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Corresponding Author
Rodhiah Umaroh
a) Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) Faculty Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Recently, the indicator of food security in Indonesia has improved not only seen by food availability but also food utilization. The household consumption pattern has shifted from carbohydrates to another nutrient included protein, even though the change is relatively small. One of the ways to the household to meet their needs for protein source food is from own-produced food. Households which have own-produced food will allocate their food crops especially when the price increased. This study aims to analyze the consumption pattern of high protein source food either from plants or animal source. It applies the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) to estimate households responsivity towards price and expenditure changes, especially for own-produced food commodities. The results reveal that when the price of animal protein increase, a household will shift to consume cheaper source from plant protein. The value of own-price elasticity was more inelastic in rural and poor households. This indicates that when there is a price increase, those households tend to consume from own-production food. It is also suggested that there is a role from the small-farming scale as a household strategy to improve their food security.
protein: food consumption: QUAIDS: own-produced
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Endah Nurhawaeny
a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
Jalan Tuparev No. 70 Cirebon
b) Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Pucangsawit, Kec. Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126
At present, the company is required to manage the impact of corporate activities to enable the creation of sustainable development. The sustainable development will certainly only be achieved if since the companies manage the impact of operations on three levels of impact: 1) economy, 2) social and 3) environment. The social mapping method or social mapping used includes Data Study, In-depth Interview, Survey, Location Search (Transect), FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and Secondary Data. Based on the results of social network mapping the strength of formal institutions in Ciwaringin Village is an institution that is legally within the authority of the Village. The role of formal institutions such as Pemdes, BPD, LPMD and MUI, PKK and Karang Taruna is very meaningful for the progress of village development. Analysis of social networks and the degree of importance of each stakeholder have the strength of each actor who is able to move the masses. Stakeholder analysis found that Pemdes were in constructive positions. Identification of social problems is a social problem such as the problem of poverty in the Ciwaringin Village. The mapping results based on FGDs can be grouped into three categories of poverty, namely the poor, the near-poor and the vulnerable groups. Besides the problem of poverty, the problem of unemployment is also a social problem. From the identification results, the average number of unemployed people in Ciwaringin Village is 0.9% in each RW in Ciwaringin Village. Besides identifying social problems, Ciwaringin Village also has social capital that can be used as a potential in overcoming problems in Ciwaringin Village such as social capital, human capital, physical capital, natural capital, and financial capital. The average social capital owned by the village of Ciwaringin is quite good and runs as it functions.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Mapping, Community Empowerment
Sustainable development
Corresponding Author
Religiana Hendarti
Bina Nusantara University
This paper presents a study of the things that determine the implementation of Betawi architecture in a café design for a community in Jakarta. The café for this community is a project to facilitate the activities of PKK women in Palmerah District, Jakarta. The majority of these communities are local residents who are also mostly Betawi ethnic, therefore, this design requires an affordable design, in the sense of a design that can represent local culture with the application of Betawi architecture that can meet limited funding. As is known, Betawi architecture is architecture that is rich in detail ornamentation and made of wood. The result of this design is a café design that uses the most important Betawi ornament with a frame structure and iron construction.
Betawi architecture; café betawi; Jakarta; cost efficiency
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Badingatus Solikhah
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Increased economic growth is positively associated with environmental pollution. The concept of environmental accounting has driven the companys ability to minimize environmental problems. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of financial performance and media coverage on the quality of environmental disclosures. The population in this study is a company engaged in mining, energy, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverages that are listed on the Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. Samples were chosen by a purposive method so that 35 companies were selected so that 135 units of analysis were obtained. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a SmartPLS 3.0 analysis tool. The results showed that media coverage had a significant positive effect on the quality of environmental disclosures. While financial performance is not associated with the quality of environmental disclosures. The practical implications of this study, the results are expected to contribute to the government and stock exchange authorities in order to take immediate action in making policies related to environmental management for listed companies and their reporting to stakeholders.
