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The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.14 for 2 days in Manado |

Page 3 (data 61 to 90 of 130) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Influence of Applying PBL Learning Model toward Math Learning Outcomes of Students Seen from their Initial Knowledge
Rio Ferke Rindengan, John Robby Wenas, Victor Sulangi

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Treesje Londa

Universitas Negeri Manado

This study aims to determine whether: (1) there is the influence of the application of PBL learning models and conventional models on student mathematics learning outcomes, (2) there is an influence of high initial knowledge and low initial knowledge of student mathematics learning outcomes, (3) interaction, application learning models and preliminary knowledge of students mathematics learning outcomes, (4) mathematics learning outcomes of students with high initial knowledge higher than mathematics learning outcomes of students with low initial knowledge for students who learn to use PBL learning models, (5) student mathematics learning outcomes with high initial knowledge higher than student learning outcomes with low initial knowledge for students learning with conventional model learning models, (6) mathematics learning outcomes of students who learn to use PBL learning models higher than mathematics learning outcomes of students learning to use models conventional al for students who have high initial knowledge, (7) mathematics learning outcomes of students who learn to use PBL learning models are higher than mathematics learning outcomes of students who learn to use conventional models for students who have low initial knowledge. The method of this researcher was quasi-experimental research using a Complete Randomized Block Design. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is an influence of the learning model on students mathematics learning outcomes, where the PBL model is better than the conventional model, (2) there is an influence of early mathematical knowledge on students mathematics learning outcomes, which has a correlation / correlation positive between the initial knowledge with students mathematics learning outcomes, (3) there is an interaction between the learning model and early mathematical knowledge of students mathematics learning outcomes, (4) there are no significant differences in learning outcomes between students learning with PBL models and students learning with Conventional models for students with high initial knowledge of mathematics, (5) learning outcomes of students learning with PBL models are better than learning outcomes of students who study with conventional models, for students who have low initial knowledge of mathematics, (6) there are no differences in results significant learning between students with initial knowledge m high mathematics and students with low initial knowledge of mathematics in learning with the PBL model, (7) there are significant differences in learning outcomes between students with high initial math knowledge and students with low initial math knowledge in learning with conventional models.

Learning, PBL, learning outcomes, initial knowledge

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Jeane M. Tulung (b), Mercy W.K.Waney (a*), Yunita Sumakul (b)

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Mariana Lusye Marlyn Lausan

a) Fakultas Teologi, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville, Tateli satu, Minahasa, Indonesia
b) FIPK, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville, Tateli satu, Minahasa, Indonesia

Student Centered Learning is one of learning approaches focussed on students. The aim of this study was to describe and explain student learning interest using student-centered learning approach. This study was a qualitative research with descriptive case study method. Data was collected from observations, interviews, and documentation. The result showed that students were happy involved in the lesson from the beginning to the end. The students gave attention/focussed on the lesson or on instructors explanation and they were active in learning activities in the class.

interests, Student, SCL

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Learning Model, Prior Knowledge and the Impact of Learning Outcomes
Aljuanika Ertamaya Ering (a*), Melissa MF Waturandang (b), Shanti N. Ch Ruata (b), Yunita Sumakul (b), Mercy Waney (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aljuanika Ertamaya Ering

a) FIPK, Institut Agama Kriten Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli Satu, Minahasa, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Teologi, Institut Agama Kriten Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli Satu, Minahasa, Indonesia

This study aims to determine (1) for students which prior knowledge is high, the difference of learning results of students who are taught by NHT learning models and students who are taught by DI learning model, (2) for students with lower prior knowledge, the difference of learning results of students who are taught by NHT learning models and students who are taught by DI learning model. This study used an experimental method of treatment by level. Research results revealed that (1) for students with high prior knowledge, learning outcomes of students who are taught by NHT learning model are 88,14 is higher than students who are taught by DI learning model are 56,36. (2) for students with lower prior knowledge, the learning outcomes of students who are taught by NHT learning model are 54,79 is higher than the learning outcomes of students who are taught by DI learning model are 41,43. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that the application of NHT learning model can improve the students to learning outcomes either at high or low on prior knowledge.

