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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Identity Politics of Muslims After Reunion 212 at Presidential Election 2019

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Government Science Departement,
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Jl.Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Indonesia

Identity Politics of Muslims After Reunion 212 at Presidential Election 2019 Saiman Department of Goverment Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang Jl.Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Indonesia Abstract The "212" event in 2016 showed that Muslims basically had extraordinary strength and unity in the socio-political field and this was reinforced by Reunion 212 on December 2, 2018. However, the political system of the power of Muslims was divided into several political parties, oriented and based on Muslims. What is the development and political direction of Muslims in the 2019 Presidential Election on 17 April 2019 later? Does it still show strength and unity? And what factors influence it? This research will be studied using the theory of identity politics and democracy to analyze the orientation, direction, strength and unity of Muslims This study uses qualitative research methods with the technique of collecting data by observation, reference study (documentation) on the phenomena and facts of strength and unity of Muslims. The results show that the political power of Islam is divided into 2 groups, pro to the government or supporting the presidential candidate 01 and supporting the presidential candidate 02 as the opposition of the government. Islamic political power supports 01 on PKB, PPP and PBB, while for supporters 02 on PKS and PAN, and spread to other political parties. So that the political power of Muslims has not become a major force which in majority leads to political support. Factors that influence are the struggle for honesty and truth and the struggle for justice, because every political process in the election must be carried out honestly and fairly according to the election law that the election must be Jurdil (honest and fair). Key words: Political identity, Islam, Presidential Election

Political identity, Muslim, Presidential Election

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Image Processing for Corrosion Quantification in Concrete Slabs using GPR data
Ahmad Zaki (1), Yessi Jusman (1), Megat Azmi Megat Johari (2), Wan Muhd Aminuddin Wan Hussin (2)

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Yessi Jusman

(1) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Abstract This study aims to quantify the corrosion of steel reinforcing bar (rebar) in concrete structures using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and image processing techniques. A method to accelerate corrosion of steel rebars in concrete slab to different level of corrosion is applied. The power supply and the electrolyte are used to induce significant corrosion within a short period of time. The 2 GHz GPR is used to assess the corrosion in the reinforced concrete slab after 28 days of standard moist preservation. GPR method has been found to be useful for quantifying steel corrosion on existing concrete slab. The image processing techniques were used to process the GPR data. The results of the analysis of the GPR data shows that corrosion of the rebars could be detected. The subsequent image processing technique exhibits that corrosion of the rebars could be appropriate quantified.

Corrosion, concrete, GPR, image processing

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Image Processing for Corrosion Quantification in Concrete Slabs using GPR data
Ahmad Zaki, Yessi Jusman, Megat Azmi Megat Johari, Wan Muhd Aminuddin Wan Hussin

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Yessi Jusman

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

This study aims to quantify the corrosion of steel reinforcing bar (rebar) in concrete structures using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and image processing techniques. A method to accelerate corrosion of steel rebars in concrete slab to different level of corrosion is applied. The power supply and the electrolyte are used to induce significant corrosion within a short period of time. The 2 GHz GPR is used to assess the corrosion in the reinforced concrete slab after 28 days of standard moist preservation. GPR method has been found to be useful for quantifying steel corrosion on existing concrete slab. The image processing techniques were used to process the GPR data. The results of the analysis of the GPR data shows that corrosion of the rebars could be detected. The subsequent image processing technique exhibits that corrosion of the rebars could be appropriate quantified.

Steel rebar; structure; GPR; Image processing; Classification

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Image Quality and Radiation Dose In Abdomen CT Scan With Difference Intravascular Contrast Media
Siti Masrochah (a*), Ardi Soesilo Wibowo (a), Jeffri Ardiyanto (a), Fatimah (a), Agung Nugroho Setiawan (a)

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Agung Nugroho Setiawan

Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
Jalan Tirto Agung Pedalangan Banyumanik Semarang
* masrochah[at]

Abdominal tumors due to malignancy in the liver often occurred in Abdomen CT Scan patients. To obtain a good and accurate image quality can be done by setting the scan delay and windowing. The purpose of this study is to determine the values that fulfilled the radiation protection aspects. This research is quantitative research with the experimental approach the research is done in Telogorejo Hospital in Semarang by using 40 samples with 5 scan delay times (60; 65; 70; 75; 80 seconds). The results calculated by ROI on the object and analyzed by Friedman tests. The results showed a difference in image quality (p-value = 0.02). The results of dose calculations showed an increase in dose for each additional scan delay time. This is consistent with the results of statistical tests (y = 1,181x + 20,025 with R² = 0.8506), which means that the dose increase is caused by scan time delay. Suggest for getting the optimal image quality with 70 seconds scan delay and the maximum scan delay with 75 seconds is still accepted for patients. The radiation dose is 24,54 mGy with maximum scan delay, which under the regulation of Bapeten and safe for the patients.

