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Contradiction of The Disruption Era: Does Disruption Affect Public Policy and Political Interests in Indonesia?
Syarifah Adinda Nadyawendi

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Syarifah Adinda Nadyawendi

Department of Government Affairs and Administration,
Faculty of Socio-Political sciences,
Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The development of the current era of disruption has resulted in changes in global and exponential patterns where speed is higher and the direction is difficult to predict, not only affecting economic actors but also influencing the decision makers and the performance of the government. Whereas the public policy making is still in linear pattern, resulting in slow decision making process and a failure in anticipating the disruption. The paper aims to find out whether the disruptive era influences government policy and or political interests. Cases discussed in this paper are the Terrorism Act and the Music Bill in Indonesia. In the case of the release of Abu Bakar Baasyir, a humanist-based policy seemed unstable to implement. Meanwhile, the discussion regarding the Music Bill was not deliberate enough among the actors. This paper uses descriptive-qualitative approach with library research as the data collection methods. This research provides suggestions for the government in anticipating the disruptive factors for policy-making process in the future

Disruptive Era, Public Policy, Terrorism Act, Music Bill.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Gene Lim Jing Yi (a*), Shanthi Balraj (b)

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Jing Yi Lim

School of the Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

The emergence of new digital technologies and social media has made a tremendous change on the way how students learn. In Malaysia, the government has made huge investments on ICT facilities in institutions of higher learning to create a digital learning environment for the students. Meanwhile, usage of social media has also become an integral part of the life of Malaysian students. Social media is now a new source that enables the students to gain more information through the sharing by users around the globe. This paper explores the usage of digital technologies and social media by creative arts students for artwork development, specifically looking into their operational skills and knowledge as well as their medium-related skills and knowledge. The finding of this study is collected through in-depth interview sessions with nine creative arts educators from both public and private institutions of higher learning. Educators hold different views on how creative arts students use digital technologies and social media for creative artwork development. Some of the educators are also concerned about creative arts students skills in finding and managing references and resources found. The challenges that creative arts students encounter in sharing their creative artwork on social media for getting feedbacks and comments are also discussed.

Educator, Creative Art Students, Digital Technologies, Social Media, Creative Artwork

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Cross-Cultural Counseling Module as The Creative Counselors Effort To Increasing Student Empathy
Hardi Prasetiawan, Kusno Effendi

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Amanda Amanda

Ahmad Dahlan University

At present there has been a paradigm shift in the guidance and counseling approach, namely from a traditional, remedial, clinical, and centered approach to counselors to a development and preventive oriented approach. One of the counselors creative efforts is to grow and build relationships with the counselee by implementing cross-cultural counseling services with problems that can be measured in terms of culture, ethnicity, and even gender. One form of the problem that currently often occurs is the low empathy. Empathy is the ability to put ourselves in others, that we understand how other people feel, and what causes their reactions without our emotions dissolved in the emotions of others. Efforts to increase student empathy that have been carried out by BK teachers have only been merely instructional which essentially only "attacks" the cognitive aspects of students. Therefore, a new counseling approach for life is needed in this 21st century, the tendency of cross-cultural insightful counseling. The cross-cultural approach is seen as the fourth force after a psychodynamic, behavioral and humanistic approach according to Paul Pedersen. Cross-cultural counseling involves counselors and counselees who come from different cultural backgrounds, and therefore the counseling process is very vulnerable to the occurrence of cultural biases on the part of the counselor which results in counseling not being effective.

Cross Culture Counseling, Empathy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


CSR for Child Poverty: Challenging Policy in Disruptive Era
Rutiana D.Wahyunengseh; Sri Hastjarjo; Didik G. Suharto

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Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia,

National Socio-Economic Survey of 2017 notes that 31.7 % of poor people with low education, labor status and unemployment in the city studied. Children in this family are automatically on child poverty condition. The problems are How city government and CSR forum do construct the child poverty problem thereby impacting the choice of CSR utilization policy, particularly in disruptive era threatening labor-s job?, How responsive is local poverty alleviating policy to children?, and how far has the New media been utilized as the communication strategy of poverty policy? This article aimed to elaborate design utilizing of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for poor children development in dealing with disruptive effect of information technology. Research was conducted using qualitative method and data collection with policy document study and interview. Interpretative analysis was carried out using collaborative governance theory. This novelty was that using child poverty with CSR collaboration as the sustainable pro-poor policy strategy. The study found that local government-s policy had not put child poverty onto the priority of CSR utilization yet. Policy communication had not optimized new media as advocacy medium. The research contributed to the development of child-oriented local poverty overcoming policy. Further researches are recommended to study poor family-s perspective on the alleviation of child poverty.