Financial Performance; Media Coverage; Environment Disclosure
Sustainable development
Corresponding Author
Praptini Yulianti
Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Airlangga University, Indonesia
CSR refers to organizational actions and policies to achieve financial, social environmental sustainable development. Sustainability in an organization can be achieved if an organization is not only focused on the macro level that organization profitability achievement, but also must have moral responsibility on government, society, and employees. This study objective is to examine on the micro level, in this case, is employee extra role behavior. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in organizations can influence extra-role performance or Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with mediating an employee pride in organizations or Organizational Identification (OID). This study is a quantitative study with spreading questionnaire among 140 manufacturing employees in Surabaya, Indonesia. The result of this study is that CSR has significance and positively influenced to OID and OID has significance and positive influenced OCB. This study Implication is employee perceptions on CSR is considered as very important in influencing an employee to evaluate moral responsibility on organizations.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Identification, Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Caroline Caroline
Universitas Sultan Fatah Demak
The impact of the Central Java Workforce Spillover is one of the priorities for sustainable development in Central Java Province, and is the 8th goal of the SDGs, namely promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, employment and decent work for all. The implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community collaboration brings the impact of open labor mobility between ASEAN countries. Indonesia has become part of the ASEAN Economic Community. Central Java Province is one of the 34 provinces in Indonesia. The total labor force of Central Java Province in 2018 was 26.06 million with a total workforce of 17, 18 million; open unemployment 823 thousand is one reason workers migrate labor. Other reasons workers migrate to other regions are lack of employment in the area of origin, poverty that occurs in the area of origin, low wages in the area of origin. Labor is a driving factor for the creation of economic growth through labor productivity. A workforce with a high level of education, and an adequate level of skills can increase work productivity, which in turn will increase economic growth. Workers with low levels of education, and low levels of productivity will reduce economic growth through decreasing levels of work productivity. Labor is also a problem and issues that must be discussed. This study aims to analyze the impact of labor spillover in Central Java Province. This research method uses the Euclidean Distance spatial weight matrix to calculate the Spatial Autoregressive Model with fixed effects, and the Spatial Error Model with fixed effects. This study uses spatial panel data from 2004 to 2018 from 34 districts / cities in Central Java Province. This study developed a growth model from Mankiw et al (1992), Moretti (2004) by considering spatial impact. The spatial impact model of this study adopted from Lesage and Pace (2010). The conclusions of this study are the results of SAR calculations with fixed efficacy based on that Spatial rho 9 percent means that if Central Java Province grows 9 percent it will affect 34 districts / cities in Central Java Province. Based on the results of SEM calculations with fixed effects, the Lambda value is positive and significant at 1 percent. This means that there is economic growth between regencies / cities in Central Java Province. This means that economic growth in Central Java Province is influenced by the value of capital, labor with spatial residuals from 34 neighboring regencies / cities, and the same characteristics
Economic growth, sustainable development, labor spillover
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Lina Nasihatun Nafidah
1 Doctoral Student in Accounting, Airlangga University
2 Department of Accounting, Airlangga University
This study aims to describe how the village innovation strategy was responded by village level policy makers. The Village innovation strategy aims to improve the quality of the use Village Fund which can encourage productivity and economic growth in rural areas as well as build sustainable village capacity to improve the socio-economic welfare of the community and the independence of the Village. With a case study approach, as a field research in the village in our local government we interviewed the District Innovation Team, the Village Innovation Implementation Team, experts appointed by the local government to develop village and village officials. In addition, we also conducted observations on village innovation data. We identified several challenges in the implementation of the village innovation strategy, namely the political element inherent in the village head which had an impact on the low willingness in village development, weak ideas or ideas that were implemented by village policy makers, lack of creativity in exploring village potential. In overcoming these challenges, the role of innovative behavior from policy makers at the village level is one of the main bases that must be embedded in the successful implementation of the strategy. With an exploration strategy approach, entrepreneurial strategies and open and collaborative approaches from various parties are also needed in the successful implementation of innovation strategies. The development of future research related to innovation strategies that are relevant to the characteristics of rural communities is still very much needed.
