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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1*, Lellah Rahim1 and Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1

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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University (Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, 90245. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Boer are one of the goats with high growth potential and have good fertility. The expected advantage of the results of the crossing between Boer and Peranakan Ettawa (PE) goats is the effect of heterosis and breed complementary from its offspring which is characterized by good growth performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the offspring performance of Boer crossbred and Peranakan Ettawa in the same intensive production systems. The mating model used was a crossing model of Boer Fullblood buck as a source of genes mated with Peranakan Ettawa goat does which would be compared with the performance of native Peranakan Ettawa goats. This study was used 20 heads of goat divided into two experimental groups, namely crossing Boer groups (n = 10 heads), and Peranakan Ettawa goats (n = 10 heads). The measured performance parameters include birth weight, 1 month body weight and pre-weaning body weight. To see the difference between the two treatment groups, the data were analyzed using student t-test statistics. The birth weight of Boer cross goats has 4.25 ± 0.9 kg which was higher than Peranakan Ettawa goat (3.75 ± 0.5 kg), while the weight at 1 month age also shows a higher performance of Boer cross goats than Peranakan Ettawa goats (8.45 ± 1.9 vs 5.94 ± 0.8 kg) with the performance of average daily gain (ADG) which was also much higher (102.5 ± 93 vs 89 ± 26 g). Boer cross kids growth performance shows higher growth performance compared with Peranakan Ettawa kids. The Boer and Peranakan Ettawa goats crossing program produces a good heterosis effect to improve the performance of local goats, especially local goats that are maintained intensively in the Sulawesi region, Indonesia.

Boer Crossbred, Growth Performance, Intensive, Crossing, Heterosis

Breeding and livestock production


Comparative Evaluation of Heritability Value and Non Genetic Factor Affecting Reproduction Traits in Peranakan Ongole(PO) Cattle
A. Gunawan a*, A. Iriantoa, R. S. Harahap a, N. Azmi a K. Listyarini a, M.F. Ulumb & Muladnoa

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Corresponding Author
Asep Gunawan

aDepartment of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science,
IPB University
bDepartment of Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University.
Jl. Agatis, Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Evaluation of genetic such as heritability value and non-genetic fator of reproductive traits play important to improve the breeding and management practices in beef cattle. This study was carried out to evaluate heritability value and non genetic factors affecting reproductive traits in Ongole grade cattle. A total 553 records reproductive triats inculding of age first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), days open (DO) of cows distributed over a period of 8 years (2012 to 2019) were used to estimate genetic and non genetic parameters Parity,sex, mating system, season and year of birth calf were included in the model to estimate their effect on reproductive traits. Heritability estimation was calculated using Mixed Model analysis by SAS 9.4. The General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.4 was used to determine non genetic factors. The overall means for AFC, CI and DO were 39.62±0.39 months, 393.81±2.85 days, 84.29±0.34% , respectively. The results showed that AFC, CI and DO were significantly (P<0.01) influenced by mating system but sex, parity, year of birth had no significant (P>0.05) effect. With regard to AFC, season affected AFC of ongole grade. Estimation of heritability AFC, CI and DO were 0.28±0.026; 0.46±0.007 and 0.21±0.040 respectively. It might be concluded that an improvement in Ongole grade cattle reproductive traits is possible through improving genetic merit by selection criteria using genetic paramters and utilisation of controlled breeding techniques.

