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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

Page 2 (data 31 to 60 of 1365) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Acceleration of Decomposition Process by Lignocellulolytic Bacteria and Its Effect to The Physical and Engineering Properties of Kalimantan Fibrous Peat
Dwiaji Ari Yogyanta (a*), Noor Endah Mochtar (a), Enny Zulaika (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dwiaji Ari Yogyanta

a) Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
b) Biology Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Peat is an organic soil which has very low bearing capacity and very high compressibility; its organic content is higher than 75%. Peat is classified into two categories, amorphous granular peat and fibrous peat (fiber content > 20%). Fibrous peat has higher bearing capacity compared to the amorphous one due to its fiber content. When the fiber undergone decomposition, however, its bearing capacity drops and bigger compression takes place. Due to that reasons, decomposition process of fibrous peat has to be accelerated before the construction starts in order to prevent the change of its properties. In this study, lignocellulolytic bacteria was used to accelerate the fiber decomposition. The results showed that 10% of bacteria with 28 days curing period given the optimum results. The fiber content decreased from 50% to 36.67% in 28 days curing period. The coarse and medium sizes of fiber decreased 5.13% and 22.03%, respectively; but the fine fiber increased 27.16% because of the change of coarse and medium fiber. Its unit weight and specific gravity decreased 6.83% and 7.89%, respectively. The peat compression increased 22.95% compared to the initial one; but the internal friction angle decreased 27.29%.

acceleration, fiber decomposition, fibrous peat, lignocellulolytic bacteria

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Accountability For The Management Of Papuas Special Autonomy Funds In Asmat Regency In The 2015-2018 Period
Suswanta (1) dan Muhammad Iqbal (2)

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Suswanta Suswanta

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The death of 72 residents of the Asmat regency in Januari 2018 revealed the latent problems of health and welfare in the province of Papua. Tens of trillions of budgets disbursed by the central government each year did not increase the quality of health and welfare of the Asmat population. Cases of malnutrition still appear every year. The patient mortality rate is five times above the national average. Flushing the Papua special autonomy fund should be able to improve the degree of health and welfare of the Papuan people. This paper aims to explain how accountability for the management of Papuas special autonomy funds in Asmat regency in the 2015-2018 period. The result of the study can be input for policy makers and policy implementers in Papua so that special autonomy funds can be used to improve the degree of health and welfare, especially in the Asmat regency

Accountability, Special Autonomy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Achieving Sustainable Public Transport In The Era Of Online Transportation
Fadhilla Artiwi Putri (a*), Kristina Setyowati (b), Rino A. Nugroho (b)

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Fadhilla Artiwi Putri

a) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
b) Master of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

The emergence of online transportation provides new choices for the community. But its existence is a threat to public transportation. The community prefers online transportation because it is seen as easy to access, more accessible to the area, cheap and free of traffic jams. Therefore public transportation needs to be improved. Sustainable public transportation must be achieved in order to keep up with the times. Sustainable transportation includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. This article tries to discuss how efforts to achieve sustainable public transportation. The method used in this article to answer research questions is a review of literature from journals, books, reports and results of previous research with related topics. The results of the study indicate that there needs to be a policy that supports the creation of sustainable public transportation. The need for a grand design that reaches the majority of the community, affordable costs for the community, a budget that supports the operation of public transportation, integration with other transportation and the use of environmentally friendly fuels. Further implications are made in this article.

sustainable transportation, public transportation, online transportation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Absti Wahyuni, Arlina Dewi

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absti wahyuni

Master of Hospital Management, Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

BACKGROUND: The application of surgical safety checklist in the health service has succeeded in improving patient safety in surgical room. The use of similar tools might be useful in hemodialysis service. Safety checklist helps medical workers to conduct medical activities more orderly and sequentially in order to reduce the number of unwanted events in patients.The purpose of this research is to arrange the safety checklist in hemodialysis service. METHOD: This study uses a qualitative method with an action research approach. Data obtained from activities series of observation, interview and Focus Group Discussion in Nitipuran Hemodialysis Clinic. RESULT and DISCUSSION: On the stages of Diagnosis Action obtained that the early screening activities and the supervision along hemodialysis activities are still deficient and have a risk of increasing the morbidity and mortality of patients. It is approved to use the tool of hemodialysis safety checklist which consists by 4 assessment period namely sign in (before action starts), time out (before vascular access), intra (monitoring along dialysis) and sign out (before patient leave hemodialysis room). Tool implemented for 2 weeks. The results of the implementation are very important to provide information about the patient and be written documentary evidence about the compliance of the officer to the actions and supervision that must be performed on the patient. This tool also increases the role of general practitioners in supervising the readiness and change of the patient condition, before and during the action. CoONCLUSION: Hemodialysis safety checklist is useful for helping clinical staff to comply with initial screening activities and monitoring patients during and after the procedure. The obstacles in its implementation need a further evaluation

Safety Checklist, hemodialysis

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Nurbianta., Marilou D. Tino

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nur bianta

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah, Tanjung Redeb. Indonesia,
University of Saint Anthony Philippines.

