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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

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Problem solving improvement through the teaching factory model
S Subekti*, Ana A, M S barliana, and I Khoerunnisa

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Corresponding Author
Sri Subekti

Study Program of Technology and Vocational Education, Post-Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No 207 Bandung 40154

The dominance of Indonesias youth unemployment rate is currently occupied by vocational school graduates. The incompatibility of competencies prepared in vocational schools with the competencies needed by the labour market triggers this unemployment rate. Discussion of employability skills as a basic skill is high among human resource developers. The learning process must pay attention to the profile of labour needed so that the gap can be overcome. This study aims to measure the increase in employability skills in problem solving skills of students through teaching factory model. The study sample was 60 students from vocational schools who conducted teaching factory on bread production in West Java. Improved problem solving skills are measured based on 5 indicators, are work safety, managing facilities, making decisions, knowing how to learn, and solving problems. 37 competency units are prepared based on national work standards as a guideline for measuring students problem solving skills. Achievement of employability skills in problem solving skills of students in SMKN 1 Pacet is higher than SMKN 1 Cibadak, and SMKN 2 Subang. The causes of differences in the achievement of employability skills are discussed.

Problem solving; teaching factory model

Sample Topic


Problem-Based Learning Devices Oriented of Green Chemistry in Reaction Rate Concept
Nurul Fauziah (a*), Yayuk Andayani (b), Aliefman Hakim (b)

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a) Postgraduated student of Science Education, University of Mataram. Jalan Majapahit No. 62, Lombok, Indonesia
b) Science Education, Postgraduated Program, University of Mataram. Jalan Majapahit No. 62, Lombok, Indonesia

Chemistry learning should be able to facilitate students to have 21st century competencies and skills and also conservative attitude towards the environment. However, in its implementation was encountered obstacles, one of which is the problem of representative learning devices. The aims of study to produce and discover the quality of problem-based learning devices oriented to green chemistry in the reaction rate concept. Learning device consists of syllabus, lesson plan, student worksheet, modules, and test instruments. This research and development adapted Nieveens model which consisted of four stages: preliminary research, prototyping stage, summative evaluation, and reflection and documentation. The quality of the learning devices developed was measured through analysis of validity and practicality. Product validity assessment used validation questionnaires distributed to experts, the data obtained were analyzed by using the content validity formula. Practicality used response questionnaires assessed by teachers and students, and implementation of learning was analyzed by using a percentage of practicality. This study resulted in the average of content validity being 0,67 categorized valid. The practicality percentage of each espect is 90,87%, 80,06%, and 80,56% catogorized highly practical. The concluded that learning devices developed fulfills the criteria for developing quality products that are valid and practical.

Learning devices, problem-based, green chemistry, reaction rate concept.



Product Marketing Strategy in Micro and Medium Enterprises by Utilizing E-Commerce
Rina Kurniawati (a*), Leni Fitriani (b)

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Corresponding Author
rina kurniawati

a) Department of Industry Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia

The development of business world cannot be separated from the important role held by smart and innovative thinkers. The innovation and creativity of these thinkers bring in products that have high selling value. Dinas Koperasi and SMEs of Garut presents Parigel as a Business Empowerment and Development service for Micro Business doers. Parigel facilitates the promotion and marketing of Micro Business doers products which is intended to bring Garut Government services closer to the community. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the business marketing strategy that is carried out by utilizing E-Commerce. This research used qualitative and descriptive method with a case study approach. The result of this study indicate that selling and marketing products through cyberspace has many advantages, namely; it has broad coverage, it is not constricted by space and time, and it can be done anytime and anywhere. Therefore, E-commerce is worth trying in order to help developing Micro and Medium Enterprises in Garut.

Marketing; Strategy; Micro; Medium Enterprises; E-Commerce

Industry Engineering


Product Quality Control based on Lean Manufacturing and Root Cause Analysis Methods
Wiwik Sulistiyowati1, Muhammad Rizal Adamy2, Ribangun Bamban Jakaria3

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Corresponding Author
Wiwik Sulistiyowati

1,2,3 Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Product quality is one of the most important things in a product offered. Flat glass is one of the many products produced because of high consumer demand. This requires the company to run the production process well to produce products that meet consumer expectations. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and amount of waste in the glass-making production process and analyze the root causes of the glass-making process. The method used in this study is a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches, which are directly measured using the Lean Manufacture concept approach. Lean manufacturing is a production activity that focuses on reducing waste in all aspects of the companys production activities. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the cause of reject is influenced by two factors, namely humans and machines, human factors due to not running the standard operational procedure (SOP) properly, the factors of the machine due to not doing the appropriate machine settings at a particular station.