Non genetic, heritability, reproduction traits, Ongole

Breeding and livestock production


Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) allles distribution in Dairy Cattle Population in Enrekang Regency
Mardhatilla Utami, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong and Farida Nur Yuliati

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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

Animal HusbandryStudy Program, Animal Sciences Faculty of Hasanuddin University

Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) is a genetic defect due to an autosomal recessive gene in dairy cows that causes anatomic deformation especially in the cervix and thorax in the spine, rib reduction and bone shortening in the front legs. The purpose of this study was to identify the distribution of recessive alleles from CVM in the dairy cow population in Enrekang District using the PCR-PIRA method. A total of 80 DNA samples collected from blood samples from FH dairy cattle from the Enrekang District Animal Husbandry Center (50 samples from Cendana District and 30 samples from Angeraja District) were extracted and amplified by PCR-PIRA technique, then PCR products were cut with the Pst1 restriction enzyme. The identification of the CVM carrier allele is calculated based on the genotype frequency and the allele. The results obtained from this study were that there were no CVM recessive alleles found either in Cendana District or in Angeraja District. The results of this study concluded that there were no dairy cows with carier genotypes (heterozygotes) in the dairy cow population in Kab. Enrekang, with normal CVM frequencies fixed on allele C (normal cattle) (100%).

CVM, alleles frequencies, genetic defect, dairy cattle, PCR-PIRA

Breeding and livestock production


Crowing Characteristics of Native Singing Chicken Breeds in Indonesia
Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1*, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1, Tadaaki Tokunaga2

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Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati

1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University,
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Tamalanrea, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
2Department of Animal and Grassland Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki,
Gakuen Kibanadai Nishi 1-1, Miyazaki, 889-2192, Japan

Singing chicken is germplasm, genetic resources, indigenous chicken in Indonesia and be known of their unique, exclusive, superiority of singing style with long-melodious rhythm, and different crowing style-tone-tempo comparing with other singing chickens breeds in the world. Some crowing character information was needed to optimize conservation and utilization strategies. The aim of the study was to compare crowing duration and number crowing syllables four singing chicken breeds in Indonesia (Bekisar, Kokok Balenggek, Pelung, and Gaga-). This research used 532 birds Gaga- chicken from Sidrap, Barru, and Maros Districts, South-Sulawesi province, Indonesia. They were separated based on crowing speed into Slow-group (234 birds) and Dangdut-group (298 birds). Then, Dangdut-group has separated again, based on total number crowing syllables, into Long-Dangdut-type (51 birds) and Short-Dangdut-type (247 birds). All crowing sounds were recorded and computerizing digitalized using Cool-Edit to visualized bioacoustic character as a wave form then data interpreting for analyzing mean and standard deviation. Average crowing durations of Pelung, Kokok Balenggek, Bekisar, and Gaga- chicken (Short-Dangdut-type and Slow-group) were 2.0 to 10.0 sec. Dangdut-Long-type was the longest crowing duration (30.5 sec) and the highest number syllables (140.92). Average number syllables of Pelung (3 sec), Kokok Balenggek (3 to 12 sec), and Bekisar (2 sec) chicken were less than Gaga- chicken (Dangdut-Long-type: 140.9 sec, Dangdut-Short-type: 20.9 sec, and Slow group: 8.2 sec). Each singing chicken breed in Indonesia have uniqueness and differences crowing character. A crowing character such as crowing duration and number of syllable could be identified as one of basic selection to promote and to maintain conservation of singing chicken as germplasm of Indonesia.

Crowing Duration, Crowing Syllable, Indonesia Native Chicken, Singing Chicken

Breeding and livestock production


Effects of Litter Size, Kidding Age, Mating Weight and Kidding Weight on Partial Cumulative Milk Yields in G1 Sapera Goat
A. Anggraeni, F. Saputra, D. S. Kumalawati, and C. Sumantri

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Corresponding Author
Anneke Anggraeni

Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University

Milk Production of dairy goat is influenced by genetic and non-genetic factors. Crossbred dairy goat of Sapera (50% Saanen, 50% PE) has been formed by Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP). Genetic improvement of milk production is the main trait considered in forming Sapera goat, so the effects of non-genetic factors on milk production should be investigated. Effects of Litter size, kidding age, mating weight and kidding weight were examined on weekly cumulative milk yields (week 1-14) in Generation 1 (G1) Sapera goat (28 heads) at RIAP. General Linear Model for unbalanced data was used to study the effects of those four factors, while mean differences among sub-factors were tested by Duncan test. The G1 Sapera does had kidding age, litter size, mating weight, and kidding weight successively 4.22±1.45 yrs old, 2.07±0.55, 49.0±11.43 kg, and 44.4±11.75 kg. Higher litter sizes resulted more milk yields, but litter size effects decreased by the lengthening lactation. Kidding age at ≥ 5 yrs old produced higher milk yileds than the younger does (3 and 4 years old). Mating weight did not affect on milk yields, while does having kidding weight ≥ 70 kg resulted lower milk than other weights. Considerable variation for various partial cumulative milk yields among G1 Sapera does has a good indication for possible selection on milk production in Sapera dairy goat.

dairy goat, milk yields, and non-genetic factors

Breeding and livestock production


Fenotype characteristics of Gaga chicken from Sidrap regency, South Sulawesi
Sri Rahma Aprilita Bugiwati, Ahmad Syakir and Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

Animal Husbandry Program Study, Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University

The purpose of this research was to determine the characteristics of qualitative of Gaga chicken in Baranti and Pancarijang Distric of Sidrap Regency. 170 birds of adult chickens Gaga (115 males and 55 females) used as a sample, taken by purposive sampling. The qualitative characteristic observed were feathers color, feathers pattern, flickering feathers, shank colour, comb shape, cuping color and eye color. The data were tabulated by sex and analyzed descriptive statistically. The results showed that the qualitative characteristics of males and females were dominated by colored category feather (ii) and recessive in white feather (I_). The qualitative qualities of the dominant male gaga pattern were the wild feather pattern (e +), whereas in females were dominated by black feather pattern (E_). Single comb shape and the red cuping colour is dominant in Baranti and Pancarijang District. The heterogenenity of eye colour and shank colour at both District still high.

Fenotype variation, feathers color, comb variation, Gaga chicken

Breeding and livestock production


Formation and Penotypic Performance of The New Breed POGASI Agrinak Cattle
Aryogi and Pamungkas D

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A. Aryogi

Loka Penelitian Sapi Potong (Beef Cattle Research Station). Jl. Pahlawan Grati Pasuruan Jawa Timur 67184, Indonesia.

Abstract. To increase domestic meat production is needed beef cattles which can be cultivated in marginal areas with feed conditions that are limited in quality and quantity. The new breed of POGASI (PO Grati Hasil Seleksi) Agrinak cattle is formed to have optimal productivity in provision of low-quality feed. Ongole Crossed (OC) cattle from selection at farmers in 2002 - 2003, are developed in experimental stall at Beef Cattle Research Station by gradually selected and regulation of mating into optimum excellence in providing low quality feed (low crude protein and energy but high crude fiber, made from agricultural by-products and by-products of processing agricultural products), continuously extorting for 14 years. In 2017, the new breed beef cattle, POGASI Agrinak, is formed which is the fourth generation. POGASI cattle has penotypic performance specific, likes body color is yellowish white, short and large horns, hump grows upward, screw is small but wide, body weight and size are greater and ability to utilize feed nutrients is better than compared to OC cattle. POGASI cattle are suitable to be cultivated in marginal areas where feed availability is limited in quality and quantity.

Formation, Penotypic Performance, New Breed, POGASI Agrinak Cattle

Breeding and livestock production


Genetic polymorphisms of Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) gene and its effect to litter size in Peranakan Ettawa goats
Khairul Akbar Karimuddin1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1* and Lellah Rahim1

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Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

1 Animah Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University (Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, 90245. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