This study aimed to determine the writing needs of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah, Berau East Kalimantan and development and validation of an active, creative and innovative based instructional material in teaching writing. specifically, it sought answers to the following questions; 1) what are the identified writing needs of the first year college students?., 2) what instructional writing material could be develop based from the identified writing needs?., 3) is the prepared instructional material curricularly valid?., 4) what is the result of the pretest and post test between the experimental and control groups using the validated material?., 5) is there any significant difference the pretest and post test result of the experimental and control groups?., 6) what are the recommendations of the evaluators for the enrichment of the researcher output? the researcher employed the mixed multiple method in research and development, whereas the research is ADDIE (analyze, design, implement, and evaluate). the main instruments used in assessing the students need and ACI based instructional material is questionnaire. in assessing the implementation effect of ACI based instructional material the researcher used pretest and post test, and also supported by observation and interview. The statistical tools used in analyzing the data in this study were frequency count, ranking, mean, weighted mean, and T test. the finding is the basic guide to writing as the product constructed as the answer in developing the writing skill of the first year college students at STIT Muhammadiyah.

active, creative, innovative, instructional material

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Adaptation and Validation of instrument to assess nursing students professional behavior in Indonesia: A Pilot Study
Wulan Noviani (ab*), Chong Mei Chan (a), Tang Li Yoong (a)

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Corresponding Author
Wulan Noviani

1Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 55183, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Background: Professional behavior is the key success for nursing career as professional nurses. Nursing education play important role to educate nursing student act accordingly to tackle the complex demand in health care environment. However, the instrument to measure professional behavior among nursing student remains scarce. Objectives: To adapt and validate the Nursing Students Professional Behavior Scale (NSPBS) through pilot study to measure professional behavior among Indonesian nursing students. Method: The original instrument (27 items) underwent the guideline of translation and adaptation instrument by World Health Organization (WHO) (2018). The total sample of study is 364 nursing students who ever exposure clinical practice in hospital. The participants were students from Bachelor-level nursing school at private University in Yogyakarta (Indonesia) based on their responses to the Indonesian version from August-September 2018. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were conducted to evaluated the validity and reliability. Results: The data had fit for three-factor model including healthcare practice, activity practice and reporting. The face validity and content validity has evaluated by six experts. The CFA showed excellent result with factor loading varying between.70 to .96 for the constructs. While the composite reliability (CR) for all latent constructs range from .90 to .96, which means that the internal consistency reliability was high. Conclusion The translation, cultural adaptation and validation process of the NSPBS Indonesian version are resulted 27 items in three subscales. Indonesian version of NSPBS instrument are valid and reliable so it could implement to measure professional behavior of nursing students.

Professional behavior, nursing student, validation studies

International Conference on Nursing


ADDIE Model in the Preparation of a Blended Learning in Master Program : Beyond The Files Up-load to Server
Winny Setyonugroho, Arlina Dewi, Rizki Eka Safitri

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Winny Setyonugroho

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background E-Learning has been extensively discussed since the early 2000s. Implementing a teaching method that combines e-Learning with the traditional teaching method is very promising. When initiating a full program of blended learning in a postgraduate setting, one must prepare the materials and upload them to the server. Every single aspect behind the process of administering a regular program must also be well prepared, not to mention that there are additional IT complexities as well. Aim This study aims to describe the preparation process of establishing a blended learning program for the postgraduate level Master of hospital management program.. Method/Approach An ADDIE model is used to ease in organizing the preparation of the blended learning program. There are three areas focus on; the curriculum (material), the administration (all clutters behind the desk), and the Information Technology. Results/Findings A team was put together specifically to handle the blended learning program. During the analysis step, we found several main problems that required revision; the regular curriculum needs to be re-developed, the students do not possess the mindset of a self-directed learning style, the administrative rules and regulations are still designed for a regular (off-line) learning process, and there is a need for close coordination with the IT department in the university. These problems can be addressed by conducting a series of workshop to redesign the curriculum in order for it to fit with the blended learning program. We also need to create new regulations that meet the blended learning process and combine them with current regulations. The IT department in the university will prepare the servers according to our study design and also provide the staff support in preparing for the early weeks of the program. We must also develop SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for each of the activities which will act as the performance indicators of the program. Conclusion Running a blended learning program is not as easy as it looks. There are many preparations that must be made for each area involved in the program. This program really helps the students to be able to work and study at the same time. Further analysis is mandatory to maintain that the program runs smoothly and able to adapt to the current technology.