Abdomen CT Scan, Scan Delay, windowing, Radiation Dose

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Immunomodulatory Activity of Steroid Saponins in Dioscorea alata L. Tubers In Silico
Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah (a*), Sri Tasminatun (b), Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih (c), Sabtanti Hari Murti (b)

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Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah

a) Histology and Cell Biology Department, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
b) School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
c) Parasitology Department, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

corresponding author: nurul_makiyah[at]

Steroid saponin in the tuber of Dioscorea alata L. has the potential to have immunomodu-latory activity. The purpose of this study was to examine the immunomodulatory activity of steroid saponins in Dioscorea alata L. tubers in silico. This observational study was conducted using steroid saponin compounds as a result of GC-MS test N-hexan extract, Clionasterol with comparison of native ligand (Celecoxib) which was carried out molecular docking using COX-2 receptors with Chimera software. The docking process uses a protein with the code: 3LN1, which is the active side of the COX-2 receptor which binds to celecoxib (a drug that selectively binds to the COX-2 receptor). Validation results between COX-2 receptor proteins binding to native Ligand (Celecoxib) show Lower Bond RMSD values &

Steroid Saponins, Dioscorea alata L., in silico, immunomodulators, Clionasterol

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Impact of High-Speed Train for Passanger Executive Train Jakarta-Surabaya Coridor
1. Asep Yayat Nurhidayat 2. Djoko Prijo Utomo 3. Sucipto

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Asep Yayat Nurhidayat

Agency for the Assesment and Application of Technology, (BPPT) Jakarta

Due to the increasing demand for travel by train in recent years, the large potential number of passengers in Jakarta - Surabaya corridor needs to be anticipated with adequate transportation system planning so that the bottlenecks on available transportation network system can be minimized. This paper analyzes the potential competition between the demand of executive passenger train and Jakarta-Surabaya high-speed train which will be built by the Government as planned. This study only use travel time variables and ticket rates as independent variables between executive passenger train and high-speed train, then stated preference methods and binomial logit models are used as tools for processing data. As a result, we believe that the operation of Jakarta-Surabaya high-speed train will have a negative impact on the demand of executive passenger train on this route.

demand, high speed train, travel time, stated preference, binomial logit model

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Impact of solar energy system with and without reflector on home-scale batik industry
Faaris Mujaahid, Suko Febriyanto, Ramadoni Syahputra

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Faaris Mujaahid

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Harvesting the energy from solar has been growing significantly in the past decades. It enlarges the utilization of solar system technology, such as photovoltaic system, not only in the large-scale application, but also in the home-scale application. Indonesia is known for traditional batik clothing. There are a lot of various batik from different cities in Indonesia, and Yogyakarta is one of them. This paper reports the utilization of photovoltaic system in home-scale batik industry in Yogyakarta. The objective is to investigate the system whether there will be an extra power generated from the photovoltaic if a reflector is applied to the panel. There are two kinds of reflectors used in this experiment, they are mirror glass and aluminium foil. The experiment was conducted in the day where the amount of solar radiation are in the same intensity among three conditions; system without reflector, system with mirror glass reflector, and system with aluminium foil reflector. The result shows that in average the system with reflector has produced higher output power compared to the system without the reflector.

Photovoltaic system, reflector, mirror glass, aluminium foil, batik industry

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Impact of Wild Cicer Species on Production under Climate Change
Amar Maruf (a, b), Duygu Sari (b), Hatice Sari (b), Tuba Eker (b), Cengiz Toker (b*)

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Amar Maruf

a) University of Asahan, Faculty of Agriculture, North Sumatra, Indonesia
b) Akdeniz University, Faculty of Agriculture, Antalya, Turkey

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the first rank among cool season legumes on the basis sowing area, and the crop is mostly grown in marginal areas under rainfed conditions in the world. Therefore, chickpea is exposed to high temperature and drought stresses. Extreme temperature in the near future has been predicted to increase due to climate change that caused to take place high temperature and drought stresses. Therefore, it is necessary to release cultivars to be resistant to high temperature and drought stresses to maintain stable production of chickpea. C. judaicum, C. bijugum, C. pinnatifidum and C. reticulatum have been shown to be tolerant to drought stress. Perennial wild Cicer species including C. anatolicum, C. microphyllum, C. montbretti, C. oxydon and C. songaricum were found to be tolerant drought. Wild Cicer species are considered to be superior to drought and heat stresses. Although perennial wild Cicer species have been shown to be significantly tolerant to drought stress, only two Cicer species can be crossed with the cultivated chickpea. To overcome these stresses, all Cicer species should be used in a long-term breeding program to produce chickpea cultivars that are tolerant to high temperature and drought stresses.

