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MASODI (a), Erma Suryani, S.T., M.T., Ph.D (b)

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a) Department of information Technology Mangement, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia
b) Department of Information System, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia

Procurement of Government goods/services has an essential role in the implementation of national development, particularly improving public services and developing national and regional economies. To realize Government goods/services procurement that is able to provide value for money and contribute to increasing use of domestic products, improve the role of micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as sustainable development while simultaneously carrying out the tasks and functions of efficient, effective, transparent, open, competitive, fair, and accountable procurement, the researcher will analyze the technology acceptance level of the Goods/Services Procurement Application (APEL BAJA) in the Regional Organization in the East Java Provincial Government. APEL BAJA technology is used as a package submission review tool before packaging in an Electronic Procurement System (SPSE). The method used in this study is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which will be used to measure how much influence the acceptance and ease of use of APEL BAJA. Also, the TAM method is also used to measure the level of user satisfaction. The data in this study will be obtained by distributing questionnaires as many as 100 respondents. From the questionnaire data, there will be some tests, including validity and reliability, correlation and regression tests, variable descriptive analysis tests, and hypothesis tests. The expected results of this study are to obtain the most influential factors in the acceptance of APEL BAJA technology, to be used as a reference in making strategic decisions in the future.

Goods/Services Procurement Application, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), influences of admission, convenience of use, users satisfaction level

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Correlation Between Mineral Levels and Bone Loss Risk in Post Menopause Women
Suryanto(a*), Safira Novia Brilianti(b), Wahyu Adi Anggoro(c)

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Suryanto Sp.PK

(a)Departemen of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b)Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(c)Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Introduction: Bone is continually experiencing rejuvenation, which requires calcium and vitamin D. Mineral storage in bones will peak (Peak Bone Mass or PBM) around the age of 20-30 years. As time goes on, the absorption of calcium decreases and it will smooth the bone tissue. In postmenopausal women bone fragility is better with bone formation, and this causes osteoporosis to occur in women. WHO reports that broken bones caused by osteoporosis will increase from 84,000 in 1986 to 6.26 million in 2050. Methode: This research is a case control study between the state of a person with certain risk factors. Samples were 4 postmenopausal women with low mineral levels and 30 postmenopausal women with normal mineral levels. Among bone mineral indicators were analyzed by ANOVA and the alternative (if data is not normal) is Kruskal Wallis test to see the correlation to bone loss. Result: p value from bivariat test is 0.003, it mean there is correlation between mineral levels in bone with the risk of Bone Loss in postmenopouse woman. Conclusion: There is correlation between mineral levels in bone with the risk of Bone Loss in postmenopouse woman.

blood calcium; high risk of osteoporosis; menopause

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Elfa Rahmawati Fitri (a); Dr. Mufdlilah, M.Sc (b); Dhesi Ari Astuti, S.SiT., M.Kes (b); Dr. dr. Zainal Muttaqien M. Sofro, AIFM., Circulatory Med (c)

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Elfa Rahmawati Fitri

a) Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta; b) Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta; c) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Attachment is a bond needed by mothers and children in parenting methods. This parenting method is an important aspect to determine the quality of cognitive and social intelligence of the children. The ratio of attachment types was the balance between secured (50%) and insecure (50%). Though, insecure attachment gives a negative impact on children. An objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between spiritual well-being and prenatal attachment in third-trimester pregnant women seen from heart rate variability side. The study applied a quantitative method with a cross-sectional time approach. Cluster sampling technique determined the places and samples of the study. Spiritual well-being data was collected by Spiritual Well-Being Questionaire and prenatal attachment data was collected by Indonesia version Prenatal Attachment Inventory. The conditions of spiritual well-being were also compared by heart rate variability conditions. The results of this study found spiritual well-being having a significant correlation with prenatal attachment in third-trimester pregnant women. Midwives as the pregnant women partner need to know the levels of client spiritual well-being and emphasize the importance of providing care with a spiritual approach. Midwives also need to explain the functions of daily religious activities and their relation to prenatal attachment.

Spiritual, Heart Rate Variability, Attachment

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Design of Solar Home System in Office Building, Study Case: Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Prisma Megantoro (a*), Iswanto (b), Irawan Eko Prabowo (b)

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Prisma Megantoro

a) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

The using of renewable energy in Indonesia is significantly increasing as fast as the development of its technology and electricity needs, especially in residential area. The office area is one of the biggest electricity consumer. This article discusses the development planning of the Solar Home System (SHS) in office sector, in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. The development planning has 3 steps such as solar energy calculation, design and system quantity calculation, and the implementation at one site. System design is calculated by the energy potential and electricity loads would be covered. This calculation aims to get the best operation performance of the SHS. The SHS design is used to provide electricity of more than 20 lighting points both inside or outside the building and also is used as back up plan when the public grid is off. The design has power capacity of 1 kW with 24 VDC on its operation voltage at on-grid topograph. The system used 1 kWp of solar panel array, 1 kW of Solar Charge Controller and 1 kW pure sine inverter. The whole components of the system is an appropriate technology by then.

