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The 4th Asian Education Symposium (AES 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.14 for 2 days in Manado |

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I Putu Sriartha dan I Wayan Kertih

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Corresponding Author
Sriartha I Putu

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11 Singaraja, Bali

SUBAK LOCAL WISDOM AS SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING SOURCE IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL by I Putu Sriartha dan I Wayan Kertih Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Email: Abstract Subak local wisdom of subak is the Balinese agrarian culture that has been set by Unesco as a world cultural heritage. Subak which is based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana has social, religious and ecological values and serves as the basis for harmonious community life. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge and understanding of social studies teachers about subak, and social studies teachers- attitude towards the idea about developing social studies learning models based on subak local wisdom. The study sample consisted of social studies teachers who were determined by purposive sampling. The research instruments were a semi-structured test and attitude questionnaire based on the Likert scale. Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive techniques. The results showed that the majority of the teachers have low knowledge and understanding of subak (47.50%) ; the remaining 32.50% are classified as moderate and only 20% are classified as high.The majority of the teachers (77.50%) stated that they never used subak as a social studies learning resource. The teachers attitude towards the idea of developing the social studies learning model based on subak local wisdom was very positive, where 97.50% expressed a strong agreement. The implication of the research is that further research needs to be done with a focus on developing social studies learning models based on the local wisdom of subak.

Subak, social studies learning

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Subject Teacher Conference as a Catalyst for Transformative Learning among English Teachers of Junior High Schools in Sumbawa Regency
Henny Soepriyanti, Eka Fitriana, Udin

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Corresponding Author
Henny Soepriyanti

Faculty of Education
School of Languages and Arts
University of Mataram

The West Nusa Tenggara Ministry of Education and Culture has made substantial efforts to revitalize the Subject Teachers Conference (a.k.a MGMP) through various types of professional development programs, but these efforts are not well documented yet. Thus, its impact is not widely known among educators in the region. The implementation of MGMPs generally takes place routinely every year without any effort of the competent parties to evaluate its benefits and effectiveness. The current study aims to describe the success factors of the MGMP as a catalyst for transformative learning among English teachers of junior high school in Sumbawa Regency, outline the impact of transformative learning on the teachers- improved professionalism and uncover constraints faced by English teachers of junior high schools in practicing transformative learning in MGMP. The study employed a qualitative approach to account for teachers- developed transformative learning in MGMP. A qualitative research design with a multiple-case study approach was used as the basis for collecting, analyzing and comparing data from the field. This data were obtained through a number of activities in the field, such as focused group discussions, observations, and document studies. These data collected were analyzed using thematic analysis approach. The process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing and verification followed prior to the report of the findings. The research reveals two different types of transformative learning experienced by the participants: Inclusive Transformation (IT) and Transitional Transformation (TT). Detail explanation for each is provided in this paper.

Subject Teachers Conference, Transformative Learning, Professional Development

Other Areas of Education


Syntactic Study on Essay of Grade VI Students of Elementary Schools in Karangasem Regency, Bali Province
Ida Bagus Putrayasa

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Corresponding Author
ida bagus putrayasa

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

This study aims to describe: (1) type; (2) unity; and (3) structure of sentence contained in essays of grade VI students of elementary schools in Karangasem regency, Bali province. The method used to collect data is recording documents. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that: (1) the types of sentences contained in essays of sixth grade elementary school students in Karangasem regency, Bali province can be divided based on (a) their contents, there are 210 declarative sentences; (b) number of clauses, there are 109 single sentences, 101 compound sentences; (c) the predicate of its formers, there are 165 verbal sentences and 45 nominal sentences; and (d) the nature of the actors relationships, there are 133 active sentences and 77 passive sentences. (2) the unity of the sentence indicated by the existence of: (a) Subject (S) and Predicate (P): 199 sentences categorized as clear unity of ideas; (b) 5 sentence is not clear the unity of the idea; (c) without S or only contains P: 3 sentence, and (d) without P or only contains S: 3 sentences. (3) the structure of sentences, both single and multiple found in essays of grade VI students of elementary schools in Karangasem regency, Bali province is quite varied.

composition, structure, syntax, type, unity

Educational Foundations


Teachers- Strategies in Motivating Students to Learn English
Malton Dama, Nihta V F Liando

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

The research reported in this paper is an on-going research, investigating English teacher-s strategy to increase students- motivation in learning and to describe students- responses to English teachers motivating strategy. This study is descriptive qualitative involving English teachers and tenth grade students at one senior high school in Morotai. Observations, questionnaire and interviews are employed in collecting data. In analyzing the collected data, Miles and Huberman-s interactive model of data analysis including reducing the data, displaying the data and taking conclusion and verification is applied. It is assumed that when teachers implement appropriate teaching strategies, it may become the source of motivating students to learn English. It is expected that the results of this research will give contribution to better ways in stimulating students to learn English better.