Lean Manufacturing, Product Quality, Root Cause Analysis.

Industry Engineering


Product Testing of Recycled Dried Coconut Leaf Ash and Olive Oil for Forehead Makeup of Solo Putri Style Bride
Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati1*, Jenny Sista Siregar1, Islamudin Ahmad2

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Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati

1Department of Cosmetology, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, East Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia
2Department of Phytochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia

Background. Pidih is a cosmetic used on Javanese bride-s foreheads called paes. Peel material that is commonly used is wax which is colored as desired and has easy sticking properties. Objective. The objective of this research is to provide an alternative use of natural ingredients for pidih that used on the brides forehead makeup. Methods. Experiment was conducted to obtain black powder made from recycled dried coconut leaves and olive oil with the appropriate composition, and then applied as paes in the Solo putri style bride. Results. The use of cosmetics with natural ingredients, the leaves of dried coconut and olive oil, produce black, shiny, easily painted on the forehead, and rather oily. The cosmetic material can be used as an alternative for pidih that is made of wax. Conclusion. Alternative boiling from the ash of dried coconut leaves can be used as a substitute for conventional pidih.

pidih, dried coconut leaf, olive oil, forehead makeup, bride



Production capacity and raw material storage capacity in agriculture-based industries
Yusuf Mauluddin

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Yusuf Mauluddin

Departement of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

The purpose of this study is to find production capacity and storage capacity of raw material warehouses in agriculture-based industries. It is a concern; the supply of raw materials can only be done during the harvest period while production must continue throughout the year. This case occurs in the coffee processing industry, where the supply of raw materials for the harvest period is from April to August while production must be carried out every day throughout the year. To model, the problem is used by simulation using deterministic variables. Various capacity scenarios are tested to see system performance. The results obtained show maximum production capacity is to follow working hours with a minimum raw material storage capacity&

production capacity, storage capacity

Industry Engineering


Production of Stringbean (Phaseolus vulgaris.L) using Phosphate Solubizing Bacteria and Natural Phosphat Fertilizer in Acid Soil
Cecep Hidayat, M. Agfar Pratama, Adjat Sudrajat

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Corresponding Author
cecep hidayat

Agrotechnology Dept, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Acid soil can be used for land extensification, but need input technology in order these soil to give maximum support for crop growth. The aim of the reserach was to know the effect of Phosphate Solubizing Bacteria and Natural Phosphat Fertilizer on the production of Stringbean ( Phaseolus vulgaris.L ) The aim of the research was AMF and organic matter on the growth and yield of Capsicum annum L. A field trial at Unpad research station 768 m abl had been carried out using randomized block design two factors with factorial pattern and three replications. The first factor is Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (0 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 30 ml, while the second factor is the type of natural phosphate fertilizer (Guano 120g polybag-1, rock phosphate 120g polybag-1 and crab flour 120g polybag-1). The results showed there was no interaction effect of Phosphate Solubizing Bacteria and Natural Phosphat Fertilizer on harvest index. The type of natural phosphate fertilizer has an independent effect on leaf area and pod dry weight.

Phosphate Solubizing Bacteria, Natural Phosphat Fertilizer, Acid Soil, Production



Angga Dewi Anggraeni

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Angga Dewi Anggraeni

Politeknik Pos Indonesia

e-Toll is an electronic card used to pay for toll road entry fees in parts of Indonesia. E-Toll users only need to attach a card to pay the toll in 4 seconds, faster than when paying in cash that takes 7 seconds. The use of e-Toll also reduces operational costs because only costs are needed to collect, deposit and transfer cash to and from the Bank. In addition to being the first step in modernizing money collection, the use of e-Toll is also intended to reduce violations because toll officers do not receive payments directly. However, the policy of using e-Toll on the toll road certainly has an impact on the number of employees at the toll booths, which are not small. The situation as described above occurs at PT. Jasa Marga Purbaleunyi branch which is engaged in services, especially Toll Road maintenance services. In this case the author is interested in knowing more about the Professional Transfer Program and its influence on employee psychology at PT. Jasa Marga Cab. Purbaleunyi. PT Jasa Marga establishes a cashless policy or the implementation of a non-cash payment system which is a direct program from the government. With the existence of this policy, Jasa Marga issued a Professional Transfer policy for employees at the Toll Gate. Based on research results, 82% of the Toll Gate employees who participated in this program felt that Professional Transfer was the right solution for employees affected by the cashless policy. So it was concluded that the Professional Transfer Policy was the right solution in dealing with cashless policies.

