products in the Indonesian market, there are around 15 products from various manufacturers in circulation. Each producer competes to promote their products to be known to the public by conveying diverse information and ways of communicating to consumers. Various communication strategies are used to bring up a variety of creative language styles. On this basis the authors make research that seeks to know what language styles are used by ad creators in making the product a positioning. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the language style of each of the different childrens vitamin products. The theory used is the positioning theory developed by Philip Kotler and Da-vid A. Aaker while the STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning) analysis was used and for the research method, qualitative methods were used with descriptive descriptions. The results of preliminary observations, found in every promotional activity for childrens vita-min advertisements, always appear different language styles and are closely related to the benefits that exist in each product so that it raises a strong positioning in every vitamin product for children that is widely circulating in the Indonesian market.

Communication Strategy, Language Style, Childrens Vitamins



The Application of Aspects of Ergonomics on Storage at Tektona Waterpark Wisata Kampung Batu Malakasari
Handayani Madania Insani

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Handayani Madania Insani

Telkom University

Tektona waterpark is the swimming pool that is on Kampung Batu Malakasari Baleendah, Kabupaten Bandung this place have all kinds of facilities that can be used by visitors like a tire, water a buoy, seating, locker, , canteen the dressing room, toilet facilities and other.Basically visitors certainly brought luggage to be used for exertion using bags or a bag into a luggage, but there were the problem in facilities available and a storage (locker) not used optimally.This is because of the reach seats and a storage less ergonomic, so it needs a combination of two facilities are seats and locker with a reach that the use of. ergonomic and practical. The purpose of drafting this product to facilitate the visitors in the goods storage, familiarize visitors to prepare and facilitate visitors neat luggage Methods used in the research and design the qualitative descriptive method and that is find a picture or describe observations directly see phenomenon. and reality. Data collection techniques used the observations into tourist attractions to get accurate information such as size and shape would apply to products designed.The results obtained from this method of the merger of two facilities including a storage and a seat with a reach that ergonomic and having the nature of a practical, comfortable, , safe and easily overseen by visitors. A conclusion that the design of products or the idea is based on the visitors do not use facilities available optimally and reach of a bad between facilities have attachment.

Ergonomics, Ergonomic, Anthropometry



The Application of Green Design in the Interior Room in Terms of Material Selection
Irwan Sudarisman

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Irwan Sudarisman

Interior Design Study Program, Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University

Design with the Green Design approach is now starting to get more attention in interior planning in big cities in Indonesia. Human awareness about the environment and healthy living space is a driving factor. In addition, the application of Green Design in the interior provides benefits such as increased employee productivity, soundness, selling points, especially for prospective (corporate) international tenants and various government reliefs for those who have Green certification. Based on research, one of the causes of damage to environmental conditions is due to the presence of buildings / high rise buildings (the interior is part of the building). The use of materials in the interior is often not environmentally friendly and does not pay attention to the health of the people who are active in it. The research methodology used in this research is analytical descriptive. This methodology is carried out by analyzing examples of the implementation of material use with the Green Design approach in the field through theories sourced from the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). The analysis is presented in tabular form. The results of the analysis show that the application of the Green Design approach through materials is very broad, not only limited to the use of natural materials or materials that do not contain hazardous substances, starting from the production process of the material until the expiry of the materials life. The results of this study, one of which is intended as a guide (initial introduction) in designing specifically for students (interior design program) who will become professionals in the future.

Green Design, Material, Interior



The Comparison Between Chemical and Natural Extaction In Textile Dyeing With Indigo
Aldi Hendrawan, Nuky Setiofitria

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Telkom University

Indigo is categorized as a vat dyes, which is needs to pass a fermentation phase in the extraction process before it could be used as a textile dye due to its lack of fastener substances. Fermented dyes are known to be the most solid dye with high endurances compared to other textile dyes according to how the color will fade caused by acid or alkaline substances. The fermentation process of Indigofera dye could be done using chemical or natural ingredients. Natrium Hydrosulphite could be used in chemical fermentation, while Javanese brown sugar is used in natural fermentation for Indigofera dye. In this study, comparison between the use of Indigofera dye with natrium hydrosulphite fermentations and Indigofera dye with Javanese brown sugar fermentations will be explained, by using experimental methods. The results of this dyeing experiment from using two kind of reductors, will be analysed to learn each of its advantages and disadvantages.

