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Corresponding Author
Levyda Levyda
Sahid University
Harapan Island is one of the islands in Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu Utara which is visited by many tourists. This condition encourages local residents to commercialize their residences as homestays. Homestay required to meet the standards. However, there are still many homestay owners who do not understand about business standards and do not have a certificate, therefore training is needed on homestay standards for owners. The purpose of the training is to increase knowledge about the standards of the homestay business and improve the attitude of the owner. The training was attended by 23% of homestay owners. Training materials include homestay products, services and management. Material refers to regulations regarding the standard of homestay business. The training method used is reading, material presentation, self-evaluation and discussion. The standard that has not been fulfilled is the provision of a kitchen for guests, guest identity recording, availability of price lists and development of human resources. The results of the training evaluation indicate an increase in knowledge and acceptance of homestay owners. Training evaluation showed that there was an increase in knowledge and changes in the attitude of the trainees. Training is still needed to improve the knowledge and improvement of the attitude of homestay owners.
homestay, business standard, knowledge and acceptance of training participants,training evaluation
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Singmin Johanes Lo
This paper is about empowering the economy for community development through hydroponics cultivation. Pre-activity data on partner community were collected by on site interviews and field observation. From data analysis, it was suggested to do hydroponics farming for partner community. Training on hydroponics and how to grow plants hydroponically was given. The knowledge and skills about food crops produced by hydroponics cultivation were given through training. It was done by giving interactive lecture and on site practice on November 11, 2018 to fifteen participants, mostly homemakers, from Desa Anggadita, East Karawang, West Java as partner community. All participants were involved in group discussion, and were very happy for the training. They got the knowledge on hydroponics. They knew the many economic and social benefits in doing hydroponics farming. Having the knowledge and skills needed for hydroponics farming and couple with partner community enthusiasms, they were challenged to do hydroponics farming on their front or backyards. The partner community can soon provide healthy food, herbs medicine, and flowers products for their own use and for commercial purposes, eventually. Partner community awareness on hydroponics farming will also contribute to healthy community lifestyle, greener environment, and community sustainable development.
hydroponics, community, training, economic, healthy, green, sustainable development
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Moh Nur Sholeh
(a) Civil and Planning Department, Vocational School, Diponegoro University
Jalan Prof. Soedarto, SH, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
The 4.0 industrial revolution in all fields encouraged the construction industry to make technological-based innovations. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the tools in advancing construction technology today. On the other hand, supply chain construction continues to grow and becomes important in project management. This study aims to identify the potential use of BIM in construction supply chain management. Preliminary studies on several projects in Indonesia were carried out as identification methods. The Delphi process was used to obtain the data described in the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis. As a result, BIM has the potential to be applied to the construction SCM with several considerations. There are 5 trends in strength, 4 trends in weakness, 5 trends in opportunity, and 3 trends in threat. Trends in strength and opportunity are used as indicators in the analysis of impacts. BIM as advanced technology is the highest indicator and the lowest trust between stakeholders in the application of BIM in the construction supply chain. In addition, harmonization between BIM actors is needed: the Ministry of Public Works, contractors, suppliers and academics in the supply chain.
BIM; construction; supply chain
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Eko Fajar Cahyono
Islamic Economic Department
Faculty Economics and Business
Airlangga University
The city of Surabaya obtained the adipura trophy in Indonesia in 2019 because it has a very good performance on environmental management, especially waste. To handle the problem, the mayor made a program, one of which was the construction of a compost house in Bratang. Waste management in the Bratang Compost House has a proven positive externality from odor and the sound produced does not exceed the prescribed standards. Besides that, the existence of a compost house can help preserve the environment of Surabaya and become a source of local PLTSa (garbage power plant). This paper also proves that waste management in the Bratang Compost House is feasible to run as evidenced by NPV > 0 and BCR > 1. This research can be a reference for governments in other regions in managing waste to be something that is beneficial for the community, environment, and local government. This paper will be an additional literature for the government, the community, academics, and those who care about the environment about the impact of Islamic perspective waste management.