Profession Transfer. Cashless Policy. e-toll

Management Science


Profile Affective Abilities of Vocational Students in Electrical Energy Conservation
Agus Kurniawan (a,b)*, Nuryani Y Rustaman (a), Ida Kaniawati (c), and Lilik Hasanah (c)

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Corresponding Author
Agus Kurniawan

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Program Studi Teknologi dan Informasi, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Daarut Tauhiid, Jl. Gegerkalong Girang Kav. 25-26, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview profile of the affective abilities of vocational students about the discourse of electrical energy conservation. The research method used is qualitative research which aims to explain the phenomenon of problems experienced by students in understanding the concept of electricity. Research activities are carried out in the odd semester of the school year 2017/2018. The subjects of the study were the students of class X in one of the Private Vocational Schools in Bandung consisting of one class chosen at random (random sampling). The results showed that the profile of affective ability which is a result of representation of the value or energy-saving attitude of students in SMK S Bandung is still low. This can be seen from the value of the average achievement of affective goals the willingness to respond, satisfaction in response, acceptance of value, preference for a value, commitment, and conceptualisation of values of 0.49 which is still in the low category. This shows that physics learning, especially on the concept of electricity at the SMK level has not been oriented towards affective goals.

Electrical energy conservation; Affective goals; Vocational school



Profile of abortion in West Lombok
I Putu Arya Winata, Saktivi Harkitasari

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Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

Abortion is the end of pregnancy before the age of 20 weeks. Abortion is commonly happened in pregnancy. Abortion can be harmful to the mother and can cause death. Maternal death rate in Indonesia is currently still quite high, reaching 359 per 100,000 live births. The risk factors of abortion are the amount of the workload and maternal age at pregnancy and parity. In this study, the factors that become the determinants in the occurrence of abortion are found. The research was conducted in West Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara with cross sectional method and sampling technique using systematic random sampling, there were 64 samples. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires which are then analyzed by using computer application. The result of this research shows that the majority of abortion patients are at the age of 20-30 years with 17 respondents (68.00%), in education category, it shows that the majority of abortion patients in primary, junior high, and senior high school are 26 respondents (57.78%). The occupation category also shows more abortion patients in the heavy workload with 22 respondents (56.40%) and in parity category, the majority of patients which experienced abortion in two times parity are 18 respondents (54.55%). It is hoped that health workers will prioritize protective measures and adequate service approach, besides it is expected that the health service center develops a supportive health promotion program

Abortion, Determinants, West Lombok regency



Ida farida, Andri Krisdian, Eko Walujodjati

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ida farida

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Program Studi Teknik Sipil
Jl. Mayor Syamsu No 1 Jayaraga Tarogong kidul Garut Jawa Barat Indonesia

The proportion of concrete material affects the strength of concrete. The innovation of a mixture of waste red bricks can be used in concrete. The research method used experiments in the laboratory with normal concrete compressive strength compared to the composition of the mixture of red brick waste in the proportion of 25% and 50% based on SNI. The research objective was to find out the limits of the proportion of the design strength of normal K-200 concrete and by adding red brick waste as a fine aggregate substitute. The results of the use test with 25% and 50% of red brick waste are able to achieve the strength of the plan with reference to a normal concrete comparison so that the material is feasible as a substitute material. The addition of 50% waste is able to reach K-200 but compared to an additional 25%, there is a decrease in strength at 7 days at 16.7%, age 14 days by 20%, and age 24 days at 36.8%. Recommendation for the limit of the proportion of adding red brick waste to 25%.

age of concrete, fine aggregate, K-200, normal concrete, red brick, the strength of concrete

Civil Engineering


Prototype of Decision Support System for Wind Detection based on Optocoupler and Magnetic Sensor
Yosep Septiana (a*), Dede Kurniadi (a), Asri Mulyani (a), Andika Raja Sonang Munthe (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yosep Septiana

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Measurement of wind speed and direction can be done by observation using a measuring instrument in the form of an anemometer, but the results are not accurate. The research aims to design prototype decision support system based on an optocoupler and magnetic sensor for wind detection that works automatically detects speed and direction of the wind. The software development model used is the Prototype Model. The result of this research is a prototype wind detector that can be used to determine the speed and direction of the wind in an area. The information produced can be used for decision support systems as a reference for mapping the potential of wind energy in an area and determining the timing for fishing.

