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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 44 (data 1291 to 1320 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Urgency of Draft Bill on Creative Economy in Developing the Creative Economy
Ari Mulianta Ginting; Rasbin

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Ari Mulianta

Research Center, Secretary General and Expertise Body of Parliament

The creative economy in various developed countries has shown a significant contribution to the economy. The same thing also happened in Indonesia, the creative economy has shown an increasing contribution to the Indonesia Economy. The creative economy is even to be the backbone of Indonesia economics in the future. This research used descriptive qualitative analysis trying to analyze the urgency of the draft law on creative economics in developing an economy in Indonesia. The results of this research are expected to be an input for policy making for the stakeholder of the creative economy in Indonesia. The regulation that conducive for the ecosystem of a creative economy is expected to be tools to increase the development of the creative economy in Indonesia.

creative economy, regulation, qualitative analyze

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Urgency of Personal Data Protection Regulation in Indonesia: Comparative Study China, South Korea and Singapore
Diana Setiawati, Hary Abdul Hakim, Fahmi Adam Hasbi Yoga

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Amanda Amanda

Asia University, Taiwan

Globally, Asia is one of the fastest growing regions for digital innovation. Digital innovation is really needed to support the development of a country, one form of digital innovation is the existence of artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, in some countries in Asia have been promoting artificial intelligent use, and also enacted personal data protection regulation. Because data is the basic element of creating AI, so it is very important to have regulations regarding the protection of personal data. Indonesia as a developing country and currently facing for the industrial revolution 4.0 wherein the future it will also face increasingly rapid digital innovations. So, to implement Artificial Intelligent in Indonesia, personal data protection is needed. The research aims to know (1) the urgency of enactment personal data protection regulation in Indonesia. (2) Comparative study with some Asian countries such as, China, South Korea and Singapore on the enactment of personal data protection regulation. The research method used is a normative legal research, this research based on the secondary data which divided into primary legal material, secondary legal material and tertiary legal material. Furthermore, the methods of collecting data in this research will be done through library research by literature learning, this method will collect the data from reading, analyzing and try to make conclusion with relevant document. The data will be analyzed systematically through juridical qualitative.

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Protection Regulation, Digital Innovation

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Use Dualist and Monist Theories in the Application of International Law in Domestic Legal Systems: A Comparative Study between Indonesia and Malaysia
Yordan Gunawan(a*), Farid Sufian Shuaib(b), Hanna Nur Afifah Yogar(c)

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Corresponding Author
Yordan Gunawan

(a). Faculty of law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
(b). Department of Law, International Islamic University Malaysia
(c). Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
*Correspondence Author: yordangunawan[at]

This research alludes to the practice of monism and dualism theory in terms of the application of international law within national jurisdiction and its regulations. It is referred to the countries which applying Civil and Common legal system, or in this case represent by Indonesia and Malaysia. This issue has been arising especially due to the absence of specific regulations for modulating the international law application in Indonesia. Comparing with Malaysia which commonly would be revisiting the legacy of the British legal system as they were colonized by the British if there are none of the regulations in settling the case. The tendency to have a specific reference for having special regulation upon the existence and use of international law in the municipal area is to restrict the power of law enforcer, with special reference to the Judges and giving clarity of which doctrine is supposed to be used in dealing with the issue. Conversely, this matter also brings the concern on state sovereignty in determining the role of international law as the instruments of resolving the national issue. The results show that Indonesia is still having the inconsistency for functioning the international law in the local legal practice. It triggered by the lack of prevailed regulations even more in the Indonesian Constitution concerning the International law application. This is supposed to be crystal clear to consider, either the international law can be applied by transformation or corporation theoretically.

International Law; Municipal Law; Indonesian Legal System; Malaysian Legal System; Monism and Dualism Theory

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws



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Twediana Budi Hapsari


The technological changing has always affected the way society exist, not only for helping their daily activities but also the way they interact and doing their religious activities. This study describes the gadget utilization among Muslim teenagers for their daily religious activities. The data gathered from 500 Muslim teenagers spread from five regencies in Yogyakarta province in 2018. The data analysis is through clustering the respondents daily religious activities, religious activities using the gadget, their interest in Islamic issues, and their lifestyles. This study results in four clusters of Muslim teenagers, there are religious minimalist, religious activist, intelectual religious and millenial religious.

