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The Third International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational Education (ICIEVE 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.26 for 1 days in Bandung Barat |

Page 4 (data 91 to 120 of 482) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Cycle Behavior on Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) Concrete Beam
Husnul Fikri*,Yulianto, Rahmat Permana, Reni Raafidiani

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Corresponding Author
Reni Raafidiani

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Repeated cyclic loading is organized on a part that causes fatigue fracture. As which occurred on the concrete beam bridge that receives the brunt of the weight of the vehicle. The modulus of elasticity of concrete varies depending on the strength of concrete, type of loading, characteristics and a comparison between cement and aggregates. Concrete with the substitution of cement in conditions of static load tendency to be stronger than normal concrete, this research used substitute material cement is Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) are classified as waste (hazardous and toxic substances) that have properties resembling cement, so that expected to reduce waste slag as an alternative material partial replacement of cement. Preliminary testing has been conducted to determine the optimum value substitution GGBFS on concrete quality (fc) 30 MPa and a maximum in 50% PCC and 50% GGBFS. In this research used 4 specimen concrete beam size 20 x 30 x 330 cm, 3 specimen concrete beams each beam with high levels of 45%, 50% and 55% GGBFS, and 1 specimen of normal concrete beams as a comparison so in this research expected that GGBFS concrete beams that require cyclic produce better durability than normal concrete.

Concrete Beams GGBFS, PCC, Cyclic, Durability

Civil Engineering


Data Security System Using Hybrid Cryptosystem RC4A-RSA Algorithm
R Rahmadani, TTA Putri, S Sriadhi, RD Sari, HD Hutahaean

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Corresponding Author
Reni Rahmadani

PTIK-FT, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

Data confidentiality is an important aspect of information systems. In case of that we need an application to maintain data confidentiality. This study aims to compare two methods of data security systems, namely using the RC4A algorithm which is a symmetric key cryptographic algorithm and the RSA algorithm which is an asymmetric algorithm with a hybrid process on the RC4A and RSA algorithms to secure the secret key of RC4A and speed up the encryption process of RSA. The study uses a comparative test on two algorithm methods, according to data security system parameters. Data is encrypted with the RC4A algorithm and the RC4A key obtained from KSA RC4A will be encrypted with RSA before sending to the receiver. The test results get Hybrid cryptosystem RC4A-RSA faster in completing the encryption process than RSA. Furthermore, the RC4A key can be secured by being encrypted using the RSA algorithm.

Cryptography, RC4A, RSA, Hybrid Cryptosystem

Computer and Communication Engineering


Decision Making Modeling for Two Group Alternatives Using Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting Approach (Case Study: Pastor Mutation in The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa)
D R Kaparang (a*), C P Munaiseche (a), A C Djamen (a)

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Corresponding Author
Daniel Riano Kaparang

(a) Department of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Manado
Jalan Kampus UNIMA, Tondano, Minahasa, Indonesia

The use of mathematical models for a decision support usually contains a list of alternatives that depend on existing criteria. This study discusses two alternative groups that were interdependent using fuzzy simple additive weighting to solve the problem of employee mutations, especially pastors at The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa which is done regularly in a period of five years. This mutation process must be assessed from several inherent aspects of the pastor and assessing the purpose of the place where it has to be mutated. The result was a ranking between the alternative clergy and alternative church targets. This model can be a recommendation for decision makers in the field of personnel of The Christian Evangelical Church Minahasa.

decision support system, fuzzy, simple additive weighting

Computer and Communication Engineering


Junaedi NS, Suhendar W Q, Purwaningsih S S

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Corresponding Author
Waway Qodratulloh Suhendar


This article discusses a description of discipline character of Politeknik Negeri Bandung (Polban) students in the class of 2019. This study becomes important considering the results of this study which shows that there is a relationship between students- discipline character with their academic achievement. In addition, the result of this study is useful as an input for the development of character education programs in Polban. This study shows as many as 62.77% Polban students have discipline characters in the medium category, 26.56% of engineering program student and 30% of non-engineering program students have high discipline characters. 25% of male students and 30. 4% of female students have high discipline character. Therefore, in general, it is concluded that the average students of Polban have no difference in the discipline character both based on educational programs and gender.