chickpea, wild Cicer species, breeding, climate change

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Dessy Farantika

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dessy farantika

Postgraduate Early Childhood Education, State University Of Malang

This research was conducted to describe the implementation of the project method to foster critical thinking in children in group B in Al Muhajirin Kindergarten. The type of research used is qualitative research with a case study research method. The data analysis used in this study came from the Hubberman and Milles analysis techniques. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation techniques. This research was conducted at Al Muhajirin Malang Kindergarten. Based on the case study, it was found that the implementation of the project method could develop the child to think critically which could be known to pass through the childs work. through child project methods are required to solve problems based on what the child already knows.

Project Method, Critical Thinking, Early Childhood Education

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Implementation And Communication Models of CSR Program In Indonesia and Malaysia
Adhianty Nurjanah1, Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya2

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Adhianty Nurjanah


Abstract The purpose of this study is to find out the implementation and the CSR communication model because nowdays the demands for corporate awareness increase significantly. Thus, every company should carrying out their business program with full of responsibility and ethically, including in the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This study examines 2 cross-country companies, namely PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant Indonesia and SSP Global Malaysia. This research using case study methods that belongs to qualitative descriptive research. The results show that the implementation motives between the two companies have similarities, namely Socially Responsibility Business Practices, support in community development tailored to the business or business activities of the community. While the communication models also have similarities because it uses dialectical communication so that it is able to solve the problem of rejection of CSR programs by the community at the beginning of its activities.

Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Communication, Companies

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Implementation and Configurations Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning in Purchase and Warehouse Module ( A Case Study on SME )
Agung Terminanto (a*) ; Achmad Nizar Hidayanto (b) ; Deni Wiegani (c)

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Agung Terminanto

a,b) Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia,, Depok, Indonesia
* agung.terminanto[at]
c) Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pancasila, Department of Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an integrated information system to manage a company-s business processes. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) needs ERP but lack the funds necessary. Open Source System ERP (OSS ERP) becomes the choice for applying ERP by SMEs for the price and customizability. This research aims to identify the characteristics and configuration of purchase and warehouse module at PT. ANS using OSS ERP. PT ANS produces racking system and safety door selling products. In the actual business process is done semi-manually, the process of creating reports using Microsoft Excel. The problem that is often faced is the frequent delay in making reports and the stock of goods with physical raw materials is not the same. Currently, the warehouse process is still done manually and the procurement of goods has not been computerized, thus causing delays in data transmission from one part to another. To improve the purchase and warehouse process in PT ANS, a system that supports the integration of each part is needed. Data integration with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system implementation is expected to help the purchase and warehouse process to be more efficient. The selected OSS ERP system is Odoo, as it is an open source ERP application that has various business application modules. This study using RAD (Rapid Application Development) to deploy an ERP system. There are 3 main components of the RAD method, namely Requirement Planning, Process Design System, Implementation. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is used to create business process analysis and modeling so that PT ANS performance can be improved. The result shows that there was efficiency in business processes and information systems have one integrated database and work efficiency in business processes in the warehouse division. The actual business process that was originally carried out in the 100-minute business process, with the ERP system can be done to 33 minutes, more 67% efficiency.

Enterprise Resource Planning, Open Source, Odoo, Warehouse, SMEs

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Implementation of Data Warehouse Data Alumni University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta using the Single Dimension Data Store method
Asroni Sukirman (a*) , Titis Anisia Bimbi Arimbi (b), Slamet Riyadi (c)

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Asroni Sukirman

a) Department of Information Technology Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta 55183
b) Department of Information Technology Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta 55183
c) Department of Information Technology Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jl. Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta 55183

Data is Information that has not been processed or manipulated, which is not enough for some users. So that the info is useful, the data needs to be prepared and integrated first to become information. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has a tool to monitor data on Alumni namely Tracer Study. The data currently available is still not integrated and processed correctly. Now there is a solution for processing data and data by making base data. The purpose of creating this database is to facilitate users in checking data, data that will be stored neatly and integrated into the computer. The method in this study uses the Single DDS method. Methodology This research starts from determining the subject of investigation, primary needs, creating baseline data, analyzing results. The backstage of need is carried out with two data analyzes, and interviews with LPKA (Lembaga Pengelola Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni or Students and Alumni Management Institutions). Baseline data making in this study is single DDS which has two data store namely Stage and DDS. Data analysis is done by creating reports with Microsoft Office Excel according to user needs. The testing phase is carried out with two processes, namely: ETL Testing and Functional Testing.