blended learning, e-learning

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Adolescents Knowledge, Emotional, Behavioral Attitude & Insights on Sexually Transmitted Infections: Implication for Comprehensive Sexual Education Program

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Elvie Alicaway Paler

Mindanao State University
Iligan Institute of Technology
Andress Bonifacio Avenue,9200
Iligan City

Todays time and age, there is no denying that the world is experiencing a paradigm shift. Of these changes, an alarming topic arises - Sexual Health. The Philippines is not exempted from this worldwide phenomenon. With one out of three Filipino youth aged 15-24 engages in unsafe premarital sex with 73.4% of males and 83.8% females, hence risk of contracting STIs. The study is conducted in order to assess the cognitive/knowledge, affective/emotional, and psychomotor/behavioral attitude of the adolescents on STIs, and to further determine their attitude and establish their insights and opinion on the increasing prevalence of STIs. The respondents of the study are Grade X students from six (6) schools within Iligan City - three of which are private, and the other three are public Institutions. The study utilizes a survey questionnaire which used a descriptive-survey design in gathering the data for the study and a two-stage cluster sampling method in choosing the respondents. With 60% correct answers in the cognitive domain, the results of the study show that on average, the respondents are affected of the issues and that they are knowledgeable with facts regarding STIs. The results also show that female respondents are more knowledgeable than male respondents. Twenty one prevent (21%) of the total female respondents get a mark of good Cognitive ability compared to 19% of the total male respondents. On average, majority of the respondents got correct on approximately 60% of the questions in the cognitive domain. Likewise, it has been found that majority of the respondents have no experience in any sexual contact. However five items which the respondents mark seldom show that they engage in sexually related acts six times a month at the most. The top opinions of the respondents on the prevalence of STIs are: The prevalence is due to unprotected sex practices; everyone must be more informed and aware of the current issue; and STIs are primarily contacted by having multiple sex partners. This program requires students to have an understanding of their own physical and emotional development during adolescence. Students shall also acquire basic knowledge about conception, teenage pregnancy and the prevalence of HIV-AIDS.

Adolescents Behavior, Sexually Transmitted Infections & Sexual Education

International Conference on Nursing


Irsandi Dwi Oka Kurniawan, Randy Yusuf Kurniawan, Lukman Atmaja, and Nurul Widiastuti*

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Irsandi Dwi Oka Kurniawan

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 60111, Surabaya
*corresponding author: nurul_widiastuti[at]

This study aims to determine the CO_2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon doped with nitrogen-doped. Activated carbon is carbonized from biomass empty fruit bunches (EFB). The results of lignocellulose analysis of EFB, 42.87 wt% of hemicellulose, 27.31 wt% of lignin, 26.42 wt% of cellulose and 3.40 wt% of ash indicate the characteristics of activated carbon. Potassium hydroxide is used as an activating agent and urea as a nitrogen precursor with a mass ratio, activated carbon: urea = 1: 3 (ACP13). The modified activated carbon was characterized by Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that activated carbon has low crystallinity and graphitization due to the activation effect of potassium hydroxide and doping nitrogen from urea. The adsorption of CO_2 on ACP13 and pristine activated carbon was performed using the gravimetric method at 30 °C and 1 bar. Results showed that the CO_2 adsorption capacity was 17.76 wt% and 8.34 wt% for ACP13 and pristine activated carbon, respectively. The adsorption process of CO_2 at 30 °C follow the pseudo-second order.

activated carbon; nitrogen-doped activated carbon; palm oil; empty fruit bunch; CO2 adsorption; pseudo-second order

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Advantages and Disadvantages of Incumbent Candidates in the Local Elections in Indonesia
David Effendi, Bambang Cahyana

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David Efendi

Universitas Muhammadyah Yogyakarta, Jusuf Kalla School of Government

Studies on incumbency are dominated by Western scholar studies by employing quantitative approach to see incumbency trend at congressman and senator elections. The gap of that academic research so far has given wider opportunity for incumbency studies in Indonesia as a new democratic country with a very complex electoral process. By conducting field research and partly ethnographic approach, this paper explains selected local elections cases which are relevant to incumbency literature and analysis. The results of this study indicated that incumbency candidates are facing both opportunities structure and disadvantages caused by embedded factors that are candidate profile, bureaucracy power, capital access, and provided information, and also the dynamic external factors which consist of: protest voters, political parties, corruption issues, etc. This also became an alternative answer to why many incumbent candidates were defeated in concurrent elections in 2015 and 2017.

incumbency, electoral democracy, media, corruption, voters

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Age and Sex Distribution of DHF in Sleman,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih

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Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that has a rapid geographical spread and the number of incidents is increasing. The disease is transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus which sucks human blood during the day so that the transmission might be related to human activities. Human activities are related to age and sex. This study aims to analyze descriptively about the incidence of dengue based on age and sex. Secondary data in the form of data on DHF patients with their age and sex in the period of 2008-2013 were obtained from the Health Office of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results showed that (1) aspects of age group: toddlers and children 5-14 years old ranged from 23.39% - 40.20% (35.68%), and &

dengue hemorrhagic fever, distribution, age and sex

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Agriculture-Based Productive Waqf for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Indonesia: Evidence From Daarut Tauhiid Peduli and Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School
Faizatu Almas Hadyantari*, Luliyatul Mutmainah, Farokhah Muzayinatun Niswah

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Farokhah Muzayinatun Niswah

School of Strategic and Global Studies, University of Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya IV, RW.5, Kenari, Senen, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10430, Indonesia

Sustainable development is now a priority for each country, especially for developing countries like Indonesia. One of the most sustainable development needs to be considered in Indonesia is sustainable agricultural development. Indonesia as an agricultural country with huge agricultural potential faces the challenges of degradation of agricultural land, environmental damage, land conversion and food sovereignty. A sustainable development approach is a development activity that combines economic, social and environmental aspects. Agriculture-based productive waqf is a solution that can be optimized to achieve these sustainable development goals. This study aims to analyze how the management and development of productive waqf based agriculture in Indonesia. Qualitative descriptive method used in this research through various literatures and interviews to Nazhir. The sample in this research are Daarut Tauhid Peduli and Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School. The result shows that Nazhir plays an important role in the management and development of productive waqf. Optimization of productive waqf is done by integration of agricultural management program between santri and surrounding community. This research plays an important role as a reference for the management of productive endowments in boarding schools based on agriculture for sustainable development.

Sustainable development; Productive waqf; Agriculture

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Air- Low Viscosity Water Two-Phase Flow Pattern in 5 Degrees Slope of the Capillary Pipe
Sukamta; Ade Yoga Pratama; Sudarja

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Sukamta Sukamta

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The investigation of two-phase flow in mini or capillary pipes becomes very important since it is used in various applications such as x-ray, heat exchanger, geothermal piping systems, boilers, oil, and gas. Furthermore, its application in biomedicine comprising the cardiovascular system which is blood circulation that is made up of the heart, blood vessels and the blood that circulates throughout the body. Along with the widespread application of two-phase flow, more in-depth research of two-phase flow is required by performing a variety of methods to find out its effect on characteristics of the two-phase flow and its application in biomedics. The research was carried out using experimental methods, with an inner pipe diameter of 1.6 mm and length of 130 mm. The test section with a slope of 5 degrees against the horizontal position. The working fluid being used were air and water mixed with Glycerin at concentrations of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% for each blend, and varying the superficial water and gas velocity in the range of JL = 0.033 to 4.935 m/s and JG = 0.025 to 66.3 m/s. The research was done by the method of visualization using high-speed cameras. The research found five types characteristics of flow pattern i.e.: bubbly, plug, slug annular, annular and churn. The plug flow pattern dominates the result in this study, viscosity changes effect can be seen on the bubbly and plug flows as well as on the transition flow pattern. Flow pattern formed later are mapped based on superficial velocity variation. Map of the flow pattern is also compared to the results of previous research and it has resulted the conformity.

annular, bubbly, gas, liquid, superficial, velocity.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Alcoholic Beverage Consumption Behaviors Among Primary School Students
Tepthai Chotchai

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Tepthai Chotchai

Sirindhorn College of Public Health Khon Kaen, Thailand

In 1997, WHO reported that 25% of pre-adolescents used to drink alcohol worldwide. The purpose of this cross-sectional research was to explore the alcoholic beverage consumption (ABC) behaviors among 380 primary school students in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. Data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results revealed that 68 students (17.90%) used to drink and started drinking at 8 years old. For those who were in the alcohol consumption group, the average (SD) age onset of alcohol consumption was 10.78 (1.28) ; range 8-13 years. The most common reason for the first time of their ABC behaviors was curiosity in testing alcohol (64.71%). Most of them shared the drink with friends (75.00%). There were 60.29% and 48.52% of them that consumed alcohol after finishing their final examinations and birthday parties respectively. Most students can buy alcohol at the convenience stores (66.17%). There were 69.11% who had alcohol consumption with their family members. Conclusion: Curiosity, peers, celebrating events and family members seemed to considerably influence on the students- ABC behaviors. Therefore, health-related agencies, schools and students- families may need to help together in solving this drawback behavior of young children.

alcohol consumption; behaviors; primary school students

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Alginate edible coating enriched with vanilla oil to maintain the shelf-life of fresh-cut red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus).
Nafi Ananda Utama, Indira Prabasari, Chanda K Setiawan, Irfan Fajri