Character education; discipline character; students

Technical and Vocational Education


Design and Build Evanescent Optical Fiber Sensors using Single Mode Fiber Optics
Rizki Dwi Purnomo (a*), Arjuni Budi Pantjawati(a), Lilik Hasanah(b), Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto(c), Roer Eka Pawinanto(a), Gandi Sugandi(d), and Budi Mulyanti(a)

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Corresponding Author
Rizki Dwi Purnomo

a)Department of Electrical Engineering Education,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40154, INDONESIA
b)Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40154, INDONESIA
c)Department of Chemistry Education,Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 40154, INDONESIA
d)Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi,
Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia , Bandung, 40135, INDONESIA

This research aims to develop fiber optic sensors that can be used to measure acid rain levels. This optical fiber sensor uses the evanescent wave type method. SFP Transceiver with a wavelength of 1310nm is used as a fiber optic transmitter and receiver, while the Optical Power Meter (OPM) is used as a validator to test the developed sensor capability. The measurement results indicate the presence of loses successfully detected by OPM and SFP Transceiver. It appears that the maximum value of ammonia mass exceeding acid rain level has been successfully detected with a range of values of 7.12 dBm to 8.34 dBm and 7.51 dBm to 7.71 dBm respectively using SFP Transceiver and OPM. Good results during the validation process show that the optical fiber sensor has successfully worked with a strong correlation of 0.78 to monitor acid rain levels.

Fiber optic sensors; multimode optical enforced; evanescent wave type; OPM; pH

Electrical Engineering


Design and Implementation A* Algorithm on Movement System Robot in The Warehouse with Obstacles
Muhammad Fakhrudin (a*), Rizki Ardianto P. (a**), Denny Darlis (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Fakhrudin

a) School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi 1, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
** rizkia[at]
b) Diploma of Telecommunication, School of Applied Science, Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi 1, Bandung 40257, Indonesia

The advancements in warehouse robotics at this current moment is considered as a trending topic. There is an abundance of multinational electronic companies that requires the use of robots in the field, especially warehouse robots that can be used to send and receive items efficiently. The width of warehouses with many branching routes creates problems for the movements of these robots. An example of said problem would be the inability to move efficiently using the nearest route possible. Therein lies the need for an algorithm that may solve these issues. This research proves that the use of A* Algorithm can be implemented for warehouse robot tracks which involves the usage of visible light communication method. The routes used for experimentation have specialized schematics in the form of a grid. In these experiments using a track with 2x2 and 3x3 schematics presents a success ratio of about 56,6% to 66,6% with an estimate distance calculation error between a minimum of 1 cm and maximum of 20 cm. With the implementation of A* Search Algorithm, the robot could determine the shortest route in which it could efficiently move less steps compared to robots which uses all possibilities that exists and handle obstacles.

Shortest Route, Warehouse Robots, A* Algorithm

Electrical Engineering


Design and Implementation Training Module for Control Liquid Level on Tank Using PID Method Based PLC
Sofian Yahya, Sarjono Wahyu Jadmiko, Kartono Wijayanto, Adnan Rafi Al Tahtawi

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Corresponding Author
Sofian Yahya

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Process control is widely used in various industries to maximize production, maintain desired quality levels, product safety and make the process more economical. Control that is generally used in many industries is to control liquid, such as controlling the level, flow, pressure, and temperature of liquid using the PID method, the PID controller attempts to correct errors between the measured process variables and the desired set-point with calculations and then issue corrective actions that can be arranged according to the process. In the past, most PID controllers were based on microcontrollers, but now PLCs can also operate PIDs with analog function control because PLC speeds and capabilities have increased. To meet the competency needs of students in process control following industry demands, especially the use of PLC with the PID Method, students need to be given knowledge and skills. One way is the availability of training modules that can grow their enthusiasm and skills when they study. This paper presents the design and implementation of Omron CP1H PLC-based process control training modules that can be used by students to study liquid level control in tanks with PLC-based PID methods.

Training Modules, Process Control, Liquid level, PLC Omron, PID

Engineering Education Research


Design Computer Laboratory Friendly for Disabilities
Sukriman (a*), Sumarto (b), Ade Gaffar Abdullah (b)

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Corresponding Author
sukriman sukriman

(a) Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Jl. setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia *sukriman[at]

Computer laboratory is an important facility that must be owned by vocational high schools to support the teaching and learning process, especially on practical lessons. Some practical assignments require students to operate computers in order to complete assignments and search various sources of information from the internet. The aim of this study was to determine the availability of computer laboratory facilities and the design of computer laboratories available at vocational high schools. Data collection uses observations and interviews. Researcher interviewed several teachers in vocational high schools to explore information on the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure in schools for people with physical disabilities especially in computer laboratories. Researcher also interviewed two special school teachers to explore information about the needs for facilities and infrastructure for people with physical disabilities, their experiences when observing and activating with students with disabilities. The results of this study indicate the unavailability of infrastructure facilities that are friendly for people with disabilities especially computer laboratories in vocational high schools. The conclusion of this study recommends that schools make improvements and additions to facilities that support students with disabilities, especially those with physical disabilities, so that they are able to carry out activities like normal students when accessing facilities and infrastructure at school.