Indigofera dye, natural dyes, extraction, fermentation



The Influence of Illustrations in Informing The Preschool Children-s Play Activity Ideas in Chai-s Play Mobile Application
Diani Apsari,S.Ds., M.Ds (a), Sakhina Fathiani, S.Ds., M.Ds (b)

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Diani Apsari

Faculty of Creative Industry,
Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi,
Sukapura, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257

Parents of children of preschool age are often challenged in finding ideas for activities to stimulate the growth and development for their children through playing. An advantage for parents in the modern and also digital era is they are closer to information on parenting and ideas for childrens play activities through parenting mobile applications which are easily downloaded from application marketplace platforms such as Googles Play Store. Out of many parenting-themed mobile applications that available in the market, one of the prominent ones is Chais Play. Developed by experts of childrens growth and development and designers who understand the preschool childrens play activities, and presented in visually attractive illustrations, Chais Play is now an "Editors Choice" and has been downloaded for over 100,000 times on Play Store. Using qualitative method through structured interview with experts on childrens growth and development and users of Chais Play, supported with literature study, this research is conducted to analyze the function of illustrations on the user interface of Chais Play to convey information on preschool childrens play activities to stimulate their growth and development to the parents.

Illustration, Children-s Play Activities, Preschool Children, Mobile Application



Imtihan Hanom, S.Sn., M.Ds, Rizka Rachmawati, S.Ds., MBA, Titihan Sariharti, S.Ds., M.Ds, Santi Salayanti S.Sn., M.Sn

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imtihan hanom

Telkom University

This study departs from the phenomenon of increasing crime that occurred at the Automatic Teller Machine (ATM). The rise of crime at ATMs does not only occur in Indonesia, but almost all over the world. Crimes at ATMs have occurred from the very beginning the ATM was introduced to the public, until now. Crimes that occur at ATMs are mostly in the form of robberies which sometimes lead to murder. This study looks for interior variables that can increase the sense of security of ATM machine room users so as to suppress the intentions of criminals to act in them. Interior variables are obtained from several theories related to the prevention of criminal acts at ATMs, human safety perception and recommendations related to the prevention of existing crime. The results obtained from a number of recommendations related to crime prevention and theories related to the perception of safe humans that produce two main interior variables, namely; visual oppenes and territoriality. The design of an ATM room using these two main variables is expected to be able to provide a sense of human security when they want to visit and / or are in an ATM room. The results of the study are expected to provide an overview of the form of ATM space that can increase the users sense of security so that it can reduce the occurrence of criminal acts. This research is also expected to be an ATM room design standard to suit human basic needs, one of which is security

secure perception, crime prevention, interior design



Fika Ilhami, Widia Nur Utami Bastaman

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Widia Nur Utami Bastaman

Craft, Textile, and Fashion, School of Creative Industy, Telkom University

Nowadays many fashion products are inspired by the visual from food, this phenomenon is know as food fashion trends. Bandung as a culinary center since 1941, and as a storefront of Sundanese culture. In Sundanese culture there is a uniqueness in treating food, such as the tradition of using banana leaf as a dining mat. Utilization of banana leaves continues to be used by Sundanese people until now, especially in tradisional Sundanese food in Bandung. Visual of banana leaves food wrappers can be used as inspirastion of product design, because it has a unique colour, texture, and how to wrap it. This potential can be applied to a ready to wear deluxe design by using digital printing and manipulating fabric techniques.