Poverty Alleviation; Local Government; Disruptive Era; pro poor policy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Culture Behavioral Tolerance of Worship Between ORMAS and Groups Islam in Mosques: Study of Cultural Psychology

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Saliyo Saliyo

State Islamic Institute of Religion in Kudus Indonesia

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the local wisdom of cultural behavior tolerance in the Grand Mosque of Az-Zuhud Petanahan, Kebumen, Indonesia.This study includes qualitative research into ethnographic research categories. Research data collection uses triangulation, documents, and interviews. The five informants consisted of teachers, Mosque administrators, representatives from Muhammadiyah ORMAS, NU, and Salafi group. The results showed that in order to achieve religious worship behavior in the Mosque between ORMAS, there was a set of self-awareness for itself to implement tolerance in cognitive and affective domains. The application of religious tolerance in Mosques in the field of knowledge consists of collective action, maintaining harmony, non-discrimination, joint Mosques, parenting, cooperation, my actions my choising, your actions your choising, nature. The application of religious tolerance in Mosques in the affective domain of having an open nature, not hating each other, not having a fanatical feeling, dakwah with ORMAS is an individual choice, respecting local culture, not feeling the most righteous, respecting each other, and not imposing a will.

Culture of Whorship Tolerance, ORMAS, and Group Islam

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Ika Riswanti Putranti (a*), Reni Windiani (b), Nadia Farabi (c), Anita Amaliyah (d), Mohammad Rosyidin (e)

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(a) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro.
(b) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro.
(c) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro.
(d) Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro.

This paper seeks to examine cyber resilience of small and medium enterprise of handicraft under the scheme of Semarang City smart economy platform, whether the enterprises well prepared with the cyber system and has the ability to employ the facilities provided by the government and whether the government also provided adequate governance and legal framework to provide secure environment that support development of cyber resilience within their smart public services. This paper starts by explaining the state of play of cyber resilience of SMEs that correlated to utilization of cyber space facilities. Next, analysis the governance and legal frameworks that provided by the government to support cyber resilience and how the opportunities and challenge could be addressed to establish robust cyber resilience.

Keywords : Cyber Resilience, SMEs, Handicraft, Smart Economy, Smart City, Cyber Attacks

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Dakwah Materials Centralization as Effective Guidance in Digital Era
Inta H Rani, SE., MBA. (a*), Abd. Wahid Wijaya, ST., MBA (b)

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Inta Hartaningtyas Rani

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta
Jl. Ciputat Raya No.77, Cireundeu, Ciputat Tim., Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15419

The exponential growth of the digital technology has caused a culture shift in the way of accessing fast moved and unlimited information, including in accessing dakwah. To avoid dissemination of heresy and radicalism, several efforts have been made by the Government, Institutions and Islamic Organizations such as forming websites, YouTube channels, and social media accounts. Dakwah Materials Centralization is an alternative solution that can be applied by official authorities (MUI) which emphasizes the standardization of dakwah content as a guide to be followed by Mubaligh, so that the dakwah material delivered becomes more structured, qualified and standardized. The application of this system will also facilitate educational materials needs and enrichment of societys study literature Dakwah material will be set periodically by providing soft files of PowerPoint slides that can be downloaded by the Mubaligh, so that the dakwah process is more visual attractive and makes it easier to spread.

Dakwah Material; Centralization; Guidance; System

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


DEINDIVIDUATION PHENOMENON IN ONLINE MEDIA (Study on Netizen Comments in Presidential Election News)
Susi Yunarti, Dian Harmaningsih, Wijayanti, Meysanti

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Amanda Amanda

Persada Indonesia University YAI

The development of new media has brought people to the "other world", many of them, feeling themselves not being grounded in a world of reality, which is full of social values that are usually upheld in everyday life. One of the effects is the emergence of deindividuation phenomenon, in which a person loses self-awareness and decreases the fear of the individual in giving comments in the media because they feel in a certain group. This study aims to explain how deindividuation phenomenon arise in the virtual world, especially on online news media using the deindividuation theory of Gustav Le Bon. Deindividuation phenomenon can be seen in online news media, when someone comments on news about one of the presidential candidates that he does not support with inappropriate words. Values of politeness, ethics and religion seem to be ignored. Power to give comments raised because as one group of supporters of certain candidates. Anonymous conditions have reduced a persons self-awareness and made his feelings of fear disappear.