Laboratory design, Computer Laboratory, Disability

Technical and Vocational Education


Design of a new online monitoring system of cop based on arduino uno with application to split a/c
Eddy Erham and Ratna Nur Inten

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Eddy Erham

State Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN), Bandung, Indonesia.

Air Conditioner(A/C) is a system of air conditioning which serves need of thermal comfort inside a room. Until now, to determine COP of A/C is performed measurement of temperatures and pressures in A/C. Then, it is continued by calculating of COP. Unfortunately, the process take much time. Therefore, it is important to find any new method to obtain COP. In this paper, to solve the problem was designed a COP monitoring system. To do this, the Arduino Uno was uploaded a program of the monitoring system. The system was equipped sensors. And then to display COP was used a Laptop. The results showed that by using the proposed method and the traditional one, it was obtained that COP actual fluctuates about 3.0 in range from 3.14 to 3.51 and 3.2 to 3.5, respectively. In addition, it was predicted that the using of proposed method in illustrated situation can save time by 2 hours or 80%. It can be considered as a promising solution to determine the COP quickly and easily .

A/C, monitoring system, COP, Arduino, save time

Mechanical Engineering


Design of an on-off control system and a new display via internet based on arduino uno with application to window a/c
Eddy Erham (a*) and Rezky Samudra (b)

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Corresponding Author
Eddy Erham

a).Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, State
Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN), Bandung, Indonesia.
* eddy.erham[at]

b).Alumnus of Department of Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning, State Polytechnic of Bandung (POLBAN),
Bandung, Indonesia.

Air Conditioner (A/C) is a system of air conditioning which serves need of thermal comfort inside a room. On one side, it is an advantage. However, on the other side, the energy consumption of A/C is the biggest in household appliances. In this paper, to solve the problem was designed the control system and display of A/C based on Arduino Uno. In this case, the Arduino was uploaded with a program of control system so that it can function as a controller. Whereas, the display was designed using the Blynk that is supported a Smart-phone and Internet network. The results showed that the response of designed control system is able to maintain the desired temperature with range of error from 0.0 C to 0.2 C and the A/C can be set and monitored from far away via internet. In addition, although, a client and the A/C were separated by distance, the response was almost not delay and stayed accurate. Moreover, it was predicted that the using of proposed A/C in illustrated situation can save energy by 50%.

A/C, control system, Blynk, internet, energy saving

Mechanical Engineering


Design of Ciodeng Suspension Bridge for Pedestrian at Rancamanyar Regency of Bandung
Afdhal Lazuardiansyah Ramdhani

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Corresponding Author
Afdhal Lazuardiansyah Ramdhani

Department of Civil Engineering Bandung State Polytechnic (POLBAN)

Abstract. Ciodeng Bridge is a suspension bridge located in Rancamanyar, Regency of Bandung. The bridge that connects Parunghalang Village and Seketi Village is used for motorbikes and pedestrians. Overcrowding on the bridge are frequent due to unqualified traffic capacity. Excessive traffic loads and lack of maintenance damaged some bridge components. To increase capacity and provide security, it-s necessary to design a new suspension bridge next to existing bridge thus one way system can be applied to both bridges. The design refers to "Manual for Design and Build of Suspension Bridge for Pedestrian". The suspension bridge is modeled using MIDAS Civil 2019. The output of the software is the internal forces consisting of moments, shear and normal forces used to design section properties and connection models. Based on the design, obtained dimensions of the main girder IWF., cross girder, secondary girder C., pylon, bottom bracing L.50.50.5, main cable diameter 60 mm, the hanging rod diameter 20 mm, and wind cable ties diameter 20 mm. The suspension bridge is carried out using the sliding deck method and requires material cost without calculating labor and equipment in the amount of Rp.1.102.592.823,- (based on price in 2019).

Density, one way, design, MIDAS Civil

Civil Engineering


Design of Data Structure and Navigation System Design as Remote Monitoring in VDR Operating Systems on Demand
Pandu Rama Satria Putranata (a), Surya Michrani Nasution, S.T., M.T (a), Fairuz Azmi, S.T., M.T (a)

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Corresponding Author
Pandu Rama Satria Putranata

Department of Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Enginnering
Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia

The use of Vehicle Data Recorder in automotif vehilce have become the norm, Vehilce such as Police car and ambulance are usually outfitted with a Vehicle Data Recorder device that has more accuracy and more detail, this device is used to monitor the vehicle, but in a case where the data cannot be recovered because a malfunction or an acciddent happen then data has a risk of damage which the data cannot be recovered. To fix this problem where the Data cannot be recovered, the writer has design and made a Prototype Navigation System as a long range Vehicle Data Recorder based on a onboard Vehicle Data Recorder that-s been installed on a car. In this system the Vehicle Data Recorder will send its data to a Server that will store it-s data, so the Data can be used in another time, this Data then can be called to a Computer Program to monitor the vehicle condition. In order to monitor the vehilce remotely the vehicle is installed with GPRS for sending data, in monitoring the vehicle a program that will receive the data that-s been sent, the program will show the condition of the vehicle in tabular form and to show the vehilce position then a map is made on the program so that the user can monitor the condition of the vehicle As for the System test, the system will be test with a simulated condition using a dummy data based on a moving car with a predetermined route to show the system performance

