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The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.26 for 1 days in Bandung Barat |

Page 12 (data 331 to 360 of 482) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Ernady Syaodih, Louxy Putri Aprilesti

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Ernady Syaodih

Universitas Islam Bandung

Sustainable development goals no. 10 mentioned the need for reduced inequalities in disability. However, this equality in urban public spaces is not yet optimal. Public space is not yet sufficient in providing facilities for persons with disabilities. The purpose of this research is to measure the performance of public spaces based on perceptions of persons with disabilities. The approach method uses Importance performance analysis (IPA). Based on the results of surveys and IPA calculations, the performance of public spaces according to disabilities is generally not in accordance with their expectations. The performance components of public space ranged from 41.28% to 95% of the expectations of people with disabilities. Based on these results, better efforts from the city government and the community are needed to develop more disability-friendly public spaces.

Disability, Performance, Public Spaces



Puzzle Game Development as a Learning Media in Learning Outcomes of Building Construction Basics of tenth grade students at SMKN 1 Sumedang
Tisna Abdulah, Lilis Widaningsih, Restu Minggra

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Tisna Abdulah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The use of learning media in Building Construction Basics subject at SMKN 1 Sumedang were still not varied, it caused student learning outcomes to be not optimal. The researcher made alternative learning media that could encourage students interest in the learning process. This research was aimed to design, find out, and implement learning media in the Basic Competence of Brick Installation Procedures. Learning media designed was puzzle as educational game with problem solving work technique and memory reinforcement. The research and development method was employed in developing the learning media. A purposive sampling technique was conveyed in order to collect the data with the participants of this research were 31 tenth grade students in DPIB 3 class of SMKN 1 Sumedang. This research showed that learning media were suitable to use after being validated by media experts and material experts. The students were more enthusiastic and respond positively to the use of learning media with puzzle games because it could help them to learn independently. The student learning outcomes showed the improvement both before and after using this learning media. Thus the use of puzzle as a learning media were in the good and suitable category as an alternative media that could help the learning process and the students were able to use the puzzle well in the Basics of Building Construction subject at SMKN 1 Sumedang.

Learning Media, Puzzle Games, Student Learning Outcomes

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Re-Design Technical Drawing Studio 2 Lightning System to Increase Students Drawing Concentration
F N Riyani (a), J Maknun (a), L Yosita (a)

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Farhan Nur Farid Riyani

a) Department of Architectural Education
Indonesia University of Education

Class X DPIB 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya is first grade student that needs a drawing skills. One of the drawing skill product for basic level is one level house shop drawing. The more detail drawing the more drawing concentration is needed. One of supporting drawing concentration factors is lightning quality, because of that human pupil very responsive to emitting light. This research is intended to Re-Design technical drawing studio 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya lightning system to be suitable from lightning standard. The result from lightning analysis in technical drawing studio 2 was showing poor lightning quality because lack of lightning intensity, differences lightning distribution, and high glare potential. The condition of drawing concentration class X DPIB 2 SMKN 2 Tasikmalaya was different each work table. The work table which has high glare potential and inconsistency lightning involve poor concentration. The result from Re-Design lightning system both natural and artificial in technical drawing studio 2 SMK N 2 Tasikmalaya was made by adding opening in the southside, installing a double-skin façade, changing wall interior color, and changing luminaire type will increase technical drawing studio 2 lightning quality from lightning standard so does drawing concentration. The result simulation of Re-Design was showing better lightning quality such as the increasing of lightning intensity from 269 lux to 937 lux and minimize glare potential in 11 work tables.

Re Design, Studio Lightning System, Students Concentration



G Tjahjono, F G. Ray, I Fahmi, C P Tamal, R H Modok, T Setiawaty

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Corresponding Author
Gunadi Tjahjono

Department of Electrical Engineering Education:
University of Nusa Cendana Kupang, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to produce: (1) The average voltage in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor load. (2) The average current in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor load. (3) The average apparent power in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor load. (4) The average reactive power in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor load. (5) The best capacitor value for saving reactive power in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor load. The research method used is a quantitative description approach by applying measurement methods the Laboratory of Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang. The study population was the entire squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor controller using the star to delta method. The sample is a number of measurements of voltage, current, and power on a three-phase induction motor using the star to delta method.. The conclusions of the research are: (1) The average phase voltage to neutral, to run a squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor obtained a value of 244.5 [V]. (2) The average IR current for star-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.1667 [A]. The average IS current for star-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.1575 [A]. The average IT current for star-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.147 [A]. (3) The average IR current for delta-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.58 [A]. The average IS current for delta-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.518 [A]. The average IT current for delta-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 0.466 [A]. (4) The average IR current for delta-connection load with the capacitor of 11.57 [µF] obtained a value of 0.0845 [A]. The average IS current for delta-connection load with the capacitor of 11.57 µF obtained a value of 0.1577 [A]. The average IT current for delta-connection load with the capacitor of 11.57[µF] obtained a value of 0.0763 [A]. (5) The average apparent power for star-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 10.3 [Watt]. The average reactive power for star-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 58 [VAR]. (6) The average apparent power for delta-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 24.4 [Watt]. The average reactive power for delta-connection load without capacitor obtained a value of 205 [VAR]. (7) The average apparent power for delta-connection load with the capacitor of 11.57 [µF] obtained a value of 9,9 [Watt]. The average reactive power for delta-connection load with the capacitor of 11.57 [µF] obtained a value of 9,4 [VAR]. (8) Capacitor value 11.57 [µF] is the best value for reactive power savings in squirrel-cage rotor type of three-phase induction motor.