Data Warehouse, Alumni, Tracer Study, Single DDS Architecture

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Implementation Of Dynamic Systems To Reduce Congestion In Supporting Intelligent Transportation Systems
Fizar Syafaat (a*), Erma Suryani (b)

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Fizar Syafaat

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Jalan Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60111

Transportation plays a key role in peoples lives, changing views and having a big social and economic growth. In addition, technological developments are also related to social and economic growth, thus the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has evolved rapidly towards social and economic conditions at this time. The biggest problem with the development of transportation at this time is congestion and even congestion itself has become a matter of greater concern at this time. The more vehicle growth, the more competition that is carried out by factories by promoting the vehicles they make and there are no clear rules for increasing the growth of vehicles. There are several factors that cause congestion starting from population growth in cities that are increasing day by day, roads that are smaller than the volume of vehicles up to traffic accidents are also one of the bottlenecks themselves even the government that provides road facilities. In this study, the application of a dynamic system to model the formulation of vehicle estimation problems and propose information systems and technology strategies that can be used to support solutions to solve problems revealed according to needs. The results of this study are to create a sub-model by simulating vehicle development and congestion levels in urban areas can take a number of references from previous studies so that it can affect the decrease in congestion by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of driving by implementing a dynamic system.

Dynamic System, Intelligent Transportation System

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Implementation of Electrical Batik Stove for Green Batik Industry
Ramadoni Syahputra (a*), Indah Soesanti (b)

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Ramadoni Syahputra

(a*) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(b) Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

This paper proposes implementation of electrical batik stove for green batik industry. Batik is the process of writing a picture on a piece of cloth by using wax batik as a color barrier. In the process of making batik, the stove is a very important tool to heat the wax until it melts. The melted wax is used to make a picture with a certain pattern on the white cloth. So far the stove technology used is kerosene-fueled stoves. The stoves produce smoke pollution which disrupts batik production houses. The smoke produced by kerosene stoves contains CO, CO2, NO2, and SO2. In addition, kerosene is often rare and prices tend to be more expensive. Therefore, in this study electrical stove was carried out for the batik production. In implementation, technical and economic analysis has been carried out. Technical analysis is done by comparing the quality of the results of kerosene and electrical batik stove stoves. Furthermore economic analysis is done by comparing the production costs for the two types of batik stoves. The results showed that technically the quality of batik candles melted using electrical stove was better and the temperature was more stable. The results of economic analysis also show that the production costs using electrical stove are much lower.

Electrical stove; batik; green industry

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Yeni Widowaty and Laras Astuti

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Yeni Widowaty

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The waste generated from households always increases every day, appearing to uncontrolled volume of waste. According to Law Number 18 of 2008 concerning waste management "Every person is prohibited from garbage disposing not at the designated place". However, researcher found that many people are still littering without take an action. This research aims to know the implementation of law enforcement on pollution and/or enviromental damage in waste management and the suitable concept on law enforcement againts pollution in waste management in the future. This research is a socio-legal research based on primary and secondary data. The data were analized using flow model of analysis. The results of research show that the Special Region of Yogyakarta local government has regulated waste management, which has been implemented at the district and city level. Thus, the lack of socialization causes people littering. The ideal sanction will be based on restorative justice concept. The perpetrators and victims face each other and a third party as a facilitator; it is expected for decreasing the littering.

Law enforcement, waste management, pollution and / environmental damage

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Yudha Irla Saputra, Sri Sundari

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Master Of Hospital Management
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

IMPLEMENTATION OF NURSE-PHYSICIAN EFFECTIVE COMMUNCATION VIA TELEPHONE IN HOSPITALIZATION ROOM OF BANTUL X HOSPITAL Yudha Irla Saputra, Sri Sundari Master Of Hospital Management Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Effective, timely, accurate, complete, clear, and understood communication by the recipient will reduce errors and improve patient safety. One method of effective communication is SBAR communication (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation). This study aims to provide an overview of the effective communication of nurse- physicians by telephone. The study was conducted with a descriptive observational study approach to nurses in the hospitalization room. Measurement of frequency of implementation of nurse and doctor communication via telephone was using the SBAR communication sheet and survey using a questionnaire. The results of this study found that component A (Assessment) is a component of SBAR communication with the lowest frequency (32%) and the highest is R (Recommendation) 100%. Problem experienced by nurses when communicating with physicians include nurses who anticipate when physicians are not happy or offended when called (22%), physicians do not consider nurses views when making decisions about patients (16%) and nurses do not have enough time to say something to physicians ( 16%). This study shows that SBAR communication has not reached 100% and the making of SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) is one solution to improve SBAR communication. Bantul X Hospital already has an SOP related to SBAR communication but its implementation is not good enough. Keywords: effective communication, SBAR, nurses, doctors

effective communication, SBAR, nurses, doctors

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Implementation of Patient Identification In Patient Safety : Literature Review
1Arum Sari Asmoro, 2Elsye Maria Rosa