Garbage management, externalities, cost benefit analysis, Islamic Resource Economics in an Islamic perspective.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Sawarni Hasibuan
Universitas Mercu Buana
The government now is always trying some efforts and policy to support competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in Indonesia. Food SMEs is one of SMEs which the quantity is very big and spreading in various location commonly near the housing and business center. Entrepreneurs of Food SMEs is also included in the entity to get attention from the government to increase the competitiveness. Environmental dynamics and care of city community of environmental problems encourage the food-s entrepreneurs to adopt green strategy in the process of production in order to get better image so that it can contribute to the sustainability of SMEs. One approach to be adopted is green productivity strategy. Green productivity strategy tries to take care of the environment by the entrepreneur not only from the environmental benefit but also financial benefit, because production process will be operating with minimal waste and efficiency of course will produce benefit financially. This activity has the purpose to increase awareness of green strategy implementation in Food SMEs in District South Meruya West Jakarta. Conducting the activity is done in one months. The approach used is to integrate lecturing, discussion and question answer, self assessment, and simulation. To measure effectivity of the activity have deployed questionnaire pre test and post test related to ability of knowledge, assessment, and analysis of opportunity and application of green strategy in the production chain Food SMEs. The outing target of the activity is increasing the knowledge and ability of SMEs entrepreneurs about the green implementation in production activity. The results of this training show that participants are able to identify the potential of solid waste on the production process that can be processed into value-added products.
green strategy, waste, Food SMEs.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
- Fithriyah
Faculty of Economics and Business-Airlangga University
Indonesia has faced many natural disasters after the great earthquake and tsunami hit Aceh in 2004. These disasters have affected men, as well as the women. However, the impact of disasters to women and elderly are worse than to men. Indonesia has policies and information kits for earthquake and tsunami preparedness, but it is still not well disseminated to the community, especially for women and elderly. This paper is focusing in increasing the knowledge of women and elderly in earthquake and tsunami preparedness in Indonesia, in order to reduce the numbers of its victims and death tolls. This is a literature review, based on the lessons learned from Japan. The study shows that optimizing the existing self-motivated group/ community organizations would be more effective in order to increase the tsunami and earthquake preparedness for women and elderly in Indonesia.
disaster preparedness, earthquake, tsunami, women and elderly
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Mohd Azmuddin Abdullah
1 Institute of Marine Biotechnology, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
2 Department of Chemistry, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, 54000, Punjab, Pakistan
3 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
The 2030-s core agenda for 17 Sustainable Development Goals aims to bring systems thinking and holistic solution to ensure that progress and development for People and Profit do not actually side-line Planet as the major stakeholder. Any discussion on the Economics issues should bring in the Environment and Socio-cultural diversity dimension as equal components. This may necessitate a complete revamp of human activities such that effort to tackle famine and poverty and the emerging infectious diseases, is not divorced from addressing the problems brought about by the climate change and the destruction of eco-systems and habitat for wildlife. The call for greater utilization of green technology and sustainable practices must involve resource optimization and better management of biodiversity, agro-practices, environment and health care to achieve improved food production and distribution, affordable cost of disease treatment, cleaner energy, air and water, with minimal emission, pollution and wastage. The focus of this presentation is to highlight research and development in integrated biomaterials engineering of oil palm fibres and microalgae for sustainable bioenergy production, environmental remediation and conversion into value added-products via integrated palm oil milling processes and algal biorefinery. This hopefully could bring forth insights towards partnerships and collaboration among the policy makers and planners, industrialists, investors, scientists, engineers, economists and social scientists to tackle the immediate and pressing problems facing the world today.