The research is designed to identify the IGF-1 gene polymorphism association with litter size of Etawa Grade goats. This research used 48 Etawa Grade female goat bloods samples that has given birth more than once taken from Polewali Mandar regency of West Sulawesi province. Blood samples was collected via the jugular vein in vacutainer tubes containing EDTA anticoagulant to prevent blood clots and followed by DNA extraction. Then, the genetic variation of this gene candidates identified using Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. IGF-1 gene polymorphisms were detected by cutting amplimer using restriction enzyme Haelll. The research results indicate that gene polymorphism is found in exon 4 gene IGF-1. This is the transition GG/CC in which two alleles in the population found. The frequency of allele A is 0,72, while allele B is 0,28. The results of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for each region using the chi-square formula is 0,248 which is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P>0.05). Value of heterazygocity (He) is 0,409 which indicates that the value of genetic diversity of PE goats is low. IGF-1 genotype of Polimorphism / Haelll has a significant effect on the litter size (P<0.01), Average litter size for each genotype was different (AA genotipe = 1,95 ± 0,55, AB = 1,73 ± 0,73 and BB = 1,67 ± 0,29). This shows that there is difference in litter size for each types of genotype and AA genotype tends to have higher litter size. Allele A has higher litter size effect compares to allele B. Therefore, IGF-1/Haelll genotypes can be used as a genetic marker for litter size selection.

Polymorphism, IGF-1 gene, Ettawa goats,

Breeding and livestock production


Identification of Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) disease-carrying alleles in Dairy Cattle from Enrekang Regency
Kurniah Kamaruddin1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1, Herry Sonjaya1 and Nurul Purnomo2

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Corresponding Author
M Ihsan A Dagong

1. Animal Husbandry Study Program, Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University
2. Animal Husbadry Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang

Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) disease is a genetic disorder that causes increased ammonia in the blood circulation. In order not to spread the disease, it is advisable to avoid the spread of Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) disease-carrying alleles in the dairy cow population. This study aims to identify the distribution of allele carriers of Bovine Citrullinaemia (BC) in dairy cows in the Enrekang regency using PCR- RFLP method. A total of 80 DNA samples originating from the dairy development center in Enrekang (50 heads from Cendana and 30 heads from Angeraja district). DNA samples were amplified by PCR, PCR products were then cut using Ava II restriction enzymes. Identification of BC alleles carriers were calculated based on genotype and allele frequencies. These research found that about 0.6% of Bovine Citrullinaemia recessive allele frequencies in Enrekang and still relatively very low.

Dairy Cattle, Genetic Disorder, Bovine Citrullinaemia, Carriers Heterozygot

Breeding and livestock production


Ganda A. Septiyawan, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati and Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

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1. Animal Husbandry Study Program, Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University
2. Laboratory of Animal Breeding and Genetic, Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University

Utilization of local goats in Indonesia with good genetic potential, cannot be characterized and utilized optimally causing the population to be endangered. The Marica goat is one of Indonesias endemic goats found in the provinces of South Sulawesi including Maros and Jeneponto. The Marica Goat is currently difficult to find and the estimated population is unknown. For the interest of conservation of Marica goats as native goats of South Sulawesi, information is needed about the character or morphology of the Marica goats, which focus in Maros and Jeneponto. Research material is Marica goat and Kacang goat with a minimum age of T2 (2-3 years). The data obtained were processed descriptive, calculated average values, standard deviation values, coefficient of variation values, and analyzed in correlation and cumulative index calculated. The results of the quantitative traits identification of Marica goats have smaller body measurement compared to Kacang goats. Marica goats and Kacang goats have a percentage coefficient of variation that has a high level of homogeneity (CV <20%).

Local Goat, Marica Goat, Quantitative Traits.

Breeding and livestock production


Morphological and Mating Behavioral Characteristics Bali Polled Cattle
Zulkharnaim, S. Baco, M. Yusuf, and L. Rahim

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Zulkharnaim Zulkharnaim

Department of Animal Production, Animal Husbandry Faculty

This research aimed to identify morphological characteristics Bali polled cattle and to know the mating behavioral characteristics of Bali polled male. This research used 100 head samples, including 11 head of polled cattle and 89 head of horned cattle. Identification of morphological characteristics using t-test independent sample and mating behavioral characteristics using analysis Completely Randomized Design. The results showed that the morphological characteristics Bali polled cattle were not significantly different with Bali horned. The mating behavioral characteristics of Bali polled cattle were not significantly different with Bali horned.