Surface Textile, Bandung, Banana Leaf



The Paradox of Dynamic Corporate Identity.
Riky Azharyandi Siswanto(a*,b),Jasni Dolah (b)

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Riky Azharyandi Siswanto

a. Faculty of Creative Industries, Telkom University,Indonsia
b. School of the Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, MALAYSIA

Dynamic Corporate Identity has brought the new perspective of designing a brand identity. Dynamic Corporate identity is a system that applying the latest technology to create a flexible logo as the result the logo will constantly can change in color, pattern or shape. It is believed as the new way to create a living brand. However the new approach may not suitable for several types of businesses or identities. This research aimed to understand; what improvement that dynamic identity could do to make brand more alive. By collecting qualitative data, and some relevant literature this study has found that there is a paradox in dynamic identity system.

graphic design, logo design, dynamic identity, corporate identity



The Revitalization Concept of "Pramuka Penggalang” in The Digital Game Design
Arief Budiman, S.Sn., M.Sn. Akbar Rahman Rizaldi, S.Ds

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Arief Budiman

Telkom University

The scout activity is a non-formal education in the environments such as school and family. Generally it is held in the outdoors as a place which is attractive, challenging, creative, innovative and fun. Unfortunately, scout activity is sometimes viewed by a half of millenials as an out-of-date and boring activity. This kind of thinking is created because of the lack of understanding and knowledge. Whereas, a lot of materials introduced in scout activity give a role of forming positive characters. This activity even becomes a tool of developing one-s character. The making of “Pramuka Penggalang” concept design in digital game is an attempt in contributing an open mind for the millenials. The application of Tracy Fullerton-s theory in forming structural game marks 2 important elements, formal element and dramatic element. This digital game concept design is created in order to help players to gain information about “Pramuka Penggalang” activity and to change the old image of scout activity to become more fun in the eyes of today-s generation.

Scout, Pramuka Penggalang, Digital game, Tracy Fullerton



The Role of Interior Design Elements in Attracting Consumer K-pop Lovers at Mujigae Restaurant in Bandung
Mahendra Nur Hadiansyah*, Wiwit Widya Rahmawati, Mia Nadiah Sari

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Mahendra Nur Hadiansyah

Bachelor Program of Interior Design, Telkom University.
Jalan Telekomunikasi No.1, Terusan Buah Batu, Kabupaten Bandung.

The existence of Korean culture has been recognized by Indonesian people including Bandung, makes the restaurant owners compete each other to win the hearts of the consumers who like korean food. Korean restaurant in Bandung not only over the signature dishes from Korea, but the interior also give chance to feel the different environtment and attract the consumers. Mujigae is one of the Korean restaurant carrying modern culture that called Halyu wave including Korean pop or known with K-pop. This study has a purpose to analyze how the achievement and implementation of K-pop themed in interior design with the modern style. Descriptive qualitative through observation is the method that used in this study and validated by Discussion forum group. In an effort to achieve Korean atmosphere, this restaurant not only use the fame of K-pop artists but also implements the characteristics of K-pop that are vibrant, cheerful, colorful, and energetic. The Korean atmosphere is increasingly manifested through other supporting elements such as tableware used, videos and music that playing K-pop songs. The results shows the implementation of K-pop-themed in the interior are applied to several elements, such as furnitures, murals, two-dimensional decorations, lighting, and audio visual.

K-pop, Korean, restaurant, mujigae, interior elements



The values of four-star hotels from architectural design perspectives
Dhea Islami Putri, Adinda Rizqia Anggraini, Setiamurti Rahardjo

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Setiamurti Rahardjo

Telkom University

As one of tourists- destination cities, Bandung offers numerous hotels for its visitors who are dominated by domestic tourists. With the vast choices of types, facilities, and prices, the market competition between hotels is inevitable, especially with the emerging of small-scale hotels that are on a par with three-star hotels. As an impact, the markets of hotels with higher classes or stars are getting more segmented, especially four-star hotels. Standing in between the affordable three-star hotels and the luxurious five-star hotels, four star hotels seem to bridge both classes through an impression of luxury, yet still affordable. Nevertheless, this issue creates a bias as expressed in a question: how luxury are four star hotels if they are still affordable? Through comparing the architecture and interior design of Mercure, Sensa, and de Pavilijoen, three popular four-star hotels in Bandung, this paper explores the value of four-star hotels from architectural design perspectives. The result of this study later serves to discover and bring the uniqueness of four-star hotel design to the surface and make it attain distinction from other star-hotels.