Global Sustainable Development; Integrated Biomaterials Engineering; Microalgae; Palm Oil Milling; Bioresource utilization; Green Technology; Bioenergy; Environmetal remediation; Biomonitoring; Value-added products
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
I Made Sutama
Universitas Airlangga
Knowledge Sharing (KS) is the most important component in Knowledge Management (KM) which is the main driver in creating sustainable innovation. Five-yearly leadership sucession is always followed by massive mutations so that both phenomena are become threats to the sustainability of public service innovations. This qualitative research will explore on: How does the process of innovation program knowledge sharing occur in relation to the sustainability of public service program innovations after the succession of regional heads in the Surakarta City Government? The findings shown that there has been knowledge sharing program innovation occurred after succession and massive mutation, which are influenced by four variables: role of the leader, transformation of innovative mindset, mechanism of social interaction, and external drive. In connection with these findings, further research is recommended to deepen the construct model of the proposition that can be done on local government organizations that totally fail to continue their program innovations post-succesion. Other quantitative research constructs can also be developed by testing the level of influence of the four KS variables innovation programs in both profit and non-profit organizations.
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Inovation Cycle, Public Service.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Badingatus Solikhah
Accounting Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Issues related to green industry and environmental accounting are urgent to be formulated by the government. The concept of environmental accounting for companies encourages the ability to minimize environmental problems. Environmental accounting will produce a quantitative assessment of the costs and impacts of environmental protection. The purpose of this study is to describe the extent of disclosure of carbon emissions and to describe the legal regulations in Indonesia which regulate environmental disclosure. This study also examined the effect of the Environmental Performance Awards on the quality of environmental disclosure. The samples in this study are 35 companies engaged in mining, energy, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverages that are listed on the Stock Exchange in 2012-2016. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a Smart PLS 3.0 analysis tool. The result reveals that the practice of environmental disclosure at high profile companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is still low. This shows that the companys management awareness of environmental disclosure does not comply the Decree of the Chairperson of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency Number: KEP-431 / BL / 2012 concerning Submission of the Annual Report. The results showed that the Environmental Performance Awards variable had a significant positive effect on the quality of environmental disclosure.
Carbon Emission, Carbon Emission Disclosure, Legal Regulations Regarding Environmental Disclosure, Environmental Performance Awards
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Fauzan Rafif
a) Department of Statistics,
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
b) Department of Pharmacy,
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
c) Directorate of Research and Community Services - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education,
Jakarta 10340, Indonesia
d) Department of Industrial Engineering,
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia
Higher education is one of the most critical stages of education in a country. Most experts in various fields become proficient through higher education. Therefore, providers of tertiary education or tertiary institutions must continuously improve the quality of their education. One way to improve its quality is by mapping university excellence. This mapping was held to see the advantages of each provider in Indonesia. As an education center, as well as a research center, one that can be used as a basis for mapping is scientific publications. In this study, the superiority to be seen refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 and mapping based on journals in SCOPUS 2014-2018, which focuses on Information and communication technology. This mapping was carried out by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) with an assignment research scheme for strategic policy studies with a focus on information and communication technology. The results of the research discussion conclude that ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) which has the most of total journal publications for the field of Information and communication technology focuses on 1313 journal publications.
kemenristekdikti, information and communication technology, scopus journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Anggraini Kusumaning Tyas
(1)Department of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia (2)Department of Psychology, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Communication Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia
(4)Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of Defence and Security focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Defence and Security. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Defence and Security, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Defence and Security, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 90.4 % (75) of 83 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-6 journal publications within 5 years. UI (University of Indonesia) has the most journal publications of Defence and Security focus.
Defense and security, KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Kuni azizah Zain
(1)Departement of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Departemen Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
(4)Department Chemistry Analysis, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. Scientific research on mapping the strength of maritime focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data have been done. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Advanced Materials. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Advanced Materials, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Advanced Materials, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). The Result Shows that 95.1 % (346) of 364 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-92 journal publications within 5 years. UI (University of Indonesia) has the most journal publications of Advanced Materials focus.
Advanced Materials, KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Fatmawatu Nurlette
(1)Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
(4)Directorate of Research and Community Services -
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of Basic Science focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Basic Science. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Basic Science, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Basic Science, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 96.4 % (611) of 634 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-136 journal publications within 5 years. UI (University of Indonesia) has the most journal publications of Basic Science focus.