Compensation, reactive power, induction motor, squirrel-cage rotor

Electrical Engineering


Recognition of Skilled Construction Workers in Construction Industry: Worker-s Certification Dillema?
Widaningsih, L.; Hamdani, A; Krisnanto, E.; Susanti, I.; Kusuma, Y.

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Lilis Widaningsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper aims to provide an overview of the complicated problem of skilled workers in the construction industry faced with the demands of worker-s certification. The skilled workers in question are the ones at the construction sites or known as construction workers. The number of group of workers continues to increase every year along with the increasing quantity of the countrys construction industry development. However, of the more than 8.3 million construction workers spread across various construction projects, only 7.4% are certified (Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2019). This study used descriptive qualitative methods with interview techniques, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and content analysis. It was found that there was a large gap between the demands of modern industry on construction workers and the prerequisites for skills certification. This had become a major problem in the employment system in the construction industry. Among the contributing factors are the traditional work culture, lack of knowledge and information about worker certification, institutional certification system, difficulty of access to education and training, and challenges to gain recognition as indicated by increased welfare regarding minimum wages.

Keywords: Construction workers, skilled workers, work culture, worker-s certification

Technical and Vocational Education


Reconstruction of Vocational High School Physics Teaching
Ira Herli Khoeriah (1) Ade Gafar Abdullah (1,2*) Ida Hamidah (1,2*)

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Ira Herli Khoeriah

1. Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonsia
2.Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonsia
*Coresponding Author, e-mail:ade_gaffar[at]

The teaching materials for static electricity and dynamic electricity for Physics subjects in Vocational High Schools (SMK) are not in accordance with the scope of the material contained in the Department of Electronics. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of teaching materials on static electricity and dynamic electricity in Physics in the Electronics Department. Qualitative Content Analysis Method is used to explore the contents of 7 book titles with different publishers and is strengthened through interviews with Physics teachers in the Department of Electronics. In the process of analyzing the content of the contents of this textbook used ATLAS.ti computer software. Code obtained from computerized content analysis. The findings show that the content in the Vocational High School Physics (SMK) books published by several publishers does not yet have a specific conformity with the Department of Electronics. The results show that the need to reconstruct static electricity and dynamic electricity teaching materials requires alignment between Physics subjects and subject matter expertise.

Teaching Materials, Physics Textbooks, content analysis

Technical and Vocational Education


Dewi Shofi Mulyati, R Diki Silvana, Aviasti, Hirawati Oemar

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Hirawati Oemar

Universitas Islam Bandung

Packaging is a place that can function to protect products that are inside, Other functions of a packaging can be in the form of promotions as consumer appeal, therefore, the shape, color, material, and design of a package must be well thought out and designed. One of the companies that wants to improve packaging design for the products they use is the Rumah Batik Komar company. Rumah Batik Komar is a company engaged in the production and tourism of batik in the area of Bandung City, West Java. Now Rumah Batik Komar wants to minimize the expenses for the packaging of products used, therefore, new packaging designs will be made at a lower cost but still provide good quality on the packaging. The purpose of this study is to minimize packaging costs by designing new packaging based on the respondents wishes while maintaining the quality of the packaging that will be redesigned. The method used is kansei engineering, which is a method that defines consumer desires based on the image or image of consumers through kansei words into product design. Then the Conjoint Analysis is used to get the value of the relationship between the element design and kansei word. The results of this study note that the packaging that consumers want is a package that is black, rectangular and made of paper. From the calculation results there are 12 kansei words that represent the image of the respondents wishes including paper, attractive color, bandage, reusable, recyclable, space-saving, Instagrammable, attractive, luxurious, easy to carry, logo and hard textured.