Bali polled cattle, morphological characteristics, mating behavioral

Breeding and livestock production


Morphometrics of Etawah Grade Goat Females as Dairy Breeding Stocks under Intensive Management System in Central Java
A. Anggraeni, L. Praharani, F. Saputra, and C. Sumantri

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Corresponding Author
Anneke Anggraeni

Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production

Body measurements and their intercorrelations can be used as initial indicators of measurements, and to estimate chest girth from other body measurement(s) in EG goat females kept under an intensive management at one government dairy station in Purwokerto District, Central Java. Samples were Etawah Grade (EG) goat performance-based selection for good EG dairy breeding stocks.The aims of this research were to study characteristics of morphometric, to investigate inter-correlation among body females specified as breeding stocks of dairy goat tpe kept under an intensive management of the Government Dairy Breeding Station at BBPTU Baturraden, Purwokerto District, Central Java. A total of 50 EG females at the ages of 1-6 years old were measured for some body measurements. Averages of body measurements of the observed EG goat females increased by the ages. The averages of body sizes at the ages of 2 years old for SH, HH, BL, CG and HG were successively 75.0±11.1 cm, 79.8±1.8 cm, 65.3±1.8 cm, 77.0±3.9 cm, and 82.8±0.4 cm. At the mature ages (5 years old), compared to the young ones (2 years old), EG females had higher values of SH, HH, BL, CG, and HG by 6.3%, 1.8%, 17,9%, 18,0%, and 16,3%.CG had the highest correlation to HG (rs = 0.837-0.858) and CG was accurately predicted by HG or by the combination of HG to another body sizes. High inter-correlations were found among certain body measurement(s) of the EG dairy goat females.

Dairy goat, body measurement, and breeding stock.

Breeding and livestock production


Preliminary study on birth weight performance of Bali Banteng cross in UPT-PTHPT Livestock and Animal Health Service of South Sulawesi Province
Muhammad Gassing1, Lellah Rahim1, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1*, Nurlina Saking2, Set Pasino2 dan Mayrawaty Arifin2

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Corresponding Author
Lellah Rahim

1 Animal Husbandry Study Programme, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 UPT-PTHPT Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Banteng is a wild ancestor of Bali cattle that currently exists and is a potential source of genes for improving the genetic quality of local cattle currently available, including Bali cattle. The aim of this study was to identify the performance of birth weight from Bali Banteng cross (F2 = 75% Bali: 25% Banteng) that were developed in the UPT-PTHPT of Livestock and Animal Health Service Office of South Sulawesi Province. This study used 12 of Bali Banteng cross calves (7 females and 5 males), these calves were the result of cross mating between Bali cows with Bali Banteng cross (F1 50% Banteng and 50% Bali) bull with AI technology. The parameters measured were birth weight and calf body dimensions at birth (birth weight). The results showed that the birth weight of male calves had a higher weight (15.80 vs. 15.29 kg), as well as the performance of body dimensions ie. body length, chest circumference, and height showed that male calves had higher performance. The conclusion of this preliminary study was the growth performance of male Bali Banteng cross calves have better growth performance than female calves, and this correspond with several report that shows the superior performance of male calves rather than female performances.