Magnetic Sensor; Optocoupler; Prototype; Wind Detection

Computer Science


Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software Development to Understand Personality Types in Writing and Developing Writing Skill Competencies
Anas Ahmadi

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Anas Ahmadi

Indonesian Language & Literature, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

The current trend in the issue of writing research is interdisciplinary. Therefore, in this study linking interdisciplinary studies between the study of science, psychology, and writing. In this regard, this study aims to develop and explore the development of the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software in creative writing. This research was initiated in 2015 by developing the book Psychowriting (2015). Furthermore, this year, software developed Psychowriting Types Indicators (PTI). This research is urgent to develop and recognize personality types in writing which have not been "touched" in research writing. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. The data analysis technique uses three stages, (1) the stage of developing the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) Software, (2) the stage of the Psychowriting Types Indicator (PTI) practice, (3) the analysis phase, (4) the data presentation stage, and (5 ) inference stage. The research respondents were 42 students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Department who programed the Writing Skills course. The results and discussion of the study indicate that the personality type in writing is divided into (1) the type of personality of the abstractive writer is 26 percent; (2) the type of melancholis writer personality amounts to 10 percent; (3) intuitive personality types as much as 31 percent; (4) thinker personality types totaling 5 percent; (5) explanatory personality types totaling 9 percent; (6) masculine personality types totaling 7 percent; (7) feminist personality types totaling 6 percent; (8) expressive personality types totaling 6 percent. Conclusion shows that the highest personality type in writing is the intuitive category, while the lowest type is the type of thinker category

software, psychowriting type indicators, writing

Computer Science


Public Knowledge in Changes of Fossil Fuel Become Biofuel on the Transportation Sector
Rinna Untari (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), and Budi Harjanto (a)

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Corresponding Author
Rinna Untari

(a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

The Government of Indonesia through Vision Energy 25/25 saves energy by saving fossil fuels. One sector that consume the largest fossil fuel is transportation. Through the vision, this sector has a great opportunity to make savings by converting fossil fuels into biofuels as stipulated in the mandatory B20 policy. The success of the implementation of the policies depends on providing socialization to the public. Therefore, the objective of this study is to collect the information about the level of knowledge of the community in receiving information about the use of biofuels in the transportation sector. This is a quantitative study using a questionnaire in data collection, finding that peoples understanding of biofuels, including the perception and information of biofuels, still needs to be improved. The results of the research can be used to assist in the planning, implementation and evaluation of policies made in the use of biofuels in the transportation sector in Indonesia.

biofuel, fossil fuel, public knowladge, transportation, energy policy

Mechanical Engineering


T Hermina, H Rismanto, R Nurhasan, M Aprilianti

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Rohimat Nurhasan

Universitas Garut

Abstract. Trust can be the key to successfully so that products offered appeals a decision of the purchase of consumers .This study aims to to analyze the influence of consumer confidence to the design of a web of the decision of the purchase by indonesia milenial generation among all these online store .The collection of data is collected through the distribution of such against 100 generation milenial online users store who has committed transactions once or more .The research results show that consumer confidence have a positive influence significant of the decision of the purchase of where the higher consumer confidence to the design of encourage a tendency website on the buyer to buy .This study affirms that a business online elements need to do is to design a web that was able to attract consumers in doing the purchase decision

consumers, milenial generation, website

Management Science


Purchase Intention Based on Environmental Knowledge
Doni Purnama Alamsyah, Bambang Sukajie, Chairil M Noor

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Doni Purnama Alamsyah

Universitas BSI

Customer behavior in doing the purchasing of environmental friendly products is influenced by customer knowledge to environment. It becomes a study background of the correlation of environmental knowledge and green purchase intention. Experimental study is conducted by survey to 100 customers of Supermarket who have knowledge for environmental friendly products. Research testing through hypothesis test is based on quantitative questionnaire. Research finding is known that customer green purchase intention for environmental friendly product can be started by environmental knowledge. The highest knowledge that is most famous by customer for environmental friendly products relates to information of no animal testing on product, organic vegetables, unleaded petrol, and minimum information of materials on product. Environmental knowledge is important to be improved to customer; it encourages the growth of environmental friendly products and healthy lifestyle.