Vehicle monitoring

Computer and Communication Engineering


Design of GUI (Graphic User Interface) on IoT-Based Remote Laboratory for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Practicum and Pneumatic Simulation
Lutfi Akbar Pratama (a*), Jaja Kustija (b)

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Corresponding Author
Lutfi Akbar Pratama

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The remote laboratory system allows users to conduct lab work via a remotely controlled lab computer. Each computer has a different interface to interact with the operating system. This affects the users comfort and effectiveness in accessing the remote laboratory. Based on this, we need a support system in the remote laboratory to maximize user time in practicing. The interface on the computer lab becomes an essential factor in supporting a practicum that uses computers. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is an interface that allows users to interact with the operating system or computer graphically. In contrast to the CLI (Command Line Interface), which uses the command line, the GUI uses a graphical menu, allowing users to more quickly and more efficiently interact with the operating system. The main features of the GUI are made up of three components. The components in question include time management features, application selection, and notifications. If the GUI is connected, users can easily open applications provided by the computer server. Intended uses include the CX-Programmer for Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Pneumatic Pneumatic Festo, and cameras. In addition, the GUI also functions as a practical timer and notifies the user. This can be seen from the closed and automatic connection disconnection between the user and the computer server if the practicum time is up.

Desain GUI; Remote Laboratory; PLC; Pneumatic

New Technologies in Education


Design of Pharmacy Warehouse Workforce Scheduling
Rizky Octavianto, Indri Hapsari, Amelia Santoso

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Indri Hapsari

University of Surabaya

In an effort to increase efficiency, a pharmaceutical company wants to regulate the allocation of warehouse workers . At initial observation, it was identified that the utilization of workers in the Warehouse Material Section was low. This is because workers do not comply with supervisors who make allocations based on experience. This research was conducted to assist companies in allocating workers according to their workloads with the hope of increasing utility and reducing the allocation of excess workers. The study began by selecting non-administrative work and measured standard time as a reference to its workload with work sampling methods . After that, scheduling with heuristic and optimization methods is designed. Scheduling is done twice, scheduling with observational data is used to analyze the differences in initial conditions, the results show a 15% increase in utilization and a decrease of 0.2 in the average needs of workers. The second scheduling with historical data is used to analyze the differences in the results of the two methods, in cases where there is a conflict between activities in a period the heuristic method allocates workers to the most important jobs first while the optimization method allocates workers to jobs that produce the least amount of work remaining.

Heuristics; Linear Programming; Scheduling; Work Load; Work Sampling

Industrial Engineering


Design of Single Tuned Passive Filters for Reducing Harmonic Distortion
Gema Ardhyana, Wasimudin Surya S., Elih Mulyana

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Corresponding Author
Wasimudin Surya Saputra

Department of Electrical Engineering Education,
Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education,
Indonesia University of Education

Harmonics are associated with nonlinear loads which draw non-sinusoidal currents even from a sinusoidal voltage source. Harmonics are produced when nonlinear loads are connected to distribution system. Modern harmonic sources consist of power electronics-based home appliances such as computer power supplies, electronic lighting ballasts, and uninterruptible power supplies. Harmonics cause many problems in electrical installations such as overheating, derating, efficiency reduction and reduced functionality. Passive harmonic filters is one of the mitigation scheme for harmonics in power systems. This paper presents a study and design of a single tuned passive harmonics filters to minimize harmonic distortion caused by a harmonic sources. The system has been implemented using ETAP software. The simulation results show that combination of single-tuned filters is an appropriate approach to mitigate the 3rd, 5th, and 7th characteristic harmonics in distribution systems.

harmonic, passive filters, total harmonic distortion (THD),

Electrical Engineering


Yanti Sri Rejeki, Eri Achiraeniwati, Aditya Wanda

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Corresponding Author
Yanti Sri Rejeki