Bali cattle, Banteng cross, Birth weight performance, Genetic improvement

Breeding and livestock production


Lellah Rahim1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1* and Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong

Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University (Jln. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 10, Tamalanrea, 90245. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Goats are one of the mainstay commodities for farmers in rural areas, especially in several development centers in the Sulawesi region, Indonesia. Generally the local goats that are kept are Kacang goats which are the type of broiler, but since the introduction of the Ettawa breed most of the goat population that is currently being kept is from the Peranakan Ettawa (PE) goat which is a cross between Kacang and Ettawa goats which later develop into dual-purpose goats (meat and milk). The purpose of this study was to characterize the phenotypic (qualitative and quantitative) properties of Ettawa crossbreed goats which were maintained by communities in the Sulawesi region, Indonesia. This study used a survey method by identifying the qualitative and quantitative performance of the Ettawa crossbreed goat population. Characterization activities carried out were to identify the performance criteria of qualitative traits which included the characteristics of horn color and shape and quantitative properties such as body weight, height, body length and chest circumference and chest width. A total of 113 goats (111 females and 2 male Ettawa breeds) were selected to be used as samples from the existing goat population. Peranakan Ettawa breeding performance based on morphometric data included the characteristics of shoulder height (67.98 ± 5.61 cm), back height (71.34 ± 5.73 cm), body length (71.70 ± 6.46 cm), chest circumference (72.19 ± 6.46 cm), chest width (15.41 ± 1.86 cm) and body weight (33.04 ± 6.09 kg). The qualitative and quantitative performance of Ettawa breeds in South Sulawesi is very diverse and does not meet national quality standards (SNI).

Peranakan Ettawa, Selection, Qualitative trait, Quantitative trait, Performance

Breeding and livestock production


The body condition and reproduction performances of Bali cattle cows through the improved feeding in intensive management system
Sudirman Baco1*, Ratmawati Malaka1, Zulkharnaim1 , and Muhammad Hatta1

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Corresponding Author
Sudirman Baco

1Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar 90245 South Sulawesi, Indonesia

*e-mail address: sudirmanbaco[at]; sudirmanbaco[at]

Abstract. Bali cows are native livestock in Indonesia which are widely farmed by farmers in eastern Indonesia, due to their high level of adaptation to the environment, but with traditional management, performance is very low. Therefore it is necessary to improve management through improved feed. A study was conducted to determine body condition and reproductive performance of Bali cattle in the breeding period with an intensive management system. A total of 15 dams of Bali cattle reared in a group pen with one head bull. The breeding system, which was implemented in a natural mating system, where the male bull was released together in one pen continuously. Concentrate feed was given 1.5 % of body weight of livestock and forage/grass ad-libitum. Parameters were observed included body condition score (BCS), the first postpartum estrus, pregnancy rate and service per conception (S/C). The results showed that the improvement of feeding the management in the breeding period after calving: 1) improving the body condition of the dams from 5.40.8 to 6.31.0 during the first 3 months with an intensive maintenance system and 6.70.8 during the first 6 months of maintenance. 2) The first estrus post parturition was 64.531.5 days. 3) Gestation/ pregnancy rate for 3 months in the improved feeding on the intensive rearing was 53.8% with S/C 2.20.5 and 100% pregnancy rates with S/C 2.50.8 during the first 6-months in the improved feeding on the maintained intensive system.

Keywords: Body condition score (BSC), Post Partum Estrus (PPE), Service per Conception (S/C), Bali Cattle, Intensive Management System (IMS).

Breeding and livestock production


The Economic Value of Beef Cattle Through IB and Natural Mating in Farmers
Chalid Talib, S. Rusdiana and D.A. Kusumaningrum

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Corresponding Author
Sri Purwanti