teachers strategy, motivation, students perception

Other Areas of Education


Sri Setyarini

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Corresponding Author
Sri Setyarini

English Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Dr. Setiabudhi Street 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Determining instructions of higher order thinking skills in curriculum 2013 is still challenging and new for most English teachers in Indonesian context. Therefore, this current study emphasizes on investigating teachers- understanding in constructing higher order thinking-based assessments and teachers- difficulties in designing the assessments. A case study was applied with two research instruments, namely document analysis in the form of teacher-made assessments and interview with the teachers. The participants of this study were two English teachers from two different junior high schools- one public school and one private schools as the users of Curriculum 2013. The findings reveal that a misconception about the concept of higher order thinking skills assessments among teachers is still found because the teachers dominantly focused on the degree of difficulty of the questions instead of cognitive complexity in designing higher order thinking assessments. Consequently, the test items of the teacher-made assessments may only promote the students- analyzing and evaluating skills, so that the creating skill as the highest level of HOTS seemed not to be identified in the teachers- test. In addition, from the results of interview with the teachers, they claimed that most of the questions were constructed in the form of multiple choices to measure the students- HOTS and they were not confident to modify the multiple choices to be essays and open-ended questions forms as characters of HOTS assessment. It happened because the teachers believed that creating skill is related to a product of written texts. Overall, it is concluded that the teachers- understanding about HOTS-based assessment was likely low and needs to be improved through exposures and enrichment by attending trainings and workshops about HOTS-based assessment.

Assessment, Curriculum 2013, English learning, Higher-order thinking skills, Teacher-s understanding

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


Teaching Performance: An Educational Anthropolinguistics
Robert Sibarani; Mayske Rinny Liando

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Corresponding Author
Robert Sibarani

Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Negeri Manado

This present paper discusses types of performance to transfer knowledge in teaching-learning process. It aims at (1) describing the pattern of the teacher-s speech performance in classroom, (2) describing the pattern of the teacher-s behavour in classroom, and (3) describing the teacher-s dressing appearance in classroom. This qualitative study was done with anthropolinguistic approach related to education called educational anthropolinguistics.

performance, participation, indexicality, teaching-learning, anthropolinguistics

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The Application of Direct Strategy in Learning Japanese Language through Songs (Historical Study of Japan-s Occupation in Minahasa 1942-1945)
Sherly F. Lensun, Ferdy Dj. Rorong, Ferry Mandang, Selvi Mumu

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Universitas Negeri Manado

Strategy is considered important in the process of learning and teaching activity that teachers may encourage students to be active in learning activity and to create a good learning environment in order to achieve the learning goal. There are two types of strategy which students will have to face; direct strategy and indirect strategy. Direct strategy refers to a language learning strategy that directly relates to the target language. Direct strategy of language learning requires complete comprehension of the language itself. This study aims to know the application of direct strategy in learning Japanese language through songs particularly to respondents who experienced Japan-s occupation in Minahasa by the year 1942-1945. The history of Nippon-s occupation in Minahasa is a chronological event of the causal effect in both negative and positive way, namely language inheritance that is inherited to former student-s memory who lived in the era of Japan-s colonization for about 60 year or more. Learning strategy in the era of Nippon-s occupation in Minahasa is a direct learning strategy which is the combination of 3 groups of the strategy: 1. Memorization, 2. Cognition and 3. Compensation.

Strategy, Direct, Song, Japanese Language

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The Application of Power Point Presentation in Developing Ninth Grade Students- Writing Ability
Nihta V F Liando, Srya Martha

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

The research study reported in this article aims at explaining the application of digital media in improving students- writing ability in writing a report text. This research was conducted at one of the high schools in the regent of Sangihe. Ninth grade students consisting of 30 students were involved in this study. Classroom action research (CAR) was employed to collect data. The research was done in two cycles applying four steps in each cycle: planning, observing, acting and reflecting. The data were collected through observation check list and test. The result of each cycle showed that students writing ability was found increased. Mean average in Cycle 1 was 76.73, whereas in Cycle 2 was 81.06. This result led to a conclusion that digital media is considered effective in improving students- writing ability of a report text. Thus, it is recommended that digital media could be used to teach students writing report text.

digital media, writing, recount text, classroom action research (CAR)

Other Areas of Education



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Corresponding Author
Sayid Sagap