Deindividuation, Netizen Comments, Presidential Election News, online media, qualitative research

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


DEINDIVIDUATION PHENOMENON IN ONLINE MEDIA (Study on Netizen Comments in Presidential Election News)
Susi Yunarti, Dian Harmaningsih, Wijayanti

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Dian Harmaningsih

YAI Jakarta

Sama dengan ABS 1443

Sama dengan ABS 1443

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Democratic Legitimacy in Post Disaster Governance in Mendak Village, Indonesia
Yelladys Nuring Alifagusta (a*), Didik Gunawan Suharto (b), Rutiana Dwi Wahyuningsih (b)

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Yelladys Nuring Alifagusta

a) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
b) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

The presence of government program called the village of resilient disaster (DESTANA) shows that disaster governance has begun to transform from a top-down to bottom up approach. The village government is the main stakeholder in managing the community for disaster. In this case democracy is made as the main pillar of vulnerable groups so that they are involved in empowering themselves after the disaster. This article aims to describe how the democracy process in post-disaster governance in Mendak Village, whether democracy is the dominant factor in restoring the economy or is there another factor that is more dominant in influencing that success. The data in this article were obtained from interviews and reviews from previous studies. The results showed that post-disaster governance was able to generate new economic resources and have an impact on improving the economy. .Although democracy exists but it turns out that all the initiations and dominant development ideas came from informal stakeholders, namely the husband of the village head who served as a Member of DPRD in Madiun District. Therefore, democratic legitimacy only seems artificial because the culture there is still "obedient" to whatever the leaders say.

Democratic Legitimacy; Post Disaster; Governance; Participation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Descriptive Study Related to The Problems of First-Year Student in Guidance and Counseling Major Academic Year 2015/2016 Education and Science Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University
Erni Hestiningrum

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Erni Hestiningrum

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Kampus 4 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Jl Ringroad Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul
Email: ernihestiningrum[at]

Guidance and Counseling Major which is a part of Science and Education Faculty has determined the problems of first-year student in order to improve the learning process. This matter is used as a preventive step related to first-year student. In order to recognize the problems which are happened by the first-year student, it needs Non-Test Assessment Process that is using Problem Check List (PCL). This study has the objective to determine the cases which are experienced by first-year student of Guidance & Counseling Major, Academic Year 2015/2016, Science and Education Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University. Problem Check List (PCL) is a set of problem probability statement list which is arranged in order to stimulate the problem explanation that is happened towards every individual. PCL through this research has one type that is developed by Ross L. Money. These PCL has 12 fields of problem which each field of problem consists of 30 problem statements. The population of this research is all of first-year student 2015/2016 in Guidance & Counseling Major - Science and Education Faculty in Ahmad Dahlan University. The date of spreading the PCL questionnairre starts from October 6, 2015 until October 17, 2015. The result of this research is known that the problem related to the (1) habit of study is 92%, (2) healthy is 91%, (3) relationship of love is 86%, (4) family is 85%, (5) curriculum adaptation is 83%, (6) social relationship is 82%, (7) religion and moral is 81%, (8) recreation is 81%, (9) school environment adaptation is 81%, (10) private matter is 77%, (11) future life related to job position is 77%, (12) economic situation is 64%.

The Problems of Student; Problem Check List

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Design of E-Tourism Systems Batang Heaven of Asia As Tourism Marketing Media
Ari Muhardono (a*) Danang Satrio (b)

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Ari Muhardono

University of Pekalongan
Sriwijaya No.3,Pekalongan City
Central Java

Batang Regency is a combination of coastal areas, lowlands and mountains and has enormous potential in the field of tourism and culture but limited information makes tourism Batang Regency is not well known among tourists, so the number of tourist visits to the district. Batang has not experienced a significant increase. E-tourism is an application of information and communication technology in the tourism industry. The description of e-tourism is a digitalization in carrying out business processes and value chains in the tourism sector, namely travel agents, hospital and food industries. In its use, e-tourism can optimize and streamline tourism companies. Thus, the use of e-tourism in the business process has changed the value chain and strategic relations with the tourism industry and other companies. E-tourism is a concept that describes the relationship between IT and tourism. The aim to be achieved in this research is to produce E-Tourism so that it can be used to present information about Batang Regency tourism places and interaction service media for tourists and the public. This research is a research and development research. This study aims to develop a district tourism tourist destination through a web-based Tourism Information System (E-Tourism). E-Tourism is aimed at prospective global tourists who want to know tourist information in the Batang Regency. The methodology used for designing and developing this E-Tourism system is a structured methodology with the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) model.