Industrial engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Bandung

Workers are an important resource in production activities who produce value-added products for the company. However, workers can also cause losses caused by work errors (human error). Human error has a close relationship with the level of reliability of a worker (human reliability) (Masitoh, et al, 2013). Workers with low level of reliability can cause product defects. The workload received by workers affects the operators performance. PT Wafiq Mitra Teknik has a problem that there is a product defect caused by human error at a milling work station which has three workers with workloads that require a level of precision and complex work. Disability that occurs exceeds the tolerance limit of the companys provisions, namely with an average number of disabilities of 0.012%, while the standard tolerance set is 0.002%. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the level of operator reliability and mental workload experienced by the operator at the milling work station. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the HEART method to determine the level of reliability of workers and NASA-TLX to determine the mental workload experienced by the operator. The results of the study of mental workload with the NASA-TLX method showed that the operators mental workload had a high category for operator 1 by 78%, while operators 2 and 3 had a very high category of 80% and 82% respectively. The results of measuring the reliability level (Rm) of the operator in carrying out work on the work station milling the 1st respondent has a value of Rm = 0.4350, the second respondent has a value of Rm = 0.3627 and the 3rd respondent has a value of Rm = 0.2005 . The value of Rm <0.5 indicates a low level of reliability. This research proposes improvement of work methods by designing a good standard operating procedure, providing training and supervision (on the job training) to operators and improving work instructions that are good for companies to minimize product defects and operator mental workload. This study provides benefits for the company to determine the level of reliability and workload experienced by the operator, so that the company gives attention and supervision to the operator to be able to improve the operators reliability at work.

Mental Workload, Human Error, Work Method

Industrial Engineering


Designing an Adjustable Height Engine Stand To Reduce the Risk of Students Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in Engine Tune Up Practice
R A M.Noor1,a), M S Barliana2,b), Soemarto3,c), I Kuntadi4,d)

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Corresponding Author
Ridwan Adam M Noor

1,Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2, Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, UPI
3,Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, UPI
4,Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, UPI
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40391 Jawa Barat

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to redesign and create an engine stand to practice engine tune up for students and determine the level of risk of student ergonomics. The study was conducted on students who carry out the practice of gasoline engine courses in automotive engineering education study programs. The test was carried out in two stages, first analyzing complaints and the level of ergonomic risk before using the adjustable height engine stand by the nordic body map (NBM) and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) methods. Second, analyzing complaints and the level of ergonomic risk by using an adjustable height engine stand with the NBM and RULA methods. Based on the results of student anthropometry calculations and analysis using the RULA method, the ideal height of the engine stand is 100.2 Cm to 110.42 Cm. The results of testing the use of this adjustable height engine stand and analysis using the Nordic body map method can be concluded that the use of an adjustable height engine stand can reduce complaints of pain in the body (musculoskeletal disorders) and reduce the level of ergonomic risk at a level of Score 1 or 2 which means acceptable posture or is still within the acceptable limits of the body.

Adjustable height engine stand, MSDs, Rula and NMB

Technical and Vocational Education


Designing an Early Childhood Reproductive Health Education Game User Interface Using the Goal-Directed Design Method (A Case Study at Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia-PKBI of Bandung)
Rd. Muhammad Sopian Putra Pratama(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

Based on data from KPAI, in 2010-2018 there were 2,218 cases of early childhood sexual violence. This could be due to the victims ignorance that the act someone did to them was classified as sexual violence. On top of that, most Indonesian parents still consider early childhood reproductive health education as taboo. PKBI is a non-governmental organization tasking itself with promoting early childhood reproductive health education through training programs for their cadres, psychologists, teachers, and parents. The training is delivered in a monotonous way, using books and puppet props. The purpose of this study is to design a game interface for home use by parents to provide early childhood reproductive health education to their children. The user interface was designed using the goal-directed design method. The result is a prototype containing training materials in the form of pictures, audios, and games. These training materials were essentially the introduction to body systems and functions, personal hygiene training, gender recognition training, and sexual abuse prevention training. The prototype was tested using the System Usability Scale (SUS) on a randomly selected sample of 15 early childhood students accompanied by their guardians. The scores of usability testing on the prototype of an early childhood reproductive health education game were 87.5% for the guardians and 82.83% for the students. These scores indicate that the prototype is useful and user-friendly.

educational game, goal directed design, reproductive health, SUS, user interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Puti Renosori, Bangun Wijaya,Otong Rukmana

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Corresponding Author
Puti Renosori

Universitas Islam Bandung

In the era of global business competition, every company is trying to improve its competitiveness. Human factors become the main factor, One way to manage them is by applying the concept of talent management. One company that is trying to implement the concept of talent management, PT. Pindad Engineering Indonesia Implementation efforts encountered problems, especially at managerial level. Problems occur in the performance appraisal and potential processes. Therefore, the Company needs what is called a talent pool in talent management.The term talent pool is a tool used to classify employee talents. The talent grouping process uses a 5 x 5 Human Asset Value matrix based on performance and potential data in the company. Therefore, the talent pool will be developed into the design of information systems to accelerate the process of assessing and grouping employee talents. In addition, there are recommendations for follow up according to the competencies needed in the company. The design method used is the Framework for the Application of Systems Thinking method with the Driven Model Development Strategy model.