NHT, DI, Prior Knowledge, Learning Outcome

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment



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This study focuses on disciplinary literacy activity and how the 5th grade students of elementary school become struggling writer to explore the given model text. To become a disciplinary writer, the students have to read many books with multi different themes. The activity of reading and writing is the ability to communicate in the form of written. The ability of someone to communicate, both in oral and written, can create better condition in life for young children as well as adult . The goal of this study is to improve the ability of writing skill by exploring their ideas they had from the given model text. The improvement of students- writing ability automatically will improve the outcome of Indonesia language subject. This research uses classroom action research with the four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Each step has its own activity during the implementation of study. It has done in two cycleses with the activities to support the Indonesia language instruction. The collection of the data is by doing the checklist in observation form for literacy activity and the result of their writing. The result of this study show that the implementation of literacy activity can improve the students- writing ability. The result at the first cycle is 63%, and the second cycle is 84.5%. Based on the result achieved of this study it can be concluded that the implementation literacy activity can improve the ability of writing of the 5th grade students at elementary school (SD) GMIM 140 Pineleng. The recommendation to the teacher is that the teacher should use disciplinary literacy activity to the students in improving their writing ability as well as to improve the grade Indonesia language subject to the 5th grade students.

literacy; writing ability; written communication

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Low Carbon Education: How Student from lower level education pertain the good environment practices
Anna Permanasari, Ida Hamidah, Vina Andriyani

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School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The discussion pertaining environmental issues is closely related with the notion of low carbon. The research has been done to investigate how the students in elementary schools understand how to practice the environmental issues. The descriptive analysis method is carried out to capture students views on environmental practices that are closely related to their daily lives. The subject involved were 60 students from third and sixth grades of one elementary school. The students were asked to read 24 statements about environmental practices, and responded by choosing one of the three answer choices: do, sometimes do, never do. The research shows that most of student sometimes do the good environmental issues, but there are quite a lot of students who never do these. The teacher confessed that they have not been intensely engaged in learning about good environmental practices. They really expect the existence of teaching materials that can be used as guideline. They also hope for the availability of special learning models.

Low Carbon education, Lower level student, environmental issues

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Henny Suharyati (a), Griet Helena Laihad (b)

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Henny Suharyati

Universitas Pakuan

Abstract: The leadership model of school principal can initiative teachers to improve pedagogical and digital literacy competencies in the educational era 4.0 by shaping models of leadership, innovativeness, and teacher creativity in developing learning. The study aims to find a model of leadership of principal that can provide motivation to teachers to improve their pedagogical competencies and make models of learning innovations to increase student motivation so that they can produce quality graduates. The population of the study was teachers in the area of Bogor City and Sukabumi Regency, while the samples were permanent teachers who actively taught at the elementary and junior high school level. The research method carried out was sequential explanatory mixed-method conducted quantitative research. The instruments used in the principal leadership model include indicators of transformational and visioner leadership and the formation of innovative learning models, conducting Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with teachers about innovative learning models and engineering learning models innovative. The result of the research shows the identification of appropriate school principal leadership such an ideal millenial leadership that turn of the pedagogical competence of teachers in developing innovative learning models.

Principal Leadership Model, Pedagogic Competence, Digital Literacy

Adult Education


Online Lecture based on Ubiquitous Learning at Millennial Lecturers
Jeane M. Tulung (b), Melissa MF Waturandang (a*),Aljuanika Ertamaya Ering(b), Shanti N. Ch Ruata (a), Mercy W. K. Waney (b), Mariana Lausan (b)

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Corresponding Author
Aljuanika Ertamaya Ering

a) Fakultas Teologi,Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli I, Minahasa, Indonesia
b) FIPK,Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Manado
Jalan Bougenville Tateli I, Minahasa, Indonesia

The rapid growth of the technology these days is causing dependency to many people towards their technology devices such as mobile phones and computers. The universities as the agent of change must have the ability to adjust with the growth. For the millennial lecturers online learning or daring can become an alternative learning method. The integration of ubiquitous learning that based on the freedom of the students to learn everywhere, anywhere by any electronic devices. The objective of the research is to see how the implementation of ubiquitous learning towards millennial lecturers. The data are collected from the observation and interviews to some millennial lecturers from several universities. From the results of the data analysis, it was found that ubiquitous learning based online learning which is supported by information and communication technology, both lecturers and students can easily move from one place to another, across space and time without having to worry about disruption in learning activities. This has a positive impact on lecturers and the students.