solar home system; photovoltaic system; electricity

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Difference of Creatinin Level between Bodybuilding and Aerobic Gymnastic Enthusiasts
Adang Muhammad Gugun(a*) Muhamad Fakhri Wildana (b)

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Adang Muhammad Gugun

(a) Departement of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b) Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Good quality of life is a goals of every person. There are much factors that can influence life quality, one of them is body fitness. Sport is one of activities that can be done to reach body fitness. Creatinine is one that influenced by activities because creatinine is a result of meat diet metabolism and creatine metabolism in skeletal muscle tissue. Level of creatinine of each individu will be different depends on it lifestyle. Purpose: To know the difference of creatinine level between bodybuilding and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts, so the influence of sport type toward creatinine metabolism inside the body will be known. Methods: This is a quantitative research with non-experimental design and used analytic-observational with cross sectional survey approach. Quota sampling is used with total ammount for each independent variables is 20 and analyzed with Mann Whitney Test. Results: Creatinin levels of bodybuilding enthusiast are 0.71–1.49 mg/dL (Mean:1.0730 mg/dL) and aerobic gymnastic enthusiast are 0.80-1.86 mg/dL (Mean: 0.9745 mg/dL). There is a difference of creatinine level between bodybuilding and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts with the result of Mann Whitney Test (p = 0.038). Conclusion: There is difference of creatinine level between body building and aerobic gymnastic enthusiasts.

Creatinine, bodybuilding, aerobic gymnastic

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Adding Aloe Vera Gel Extract to The Burn Cream Formulation
Novianti Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta,, Tri Yuni Hendrawati Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta,, Ratri Ariatmi Nurgahani Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jakarta, Jakarta,

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Novianti, ST Novianti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, fakultas teknik, jurusan Teknik Kimia

Aloe vera gel contains various anti inflammatory substances salicylic acid, indomethacin, manosa 6 phosphate, B sitosterol, lignin, saponins and anthaquinone. The purpose of this study was to obtain the effect of adding Aloe vera gel extract to burn cream and obtain the best formulation in healing burns on the skin of the outer epidermis by testing in white mice. Aloe vera gel was extracted using an vacuum rotary evaporator for 90 minutes, at 40 degree C at a pressure of 110 mBar. Burns cream made with 7 different formulas, namely Aloe vera extract, stearate acid, propylene glycol, liquid paraffin and Tween 80 and nipagin, nipasol, EDTA, Dimethyl sulfur oxide, NaH2PO4, Trietanolamine with the addition of Aloe vera extract 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12.5%. In testing pH meets skin physiological pH requirement 4 to 8. Viscosity with a consistency of cream that is easily applied to the skin without dripping. Fineness 9 to 11, refractive index 1.1 In the Aloe vera gel extract and on the cream base ranged from 51.5 to 78.3. In the results of testing with white mice, the best formula was obtained by adding 5percent Aloe vera gel extract with healing of burns for 7 days.

Aloe Chinensis Baker, cream extract, burns, skin epidermis

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect Of Ageratum conyzoides L on Hepatocellular Carcinoma Rats Induced By DMBA Based on In Vivo-In Silico Study
Heni Ratnasari*, Aulia Rahma, Rifki Febriansah

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Heni Ratnasari

Department of Pharmacy, Medical Faculty and Health Science,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183

Abstract Liver cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Treatment that has been carried out to date was chemotherapy with cytostatic drugs, radiotherapy and surgery which still have many disadvantages. Bandotan Herbs (Ageratum conyzoides L.) containing flavonoid compounds that can be used as chemopreventive agents. Objective: This study was conducted to explore the chemopreventive activity of BHCF in DMBA-induced mouse rat. Methods: The simplisia macerated using ethanol 70% followed by fractionations using chloroform. The phytochemicals identification of BHCF is done by the TLC method. Molecular docking test of nobiletin compounds against VEGF proteins, COX-2 and C-Myc compared to 5Fluorouracil. The carcinogenesis test required 20 mice tails to be divided into 5 feeding groups. Induction is conducted on a per-oral using CMC-Na 0.5% 1 ml/200 gram, DMBA 20 mg/kgBW and BHCF at a dose of 750 mg/kgBW and 1500 mg/kgBW. DMBA is injected 2 times a week for 5 weeks. Histological observation is done by the Immunohistochemistry and Haematoxylin-Eosin methods. Results: The TLC results state that BHCF contains flavonoid as a secondary metabolites. Molecular docking proves that nobiletin is better in inhibiting the expression of VEGF with an affinity value -7.6 kcal/mol. Induction of DMBA causes moderate over-expression of VEGF against liver tissue. Histologically, the introduction of BHCF at a dose of 1500 mg/kgBW provides better improvement degrees of histology than 750 mg/kgBW. Conclusion: The presence of flavonoid can be used as chemopreventive agents for liver cancer based on in silico and in vivo assay.