Indonesian Research Institute of Animal Production Ciawi-Bogor Po.Box.221 Bogor

The aim of this study was to determine the economic value of beef cattle through IB with the elite bulls and natural mating in farmers. The study was conducted in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province in 2017, in 2 Sub-districts (Bajeng and Pallangga) and 9 Villages (Pabantengan, Pallangga, Maceni Baji, Ramba, Todotoa, Bajeng City, Marekaya and Paraikatte). The study used a field survey method, by recording data on the development of beef cattle. Mating activity is carried out with IB and natural mating using bulls and semen from Brahman, Onggole, Angus and Bali. All of the female were Bali dams and Bali heifers which ready to mate as many as 119 animals, where 90 dams would be bred through IB (artificial insemination), and others 29 dams and heifers through natural mating in each farmer. Primary and secondary data are analyzed descriptively, qualitatively, quantitatively, and economically. The results showed the net profit of farmers who joined IB amounting to IDR.266,712,000/year, net profits of farmers amounting to IDR.3,292,740/farmer, R/C 1.80. Net profits for farmers participating in natural mating are IDR. 32,027,000/year, the farmers net profit of IDR. 1,104,379/farmer, R/C 1.27. The income of farmers from IB calf is higher than the income derived from calves from natural mating. The price of female and male calf is influenced by sire breeds, body weight and calf performance. The beef Bali cattle business, which is breeding through IB and nature mating, is economically feasible to be re-cultivated.

economic value, beef cattle, IB, natural mating

Breeding and livestock production


The genetic quality improvement of native and local chickens to increase production and meat quality in order to build the Indonesian chicken industry
Cece Sumantri1, Isyana Khaerunnisa2 and Asep Gunawan1

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Cece Sumantri

1Division of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Department of Animal Production and Technology, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
2Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bandung Raya, Bandung, Indonesia

Native and local chickens play an important role in the development of the local chicken industry in rural communities. Local chicken industry significantly contributes to the income value of national agricultural development as well as become an important foundation in building food self-sufficient. Indonesia has a wealth of genetic resources of native and local chicken with abundant genetic diversity, but has not been managed and utilized properly. In Indonesia, local chicken agribusiness is less developed due to lack of genetic improvement and has a direct impact with the very low contribution of meat and eggs. Indonesia has a variety of genetic sources for native and local chickens spread throughout the region. Native and local chickens have a significant contribution to the rural economy, however its production is still limited. Despite its low productivity, native chicken production is very important for rural communities. However, they face challenges how to increase the productivity of their population, which can benefit them financially and increase food security and reach market potential. This native chicken has the characteristics of slow growth and varied egg production. The development of the potential of native chicken and related issues of food security and food independence, local chicken is suitable for this. Information on the performance and productivity of local chickens is needed for local chicken development. Potential local chickens such as pelung chickens are known as singer chickens with a large body frame. Sentul chickens are another potential local chicken, known as meat-producing chickens with good egg production. Through breeding programs (selection and crossing), increasing the productivity of meat and eggs of native chicken can be done effectively. In addition, improving the quality of local chickens can be improved through conventional feeding management. The availability of selected local chicken in accordance to market demand is still limited. To overcome the lack of selected local chicken, the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB has been developing superior local chicken breed since 2012-2018 namely IPB-D1. The up-to-date Next Generation Sequencing technology through RNA Sequencing can identify candidate genes and potential SNPs quickly, thoroughly and comprehensively, as biomarkers for increasing both productivity (egg production, growth rate, and resistant to diseases) and meat quality (tenderness, flavor, meat fiber and fatty acid composition). During the last 6 years (2012-2018), several studies have been conducted on genes related to various trais: (1) disease resistance: toll receptor-4 (TLR4), mycovirus-1 (Mx-1), natural resistance associated macrophage-1 (NRAMP-1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), transforming growth factor β (TGF β) genes; (2) meat production: growth hormonr receptor (GH-r), growth hormone secretogauge receptor (GHSR) genes; (3) meat quality: calpastatine (CAST), calpain (CLP)

Native and local chicken, Genetic improvement, poultry chicken industry

Breeding and livestock production


The Mitochondria DNA D-loop Diversity of Bali Cattle in Breeding Centers
Hikmawaty1, Jakaria2, A. Gunawan2, M.I.A Dagong3, L. Rahim3

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Corresponding Author
Hikmawaty Hikmawaty

1 Faculty of Animal Husbndry and Fisheries, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Jl. Prof. Dr. H. Baharuddin Lopa, SH, MH Talumung Majene 91413, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University, Jl. Agatis, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan km.10 Makassar 90245, Indonesia