Environmental Knowledge, Purchase Intention, Customer Behavior

Management Science


Puzzle Game Solving with Breadth First Search Algorithm
Robbi Rahim(a), Rohman Dijaya(b), Mochammad Tanzil Multazam(b), Achmad Daengs GS(c), Dadang Sudrajat(d)

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Corresponding Author
Robbi Rahim

a. School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Arau, Malaysia
b. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, indonesia
c. Universitas 45 Surabaya, Indonesia
d. STMIK IKMI Cirebon, Cirebon, Indonesia

Todays games have been played by many people from young to old age. There are many types of games, one of which is a puzzle game. Puzzles, which are brain teasers that challenge the skills of their players, never seem to lose their popularity and are never consumed by age. Puzzle is one type of game that is enough to squeeze the brain to solve it. The solution that can be used to simplify problem solving is to apply a search algorithm that is used to check the initial state to the final state and provide the most optimal solution for completing the puzzle, the algorithm used to solve these problems using the Breadth First Search algorithm. The use of the Breadth First Search algorithm in solving puzzle games can make it easier for users to get the best solution in the form of completion steps and also the possibility of solving various conditions based on the puzzle conditions that you want to solve.

Game Puzzle, Puzzle, Solving, Breadth First Search

Computer Science


Quality of crispy baby fish (oreochromis niloticus) with use of different flours
I Nyoman Wisnu Suantara Putra (a), Ni Made Darmadi (a*), I Made Kawan (a), Dewa Gede Semara Edi (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ni Made Darmadi

a) Water Resources Management Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali
*Email: nimadedarmadi[at]

The group size of seeds below the size of 7 cm which is 20% is not feasible for enlargement, because it tends to harm farmers who are engaged in hatcheries and cultivators, so this type of seed is not utilized optimally. To be able to increase the economic value of seeds less than 7 cm in size, researchers are innovating to make crispy baby fish. In making Crispy Baby fish requires additional ingredients in the form of flour. This study aims to determine the different types of flour that produce the best quality crispy baby fish. The study was conducted in March to April at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. The method used is an experiment with experimental design using a completely randomized design. The results showed the best results in treatment D were the use of three flour mixes namely sago flour, rice and cornstarch, with 30.97% fat content, 49.08% protein content, 17.02% moisture content and ash content 9.80%. Whereas from the observation of the subjective color 9.43%, the smell of 9.40%, the texture of 9.13%, the sense of 9.29% with the criteria is very very favored by the panelists.

crispy baby fish, tilapia, quality



Quality of Malondialdehyde (MDA) Testes of Mice (Mus musculus albinus) After Giving Water Seed Extract and Neem Leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss)
Ratna Dewi Wulaningsih1, Elsa Lisanti1

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Ratna Dewi Wulaningsih

1 Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kampus A, Gedung Hasjim Asjarie Lt. 9. Jl. Rawamangun Muka Jakarta Timur, 13220, Indonesia

One of the compounds contained in neem is flavonoid glycosides, which have anti-fertility effects by reducing hyaluronidase activity, so can prevent penetration of spermatozoa in mice. The mechanism of inhibition of spermatozoa penetration by flavonoids caused by decrease in hyaluronidase activity possible of the influence of gene expression disturbances, so enzyme synthesis decreases. However, the mineral contained in the seeds and leaves of neem can induce oxidative stress in animals, characterized by the increase of Lipid Peroxidation Potential (LPP) in tissues. LPP can be determined by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) molecules taking the standard thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test. Male mice were divided into nine groups: control (C0), Group t1 - t4 were treated by administering water seeds and leaves extract of neem at doses 0.25 and 0.50 mg/kg bw for 36 days through intraperitoneal injection, without reversibility testing, group T5-T8 were treated by administering water seeds and leaves extract of neem at doses 0.25 and 0.50 mg/kg bw for 36 days followed by reversibility testing for 36 days, with four replications. The results showed the administration of water seed and leaves extract of neem could reduce the MDA levels of mice testis. Conclusion is quality of testicular mice is influenced by oxidative stress conditions in male mice.