Kansei Engineering, Rumah Batik Komar, Packaging Design

Industrial Engineering


Tetty Setiawaty dan Gunadi Tjahjono

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Nusa Cendana University

The gap in knowledge, skills, and information between vocational high school graduates and the demands of industry is a problem that has not been able to be solved by vocational education in Indonesia. The answer to this problem can be seen from the top rank in unemployment every year which comes from vocational graduates. This paper discusses how to build network collaboration of school and industry in the form of knowledge, skills, and information. The main steps to do are: 1) do a win-win solution between vocational high school and industry; 2) build communication networks with alumni; 3) involving industry and alumni in learning activities; 4) do best practice to improve the quality of graduates; 5) improve students core competence and core value; 6) improve the quality of instructors related to expertise and workshop program; 7) improving the quality of learning theory and practice as well as increasing the media of practice learning; 8) conduct a continuous evaluation and quality control on production results of students; 9) continuous quality improvement; and 10) carry out creative principles, critical thinking innovation, and novelty.

gap skills, network collaboration, vocational high schools, industry and graduates

Technical and Vocational Education


Reduction Customer-s Lead Time using Make to Stock and Make to Order Approach
Endang Prasetyaningsih(1*), Claudia Dwiriena Ardianto(1),Chaznin R Muhammad(1)

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Corresponding Author
Endang Prasetyaningsih

(1)Industrial Engineering Program Study, Universitas Islam Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia


This paper discusses about a company that adopts make-to-order strategy because the company does not have enough fund to provide raw material. The raw material is ordered when the customer order has been received. It occurs a very long customer lead time. due to the production process must wait for the arrival of material. Consequently, the company can not meet the customer order according to the due date, and the company should give a discount of 25 - 30% of the total purchases. This research aim to propose an alternative solution to solve the problem. The customer lead time is reduced by determining a decoupling point, which is placed between the procurement of raw materials and the manufacturing process. The decoupling point denotes a boundary between the make-to-stock strategy in the previous process, and the make-to-order strategy for the process afterwards. The lead time customer, is then considered start from the decoupling point to the due date.

MTS/MTO strategy, decoupling point, limited fund

Industrial Engineering


Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior with Strengthening of CFRP Lamination in The Seawater Environment
1). Ujang Ruslan*, 2). Ahmad Solih, 3) Giovano Ader

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Giovano Ader

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Along with technological developments, the use of concrete was applied not only on land but also in extreme environmental areas such as seawater areas. The strength of concrete structures in the environment will decreases with the duration of exposure to seawater. This encourages the importance of developing effective repair and strengthening methods that can be relied on at economical costs. One of the most popular ways to repair structures is to use CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) materials. This research was conducted with an experimental method, namely reinforced concrete beams were given a monothonic load with two point loads to determine the ulitimit load capacity of the beams and then compared to the increase with the variable CFRP layer which the ends were anchored with CFRP U-wrap and given seawater immersion behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of reinforcing CFRP laminates on concrete in the seawater environment and its collapse patterns so that it can be directly applied to be a solution in retrofitting structures in the marine environment, such as by repairing reinforced concrete beams on piers and bridges in the marine environment.

lamination, CFRP, seawater environment

Civil Engineering


Relation Between Sustainability Supply Chain Management with Organizational Proceed
Nurhayati Sembiring, Mangara M.Tambunan, Elisabeth Ginting

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Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jalan Almamater Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia 20155

The high demand from consumer for environmental welfare issues is a driving factor for increased research in management of sustainable supply chain (SSC). The output of this study are needed by companies and organization in making the decisions that important to produce products and services related to sustainability. Performance measurement of a SSC, not only measured economically, but also related to social and environmental performance. All stages in the form of planning and managing all activities involved in Supply Chain Management (SCM) such as procurement, conversion, logistics, communication, and collaboration with partners, must be carried out with high quality. The entire management process, especially those relating to supply and demand in and throughout the company or organization must be carried out integrative.

Sustainability; Supply Chain Management; organizational

Industrial Engineering


Hasbullah H, Yadi Mulyadi

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Hasbullah Hasan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Today, the development of the electricity system has led to an increase in the reliability and quality in the distribution of electrical energy, especially the neglect of the substation. One of the main equipment in the substation is the Circuit Breaker (CB), the security system needs to be maintained periodically. Maintenance delays will reduce the value of reliability. Based on CB cubicle breakdown data outgoing 20 kilo Volt, it appears that the CB has the highest breakdown time technically in two years. Breakdowns that occur greatly affect the reliability of the CB equipment. In this study, the selection of CB distribution substations will be examined and their reliability analyzed using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method. The results obtained from the study are the CB is to determine the reliability value by calculating the normal log distribution. Then also determined the failure obtained through FMEA analysis and pareto diagrams based on the value of the Risk Priority Number is the interuptor tube, moving contact, gear box value, fixed contact, Closing / tripping coil, and 110/220 Volt AC / DC Motor.