innovation strategy, sustainable development
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Dedik Romahadi
a) Mechanical Engineering, Mercu Buana University
Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 1, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11650, Indonesia
Waste management is not only a concern of the government but also of the attention of the community at the household level. One way to manage waste is to reuse and recycle. Reuse is the reuse of waste directly, without making any effort to add value to the waste. While recycling is the reuse of processed waste, to increase the use-value of the waste. In this time of community service, Mercu Buana University through its Undergraduate Study Program and Masters in Mechanical Engineering will conduct training on waste utilization by introducing reuse and recycle techniques. to the community of North Kembangan Village.
reuse, recycle, garbage
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Rosadalima Dee Panda
WISE WASH Southeast Asia
(Nagekeo based)
RT 023 Kel Danga
Kec. Aesesa Kabupaten Nagekeo, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Community empowerment is an important part of sustainable development. It is generally accepted that this will have both social and environmental impacts, including environment degradation. Anakoli village is one of the potential tourism object in Nagekeo regency. It has not really optimized as sustainable tourism in the area but there is an interest to develop it as one of the main tourism area. The objective of the research is to identify and assess system for tourism development in Anakoli community as well how ready they are to manage the tourism potential in their area. The research combined in-depth interviews with community representatives. The finding shows four communities that have distinct processes of community empowerment. It shows that there is lack of synergy between communities. Hence, the diversity of the community in Anakoli becomes a factor supporting environmentally sustainable tourism development. Each community plays an important role in developing the area.
Community empowerment; Sustainability
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Sudharto P Hadi
Diponegoro University
North Kendeng Mountain has abundant of limestone potentially utilized for cement material, cosmetic, paint and other commercial products. This area is also a storage for water resources widely utilized for household and irrigation for local people. Conflict between government and investors on one side preferring this area for utilization for commercial uses and local people supported by influential people and academician choosing it for conservation. Such conflict have been running since 2006 in the district of Sukolilo, Pati Regency, followed by similar conflict in the district of Tambakromo and Kayen, Pati Regency in 2012 and the latest conflict started in 2014 in the district of Gunem, Rembang Regency. To strengthen their efforts, local people pioneered by Sedulur Sikep (Adat or Traditional Community) form Community Network for caring North Kendeng Mountain or JMPPK consisting of local people at North Kendeng Mountaian Area, influential people and academician across Indonesia. JMPPK mobilizes people in defending their area to be conservation through cultural events, rally, demonstration, dialog, discussion and lobby. Based on their environmental wisdom, Sedulur Sikep believe that they have to treat the Earth as a mother providing everything for human being. It is compulsory for human being to treat the Earth in a good manner. This paper observes the development of conflict over water resources, the way JMPPK defends their right over natural resources. The type of research is descriptive analysis. The data collection techniques include informal interview, observation and literature review. The data is analyzed qualitatively. To incorporate aspirations, needs and interest of local people, it is required a dialog among relevant stakeholders regarding the area for utilization and conservation.
conflict -community movement-dialog-sustainable use of natural resources
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
shifa fauziyah
(a) Vocational School, Diponegoro University
Every construction project consumes a huge energy. The impact of energy consumption on environment is remarkable in developing countries. Sustainability infrastructure has become a crucial issue among decision makers, developers and designers around the world. Value Engineering program is one of method for improving project sustainability. This method present whether a decision increases or worsen the projects performance. While the goals of value engineering program are dominated by cost and time reduction. Case study is carried out on Automated People Mover System (APMS) project. APMS project, at Soekarno Hatta International Airport, is the first skytrain in Indonesia. The length of APMS track is 3.05 kilometres. The concept of a simple span bridge structure is used for APMS tracks. On APMS project, the initial design of the girder used the PC-U type with rarely-used dimensions. By using value engineering program, stakeholders decided to replace PC-U type with the PC-V type which has common dimensions in PT.WIKA BETON as a supplier. The use of PC-V type girder gains the benefit of efficiency in terms of time and cost. The production and erection time of the PC-V girder is more fast 30 days. Besides, The PC-V Girder saves production costs by 2 billion rupiah. This paper also attempts to give several recommendation for designing sustainable developments by focusing on the bridge structure as the main unit.