Water, seeds, leaves, MDA, mice, neem, testis



Railway Level Crossing Warning Design in Rural Area Using Ultrasonic Sensor and Wireless Communication
A Rukmana (a*), A F Ikhsan (a), M M Etnisa (a), H Sulisawati (a), I Nurichsan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ade Rukmana

a) Electrical Engineering Departement, Universitas Garut
Jl. Raya Samarang 52A, Garut, Indonesia
*) ade77rukmana[at]

Collisions between train and roadway user in a level crossing in rural area are the most railway accidents. A warning device for the level crossing is required to avoid the accident between roadway users and the train in the level crossing. The system shall independent from the existing railway system so that no disruption on the traffic of the train. This paper present a level crossing devices system based on ultrasonic sensors and wireless communication. Master control will display the result of detection using buzzer alarm, warning lamp, and train passage direction. Train passage warning with direction help the roadway user to get better awareness of incoming train and eliminate assumption of train passage direction. Especially in double track railway in rural area, in case dual train enter the level crossing from left and right direction, the roadway users sometimes only aware on the first train passage and ignoring the second train and lead to the accident

level crossing, ultrasonic, wireless, train passage, rural area

Electrical Engineering


RE-DESIGN TONY KART MITOX GOKART MODEL (Re-Design Analysis of Chain-Drive Components)
Ibnu Mubarak

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Corresponding Author
Ibnu Mubarak

Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the type of chain suitable for use on karts, besides that this study aimed to determine the safety factors of chain hinges and sprocket gears used in redesigned karts. The method used in this study uses descriptive analysis method, namely by describing the data about the chain wheel on karts, after describing the data, the data are analyzed theoretically about the forces that occur in the chain wheel and the safety of the use of chain wheels used in redesigned karts. After analyzing the data, the results show that the chain wheels on the redesigned kart are safe to use. This is indicated by the acquisition of a hinge safety factor value of 4.02. The results of this study have an impact on the use of chain wheels on the redesigned karts in the safe category to be used for kart racing purposes.

Chain-Drive,RE-DESIGN TONY KART MITOX GOKART MODEL,kart,safety factor

Mechanical Engineering


Diah Mulhayatiah, Dindin Nasrudin, Herni Yuniarti Suhendi, Adam Malik and Nuriah Jamilah

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Diah Mulhayatiah

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This study aims to find out the comparison of students physical problem solving skill in harmonic vibration material between students who use REACT- digital and manual worksheets. The method used is quasi-experiment with the research sample taken from two classes totaling 60 students of Islamic schools. The results showed that there were no differences in problem-solving abilities between students who learned using REACT-digital and those using REACT- manual worksheets, because there is an increase in problem solving skills between those using REACT-based worksheets both digital and manual. Problem solving ability is one of the competencies that can be possessed by students in the development of the 21st century which can be obtained by learning using material teaching like worksheets. This finding provides very interesting recommendations in the preparation of teaching and learning that using teaching materials in the form of worksheets must be made on their own according to the appropriate strategy

21st century skills, Digital media, Harmonic vibration



Readability of Geothermal Energy Information in Vocational Textbooks
Windah Yuniar (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), Ranto(a)

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Corresponding Author
Windah Yuniar

a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

The development of renewable energy in a country is influenced by public understanding by its people and this understanding is influenced by public literacy. To improve this, effort is needed to increase the level public literacy by improving readability. We study the readability of geothermal energy in vocational high school textbooks written in Indonesian. This is conducted because it is considered to have an effect on the low utilization ratio in the country. This readability research uses survey methods with population is student in vocational high school. Text material is read by the respondent and they are asked to give the impression whether the text is easy or difficult to understand. From this study, the factors that influence the ability to understand text information are displayed. The purpose of this study is to improve geothermal energy literacy, there for the application and development of this energy increase in the future.