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Lis Noer Aini

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The research aimed to find out the best concentration from various vanilla essential oil concentration as antimicrobial agent added to alginat edible coating to inhibit the growth of microbial decomposition and maintain shelf-life of fresh-cut red Pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus). The experiment was designed with Completely Randomized Design using four treatments as follows: 1) vanilla essential oil 0%, 2) vanilla essential oil 0.1%, 3) vanilla essential oil 0.3% and 4) vanilla essential oil 0.6%. The result showed that vanilla essential oil 0,6% was able to inhibit fresh-cut red Pitaya-s fungal decomposition. Concentration of vanilla essential oil 0,6% could maintain physical and chemical quality based on weight loss, firmness, titratable acidity and total soluble solids content. Moreover, sensory analysis on fresh-cut red Pitaya indicated that the same result. Edible coating alginate and vanilla essential oil was able to maintain the quality of fresh-cut red Pitaya up to 9 days.

Fresh-cut Red Pitaya, Vanilla Essential Oil, Edible coating, Alginate

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


An analysis of green building in Universitas Sebelas Maret library
Devi Adillah Nuraini(a), Chundakus Habsya(b), Budi Siswanto(b)

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Corresponding Author
Devi Adillah Nuraini

(a) Student of Building Engineering of Education FKIP UNS, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesian
(b) Lecturer of Building Engineering of Education FKIP UNS, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesian

The building sector is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are the couse of global warming, so the application of the concept green building is the most effective way to minimize the effect of global warming. The aims of the study is to (1) identify the Green Building concept application in the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Library (2) identify the level of Green Building concept application in the Universitas Sebelas Maret Library according to Greenship Existing Building Version 1.1. The research method was a qualitative. The population of the research was all existing buildings in the Universitas Sebelas Maret. The sample chosen was UNS Library by purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The research data validity as followed was data triangulation and validation by the subject experts of appropriate site development, energy efficiency and conservation, water conservation, material, air health and comfort, building and enviroment management. The result of study is, (1) UNS Library applies the green building concept (2) The level of Green Building concept application in the Universitas Sebelas Maret of Surakarta Library got “Bronze” by scored 41.025%.

green building, UNS library, greenship existing building version 1.1

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


An Analysis of Summative Test on The Eighth Grade of Muhammadiyah Junior High School of Yogyakarta
Nurul Aisyah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, nurulaisyah[at]

This piece of work was aimed to survey intended to determine the level of difficulty and power of discrimination of a final test with the use of multiple choice applied in the subject of Aqidah-Akhlak for the Muhammadiyah Junior High School-s Eighth Grade in Yogyakarta. Sample of this survey is 200 students of the Muhammadiyah Junior High School-s Eighth Grade in Yogyakarta. It analyzed 40 items of the multiple-choice questions provided by a group of teachers provided by Muhammadiyah provincial board. This research was held by analyzing different levels of difficulty and discrimination index of any items further interpreted into established criteria. The main source was the document of that multiple-choice instrument. The results showed that the difficulty index was considered proportional with 60% moderate, 27% easy and 13% hard. Meanwhile, the power of discrimination was good with 25% good, 62% fair and 13% poor. Therefore, it is not good assessment instrument to measure capability of pupils. Enhancing the quality of test especially on administering and developing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) will make easier for teacher assessing the quality of learning and more able to is measuring the capability pupils into learning competences.

Multiple-choice; summative item analysis; difficulty index; discrimination index

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


An analysis of the Students- Internship Reports at Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado
Stevanus Ngenget

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Stevanus Ngenget

Universitas Katolik De La Salle Manado

The challenge of globalization has triggered educational institutions to meet the international qualification for their learners. One indication of international education is the uses of English in academic writing. As part of its effort to provide an international education, Tourism Faculty of Universitas Katolik De La Salle requires students to write their internship report in English. This research was conducted to analyze the students- performance in writing their reports in English. There were four students reports selected randomly for this study. The result showed that there were nine critical agreements in English writing the students violated. It is interesting that the disruption in students writing showed a similar pattern. They were inaccurate in regards to spelling, grammar, punctuation, fluency, conventions, conciseness, formality, clarity, and vocabulary. Among these nine inaccuracies, Grammar was the most disrupted, and fluency was the least one.