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Management in the broadest sense is planning, organizing, directing, and controlling or supervising, has been carried out by the leadership of the Islamic Boarding School, even though the level of skill (competence) varies from one another. Even in the process, the leaders of Islamic Boarding School are not only based on the management function, but are also equipped with various other activities based on religious beliefs (practices of the Sunnah) that they believe in. Starting from a high sincerity that is whatever managerial work they do is purely due to God to an attitude of generosity. So, the researchers are not enough to look at the managerial process in the Islamic Boarding School only with the eyes of modern management. Islam does not only talk about theology, but it is a perfect civilization, so globally found values of management regarding work plans, work motivation, ways of working, cooperation, leading, evaluating, controlling, etc., even in ways special ways to be successful in the work program through prayer, dzikir, wirid specifically, mujahadah, riyadhah batiniyah, etc. in order to get taufiq (success in carrying out deeds), hidayah (instructions for running deeds), and ma-unah (help to run deeds deeds) ) from Allah SWT. Thus, in that way, not a few Islamic Boarding School leaders have good managerial competence, so that they successfully manage the educational institutions they lead, both in terms of infrastructure, educational processes, and results achieved; This is recognized by many parties about the success and even its superiority, so that the graduates are also not a few who succeed in the midst of society.

Islamic Boarding School; Management

Business Education


1. Mansur Hakim, 2 Fahruddin

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Corresponding Author
Fahruddin Fahruddin

1. Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of elementary school Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia
1. Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia

THE CORRELATIONS BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE OF SCHOOL-BASED MANAGEMENT AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE WITH THE PUBLIC JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS LEADERSHIP Mansur Hakim1 and Fahruddin2 1. Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of elementary school Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia 2. Postgraduate Program Educational Administration, and Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Mataram Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara- Indonesia. Jalan Pendidikan No. 37 Mataram Nusa Tenggara Barat; Phone : 0370 7056625 2.Corresponding author : Fahruddin – Email : The aims of this research are to study the correlations between knowledge of school-based management and emotional intelligence with the Public Junior Secondary School Principals Leaderships. The research was conducted in Public Junior Secondary School in Jakarta. This research used survey method. The samples of this research were 30 the Public Junior Secondary School Principals selected randomly. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and path analysis.The results of this research shown that there are positive correlations between: (1) knowledge of school-based management with the Public Junior Secondary School Principals- Leaderships; (2) emotional intelligence with the Public Junior Secondary School Principals Leaderships; (3) knowledge of school-based management and emotional intelligence with the Public Junior Secondary School Principals Leaderships. The conclusions of this research therefore to improve the Public Junior Secondary School Principals Leaderships, than knowledge of school-based management and emotional intelligence should be improved.

Correlation, Principal Leadership, Knowledge Of School-Based Management, Emotional Intelligence.

Curriculum, Research and Development


The Development of SEEA-Based Learning Model in Teaching of Science
Dr. Imron Rosadi (a), Dr. Sukarno, (b)

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Corresponding Author
Kemas Imron Rosyadi

Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi- Indonesia

The study aimed to develop a learning model based on the School Environment Exploration Activities (SEEA) in science of learning. The development and assessment of the SEEA-based learning model developed using the Tessmer Formative Design flow, which includes, self-assessment, expert judgment, individual testing and small group testing and field testing (broad group). Evaluation of the results of the development of the SEEA learning model by experts shows that the model is categorized as valid, both in content validity and in construct validity. In addition, validation from experts also shows that the corresponding components, namely: rational models, theoretical support, developed syntax, social systems, instructional impacts and accompaniment impacts are also declared valid. In the one-to-one test consisting of teachers using the SEEA model also shows that the model is valid. Then in the small group test in the class, all students were also able to follow the SEEA model properly. Thus, the SEEA model developed is suitable for use by science teachers in implementing science learning in schools

Development, SEEA Model, Science Learning



The development of the earthquake theme STEM book in training engineering Design capabilities
Dwi Nurul Hidayah1*, Ida Kaniawati2, and Sjaeful Anwar3

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Nurul Hidayah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

STEM learning is a strategy to improve the quality of graduates to be ready to provide solutions to problems in society. But based on a preliminary study, STEM learning is still done in one semester. The teacher does not yet have teaching materials to teach STEM. The STEM worksheets are downloaded from the internet and the themes taken are not in accordance with STEMs core core in design design to product manufacture. Thus, teaching materials were developed using the method of developing Four-step teaching materials (4S TMD). After being tested at one of the schools in Bandung, teaching materials were able to provide meaningful STEM learning experiences and provide student responses in designing earthquake-resistant buildings and seismographs according to the objectives of STEM learning by Bybee (2013). The characteristics of the book refers to the percentage level of difficulty of the book based on the opinions of students is 96% easy, and based on the writing of the main ideas of students is 91% easy. Feasibility of books with very decent categories.