Millennial Lecturer, Online Lecture, Ubiquitous Learning

Ubiquitous Learning


Pancasila Democracy Education in Forming Leadership Characters in HMI Organization Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Nursyamsi Rahmat

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Nursyamsi Rahmat

Pedagogic Department Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Pancasila is the character and outlook of a nation that serves as the foundation of thinking and behaves in living the life of nation and state. Therefore, Pancasila is the main factor as the basis for forming the character of student leadership through Pancasila democracy education in student organizations. The problem examined in this study was Pancasila democracy education in shaping the character of leadership in the HMI organization. The method in this study used a qualitative research with case study as a design. Data collection techniques used to observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects in this study consisted of the chairman, members, and alumni of the HMI organization at the Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The results of t study indicate that Pancasila democracy education in student organizations is one of the patterns of leadership character formation, especially in managing the organization. The pattern of Pancasila democracy education in HMI is through formal and informal cadre processes. The cadre aims to foster members to achieve the quality of the ideal person. Forms of HMI cadre namely leadership training, discussions, actions, seminars, and community service are held as members preparation for the development and sustainability of HMI, in addition to work programs such as internal studies and organizational and leadership training. Broadly speaking, Pancasila democracy education held by HMI is more constructed with Islamic value.

Pancasila Democracy Education, Leadership Character, Student Organization.



Pattern of Analysis Students- Knowledge Construction using Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA)
D S Rahayu1*, S Hendayana2, Muslim3 and S Rahmawan1, S Sendi4

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Dea Santika Rahayu

1Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Departemen Pendidikan Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
3Departemen Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
4SMP BPI 1 Bandung, Jl. Burangrang No.8, Burangrang, Lengkong, Bandung 40262, Indonesia

Constructivism approach is one of the student-centered learning approaches, students actively build their own knowledge. Social constructivism views that students build new knowledge through their interactions and activities in the classroom, as well as the mediation role of cultural settings and discussion in which the knowledge construction occurs. The purpose of this research is to provide a pattern of analysis students- knowledge construction using Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA) through Lesson Study for Learning Community. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive. This research involves students from Secondary School who are taught by a science teacher who is used to following lesson study. The learning activities were audio and video recorded. Then recorded were transcribed and analyzed. Dialogue analysis related to the students- knowledge construction was analyzed using TBLA that divided learning process into several segments. The result shows that the profile of students knowledge construction patterns in science learning consists of 3 segments, namely segment 1 which has a circulation pattern, segment 2 which has a circulation pattern and socialization of the last segment 3 which follows the circulation pattern, socialization and simulation. The role of teacher-s questions and students- interaction help students to construct their knowledge.

Social Constructivism, Knowledge Construction, TBLA, Lesson Study, Science Classroom

Other Areas of Education


Performance Appraisal of Educational Personnel: A Case Study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Jambi
Syamsul Huda; Sawal Fitri; Abdul Kholik

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Syamsul Huda

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

This study aims to determine the assessment process of educational personnel, describe the obstructions during the assessment and formulate the solutions to manage the obstructions in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kota Jambi. This research applies qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected by doing an observation, interview, and documentation. The results of this study indicate the performance assessment process of educational personnel, particularly those with permanent status (civil servant) in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Kota Jambi is carried out fairly well by referring to Government Regulation and applicable law. The appraisal is based on the Employee Work Objectives (EWO) and work behavior. This assessment was processed by the appraisal officials, the Head of Administration and the headmaster. The Employee Work Objectives made by the educational personnel contain periodic reports on performance results made in daily, weekly, monthly and annual periods. Therefore, the work behavior is assessed by the appraisal officials during the working time based on aspects of service orientation, integrity, commitment, discipline, cooperation, and leadership. The assessment of educational personnel in Madrasah from 2016 to 2017has improved, specifically in the appraisement of Employee Work Objectives, discipline, service, and work commitment. However, obstacles are also found in the implementation of the assessment as in the malfunction of fingerprint devices when the power outage happens and the subjectivity in assessing educational personnel. The solution to overcome these obstacles is to prepare an official report to replace the failure of fingerprint device as proof of the presence of educational personnel, and to do evaluation and advisement together along with the assessed officials and the assessors to avoid any subjectivity in performance appraisal of education personnel.