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Arum Sari Asmoro

1Program Studi Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
2Program Studi Magister Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Background: Patient safety is a crucial issue and a focus of policy standard in internationally accredited organizations. Patient identification (ID) errors can disrupt care and harm patients in virtually every facet of clinical medicine, including diagnostic testing, medication administration, and even billing. Method: A medical librarian performed searches of PubMed, MEDLINE and the Patient Safety Network to identify relevant studies published from January 2008 to October 2018. We used medical-subject keywords : Identification patients, medical errors, patient safety, medication errors. Sorting articles through abstracts and free full text articles. Results: A total of 57 articles about the importance of patient safety in patient identification, 20 articles including inclusion criteria. Journals including inclusion criteria discuss the effectiveness of bracelet identification models, patient safety through patient identification. Many nurse, doctors and technician in clinical settings still found a patient identification culture carried out by health workers such as medical staff and paramedics who are not right. Conclusion: Implementation of patients identification by nurse, doctors and technician in clinical settings have not done properly still far from expectations. Therefore management must to evaluate and monitors routine implementation of patients identification at the hospital to civilize the officers to identify patients become a culture that is usually done by nurse, doctors and technician in clinical settings.

Keywords : Patient Identification, Patient Safety

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Faris Dzikrur Rahman, Leo J. Susilo

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Faris Dzikrur Rahman

SBM ITB Jakarta Campus
TK Low Center for Executive Education Gedung Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor, Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No.Kav. 1-2, RT.6/RW.4, Kuningan Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950

The mining company cannot be separated from risk exposure, especially for the company that has various project, in this case PT ABC. In this journal, the particular project that is going to be examined is coal transportation infrastructure development project. The project is intended to enhance coal capacity to 10 million ton per year. From the previous infrastructure project, risks usually appears in an intense exposure, leads to harmful consequences for the completion of the project. The purpose of this research is to develop risk management plan that contains several steps that must be followed by project team in order to prevent and mitigate the risks. This study focused on identifying possible risks that might appear in infrastructure development project, particularly at the planning stage of the project, by using the framework of risk management plan that is associated with the analysis of the current issues faced by the company. The severity level of each risks is obtained by involving the employees and project team that have high experience in handling similar project through the usage of questionnaire as semi-quantitative method. From the analysis that is conducted, it is found that there are nine major risks that should be expected and prioritised by project team, namely (1) Community rejection, (2) long negotiation, (3) absence of licensing rule, (4)planning process delay, (5) excessive bureaucracy, (6) design doesn-t meet output requirements, (7) environmental damage, (8) planning results cannot be implemented, and (9) unexpected natural condition. This risks will be prioritised based on the high severity of impact and frequency of risk likelihood. The specific way of risk treatment, therefore, will be conducted thoroughly. The research concludes that there are benefit in knowing the major risks that might happen in the Project before the Project begin so that the Project leader could prepare the risk treatment plan that is in line with the capacity and context of the Project.

risk management, coal, railway track infrastructure, risk management plan, project management

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Yohana Febriana Tabun, Widha Sunarno, Sukarmin

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Yohana Febriana Tabun

Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

This study aimed to find out: (1) the level of Science learning outcomes of the students at class VIII Stella Maris Biudukfoho whom were taught using the integrated Science learning of the connected model (2) the completeness percentage of Science learning outcomes of the students whom were taught using the integrated Science learning of the connected model. This research type was pre-experiment. The research design used was One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The independent variable in this research was the integrated Science learning of the connected model, while the dependent variable was the students learning outcomes. The sample of this research was 30 students at class VIII. The data of the research results were obtained by giving a test of learning outcomes with the theme of vibration, wave and sound in the form of pretest and posttest. The instrument of this research was 20 multiple choice items that had been validated by the experts. The result of the descriptive analysis showed that the average value of N-gain of the students learning outcomes was 0.6 which was in the medium category with the percentage of 60% in the high category, 40% in the medium category, and 0% in the low category. From the aspect of the completeness of learning outcomes, it was found out that the percentage of the students whose grades above Minimum Mastery Criteria (KKM) was 80%. The result showed that the implementation of the connected model in learning integrated Science could improve the students learning outcomes.