Competence, Talent management, Talent pool

Industrial Engineering


Designing User Interface by implementing Multimodal on Reproductive Health Learning for Visual Impairment Teenagers using User-Centered Design Method: A Case Study at Mitra Citra Remaja Bandung
Bagas Priowibowo(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi(*b)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

MCR is an organization under the PKBI Bandung Institute that has concerns in reproductive health education for high school teenagers. MCR has e-learning that contains materials about reproductive health. However, it is not accessible for visual impairment teenagers, for the example the picture in the e-learning cannot be read by screen reader software, and lack of reproductive health learning that specifically for the visual impairment teenagers causes the lack of comprehensive learning and lack of independent learning for visual impairment teenagers. So, the Android-based application of reproductive health learning was developed that can be accessed more easily by visual impairment teenagers through screen reader software. The application designed to implement multimodal interaction, that can become natural interaction involving several human senses in using applications that offer flexibility, efficiency and the use of a usable environment. The application allows the user to interact through several inputs such as touch, or gesture and get an output as a sound. In this study writer using a user-centered design method, so the design can be focused on the user. The result of the user interface model will be performed usability testing with the USE questionnaire method. Based on the usability testing result, It can be said has met the usability element accessible for the visual impairment teenagers.

visual impairment teenagers, usability, USE questionnaire, user centered design, user interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Designing User Interface on Mobile Application Complaints and Sexual Violence Counseling for Youth Using Goal-Directed Design Method (Case Study: MCR PKBI Bandung)
Dita Padila Awaliyah(a), Veronikha Effendy(a*), Danang Junaedi (b*)

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Corresponding Author
Danang Junaedi

(a) Informatics Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia
(b) Information technology Department, School of Computing, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung 40257 Indonesia

MCR PKBI Bandung provides a complaint and counseling service for youth which is by doing complaints and counseling personally with the counselor. But, there are still limitations on the counseling services such as the complaint messages that come in on the youth counselor-s Interface is being pilled up, the counseling messages that come in on the youth-s Interface is also being pilled up, other problems that come are privacy issues and the difficulty of the counselor and the youth to arrange a counseling appointment. Because of that, media is required to resolve the limitations so that the complaint and counseling of sexual violence activity can go without any problems. Nowadays, effective communication media between humans and computers is called a mobile application. One of the most important components that need to be researched on developing a mobile application prototype is the User Interface. In this paper, a Goal-Directed Design method is used to design the User Interface based on the behavior that identifies the counselor and the youth-s purpose and motivation. A SUS method is used as a tool to test the usability of the prototype. The result of the usability test of the complaint and counseling mobile application prototype using a SUS method is in A grade, so it can be concluded that the user likes the prototype and they sure will recommend the prototype to their colleague.

Goal Directed Design, sexual violence, SUS, Usability, and User Interface

Computer and Communication Engineering


Determination of earths gravitational acceleration and moment of inertia of rigid body using physical pendulum experiments
Nani Yuningsih (a), Sardjito (b), Yunita Citra Dewi (c)

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Corresponding Author
Nani Yuningsih

a)Jurusan Teknik Refrigerasi dan Tata Udara, Politeknik Negeri Bandung,
Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012
b)Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir
Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012
c)Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir
Kotak Pos 1234 Bandung 40012

In order to determine the value of Earth-s gravity acceleration, Physical pendulum experiment is preferred over simple pendulum experiment. Through the Physical Pendulum experiment, we measure the swing time and swing rod position. Using this data to the motion-s law, it can be determined equations involving constants that implicitly contain value of the Earths gravity acceleration as well as the moment of inertia with pivot point located at the center of mass. Independent variable of the equation is the distance of pivot point to center of mass and dependent variable is period of pendulum. Difficulties in solving equations are encountered because of a part of the equation involving independent variable in the different ranks. In order to make the equation be linear, dependent and independent variables is made into new emerging variables. Afterwards, with linear regression methods, the constants of these equations can be determined, and then we can calculate the value of Earths gravity acceleration and moment of inertia. The experiment results showed considerable significance when compared to the Earth gravity acceleration from the literature, as well as the value of moment inertia calculated by calculus. Comparison of these products showed satisfying results with a relative error value smaller than 5%.