reliability, circuit breaker, cubicle, FMEA

Electrical Engineering


Remote Desktop System in IoT and HTML 5 Based Virtual Laboratory for Practical Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Hydraulic Simulation
Noval Dwi Jayanto (a*), Jaja Kustija (b)

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Corresponding Author
Noval Dwi Jayanto

Universitas Pendidika Indonesia

Virtual laboratory is a facility that allows access to laboratory equipment from anywhere and any time while connected to the internet. Remote desktop systems are the basis of the development of virtual laboratory where users can access equipment connected to the lab computer from anywhere with the agreed time. The virtual laboratory can overcome the problem of the imbalance of the number of tools available in the lab with the number of students who will do the practicum, especially the PLC, HMI, and hydraulic simulation. For accessing the lab computer, this tool uses web-based HTML and VNC (Virtual Network Computing) techniques. On the server computer, the ThinVNC server is installed, and the user, password, and port are set. ThinVNC functions as a tool that makes it easy for users to access the lab because it simply provides a web browser that supports HTML 5 such as chrome, firefox and edge without having to install any browser plugins and does not need to install RDP, so tablet or smartphone can access the lab. When it is connected, user can access the available lab equipment and can see the results made because there are cameras that monitor the course of the practicum.

PLC, Remote desktop, ThinVNC, Virtual laboratory

New Technologies in Education


Repair of Clay Shale Soil by Stabilization Method Using a Cement Binder
A M Fathurrohman, Syahril, A K Somantri

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Azmi Meilanie Fathurrohman

Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Clay shale is a type of clay that is easy to expand when it comes into contact with water because of the montmorillonite mineral it contains. The effect of water also causes a decrease in strength in the clay shale. As a result of the clay shale behavior, some buildings become damaged or landslides occur on the slope. The soil stabilization method with a cement binder is one solution to improve the detrimental properties of the clay shale. The selected cement content variations are 20, 30, and 40%. Cement Water Factor 35% for all variations. Laboratory testing is carried out at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days. Tests carried out in the form of specific gravity, swelling, atterberg limits, unconfined compressive, cation exchange capacity, X-Ray Difraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Mycroscope (SEM). Tests show that the most optimum mixture is 30% clay shale-cement (CS-C30). CS-C30 produces changes in clay shale parameters including an increase in compressive strength without any decrease, and a reduction in the expansive nature as indicated by the decrease in the value of swelling pressure, and cation exchange capacity. Changes in these parameters are suspected because it already does not contain montmorillonite in CS-C30 based on XRD.

clay shale, expansive, cement, soil stabilization, binder

Civil Engineering


Retrofit Propane Analyzer For Monitoring Production Process in C3 Splitter In PT. XY
Astrie Kusuma Dewi (a), Yusraa Khoirun Abdul Wajid, Agus Heriyanto

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Corresponding Author
Astrie Kusuma Dewi

Polytechnic of Energy and Mineral Akamigas
Jalan Gajah Mada No. 38 Cepu, Blora, Jawa Tengah


In propylene products, there is still a small proportion of propane which still the impurity of the propylene. Therefore, a tool for monitoring is needed while controlling the content of impurities (propane) so that the propane content in propylene is within the permissible tolerance, a maximum of 0.4 vol%. The tool that can be used to analyze the propane content in propylene is the Online Propane Analyzer which works continuously for 24 hours. Need to installation of the Online Propane Analyzer. However, the installed propane analyzer often fails (downtime) caused by the inability of the oven (heater) to maintain the temperatures stability in the column at a temperature of 60 °C, so that the column is unable to separate the propylene components mixed with propane properly. Frequent down time on the analyzer causes the installed propane analyzer to be poor and unreliable. The value of reliability tests with existing data is only 60.51%, under the IEEE 1336-2000 standard. it is important to do a retrofit analyzer to improve the analyzers performance in maintaining the quality of propylene according to the design, to facilitate the operator in monitoring the process and to facilitate technicians in performing preventive maintenance.

Online Retrofit, Analyzer, Monitoring

Electrical Engineering


Reverse Engineering File System Of Megadata Operating System
Swi Hong Tjan

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Swi Hong Tjan

Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga Kotak Pos 1234, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Megadata is a proprietary operating system used in PT. KAI microwave communication master SCADA. It has been in operation since 1994. Because of its age, the vendor does not support it. The master mall function while its RTUs (Remote Terminal Unit) that seen within Java island still function. The master is running in proprietary hardware, so the software cannot run outside the system. One option to keep the system running is to reengineer the SCADA master. The first step in this process is to investigate all the information in master SCADA. All the system configurations are stored in the master hard disk, but its file system is unrecognized by DOS, Windows or Linux, and by an open-source forensic software Autopsy. Reverse engineering Megadata file system is done to retrieve the necessary files. Its steps are: study literature, duplicate Megadata hard disk raw data, analyze the partition table, root directory, subdirectory, and data area. After analyzing, the detail file system is revealed. It is a modified ext file system used in Linux.