E-Tourism, Tourism, Batang Regency,

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Development Critical Thinking Assessment Using Two-Tier Multiple Choice in Human Circulatory System
Risza Fawzia Rakhmah, Maridi, Baskoro Adi Prayitno

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Risza Fawzia Rakhmah

Faculty of Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

This research aims to develop assessment to measure critical thinking skills of students based on indicators of critical thinking by Facione. This assessment is developed using two tier multiple choice test. The spesific objectives of the development assessment aimed to find out the characteristics and feasibility of critical thinking assessment which is able to measure critical thinking skills of high school students. This study employed Borg and Galls modified Research and Development. The sample used in this research include 2 expert validators, 1 prctitioners, 15 students in limited test, and 58 students in field test. Data analysis was carried out using Quest program. The result of research showed that the characteristics of critical thinking using two tier multiple choice have validity test fit to Rasch model, and high reliability, the feasibility has very good validity of content and construct, done by evaluation and material validators, it has difficulty level of 28% difficult, 60% moderate, 12% easy in the first tier, and 10% difficult, 70% moderate, 20% easy in the second tier, with average standard deviation good enough both first and second tier.

Assessment, Critical Thinking, Two-tier Multiple Choice

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Development of “Museum Sandi” Information Application based on Augmented Reality
Andra Bedy Eko Setiawan (a*), Dr. Ali Muhtadi, M.Pd (b)

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a)Program Pasca Sarjana UNY
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1, Santren, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281
b)Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Some people argue that museums are the building for saving antiquities only. Besides, Government Regulation No. 6/ 2015 stated that museums intend to educate and entertain people. For education purposes, museums can provide information and communication about their collection to visitors. One of the museums in Yogyakarta, which has communicated and informed the collections properly, is Museum Sandi. The museum is amazingly famous nowadays because of the number of visitors increases monthly. The other facts show that the location of the museum is very strategic and it is free of charge. However, the number of educators is limited which is much less than the number of visitors. It causes many difficulties to transfer the information about the collection optimally to the visitors. Because of this, visitors are not able to get the whole knowledge provided by the museum-s collections. This can be resolved by an innovated application based on augmented reality. This application, hopefully, can be a solution to deliver the information and knowledge about the museum independently. Finally, visitors can get more and optimal knowledge about the museum-s collections.

Augmented Reality, information application, museum sandi

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Asih Farmia


The movement of organic agriculture in Indonesia began in 1984 through the establishment of the Bina Sarana Bakti Foundation (BSB). The Indonesian organic agriculture development program from the Ministry of Agriculture is to encourage the realization of robust, competitive, sustainable and environmentally sound agriculture, and encourage an increase in the contribution of the agricultural sector to the national economy, through increasing Gross Domestic Product, exports, job creation, poverty reduction and increase public welfare; and fight for the interests and protection of Indonesian farmers and agriculture in the international trade system. In the development of agriculture in Indonesia according to the Inter-Regional Cooperation Institute (Lekad) in several regions there are several problems faced regarding organic farming, (1) The area of land that implements an organic farming system is relatively small and located around organic farming (conventional (2) existing water has been contaminated with fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals (3) Cultivation area is far from transportation access (4) Organic seeds are not yet available (5) Not all varieties are adaptive to organic farming (6) Compost / organic fertilizer, Not yet many organic pesticides for plant pests / diseases are not widely available (7) not many processed organic food products (8) Lack of technical knowledge and marketing channels controlled by organic entrepreneurs (9) There is no market certainty, so farmers are reluctant to produce organic commodities (10) Prices of organic production facilities are relatively more expensive and the level of availability in the market is limited (11) Organic food marketing channels are still few and adhere to conventional marketing, so they are at risk of being mixed with non-organic food (12) The lack of a number of human resources who have competencies in the field of organic agriculture. Organic farming is a production system that supports the health of soil, ecosystems and humans. This depends on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles that are adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic farming combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and good quality of life for all involved. The use of agricultural methods can maintain or even increase soil fertility, while producing healthy and diverse food locally for humans. If we look at this role, it is certainly necessary to develop agricultural strategies in order to support sustainable agriculture in Indonesia are 1) . Technology for Improving Farm Productivity, 2) . Distribution and Marketing, 3) Regulation and Certification, 4) Approaches, 5).Sustainability, 6). Extension, 7) Market Development, 8) Training and education, 9) Organic farming scheme, 10) increase consumer awareness, 12) Green public procurement.