Internship Report, academic writing

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


An Analysis on Lecturers Politeness Principles and Students Compliance in EFL Class at Islamic College Jakarta Indonesia
Fitriyah (, Emzir (, Sakura Ridwan ( Sakura Ridwan

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Fitriyah Fitriyah

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Abstract One of the significant concerns of communicative way of learning is to be able to convey meaning and not just physical words in a language. The study of speech acts and politeness could possibly help achieve this. When using speech acts, one should take into consideration the conversational rules of the language and in order to establish a safe and harmonious conversation, it is better to use certain strategies to eliminate their possible threatening effects. This study aims to find out the politeness strategies used by the teachers and how the politeness affects to the students compliance. The focus is on directive and expressive speech acts. The subjects of this study were three lectures and the students of English class. The data was gathered by video audio recording the teachers utterances and the students compliance to the teacher, in order to find the teachers politeness principles and the students compliance to the teachers utterances. In the data analysis, it is found that 1) the teachers used ten maxims in their communication to the students. They are tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim agreement maxim, Obligation (of S to O) maxim, sympathy maxim, modest maxim, Obligation (of O to S) maxim, Opinion reticence maxim, and feeling reticence maxim. 2) The lecturers dominantly used tact maxim in their directive speech acts to the students. 3) Students pragmatic competence and cultural awareness were the factors that affected the students compliance to the teachers politeness utterances. The findings of this study will probably give insights into the pragmatic and conversational rules EFL.

politeness strategies, English for Foreign Language (EFL), students compliance, teaching and learning process, cultural awareness

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


An application of Virtual Reality in Cognitive Stimulation Program on the cognitive function of the Elderly with mild cognitive impairment
1Paratee Sittipakorn, RN. 2Surachat Sittipakorn, RN. Ph.D. 3Wandee wandee lauwisetpipatkul, RN. 4Somchai Chuenanon, MD.

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Amanda Amanda

1Geriatric Clinic, Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, Thailand 2Faculty of Nuring, Mahasarakham University, Thailand 3Head of Outpatients Department, Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, Thailand 4Hospital Director, Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, Thailand

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an application of Virtual Reality in Cognitive Stimulation Program on cognitive function in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) attending Geriatric Clinic at Nong Bua Lamphu Hospital, Thailand. Thirty elderly patients with MCI were included in this studied. The patients were screening with Barthel ADL index and IADL, MMSE Thai-2002 had high score than 22 with recall score below than 3/3 were inclusion criteria. This program was modifying from Cognitive Stimulation Program of Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health. VR program developed by review literature, exposed to the application of program with 6-time cognitive stimulation program in 2 month included with VR technology was applied for 10 min per experiment. The result showed that, the cognitive function ability of the elderly group showed a statistically significant increase in MOCAs score after the exposure to the program (t = 8.900, p = .00) Conclusion Thus, an application of Virtual Reality in Cognitive Stimulation Program is an effective intervention for the elderly with MCI.

Virtual reality program, Cognitive function, Mild cognitive impairment

International Conference on Nursing


An Evaluation of User Satisfaction with Library Services at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Novy Diana Fauzie

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The study defined user satisfaction as an evaluation of library product and services in term of whether that library product and services met their needs and expectation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the service and resources that library provided and found if the user satisfied with the library. Library give an important support in the academic culture and give information needs to students and faculty. The study focused on user satisfaction on service hour, kinds of collections, information dissemination and library staff services. There are 100 questionnaires were distributed to students and lecturers who came to the library. Moreover, there are google form that students could participate the survey. It was discovered that users use library service and resources. The following are the main finding: the user satisfied with library hours, library facility, and library staff. The study found that the library has to give more attention to the information dissemination, the update collection, increased library hour and library staff expertise.

Evaluation, User Satisfaction, Library Service

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Maria Julieta Esperanca Naibili (a*), Erna Rochmawati (b)

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Maria Julieta Esperanca Naibili

(a)Student Master of Nursing, Postgraduate faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta,Indonesia, esperancanaibili[at]
(b)Lecturer, School of Master in Nursing, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, erna.rochmawati[at]

Abstract Background: Mental health problems are a major concern in the world both developed and developing countries that leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide around 450 million people which affects everyone at every stage of life regardless of age, sex, rural or urban area and income and cause significant morbidity because it is accompanied by other pandemics, namely stigma and discrimination. The concept of mental disorders varies across cultures because culture shapes expressions, perceptions and treatment preferences so that each culture has its own way of explaining mental disorders based on a set of beliefs and practices in determining causes, health seeking behavior and treatment choices. Different views are based on prevailing local belief systems and cultural norms that influence individual decisions to seek and follow up treatment and care. Health beliefs as a framework for understanding perceptions of mental disorders because these factors influence help seeking behavior. Purpose : The aim of the study was to explore health beliefs and community perceptions about mental disorders in Belu district, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. Method: An ethnographic approach used by focused ethnography. Data collection during 1 month (February 25 until March 25, 2019) through interviews, documents, and observations. Tested semi-structured interview guide. The type of purposive sampling consisted of 18 participants consisting of 6 community, 6 health workers, 6 traditional elders living in Belu, NTT. Data analysis using NVIVO.