Basic Science, KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Ghardapaty Ghaly Ghiffary
(1) Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. Higher education is one of the most critical educational stages in a country. Most experts in various fields become proficient through higher education. Therefore, higher education providers or colleges should improve their education quality continuously. One of the ways to improve their quality is by college excellence mapping. This mapping is held with the aim to see the excellence of each provider in Indonesia. As a center of education, as well as the research center, one that can be used as a mapping base is scientific publication. In this study, the excellence that is want to be seen refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 and mapping based on the journal in SCOPUS 2014-2018, which is focused on Disaster. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on disaster, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of disaster, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 94.2 % (211) of 224 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-42 journal publications within 5 years. ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) has the most journal publications of Disaster focus.
Disaster, KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Aliffian Wahyu Raharjo
(1)Department of Economic, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Departement of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Departement Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. Scientific research on mapping the strength of Food-Agriculture focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data have been done. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Food-Agriculture. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Food-Agriculture, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Food-Agriculture, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). The Result Shows that 94.9 % (353) of 372 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-59 journal publications within 5 years. IPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute) has the most journal publications of Food-Agriculture focus.
Agriculture-Food, KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Matiin Laugiwa Prawira Putra
(1)Departement of Chemistry, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. Higher education is one of the most critical stages of education in a country. Most experts in various fields become proficient through higher education. Therefore, providers of tertiary education or tertiary institutions must continuously improve the quality of their education. One way to improve its quality is by mapping university excellence. This mapping was held to see the advantages of each provider in Indonesia. As an education center, as well as a research center, one that can be used as a basis for mapping is scientific publications. In this study, the advantages to be seen refer to the RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 and mapping based on the journal in SCOPUS 2014-2018, which is focused on Health and Medicine. The results of mapping with three tertiary institutions with the most publication journals, namely UI, UGM, and UNAIR, the majority of which published journals in the field of health and diagnostic technology and other tertiary education, were still in the lowest vulnerable range of 97,9%. This mapping was carried out by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) of the Republic of Indonesia with a research assignment research scheme for strategic policy studies with a focus on Health and Medicine. Higher education will be encouraged to continuously improve the quality of their education.
Frequency Distribution, Health and Medicine, KEMENRISTEKDIKTI , Mapping, Scopus Journal.
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Indra Lasmana
(1)Faculty of Economic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Communication Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Directorate of Research and Community Services -Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher EducationJakarta 10340, Indonesia
(4)Department of Islamic Law, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of Social Humanities and art education culture focus research BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Social Humanities and art education culture. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Social Humanities and art education culture, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Social Humanities and art education culture, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 95.9 % (661) of 689 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-97 journal publications within 5 years. UI (University of Indonesia) has the most journal publications of Social Humanities and art education culture focus.
KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal, Social Humanities and art education culture
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Dwi Sartika
(1)Department of Economic, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Psychology, Islamic University of Indonesia
(4)Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of maritime focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Maritime Affairs. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Maritime affairs, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of maritime affairs, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 91.1 % (154) of 169 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-19 journal publications within 5 years. UNDIP (Diponegoro University) has the most journal publications of Maritime Affairs focus.
KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Maritime Affairs, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Dimas Wahyu Hikmawan
(1)Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Department of Statistics, Islamic University of Indonesia, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Pharmacy, Islamic University of Indonesia
(4)Directorate of Research and Community Services -
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of New and Renewable Energy focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on New and Renewable Energy. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on New and Renewable Energy, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of New and Renewable Energy, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 94 % (250) of 266 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-44 journal publications within 5 years. ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) has the most journal publications of New and Renewable Energy.
Energy Field - New and Renewable Energy, KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, Mapping, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Gilang Gigih Prabowo
(1)Department of Environmental Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
(2)Departmentof of Pharmacist, Islamic University of Indonesia
(3)Department of Civil Engineering, Islamic University of Indonesia
Abstract. This study investigated scientific research on mapping the strength of transportation focus reseach BASED on the 2014-2018 scopus data. The Ministry of Research Technology and (KemenristekDIKTI), especially the Directorate General of Research and Development (RISBANG) has a huge Role on improving the quality of higher education. One way to improve higher education quality is through mapping the stregths of research. The strength of the research that form the basis of this mapping, refers to RPJPN 2005-2025 and RPJMN 2015-2019 which focuses on Transportation. This study, used three steps methodology; (1). Collecting Data, were collected from secondary Scopus data year 2014-2018 from KemenristekDIKTI in scientific publication focus on Transportation, (2) identifying Scopus data based on sub-focus of Transportation, (3). Data analysis using frequency distribution, (Determine the range of data, determine the classes, and determine the class interval). This study concluded that 91,7 % (143) of 156 universities published journal indexed Scopus on range 1-19 journal publications within 5 years. ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology) has the most journal publications of Transportation focus.