Organic Agriculture, Development Strategy, Sustainable Agriculture

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Differences Educational Level Background: The Barriers On The Communication In The Muslim Families
Maisyanah, Azizah Maulina Erzad, Abdul Karim

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maisyanah maisyanah

IAIN Kudus

Education can change the human mindset. When the level of education is different, the mindset and communication models can also be different. Communication becomes one of the human primary needs. It has a role to strengthen the relationship within the family and society. Besides that, communication is also a trigger for conflict. This study aims to know the model of communication in Muslim families with different levels of education. This study is a qualitative research. In collecting the data, the researchers use deep interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The result reveals that assertive communication model dominates Muslim families even though there are different levels of education. The characteristic of this communication model is the ability to express feelings and self-esteem based on ethical thinking. Both husbands and wives with a higher level of education, they have awareness to foster harmonious household relations as the main goal. Therefore, the communication model which they apply in the family is assertive communication model.

Educational Level Background, Communication Barriers, Muslim Families

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Differences on elementary student character: is religiousity base matters?
Intaglia Harsanti (a*), Ruli Maryani (b), Muhammad Sahrizal (b)

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Intaglia Harsanti

a. Gunadarma University
Jl. Margonda Raya no.100, Depok, Indonesia

b. Baiturrahman Islamic School
Jl. Sumbawa 7, Perumnas 3 Bekasi, Indonesia

Integrated Islamic School is a breath of fresh air for parents who have the view that religious-based education is a necessity. Considering the current pattern of adolescent association, parents are willing to risk higher costs in order to get best education for their childrens. Religious based elementary school has an integrative programs to build students character base on islamic characteristics that differs alot from public elementary school programs. This study aims to analyze character differences between students of Islamic-based schools and public schools, and to make a descriptive statistics of expected character achieved. Those characters are emotional intelligence, self control, emphaty to others and discipline. This study uses quantitative research methods. Participants of this research are students of integrated Islamic schools and public schools. The number of respondents to be used in this study is approximately 250 students in the 5th and 6th grade using purposive sampling technique. Data collections techniques will use empathy scale (Caruso & Mayer,1998), the scale of academic procrastination (McCloskey, 2012), emotional intelligence scale (Schutte, ., 1998) and self-control (Mezo, 2005). Data analysis in this study will use an analysis of variance techniques to see differences between groups and also a descriptive statistics to see an overview of the characters achievements. The results of this study are expected to be used as an evaluation of the school regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methods on religious based elementary school (islamic elementary school) and can also be a benchmark for the parents consideration regarding the importance of an early character education.

islamic school, students, character

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Digital Literacy Movement and The Development of Digital Literacy Framework in Indonesia
Taufiqur Rahman

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Taufiqur Rahman

Department of Communication
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Digital Literacy is a key element in the development of civilized communication in the digital era. The concept of digital literacy can be interpreted differently, but in general include many important skills needed in facing the fast development of information and communication technology in the digital society. More specifically, UNESCO defined digital literacy as the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate and create information safely and appropriately through digital devices and networked technologies for participation in economic and social life. This definition suggests the importance of digital literacy in our daily life today. Many countries have developed specific initiatives to face the challenges of digital society. Digital literacy movement in Indonesia has been initiated in 2017 by the ministry of communication and information in cooperation with many elements of civil society. This initiative is a good start and should be followed by more systematic efforts to develop a comprehensive and measurable digital literacy framework to improve the quality of digital literacy in Indonesia. This paper asks the question of how digital literacy movement in Indonesia has contributed to the development of a systematic digital literacy framework which can be used as a guidance for the future development of digital literacy programs in Indonesia.

digital, literacy, framework, Indonesia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


A.A. Gede Puje Wiguna (a), Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D.(b)

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Anak Agung Gede Puja Wiguna

Pascasarjana Teknologi Pembelajaran Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Information literacy, especially digital information, is one of the special skills in the 21st century that must be mastered by students. Digital literacy skills can help students find, evaluate, utilize, create and communicate content/information. There are three main parts of the digital literacy framework that are the focus of this research, namely: protection, rights, and empowerment. This study aims to provide an overview of the level of understanding of digital literacy in students in rural areas, especially students of the Slukat Learning Center. Data obtained by using a questionnaire given to 27 students intermediate level. The questionnaire was compiled based on three main parts of the digital literacy framework using the Likert scale. The results of data analysis show that: (1) the average understanding of the digital literacy framework for the protection section falls in the low category for 59.75%, (2) the average understanding of the digital literacy framework for the rights: 45,18% falls into the low category (3) the average understanding in the empowerment section is obtained: 50.65% is included in the sufficient category.