Performance appraisal; Educational personnel; Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Business Education


Amalina Khairunnisa

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Amalina Khairunnisa

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Professional identity is a description of how individuals refer to themselves as a professional, and consists of a set of expectations developed by individuals about themselves and their abilities, based on their experience and personal background. Personal abilities and background are related to the potential or strength possessed and development in the scientific field that is involved. Doing work in accordance with the field that comes from self-potential, of course will have a different impact on individuals who do not work in accordance with the potential they have. However, based on a 2014 survey, as many as 87% of Indonesian students felt they were in the wrong direction. This research is a preliminary study (preliminary study) that will use questionnaire as an instrument in the professional suitability analysis process with an educational background. Then the researchers divided the respondents into classifications which were divided into 3 levels, namely high school students, undergraduate students, and graduate students. This study was only addressed to respondents in the classification level of graduate students. The results of the analysis show that the respondents included in the classification graduate students have a high level of understanding of their personality potential, thus giving an impact on the level of professional suitability with their educational background. In other words, the respondents did not feel wrong in their majors in their scientific fields. But what about the results of understanding personality concepts in high school students and under-graduate students.

professional identity; professions; educational backgrounds; personality concept

Global Issues in Education and Research


Problem Solving Skills- Economic Students in Linear Programming Course

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Herdiyana Herdiyana

Program Studi Ilmu Manajemen, Program Pascasarjana- Universitas Pakuan, Jalan Pakuan No 1, Bogor

This study aims to analyze the problem solving skills of economic students in "linear programming" course. A Thirty students were involved in this descriptive study. Data collected by observation and analysis of student answers to each case given. This learning used a case about “linear programming” as a stimulus to explore student problem solving skills. The study showed that students use graph, simplex, transportation, and assignment methods to solve problems about “linear programming”. In addition, this study also showed that students are only able to use mathematical formulas in solving questions about “linear programming”. However, students are not able to represent "cases of linear programming" in the form of mathematical language. It showed that students have not been able to apply the concepts to solve “linear programming” problems that exist in everyday life. Therefore, learning about "linear programming" should be emphasize giving authentic cases about “linear programming” because it expected to be able to train students problem solving skills.

Linear Programming, Problem Solving Skills

Course Management


Projecting a Good Image of School: How a Principal Can Achieve this Goal?
Elni Jeini Usoh*a), Henny N. Tambingon a), Jeffry S.J. Lengkong a), Sherly F. Lensun b)

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Corresponding Author
Elni Jeini Usoh

a) Universitas Negeri Manado
Pasca Sarjana
Program Studi: Manajemen Pendidikan
*Email: elni.usoh[at]

b) Universitas Negeri Manado
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

There has been a tendency in most schools to become increasingly aware of their image in the community. The school principals are realising the need to work positively with community to ensure a good image of the school. It is conceivable that the leadership of the principal plays a significant role in promoting a positive image of the school. The aim of the study is to examine the importance of projecting a good image of a school and roles of the principal to accomplish this objective. This study utilised qualitative descriptive method. The data collected from observations, reports, literature, and documents. The results show that promoting a positive image for school, as a market-oriented activity, requires the principal to exercise highly-developed public relation skills. They need to have more interaction with the external community to promote the school, attract students as well as retain them. The study concludes that promoting a positive school image is a business-like effort in which school management should adapt some marketing approaches. Principal-s role is a pivotal point in projecting a good image. The leadership of the principal is a key factor in gauging public opinion that contributes to the image of the school.

school image; school promotion; principal.

Global Issues in Education and Research


Promoting autonomous learning and 21st century skills of English Education students through empowering their pedagogical skills
Ni Nyoman Padmadewi, Luh Putu Artini, Dewa Ayu Eka Agustini

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Ni Nyoman Padmadewi

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja Bali

Autonomous learning skill is one of the skills demanded for students to survive in the 21st century global era. However, the results of observations in several departments of education universities in North Bali reveal that teachers face challenges on how students- 21st century learning skills can be empowered. This research aimed at empowering the pedagogical skills, autonomous learning, and 21st century learning skills of the teacher candidates through continuous clinical supervision model of teaching practices during Microteaching Class at an education university in North Bali. The study was in the form of embedded mixed method design, and implemented towards two classes of English Education students in 2018. The data were collected using observations, questionnaire and through tests; analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the study showed that there are obvious differences between the teacher candidates- performances before and after the treatment. Their pedagogical skills and self-directed learning improved satisfactorily. The continuous clinical supervision models applied and scaffolds provided during the teaching practices improved the pedagogical skills, self-directness and 21st century learning skills of the teacher candidates. With the improved skills, it is expected that they become future teachers of 21st century generation.