Ageratum conyzoides L., hepatocellular carcinoma, DMBA, in silico, in vivo

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The effect of Behavior Changes in Control Diet for Hypertension
Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo(1,2*), Panji (3), Titik Hidayati (1,2)

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Mahendro Prasetyo Kusumo

(1) Master of Hospital Management, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2)Department of Public Health and Family Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Health, Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(3)Primary Care Clinic in Sleman, Yogyakarta

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to identify behavior changes in control diet that associated with effective hypertension control. Methods: This study was conducted at primary care clinic in Yogyakarta Indonesia. This study used a Quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control and intervention group in primary care clinic. The intervention and control group were selected through the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected using a simple random sampling. The intervention group received a control diet package for 6 weeks. Result: There were 84 subjects of hypertension patients, grouped into two groups: 42 patients (intervention group) and 42 patients (control group). There were differences of increasing behavior change control diet scores between the control and intervention groups. There was a significant difference with (p <0.05) of (1.41) in the intervention group, while there was a decrease in score (&

Hypertension, control diet, behavior, intervention

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The effect of date (Phoenix dactylifera) powder on the amount of sperm and diameter of the seminiferous tubular rats (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to the air freshener

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Yuningtyaswari Yuningtyaswari

Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

In general, people enjoy the sensation of the aroma emitted by air freshener, so they are not aware of the hidden dangers behind their comfort. Air freshener contains various volatile compounds that are harmful to the health of the body, including formalin and phthalates. Formalin and phthalates adversely affect the reproductive system. Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) contain various important nutrients, including Zn which was needed for the process of spermatogenesis. This study aims to reveal the effect of date palm powder on sperm count and diameter of seminiferous tubules of Rattus norvegicus exposed to air freshener. The subjects of this study were 32 30-day-old male, white rats (Rattus norvegicus). The subjects were divided into eight groups, namely: control, date1, date2, date3, date1 air freshener, date air freshener, date air freshener, and air freshener. Each group consisted of 4 rats. The air freshener used is deodorant X in the form of a gel, lemon fragrant. Dates are given in 3 doses namely 120mg / KgBW, 240 / KgBW and 360KgBW. Treatment was given for 30 days. The parameters observed were the number of sperm and the diameter of the seminiferous tubules. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA test at 95% confidence level. The results showed that administration of date palm powder had an effect on increasing sperm count in subjects exposed to air freshener (Sig 0.03), but did not affect the diameter of the seminiferous tubules.

Phoenix dactylifera powder, sperm count, seminiferous tubule diameter, air freshener

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Electric Current and Time of Anodizing Process on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Series 1xxx
Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman(a*), Aris Widyo Nugroho(a)

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Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman

a) Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Anodizing is the process of forming a layer of aluminum oxide (alumina) which can increase hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The anodizing process is carried out on aluminum 1xxx series with a concentration of 40% solution, electric voltage 18 V, temperature 40oC to 55oC for 5, 10 and 15 minutes and current 1, 2, and 3 A. The dyeing process is applied using a solution with a concentration of 20 g / liter. The results of the anodizing process with a duration of 10 minutes immersion produce the largest thickness of the alumina layer at a current of 2 A as thick as 0.120 mm, hardness 52.1 VHN. The greater the current used, the larger the pores formed as a result of the color on the surface getting thicker. At the current 1 A the most uniform color brightness is R 35.66%, G 181.33%, B 63%. The results of the anodizing process at 3 A currents show that the longer the dyeing time will increase the thickness of the alumina layer where the thickness of the layer is 0.060 mm for a period of 15 minutes, But will reduce the hardness value, shrink the surface pores. The hardness value is 68.16 VHN for a 5 minutes processing time to 56.07 VHN for a process time of 15 minutes. Reduction of pores produces uniform brightness with a percentage of R 27.33%, G 57.00%, B 19.33%.

Anodizing, Aluminum 1xxx, current, time, hardness, color brightness

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Electric Supercharger and Water-Diesel Emulsion on Combustion Characteristic and Emission
Abdul Wahid Arohman, Rosid, Bambang Sudarmanta

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Abdul Wahid Arohman

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

An emulsion is a dispersion system, where one phase is dispersed in another phase in the presence of an emulsifying agent (surfactant). Emulsion fuel can reduce the cylinder peak pressure of the combustion chamber than using pure diesel fuel. The addition of the mass flow rate can increase cylinder pressure, reduce BSFC, increase thermal efficiency, increase diesel engine power and reduce emissions. This research uses a single cylinder diesel by varying the electric supercharger from 1861.2 L/min, 3154.2 L/min and 3976.8 L/min with a load engine from 800-4000 watts. The water content of this emulsion is 30% by volume, and using surfactants (span 80 and tween 80). The water content of this emulsion is 30% by volume and using span80 and tween80 as surfactants. Optimal results obtained on 0,0812 kg/s variations with an increase in thermal efficiency of 12.6%, fuel consumption decreased by 24.5% from neat diesel fuel. As for the emissions produced at smoke opacity, HC, and CO by 9%, 21.35%, and 27% respectively. Cylinder pressure rises by 4.7% from neat diesel fuel when the mass flow rate is added. There is a decrease in heat release rate with 15% emulsion fuel from neat diesel fuel.