Health Beliefs; Community Perceptions; Mental Disorders; Ethnographic Study

International Conference on Nursing


An Integration Framework of Green Halal Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry
Devi Urianty Miftahul Rohmah, Wendianing Putri Luketsi

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Devi Urianty Miftahul Rohmah

University of Darussalam Gontor

Supply chain management is the integration of material procurement and service activities, conversion into semi-finished and final products, and delivery to customers. The increasing awareness of halal products by both producers and consumers, the halal concept at the moment is a matter that needs attention globally. The application of halal concepts in the supply chain is called halal supply chain management. Halal supply chain management adopts the conventional supply chain but with imposed Sharia law requirements. In addition, every activity in the supply chain can cause pollution, waste, and other hazards to the environment. Green Supply Chaim Management is the integration of an environmental perspective into supply chain management. Green Supply Chain Management uses eco-friendly inputs and converts these inputs into outputs that can be reused at the end of their life cycle so as to create a sustainable supply chain. The food industry at this time must prioritize halal products and processes, and also needs to consider the environmental impact caused by industrial waste. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to create a framework by integrating halal supply chain management with green supply chain management in the food industry in order to achieve a sustainable halal supply chain.

framework, green supply chain, halal supply chain, sustainable

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


An Investigation on the Role of English Lesson Module in Accommodating the Learning Styles of the Students of A Language Training Center
Nurul Yusnita

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Nurul Yusnita

Language Training Center of UMY

English language learning has been developed in order to assist the students to master it. They usually study it in English language classes and to support the teaching learning activities, they get English lesson modules. However, successful learning does not only depend on the module, but it also involves the internal factor of the students such as their psychological factor. Therefore, it is substantial to consider psychological aspect in the learning activities. One of the psychological studies in educational area is learning style. In some aspects, learning style can influence the lesson mastery. The objective of this study is to investigate the role of English lesson module used in a language training center in accommodating the learning styles of the students. The method used was descriptive analytical and the data was collected from questionnaires with Likert-scale. To analyze the data, SPSS statistical software of correlational analysis was used.

English Lesson Module, Learning Styles

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Sidi Mohamed Sidi Ahmed

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Sidi Mohamed

email: kaldbkar[at]

At the present time, right to privacy or “the right to be let alone- as Warren and Brandeis described it is considered amongst established human rights that are introduced by the UDHR and then adopted by other instruments around the world. Though privacy described as “a right to control access to and uses of- places, bodies, and personal information” the concept of privacy and its scope are not concretely defined. The reason lies behind this could be the wide notion of privacy as it includes “separated but related concepts” such as bodily privacy; territorial privacy; privacy of communications and information privacy. In the Islamic perspective, the early Islamic jurists did not use terms such as ‘privacy right- or ‘right to be let alone-, but rights protected by modern privacy are also protected by Islamic law under various rulings such as prohibition of spy, rules of seeking permission for entering houses, covering awrah (the intimate parts of human body) and such like. According to this, right to privacy is recognized and protected by well-known established rules in the Islamic Fiqh (law), as well as in the Islamic culture and traditions. This paper argues that Islamic rules relating to privacy, if adopted, could protect privacy in the digital era and fill the gap that modern secular privacy law is unable to fill.

Islamic approach, privacy, protection digital era

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Analysing Risk for Sustainable Construction Project Using Fuzzy Logic: A Concept
Sony Susanto1,[1], I Putu Artama Wiguna1, M. Arif Rohman1

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Sony Susanto

1Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Civil Engineering, Surabaya, Indonesia

The use of natural resources is widely used in construction operations, as well as in the operation of a building resulting from a construction project there is still a lot of energy that cannot be maximally utilized to reduce energy use so that sustainable concepts can be implemented properly. In implementing sustainable construction there are still many risks faced by contractors, clients, and regulations. Therefore, a risk analysis of sustainable construction projects is needed to reduce negative impacts and improve the implementation of sustainable construction in reducing energy use, so that sustainable construction can be implemented smoothly in Indonesia. In assessing the risks to a sustainable construction project there are still few research done, it requires risk modeling that takes into account sustainable factors. Identification of risk for sustainable construction projects is obtained from the literature review. While the assessment model is determined by considering 3 sustainable aspects (economic, social, environmental) approach to probability and impact. With regard to probability and impact, the ambiguity of human judgment is assessed, using fuzzy. The results of the concept found in the formula for assessing the risk of sustainable construction projects are Rsp = (Rec + Rso + Ren) / 3.