Connected Model, Integrated Science Learning, Learning Outcomes.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Implementing Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach in EFL Classroom to Facilitate the Students- Academic Writing
Elysa Hartati

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Elysa Hartati

English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Academic writing is an essential subject taken by the students in the university level in order to be able to publish a scientific article in the future . It brings not only the ability to write ideas and structure the grammar traditionally but it also deals with the context of culture and situation that can create meanings beyond sentences as a system. However, students generally leave them out and focus only what they read as the literature review and report what they do as the result of analysis. By knowing systemic functional linguistics (SFL), the students would know that creating a certain discourse, in the case of academic writing, they would consider the social purpose, generic structure, and language features accompanying the text itself. This study reflects on a case study in the academic writing class that is supported by the SFL approach in teaching and learning process. It is expected to reveal the students- understanding toward the academic writing practice. Thus, the language produced can accompany the context of academic writing appropriately.

Systemic Functional Linguistics; Academic Writing; Discourse

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Implementing the Bricolage: Investigating with Varied Methods
Dedy Setiawan

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Dedy Setiawan

English Department
Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Bricolage is an emerging concept of research methodology which applies all appropriate techniques of investigation into a research. This eclectic method is intended to have a unified and comprehensive result research. This paper discusses my experience in implementing the bricolage principle in the research that I conducted on workplace English in Indonesia. The case study with four sub-cases in my research has undoubtedly been achieved with satisfying result thanks to the use of bricolage. All the steps taken in conducting the research is described and a number of research methods used together with their underlying principles is also expounded. This article will be useful for those who are undertaking research especially in the methodology part. Further idea on the functional Inductive Data Reduction (IDR) is also discussed.

bricolage, eclectic method, IDR analysis.

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Improve The Attitude of Healthy Living With Emotional Intelligence
Tri Pitara Mahanggoro

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Tripitara Mahanggoro

Physiology Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Email: mastripitara[at]

Healthy is influenced by various factors, such as diet, physical activity pattern and non physical, mindset, and behavior pattern. Healthy behavior is determined by the way a person behaves. Some of the factors that influence the formation of a healthy lifestyle include individual insights, environment, culture, beliefs, information media, institutions, religion, residence and emotions. Ability in control is determined by the condition of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is believed to be the main basis in realizing the ability of self-management. Good self-management encourages to determine the formation of a healthy attitude Based on the above background it is important to examine the formation of a healthy lifestyle with emotional intelligence. This study aims to determine the formation of a healthy life attitude with emotional intelligence. Respondents in this study were grouped into control group and treatment group, each group of 10 employees. The control group and the treatment group tested the emotional intelligence as well as the healthy life attitude with the questionnaire. This measurement is carried out before and after the treatment. Treatment groups were given emotional intelligence training for 4 stages. Each stages 3 face-to-face sessions in the meeting room. The result of One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test and Pair Sample Test showed that after training treatment there was a significant increase of emotional intelligence (p = 0,002) and healthy life attitude (p = 0,010). The result of linear regression analysis showed very strong correlation (R = 0,800) and there was significant correlation correlation (p = 0,005) between emotional intelligence to the increasing of healthy life attitude in factory employees. Healthy life attitude on factory employees can be formed with emotional intelligence.

emotional intelligence; attitude of healthy living.

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Improvement of Procurement Process at PT Kapal Darya through Lean Six Sigma Approach
Namira Nurmalatya, Adirizal Nizar

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Namira Nurmalatya

School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

PT Kapal Darya is the foremost provider of roll-on/roll-off ferry transport services in Indonesia that takes upon the responsibility of ensuring affordable sea transportation and logistics for the public throughout the archipelago. They always commit to drive an increase performance of the company and contribution to the country as well. One of the things that can affect company performance is the procurement process. Unfortunately, currently the procurement process in PT Kapal Darya still exceeds that target completion time. The delayed in the procurement process will certainly have an impact such as delay the project implementation which further increases costs, leads to poor project execution performance and delays the delivery of benefits to the beneficiaries. Therefore, this thesis aims to analyse the problems that occur and propose solution that can improve the procurement process and increase the efficiency. The main concept that will be used is Lean Six Sigma with DMAIC framework. The improvements that can be implemented to increase the efficiency of procurement process is the use of E-Procurement application which also covers the developing of Vendor Management Systems. This solution has several benefits such as increase transparency and accountability, supports the process of monitoring, tracking and reminder, and also meet the real time access to information needs.