STEM-book, engineering design

Global Issues in Education and Research


Wolter Weol (a*), Rolina A.E Kaunang (b), Febri Kurnia Manoppo (c)

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Corresponding Author
Febri Kurnia Manoppo

a) Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Manado
b) Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Manado
c) Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Manado

This study aims to describe the encounter of Christian Education values in the Minahasa Indigenous community in the rumamba tradition. An important issue for indigenous peoples in Minahasa in this disturbing era is how to dialogue Minahasa culture with Christian education values. Does mixing Minahasa customs with Christianity bring contextual education values or are they the opposite? Even though the Minahasa area is familiar with the meeting between Christian culture and religion, are these cultures able to show their identity or are they losing time? Can local Minahasa culture coexist with the existence of Christian education in an educational and community environment? This study uses the religious theory from Daniel Pals and the contextual Christian education theory from Hope Antone. This study uses a qualitative approach with methods of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results show that Christian education can coexist contextually with the Minahasa community and culture in a dialogical approach that takes place in formal and informal public spaces.

Dialogue, Christian Education, Minahasa Indigenous Peoples, Rumamba Tradition

Other Areas of Education


The Effect of E-Learning Model and Interest on Student Learning Ability
Allen A. Ch. Manongko, Ninik Indawati, Laurens Kaluge

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado
Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

The purpose of this study was to find out and explain the influence of e-learning model and interest to learn towards student learning ability. The research method used a survey method. The population in this study was 125 students of grade 10th, Aquino Amurang Catholic High School, with a total sample of 102 respondents (Isaac and Michaels table) through purposive sampling with data collection techniques through questionnaires with a Likert scale. The analysis used in this study was multiple regression analysis. The results lead to the following conclusions, first, student learning abilities can be formed by e-learning model and student learning interest; second, the influence of e-learning model and student learning interest provides a positive and significant influence on student learning abilities; third, both e-learning model and student learning interest have a positive and significant effect on students learning abilities.

E-Learning Based Learning, Interest Learning, Student Learning Ability

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The Effect of Utilizing Mobile Apps in Android Smartphone to Japanese Grammar Learning Outcomes
Fitri Ifi Gama

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

This study aimed to investigate the effect of using Mobile Apps in Android Smartphone to Japanese grammar learning outcomes. The background of this study was based on previous research which found that students showed low achievement on mastery Japanese grammar of JLPT N5 by using conventional method. This research utilized quasi-experiment design. Data collected through pre-test and post-test. The participants involved were third year students of nursing at Indonesia Development University in Manado that would participate in internship program In Japan. The result of this study showed the difference in the average value of the pretest and post-test. The pre-test mean value showed less satisfactory result-value: 26.78. While the average post-test value showed satisfactory result-value: 86.60. There was an effect of applying this learning model proven by the post-test value was greater than the pre-test value. Using Mobile Apps for mastering Japanese grammar have increased students- ability to comprehend Japanese grammar and have motivated them for self-learning. Moreover, it also have helped teachers providing practical and independent learning media for students. For future research, it is recommended to observe the effect of using mobile application for learning Japanese grammar of JLPT N4.

Mobile Apps, Android Smartphone, Japanese Grammar, Learning Outcomes, Quasi-experiment Study

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The Effectiveness of ICT Integration in Enhancing Students Learning Motivation
Elizabeth Meiske Maythy Lasut (a), Jeanette Jeane Bawengan(b)

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Corresponding Author
Elizabeth Meiske Maythy Lasut

a) Universitas Klabat
Jl. Arnold Mononutu, Airmadidi, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara
b) Universitas Klabat
Jl. Arnold Mononutu, Airmadidi, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

Information and communication technology (ICT) integration in order to make the learning process interesting and meaningful to students is inevitable. It is a challenge for elementary teachers to engage their students in various activities in classroom and to cultivate their willingness in learning new language. This quantitative study attempts to analyse the effectiveness of ICT integration in fostering students motivation in learning English. A two-set questionnaire was randomly distributed to 270 students from five private elementary schools in Manado City, Indonesia. 210 students out of the 270 completely answered the questionnaire. The collected data was analysed for descriptive and inferential by using statistical tool, such as frequency, percentage, mean, and simple regression. Findings show that ICT integration was effectively implemented and students motivation was high. Moreover, the simple regression analysis revealed that ICT integration significantly impacts students motivation in learning English. The results indicate that students high motivation in learning English resulted when teachers integrate the use of ICT effectively. Based on the results, it is recommended that schools provide sufficient ICT facilities, encourage their teachers to join ICT training program regularly, and involve their students in technology-based learning activities daily.