water in diesel emulsion, combustion, emission, mass flow rate, diesel engine.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of LiBOB and LiTFSI Composition on the Conductivity of PVdF-HFP based Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Lithium ion Battery Applications.
T. Lestariningsih (a), N. Hidayati Fitriyah (a), Budiyanto (a), dan W. Bambang Widayatno (b)

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Titik Lestariningsih

(a) Chemical Engineering Masters Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, Indonesia
(b) Research Centre for Physics Indonesian Institute of Science, Komplek Puspiptek, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15314, Indonesia

Efforts to increase ionic conductivity of polymer electrolyte membranes for lithium ion battery applications have been carried out in this study by combining electrolyte salts. Polymer electrolyte membranes function as electrolyte and separator in battery cells. The polymer electrolyte membrane is composed of poly (vinylidene fluoride co hexaflouropropylene) (PVdF co HFP) as polymer, titanium oxide (TiO2) as filler, and lithium bis (oxalate) borate (LiBOB) and Lithium bis trifluoromethanesulfonimide (LiTFSI) electrolyte alloys as salt has been made with the solution casting method at room temperature. Polymer electrolyte membranes are characterized using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to determine conductivity, X Ray Diffractometer (XRD) to determine material crystallinity, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to determine the surface morphology of polymer electrolyte membranes. The test results using EIS showed that samples containing 23% LiTFSI and 5% LiBOB had the highest conductivity (2.35 x 10^-6 S/cm) compared to other samples. These results are reinforced by XRD and SEM analysis which showed that the sample has the lowest crystallinity that makes the ion movement higher and the appearance of pores on the surface of the membrane with a diameter of around 2 to 5 micro meter.

Polymer electrolyte membranes, PVdF-HFP, LiBOB, LiTFSI, EIS and crystallinity.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Processing Route on Tensile Properties of Pandanus Tectorius Fibers
Sudarisman, Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman, Muhammad Ridho

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S Sudarisman

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The effect of temperature and time duration of degumming process on tensile properties of Pandanus Tectorius fibers has just been studied. Whilst degumming temperature and soaking time for alkali treatment were kept constant at 80 degree C and 2 hours, respectively, degumming time was varied at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours, and sodium hydroxide solution content were varied at 2.5 and 5 wt percent. A bundle of fiber was placed in an O dashed shape cardboard holder for being tensile tested until fracture occurred. Cross sectional areas and fracture modes of representative fibers were captured under optical microscope. Whilst the cross section image areas were then measured by means of an open source software, the imageJ, the fracture images were closely evaluated to determine their respective fracture modes. The result shows that, except for epsilon at 3 hours soaking time and 5 wt percent alkali content, sigma, epsilon and E increase with the increase of degumming time up to 3 hours, then decrease for 4 hours degumming time. The highest sigma, and E were found being 684.31 MPa, 1074.21 MPa, respectively. The highest epsilon was found being 0.140 mm/mm at 4 hours degumming time and 5 wt pecent alkali content.

Pandanus Toctorius fiber, degumming, alkali treatment, tensile properties

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effect of Saddle Contact Angle to Pressure Vessel Stress Distribution

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Krisdiyanto Krisdiyanto

Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Pressure vessel has a complex structure. Pressure vessel structure is designed to hold internal pressure, temperature, external load, etc. There are two types of pressure vessel, those that vertical and horizontal pressure vessel. Horizontal pressure vessel is supported by saddle that is used to hold pressure vessel weight. Pressure vessel stress distribution is affected by saddle contact angle variations. Pressure vessel maximum stress values should be considered so the failure of structure can be decreased. This research aims to review the effect of saddle contact angle variations to stress distribution.

Pressure vessel, saddle, contact angle, stress distribution

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Effectiveness of Durian Skin Extract as a Natural Anti-Bacterial
Nina Arlofa, Ismiyati, Moh. Kosasih

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Nina Arlofa

Chemical Engineering Masters Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

Durian (durio zibertinus) is a native tropical fruit from Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. Durian skin is the highest composition of durian fruit (60-75%), but still considered as waste that caused environmental problems. Durian skin was extracted with ethanol to obtain the extract which is then separated from the solvent as an ingredient for the hand sanitizer formula. This study aims to analyze the content of secondary metabolites of durian skin extract, analyze the anti-bacterial activity of durian skin extract against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and calculate the effectiveness of durian skin extract as a natural anti-bacterial ingredient in hand sanitizer products by using the paper disc method. The results showed that durian skin extract contained triterpenoids, alkaloids, and saponins, which are phytochemical compounds that have anti-bacterial function. The concentration of 1% durian skin extract inhibited the growth of Escersia coli, Salmonela thyposa and Sthapylococcus aureus with a clear zone of 8.2 mm, 7.4 mm and 8.6 mm, respectively. In the anti-septic test, the hand sanitizer showed that the interaction between the concentration of durian skin extract and the time interval of sampling at the same time (simultaneously) gave a significant effect in reducing the number of microorganism colonies

natural anti-bacterial, Durian skin, hand sanitizer

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The effectiveness of Education of Needlestick and Sharp Injuries to increase knowledge and attitude of Health Worker
kusbaryanto and Listiowati