new technology and religious activities; muslim teenagers and gadgets

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Use of IPT and the Implementation of Curriculum 2013
Yanty Wirza, Nurdiana Mahdalena Sinurat

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Nurdiana Mahdalena Sinurat

School of Postgraduate Study, English Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Influenced by the use of international published textbook, many English teachers in Indonesia have faced double goals in teaching, between to fulfill both requirements from the school and the government. The fulfillment of it impacted upon the perception of the teachers. This qualitative case study investigated the gap of one teacher-s perception between the use of international published textbook (IPT) and the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the use of it. The findings indicate that the teacher-s perception on the use of IPT was more positive rather than on the implementation of Curriculum 2013. This gap was influenced by mandated policy the school has in using IPT as the main material in teaching. The implications of this study relate to the space given in teaching English using IPT without imposing it into a rigid curriculum framework.

international-published textbook, curriculum 2013, perception of the teacher, implementation, Indonesia

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Use of Nonparametric Statistical Inference for Studying the Effects of Construction WasteThe Use of Nonparametric Statistical Inference for Studying the Effects of Construction Waste
Aqli Mursadin

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Aqli Mursadin

Civil Engineering Graduate Program
Engineering Faculty
Lambung Mangkurat University

Minimizing construction waste can help achieve the environmental, economic, and social benefits of sustainable construction. Types of waste may include those known as non-value adding activities. Studies on the effects of construction waste on project performance are important to enable mitigation actions. Most of such studies, however, are based on perception surveys. This has led to problems in deriving valid information using parametric methods during the statistical analysis of the response. These problems are mainly related to the assumptions concerning the underlying distribution and the categorical nature of the data. This paper explores a class of nonparametric methods for analyzing survey data concerning the effects of construction waste on project performance. It includes a number of nonparametric tests for repeated measures and post-hoc procedures. Data concerning seven types of construction waste on the generation of material waste from past study are used for this purpose. The results show that consistent outcomes and inferences can be made among different nonparametric methods. A recommendation on which tests and procedures to use is given.

construction waste, nonparametric inference, sustainable construction

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Mae-Lanie O. Poblete, Mae Ann B. Castillon, Hanna Grace A. Castano

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Mae-Lanie Ong Poblete

Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, College of Nursing

Some studies revealed that teen nowadays spend most of their time in different social media platforms. To be connected through internet became a prominent part of the individuals life. However, studies show that too much time spent on the internet had some deleterious effects. This study aims to determine the level of internet addiction and effects of internet usage to the overall well-being of students. Moreover, it tries to identify significant relationships between variables. The researchers utilized a quantitative research design, more specifically, a descriptive-correlational study using a survey questionnaire. Proportionate stratified random sampling was utilized to have representation of all colleges from the calculated sample size of 377. The data obtained were analyzed through percentage and frequency distribution, mean, spearman Rho correlation and Chi-square. Results of the study showed that among the profile of the respondents, the number of hours spent in social media has a significant relationship to its effects to the overall well-being with a p value of .000. The results implied that college students who spent long hours in social media experience more negative effects in their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual life. Internet addiction scores and the effects of social media to the overall wellbeing have a highly significant relationship (p=.000) with a medium strength correlation of .315. There is also a difference between the effects of social media experienced by the students depending upon their level of addiction. Therefore, students are encouraged to spent time in social media wisely and consider its effects to overall health.

social media, college students, effects of social media, internet addiction

International Conference on Nursing


The Use of Storytelling in English Classroom: Comparing Students and Teachers Perception
Maryam Sorohiti

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Maryam Sorohiti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The use of storytelling in English classroom is often recommended to improve students- mastery of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a comfortable atmosphere. This study aimed to find out the comparison of the students- and the teacher-s perception on the use of storytelling in learning English. The research questions were formulated into 1) What are the benefits of the use of storytelling in the class? 2) What are the challenges the students face in preparing their story telling? 3) Which part of the activity do the students like the most? The study was carried out in a private university of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Open ended questionnaires were distributed to 15 students and the class teacher using the same questions. The findings showed that what was perceived by the students was not always the same as what the class teacher perceived. However, both students and teacher recommended that storytelling activities be continued for the next batch students.