ICT Integration; Students Learning Motivation

Other Areas of Education


The Enhancement of Teacher Productivity through Strengthening the Professional Commitment and Principal Supervision
Eka Suhardi (a*), Soewarto Hardhienata (a), Atep Yulia Nugraha (b)

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Corresponding Author
Indarini Dwi Pursitasari

a) Education Management, Program of Postgraduate Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia
b) Student of Education Administration, Program of Postgraduate Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia

*email: ekasuhardi[at]

This study aims to enhance teacher productivity through examining the relationship between the professional commitment and principal supervision with teacher productivity. The participants pf this research were 134 teachers enrolled in several private junior high schools in Bogor, using questionnaire of professional commitment, supervising principals, and teacher productivity. The data were analyzed using correlational statistics and Sitorem to derive recommendations and find the order of priority improvements needed. The results of the study show that there is a positive relationship of the professionals commitment with teacher productivity, the principal supervision with the teacher productivity, and the professionals commitment and principal supervision together with teacher productivity. This shows that teacher productivity can be enhanced through strengthening professionals commitment and principal supervision and from the teacher productivity component itself. The results of Sitorems analysis show there are 15 components that still need to be repaired to sequence of improvements

Professionals pommitment, principal supervisions, teacher productivity

Adult Education


The Exploration of Teaching Methodologies in Hebrew and Greek Language Subjects at IAKN Manado
Yemdin Wonte, Anita Inggrit Tuela, Maxwel Wiliams, Yolanda Nany Palar

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Institut Agama Kristen Manado

IAKN Manado is one of state education institution in Manado that has three faculties. One of them is Faculty of Theology. Based on the curriculum of theological department, the students have to get some basic languages proficiency especially ancient Greek and Hebrew language subjects for hermeneutic purpose. The researchers feel curious of how lecturers found strategies and method of Greek and Hebrew language teaching. This research is to describe methodologies in multilingual class like Hebrew and Greek language subjects. This research uses qualitative method and the researcher is looking for how far the effectivities of the language teaching method. Based on the observation, interview and result of this research the literatures used is written in English so students have to translate both languages to English and translate them again to Indonesian language. The meaning of some words and grammatical structure of Hebrew and Greek languages are similar to English than Bahasa. Thus, they have to make some exploration first in English and transferred to Indonesian Language. The researchers do not find any current methodology, it is based on situation. The lecturers commonly use conventional method and combine with peer tutoring in the class. When they use peer teaching and combine with contextual teaching method is more effective than conventional method. This research found the disadvantage and advantage that the lecturers used in methodology. The impact of this research is to give contribution for language teaching method especially Greek and Hebrew classes, as well as to improve lecturers- capability in language teaching.

Exploration Language Teaching Methodologies, Greek and Hebrew Language Subject.

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment



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Corresponding Author
Wayan Rasna

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

The main purpose of teaching is to optimally create a comfortable learning atmosphere through a harmony in instructional communication to obtain an optimal learning achievement (Sibarani, 2004: 175;Willis, 2010: 81-82). An optimal learning achievement is determined among others by the increasingly fluent language ability of the learner since the more fluent his or her language ability, the more fluent his or her thinking and the more successful his or her learning will be (Suherdi, 2012: 4). Success is determined by 20% hard skill and 80% soft skill (Aman, et al., 2014: 425) and the language norm is one of the factors (Pranowo, 2014: 182, Kartika, 2004: 67 and Darmojuwono, 2011: 21). The sample of this study was selected purposively from senior high schools and vocational schools in Singaraja. The data were collected through observation and interview. The result showed that the harmony in instructional communication in creating a comfortable learning atmosphere was dominantly (85%0) determined by the readiness of the teacher to understand the students- condition, for example, his or her willingness to lose ( ready to control himself or herself) by not protracting an emotional condition. On the contrary, the teacher showed respect, solidarity, polite attitude and behavior to the students. On this basis, it is suggested to teachers to show a polite attitude and to speak politely to the students. For example, the teacher greets the students rather than the students greet the teacher.