file system; Megadata;reverse engineering

Electrical Engineering


Sri Hidayati Djoeffan Tezza Hasan Hidayati

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Sri Hidayati

Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Faculty of Engineering,
Bandung Islamic University

In the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) 2015 - 2035 Indonesia prioritizes industrial development in the sector of small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM). Indonesia in its economic proportion can be categorized as an industrial country. which is the largest contributor to the national economy with its contribution reaching more than 20 percent, so that Indonesia is included in the ranks of the worlds elite. In the category of manufacturing value added, Indonesia is in the top 10 in the world. This rank is in line with Brazil and the UK and is bigger than Russia, "said the Minister of Industry when delivering a scientific speech at the 86th Graduation Ceremony of the 86th University of Malang in the IV Period 2017 in Malang, Saturday (11/25). Binong Jati area as one of the small & medium industrial centers (SIKIM) which in the city of Bandung, which has the power has made an important contribution to the Original Regional Revenue of the City. This industrial activity has been hereditary since birth in 1960 where the peak of its glory occurred in 1998. Industrial activity shows good prospects because it has been able to absorb the workforce of the local population. In addition the tourism function carried by the city of Bandung will support the importance of the development of the knitting industry center area as a prospect that supports the development of economic activities that are important for a city. This area has a strategic potential location that connects regional and local access that is important for the aspects of marketing and importing raw materials. However, with the entry of AFTA in 2012, the competitiveness of the Binong Jati knitting industry has decreased due to the difference in selling prices. The decline in competitiveness is accompanied by a variety of problems faced in the area described among others by poor open space, poor accessibility, lack of sanitation, under-standard building conditions, poor visual aspects. Based on the occurrence of various degradations, the purpose of this study is to restore the competitiveness of the knitting industry centers and strengthen the Indonesian national industry which is safe, comfortable, and sustainable. To achieve this goal various Revitalization approaches have been designed which include the Rejuvenation Strategy, Hamid Shirvanis Theory, the concept of Green City, the concept of the Neighborhood Unit so that the creation of the Binong Jati knitting industry centers that produce a variety of designs: Land Use, circulation, open space, building period Activities, preservation and conservation. This research is useful as an effort to build a city without poverty, without hunger, creating good health and well-being, the fulfillment of clean water and sanitation as well as economic growth with insudtrial development to ensure the sustainability of cities and communities. This aims is in accordance with 2014 SDGS directives.

industry, revitalization, design, urban renewal, sdgs,



Risk mitigation in Raw Material Distribution Activities using House of Risk Method in Manufacturing
Gita Permata Liansari; M. Seka Rajiman; Arif Imran; Fadillah Ramadhan

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Gita Permata Liansari

Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Supply chain is a sequence of production processes, include: raw material supply activities (called as inbound logistics), production processes, and distribution activities (called as outbound logistics). Every supply chain activity has risk. Risk mitigation strategy is important because company will be able to identify the right strategy to handle those risks. Companies must be able to predict all risks, both of inbound logistics and outbound logistics. A manufacturing company in Indonesia that produces military and heavy equipment doesn-t have risk mitigation strategy in raw material distribution activity, so this research propose risk mitigation strategies using House of Risk method with Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) models. Identification of supply chain activities involving of company-s plan, source, make, deliver, and return. House of Risk have two phases, first used for identify risk event, risk agent, and determine severity and occurrence value and calculating the Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP), second used for risk mitigation. Research results found there are 35 risk events and 51 risk agents. Based on Pareto principle, there are 24 risk agents have to mitigated, include: error in estimating of production capacity, procurement isn-t based on schedule, defective raw material, etc.

Supply Chain Management, Raw Material Distribution, Inbound Logistics, House of Risk, Supply Chain Operation Reference, Risk Mitigation Strategy

Industrial Engineering


Road Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy
Katharina Priyatiningsih ᵃ, Mei Sutrisno ᵇ

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Katharina Priyatiningsih

Lecturer of Asset Management Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
ᵃStudent of Management Science Doctorate Program-
School of Post Graduate - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
E-mail : katrinpry[at] ; katrinapry[at]

ᵇ Lecturer of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
E-mail : meisutrisno[at]

The development of the economic sector is determined by services to the public through reforms that aim to place public satisfaction through the management of road infrastructure assets. Some research on road infrastructure assets still requires a deepening of studies related to the delivery of public services related to asset management systems. The purpose of this study is to find an appropriate road infrastructure asset management strategy through an integrated asset management system and asset management policies that can provide public satisfaction. This comprehensive approach to management strategies ensures that the performance of service provider assets is in line with the expectations of stakeholders including road users. This descriptive qualitative research is based on the perspective of road users as respondents, consisting of vehicle drivers from 50 transportation companies (people or goods) through interviews and observations. The results show aspects of asset performance based on the users perspective there are five aspects, namely productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, use of resources and institutions and this performance is integrated in the asset management system related to policies from the management authority through service delivery namely quality and mobility, risk and use and maintenance of resources. The conclusion of this research is that road infrastructure asset services can be improved through the concept of road infrastructure asset management strategies in an integrated management system with five aspects of performance and more directed towards asset management policies related to the provision of road infrastructure asset services.