storytelling, teachers and students perception

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Use of Transport Modeling to Evaluate the Implementation of Pedestrianization in Maliboro Area, Yogyakarta
Wiji Lestarini (a*), Achmad Munawar (b), Zudhy Irawan (b)

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Wiji Lestarini

a)Faculty of civil engineering and planning, islamic university of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5, Besi, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584
b)Departement of civil and environmental Engineering, UGM, Jl. Grafika, Kampus No.2, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284
b)Departement of civil and environmental Engineering, UGM, Jl. Grafika, Kampus No.2, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284

Malioboro Area is the city centre of Yogyakarta. It is very busy area. There are many shops, public utilities and attractions in this area. Many visitors come to this area, especially during long weekends and holidays.It is planned to close and pedestrianize the Malioboro main street. Traffic surveys were carried out in Malioboro and surrounding areas. JICA Strada transport modeling software has been used to analyze the effects of pedestrianization in this area. There are some alternatives, i.e.: pedestrianization for the whole area of Malioboro or pedestrianization for only a part of Malioboro. Traffic increase in the surrounding areas have been analyzed. Some recommendations to reduce the negative impact of traffic increase have also been suggested.

pedestrianization, transport modeling, JICA Strada

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Used of Copyright Offense in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution
Dr. Yati Nurhayati, SH.,MH., Dr. Muhammad Aini, SH., MH., Dr.Ifrani, SH.,MH.

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Latifah Hanum Kusumastuti

Copyright, IPR, Indonesia, Criminal Law, Offense

The Industrial Revolution is a concept and a development that has fundamentally changed our society and economy. The fourth industrial revolution is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. The universal challenges on the revolution era is to concept and design the policies and laws to be implement in the latest development. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) plays an important role in the industrial legal protection. Furthermore, looking back in Indonesian legal development on the Copyright protection, there have been several changes in Criminal offense. This fundamental change is certainly affects the enforcement of copyright law in Indonesia. Thus this paper aim to answer and review the legal reasoning behind the change of offense in Copyright Law in Indonesia. This study uses a normative legal with descriptive analytic method. The result of this study is that the complaint offense is suitable when applied in the copyright protection. Considering only the copyright owner knows the details of the object of his creation.

Copyright, IPR, Indonesia, Criminal Law, Offense

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Used Strategies of Compliment Responses by Japanese Learners Comparative Study With Native Speaker
Rosi Rosiah

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Rosi Rosiah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This Study is investigates about differences between Japanese Learner and native speaker. The subjects of this study were 20 Japanese Learner in advance level and 20 Japanese Native speakers and used DTC as an instrument with 18 situation. Based on a result of 360 sentences of semantic formula by Konsatinwon Saayan (2003) based on 15 strategis of compliment respons, such as: Apreciation taken, Agreement, Praise upgrade, Delight remark, Disagreement, doubt to the aim, Comment Acceptance、Reassigment, humble Remark、Return、Question、change topic、Scale down、laught dan shy or surprised. Japanese Learner are using disagree strategy of compliment responses, therefore Japanese native speaker are using greatfull strategy of compliment responses.

Strategies, Compliment Responses, Japanese Learners

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Value Chain Holistic Model of Industrial Ulos Weaving Fabric
Dameria Naibaho

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Dameria Naibaho

Politeknik Negeri Medan
Jalan Almamater 1 Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia

The research objective is to create a holistic model of value chains that can enhance tangible and intangible benefits for stakeholders in Ulos Woven Fabric Industry (Kain Tenun Ulos) in Simalungun regency, Pematang Siantar City, Samosir Regency and Tapanuli utara Regency. The specific target to be achieved in this study is to inventory all activities that occur in all parties involved in the series of ulos woven fabric industry activities in North Sumatra, as well as evaluate existing activities whether added value or not value added. Data collected were inventoried came from informants such as weavers, entrepreneurs, sellers, consumers and KOPERINDAG (Koperasi,The personal in the industry and trade), with observations and submitting open questions related to activities, problems and solutions to the problems faced, as well as their advantages related to the ulos woven fabric industry in Simalungun Regency, Pematang Siantar City, Samosir Regency and North Tapanuli Regency. SWOT analysis is used to analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, the Ulos woven fabric industry has produced Strength-Opportunities strategies because External-Internal factors show score numbers > 2. The proposed holistic value chain model is to increase quality production capacity with strong capital by forming cooperative producers it will provide quality and inexpensive yarn, new product development designs that are creative and skilled by weavers. The implementation of the strategy is accompanied by coaching and training from the cooperative, industry and trade services, as well as the role of the development plan deliberation (the village government cooperates with residents and other stakeholders).