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Kusbaryanto Kusbaryanto

Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

The effectiveness of Education of Needlestick and Sharp Injuries to increase knowledge and attitude of Health Worker Kusbaryanto1 , Listiowati2 1 Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta 2 Department of public health Faculty of medicine and health Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Abstract Background: Nosocomial infection appears in a patient under medical care in the hospital. It is a worldwide problem that always increases significantly. It is necessary to apply standard precautions to minimize the risk of infection in hospitals. One of which is the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries. Objective: This study aims to find out the effectiveness of education about needlestick and sharp injuries module to increase knowledge and attitude of the health workers in hospital. Method: This study used quasi-experiments with pre-test and post-test control group design. To explore the knowledge about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, this study used purposive sampling with 29 respondents of control group and 103 respondents of treatment group. To explore the attitude of the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, this study used purposive sampling with 28 respondents of control group and 98 respondents of treatment group. The data were analyzed by Wilcoxon and Independent sample T test. This study used questionnaire as an instrument to collect the data. Result: The result showed that knowledge about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in control group is p = 0,578 (p > 0,05), which is not significant. The result from treatment group is p = 0,001, which is significant. There is a significant difference between control and treatment group in comparison. The result showed that attitude of the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in control group is p = 0,277 (p > 0,05), which is not significant. The result of treatment group is p = 0,001, which is significant. There is a significant difference between control and treatment group in comparison. Conclusion: The education is effective to increase knowledge and attitude of the health workers about the risk of needlestick and sharp injuries in hospital. Keywords: Effectiveness, Education of risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, knowledge, attitude, health worker

Keywords: Effectiveness, Education of risk of needlestick and sharp injuries, knowledge, attitude, health worker

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Era of Abundance and its Impact to Indonesia Higher Education
Gembong Baskoro

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Gembong Baskoro

Swiss German University
Tangerang, Indonesia

The disruption era that leads to the awareness of higher education to cope with Industry 4.0, affected by rapid technology development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Automation, and IT based technology, is now becoming new pathway for many higher education institutions (HEI). Higher education institutions try to adapt and or adopt their curricula in order to align with industry 4.0. It is the nature of higher education that operate in Teaching, Research, as well as Community Service that need to adapt with the fast changing of its strategic environment. The question is for how long the era of disruption will last, and what the forthcoming era that higher education must prepare. This is important for HEI in order to ensure sustainability of the strategy especially when strategic environment change rapidly. This paper will elaborate to new predicted era, the so-called Era of Abundance, that will be faced after the era of disruption. Before elaborating the “abundance”, it is important to elaborate the comprehensive strategy due to “disruption” in HEI, the so called Education 4.0, especially in aligning with Industry 4.0. This paper will also elaborate the what-is of the era of abundance so that by having understanding of this era, higher education can take the advantage of time. This paper uses method of descriptive analysis based on expert opinion to elaborate and to draw the conclusion.

Era of abundance, Disruption, Education 4.0, Higher Education, Industry 4.0

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Evaluation of the Use of Post Partum Intra Uterine Device (PPIUD) in Spontaneously and Sectio Caesarean Delivery
Ivanna Beru Brahmana (a*), Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah (b)

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Ivanna Beru Brahmana

a) Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Doctor of Professional Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
b) Histology and Immunology Section, Bachelor of Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Email: ivanna[at]

The post partum family planning (Keluarga Berencana Pasca Persalinan/KBPP) is conducted because it is safe to be done, can increase the family planning coverage, has the effectiveness of time and can decrease the Maternal Mortality Ratio (Angka Kematian Ibu/AKI). The post partum family planning coverage is still limited. Therefore, it is needed to have the evaluation of PPIUD in the professional practice of a Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Klaten, Central Java. The observational study was conducted by using the cross-sectional design. The data were collected from the medical record for two years; start from April 2016 to December 2017 by using inclusion criteria for women who gave birth both spontaneously and section caesarean (SC) and were willing to do PPIUD installation. The data were collected at the first checkup, i.e., 5th day to 7th day postpartum, the second check-up, i.e., one month after the first check-up, and the third checkup, i.e., six months after the second checkup. The collected data were in the form of the age, the number of pregnancy, the way of birth delivery (Spontaneously or SC), based on the evaluation of the existence of leucorrhea, erosion portio, expulsion, translocation, menometrorrhagia, husbands complaints and pain. The result of the research was analyzed descriptively. The result of research showed that 57 respondent fulfil the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The respondents were approximately 28.96 years old; parturition was more or less 1.74 times, IUD was installed at SC 87.72% and spontaneously delivery 12.28%. The respondent who has leucorrhea was 66.67%, but these respondent have no erosion portio, expulsion, translocation, menometrorrhagia, husbands complaints and pain. It can be concluded that PPIUD is safe and well to be conducted.