sustainabe, value engineering, APMS
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Sri Hartini
Diponegoro University
Most of waste cooking oil (WCO) in Semarang is still disposed in landfill since there is inadequate number of facility to collect those wastes. There are only three collection centers of WCO identified in Semarang. The alternative to sell WCO is also not the best option as the amount of WCO generated from household is less than culinary enterprise. Thus, having a collection channel that can thoroughly cover all the supply points of WCO from household in Semarang is a necessity. This research is going to design a collection channel in order to provide facilities so the waste can be properly managed. The research determines the number, location and capacity of each collection center. The number, location, and capacity of collection centers are determined using Maximal Covering Location Problem. The finding shows that to facilitate all the potential supply of WCO in 1 km mileage, 146 collection centers.
maximal coverage location problem, waste cooking oil, collection center, sustainable development
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Arya Rezagama
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
Population growth in sub-urban areas in developing countries is very fast in excess of the ability to provide public facilities. Clean water infrastructure has a challenge where most of the water sources are taken from unsustainable groundwater. Intake of ground water results in various environmental problems such as a decrease in groundwater level and landsubsidence. The distribution system has a high level of leakage, the service has not been continuous 24 hours, and very low pressure is still often found in various locations. The research explains the strategy in changing groundwater sources into surface water sources. The optimization of the drinking water distribution network is carried out by evaluating the network system using epanet software and then doing the rehabilitation design and network development according to future developments. The results of the analysis of the epanet model show that the use of deep well pump systems directly distributed to customers results in inefficiencies from pressure. Access to safe drinking water needs to be prepared first from the availability of raw water, treatment units to the distribution network. The construction of clean water transmission pipeline system is prepared to go into a different zoning from the initial network. Zoning pumping network systems will increase pressure significantly and reduce leakage through control.
Urban infrastructure, redesign of distribution networks
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Miguel Angel Esquivias Padilla
This paper analyses determinants of agricultural exports and imports from Indonesia, including demand and supply factors capturing effects of income, market size, prices, and variables related to logistics, competitiveness, trade policy, and innovation. Trade creation and diversion effects are estimated as Indonesia experienced a deep liberalization of markets. A gravity model is employed to analyze agricultural exports disaggregated into raw goods and food. The dataset comprises 50 countries from 2007 until 2017. The results find trade creation effects for both categories, with larger effects in exports within agricultural raw goods, and higher trade creation through imports in food. Indonesia also experience trade expansion with non-free trade partners suggesting that demand variables (e.g. income, market size, sophistication) is a more important driver of growth rather than agreements. Price factors affect agricultural goods, with food products experience elastic price demand, while raw goods being affected by prices and exchange rate. Gains in competitiveness, logistic performance, and innovation is supporting agricultural exports (imports as well). The implementation of the FTAs should be critically evaluated with respect to food products as imports have expanded more rapidly than exports and domestic goods may have experience pressure from liberalization.
This paper analyses determinants of agricultural exports and imports from Indonesia, including demand and supply factors capturing effects of income, market size, prices, and variables related to logistics, competitiveness, trade policy, and innovation. Trade creation and diversion effects are estimated as Indonesia experienced a deep liberalization of markets. A gravity model is employed to analyze agricultural exports disaggregated into raw goods and food. The dataset comprises 50 countries from 2007 until 2017. The results find trade creation effects for both categories, with larger effects in exports within agricultural raw goods, and higher trade creation through imports in food. Indonesia also experience trade expansion with non-free trade partners suggesting that demand variables (e.g. income, market size, sophistication) is a more important driver of growth rather than agreements. Price factors affect agricultural goods, with food products experience elastic price demand, while raw goods being affected by prices and exchange rate. Gains in competitiveness, logistic performance, and innovation is supporting agricultural exports (imports as well). The implementation of the FTAs should be critically evaluated with respect to food products as imports have expanded more rapidly than exports and domestic goods may have experience pressure from liberalization.