Value chain; Holistic; SWOT analysis; Ulos woven fabric

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Setyo Tri Wahyudi; Dinda Aditya Nabilah

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Setyo Tri Wahyudi

Universitas Brawijaya

This study aims to investigate the effect of external variables and risk premiums on sectoral stock index in Indonesia. External variables in this study include world oil prices and their volatility, while risk premiums are measured using standard deviations obtained from the historical price of sectoral stock index that illustrate the volatility risk of sectoral stock index in volatile condition. The data used in the study are secondary data using GARCH method in mean (GARCH-M). The results show that external influences, namely world oil prices, have a significant and direct effect on sectoral stock return index, except for the consumption sector stock index. This is because the consumption sector stock index is a defensive stock, therefore external factors such as world oil prices will not affect the movement of this sector-s stocks. On the other hand, the volatility of world oil prices and the risk of volatility (risk premiums) do not influence the return index of sectoral stocks.

world oil prices, volatility, risk premiums, sectoral stock index, GARCH-M.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Website Content Strategy For Dian Nuswantoro University
Amida Yusriana(a*), Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi(b), Lisa Mardiana(b)

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Amida Yusriana

(a* b) Dian Nuswantoro University
Jalan Imam Bonjol Np. 207

Dian Nuswantoro University is famous because of its technology information. It becomes the unique selling point. Nevertheless, in maitaining its website, Dian Nuswantoro University is still in the rank number 31 based on the July 2018 Webometrics. Meanwhile University of Indonesia is presented as the highest rank. The Webometrics bases its rank scoring on the presence, impact, openness, and excellence. Eventhough the information and display management are not the main point for scoring, but the content strategy pattern of the highest rank university can be a good sample for Dian Nuswantoro University to fix its rank in the near future. This is the second research that relate to the previous research about the strategy of University of Indonesia. After the anlysis was formulated, it can be applied as the result of this research by adapting it on the Dian Nuswantoro University. The aim of this research is to produce the content strategy development for Dian Nuswantoro University. This is a descriptive qualitative research by using the content analysis method. While the theory is The Positioning Strategy. The unit analysis of this research is the websites of Dian Nuswantoro University and the website of University of Indonesia.

University of Indonesia, Website, Content Strategy, Dian Nuswantoro University

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah, Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai, & Abdul Ghafar Bin Ismail

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Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah

Faculty of Economics and Management
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Selangor

This paper attempts to investigate further reasoned action and planned behavior models. The main aim of this study was to find out why the prior studies in the area of compliance behavior used reasoned action and planned behavior models. This literature review is to concentrate on the reasoned action, planned behavior models. This study is to build the theoretical model for further investigating compliance behavior. This literature review proposed the theory of knowledge imam Abdul Hamid al-Ghazali thoughts. The theory of knowledge Imam Abdul Hamid al- Ghazzali Thoughts represents three independent variables. The external independent variables are Islamic religiosity, civic engagement, perception towards law enforcement. The previous findings on the reasoned action and planned behavior models were mixed at best. The proposed theoretical model of this study expects to contribute to the methodology of the study. The proposed theoretical model of this study incorporates into the model three independent variables, Islamic religiosity, civic engagement, perception towards law enforcement.

Attitude, Subjective norms, perceived control, intention, compliance behavior.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Fadia Fitriyanti, Yordan Gunawan