Digital Literacy, Learning, Rural Area

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Digital Political Party Campaign In Attracting Young Voters
Diah Ayu Candraningrum

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Diah Ayu Candraningrum

Faculty of Communication Science, University of Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia

Elections in Indonesia are getting closer. On April 17, all Indonesian people will give their voting rights in the Presidential Election and Legislative Elections. Especially for legislative candidates who are competing to be elected representatives, they do everything they can to increase their electability. Interestingly, a number of political parties and legislative candidates have now adopted communication technology to boost their votes, especially in winning the votes of the millennials. They use big data sourced from social media to compile digital campaigns. This is a clear evidence of an innovation supporting industry 4.0, which is growing in the political sphere. The formulation of the problems contained in this study are: (1) Why do political parties choose to use digital campaigns rather than conventional campaigns? (2) What kind of digital campaign system does the peoples representatives do to gain votes from beginner voters? This study uses a qualitative approach that describes the purpose of the use of the internet as a media campaign in the Legislative elections. The theory and concept used is the agenda setting theory by Maxwell McCombs and L.Shaw. This study concluded that digital campaigns are very easy to reach young people. Because there are 4 criteria for legislative candidates who are the millennial choice when looking for information, namely trust, expertise, attractiveness and external factors.

digital campaign, legislative candidates,millenial

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Do Digital Religious Learning Forge a Self-Righteous Adolescence?
Cahyo Setiadi Ramadhan

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Cahyo Setiadi Ramadhan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, cahyosetiadi[at]

This research will investigate the relationship between religious self-learning and self-righteousness in adolescence. Previous scholarship into religiosity detected self-righteousness condition in humanity and explained it lightly as a negative human condition. The development of the new media era brings the topic into the surface, especially in its relation to human habit of using new media. Digital religious learning has blamed as the main factor of self-righteousness development in adolescence. The current view is shallow and there are rooms for discussion to expand. This research will expand the discussion by testing the relation of digital religious learning intensity and the tendency of self-righteousness in adolescence. Both variables will be assessed by using a scale administered to students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The university selected as the research location for religious nuance in its environment and its for the attention of religious matter. The relation of both variables will be tested by using The Product Moment Test. The result of the test will be discussed further to give insights about the relationship between both variables. The conclusions must certainly be understood in the context of the limited subjects in this study.

digital religious learning, religiosity, self-righteousness, adolescence

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Does The Lapor Sleman Mobile Application Effective To Make A Smart Citizens?
Helen Dian Fridayani, Anang Setiawan

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Helen Dian Fridayani

Master of Government Affairs and Administration
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Indonesia is among the countries developing the concept of smart city. The national government envisions Indonesia 2030 which shall implement the smart city towards sustainable development. Many regions in Indonesia have already implemented the concept of smart city, but still on the level of smart government and smart technology, lacking on the smart citizen component of a smart city. This paper aims to analyze the smart citizens through the lapor sleman mobile application. This research used qualitative approach in examining the data. Conducted interviews to the government which is department of communication and information, Sleman and the several community that ever use the lapor sleman application to gain the data. The result of the study reveals the following: Firsty, the lapor sleman mobile application not effective yet to make the smart citizens in Sleman Regency. Secondly, by reason of there are still many problems in the use of lapor sleman mobile application such as the limited access to only android smartphones, lack of technical know how, and people reluctance to use the lapor sleman mobile application. However, it should be using technology in term of lapor sleman mobile application can make the citizens as active participants in public life, in terms of social cooperation, freedom of expression and flexibility.

smart citizen, technology, lapor sleman mobile application.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Early Childhood Educational Role Play (Phenomenology study of Bhayangkari 29 Kindergarten in Jambi)
Fatma Asmi Agus, Maruf Akbar, Soegeng Santoso

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Fatma Asmi Agus


The aim of this research is to obtain information about the dramatic play with an fenomenology study in TK Bhayangkari 29 Jambi The data were collected through participant observation using interview, observation, document study and recording. The evaluation tecnigue of study validity is conducted with criteria of validity level, dependency, and assurance. Meanwhile, data analysis process includes: arrangement, array, classification, coding, and categorizing the data obtained fron various sources, field records, response, and documentation. This research found that learning with dramatic play method will be able to develop multy intelligence dan childrens linguistic intelligence. Because by the dramatic play, children will gain various vocalbularies, sentences, communicate, and practice to write. Therefore, this research recommends to use dramatic play in learning children in orther to development their linguistic intelligence.