Post Partum IUD, KB Pasca Persalinan, Spontaneously, Sectio Caesarea

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Extraction Of Ferulic Acid Phenol Fraction From Rice Bran Oil Using Ultrasonic Methods And Analysis Of Antioxidants Effectiveness.
Alif Gita Arumsari (a*), Ratri Ariatmi Nugrahani (b), Tri Yuni Hendrawati (c)

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Alif Gita Arumsari

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah 27 Jakarta Pusat 10510, Indonesia. *2017900002[at]
b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah 27 Jakarta Pusat 10510, Indonesia.
c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah 27 Jakarta Pusat 10510, Indonesia.

Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the main cereals to many people, especially in Asian countries. Rice bran, as one of the byproducts of rice dehulling, has received an increasing attention as a functional foodstuff in recent years. Ferulic Acid (FA) is one of the phenolic compounds found in plant cell walls in both free and covalently bonded forms. It has also been shown that FA has many functions like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiallergic, anticarcinogenic, antithrombotic, increasing sperm stability, and enzymatic activity. The objective of this study was to extract Ferulic Acid from the phenolic fraction of rice bran oil using ultrasonic method, followed by antioxidant effectiveness analyses. Oil was extracted from rice bran using ultrasonic method in ethanol solvent. The result was analyzed for phenol yields and contents. Variables tested were the concentrations and volumes of ethanol. Antioxidant effectiveness tests were performed on the highest yields of FA. The results showed that the highest yield of 24% was achieved at ethanol concentration of 80%, ethanol volume of 200 ml, and 25 grams of rice bran. Ferulic Acid content in the phenolic fraction of rice bran oil was 10-20% with the highest Antioxidant Effectiveness of 10.71%.

Extraction; Ferulic Acid; Phenolic; Rice Bran; Ultrasonic.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Factor of Family Support Towards the Succes Of Tuberculosis Theraphy: Cohort Study
Tri Pitara Mahanggoro1, Titik Hidayati2, Noor Aulia Fajriyati3

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Corresponding Author
Titiek Hidayati

1.Dept. Phisiology, Medical and health science faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, mastripitara[at]

2.Dept of Epidemiology, Family Medicine and public heath, Medical and health science faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, hidayatifkumy[at]

3.Medical and health science faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, nauliaf[at]

Background: The World Health Organization, WHO states Tuberculosis (TB) as a global public health emergency. where Indonesia ranks 2nd in the world after India was followed by China in third place. Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that can be cured if treatment is carried out quickly and precisely. Factors related to adherence to treatment, duration of treatment, socio-economic, nutritional status, smoking habits, and professions at risk have a correlation with the success of TB therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine whether family carrying capacity increases the success of tuberculosis (TB) therapy. Method: with primary data collection in the form of filling out questionnaires by means of interviews and secondary data, namely the respondents medical record data. The respondents were 57 people who were pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis patients. Results: The results of the analysis showed that a good family carrying capacity increased the success of tuberculosis therapy with a value of P = 0,000 (P <0.05) while the Relative Risk (RR) analysis obtained a value of 5.412 indicating good family support capacity could increase 5,412 times the success of tuberculosis therapy. Conclusion: Family Support increases the success of Tuberculosis therapy.

Family Support, Tuberculosis Therapy, Successful Therapy

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Identification of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions and The Factors Influencing the Interactions of the Coronary Heart Disease Patients Hospitalizing in Rumah Sakit Jogja Period of 2014-2017
Reny Rosmasari; Pramitha Esha N.D

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Pramitha Esha Nirmala Dewi

Department of Pharmacy Profession, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The number of patients diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease is at a quite high position in Indonesia, and it increases in each year. Various studies have shown that patients with cardiovascular disease are at risk of suffering from drug interactions. Drug interactions may affect the increase of mortality and morbidity in patients. The high adverse effects caused by drug interactions in CHD patients encourages the researchers to conduct this study. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the types of potential drug-drug interactions and to evaluate the relationship among the number of drug interaction, the number of drugs consumed, the diagnosis number and how long of CHD inpatients treated in Rumah Sakit Umum Jogja (Jogja Hospital). This study is descriptive research with retrospective data collection method using a cross-sectional design from 91 medical record data of CHD inpatients in Rumah Sakit Umum Jogja in the period of 2014 - 2017. The data analysis uses the spearman test of the SPSS program. The result from 91 samples included in the inclusion criteria is that the number of potential drug interactions is fairly high that is as many as 151 kinds of events. The most frequent mechanism pattern is pharmacodynamics (50.33%). The pattern of potential drug interaction based on the biggest onset was onset delay (83.44%). The highest level of the potential interactions is moderate severity (35.10%). The most documentation is unlikely (35.10%), and the highest significance level is the level of significance 1 (25, 17%). This study showed a correlation between the number of potential interactions and the number of drugs (r = 0.496, p = 0,000). There was no correlation among the number of potential interactions, the number of diagnoses (r = 0.099, p = 0.350) and how long is the hospitalization (r = 0.115; p = 0.276).