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Fadia Fitriyanti

Faculty of law, Faculty of Law

The provisions in AATHP are formulated in general so that it needs a study of the theory of dispute resolution and responsibility for transboundary haze pollution. The purpose of this research is the first to analyse the theory of dispute settlement for transboundary haze pollution pre-and post-AATHP, second analyse the theory of responsibility for transboundary haze pollution pre-and post-AATHP. The method used is normative juridical research. Data obtained from field research will be researched, verified and compiled according to the data source. The data will be analysed qualitatively, to support data obtained from library researcher or in seeking answers to various problems that have been formulated. Data analysis uses statute approach and case approach. Furthermore, the resulting research is in the form of analytical descriptive. The conclusions in this study will be taken deductively and inductively. Further research will be presented in an analytical prescriptive form. Based on the results of this study concluded that firstly theory of dispute resolution pre-ratification of AATHP is interstate dispute resolution theory. Post of Ratification, in Article 27 of the Agreement states that the settlement for parties that do not comply with the provisions in the agreement shall be settled amicably by consultation or negotiation. So indirectly, the agreement prioritizes diplomacy rather than law enforcement for the offender. It uses the theory of "non-interference" (non-intervention) and the use of internal peaceful means to resolve disputes without use violence. Secondly the responsibility theory used to resolve transboundary haze pollution pre-the ratification of AATHP, is the relative dispute resolution theory, and responsibility theory used post-ratification of AATHP is the Transformation Theory, that is, ratification cannot make an international agreement into force at the national level without the existence of special regulations governing the object of the international agreement.

Theory of dispute settlement, Responsibility, AATHP

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah, Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai, & Abdul Ghafar Bin Ismail

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Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah

Faculty of Economics and Management
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Selangor

Objective- This study concentrates to come out the conceptual model on the compliance behavior on zakat payment and theory of Knowledge in designing the zakat payment Model. Zakat is a mandatory charity that is paid by every Muslim as part of their duty to the creator. The main goal for zakat paying is to protect the socio-economic welfare. Design/methodology/approach – This study reviews and synthesizes the relevant prior studies on compliance behavior on zakat paying. The study builds a theoretical model and proposed a conceptual model to further investigate the compliance behavior on zakat payment. Findings – This study comes out the suitable methods to further investigate compliance behavior on zakat paying. The suitable method is an integration of the theory of knowledge imam Abdul Hamid al- Ghazali together with the reasoned action and planned behavior models into the compliance behavior on zakat paying. The findings of this study are not only relevant and applicable in the state of Selangor but also to the rest of the states in Malaysia.

Compliance behaviour, Theory of knowledge, Selangor, Mandatory charity, Islam Paper type Conceptual paper.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah, & Muhammad Hakimi Bin Mohd Shafiai, & Abdul Ghafar Bin Ismail

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Corresponding Author
Jama Mohamed Sareye Farah

Faculty of Economics and Management Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia
Bangi, Selangor

Objective- This study concentrates to come out the conceptual model on the compliance behavior on zakat payment and theory of Knowledge in designing the zakat payment Model. Zakat is a mandatory charity that is paid by every Muslim as part of their duty to the creator. The main goal for zakat paying is to protect the socio-economic welfare. Design/methodology/approach – This study reviews and synthesises the relevant prior studies on compliance behavior on zakat paying. The study builds a theoretical model and proposed a conceptual model to further investigate the compliance behavior on zakat payment. Findings – This study comes out the suitable methods to further investigate compliance behaviour on zakat paying. The suitable method is an integration of the theory of knowledge imam Abdul Hamid al- Ghazali together with the reasoned action and planned behaviour models into the compliance behavior on zakat paying. The findings of this study are not only relevant and applicable in the state of Selangor but also to the rest of the states in Malaysia.

Compliance behavior, Theory of knowledge, Mandatory charity.

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Tobacco Cessation Campaign and Community Coalition Action in Klungkung Province, Bali- Indonesia
Yeni Rosilawati, Adhianty Nurjanah

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Yeni Rosilawati


Smoking cigarettes has become widely acknowledged as a behavior that entails many serious health risks. Numerous bylaws, retail protocols, and public health initiatives have attempted to prevent the initiation of smoking in adolescents specifically. The Bali Provincial Government effectively applied local regulations (Perda) Number 10 of 2011 concerning Smoke Control Area (Kawasan Tanpa Rokok) or called KTR since June 1, 2012. The KTR regulates that smokers do not smoke anywhere, therefore exposure to cigarette smoke does not affect vulnerable groups, namely children, adolescents and pregnant women. Public communication campaigns are used to improve awareness, knowledge, and understanding of an issue, in an attempt to influence individual behavior, build support for, and contribute to policy and social change. A comprehensive public communication campaign will include multiple components and demand extensive resources, particularly for media production and placement. This research method uses case study methods and belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research.