Linguistic intelligen, dramatic play, development, fenomenology

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Evanisia More1, Aulia Mutiara Hikmah 2LOA Nur Ramadhan3, Achmad Subhan4, Lukman Atmaja1a

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Evanisia More

1 Department of Chemistry, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia
2 Department of Chemistry, Halu Oleo University, Mokodompit, Indonesia
3Physics Research Center, LIPI, Puspitek Serpong Area, Banten, Indonesia

The research aim is to analyse the effect of consentration of presipitate agent Na2SO4 and (NH4)H2PO4 addition on α–Fe2O3 synthesis as active anode with Chitosan-PVA binder for lithium-ion battery. Hematit were extracted from Southeast Sulawesi area by hydrothermal method and Chitosan. Comparison of precipitate agents used is 1: 1 and concentrations varied at 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.5 M. FTIR, SEM, PSA and XRD were conducted to determine the physical properties of extracted material. Performance tests on the anodes that have been assembled in lithium ion batteries included EIS, CV and CD. The optimum condition is at 0.25 M with EIS and CD results of 1069 Ω and 428.45 mAh/g, respectively. The CV results have shown a reduction potential at 0.248 V and an oxidation potential of 1.648 V. The local iron sand of Southeast Sulawesi with the addition of precipitate agents can be used as a source of the active material for the anode.

irond sand, Lithium-Ion Battery, hematite, Chitosan-PVA, Na2SO4, (NH4)H2PO4.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Effectiveness of One Roof Service Policy in Protection of Migrant Workers- Rights
Tutik Sulistyowati

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University Muhammadiyah of Malang

The digital age does not reduce the interest of prospective female migrant workers from Indonesia to go to other countries. However, in reality, many problems arise both from departure, during work, and after returning home. This problem prompted the Government through the Law on Placement and Protection of Overseas Workers number 18 of 2017 to make a policy on the service of protecting migrant workers rights in an integrated manner. However, as a new policy, problems regarding policy implementation tend to occur, so it needs to study their effectiveness. This study uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subject is policy makers in Tulungagung Regency related to one-stop service policies for migrant workers. Data were extracted using interviews, FGD, observations, and documentation, then analyzed by interpretive models. The research findings that the policy of protecting the rights of one-stop migrant workers in Tulungagung is very effective. There are efforts to unite services aimed at preparing and equipping migrant workers from administrative aspects, travel documents, skills, and cultural. This one-stop service is effective because it is following standard operating procedures in Law No. 18 of 2017, as well as excellent service standards according to MENPANs decision Number 63 of 2003.

policy effectiveness, one-stop service, protection of migrant workers rights

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Effects of Environment Vision Knowledge on Students Character
Aniek Irawatie (a)*, Iswahyuni (b)**, Marina Ery Setiawati (c)***

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Aniek Irawatie

*) Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fisip, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
**) Jurusan Ilmu Politik, Fisip, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
***) Jurusan Kesmas, Fikes, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta

Changes in the 4.0 Era in the midst of instability in human contractions and their environment, require strategic steps in the context of social reality change, i.e. through education. It is expected that environment vision education may reconstruct the patterns of understanding that regards environment as an object that can be treated spontaneously in a paradigm building that makes the environment as a part of our lives and requires ethics and procedures for interacting with it. The global warming issue in the 4.0 industrial era is definitely the responsibility for all elements of education implementation, i.e. school principal, students, parents of students as a community in the school environment and its surroundings. Through the research activities on the Effects of Environment Vision Knowledge on Students Character, it is another expectation that the establishment of education participants character will be more responsible for the surrounding environmental preservation. The research purpose is to find out the magnitude of the effect of environment vision knowledge on students characters. Character education and environment vision have been taught from the grade 1 to grade 6, and therefore after graduating from elementary school the students already have good character, responsibility and care to environment. It is expected that teachers have increased their creativity and innovation in the uses of internet media and understand the development of social media.