KemenristekDIKTI, Mapping, Transportation, Scopus Journal
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Oka Pradhita
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Indonesia, as a developing country, has a long-term national vision to become a stable industrial country which will achieve in 2035. This commitment showed by an increase in industrial sector contribution to Indonesias GDP, which is targeted to reach 30% in 2035 compared to 20.97% contribution to GDP in 2015. The global competition and current trends also become challenges for Indonesian industry sector where nowadays, international markets more prefer eco-labeled products than the conventional one. The green industry concept, which prioritizes the efficient use of resources sustainably to improve environmental performance, could be the answer to tackle both problems. Green industry development can be done through the concept of industrial symbiosis by implementing a waste exchange strategy. This strategy is applied by reusing waste as raw material for other industries. This study examines industrial symbiosis potential practices in Indonesia using waste exchange strategies in various industrial sectors through a mental model approach. The mental model structure in this study was built by exploring possible synergies between industries through by-product similarity. This preliminary study may serve as additional industrial planning guidance for the Indonesian government and other related stakeholders in the green industry development.
Green industry, Industrial symbiosis, waste exchange, by-product
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Mohammad Riza Radyanto
(a) Cilacap State Polytechnic
(b) Industrial Engineering Stikubank University
The concept of developing tourism in the region must be based on sustainable development that is supported ecologically, economically, and ethically also socially fair to the community to develop the quality of life by regulating the supply, development, utilization, and maintenance of resources in a sustainable manner. This research is a qualitative exploratory study that emphasizes aspects of enrichment in the field as research strength to create a model. The results of this research are in the form of policy recommendations as outlined in the new model. The Pentacyclus Concept model consists of three areas, namely the Penta Helix Area; Green Tourism Marketing Area; and the Strategic Sustainable Development Environment with indicators of success involving Penta helix elements, namely: Academic as a concept, Business as an Enabler, Government as a regulator, Community as an accelerator and finally the media as a promoter. This model is expected to be applied as a sustainable tourism development planning model that is not only in space local scope but can be applied in the national scope, especially in some green tourism destinations in Indonesia.
Penta Helix Area; Green Tourism Marketing and Strategic Sustainable Development Environment, Pentacyclus Concept
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Arya Rezagama
Diponegoro Universtiy
Land use, lithology, time, rainfall and human activities cause changes in river water quality physically, chemically, and biologically. Waste pollution from non-point sources is difficult to control where it is spread with a large enough accumulated discharge. Some watersheds in Indonesia have specific non-point source pollution sources such as batik waste originating from MSMEs. The research case study is in the Premulung river segment of the Solo City. This study explains the effect of various pollutants on water quality such as batik waste and domestic waste. Premulung River water samples were taken at 13 points from non point source and 10 point source. The prediction model uses Qual2kw software. The results showed that batik waste discharges from MSMEs affected water quality on COD parameters and colors temporarily and quickly changed along the river channel. The river that contains batik waste has a characteristic dark water with high suspended material. The presence of batik waste discharges accelerates the river sinking process.