Physical pendulum, earth-s gravity acceleration, moment of inertia, linear regression

Basic Science in Engineering Education


Judiantono TONNY; Pujiastuti WULAN

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Tonny Judiantono

Magister of Urban and Regional Planning,
Post Graduate Faculty,
Islamic University of Bandung,
Bandung, Indonesia

Agrotourism is a tourism activity using agro-business since beginning to end agriculture products in any system, scale and form as tourism object, with aims to widening knowledge, travelling, recreation, and business relationship in agriculture. Infrastructure divided into: hard infrastructures (such as road, irrigation, drainage, electric network, clean water piping, communication network, sewerage, and waste management); and soft infrastructures ( such as policy, institution, regulation, finance, research and development). This research take Kabupaten Karo as case study which have agrotourism attraction, such as fruit horticulture, vegetables, and flowers plantation, spread almost at 17 Kecamatan in Kabupaten Karo, North Sumatera, Indonesia. By using AHP (analytical Hierarchy process), is an analytical method for decision making with comprehensive characteristic, to handle complicated problem, multi attribute, qualitative and quantitative scope. As research result, decision with preference to get the biggest benefit value in short time for local government, and for Kabupaten Karo-s peoples, is getting order priority provision start by soft infrastructure repairing first, then provision hard infrastructure; that is the best combination appropriate with agrotourism potential condition and availability of development fund at Kabupaten Karo.

Agrotourism; Hard Infrastructure; Soft Infrastructure; Analytic Hierarchy Process; Determining Priority.

Civil Engineering


Determining Production Quantity Models For Short-Age (Perishable) Products
Dadang Arifin, Zaenal Muttaqien

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Dadang Arifin

Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

This paper contains the development decision model to determine the level of production for short-lived products or perishable product categories. This decision model is a mathematical model to determine the optimal level of production considering the age of the product, the production capacity, the rate of demand, and the costs involved. The research uses operational research methods through surveys and literature studies. The results of the study obtained mathematical formulations to determine the level of daily production (batches) so that the product does not expire, effective, efficient, and maximizing the availability of finish product. There are two models derived based on the assumptions used. The first is assumed if the product is drawen randomly and the second is assumed to draw the product based on the process sequence or fifo (first in first out). The model is validated mathematically and empirically by using a case in a company making meatballs located in Purwakarta. The calculation results are tested by simulating demand randomly. The test results can be concluded that the developed model is able to provide the best solution for companies in minimizing expired products, and maximizing the availability of products when needed.

optimal, life time, expire, costs

Industrial Engineering


Determining the changes in the master production schedule (MPS) of the company with make to stock (MTS) and make to order (MTO) strategies
Reni Amaranti(a), Chaznin R. Muhamad(b), Milda V. Septandri(c)

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Reni Amaranti

(a, b, c) Universitas Islam Bandung
Jalan Tamansari No. 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia

The master production schedule (MPS) planning is influenced by the manufacturing environment. The MPS is based on production capacity, changes in inventory of finished products, fluctuations in demand, efficiency and utility of production factors, and lot size. Therefore, the process of MPS planning with make to stock (MTS) strategy will be different from make to order (MTO) strategy. Companies with MTS strategies make production schedules based on estimated demand so that customer demand can be met from stock products. While companies with an MTO strategy make a production schedule after the order is received. This paper discusses how the time fence approach is used to change MPS for companies with the MTS and MTO strategies simultaneously. With the time fences approach, companies can determine when orders can be received or rejected by looking at the position of the order on the existing MPS. This paper describes a case of applying the time fences approach to determine the MPS changes in a garment company produces bed covers sets as the MTS products and produces other products as MTO products. This paper also explains the procedures to determine changes in the MPS based on predetermined time fences.

time fences; master production schedule; make to stock; make to order

Industrial Engineering


Developing a Computer-Based Assessment Tool to Measure Collaborative Problem-Solving Skill of Students
Reinald M. Naufal (1), Nuryani Y. Rustaman (2*), and Lala S. Riza (3)

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Corresponding Author
Reinald Muhammad Naufal

1) Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

2) Science Education Department, School of Postgraduates, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author. nuryanirustaman[at]

3) Computer Science Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 developed an assessment tool to measure Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) proficiency that can only gather data in a large scale and difficult to be used in classroom. This study aims to develop an assessment tool that can be used to measure the CPS skills of eighth graders in the classroom. The assessment tool was made to be computer-based software / application for easier sharing and assessment. This study used developmental research method. The development went through (1) Preparation stage, where the application was concepted; (2) Development stage, where the application was developed using prototyping development model; (3) Testing stage, where the application was judged by two experts, each on logical thinking assessment and ICT, where the application was deemed valid and readable under “very good” category. The application was tried by 19 eighth graders in Labschool UPI, the students work in a group of three to solve the puzzle in the application. The students fill a questionnaire of readability, and the application falls under the “good” category. (4) Final stage, where after the data was analysed, and determined that the CPS assessment tool developed can measure the CPS skill of eighth graders.

collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills, computer-based assessment tool, prototyping development model

New Technologies in Education


Development Information System for Building Maintenance for Structural Components of Government Green Building Using Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Khairunnisa Arisanti(a), Yusuf Latief(b), Rossy Armyn Machfudiyanto(c)