Change in 4.0 era, knowledge, environment, students character

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Embodied Computer-Assisted Instruction in The Language Classroom: Students and Teachers Perspectives
Darmawansah (a*), Asri Budiningsih (b)

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Corresponding Author
Darmawansah Darmawansah

a) Graduate School. Yogyakarta State University
Jalan Colombo Nomor 1. Sleman 55281. Yogyakarta
*darmawansahlavoe[at] OR darmawansah.2018[at]
b) Graduate School. Yogyakarta State University
Jalan Colombo Nomor 1. Sleman 55281. Yogyakarta

The purpose of this study is to qualitatively assess students and teachers perceptions of the embodiment computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in the language classrooms regarding the combination of technology and traditional instruction implemented as a remediation tool for improving student performance in language studies. The theory of constructivism and learning styles were also elaborated through the study. Some research questions were focused on teachers and students perceptions regarding technology integration. Qualitative data was analyzed from teachers interviews, class journals and students work artifacts, and teachers lesson plans. Primary study identified ; (1) how technology use in the classroom: teachers and students assertion of technology is an advantage, (2) how technology use and students performance in the classroom: students activities and performances improves when technology is employed, and (3) technology use and students performance on the progress test: students have more positive attitudes toward language learning with technology tools

computer-assisted instruction; language learning; constructivism; instructional technology

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Engaging Millennials on Chatbot Messenger for Eco-Tourism
Ayu Amalia (a*), Mohammad Sani Suprayogi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Ayu Amalia

a) Communication department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
b) GDILab, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jalan Kemang Selatan IX no. 1, Jakarta Selatan 12730

Special Region of Yogyakarta is known as one of the tourism icons, with 10 natural tourism clusters with eco-tourism concept spread throughout the region as tourism potentials, along with 99.2% domestic tourists interested in natural tourism (Dinpar, 2015). Most visitors during the 2017 period were in the South East Coast cluster with excellent tourist attraction in Parangtritis and Gumuk Pasir Beach, 2,771,766 visitors (Dinpar, 2017) which increased from 2,229,125 in the previous year (Dinpar, 2016). This tourism phenomenon contributed by word-of-mouth information dissemination that turns into peer-reference, which motivates individuals to visit attraction. Millennials as the most internet users; a total of 49.52% (APJII, 2017) of Indonesias population is the largest contributor to tourism information through frequently accessed digital platforms, specifically messenger and social media (APJII, 2017). This study aims to describe the chatbot feature on messenger platforms used by millennials to provide information in an interactive manner while explaining chatbot potential as auto-responder accommodates requirements of tourism information in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Messenger; Chatbot; Millennials; Eco-tourism; Yogyakarta.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Enhancing Green SMEs Business Performance in Indonesia

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Nuryakin nuryakin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The aims of this study is to analyze the effect of core competence on green SMEs performance. The respondent of this study was 200 manager on business SMEs batik in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The sampling technique use purposive sampling method. The result of this study shows that core competence has a significant positive effect on green SMEs performance.

core competence, SMEs, Green business performance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Enhancing Women Contribution on Peace and Conflict Resolution Agenda : Indonesian Female Peacekeeper on Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces (Kontingen Garuda/Konga)
Dr. Nur Azizah, M.Si

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Nur Azizah Nur Azizah

Head of Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Until a few years ago, most practitioners and scientists still argued that security, peace and conflict resolution issues had nothing to do with gender. But the facts show that women and children tend to be victims in situations of war and conflict. Even some militias allowed their troops to rape women in compensation for wages against the enemy. Other militia use rape as a weapon of war. These terrible phenomenon made women aware that they had to move, to change their own destiny, which had originally become victims, now had to become agents of change, as peace builders, peacekeepers, and to participate in peace negotiations. This research aim to analyze why women need to increase their role in the peace and conflict resolution agenda. More specifically will examine about the contribution of Indonesian Female Peacekeeper on Indonesian Peacekeeping Forces (Kontingen Garuda/Konga). The following paper will use a feminist theoretical framework in analyzing the issue at hand. Gender analysis will be used to look at the role and impact experienced by men and women in war and conflict, and the role that women can play in the peace and conflict resolution agenda. It argues that the change of the nature of warfare, from mainly inter-state to predominantly intra-state, and the change of the concept of security from national security to human security requires the ability of peacekeepers to get closer to the community. The involvement of women in peacekeeping forces will increase community acceptance, and optimizes the militaries ability to fulfill its role in protecting democratic societies.

Women, Peace Agenda, Conflict Resolution, Female Peacekeepers, Indonesia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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