autonomous learning, pedagogical skills, and 21st century skills

Global Issues in Education and Research


Ahmad Zainuri; Duski Ibrahim; Fahmi Bafadhal

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Ahmad Zainuri

UIN Raden Fatah Palembang
UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

This article aims to describe the management activities in improving university accreditation and quality of management of Islamic Studies Program in Postgraduate Center of UIN Raden Fatah. Implementation of management in Islamic Studies programs essentially leads to quality improvement and accreditation, and to deliver graduates to have a set of knowledge, life skills, character and ability in order to be accepted in an increasingly competitive workplace or able to create creative and productive jobs. Facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, Islamic Studies Program of UIN Raden Fatah prepare an internet or ICT-based learning approach to improve the quality of learning and improve the professionalism of lecturers, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of management, governance and administration. The application of learning based on internet in Islamic Studies study programs in order to realize the university goals to be excellent in the programs and become international standard universities, with nationalism and Islamic characteristics.

Quality Management; Accreditation; Industrial Revolution 4.0

Business Education


Readiness to Use GIS Technology in Vocational High Schools in Indonesia in Facing the Challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Arya Bakri, Yatti Sugiarti, Didin Wahyudin

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Arya Bakri

School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Since the enactment of curriculum changes in 2013, several factors have emerged that often become obstacles in geographic and geospatial technical vocational high schools in Indonesia, one of which is minimal acceptance of Geography Information System (GIS) technology. This teacher survey research is to explore the determinant factors that influence the acceptance of GIS technology, through identifying what obstacles are found when the acceptance of GIS technology is integrated in classroom learning. Using survey data from 94 teachers from 34 geographic and geospatial technical vocational schools, question assumptions were formulated using the technology acceptance model (TAM 2), with key determinants of Perceived Usefulness (PU) and User Intention (UI). The lack of knowledge, skills and experience of teachers following GIS training, has caused teachers to be slow in accepting GIS technology. These pressures prevent teachers from reflecting on their teaching, and ultimately result in substitution of teachers intellectual creativity with compliance culture and contribute to the tendency of teachers to prioritize learning experiences that they believe can be directly applied to their own classroom situations. It is clear that the benefits of implementing a classroom will not come alone if the teacher is not ready and trained for the use of GIS technology.

Geographic Information System (GIS), Acceptance, Geomatics and Geospatial Engineering Teachers, Vocational Middle Schools.

Adult Education


I Gusti Putu Suharta and Ni Nyoman Parwati

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I Gusti Putu Suharta

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

This study aims to determine the relationship between Teacher Confidence (TC), Self Efficacy Teacher (SET), Content Knowledge (CK), and Pedagogic Content Knowledge (PCK) as well as its impact on student mathematics learning achievement. The population of this study were all math teachers and junior high school students in Buleleng Regency in the 2018/2019 Academic Year. Teacher samples were taken by area cluster random sampling technique, while student samples were determined by sampling purposive technique. This type of research was Expost facto. As free variables are KG, SEG, and CK, the intermediate independent variable is PCK while the dependent variable is mathematics learning achievement. The instruments used to measure KG and SEG were questionnaires, while CK, PCK, and mathematics learning achievements were collected using tests. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that there was no effect of KG, SEG, CK on PCK and its impact on student learning achievement. However, CK and PCK have a direct or indirect effect on students mathematics learning achievement with a contribution of 56.1%.

Teacher Confidence, Self Efficacy Teacher, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Other Areas of Education


Relationship of Senior High School Principals Performance With Organizational Climate: A Case Study In Manado
H V Opit, F F Warouw

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Helena Opit

Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, 95618, Indonesia

Several studies have proven the relationship between the principals performance and the organizations climate, but there have not been many cases in Manado City. The national exam places North Sulawesi province in the order of 30 out of 33 provinces. Even though in the regional scale Manado City has the highest national exam scores. This study aims to determine the relationship between the performance of principals and organizational climate through studies in the city of Manado. The research method was descriptive and justified by the correlational research method using SPSS. The population in this study was the High School Principal in the city of Manado. Samples were taken 55 respondents randomly. The results of the study show that there is a positive relationship between the performance of the principal and the organizational climate Based on the results of testing significance and linearity testing and it can be concluded that the regression equation is significant and linear. The conclusion of this study reveals that improving the head performance of an organizational climate, must be understood individually and collectively. Understanding the climatic conditions of the organization both individually and collectively will provide an overview of the performance of high school principals.