Harmony, Communication, Atmosphere, Learning, Comfortable



The Impact of E-Learning in Tertiary Education: A Systematic Review
Muhammad Lookman Hossain Khan, Agus Setiawan, Iwan Kustiawan

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Muhammad Lookman Hossain Khan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

E-learning was initially implied as an emotionally supportive network for separation learning and this is the reason e-learning is regularly called separate training, despite the fact that e-learning is a smaller idea. E-learning is utilized to convey preparing, training and cooperation utilizing different electronic media in any case, overwhelmingly, the Internet, whose apparatuses have comprised the principle driver of e-learning and e-Learning has impact on students- perception, critical thinking and others factors. The review is intended to provide a summary and a critique of various e-learning research topics and methods. The 3-step review process was composed of articles searching and retrieval, filtering and sorting, and final inclusion. It was found that e-learning improved student perceptions, communication, quality of education, critical thinking, self-learning and the result also shows that the impact of teacher-s responsibility and students- satisfaction in higher education.

e-learning, distance education, critical thinking, self-learning

Other Areas of Education


Getruida Nita Mozes, Nihta V.F. Liando

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Politeknik Nusa Utara
Universitas Negeri Manado

Teaching foreign language especially vocabulary for very young learners are more challenging than teaching adult. Interesting and fun activities are needed for very young learners to enhance their abilities to learn new foreign language vocabulary. If teachers do not use appropriate teaching method to teach English vocabulary, the achievement of learning process may not work well. One of the methods that can be used is phonic method. This study intends to find out the effect of the phonics method to enhance very young learners- English vocabulary. This is qualitative research. The population of this research is 15 children of Play Group Betania Tahuna Sangihe Regency, who are 4 to 5 years old. This research data is learning activity at single-letter-sound. The research data are learning activity at single-letter-sound. In every activity, young learners are introduced three single-letter- phonics sound in the beginning of the words. There are two steps to do this activity; 1. To introduce letter and its phonic sound. 2. New words gaining. As the result of this research young learners are easy to pronounce with the correct way and remember the letters and its sound, and the words. The result shows that phonic method could enhance these young learners vocabulary.

Vocabulary, Young Learners, Phonic Method.



The Influence of Community Empowerment, Organizational Commitment, Learning Organization on the Performance of MSME in South Minahasa Regency (A Case Study of MSME in South Minahasa Regency)
Boby Audy Lompoliuw, Johny Tarore

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Corresponding Author
Nihta Vera Frelly Liando

Universitas Negeri Manado

The aims of this research are to analyze the influence of (1) Community Empowerment on the performance of MSMEs (2) Learning organization on the performance of MSMEs (3) Community Empowerment on Organizational Commitment (4) Learning Organization on Commitment. This research used Quantitative method by involving 354 samples comprising the owners (for variable of the performance of MSMEs) and employees (for variable of learning organization, community empowerment and organizational commitment). This research was conducted at MSMEs in 17 districts of South Minahasa Regency. Data analysis technique used is SEM (structural equation modeling) and the CFA test (Confirmatory Analysis factor). Models were tested by comparing the model alignment criteria. The results of the research show that four variables are directly significant or proven to be influential. Those variables are: (1) Community Empowerment to the performance of MSMEs (2) Learning Organization directly influences the performance of MSMEs (3) Community Empowerment directly influences Organizational Commitment (4) Learning Organization to Organizational Commitment. Exogenous variables (learning organization, community empowerment) are proved to have an impact on the performance of MSMEs. The findings in this study lead to the need for the development of economic education curriculum such as training, as well as mentoring process, as an effort to improve human resources.

Community Empowerment, Organizational Commitment, Learning Organization, Performance of MSMEs

Other Areas of Education


The Influence of Principal-s Managerial Competence and Learning Facilities towards Teacher Performance at Vocational High School.
Henny N. Tambingon*, Elni Jeini Usoh*, Virginia H. Saneba, Mozes M. Wullur

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Corresponding Author
Elni Jeini Usoh

Universitas Negeri Manado
Pasca Sarjana
Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan

*Email: hennytambingon[at]

Teacher performance can be enhanced if the principal is able to carry out his managerial functions and improve learning facilities. Teacher performance is closely related to creativity, discipline and teaching-learning activities which should be supported with good quality of facilities. This research aims to describe and analyze: the influence of principal-s managerial competence and learning facilities towards teacher performance at vocational high school in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Quantitative approach used as survey method. The questionnaires were distributed to 97 teachers as population of tourism study program, with 49 teachers responded. The questionnaire used Likert scale which measured with multiple correlation analysis. The results of show that: the influence of principal-s managerial competence towards teacher performance at 22,7%; the influence of learning facilities towards teacher performance at 51,6%, the influence of principal-s managerial competence, and learning facilities simultaneously towards teacher performance at 51,6%. It can be concluded that: the principal-s managerial competencies should be improved so the professional school managerial system can be reformed, good quality of learning facilities to improve the learning process. The regional education department should synergies with the school program in improving competencies through education and training, improvement of academic qualifications, and upgrade the learning facilities.

managerial competence, learning facilities, teacher performance.