Asset Performance, Asset Management Strategy, Road Infrastructure Assets

Civil Engineering


Rock Patterns Correlation between to Gold Content in the Au-Ag Mineralization Zone in the Honje Formation and Cipacar Formation, Pandeglang, Banten
Dudi Nasrudin USMAN, Sri WIDAYATI, Sriyanti SRIYANTI, Linda PULUNGAN

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Dudi Nasrudin Usman

Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Bandung Islamic University

Gold deposits are economic deposits, the formation of gold deposits in nature is one of them epithermal gold deposits in the Au-Ag mineralized zone. Gold mineralization is influenced by a hydrothermal solution that flows through rock permeability, resulting in an alteration process that changes the chemical composition, mineralogy, and texture of the original rock. One variable that affects the presence of veins carrying valuable ore minerals is fracture structure. This study aims to determine and analyze the relationship /correlation of rock solids to the level of gold deposits using the correlation regression method. The methodology used is massive data collection through geological mapping, log-drill data analysis, Data Assay analysis, data processing and analysis assisted by using correlation regression through validation and verification of drill data. The results of processing and analysis of muscular data notified by the RQD value and log-drill data obtained the results of multivariate normality test based on the Au model = 8,219-2761 RQD and Ag = 90,388 + 0.977 RQD as follows: 1) When the RQD is zero, then the Au will be valued amounting to 8,219. However, when the RQD increases by 1 unit, the Au will decrease by 2,761. 2) When the RQD is zero, then Ag will be worth 90,388. However, when the RQD rises by 1 unit, then Ag will rise by 0.977. Then the Meaning Mean Test is performed where the result H0 is Received, with the understanding that there is a significant relationship between RQD on Au-Ag levels, understanding that the change in thickness of a thicker ore is followed by an increase in the higher Au level, tcount = 0.382 and the significance is 0.703. The understanding is that Au levels are correlated with the presence and presence of hefty that is notified by RQD.

Au-Ag Mineralization, Correlation Regression, RQD and Grade of Gold

Mining Engineering


Role Playing as Experential Learning Method for Quality Engineering Education
Rahman Dwi Wahyudi (a*). M Arbi Hadiyat (a)

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Rahman Dwi Wahyudi

Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Surabaya, Jalan Raya Kali Rungkut Surabaya

Every learning activity should be well designed so that it can be easily understood and can attract the attention. However, challenges will arise for quantitative courses such as quality engineering (QE). The QE course is quantitative course aimed for engineering system to produce qualified product. This paper will discuss about role playing as learning method for quality engineering courses. Role playing is designed by considering students as a part of Research and Development (R&D) department from food company trying to improve quality of products. Role playing is fully conducted for one semester with integrated activities consisting of teaching, R&D Meeting, market survey, experimentation and presentation. To build atmosphere, the course-s materials are delivered like training. Pudding experiment was chosen to help students to understand types of DoE particulary. In addition, student get the role of R&D such as leaders, surveyors to conduct market research, analysts to determine Critical to Quality which is worth to be controlled. Thus, learning process is conducted with experiential learning method. By using this method, the central tedencies of mark are 77,5 for mean, 78 for median and 84 for mode. Thus, we can draw that students can easily achieve Learning Outcomes in a fascinating way.

experential learning, role playing for quality engineering, engineering education

Research and Development in Engineering Education


Satisfaction toward Online Micro Transportation: Application, Service, or Value?
Dwi Suhartanto, Mochamad Duddy Studyana, Agustinus Februadi, Alouysius Michael, Nugroho Hardiyanto

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Dwi Suhartanto

Politeknik Negeri Bandung,

Introduction The development of internet technology has enabled transportation firms to create online platform. This platform offers benefits for passengers and transport service providers, causing the expansion of the number of the online transport service providers resulting in fierce competition. In this competitive industry, finding what the leads to customer satisfaction is essential. Aim of the study This study proposes to gauge how the mobile application quality and service quality directly and indirectly influence passenger satisfaction toward online micro transportation. Method This study uses a survey of 331 customers of online micro transport services from Bandung region. The passenger satisfaction model, including three determinants (application, service, and value), was examined using SmartPLS modelling software. Result The results show that the coefficients (β) of application, service, and value indicate the significant of these factors in influencing passenger satisfaction. However, looking at overall impact, the application is much more important compare to service and value factors. Conclusion This study offers an empirical evidence on the prediction of passenger satisfaction in online micro transportation. This result extends the existing theoretical passenger satisfaction and managerial practices to develop a better application as a key to survive in this transportation industry.