Non-Point Source, water river quality
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Lola Kurnia Pitaloka
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Creative economy is an economic concept that promotes the creativity of the actors with the idea of relying on human resources as a factor of production by creating creativity as a resource that can always be updated in the process of economic activity and is expected to drive sustainable economic growth. Creative economic actors culinary subsector is hardly detected due where are the actors, although provided center point for culinary actors but limited place for actors an obstacle. Reconvene the concentration of culinary subsector or providing more places to be the center point for the perpetrators culinary subsector so that all have the same opportunity to widely known. Location of this research is in the Semarang City. Methods of data collection used interviews and documentation. Analysis data methods used spider web to see the area of convergence and determine convergence area in accordance with the state of the region and the state of the environment. Descriptive analysis is used to describe a general overview and potential concentration. Population in this study is all creative economic actors of culinary subsector. Related parties are used as a resource is the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Department of Tourism, Department of Industry and the Association of creative economic actors culinary subsector and elements of the creative economy businesses modern. Sample in this study used stratifie random sampling. Informants selected for samples are (1) the related department for culinary subsector; (2) creative economic actors culinary subsector; (3) academics and associations that give high attention on the creative economy culinary subsector. The results of this study are (1) a development area of economic creative subsector culinary divided into five distinct regions, there are six center point subsector culinary established by the Government of Semarang, the area Simpang Lima, Chinatown, SMEs Center Banyumanik, Pekunden district, Pandanaran district and SMEs Gallery in the Old City; (2) Based on the distribution of types of cuisine can be divided into four areas based on its type, namely (a) the type of center souvenirs will be concentrated in Banyumanik and Central Semarang (b) the type of café is located in Central Semarang, South Semarang and Tembalang; (c) the type of meals centered in the region of Central and South Semarang and (d) the type of streetfood concentrated in one region, namely South Semarang. The conclusions of this studies are (a) necessary for the government to increase the number of concentration for a culinary subsector because there are many actors who have failed the creative economy; (B) the need for training for a culinary subsector creative economic players to want to join and use the concentration of efforts in order to facilitate the arrangement of the environment and to maintain the comfort and cleanliness of the environment; (C) the need for policing, especially health and hygiene environment for creative economic players after selling.
Creative Economy, Culinary Subsector, Center Point, Development, SMEs
Sustainable development
Corresponding Author
Siti Nuraini
Airlangga University
Decreasing poverty line and improving the quality of human development is one of the objectives of development in Indonesia. Poverty has an impact multisectoral, not only concerning about household income but also the ability of households improve the quality of his life, that could be improve regional income. Poverty can causes disparities income in aech regencies or cities. The purpose of this research is look for the relations of poverty toward regional income, disparities, and human qualities. These research used quantitative descriptive method by rekursif generalized component structured analysis (GSCA) with research areas in East Java. In GSCA, variable latent defined as a component of weight or aggregate of the indicators. This results of this research seen the model FIT of 76% and a component root mean square of 0.08% indicates that the overall model could be used and well received. Poverty has a negatively influence to inequity, regional income, and quality of human beings. Variable disparities have a negative influence on regional income but a positive effect to the quality of human beings. Regional income variable has a negative influence on quality of human beings. But, not all variable having influence a significant impact on poverty. Variable disparities significant impact on poverty, variable disparities significant on the quality of human development and regional income.
poverty, disparities, human development, GSCA
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Rajab Ritonga
Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama)
Village finance must be managed in a transparent, accountable, and participatory manner, and carried out in an orderly and disciplined budget. For this purpose, village officials must have sufficient skills to be able to manage village finances based on good governance practices. In general, villages will experience various problems in each stage of the village financial management cycle and decisions must be made on these issues. To improve problem solving and decision-making skills, training was carried out using lecture, discussion, and simulation methods with training participants consisting of village heads, village secretaries, and heads of financial affairs or village treasurers. During the training, participants showed high attention to the material provided by the facilitators and actively participated in group discussions and simulations. The trainees also considered that the material presented was relevant to their needs and it was hoped that the knowledge gained could be applied to improve the quality of financial management in their respective villages.