Course Management


The Influence of Quantum Phenomenon Learning Media Implemented Through Think Pair Share Models on Student Critical Thinking Skills
A. Doyan, Gunawan, Susilawati, B. U. Khasanah, S. Hakim

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Corresponding Author
Aris Doyan

Master of Science Education Program, University of Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the influence of the use of quantum phenomenon learning media implemented in Think Pair Share (TPS) learning models on improving students critical thinking skills. This type of research is quasi-experimental research with research design nonequivalent control group design. The population of this research were all students of class XII of Senior High School Attohiriyah Bodak, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The sample of this study was class XII-F as the experimental class and XII-E as the control class selected using Purposive Sampling techniques. Students critical thinking skills were analyzed using the Separated Variance t-test, obtained at 3.22 and at 1.67 at a significant level of 5%. Therefore, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, it can be concluded that the learning media strong phenomenon has a positive effect on students critical thinking skills. The magnitude of the influence of Phenomenon Quantum learning media by increasing the critical thinking skills of students analyzed using N-gain was obtained 0.68 in the medium category for the experimental class and 0.23 in the low category for the control class.

Fenomena Kuantum, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share.

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The Influence of School Principals- Strategic Leadership on the Implementation of Strengthening of Character Education Movement: A lesson learnt from the Selected Junior School Principals of Sumbawa Regency
Untung Waluyo, Sudirman Wilian, Muntari, I Wayan Karta

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Untung Waluyo

Master of Education Management
Graduate School
University of Mataram

Based on the Presidential Decree No. 87 of 2017 on the so-called Mental Revolution, the Ministry of Education and Culture introduces the Strengthening of Character Education Movement (SCEM) that serves as a catalyst for character building among school children. Although this movement has been disseminated and trained to schools teachers, principals, and school supervisors, the impact of the movements training is not widely known yet. The present study aims to reveal the leadership strategies of the Selected Junior High School Principals in Sumbawa Regency in optimizing the Strengthening of Character Education Movement, analyze problems faced by principals in carrying out their roles as strategic leaders in optimizing the implementation of SCEM and describe models of strategic approaches used by those principals to optimize the implementation of SCEM. A qualitative research design with a multi case study approach was used as a basis for collecting, analyzing and comparing data from this study. Procedures and stages of research activities for this study include (a) collecting preliminary data on the implementation of SCEM in the selected junior high schools in Sumbawa Regency; (b) conducting interviews with key stakeholders to reveal the schools efforts in implementing SCEM; and (c) carrying out data reduction, data display and conclusion drawings. Results of the study show all principals of the selected schools have developed diverse strategic leaderships to optimize the implementation SCEM.

Character Education Movement, Strategic leadership, School Principal



The Influence of Women Education Level towards Community Scientific Literacy Improvement in Seberang Kota Jambi
Maisah (1), Ahmad Husein Ritonga (2), Sukarno (3)

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Sukarno Sukarno

(1) Department of Education Management, Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi-Indonesia
(2) Department of Education Management, Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi-Indonesia
(3) Department of Physic Education, Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty, State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi-Indonesia

The majority Womens Education level in Seberang Kota Jambi City, in the 70s, were relatively low. Women tended to only study religious education, therefore general education is considered unimportant. This resulted in the low science literacy of women in the community. Recently, in this community the education level a number of women is improving significantly. This study seeks to describe the effect of education improvement on the community scientific literacy. This study used a qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed method). The information is obtained using interviews to 150 women in the community. It was found that the level education of some women has significantly improved the community scientific literacy. Some factors that may contribute to this improvement are: 1). Confidence factors (Religion), 2) economic progress factors, 3) factors of infrastructure development and 4) information factors. As for science literacy, it is generally dominated by literacy levels at the "moderate" level of 43%, "low" 35% and subsequently "high" 22%. Based on the literacy tests in the community, it was shown that 58% were in Functional Literacy, 38% in Civic literacy, and 6% in the Cultural Literacy group.

Transformation, Womens Education, literacy of science

Global Issues in Education and Research


The language of Students Apologizing in Boarding Schools in Indonesia
Abdulkhaleq Al-rawafi (a*), Dadang Sudana (b), Iwa Lukmana (b)

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Abdulkhaleq Al-Rawafi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Apologies are the most fundamental strategies for remedying offences and reflecting the degree of the speaker-s politeness. However, Arabic textbooks in boarding schools in Indonesia lack of materials that are very required to help students to develop their pragmatic competence of the apology speech acts in Arabic. This study assumes to investigate, explicitly, the language of the students- apologizing in boarding schools in Indonesia and enhancing the students- pragmatic competence in a non-native language; Arabic. Two-hundred one informants were chosen purposively; one-hundred and one male participants and one-hundred and one female participants. Informants were assigned to fill in a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) questionnaire consists of eight situations about the boarding school rules. The findings showed that the boarding school students employed apology strategies that are vary from the Arabic standards of apologizing to some extent. The students overused the head act strategy expression of regret. In other words, the students overused the expressions afwan and asif to remedy light and serious offences. These two expressions are used by Arabs to remedy light offences only. The students believe that the apology strategies are universal so they transfer directly, the Head Act strategies in particular, from L1 into L2. Thus, in order to enhance the BSS-s realization of the speech acts of apologizing in Arabic, it is a requisite to develop the current textbooks that may develop their pragmatic knowledge.