Tobacco Cessation, Community, Coalition Action, Bali

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Tobacco Farming Productivity Chain in Temanggung as to Improve the Farmers Welfare
Diah Setyawati Dewanti, M.Sc., PhD, Tania Dwi Krisnawatingsih

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Diah Setyawati Dewanti

Department of Development Economic
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Tobacco is one of the leading commodities in Temanggung Regency because of its high contribution to the income of farmers in Temanggung Regency. Tobacco has become part of the arteries of life that make tobacco a culture of the people of Temanggung which has been carried out for generations. The management of tobacco commodities in Temanggung Regency from reality upstream to downstream has contributed to job creation which has an impact on the creation of community welfare. However, on the other hand, the life of tobacco farmers, which actually contributed greatly to the growth of the tobacco industry, did not enjoy the benefits comparable to the benefits of the tobacco farming chain in Temanggung Regency. This study aims to identify and analyze the chain of tobacco farming for the welfare of tobacco farming in Temanggung Regency. This paper is presented descriptively supported by some literature that is relevant to the problems studied. Data obtained by direct observation (In-Dept Interview) face to face (Face to Face Relationship) to the object of study. Data management is done by content analysis and fishbone analysis. The results obtained in the identification of tobacco farming chains show that the tobacco market is dominated by two or more business actors who control or become sole buyers of tobacco, while the tobacco market pattern is composed of many actors such as farmers, intermediaries or collectors, baskets or traders and warehouse representatives or grader. In addition, there is no transparency and standard of tobacco prices from sellers to tobacco farmers, causing exploitation. This is what causes the welfare of farmers in Temanggung Regency.

tobacco, welfare, Temanggung Regency, Fishbone Analysis

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


TOEFL Practice Test Using UMY e-Learning and Schoology Mobile Application: a Comparison Study
Yashinta Farahsani(a*), Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yashinta Farahsani

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The development of education information system is now providing the access of learning resources for educators, education staff and students. One of the learning media that uses technology information is known as e-learning to facilitate the distribution of learning material, examinations, quiz exercises and assessments. UMY has an e-learning program that can be accessed in every faculty. This e-learning was created using social networking concept, so that it becomes one of the supporting communication tools between lecturers and students. In addition, Schoology has a concept similar to UMY e-learning. However, inside supports online learning, Schoology provides a large selection of resources. The method used in this research was a qualitative method. The research subject was taken from UMY e-learning program and Schoology mobile application, and the research object was in the form the practice test results in both programs. The technique of data collection was using documentation method. Documentation technique was used to find data about things that had been determined, by using this method, the writers were able to use free sentences. Both UMY e-learning and Schoology have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of using UMY e-learning is that the students have got used in using UMY e-learning. While in using Schoology, the students can access it via the application. Although both UMY e-learning and Schoology need internet access, the students do not need to open the web to do the quiz and other academic activities.

Effectiveness, TOEFL, practice test, students, ME TOEFL Software

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Topics and Reasons for violating the maxim of quantity when implicature is generated
Stevanus Ngenget

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Stevanus Ngenget

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

Testing a theory is required to give a room for the theory to improve and develop. This research is conducted for this reason. Specifically, this research is designed to identify the topics and reason of the violation of the maxim of quantity when the implicature is generated as to complement the writers earlier research. The data were collected by taking notes of the implicature produced by the participants during lunch time at Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado. The result shows that in the violation of the maxim of quantity, participants use implicature mostly to share information. The most significant topics in the violations of the maxim of quantity are jobs and people.

Implicature, Maxim of Quantity, Violation of the Maxim

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


TOUR GUIDE AS A STORY TELLER FOR PLACE BRANDING (A Qualitative Study at Jatilewih Agriculture Tourism Destination)
Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas

Telkom University, Bandung

Tourism industry has increased rapidly because of the needs of people to release from their daily activities. People choose Bali as the one of the tourism destinations. Jatilewih as an agriculture tourism destination with cultural heritage and story behind its agriculture destination.This is a tourist guide assignment to inform the heritage to the tourist. They need to be explained about the place and also the story behind the place.There will be a mediation needed as the bridge to meet the tourist expectation and it must be interpreted by the tour guide This research also discuss about the story telling that used by the tourist guide for understanding and mapping intangible culture with the purpose of branding through the story telling. Tourist as human instinctively employ processes of narrative-building to create stories that make sense of the world around them.This research used qualitative research by using interview methods and use tour guides as informants and the researcher do the field observation.This research shows the message that used by tour guide in the shape of storytelling in the model of message of communication of the tourist guide as a story teller with the purpose of a place branding.