Agricultural Trade; Gravity Model, Trade creation and trade diversion effects, GMM
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Andreas Caturady Kristianto
a) Civil Engineering Master Program, Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University
The problem of traffic congestion often occurs as an impact of the population and economic growth in Semarang City, especially in the city centre. One strategy to deal with traffic congestion in mixed space use areas is to apply the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). The purpose of this study is to identify the location of potential TOD areas in Semarang City, analyse the needs of developing the TOD area, then formulate the direction for the development of the TOD area. The method was the quantitative descriptive approach which was supported by map overlay. Data collection techniques were carried out by primary survey through questionnaires, interviews and field observations, while secondary surveys were applied by collecting scientific data from government agencies and related literature. The analysis consists of identifying the location of potential TOD areas, identifying the characteristics of potential TOD areas, analysing the needs of developing TOD areas, and analysing the embodiment of TOD areas. Based on the results of location identification, the potential TOD area in Semarang City is in the Simpanglima Region. The Simpanglima area is a centre of economic activity and public services with high building density including a transportation node and is passed through several modes of mass public transportation. The application of the TOD concept in the Simpanglima Region is expected to increase accessibility and mobility to reduce congestion, reduce environmental pollution, as well as the efficient use of energy in the transportation sector.
TOD, mix land use, mass public transportation
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Aty Herawati
Universitas Mercu Buana
This community service is done to encourage the community to be creative and independent with entrepreneurs. Activities can be carried out by partnering, building partnerships will make it easier and more excited. The people of Meruya Selatan village have partnered with the PKK and Menara Child-Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), also to help one of the DKI Jakarta government programs. The community of South Meruya Village has been carrying out production activities, if there is a desire or order, for this reason, it is necessary to increase the scale of production and marketing, beginning with improvements in the production process and product quality, it is hoped that they will understand and have an awareness of the importance of product quality. After training and assistance in the production of bags made of coffee, decorative flowers and souvenirs for SME people in Meruya Selatan village together with PKK women, they became more aware of the need to set quality standards for products made, product quality expectations of buyers / consumers to have a sustainable business business. Furthermore, it becomes important to produce sustainable products by building commitment, and producing products that meet market needs and are different from the others.
SME Products, Product quality standards, and product quality measurements
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Eko Tama Putra Saratian
(a*), (b), (c) Universitas Mercu Buana
(d) Universitas Brawijaya
This is a community service related to the development of economic society through socialization on dinar and dirham as sustainable money. Money in sharia is precious metals such as gold and silver, or commodities such as wheat, barley, dates, and salt, which are the consumed commodities daily as food and have a shelf life. The failure of the current economic and monetary system is caused by the use of fiat money as a medium of exchange that deviates from the gold standard. Ironically, many ordinary people do not understand the real concept of money. In returning the standard of exchange, it is necessary to learn deeply about this subject. For this reason, there is a need for socialization to the wider community to open the way for the return of the dinar and dirham as a true medium of exchange. The results of the activity are expected to increase good understanding of the concept of money and the public can learn to do transaction using dinar and dirham in the future.