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Corresponding Author
Khairunnisa Arisanti

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
b) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
c) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia

Structural components are the most important components in building from the stages of design-construction-maintenance. The failure of structural components will result in the reliability and function of the building not being achieved. Therefore, maintenance of structural components is one important factor to maintain and achieve the reliability and the function of building. This research discusses about maintenance system in government green building that are not implemented properly due to poor maintenance schedule, undocumented data and no history of maintenance checks stored. Maintenance of structural components that aren-t implemented properly can lead to increased operating and maintenance costs, and potentially increases the risk of building failure. The purpose of this research is to increase the maintenance performance of structural components of government green building. The case study in this research is Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing-s Building which is one of the government green building in Indonesia. The methods that used in this research are literature review, case studies and surveys done by questionnaires from structure-s experts and Greenship Professional. Result of this research in the form of integrated information system development using BIM is expected to facilitate users to improve performance in maintaining structural components of green building.

Building Information Modelling, Green Building, Information System, Maintenance, Structural Components.

Civil Engineering


Development of a computer-based test assessment in an Engineering Mechanics Static Module
Agung Premono

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Agung Premono

State University of Jakarta

Engineering Mechanics Static is a compulsory course in Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta. This course introduces the engineering approach in problem solving and provide basic principles that are used in following courses. To evaluate student-s comprehension, most of the Engineering Mechanics lecturers in Indonesia assess the student using the paper-based test. This research is conducted the computer-based test instrument for an Engineering Mechanic Static module. Furthermore, the instrument intended to increase student-s comprehension. The instrument has implemented for Engineering Mechanics Static online course in State University of Jakarta

engineering mechanics static; assessment instrument; computer-based test; online course

Engineering Education Research


Development of an algorithm code concept to match the diesel engine and turbocharger
Muhamad Maris Al Gifari, Sriyono, Ibnu Mubarak, Ridwan Adam, Tatang Permana

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Muhamad Maris Al Gifari


The growth of vehicle users in Indonesia continues to increase. Increased growth in the number of vehicles will be in line with the growth in demand for fuel and of course the pollution that occurs. Innovations are needed to challenge these challenges, one of which is to use a turbocharger. Turbochargers utilize exhaust gas which still has large kinetic energy to be reused. Use of a turbocharger makes it possible to increase engine efficiency and reduce pollution production. Its just a challenge when combining a turbocharger and diesel engine is not easy. Need alignment so that the two can do a combination (matching). One keyword to match is the mass flow rate. Mass flow analysis is carried out using procedures made by Babagouda. The Limitation area for the turbocharger was successfully formed, but after entering the turbocharger, it turned out that the turbocharger criteria entered were in the same place and outside the criteria. Then this method is compared with the concept of the engine mass flow rate applied to the turbocharger diagram, which is based on Stones. The result is the turbocharger can cover the engine area used. Furthermore, this analysis will be the basis of the algorithm for developing the turbocharger and engine matching process software.

Turbocharger, diesel engine, matching, algorithm analysis

Mechanical Engineering


Development of Authentic Assessments Maintenance Motorcycle Chassis System
Niar Rosmaliana Rusalam, Soemarto, Wahid Munawar

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Niar Rosmaliana Rusalam

Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate
Unoversitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia

The development of transportation in the 4.0 industry is growing rapidly, especially the development of automotive transportation. One of the developing automotive transportation is a motorcycle. motorcycle has several systems, one system on a motorcycle transportation, namely: the chassis system. The chassis system (frame) on a vehicle is one of the most important components in a vehicle. Simple maintenance can be one of the causes of damage or corrosion of the framework of the chassis system. How to properly care for a motorcycle can be obtained through training or learning. Training and learning can be obtained by attending a vocational school majoring in Motorcycle Business Engineering. The Department of Motorcycle Business Engineering provides learning in various fields of both maintenance and repair. Learning in schools can not be separated from the grading system so it needs an appropriate grading system. One of the assessments that are suitable for learning the care of the chassis system is authentic assessment. Authentic assessment in schools needs to be developed so that graduates can meet the demands of the business world and the industrial world. Authentic assessment is an assessment of real of cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects. The development of authentic assessment of the care of the chassis system through stages: the preparation of a grid of questions that are adjusted to competence in the cognitive aspects, the preparation of worksheets and assessment rubrics on the psychomotor aspects. Research on the development of an authentic assessment of the periodic maintenance of the chassis system produces 28 questions for cognitive aspects with a reliability value of 0.91, and produces 26 work steps of psychomotor aspects with a reliability value of 0.76.

maintance motor cycle, authentic assessment, cognitive aspect, and psychomotor aspects.

Research and Development in Engineering Education


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