Procurement Process; Lean Six Sigma; E-Procurement

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Improving Analytical Skill Students of Geography Education Department, Siliwangi University using “The Power of Two Learning” Strategy
Ely Satiyasih Rosali; Revi Mainaki

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Ely Satiyasih Rosali

Siliwangi University

Analytical Skill for Students of Geography Education Department especially as a candidate for geography teachers are subtantial to expand sense of discovery in terms of content knowlledge, pedagogical content knowlledge dan technological pedagogical content knowlledge. Analytical Skill students of geography education departement, in Universitas Siliwangi according to the results in last semestre 2018 in a low classification (identification stage). Through a quantitative approach, the experimental method to 37 fourth semester students as a sample (50% from the population) was taken using the sample ramdom technique. To observe enhancement of analytical skills as an implication of the use of the power of two learning strategy, was used t test to analysis data from the results of previous studies and experiment test (pre dan post test). This strategy is carried out by the treatment stage are 1) giving a problem; 2) thinking and answer the problem, 3) make couple group, 4) couple discussion and answer dan 5) cross group couple discussion. The results of the t test show a significance of 0.437 with an error 0.05, meaning the hypothesis is accepted that the power of two learning strategies contribute to enhancement of student analysis skills.

Analytical Skill, The Power of Two

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Improving biodiesel properties by mixing jatropha oil and soybean oil
Wahyudi, Muhammad Nadjib, Danur M Pahlevi, Bayu S Nur Rohman

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Wahyudi Wahyudi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The need for biodiesel as an alternative fuel will increase along with the increasing energy consumptions and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves. Jatropha oil and soybean oil are potential raw materials for biodiesel. Each raw material gives different properties to biodiesel. Mixing the two types of oil makes it possible to improve the quality of biodiesel. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of variations in the composition of the oil mixture on the biodiesel properties. Jatropha oil was mixed with soybean oil in various compositions. The mixture was heated and stirred for 60 min at 90oC. The more the percentage of soybean oil biodiesel, the viscosity of the biodiesel mixture decreased. Mixing with 20% soybean oil has a significant reduction in viscosity. The increasing percentage of soybean oil also influences the higher heating value of the biodiesel mixture.

heating value; viscosity; jatropha oil; soybean oil;biodiesel

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Ayu Satya Karuniawati; Asnan Furinto

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Ayu Satya Karuniawati

Institut teknologi Bandung

PT Coalnesia is one of the largest coal mining companies in Indonesia, with sales in the domestic market of approximately 60% of total sales and about 70% are supplies for electricity generation needs. At this moment, the government also has 35,000 megawatt power plant development program, which is the potential to increase sales with new customers. The relationship between PT Coalnesia and its customers in the domestic market has been established for decades. However, this does not guarantee that PT Coalnesia is the first choice of its customers. PT Coalnesia needs to set a strategy to differentiate its services from other companies. In this study, the author used a qualitative methode by conducting interviews of 3 customers and 2 internal employees. In addition, the author also did observation during 3 months internship in this company and use secondary data to support this research. As a strategy to evaluate the services of PT Coalnesia, author have used Customer typology using Apostles Model and The Six Pillar of Customer Experience. The result indicates that PT Coalnesia needs to implement a new marketing strategy that prioritizes service. PT Coalnesia can use Service Excellence Method as a reference in providing services to customers.

Coal Industry, Indonesia coal market, customer satisfaction, service excellence

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Improving the Performance of Vortex Tube by Hot Tube Forced Cooling
(1) Alfan Sarifudin, (2) Danar Susilo Wijayanto, (3) Indah Widiastuti

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Alfan Sarifudin

1, 2, 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret

The vortex tube or Raque Hilsch Vortex Tube (RHVT) is a heat pump acts as a cooling machine which utilizes the phenomenon of compressed vortex air flow in the tube. Vortex tube is considered environmentally friendly since it operates without Freon refrigerant. However, it is found that the coefficient of performance refrigeration (COPref) is still low compared to conventional Freon-based cooling machines due to movement of hot and cold air by convection. This research proposes forced cooling in a tube by flowing water to the surface of a hot tube to inhibit convection. The flow rate of water for forced cooling is 3liters/minute. It is known that pressure and fraction are parameters that influence vortex tube performance, so tube type testing is carried out with a pressure variation of 0.5-1.5bar and a fraction of 30%-70%. With the forced cooling method on the vortex tube hot tube, the cold temperatures released were getting colder by 0.9oC until 2.5oC so that the COPref increases up to 45%. The most optimal COPref is -0,123 occurs on forced vortex tube, 0.5bar pressure, and 70% fraction and the most optimal of cold temperature is 13.45oC occurs on forced vortex tube, 1.5bar pressure, and 40% fraction.