Readability; Textbooks; Geothermal Energy; Renewable Energy; Vocational Schools

Mechanical Engineering


Reading Literacy on Biology: Measuring and Developing through Cooperative Learning
Rizhal Hendi Ristanto (a*); Ericka Darmawan (b); Ahmad Muhlisin

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Corresponding Author
Rizhal Hendi Ristanto

a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tidar, Indonesia
c) Department of Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tidar, Indonesia

Reading literacy is concerned not only with the ability to understand the meaning of a passage, but also with the behaviors and attitudes that support reading. Biology learning process can not be separated by reading activities. This study aims to determine the effect of Cooperative integrated reading and Composition (CIRC) to reading literacyof students in the context of biology. The research method used is quasy experiment using pretest-postest non equivalent control group design. Independent variable is a learning model, which consists of 2 types of learning model CIRC and conventional learning. The study was conducted in Grade VIII MTS Al-Hidayah Citaringgul, Bogor involving a sample of 66 students. The dependent variable in this study is literacy reading in the context of biology, that is on the material of plant structure and its utilization in technology. The reading literacy instrument was developed by adapting from PISA. The results showed that CIRC had an effect on the literacy of reading students in biological context as evidenced by the result of sig. 0.002 <0.005. CIRC proved to be superior compared to conventional learning in plant structure learning and its utilization on technology with a 2% increase in the increase. CIRC learning can be applied to Biology learning in empowering students reading literacy

Biology; Cooperative learning; CIRC; Reading Literacy



Reality Construction on Framing the Online Islamic Media of Eid Ghadir Culture
Agus Masrukhin (a*), Reiza D Dienaputra (b), Dadang Suganda (b), Titin Nurhayati mamun (b)

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Agus Masrukhin

a) Character Building Development Center, Information
Systems Department, School of Information Systems,
Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
b) Faculty of Culture, Cultural Studies, Padjadjaran
University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

When the Eid-ul-Ghadir celebration will come, often the media of Islamic organizations respond to each other according to their beliefs. not infrequently this is not separated from the ideological setting and vision of the mission of the Islamic organizations standing. so that the construction of the built reality also tends to follow the perspective of each of the online media organizations. The purpose of the article is to get a mapping of the construction of online media Islamic organizations related to the culture of Eid Ghaidr. The framing analysis that will be used is from Gamson and Modigliani, the research will reveal several media online Islamic organizations, including,, and the results of the study indicate that online media is used as a tool to influence the wider community on what they consider to be true in a vulgar and contradictory way.

Framing the Online Islamic Media, Eid ghadir cultture, respond

Computer Science


Reconceptualizing Strategic Management of Information Technology for Organizational Performance
Cepy Slamet [1]; Aedah bt Abdul Rahman [2]; Muhammad Ali Ramdhani [3]

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Cepy Slamet

[1,2] School of ICT, Asia e-University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[1,3] Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

Theoretically, the process of improving organizational performance can be accelerated by information technology (IT). This paper aims to discuss a sharpened concept for improving the performance of an organization. Researchers use different perspectives in formulating the relationships of variables based on the levels of significances towards the value-added creations. These variables include the model and strategy of business, and innovation and deployment of technology. Since the organizational capability parameters change dynamically driven by the rapid of advancing technology, hence the previous paradigms regarding the mapping of variables to organizational performance need to be sharpened. In this paper, we expand presumption for analyzing that other variables such as competitive environment, competitive strategy, and competitive factors influence organizational performance. This study is conducted using an in-depth comparative investigation of existing literature involving some discussion of both Strategic Management of Information Technology (SMIT) framework and model as a piece of literature review in research work. Overall, this initiative is resulting in a proposed formulation of the business model, technological innovation, and strategic alignment as a conceptual framework of SMIT for organizational performance improvement.

organizational performance; business model, technological innovation, strategic alignment, SMIT

Information Engineering


Recovery of soil collembola after forest fires
Maratus Sholikha, Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, Jusuf Subagja