Hotel design, hotel architecture, four-star hotels, contemporary design, architecture styles.



Up-Cycling Plastic Bags Waste Into Lifestyle Products By Direct Heating Method
Terbit Setya Pambudi, Yanuar Herlambang, Sheila Andita Putri

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Terbit Setya Pambudi

Telkom University

Today plastic waste is one of the largest waste contributors in the world, with approximately 10 percent of the total waste in the world. Most of the plastic waste comes from households, it is plastic bag waste. Already many efforts have been made to reduce the amount of waste and its effects. One of the efforts made is the up-cycling method. Up-cycling is a method of reusing waste into products that have more or new use values. Using this method, besides being able to reduce the amount of plastic waste that exists while creating new products with new selling values and functions. The results of this plastic waste recycling product can be in the form of fashion products, furniture, household appliances, etc. The up-cycling method that will be used is the direct heating method of plastic bag waste material. This process will change the structure and characterization of plastic waste material. This waste treatment method uses a method of direct heating on plastic bag material, the next process is a compaction of the material with the press before being formed into a product. The results of plastic bag waste treatment in this study are ring accessories products. In the future, further development and refinement is still needed in the next research which focuses on finishing techniques and product range variations.

plastic waste, direct heating, lifestyle products



Urban Legend Locations of Bandung City Photobook Design
Ben Galviratama, Moh. Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata

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Mohammad Isa Pramana Koesoemadinata

Visual Communication Design Study Program, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

The city of Bandung has night attractions related to urban legend. The object that has become an urban legend in the city of Bandung comes from famous myths and has meaning. Most urban legend objects are found in buildings that are cultural heritage buildings and historical heritage sites. The lack of detailed information and documentation that already exists has not been able to highlight the visual side and the absence of media specifically explaining urban legend objects in Bandung. From the formulation of the problem resulted in the purpose of the research is to design a media that aims to provide detailed information about urban legend objects in the city of Bandung by highlighting the visual side as well as documenting the buildings and historic sites in the city of Bandung using observation, interviews, questionnaires, literature study, as well as comparison matrix analysis and design theory such as book theory, DKV, photography, and printing. After getting the required data, the author designed as the initial goal so as to produce a medium of information in the form of a book as a photography-based reference on urban legend locations in the city of Bandung.

Urban Legends, History, Photobook, Bandung City



Patra Aditia, Rahma Noviyanti

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Patra Aditia

Telkom University, Faculty of Creative Industries

One of the most acute urban problems is the emergence of psychiatric problems in the community, caused by the acceleration of daily routine. Some of these psychiatric problems are not only suffered by adults who live the lives of modern society, but also affect children. These children generally have a problem called B.L.A.S.T. (Bored, Lonely, Angry-Afraid, Sad, Tired). To overcome this problem, there are indeed a number of ways, including reading. Since 1802, Benjamin Rush, the father of United States psychiatry, recommends reading as part of therapy for patients with mental disorders. For children, this also applies, by adding more illustrations. This study analyzed three illustrated books that were considered widely read by children in Indonesia from ages 7-13 years. The visual analysis of the illustrations was then examined by Roland Barthess semiotic approach, to get conclusions about what visualization would have a positive impact on psychiatric therapy for children.

Children, Illustration, Psychology, Semiotics, B.L.A.S.T.



Paku Kusuma1, Dharsono2, M. Dwi Marianto3, Guntur4

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Paku Kusuma

1Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Industri Kreatif Universitas Telkom
2Program Studi Seni Rupa, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
3Program Studi Seni Rupa, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta
4Program Studi Seni Rupa, Program Pascasarjana, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