Bali cattle is one important native cattle breeds of Indonesia which are contributing to the development of livestock and devote meat production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic profiles using of mtDNA D-loop method in Breeding centers Bali cattle which consist BPTU Pulukan (Bali), BPTHMT Serading (West Nusa Tenggara) and VBC Barru district (South Sulawesi). The complete D-loop sequences, 1145bp in length, 48 individual sample from three breeding centers (24 males and 24 females) were analyzed. mtDNA D-loop amplification were performed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The Molecular data of the D-loop mtDNA sequences were aligned and analyzed with reference (Bos indicus and Bos taurus) from GenBank using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) and MEGA version 5.0 software. The analyzedsequences length of the D-loop mtDNA was performed on 410 bp. The result of the mtDNA D-loop showed that there were 84 site varation were 2 site deletion, 8 site insertion and 74 site substitution of mtDNA D-loop Bali cattle. The nucleotide sequences of Bali cattle had a common Bali cattle in BPTU to BPTHMT with genetic distance more closely than the Bali cattle of VBC. It can be concluded that D-loop mtDNA could be used as potential candidate marker to differentiate and grouping in breeding centers of Bali cattle.

mtDNA D-loop, diversity, marker, Bali cattle

Breeding and livestock production


Water Buffalo Production and Breeding Management Practices Under Smallholder Farming System: A Review
Peregrino G. Duran1, Danilda H. Duran1, Saturnino M. Francis2, Joel C. Salazar3 and Lellah Rahim4

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1Philippine Carabao Center, National Headquarters and Gene Pool, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines;
Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
2Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines
3Pampanga State Agricultural University, Magalang, Pampanga, Philippines
4Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

Water buffalo has an important role in the agricultural economy of many developing countries in Asian source of milk, meat and draft power; security of living that requires minimum inputs; and also due to its unique characteristics which is resistance to diseases and parasites, long productive lifespan and higher capability of consuming low quality forage that can positively address the challenges by increasing rustic livelihood, poverty alleviation and food security. The data on the water buffalo productivity and related aspect of breeding management practices particularly at the village level farming system is relatively scarce and population growth rate is slow. Water buffalo production lags and has a reputation of being poor breeders due to a propensity for long calving intervals, high incidence of postpartum anestrus and late age of maturity. The lack of water buffalo development may be related to many factors and problems ranging from practical husbandry, genetic and environment with limited attention given. Even though various animal breeding and management programs have contributed to this improvement, there are constraints hampering the growth which require proper attention by initiating realistic breeding policies for genetic improvement. In view of this, optimum breeding policies are presented with their strengths and shortcomings. In order to improve them, systematic breeding is necessary. By focusing on important aspects, such as productivity and development, milk and meat production and quality, disease resistance, longevity, heat stress tolerance, and fertility, this review can serve as a foundational piece for those studying this animal species. The review paper gave an account of the water buffalo production trend highlighting the population, breeding management practices, breeding progress and update information on genetic strategies and the breeding policy of the water buffalo breeds for meat and milk production and grading up low producing animals with breeds of superior genetic merit. Characteristics were described, breeds and types of water buffalo with special attention to the introduction of this species and the crossbreed phenomena between river (2n=50) and swamp (2n=48) types, giving origin to a (2n=49) crossbred. Draft animal production is another economic performance that was emphasized as important mainly among smallholder farms. The importance of water buffalo to the economic and social framework especially of the small and landless rural poor in several countries of Asia. The potential for breeding improvement of certain traits was discussed. Some major national and international efforts being made to improve water buffalo production have also been cited. This also summarized current knowledge and addresses potential of modern scientific approaches, draw the present scenario of water buffalo production to improve productivity and their contributions to the global economy and provided current agriculture determina

Water Buffalo; Breeding; Smallholder Farming System

Breeding and livestock production


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