Online micro transportation, Passenger satisfaction, Service quality, Perceived value

Civil Engineering


Scheduling Evaluation In Construction Projects Using The Critical Chain Project Management Method
Nurhayati Sembiring, Andre Putra

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Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jalan Almamater Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia 20155

PT. A is a company engaged in construction, EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), infrastructure investment, property and real estate. The case study that was raised in this study was the construction project of the retaining wall and the ABC dock that was carried out by PT. A. The problem in the project is that the project scheduling is not good, causing delays in project completion. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the scheduling of the project so that the optimum schedule can be obtained in project implementation. The method used in this study is Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM). This project scheduling method that can optimize the schedule due to the absence of multitasking.The critical path serves to find out the critical or non-critical work or activity.

Project Management;Critical Chain Project Management;Scheduling

Industrial Engineering


School Partnership with the Industrial World at SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan, Southeast Sulawesi
Pairin(a), Alfian Toar(b), Syahrul(c*), Muhammad Rohim(d), Badarwan(e)

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Pairin Pairin

a) IAIN Kendari
b) IAIN Kendari
c) IAIN Kendari
d) IAIN Kendari
e) IAIN Kendari

This article aims to describe: 1) Policies to build school partnerships with the industrial world at SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan; 2) Forms of school partnerships with the industrial world at SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan; 3) The impact of school partnerships with the industrial world in SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, where data was collected through observation, interviews, and document deepening. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results showed that: 1) The policy of building school partnerships with the industrial world is a demand in the management of SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan, along with the latest technological developments and the industrial world; 2) As an institution tasked with preparing educated and skilled personnel in the vocational field, SMK Negeri 2 South Konawe organizes Field Experience Practices (PPL) and establishes communication with the industrial world for the absorption of graduates; 3) The impact arising from the school partnership with the industrial world at SMK Negeri 2 Konawe Selatan is the improvement of the school network, the latest technology updates, the improvement of the schools image, and the increase in students readiness to enter the workforce.

Vocational; School Partnerships; Industrial World; Technology

Technical and Vocational Education


Firdawati, Sumarto, A G Abdullah

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Firda Wati

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ( UPI)

The view of the school towards the website do not support, because seen from dapodik and website of each vocational hign school that has been made on the website only contains the school profile, school achievements, school documentation and location as well as majors available for the business world or industrial world. While websites on industrial work practices are not directly from the industry to schools about students who practice students go to the business world or industry in accordance with their respective fields. So that vocational hign school are able to make decisions for students who already practice or who will undertake industrial work practices. So that there is progress in the area of expertise of each students who will come both students personally and for schools in general in developing the ability of industrial work practices.

information, website and dapodik availability.

Technical and Vocational Education


Search Engine for the Practice Producing of Puff Pastry
Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih and Labbaika Rabbani

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Dyah Nurani Setyaningsih

Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Along with the advancement of technology, it is very easy to get different information, including the information of a learning material. Learning material should not be from the teacher or lecturer neither from the campus or the school. Students can find the material everywhere at anytime. Students can find the materials from the internet. Internet is a global communication network which consists of thousand computers around the world. Internet is the main source of computer networking (Rozi.2007). People can find any information in the internet by browsing and searching. Searching is the technique of finding information through search engine. By searching, people can find information as they look it up in a library catalogue (Jasmadi,2004). Search engine can find any information, including food products, such as puff pastry. Puff pastry is a type of pastry which is layered. This pastry is also called as the queen of pastry since the production needs high level of accuracy to make the perfect layers. The steps of making pastry should be practically, instead of only theoretically. Through visual understanding, people can get better information than verbal information. This study focuses on whether there is a correlation between the use of search engine with the score of puff pastry production. The population of this research is the students of culinary department who take Pastry subject. The sampling methods is total sampling by taking the complete population of the samples. The variables of this research is the use of search engine and the score of puff pastry practice. The collection of the data in this study uses closed questionnaire and documentation. The analysis of the data uses Pearson Correlation. The result of the research shows that there is a significant difference on the use of search engine and the score of puff pastry in the range of 0.598.