The city mascot as one of the supporting elements in the effort to improve the image of cities in Indonesia still leaves a lot of land for research. The research on the visual mascot of the city of Cimahi departs from a search effort on the mascot of the city in Indonesia as a complement to the research that has been done. The existence of the Cimahi city mascot itself can be said to be the pioneer of city mascot in Indonesia, which started from the idea of the first mayor of the city of Cimahi in 2009, Itoc Tochija during the second period of his reign. The idea was then only realized visually in 2013 during the mayor Atty Suharti Tochija. The Cimahi city mascot named Chima has a unique visual in an effort to position Cimahi as an autonomous city and promotion of the 3C (Cimahi Creative Cyber City) program. The Chima embodiment process is a long process carried out by the Cimahi City Investment Office as the executor of the task. This cultural phenomenon can be analyzed with the Semiotic scientific approach. Semiotics is the science of signs that presupposes a series of assumptions and concepts that enable us to analyze symbolic systems in a systematic way. According to CS. Peirce, the science of semiotics is based on logic that studies how people reason, and reasoning is done through signs. These signs according to Peirce allow us to think, relate to others and give meaning. This research will reveal the relationship between the symbolic form of the mascot and the implied meaning and the results of peoples perceptions so that they can be used as a basis for better manifestation of similar works.

City Mascot, Semiotics, Signs and Meanings



Visual design of Indonesian Traditional Monster cartoons

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zaini ramdhan

telkom university

2D animation character design as the final goal of the design of visualizing the design of Indonesian monster characters in a funny cartoon style. The term monster word is derived from the ancient Latin monstros or monstrum which means "sign", rooted from the word moneo, "reminiscent", also can mean "miracle". The word monster is always connoted is the figure of something wrong or an evil protagonist. Monster Sentences to figures that are very conflicting with ecosystem norms. Someone called a monster is a very evil / protagonist, psychopathic, and anti-social figure. the rationale for Archetypes, Bryan Tillman and 2D animation theory. The target audience is children aged 6 to 10 years. The method uses qualitative analysis data with primary and secondary data which are described for character design needs. In the concept stage by using several visual references and visual studies that are relevant to the data with the design goal. Data analysis and data processing so that it becomes the final result of designing 2D animated characters. It is expected that the resulting animated characters can be accepted by the target audience

Monsters, achetyp, Character design



Sylvia Rakhman , Gredi Gradana Sembada

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Gredi Gradana

Faculty of Creative Industry, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia

Indonesia is a country rich in ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. There are approximately 746 different languages in Indonesia. Six different religions. from Sabang to Merauke Indonesia has different ethnicities and cultures in each region. With the weakening of culture at this time local wisdom was lost over the times. Traditional village islocal wisdom that is able to preserve customs until now. Like some traditional villages located on Java The West, every traditional village has rules, art, and customs for each of the beliefs in the village adat. Kampung Naga is a traditional village that is still sustainable and still has an ancestral heritage of 10.5 hectares with 113 buildings, and 108 family heads. Researchers and community services who will carry out activities in Kampung Naga will get a local guide to help get information, but for tourists just visiting to enjoy the beauty of the dragon village does not get a local guide unless asking foraccompany. Naga village community considers the number of tourists who come, namely gathering and gathering introduction of friendship. But tourists also have to follow the rules there. Making visual-based information media to introduce Kampung Naga customs to tourists do not use local guides to find out about the history of customs in Kampung Naga and contribute to preserve Kampung Naga customs.

Kampung Naga, photography book, Customs



Hardy Adiluhung1, Yoga Pujiraharjo2

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Hardy Adiluhung

1. Telkom University, Creative Industries School Product Design
2. Telkom University, Creative Industries School Product Design

ABSTRACT PT. Pindad Persero is a military manufacturing industry division of vehicles that uses three-dimensional printer techniques, in every design to accelerate the form of prototype product development. The advantages of three-dimensional printers, its easy to make complicated shapes. This is caused by the movement of the printing movement in three-dimensional space. Related to this, in every opportunity to help a product, the role of a three-dimensional printer is very important, as a display tool or technique in promotion, so that this role can improve the process of duplicating the form or application form with temporary materials, this technique is quite effective and reduces costs production, and the results of the 99% form of the real form, the shape of the parts of the fighter, of course there are special techniques so that it is perfect as in the real form, both in the form of finishing and paint finishing techniques.

Three Dimensional Printer, Dummy, Special Vehicles



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