Dinar; Dirham; Fiat Money; Riba; Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Ni Made Sukartini
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University
This paper investigates the association of religiosity on social capital, especially social trust. Social trust is measured in eight indicators, is an important aspect of development process, since social trust related to many development outcomes, such as growth, democratic stability as well as subjective well- being. In economic terms, when people trust each other, transaction cost can be reduced, organization can performed better, government perform better and many more. Utilizing Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) wave 2014 this study find the following results. Firstly, social trust closely associated with individual characteristics. Maturity, better educational and income level improve individual trust and individual participation in community activities. Secondly, individual subjective report about religiosity strongly associated with willingness to participate in various community activities. Policy relevant with this finding it is important to promote tolerance and religiosity, as these aspects can improve social trust. Social trust closely associates with more participation in community activities for accumulating public services and public goods. As more public services and public goods are available, nationally better welfare can be promoted
IFLS, religiosity, trust, social capital
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Nifty Fath
Zodia Park is one of the city park located in South Jakarta. As a green open space, Zodia Park have some great benefits for community. At now, Zodia Park conditions do not have lighting system that complies with safety standards. The lighting system in this park is still provided by residents independently. Moreover, during heavy rain, the park will be inundated between 20-30 cm. It is because the Zodia Park is located at near inspection river. Thus, in this community service, the team proposes the drainage and lighting system design as a contribution to Forestry Office who maintains the Zodia Park to overcome this problem.
drainage, lighting, park, community service
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Sanju Kumar Singh
Department of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga
This paper is review of Dairy related income in Nepal throughout several research paper that had published in some national and international articles, Nepal is one of Agriculture based country and still least developing country. It has huge potential to grow in various way one of the sector is Dairy Industry. Huge demand of dairy product like Milk, yoghurt, cheese. Dairy Industry of Nepal is lack of good quality and not modernized and its cause huge loss in economy of Nation. After reviewing the article it is suggested that Nepal has wide range of economic potential in Dairy Industry but due to lack of several modernization and poor planning implementation it has bad performance till now.
economic development, dairy industry
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Desyta Ulfiana
(a) Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
The increasing sedimentation of Mrica reservoir shows that the sedimentation control has not been effective. The sedimentation control have been made include the disposal of sediments that settle in the reservoir by dredging or flushing. However, the results are not optimal. This is caused by the large volume of sediment entering the reservoir each year. Controlling volume of sediment that goes into the reservoir have also been carried out by conducting a watershed conservation program and building checkdam in the upstream Mrica reservoir. However, the existing checkdam is still less effective in controlling sediments, especially suspended load sediments, that are transported in the river. Therefore this study was carried out by adopting the sediment trap concept to deposit sediments that escaped from checkdam. This study simulated changes in the width of the downstream channel of checkdam by three variations using HEC-RAS. There were width of 20%, 40% and 60% wider than initial width. The results showed the effect of changing the channel width on sediment concentration and volume sediment deposited. Based on the results of the study, the change in width to wider than the initial width could increase volume sediment deposited and decrease sediment concentration.
checkdam, sediment trap, suspended sediment
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Jehan Noor Auda
School of Environmental Science, Post Graduate University of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
Waste minimization and energy use, synergistic relationship between the community and tenants are important elements of the industrial estate. Various kinds of economic and social in the industrial area will certainly affect and change environmental conditions. Environmental carrying capacity is one of the important components to obtain great support. This study aims to analyze the carrying capacity of the Cikupa Mas industrial estate, Tangerang Regency which is carried out by looking at two main elements, land and water carrying capacity at the location. The selection of research locations is based on industrial activities and the scale of industrial estate, so that it can be a representation of environmental carrying capacity in the Cikupa District, Tangerang Regency. The results of the analysis, indicate the land carrying capacity according to geography, topography, soil type and hydrology conditions that are very suitable for industrial zones. Meanwhile, water carrying capacity was deficit, water availability could not afford the needs of the industrial estate. Regulations that are in accordance with the principles of environmental sustainability, good supervision and implementation, become an external component that can help maintain the environmental carrying capacity.