Search engine, puff pastry

Technical and Vocational Education


Securing graph steganography by using Shamir-s secret sharing
Aprianti Nanda Sari

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Aprianti Nanda Sari

Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Informatika, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung

Nowadays, information exchange becomes popular along with the development of information technology. To protect their confidential information, people usually use steganography because it hides the presence of the secret information in a media file called as cover. In 2018, Desoky proposed a method namely graphstega or graph steganography that conceals message as data points in a graph. However, this method is vulnerable since the value represented by the graph is not realistic and this will raise suspicion. To overcome the problem, this paper presents a novel approach by exploiting a graph built based on real data as the cover. To securing the position of the secret message, Shamir-s secret sharing scheme is used. The experiment showed that this method has better security than graphstega.

graphstega; Shamirs secret sharing; steganography

Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education


Security Audit in Cloud based Server by Using Encrypted Data AES -256 and SHA-256
Muchammad Husni, Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas, Wahyu Suadi, Royyana Muslim Ijtihadie, Radityo Anggoro, Muhammad Fajri Salam, Siska Arifiani

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Siska Arifiani

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Cloud service provides access to servers, databases, storage, and any application services over the Internet. Cloud computing allows users to store their data in the servers. This will ease user to access the data everywhere by only using the internet connection from any devices. Cloud service allows users to run application to many mobile users or to support business critical operations. Cloud service also provides rapid access to the flexible and low-cost IT resources. By using the cloud service technology, there is no need to invest a hardware and spent much time to manage that hardware. Although cloud technology has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages such as some security issues. The usage of internet connection gives a high risk in cyber-attacks. Sometimes the cloud service provider also misuses the data stored in the server. This paper proposes the integrity verification of data stored in the server by using Hash function SHA-256 and AES-256. The proposed scheme combines the mechanism of encryption as a strategy to verify the data integrity. This method will encrypt files stored in the servers. This method aims to ensure the integrity of file stored in the cloud server. This is expected to help users to secure their data.

AES-256, SHA-256, Cloud Computing, File Integrity, The Verification of File Integrity

Computers, Internet, Multimedia in Engineering Education


Sediment Control Analysis Due To Erosion and Sediment in Cipunagara Watershed Using SWAT Model
Eka Nur Fitriyana (a*), Odih Supratman (a), Mardiani (a)

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Eka Nur Fitriyana

a) Civil Engineering Program, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no. 207, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Soil erosion is a problem that often occurs in watersheds. The results of erosion will enter the river as sediment. The amount of erosion and sediment are parameters that describe the critical level of a watershed. Cipunagara watershed is one of the most critical watersheds in Indonesia. Therefore we need a study of sediment control due to erosion and sediment. This study aims to determine the level of erosion in Cipunagara watershed, find out sediments in Cipunagara River, and determine the sediment control structure that can be applied in Cipunagara River. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with modelling on SWAT. The analysis was performed using secondary data in 2005-2014. Modelling in SWAT divides Cipunagara watershed into 33 Sub Watersheds. The highest erosion value during years data occurred in Sub-watershed 18 of 654,402 tons/ha/ year with very severe erosion criteria and the lowest in Sub-watershed 5 of 1,075 tons/ha/ year with very mild erosion criteria. The highest sediment value is in River 25 which is 1754758.30 tons/year, and the lowest in River 7 which is 7174.40 tons/year. Sediment control in Cipunagara watershed can use check dams that place on River 18 and River 25.

Erosion; Sediment; SWAT model; Cipunagara watershed

Civil Engineering


Seismic Multiattribute for Predicting Reservoir Properties: Case Study of Globigerina Limestone Reservoir, Madura Strait
Adi Prakoso, Abdul Haris

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Adi Prakoso

Reservoir Geophysics Graduate Program, Physics Dept., FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia

Hydrocarbon exploration requires comprehensive understanding of geological and geophysical properties of subsurface reservoir. Therefore, subsurface rock properties determination, which include total and effective porosity, clay content, and water saturation, is a very important, particularly for reservoir target. In term of spatial coverage, subsurface rock properties is then distributed by using seismic multiattribute, which is performed in two approaches – linear multivariate regression and probabilistic neural network (PNN). Linear multivariate regression seismic multiattribute assumes that the relation of seismic attributes and reservoir property is linear, while probabilistic neural network, seismic multiattribute assumes non-linear relationship. This research employed linear multivariate regression using internal attribute of seismic data to predict several rock properties. Transformation of seismic internal attribute to rock properties was attained by a series of weights derived by least-squares minimization. To estimate the reliability of the derived multiattribute transform, cross validation is used where each well is systematically removed from the training set, and the transform is rederived from the remaining wells. The prediction error for the hidden well is then calculated. The validation error, which is the average error for all hidden wells, is used as a measure of the likely prediction error when the transform is applied to the seismic volume. This method was applied to Globigerina Limestone reservoir in Madura Strait that resulted in good prediction of reservoir properties. Result of this research is used for quantification of remaining lead and prospect in the field area. Furthermore, the predicted subsurface rock properties is used as input to optimalize in developing well in the proven fields.

geophysics, seismic, multiattribute, rock properties

Petroleum and Geology


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