Performance, Principal, Organizational Climate, Manado

Curriculum, Research and Development



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Various strategies on teachers- learning have been exposed to uplift quality teaching. Unfortunately only few studies have been concerned with teaching and research connection. The present study aims at investigating how groups of English teachers utilize their teacher professional community (PLC) on integrating pedagogical content knowledge into conducting a CAR and how it enhances their competences through a reflective practice. Twenty four teachers with different teaching experience respectively were involved. Through dialogic, open-ended questions delivered electronically and were triangulated by in-depth teacher reflective journals. The data were analyzed analytically and descriptively by Sutton-s dialogic feedback process (2011). The study indicates that each teacher could gradually identify their strengths and weaknesses in their teaching-learning process. They reflectively described the problems in the CAR procedures. Regardless unsolved problems in designing and writing research proposal in particular, they found the training administered within a dialogic feedback framework inspired them to affectionately address their self-regulation through making meaning of their instructors- feedback. In addition, the dialogic feedback provision in the training shared them a better interpersonal and managerial skills in their teaching-research integration. To conclude, a systematic, dialogic, content-wise, and manageable PLC is highly recommended to reach quality teaching.

dialogic feedback provision, language teachers, quality teaching, reflective practice

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Revealing students- threshold concept through POE strategy in Salt Hydrolysis Topic
Tuszie Widhiyanti, Sri Mulyani, Wiji, Silvia Anggraeni Pohan

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Tuszie Widhiyanti

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The aim of this study is to implement the intertextual based strategies with POE to see its potential in revealing students- threshold concepts related to salt hydrolysis topic. The qualitative research method was used by utilizing the students- worksheets, two tier diagnostic test, as well as classroom observation. There were 31 students- from 11th grade high school students who had not yet studied salt hydrolysis have participated in this study. Students- worksheets provide data about students- responses about their predictions, observation result, as well as their response in the explaination stage which has been provided by guiding questions. The result shows that there were various concepts that still become threshold concepts for students in learning hydrolysis topic.

Intertextual Learning Strategy, Predict Observe Explain, Threshold Concepts, Salt Hydrolysis

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Ruangguru as a Reconceptualization of Education in the Era of Disruption
Lydiawati Suparto, Nihta V.F. Liando

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Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

Todays generation is very close to technology and intensively spending more time with gadgets. Gadgets never get out of their hands. This fact has serious impact on the lack of interest in learning by means of conventional methods. For final year students, tutoring seems to have become mandatory before taking part in the National Examination. Apparently the learning system in tutorial meets the needs of students. This paper aims at reviewing the application of online tutorial system Ruangguru using descriptive method. It found out that in the disruption era of our times, Ruangguru presents itself as one of the responses to the needs of the current generation. Online tutoring with methods that have been adapted to technological advances and market needs is one form of reconceptualization of education in the era of disruption. It is expected that online tutoring does not depart from the values or substance of formal education which has components called learning concepts that support the successful implementation of education.

disruption era, Ruangguru, education.

Other Areas of Education


Sekolah Dayung Jambi an Alternative Education based on environment
Aris Dwi Nugoroho, Armida, Diandara Oryza, Sri Yulia Sari

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Aris Dwi Nugroho

Islamic State University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Economic factors are often being the reason for lack of education in community, including for people at Jambi city. Economy level of the community that classified as middle to lower make their awareness about education is low. The impact of this condition are many children do not go to school, lack of environmental careness, and drug trafficking. This is the reason for establishment of Sekolah Dayung Jambi, one of the alternative world in Jambi. The aim of this study was to find out how to manage this school with minimum resources. This research is qualitative research. Data collected by interview and observation. Data analysis by qualitative descriptive. The results showed that activities in this school are PAUD, reading community, waste management, training on processing river resources, and rowing training. The source of school funding is obtained from the waste bank, community and government. Teachers at this school consist of two permanent teachers and the rest are volunteer from various NGOs and institutions. The presence of Sekolah Dayung Jambi has provided many benefits for the community, such as increasing the quantity of children that going to school, increasing public awareness of environment, and reducing drug trafficking. Quality of education is not depend on money and social class. By using environment, education problem in community can be solved.