Apologizing; Pragmatic Competence; Speech Acts; Boarding School Students BSSs

Other Areas of Education


The Policy of the Higher Education-s Internal Quality Assurance System Toward Global Competitiveness
Minnah El Widdah; Idariyanti; Asep Suryana; Widiawati

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Sayid Sagap

UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Internal quality assurance is a necessity for higher education to remain able to provide quality assurance to customers amid global competition. The quality policy is the main foundation in realizing quality assurance. Without a standard policy, the direction and guidelines for implementing quality assurance will not be clear. Therefore, this study focuses on the policies of the higher education s internal quality assurance system. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a case study method in one faculty. The research data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that 1) quality assurance policies became guidelines in the implementation of internal quality assurance as outlined in the form of quality manuals that referred to the national standards of higher education which included academic and non-academic activities, 2) policies formulated together through coordination and decision-making, 3) to support the implementation of the policy, a Team is formed which is in charge of coordinating the implementation of quality assurance. 4) the quality assurance model applied is the PDCA Model (plan, do, check and action).

Higher education; quality assurance; global competitiveness

Business Education


Galuh Yuliani, Heli Siti Halimatul, Siti Aisyah, Tuszie Widhiyanti

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Galuh Yuliani

Chemistry Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In chemistry, laboratory works are ideal media for students to understand the connection between the unseen microscopic world and the observable macroscopic world. Laboratory experiences provide opportunities for team building, inquiry-based learning, hands-on activities, and exposure to standard laboratory equipment and technology. Many of the concepts and principles common in high school chemistry courses can actually be demonstrated or discovered through experiments performed with simple apparatus. Currently, investigations on the Indonesian teachers- performance in designing practical chemistry laboratory are still very rare. The investigation is crucial to understand the problems and challenges faced by Chemistry teachers in preparing laboratory works and to improve their performance based on the research findings. This study investigated the teachers- current practice of laboratory activities in various high schools in West Java, Indonesia. This research is a survey research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were 27 senior high school. The instrument used in this study was a non-test in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire. The questionnaires consisted of 9 items covering the pre-laboratory activity, during laboratory activity and post-laboratory activity. It was found that the number of experiments conducted, teachers- preparation and the reflection session after laboratory works were considered sufficient. However, the teachers- awareness on the safety instruction and green chemistry approach were still low. Additionally, laboratory works that focuses on the problem-based and discovery are not popular among teachers. It is suggested that the later practical work method is introduced to teachers because this approach allows students to practice higher level analytical skills, problem solving, connection to theory and transferable skills.

practical work; laboratory; chemistry; teachers- performance

Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment


The realization of the principles of conversation in the teacher-s and students- speech in Indonesian classroom interaction
Andoyo Sastromiharjo, Dian Anggraini Febtiani

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Andoyo Sastromiharjo

Study Program of Indonesian Language Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The educative communication is essential to be noted since it is one of the components of teaching and learning activities in relation to the quality of educative communication constructed between the teacher and the student. The failure of achieving the learning objectives can be caused by the infringement of the conversation principles, not only in terms of cooperation principle but also politeness principle in the classroom interaction. Therefore, the realization of the conversation principles in the classroom interaction needs to be investigated to discover the interaction-s strength in learning so that the competences can be achieved by the students effectively and efficiently. Through the recording of the teacher and students- speech in Indonesian classroom interaction of class X, it was found that there were adherence and infringement to the cooperation principle and politeness principle. The adherence to the cooperation principle occurred in maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner. The infringement of cooperation principle occurred in maxim of relevance and maxim of manner. The adherence of politeness principle occurred in maxim of agreement, maxim of wisdom, maxim of sympathy, and maxim of appreciation. The infringement of politeness principle occurred in maxim of wisdom, maxim of appreciation, maxim of modesty, and maxim of agreement. Through the realization of the conversation principles in the classroom interaction, it can be concluded that the quality of educative communication affects the achievement of the learning objectives.

Classroom interaction, principles of conversation, adherence and infringement

Global Issues in Education and Research


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