Industrial Estate, Environmental Carrying Capacity, Land Carrying Capacity, Water Carrying Capacity
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
L1 Building 1st Floor, Sekaran Campus, Gunungpati, Semarang City Central Java Province, Indonesia
This study aims to explore economic conditions towards environmental quality, before and after the policy of regional autonomy in Indonesia. This paper analyzed by using regression, the influence of per capita income, gross domestic product (GDP) in the agricultural, industrial and manufacturing sectors on the quality of the environment in Indonesia for the period 1960-2016. The study uses time series data derived from the publication of world bank key indicators and dummy policy variables before and after regional autonomy, namely the value of 0 before 2001 and the value of 1 after 2001. The results of the study state that per capita income, GDP in the industrial sector and GDP of the manufacturing sector negatively affect the quality of the environment, while the GDP of the agricultural sector has a positive effect on the quality of the environment in Indonesia. The regression of the result of policy variable shows the difference in environmental quality in Indonesia, pre and post-regional implementation of autonomy in Indonesia.
environmental quality, regional autonomy, GDP, regression
Sustainable development
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Fauzan Rafif
a) Department of Geography. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Indonesia
b) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia
c) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia
d) Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia
e) Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Republik Indonesia
In accordance with the mandate of the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 the Year 2015, the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education has the task of holding government affairs in the fields of research, technology, and higher education to assist the President in organizing state government. To be able to carry out its duties and functions, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education establishes the organizations vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives. In order to carry out the assigned tasks and functions, the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening has established a vision, mission and strategic plan. In the 2015-2019 period, the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening was established as a Research and Development Strengthening program. To measure the performance achievements in the scope of the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, several strategic objectives have been set out that describe the conditions that must be achieved in 2019 which is one year left. In preparing the new strategic plan, it is necessary first to evaluate the previous program. The result Analysis based on the performance of Universities obtained a sequence of focus areas with high indexed publications are Social Humanities, Cultural Arts & Education; followed by ICT; Health and Medicine Technology. While the least is Defense and Security. Thus, if the focus area will be prioritized, then all grant schemes under the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education can be directed to the focus areas whose publications are indexed on many Scopus.
Evaluation, Risbang, Renstra
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Dinar Werdhani
School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, 10430, Salemba, Indonesia
Community-based Sanitation Communal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is one of the solutions for dense urban areas to improve environmental quality. This paper evaluates wastewater treatment plant-based Community participation in Community Self-Reliance (KSM) Mandiri, Metro City, Lampung. The methods used are quantitative with laboratory tests resulting from the effluent of Communal WWTP conducted in the dry season in September and qualitative with interviews with board member and local facilitators. Communal WWTP uses an anaerobic filter and uses biofilter that is used from recycled plastic bottles. Laboratory management results show that the BOD and Ammonia parameters do not meet the standard requirements of the Ministry of Environment and foresty 68 of 2016 about Quality Standard of Domestic Wastewater. The activities of the WWTP management group at KSM Mandiri did not run well and needs help for the government fundings to maintenance WWTP. Additional biofilter WWTP component and zeolite are needed to reduce BOD and ammonia levels of effluent and local community involve to every process in this program.
wastewater treatment, community participation, Self-Reliance
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Eko Fajar Cahyono
Islamic Economic Department
Faculty Economics and Bussiness
Airlaggga University
This study examines how the externalities of tempe-s industrial waste management in Kampung Tempe Surabaya are reviewed from Economics of Natural Resources and Environment in Islamic Perspective. This research is conducted by using qualitative approach with case study method. Data collection conducted in this study by in-depth interviews and direct observation to the object of research. Technical analysis used in this research is by data reduction, data presentation, as well as withdrawal conclusions and verification from in-depth interviews and direct observation. The results show that there are externalities of tempe-s industrial waste management in Kampung Tempe Surabaya which is indicated by absence of unpleasant odor from waste, makes environment of Kampung Tempe more cleaner, provide jobs, increase incomes, and get a facilities and infrastructure
Externalities, Urban Traditional Industry, Kampung Tempe Surabaya, Waste Management.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Eko Tama Putra Saratian
(a), (b*), (c), (d) Universitas Mercu Buana
(e) Universitas Brawijaya
This is a community service related to the development of economic society through socialization on one of the three main pillars and principle in the economics and financial problems. Nowadays, people in the world have begun to care about the dangers of three pillars and its impact on the economy. They are interest, fiat money and fractional reserve requirement in the banking system. Ironically, there are still many ordinary people do not understand the general rules of the fractional reserve requirement in the banking system. In returning the economic and monetary to riba-free system, it is necessary to learn deeply about this subject. For this reason, there is a need for socialization to the wider community to increase good understanding of the three pillars, especially about the fractional reserve requirement in the banking system. This community service is expected to the community get finance literacy well and certainly can be considered in family financial planning.