coefficient of performance refrigeration (COPref), zero global warming potential (0GPW), heat pump, Raque Hilsch Vortex Tube (RHVT)

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Improving the Quality of Carica(VasconcelleaPubescens) Sweets by UtilisingAutomatic Extractor Assistance on theKejajar Tourism Site
IrengSigit Atmanto (a), Edy Supriyo (b), Siswo Sumardiono (c), IstiPudjihastuti (b)

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a) PSD 3 TeknikMesin, SekolahVokasi,UniversitasDiponegoro,.
b) PSD 3 Teknik Kimia, SekolahVokasi, UniversitasDiponegoro.
c) JurusanTeknik Kimia, FakultasTeknik, UniversitasDiponegoro.

There are myriad of avenues can be done to process the agricultural products to be more varied final products without neglecting the food safety standard. A shelf life and shelf life preservation should be the priorities in food processing. One method usually done to increase the shelf life of a food product is by preservation. The preservation method which is conducted by small, medium and advanced scale industries involve physical treatments including heating, drying, cooling and freezing, and adding chemical substances. Preservation is also executed through a combination method that is by mixing those aforesaid methods in one running process of preservation. Carica (Vasconcellea pubescens) is a primary commodity of the agricultural sector on the Kejajar Village, Wonosobo, Central Java, in which the village is situated in Dieng Plateau. Carica has a unique flavor, distinctive aroma, and chewy flesh. However, Carica is vulnerably fragile regarding its shelf life. Due to its fragility, it is impossible to store the Carica in fresh condition for a long period. Therefore, advance food processing is necessarily needed to extend its shelf life, to make it more practical in terms of consumption, and to improve its economic value in terms of business. Sunrise is one of the developed medium scale enterprises which focuses on processing Carica fruits to be Carica sweets in Dieng, Wonosobo. The society service program aims for 1) applying an appropriate technology in medium scale industry of Carica fruit processing, 2) examining the effectuality of the appropriate technology application in influencing the length of the boiling process and improving the quality of Carica Sweets.

Carica, Extractor, Quality

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Improving the Quality of Democracy with E-Voting Policy in Indonesia
Dyah Mutiarin, Junior Hendri Wijaya

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Junior Hendri Wijaya

Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta
Brawijaya Street Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia
Email: dyahmutiarin[at] Juniorhendri8[at]

Indonesia already has a legal umbrella for e-voting. Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions article 5 is the legal basis for e-voting. However, this law does not specifically address the e-voting system selection scheme. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Quality Improvement of Democracy with E-Voting Policy in Indonesia. The method used in research is literature. Based on the findings of the researchers, Indonesia has a large space to conduct elections with an E-voting system, so that this policy can be followed up and focused specifically on the implementation of the E-Voting system in Indonesia. This space can be proven by facts from developing countries that have successfully implemented the E-voting system.

Quality, E-Voting, Policy, Indonesia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Ismanto Ismanto

Tarbiyah Department, IAIN Kudus
Jalan Conge Ngembalrejo Kudus

This study aims to reveal and offer an educational service system for certain types of children with special needs in the Muhammadiyah Elementary School (MIM). Educational services for children with special needs MIM 2 Kudus are in an inclusion class, where normal students mingle with special needs students. This study involved heads, class teachers and assistants (shadow teachers), parents, and students of MIM 2 Kudus. Data collection is in the form of interviews and in-depth observations related to classroom learning, while documents contain learning plans (RPP) and student behavior development. While analyzing the data with the stages of data reduction includes teaching the teacher, various characteristics of learning and thinking of students, and learning behavior of students. At the stage of data display, photographing learning with a variety of approaches from the teachers for the diversity of cognition, affection, and psychomotor conditions of students who produce a variety of learning behaviors of their students. As well as the conclusion stage, this study shows that learning for special needs in inclusion classes requires certain types of criteria as raw input for new students, namely disabled children and problem children in focus of learning. The learning process that takes place in the classroom, the class teacher does not distinguish the condition of each student, both in the application of learning strategies and media, but the shadow teacher still accompanies children with special needs during learning. Related learning outcomes related to learning behavior vary depending on the type and nature of children with special needs, where in general normal students have better learning outcomes compared to children with special needs, except for disabled children. But there are still weaknesses in the aspect of measuring the academic abilities of these diverse students, namely the use of the same test instruments.

inclusion class, focus of learning, shadow teacher, learning behavior

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


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