Sekolah Dayung, Alternative Education, Environment

Global Issues in Education and Research


Short Evaluation of Postgraduate Curriculum to Detect Achievement of Outcome Learning
A Yani; Y S. Kusumah; A Permanasari

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Ahmad Yani

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Curriculum evaluation in education such as graduate school is an activity carried out at any time on a scale of five. Curriculum evaluation activities will provide important information to improve study programs and increase achievement. This study wants to test the achievement learning evaluation curriculum. The benefits, short evaluation techniques can control and give direction in improving the quality of study programs. The research method used is descriptive. The results of the study show that a short evaluation of the curriculum can provide an initial description of the implementation of the study program curriculum and predict the achievement of development learning. Thus, a short curriculum evaluation technique can be used by parties who will evaluate the graduate school curriculum.

Curriculum, Learning outcomes, Postgraduate, Prediction of results, Short evaluation

Curriculum, Research and Development


Should vocational schools be strategically located with relevant industries to reduce graduates- competency gaps?
Indah Khoerunnisa*, Sri Handayani, Didin Wahyudin, and Ana A

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Indah Khoerunnisa

Study Program of Technology and Vocational Education, Post-Graduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, No. 207, Dr. Setiabudhi Street, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Reduced employment due to the rapid development of technology requires responsive vocational education in adjusting the required competency of graduates. Collaboration between vocational and industrial schools in the form of link and match is the right solution. This research was conducted to describe the availability of Agro-industry vocational schools with relevant food industries based on the regional potential to reduce the gap in graduate competency. The method used is descriptive qualitative. 47 Agro-industry vocational schools spread in 14 regencies in West Java. Around 120 food industries that are relevant to vocational competence are spread in 15 districts.. The low percentage of availability of Agro-industry vocational schools and the food industry is not aligned with the potential of the region that has been established. The availability of vocational schools and relevant industries based on location provides opportunities for vocational schools to collaborate and implement link and match programs. Synchronization of the expertise areas of vocational schools with superior potential areas in each province needs to be identified

Link and match, Vocational School, School Mapping, Agro-industry

Other Areas of Education


Simple, Portable and Inexpensive Spectrophotometers for High Schools Lab Activity
Ari Syahidul Shidiq, Anna Permanasari and Hernani

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Science Education Department, Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

A simple, portable and inexpensive spectrophotometer for chemical analysis and laboratory activities is a growing topic of research in chemical education. The purpose of this study was to investigate how academics develop simple, portable and inexpensive spectrophotometers in the chemistry classes. This study used a systematic literature review method. A total of 46 related journal articles from the Journal of Chemical Education from 2009 to 2019 were used as sources for review. As a guide to the study conducted, three formulations of the problem were used, namely (1) what type of instruments developed, (2) what specific technology used, and (3) what pedagogical approach used. The results of the study conducted indicate that the UV-Vis instrument is the most developed. This opens up opportunities for other researchers to develop other types of spectrometry instruments. The use of LED technology as a light source and a smartphone camera as a detector is an innovation that is currently developing. In addition, the augmented reality application to introduce laboratory spectrometry instruments is a unique innovation. By using the Project-based learning approach to modify the spectrophotometer instrument, spectrometric practicum activities are possible to be conducted in high school.

Simple spectrophotometer, Lab Activity, Systematic literature review

Curriculum, Research and Development


Marssel M. Sengkey, Mint. H. R. Aditama & Tellma Mona Tiwa

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a. Departmen of Psychology, Manado State University. 081340863448 mmsengkey[at]
b. Departmen of Guidance and Counseling, Manado State Universiti. 081226655116 husenmint[at]
c. Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Manado,

This paper discusses the relevance of social interaction and student communication theories with a culture inherent to the students personal. An idealism born from an early culture affects how communication and interaction of one person is. The problems in cultural bias that arise in student interaction and communication are a major concern in seeing how the early cultural roles of the globalization era still affect ones interactions and communication. This paper helps us understand how cultures that are owned on self-counsellors influence the concept of problem solving in the counseling process. The arguments that support these aspects of cultural theory will be explained through the three concepts of a comparative study approach, namely communication in cross-cultural counseling, culture in the organization, and assimilation of cultural/cultural constructions.