Story Telling, Place Branding , Tour Guide Communications

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Towards Multiliteracies Pedagogy in EFL Instruction in Indonesia: Prospects and Challenges
Prihantoro (a) Didi Suherdi (b)

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Corresponding Author
Prihantoro Prihantoro

a) Prihantoro
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

b) Didi Suherdi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The shifting of literacy landscape resulting from social and technological changes suggests a need for new approaches to literacy pedagogy. Therefore, educators, researchers, policymakers and other educational stakeholders have been engaged in an ongoing dialogue about adopting multliteracies framework in classroom practices. One of the focal issues to address is teacher readiness to implement multiliteracies pedagogy. The study examined English lecturers perspectives and knowledge to adopt multiliteracies pedagogy in English as a Foreign Language instruction. The data for this study were gained through qualitative and quantitative responses from the participants. The study revealed that the participants were aware of the impact of the new communication technologies on literacy forms, practices, knowledge, and literacy learning and instruction. However, the participants did not only express concerns regarding the adequacy of their preparation to adopt multiliteracies pedagogy, they also noted the some constraints they encountered. The implications of the findings are discussed.

Multiliteracies pedagogy, EFL instructions

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Umi Rokhyati, M.Hum. M.Saeful Effendi, M.Pd.B.I.

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MUh Saeful Effendi

Ahmad Dahlan University

This is year 2-research aiming at designing TPACK-based model for teaching TEFL. The objectives of the reseach are to design learning materials implementing TPACK framework and its manual for its users. The designed is based on the ADDIE model. As the A and D (analisis and designed model) have been conducted at year 2, this research covers the development, implementation and evaluation (DIE). The implementation here is in the form of a tryout in one class. An expert in technology validated the learning material. Giving closed and open-ended questions to the students joining the tryout was done to evaluate the learning materials. The findings of the research are TPACK-based learning materials for teaching TEFL that has been validated and evaluated. The expert judgment considered the designed material good. Based on the questionairres given to the students they considered TPACK-based learning mterials is a positive model. Most students answer with quite agree and agree with the model.

TPACK, TEFL, Learning Material

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Traditional Medicine in the Modern World: A Comparative Study of Indonesia-s Jamu and the Philippines- Tambal Binisaya
Lourd Greggory D. Crisol; Nurul Maziyyah; Imaniar Ranti; Puguh Novi Arsito; Muhammad Fariez Kurniawan

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Lourd Greggory Dizon Crisol

English Department, College of Arts and Social Sciences,
Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines


Historical findings reveal that the Filipino-s lineage could be traced partly from Indonesians. And even to the present, such ancestral relations are observable in both countries through their language, facial features, and other cultural aspects like values and practices. One cultural practice in particular is the use of traditional medicines which are still alive and thriving in both countries. This qualitative study was thus crafted to investigate the connections in the use of traditional medicines in the Philippines and Indonesia, particularly in Iligan City, and the territory of Jogjakarta. Anchored on Migration theories and cultural diffusionism theories, this study attempts to answer the following questions: 1. What are the different Jamu medicines and tambal binisaya medicines and how do they draw their efficacy? 2. What are the strategies of these traditional medicine vendors to cope with the modernizing world? 3. How similar/ different are the reasons as to why Jamu and Tambal Binisaya are continually being patronized in the present day? Through the Data analysis, it was revealed that even though there are more varieties of tambal binisaya, most of the medicines there heal due to spiritual/ faith-based reasons as compared to Jamu-s scientifically backed discoveries. It was also found that to ensure business survival, the vendors from both tambal binisaya and Jamu have learned to adapt and employ marketing strategies which would best cater their patrons. Finally, it was discovered that both tambal binisaya and Jamu are still thriving in the modern world because of socioeconomic reasons. Both customers and vendors, see the use of the traditional medicines as more practical since these cost less but can still provide vitality or healing.

traditional medicine, Filipino culture, Indonesian Culture, Folk Practices, Diffused cultures

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Traffic Flow Analysis Due to Bottleneck (Case Study: Jatingaleh Underpass
Dwina Maharani (1*), Ismiyati (2), Mudjiastuti Handajani (3)