Potential Drug Interaction, Coronary Heart Disease

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Ingenida Hadning (a,b*), Tri Murti Andayani (c), Dwi Endarti (d), Rina Triasih (e)

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Ingenida Hadning

a) School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Doctoral Study Program of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
d) Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
e) Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

One of reducing the under-five mortality rate strategy caused by Streptococcus pneumonia-like pneumonia is established the strategy of vaccination Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). This article review aims to examine the impact of implementation PCV-10 or PCV-13 immunization as a national immunization program on the decrease in the incidence of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) of children in some countries. The articles search was conducted on PubMed. The research that was included in the review is the research which evaluating the impact of PCV-10 or PCV-13 vaccination on the incidence of IPD (pneumonia, sepsis or meningitis) in children under 5 years; the full text is available, published in 2013-2018 and English version. A total of 114 studies were initially retrieved and reviewed. After further review of references from the retrieved studies, 9 studies were finally selected that met all eligibility criteria. The article was reviewed in nine articles. The study was conducted in Brazil, Finland, and Peru (PCV-10), Italy, Gambia, Denmark, Rwanda, and Canada (PCV-13). Our review study showed that implementation of PCV-10 or PCV-13 in national vaccination program can reduce the incidence of IPD, consist of CAP, meningitis, sepsis, in children who are eligible to be vaccinated in some countries.

impact of vaccine, 10-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine, Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases, children

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Sabihaini, Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Heru Cahya Rustamaji, Sudaryatie

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Sabihaini sabihaini

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

The Depok village, Indonesia has a potential of marines and fisheries with the catches of 11374.1 kg in 2015 to 2017. There is strong evidence the climate change (i.e sea temperature, rain fall and humidity) has affected the distribution of fish production and has implications for the marine sector toward the catch of fishermen. This study is to investigate the relationships between the climate changes and fish production in Depok village. Data on the climate change and the annual yield fishs production during the period 2016 to 2017 was analyzed. The result shows that there was a significant correlation between the climate change and annual fish yield or catch with r = 0.64 and p=0.013. The study also revealed a decreasing from 4028 kg in 2016 to 3600 kg in 2017 of fish caught in just over one year period. This study contributes in the form of recommendations to Government agency agencies to provide data and information related to temperature and climate changes for fishermen. Government agency need to develop information systems for monitoring and warning of sea conditions.

Fish Production, Climate change, rain fall, sea temperature, humidity, pampus argenteus,

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Influence of Injection Speed and Proceesing Temperature on The Properties of Molded Parts
Cahyo Budiyantoro

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Cahyo Budiyantoro

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Injection molding is the most important process to produce plastic parts due to its ability to manufacture complex geometry of product in a single stage with high levels of reproducibility. Because of its high degree of automation, this process is also suitable for mass production purpose. The influence of injection speed, melt temperature and mold temperature on the properties of plastic product were observed in this study. The targeted properties were pressure profile, part weight and part shrinkage. The results show that the longitudinal shrinkage of the part could be decreased by increasing injection speed and melt temperature. The part weight was slightly affected by mold temperature and melt temperature, the maximum weight was obtained by low mold temperature and high melt temperature

Injection speed; melt temperature; mold temperature

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Idiani Darmawati1*, Rijal Dwi Saputro2, Zulkhah Noor3

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Corresponding Author
Idiani Darmawati

1,2,3. Faculty of Medicine and Healt Science Study Programe,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Jalan Lingkar Selatan Taman Tirto Kasihan Bantul DIY, Indonesia
Email: idiani2001[at], idiani[at]

Early detection through screening of congenital hypothyroid is not a regular government programs so that cases of congenital hypothyroid can not be managed appropriately Therefore it needs to be done the research benefits the granting of a bloated fish containing omega-3 on congenital hypothyroid as a food supplement to stimulate nerve growth especially brain development. Sample of this research pups of a white rat (Rattus norvegicus). 30 of rat is divided into 6 groups of 5 of each tail. Four groups induced hypothyroid on day 5 gestation until nenonatus day 15, and two other groups normally. Thyroxine and mackerel were given on 21st day after birth until the 8th week. Histology and preparations made of cells purkinje after being observed in the cerebellum. Number of Purkinje cells analyzed with One-way Anova continued multiple comparison test. The result are number of purkinje cells in the normal group, normal + mackerel, hypothyroid, hypothyroid+mackerel, hypothyroid treatment with thyroxine, thyroxine treatment with hypothyroid+mackerel as follows: 60±12, 71±16, 40±6, 64±7, 70±5, 65±20. Average number of purkinje cells in group that got mackerel significantly (p<0,05) increased compared with hypothyroid. The conclusion is supplementation mackerel fish increased the number of purkinje cells in cerebellum rat congenital hypothyroid.

congenital hypothyroid, mackerel fish, omega-3, purkinje cells

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The influence of smoking habit to voice handicap index score
Asti Widuri, Eka Yoga Wiratama