Fiat Money; Fractional Reserve Requirement; Interest; Riba; Sustainable Finance
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Purnawan Adi Wicaksono
a) Industrial Engineering Department, Diponegoro University, Jl Prof Soedarto, SH, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
b) Mathematics Department, Diponegoro University, Jl Prof Soedarto, SH, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
This research proposes a business model for furniture industry to address circular economy concept. Circular economy aims to keep the resources in use for as long as possible, and recover the product and material at the end of its life cycle. Game theory is used in this research. The conceptual model proposes rent option so end users are possible to use the furniture in desired time period. Using rent option, the product could be taken back from the end user and could be sold or rent it again to another user. The concept of game theory is to formulate and suspect the situations of interaction between players involved, and also decisions taken. Therefore, game theory is used to determine optimal strategy among players. Player strategies are taken when it has reached the Nash Equilibrium. The propose model consists of 4 parties such as the furniture industry, remanufacturer, distributor, and end user. Payoff is determined for every player to observe each players- profit in addressing CE. Based on the result, there is 1 strategy that reached the Nash equilibrium. We also picked out 3 of 162 possible strategies that give the best advantages for all players. Each strategies contain players- prices decision, and for end user decision is the length of rent.
Circular Economy, Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium, Furniture Industry
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
A.A Gde Satia Utama
a) Accounting Department, Economics and Business Faculty, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya, 60286, Indonesia
* gde.agung[at]
b) Accounting Department, Economics and Business Faculty, Airlangga University
Jalan Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya, 60286, Indonesia
This study aims to design a non-cash payment (e-money) system using B-CARD (Banyuwangi CARD) at tourism Website by Banyuwangi cultural and tourism service. This study uses the AIS (Accounting Information System) theory and electronic payment system (E-payment) theory. The purpose of B-CARD is as a method and payment system to be more effective and efficient. The research method use qualitative by interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique approach is input-process-output. The results of the study show that B-CARD can provide efficiency or saving time during tourist access transactions. In addition, B-CARD can also be used as a government effort to collect tourist fees for each tourist location with adjusted conditions. So that the B-CARD design can contribute to the effectiveness of local revenue and support green tourism sustainability in Banyuwangi.
Effectiveness; Efficiency; B-CARD; Local Revenue; E-money
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Ismu Rini Dwi Ari
a, b, c) Regional and Urban Planning Department, Engineering Faculty Brawijaya University.
Jl. MT. Haryono no. 167 Malang 65145 Indonesia
Access to safe water as a basic infrastructure is still a major problem throughout the world, and it is the main concentration to be solved as stated in SDGs pillars 6 and 9. Availability access to basic needs such as infrastructure of water is also one important homework to deal with for the Indonesian government along with the Universal Access 100-0-100. The main research aim is to measure the Water Poverty Index through the 5-component to propose a poverty eradication strategy of the water infrastructure at the community level. Jabung District in Malang Regency is chosen as the case study, consist of 15 villages, wherein at about 33,19% of households are the receiver of Raskin (Poor Rice) program – one of the poverty alleviation programs in Indonesia. Both field observation and depth interviews are conducted towards 548 heads of households at the compiling data. The WPI measurement indicates that 3 of the 15 villages have the unsafe value of WPI. Among the fifth component, the environment shows the worst scale of the WPI whereby 7 villages have a value of 35,7 (critical value), so integrated water management strategy by incorporating water balance for both domestic and non-domestic purposes is indispensable.
Safe water, infrastructure, Water Poverty Index
Sustainable Development
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