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Maratus Sholikha

1Department of Biology Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH. Nasution 105, Bandung 40614,West Java, Indonesia. 2,3 Department of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jl. Teknika Selatan, Sinduadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman 55281, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Background Forest fires in the slope of Mount Merapi has occurred in 1994, 2002 and 2010. Forest fire has direct effect on soil collembolan. Aim of the Study. This study to investigated of distribution and abundance of soil arthropod after forest fire in Mt. Merapi National Park. The study area was conducted in 1 year-old forest : severe burnt forest (Kis), medium burnt forest (Gam), light burnt forest (Gal); 9 years-old forest (Tub) and (Tub i) that invated of Eupatorium odoratum; 17 years-old forest (KuHt) and unburnt forest. Method Soil samples were collected by Stratified Random Sampling method. The study was conducted in dry and wet season. Result. The highest number of genus in wet season was found in 9 years-old forest (Tub) and in the dry season was found medium burnt forest (Gam). It was 11 and 7 genera respectively. The number of family increase in the wet season in 9, 17 years-old forest and unburned forests, it was namely 5, 4 and 5 families respectively. The dominant family was Onychiuridae, followed by Entomobryidae and Isotomidae. Vegetation growth and stability of habitat conditions were factors that determined the development of soil collembola community. Soil moisture and immigration during the wet season affected on the presence of family, genus and individual of the soil collembola community.

forest fire, soil collembolan, Onychiuridae, Entomobryidae, Isotomidae.



Redesign of Street Lighting using Photometric Computation
Irvan Virgian, Ade Gaffar Abdullah, Hasbullah

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Irvan Virgian

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The use of LED technology in street lighting systems can increase energy efficiency and uniformity. This paper presents the results of redesigning street lighting. Redesign process is carried out to conform to lighting standards. The method used in this paper is the photometric approach and for the simulation process using DIALux Evo software. SNI 7391: 2008 is used as a guide in the process of redesigning. Based on simulation results, the use of LEDs is more efficient than the SOX lamp. LED has been chosen because it had good lighting quality, energy efficient, and durable. The street lighting systems that comply with the standards will provide comfort for road users and minimize the occurrence of crime at night.

street lighting; photometric computation; LED; energy efficiency; uniformity

Electrical Engineering


Reinforcement of chitosan film using cellulose isolated from grass (imperata cylindrica)
Nurradhiyah Az-Zahra, Rahmi*, and Surya Lubis

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Rahmi Rahmi

Chemistry Department, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia.

Cellulose from grass (imperata cylindrica) had been used as reinforcement in chitosan film preparation. Cellulose was obtained from grass through hydrolysis process. Hydrolysis was conducted with different concentration of sulfuric acid at room temperature for 2 h. The results show that the highest crystallinity of cellulose was obtained at sulfuric acid concentration of 40% (v/v) on hydrolysis process. The isolated cellulose with the highest crystallinity was used on chitosan film preparation. Mechanical test shows addition of cellulose into chitosan film improved the tensile strength. The FTIR analysis was used to define the interaction between components. XRD analysis shows the addition of cellulose decrease the crystallinity of chitosan film.

chitosan film; cellulose; grass; hydrolysis; crystallinity; tensile strength



Relationship between breakfast and concentration level in elementary school students in Denpasar in 2017
I Komang Medy Wedhangga, A.A.A. Lila Paramasatiari

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Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract [The Correlation between Breakfast with Level of Concentration in Elementary School-s Pupils in Denpasar City 2017] Breakfast is a meal in the morning, shortly after waking up to 10 (ten) AM. This activity has a purpose to fulfill the body nutrition in the morning before starting the activity. Breakfast is considered important for a pupils which sometimes has a very solid activity in school. In addition, in the academic process pupils need to be in a healthy body condition and have good attention and concentration to catch all the lessons in school. The aim of this research was to find out the correlation between breakfast with the level of concentration in elementary school-s pupils in Denpasar City 2017. The research design was descriptive analytical through cross-sectional approach which was analyzed using Chi-Square statistical test by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows 16.0 (SPSS) program. The research data was primary data gathered with questionnaire form. The amount of the subjects were 96 persons which was selected using multistage cluster random sampling method to an elementary school-s pupils in Denpasar City. The percentage of non-breakfast subject was 35 persons (36,5%) and the breakfast subject was 61 persons (63,5%). The percentages of Concentrations level of breakfast pupils were divided in three categories which were Low (11,48%), Medium (65,57%) and High (22,95%). The result was showed that there was a significant relationship (p<0,05) between breakfast with the level of concentration. The conclusions could be drawn that there was a positive mild relationship between the two variables. It was recommended that this research can contribute as a source of information and evaluation for the development of science in the future.

Concentration, Breakfast, Pupils, Elementary School, Denpasar



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