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Asti Widuri

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University

The vocal folds react to smoking, from irritate the mucous to the tissue changes or dysplasia that degradation of voice performance in daily living. This study determine the influence of smoking habits to the voice handicap score by Voice Handicap Index score (VHI). The design was a retrospective cohort study from 96 adults that identified level of voice fatigue through VHI. From the history there were divided into 3 groups: a group of active smokers, passive smokers and nonsmokers. The statistical test used was Chi-square test and regression nominal test. Voice fatigue (VHI score > 20) in both active smokers (13.54%) and passive smokers (15.62%) compared with nonsmokers (6.25%), by Chi-square test results was p = 0047 (p <0.05). Nominal regression test between 3 groups of samples were (RR = 3.0, CI 95% = 0.95 to 9.21) between the group of active smokers and passive smokers (RR = 3.8, CI 95% = 1,23-11.80 ). Smoking habits influence the voice handicap score in both active smokers and passive smokers compared with nonsmokers. Active smokers have a risk of fatigue voice 3 times more often than nonsmokers and passive smokers have a risk 3.8 times more often than non-smokers.

smoking, VHI score, voice

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Influence Type of Corneal Foreign Body Material to The Severity of Eye Infection
Ika Setyawati, Nur Shani Meida

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Ika Setyawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: A corneal foreign body is one of the main causes of blindness factor. The effects can be mild infections (keratitis) to severe (endophthalmitis) depending on the type of material. Late-stage complications can cause blindness. Objective: This study to determine the effect of types of corneal foreign body material on the severity of eye infection. Method: Non-experimental study design with analytic observational method and cross-sectional study. The sample was male and female patients (11 - 70 years old) who came to the eye clinic with a history of exposure to corneal foreign bodies of less than 8 days. The study was conducted by interviews and visual examination on anterior segment of the eyes. Data were analyzed with Chi-square test and correlation. Results: There are several types of foreign body material that affect cornea; gram iron (53.3%), plant branches (16.7%), animal wings (13.3%), sand (13.3%) and food (3,4 %). Most of these types of material cause mild infection/corneal erosion (60%), keratitis infections (33.4%) and blefaritis (3.3%). The incidence of corneal ulcers, endophthalmitis and panophthalmitis was not present in this study. Conclusion: There were no significant differences between the types of corneal foreign body material and the severity of eye infections.

corneal foreign body, eye infection

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Islamic Spiritual Service for The Improvement of Quality of Life in Elderly Hospitalized Patients
Abdillah Fuad Muhammad, Merita Arini

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Increasing of the elderly population number has an impact on the escalation of health problems. The quality of life in the elderly also generally has an impact due to the decline in health status, vice versa. A specific approach is needed to overcome this problem. This study aims to determine whether there are differences of the elderly hospitalized patients- quality of life in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Yogyakarta due to the Islamic spiritual services. This is a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest & posttest assessment. A sample of 106 elderly patients with an age range of 60-70 years was consecutively selected by inclusion criteria for controlling the confounders. Variables were measured using the OPQOL-Brief questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test because of abnormality distribution. There was an increase of score mean of quality of life after the Islamic spiritual service by the p-value=0,000. The results of the study indicate that the potential for the Islamic spiritual services has been developed to become an effort to improve the quality of life of elderly patients to be healthier.

Islamic spiritual service, Quality of life, Geriatrics

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Outcomes of Invitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Endometriosis-Associated Infertility: A Case-Control Study
Alfaina Wahyuni

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Alfaina Wahyuni

School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Alfaina.wahyuni[at]

The pathophysiology of infertility in endometriosis is still controversial and widely investigated. Several mechanisms are put forward. Whether In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer program is a solution still need further study. This research purpose is to compare the output of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer between endometriosis infertility and non-endometriosis infertility. This a case-control study was followed by fifty endometriosis-associated infertility patients and fifty infertility due to tubal factor and or sperm undergoing In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer at Permata Hati Clinic, Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. The research output is fertilization rate, number of the good quality embryo and the success of pregnancy based on the pregnancy test. Data analysis was done by a statistical test of T-test and Chi-Square. Multivariate analysis was done by logistic regression. The number of good quality embryos in endometriosis group was lower (2.34 more or less 2.33 vs 3.44 more or less 2.97; p <0.05), but the fertilization rate was same (48.58 more or less 27.16 vs 55.19 more or less 30.9; p > 0.05). Compare to non-endometriosis, endometriosis group had bigger risk of pregnancy failure (OR 3.758, CI95% 1.11 until 12.68, p <0.03).

endometriosis, embryo transfer, infertility, in vitro fertilization, the pregnancy rate

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Nurfa Anisa(a*)(b), Pratikto(b), Purnomo Budi Santoso(b), Ishardita Pambudi Tama(b)

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Nurfa Anisa

a*) Industrial Engineering Department, Wisnuwardhana University, Malang, East Java
b) Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java

Indonesia is ranked in 7th (2.81%) while leading producers of peanuts; China, India, and Nigeria own 64% of the world&

Peanut potentiality, Agroindustry, Peanut Butter

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


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