Sustainable Construction Projects, Fuzzy Logic, Sustainable construction project formulas

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Analysis Assessment of The E-Government Website of The Provincial Government in Indonesia in 2018
Dewi Sekar Kencono

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Dewi Sekar Kencono

Lecturer of Departement Government Affairs and Administration
Faculty of Social and Political Science
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


This research applies e-government assessment that has been carried out by regional governments throughout Indonesia. This study is important to do considering the journey of Indonesian e-government which has been running from 2003 through Presidential Instruction. No. 3 of 2003 concerning the policy on the use of communication information technology and the National Strategy for E-Government Development which aims to improve the quality of public services effectively, efficiently and transparently. The purpose of the assessment is to improve the website of local governments in Indonesia in accordance with the presidents wishes. Joko Widodo. This research was carried out on the provincial government website on several islands outside Java in Indonesia. Sampling uses certain sampling considerations or purposive sampling from 34 provinces in Indonesia. This research is supported by a literature study. The method used is to conduct an e-government framework assessment which is then processed using SPSS to see the correlation and performance generated from the provincial government website. The results of this study make recommendations for improving the implementation of e-government implemented by local governments in Indonesia.

e-government, assessment, performance, local government

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Analysis Causes of Traffic Congestion Using Social Network Analysis
Putra Aulia Kesuma (a*), M. Arif Rohman, ST., MSc., Ph.D (a)

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Putra Aulia Kesuma

a) Departement of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jl. Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111 Indonesia

Highway is an important means of transportation to support community and economic activities. However, the highway also raises several problems, including traffic congestion. Traffic congestion can lead to losses material or non-material. Some efforts have been made by the City Government to overcome this problem. However, traffic congestion problems still occur, especially congestion that is non-recurrent. This type of congestion is dynamic and unpredictable. The risk management approach is an alternative that can be used to solve this problem, find out the dominant causes, and planning the right response. There are some earlier research, but have not found that describe patterns of interaction between risk factors and stakeholders involved in an effort to overcome this problem comprehensively. Traffic congestion is a complex problem. Therefore, Social Network Analysis (SNA) became one of the powerful methodologies used to describe and understand patterns of relations in complex problems. This research is intended to model risk factors causes traffic congestion, and stakeholders involved. Data analysis was taken base on respondents perceptions of several relevant stakeholders. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for stakeholders to understand and find the best response to overcome traffic congestion problems.

risk management, non-recurrent traffic congestion, urban highways, stakeholders, Social Network Analysis (SNA)

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Evi Yuliawati1,3; Pratikto1; Sugiono2; Oyong Novareza2

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Evi Yuliawati

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia 2Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia 3Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim 100, Surabaya, Indonesia

Remanufacturing industry has transformed into a crucial business concern due to the favorable profit achieved by a corporate. The returned products caused by end-of-used and end-of-life can be traded back both on the second-hand market and remanufactured products market. Despite the utilization of secondary resources in the making of remanufactured products, these products function similarly to the new ones. Based on that consideration, this study investigates how the consumers willingness-to-pay (WTP) on remanufactured products. This research was directed on remanufactured electronic products extensively used by university students, namely gadget. The Gadget has been selected due to the increasing demands of purchasing this product among the society, as well as the availability of various brands in the market. As for the students, the selection is based on the consideration that they are capable of providing an appraisal to distinguish remanufactured products from the new ones, particularly in term of brand and pricing. The result indicates that the students put brands into considerations when making decisions to WTP for remanufactured products. This results in the urgency for the original-equipment-manufacturer (OEM) to promote their remanufactured products well publicly. The incapability of positioning remanufactured product brands will generate competition with new products market.

gadget; product brand; remanufactured product; willingness-to-pay

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Analysis Demand and Supply Parking Lot of Motorcycle Abu Bakar Ali, Yogyakarta: an Introduction for Application of Intelligent Transportation System
Noor Mahmudah (a), Dian Setiawan (a), Dirfi Gustian Jaya (a), Iswanto (b), Fathoni Usman (c*)

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(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya Bantul 55183, Indonesia
(b) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan Brawijaya Bantul 55183, Indonesia
(c) Institute of Energy Infrastructure Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang 43000, Selangor, Malaysia

Parking is an absolute requirement to support activities in commercial area. Recently parking lot of Abu Bakar Ali Yogyakarta is quite busy to accommodate motorcycle that will go to Malioboro, Yogyakarta. Hence this study aims to analyze the demand and supply of motorcycle parking lot of Abu Bakar Ali, Yogyakarta. The method employed in this study is a field survey to count the number of motor cycle entering and exiting parking lot and to estimate the parking capacity. The analysis results show that the maximum accumulation parking of motorcycle occurs on weekend which was equal to 401, while on weekday were 192 motorcycles. The static parking space was 2760 m2 with a configuration using a 90 degrees pattern so it can only accommodate 1306 motorcycles. In addition, the parking system is manually and lack of information about parking space availability for the users so it causes less efficient services. By considering the rapid growth of motorcycle in Yogyakarta, and in order to support the Provincial Government Regulation to prohibit the use of motorcycle in Malioboro area, hence it is very important to apply Intelligent Transportation System, particularly to manage the parking lot of motorcycle in this area efficiently.

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), parking, Abu Bakar Ali, Yogyakarta

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


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