communication in culture, cross-cultural counseling, cultural psychology

Other Areas of Education


Speaking anxiety of EFL high school students: Indonesian and Moroccan cases
Bouchra Eddraoui, Yanty Wirza, Ph.D

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Bouchra Eddraoui

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The English language has become the most spoken language around the world. It is the language of science, literature, and business. English is a global language that everyone should be able to understand and speak to guarantee a better future. However, a number of students feel anxious about speaking English as a foreign language, which deprives them from communicating their needs, expressing their ideas, and opinions. To date, many pieces of research on foreign language anxiety have been conducted, specifically in speaking skills, and have revealed numbers of causes and factors that lead to anxiety. The aim of this paper is to explore the speaking difficulties encountered by Moroccan and Indonesian high school students, as well as shed light on the level of anxiety they are experiencing and its causes. This study employs mixed-method: A Likert scale-based questionnaire was administered to 30 Moroccan high school students, and 30 others to their fellow Indonesian students, in addition, an in-depth interview to 3 Indonesian and 3 Moroccan students was conducted to explore the sources of their speaking anxiety. The quantitative and qualitative data have demonstrated that Indonesian students experience a high level of anxiety compared to their fellow Moroccan students. Pronunciation, fear of making mistakes and negative evaluation are the most major causes of EFL speaking anxiety experienced by Indonesian and Moroccan high school students.

Foreign language anxiety, speaking anxiety, Indonesian students, Moroccan students

Other Areas of Education


Students- Revision Behavior in EFL Writing Project Assignment
Mister Gidion Maru, Nihta Liando

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Mister Gidion Maru

Universitas Negeri Manado

Writing is a result of process involving idea development and language competence. This research paper reports the investigation of the pattern of students- effort of revising a writing project. It constitutes a qualitative study by obtaining the data through conducting in-depth interviews with two classes of advance level students in English Education Department. Prior to the interview, the students complete a writing assignment in the form of one semester project. As respondents, students answer the main of question of the interview dealing with how they did the EFL writing project assignment. The findings reveal that the completion of the project, which undergoes process, requires revision for several times depending upon the allotted time. This revision process portrays students- tendency in revising their writing project such as social media grouping, technology application dependence, in-group dynamics and learning model preference. These findings seem to be pivotal contribution for teachers to design students- project for language learning purpose.

Revision Behavior, Writing Project, EFL

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Study Material Development Courselesson of Rural and Urban Geography for College Students Malang in East Java
Onik Farida Ni-matullah1, Sumarmi2, Budijanto2

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Onik Farida Ni-matullah

1Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
2Universitas Negeri Malang

This study aims to describe the influence the effectiveness of the Rural Urban Geography teaching materials have been developed. This study was designed with a quasi-experimental research. Location of the research in universities at Malang District, East Java. Learning outcomes is measured by pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed using Analysis gain score and the percentage of student results. The results showed that the learning outcomes in the experimental class (class taught using instructional materials research product) indicates the value of gain score 12:46. While the control classes (classes that are taught with no use teaching materials research product) indicates the value of gain score 12:25. Thus, the value of gain scores between experimental class and control class shows at 0:21. In other words, teaching materials of Rural and Urban Geography course applied is superior compared to other teaching materials.

teaching materials, materials of Rural and Urban Geography, learning outcomes

Other Areas of Education


Study on the increase of concept mastery and problem solving skills of secondary student after problem based learning on climate change subject
Bibin Rubini, Lita Juwita, Siti Aisyah

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Bibin Rubini

Science Education Program of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pakuan Bogor

The research aims to profile the increase of concept mastery as well as problem solving skills after the implementation learning climate change using problem based model. The implementation of learning was conducted in one of secondary school at rural are in Bogor, west java. The research methods used was quasi-experimental with nonrandomized static group pretest postest design. The experimental class consisted of 40 7th grade students who learned science with problem based learning, meanwhile the control class was the same number of student who learned the science using cooperative learning with teams game tournament (TGT). The increase of concept mastery and problem solving skills were measured by using multiple choice-with reason test. The research shows that problem based learning gave better impact to both of concept mastery and problem solving skills of student, as it was shown statistically using Independent Sample T-Test with the sig value 0,000 and 0,001. The good correlation between concept mastery and problem solving skills was also found with sig value 0.03<0.05. This means that the higher concept mastery the better problem solving skills of student.

concept mastery, problem solving skills, problem based learning, cooperative learning

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


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