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Dwina Maharani

(1) Master of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

(2) Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

(3) Department of Civil Engineering, Semarang University, Indonesia

Underpass Jatingaleh is designed to solve congestion problem and reduce the rates at which accidents occur at intersections due to conflicts, but bottleneck can affect traffic performance. This study aims to determine changes in traffic movements, traffic performance after the existence of Underpass based on MKJI 1997, analyze density with the Greenshield linear approach, and analyze the effect of bottleneck. To be more effective, the survey is conducted by using drones. Based on the analysis, the road performance becomes better, but some segments should be optimized because degree of saturation (DS) > 0.75. The vehicle speed results are 52.29; 55.49; 29.87; 26.28 Km / Hour in segment A; B; C; D and Segment Density C; D = 155.71; 152.86 pcu/Km. Vehicle speed on bottleneck Segments C and D, in Setia Budhi Street does not meet the Primary Arterial Road criteria at 60 km / hour with very high density result. Bottleneck causes increased density, raises new conflict points (weaving), decreases vehicle speed up to 42-46%, and causes queue length of 0,150 Km. We propose that the Underpass it must be in accordance with the geometric requirements of MKJI, there should be no narrowing of/ the road in any segment.

congestion, traffic, bottleneck, underpass

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Transgenic Gene was Detected on Local Soybean of Indonesia

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Genesiska Genesiska

Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


Jl. Brawijaya, Geblagan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55183

In Indonesia, unbalance of production and consumption of soybean affects high import rate of soybean every year. Fifty percent of the soybean import originated from United States cultivar. Most of 94 % of soybean production and consumption from United States is transgenic soybean. In meanwhile, products of GMO and non GMO soybean and processed products were not classified, and recognized yet clearly in Indonesian market. There is no national validated method by analysis of DNA-based is currently available to screen genetically modified soybean seeds in the market. In this research, polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a method to amplify specifically DNA of mostly transgenic soybean consisted, EPSPS CP4 gene. In this research, all samples of local and imported soybeans were sold in the market classified as transgenic soybeans.

5-Enolpyruviyl-Shikimate Synthase (EPSPS) CP4, GMO, Local Soybean, Indonesia

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Translating Religious Text between Arabic and English: Tools for Problem Solving for translators in the Digital Era
Akmal Khuzairy bin Abd Rhaman,

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Twediana Budi Hapsari

Department of Arabic and Literature,
Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Science
International Islamic University Malaysia

Translators of religious text between the language pair of Arabic and English are often faced with problems related to lexical items, terms, idioms and context. The internet has been of a highly significant resource for the translators to look for assistance for the purpose of finding, clarifying and validating their translation choices of certain problems they encounter. This paper outlines the various problems encountered by translators of religious Islamic text between the language pair of Arabic and English and the solution found in the internet be it from the online dictionary, the encyclopedia, the advanced search tools in google search and other tools. The paper will also discuss about the advantages and shortcomings of these tools and the ways of optimizing its use. Samples are taken from the translation of the Holy Quran, the prophetic traditions and other major Islamic resources. The problems will be explained and relevant tools from the internet will be related to the problems in terms of its usefulness in assisting the translators.

Translating – Religious Texts – Arabic – English – Tools – Problem Solving – Digital Era

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Translation of the Relational Value of Euphemistic Expressions into English From Indonesian Literary Work
Ahdi Riyono (a*), Emzir, & Ninuk Lustyantie

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Corresponding Author
ahdi riyono

(a) Post Graduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta

(b) Universitas Negeri Jakarta

(c) Universitas Negeri jakarta
ninuk.lustyantie[at] .id

This study aims to describe the forms and techniques of translation of Euphemism in the Translation of The Dancer novel by René TA Lysloff. The research method used is a qualitative research with content analysis techniques. The research data is in the form of clauses containing expressions of euphemism. The data source was taken from Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (RDP) novel and the translation of the Dancer. The results showed that there were 35 data (83.3%) the forms of euphemism translated into euphemisms, and only 7 data (16, 7%) euphemisms were translated into other forms. The translation techniques used include single techniques, duplets and triplets. The conclusions of the reserach showed that there were shifts in ideological forms and values from the source text into the target text. The implication in the teaching of translation is that the achievement of the meaning equivalence needs infaithfulness of original form reflected by applying various translation techniques in the translation process.

Translation; Euphemistic Expressions; Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk; The Dancer

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


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