problem solving, decision making, village financial management, training
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Jati Utomo Dwi Hatmoko
Diponegoro University
Delays have been identified as one of major risks in oil and gas projects. A sound risk analysis is, therefore, one of a key factors for the success of the projects. The aim of this research was to measure the impact of delay risks on the completion time of an oil and gas project in Indonesia as a case study. Data of relevant delay risks were initially collected from literature reviews and observations on project documents, and finalized through interviews with key respondents of the project. A monte-carlo based simulation software was used to simulate 28 delay risks identified, and applied on the 34 project activities. This research found the probability of less than 1% for on-time project completion according to the baseline schedule (366 days). It was also projected that the project duration could be extended by 10.6% (405 days) and 14.2% (418 days) with 50% and 80% probabilities, respectively. The sensitivity analysis indicated that the most influential activity on project delays was the tubular delivery, and the risk delay with the greatest impact to project delays was the delay of long-lead item delivery. These research showed the mechanism of incorporating delay risks into relevant project activities, and the findings allow better understanding of stakeholders to develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
delay, quantitative risk analysis, monte-carlo simulation, oil and gas project
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Hakim Hakim
¹²Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Budi Luhur
Jl. Ciledug Raya North Petukangan, South Jakarta, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to provide information and find out the relationship between conscientiousness with environmental insight behavior. The method used is a survey method with correlational techniques. This research is concerned with collecting data to determine whether there is a relationship between variables and how much strength the relationship has (correlation coefficient). The sampling technique in this study uses simple random sampling. the results showed that environmentally friendly behavior will increase if the big five personality factors (conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness and extraversion) are also increased. Factors to improve the behavior of environmental insights related to green architecture are the Policy implication as an effort to increase openness, theoritical implication and Research implication.
The Big Five Personality Factor; Conscientiousness; Environmentally Friendly Behavior
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Aditya Affan Herdiyanto
1 Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2 Vocational School, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro Uiniversity, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Soap nut is a plant that is known which are used as traditional detergent. Batik is usually recommended to be washed soap nut because it is considered as the most suitable washing agent to maintain its quality (batik color). Soap nut seeds contain saponins, a toxic alkaloid, these saponins produce foam and function as a washing agent, and can also be used as a cleaner for various kitchen utensils, floors, and even bathe and clean pets. This research aims to compare the quality of CV Renas batik soap nut detergent with batik soap nut produced by other industries. In this experiment include color analysis, odor analysis, pH analysis, density analysis and viscosity analysis of tested batik soap nut detergent. The results of the five sensory organoleptic tests found that CV detergents were compared with three competitor manufacturers batik soap nut detergent (detergent A, detergent B and detergent C) has a homogeneous shape, distinctive color and distinctive odor. While for the pH test the CV Renault detergent results were pH = 3.2, detergent A pH = 3.8, detergent B pH = 5.9 and finally detergent C pH = 4.2. For the density test, the detergent density of CV Rena = 1.0386 gr / ml, detergent A = 1.0255 gr / ml, detergent B = 1.0554 gr / ml and detergent C = 1,0068 gr / ml. And for the viscosity test, the result of CV Renas detergent = 1.61 cp, detergent A = 1.45 cp, detergent B = 5.86 cp and detergent C = 1.15 cp. The trial results obtained in organoleptic tests such as color, odor and shape are in accordance with the Liquid Detergent Quality Requirements SNI 06-4075-1996, while the pH and density are not in accordance with the existing quality standards.
soap nut detergent; density; pH; color; odor; viscosity
Sustainable Development
Corresponding Author
Shofwan Shofwan
Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya Malang
Tourism is considered an effective way of increase welfare some traditional communities because it provides various jobs than traditional livelihoods as well as opportunities to sell uniquely local products. Community based tourism (CBT) has been identified for its ability to improve local economies which endorses traditional communities such as rural communities, fishing and small island communities, could improve their economic status. Scholars have examined the attitude of residents at different level, however, monitoring changes in residents- perception are ignored. This paper reveals the research gap to be filled by examining the residents- perception of sustainability in term of economy, socio cultural factors, environment and well being at different CBT. The research method employed survey questionnaire as an instrument to collect data before the data is analyzed. The 500 usable questionnaires of three southern coastal regencies (Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung) in East Java were collected. The result shows us that four dimensions of sustainability have significantly different results. The study concludes that the respondents- perception differed across development steps, thus, the management boards or local governments should consider the development opportunities and adopt appropriate strategies of CBTs implementations.
Community Based Tourism (CBT); Sustainability; Residents- Perception; Coastal Destination
Sustainable development
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